Arts 9 Quiz 1

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Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Montessori, Inc.

16–22 Camdas Subdivision, Baguio City

Arts 9
Name : _____________________________ October 12, 2020 (3:50- 4:40 p.m)

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the best answer.

1. Aligned upright and parallel standing stones.
A. stone row B. tumulus C. dolmen D. menhirs
2. A single-chamber tomb
A. stone row B. tumulus C. dolmen D. menhirs
3. Mound of stones and earth raised over a grave
A. stone row B. tumulus C. dolmen D. menhirs
4. Two-handled jars with a narrow neck used for storing oils or wine.
A. amphoras B. kraters C. polis D. deity
5. Art in this period confined itself largely to depictions and repetitions of lines, shapes and patterns.
A. The Hellenistic Period C. The Archaic Period
B. The Classical Period D. The Geometric Period

II. ALTERNATIVE RESPONSE. Identify if the statement is true or false.

________6. The Doric style is the oldest, most massive, but simplest Greek order.
________7. The Ionic style is elongated and decorated with leaves.
________8. Works of art from the Archaic period became more emotional; they displayed more
dramatic movements.
________9. The greatest contribution of the Romans to art in history is in mosaic.
________10. The ancient Greeks and Romans played a fundamental role in the history of Western art.
________11. The Venus of Berekhat Ram is the oldest known sculpture from the Paleolithic period.
________12. Prehistoric people painted mostly figures of animals.
________13. The term petroglyph came from the Greek words petra, which means "to carve", and
glyphein, which means "stone".
________14. The prehistoric period began with the appearance of humans and ended with the
discovery of writing.
________15. Large upright standing stones are called tumulus.

III. CLOZE TEST. Fill-in the line to complete the statement.

16. A ___________ is an image or a symbol created to express an idea or a piece of information.
17. ___________ refers to artworks applied to an immovable rock surface.
18. ___________ refers to portable artworks.
19. ___________ is an image created by applying color pigments on a cave wall, ceiling, or floor.
20. ___________ refers to nonfunctional rock markings resembling the shape of a cup.
21. Greek artists specifically discovered several ratios, such as the well-known ___________ .
22. A ___________ is a heavily decorated arch used by the Romans to celebrate a successful military
23. The ___________ is/are (an) ancient Greek vessel/s for mixing wine and water.
24. ___________ is a sacred hill in Athens intended to be a tribute to the gods.
25. ___________ is a parietal art that involves the use of large stones as medium.

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