BP Shipping LTD: Scorpio Ship Management S.A.M
BP Shipping LTD: Scorpio Ship Management S.A.M
BP Shipping LTD: Scorpio Ship Management S.A.M
BP Shipping Ltd
Executive Summary
The purpose of this contract is to promote and improve the Health Safety
Security and Environmental performance of our partners, allow benchmarking
and to share lessons learned.
This HSSE contract forms part of your contractual agreement with BP Shipping.
This iteration of the HSSE contract will run from September 2008 until 31 st
December 2010. The contents of the contract will be reviewed during the proposed
Spring CEO’s conference of 2009 and any changes incorporated into the 2010 /
2012 HSSE contract. Reporting frequency will be six monthly commencing
December 31st 2008 via the Partners SharePoint site, this supersedes the previous
requirement to submit date on a three monthly basis.
New companies joining the time charter partners will be expected to submit their
HSSE performance contract within two months of the date of the commencement
of their time charter party.
The 2008 / 2010 HSSE performance targets are structured into three clearly
defined sections. The first two apply to all time charter and third party managers,
the third section applies ONLY to time charter companies and third party
managers who have had a BP “Getting HSSE Right audit” completed. The three
sections are:
The contents of this contract are split into three annex’s as detailed below.
These performance criteria will apply to all time charter managers, 3 rd Party
Managers and also to all vessels that BP internally manages.
BP Shipping will work with each company to measure current position and
develop a strategy for a 10% reduction in DAFWCFR 1 (Day away From
Work Case Frequency Rate) and RIFR (Recordable Injury Frequency
Rate) in 2008 / 2010 This is to address the entire fleet of “wet” vessels
managed by each manager not just vessels on business with BP
Each vessel manager will produce data for their DAFWFR 1
Action clearly stating if this is per million man hours exposure or per
200,000 man hours exposure for their wet fleet. This should
include data for the previous six months and 12 month rolling
Target The group target is set at a maximum DAFWCFR 0.05
Managers The Company DAFWFR figures for the previous 6
Comments months is 5.08 and for the 12 month rolling is 2.75 per
million man hours exposure. The Company is striving to
reduce these to the target level set for the upcoming
2 RIF Rate
Each vessel manager will produce data for their RIFR
Action (Recordable Injury Frequency Rate) clearly stating if this is per
million man hours exposure or per 200,000 man hours exposure for
their entire wet fleet. This should include data for the six monthly
actual frequency and the 12 month rolling frequency.
Target The group target is set at a maximum RIFR of 0.4
The descriptions of Medical Treatment Injuries (MTI) and lower level incidents
are contained within the third party managers manual.
Note that BP Shipping uses the term Day Away From Work Case in place of the term
Lost time Injury. For reporting purposes these can be considered the same.
The time charter and BP shipping group 2008 / 2010 target for spills
in excess of one barrel to environment (spills that physically enter the
water and additionally in the case of gas carriers, the equivalent
volume of gas released to atmosphere) is zero per year.
BPS will work with each manager who has experienced a number of spills
to reduce this figure such that the annual cumulative total on Time Charter
vessels for 2008 / 2010 does not exceed four spills in excess of 1 bbl.
BP Shipping will report the cumulative to the time charter group on a six
monthly basis.
BP Shipping will supply standard reporting definitions for this target for
both spills and physical incidents.
Targets as specified above are to be used for 2008 /2010. All companies
will commit to working together to ensure data set is available and a
reduction plan can be put in place.
1 Energy Audit
To conduct an audit on the use of energy onboard your company
Action ships and share the findings. The depth of the energy audit is to be
determined by the individual companies. The results of this audit will
be used by the individual companies to formulate an energy saving
plan for future use.
BP Shipping will host a protocol and summary of findings for these
audits. This will be hosted on the partners SharePoint site to reduce
Managers The Company has not conducted an Energy Audit on board the
Response vessels of its fleet, but instead is utilizing the findings of BP Shipping
energy audits, as shared with TC partners in order to formulate
energy saving plans on board.
Consider the setting of KPI’s for the use of and submission of the
IMO port reception document for all ports reception facilities
Send up dates periodically to sea staff ports with good or bad waste
Managers The Company has highlighted to ship staff the importance of diligent
Response reporting of inadequate shore reception facilities, utlising the forms
Reports received from ships will be monitored more closely with the
aim of achieving improvements in this regard, the setting and use of
KPI’s will be strongly considered.
4 Measurement of Emissions
The ethical behaviour of all persons working for the BP group is covered in
the Code of Conduct. The subject of ethics and ethical behaviour, unlike the
previous subject matter, is non negotiable. The code of conduct details how
BP employees are expected to behave. It is a fundamental requirement of
doing business with BP, that the highest standards of behaviour will be
observed at all times.
Details of the BP Code of Conduct and Open Talk Internet addresses are
included on the group share point site along with a copy of the Code of
1 Code of Conduct
Each company will review the Code of Conduct and will conduct its
Action business with BP following this code’s requirements. Each
company will ensure that this requirement and details of this
requirement are clearly communicated to all concerned individuals.
Each company will detail how they will achieve this and the
2 Facilitation payments
Facilitation payments – the request for payment of goods or monies
Action for services that are ordinarily provided by a port or terminal should
be discouraged by the vessels managers. Details of the facilitation
payments made during 2007 and the geographical areas are hosted
on the partners SharePoint site. Managers should endeavour to
encourage moderation and restraint in this area.
Managers Facilitation payments are discouraged by the vessels managers and
Response Masters are strongly encouraged to show moderation and restraint
when confronted and having to deal with such situations.
A set of individual targets and 'stretch 1' targets’ for your company’s HSSE
plan should be produced. The submission of an HSSE plan is, as you will all
be aware part of the time charter agreement with BP. (SECTION 3 of the BP
Time 3 additional clauses) Each company should aim to take part in the
following seven points
Managers The Company will aim to improve safety performance within it’s fleet
Response by means of SOC or similar behavior based performance tool.
3 The development and use of a root cause analysis
investigation tool.
Detail of tool being proposed should be provided along with a set of
Action measurable targets around deployment, training and measuring how
effective the tool is.
Managers The Company at the present does not utilize a specific RCA tool,
Response investigation following an incident is based on the training of the
individual involved with the investigation guided by a checklist.
Managers Matter to be discussed between Company and Ops. Assurance
Response Superintendent.
STRETCH TARGET – This is when a target is set that is believed to be achievable by the
majority with a stretch target that is considered achievable by the extraordinary minority.
This section only applies to companies that have taken part in a BP Getting
HSSE Right audit.
All other items raised as outstanding during the last gHSSE Audit
are being worked on at this time.
Note gHSSE Right will be replaced in 2010 with an OMS audit schedule.