B - 3 New Employee Sfety Induction
B - 3 New Employee Sfety Induction
B - 3 New Employee Sfety Induction
Safety induction is legal requirement which must be compiled without any negligence.
Toolbox Talk will be held on week days (Saturday) at Workshop. Participation is the key to
ensure that safety meetings are productive and useful.
Engineer or foreman will conduct the Toolbox Talk in absence of Safety Officer.
Safety Policy:
Review the Safety Policy with new employee and highlighting that everyone plays a part in
maintaining a safe work.
Employee Rights:
All employees have the rights to refuse if you have “reasonable cause to believe that to do so
would create an undue hazard to the health or safety of any person”.
However, if you do, you must report the unsafe condition to your supervisor / superior
All employees have a right to take part in health and safety activities. For example, you can be
chosen to be a health and safety representative.
All employees have a right to know what hazards are present on the job, and how these hazards
can affect them.
A person must not carry out any work process or operate or cause to be operated any tool or
equipment if that person has reasonable cause to believe that to do so would create an undue
hazard to the health and safety of any person.
A worker, who refuses to carry out a work process or operate tools and equipment, must
immediately report the circumstances of the unsafe condition to supervisor / safety officer.
Disciplinary Action:
Failure to comply with the Company safety rules will result in disciplinary action.
The following violations will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination:
I herewith agreed that the above points were explained and understand during the safety orientation
Name: Designation:
Signature: Date: