B - 3 New Employee Sfety Induction

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Rawae Al Amal Industrial Services



 Safety induction is legal requirement which must be compiled without any negligence.
 Toolbox Talk will be held on week days (Saturday) at Workshop. Participation is the key to
ensure that safety meetings are productive and useful.
 Engineer or foreman will conduct the Toolbox Talk in absence of Safety Officer.

Safety Policy:
Review the Safety Policy with new employee and highlighting that everyone plays a part in
maintaining a safe work.

Responsibilities of New Employee:

 Management provided a safe and healthy workplace.

 Management provide personal protective equipment where required.
 Follow management’s safety policy.
 Management will provide adequate safety training.
 Work safely and encourage your co-workers to do the same.
 If unsure ask for instruction from your superior or safety officer.
 Supervisor ensure new employee, sub-contractors adequate training and a safety orientation
before begin work.
 Correct any unsafe conditions or acts immediately report to supervisor/safety officer.
 All accidents, injuries and near misses must be reported to your supervisor/ superior
 If you have any doubt regarding the safety of a job procedure, consult with your immediate
supervisor before proceeding with the task.
 If an item of protective equipment is required by the job-site, or for the job are doing, (i.e. hard
hat, hearing protection, safety glasses, gloves, respirators, fall protection, etc.) consider the use
of that equipment as a condition of employment.
 Inspect tools and equipment daily, ensure all guards and safety devices are in place and
functional. Misuse or willful damage of company tools and equipment is strictly prohibited.
 Maintain good housekeeping in the work place. Do not allow materials to gather on floors,
platforms, ramps, stairs or walkways as to become a tripping hazard.
 Never work alone in isolated area unless arrangements have been made for periodic check with
another person.
 Fighting, scuffling, horseplay, practical jokes and theft are prohibited.
 The use of alcoholic beverages and drugs (including prescription or over counter medications
which may cause impairment) is strictly forbidden.
 Smoking in non-smoking areas (Offices, Workshop, and flammable areas) is strictly forbidden.
 Never do maintenance or work under, on, or around a piece of running equipment. Shut it off
and lock it out until your work is completed.
 No worker shall be operated damaged tools, equipment or machinery. If it is not operating
correctly, or need maintenance.
 No worker shall operate or use any equipment in a manner that endangers themselves or other
workers. Only persons properly trained and authorized by their supervisor shall operate any
equipment or machinery.

Employee Rights:

 All employees have the rights to refuse if you have “reasonable cause to believe that to do so
would create an undue hazard to the health or safety of any person”.
 However, if you do, you must report the unsafe condition to your supervisor / superior
 All employees have a right to take part in health and safety activities. For example, you can be
chosen to be a health and safety representative.
 All employees have a right to know what hazards are present on the job, and how these hazards
can affect them.
 A person must not carry out any work process or operate or cause to be operated any tool or
equipment if that person has reasonable cause to believe that to do so would create an undue
hazard to the health and safety of any person.
 A worker, who refuses to carry out a work process or operate tools and equipment, must
immediately report the circumstances of the unsafe condition to supervisor / safety officer.

Disciplinary Action:
Failure to comply with the Company safety rules will result in disciplinary action.

 1st Violation : Warning Letter

 2nd Violation : 1 day salary deduction
 3rd Violation : 2 days salary deduction
 4th Violation : 5 days salary deduction or Termination or Determined by Management.

The following violations will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination:

 Personal Protective Equipment

Hard hats, Hearing Protection, Eye/Face Protection, Hand Protection, Foot Protection, etc.
 Workplace Violence
Threatening behavior - such as shaking fists, destroying property or throwing objects.
Verbal or written threats – any expression of intent to inflict harm.
Harassment and physical attacks etc.,

I herewith agreed that the above points were explained and understand during the safety orientation

Name: Designation:
Signature: Date:

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