Rawae Al Amal Industrial Services: Index

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Rawae Al Amal Industrial Services



1. Purpose
2. Scope
3. Aim
4. Responsibilities
 Employer
 Supervisor
 Worker
5. Safety Training Program Plan
6. Records
1. Purpose

 The purpose of this Employee and Supervisory Performance Appraisal Program is to

evaluate and provides feedback on employee and supervisor performance, including steps
to improve or redirect activities as needed.
 Appraisals are also important to help staff members improve their performance and as an
avenue by which they can be rewarded or recognized for a job well done.
 It is a method by which the job performance of an employee is evaluated (generally in terms
of quality).
 Performance appraisal is a part of career development.

2. Scope

The scope of this Employee and Supervisory Performance Appraisal Program is to ensure that all
Employees and Supervisors career development by regular reviews.

3. Aims

 Identify employee training needs.

 Document criteria used to allocate organization rewards.
 Form a basis for personnel decisions, salary increases, and promotions,
disciplinary actions etc.,
 Provide the opportunity for organization diagnosis and development.
 Facilitate communication between employee and administrators.
 Validate selection techniques to meet federal equal employee opportunity requirements.
 Give feedback on performance to employees.

4. Responsibilities

4.1 Employer

Performance appraisals should not occur management is building a case to terminate

someone. It’s no wonder that the result is a mutual dread of the performance evaluation
session something to be avoided.

Performance appraisal is supposed to be a development experience for the employee and a

teaching moment for the manager.

 Performance appraisal is a part of employee and supervisor career development.

 Facilitate communication between employee and administrators.
 Making decisions on such issues as pay raise, promotion, transfer, training discharges and
completion of probationary periods.
4.2 Supervisors

 Facilitate communication between employee and administrators.

 Develop a training matrix for the staff under their authority including time frames for
 Develop and implement a department specific orientation program.
 Ensure all workers attend their assigned training sessions
 Monitoring that behavior to ensure that the organization goals are met.

4.3 Worker

A Worker tends to become emotional and frustrated if they perceive that the ratings they get
are unfair and inaccurate.

An organization having satisfied and motivated employees will have an edge over its

 Improving Performance – behavior towards organization goals

 A worker have good performance – This approach resulted in an appraisal system in which the
employees merits like initiative, dependability, personality etc. were compared with others and
ranked or rated.
 Appraisals by and large mean reviewing your past performance (achievements) and providing
you feedback improvements. So, if there’s been little or no performance, there’ll be little or no
appraisal in your salary and position.

5. Employee and Supervisory Performance Appraisal Plan


6. Records


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