Swastika Monograph PDF
Swastika Monograph PDF
Swastika Monograph PDF
Prof. V. N. Giri
Prof. Suhita Chopra Chatterjee
Prof. Arindam Basu
Prof. William K. Mohanty
Prof. Pallab Dasgupta Prof. Probal Sengupta
Prof. Narayan C. Nayak Prof. Abhijit Mukherjee
Prof. Priyadarshi Patnaik
Prof. Aurobindo Routray
Prof. Joy Sen
The Science & Heritage Initiative
Prof. Partha P. Chakrabarti The world's rotation seen from one or other of the poles
Director, IIT Kharagpur
R. Guenon
Monitoring Cell
Prof. Pallab Dasgupta Penguin Dictionary of Symbols
Dean, Sponsored Research and Industrial Consultancy, IIT Kharagpur
Prof. Suman Chakraborty
The celestial position of the Seven Sages (Ursa Majoris or the Great Bear) represents a Swastika like motion which is eternally revolving with an objective of
Associate Dean, Sponsored Research and Industrial Consultancy, IIT Kharagpur
establishing complete truth, consciousness and beatitude around the highest and fixed heaven - “Tad Vishnu param padam” (Polaris or The Dhruvapadam)
Principal Investigator [Rig Veda: 10.82.1-2; Srimad Bhagabatam: 5.22.17].
Prof. Joy Sen
Department of Architecture & Regional Planning, IIT Kharagpur
Vide order no. F. NO. 4-26/2013-TS-1, Dt. 19-11-2013
(36 months w.e.f 15-1-2014 and 1 additional year for outreach programs)
The revolution (dynamics) around the highest fixed point (statics) has been conceived in four cardinal quadrants. It means - a) the involution of the universal
manifest of the Vast (the macrocosm) from That infinite backdrop; b) the further evolution and extension (path of Tantra) of the individual consciousness within it
ISBN: 978-93-80813-43-1
(the microcosm) which is Aristonemy ; c) the cyclic return of the individual to That vast (the path of Yoga), which is Indra; and d) the re-establishment, fostering
(Pusha) and complete resurrection of the Individual as The Lord of the Vast (Vrihaspati) and beyond as That infinite for regenerating the next cycle or Kalpa.
© SandHI
A Science and Heritage Initiative, IIT Kharagpur
Thus the Soul becomes triple founded - the individual, the universal and the Absolute transcendental.
Sponsored by the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Government of India
Published in August 2016
The idea takes the form of the cyclic iteration of the four seasons - Autumn, Winter, Spring and Summer. The universal pattern as coded in the Vedic mantras and
www.iitkgpsandhi.org decoded as realisation (dharana) by the Mantradrasta or the Rishis is Swastika.
Disclaimer Mezine, Ukraine The Rig Veda: 1.89.6 Jaora, Madhya Pradesh
The information present in the Monograph offers the views of the authors and not of the Monograph or its Editorial Board or the publishers. Publication does not constitute endorsement by the Monograph. No
party involved in the preparation of material contained in this Monograph represents or warrants that the information contained herein is in every respect accurate or complete and they are not responsible for Both the Ukraine_Mezine Swastika and the Indian Jaora Swastika preceding the Indus Valley Swastika perhaps have had originated
any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from the use of such material. Readers are encouraged to confirm the information contained herein with other sources. from the aforesaid celestial pattern of Vedic epistemology (see middle).
The third summer internship under SandHI Mega-exploratory Project was held in May 2016 at IIT Kharagpur for
Returning is the motion of the Tao six weeks. The response for the internship was overwhelming and eventually, around 50 interns joined the program
in two phases. In the initial days a general discussion was undertaken about the findings observed under various
sub-heads of SandHI out of the extensive work done in the previous two internships. It was fruitful in orienting the
and going far means returning. interns for what was coming their way in this year's internship – 'The Swastika'.
The idea is that all developments To start with the quest for- 'The Swastika', the interns were clustered in nine
groups. Each group was assigned a longitudinal band on the world map. The
groups were made homogeneous with interns from undergraduate and
cosmological connect of man to the higher universality of the cosmos and
consciousness. Such interpretations were also evident in René Guénon's
Symbolism of the Cross which there by strengthened the research.
postgraduate courses and one research scholar mentor. The group of
The present Monograph is a sequel to the first book 'Exploring the pattern
in nature, those in the physical countries falling under the longitudinal band was assigned to each of the
group. Interns, individually as well as a group, had started to research upon a
and ideogram of Swastika – a universal principle of sustainability' published
on the day of inauguration of the exhibition at ICCR, Kolkata. The
range of one of 9 topics in their assigned pool of countries. All the major
04 Monograph substantiates the most important evidence: that the imagery of 05
world as well as those of human
findings came through works of renowned scientists, archeologists,
Swastika in India, which is over 11000 years old and in particular evident in
philosophers, and various eminent scholars. One such important referred
the ancient Rock Art forms of the Malwa plateau, Madhya Pradesh. A first
publication was by Thomas Wilson on 'Swastika', from the Smithsonian
set of panels covering emphasizing the scientific construct of Swastika and a
Foundation, which ultimately supported the baseline work. Though Thomas
subsequent set of 18 panels presenting a 9 phase global exploration based on
situations, show cyclic patterns of Wilson's publication only presented various evidences and manifestations
of Swastika throughout the world, this was one of the first research dealt
with a single symbol which recurred across the globe.
the semantics and semiotics of Swastika are then sequentially presented.
Finally, a pictorial coverage of the exhibition on Swastika, organized in
collaboration with the Indian Council for cultural Relations (ICCR),
coming and going, of expansion In congruence of the evidences, interns were also keen on finding and
interpreting the deep rooted ecological and etymological relevance of
Swastika in their region of research. It was soon evident that Swastika not
Kolkata and at ICCR Kolkata is delineated.
The present compendium is a wonderful work of a team of brilliant minds
which was exhibited at Indian Council for Cultural Relations, Kolkata. They
only was present in almost the ancient civilizations but has had an
and contraction. epistemological importance throughout it various applications by the
civilizations. Out of the common findings, various manifestations of
are a collation of summer interns from IIT Kharagpur, IIT Roorkee, NIT
Rourkela, NIT Calicut, SPA Bhopal, SPA Delhi, CEPT Ahmedabad,
Jadavpur University and other premium national institutes. The book
Swastika were present in – sacred ritualistic practices, offering jars, coins,
presents nine explorations, which are the works of young vibrant minds -
site planning, designs of temple complexes, etc.
fresh, open, unadulterated and free. Each piece had been presented in a
– Lao Tzu A matrix tool – 'SandHI Matrix' was used for interpretation and cross linking format differing slightly from the other, keeping the spirit of an open ended
the heritage findings with the scientific connotations observed during the exploration on perhaps the most ancient and interconnected of all symbols
research. Most of the findings were related to an interpretive state of power that have interconnected the global culture, religions, sciences and
through use of Swastika on coins, buildings weapons, and tools. While civilization as a whole. We call it Swastika.
amongst others were, the use of swastika in perhaps an interpretation of
Introduction The basics
The history of humankind may Dating back to 10,000 BCE, the spectacular prehistoric art in
not often follow a linear pattern remote caves across Central India offers a glimpse of Asia's
of growth, evolution and oldest stock of ancient and aboriginal peoples. French
progress. There can be phases, archaeologist Dr. Jean Clottes of the Houston Museum of
surges and patterns that are Natural Science and a world-renowned researcher of Global
Template 3: Interpretations of the Hierarchy of the Cosmos as evident in the Jaora Art Abstraction
Template 2: The Hierarchy of the Cosmos as evident in the Jaora Art Abstraction
(Please read bottom-up: Zone C to Zone A)
It is known to scholars around the world that one of the earliest Swastika known The comparative interpretation and the juxtaposition of the two Swastika forms universal sacrifice and the consequential all-penetrating and cross-cutting ‘Vayu, the all-pervading principle of life is the Madhu, the perpetual
has been found in Mezine, Ukraine. It is carved on late Palaeolithic figurine of evident in the Mezine-Ukraine bird form and the Jaora Form is forwarded by knowledge of a 'Vajra-sattvic' standpoint and a complementary immortalizing correspondence between the vast and the small; the rivers of life flowing within
mammoth ivory, being dated as early as about 10,000 BCE. Among the earliest Template 1.Template 2 forwards the framework of HCF which has striking principle called 'Madhu Vidya' (Rig Veda: 1.80.16; 1.83.5; 1.84.13). The story has and without signify that movement, which is the Madhu. Let the medications
cultures utilizing swastika is the Old Europe, Neolithic Danube Valley parallels to the portraits of Vedic Cosmogony as per a hierarchy of cosmic elixir been a constant source of similar inspirations found later. In Buddhism it was derived from natural resources be the Madhu, that correspondence, the
Civilization, Cucuteni-Trypillian and Vinca. However, the current research by the known as Madhu or Soma. transformed to the ideal of an universal pledge of the 'Bodhisattva' and a standpoint sustainable harmony between the two; Let Day and night for us be in harmony and
Iconographic exploration team, SandHI, IIT Kharagpur unfolds a parallel
of cruciform called the Vajra-asana. In Christianity, the allegory of the cross- be a framework of the perfect correspondence; Let all material wealth of this
evidence and perhaps, a more matured form extractable from late Palaeolithic- The detail descriptions are available in the Vedas, particularly in the Rig Veda,
cutting theme is similarly seen through Christ's crucifix where his death as an universe be in harmony reflect that correspondence; Let all space, within and
early Mesolithic form in the Jaora, Madhya Pradesh, India belong to 10000 BCE which offer the story of the twin spirits, the cosmic cross-currents or alternations
or even earlier (see Template 1) individual is the death of the cosmos; and his resurrection is the divinization of all without, as we define, reveal a universal and sustainable accommodation of that
of day and night maintaining and sustaining the cycles of renewing good health in
beings. harmony and that correspondence, which is Madhu’.
the Cosmos.
The image suggests the architecture or the complete plan of the universe (what we
call the macrocosm) and the anthropomorphic individual (what is termed as the As a parable used by the Vedic Sages, the twin cross-currents are the Asvinis, the
microcosm). Ancient Milesian Philosophers and later ones, from Thales to Plato; two riders of the horse. The horse and its galloping are the twin Vedic parable of The Imagery (part 2) The Hierarchy and Abstraction
from Protogoras to Hippocrates and Pythagoras have had explained the cosmos prana, the elen vitale of the aspirant, the sadhaka. The Asvinis are the carriers of The whole ambit of the three worlds, their interconnections and rapture on the one
and evolution within the cosmos as the twin principles of the Macrocosm and the Template 3 furnishes a detailed explanation of HCF. The explanation is forwarded
the two-way truth and the two-way ladder between the heavens or the upper world hand, known as Akhanda Dyava-prithvi in the Vedas; or their separation and
Microcosm. In India, the philosophy of Kapila, and particularly that of the Nath in three zones, A, B and C, signifying the highest, the middle and the lower orders
and the netherworld, the patale. The Asvinis, both intrinsically and extrinsically estrangement, leading to separation of discrete or granular matter and vast anti-
Yogins like Matsyendranath and Gorakshanath have always resorted to this kind of of the cosmos. In the Vedas, it is known as Dyava, Antariskha and Prithvi. The
have passed that great reservoir of knowledge-realization to a particular lineage of matter or spirit are the constitutions of an understanding of the material and the
an interlinked and complementary explanation. The more common terms are the Dyava constitutes the solar and galactic world of the celestial, the highest heavens
Sages, called the Atharvans, and particularly, to one of them from the lineage, spiritual world. It is evident from this abstract Jaora Art form, that the artist was
Brahmanda and the pinda. It is believed and realized by esoteric spiritual aspirants of the soothsaying of the cosmic truth, the vast and the breadth of expanse called
known as Dadhichi or Dadhyang. The first Canto or Mandala of the Rig Veda has fully aware of these principles, at least in a conceptual and seed form proving that
that the human body is the measure of the Universe. It is like a micro or nano- the Satyam Ritam Brihat. Here Soma or Madhu is in the form of a higher elixir. The
16 circuit on which the cosmic connections are grafted. What is not grafted here is observation on this. The wisdom of Amrita or Madhu is known as MadhuVidya. the cosmological origins of the Vedic Ontology and Hermeneutics having an 17
Middle world, the Antariskha is the link world, the world of the clouds, the mid-
also not there in the cosmos, says the ancient wisdom. The recent works on the This particular knowledge in the later Vedantic or Upanishadic age has been heavens and source of fecundity and fertility, as rains, the intermediate Soma or Upper Palaeolithic origin, i.e., older than 10,000 BCE. It may one of the most
Anthropic Principle and a view of the universe that is anthropo-centric or based on expressed as two branches: Madhu. In the lower world, the Prithvi, it stands for material fertility and the findings of the present Monograph.
the level of rational human consciousness pervades all modern quantum and
1. As a part of the White cluster (Sukla) Yadjur Veda, maturing in the mantras of source of nutrition which is in the form of the vegetation, the produce, the corns,
relativistic sciences. Works by Stephen Hawking, David Bohm, Geoffrey Chew,
which have a chthonian (the nether or patale) origin. The Hierarchy has a name
Fritjof Capra and many other often are increasingly accepting the oriental and the Vrihad-Aranyak Upanishad. It is called the Vajsenahi branch.
called the Pancha-Agni Vidya. The ancient knowledge is comparable to what we
The Cosmic Hierarchy
consciousness-driven interpretation of the universe. The consciousness driven
2. As a part of the Solar cluster (Sama Vedic) maturing to another form in the call bio-ecological balances and the science of Life Cycle today. The framework provides an understanding of the reasons behind this dissipation
interpretation is precisely the basis of the abstraction evident in this particular
ancient Chandogya Upanishad, where the cosmos is seen as a condensate of and disintegration and also the return to scale and the cycles/ ways of re-
Jaora art form. The great symbiotic knowledge as coded in the earliest of Vedas and Upanishads is
Great Sages and that condensate is conceived as the Solar agglomeration in a integration. The framework is based on a polarity of the three worlds described in
called Madhu-Vidya. Madhu-Vidya remains as the philosophy and science of the
HoneyComb Form exuding the flow of nectar or honey. the Vedas, which are 1) Dyava (the Divine realm or heaven); 2) Prithvi (the
complete correspondence and the hierarchy; and therefore it is the epitome of
The Imagery (part 1) To a large extent, the lineage of the Atharvans were shared by the two Ancient complete religion of the human soul. In the earliest documentation of spirituality, material realm); and 3) Antariksha (the inner linkage between the two denoting an
lands, Airyan (Iran) and Aryabarta (India). Prophet Zoroaster (Zarathusthra) was the Rig Veda, we find a note bringing forward the cosmic magnanimity and the internal mental and vital world of any individual). Figure 6 presents the conceptual
The Jaora art form is in the form of an imagery of waxed HONEYCOMB Frame framework in two respects:
himself an Atharvan and the land west of Iran in the ancient times was known as universal foundation that wisdom:
(HCF). The HCF is representative of the Kumbha (container), the pitcher or
the land of the ancient Fire (Athar-bahram) Priests, which was also the Land of the § First, in the framework we see a forth one, a highest transcendental realm in
container of the divine elixir exuding from uppermost heavens or the Aditya or Madhu-vata ritayete, madhu exaranti sindhaba.
Atharbaidans or Ajarbaijan, today. It is fairly possible, the knowledge of the addition to the three levels or realms.
Surja mandala. Such parables have been used by Vedic Sages and esoteric Sufi Maddvi nor santoshadi,
ancient pure fire and elixir of life was further transmitted westbound, to what may § Second, we see the node and the zone of activity that will establish possible
saints alike as the Soma or the drops of Amrita. It is known as the flow of the Moon Madhu naktamutosaso, madhumat parhivang raja.
be Iberia (Georgia), just east of Ukraine (Sen; 2008; 2010) linkages between the two, via the Antariksha or the inner world.
stream, available only to the higher aspirant following the path of simplicity, Maddvi-r gavo vanatu na.
purity and chastity (known as Brahmacharya). In the Vedas, the legend of the Atharvans is found in the story of sage 'Dadhyang' Om madhu! Om madhu! Om madhu!
(or 'Aswashira' Dadhichi) and many others, who forward the message of a
(Seer Gautama, Rig Veda (RV), Mandala one, sukta 90:7-8)
The Sun is described as the honeycomb laden with glowing light of honey. The rising and setting cycles of the sun is likened to human's cyclic
state of clarity and confusion, while the spiritual state of knowing Upanishadic insight of Brahman is described by Chandogya Upanishad as
being one with Sun, a state of permanent day of perfect knowledge, the day which knows no night. 33. The resolution in the inverse order of the qualities, bereft of any motive of action for the Purusha, is Kaivalya, or it is the establishment of
18 the power of knowledge in its own nature. 19
On the Chandogya Upanishad
Paul Deussen, Nature's task is done, this unselfish task which our sweet nurse, nature, had imposed upon herself. She gently took the self-forgetting soul by the
Sixty Upanishads of the Veda,
hand, as it were, and showed him all the experiences in the universe, all manifestations, bringing him higher and higher through various
Volume 1, Motilal Banarsidass
bodies, till his lost glory came back, and he remembered his own nature (Clockwise evolution). Then the kind mother went back the same way
she came, for others who also have lost their way in the trackless desert of life (Anti-clockwise involution). And thus is she working, without
The Chandogya Upanishad presents the Madhu Vidya (honey knowledge) in first eleven volumes of the third chapter. Sun is praised as source
beginning and without end. And thus through pleasure and pain, through good and evil, the infinite river of souls is flowing into the ocean of
of all light and life, and stated as worthy of meditation in a symbolic representation of Sun as "honey" of all Vedas.
perfection, of self-realisation.
On the Chandogya Upanishad
Robert Hume, Chandogya Upanishad 3.1.1 - 3.11.1, Glory unto those who have realised their own nature; May their blessing be on us all!
Oxford University Press, pages 203-207
Translations by Swami Vivekananda
Raj Yoga Patanjali Yoga Aphorisms (Independence: Kaivalya pada)
The simile of "honey" is extensively developed, with Vedas, the Itihasa and mythological stories, and the Upanishads are described as flowers.
The Rig hymns, the Yajur maxims, the Sama songs, the Atharva verses and deeper, secret doctrines of Upanishads (Sadhya) are represented as
the vehicles of rasa (nectar) that is the bees. The nectar itself is described as "essence of knowledge, strength, vigor, health, renown, splendor". O Fosterer, O sole Seer, O Ordainer, O illumining Sun, O power of the Father of creatures, marshal thy rays, draw together thy light; the Lustre
which is thy most blessed form of all, that in Thee I behold. The Purusha there and there, He am I.
Max Muller, Chandogya Upanishad 3.1.1 - 3.11.5,
The Upanishads, Part I, Translations by Sri Aurobindo
Oxford University Press, pages 38-44 Isha upanishad: 16
The lower node (or pole) is the place of the individual self (the Atman) – located connections are established the ideal state is restored. The utopia is called akhanda
within our corporate existence – here. The transcendental realm – there, is the seat dyava-prithvi or an integration of spirit and matter (RV: 1.185.all). This was the
of the other side – the other pole. The abstraction is evident in the Jaora Art form. aim and objective of the Vedic Sages. In Natha Yoga, as we shall see later, it is
called 'sama-rasa'. In reality, we are far, far away from that great ideal. As a result:
The Zone of transcendental Divine realm (Rig Veda: 1.154)
[Tri - padam / param-padam] § Dyava is de-linked from the Prithvi.
At the top is the transcendental realm, which the supreme seat of infinity on whose § Spirit is de-linked from matter.
coils the image of Vishnu is laid. The descending arrows from that realm are the § Sura loka is de-linked from Asura loka.
descending rays (Uru-chrome or Uruguay Vishnu) of the supreme. In the Vedas § Spiritual level is de-linked from the material level.
they are figuratively represented as the eternal shining 'Ray-Cows' (Go-charam) – It is because of excessive materialism, the moral and the ethical refinements are
providers of vision.The transcendental realm is param-padam (RV: 1.154.6) – the not been established to invigorate the link level or the Antariksha. As a result
celestial abode of undifferentiated ray-light or Vishnu. linkages with the rays of the upper realm are lost. This is the parable of the lost
The descending rays come from there and they compose the Dyava (the Divine cows and a movement of our ego drifting away from the teachers – the shepherds.
realm or heaven) in the level below.The transcendental realm is the location of the They are called 'Go-pati' or 'Go-rakshak' (Sama Veda: 1.6.168). As a result the
supreme sages (Rishi loka) – in proximity of Vishnu. This is also called Akhanda or individual self is still hidden in matter. This is the parable of the lost sun –
the undifferentiated loka. Next is Dyava, which is the location of Gods (Deva Martandya (RV: 10.72.all). It cannot penetrate the veils of bondages in the
loka). This is also called Sura loka. It may be noted that the realm of Gods is only a microcosm and resurge in full glory in the larger bounds of the macrocosm.
trickle-down or a descending extension of that transcendental realm. That is the The double intender in the framework [Agni and Soma]
20 higher pole. 21
The recovery of the lost ray-cows is a prelude to the recovery of the lost sun.
The node of the material realm (Rig Veda: 7.35.13) The recovery of the support from above (the descending triangle) is a prelude to
[Aja – ekapadam] the recovery of the lost sun from below (ascending triangle).
On the other hand, the Prithvi is the realm of our very material existence, within The two are represented by the Soma (the principle of elixir or immortality) and
which our self is hidden. The lost sun is that hidden self – the divinity within us. Agni (the principle of tapasya – or will force) (Rig Veda: 1.93.all).
This is the local pole.
§ Agni is that inner force – the psychic fire of the initiated – the Angira (RV:
This is also called Aja – eka-padam [which is symbolic of the Capricorn, as Aja 1.all).
literally means the goat and figuratively means the non-born or one without death
§ Soma is the divine stream of beatitude descending from above (and not
but hidden within matter and therefore subjected to the veils of mortality i.e.
the juice of any medical plant as mentioned by the Vedic sages – refer RV:
changes (mutation)]. This Aja – eka-padam is an important clue to all our later
understanding in this book. When this material world is detached from the
§ Agni is that trans-corporeal principle from above planted in our corporeal
spiritual, then it is valueless and damaging. Then our earthly plane, in the absence
of values, is also called the differentiated Asura loka or the place of carnal, having
increasingly hedonistic and over-sensual possibilities. § Soma is the divine principle coming down to the corporeal and originating
from that transcendental realm of infinite light and power (Somena adityam
The connections between the zone and the node: Antariksha balam, RV: 10.85.2).
Figure 6: The Vedic Cosmology based on the Triple-worlds and their integration/ separation (within the Honeycomb Matrix) (Rig Veda: 4.58.11) – The seat of values
The coupling of the two sets up the infinite scheme of the universe, which is also
Source: Concept of Complete Religion (2006) (pg 31) [By the Author] It is through the inner realm called the antariksha, the connection between the two the unity of the two worlds. The two de-mystifies and brings to light the 'psycho-
is maintained or established. It is the link or value-added level. When the somatic' conjugate of applied Vedic wisdom.
then by the Rajasik levels, respectively. With higher evolution, instinct and reason are slowly replaced by inspiration (spire/spiral). The Aspirant develops-encultures and
Interpretation based on LOGIC of Gamma or Tetra- unfolds advanced intrinsic and innate properties of experiencing and absorbing the elements of the universe. It is at this level of Sattva guna, whose maturity helps the
aspirant penetrates level 6. Then the imagery of the cosmos is no more one of chaos and confusion, but a fusion of interconnectedness, fundamental unity and purpose. That
Template 3 gamma (Swastika bands) (see fusion is the idea of divinity that is all-pervading both within and without and circling from vast to small and returning. At the core of that divinity, the Sun, the Circle in the
center, the Chaitya, the sentient purusha evolving to become the all-embracing divinity and returning again as Great Birds to guide others back in this path. The return
Zone C lower and Zone C upper Figures 7 and 8) retracing the path is the Swastika sustaining evolution and involution in the universe. The Jaora artist had definitely this conception within, with which he or she must have
There are 5 + 1 (six) evolving planes of transition in the lower Zone C (see dotted drawn without.
The linear evolution of the three ascending ribbons (zig zag 45 degree
red box); and 5 +1 (six) higher planes in upper zone C (see dotted blue box). The
pattern) in Zone C lower converge to higher of cyclic evolution in Zone C
whole structure is encased within a honeycomb of the universe, which is a
upper. Here the Swastika bands and four way cyclic turnings ae formed and
significant allegory of the Universe evident in the Rig Veda and the Chandogyya
established. These are not speculations. The precise rendition of Honeycombs,
Upanishad, in particular. The souls of wisdom or Sages are sitting birds (Swans or
spectacular hexagonal patterns in this earliest Mesolithic or late Palaeolithic Jaora
S) or Flying Birds/ Bees (B).
art speak of a very high understanding of the cosmos and its relationship between
Zone C, lower and upper represents earth and heavens or the Prithvi and Dyva the individual, the painter. The relationship forwards the cosmic framework of
stratum of creation, respectively. evolution and involution (Agamma and Nigama of Indian Metaphysical
Zone B epistemology). Each gamma (or one wing of the 4 in a Swastika) is laid out with
precision and purpose.
It is the transition zone of the crown or infinity signified by the
undifferentiated ocean of super consciousness. The great Yogis or sages are The most amazing feature is location of the FULL CIRCLE (C) that is transiting
moving here shown through the allegory of fishes. When the two halves of Zone C both the upper divine and the lower earthly halves of existence in the Collective
22 23
merge as one, the infinite expanse of Zone B is emergent. Universal and the individual. It is the Chaitya Purusha or the ever upward looking
divine spark potential in all of individual existence and a being that is transplanted
Zone A from above (Nigamma or Kriya-shakti); ready to bloom and become / take the
Having penetrated Zone B, the higher or divine creation is manifested. It is shown whole creation upward (Agamma or Mahati). All architectonic features, starting
in the form of sprouts/ first trees representing the supreme Supramental stratum from the descriptions of the Chaitya Purusha as the Purushotamma of the
Figure 7: Swastika pattern that had developed in Ukraine Mezine (see left) having its earlier original form in Central India (see right)
Zone SM. The leaves/ foliage/ fruits in the supreme level show the establishment Upanishads; Gita , Bhagabata Purana; and all later Buddhist literature to the very
of the Tree of Wisdom or Kalpa-taru (The Tree of cosmic involution and works of Swami Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo in the last century are only a
evolution). The wisdom of Madhu-Vidya in Vrihad-Aranyak or pancha-Amrita continuous endorsement of this ancient yet sustained form of wisdom, as
Vidya in Chandoggya Upanishad endorses the architecture of the cosmos. Madhu portrayed in the Integral piece of Art of Yoga and Tantra in Jaora, Madhya Pradesh,
or Honey is the flow of interconnectedness; the jar of Madhu is the cosmos; India. It evolution from India to the rest of the world remains sustained and partly
and the bees are the sages. transformed.
A complete framework is hidden in the Vedas and it is important for us to Figures 7, 8 and 9 give a storyline and a pictorial depiction of the twin-half torque,
understand this framework to trace the nature of the abstraction. The framework is the gamma and its quadrangular form, the Tetragrammaton, and fnally, a full
based on a polarity of the three worlds described in the Vedas, which are 1) Dyava matured form, the Swastika. Figure 9 particularly depicts the evolution of gammas
(the Divine realm or heaven); 2) Prithvi (the material realm); and 3) Antariksha (the movements or half torques). Words like Agamma (Evolution) and Nigamma
(the inner linkage between the two denoting an internal mental and vital world of (Involution) in Vedic epistemology originate from here. The convergence or
any individual). marriage is Gamos (representing words like Polygamy or monogamy). In Figure
9, the journey from level 1 to level 6 is the evolution of the three gunas, from Figure 8: Swastika pattern that had later developed in Indus Valley seals, India (see extreme right) and the Eastern Mediterranean (remaining)
matter-ignorance to rapid movements and activity noted by first the Tamasik and
24 25
Figure 9: Stem of Gamma(s) and the relay of the pattern in the Jaora Abstraction signifying hierarchy and to-and-fro flow of the Swastika (Readers may explore the flow of Figure 10: Iteration and cycles as the Tao; the structure of Ascent and Descent of Right and Left Nerve currents; the Jaora Form; the currents and the Bird-Form in upper
gammas or half-Torque force lines that relay the twist and the turns of the cycles of swastika; zone explained by Hippocrates in Ancient Greece; the Red and Blue series based on the Fibonacci described by Architect-Cubist-Artist Le Corbusier
Note the ascending Red series (right) and the descending Blue series (left) and the convergences to an inter-embedding centering the middle band) (Note the horizontal RED line penetrating at the Sixth plane)
In this context the following interpretations by Catherine Delano Smith of the 4. From it, rays-zigzag lines-run to the lower border. from the scenes of animals and people, there are a few more enigmatic (collectively as Prithvi) and Atmosphere (the first layer of the Celestial or Dyava),
University Of Chicago, may be cross-referred. Dr. Smith has six key observations 5. The four intricately pattered bands filling the rest of the panel have been paintings. the older traces of Vedic cosmology are evident. The constructs of the Water cycle
regarding the fascinating Early Mesolithic or late/ Upper Palaeolithic abstraction suggested as representing the earth. A very interesting painting, rather abstract painting has been found in a rock particularly as the source of Life in the Terrestrial and the Life Cycle itself are the
found in Jaora, Madhya Pradesh, India: shelter at Jaora, Madhya Pradesh, India. Perhaps it reflects a view of the world twin foundations of modern sciences as evident in the Vedas.
6. As a whole, the picture "can be understood as a symbolic depiction of the late
1. The three parts of the cosmos are represented. The top band of the design is consisting of air, earth and water. But it is possible that it means something The evolution of the three lines of growth in a zig-zag (45 and 90 degree) pattern in
Palaeolithic to earliest Mesolithic cosmos."
easily recognized as portraying, in naturalistic style, a watery environment. completely different. the lower level; and the further convergence and complexity if the three lines of
A shoal of fish (associated with the netherworld) swims among clumps of At this point, archaeologist Upinder Singh (2008) raises the following questions:
The three layers are the three of the pancha-bhutas or the triple world evident in growth as a consolidate pattern in the higher levels is the most striking feature. But
reeds or water plants. Also in naturalistic style are the five birds in flight Why did people make such paintings? Probably for many different reasons what is most striking and revealing here is the formation of the Swastika pattern
the Cosmogony of Vishnu, Varuna and Rudra in the Vedas or in that of another
outside the main design, said to represent the air, or the upper world. In the 1. To express their creative urges triad, i.e., Zeus-Poseidon-Pluto or Hades in Hesiodic or Homeric cosmogony. The based on two parallel and convergent movements of the right and left bands as a
rest of the picture, the signs are more stylized. 2. To decorate their homes or to tell a story in pictures.Some scenes may have cyclic patterns of creation, integration and separations of heavens and earth whole; and the middle band maintaining the fulcrum, the central axis to the
2. In the right-hand and lower borders are water birds. been picture-stories of memorable events in their lives. Other may have been (Dyva-prithvi) and its further interpretations forward a powerful basis of the abstraction itself (See Figure 9 and 10).
3. An empty circle or disk, presumably the sun, marks the center of the connected with rituals connected with hunting and fertility. It is impossible explanation. In modern sciences today, particularly in climatic, ecological An extensive work by Sir John Woodroffe (7) on the right and left bands
composition. to say whether the paintings were made by men or women, or both. Apart sciences forwarding the linkages between Ocean (nether-world) and Land-River representing the twin nerve currents explain the balancing of the ascending and
V. Selvakumar in his paper entitled: “ROCK ART AS COGNITIVE-
Mere 'discovery' of sites cannot lead to a better understanding or
growth of knowledge in archaeological research. Detailed, systematic
documentation of the archaeological record and the natural landscape
of the region in which rock art occurs, investigations of the palimpsestic
nature of rock art, application of scientific techniques, ethnographic
studies and holistic analysis in comparison with other forms of
cognition could help achieving better research results.
Selvakumar's paper argues that formation processes and the broader
cultural and archaeological, and specific ethnographical contexts need
to be taken into careful consideration in rock art research. Besides, the
limitations in the lines of reasoning adopted in rock art research are also
reviewed in this paper, which argues that rock art needs to be viewed as
26 part of the broader cognitive-functional representation of human 27
cultures. Subsequently G.S. Tyagi (1992) observed that the early
dynamic dancers in green are preceded by intriguing intricate designs, a
non-iconic form of rock art in Central India, particularly at Jaora (Tyagi
1992: 303-318). Professors Giriraj KUMAR and Ragini ROY of Indian
Culture and Rock Art Science and Department of Drawing and Painting,
Figure 11: The Vedic Cruciform and the Swastika (Note the Terminal Black or complete absorption Dayalbagh Educational Institute in their work entitled “Late
in the RIGHT crown and White or complete release of creation in the LEFT bottom): Pleistocene art of India” have forwarded a powerful observation:
It forms the quadrangular framework of the Vedas India has produced sufficient evidence of late late-Pleistocene art,
mostly in the form of mobiliary art objects. Archaeologically they are
associated with an Upper Palaeolithic industry. Besides, there are some
descending forces. The middle band sustains the balance. Figure 11 explains the linkages
simple forms of petroglyphs and early form of dynamic dancers and
between the vast and small world; explain evolution of the small towards that vast and
animals in rock paintings. These, on the basis of circumstantial
involution or involvement of that vast in the small. It presents the cardinal framework of the
evidence, can also be assigned to that period. Thus, the late late-
Swastika, the core of Vedic Cosmology (Epistemology) and Cosmogony (Applied Ontology of
Pleistocene art of India presents the beginning of motif development,
Being and Becoming and Hermeneutics.
creation of design and ultimately that of animal and human forms. Figure 12: Location of Jaora and other Central India Upper Palaeolithic Art forms with respect to
Ultimately it laid the foundation for the rich and varied tradition of a) The Indus valley Civilization and b) the ancient route depicted in the Epic Ramayana
Indian rock paintings in the following period. The tentative time span of
Upper Palaeolithic in India is 40,000 to 10,000 yrs BP.
What is important now is to look and explore the location of the central Indian rock
art forms. An important starting point may be to trace the epic route depicted in the
References Two broad groups of cosmological signs can be distinguished. In one group can be
Ramayana, where the Solar Clan King Rama was on his way to the South and Books put the general signs of a cult, such as sun signs. In the other are the signs that relate
finally Sri Lanka. In the south he had met at every step the ancient lands and their 1. Erwin Neumayer, Prehistoric Indian Rock Paintings (Delhi: Oxford University Press,
settlers, the mother aborigines of India. This aboriginal population as depicted by 1983), 68; MESOLITHIC COSMOLOGICAL MAP FROM INDIA. Size of the to a specific aspect of that cult, such as the question of access from this world to the
the Epic shows one of the highest exalted levels of culture, aesthetics and original: 44 x 75 cm.
humanity. Much later, the story of the 16 Mahajanapadas (Confederations of 2. Jaora Rock Art image from From Circle And Square To The Image Of The World by next. The former can include a formidable variety of cosmological signs. For Asia,
ancient India) like Avanti, Gandhara, Anga, Kasi and many others have had been Friedrich Berger (Thanks Francesco)
sustained and recorded in many Buddhist and Jaina literature. But the roots of 3. TYAGI G.S. 1992. Decorative intricate patterns in Indian rock art. In: Fawcett reproduced no fewer than thirty-two types of "sun and fire" symbols,
LORBLANCHET M. (ed.), Rock Art in the Old World, p. 319-336. New Delhi: Indira
these confederations and the distribution of the original Aboriginal population of
India are evident in the quadrangular journey of a four point search team, which Gandhi National Center for the Arts. characteristic of Asian art in general, many of which he had found among
was initiated from the south (south of Lower Malwa and the Narmada valley in the 4. Upinder Singh (2008), A History of Ancient and Early Medieval India: From the
Stone Age to the 12th Century Pearson Education India
prehistoric rock paintings in the Edakkal cave (Wynaad, India), still the focus of
Tungabhadra belt) to search and trace Sita, the lost wife of Rama. The Epic may
be a myth but the facts and geographical locations of an ancient India, decoded
5. CATHERINE DELANO SMITH, Prehistoric Cartography in Asia, , The University
of Chicago file:///C:/Users/User/Desktop/Swastika%2010000%20BCE/U-
an annual religious pilgrimage.
from the Epic story is actually a reality coded by many 400 BCE literature of India. Chicago_Jaora_Book2_chapter1.pdf
That is not a speculation. It is fairly possible that the heart of India, the lower
Vindyachal Mountains and the greater Narmada-Cauvery valley holds the key of
6. Sen, Joy (2016), A Systems evaluation of Global History of Indian Architecture,
Copal Publishing
The signs ranged from the familiar quartered circles, crosses, Swastikas, and stars
the original aboriginal art, the Swastika and many, many others. It may also true
28 that the aborigines had extended to the eastern Indus valley Civilization, further
7. John Woodroffe (1974), The Serpent Power, Courier Corporation
to curving Yshapes, S shapes, and variously rayed circles, and they were packed so 29
Websites (Accessed July 2016)
extending from the Salt range valley of Punjab, once pointed by the 1935 Yale-
1. (a) http://blog.hmns.org/2015/10/visit-ancient-india-through-cave-art-with-dr-jean-
densely that Fawcett commented, "It takes a protracted and close study to make
Cambridge expedition. It may not be a speculation.
The present Jaora art form having a significant level of imagery and richness can
clottes-this-thursday/; (b) http://www.bradshawfoundation.com/india/central_
india/; (c) http://www.ibiblio.org/gautam/heri0008.htm
anything of them." For the historian of cartography, however, it is the second group of
be further explained in that ancient light. It may be further proven that the roots of
the Vedic Cosmogony and the deep Ecological models as depicted by this piece of
2. (a) http://www.clearias.com/prehistoric-rock-paintings/ ; signs that holds the greatest potential interest, since they imply a spatial relationship
(b) http://asi.nic.in/asi_monu_whs_rockart_bhimbetka_detail.asp
art and many others in this region features an original Indian culture dating back to
10000 BCE and even earlier, which was Vedic. That culture was not an alien
3. http://www.cgculture.in/ARCHAEOLOGY/Rock%20Art%20Site%20In% between this world, the underworld, and the next world or heaven, as well as the
import from other lands in the west and not a product of any invasion. Jaora today 4. (a) http://www.kamat.com/kalranga/rockpain/gallery.htm; journey between the worlds.
is the part of the ancient Avanti-Malwa confederation, which was known to the (b) http://www.kamat.com/indica/culture/death/klk574.htm
ancient Sumerians as 'Meluhha'. The Phoenicians, the ancient mariners, who were 5. (a) http://www.gktoday.in/palaeolithic-era_14/;
coming from the entire eastern stretches of the Persian Gulf and Bargyza (Bhrigu- (b) http://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603/59819/7/07_chapter%201.pdf
Katccha or mouth of Narmada) were heading for the Eastern Mediterranean a few 6. http://varnam.nationalinterest.in/2007/12/ancient_world_through_maps/ CATHERINE DELANO SMITH
thousand years prior to the Buddha and the Christ. They had possibly sustained 7. https://selfstudyhistory.com/2015/02/25/palaeolithic-and-mesolithic-culture/ Prehistoric Cartography in Asia, University of Chicago Press
and maintained the ancient key of a westbound dissemination of their oriental 8. http://www.unishivaji.ac.in/uploads/distedu/SIM2013/M.%20A.%20I%20History http://www.press.uchicago.edu/books/HOC/HOC_V2_B2/HOC_VOLUME2_Book2_chapter1.pdf
heritage. The ancient Indian Swastika is therefore 11000 years old or even earlier, %20HS%20101%20Society,%20Religion%20and%20Culture%20in%20Early%
predating any Aryan invasion, and evident in many ancient Palaeolithic Indian 20India%20English%20Version/M.%20A.%20Part-I%20History%20HS%20101
rock art forms. Jaora is just one of many. Others are awaiting revelation! %20English%20Version%20Unit-2.pdf
9. file:///C:/Users/User/Downloads/09_chapter%203.pdf
Coverage Swastika is pre-Aryan, dates back 11,000 years
(July 7, 2016) provided
Jhimli Mukherjee Pandey | TNN | Jul 7, 2016
Based at IIT-Kharagpur and led by one of its most member at IIT-Kgp faculty and lead project
the first glimpses of senior professors, it was conducted by Sandhi, an investigator.
KHARAGPUR: Swastika -the Indian symbol of HRD ministry-sponsored effort to amalgamate
The team will show how the Swastika migrated from
the answers peace and continuity that Hitler co-opted for his ancient Indian knowledge systems with
India -through the Tartar Mongoloid route via
twisted Aryan supremacy theory -is much older than contemporary science.
Kamchatka to the Americas (hence the plethora of
forwarded by the believed, older than the Aryans and even the Indus
The riddle was pieced together by scholars from Swastikas in the Aztec and Mayan civilisations), and
Valley Civilization, says a team of top-notch
many IITs, NITs, Centre for Environmental Planning through the Western land route to Finland,
30 present section: researchers from some of the most prestigious
and Technology-Ahmedabad, School of Planning Scandinavia, British Highlands and Europe where
institutions in India.
1. Why Swastika is of a Pre-Aryan Invasion Myth
HIGHLIGHTS and Architecture-Bhopal, and Jadavpur University. the symbol is present in varying shapes of the
The researchers say the Swastika dates back at least In tracking the antiquity of the Swastika, the resear cruciform.
and in what form it dates back to 11000 years or 11,000 years and have traced its spread to western chers came across a staggering discovery -that the
§ Swastika is the Indian symbol of peace and "After dividing the world into nine quadrants into
even earlier in India? and Middle-Eastern civilizations. In fact, one of their Rig Veda, generally associated with Aryan
continuity that Hitler co-opted for his twisted which Swastika moved from India, we retraced its
Aryan supremacy theory key findings is that a Ukranian Swastika, believed to civilization, existed much before that, dating back to
2. How did the original population of India, footprints and have been able to graphically prove
date back 12,000 years to the Paleolithic Age, may the pre-Harappan times in the form of Shruti that
contiguous to the Upper Narmada valley our claim through ancient seals, inscriptions,
not be this old, say sources. were orally handed down through the Indus Valley
stretching up to the eastern Indus Valley § Researchers believe Swastika is older than the imprints, and religious symbolism in these
civilization on the one hand and to the lower civilization.
Aryans and even the Indus Valley Civilization The team will announce these and other countries. We will reveal it in great detail," Sen said.
Tapti-Cauvery civilization on the other hand, "breakthroughs" at the Indian Council of Cultural "We have found the most mature and geometrically
were the makers of the semiotics and Unfortunately talk of Swastika cannot avoid the
§ Research was based at IIT-Kharagpur and led Relations (ICCR) on July 8, exhibiting all the ordered Swastika in the pre-Harappan times in the
Iconography of Vedic cosmogony and cosmology, horrors of its hijack by Hitler to suit his Aryan
by one of its most senior professors evidence they have collec ted. They will also answer form of seals. We have also been able to trace the
called the Swastika? supremacy theory. "It inspired Schopenhauer,
queries. mention of the Swastika in the Vedas around the
Friedrich Nietzsche and their progeny, Adolf Hitler,
same time. These are scintillating findings that will
The research was like solving a jigsaw puzzle in the who started an inverted agenda of anti-Semitism
help us announce that the Indian civilization is far
maze of history, involving study of codes and based on a falsified Aryan invasion myth through
more ancient than what is written in accepted history
symbols that would excite Dan Brown. seven years of war, terror, corruption and
books, mostly by Europeans," said Joy Sen, a faculty
extermination," Sen said.
34 53 57 61 67 71 75 79 83 89
Preamble Diversity of an Swastika: Decoding an Enigma: Evolution of Swastika's Voyage: Interpretation of The chronicles of Heritage and Saga of
ideogram: A Universal Symbol Swastika in the Swastika in Where it all started ? Swastika in Swastika Science behind the Pacific
A Case of Swastika Evidences from Indian Subcontinent Central and Western Europe, Swastika in
in the Eastern World Southeast Asia West Asia Mediterranean Americas
Countries and
Sub-Saharan Africa
Retrospect: It is also evident in the following lines:
It is India that gave us the ingenious In the first place, we have to understand a
Do you need to conduct historical studies across cultures to trace a symbol
whose appeal is so universal and whose foundations are so humane and
method of expressing all numbers by little about our scriptures. Two ideals of truth
cosmological at the same time? The answer may be either a no or a yes. It means of ten symbols, each symbol are in our scriptures; the one is, what we call
is a 'no' as truths, which are universal and impersonal may not be receiving a value of position as well as an the eternal, and the other is not so
dependent on mundane historic transfers and migration impacts across absolute value; a profound and important authoritative, yet binding under particular
borders and cultures. Any race, any single human aspirant of truth at any idea which appears so simple to us now circumstances, times, and places. The eternal
given point of time in history can have an access to the fundamental laws
that we ignore its true merit. But its very relations which deal with the nature of the
of nature and that very access is irrespective of caste, creed or any
religious belief. In this sense, both science and heritage eventually simplicity and the great ease which it has soul, and of God, and the relations between
lent to computations put our arithmetic in souls and God are embodied in what we call
become universal as a process and often something which is greater than
34 the domain of a single religion or monocentric logic. It is the first part of the first rank of useful inventions; and we the Shrutis, the Vedas. The next set of truths 35
the argument. shall appreciate the grandeur of the is what we call the Smritis, as embodied in
On the hand, the answer could be a yes. It is yes as different cultures and achievement the more when we the words of Manu. Yâjnavalkya, and other
societies through developing variety of expressions portraying the same remember that it escaped the genius of writers and also in the Purânas, down to the
truth, converge on the same truth, by keeping the underlying pattern and Archimedes and Apollonius, two of the Tantras. The second class of books and
the diagrammatic message (what we call the ideogram) unchanged. From
greatest men produced by antiquity. teachings is subordinate to the Shrutis,
this contrasting point of view of cross-cultural studies and cross-
anthropological inquiries, it is important then to understand what part has inasmuch as whenever any one of these
changed and why; and what has not and also why? In ancient Indian Pierre-Simon Laplace contradicts anything in the Shrutis, the
epistemology, often scholars label the two parts as the Srutis and the Return to Mathematical Circles Shrutis must prevail. This is the law.
Smritis. Not many of all deep literature traditions in countries from across
the world, like the Vedas in India, have the embedded strength of Swami Vivekananda
remaining both impersonal and personified at the same time. It is The Sages of India
important to understand at this point that the double strength and the twin
intender of Swastika as a dynamic system of pattern and ideogram having
both dimensions of truth, absolute and positional, is commensurate with
the Indian number system, as Laplace had pointed out –
Summary of
nine explorations
Nine explorations have been forwarded. It is evident from these explorations that In the Indian sub-continent, Swastika presents a sustained and an uninterrupted ancient trans-Caucasian land route may yield
symbols have always been used by humankind to express and preserve ideas, and history as it can be traced from the pre-historic proto Indus Valley, and Saraswati startling results in the near future. SandHI
activate deeper operations and relations in inter-dependent system of cultures and civilization till the present times. However, in other parts of the world, the journey awaits that prospect! Despite vagaries in
world civilizations. Only a few from a vast plethora of symbols extracted from of Swastika from its unanswered origin to today's world is filled with mysteries manifestations, Swastika presents an
different parts of the world having apparently varying surface meaning associated and broken links of evidences spread over different ages of civilization. The origin enigmatic thread, which is scientifically
to them have eventually soared to higher planes of universal convergence. In that of the Swastika is debatable as it is precisely not known to us, though the highest balanced, culturally measured and socially
sense, such rare symbols, by virtue of their innate strength, have addressed both the primacy and recurrence of Swastika are evident in the oldest cosmic world intended, a SandHI exploration says, in the
parameters, namely, the deep scientific and the deep cultural. One among such Literature, the Vedas. The Rig Veda alone has over a 100 references to the symbol present book.
symbols is the Swastika. of cosmic rebirths and renewals getting reflected on the illumined mind of a Sage,
Finally, it is scintillating to see that Swastika
the Rishi, who is the 'Mantra-drashta': the seer of the Divine all-embracing Word
Swastika, being a symbol of auspiciousness has always been one of a multitude of influenced even the cultures and
of God! As said before, the Rig Veda (1.89.6) forwards the benign turning of the
expressions. The purpose of Swastika have had been to portray sustained spiritual civilizations of the Maya Civilization,
36 wheel in the four quadrants of Indra the Elder; Pushan the fosterer of universal 37
growth and development achieved through the cycles of material progress and Hopewell Culture, Hopi Culture, Navajo
growth; Aristinemy, the epitome of sophistication; and Vrihaspati as the Lord of
human culture. The degree of auspiciousness is therefore a step wise ascent, from Culture, Aztec Culture, Inca Culture in the
the Vast:
the material, through the ethical, up to the spiritual. But the irony of history is that Americas. How did it happen? Can it be
in spite of being a positive word hailed across countries and world cultures, it has It is mind-boggling to see the evolution of Swastika in central and west Asian ascribed to argument one or argument two,
acquired a negative meaning in the last century due to some developments in countries comprising of Russia, Georgia, Armenia, Turkey, Cyprus, Syria, Jordan, presented in the retrospect. Beyond that there
Europe. The problem was not with the pattern or the ideogram, but in the ways Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and is also the relevance of Swastika that might
some have used it and forced others to comply through terror and warfare. Such Kazakhstan. have swept the Pacific region in areas like the
material ambitions perhaps are a thousand symbolic feet below the true ideals of Alaska, Hawaii, Fiji, French Polynesia,
Although the most primitive Swastika (known as Fylfot in Western Europe) till
Swastika, as portrayed by the Vedic seers. Easter Island, New Zealand and they may
date has been found in the Balkan region, which is modern day Ukraine, the
bear a deeper Tatar-Mongoloid connection
Thus Swastika has always been a living paradox. Having several interpretations dominant discourse states the spread of Swastika through a migration of
across the two continents.
based on the manifestation of the degree of auspiciousness, gradation of settlements pattern from Asia Minor to the Mediterranean region and further West
prosperity, extent of good fortune, the role of shades of seasons, and so forth, it has and North-West of Europe. The ancient relationship between antique Persian
imparted something deeper and permanent beneath the wheel of transition. The Civilization and Vedic Sages is through Prophet Zarathustra, who was an
nine explorations have put to light the symbol having a degree of auspiciousness, Atharvan and the evidence often dates to 9000 BCE as per the earliest Greek
as well as decorative values. The explorations have shown that there are various philosophers like Plato and Diocletes. It may be so that the eastern Balkan
opinions prevailing regarding its origin, functions, meaning, and elucidations Swastika, which had been an extension of Khorasan (Iran) and Cochis (Georgia
common to many ancient of symbols. 'Mind sees what it wishes to see' and the and Iberian Caucasus) to lands further westbound, could be drawing distant
same truth can be interpreted in various levels and shades. So is the Swastika. inspirations in these times of antiquity. New archaeological explorations along the
Pattern behind
The etymology of the word Swastika is rooted in the fundamental Sanskrit word: When Swasti is dynamic, procedural and validated over time, it is Swati + Ayan =
Asti, which means an established configuration and a truthful valued existence. In Swastayan, leading to something that holds the key to sustainability as an
the Indo-European tree, Asti is connected to the word 'esteem' (or a softer evolutionary paradigm. In the present context, one may discover an Indo-
replacement of another closely related popular word namely self-esteem). Asti is European root / the etymon of the word 'Sustain' in a Sanskrit word Swastayan.
quintessence of the valued self, which is tantamount to self-esteem. Thus the two words peace (word is 'sanity') and sustainability may be taken as a
binary one and the two are also somehow deeply rooted in the two corresponding
38 In Old French, it is estime (noun), estimer (verb), and from Latin aestimare 'to 39
words, Santi and Swastayan. As movement of Swastik is facilitated, it becomes a
estimate'. The essential meaning again is associated to set a high existential value
continuous, dynamic and value added evolution and progress of the human mind.
which can be best estimated. It also means to regard a presence with respect or
It is just not a cyclic progress but also a movement and growth of the truthful
reverence, by virtue of the value of absolute existence and its positional existence,
existence which builds step by step, quadrant by quadrant, felly by felly and level
both. The key words here are acquired value and a degree of respect that is attached
by level (from the lower levels of truth to the levels which are higher and even
to that value. The two are inter-related and they represent the foundations of any
higher). The movement is a pattern of the Swastika. A dynamic pattern of Swastik
sustained civil society. The ancient Aryan Society as preached by the Aryan Seers
itself represents the solar world as envisioned by the Vedic seers. Thus Swastik in
is precisely that.
the Vedic parable is also Aditya, akin to Whitsuntide of the Semitic tradition. The
The Sanskrit Etymon is from root As, leading to the word Asti meaning existential tradition of the Great Bear (Saptarshi Mandala) revolving around the Pole Star
essence and consequent truthful foundation. The opposite is Nasti (which is Na (Dhruva Padam) is both a Vedic and a Freemasonry ideogram. It represents death
Asti), meaning non-existence. Swasti is the benign (based on pre-fix Shu, which and resurrection, the basis of the Crucifix having deep nature, pagan and
means good, significant and benign) forwarding of valued existence and the shamanistic origins across Asia. Within the two the most ancient roots that are
essential self-sustained truthfulness that is embedded within and gradually ancient, natural, shamanistic and pagan, the universal principle of sustainability
manifested without. Hence, Swastika is a DYNAMIC EQUILIBRIUM. may therefore be recovered. Fortunately, the Vedic roots are the same!
Principle of
Why and how, across many periods, did so many diverse cultures sustain the usage of the same
ideogram and ostensibly with the similar meaning? Swastika is one of the oldest symbol recognized
to the human race and has been in continuous application in one form or the other across the globe.
40 The highly auspicious symbol is derived from the Vedic Dharma, the oldest way of life (Eridos, 41
2009). The reason for the sustenance of Swastika over the centuries is not only cultural but also has
scientific dimensions and consistency with the universal concept of humanity and spirituality.
Moreover, geometrically Swastika represents unchanging, endless, and multi-directional nature of
God as turning it around its centre does not make any physical or geometrical change and portrays
eternity (Padhya, 2005). Its arms denote the unintended way to reach the Divinity through intuition
and not by intellect and reflect that the path is often not straight, but takes unanticipated turns. The
inevitable sustainability of the symbol is also attributed to its coherence with the set of five core
Sustainability Principles – the spiritual domain (attitudinal orientation and basis for universal code
of ethics), social domain (cultural and social connections), domain of life (bio-spherical conduct),
economic domain (fortune and auspiciousness), and material domain (regulating the flow of energy)
(Ben-Eli, 2005). Swastika is truly a ‘living’ ideogram and much more than a symbol.
Semantics behind
the ideogram
The Penguin Dictionary of Symbols (1982) says:
‘ One of the oldest symbols in existence is the Swastika, and it is one of the most
widely spread, from furthest east to Central America, via Mongolia, India, and
Cross-cutting so many cultures, Swastika has ramified into a plethora of depicted
meanings, what we call ideograms. This multitude of references has come in
Northern Europe. It was well-known to Celts and Etruscans and to Ancient vogue from the 1850s, certainly so used by D'Alviella (1894) where a variant of
Greece, so that the so-called Greek key pattern derives from it. Some writers have
tried to take it back to Atlantis, which shows its great antiquity. the term of ‘Sauvastika’ is used to classify the geometrical form of symbols in
42 ’
The legend of Atlantis is based on the word Atl, which is an Indo-European word,
Liungman, Carl G., Symbols: Encyclopedia of Western Signs and Ideograms.
means water or some great depths that are abysmal and chthonic. From the words Swastika forwards an ancient ideogram, signs of which have been found in the
Patale prevalent in Indian and archaic Greek Orphic literature, the etymological Euphrates-Tigris Valley, and in some areas of the Indus valley, dating back 5000
origins of various geographic regions can be traced: Anatolia (modern day years; it became commonly used around 1000 BCE, possibly first in ancient Troy,
Turkey), Atalia (modern Italy), and the Atlas Mountains (modern Morocco and in the northwest of modern Turkey.
Tunisia) along North West African coast to a multitude of Mesoamerican words Throughout a passage of many centuries, Swastika has emerged as an ideogram or
are to name a few. They all end with the same suffix atl and with that the Atlantic an ideograph (from Greek word "idea" and the word “gram" to write). It has
myth perhaps gets only strengthened. Perhaps, an extended civilization from the emerged as a graphic symbol that represents an idea of cosmic renewals,
Himalayas, the highest point, to depths in the Atlantic and the Pacific is the clue. ecological sustainability and human progressive recurrence traversing different
But here is another clue. There is a group of people who interconnects the ancient levels. The 9 explorations presented in the book have portrayed ideograms that
world through their sea-faring lands. Known as the Phoenicians, they had convey the deep pictorial resemblance to a plethora of physical reality that
originated in the eastern Persian Gulf as per Historian Herodotus. Swastika has strengthened with significance and auspiciousness.
Ancient ethos
In the Rig Veda, perhaps the oldest document on cosmological literature of the
world, Swastika has featured a 100 times. It is the highest frequency of an
intellectual recurrence establishing both the primacy of the symbol and its inherent
pattern in the land and the documentation of the Aryan Sages of Aryabhata , which Figure 2: Four armed Chahar-
is India. Here are a few among many: Bagh, a tradition from Persian
Architecture to later Islamic
1 In the Rig Veda: 3.30.16, it stands for the Cruciform of the Thunderbolt,
forms (Taj)
analogous to the Greek Cross. The description recurs in Rig Veda 3.58 (see
Figure 1).
44 3 The power of the Sun is Savita (Savitri) in the Vedic Cosmogony. Its all- 45
embracing cardinal manifestation is evident in the syllable 'Savita Sarbatati',
which means the divine rays of the Sun (Savita) which is both a Creatrix (Left
hand or the ramification of Tantra) and a Reconciler (Right hand or path of
Yoga). 'Savita Sarbatati' is all embracing cardinal, a pervasive space
realized by the Seer (Rishi) and manifested as a Seer-realization (Dharana).
The pattern brings forth the highest dynamism between spiritual harmony
FANG denoting the four quarters of space. Abstract
Swastika, being a symbol of auspiciousness was always one of its derivative expressions. The irony of history is that in spite of being a positive word in most of the
It might well be related, too, to the numbers of the countries, it acquired a negative meaning in the last century due to some developments in Europe. The purpose of this section is to find out the different meanings and
interpretations of Swastika in the Eastern World or Austronesia to be specific. However, the evidences of Swastika seen in this region have been embedded in the culture of
each country in a very different way. As a matter of fact many important events of history have also created an impact to find direct evidences of it in each of these countries,
LO-CHU, which in any case conjure up cyclical majorly being the influence of Buddhism and Nazism. If the paths of these two movements are tried to be traced, a network can be found linking all these countries in this
particular region. Moreover, this availability of the evidences in a particular spatial location also has scientific explanations asserting that even centuries ago, unknowingly
science was important to mankind. Not only that, with the help of this research, one will come to know that how an auspicious symbol in various regions can be associated
and gyratory motion. with the everyday life of the people and also dealing with a rational approach. A strong link, therefore, tends to get established between the scientific and cultural
parameters, showing the cohesion and proving the fact that neither culture nor science can exist independently.
The Penguin Dictionary Post graduate student at School of Infrastructure Design and Management, IIT Kharagpur
of Symbols Post graduate student at Department of Architecture & Regional Planning, IIT Kharagpur
Under graduate student at Department of Architecture & Regional Planning, IIT Kharagpur
Post graduate student at Department of Architecture & Regional Planning, IIT Kharagpur
Post graduate student of Urban and Regional Planning, CEPT University
54 55
and celestial, rather than the poles Symbols have been used by humankind to express and preserve ideas, operations, and relations. These symbols at different parts of the world have different meaning
associated to them. These can be classified broadly on two parameters, namely, scientific and cultural. One such symbol is the Swastika. The Swastika, irrespective of its
of the terrestrial globe. place of origin, can be found almost everywhere around the globe. It has reached a status of universality like the symbol of Lotus flower. Many studies have tracked its
origin and appearances throughout the world, but the region of Southeast Asia is often left untouched. This section focuses on finding Swastika and similar symbols for the
region of Southeast Asia which includes the countries Burma, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Philippines. As the tools to approach the
ideogram, cave paintings, architecture, and artefacts were chosen, as these areas usually contain symbols which are prominent to their surroundings. Further, this section is
divided into sub sections, which traces Swastika according to time and space. This section also tries to consolidate and arrange all the evidences found for the symbol,
The Penguin Dictionary which hasn't been done for this region before. This section also tries to shed some light for the connection between science and heritage parameters via the symbol of
of Symbols Swastika. Explanations for the evidences are explained not in a deterministic but in a probabilistic way. Swastika is also found in the form of mandala in architecture and
planning processes, and banji in textiles. Various routes (trade and religion) through which the Swastika has travelled into this region are also explained. The universality of
Swastika is valid in this region and it is generally used for the depiction of Buddhist and Vedic ideologies.
Post graduate student at School of Infrastructure Design and Management, IIT Kharagpur
Post graduate student at School of Infrastructure Design and Management, IIT Kharagpur
Under graduate student at Department of Planning & Architecture, NIT Rourkela
Under graduate student at Department of Architecture & Regional Planning, IIT Kharagpur
Research Scholar at School of Infrastructure Design and Management, IIT Kharagpur
58 59
When taken in its spiritual sense, the swastika
purely and simply replaces the wheel in Hindu Decoding an Enigma:
iconography. It is, however, also the emblem of
Ganesha, god of knowledge, and sometimes a Swastika in the
manifestation of the Supreme Principle.
Freemasons fall into a category of strictly
Indian Subcontinent
Anshuman Dubey1, Kanthamani KH2, Stetson3, Sunil Kumar Prasad4, Sunny Bansal5
observing cosmographical symbolism when they Abstract
regard the centre of the swastika as the Pole Star Swastika, a living paradox, has several interpretations and manifests auspiciousness, prosperity, good fortune, the sun, cycle of life, and so forth. The symbol has auspicious
as well as decorative values. Various opinions prevail regarding its origin, functions, meaning, and elucidations. In Indian sub-continent it can be traced from pre-historic,
and the four gammas which it comprises as the Indus Valley, and Saraswati civilization till the present times. The symbol has imprinted its significant place in almost every ancient Indian design and communication like
dakshinavarta, suvastika, tetraskelion, etc. It occupies all possible sites of expression in the material culture including sculptures, pottery, coins, etc. This section is an
attempt to classify and describe the Swastika symbol as found in the remains of different dynasties over various time intervals in the present Indian subcontinent. This zone
four cardinal positions of the Great Bear around it, is of prime importance, in context of application and proliferation of Swastika, as it is the land of diversity depicting almost every trait of human civilisation. Besides the
direct exemplification, the research highlights its depiction combined with other related symbols like Srivatsa, twin fish, lotus, wheel, Stupa, tree, Star of David, Serpentine
that it is often an accompaniment to images Abstract
The Swastika is an ancient symbol that was found in use in different civilizations in almost all parts of the world from the very beginning of human civilization. This
of such saviours of the human race as Christ, section deals with the evolution of Swastika in central and west Asian countries comprising of Russia, Georgia, Armenia, Turkey, Cyprus, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq,
Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. The origin of the Swastika is debatable as it is precisely not known to us. However the study
of archeological findings has helped us to determine the timeline and the region where the Swastika symbol was utilized. It also becomes evident form the study that human
from the medieval catacombs in the migration had led to the transference of the Swastika to other places and as such is also responsible for the varied usage and interpretation of the symbol. The timeline for the
evolution of Swastika is developed based on the study of migration of major races in the designated areas. Since time immemorial the migrants had settled which over time
West to the Nestorians of the steppes had spread into an empire and likewise had undergone changes in boundaries. These phenomena had made it susceptible to multiple layers of history. Migration of races,
namely the Sumerians and lastly ending with the Russian invasion, had played a very important role in carrying forward the utility and message contained within the
Swastika. In some regions at a particular timeline when the Swastika had helped the inhabitants to ascertain seasonal changes and cosmological findings, the same symbol
of central Asia had emerged as a sign for regeneration and life cycle, at another space and time. While one would find the symbol used as an auspicious sign and marked on relics, in another
case it was utilized as a pattern to adorn cornices, walls and floors of mosques, churches, tombs, etc. The findings highlighted in this section will help to establish the
connection between the regions in terms of beliefs, activities and identity of humankind.
The Penguin Dictionary Post graduate student at Department of Architecture & Regional Planning, IIT Kharagpur
of Symbols Post graduate student at Department of Architecture & Regional Planning, IIT Kharagpur
Under graduate student at Department of Planning & Architecture, NIT Rourkela
Under graduate student at Department of Planning & Architecture, NIT Rourkela
Research Scholar at School of Infrastructure Design and Management, IIT Kharagpur
68 69
Romanesque depictions of Christ Swastika's Voyage:
were conceived in terms of the
spiral or Swastika which harmonized Where it all started ?
the stance and dictated lines of limbs and Ankit Sawale1, Radhika Chatterjee2, Sriya Banerjee3, Vidhi Sharma4, Vikas Nimesh5, Deepanjan Saha6
the whirlpool of creation around south to the Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Cyprus and Hissarlik, this culturally diverse region yields some of the oldest examples of Swastika in exemplifying the beginning
of an enigmatic geometry. The evidences found in the study raise numerous questions in the mind, how did Swastika come into existence, what was its significance to the
people. The answers that we are looking for are hidden in the history of the region and the evidences. They tell us the origin of Swastika, its evolution and possible migration
which are arranged the hier archies of pattern linking it to the other parts of the world. This section strives to answer the conundrum related to Swastika regarding its origins- whether it is endogenous or
exogenous to the study area. The linkage of spiritual and cultural parameters with scientific phenomenon is the key objective of the research. These cultural parameters and
scientific parameters are arranged in a form of a consolidated matrix where the evidences are classified by the region they belong to. This matrix will give us a broader view
created things emanating from it… on the answers that we are looking for.
profane, then it is Hitler's swastika. being largely affected by the atrocities of the World War II, the most recent perception of Swastika among the people completely negates the previous use of the symbol in
cultural beliefs and rituals of well-being. Finally the contemporary approaches to revival and reuse of the Swastika symbol in Europe have also been addressed.
Post graduate student at Department of Architecture & Regional Planning, IIT Kharagpur
Under graduate student, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, IIT Roorkee
Under graduate student, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, IIT Roorkee
The Penguin Dictionary Post graduate student at School of Planning & Architecture, New Delhi
of Symbols Post graduate student at School of Planning & Architecture, New Delhi
Research Scholar at School of Infrastructure Design and Management, IIT Kharagpur
76 77
One of the oldest symbols in existence is the
Swastika, and it is one of the most widely The chronicles
spread, from furthest East Asia to Central
America, via Mongolia, India and
of Swastika
Gaurab Das Mahapatra1, Rahul Ranjan2, Md. Saddam Hussain3, Shivani Singh4, Arpan Paul5
so that the so-called Greek-key pattern scientifically balanced, culturally measured and socially intended. There are some specific dimensions which are to be nurtured and analysed for the intended
understanding of the Swastika under the methodology adopted for this section. The objective of the whole program is to establish connections between the relatively
smaller paradigm of space and the broader paradigm of Swastika. A number of theories also support the movement of Swastika worldwide and connections to even what is
derives from it. Some writers have tried to beyond visible world. There will be a methodical probe into this aspect as well, but under the realm of this section's spatial extent, which are parts of: Latin America,
Western Africa, Northern Europe and lost kingdom of Atlantis. The intended end result shall seek that whether or not, the spatial and temporal changes thus studied in the
take it back to Atlantis, which shows its realm of Swastika, has been synchronised with the factors of Space, Time period, Genre, Embedment, Epistemology, Ideograms and Numismatics. The clandestine
intention is also to create Swastika into a probabilistic attribute rather than a deterministic parameter in the history of human civilization by using the methodology in this
research leading to even further and deeper trait-based analysis, making the present study a mere base for its work. Thus, Swastika might be a perfect example of how
great antiquity. science and heritage has been in the realm of our existence in a coherent, harmonic and symbiotic manner.
pointing in the direction in which it rotates. Abstract
Its numerical value is therefore FOUR Swastika is a timeless symbol which has been present worldwide since 12000 BCE. This section gives a brief idea about presence and use of Swastika in the Americas. A
timeline based on presence of Swastika in different cultures and civilizations at different time periods has been given for overview. A parametric approach has been taken
for the study to arrive at relation between the cultural uses and scientific reasons behind them. An attempt has been made to understand the scientific reasons for various
times four, or sixteen, and is the evolving power uses of the symbol and the variation/ relation in the beliefs of different cultures. The main cultures & civilizations for which study has been conducted in this section are
Maya Civilization, Hopewell Culture, Hopi Culture, Navajo Culture, Aztec Culture, Inca Culture. The study of various aspects by the adapted methodology suggests that
there were various scientific reasons behind use of the symbol. The symbol might have come into existence by tracing the pattern formed by Ursa Major around the pole star
of reality or of the universe. in various seasons of the year. The astrological reasons were the most important one and were common in most of the places. The common and similar beliefs in various
civilizations suggest cultural exchange or continuity between various civilizations. The relation between scientific and cultural parameters suggests that there were
scientific reasons behind the use and continuation of the symbol. The symbol has been used as a sign for positive energy, good luck, worship, war symbols, healing rituals,
craft works etc. in this geographical region during different time periods. Despite of varying forms, use and beliefs, the concept behind the symbol remains the same, i.e.
cyclic movement between phases.
The Penguin Dictionary
of Symbols 1
Post graduate student at Department of Architecture & Regional Planning, IIT Kharagpur
Post graduate student at Department of Architecture, NIT Calicut
Under graduate student at Department of Architecture & Regional Planning, IIT Kharagpur
Under graduate student at Department of Architecture & Regional Planning, IIT Kharagpur
Research Scholar at Department of Architecture & Regional Planning, IIT Kharagpur
84 85
86 87
Saga of the
Another form has each arm ending in
A KEY, a clear expression of key
Navneet Singh1, Nishant Prakhar2, Subhalina Das Gupta3, Vikrant Sanke4, Suparna Dasgupta5
the solstices and the horizontal to Polynesia, Easter Island, New Zealand and will also cover other regions that has a similar ethnic connection. The research was carried forward using secondary source. This
portion is comparatively more active geographically as it lies on the Pacific Ring of Fire, hence, most of the evidences that could have been a major source of inspiration
were either washed away or destroyed. However, a linkage has been established with the remaining evidences. In this research it has been noticed that Swastika is
kingly office and the equinoxes embedded in the culture of the natives of these regions and has been used as a symbol of good luck, welfare, prosperity or victory. These symbols have been used rationally
to impart a scientific meaning as a way to show their connection to the Nature. Starting with the introduction and historical timeline of the settlements, the section will move
towards the research methodology and framework. Finally it will focus on the evidences that has been noticed across these portions and will try to establish the relation of
the evidences with Swastika.
Post graduate student at School of Infrastructure Design and Management, IIT Kharagpur
Post graduate student at Department of Architecture & Regional Planning, IIT Kharagpur
Post graduate student of Urban and Regional Planning, CEPT University
Under graduate student at Department of Architecture & Regional Planning, IIT Kharagpur
Research Scholar at School of Infrastructure Design and Management, IIT Kharagpur
90 91
Glimpses of Exhibitions
at ICCR Kolkata
94 95
The Exhibition
The culmination of six weeks of summer internship
programme brought with itself a golden opportunity to
exhibit and unveil the outcomes on a suitable public
platform. In September 2015, an exhibition was held
An exploratory exhibition
till the West and Pacific.
The present Monograph is a sequel to the first book 'Exploring the pattern and ideogram of Swastika – a universal principle of
sustainability', which was published on the day of inauguration of an exhibition at ICCR, Kolkata. The present book has
96 substantiated the most important evidence: that the imagery of Swastika in India is over 11000 years old and it is particularly 97
on the pattern and ideogram evident in the ancient Rock Art forms of the Malwa plateau, Madhya Pradesh. A first set of panels emphasizing the scientific
construct of Swastika and the subsequent 18 panels presenting a 9 phase global exploration of the semantics and semiotics of
Swastika has been sequentially presented. Finally, here through a pictorial coverage of the exhibition on Swastika, in
collaboration with the Indian Council for cultural Relations (ICCR), Kolkata, the core importance of the SandHI dissemination
of sustainability explorations, which are the works of young vibrant minds - fresh, open, unadulterated and free. Each piece had been presented
in a format differing slightly from the other, keeping the spirit of an open ended exploration on perhaps the most ancient and
interconnected of all symbols that have interconnected the global culture, religions, sciences and civilization as a whole. We
know it by the name Swastika.
in collaboration with
SandHI professors, or an average citizen for whom
Swastika is an auspicious religious symbol and
harbinger of good luck.
An exploratory exhibition on the
The inauguration was scheduled later in the
afternoon but exhibition was opened in the
morning itself which allowed people to see the
work done by summer interns and their
pattern and ideogram of the universal perspective on various origin theories. Many
principle of sustainability school children visited on the first day for which
mini tours of the exhibition were organised. The
July 8 - 10, 2016 panels were lucidly illustrated by the interns to
at various visitors which addressed their general
Indian Council for Cultural Relations, Kolkata and specific queries alike. An overview of
exhibition was explained by Prof. Joy Sen from
in collaboration with time to time in association with research
Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) scholars who participated in the internship.
The inauguration ceremony was graced by
the presence of numerous eminent guests
like Swami Suparnanandaji Maharaj,
Secretary, The Ramakrishna Mission
Institute of Culture, Golpark; Professor
Sunanda DasGupta, Dean (SRIC), IIT
Kharagpur; Prof. B. M. Deb, renowned
Indologist, ViswaBharati; Sri Goutam Deb,
Regional Director, ICCR, Kolkata; Smt.
Madhabi Bhattacharya, Director (Cultural
Division), Gorky Sadan, Kolkata and many
100 101
others. The presence of Mrs. Barnali
Chakrabarti (Mrs. PPC, Director IIT
Kharagpur) in the inauguration function at
ICCR made the event more graceful,
brighter and benign!
The published living evidence of the
internship and exploration of the Swastika in
the form of a book was also launched at the
same time. Cultural performances from
different scholars and interns in the form of
dance, poetry and music also took place.
Dr. Harimohan
Pillai's Lecture
The second day of the exhibition started off with the
same continuity of fervour which was omnipresent on
the opening day. The highlight of the day was a lecture
by Dr. Harimohan Pillai, renowned Architect,
Indologist and Alumnus, IIT Kharagpur along with
visit of over a 1000 school students, media persons
and enthusiasts. Renowned Professor of Economics
Dr. Mahalaya Chatterjee also graced the exhibition.
SandHI Dr. Irina K Bashkirova Consulate General of Russia
also graced the gathering on the second day.
Dr. Pillai is a renowned architect and a visiting faculty
An exploratory exhibition on the
at various institutions. He is a pioneer among the
researchers, who are trying to bring back the
knowledge of Indian Traditional architectural past
into the contemporary world. His PhD research dealt
pattern and ideogram of the universal with evolving an architectural design methodology of
principle of sustainability adaptation of traditional design systems and details as
linkages from past in the context of Kerala, to
July 8 - 10, 2016 understand how modern houses, more adapted to
at human and environmental realities can be designed
Indian Council for Cultural Relations, Kolkata and built to create a 'Post-traditional' built form. The
Scarlet Shakti band of three sandhi summer Interns
in collaboration with girls (CEPT Ahmedabad and IIT Kharagpur) in full
Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) form at ICCR Kolkata on the occasion of closing
cultural function July 8 2016.
Cultural Program and
Closing Ceremony
The third day of the event was marked by cultural performances in the form of
audio visual presentations by the artists and professors from Visva Bharati,
Santiniketan coordinated by Prof. Swastika Mukhopadhyay, Head, Sangeet
Bhavan, Visva Bharati, Santiniketan and conception, script narration and related
visuals by Sri Arunendu Banerjee, Director, STS Systems, Kolkata; Member,
EB, Visva Bharati, Santiniketan; and Advisor, RCGSIDM, IIT Kharagpur. The
wonderful and heartfelt closing cultural program at ICCR Kolkata on July 10
2016 at Satyajit Roy Auditorium was entirely scripted and choreographed by Sri
Arunendu Banerji. Renowned Artist and Esraj Player Shuvayu Sen Majumdar
(National music award winner of BELA SHESE) prepared the cultural program
on the 3rd and last day at Satyajit Ray Auditorium, ICCR, Kolkata.
Introduction to the programme was carried on by the principal investigator of
this project whereas welcome address was given by Pallab Dasgupta, Associate
104 105
Dean, SRIC. In the later part of the programme, following plenary talks were
Progress till date: Honourable
Background and Past Activities (Year 2000 - till date) Prime Minister Sri Narendra Modi
experiencing the Science and Heritage
Initiative and Project Varanasi
Background: Exhibition on MadhuVidya Progress till date: Creative Economy and
(collaboration between IIT BHU and
(Doctrine of Ecological Correspondences): 1999 - 2005 Traditional Knowledge systems (2015) IIT Kharagpur)
(Pre-BHU Convocation event,
February 22, 2016)
108 109
Swami Smarananda, Vice President, Sri Jagmohan, Union Minister of Culture, Architect A. P. Kanvinde experiencing the exhibition at the India Habitat Center
RKM, Belur Math Government of India
Vice Chancellor of Rabindra Bharati University Prof. Subhankar Chakraborty and Prof. Ashesh Maitra, Director, SPA, Dr. Murali Manohar Joshi, Union Minister, International collaboration with Nikken Sekkei Research Institute, Japan (top let);
Vice Chancellor of Visva Bharati, Prof. Dilip Sinha experiencing the exhibition New Delhi experiencing the exhibition Human Resources Development, with Officials of Kyoto Municipal Corporation and Kyoto University, Japan
Government of India experiencing
the exhibition
Project Coordinator and Principal Investigator Graphics Support
Joy Sen
Technology Gymkhana Team
Core Team
Team Hirak Chowdhury Utsav Putatunda Oindrilla Bose Saswati Dey Tushar Kanti Saha Sadhana Naskar Preeti Pal Arundhati Patnaik Samiran Dhar
Sunny Bansal Vidhu Pandey Tanima Bhattacharya Shreyas P. Bharule Shivangi S. Parmar
Sunny Bansal Vidhu Pandey Tanima Bhattacharya Shreyas P. Bharule Shivangi S. Parmar Swastika is Pre-Aryan invasion, dates back 11000 years in Vedic India: Evidences & Explorations Key Graphics Support
Joy Sen Tanima Bhattacharya
Preamble - Joy Sen & Sunny Bansal
Key Graphics Support - Tanima Bhattacharya
9 Explorations - SandHI Summer Interns of 2016 & Hirak Chowdhury, Utsav Putatunda, Oindrilla Bose, Saswati Dey, Tushar Kanti Saha, Sadhana Naskar, Arundhati Patnaik, Preeti Pal,
Samiran Dhar, Apala Sarkar Ghosh and Joy Sen
Shrishailya Kote Ankit Jagdish Sawale Ankita Mandal Radhika Chatterjee Atul Kumar Kant Md Saddam Hussain Anshuman Dubey Akshay Sahu Sampurna Sikdar
H. P. Blavatsky
The Secret Doctrine, II, 556-7
Stetson Makkena Venkata Vidhi Sharma Debapriya Chakrabarti
IIT KGP, UG Sai Priyatham, IIT KGP, PG IIT KGP Alumnus