Answers To Worksheet Questions: Unit 4 Variation and Classification Worksheet 4.3A Comparing Variation

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Answers to worksheet questions

Unit 4 Variation and classification

Worksheet 4.3A Comparing variation
Answers will depend on the feature that is being investigated.
To make the comparison fair, students should try to control the variables other than
the one that they are investigating. For example, if they are investigating whether holly
leaves high up a tree have fewer prickles than leaves close to the ground, they should
take all the leaves from the same tree; from the same aspect of the tree; from the same
position on a twig.

Worksheet 4.4 Sorting plants into groups

Plant at top left is a flowering plant – it has flowers.
Plant at top right is a moss – it has a spore capsule.
Plant at bottom left is a fern – it has fronds with spores on the back.
Plant at bottom right is a conifer – it has needles and cones.

Worksheet 4.5A Sorting vertebrates into groups

Elephant: mammal – it has hair.
Flying squirrel: mammal – it has hair.
Crocodile: reptile – it has scales and four legs.
Manatee: mammal – it has hair (whiskers).
Monkey: mammal – it has hair.
Fish: fish – it has scales and fins.
Newt: amphibian – it has a smooth skin.
Snake: reptile – it has scales but no fins.
Tree frog: amphibian – it has a smooth skin.
Bird: bird – it has feathers.

Worksheet 4.5B Characteristics of the vertebrates

Mammals have hair
usually have four legs
always have lungs
Birds have feathers
always have wings
lay eggs on land
always have lungs
Reptiles usually have four legs
skin covered with scales
lay eggs on land
always have lungs
Amphibians usually have four legs
lay eggs in water
skin smooth and moist
have gills when young, lungs when adult
Fish skin covered with scales
have fins
lay eggs in water
always have gills

Copyright Cambridge University Press 2012 Cambridge Checkpoint Science 7 1

Answers to worksheet questions: Unit 4

Worksheet 4.6A Sorting invertebrates into groups

animal P: arthropods, arachnids
animal Q: annelids
animal R: arthropods, myriapods
animal S: molluscs
animal T: myriapods
animal U: arthropods, crustaceans, arthropods

Copyright Cambridge University Press 2012 Cambridge Checkpoint Science 7 2

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