Probability - Let-3

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Conditional Probability:

Consider the example: Suppose we have a lot consisting of 100 items of which 80 are good
and 20 are defective. Now we choose two items at random from this lot.
We define A= {the first item is defective} and B= {the second item is defective}.
(a) If the selection is With Replacement (WR), what is P(A) and P(B)?
(b) If the selection is Without Replacement (WOR), what is P(A) and P(B)?
Suppose we choose samples WR then P(A)=20/100=1/5 =P(B).
If we chose samples WOR then P(A)=1/5. But what is P(B)?
To compute we should know whether A did occur or not. Thus if A and B are two events
associated with an experiment E, then P(B/A) denotes the conditional probability of the
event B, given that A has occurred, i.e. P(B/A)=19/99.

Definition: If A and B are events for which P(B)>0, then we define the conditional
probability of A given B denoted by P(A/B) as
P(A/B)=P(A∩B)/P(B); P(B)>0
Similarly P(B/A)=P(A∩B)/P(A); P(A)>0

Note: Whenever we compute P(B/A) , we are essentially computing the P(B) with respect
to the reduced sample space A, rather than the originally sample space S.

Ex: Two fair dice are tossed, and the outcomes are recorded

(1,1) (1,2)……(1,6)
(2,1) (2,2)……(2,6)
S= :
(6,1) (6,2)……(6,6)

Let A={(x,y);x+y=10} and B={(x,y);x>y}

Then A={(5,5),(4,6),(6,4)} and B={(2,1),(3,1),(3,2)…….(6,5)}
P(A)=3/36 & P(B)=15/36
Now P(A/B)=? = 1/15 & P(B/A)=1/3
Also, from the above definition we have P(A/B)= P(A∩B)/P(B)
Here A∩B occurs iff both A and B occur and for this only one outcome is favorable. Hence
P(A∩B)= 1/36.

Therefore, P(A/B)= P(A∩B)/P(B)= (1/36)/(15/36)=1/15

Similarly, P(B/A)= P(B∩A)/P(A)= (1/36)/(3/36)=1/3.

Note: P(A/B) satisfies the various axioms,
(i). 0≤P(A/B)≤1
(ii). P(S/B)=1
(iii). P((A1 UA2)/B)=P(A1/B)+P(A2/B) if A1∩ A2=ɸ i.e A & A are mutually
(iv). P(A1U A2U …/B)= P(A1/B)+P(A2/B)+….; if Ai∩ Aj ≠ɸ for i≠j
(v). If B=S, P(A/S)=P(A∩S)/P(S)=P(A).
Thus we have two ways of computing P(A/B).
(i). Directly, by considering, P(A) with respect to the reduced sample space B.
(ii). Using the above definition by computing P(A),P(A∩B) with respect to
original sample space S.

Multiplication Theorem:

If A and B are any two events, then

P(A∩B ) =P(B).P(A/B).
Using this theorem, we can compute the probability of the simultaneous occurrence of two

Ex: In the above example of a lot consisting of 80 good items and 20 defective items if we
were to choose 2 items at random (WOR), what is the probability that both of them are

Solution: Define A={first item is defective} B={second item is defective}.

P(A)=1/5, P(B/A)=19/99, P(A∩B)=?

Note: Generalization of Multiplication Theorem.

If A1, A2, A3………, An are any n events then,
P(A1∩ A2∩ A3∩…….∩ An)=P(A1) P(A2 /A1)P(A3 /A1 A2)……..P(An/ A1 A2.. An-1)

Definition: The events B1, B2,……Bk are said to partition the sample space S if,
(i). Bi∩Bj =ɸ ∀ i≠j
(ii). ⋃ki=1 Bi =S
(iii). P(Bi)>0 ∀ i
(i.e. when an experiment E is performed, one and only one of the Bi’s occurs)

Theorem of Total Probability:
B2 B3

Bk A


Let A be an event with respect to S and let B1, B2,…… Bk be a partition of S. We may
decompose and write A as the union of mutually exclusive events.
i.e. A= (A∩B1) U (A∩B2)U….U (A∩Bk) where some of A∩Bj may be = ɸ
Therefore P(A)=P[(A∩B1) U (A∩B2)U….U (A∩Bk)]
=P(A∩B1) + P(A∩B2)+……+P(A∩Bk)
By Multiplication theorem,
P(A)=P(B1).P(A/B1)+ P(B2).P(A/B2)+ ……..+P(Bj).P(A/Bj)+….+ P(Bk).P(A/Bk)
P(A)= P(Bj).P(A/Bj) is called the theorem of total probability.

Ex: Consider the lot of 20 defective and 80 non defective items from which we choose two
items WOR. What is the probability that the 2nd item selected is defective?

Let A:{1st selection is defective} and B:{2nd selection is defective}

We have P(B)=P(B/A)P(A)+P(B/A ̅)P(A̅)

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