A Venn diagram comparing Western and Eastern philosophy on the good life would show that:
1. Western philosophy focuses on self-mastery and virtue, fulfilling one's duties to the community, and achieving happiness through reason.
2. Eastern philosophy emphasizes living in harmony with nature, cultivating compassion for others, and accepting one's role without attachment to outcomes.
3. Both seek to find meaning and goodness in life, though Western thought centers more on individual achievement and Eastern thought stresses living according to natural order.
A Venn diagram comparing Western and Eastern philosophy on the good life would show that:
1. Western philosophy focuses on self-mastery and virtue, fulfilling one's duties to the community, and achieving happiness through reason.
2. Eastern philosophy emphasizes living in harmony with nature, cultivating compassion for others, and accepting one's role without attachment to outcomes.
3. Both seek to find meaning and goodness in life, though Western thought centers more on individual achievement and Eastern thought stresses living according to natural order.
A Venn diagram comparing Western and Eastern philosophy on the good life would show that:
1. Western philosophy focuses on self-mastery and virtue, fulfilling one's duties to the community, and achieving happiness through reason.
2. Eastern philosophy emphasizes living in harmony with nature, cultivating compassion for others, and accepting one's role without attachment to outcomes.
3. Both seek to find meaning and goodness in life, though Western thought centers more on individual achievement and Eastern thought stresses living according to natural order.
A Venn diagram comparing Western and Eastern philosophy on the good life would show that:
1. Western philosophy focuses on self-mastery and virtue, fulfilling one's duties to the community, and achieving happiness through reason.
2. Eastern philosophy emphasizes living in harmony with nature, cultivating compassion for others, and accepting one's role without attachment to outcomes.
3. Both seek to find meaning and goodness in life, though Western thought centers more on individual achievement and Eastern thought stresses living according to natural order.
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Create a Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting Western and Eastern Philosophy in relation to their view of the Good
Western Eastern
1. According to Epictetus says, “if 1. According to Zhwangtze’s
you expect the universe to deliver words, “A man in the universe is what you want, you are going to 1.Appreciation or like a pebble or a twig in the disappointed, but if you embrace giving values of mountains. As such he can only whatever the universe gives, then everything’s around obey nature. He may be useful in life will be a whole lots smoother. you. a small way, but it is beyond him 2.Accoring to Socrates an 2.Good life can to originate anything. individual must become a master of develop with others. himself, using his reason to reign in 3.Depending of inner 2.The pivotal idea of his passions, as well as doing what self or self-reflect. Confucianism is “Jen” means a he can do to help promote the 4.Attaining the feeling of compassion, this is stability of his community. highest moral concern for the well being of standards. others. 3.According to Aristotle, the 5.Virtues allow one’s ultimate purpose of human life is to achieve good in “Eudaimonia” translated as 3.In Hinduism, Karma yoga life. teaches human beings to fulfill happiness of flourishing. Happiness is the highest goal of all, it is the their responsibilities in the world highest good in which no other without attachment to the result good is above it. of their actions.
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