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CR-IR 359
Service Manual

The relationship between mR (milliroentgen), which is the

unit of radiation, and μC/kg (micro-coulomb/kilogram),
which is the SI derived unit of radiation, is as follows.
1 mR = 0.258μC/kg

FCR is a trademark or a registered trademark of FUJIFILM Corporation

<No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted.>

Copyright © 2007-2008 FUJIFILM Corporation. All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval

system, or transmitted in any form or by means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior
written permission of FUJIFILM Corporation.

Document No. 014-211-03E

1st Edition - May 24, 2007
Revised Edition - Aug. 11, 2008

Printed in Japan

1. Handling of This Manual 1.3 About Notation in the Manual

 Notation of cautions, warnings, etc.

1.1 About This Manual The notation formats of "warning", "caution", "Instruction", "note", and "reference" are shown
 Scope
This Service Manual is applicable to Fuji Computed Radiography CR-IR 359. The machine is
categorized as Class 1 according to IEC classification. Used when death or serious injury may occur if the instruction is not observed.

 Notation of Unit Symbols

For notation of unit symbols, metric units set forth in the International Systems of Units (SI) CAUTION
are used, as a rule. However, metric units that are allowed in the Measurement Law, not in Used when minor or medium levels of physical injury may be incurred if the instruction
the SI, are used in some cases. is not observed.
Also used when the machine may suffer serious trouble (such as unrecoverable or
1.2 Precautions for Handling of This Manual difficult-to-recover trouble).

1. FUJIFILM Corporation reserves all rights related to this manual.  INSTRUCTION 

Used when the machine may suffer damage, or any failure or malfunction may occur, if the
2. This manual should be accessible only to technical service personnel instruction is not observed.
authorized by FUJIFILM Corporation.
3. Since this manual contains confidential information of FUJIFILM Corporation,  NOTE 
such as the internal structure of the product, appropriate measures should Used to indicate the matters that need attention during steps of the procedure.
be taken to prevent illegal or inappropriate disclosure and/or use of this
Used to indicate terminology or supplemental explanations.
4. The following conducts are prohibited without prior written approval of
FUJIFILM Corporation:
- Copy or transcribe a whole or part of the contents of this manual  Indication of Refer To
- Disclose, furnish, lend, and/or transfer a whole or part of the contents of The " " mark is used to indicate the chapter or section you should refer to.
this manual to persons other than the afore-described technical service Its format is as indicated below.
personnel. {MC:5.1_Cassette Set Unit}

- Use a whole or part of the contents of this manual for purposes other than
 Notation in the Manual
technical servicing of the product.
In this Service Manual, the CR-IR 359 is sometimes denoted simply as the RU (Reader Unit),
5. Portions of the descriptions in this manual may be revised due to and the CR-IR348CL as the CR Console.
improvements on the product.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual 0.1
 Notation of Symbols
- Check/Adjustment indicator: Indicates that it is necessary to check or adjust the
installation location when the part or component
removed is to be reinstalled.
CHECK1 This indicator is placed in the illustration that depicts
the procedures for removing the parts and components.
When you see this indicator, refer to its relevant
" Check/Adjustment Procedures."
- Half-punch indicator: Indicates that it is necessary to align the half-punches
when installing the parts or components.
However, it is not indicated for the half-punches for
improving ease of assembly or preventing erroneous
assembly procedures.

1.4 Servicing Instruments and Tools That Require Inspection/

The machine should be installed and serviced by use of servicing instruments and tools that
have been regularly inspected and calibrated as appropriate.
If the machine were serviced using servicing instruments and tools that have not been
inspected and calibrated, proper performance of the machine could not be guaranteed.
Servicing instruments and tools that require inspection/calibration are as listed below.
The inspection/calibration should be planned and performed in accordance with the
specifications and instruction manuals of the applicable servicing instruments and tools.

 Instruments and Tools That Require Inspection/Calibration

Name Inspection Calibration
Dosimeter - 
Steel rule (150 mm)  -
Steel rule (300 mm)  -
Digital multimeter  
Calipers  (✽) -
✽: A block gauge for use in inspection requires calibration.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual 0.2
Contents Safety Precautions 0.3
CR-IR 359 Service Manual - Contents

Safety Precaution

1. Safety Precautions ........................................... Safety-1 3. Protective Housings Against Laser

1.1 General Precautions .............................................................Safety-1 Exposure ......................................................... Safety-12
1.2 Precautions Against Laser Radiation ....................................Safety-2 4. CLASSIFICATION ........................................... Safety-12
1.3 Precautions on Patient Environment .....................................Safety-2
1.4 Precautions in Retaining the Machine ...................................Safety-3 5. Cautions on Electromagnetic Waves ........... Safety-13
1.5 Notes on Supporter Use .......................................................Safety-3 5.1 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) ..................................Safety-13
1.5.1 Precautions in Handling the Machine in a User’s Site where 5.2 Further information for IEC60601-1-2:2001 .........................Safety-13
the Supporter Is Used ..................................................................Safety-3
1.5.2 Precautions in Preventing the Supporter from Toppling ...............Safety-3

2. Labels ................................................................ Safety-4

2.1 Laser Precaution Labels .......................................................Safety-4
2.1.1 Laser Precaution Label Attachment Locations .............................Safety-4
2.1.2 List of Laser Precaution Labels ....................................................Safety-5
2.2 Ratings Indication Labels ......................................................Safety-7
2.3 Handling Instruction Labels and Attachment Locations ..........Safety-8
2.3.1 Cassette Set Unit .........................................................................Safety-8
2.3.2 Erasure Unit .................................................................................Safety-8
2.3.3 Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit ...................................................Safety-8
2.3.4 Subscanning Unit .........................................................................Safety-9
2.3.5 Light-Collecting Guide ..................................................................Safety-9
2.3.6 Scanning Optics Unit....................................................................Safety-9
2.3.7 Covers ........................................................................................Safety-10
2.3.8 Cassette Insertion Operation Label, Cassette Right-Justifying
Label ..........................................................................................Safety-10
2.3.9 Lead Precaution Label ...............................................................Safety-11
2.3.10 Power Cable Caution Label .......................................................Safety-11

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual 0.3
Contents Product Specifications 0.4

Product Specifications

1. Specifications of Machine ..................................Spec-1

1.1 Product Code .........................................................................Spec-1
1.2 Available IP Sizes and Types ..................................................Spec-1
1.3 Available Cassette Types and Sizes .......................................Spec-1
1.4 List of Optional Items ..............................................................Spec-1
1.5 Product Specifications ............................................................Spec-2
1.6 Dimensions, Weight, and Center of Gravity .............................Spec-2
1.7 Moving Means for the Machine ...............................................Spec-3
1.8 Retaining Means for the Machine............................................Spec-3
1.8.1 Retaining the Machine on Adjustable Feet.....................................Spec-3
1.8.2 Retaining the Machine by Use of Anti-Topple Retainer ..................Spec-4
1.9 Environmental Conditions .......................................................Spec-5
1.10 Electrical Specifications ..........................................................Spec-5
1.11 Servicing Space .....................................................................Spec-6
1.12 Installation Space ...................................................................Spec-6
1.12.1 For Fixing by Adjustable Feet.........................................................Spec-6
1.12.2 Retaining the Machine by the Anti-Topple Retainer .......................Spec-7
1.12.3 Installing the Machine where the Long Cassette Is to Be Used .....Spec-7
1.12.4 Using the Supporter .......................................................................Spec-8
1.13 Disposal .................................................................................Spec-9
1.13.1 Disposal of IP .................................................................................Spec-9

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CR-IR 359 Service Manual 0.4
Contents Machine Description (MD) 0.5

Machine Description (MD)

1. Machine Overview ..................................................MD-1 2. Descriptions of Software Control .......................MD-17

1.1 Features ................................................................................... MD-1 2.1 Network Settings .................................................................... MD-17
1.2 System Configuration ............................................................... MD-1 2.2 Data Flow between RU and CR Console ................................ MD-17
1.3 Overall Machine Configuration and Component Names ............ MD-2 2.2.1 Data Flow during Routine Processing ............................................ MD-17
1.3.1 External View of Machine ................................................................. MD-2 2.2.2 “INSTALL” Operation and Data Flow ............................................. MD-18
1.3.2 Nomenclature and Functions ........................................................... MD-2 2.2.3 "VERSION UP" Operation and Data Flow ..................................... MD-20
1.3.3 Operation Panel Display Screen Contents....................................... MD-3 2.2.4 Flow of BACKUP Data ................................................................... MD-21
1.4 Machine Components ............................................................... MD-4 2.2.5 Data Flow during Restore .............................................................. MD-21
1.4.1 Unit Locations .................................................................................. MD-4 2.3 Master CL Switching Function ................................................ MD-22
1.4.2 Roller Locations and Conveyance Paths ......................................... MD-4 2.4 Error Handling ........................................................................ MD-23
1.5 I/O Locations and Functional Descriptions ................................ MD-5 2.4.1 Error Handling ................................................................................ MD-23
1.5.1 Cassette Set Unit - 1 ........................................................................ MD-5 2.4.2 Cases where Retry is Impossible (FATAL Error) ............................ MD-23
1.5.2 Cassette Set Unit - 2 ........................................................................ MD-6 2.5 HIBERNATION Mode ............................................................. MD-24
1.5.3 Cassette Set Unit - 3 ........................................................................ MD-7 2.5.1 Operation in HIBERNATION Mode ................................................ MD-24
1.5.4 Erasure Unit ..................................................................................... MD-8 2.5.2 Transition to the HIBERNATION Mode .......................................... MD-24
1.5.5 Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit - 1 .................................................. MD-9 2.5.3 Recovery from HIBERNATION Mode ............................................ MD-24
1.5.6 Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit - 2 ................................................ MD-10 2.6 Bootup Processing ................................................................. MD-25
1.5.7 Subscanning Unit ........................................................................... MD-11 2.7 RU Shutdown Processing ....................................................... MD-26
1.5.8 Housing .......................................................................................... MD-12
1.6 Board Locations ..................................................................... MD-13 3. Descriptions of Electrical Operations ................MD-27
1.6.1 Housing .......................................................................................... MD-13 3.1 Power Supply Voltage Output Detection Function ................... MD-27
1.6.2 Cassette Set Unit ........................................................................... MD-13 3.1.1 Driver Circuits Incorporating the Overcurrent Protection Circuit
1.6.3 Erasure Unit ................................................................................... MD-13 and the Components to Be Protected ............................................ MD-27
1.6.4 Scanning Optics Unit...................................................................... MD-14 3.1.2 Fuses and the Components to Be Protected ................................. MD-27
1.6.5 Light-Collecting Unit ....................................................................... MD-14 3.1.3 Overcurrent Protection Circuit Block Diagram ............................... MD-28
1.6.6 Subscanning Unit ........................................................................... MD-14 3.2 Erasure Unit Control ............................................................... MD-30
1.7 System Block Diagram ........................................................... MD-15 3.2.1 Overview of the Erasure Unit Control............................................. MD-30

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CR-IR 359 Service Manual 0.5
Contents Machine Description (MD) 0.6

3.2.2 Components of Erasure Unit Control ............................................. MD-31 5.3.2 Notes on the Reflection Plate......................................................... MD-51
3.2.3 Erasure Lamp and Board Configurations ....................................... MD-32 5.3.3 Notes on Filter Cleaning................................................................. MD-51
3.3 LEDs on the SND23A/SND23B Boards .................................. MD-33 5.4 Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit............................................... MD-52
3.3.1 Correspondence between LEDs and Sensors of 5.4.1 Latch Protrusion Operation According to IP Size ........................... MD-55
the SND23A Board and the Actuator.............................................. MD-33 5.4.2 Side-Positioning Reference Surface Positioning Operation
3.3.2 Correspondence between LEDs and Sensors of (Reference Block Operation).......................................................... MD-57
the SND23B Board, and the Actuator ............................................ MD-34 5.4.3 Side-Positioning Operation ............................................................ MD-58
3.3.3 Meaning of LED ON (Illuminated) .................................................. MD-35 5.5 Subscanning Unit ................................................................... MD-59
5.5.1 IP Reading ..................................................................................... MD-59
4. Descriptions of Scanner Mechanism and
5.5.2 Gripping Operation for IP Reading ................................................. MD-60
Its Operation .........................................................MD-36
4.1 Scanner Controller Unit Operation Sequence.......................... MD-36
4.2 Correction Data ...................................................................... MD-37
4.3 Relationship between Subscan Motor Speed,
Polygon Rotation Speed, and IP Type/Reading Mode ............. MD-37
4.4 Image Data Flow .................................................................... MD-38
4.5 Error Detection/Processing Subsystem................................... MD-39
4.6 LED Indications of I/O Status .................................................. MD-40

5. Descriptions of Mechanical Components and

Their Operations...................................................MD-41
5.1 IP Conveyance Flow............................................................... MD-41
5.2 Cassette Set Unit ................................................................... MD-42
5.2.1 Feed Conveyance Operation ......................................................... MD-42
5.2.2 Load Conveyance Operation ......................................................... MD-46
5.3 Erasure Unit ........................................................................... MD-49
5.3.1 IP Dust Removal by Brush Rollers ................................................. MD-50

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CR-IR 359 Service Manual 0.6
Contents Troubleshooting (MT) 0.7

Troubleshooting (MT)

1. Overview of Troubleshooting ................................ MT-1 4.6 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 6 ..................................MT-71
1.1 Flow of Troubleshooting.............................................................MT-2 4.7 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 7 ..................................MT-72
1.2 Analysis and Check Flow Marks ................................................MT-3 4.8 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 8 ..................................MT-73
1.3 How to View "1.4 Troubleshooting from Error Log" .....................MT-4 4.9 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 9 ..................................MT-74
1.4 Troubleshooting from Error Log .................................................MT-5 4.10 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 10 ................................MT-75
1.4.1 Checking the Error Log .....................................................................MT-5 4.11 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 11 ................................MT-76
1.4.2 Determining the Error Code of the Encountered Trouble ..................MT-6 4.12 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 12 ................................MT-77
1.4.3 Viewing the Error Code Table to Locate the Associated Analysis 4.13 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 13 ................................MT-78
Flow...................................................................................................MT-7 4.14 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 14 ................................MT-79
1.4.4 Viewing the Check Flows in Accordance with an Analysis Flow .......MT-8 4.15 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 15 ................................MT-80
1.5 Turning OFF the High-Voltage Switch ......................................MT-10 4.16 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 16 ................................MT-81
4.17 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 17 ................................MT-82
2. Error Code Table .................................................. MT-11
4.18 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 18 ................................MT-83
3. Detail Code............................................................ MT-64 4.19 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 19 ................................MT-84
3.1 How to Understand Detail Code ..............................................MT-64 4.20 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 20 ................................MT-85
3.1.1 Display of Detail Code.....................................................................MT-64 4.21 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 21 ................................MT-86
3.2 Detail Codes for Scanner Errors ..............................................MT-65 4.22 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 22 ................................MT-87
3.2.1 Display of Detail Code.....................................................................MT-65 4.23 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 23 ................................MT-88
3.2.2 Meaning of Six-Digit Detail Code ....................................................MT-65 4.24 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 24 ................................MT-89
4.25 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 25 ................................MT-90
4. Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism ............. MT-66
4.26 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 26 ................................MT-91
4.1 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 1 ..................................MT-66
4.27 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 27 ................................MT-92
4.2 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 2 ..................................MT-67
4.28 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 28 ................................MT-93
4.3 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 3 ..................................MT-68
4.29 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 29 ................................MT-95
4.4 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 4 ..................................MT-69
4.30 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 30 ................................MT-96
4.5 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 5 ..................................MT-70

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CR-IR 359 Service Manual 0.7
Contents Troubleshooting (MT) 0.8

5. Error Code Analysis Flow: Scanner .................. MT-97 7. Troubleshooting the Errors that Cause the
5.1 Error Code Analysis Flow: Scanner 1 ......................................MT-97 Inability to Update the Software Version or
5.2 Error Code Analysis Flow: Scanner 2.......................................MT-98 Back Up the Machine Shipment Control Data ... MT-120
5.3 Error Code Analysis Flow: Scanner 3.......................................MT-99 7.1 Checking the IIS .................................................................... MT-121
5.4 Error Code Analysis Flow: Scanner 4..................................... MT-100 7.2 Checking the Operating Status of the FTP Server ................. MT-121
5.5 Error Code Analysis Flow: Scanner 5..................................... MT-101 7.3 Checking the IP Address of the CR Console .......................... MT-122
5.6 Error Code Analysis Flow: Scanner 6..................................... MT-102 7.4 Checking "LIST OF EXISTING RU" ....................................... MT-123
5.7 Error Code Analysis Flow: Scanner 7..................................... MT-103 7.5 Checking the FTP Server Address of the RU ......................... MT-124
5.8 Error Code Analysis Flow: Scanner 8..................................... MT-104
5.9 Error Code Analysis Flow: Scanner 9..................................... MT-105
8. Procedures for Checking the Voltage .............. MT-125
5.10 Error Code Analysis Flow: Scanner 10 ................................... MT-106 8.1 Checking the Board Locations ............................................... MT-125
5.11 Error Code Analysis Flow: Scanner 11 ................................... MT-107 8.2 Checking the Voltage on the SCN23A Board Test Pins (CN5) .. MT-126
5.12 Error Code Analysis Flow: Scanner 12 ................................... MT-108 8.2.1 Check Procedures.........................................................................MT-126
8.2.2 Checking the Voltage on Test Pins ................................................MT-126
5.13 Error Code Analysis Flow: Scanner 13 ................................... MT-109
5.14 Error Code Analysis Flow: Scanner 14 ................................... MT-110 8.3 Checking the Voltage on the Power Supply Unit (PSU23A)
Test Pins (TP1) ...................................................................... MT-127
5.15 Error Code Analysis Flow: Scanner 15 ....................................MT-111
8.3.1 Check Procedures.........................................................................MT-127
5.16 Error Code Analysis Flow: Scanner 16 ................................... MT-112
8.3.2 Checking the Voltage on Test Pins ................................................MT-128
6. Error Code Analysis Flow: Electrical ............... MT-113
9. Procedures for Checking the Fuses ................. MT-129
6.1 Error Code Analysis Flow: Electrical 1.................................... MT-113
9.1 Checking the Fuse Locations ................................................. MT-129
6.2 Error Code Analysis Flow: Electrical 2.................................... MT-114
9.1.1 Checking the Board Locations ......................................................MT-129
6.3 Error Code Analysis Flow: Electrical 3.................................... MT-115
9.1.2 List of Reference Sections ............................................................MT-130
6.4 Error Code Analysis Flow: Electrical 4.................................... MT-116
9.2 SND23A Board ...................................................................... MT-131
6.5 Error Code Analysis Flow: Electrical 5.................................... MT-117
9.2.1 Check Flow ...................................................................................MT-131
6.6 Error Code Analysis Flow: Electrical 6.................................... MT-118
9.2.2 Procedures for Checking the SND23A Board Fuses ....................MT-132
6.7 Error Code Analysis Flow: Electrical 7.................................... MT-119
9.3 SND23B Board ...................................................................... MT-133
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Contents Troubleshooting (MT) 0.9

9.3.1 Check Flow ...................................................................................MT-133 10.4.2 Check Procedures via Monitoring Function (1) .............................MT-147
9.3.2 Procedures for Checking the SND23B Board Fuses ....................MT-134 10.4.3 Check Procedures via LEDs on the SND23A Board (1) ...............MT-148
9.4 SCN23A Board ...................................................................... MT-135 10.5 Sensor Check Flow 2: SA2 .................................................... MT-149
9.4.1 Check Flow ...................................................................................MT-135 10.5.1 Check Flow 2 ................................................................................MT-149
9.4.2 Procedures for Checking the SCN23A Board Fuses ....................MT-136 10.5.2 Check Procedures via Monitoring Function (2) .............................MT-150
9.5 CPU23B Board ...................................................................... MT-137 10.5.3 Check Procedures via LEDs on the SND23A Board (2) ...............MT-151
9.5.1 Check Flow ...................................................................................MT-137 10.6 Sensor Check Flow 3: SA3, SA7, and SA10 .......................... MT-152
9.5.2 Procedures for Checking the CPU23B Board Fuses ....................MT-138 10.6.1 Check Flow 3 ................................................................................MT-152
9.6 ERS23A Board ...................................................................... MT-139 10.6.2 Check Procedures via Monitoring Function (3) .............................MT-153
9.6.1 Check Flow ...................................................................................MT-139 10.6.3 Check Procedures via LEDs on the SND23A Board (3) ...............MT-154
9.6.2 Procedures for Checking the ERS23A Board Fuses.....................MT-140 10.7 Sensor Check Flow 4: SA5 .................................................... MT-155
9.7 Checking the Fuse................................................................. MT-141 10.7.1 Check Flow 4 ................................................................................MT-155
9.8 Checking the Cable ............................................................... MT-141 10.7.2 Check Procedures via Monitoring Function (4) .............................MT-156
10.7.3 Check Procedures via LEDs on the SND23A Board (4) ...............MT-156
10. Procedures for Checking the Sensors ............. MT-142
10.8 Sensor Check Flow 5: SA4 and SA6 ..................................... MT-157
10.1 Checking the Sensors ........................................................... MT-142
10.8.1 Check Flow 5 ................................................................................MT-157
10.2 Starting and Exiting the Monitoring Function .......................... MT-143
10.8.2 Check Procedures via Monitoring Function (5) .............................MT-158
10.2.1 Starting to Exercise the Monitoring Function from the
10.8.3 Check Procedures via LEDs on the SND23A Board (5) ...............MT-159
RU PC-TOOL ................................................................................MT-143
10.9 Sensor Check Flow 6: SA8 and SA12 ................................... MT-160
10.2.2 Starting to Exercise the Monitoring Function from the
CLIENT PC-TOOL.........................................................................MT-143 10.9.1 Check Flow 6 ................................................................................MT-160
10.2.3 Exiting the Monitoring Function .....................................................MT-144 10.9.2 Check Procedures via Monitoring Function (6) .............................MT-161
10.3 Checking with the LEDs on the SND23A and SND23B Boards . MT-145 10.9.3 Check Procedures via LEDs on the SND23A Board (6) ...............MT-162

10.3.1 Procedures for Starting the LED Check ........................................MT-145 10.10 Sensor Check Flow 7: SA9 .................................................... MT-163
10.3.2 Procedures for Exiting the LED Check..........................................MT-145 10.10.1 Check Flow 7 ................................................................................MT-163
10.4 Sensor Check Flow 1: SA1 .................................................... MT-146 10.10.2 Check Procedures via Monitoring Function (7) .............................MT-164

10.4.1 Check Flow 1 ................................................................................MT-146 10.10.3 Check Procedures via LEDs on the SND23A Board (7) ...............MT-165

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CR-IR 359 Service Manual 0.9
Contents Troubleshooting (MT) 0.10

10.11 Sensor Check Flow 8: SA11 .................................................. MT-166 10.17.2 Check Procedures via Monitoring Function (14) ...........................MT-184
10.11.1 Check Flow 8 ................................................................................MT-166 10.17.3 Check Procedures via LEDs on the SND23B Board (14) .............MT-185
10.11.2 Check Procedures via Monitoring Function (8) .............................MT-167 10.18 Sensor Check Flow 15: SZ2 and SZ3 .................................... MT-186
10.11.3 Check Procedures via LEDs on the SND23A Board (8) ...............MT-168 10.18.1 Check Flow 15 ..............................................................................MT-186
10.12 Sensor Check Flow 9: SA14 and SA15 .................................. MT-169 10.18.2 Check Procedures via Monitoring Function (15) ...........................MT-187
10.12.1 Check Flow 9 ................................................................................MT-169 10.18.3 Check Procedures via LEDs on the SND23B Board (15) .............MT-188
10.12.2 Check Procedures via Monitoring Function (9) .............................MT-170 10.19 Sensor Check Flow 16: SZ5 .................................................. MT-189
10.12.3 Check Procedures via LEDs on the SND23A Board (9) ...............MT-171 10.19.1 Check Flow 16 ..............................................................................MT-189
10.13 Sensor Check Flow 10: SC1 and SC2 ................................... MT-172 10.19.2 Check Procedures via Monitoring Function (16) ...........................MT-190
10.13.1 Check Flow 10 ..............................................................................MT-172 10.19.3 Check Procedures via LEDs on the SND23B Board (16) .............MT-191
10.13.2 Check Procedures via Monitoring Function (10) ...........................MT-173 10.20 Sensor Check Flow 17: SZ1 .................................................. MT-192
10.13.3 Check Procedures via LEDs on the SND23B Board (10) .............MT-174 10.20.1 Check Flow 17 ..............................................................................MT-192
10.14 Sensor Check Flow 11: SC3, SC9, and SG1 .......................... MT-175 10.20.2 Check Procedures via LEDs on the SCN23A Board (17) .............MT-193
10.14.1 Check Flow 11 ...............................................................................MT-175 10.21 Barcode Reader Check Flow: BCRC1 ................................... MT-194
10.14.2 Check Procedures via Monitoring Function (11) ...........................MT-176 10.21.1 Check Flow 18 ..............................................................................MT-194
10.14.3 Check Procedures via LEDs on the SND23B Board (11) .............MT-176 10.21.2 Check Procedures via Monitoring Function (18) ...........................MT-195
10.15 Sensor Check Flow 12: SC6 and SC10 ................................. MT-177 10.22 Sensor Check Flow 18: SA16 ................................................ MT-197
10.15.1 Check Flow 12 ..............................................................................MT-177 10.22.1 Check Flow 18 ..............................................................................MT-197
10.15.2 Check Procedures via Monitoring Function (12) ...........................MT-178 10.22.2 Check Procedures via Monitoring Function (18) ...........................MT-198
10.15.3 Check Procedures via LEDs on the SND23B Board (12) .............MT-179 10.22.3 Check Procedures via LEDs on the SND23A Board (18) .............MT-199
10.16 Sensor Check Flow 13: SC7 .................................................. MT-180
11. Procedures for Checking the Motors ............... MT-200
10.16.1 Check Flow 13 ..............................................................................MT-180
11.1 Motor Check Flow .................................................................MT-200
10.16.2 Check Procedures via Monitoring Function (13) ...........................MT-181
11.2 Checking the MA1 Operation ................................................. MT-201
10.16.3 Check Procedures via LEDs on the SND23B Board (13) .............MT-182
11.3 Checking the MA2 Operation .................................................MT-202
10.17 Sensor Check Flow 14: SC8 .................................................. MT-183
11.4 Checking the MA3 Operation .................................................MT-203
10.17.1 Check Flow 14 ..............................................................................MT-183
11.5 Checking the MA4 Operation .................................................MT-204
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CR-IR 359 Service Manual 0.10
Contents Troubleshooting (MT) 0.11

11.6 Checking the MC1 Operation .................................................MT-205 14. Line Error between CR Console and RU .......... MT-227
11.7 Checking the MC2 Operation.................................................MT-206 14.1 Analysis Flow for Line Error between CR Console and RU ....MT-227
11.8 Checking the MC3 Operation.................................................MT-207 14.2 Checking Connection from the CR Console ...........................MT-228
11.9 Checking the MC4 Operation.................................................MT-208 14.3 Checking Configuration Information of the CR Console..........MT-229
11.10 Checking the MZ1 Operation .................................................MT-209 14.4 Checking the IP Address of the CR Console ..........................MT-230
11.11 Checking the MZ2 Operation ................................................. MT-211 14.5 Checking the IP Address of the Master CL............................. MT-231
11.12 Checking the MZ3 Operation ................................................. MT-212 14.6 Checking the IP Address of the RU........................................MT-232
11.13 Checking the Motor Resistance Values .................................. MT-213 14.7 Loopback Test .......................................................................MT-233
12. Procedures for Checking the Actuators........... MT-214 14.7.1 Loopback Test Flow ......................................................................MT-233
14.7.2 Loopback Test-1 ............................................................................MT-234
12.1 Actuator Check Flow ............................................................. MT-214
14.7.3 Loopback Test-2 ............................................................................MT-234
12.2 Checking the SOLA1 Operation ............................................. MT-215
14.7.4 Loopback Test Procedure .............................................................MT-235
12.2.1 Solenoid Check Flow ....................................................................MT-215
12.2.2 Visual Check Procedures ..............................................................MT-216 15. Troubleshooting Procedures for Image
12.2.3 Procedures for Checking the Cassette Hold Solenoid ..................MT-217
Abnormalities ..................................................... MT-236
12.2.4 Procedures for Checking the LED on the SND23A Board ............MT-218
15.1 Vertical Streaks .....................................................................MT-236
12.3 Checking the PA1 Operation .................................................. MT-219
15.1.1 Peculiar Events .............................................................................MT-236
12.4 Checking the SVA1 Operation ...............................................MT-220
15.1.2 Analysis Flow ................................................................................MT-236
12.5 Checking the SVA2 Operation ............................................... MT-221
15.2 Horizontal Streaks .................................................................MT-238
12.6 Checking the Actuator Resistance Values ..............................MT-222
15.2.1 Analysis Flow for Horizontal Streaks.............................................MT-238
13. Procedures for Checking the Scanner I/O ....... MT-223 15.2.2 Troubleshooting Image Abnormalities Considered to be
Caused by IP.................................................................................MT-238
13.1 Scanner I/O Check Flow ........................................................MT-223
15.2.3 Analyzing Pale Nonuniformity at the Leading Edge or Trailing
13.2 Checking Laser ON in MUTL .................................................MT-224
Edge of the IP ...............................................................................MT-239
13.3 Checking the PMT .................................................................MT-225
15.2.4 Analyzing Thin, Distinct Nonuniformity ..........................................MT-241
13.4 Checking the Cable ...............................................................MT-226
15.2.5 Procedures for Checking the Grip Roller (Upper) .........................MT-241

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15.2.6 Procedures for Checking the Grounding of the Photomultiplier 18.2.2 Testing the CPU23B Board ...........................................................MT-260
(PMT) ............................................................................................MT-242 18.2.3 Testing the SCN23A Board ...........................................................MT-261
15.2.7 Procedures for Checking the FFM Motor ......................................MT-243 18.2.4 Testing the SND23A Board ...........................................................MT-262
15.3 Other Abnormal Images .........................................................MT-244 18.2.5 Testing the SND23B Board ...........................................................MT-263
15.3.1 Peculiar Events .............................................................................MT-244 18.2.6 Testing the ERS23A Board............................................................MT-264
15.3.2 Analysis Flow ................................................................................MT-244 18.2.7 Testing the PNL Board ..................................................................MT-265

16. Removing the IP ................................................. MT-246 19. Collecting Various Data for Troubleshooting .. MT-266
16.1 If an IP Is Jammed in the Cassette Set Unit/Erasure Unit .......MT-247 19.1 Collecting Various Data from the RU PC-TOOL .....................MT-267
16.2 If an IP Is Jammed in the Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit/ 19.2 Collecting Various Data from the CLIENT PC-TOOL ..............MT-267
Subscanning Unit ..................................................................MT-248
20. Troubleshooting Failures where Error Code Is
17. Block Diagrams .................................................. MT-250
Undetectable and Machine does not Boot Up... MT-268
17.1 Motors (MA1 to MA4) and Actuators (SOLA1, PA1, SVA1, 20.1 Analysis Flow for Bootup Failure............................................MT-268
and SVA2) .............................................................................MT-250
20.2 Checking the LEDs on the CPU23B Board ............................MT-269
17.2 Motors (MC1 to MC4, MZ1 to MZ3) ....................................... MT-251
20.3 Checking the DIP SW Setting on the CPU23B Board.............MT-270
17.3 Sensors (SA1 to SA12, SA14 to SA16) ..................................MT-252
20.4 Procedures for Restoring the RU Application ......................... MT-271
17.4 Sensors (SC1 to SC3, SC6 to SC10, SG1, SZ2, SZ3,
20.5 Checking the Connector Connections ....................................MT-282
and SZ5) ...............................................................................MT-253
20.6 Checking the Operation Panel ...............................................MT-282
17.5 Sensor (SZ1), Scanning Optics Unit (LDD23A, PDA23A,
20.7 Check of Cable Connection and Continuity ............................MT-283
LDA23A, SYN23A, and POL23A) ..........................................MT-254
20.7.1 Check Flow ...................................................................................MT-283
17.6 PNL23A/PNL23B, FANG1, FANG3, and BCRC1....................MT-255
20.7.2 Checking the LED on the Power Supply Unit................................MT-284
17.7 Erasure Assembly .................................................................MT-256
20.7.3 Checking Connection of the CPU23B Board Connector ...............MT-284
18. Board Tests in MUTL .......................................... MT-257 20.7.4 Checking for Continuity of the Cables 1 ........................................MT-285
18.1 Analysis Flow ........................................................................MT-257 20.7.5 Checking for Continuity of the Cables 2 ........................................MT-285
18.2 Board Test .............................................................................MT-258
18.2.1 Testing All Boards..........................................................................MT-258

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21. Checking the Status of Each Parts ................... MT-286

21.1 Checking the Connector on the SCN23A Board .....................MT-286
21.2 Checking the Connector on the Scanning Optics Unit ............MT-286
21.3 Checking the Connector on the PMT Board ...........................MT-287
21.4 Checking the Board-to-Board Connectors .............................MT-287
21.5 Checking the Parts for the End of Their Life...........................MT-288
21.5.1 Air Filter .........................................................................................MT-288
21.5.2 Brush Roller ..................................................................................MT-288
21.5.3 Damper .........................................................................................MT-289
21.5.4 Lamp Filter ....................................................................................MT-289
21.5.5 IP Suction Pump ...........................................................................MT-289
21.5.6 Laser .............................................................................................MT-289
21.7 Checking the INV Board Mounting Position ............................MT-290
21.8 Checking the Erasure Lamp Assembly for the End of Its Life ...MT-290

Appendix 1. Procedure for Restoring an

Application with
DIP Switch No. 7 on the
CPU23B Board .................. Appx_MT-1

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Checks, Replacement and Adjustment

of Parts (MC)
1. Check/Adjustment Procedures for Each Unit......MC-1 3.7 Left-Hand Cover Plate .............................................................MC-11
1.1 Precautions for Check, Replacement, and Adjustment .............. MC-1 3.7.1 Removal Procedures...................................................................... MC-11

1.2 Types of Screws ....................................................................... MC-1 3.7.2 Reinstallation Procedures .............................................................. MC-11

1.3 Checking the Protective Grounding........................................... MC-1 3.8 LAN Cover ..............................................................................MC-11
1.4 Handling Parts Containing Hazardous Substance ..................... MC-1 3.8.1 Removal Procedures...................................................................... MC-11

1.5 Checking the High-Voltage Switch and Image ........................... MC-1 3.8.2 Reinstallation Procedures .............................................................. MC-12
3.9 Filter and Mechanical Filter (on the Right-Hand Side Cover) ... MC-13
2. Table of Contents ...................................................MC-2 3.9.1 Removal Procedures...................................................................... MC-13
3. Cover .......................................................................MC-6 3.9.2 Reinstallation Procedures .............................................................. MC-13

3.1 Front Cover .............................................................................. MC-6 3.10 Nothing................................................................................... MC-14

3.1.1 Removal Procedures........................................................................ MC-6 3.11 Shock Absorbers .................................................................... MC-15
3.1.2 Reinstallation Procedures ................................................................ MC-6 3.11.1 Removal Procedures...................................................................... MC-15
3.2 Right-Hand Side Cover ............................................................. MC-7 3.11.2 Reinstallation Procedures .............................................................. MC-16
3.2.1 Removal Procedures........................................................................ MC-7
4. Housing Unit .........................................................MC-17
3.2.2 Reinstallation Procedures ................................................................ MC-7
4.1 Operation Panel Assembly ..................................................... MC-17
3.3 Rear Cover............................................................................... MC-8
4.1.1 Removal Procedures...................................................................... MC-17
3.3.1 Removal Procedures........................................................................ MC-8
4.1.2 Reinstallation Procedures .............................................................. MC-18
3.3.2 Reinstallation Procedures ................................................................ MC-8
4.1.3 Check/Adjustment Procedures....................................................... MC-20
3.4 Left-Hand Side Cover ............................................................... MC-9
3.4.1 Removal Procedures........................................................................ MC-9 4.2 Fan Assembly......................................................................... MC-21
3.4.2 Reinstallation Procedures ................................................................ MC-9 4.2.1 Removal Procedures...................................................................... MC-21
3.5 Front Cover Plate ................................................................... MC-10 4.2.2 Reinstallation Procedures .............................................................. MC-21
3.5.1 Removal Procedures...................................................................... MC-10 4.3 Fan (FANG1) .......................................................................... MC-22
3.5.2 Reinstallation Procedures .............................................................. MC-10 4.3.1 Removal Procedures...................................................................... MC-22
3.6 Rear Cover Plate .................................................................... MC-10 4.3.2 Reinstallation Procedures .............................................................. MC-23
3.6.1 Removal Procedures...................................................................... MC-10
3.6.2 Reinstallation Procedures .............................................................. MC-10

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4.4 Fan (FANG3) .......................................................................... MC-25 5.2 Dust-Tight Cover Assembly .................................................... MC-52
4.4.1 Removal Procedures...................................................................... MC-25 5.2.1 Removal Procedures...................................................................... MC-52
4.4.2 Reinstallation Procedures .............................................................. MC-26 5.2.2 Reinstallation Procedures .............................................................. MC-54
4.5 Air-Intake Duct........................................................................ MC-27 5.3 Opening/Closing the Board Box .............................................. MC-57
4.5.1 Removal Procedures...................................................................... MC-27 5.3.1 Opening the Board Box ................................................................. MC-57
4.5.2 Reinstallation Procedures .............................................................. MC-28 5.3.2 Closing the Board Box ................................................................... MC-59
4.6 Power Supply Unit .................................................................. MC-29 5.4 Shutter Drive Arm (Opposite Reference Side) ......................... MC-61
4.6.1 Removal Procedures...................................................................... MC-29 5.4.1 Removal Procedures...................................................................... MC-61
4.6.2 Reinstallation Procedures .............................................................. MC-32 5.4.2 Reinstallation Procedures .............................................................. MC-62
4.6.3 Check/Adjustment Procedures....................................................... MC-35 5.5 Cassette Cover Opening Mechanism Driving Motor (MA1)...... MC-63
4.7 Antistatic Member ................................................................... MC-36 5.5.1 Removal Procedures...................................................................... MC-63
4.7.1 Removal Procedures...................................................................... MC-36 5.5.2 Reinstallation Procedures .............................................................. MC-64
4.7.2 Reinstallation Procedures .............................................................. MC-36 5.6 Spur Gear (Opposite Reference Side) .................................... MC-65
4.8 IP Sensor (SG1) ..................................................................... MC-37 5.6.1 Removal Procedures...................................................................... MC-65
4.8.1 Removal Procedures...................................................................... MC-37 5.6.2 Reinstallation Procedures .............................................................. MC-66
4.8.2 Reinstallation Procedures .............................................................. MC-38 5.7 Cable Junction Bracket (A) ..................................................... MC-68
4.9 Casters .................................................................................. MC-40 5.7.1 Removal Procedures...................................................................... MC-68
4.9.1 Removal Procedures...................................................................... MC-40 5.7.2 Reinstallation Procedures .............................................................. MC-70
4.9.2 Reinstallation Procedures .............................................................. MC-42 5.8 Debris Fall Prevention Shutter Sensor (SA3) .......................... MC-72
4.10 Fan (Power Supply Unit - Lower Section) ............................... MC-44 5.8.1 Removal Procedures...................................................................... MC-72
4.10.1 Removal Procedures...................................................................... MC-44 5.8.2 Reinstallation Procedures .............................................................. MC-72
4.10.2 Reinstallation Procedures .............................................................. MC-45 5.9 Shutter Drive Arm (Reference Side)........................................ MC-73
5.9.1 Removal Procedures...................................................................... MC-73
5. Cassette Set Unit ..................................................MC-46 5.9.2 Reinstallation Procedures .............................................................. MC-74
5.1 Cassette Set Unit ................................................................... MC-46 5.10 Spur Gear (Reference Side) ................................................... MC-75
5.1.1 Removal Procedures...................................................................... MC-46 5.10.1 Removal Procedures...................................................................... MC-75
5.1.2 Reinstallation Procedures .............................................................. MC-49 5.10.2 Reinstallation Procedures .............................................................. MC-77
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5.11 Dumper (Opposite Reference Side) ........................................ MC-79 5.20 Sensor Bracket Assembly (SA8/SA10/SA12) ........................ MC-104
5.11.1 Removal Procedures...................................................................... MC-79 5.20.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-104
5.11.2 Reinstallation Procedures .............................................................. MC-79 5.20.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-105
5.12 Dumper (Reference Side) ....................................................... MC-80 5.21 Bearing Retaining Bracket (Reference Side) ......................... MC-106
5.12.1 Removal Procedures...................................................................... MC-80 5.21.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-106
5.12.2 Reinstallation Procedures .............................................................. MC-80 5.21.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-106
5.13 Cassette Cover Opening Assembly ........................................ MC-81 5.22 Bearing Retaining Bracket (Opposite Reference Side) .......... MC-107
5.13.1 Removal Procedures...................................................................... MC-81 5.22.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-107
5.13.2 Reinstallation Procedures .............................................................. MC-84 5.22.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-107
5.14 Cassette Cover Opening Assembly Driving Shaft ................... MC-87 5.23 Cassette Cover Closing Mechanism Driving Gear ................. MC-108
5.14.1 Removal Procedures...................................................................... MC-87 5.23.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-108
5.14.2 Reinstallation Procedures .............................................................. MC-90 5.23.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-109
5.15 Cable Junction Bracket (B) ..................................................... MC-93 5.24 Cassette Hold Release Arm...................................................MC-110
5.15.1 Removal Procedures...................................................................... MC-93 5.24.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-110
5.15.2 Reinstallation Procedures .............................................................. MC-94 5.24.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-110
5.16 Antistatic Member ................................................................... MC-95 5.25 Cassette IP Holding Arm Assembly ........................................MC-112
5.16.1 Removal Procedures...................................................................... MC-95 5.25.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-112
5.16.2 Reinstallation Procedures .............................................................. MC-95 5.25.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-114
5.17 Shutter Assembly ................................................................... MC-96 5.26 Cassette Inlet Guide Assembly ..............................................MC-115
5.17.1 Removal Procedures...................................................................... MC-96 5.26.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-115
5.17.2 Reinstallation Procedures .............................................................. MC-97 5.26.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-116
5.18 Damper Return Spring (Opposite Reference Side)................ MC-100 5.27 Cassette Insertion Error Sensor (SA14) .................................MC-117
5.18.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-100 5.27.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-117
5.18.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-100 5.27.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-117
5.19 Damper Return Spring (Reference Side) .............................. MC-102 5.28 Cassette Ejection Sensor (SA11) ...........................................MC-118
5.19.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-102 5.28.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-118
5.19.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-102 5.28.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-120

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5.29 Cable Junction Bracket (C) ................................................... MC-122 5.37.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-144
5.29.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-122 5.37.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-148
5.29.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-124 5.38 Hose .................................................................................... MC-152
5.30 Cassette Cover Closing Mechanism Driving Motor (MA2) ..... MC-126 5.38.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-152
5.30.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-126 5.38.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-153
5.30.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-126 5.39 Hose Joints .......................................................................... MC-155
5.31 IP Removal Unit Link Mechanism 5.39.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-155
(Opposite Reference Side Gear)........................................... MC-127 5.39.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-155
5.31.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-127 5.40 IP Air Leak Valve Assembly (SVA1/SVA2)............................. MC-156
5.31.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-128 5.40.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-156
5.32 IP Removal Unit Link Mechanism (Reference Side Gear) ..... MC-130 5.40.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-157
5.32.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-130 5.41 IP Suction Pump (PA1) ......................................................... MC-159
5.32.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-131 5.41.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-159
5.33 Suction Arm Driving Motor (MA3).......................................... MC-132 5.41.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-160
5.33.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-132 5.42 IP Suction Sensor (SA5) ....................................................... MC-162
5.33.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-133 5.42.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-162
5.34 Cable Junction Bracket (D) ................................................... MC-134 5.42.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-163
5.34.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-134 5.43 IP Dropping Sensor Assembly .............................................. MC-164
5.34.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-135 5.43.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-164
5.35 Cassette Cover Closing Assembly Driving Shaft ................... MC-136 5.43.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-165
5.35.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-136 5.44 IP Dropping Sensor (SA4, Light Emitting Side) ...................... MC-166
5.35.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-138 5.44.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-166
5.36 Cassette Cover Closing Assembly .........................................MC-141 5.44.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-166
5.36.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-141 5.45 IP Dropping Sensor (SA4, Light Receiving Side) ................... MC-167
5.36.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-143 5.45.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-167
5.37 Cassette Cover Closing Roller .............................................. MC-144 5.45.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-168

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5.46 Guide (Right-Hand)............................................................... MC-169 5.54.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-192

5.46.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-169 5.55 Spring and Wire (Reference Side) ........................................ MC-194
5.46.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-171 5.55.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-194
5.47 Guide (Left-Hand) ................................................................. MC-173 5.55.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-195
5.47.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-173 5.56 Rubber Roller Protection Bracket.......................................... MC-196
5.47.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-175 5.56.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-196
5.48 Suction Cup Assembly (Right-Hand) ..................................... MC-176 5.56.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-197
5.48.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-176 5.57 Rubber Rollers (A) and (B) ................................................... MC-198
5.48.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-177 5.57.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-198
5.49 Suction Cup (Right-Hand) ..................................................... MC-179 5.57.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-204
5.49.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-179 5.58 Cassette IN Sensor (SA1)......................................................MC-211
5.49.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-180 5.58.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-211
5.50 Suction Cup (Left-Hand) ........................................................MC-181 5.58.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-211
5.50.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-181 5.59 Actuator Assembly ............................................................... MC-212
5.50.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-184 5.59.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-212
5.51 Suction Cup (Left-Hand) ....................................................... MC-186 5.59.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-212
5.51.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-186 5.60 Suction Arm HP Sensor (SA6) .............................................. MC-214
5.51.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-187 5.60.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-214
5.52 IP Transport Motor (MA4) ..................................................... MC-188 5.60.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-215
5.52.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-188 5.61 Cassette Cover Opening Mechanism HP Sensor (SA7) ........ MC-216
5.52.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-189 5.61.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-216
5.53 Cable Junction Bracket (E) ....................................................MC-191 5.61.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-217
5.53.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-191 5.62 "15x30 Cassette" Identifying Sensor (SA9) ........................... MC-218
5.53.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-191 5.62.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-218
5.54 Rubber Roller Driving Gear ................................................... MC-192 5.62.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-219
5.54.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-192 5.63 Solenoid Assembly ............................................................... MC-220

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5.63.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-220 5.72 Antistatic Member Assembly ................................................. MC-251
5.63.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-222 5.72.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-251
5.64 Solenoid (SOLA1) and Cassette Hold Sensor (SA2) ............. MC-224 5.72.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-251
5.64.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-224 5.73 Guide Plate (Reference Side) ............................................... MC-252
5.64.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-225 5.73.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-252
5.65 Large Cassette Size Sensor (SA15) ..................................... MC-226 5.73.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-253
5.65.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-226 5.74 Guide Plate (Opposite Reference Side) ................................ MC-254
5.65.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-227 5.74.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-254
5.66 Movable Guide Driving Assembly.......................................... MC-228 5.74.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-255
5.66.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-228 5.75 Guide Plate (Inch/Metric) ...................................................... MC-256
5.66.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-230 5.75.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-256
5.67 Movable Guide Assembly ..................................................... MC-233 5.75.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-256
5.67.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-233 5.76 Stopper (Reference Side) ..................................................... MC-257
5.67.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-234 5.76.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-257
5.68 "15x30 Cassette" Movable Guide Assembly.......................... MC-236 5.76.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-257
5.68.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-236 5.77 Stopper (Opposite Reference Side) ...................................... MC-258
5.68.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-237 5.77.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-258
5.69 IP Removal Arm ................................................................... MC-238 5.77.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-258
5.69.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-238 5.78 Stopper (Inch/Metric) ............................................................ MC-259
5.69.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-240 5.78.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-259
5.70 Removal Link Shaft .............................................................. MC-243 5.78.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-259
5.70.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-243 5.79 Cassette Cover Opening Pin (Inch/Metric) ............................ MC-260
5.70.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-244 5.79.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-260
5.71 Debris Fall Prevention Shutter Assembly .............................. MC-245 5.79.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-261
5.71.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-245 5.80 Cassette Receiver Assembly (Reference Side)..................... MC-263
5.71.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-247 5.80.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-263

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5.80.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-264 6.3.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-285
5.81 Cassette Receiver Arm (Reference Side) ............................. MC-265 6.4 Duct (Air-Intake Side) ........................................................... MC-286
5.81.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-265 6.4.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-286
5.81.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-266 6.4.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-286
5.82 Cassette Receiver Assembly (Opposite Reference Side) ...... MC-268 6.5 Duct (Exhaust Side).............................................................. MC-287
5.82.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-268 6.5.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-287
5.82.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-269 6.5.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-287
5.83 Cassette Receiver Arm (Opposite Reference Side) .............. MC-270 6.6 Reflection Plate .................................................................... MC-288
5.83.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-270 6.6.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-288
5.83.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-271 6.6.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-288
5.84 Nothing................................................................................. MC-272 6.6.3 Check/Adjustment Procedures..................................................... MC-289
5.85 Inch/Metric Sensor (SA16) .................................................... MC-273 6.7 Cover Bracket ...................................................................... MC-291
5.85.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-273 6.7.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-291
5.85.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-274 6.7.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-291
5.86 Inch/Metric Sensor Actuator .................................................. MC-275 6.8 Brush Roller Assembly.......................................................... MC-292
5.86.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-275 6.8.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-292
5.86.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-276 6.8.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-293
6.9 Brush Roller ......................................................................... MC-295
6. Erasure Unit ........................................................MC-279
6.9.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-295
6.1 Erasure Unit ......................................................................... MC-279
6.9.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-296
6.1.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-279
6.10 Filter ..................................................................................... MC-299
6.1.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-280
6.10.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-299
6.2 Duct Cover Bracket .............................................................. MC-283
6.10.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-301
6.2.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-283
6.11 Spur Gear ............................................................................ MC-303
6.2.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-283
6.11.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-303
6.3 Fan (FANB1) ........................................................................ MC-284
6.11.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-303
6.3.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-284

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6.12 Thermal Switch (TSWB1) ..................................................... MC-304 7.2 Sensor Assembly.................................................................. MC-343
6.12.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-304 7.2.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-343
6.12.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-305 7.2.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-344
6.13 Lamp Temperature Sensor (THB1) ....................................... MC-307 7.3 Side-Positioning Grip HP Sensor (SC1) and Side-Positioning
6.13.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-307 Grip Release Position Sensor (SC2) ..................................... MC-345
6.13.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-309 7.3.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-345
6.14 Erasure Assembly .................................................................MC-311 7.3.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-345
6.15 INV Board (A) ....................................................................... MC-312 7.4 Timing Belt ........................................................................... MC-346
6.15.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-312 7.4.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-346
6.15.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-313 7.4.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-347
6.16 INV Board (B) ....................................................................... MC-315 7.5 Tensioner Assembly.............................................................. MC-348
6.16.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-315 7.5.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-348
6.16.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-316 7.5.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-348
6.17 ERS23A Board ..................................................................... MC-318 7.6 Guide (A) .............................................................................. MC-349
6.17.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-318 7.6.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-349
6.17.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-319 7.6.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-349
6.18 Lamp Assembly .................................................................... MC-320 7.7 Guide (B) .............................................................................. MC-350
6.18.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-320 7.7.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-350
6.18.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-323 7.7.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-350
6.18.3 Removal Procedures (After Design Change) ............................... MC-327 7.8 Shock-Absorbing Roller Assembly ........................................ MC-351
6.18.4 Reinstallation Procedures (After Design Change) ....................... MC-331 7.8.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-351
7.8.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-351
7. Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit .......................MC-336
7.9 Leaf Spring (Reference Side) ............................................... MC-352
7.1 Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit............................................. MC-336
7.9.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-352
7.1.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-336
7.9.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-352
7.1.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-339
7.10 Leaf Spring (Opposite Reference Side) ................................ MC-353

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7.10.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-353 7.18.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-368

7.10.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-353 7.19 Reference Block Assembly ................................................... MC-369
7.11 Planetary Gear Assembly ..................................................... MC-354 7.19.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-369
7.11.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-354 7.19.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-371
7.11.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-354 7.20 Cable Junction Bracket ......................................................... MC-374
7.12 Spur Gear (Reference Side) ................................................. MC-355 7.20.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-374
7.12.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-355 7.20.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-375
7.12.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-355 7.21 Side-Positioning Conveyor Roller Grip Release Motor (MC2) .. MC-376
7.13 Spur Gear (Opposite Reference Side) .................................. MC-356 7.21.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-376
7.13.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-356 7.21.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-378
7.13.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-356 7.22 Side-Positioning Reference Block HP Sensor (SC7) ............. MC-380
7.14 Grip Arm (Reference Side) ................................................... MC-357 7.22.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-380
7.14.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-357 7.22.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-381
7.14.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-358 7.23 Side-Positioning Latch Stroke Sensor (SC10) ....................... MC-382
7.14.3 Check/Adjustment Procedure ...................................................... MC-359 7.23.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-382
7.15 Grip Arm (Opposite Reference Side) .................................... MC-361 7.23.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-383
7.15.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-361 7.24 Claw Driving Unit .................................................................. MC-384
7.15.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-362 7.24.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-384
7.16 Grip Shaft ............................................................................. MC-363 7.24.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-388
7.16.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-363 7.25 Reference Block Driving Mechanism .................................... MC-392
7.16.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-364 7.25.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-392
7.17 IP Sensor (SC3) ................................................................... MC-366 7.25.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-393
7.17.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-366 7.26 Side-Positioning Reference Block Driving Motor (MC4) ......... MC-396
7.17.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-366 7.26.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-396
7.18 "15x30/24x30 IP Width" Identifying Sensor ........................... MC-367 7.26.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-397
7.18.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-367 7.27 Spur Gear Assembly (Claw Driving Unit) ............................... MC-399

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7.27.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-399 7.36 Side-Positioning Latch Mechanism Driving Motor (MC3) ....... MC-422
7.27.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-399 7.36.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-422
7.28 Arm ...................................................................................... MC-400 7.36.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-423
7.28.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-400 7.37 Half Clutch Assembly............................................................ MC-424
7.28.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-401 7.37.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-424
7.29 Shaft Driving Assembly ......................................................... MC-403 7.37.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-426
7.29.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-403 7.38 Barcode Reader (BCRC1) .................................................... MC-430
7.29.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-404
7.38.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-430
7.30 Housing ................................................................................ MC-406 7.38.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-431
7.30.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-406
7.39 Side-Positioning IP Transport Motor (MC1) ........................... MC-432
7.30.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-407 7.39.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-432
7.31 Side-Positioning HP Sensor (SC6) ........................................ MC-408 7.39.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-433
7.31.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-408 7.40 Spur Gears and Tension Coil Springs ................................... MC-434
7.31.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-409 7.40.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-434
7.32 Side-Positioning Latch Position Sensor (SC8) ....................... MC-410 7.40.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-435
7.32.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-410 7.41 Rubber Roller (A) ................................................................. MC-437
7.32.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-411 7.41.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-437
7.33 Shaft Retaining Bracket Assembly ........................................ MC-412 7.41.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-439
7.33.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-412 7.42 Rubber Roller (B).................................................................. MC-442
7.33.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-413 7.42.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-442
7.34 Shaft Assemblies .................................................................. MC-415 7.42.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-444
7.34.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-415 7.43 Rubber Roller (C) ................................................................. MC-447
7.34.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-415 7.43.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-447
7.34.3 Check/Adjustment Procedures..................................................... MC-417 7.43.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-449
7.35 Shafts and Claws ................................................................. MC-419 7.44 Rubber Roller (D) ................................................................. MC-452
7.35.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-419 7.44.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-452
7.35.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-420 7.44.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-455

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Contents Checks, Replacement and Adjustment of Parts (MC) 0.24

7.45 Rubber Roller (E).................................................................. MC-458 9. Scanning Optics Unit .........................................MC-499

7.45.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-458 9.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-500
7.45.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-460
9.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-503
7.46 Rubber Roller (F) .................................................................. MC-463 9.3 Check/Adjustment Procedures..................................................... MC-507
7.46.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-463
7.46.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-466 10. Subscanning Unit ...............................................MC-508
7.47 Guide (C).............................................................................. MC-469 10.1 Subscanning Unit ................................................................. MC-508
7.47.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-469 10.1.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-508
7.47.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-470 10.1.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-513
7.48 Guide (D).............................................................................. MC-472 10.2 Post-Reading Conveyor Guide Assembly ............................. MC-518
7.48.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-472 10.2.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-518
7.48.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-474 10.2.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-519
7.49 Reinforcement Bracket ......................................................... MC-477 10.3 Rubber Belt .......................................................................... MC-521
7.49.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-477 10.3.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-521
7.49.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-478 10.3.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-522

8. Light-Collecting Unit ..........................................MC-479 10.4 Flywheel (Reference Surface-Driving Shaft Side) ................. MC-524
10.4.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-524
8.1 Light-Collecting Guide........................................................... MC-479
10.4.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-524
8.1.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-479
8.1.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-483 10.5 Flywheel (Reference Surface-Driven Shaft Side) .................. MC-525
8.1.3 Check/Adjustment Procedures..................................................... MC-488 10.5.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-525
8.2 PMT Board ........................................................................... MC-489 10.5.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-525
8.2.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-489 10.6 Kapton® Belt ........................................................................ MC-526
8.2.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-491 10.6.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-526
8.2.3 Check/Adjustment Procedures..................................................... MC-495 10.6.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-527
8.3 Shield Member ..................................................................... MC-497 10.7 Flywheel (Opposite Reference Side)..................................... MC-529
8.3.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-497 10.7.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-529
8.3.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-498 10.7.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-529
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10.8 Tensioner Assembly.............................................................. MC-530 10.16 Guide (A) .............................................................................. MC-550

10.8.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-530 10.16.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-550
10.8.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-530 10.16.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-551
10.9 FFM Motor (MZ1) ................................................................. MC-531 10.17 Guide (B) .............................................................................. MC-554
10.9.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-531 10.17.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-554
10.9.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-533 10.17.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-556
10.9.3 Subscan Length Check ................................................................ MC-535 10.18 Driving Shaft Grip Roller (Lower) .......................................... MC-558
10.9.4 Subscan Length Adjustment ........................................................ MC-536 10.18.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-558
10.10 Driving Shaft Grip Bracket (Reference Side) ......................... MC-538 10.18.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-560
10.10.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-538 10.19 Driven Shaft Grip Roller (Lower) ........................................... MC-563
10.10.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-538 10.19.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-563
10.11 Driven Shaft Grip Bracket (Reference Side) .......................... MC-539 10.19.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-565
10.11.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-539 10.20 Light-Collecting Shaft Driving Gear ....................................... MC-568
10.11.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-539 10.20.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-568
10.12 Driving Shaft Grip Bracket (Opposite Reference Side) .......... MC-540 10.20.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-569
10.12.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-540 10.21 Light-Collecting Mirror Assembly ........................................... MC-571
10.12.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-540 10.21.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-571
10.13 Driven Shaft Grip Bracket (Opposite Reference Side) ........... MC-541 10.21.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-573
10.13.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-541 10.22 Light-Collecting Mirror ........................................................... MC-577
10.13.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-541 10.22.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-577
10.14 Driven Shaft Grip Roller (Upper) ........................................... MC-542 10.22.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-577
10.14.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-542 10.23 Antistatic Member ................................................................. MC-578
10.14.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-544 10.23.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-578
10.15 Driving Shaft Grip Roller (Upper) .......................................... MC-546 10.23.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-578
10.15.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-546 10.24 IP Leading-Edge Sensor (SZ1) ............................................. MC-579
10.15.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-547 10.24.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-579

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10.24.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-580 10.33 Vibration-Proof Rubber Assembly ......................................... MC-609
10.25 Center Roller ........................................................................ MC-581 10.33.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-609
10.25.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-581 10.33.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-611
10.25.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-582 10.34 Toothed Washer (Driving Shaft) ............................................ MC-612
10.26 Motor Assembly .................................................................... MC-585 10.34.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-612
10.26.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-585 10.34.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-613
10.26.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-588 10.35 Toothed Washer (Driven Shaft) ............................................. MC-615
10.27 Driven-Side Grip Roller Release HP Sensor (SZ2) ................ MC-592 10.35.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-615
10.27.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-592 10.35.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-616
10.27.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-593 10.36 Auxiliary Bracket................................................................... MC-618
10.28 Driving-Side Grip Roller Release HP Sensor (SZ3), 10.36.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-618
Driven/Driving Grip Roller Driving Motor (MZ2) ..................... MC-594 10.36.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-618
10.28.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-594 10.37 Shock-Absorber-Attached Bracket........................................ MC-619
10.28.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-596 10.37.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-619
10.29 Dust Removal HP Sensor (SZ5), Dust Removal Motor (MZ3) ...MC-598 10.37.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-619
10.29.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-598
10.29.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-599
11. PC Boards ...........................................................MC-620
10.30 Driving Shaft Grip Release Arm ............................................ MC-601 11.1 Board Assembly ................................................................... MC-620
10.30.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-601 11.1.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-620

10.30.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-603 11.1.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-624

10.31 Driven Shaft Grip Release Arm ............................................. MC-605 11.2 CPU23B Board ..................................................................... MC-629
10.31.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-605 11.2.1 Replacement Procedures............................................................. MC-629

10.31.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-606 11.2.2 Starting Up the Machine Maintenance Utility of the RU ............... MC-629
11.2.3 Machine Data Backup .................................................................. MC-631
10.32 Antistatic Member ................................................................. MC-608
11.2.4 Replacing the CPU23B Board...................................................... MC-632
10.32.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-608
11.2.5 Setting the IP Address of the RU ................................................. MC-635
10.32.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-608
11.2.6 Updating the RU Software Version .............................................. MC-639

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11.2.7 Installing the HR Reading Option Key.......................................... MC-643 12.4.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-668
11.2.8 Restoring the Machine Data......................................................... MC-644 12.4.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-668
11.3 SCN23A Board ..................................................................... MC-645 12.5 CPU23B Board Fuses .......................................................... MC-669
11.3.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-645 12.5.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-669
11.3.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-646 12.5.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-669
11.4 LAN23A Board ..................................................................... MC-647 12.6 ERS23A Board Fuses........................................................... MC-670
11.4.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-647 12.6.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-670
11.4.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-648 12.6.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-670
11.5 SND23A Board ..................................................................... MC-650
13. Updating the Software .......................................MC-671
11.5.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-650
13.1 Updating the Software from the CR Console ........................ MC-671
11.5.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-653
13.2 Updating the Software from the Client PC ............................ MC-678
11.6 SND23B Board ..................................................................... MC-657
11.6.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-657 14. Format Adjustment ..................................................MC-685
11.6.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-660 14.1 Main Scan Format Adjustment .............................................. MC-685
14.1.1 Main Scan Length Adjustment ..................................................... MC-685
12. Replacing the Fuses and Fuse Locations........MC-663
14.1.2 Main Scan Position Adjustment.................................................... MC-687
12.1 Fuse Classification and Replacement Procedures ................ MC-663
14.2 IP Leading Edge Adjustment (Sub-Scanning) ........................ MC-689
12.1.1 Fuse Classification ....................................................................... MC-663
12.1.2 Fuse Replacement Procedures.................................................... MC-663 15. Shading/Sensitivity Correction ..............................MC-692
12.2 SND23A Board Fuses .......................................................... MC-664 15.1 Shading/Sensitivity Correction for IP Type ST ....................... MC-693
12.2.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-664 15.2 Shading Speed Correction for IP Type ST............................. MC-695
12.2.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-665 15.3 Sensitivity Correction for IP Type ST..................................... MC-697
12.3 SND23B Board Fuses .......................................................... MC-666 15.4 Shading/Sensitivity Correction for IP Type HR ...................... MC-699
12.3.1 Removal Procedures.................................................................... MC-666 15.5 Shading Speed Correction for IP Type HR ............................ MC-701
12.3.2 Reinstallation Procedures ............................................................ MC-667 15.6 Sensitivity Correction for IP Type HR .................................... MC-703
12.4 SCN23A Board Fuses .......................................................... MC-668 15.7 Special Sensitivity Correction for IP Type HR ........................ MC-705

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15.7.1 Special Sensitivity Correction for IP Type HR When Tungsten Appendix 1. Parts Removal/Installation ........Appx_MC-1
X-Ray Tube Is Used ..................................................................... MC-705
1. Sensor (5 mm type) ........................................................ Appx_MC-2
15.7.2 Special Sensitivity Correction for IP Type HR When Molybdenum
X-Ray Tube Is Used ..................................................................... MC-707 1.1 Removal Procedure ............................................................... Appx_MC-2
1.2 Reinstallation Procedure ........................................................ Appx_MC-2
16. BACKUP/RESTORE Procedure .........................MC-709 2. Nothing ........................................................................... Appx_MC-3
16.1 Backup Procedure ................................................................ MC-709
16.2 Restore Procedure ................................................................MC-711
16.3 Backing Up the Scanner Data............................................... MC-713

17. Image/Conveyance Checks ...............................MC-714

17.1 Check Before Procedures .................................................... MC-714
17.2 Image/Conveyance Checks .................................................. MC-715
17.3 Detailed Description of the Image Output Procedure ............. MC-717

18. Confirming the S Value ......................................MC-718

18.1 Confirming the S Value of IP Type ST ................................... MC-718
18.2 Confirming the S Value of IP Type HR .................................. MC-720

19. Installing the Software .......................................MC-723

19.1 Installing the RU Software .................................................... MC-723
19.2 Installing the RU PC-TOOL ................................................... MC-723
19.3 Installing the CLIENT PC-TOOL............................................ MC-723

20. Nothing ................................................................MC-724

21. List of Jigs and Tools .........................................MC-725
21.1 Jigs and Tools .................................................................... MC-725

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Contents Maintenance Utility (MU) 0.29

Maintenance Utility (MU)

1. Overview of RU Service Utility ..............................MU-1 3.4 FTP Server IP Address ........................................................... MU-12
1.1 Tree of RU Service Utility ......................................................... MU-1 3.4.1 Function ......................................................................................... MU-12

1.2 RU Operation Panel ................................................................. MU-1 3.4.2 Procedures ..................................................................................... MU-12

1.3 Method of Menu Selection in Respective Modes ....................... MU-2 3.5 Default Gateway..................................................................... MU-13
1.3.1 Description of Buttons ...................................................................... MU-2 3.5.1 Function ......................................................................................... MU-13

1.3.2 Procedures for Menu Selection ........................................................ MU-3 3.5.2 Procedures ..................................................................................... MU-13

1.4 Method of Setting the Addresses .............................................. MU-4 3.6 Secure Host ........................................................................... MU-14
1.4.1 Description of Buttons ...................................................................... MU-4 3.6.1 Function ......................................................................................... MU-14

1.4.2 Procedures for Changing the Address ............................................. MU-5 3.6.2 Procedures ..................................................................................... MU-14
3.7 Secure Net ............................................................................. MU-15
2. User Utility ..............................................................MU-6 3.7.1 Function ......................................................................................... MU-15
2.1 Overview of User Utility ............................................................ MU-6 3.7.2 Procedures ..................................................................................... MU-15
2.2 Starting and Exiting the User Utility ........................................... MU-8 3.8 Network Check ....................................................................... MU-16
2.2.1 Starting the User Utility .................................................................... MU-8 3.8.1 Function ......................................................................................... MU-16
2.2.2 Exiting the User Utility ...................................................................... MU-8 3.8.2 Procedures ..................................................................................... MU-16
2.3 Master CL Setting ..................................................................... MU-8 3.9 Loop Back Test ....................................................................... MU-17
2.3.1 Function ........................................................................................... MU-8 3.9.1 Function ......................................................................................... MU-17
2.3.2 Procedures ....................................................................................... MU-8 3.9.2 Procedures ..................................................................................... MU-17

3. Machine Maintenance Utility .................................MU-9 3.10 HV On/Off .............................................................................. MU-18

3.10.1 Function ......................................................................................... MU-18
3.1 Tree of Machine Maintenance Utility ......................................... MU-9
3.10.2 Procedures ..................................................................................... MU-18
3.2 Reader Unit IP Address .......................................................... MU-10
3.11 Starting and Exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility .............. MU-19
3.2.1 Function ......................................................................................... MU-10
3.11.1 Starting the Machine Maintenance Utility during Initialization ........ MU-19
3.2.2 Procedures ..................................................................................... MU-10
3.11.2 Starting Up the Machine Maintenance Utility during READY State . MU-20
3.3 Subnet Mask ...........................................................................MU-11
3.11.3 Exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility ........................................ MU-21
3.3.1 Function ......................................................................................... MU-11
3.11.4 Starting the Machine Maintenance Utility when Error Occurred .... MU-21
3.3.2 Procedures ..................................................................................... MU-11

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4. RU PC-TOOL .........................................................MU-22 4.9.2 Procedures ..................................................................................... MU-30

4.1 RU PC-TOOL Main Window and Tree .................................... MU-22 4.10 INSTALL ................................................................................. MU-31
4.1.1 RU PC-TOOL Main Window........................................................... MU-22 4.10.1 Function ......................................................................................... MU-31

4.1.2 Tree Diagram ................................................................................. MU-22 4.10.2 Procedures ..................................................................................... MU-31

4.10.3 Message on the Error Window ....................................................... MU-31
4.2 Outline of RU PC-TOOL ......................................................... MU-23
4.2.1 Display of “Under Maintenance” on the Operation Panel............... MU-23
4.11 VERSION UP ......................................................................... MU-32
4.2.2 RU PC-TOOL Error Screen Display ............................................... MU-24 4.11.1 Function ......................................................................................... MU-32
4.11.2 Procedures ..................................................................................... MU-32
4.3 LIST OF EXISTING RU .......................................................... MU-25
4.3.1 Function ......................................................................................... MU-25
4.12 EDIT HISTORY ...................................................................... MU-33
4.12.1 Function ......................................................................................... MU-33
4.4 NEW ...................................................................................... MU-25
4.12.2 Procedures ..................................................................................... MU-33
4.4.1 Function ........................................................................................ MU-25
4.12.3 Details of USE ................................................................................ MU-34
4.4.2 Procedures ..................................................................................... MU-25
4.12.4 Details of IP .................................................................................... MU-35
4.5 DELETE ................................................................................. MU-26
4.12.5 Details of BARCODE ..................................................................... MU-36
4.5.1 Function ......................................................................................... MU-26
4.12.6 Details of LASER ........................................................................... MU-37
4.5.2 Procedures ..................................................................................... MU-26
4.12.7 Details of LAMP ............................................................................. MU-38
4.6 MUTL ..................................................................................... MU-26
4.13 EDIT CONFIGURATION ......................................................... MU-39
4.6.1 Function ......................................................................................... MU-26
4.13.1 Function ......................................................................................... MU-39
4.6.2 Procedures ..................................................................................... MU-26
4.13.2 Procedures ..................................................................................... MU-39
4.7 PING ...................................................................................... MU-27
4.14 EDIT CL NAME ...................................................................... MU-43
4.7.1 Function ......................................................................................... MU-27
4.14.1 Function ......................................................................................... MU-43
4.7.2 Procedures ..................................................................................... MU-27
4.14.2 Editing/Adding the CR Console as Image Transfer Destination..... MU-43
4.8 MON ...................................................................................... MU-28
4.14.3 Editing the List of Master CL's ....................................................... MU-44
4.8.1 Function ......................................................................................... MU-28
4.14.4 Switching the Master CL ................................................................ MU-45
4.8.2 Procedures ..................................................................................... MU-29
4.15 BACKUP ................................................................................ MU-46
4.9 FTP ........................................................................................ MU-30
4.15.1 Function ......................................................................................... MU-46
4.9.1 Function ......................................................................................... MU-30

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4.15.2 Procedures ..................................................................................... MU-46 4.23 Starting and Exiting RU PC-TOOL .......................................... MU-60
4.15.3 Errors That May Occur during BACKUP and Their Probable 4.23.1 Starting RU PC-TOOL .................................................................... MU-60
Causes ........................................................................................... MU-47 4.23.2 Exiting RU PC-TOOL ..................................................................... MU-61
4.16 RESTORE .............................................................................. MU-48
4.16.1 Function ......................................................................................... MU-48 5. Client PC ...............................................................MU-62
4.16.2 Procedures ..................................................................................... MU-48 5.1 Features and Operations of the Client PC............................... MU-62
4.16.3 Errors That May Occur during RESTORE and Their Probable 5.1.1 Features of the Client PC ............................................................... MU-62
Causes ........................................................................................... MU-49 5.1.2 Operations of the Client PC ........................................................... MU-63
4.17 I/O TRACE EXPERT .............................................................. MU-50 5.1.3 Precautions for Using the Client PC............................................... MU-64
4.17.1 Function ......................................................................................... MU-50 5.1.4 Precautions for Using a Notebook PC without a CD-ROM Drive ... MU-64
4.17.2 Procedures ..................................................................................... MU-51 5.1.5 Precautions in Setting the CR Console .......................................... MU-64
4.18 ERROR DB ............................................................................ MU-52 5.2 Setting Up the Client PC ......................................................... MU-65
4.18.1 Function ......................................................................................... MU-52 5.2.1 Installing CLIENT PC-TOOL from the RU-APL CD-ROM .............. MU-66
4.18.2 Procedures ..................................................................................... MU-53 5.2.2 Installing CLIENT PC-TOOL on a PC without a CD-ROM Drive ............ MU-67
4.19 UNINSTALL: ALL RUs ............................................................ MU-54 5.3 Starting CLIENT PC-TOOL ..................................................... MU-69
4.19.1 Function ......................................................................................... MU-54 5.4 Client PC Network Setup and Connection Verification............. MU-70
4.19.2 Procedures ..................................................................................... MU-54 5.5 Preparing/Editing the Hospital List .......................................... MU-72
4.20 VERSION UP: ALL RUs.......................................................... MU-56 5.5.1 Registering an RU in the Hospital List ........................................... MU-72
4.20.1 Function ......................................................................................... MU-56 5.5.2 Adding an RU to the Hospital List .................................................. MU-73
4.20.2 Procedures ..................................................................................... MU-56 5.5.3 Deleting a Hospital List Entry ......................................................... MU-74
4.21 CDPath .................................................................................. MU-58 5.5.4 CLIENT PC-TOOL Error Indications .............................................. MU-75
4.21.1 Function ......................................................................................... MU-58 5.6 ON-LINE and OFF-LINE ......................................................... MU-76
4.21.2 Procedures for Setting "CDPath" ................................................... MU-58 5.6.1 Difference between ON-LINE and OFF-LINE Operations .............. MU-76
4.21.3 Procedures for Canceling "CDPath" .............................................. MU-59 5.6.2 Operation in ON-LINE Mode .......................................................... MU-77
4.22 Initialize APL ........................................................................... MU-60 5.6.3 Operation in OFF-LINE Mode ........................................................ MU-78
4.22.1 Function ......................................................................................... MU-60 5.7 Data Flow of Each Command ................................................. MU-79
4.22.2 Procedures ..................................................................................... MU-60 5.7.1 UPLOAD and DOWNLOAD ........................................................... MU-79
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5.7.2 READ and WRITE.......................................................................... MU-79 6.5 DELETE ................................................................................. MU-99

5.7.3 Import and Export........................................................................... MU-79 6.5.1 Function ......................................................................................... MU-99
5.8 Corrective Procedure to be Performed after Improper 6.5.2 Deleting an RU Only ...................................................................... MU-99
CLIENT PC-TOOL Installation................................................. MU-80 6.5.3 Deleting an FTP Server ................................................................ MU-100
5.8.1 Solution-1 ....................................................................................... MU-80 6.5.4 Deleting a Site .............................................................................. MU-100
5.8.2 Solution-2 ....................................................................................... MU-81 6.5.5 Deleting the Entire Tree Information ............................................ MU-101
5.9 Updating CLIENT PC-TOOL ................................................... MU-82 6.6 COPY................................................................................... MU-102
5.9.1 Updating CLIENT PC-TOOL from the RU-APL CD-ROM .............. MU-82 6.6.1 Function ....................................................................................... MU-102
5.9.2 Updating CLIENT PC-TOOL from a PC without a CD-ROM Drive MU-84 6.6.2 Procedures ................................................................................... MU-102
5.10 Checking the CR Console Setup when Using the Client PC .... MU-87 6.7 RENAME.............................................................................. MU-104
5.11 Checking the “Internet Options” Setting of the Client PC ......... MU-88 6.7.1 Function ....................................................................................... MU-104
6.7.2 Procedures ................................................................................... MU-104
6. CLIENT PC-TOOL .................................................MU-89
6.8 GET VERSION ..................................................................... MU-105
6.1 CLIENT PC-TOOL Main Window and Tree ............................. MU-89
6.8.1 Function ....................................................................................... MU-105
6.1.1 CLIENT PC-TOOL Main Window ................................................... MU-89
6.8.2 Procedures ................................................................................... MU-105
6.1.2 Tree Diagram ................................................................................. MU-89
6.9 MUTL ................................................................................... MU-106
6.2 Outline of the CLIENT PC-TOOL ............................................ MU-90
6.9.1 Function ....................................................................................... MU-106
6.2.1 Display of “Under Maintenance” on the Operation Panel............... MU-90
6.9.2 Procedures ................................................................................... MU-106
6.2.2 CLIENT PC-TOOL Error Screen Display ....................................... MU-91
6.10 PING .................................................................................... MU-107
6.3 Hospital List ............................................................................ MU-92
6.10.1 Function ....................................................................................... MU-107
6.3.1 Function ......................................................................................... MU-92
6.10.2 Procedures ................................................................................... MU-107
6.4 NEW RU ................................................................................ MU-93
6.11 MON .................................................................................... MU-108
6.4.1 Function ........................................................................................ MU-93
6.11.1 Function ....................................................................................... MU-108
6.4.2 Registering an RU in the Hospital List ........................................... MU-93
6.11.2 Procedures ................................................................................... MU-109
6.4.3 Registering an FTP Server and RU with a Registered Site Name . MU-95
6.12 FTP ....................................................................................... MU-111
6.4.4 Registering an RU with a Registered FTP Server .......................... MU-97
6.12.1 Function ........................................................................................MU-111

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6.12.2 Procedures ....................................................................................MU-111 6.20.2 Procedures ................................................................................... MU-127

6.13 VERSION UP ........................................................................MU-112 6.21 UPLOAD .............................................................................. MU-129
6.13.1 Function ....................................................................................... MU-112 6.21.1 Function ....................................................................................... MU-129
6.13.2 Procedures ................................................................................... MU-112 6.21.2 Procedures ................................................................................... MU-129
6.14 EDIT HISTORY .....................................................................MU-113 6.21.3 Errors that may Occur during UPLOAD and their Probable
6.14.1 Function ....................................................................................... MU-113 Causes ......................................................................................... MU-130
6.14.2 Procedures ................................................................................... MU-113 6.22 DOWNLOAD .........................................................................MU-131
6.15 EDIT CONFIGURATION ........................................................MU-115 6.22.1 Function ....................................................................................... MU-131
6.15.1 Function ....................................................................................... MU-115 6.22.2 Procedures ................................................................................... MU-131
6.15.2 Procedures ................................................................................... MU-115 6.22.3 Errors that may Occur during DOWNLOAD and their Probable
Causes ......................................................................................... MU-132
6.16 EDIT CL NAME .....................................................................MU-117
6.23 CDPath ................................................................................ MU-133
6.16.1 Function ....................................................................................... MU-117
6.23.1 Function ....................................................................................... MU-133
6.16.2 Editing/Adding the CR Console as Image Transfer Destination... MU-117
6.23.2 Procedures for Setting "CDPath" ................................................. MU-133
6.16.3 Editing the List of Master CL's ..................................................... MU-119
6.23.3 Procedures for Canceling "CDPath" ............................................ MU-134
6.16.4 Switching the Master CL .............................................................. MU-120
6.23.4 Verifying the "CDPath" Setting ..................................................... MU-135
6.17 I/O TRACE EXPERT .............................................................MU-121
6.24 Export .................................................................................. MU-136
6.17.1 Function ....................................................................................... MU-121
6.24.1 Function ....................................................................................... MU-136
6.17.2 Procedures ................................................................................... MU-122
6.24.2 Procedures ................................................................................... MU-136
6.18 ERROR DB .......................................................................... MU-123
6.25 Import ................................................................................... MU-137
6.18.1 Function ....................................................................................... MU-123
6.25.1 Function ....................................................................................... MU-137
6.18.2 Procedures ................................................................................... MU-124
6.25.2 Procedures ................................................................................... MU-137
6.19 READ ................................................................................... MU-125
6.26 OnLine ................................................................................. MU-138
6.19.1 Function ....................................................................................... MU-125
6.26.1 Function ....................................................................................... MU-138
6.19.2 Procedures ................................................................................... MU-125
6.26.2 Procedures ................................................................................... MU-138
6.20 WRITE ................................................................................. MU-127
6.27 Network ................................................................................ MU-139
6.20.1 Function ....................................................................................... MU-127
6.27.1 Function ....................................................................................... MU-139

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6.27.2 Procedures ................................................................................... MU-139 [3] Software Check ............................................................................ MU-156

6.28 Starting and Exiting CLIENT PC-TOOL ................................. MU-140 [3-1] Ver. Display (FLASH) ................................................................... MU-156
6.28.1 Starting CLIENT PC-TOOL from the CD-ROM (Setup PC-TOOL) .. MU-140 [3-2] Ver. Display (FTP SERV) ............................................................. MU-156
6.28.2 Starting CLIENT PC-TOOL from a Client PC Window ................. MU-141 [3-3] MAC Address Display .................................................................. MU-157
6.28.3 Exiting CLIENT PC-TOOL ............................................................ MU-141 [4] Virtual Image Check ..................................................................... MU-158
[4-1] Virtual Image Test......................................................................... MU-158
7. MUTL (Maintenance Utility) Functions .................MU-142
[4-1-1] LED Virtual Read ......................................................................... MU-158
7.1 Tree of MUTL ....................................................................... MU-142
[4-1-2] PMT Virtual Read ......................................................................... MU-159
7.2 Starting and Exiting the MUTL .............................................. MU-145
[4-1-3] SCN Board Virtual Read .............................................................. MU-161
7.2.1 Starting up the MUTL from the RU PC-TOOL .............................. MU-145
[5] Scanner Check............................................................................. MU-163
7.2.2 Starting up the MUTL from the CLIENT PC-TOOL ...................... MU-146
[5-1] Diagnostic .................................................................................... MU-163
7.2.3 Exiting the MUTL.......................................................................... MU-147
[5-2] Polygon Mortor ............................................................................. MU-163
7.3 Details of MUTL.................................................................... MU-148
[5-3] Laser ............................................................................................ MU-164
[1] Conveyance Check ...................................................................... MU-148
[5-4] HV Diagnostic .............................................................................. MU-165
[1-1] Conveyance Setting ..................................................................... MU-150
[5-4-1] HV Setting/Diagnostic .................................................................. MU-165
[1-2] Processing Mode Setting ............................................................. MU-150
[5-5] Format Adjustment ....................................................................... MU-165
[1-3] Number of Conveyance Setting ................................................... MU-150
[5-5-1] Manual Adjustment (FREQ) ......................................................... MU-166
[2] Board Check ................................................................................ MU-151
[5-5-2] Manual Adjustment (Pixel) ........................................................... MU-166
[2-1] All Board....................................................................................... MU-151
[5-5-3] IP Leading-Edge Adjustment (Sub-scanning) .............................. MU-167
[2-2] CPU Board ................................................................................... MU-152
[5-5-4] Default Setting (FREQ) ................................................................ MU-167
[2-3] SCN Board ................................................................................... MU-152
[5-5-5] Default Setting (Pixel) .................................................................. MU-167
[2-4] SNS/DRV-A Board ....................................................................... MU-153
[5-5-6] Optic Setting (FREQ) ................................................................... MU-168
[2-5] SNS/DRV-B Board ....................................................................... MU-153
[5-5-7] Optic Setting (Pixel) ..................................................................... MU-168
[2-6] ERS Board ................................................................................... MU-154
[5-6] Correction..................................................................................... MU-169
[2-7] PNL Board .................................................................................... MU-154
[5-6-1] Shading/Sensitivity Correction (ST) ............................................. MU-170
[2-8] CPU Board Setting Display .......................................................... MU-155
[5-6-2] Shading/Sensitivity Correction (HR)............................................. MU-170
[2-9] IP Sensor Check .......................................................................... MU-155

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[5-6-3] Shading Speed Correction ........................................................... MU-171 [6-2-6] Erasure Conveyance (MA4/MC1) ................................................ MU-183
[5-6-4] Sensitivity Correction (ST) ........................................................... MU-171 [6-3] Side-Positioning Conveyor ........................................................... MU-183
[5-6-5] Sensitivity Correction (HR) ........................................................... MU-172 [6-3-1] Side-Positioning: Side-Positioning HP ......................................... MU-183
[5-6-6] Special Sensitivity Correction....................................................... MU-172 [6-3-2] Side-Positioning: Side-Positioning Hook HP ................................ MU-184
[5-6-7] Sensitivity S-Value Correction ...................................................... MU-173 [6-3-3] Side-Positioning: Side-Positioning Base Pin HP .......................... MU-184
[5-7] Trouble Shooting .......................................................................... MU-174 [6-3-4] Side-Positioning: Side-Positioning Grip HP ................................. MU-185
[5-7-1] Shading Correction ...................................................................... MU-174 [6-3-5] Side-Positioning: Side-Positioning Size Selection ....................... MU-185
[5-8] HV ON/OFF.................................................................................. MU-174 [6-3-6] Side-Positioning: Side-Positioning Operation .............................. MU-186
[5-9] S Value ......................................................................................... MU-175 [6-3-7] Barcode-Reader: Barcode-Reader On......................................... MU-186
[5-9-1] S value now.................................................................................. MU-175 [6-3-8] Barcode-Reader: Show Barcode ................................................. MU-187
[5-9-2] S value calculate .......................................................................... MU-175 [6-3-9] Post-Conveyance (FFM/MC1) ..................................................... MU-187
[5-9-3] PMT/LightGuide change: LED initialize........................................ MU-176 [6-4] Sub Scanning ............................................................................... MU-188
[6] Mechanical Check ........................................................................ MU-177 [6-4-1] Sub-Scanning Grip : Sub-Scanning Grip HP ............................... MU-188
[6-1] IP Removal Unit 1 ........................................................................ MU-177 [6-4-2] Dust Removal: Dust Removal HP ................................................ MU-188
[6-1-1] Removal Mechanism: Removal HP ............................................. MU-177 [6-4-3] Dust Removal: Dust Removal Operation ..................................... MU-189
[6-1-2] Removal Mechanism: Removal Diagnostic.................................. MU-178 [6-4-4] Conveyance Motor: Conveyance Motor Speed Selection............ MU-189
[6-1-3] Open Lid Mechanism: Open Lid HP............................................. MU-178 [6-4-5] Conveyance Motor : Conveyance Motor Stop/Drive .................... MU-190
[6-1-4] Open Lid Mechanism: Open Lid Diagnostic ................................. MU-179 [6-4-6] FAN (G1) Diagnostic .................................................................... MU-191
[6-1-5] Close Lid Mechanism: Close Lid HP ............................................ MU-179 [7] For Design.................................................................................... MU-191
[6-1-6] Close Lid Mechanism: Close Lid Diagnostic ................................ MU-180
[6-2] IP Removal Unit 2 ........................................................................ MU-180
[6-2-1] Pump ............................................................................................ MU-180
[6-2-2] Valve 1 (SVA1) ............................................................................. MU-181
[6-2-3] Valve 2 (SVA2) ............................................................................. MU-181
[6-2-4] Solenoid ....................................................................................... MU-182
[6-2-5] Feed Conveyance (MA4/MC1)..................................................... MU-182

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Contents Service Parts List (SP) 0.36

Service Parts List (SP)

How to Use Service Parts List .................................................................SP-1 05C SIDE-POSITIONING CONVEYOR 3 ...........................................SP-27
INDEX ....................................................................................................SP-2 05D SIDE-POSITIONING CONVEYOR 4 ...........................................SP-28
01A COVER 1......................................................................................SP-3 05E SIDE-POSITIONING CONVEYOR 5 ...........................................SP-29
01B COVER 2......................................................................................SP-4 05F SIDE-POSITIONING CONVEYOR 6 ...........................................SP-30
02A FRAME 1 ......................................................................................SP-5 05G SIDE-POSITIONING CONVEYOR 7 ...........................................SP-31
02B FRAME 2 ......................................................................................SP-6 05H SIDE-POSITIONING CONVEYOR 8 ...........................................SP-32
02C FRAME 3 ......................................................................................SP-7 06 SCANNING OPTICS UNIT ..........................................................SP-33
03A CASSETTE SET UNIT 1 ...............................................................SP-8 07 LIGHT-COLLECTING UNIT .........................................................SP-34
03B CASSETTE SET UNIT 2 ...............................................................SP-9 08A SUB SCANNING UNIT 1 .............................................................SP-35
03C CASSETTE SET UNIT 3 .............................................................SP-10 08B SUB SCANNING UNIT 2 .............................................................SP-36
03D CASSETTE SET UNIT 4 ............................................................. SP-11 08C SUB SCANNING UNIT 3 .............................................................SP-37
03E CASSETTE SET UNIT 5 .............................................................SP-12 08D SUB SCANNING UNIT 4 .............................................................SP-38
03F CASSETTE SET UNIT 6 .............................................................SP-13 08E SUB SCANNING UNIT 5 .............................................................SP-39
03G CASSETTE SET UNIT 7 .............................................................SP-14 08F SUB SCANNING UNIT 6 .............................................................SP-40
03H CASSETTE SET UNIT 8 .............................................................SP-15 08G SUB SCANNING UNIT 7 .............................................................SP-41
03I CASSETTE SET UNIT 9 .............................................................SP-16 09A CONTROLLER 1 ........................................................................SP-42
03J CASSETTE SET UNIT 10 ...........................................................SP-17 09B CONTROLLER 2 ........................................................................SP-43
03K CASSETTE SET UNIT 11............................................................SP-18 09C CONTROLLER 3 ........................................................................SP-44
03L CASSETTE SET UNIT 12 ...........................................................SP-19 10 CABLE ........................................................................................SP-45
03M CASSETTE SET UNIT 13 ...........................................................SP-20 11 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM ....................................................................SP-46
03N CASSETTE SET UNIT 14 ...........................................................SP-21 12 PARTS NOS. SEARCH TABLE ...................................................SP-55
04A ERASURE UNIT 1.......................................................................SP-22 13 OPTION ......................................................................................SP-58
04B ERASURE UNIT 2 ......................................................................SP-23 14 JIG ..............................................................................................SP-59
04C ERASURE UNIT 3 ......................................................................SP-24 15 Other Service Parts .....................................................................SP-60
05A SIDE-POSITIONING CONVEYOR 1 ...........................................SP-25 16 List of Service Parts for Securing and Wiring ...............................SP-61
05B SIDE-POSITIONING CONVEYOR 2 ...........................................SP-26
07.08.2008 FM5390
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Contents Preventive Maintenance (PM) 0.37

Preventive Maintenance (PM)

1. Preventive Maintenance Program.........................PM-1 6. Turning OFF the High-Voltage Switch ................PM-23

1.1 How To Use the Preventive Maintenance Volume ......................PM-1
7. Cassette Set Unit ..................................................PM-24
1.2 Notations of Intervals .................................................................PM-1
7.1 Removing the Erasure Unit ..................................................... PM-24
1.3 Preventive Maintenance Program List ...................................... PM-2
7.2 Removing the Cassette Set Unit ............................................. PM-25
1.3.1 Maintenance Programs for the First Year......................................... PM-2
7.3 Preparation for Cleaning of Suction Cups ............................... PM-28
1.3.2 Maintenance Programs for the Second Year ................................... PM-3
7.4 Cleaning the Suction Cups (Left-Hand) ....................................PM-31
1.3.3 Maintenance Programs for the Third Year ....................................... PM-5
7.5 Cleaning the Suction Cups (Right-Hand) ................................. PM-34
1.3.4 Maintenance Programs for the Fourth Year ..................................... PM-6
7.6 Cleaning the Rubber Rollers (Small) ....................................... PM-37
1.3.5 Maintenance Programs for the Fifth Year......................................... PM-8
7.7 Cleaning the Rubber Rollers ................................................... PM-38
2. Details of Maintenance Procedures......................PM-9 7.8 Installing the Components....................................................... PM-39
2.1 Backing Up the Log .................................................................. PM-9 7.9 Cleaning the Antistatic Member and Shutter ............................PM-41
2.2 Checking the Error Log ............................................................ PM-11 7.10 Replacing the Dumper (Opposite Reference Side) .................. PM-42
2.3 Checking the Erasure Lamp Lighting Time ...............................PM-12 7.11 Replacing the Dumper (Reference Side) ................................. PM-43
7.12 Cleaning inside the Machine and the Antistatic Member .......... PM-47
3. Checking the Image/Conveyance .......................PM-13
7.13 Reinstalling the Cassette Set Unit ........................................... PM-48
3.1 Check Before Procedures .......................................................PM-13
7.14 Cleaning the Dust-Tight Cover Assembly .................................PM-51
3.2 Checking the Image/Conveyance ............................................PM-14
7.15 Replacing the IP Suction Pump............................................... PM-54
3.3 Checking the Output Characters ..............................................PM-15

4. Pulling Out the Machine ......................................PM-16 8. Erasure Unit ..........................................................PM-60

8.1 Removing the Filter ................................................................ PM-60
4.1 Unlocking the Retainers ...........................................................PM-16
8.2 Cleaning the Filter................................................................... PM-63
4.2 Disconnecting the Cables ........................................................PM-16
8.3 Replacing the Filter ................................................................. PM-63
5. Removing the Covers ..........................................PM-18 8.4 Reinstalling the Filter .............................................................. PM-64
5.1 Removing the Covers (1st/5th Year) ........................................PM-18 8.5 Cleaning/Replacing the Brush Roller ....................................... PM-66
5.2 Removing the Covers (2nd/4th Year) .......................................PM-19 8.6 Reinstalling the Brush Roller Assembly ................................... PM-69
5.3 Removing the Covers (3rd Year)............................................. PM-22
05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual 0.37
Contents Preventive Maintenance (PM) 0.38

8.7 Cleaning the Reflection Plate .................................................. PM-70 12. Turning ON the High-Voltage Switch ................PM-124
8.8 Reinstalling the Reflection Plate...............................................PM-71
8.9 Reinstalling the Erasure Unit ................................................... PM-72 13. Cleaning/Reinstalling the Covers and
Louvers ...............................................................PM-125
9. Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit .........................PM-74
13.1 Cleaning/Reinstalling the Covers and Louvers (1st/5th Year) ...PM-125
9.1 Removing the Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit ........................ PM-74
13.2 Cleaning/Reinstalling the Covers and Louvers (2nd/4th Year) ..PM-126
9.2 Cleaning the Guide ................................................................. PM-77
13.3 Cleaning/Reinstalling the Covers and Louvers (3rd Year) .......PM-128
9.3 Cleaning the Rubber Rollers ................................................... PM-78
9.4 Cleaning the Shock-Absorbing Rollers, Antistatic Members, 14. Cleaning/Replacing the Air Filter ......................PM-130
and Guide............................................................................... PM-79
15. Securing the Machine ........................................PM-131
10. Subscanning Unit .................................................PM-81 15.1 Connecting the Cables ..........................................................PM-131
10.1 Removing the Post-Reading Conveyor Guide Assembly ..........PM-81 15.2 Securing the Machine ............................................................PM-133
10.2 Removing the Light-Collecting Guide ...................................... PM-82 15.3 Checking for Improper Protective Grounding .........................PM-134
10.3 Removing the Scanning Optics Unit ........................................ PM-86
10.4 Removing the Subscanning Unit ............................................. PM-89 16. Checking the Image/Conveyance .....................PM-134
10.5 Cleaning the Guides, Center Rollers, and Rubber Rollers ....... PM-94 17. Confirming the S Value ......................................PM-135
10.6 Cleaning the Flywheel (Large) and Kapton® Belt..................... PM-99
17.1 Confirming the S Value of IP Type ST ....................................PM-135
10.7 Cleaning the Flywheel (Small) and Rubber Belt ......................PM-101
17.2 Confirming the S Value of IP Type HR ...................................PM-137
10.8 Cleaning Inside the Machine ..................................................PM-103
10.9 Reinstalling the Subscanning Unit ..........................................PM-104 18. Checking the Error Log .....................................PM-140
10.10 Reinstalling the Scanning Optics Unit .....................................PM-109

11. Light-Collecting Guide ....................................... PM-113

11.1 Cleaning and Reinstalling the Light-Collecting Guide .............. PM-113
11.2 Cleaning the Post-Reading Conveyor Guide Assembly .......... PM-117
11.3 Reinstalling the Post-Reading Conveyor Guide Assembly ...... PM-119
11.4 Reinstalling the Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit .....................PM-121
05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual 0.38
Contents Installation (IN) 0.39

Installation (IN)

1. Specifications of Machine .......................................IN-1 5. Connecting the Cables ..........................................IN-20

1.1 Dimensions and Weight .............................................................. IN-1 5.1 Connecting the Power Cable and Checking Resistance Value .. IN-20
1.2 Means for Moving and Fixing the Machine .................................. IN-1 5.2 Connecting the Interface Cable................................................. IN-22
1.3 Servicing Space ......................................................................... IN-2
6. Final Placement ......................................................IN-23
1.3.1 Retaining with the Adjustable Feet ..................................................... IN-2
6.1 Securing the Machine ............................................................... IN-23
1.3.2 Retaining the Machine by the Anti-Topple Retainer ........................... IN-3
6.2 Securing the Cable ................................................................... IN-24
1.3.3 Installing the Machine at a User’s Site where Long Cassettes are
Used ................................................................................................... IN-3 7. CR Console Installation Procedures ....................IN-24
1.3.4 Using the Supporter ........................................................................... IN-4
8. Installing RU Software ...........................................IN-25
2. Installation Work Flowchart ....................................IN-5 8.1 Starting the Machine Maintenance Utility................................... IN-25
3. Preparation for Installation......................................IN-6 8.2 Setting the RU IP Address ........................................................ IN-26
3.1 Precautions Regarding Installation .............................................. IN-6 8.3 Setting the FTP Server IP Address ........................................... IN-27
3.1.1 Installation Site Requirements ........................................................... IN-6 8.4 Checking the Connection with the CR Console ......................... IN-29
3.1.2 Precautions on Patient Environment .................................................. IN-6 8.5 Installing the RU PC-TOOL ....................................................... IN-30
3.1.3 Handling Precautions for Printed Circuit Boards and Optical Unit ..... IN-6 8.6 Installing RU Software .............................................................. IN-32
3.1.4 Precautions for System Connection ................................................... IN-6 8.7 Installation of the 50 Micron Upgrade Kit ................................... IN-37
3.1.5 Precautions in Using the Machine in Combination with
the CR-IR 355RU (FCR XC-1) ........................................................... IN-6
9. Image/Conveyance Checks ...................................IN-39
3.2 Unloading ................................................................................... IN-7 9.1 Check Before Procedures ........................................................ IN-39
3.3 Transfer.................................................................................... IN-17 9.2 Image/Conveyance Checks ...................................................... IN-40
3.4 Temporary Placement............................................................... IN-17 10. Confirming the S Value ..........................................IN-42
3.5 Checking the Items Supplied .................................................... IN-18 10.1 Confirming the S Value of IP Type ST ....................................... IN-42
4. Installation Procedures..........................................IN-19 10.2 Confirming the S Value of IP Type HR ...................................... IN-44
4.1 Removing the Transportation Protective Member ..................... IN-19

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual 0.39
Contents Installation (IN) 0.40

11. Powering OFF the CR Console/RU .......................IN-47 5.4 Fixing the Supporter to the Wall ............................................. Appx_IN-32
5.5 Fixing the Supporter to the Wall via the Wall-Retaining
12. Cleaning the CR Console/RU ................................IN-47 Fitting (Long Type) ................................................................. Appx_IN-34
5.6 Fixing the Supporter to the Wall via Anchor Nuts ................... Appx_IN-36
13. Lead Precaution Label ...........................................IN-48
5.7 Securing the Machine (when the Supporter has been Fixed) .. Appx_IN-39
Appendix 1. ADDITIONAL PROTECTIVE 6. Applying the Seal ........................................................... Appx_IN-43
GROUNDING ..................................Appx_IN-1 7. Nothing........................................................................... Appx_IN-43
8. Nothing........................................................................... Appx_IN-44
Appendix 2. Securing the Machine with
Appendix 4. Setting the Master CL .................Appx_IN-45
the Anti-Topple Retainer ...............Appx_IN-2
1. Additionally Registering the Master CL
1. Components of Anti-Topple Retainer Kit ........................... Appx_IN-2 (Procedures on the CL1) ................................................ Appx_IN-45
2. Securing the Machine with the Anti-Topple Retainer .......... Appx_IN-3 2. Registering the RU (Procedures on the CL2) .................. Appx_IN-48
Appendix 3 Assembling and Securing 3. Registering the Machine Information
(CONNECTING EQUIPMENT) ....................................... Appx_IN-49
the Supporter ................................Appx_IN-12
4. Saving Configuration and Exiting Service Utility .............. Appx_IN-49
1. Components of the Supporter ......................................... Appx_IN-12
5. Verifying Switching of Master CL .................................... Appx_IN-50
2. Assembling the Supporter .............................................. Appx_IN-14
3. Attachment of the Options .............................................. Appx_IN-18 Appendix 5. Changing the RU's IP Address ...Appx_IN-52
3.1 Mounting the Arm ................................................................... Appx_IN-18 1. Starting the machine Maintenance Utility ........................ Appx_IN-52
3.2 Mounting the Base ................................................................. Appx_IN-20 2. Setting the RU IP Address .............................................. Appx_IN-52
3.3 Mounting the Cassette Rack .................................................. Appx_IN-21 3. Setting the FTP Server IP address.................................. Appx_IN-52
4. Securing the Machine ..................................................... Appx_IN-22
Appendix 6. Reinstalling the RU Software .....Appx_IN-53
5. Securing the Supporter ................................................... Appx_IN-26
1. Deleting an Installed RU ................................................. Appx_IN-53
5.1 Floor/Wall Conditions and Fixing Method in Respective
Fixing Modes ......................................................................... Appx_IN-27 2. Reinstalling the RU Software .......................................... Appx_IN-53
5.2 Nothing ................................................................................... Appx_IN-28
5.3 Fixing the Supporter to the Floor............................................ Appx_IN-29
05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual 0.40
Contents Installation (IN) 0.41

Appendix 7. Installing the RU Software .........Appx_IN-54

1. Verifying the connection to the CR Console .................... Appx_IN-54
2. Installing the RU PC-TOOL ............................................. Appx_IN-54
3. Installing the RU Software .............................................. Appx_IN-54

Appendix 8. Corrective Procedure to be

Performed after Improper
RU PC-TOOL Installation............Appx_IN-55
1. Corrective Procedure 1................................................... Appx_IN-55
2. Corrective Procedure 2................................................... Appx_IN-56

Appendix 9. Installing the Mobile Kit ..............Appx_IN-57

1. Components of the Mobile Kit ......................................... Appx_IN-57
2. Attaching the Tape ......................................................... Appx_IN-57
3. Installing the Anti-Topple Retainer Kit .............................. Appx_IN-58

Appendix 10. Uninstallation of the 50 Micron

Upgrade Kit .................................Appx_IN-59

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual 0.41
Contents Performance Check (PC) 0.42

Performance Check (PC)

CR-IR 359 Performance Check List ............................ PC-1

Installation Information ........................................................................PC-1
Checklist .............................................................................................PC-1

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual 0.42
Control Sheet
Issue date Revision number Reason Pages affected
05.24.2007 01 New release (FM5134) All pages
09.04.2007 02 Revision (FM5208) 6
08.11.2008 03 Revision (FM5391) 5-15

CR-IR 359 Service Manual

Safety Precaution

014-211-03E CR-IR 359 Service Manual

08.11.2008 FM5391

1. Safety Precautions  Optical Parts

 When servicing the optical parts with the protective housings removed, be sure
to turn OFF the power switch.
Warnings and cautions regarding the procedures should be observed to avoid possible
 Never remove the scanning optics unit covers.
physical hazards and serious accidents that may occur during installation and servicing.  For dust removal procedures, observe the instructions described in the service
Labels that describe relevant precautions are attached on the machine. manual.
The instructions on such labels should also be observed during procedures.  Some high-voltage parts, such as the photomultiplier, may not be sufficiently
discharged even after power is turned OFF. When servicing such parts, exercise
due care to avoid electric shock hazards (not to touch the connector and terminal
1.1 General Precautions carelessly).
 Before removing the protective housings, be sure to turn OFF the high-voltage
switch (HV switch). If the machine is powered ON with any of the protective
 Power Supply housings removed, the photomultiplier will be damaged.
Unless otherwise instructed in the Service Manual, be sure to turn OFF the power of the
 Handling Parts Containing Hazardous Substance
machine and unplug the power plug before servicing. With the power plug still plugged, you
When handling parts containing a hazardous substance, such as the operation panel,
may experience electric shock, burn, or secondary damage due to short circuit even when
the photomultiplier and the erasure lamp, fully exercise care in handling. The hazardous
the machine is powered OFF. It should be noted, however, that some servicing procedures, substance may leak from the inside of a broken part.
such as voltage measurement, cannot be performed under power-OFF condition. In such
cases, use due care to avoid electric shock, burn, or secondary damage due to short circuit,  Other Working Precautions
as instructed in this manual.  When performing servicing procedures with the protective housings removed
under the powered condition, turn OFF the high-voltage switch (HV switch).
Carefully proceed with the procedures while checking the instructions described
 Drive Mechanism in the service manual, and, when the procedures are completed, put the removed
protective housings back exactly where they were.
Be sure to turn OFF the power before servicing the gears, cams, belts, and other drive  Do not remove or install any part or component while the machine is powered,
mechanism parts. Otherwise, your body or clothing may be entangled. because of possible electric shock hazards.
However, there may be cases where the procedures cannot be performed under power-OFF  When performing checks or adjustments under the powered condition, exercise
condition. In such cases, use due care to avoid entanglement of your hand, foot, hairs, and due care against electric shock or other hazards.
clothing with any rotating mechanism, as instructed in this manual.  Do not touch the parts (such as erasure lamps) that remain at high temperature
because you may suffer burns.
 When servicing the scanning optics unit and printed circuit boards, be sure to
wear an antistatic wristband to remove static electricity built on the human body.
 Heavy Objects Static electricity may cause damage to the printed circuit boards.
Exercise due care regarding your working posture to avoid back pain during removal and  Secure the machine onto the floor in place by use of its adjustable feet or
installation of heavy objects. retainers.
 Keep clean the product labels, safety standards labels, product serial number
indications, and so forth attached on the machine, and do not peel them or put
 Safety Devices another label over them.
 Before powering ON the machine after completion of the servicing procedures,
Safety devices (such as fuses, circuit breakers, panels, and covers) should always be make sure that all the parts, screws, connectors, and so forth that were removed
enabled. Never attempt to make any alteration or modification that may impair their safety have been reinstalled as appropriate, and that no tool is left in the machine.
 Grounding
Safety provided by grounding is assured by properly establishing power cable and additional
protective ground wire connections and securing the parts with retaining screws. To maintain
safety, ensure that the parts and retaining screws removed for servicing purposes are
restored to states existing upon installation. After the parts and retaining screws are restored
to the above-mentioned states, follow the procedures set forth in this service manual to verify
that the retaining screws are securely tightened to properly secure the parts.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual Safety-1
1.2 Precautions Against Laser Radiation 1.3 Precautions on Patient Environment
As indicated in the certification and indication label attached on the right-hand side cover of Before the machine is installed, the supervisor at the machine installation site (the hospital’s
the machine, the machine complies with “Laser Products - Conformance with IEC 60825-1, director) should check to see whether the machine is installed in the patient environment or
Am. 2 and IEC 60601-2-22; Final Guidance for Industry and FDA (Laser Notice No. 50)” and not.
“EN60825-1 (Amendment 2).” The image reader incorporates a laser with a maximum output
of 50 mW (Class 3B, semiconductor laser wavelength of 660 nm, red visible light), but you  Additional Protective Grounding
will not be exposed to any hazard if you perform tasks as instructed in the service manual. When the RU is to be installed in the patient environment, connect the RU with the medical
use grounding terminal through the additional protective grounding wire. Definition of "patient
 Precautions Against Laser Exposure environment" is given below.
Observe the following precautions to avoid laser exposure.
 Patient environment
 Procedures that require precautions against laser exposure Patient environment is the area for the patient to receive medical procedures (treatment,
When performing the following procedures, observe the instructions exactly as described in tests, diagnosis, monitoring). It is the space measuring 2.5 m in all four directions and 2.5 m
this manual to avoid laser exposure. After the procedures are completed, put the removed in height from the area of the patient’s body.
protective housings and screws back exactly in their original position to prevent leakage of It excludes the space traveled by the patient to reach the medically-used room.
a laser beam out of the machine.
- Removal and reinstallation of the scanning optics unit.
- Replacement and cleaning of subscanning unit parts.

 Preventive maintenance for keeping the machine in compliance

In order to keep the machine in compliance, perform preventive maintenance programs
described in "Preventive Maintenance Volume" at intervals specified.

 Things that should not be done to avoid laser exposure

Observe the following precautions to avoid laser exposure.
- Never attempt to perform procedures other than instructed in this manual because you may
be exposed to laser beam radiation.
- Do not reflect a laser beam by placing a mirror or the like in the laser beam path.
- Do not alter the light path of a laser beam.
- Do not replace optical parts while the laser is energized.
- Do not attempt to make optical axis adjustment in the field. Although the semiconductor
laser beam is red visible light, field adjustment of the optical axis cannot be done.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual Safety-2
1.4 Precautions in Retaining the Machine 1.5 Notes on Supporter Use
The installation space and the method of retaining the machine are limited in a site where a
long cassette is used. 1.5.1 Precautions in Handling the Machine in a User’s Site where
the Supporter Is Used
Exercise care in the following when working in a user’s site where the supporter (option) is
Be sure to follow the precautions below in a site where a long cassette is used.
- Always fix the machine by an optional anti-topple retainer.
- Install the machine in a space with a height of the ceiling of 1750 mm or higher.
When pushing the machine into the supporter or pulling the machine out of the
supporter, exercise care so that your fingers are not caught between the supporter
and machine.

1.5.2 Precautions in Preventing the Supporter from Toppling

Refer to “Appendix 3-5 Securing the Supporter” for retaining the supporter to prevent the
supporter from toppling.
{IN:Appendix 3-5_Securing the Supporter}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual Safety-3

2. Labels

2.1 Laser Precaution Labels

2.1.1 Laser Precaution Label Attachment Locations

Below are illustrated the protective housings and attachment locations of laser precaution
labels, as specified in "Laser Products - Conformance with IEC 60825-1, Am. 2 and IEC
60601-2-22; Final Guidance for Industry and FDA (Laser Notice No. 50)" and "EN60825-1
(Amendment 2).” issued by the FDA of the U.S.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual Safety-4
2.1.2 List of Laser Precaution Labels

 HHS Certification and Identification Label

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual Safety-5
 IEC60825-1:2001/EN60825-1:2002 Class 3B Panel Label

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual Safety-6
2.2 Ratings Indication Labels  Ratings Indication Labels

 For use in Japan

 Attachment Position

 For use outside Japan

 Year of Manufacture and EFUP (Environmentally Friendly Use Period) Label

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual Safety-7
2.3 Handling Instruction Labels and Attachment Locations 2.3.3 Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

2.3.1 Cassette Set Unit

2.3.2 Erasure Unit

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual Safety-8
2.3.4 Subscanning Unit 2.3.5 Light-Collecting Guide
Hold the portions of the green labels to dismount/mount the subscanning unit from/on the

2.3.6 Scanning Optics Unit

Hold the portions of the green labels to dismount/mount the scanning optics unit.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual Safety-9
2.3.7 Covers 2.3.8 Cassette Insertion Operation Label, Cassette Right-Justifying
 NOTE 
The cassette insertion operation label differs depending on the type of the cassette used in
For the location marked , be sure to use a cable that complies with the specifications. the user’s site.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual Safety-10
2.3.9 Lead Precaution Label 2.3.10 Power Cable Caution Label
Apply the lead precaution label suitable for the local language. Power Cable Caution Label (Only Hospital Grade Power Cable for U.S.A.)

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual Safety-11

3. Protective Housings Against Laser 4. CLASSIFICATION

1. According to the type of protection against electrical shock
Even when the protective housings are removed for servicing, a laser beam will never leak
out from the machine unless the optical path is intentionally changed. However, if the optical
path is changed inadvertently during optics-related procedures, the service engineer or other
people around the machine may be possibly exposed to laser radiation. 2. According to the degree of protection against electrical shock
During optics-related procedures, carefully perform the procedures while checking the NO APPLIED PART
instructions described in this manual, and after the procedures are completed, restore the
protective housings removed back exactly where they were.
3. Protection against harmful ingress of water
 Protective Housing of the Machine IPXO
The removable protective housings of the machine are illustrated below. The three covers
marked by ∗ in the illustration below are protective housings against laser exposure.
4. According to the degree of safety of application in the presence of a
flammable anesthetics mixture with air or with oxygen or nitrous oxide.
Equipment not suitable for use in the presence of a flammable anesthetics mixture with air or
with oxygen or nitrous oxide.

5. According to the mode of operation


08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual Safety-12

5. Cautions on Electromagnetic Waves 5.2 Further information for IEC60601-1-2:2001

Model name Allegro-HR is referred to as CR-IR 359 in this section.
- Medical electrical equipment needs special precautions regarding EMC and needs
5.1 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) to be installed and put into service according to the EMC information described as
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for medical - Portable and mobile RF communications equipment can affect medical electrical
devices to the IEC60601-1-2 : 1993 (up to 24999), IEC60601-1-2 : 2001 (after 25001), equipment.
Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC.
- The use of accessories, transducers and cables other than those specified, with the
These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful exception of transducers and cables sold by FUJIFILM Corporation as replacement
interference in a typical medical installation. parts for internal components, may result in increased emissions or decreased
This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not immunity of the CR-IR 359.
installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference List of Cables
to other devices in the vicinity.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular Name FUJIFILM Corporation Parts code General Specification
installation. 136N0377 (Europe)
If this equipment does cause harmful interference to other devices, which can be Power Cable -
136N0376 (UK)
determined by tuning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to TIA/EIA-568 Cat5 or more.
correct the interference by one or more of the following measures; I/F Cable -
Straight cable of UTP type.
- Reorient or relocate the receiving device.
- Increase the separation between the equipment. - The CR-IR 359 should not be used adjacent to or stacked with other equipment.
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the If adjacent or stacked use is necessary, the CR-IR 359 should be observed to verify
other device(s) are connected. normal operation in the configuration in which it will be used.
Consult the manufacturer or field service technician for help.
Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration - electromagnetic emissions
The CR-IR 359 is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified
below. The customer or the user of the CR-IR 359 should assure that it is used in
such an environment.
Electromagnetic environment -
Emissions test Compliance
RF emissions The CR-IR 359 uses RF energy only
CISPR 11 for its internal function. Therefore, its
Group 1 RF emissions are very low and are not
likely to cause any interference in nearby
electronic equipment.
RF emissions
CISPR 11 Class A
The CR-IR 359 is suitable for use in all
Harmonic emissions establishments other than domestic and
IEC 61000-3-2 Class A those directly connected to the public
low-voltage power supply network that
supplies buildings used for domestic
Voltage fluctuations/ purposes.
flicker emissions Complies
IEC 61000-3-3

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual Safety-13

Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration - electromagnetic immunity Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration - electromagnetic immunity
The CR-IR 359 is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The The CR-IR 359 is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The
customer or the user of the CR-IR 359 should assure that it is used in such an environment. customer or the user of the CR-IR 359 should assure that it is used in such an environment.
Electromagnetic IEC 60601 test Compliance
Immunity test Electromagnetic environment - guidance
Immunity test IEC 60601test level Compliance level environment - level level
guidance Conducted RF 3 Vrms 3 Vrms Portable and mobile RF communications
Electrostatic ±6kV contact ±2kV contact Floors should be equipment should be used no closer to any
discharge (ESD) ±4kV contact wood, concrete or IEC 61000-4-6 150kHz - part of the CR-IR 359, including cables,
±8kV air ±6kV contact ceramic tile. If floors 80MHz than the recommended separation distance
IEC 61000-4-2 are covered with calculated from the equation applicable to
±2kV air synthetic material, the frequency of the transmitter.
±4kV air the relative humidity
±8kV air should be at least Recommended separation distance
Radiated RF 3 V/m 3 V/m d = 1.2
Electrical fast ±2kV for power supply ±2kV for power supply Mains power quality
transient/burst lines lines should be that of a IEC 61000-4-3 80MHz -
±1kV for input/output ±1kV for input/output typical commercial or d = 1.2 80 MHz - 800 MHz
IEC 61000-4-4 lines lines hospital environment.
Surge ±1kV differential mode ±1kV differential mode Mains power quality d = 2.3 800 MHz - 2.5 GHz
should be that of a
IEC 61000-4-5 ±2kV common mode ±2kV common mode typical commercial or where P is the maximum output power rating
hospital environment. of the transmitter in watts (W) according to
the transmitter manufacturer and d is the
Voltage dips, short < 5 % UT < 5 % UT Mains power quality recommended separation distance in metres
interruptions and (>95% dip in UT) (>95% dip in UT ) should be that of a (m).
voltage variations on for 0.5 cycle for 0.5 cycle typical commercial or
power supply input hospital environment. Field strengths from fixed RF transmitters,
lines 40 % UT 40 % UT If the user of the as determined by an electromagnetic site
(60% dip in UT ) (60% dip in UT ) CR-IR 359 requires survey,a should be less than the compliance
IEC 61000-4-11 for 5 cycles for 5 cycles continued operation level in each frequency range.b
during power mains
70 % UT 70 % UT interruptions, it is Interference may occur in the vicinity
(30% dip in UT ) (30% dip in UT ) recommended that of equipment marked with the following
for 25 cycles for 25 cycles the CR-IR 359 be symbol:
powered from an
< 5 % UT < 5 % UT uninterruptible power
(>95% dip in UT ) (>95% dip in UT ) supply or a battery.
for 5 s for 5 s
Power frequency 3 A/m 3 A/m Power frequency NOTE 1 At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the higher frequency range applies.
(50/60 Hz) magnetic magnetic fields NOTE 2 These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is
field should be at levels affected by absorption and reflection from structures, objects and people.
characteristic of a Field strength from fixed transmitters, such as base stations for radio (cellular/cordless)
IEC 61000-4-8 typical location in a telephones and land mobile radios, amateur radio, AM and FM radio broadcast and TV
typical commercial or broadcast cannot be predicted theoretically with accuracy. To assess the electromagnetic
hospital environment. environment due to fixed RF transmitters, an electromagnetic site survey should be
NOTE: UT is the a.c. mains voltage prior to application of the test level. considered. If the measured field strength in the location in which the CR-IR 359 is used
exceeds the applicable RF compliance, the CR-IR 359 should be observed to verify normal
operation. If abnormal performance is observed, additional measures may be necessary,
such as reorienting or relocating the CR-IR 359.
Over the frequency range 150 kHz to 80 MHz, field strength should be less than 3 V/m.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual Safety-14
Recommended separation distances between Portable and mobile RF
communications equipment and the CR-IR 359
The CR-IR 359 is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment in which
radiated RF disturbances are controlled. The customer or the user of the CR-IR 359
can help prevent electromagnetic interference by maintaining a minimum distance
between portable and mobile RF communications equipment (transmitters) and the
CR-IR 359 as recommended below, according to the maximum output power of the
communications equipment.
Rated maximum Separation distance according to frequency of transmitter
output power of m
transmitter 150 kHz - 80 MHz 80 MHz - 800 MHz 800 MH - 2.5 GHz
W d = 1.2 d = 1.2 d = 2.3
0.01 0.12 0.12 0.23
0.1 0.38 0.38 0.73
1 1.2 1.2 2.3
10 3.8 3.8 7.3
100 12 12 23
For transmitters rated at a maximum output power not listed above, the
recommended separation distance d in metres (m) can be estimated using the
equation applicable to the frequency of the transmitter, where P is the maximum
output power rating of the transmitter in watts (W) according to the transmitter
NOTE 1 At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the separation distance for the higher frequency
range applies.
NOTE 2 These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic
propagation is affected by absorption and reflection from structures, objects
and people.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual Safety-15
Control Sheet
Issue date Revision number Reason Pages affected
05.24.2007 01 New release (FM5134) All pages
09.04.2007 02 Revision (FM5208) 1
08.11.2008 03 Revision (FM5391) 1

CR-IR 359 Service Manual

Product Specifications

014-211-03E CR-IR 359 Service Manual

08.11.2008 FM5391

1. Specifications of Machine 1.3 Available Cassette Types and Sizes

Cassette type IP size
1.1 Product Code Cassette CC (ST Cassette) 14 x 17, 14 x 14, 10 x 12, 8 x 10

Inch (inch) Cassette LC Twin cassette 14 x 17 - twin, 10 x 12 - twin

Abbreviated product Operation panel
Description Qty. Remarks
name screen contents (Long Cassette) Triple cassette 14 x 17 - triple, 14 x 14 - triple
- Inch-type
Cassette CC (ST Cassette) 35 x 43, 35 x 35, 24 x 30, 18 x 24, 15 x 30
- For use at specification
Image reader main body
hospitals - For FMSU direct Metric (cm) Cassette LC (Long Cassette) 24 x 30 - twin
CR IR 359 RU USA 1 E CR-IR 359 1
- English selling
(For the U.S.)
indications - With the 50 micron Cassette CH*1 24 x 30*2, 18 x 24
upgrade kit installed *1: With the 50 micron upgrade kit installed
- Inch-type *2: Use an adapter when reading a 24x30CH cassette.
- For use at specification
Image reader main body
hospitals - For selling by FMSU
CR IR 359 RU USA 2 E CR-IR 359 1
- English franchised stores 1.4 List of Optional Items
(For the U.S.)
indications - With the 50 micron
upgrade kit installed Abbreviated product name Description Qty Remarks
Image reader main body - For use at For retaining
IR 355 FLOOR FIX KIT RH E Anti-topple retainer kit 1
CR-IR 359 hospitals Metric-type the machine
CR IR 359 RU E 1
(For European and other - English specification IR 355 STAND #(E) Supporter 1
foreign countries) indications
IR 355 CASSETTE RACK #(E) Cassette rack 1
IR 355 CASSETE RACK FOR LC #(E) Rack for long cassette 1

1.2 Available IP Sizes and Types IR 355 CPU FLOOR MOUNT KIT #(E) Mount 1 Except for USA
IR 355 ARM FOR LCD MONITOR #(E) Arm for LCD monitor 1 Except for USA
 Available IP types
Retainer for fixing to wall (long
- ST-VI type IR 355 STAND WALL FIX KIT #(E) 1 Except for USA
- ST-VN type
IR 355 MBL KIT #(E) Mobile kit 1
- HR-V type (with the 50 micron upgrade kit installed)
IR 346 AC CORD 200-240V UK E AC cable for BSI 1
 Available IP sizes IR 346 AC CORD 200-240V E AC cable for CEE 1
IP type IP size IR 362 AC CORD 100-120V UL E AC cable for USA 1
Inch (inch) Standard type (ST-VI/ST-VN) 14 x 17, 14 x 14, 10 x 12, 8 x 10 IR 359 50MICRON UPGRADE KIT 50 micron upgrade kit 1 Except for USA
Standard type (ST-VI/ST-VN) 35 x 43, 35 x 35, 24 x 30, 18 x 24, 15 x 30
Metric (cm)
High resolution type (HR-V)*1 24 x 30, 18 x 24
*1: With the 50 micron upgrade kit installed

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual Spec-1
1.5 Product Specifications 1.6 Dimensions, Weight, and Center of Gravity

 Maximum Heat Generation  Dimensions

Standby: 0.36 MJ/h or less W590 × D380 × H810 (mm) (except protrusions)
Operating: 1.05 MJ/h or less
Hibernation: 0.07 MJ/h or less

 Noise
Standby: 40 dB or less
Operating: 55 dB or less

 Warm-up Time

 Power non-interlinked setting (when RU is started up alone)

42 seconds or less

 Power interlinked setting (when RU is started up by CR Console)

98 seconds or less

 Weight
99 kg

 Center of Gravity
Height: 350 mm approx.
From right-hand side: 290 mm approx.
From front: 200 mm approx.

 NOTE 
The center of gravity is as measured from the adjustable foot.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual Spec-2
1.7 Moving Means for the Machine 1.8 Retaining Means for the Machine
Two-wheeled casters (direction-variable/without brake): Four casters The following two kinds of retaining means of the machine are available.
- Retaining on the adjustable feet
- Retaining through the use of a anti-topple retainer

1.8.1 Retaining the Machine on Adjustable Feet

The machine is fixed by four adjustable feet.
The long cassette cannot be used while the machine is fixed by the adjustable feet.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual Spec-3
1.8.2 Retaining the Machine by Use of Anti-Topple Retainer
The machine is fixed through the use of an optional anti-topple retainer in the following
- When the machine is to be fixed to the floor through the use of the safety as required by the
- When the long cassette is to be used;

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual Spec-4
1.9 Environmental Conditions 1.10 Electrical Specifications

 Climate Conditions  Frequency

Single-phase, 50-60 Hz, ±3%
 Operating
Temperature: 15 °C (40%) to 30 °C (80 %)  Input Voltage
Relative humidity: 15 % RH (30 °C) to 80 % RH (30 °C) (without moisture condensation)
Atmospheric pressure: 750 to 1060 hPa Single-phase, 100-240 VAC ±10%

 Rated Amperage
Single-phase, 100-240 VAC, 50-60 Hz : 5 A

 Power Consumption
Operating: 290 VA or less
Standby: 100 VA or less
Remote standby: 20 VA or less

 Grounding
 Non-operating Class D grounding (former Class 3 grounding) (100 Ω or less)
Temperature: 0 to 45 °C (Should not freeze)
Relative humidity: 10 to 90% RH (without moisture condensation)  Overload Protection
Atmospheric pressure: 750 to 1060 hPa 10 A
 Transit/storage
Temperature: -10 to 50 °C (Should not freeze)
Relative humidity: 10 to 90 % RH (without moisture condensation)
Atmospheric pressure: 750 to 1,060 hPa

 Floor (Machine Surface) Vibration

10 to 55 Hz in frequency and 0.015 mm or less in amplitude

 Floor Levelness
10 mm/m (inclination: 1/100 or less), for front, rear, right, and left

 Floor Flatness
10 mm/m or less

 Variable Magnetic Field

DC 0.3 Gauss or less

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual Spec-5
1.11 Servicing Space 1.12 Installation Space
When servicing the machine, the space indicated below should be secured.
1.12.1 For Fixing by Adjustable Feet

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual Spec-6
1.12.2 Retaining the Machine by the Anti-Topple Retainer 1.12.3 Installing the Machine where the Long Cassette Is to Be Used

 Top view  Top view and side view

 Location of holes for the anti-topple retainer

 Location of holes for the anti-topple retainer

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual Spec-7
1.12.4 Using the Supporter  Installation space required when the base is attached to the supporter
The base mounting position and installation space are left-right symmetrical.
 Installation space required for the supporter only

 Installation space required when the cassette rack is attached to the

The cassette rack mounting position and installation space are left-right symmetrical.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual Spec-8
1.13 Disposal

1.13.1 Disposal of IP
Regarding the IP disposal, follow the instructions to dispose as laws are provided in each
country and region. We will provide the product safety information as needed.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual Spec-9

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual Spec-10

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual Spec-11
Control Sheet
Issue date Revision number Reason Pages affected
05.24.2007 01 New release (FM5134) All pages
09.04.2007 02 Revision (FM5208) 1, 30
08.11.2008 03 Revision (FM5391) 13-16, 27-33, 36-38, 40, 59

CR-IR 359 Service Manual

Machine Description (MD)

014-211-03E CR-IR 359 Service Manual

08.11.2008 FM5391

1. Machine Overview 1.2 System Configuration

The machine (CR-IR 359) may be connected to a network to achieve various system
1.1 Features Basic system configuration examples are described here.

 System Configuration Example (1)

 Features of the Machine
The machine is connected to the CR Console via a network.
 The machine is network connectable via TCP/IP (100BASE-TX). A connection with the CR Console is established over Ethernet (100Base-TX).

 A commonly available power source may be used to supply power to the

 Improved facility in inserting/removing cassettes
The cassette inserting entrance is slantly positioned, to improve facility in inserting/removing
the cassette.

 Removal of IP static electricity

IP static electricity is removed by the electrically-conductive ball bearing and bearing for each
conveyance roller, as well as by the antistatic brush.  System Configuration Example (2)
The machine may be connected to a plurality of CR Console, including a single master CL.
 Reading the IP type HR-V The master CL contains the RU's configuration data and other information.
A machine into which the 50 micron upgrade kit (HR reading option key) has been installed
can read the IP type HR.

 Automatic recognition of the cassette size

The machine is designed to use cassettes for inch- and metric-type IPs in common. The
machine automatically recognizes the size of the inserted cassette and switches over to the
processing suitable for that size.

09.04.2007 FM5208
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-1
1.3 Overall Machine Configuration and Component Names 1.3.2 Nomenclature and Functions

Name Function
1.3.1 External View of Machine Operation Panel Operation panel for the RU main body.
System power switch Power switch for the RU. When this switch is pressed with the system
power switch in the RU setting and the circuit breaker in the ON state,
the RU is powered ON.

Power lamp It is lit (in green) when the circuit breaker is pushed in the "I" position
and power is turned ON. Since the circuit breaker remains in the ON
state, the POWER lamp is always lit.

Cassette loading lamp It is lit (in green) when the RU starts up normally, indicating that
cassette loading is ready. While it is not lit, a cassette cannot be

Cassette processing lamp It is lit (in green) while the cassette loaded into the RU is being
processed. It blinks when the IP erasure is complete and goes out
when the IP is ejected to the cassette.

Cassette removal lamp It is lit (in blue) when removal of a processed cassette is ready.

Backlight OFF lamp It blinks (in green) when the RU comes into the HIBERNATION mode.

CALL lamp It is lit (in yellow) when an error of level 0 or level 1 occurs.

Circuit breaker ON (1): Main power ON

OFF (0): Main power OFF
Keep ON for usual operation.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-2
1.3.3 Operation Panel Display Screen Contents
The language to be displayed on the operation panel and the window vary as shown below
depending on the “LANGUAGE” and “SCREEN TYPE” selected at the time of installation of
RU software.
 NOTE 
The Configuration setting on the CR Console need be changed according to the “SCREEN
TYPE” of the RU. The connection between the RU and the CR Console is not assured if
different selection is made.
- When SCREEN TYPE is “CLINIC”, only “1:1 connection” is available.
- When SCREEN TYPE is “HOSPITAL”, only “N:N connection” is available.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-3
1.4 Machine Components

1.4.1 Unit Locations 1.4.2 Roller Locations and Conveyance Paths

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-4
1.5 I/O Locations and Functional Descriptions
Symbol Name Type Function Reference
1.5.1 Cassette Set Unit - 1 SA1 Cassette IN sensor PI (5mm) The sensor detects that the cassette
is loaded, and is in CLOSE state {MD:5.2}
when the cassette is loaded.
SA2 Cassette hold sensor PI (5mm) The sensor detects that the cassette
is held, and is in CLOSE state when {MD:5.2}
the cassette is held.
SA9 "15x30 cassette" PI (5mm) The sensor determines a 15x30
identifying sensor cassette.
It is in OPEN state when the 15x30
cassette is inserted, and in CLOSE
state when a cassette of another
size is inserted.
SA11 Cassette ejection PI (5mm) The sensor detects that the cassette
sensor is ejected, is in CLOSE state when
the cassette is inserted, and in {MD:5.2}
OPEN state when the cassette is
SA14 Cassette insertion error PI (5mm) The sensor is in OPEN state when
sensor a small-size cassette is loaded. It is
in CLOSE state together with SA15
when a large-size cassette is loaded. {MD:5.2}
Wrong insertion of the cassette
is indicated when the SA14 is in
CLOSE and the SA15 is in OPEN.
SA15 Large cassette size PI (5mm) The sensor detects that a large-size
sensor cassette is loaded, and is in CLOSE
state when the large-size cassette is
SA16 Inch/metric sensor PI (5mm) The sensor detects the type (inch/
metric) of a small-sized cassette.
The sensor is in CLOSE state when
a small-sized metric cassette is
loaded, and is in OPEN state when a
small-sized inch cassette is loaded.
SOLA1 Cassette hold pin Power down Holds/releases the cassette hold
solenoid solenoid pin. The sensor is in OFF state
when holding and in ON state when

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-5
1.5.2 Cassette Set Unit - 2

Symbol Name Type Function Reference

SA3 Debris fall prevention PI (5mm) The sensor detects whether the
shutter sensor anti-foreign-matter shutter opens or
closes, is in CLOSE state when the
anti-foreign-matter shutter opens,
and in OPEN state when the shutter
SA7 Cassette cover opening PI (5mm) The sensor detects that the IP
mechanism HP sensor retaining arm, the cassette cover-
open mechanism and the anti-
foreign-matter shutter are at the {MD:5.2}
home position (HP), and is in
CLOSE state when they are at the
home position.
SA8 Cassette cover closing PI (5mm) The sensor detects that the cover-
mechanism HP sensor close mechanism is at the home
position, and is in CLOSE state {MD:5.2}
when the mechanism is at the home
SA10 Cassette IP holding PI (5mm) The sensor detects that the IP in the
sensor cassette is pressed, and is in OPEN
state when the IP is pressed.
It also detects whether a new
cassette or an old cassette is {MD:5.2}
inserted, is in OPEN state when
the new cassette is inserted, and
stays in CLOSE state when the old
cassette is inserted.
SA12 Cassette cover CLOSE PI (5mm) The sensor detects that the cassette
position sensor cover-close mechanism is at a
close-cover position, and comes into
CLOSE state.
MA1 Cassette cover opening Two-phase Drives the IP retaining arm, the
mechanism driving pulse motor cassette cover-open mechanism and {MD:5.2}
motor the anti-foreign-matter shutter.
MA2 Cassette cover closing DC motor Drives the cassette cover-close
mechanism driving mechanism. {MD:5.2}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-6
1.5.3 Cassette Set Unit - 3

Symbol Name Type Function Reference

SA4 IP dropping sensor Separate The sensor detects that the IP drops.
(SA4-1, transmitting An error is detected when the sensor
SA4-2) type sensor is in CLOSE state with the IP having
dropped before suction, or when
it is in CLOSE state after the IP is {MD:5.2}
returned to the cassette and before
the cassette cover closes.
SA4-1: Light emitting side
SA4-2: Light receiving side
SA5 IP Suction sensor Pressure The sensor detects that the IP is
sensor sucked, and is in Open state when
the IP is sucked and in Close state
when the IP leaks.
SA6 Suction arm HP PI (5mm) The sensor detects that the removal
sensor arm is at the home position, and is in
CLOSE state when the arm is at the
home position.
MA3 Suction arm driving Two-phase Drives the removal arm.
motor pulse motor
MA4 IP transport motor Two-phase Conveys the IP.
pulse motor
PA1 IP suction pump DC pump Sucks the IP. It sucks the IP when
turned ON.
SVA1 IP air-leak valve Solenoid Leaks the IP from the suction cup. It
valve leaks the IP when turned ON.
SVA2 IP suction path Solenoid Changes over the suction modes.
changeover valve valve ON: Two suction disks suck an IP
other than a pantomographic
OFF: One suction disk sucks the
pantomographic IP.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-7
1.5.4 Erasure Unit

Symbol Name Type Function Reference

TSWB1 Thermal switch Thermo Safety switch against abnormal heat
sensitive generation {MD:3.2.2}
THB1 Lamp temperature Thermistor Detects the temperature in the lamp
sensor box of the erasure unit.
FANB1 Erasure unit cooling DC fan Cools the lamp box of the erasure
fan unit. (Can detect a rotation failure.)

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-8
1.5.5 Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit - 1

Symbol Name Type Function Reference

SC1 Side-positioning grip PI (5mm) The sensor detects the home
HP sensor position of the grip mechanism
(grip down), and is in OPEN state {MD:5.4}
when the mechanism is at the home
SC2 Side-positioning grip PI (5mm) The sensor detects that the grip
release position sensor mechanism is at the grip release
position, and is in OPEN state when {MD:5.4}
the mechanism is at the grip release
SC3 IP sensor 1 PI (19mm) Detects the IP position when side-
positioning the IP that has been {MD:5.4}
SC9 "15x31/24x30 IP width" Reflecting- Detects the size of remaining IPs
identifying sensor type photo- during bootup. {MD:5.4}
BCRC1 Barcode reader Barcode Reads the IP barcode.
MC1 Side-positioning IP Two-phase Conveys the IP.
transport motor pulse motor
MC2 Side-positioning DC motor Grips/releases the grip roller.
conveyor roller grip {MD:5.4}
release motor

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-9
1.5.6 Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit - 2

Symbol Name Type Function Reference

SC6 IP side-positioning PI (5mm) Detects that the side-positioning
HP sensor mechanism is at the home position.
The sensor is in CLOSE state when {MD:5.4.1}
the mechanism is at the home
SC7 Side-positioning PI (5mm) Detects that the side-positioning
reference block HP reference frame is at the home {MD:5.4.2}
sensor position.
SC8 Side-positioning latch PI (19mm) Detects the side-positioning latch
position sensor position for each IP size.
SC10 Side-positioning latch PI (5mm) Detects a pushed-in amount (stroke)
stroke sensor of the side-positioning.
MC3 Side-positioning latch Two-phase Drives the side-positioning latch
mechanism driving pulse motor mechanism. Protrudes the side-
motor positioning latch in accordance with
the IP size.
Drives the side-positioning latch
mechanism. Performs an IP side- {MD:5.4.3}
positioning operation.
MC4 Side-positioning DC motor Drives the side-positioning
reference block reference frame. {MD:5.4.2}
driving motor

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-10
1.5.7 Subscanning Unit

Symbol Name Type Function Reference

SZ1 IP leading-edge sensor Laser light- Detects the tip of the IP to be read.
receiving -
SZ2 Driven-side grip roller PI (5mm) Detects the gripping state of the
release HP sensor driven grip roller.
SZ3 Driving-side grip roller PI (5mm) Detects the gripping state of the
release HP sensor driving grip roller.
SZ5 Dust removal HP sensor PI (5mm) The sensor detects that the light-
collecting mirror dust removal
mechanism is at the home position, -
and is in OPEN state when the
mechanism is at the home position.
MZ1 Subscanning motor FFM Conveys the IP. -
MZ2 Driven/driving grip DC motor Grips/releases the driving grip roller
roller driving motor and the driven grip roller.
MZ3 Dust removal motor DC motor Drives the dust removal mechanism
to remove dust from the light- -
collecting guide and the mirror.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-11
1.5.8 Housing

Symbol Name Type Function Reference

SG1 IP sensor 2 PI (19mm) Detects that the IP being conveyed
is present.
FANG1 Scanner unit cooling DC fan Stirs the air in the housing (scanner
fan unit). -
(Can detect a rotation failure.)
FANG3 CPU board cooling fan DC fan Cools the control unit.
(Cannot detect a rotation failure.)

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-12
1.6 Board Locations 1.6.2 Cassette Set Unit

1.6.1 Housing

1.6.3 Erasure Unit

For the mounting position of the INV board, which is mounted on the ERS23A board, and
the locations of the erasure lamps controlled by the INV board, see "3.2.3 Erasure Lamp and
Board Configurations."
{MD:3.2.3_Erasure Lamp and Board Configurations}

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-13
1.6.4 Scanning Optics Unit 1.6.6 Subscanning Unit

1.6.5 Light-Collecting Unit

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-14
1.7 System Block Diagram
 Power Supply System

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-15

 Signal System

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-16

2. Descriptions of Software Control 2.2 Data Flow between RU and CR Console

The exchange of data between the RU and CR Console is described below.
 NOTE 
In this chapter, the "RU Application," "RU IP Address," and "RU Configuration" are referred to 2.2.1 Data Flow during Routine Processing
shortly as RU-AP, RU IP ADDR, and CONFIGURATION, respectively.

 Flow of image data

2.1 Network Settings The image data read from the IP is stored in the SDRAM of the CPU board (CPU23B), and
transferred to the CR Console via the network.
Settings for respective network items are made as follows.
 Flow of log data
The contents that have been set from machine Maintenance Utility (operation panel) are retained
in the FLASH ROM on the CPU23B board. - The log data is written into the FTP server upon RU shutdown processing or upon occurrence
of a FATAL error.
Setup items Setting means Factory default values - The log data is retained in the FTP server until a certain amount of that data is reached, and,
RU IP address Machine Maintenance Utility once that amount is exceeded, the data is overwritten on a first-in, first-out basis.

RU subnet mask Machine Maintenance Utility

RU default gateway Machine Maintenance Utility
FTP server IP address Machine Maintenance Utility
CR Console IP address RU PC-TOOL EDIT CR Console NAME

 NOTE 
The IP address of the RU can be set only from the machine Maintenance Utility (operation

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-17
2.2.2 “INSTALL” Operation and Data Flow (4) Select USE when a linac cassette is to be used in the user s site and otherwise
select NOT USE .
(1) Set the Reader Unit IP Address and FTP Server IP Address from the machine
Maintenance Utility (operation panel).
→ The addresses are written into the Flash ROM on the CPU23B board.


→ The configuration is written into the FTP server.

(2) Execute INSTALL on the RU PC-TOOL (CR Console).

(3) Set the language/brand type/ window display specifications of the operation panel
to be displayed on the operation panel.
→ The language and specifications for the RU LCD panel display are set.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-18
(6) Set IP address of the CR Console.  Data Flow Block Diagram
→ RU-AP is written from the CD-ROM to the FTP server and to the SDRAM located on
the CPU23B board. CONFIGURATION and CL IP ADDR are written from the FTP
server to the SDRAM.

→ RU-AP, CONFIGURATION, and CL IP ADDR are written from the SDRAM located on
the CPU23B board to the FLASH ROM.

 NOTE 
If the version appears in red text, or when the version does not appear at all, it is a sign that the
install has not been done correctly. In that case, it is necessary to perform the install procedures
all over again.

While data is being written into the FLASH ROM, never turn OFF the power of the RU.
If the power of the RU is turned OFF, the program residing in the memory is corrupted,
so that the RU cannot be rebooted.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-19
2.2.3 "VERSION UP" Operation and Data Flow (3) Set "IP ADDR" of the CR Console.
→ RU-AP is written from the CD-ROM to the FTP server and to the SDRAM located on
 Overview of Version Update the CPU23B board.

- A version update for the RU-AP is performed via the FTP server through the use of [VERSION → RU-AP, CONFIGURATION, and CL IP ADDR are written from the SDRAM located on
UP] of the “RU PC-TOOL” of the CR Console or “CLIENT PC-TOOL” of the client PC. the CPU23B board to the FLASH ROM.
- With [VERSION UP], only a version update for the RU-AP should be done, but not for the
configuration.  NOTE 
If the version appears in red text, or when the version does not appear at all, it is a sign that the
 Data Flow
install has not been done correctly. In that case, it is necessary to perform the install procedures
(1) Execute "VERSION UP" from the RU PC-TOOL (CR Console), or the CLIENT PC- all over again.
TOOL (client PC).
- To update the version from the RU PC-TOOL:
While data is being written into the FLASH ROM, never turn OFF the power of the RU.
If the power of the RU is turned OFF, the program residing in the memory is corrupted,
so that the RU cannot be rebooted.

- To update the version from the CLIENT PC-TOOL:

(2) Set USE or NOT USE of the linac cassette.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-20
2.2.4 Flow of BACKUP Data 2.2.5 Data Flow during Restore
The following data are copied to a floppy diskette (FD) by use of "BACKUP" of the RU PC-TOOL. The following data are restored from the FD to the FLASH ROM of the RU by use of "RESTORE"
- Configuration data (CONFIGURATION) of the PC-TOOL.
- Scanner data (SCN ALL DATA) - Configuration data (CONFIGURATION)
- Log data (ERROR LOG, TRACE LOG, HISTORY LOG) - Scanner data (SCN ALL DATA)
 Data Flow - Log data (HISTORY alone)

(1) The configuration data and scanner data are copied to the FD from the FLASH CAUTIONS
ROM of the RU via the FTP server.
- While data is being restored, never turn OFF the power of the RU.
(2) The log data is copied to the FD from the CPU23B board memory (SDRAM) of the - If the power of the RU is turned OFF, the program residing in the memory is
RU via the FTP server. corrupted, so that the RU cannot be rebooted.

 NOTE 
The data restored is made effective by powering OFF the RU once and back ON.

Of the log data, only HISTORY LOG is restored.

 Data Flow

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-21
2.3 Master CL Switching Function  Example of Master CR Console Switching
Scenario where the system is operated with RU-A set in master CL-A and RU-B/C set in master
 NOTE  CL-B, but is switched to a system with RU-A/B/C under control of CL-B.
The master CL switching function is available only when “N: N connection” is set. {IN:Appendix 4._Setting the Master CL}
{Instruction Manual}
Once several master CL's are registered in the RU PC-TOOL, the User Utility allows the user to
selectively switch the master CL; provided that the following restrictions should be met.

 Restrictions

 When the master CL is switched, the following service information and

service procedures are inaccessible while switching is being done.
Exercise due care when the master CL switching function is used.
Service information: ERRLOG, HISTORYLOG
Service procedures: All procedures performed from the RU PC-TOOL

 The RU should be registered in CONFIGURATION of the CR Console to be



- The master CL is a CR Console that controls the RU. If the master CR Console goes down,
system processing cannot be executed.
- Up to four master CL's may be registered into the RU.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-22
2.4 Error Handling
The RU resumes its operation by attempting a retry(s), except under condition where it is

2.4.1 Error Handling

When an I/O error (mechanical, scanner, etc.) occurs between cassette insertion and IP
reading, the IP is returned to the cassette.

2.4.2 Cases where Retry is Impossible (FATAL Error)

(1) When the function of the CPU23B board stops.
(2) When the power supply voltage output stops.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-23
2.5 HIBERNATION Mode 2.5.2 Transition to the HIBERNATION Mode

The "HIBERNATION mode" is such that, in order to save power, the conditions in the machine
 Transition Requirements
automatically change to the power-saving mode when the RU is not operated within a specified
period of time. (1) If "HIBERNATION Mode ON" is set in the User Utility and the RU is not operated
within the preset "HIBERNATION mode transition time" while the RU remains in
2.5.1 Operation in HIBERNATION Mode READY state, then the state transitions to the HIBERNATION mode.

(1) The machine comes into the same conditions with the power turned OFF, when it REFERENCE
transfers to the HIBERNATION mode. The HIBERNATION mode is not activated while operation is being performed in the User Utility
(2) Only the power lamp on the operation panel lights up in green in the and while an error message is being displayed.
(2) When "HIBERNATION Mode ON" is set from the LCD panel during shutdown
→ The state immediately transitions to the HIBERNATION mode.

 Setting of Transition Time

- The setting of "HIBERNATION Mode" is made by the "Sleep Timer" of the User Utility.
- Time setting may be done with "HIBERNATION Mode ON" enabled.
- The time is settable in 1-minute or 10-minute increments.

2.5.3 Recovery from HIBERNATION Mode

 Recover Requirements
Turn ON the system power switch.

 Diagnosis upon Recovery

Upon recovery, the RU performs a bootup process that excludes mechanism bootup.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-24
2.6 Bootup Processing (3) Perform diagnostics on each board.
Boards to be diagnosed: SND23A board, SND23B board, SCN23A board
After power is turned ON, diagnostic processing is performed in order of steps (1) through (7).
(1) Check the connection with the FTP server. (4) Perform "barcode reader COMMUNICATION check" and "fuse check".

If the connection with the FTP server is abnormal, a connection retry takes about 3 minutes; thus,
the time required to display the bootup screen varies, as compared to the normal bootup time.

(2) Load RU-IPL, RU-AP, etc. from the FLASH ROM to the SDRAM.

(5) Perform "Mechanical Initialization 1". (IP search within the machine)
→ When it is completed normally, the time data is obtained from the CR Console.

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CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-25
(6) Perform "Mechanical Initialization 2". (Subscanning unit grip correction) 2.7 RU Shutdown Processing
(7) Perform "Scanner Initialization".
Mechanical shutdown processing and saving of log data are referred to as "RU shutdown

 NOTE 
If the power is turned OFF without performing RU shutdown processing, log data will not be

 Flow of RU Shutdown Processing

(1) "Shutdown processing" command
There are two scenarios: "when system shutdown is performed for the CR Console" and "when
the system is shut down from the RU operation panel."

(2) Execute "saving of log data", and turn OFF the power.
(8) Perform "Mechanical Initialization 3". (Home positioning for each mechanism) Saving of log data:
Save HISTORY LOG, TRACE LOG, and ERROR LOG to the FTP server.

(9) The RU enters the READY state.

→ The CR Console is notified that the RU is now READY.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-26

3. Descriptions of Electrical Operations 3.1.2 Fuses and the Components to Be Protected

Fuse mounted part Power supply Fuse No. Component to be protected
F1 Inverter board: INV board
3.1 Power Supply Voltage Output Detection Function +24V(G) F2 Lamp
ERS23A board F3 Fan: FANB1
To facilitate early recovery from a failure, the RU incorporates the power supply voltage
output detection function, which offers the following features: F4 Thermal switch: TSWB1
F5 Current limit for +5 V(B) system.
- Each load circuit incorporates a fuse that serves to isolate a fault.
+5V(B) F1 Sensor: SA1 to 12, SA14 to SA16
- The isolation points are provided with a current detection circuit, which constantly monitors
F2 Pulse motor: MA1
the power supply voltage output.
F3 Pulse motor: MA3
- The detection point can be identified by checking the combination of current detection
circuits (points) in which an error has occurred. F4 Pulse motor: MA4
- The DC motors (MA2, MC2, MC4 and MZ3) are protected by a driver circuit (mounted on SND23A board +24V(G) Solenoid: SOLA1
the board) which incorporates an overcurrent protection circuit. F5 Pump: PA1
The driver circuit always detects a current and outputs a current of up to 2 A. If it detects Solenoid valve: SVA1, SVA2
the current larger than 2 A, it stops outputting the current by the protection circuit. F6 Current limit for +24 V(G) system.
+5V(B) F7 Current limit for +5 V(B) system.
Sensor: SC1 to 3, SC6 to 10,
+5V(B) F1
SG1, SZ2, SZ3, SZ5
3.1.1 Driver Circuits Incorporating the Overcurrent Protection F2 Pulse motor: MC1
Circuit and the Components to Be Protected +24V(G) F3 Pulse motor: MC3
SND23B board F4 Fan: FANG1
Protection circuit Power +5V(B) F5 FFM motor: MZ1
Component to be protected
mounted part supply
F6 DC motor: MZ2
SND23A board +24V(G) DC motor: MA2 +24V(G)
F7 Current limit for +24 V(G) system.
DC motor: MC2 +5V(B) F8 Current limit for +5 V(B) system.
SND23B board +24V(G) DC motor: MC4 +5V(B) F1
DC motor: MZ3 +5Vs(A) F2 LCD board: LCD23A board
CPU23B board +12V(E) F3
F4 Barcode reader: BCRC1
F5 Current limit for +5 V(B) system.
+15(C) F1
Photomultiplier: PMT board
-15(D) F2
+5Vs(A) F3 IP leading-edge sensor: SED23A board
+24V(G) F4 Polygon

SCN23A board +15(C) F5 Laser: LDD23A board

Start-point sensor: SYN23A board
+5V(B) F6
Laser: LDD23A board
Protects +5 VAS after conversion by the
+15(C) F7
DC-DC converter.
+24V(G) F8 Current limit for +24 V(G) system.

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CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-27
3.1.3 Overcurrent Protection Circuit Block Diagram

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-28

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-29
3.2 Erasure Unit Control  Control regarding service life of the lamp
- When the illumination count of the erasure lamp approaches the assumed machine working
hours (1167 hours), a warning “It’s about time to replace” is issued.
3.2.1 Overview of the Erasure Unit Control - When the illumination count of the erasure lamp reaches the assumed machine working
hours (1200 hours), a warning “The fluorescent lamp reaches the end of life. Contact the
service for replacement” is issued.
 Temperature adjustment control
- When the illumination count of the erasure lamp exceeds the assumed machine working
Temperature adjustment control is exercised to keep the inside of the erasure unit at a
hours (1250 hours), a warning “The erasure cannot be guaranteed” is issued.
constant temperature by controlling the operation of the erasure cooling fan (FANB1) in order
to obtain adequate light intensity required for IP erasure after the RU power is turned ON.

 IP erasure control
Erasure unit pass time is controlled in accordance with the dose received by a read IP, and
the IP is erased.
ST-VN-type IPs and ST-VI-type IPs can be used in the machine.
When the 50 micron upgrade kit (HR reading option key) is installed, the HR-V type IP can
be used.

 Fan control
The temperature in the erasure unit is detected by the lamp temperature detection thermistor
(THB1), and the erasure unit is controlled to activate the erasure cooling fan (FANB1) when
the detected temperature is high.
When an error occurs in the thermistor, the erasure cooling fan (FANB1) is always operated
during the IP processing, irrespective of the temperature in the erasure unit.

 Control in case of error

When an error occurs due to a burnt-out lamp during bootup or routine processing, the
machine transfers to “erasure time extension mode” or “erasure degeneration” mode after
the detection of the error. The relation of the conditions of the erasure unit lamps, the mode
to transfer, and the RU operation are as follows:

Erasure unit Mode to RU operation

condition transfer
Conveyance speed is delayed (erasure time is extended)
One or two lamps Erasure time since the light intensity needed for the IP erasure is
have burnt out. extension insufficient with the conveyance speed for routine
processing, so as to erase the image exposed on the IP.
Three or more lamps
have burned out. The image is read, but the IP is erased for the same
Erasure period of time as the erasure time extension mode.
The erasure cooling degeneration The message mentioning that the IP erasure cannot be
fan (FANB1) does not guaranteed is displayed on the RU operation panel.
work normally.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-30
3.2.2 Components of Erasure Unit Control
- The control circuit for the erasure lamp unit is located on the ERS23A board. A control
signal from the ERS23A board causes the relay circuit and lamp inverter circuit to operate,
thereby turning ON or OFF the lamps and fans.
- To enable discrimination between failures of the control board (ERS23A board) and driver
board (INV board), LEDs are provided on the SND23B board to indicate the status of the
control signal.

Erasure board CPU board

Power supply ERS23A CPU23B
PSU23A Temperature Temperature Safety Unlit lamp Lit lamp LED
control fan thermostat detection control
management (FANB1)
sensor circuit control circuit control circuit monitor circuit circuit
Relay Main CPU Main CPU

Inverter board Inverter board Inverter board

Lamp Lamp Lamp
THB1 FAN TSWB1 inverter inverter inverter
circuit circuit circuit

LAMPB5, 7 LAMPB2, 4 LAMPB10, 12

Inverter board Inverter board Inverter board

FANB1: Erasure unit cooling fan INV23A/INV26A INV23A/INV26A INV23A/INV26A
TSWB1: Thermal switch
Lamp Lamp Lamp
THB1: Lamp temperature sensor
inverter inverter inverter
circuit circuit circuit

LAMPB1, 3 LAMPB9, 11 LAMPB6, 8 FRCH103008.EPS

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-31
3.2.3 Erasure Lamp and Board Configurations
This section illustrates the erasure lamps and boards that are mounted in the erasure unit.
The mounting position of the INV board and the locations of the erasure lamps controlled by
the INV board are as indicated below.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-32
3.3 LEDs on the SND23A/SND23B Boards  Sensors
I/O No. Load name Significance when LED is illuminated
By checking the lighting LEDs on the SND23A and SND23B boards, the status of each
SA1 Cassette IN sensor The cassette is inserted, and the sensor closes.
sensor can be known. The operating conditions of the solenoid or motor also can be
SA2 Cassette hold sensor The cassette is held, and the sensor closes.
checked, and the power supply to the board can be verified.
The anti-foreign-matter shutter opens, and the sensor
 NOTE  SA3 Debris fall prevention shutter sensor
The SND23A board of the version H or those follow and the SND23B board of the version H SA4 IP dropping sensor The IP is present, and the sensor closes.
or those follow are not equipped with LEDs. Therefore, solenoid or motor working conditions SA5 IP Suction sensor The sensor closes at the time of IP suction relief.
or power supply conditions to the board cannot be checked through the LED lighting The removal arm is at the home position, and the
SA6 Suction arm HP sensor
statuses. sensor closes.
The IP retaining arm, the cassette open-cover
Cassette cover opening mechanism
3.3.1 Correspondence between LEDs and Sensors of the SND23A SA7
HP sensor
mechanism, and the anti-foreign-matter shutter are at
the home position, and the sensor closes.
Board and the Actuator
Cassette cover closing mechanism The cassette close-cover mechanism is at the home
The 7-segment LEDs on the SND23A board indicate the conditions of the sensors, actuators SA8
HP sensor position, and the sensor closes.
or the power supply. An IP other than a pantomographic 24x30 size is
SA9 "15x30 cassette" identifying sensor
present, and the sensor closes.
If the IP is not pressed, or the old cassette is inserted
SA10 Cassette IP holding sensor
when the IP is to be pressed, the sensor closes.
SA11 Cassette ejection sensor The cassette is present, and the sensor closes.
Cassette cover CLOSE position The cassette close-cover mechanism is at the close-
sensor cover position, and the sensor closes.
The large-size cassette is present, and the sensor
SA14 Cassette insertion error sensor
The large-size cassette is present, and the sensor
SA15 Large cassette size sensor
The sensor closes except for the small-size inch
SA16 Inch/metric sensor
 Actuators
I/O No. Load name Significance when LED is illuminated
Motor is driving: The IP retaining arm, the cassette
Cassette cover opening mechanism
MA1 open-cover mechanism, and the anti-foreign-matter
driving motor
shutter are working.
Cassette cover closing mechanism Motor is driving: The cassette close-cover mechanism
driving motor is working.
MA3 Suction arm driving motor Motor is driving: The removal arm is working.
MA4 IP transport motor Motor is driving: Conveys the IP of the cassette set unit.
SOLA1 Cassette hold pin solenoid Solenoid ON: The hold pin holds the cassette.
PA1 IP suction pump Pump ON; An IP is being.
SVA1 IP air-leak valve Valve ON: IP air is leaking.
Valve ON: An IP other than a 15x30 size is being
SVA2 IP suction path changeover valve
 Power supply conditions
Voltage Significance when LED is illuminated
+5V +5 V (B) power is fed to the SND23A board.
+24V +24 V (G) power is fed to the SND23A board.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-33
3.3.2 Correspondence between LEDs and Sensors of the SND23B  Sensors
I/O No. Load name Significance when LED is illuminated
Board, and the Actuator The grip mechanism is not at the home position, and the
SC1 Side-positioning grip HP sensor
sensor closes.
The 7-segment LEDs on the SND23B board indicate the conditions of the sensors, actuators
Side-positioning grip release position The grip mechanism is at the grip position, and the sensor
or power supply. SC2
sensor closes.
An IP is present in the side-positioning conveyance unit,
SC3 IP sensor 1
and the sensor closes.
The side-positioning mechanism is at the home position,
SC6 IP side-positioning HP sensor
and the sensor closes.
Side-positioning reference block HP The side-positioning mechanism (reference frame) is at
sensor the home position, and the sensor closes.
The side-positioning latch is present, and the sensor
SC8 Side-positioning latch position sensor
"15x31/24x30 IP width" identifying An IP other than a 15x30 size is present, and the sensor
sensor closes.
The side-positioning mechanism is side-positioned, and
SC10 Side-positioning latch stroke sensor
the sensor closes.
SG1 IP sensor 2 The IP is present, and the sensor closes.
Driven-side grip roller release HP The driven grip roller gripped down, and the sensor
sensor closes.
Driving-side grip roller release HP The driving grip roller is gripped down, and the sensor
sensor closes.
The light-collecting mirror dust removal mechanism is
SZ5 Dust removal HP sensor
not at the home position, and the sensor closes.

 Actuators
I/O No. Load name Significance when LED is illuminated
FANG1 Scanner unit cooling fan Fan ON: Stirs the air in the housing (scanner unit).
FANG3 CPU board cooling fan Fan ON: Cools the control unit.
Motor is driving: Conveys the IP of the side-positioning
MC1 Side-positioning IP transport motor
conveyance unit.
Side-positioning conveyor roller grip Motor is driving: The grip mechanism of the side-
release motor positioning conveyance unit is working.
Side-positioning latch mechanism Motor is driving: The side-positioning latch mechanism
driving motor of the side-positioning conveyance unit is working.
Side-positioning reference block Motor is driving: The side-positioning reference frame of
driving motor the side-positioning conveyance unit is working.
MZ1 Subscanning motor Motor is driving: Conveys the IP of the subscanning unit.
Motor is driving: The grip mechanism of the subscanning
MZ2 Driven/driving grip roller driving motor
unit is working.
Motor is driving: The dust removal mechanism of the
MZ3 Dust removal motor
subscanning unit is working.
 Power supply conditions
Voltage Significance when LED is illuminated
+5V +5 V (B) power is fed to the SND23B board.
+24V +24 V (G) power is fed to the SND23B board.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-34
3.3.3 Meaning of LED ON (Illuminated)

 What a lit sensor LED means?

When the sensor closes, a signal is transmitted from the sensor to the board. A lit LED
indicates that the sensor closes.

 What a lit actuator LED means?

A lit LED indicates that each concerned load is driving. However, note that the signals which
detect whether the load is driving differ among the loads. The signal marked with a circle is

Control signal in the Drive signal to the

I/O No.
board load
MA1 
MA2 
MA3 
MA4 
PA1 
SVA1 
SVA2 
MC1 
MC2 
MC3 
MC4 
MZ1 
MZ2 
MZ3 

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-35

4. Descriptions of Scanner Mechanism and  IP Moved to the Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

Its Operation  Polygon (POL); Polygon diagnostics

{MD:4.5_Error Detection/Processing Subsystem}

 Housing conveyance sensors (SG1); IP size measurement

4.1 Scanner Controller Unit Operation Sequence
 Side-positioning conveyor unit barcode reader (BCR); IP type acquisition by
The H8CPU located on the scanner board (SCN23A) controls the scanning optics unit and reading the IP code
photomultiplier, while communicating with the main CPU located on the CPU board (CPU23B)
board.  SCN23A board; Conditions settings for main scan and subscan
Conditions are set according to a combination of the IP size, IP type, and the reading mode
that is preset with the CR Console.
The I/O names (SCN23A board, polygon (POL), etc.) in the following sequence correspond to
the I/O names in illustration of the scanner controller unit, and are denoted in the form of:  Laser (LD); ON

 I/O name; description of operation for that I/O name  High-voltage power supply (HV); ON

[Example]  SCN23A board; Correction data initial setting  IP Moved to the Subscanning Unit
This means that the SCN23A board performs initial setting of the correction data.  Subscanning motor (MZ1); Start
It is rotated at speed corresponding to a combination of the IP type and reading mode.
 Machine Power ON {MD:4.3_Relationship between Subscan Motor Speed, Polygon Rotation Speed,
and IP Type/Reading Mode}
 SCN23A board; Correction data initial setting
 Leading-edge sensor (SED); IP leading-edge detection
{MD:4.2_Correction Data}
Reflection type (detects the laser light reflected from the IP)
 SCN23A board; Scanner self-diagnostics
 PMT board, SCN23A board; Start of image reading
{MD:4.5_Error Detection/Processing Subsystem}
{MD:4.4_Image Data Flow}
 Cassette Loading  Subscanning unit grip drive motor (MZ2); Gripping/releasing of driving
shaft/driven shaft
 Polygon (POL); Start
In order to reduce nonuniformity during reading, the grip/release speed is allowed to
Because the polygonal mirror takes time until it becomes stable since it is activated, it is
correspond to the speed of the subscanning motor.
started earlier.
 PMT board, SCN23A board; End of image reading
 Laser (LD); OFF
 High-voltage power supply (HV); OFF
 Polygon (POL); Stop

 IP Moved to the Post-Reading Conveyor Guide

The IP moves to the post-reading conveyance guide, and the reading operation is complete.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-36
4.2 Correction Data
(1) The shading correction data, sensitivity data, format data, and speed correction
data reside in the FLASH ROM located on the CPU board (CPU23B), and are
copied to the SDRAM upon power-ON of the machine; then it is further loaded
onto the scanner board (SCN23A) and used for operation.
(2) For the correction data, the types(s) (denoted by ) shown in the table below is
created according to the IP type and reading mode.
Shading correction Sensitivity
Reading mode IP type
data correction data
SR mode ST single side  
FR mode ST single side  -
HR-V mode HR single side  

4.3 Relationship between Subscan Motor Speed, Polygon

Rotation Speed, and IP Type/Reading Mode
Subscan motor Polygon rotation
Reading mode IP Type
speed speed
FR mode ST single side High speed Normal speed
SR mode ST single side Low speed 1 Normal speed
HR-V mode HR single side Low speed 2 Normal speed

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-37
4.4 Image Data Flow
The flow of image data is described below.
Numerals (1), (2), and so forth at the beginning of the items correspond to (1), (2), and so forth in
the image data flow illustration.
It should be noted that the image data is sent to the CR Console nearly concurrently with
(1) When the laser light from the scanning optics unit hits the IP, it becomes
luminescence data, which is read by the photomultiplier through the light-
collecting guide.
(2) The resulting data is sent, in the form of analog data, from the photomultiplier
board (PMT23A/PMT26A) to the scanner board (SCN23A).
(3) The analog data is subjected to shading correction and other processing on the
scanner board (SCN23A), before it is converted to digital data (analog-to-digital
(4) The digital data, after analog-to-digital conversion, is sent, in the form of digital
data, from the scanner board (SCN23A) to the CPU board (CPU23B).
(5) After being subjected to an image process that is performed by the CPU board
(CPU23B), the digital data is temporarily stored in the SDRAM on the CPU board
(CPU23B) via the FIFO.
(6) The image data stored in the SDRAM is sent to the CR Console via the network
under control of the main CPU located on the CPU board (CPU23B).

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-38
4.5 Error Detection/Processing Subsystem
(1) Error code
The scanner-related error codes, which are created by a combination of the control signal
of each I/O and the reference signal of the board, are configured to facilitate identification of
their causes.

(2) Scanner unit self-diagnostics

(A) Check for communication between H8CPU and CPU23B board
(B) Polygon start
(C) Polygon diagnostics
(D) Laser ON
(E) Scanner self-diagnostics
- Check the reference signal from the board
- Check the level of the image signal through the quasi-signal
- Check the laser
(F) Laser OFF
(G) Polygon stop
(H) Error check for self-diagnostics

(3) Polygon diagnostics

It is checked to see whether the polygonal mirror is operating normally a predetermined
time after the polygon is started.

(4) Error detection during reading

During reading, an error caused by a timeout is detected.

(5) Check after reading is completed

In order to check whether abnormal is found with reading operation, error check is
performed upon completion of reading.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-39
4.6 LED Indications of I/O Status LED illuminated/ Not
LED Significance
blinking illuminated
By observing the LEDs located on the scanner board (SCN23A), the status of each I/O of the
scanner unit can be checked. High-voltage switch status signal
HVON ON: When SW setting is ON ON OFF
OFF: When SW setting is OFF
Quasi data output signal by illuminating the
LED located on the PMT board
Quasi data output signal created by the
LOG amp located on the PMT board
Control signal from the SCN23A board to
the laser (LDD)
ON signal from the SCN23A board to the
polygon (POL)
OK signal from the laser (LDD)
(50% or more of laser power)
ZLCLK Operation status signal of H8CPU Blinking: Idling NG
Lit: Operating
Reference signal issued by the SCN23A GOOD (lit)
board * Only during IP reading
Reference signal issued by the SCN23A GOOD (lit)
board * Only during IP reading
POLLOCK OK signal form the polygon (POL) GOOD NG
Detection signal from the start-point sensor Not
SOS Detected
(SYN) detected
Detection signal from the leading-edge Not
SOH Detected
sensor (SED) detected

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CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-40

5. Descriptions of Mechanical Components

and Their Operations

5.1 IP Conveyance Flow

Function Description
Opens the cover of the cassette that is
Feeds an IP from a inserted into the cassette set unit. Feeds
[1] cassette. the IP from the cassette and conveys it
to the erasure unit.
Operates the brush rollers to remove
Removes dust from the
[2] IP surface.
dust and other foreign matter from the IP {MD:5.3.1}
Operates a sensor to determine the size
[3] Determines the IP size.
of the conveyed IP.

Temporarily stops an IP conveyance

Performs an IP side-
[4] positioning operation.
operation and performs an IP side- {MD:5.4}
positioning operation.
Reads an image that is recorded on the
[5] Reads an image.

Transfers the IP, whose image has been

[6] Conveys the IP. read, from the subscanning unit to the -
side-positioning conveyor unit.
Transfers the IP from the side-positioning
[7] Conveys the IP.
conveyor unit to the erasure unit.

Drops into the brush roller assembly the

Removes dust from the
dust that was deposited on the brush {MD:5.3.1}
brush rollers.
[8] rollers during pre-reading IP conveyance.
Erases an image that is recorded on the
Erases an image. -
Loads the IP, whose image has been
Loads an IP into a
[9] cassette.
erased, into the cassette, and closes the {MD:5.2.2}
cassette cover. Ejects the cassette.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-41
5.2 Cassette Set Unit 5.2.1 Feed Conveyance Operation

This section describes the operations that the sensors and mechanisms in the cassette set
unit perform during routine processing. For details on the sensor mounting positions, see
"1.5 I/O Locations and Functional Descriptions."
{MD:1.5_I/O Locations and Functional Descriptions}

The cassette set unit features exercised during the IP feed sequence and IP load sequence
are summarized below.

 Features exercised during IP feed conveyance

- The shutter provided at the cassette inlet prevents foreign matter (ballpoint pen, clip, etc.)
from falling into the machine before cassette insertion.
- Even while the cassette inlet shutter is open, the debris fall prevention shutter prevents
foreign matter (ballpoint pen, clip, etc.) from falling into a conveyance path within the
- A damper is provided to absorb impact that is applied to the cassette receiver arm upon
cassette insertion, thereby preventing the cassette and machine from being damaged.
- The IP holding arm presses a cassette button to hold the IP, thereby preventing the IP from
dropping during the time interval between the instant at which the cassette cover opens
and the instant at which the IP is vacuum-retained. At the same time, this operation is
performed to determine whether the cassette is new or old.
- After the IP in the cassette is held by the IP holding arm, the cassette cover opening pin is
raised to open the cassette cover.
- The IP dropping sensor (SA4, separate-type sensor) detects an IP drop that may occur
due, for instance, to an improperly held IP.
- The solenoid valves (SVA1 and SVA2) perform suction cup suction changeover in
accordance with the IP size.

 Operations performed during IP load conveyance

- After the IP loaded into the cassette is held by the IP holding arm, the cassette cover
closing assembly closes the cassette cover.
- Before the cassette hold is released, the debris fall prevention shutter opens to prevent
foreign matter (ballpoint pen, clip, etc.) from dropping into a conveyance path within the
machine when the cassette is pulled out.
- When the cassette is pulled out, the cassette inlet shutter closes to prevent foreign matter
(ballpoint pen, clip, etc.) from dropping into the machine.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-42

Relationship between the inserted cassette size and sensor status

Cassette size SA9 SA14 SA15 SA16
15x30 (cm) cassette CLOSE OPEN OPEN CLOSE
Small cassette size (metric): 24x30 (cm), 18x24 (cm) OPEN OPEN OPEN CLOSE
Small cassette size (inch): 10x12 (inch), 8x10 (inch) OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN
Large cassette size:
14x17 (inch), 14x14 (inch), 35x43 (cm), 35x35 (cm)

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CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-43

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CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-44

To IP conveyance

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CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-45
5.2.2 Load Conveyance Operation
While the image is erased by the erasure unit lamps, the IP is conveyed into the cassette.

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CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-47

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CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-48
5.3 Erasure Unit  IP feed operation

The features of the erasure unit are summarized below.

- In the IP feed sequence, the brush roller assembly removes dust and other foreign matter
from the IP. For details on the dust removal mechanism, see "5.3.1 IP Dust Removal by
Brush Rollers."
{MD:5.3.1_IP Dust Removal by Brush Rollers}
- In the IP load sequence, the erasure lamps erase the image recorded on the IP while the IP
travels between the filter and reflection plate. For reflection plate handling precautions to
be observed when you handle the erasure unit, see "5.3.2 Notes on the Reflection Plate."
{MD:5.3.2_Notes on the Reflection Plate}
- A shock absorber is attached to the erasure filter surface to prevent the IP exposure surface
from being scratched during IP conveyance. For the precautions you should observe
during filter cleaning, see "5.3.3 Notes on Filter Cleaning."
{MD:5.3.3_Notes on Filter Cleaning}
 IP feed operation

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-49
5.3.1 IP Dust Removal by Brush Rollers
The brush rollers, which are mounted at the bottom of the erasure unit, are used to remove
dust and other foreign matter from the IP. The half-clutch spur gears, which are mounted
on the brush roller assembly, function so that the brush roller operation in the IP reading
sequence differs from the one in the IP erasure sequence.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-50
5.3.2 Notes on the Reflection Plate 5.3.3 Notes on Filter Cleaning
An IP conveyance path is formed between the reflection plate and filter. If the reflection plate When cleaning the erasure unit filter surface, be sure to use a damp cloth. If ethanol is
is deformed, the IP conveyance path narrows, thereby scratching the IP and preventing the used for filter surface cleaning, the IP cannot be properly erased due, for instance, to a
IP from being conveyed normally. degenerated filter surface.
When lifting or moving the erasure unit for erasure unit removal/installation or other purpose,
do not handle the erasure unit by its reflection plate.
When the reflection plate is normal and not warped, the reflection plate-to-filter distance at
the center of the reflection plate is 6 ± 1 mm.

If the reflection plate is deformed, adjust it as directed under "6.3.3 Check/Adjustment

Procedures" in the Checks, Replacement and Adjustment volume.
{MC:6.6.3_Check/Adjustment Procedures}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-51
5.4 Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit The operations that the sensors and mechanisms in the side-positioning conveyor unit
perform during routine processing are described below.
The features of the side-positioning conveyor unit are summarized below.

 IP grip/IP grip release operation description

The grip arm home position and grip release position are detected in accordance with the
states (OPEN or CLOSE) of the side-positioning grip HP sensor (SC1) and side-positioning
grip release position sensor (SC2).
IP gripped (grip arm home position) IP grip released

 Side-positioning operation description

The side-positioning latch mechanism driving motor (MC3) and side-positioning reference
block driving motor (MC4) perform a side-positioning operation.
- The side-positioning latch mechanism driving motor (MC3) is driven to perform a latch
protrusion operation in accordance with the IP size.
- The side-positioning reference block driving motor (MC4) is driven to perform a side-
positioning reference positioning operation.
- After the latch protrusion operation based on the IP size and the side-positioning reference
positioning operation are performed, the side-positioning latch mechanism driving motor
(MC3) is driven to perform an IP side-positioning operation.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-52

For details on the IP side-positioning operation, see "5.4.3 Side-Positioning Operation."

{MD:5.4.3_Side-Positioning Operation}

- For details on the latch protrusion operation based on the IP size, see "5.4.1 Latch
Protrusion Operation According to IP Size."
{MD:5.4.1_Latch Protrusion Operation According to IP Size}
- For details on the side-positioning reference surface positioning operation, see "5.4.2 Side-
Positioning Reference Surface Positioning Operation (Reference Block Operation)."
{MD:5.4.2_Side-Positioning Reference Surface Positioning Operation (Reference
Block Operation)}

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CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-53

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CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-54
5.4.1 Latch Protrusion Operation According to IP Size
To perform an IP side-positioning operation, the side-positioning reference surface positioning
operation is performed with the latches appropriate for the IP size protruding out of the
conveyance surface.
The half-clutch spur gear transmits the rotation of the side-positioning latch mechanism
driving motor (MC3) to only the shaft on which the side-positioning latch is installed. When
the shaft rotates, the latch appropriate for the IP size protrudes.
The latch protrusion positions are identified by the IP side-positioning HP sensor (SC6) and
side-positioning latch position sensor (SC8).

 Relationship between IP size and latch position

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CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-55

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CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-56
5.4.2 Side-Positioning Reference Surface Positioning Operation
(Reference Block Operation)
To perform an IP side-positioning operation, the reference surface positioning operation is
performed while protruding the latches appropriate for the IP size.
The side-positioning reference block driving motor (MC4) rotates to move the reference block
driving cam. The reference block then rotates.
When the status of the side-positioning reference block HP sensor changes from OPEN to
CLOSE, the reference block rotates to the reference surface position.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-57
5.4.3 Side-Positioning Operation The shaft driving assembly operation performed for a side-positioning operation is described
in detail below.
After completion of side-positioning latch protrusion for the IP size and reference block
reference surface positioning, the IP side-positioning operation is performed.
The half-clutch spur gear transmits the rotation of the side-positioning latch mechanism
driving motor (MC3) to only the cam that moves the shaft driving assembly. When the
concave of the cam's slope presses the shaft driving assembly bearing and the shaft
driving assembly pulls the shafts (side-positioning latches), the latches protruding out of the
conveyance surface perform an IP side-positioning operation. The side-positioning operation
(side-positioning latch stroke operation) is detected by the side-positioning latch stroke
sensor (SC10).

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CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-58
5.5 Subscanning Unit The scanning optics unit, light-collecting guide, light-collecting shaft (light-collecting mirror),
and rollers are arranged as indicated below:

5.5.1 IP Reading
After the IP is side-positioned in the side-positioning conveyor unit, it is conveyed to the
subscanning unit. The subscanning unit reads an image that is recorded on the IP.
When laser light, which is emitted from the scanning optics unit, falls on the IP that travels
over the center roller, image data light is generated from the IP. The light generated from the
IP is gathered by the light-collecting guide and processed as image data.

The IP that is gripped by the driving shaft grip roller is conveyed toward the center roller while
its static electricity is removed by the antistatic member. When the IP travels over the center
roller, the laser light emitted from the scanning optics unit falls on the IP. When the laser
light is incident on the IP, the image recorded on the IP generates light. The generated light
is directly gathered by the light-collecting guide or reflected by the light-collecting mirror and
then gathered by the light-collecting guide. The light gathered by the light-collecting guide is
forwarded to the photomultiplier (PMT board) and processed as image data.

For details on the gripping operations that the driving shaft grip roller and driven shaft
grip roller perform during an image reading process, see "5.2.2 Gripping Operation for IP
{MD:5.5.2_Gripping Operation for IP Reading}

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MD-59
5.5.2 Gripping Operation for IP Reading
The cam mounted on the driven/driving grip roller driving motor (MZ2), the driven-side grip
roller release HP sensor (SZ2), and the driving-side grip roller release HP sensor (SZ3) drive
the grip release arm to grip the IP and release the IP grip for the purpose of conveying and
reading the IP.
After the IP is side-positioned by the side-positioning conveyor unit, it is gripped by the
driving shaft grip roller and the reading process begins. While the IP is being read, the driven
shaft grip roller grips and conveys the IP. When the IP trailing edge approaches the driving
shaft side, the grip of the driving shaft grip roller is released.

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Control Sheet
Issue date Revision number Reason Pages affected
05.24.2007 01 New release (FM5134) All pages
09.04.2007 02 Revision (FM5208) 135, 227, 280-290, Appx MT-11, 12
08.11.2008 03 Revision (FM5391) 1, 29, 30, 33, 34, 36, 65, 110, 113, 115,
118, 119, 126-128, 142, 194, 223-225,
236, 237, 242, 244, 245, 250-259, 265,

CR-IR 359 Service Manual 287, 290, Appx MT-2

Troubleshooting (MT)

014-211-03E CR-IR 359 Service Manual

08.11.2008 FM5391

1. Overview of Troubleshooting
 NOTE 
Although the checking with LED ON/OFF statuses is mentioned in the check flow, it is not
available for the SND23A board of the version H or those follow and the SND23B board of
the version H or those follow, since they are not equipped with LEDs. Skip the checking
procedures by the LEDs for these versions.

 Flow of Troubleshooting
The flow of RU troubleshooting greatly varies depending on whether the associated error log
When you start a troubleshooting procedure, be sure to confirm the error log.

 When the error is logged

Note the error code table, analysis flow, and check flow to identify the cause of the error.

 When the error is not logged

Note the check flow to identify the cause of the error.

 How to Use the Analysis Flow

If many parts are in error, the checks to be performed and procedural reference sections (check
flow) are sequentially indicated in the flow.

 Check Flow
The checks to be performed are sequentially indicated in the flow.
Typical check flows are indicated below.
- "4. Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism"
- "14. Line Error between CR Console and RU"
- "15. Troubleshooting Procedures for Image Abnormalities"

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-1
1.1 Flow of Troubleshooting  Error Classifications
RU errors can be roughly classified into the following five categories:
Trouble occurred
1. Errors causing the CR Console screen or the operation panel of the RU to
display an error code
Checking the Error Log Mechanical, electrical, scanner, or software errors that cause the CL screen or the LCD of
the RU to display an error code upon error detection
{MT:1.4.1_Checking the Error Log}
2. Errors causing the operation panel of the RU to display a “line error”.
1. Errors causing the CR Console screen or the Operation Panel of CR Console-to-RU communication errors that inhibit the RU from becoming ready
the RU to display an error code
3. Errors causing image abnormalities
Errors that result in image abnormalities due to laser light blockage caused by a scratched IP
{MT:1.4_Troubleshooting from Error Log} or dust or due to electrical/scanner system component abnormalities

4. Errors interrupting the progress of a process and causing the inability to

{MT:2._Error Code Table} detect an error code
Errors that occur due to a CPU23B board or operation panel abnormality, interrupt the
“Analysis Flow” progress of a process, and cause the inability to detect an error code.

5. Errors causing the inability to upgrade the software or save data

“Check Flow”
Errors that cause a problem between the FTP server and CPU23B board due to an improper
2. Errors causing the Operation Panel of the RU to display a "line error". FTP server setting, IP address setting, or RU name setting

{MT:14._Line Error between CR Console and RU}

3. Errors causing image abnormalities

{MT:15._Troubleshooting Procedures for Image Abnormalities}

4. Analysis of errors causing the inability to display an error code and

the inability of the machine to boot

{MT:20._Troubleshooting Failures where Error Code Is Undetectable and

Machine does not Boot Up}

5. Errors causing the inability to update the software or save data

{MT:7._Troubleshooting the Errors that Cause the Inability to Update the

Software Version or Back Up the Machine Shipment Control Data}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-2
1.2 Analysis and Check Flow Marks  Examples of Analysis/Check Flow Mark Usage

In the Troubleshooting volume, troubleshooting procedures are described in the form of a  Example 1: Example of operation item
flow. Various marks are used for flow simplification.

 Marks Used in Flows

 Replace the CPU23B board
{MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}

Indicates an operation item. Refer to pages in "Chapter 11,

 11.2 CPU23B Board" of the MC
The operation description is given next to a circle.
volume to perform the procedures.

 Example 2: Example where check is performed

Q1 Indicates that the flow of operation branches off in a Q5 CPU23B board and SCN23A board tested in MUTL normal?
N specific direction depending on the result of the check
described next to Q1 . {MT:18_Board Tests in MUTL}
Y The actual check procedures may be described in the
reference section indicated by the mark positioned N
Refer to pages in "Chapter 18 Board Tests
below the text of Q1 . Y in MUTL" of the MT volume for checks.

Indicates the section you should refer to.

If normal, proceed in the direction of the arrow "Y"; if not,
The chapter/section number and title are indicated.
proceed in the direction of the arrow "N".

Chapter, section, or subsection title

Chapter, section, or subsection number
Volume title

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-3
1.3 How to View "1.4 Troubleshooting from Error Log"
Each page consists of two vertical columns lying side by side. The left-hand side describes
the “analysis procedure” and the right-hand side furnishes “supplementary information”.
When you read the Troubleshooting volume for the first time, you should read not only the
left-hand side but also the "detailed information" on the right-hand side to understand the
background, objective, and other details of the troubleshooting procedure.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-4
1.4 Troubleshooting from Error Log  Purpose of Making a Backup of the Error Log
An error log is added to the file whenever an error occurs during the operation of the
machine, and when the file becomes full, its entries are overwritten on a first-in, first-out
1.4.1 Checking the Error Log basis.
Before troubleshooting, back up the error log, which contains the information about errors
Using the RU PC-TOOL ERROR DB, view the error log and check the occurrence of error encountered during the user’s use of the machine.
codes. If the error log is not backed up beforehand, the information about errors encountered during
troubleshooting may overwrite the previously logged error information. Therefore, you may
START lose the information about errors that occurred during the user’s use of the machine.

 Purpose of Viewing the Error Log

When an error occurs, it may incur two or more additional errors. The error code displayed
on the CR Console represents the last-encountered error.
Start the RU PC-TOOL.
You must therefore view the error log to locate the error code related to the encountered
{MU:4.23.1_Starting RU PC-TOOL} trouble before proceeding to perform troubleshooting.

Back Up the ERROR LOG.

{MT:19._Collecting Various Data for Troubleshooting}

Start the ERROR DB to view the error log.

{MU:4.18_ERROR DB}


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CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-5
1.4.2 Determining the Error Code of the Encountered Trouble  Error Occurrence Time Recording in Error Log
When errors occur at RU startup, their occurrence time indications vary with the error
1. Group the errors that occurred. occurrence timing.
2. Locate the error that is responsible for the encountered trouble (the error that
 When errors occurred after "time data" was acquired from the CR Console
occurred first).
Determine the order of error occurrences in accordance with the "occurrence time"
(Example) indications.
- Error occurrence groups A and B are judged as separate error occurrence groups,
because the difference between their error occurrence times is 14 minutes.
- The first error in Group A is "12302".

 When an error occurred after "time data" was acquired from the CR Console

 When errors occurred before "time data" was acquired from the CR Console
The resulting occurrence date/time indications look like "0000.00.00 00.00.25".
Note, however, that the time elapsed after power ON is indicated in the "seconds" position
(underlined) of the "occurrence time" field.
The error having the smallest "seconds" value occurred first.

 When an error occurred before "time data" was acquired from the CR

 Purpose of Grouping Errors and Identifying Error that Occurred First

If two or more errors are logged and you perform troubleshooting in accordance with the
error that is not responsible for the encountered trouble, troubleshooting will not easily be
accomplished. It is therefore necessary to locate the error responsible for the encountered
trouble (the error that occurred first) before proceeding to conduct troubleshooting.

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CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-6
1.4.3 Viewing the Error Code Table to Locate the Associated  Error Code Table Description
Analysis Flow The error code table lists error codes in ascending order to facilitate your error code search.
Each error code is furnished with an error name and a brief description of error occurrence
It is also provided with the information (page number or section number) that indicates the
most appropriate analysis flow you should refer to.

 Viewing the Error Table to Locate the Reference Analysis Flow

1. Search the error code table for the error code that is most likely to be responsible
for the encountered trouble.
2. Note the section number suggested in the "Analysis Flow" column for the error
code, and then see the suggested page.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-7
1.4.4 Viewing the Check Flows in Accordance with an Analysis Flow
<Example of Analysis Flow> <Check Flow>  Start with START of an analysis flow and perform the steps indicated within
10336, 12336, 12337,From
12383, 12441
error code table, search 18. Board Test in MUTL the QX marks. Continue to perform the suggested steps in accordance
START another error code that occurred. 18.1 Analysis Flow
with the check results.
Check the error log in the ERROR DB.
 Check whether a power supply error (12801-12812) is encountered. If it is
Q1 The indicated error is at the beginning of the error log?
{MT:1.4_Troubleshooting from Error Log}
encountered ("Y"), note the error code table to identify the error.
Check the error code table again for the error at the beginning,
Q1 Board tested normal?
{MT:18.2_Board Test}
The example below shows how to read the illustration:
and troubleshoot.
{MT:2._Error Code Table} N
Y Q2
Q2 Power supply error (12801-12812) occurs?
Turn OFF the Power of RU.
Check the error code table again and troubleshoot.
{MT:2._Error Code Table}
N Turn ON the high-voltage switch (HV) on the
SCN23A board.
Q2 Power supply error (12801-12812) occurs?
Q4 CPU23B board and SND23A boards tested in MUTL normal? Reinstall the front cover and right-hand side cover.
{MT:18._Board Test in MUTL} {MC:3.2.2_Right-hand side cover} Check the error code table again and troubleshoot.
{MC:3.1.2_Front Cover} {MT:2._Error Code Table}
Q8 If a power supply error is
Return to the error code analysis flow or check flow. logged, branch to "Y".

When you complete the steps in the Q3 Check the voltage of the power supply unit test pin (CN5).
Q6 Check the motor (MA3)
{MT:11._Procedures for Checking the Motors}
check flow, return to the analysis flow. {MT:8.3_Checking the Voltage on the Power Supply Unit (PSU23A)}

Q7 Error recurs? <Check Flow> If no power supply error is

logged, branch to "N".
11. Procedures for Checking the
11.1 Check Flow of Motor
Replace the boards in the order named.
1. SND23A board
{MC:11.5_SND23A Board}

2. CPU23B board Q1 Operation of the motor normal?

 Check whether the check procedure reference section is suggested.
{MC:11.2_CPU23B Board} See the reference page of the suggested chapter number, and perform the
Q8 Reseat the error-causing board and check if the error occurs again.
Return to the error code analysis flow. suggested procedures in "Check Flow"
A Reference section for  When you complete the steps in the "check flow", return to the "analysis flow".
Q2 Cable normal?
Y the procedures
Replace the error-causing board. N
SND23A board
END {MC:11.5_SND23A Board} Y
CPU23B board
{MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
Q3 Resistance value of the motor normal?
{MT:11.13_Checking the Motor
Resistance Values}
Return to the error code analysis flow.

Replace the motor.

{MC:2._Table of Contents}

When you complete the steps in the

check flow, return to the analysis flow. FRCH201021.EPS

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-8
 Error Code Detail  Y: Error category
0: OS (operating system software), libraries
1: Image processing CPU
2: Scanner control (for front side)
3: Conveyance control
4: Overall control
5: Network control
6: Scanner control (for back side)
 X: Error level 7: Electrical/hardware related
Error level notations 8: Reserved
FATAL error: 0 9: Others (software installation, version update, etc.)
- The user is notified of an error occurrence.
- Level of error where the routine processing cannot be resumed.  ZZ: Reference number
- It is necessary to immediately troubleshoot and take remedial action. It is managed according to each error category.
- An error is logged, but the user is not notified.
- Level of error where the function associated with the error is rendered unusable.
- It is necessary to immediately troubleshoot and take remedial action.
- The user is notified of an error occurrence.
- Errors that occur due to erroneous user operation (incorrect loading of the cassette
or IP, etc.).
- If this level of error occurred at the same time with another level of warning, it is
necessary to troubleshoot and take remedial action.
- An error is logged, but the user is not notified.
- Errors that occur when a retry operation is performed.
- If the same error occurs frequently and if this level of error occurs at the same time
with another level of warning, it is necessary to troubleshoot and take remedial
- An error is logged, but the user is not notified.
- Errors that occur when servicing procedures are performed.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-9
1.5 Turning OFF the High-Voltage Switch

Be sure to turn OFF the high-voltage switch when troubleshooting is to be made with
the machine cover removed and the power supply turned ON.
The photomultiplier gets damaged if the power supply of the machine is turned ON
while the high-voltage switch is ON.

1. Remove the front cover.

{MC:3.1_Front Cover}
2. Remove the right-hand side cover.
{MC:3.2_Right-Hand Side Cover}

3. Turn OFF the high-voltage

switch (S1) of the SCN23A

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-10

2. Error Code Table

Error Analysis
Error Name Occurrence Condition
Code Flow
During bootup, when the file is loaded from the FLASH ROM on the CPU23B board into the DRAM, error
10001 File open error (1) is detected for the file residing in the FLASH ROM. Alternatively, an error is detected for the file residing in {MT:18.}
the DRAM.

During bootup, when the file is loaded from the FLASH ROM on the CPU23B board into the DRAM, error
10002 File read error (1) is detected for the file residing in the FLASH ROM. Alternatively, an error is detected for the file residing in {MT:18.}
the DRAM.

During bootup, when the file is loaded from the FLASH ROM on the CPU23B board into the DRAM, error
10003 File format error (1) is detected for the file residing in the FLASH ROM. Alternatively, an error is detected for the file residing in {MT:18.}
the DRAM.

During bootup, when the file is loaded from the FLASH ROM on the CPU23B board into the DRAM, error
10004 File write error (1) is detected for the file residing in the FLASH ROM. Alternatively, an error is detected for the file residing in {MT:18.}
the DRAM.

During bootup, when the file is loaded from the FLASH ROM on the CPU23B board into the DRAM, error
10005 File close error (1) is detected for the file residing in the FLASH ROM. Alternatively, an error is detected for the file residing in {MT:18.}
the DRAM.

During bootup, when the file is loaded from the FLASH ROM on the CPU23B board into the DRAM, error
10010 File open error (2) is detected for the file residing in the FLASH ROM. Alternatively, an error is detected for the file residing in {MT:18.}
the DRAM.

During bootup, when the file is loaded from the FLASH ROM on the CPU23B board into the DRAM, error
10011 File read error (2) is detected for the file residing in the FLASH ROM. Alternatively, an error is detected for the file residing in {MT:18.}
the DRAM.

During bootup, when the file is loaded from the FLASH ROM on the CPU23B board into the DRAM, error
10012 File format error (2) is detected for the file residing in the FLASH ROM. Alternatively, an error is detected for the file residing in {MT:18.}
the DRAM.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-11

Error Analysis
Error Name Occurrence Condition
Code Flow
During bootup, when the file is loaded from the FLASH ROM on the CPU23B board into the DRAM, error
10013 File write error (2) is detected for the file residing in the FLASH ROM. Alternatively, an error is detected for the file residing in {MT:18.}
the DRAM.

During bootup, when the file is loaded from the FLASH ROM on the CPU23B board into the DRAM, error
10014 File close error (2) is detected for the file residing in the FLASH ROM. Alternatively, an error is detected for the file residing in {MT:18.}
the DRAM.

A file could not be opened during bootup or routine processing due to abnormal motor or other device
10060 Device open error management information, which is stored on the CPU23B board.

Although the CPU23B board attempted during bootup or routine processing to start devices on the
10061 Device I/O control error SCN23A and SND23A/B boards, an error was detected.

Although the CPU23B board attempted during bootup or routine processing to read device information
10062 Device read error from the SCN23A and SND23A/B boards, an error was detected.

Although the CPU23B board attempted during bootup or routine processing to write device information
10063 Device write error onto the SCN23A and SND23A/B boards, an error was detected.

Barcode reader communication The communication between the CPU23B board and barcode reader (BCR) failed during bootup or routine
10064 processing due to a communication error.
The scanner board status was checked during bootup or routine processing before command transmission
10065 SCN board BUSY timeout from the CPU23B board to scanner board SCN23A. However, the scanner board was busy.

SCN board transmission A timeout occurred in the communication between the main CPU (CPU23B board) and scanner H8 CPU
10066 (SCN23A) during bootup or routine processing.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-12

Error Analysis
Error Name Occurrence Condition
Code Flow
SCN board transmission The CPU23B board attempted to transmit a command to the SCN23A board during bootup or routine
10067 processing. However, the maximum retry count was exceeded (maximum retry count: 3).
maximum retry count exceeded
SCN board reception checksum A checksum error occurred during bootup or routine processing when the CPU23B board attempted to
10071 receive a command from the SCN23A board.
A timeout occurred during bootup or routine processing when the CPU23B board attempted to receive a
10072 SCN board reception timeout command from the SCN23A board.

Image reduction process A parameter error occurred during routine processing when the CPU23B board was engaged in an image
10080 reduction process.
parameter error
An error occurred during routine processing when the CPU23B board was engaged in an image reduction
10081 Image reduction process error process.

ERS board communication The communication between the CPU23B board and ERS23A board failed during bootup or routine
10082 processing due to a communication error.
During bootup or during routine processing, because the connector (CN1 on the PMT23A board, CNZ31
on the scanning optics unit, CNZ32 on the scanning optics unit, CN1 on the SYN23A board, CN1 on the
LDD23A board) is disconnected, the laser (LDD), start-point detection (SYN), and photomultiplier (PMT)
10230 Scanner functional error functions are disabled. {MT:5.1}
Because the laser is not enabled, the leading-edge detection (SED) cannot be performed (detail code:
Note that if the HV is OFF, the detail code is D0E403.

During bootup or during routine processing, because +15V is not supplied to the SCN23A board due to
blow of the fuse (F2 on the SCNS23A board) or +15V power supply error, most of the functions, except for
10231 Scanner power supply error (1) the polygonal mirror (POL) and laser (LDD), are disabled (detail code: A00300).

Note that if the HV is OFF, the detail code is A00000.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-13

Error Analysis
Error Name Occurrence Condition
Code Flow
During bootup or during routine processing, because the fuse (F5 and F6 on the SCN23A board) is blown,
10232 Scanner power supply error (2) the photomultiplier (PMT) and start-point detection (SYN) functions are disabled (detail code: 809500). {MT:5.3}
Note that if the HV is OFF, the detail code is 808400.

During bootup or during routine processing, because the fuse (F2 on the SCN23A board) is blown or
because -15V is not supplied to the SCN23A board, the photomultiplier (PMT), start-point detection (SYN),
10233 Scanner power supply error (3) and laser (LDD) functions are disabled. {MT:5.1}
Because the laser (LDD) is not enabled, the leading-edge detection (SED) cannot be performed (detail
code: A00300).

- During bootup or during routine processing, because the fuse (F2 on the SCN23A board) is blown, ±
15V is not supplied to the SCN23A board, and the photomultiplier (PMT), start-point detection (SYN),
laser (LDD), and SCN board (PLL) functions are disabled. Because the laser (LDD) is not enabled, the
leadingedge detection (SED) cannot be performed (detail code: A00303).
Note that if the HV is OFF, the detail code is A00003.
10234 Scanner power supply error (4) - During bootup, all the fuses except for the fuse (F5 on the SCN23A board) are blown, ± 15V is not

supplied to the SCN23A board, and the photomultiplier (PMT), start-point detection (SYN), laser (LDD),
and SCN board (PLL) functions are disabled. Because the laser (LDD) is not enabled, the leading-edge
C28detection (SED) cannot be performed (detail code: B00300).
Note that if the HV is OFF, the detail code is B00000.

- During bootup or during routine processing, because +24V is not supplied to the SCN23A board due to
blow of the fuse (F4 on the SCN23A board) or +24V (SLOT-E) power supply error, the polygonal mirror (POL)
function is disabled (detail code: 902403).
Note that if the HV is OFF, the detail code is 903403.
10235 Scanner power supply error (5) - During bootup or during routine processing, because +5V is not supplied to the SYN23A board and

SED23A board due to blow of the fuse (F3 or F6 on the SCN23A board) or +5V (SLOT-B) power supply
error, the leading-edge detection (SED) and start-point detection (SYN) functions are disabled (detail code:

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-14

Error Analysis
Error Name Occurrence Condition
Code Flow
During bootup or during routine processing, because ± 15V is not supplied to the SYN23A board,
PMT23A board, and LDD23A board due to blow of the fuses (F2 and F5 on the SCN23A board), the
10236 Scanner power supply error (6) photomultiplier (PMT), start-point detection (SYN), and laser (LDD) functions are disabled. Because the {MT:5.6}
laser (LDD) is not enabled, the leading-edge detection (SED) cannot be performed (detail code: 80D500).
Note that if the HV is OFF, the detail code is 80D400.

During bootup, an SCN23A board diagnostic error associated with polygon error is detected.
10244 Scanner control board error (4) Because the PLL on the SCN23A board does not oscillate, a polygon sync signal cannot be detected.

During bootup, error for the polygon lock signal (PONL, POKL) is detected so that the polygonal mirror
10261 Polygon rotation error (1) function is disabled. The start-point detection (SYN) and leading-edge detection (SED) functions are also {MT:5.7}
disabled (detail code: 903403, 003400, 902403).

During bootup, the laser (LDD) and start-point detection (SYN) functions are disabled due to blow of the
10271 Laser unlit error (1) fuse (F4 on the SCN23A board) or laser failure (detail code: 805413, C05413, 00503).

During routine processing or during self-diagnostics, because the signal from the start-point detection (SYN)
10281 Start-point detection error (1) is faulty, the SCN23A board does not operate normally (detail code: 801C03).

For self-diagnostics prior to reading during routine processing, the SCN23A board diagnostic error
Scanning optics unit board
10283 associated with polygon error is detected. The laser is unlit due to a disconnected connector at the {MT:5.7}
error (1) scanning optics unit, etc., so that an error related to the polygon error occurs, as well.

10293 Board type error It is detected that the type of the SCN23 board is out of specifications during bootup. -

It was detected during bootup that the version of the firmware for the H8 CPU on the SCN23A board was
10294 H8 CPU version error not as specified.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-15

Error Analysis
Error Name Occurrence Condition
Code Flow
During bootup, because the scanner-related error is detected, the IP is returned to the cassette and the
10298 Scanner retry error scanner is initialized. The routine processing is retried again, but the scanner-related error recurs.

The cassette width sensors detected an abnormal combination when the cassette set unit performed
Cassette hold sensor a cassette hold operation during bootup. The cassette IN sensor (SA1) detected that no cassette was
10311 present (OPEN). The cassette hold sensor (SA2) detected a cassette hold (CLOSED). The cassette
combination inconsistency
ejection sensor (SA11) detected that no cassette was present (OPEN).

The cassette width sensors in the cassette set unit detected an abnormal combination during bootup. The
Cassette sensor combination cassette IN sensor (SA1) detected a cassette (CLOSED). The cassette hold sensor (SA2) detected that a
10312 cassette hold was released (OPEN). The cassette ejection sensor (SA11) detected that no cassette was
inconsistency (1)
present (OPEN).

The cassette width sensors in the cassette set unit detected an abnormal combination during bootup.
Cassette sensor combination The cassette IN sensor (SA1) detected a cassette (CLOSED). The cassette hold sensor (SA2) detected
10313 a cassette hold (CLOSED). The cassette ejection sensor (SA11) detected that no cassette was present
inconsistency (2)

The cassette width sensors in the cassette set unit detected an abnormal combination during bootup. The
cassette insertion error sensor (SA14) detected a cassette (CLOSED). The large cassette size sensor
Cassette sensor combination
10314 (SA15) detected that no cassette was present (OPEN). When a small-size cassette is inserted into {MT:4.11}
inconsistency (3) position under normal conditions, the SA14 and SA15 both OPEN. When a large-size cassette is inserted
into position under normal conditions, the SA14 and SA15 both CLOSE.

Side-positioning grip sensor When a home positioning operation was performed for the side-positioning grip during bootup or routine
10317 combination inconsistency processing, the side-positioning grip HP sensor (SC1) and side-positioning grip release position sensor {MT:4.20}

(SC1 & SC2) (SC2) detected an abnormal state.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-16

Error Analysis
Error Name Occurrence Condition
Code Flow
When a home positioning operation was performed for the side-positioning grip during bootup or routine
processing, the side-positioning conveyor roller grip release motor (MC2) was driven. However, the side-
10318 Side-positioning grip HP error positioning grip HP sensor (SC1) did not OPEN within a predetermined period of time. Although retries

were performed, the maximum retry count was exceeded.

When an operation was performed to detect a side-positioning start position during bootup or routine
Side-positioning start position processing, the side-positioning latch mechanism driving motor (MC3) was driven. However, the side-
10319 positioning latch stroke sensor (SC10) did not CLOSE within a predetermined period of time. Although
detection error
retries were performed, the maximum retry count was exceeded.

When a home positioning operation was performed for the side-positioning mechanism during bootup or
Side-positioning home routine processing, the side-positioning latch mechanism driving motor (MC3) was driven. However, the
10320 side-positioning latch stroke sensor (SC10) did not OPEN within a predetermined period of time. Although
positioning error
retries were performed, the maximum retry count was exceeded.

When an operation was performed to search the subscanning grip position during bootup, the driving-side
Subscanning grip position
10322 grip roller release HP sensor (SZ3) or driven-side grip roller release HP sensor (SZ2) was not CLOSED. {MT:4.26}
search error Although retries were performed, the maximum retry count was exceeded.

When an operation was performed to grip the driving-side grip roller during bootup, the driving-side grip
Driving-side grip roller grip
10323 roller release HP sensor (SZ3) was not OPEN. Although retries were performed, the maximum retry count {MT:4.26}
error was exceeded.

When a fast grip operation was performed for the driven-side grip roller during bootup, the driven-side grip
Driven-side grip roller grip error
10324 roller release HP sensor (SZ2) was not OPEN. Although retries were performed, the maximum retry count {MT:4.26}
(1) was exceeded.

When a home position release operation was performed for the cassette cover closing mechanism during
Cassette cover closing bootup or routine processing, the cassette cover closing mechanism driving motor (MA2) was driven.
10325 However, the cassette cover closing mechanism HP sensor (SA8) did not OPEN within a predetermined
mechanism HP release error
period of time. Although retries were performed, the maximum retry count was exceeded.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-17

Error Analysis
Error Name Occurrence Condition
Code Flow

Cassette cover closing When an attempt was made to return the cassette cover closing mechanism to its home position during
bootup or routine processing, the cassette cover closing mechanism driving motor (MA2) was driven.
10326 mechanism home positioning However, the cassette cover closing mechanism HP sensor (SA8) did not CLOSE within a predetermined

error period of time. Although retries were performed, the maximum retry count was exceeded.

When a home positioning operation was performed for the cassette cover opening mechanism during
Debris fall prevention shutter
10327 bootup, it was found that the debris fall prevention shutter sensor (SA3) was CLOSED (the shutter was {MT:4.13}
close error during bootup closed).

When a home positioning operation was performed for the cassette cover opening mechanism during
IP hold release error during
10328 bootup, it was found that the cassette IP holding sensor (SA10) was OPEN (the IP was held and a new {MT:4.14}
bootup cassette was detected).

Cassette cover opening When a home positioning operation was performed for the cassette cover opening mechanism during
bootup or routine processing, the cassette cover opening mechanism driving motor (MA1) was driven by
10329 mechanism HP detection error one pulse. However, the cassette cover opening mechanism HP sensor (SA7) did not CLOSE within a

(1) predetermined period of time. Although retries were performed, the maximum retry count was exceeded.

When a home positioning operation was performed for the cassette cover opening mechanism during
Debris fall prevention shutter bootup or routine processing, the cassette cover opening mechanism driving motor (MA1) was driven (to
10332 perform an approaching operation). However, the debris fall prevention shutter sensor (SA3) detected that
open error (1)
the shutter was open.

When a home positioning operation was performed for the cassette cover opening mechanism during
Debris fall prevention shutter bootup or routine processing, the cassette cover opening mechanism driving motor (MA1) was driven (to
10333 perform a returning operation). However, the debris fall prevention shutter sensor (SA3) detected that the
open error (2)
shutter was open.

When a home positioning operation was performed for the cassette cover opening mechanism during
Debris fall prevention shutter
10334 bootup or routine processing, the cassette cover opening mechanism driving motor (MA1) was driven by {MT:4.13}
open error (3) one pulse. However, the debris fall prevention shutter sensor (SA3) detected that the shutter was open.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-18

Error Analysis
Error Name Occurrence Condition
Code Flow
When a suction arm home positioning operation was performed during bootup or routine processing, the
Suction arm home positioning suction arm driving motor (MA3) was driven. However, it was impossible to detect that the suction arm HP
10336 sensor (SA6) was OPEN or CLOSED. Although two retries were performed, the sensor status was not
detected, and the system went down.

Cassette size sensor When a remaining IP search process was performed during bootup, the cassette width sensors (SA9,
10339 SA14, and SA15) in the cassette set unit detected an abnormal combination.
combination error (1)
When a remaining IP search process was performed during bootup, the cassette IN sensor and cassette
Cassette size sensor ejection sensor in the cassette set unit detected an abnormal combination. The cassette ejection sensor
10340 (SA11) detected that no cassette was present (OPEN). However, the cassette IN sensor (SA1) detected a
combination error (2)
cassette (CLOSED).

When a remaining IP search process was performed during bootup, the IP dropping sensor (SA4) detected
10343 IP drop detection during bootup an IP (CLOSED) to find that an IP was dropped.

When an attempt was made to release the cassette IP holding arm from the IP holding position during
IP holding arm release error
10344 bootup, the cassette IP holding sensor (SA10) was OPEN (the IP was held and a new cassette was {MT:4.14}
during bootup (1) detected). Although retries were performed, the maximum retry count was exceeded.

When an attempt was made to release the cassette IP holding arm from the IP holding position during
IP holding arm release error bootup while the cassette cover opening mechanism was in the cassette cover open position, the cassette
10345 IP holding sensor (SA10) was OPEN (the IP was held and a new cassette was detected). Although retries
during bootup (2)
were performed, the maximum retry count was exceeded.

Feed IP drop detection during When an IP feed operation was performed for a remaining IP search process during bootup, the IP
10346 dropping sensor (SA4) detected an IP (CLOSED) to find that an IP was dropped.
bootup (1)

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-19

Error Analysis
Error Name Occurrence Condition
Code Flow
When a remaining IP search process was performed during bootup, the IP dropping sensor (SA4) and
10347 IP sensor combination error side-positioning conveyor unit IP sensor 1 (SC3) were CLOSED (detected an IP). Therefore, the system {MT:4.1}
went down.

When a remaining IP search process was performed during bootup, the IP transport motors (MZ1, MA4,
and MC1) were driven. However, the IP dropping sensor (SA4) in the cassette set unit, IP sensor 1 (SC3)
Remaining IP conveyance error
10348 in the side-positioning conveyor unit, or IP sensor 2 (SG1) in the housing unit did not CLOSE within a {MT:4.2}
(side-positioning conveyor unit) predetermined period of time (did not detect an IP). It is conceivable that the IP may be jammed in the
side-positioning conveyor unit.

When a remaining IP search process was performed during bootup, the IP transport motors (MZ1, MA4,
and MC1) were driven. However, the IP dropping sensor (SA4) in the cassette set unit, IP sensor 1 (SC3)
Remaining IP conveyance error
10349 in the side-positioning conveyor unit, or IP sensor 2 (SG1) in the housing unit did not CLOSE within a {MT:4.2}
(subscanning unit) predetermined period of time (did not detect an IP). It is conceivable that the IP may be jammed in the
subscanning unit.

When the subscanning unit grip roller freely rotated during bootup, the driving-side grip roller release HP
Subscanning grip roller free
10350 sensor (SZ3) was not OPEN. Therefore, retries were performed. However, the maximum retry count was {MT:4.26}
rotation error exceeded.

When a fast grip release operation was performed for the driving-side grip roller during bootup, the driving-
Driving-side grip roller fast grip
10351 side grip roller release HP sensor (SZ3) was not OPEN. Therefore, retries were performed. However, the {MT:4.26}
release retry error (1) maximum retry count was exceeded.

When a subscanning IP ejection grip operation was performed during bootup or routine processing, the
Subscanning IP ejection grip
10352 driving-side grip roller release HP sensor (SZ3) was not CLOSED. Therefore, retries were performed. {MT:4.26}
maximum retry count exceeded However, the maximum retry count was exceeded.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-20

Error Analysis
Error Name Occurrence Condition
Code Flow
Remaining IP length When a remaining IP length measurement process was performed during bootup, the IP transport motors
10353 measurement conveyance error (MZ1, MA4, and MC1) were driven. However, IP sensor 1 (SC3) in the side-positioning conveyor unit did {MT:4.3}

(1) not CLOSE (did not detect an IP) within a predetermined period of time.

Remaining IP length When a remaining IP length measurement process was performed during bootup, the IP transport motors
10354 measurement conveyance error (MZ1, MA4, and MC1) were driven. However, IP sensor 1 (SC3) in the side-positioning conveyor unit did {MT:4.3}

(2) not OPEN (did not find that no IP was present) within a predetermined period of time.

Remaining IP length When a remaining IP length measurement process was performed during bootup, the IP transport motors
10355 measurement conveyance error (MZ1, MA4, and MC1) were driven. However, IP sensor 1 (SC3) in the side-positioning conveyor unit did {MT:4.3}

(3) not OPEN (did not find that no IP was present) within a predetermined period of time.

When a remaining IP length measurement process was performed during bootup, a nonstandard IP size
10356 Nonstandard IP detection was detected.

When the subscanning unit performed a pre-reading grip release operation during bootup or routine
Subscanning pre-reading grip
10357 processing, the driven-side grip roller release HP sensor (SZ2) was not CLOSED. Although retries were {MT:4.26}
retry error (1) performed, the maximum retry count was exceeded.

When a remaining IP side-positioning process was performed during bootup, the IP transport motors (MA4
Remaining IP side-positioning
10358 and MC1) were driven. However, IP sensor 1 (SC3) in the side-positioning conveyor unit did not CLOSE (did {MT:4.4}
error (1) not detect an IP) within a predetermined period of time.

Feed IP drop detection during When an IP feed operation was performed within the cassette for a remaining IP ejection process during
10360 bootup, the IP dropping sensor (SA4) detected an IP (CLOSED) to find that an IP was dropped.
bootup (2)
When a home positioning operation was performed for the cassette cover opening mechanism during
Cassette cover opening bootup or routine processing, the cassette cover opening mechanism driving motor (MA1) was driven.
10361 mechanism home positioning However, it was impossible to detect that the cassette cover opening mechanism HP sensor (SA7) was {MT:4.15}

error OPEN or CLOSED. Although two retries were performed, the sensor status was not detected, and the
system went down.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-21

Error Analysis
Error Name Occurrence Condition
Code Flow
When a remaining IP ejection process was performed during bootup, the IP transport motors (MA4 and
Remaining IP load conveyance
10364 MC1) were driven. However, IP sensor 2 (SG1) in the housing unit did not CLOSE (did not detect an IP) {MT:4.5}
error during bootup (1) within a predetermined period of time.

When a remaining IP ejection process was performed during bootup, the IP transport motors (MA4 and
Remaining IP load conveyance
10365 MC1) were driven. However, IP sensor 2 (SG1) in the housing unit did not OPEN (did not find that no IP {MT:4.5}
error during bootup (2) was present) within a predetermined period of time.

Subscanning speed correction When a subscanning grip speed correction operation was performed during bootup or routine processing,
10367 an error occurred. Although retries were performed, the maximum retry count was exceeded.
retry error
The dust removal motor (MZ3) was driven during bootup or routine processing to perform a home
Dust removal mechanism home positioning operation for the dust removal mechanism. However, the dust removal HP sensor (SZ5) did
10370 not OPEN within a predetermined period of time. Although retries were performed, the maximum retry
positioning retry error
count was exceeded.

The dust removal motor (MZ3) was driven by the dust removal mechanism during user utility processing.
Dust removal mechanism drive
10371 However, the dust removal HP sensor (SZ5) did not CLOSE within a predetermined period of time. {MT:4.27}
retry error (1) Although retries were performed, the maximum retry count was exceeded.

The dust removal motor (MZ3) was driven by the dust removal mechanism during user utility processing.
Dust removal mechanism drive
10372 However, the dust removal HP sensor (SZ5) did not OPEN within a predetermined period of time. {MT:4.27}
retry error (2) Although retries were performed, the maximum retry count was exceeded.

The cassette cover opening mechanism driving motor (MA1) was driven to close the debris fall prevention
Cassette cover opening
10380 shutter during routine processing. However, the cassette cover opening mechanism HP sensor (SA7) was {MT:4.15}
mechanism error CLOSED.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-22

Error Analysis
Error Name Occurrence Condition
Code Flow
The cassette cover opening mechanism driving motor (MA1) was driven during routine processing to
10391 IP holding arm release error (1) release the cassette IP holding arm from the IP holding position after IP suction. However, it was found {MT:4.14}
that the cassette IP holding sensor (SA10) was OPEN (the IP was held and a new cassette was detected).

The cassette cover opening mechanism driving motor (MA1) for IP holding was driven during routine
processing. However, it was found that the cassette IP holding sensor (SA10) was OPEN (the IP was
10393 Feed IP holding error held and a new cassette was detected). Although retries were performed, the maximum retry count was


The IP transport motor (MA4) was driven during routine processing to return an IP to the cassette after
Pre-length-measurement IP
10395 an IP drop. However, IP sensor 2 (SG1) in the housing unit did not OPEN (did not find that no IP was {MT:4.6}
position detection error (2) present) within a predetermined period of time.

When an IP return conveyance operation was performed during routine processing for the purpose of
BCR read retry conveyance
10404 retrying to read a barcode, the IP transport motors (MA4 and MC1) were driven. However, the IP dropping {MT:4.7}
error sensor (SA4) did not CLOSE (did not detect an IP) within a predetermined period of time.

The side-positioning conveyor roller grip release motor (MC2) was driven to release the side-positioning
Side-positioning grip release grip during bootup or routine processing. However, the side-positioning grip release position sensor (SC2)
10408 did not OPEN within a predetermined period of time. Although retries were performed, the maximum retry
count was exceeded.

The side-positioning conveyor roller grip release motor (MC2) was driven for the purpose of retrying to
Side-positioning grip release
10409 release the side-positioning grip during bootup or routine processing. However, the side-positioning grip {MT:4.20}
preparation error HP sensor (SC1) did not OPEN within a predetermined period of time.

The side-positioning conveyor roller grip release motor (MC2) was driven for side-positioning gripping
purpose during bootup or routine processing. However, the side-positioning grip HP sensor (SC1) did not
10410 Side-positioning grip error OPEN within a predetermined period of time. Although retries were performed, the maximum retry count

was exceeded.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-23

Error Analysis
Error Name Occurrence Condition
Code Flow
The side-positioning conveyor roller grip release motor (MC2) was driven to retry a side-positioning
Side-positioning grip
10411 gripping operation during bootup or routine processing. However, the side-positioning grip release position {MT:4.20}
preparation error sensor (SC2) did not OPEN within a predetermined period of time.

Driving-side grip roller grip The driven/driving grip roller driving motor (MZ2) was driven during routine processing to release the
10418 driving-side grip roller grip. However, the driving-side grip roller release HP sensor (SZ3) was not OPEN.
release error
The IP transport motors (MA4, MC1, and MZ1) were driven during routing processing to perform a post-
Post-reading conveyance error IP-reading conveyance operation. However, IP sensor 2 (SG1) in the housing unit did not CLOSE (did not
10419 detect an IP) within a predetermined period of time. Although retries were performed, the maximum retry
count was exceeded.

The IP transport motors (MA4 and MC1) were driven during routine processing to perform an IP erasure
10420 Erasure conveyance error conveyance operation. However, IP sensor 2 (SG1) in the housing unit did not OPEN (did not find that no {MT:4.5}
IP was present) within a predetermined period of time.

For IP suction purposes, the IP suction pump (PA1) was turned ON during routine processing. However,
IP suction error (after IP
10421 it was found that the IP suction sensor (SA5) was CLOSED (the IP was not vacuum-retained). Although {MT:4.18}
reading) retries were performed, the maximum retry count was exceeded.

After the cassette IP holding arm was released during routine processing, it was found that the IP dropping
10422 Load IP drop (1) sensor (SA4) was CLOSED (due to IP detection). Therefore, retries were performed. However, the {MT:4.17}
maximum retry count was exceeded.

After the cassette cover was closed during routine processing, it was found that the IP dropping sensor (SA4)
10423 Load IP drop (2) was CLOSED (due to IP detection). Therefore, retries were performed. However, the maximum retry {MT:4.17}
count was exceeded.

The cassette cover opening mechanism driving motor (MA1) was driven during routine processing to
prevent an IP drop. However, it was found that the cassette IP holding sensor (SA10) was CLOSED (the
10424 IP holding error IP was not held and an old cassette was detected). Although retries were performed, the maximum retry

count was exceeded.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-24

Error Analysis
Error Name Occurrence Condition
Code Flow
When a suction positioning preliminary conveyance operation was performed for a load IP during routine
IP suction positioning
10425 processing, the IP transport motor (MA4) was driven. However, IP sensor 2 (SG1) in the housing unit did {MT:4.6}
preliminary conveyance error not CLOSE (did not detect an IP) within a predetermined period of time.

When a suction positioning conveyance operation was performed for a load IP during routine processing,
IP suction positioning
10426 the IP transport motor (MA4) was driven. However, IP sensor 2 (SG1) in the housing unit did not OPEN (did {MT:4.6}
conveyance error not find that no IP was present) within a predetermined period of time.

The cassette cover opening mechanism driving motor (MA1) was driven during routine processing to
Debris fall prevention shutter
10427 release a held IP in the load sequence. However, it was found that the debris fall prevention shutter {MT:4.13}
open error sensor (SA3) was OPEN (the shutter was open).

The cassette cover opening mechanism driving motor (MA1) was driven during routine processing to
release a held IP in the load sequence. However, it was found that the cassette IP holding sensor (SA10)
10428 IP hold release error (1) was OPEN (the IP was held and a new cassette was detected). Although retries were performed, the

maximum retry count was exceeded.

The cassette cover opening mechanism driving motor (MA1) was driven during routine processing to
release a held IP in the load sequence. However, it was found that the cassette IP holding sensor (SA10)
10429 IP hold release error (2) was OPEN (the IP was held and a new cassette was detected). Although retries were performed, the

maximum retry count was exceeded.

Cassette cover opening The cassette cover opening mechanism driving motor (MA1) was driven during routine processing to
achieve cassette cover opening mechanism home positioning. However, it was found that the debris fall
10430 mechanism home positioning prevention shutter sensor (SA3) was CLOSED (the shutter was closed). Although retries were performed,

error the maximum retry count was exceeded.

When a suction relief operation was performed in the IP load sequence during routine processing, it was
10432 IP suction relief error found that the IP suction sensor (SA5) was OPEN (the IP was vacuum-retained). Although retries were {MT:4.18}
performed, the maximum retry count was exceeded.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-25

Error Analysis
Error Name Occurrence Condition
Code Flow
After the cassette cover opening mechanism driving motor (MA1) was driven during routine processing to
IP drop after cassette cover
10433 retract the cassette cover opening pin, it was found that the IP dropping sensor (SA4) was CLOSED (due {MT:4.17}
opening (1) to IP detection).

IP drop after cassette cover After a held IP was released in the load sequence during routine processing, it was found that the IP
10434 dropping sensor (SA4) was CLOSED (due to IP detection).
opening (2)
The IP transport motors (MA4, MC1, and MZ1) were driven during bootup or routine processing. However,
IP sensor 2 (SG1) in the housing unit did not OPEN (did not find that no IP was present) within a
10435 IP conveyance error predetermined period of time. It is conceivable that the IP may be jammed between the erasure unit and

side-positioning conveyor unit.

The cassette cover closing mechanism driving motor (MA2) was driven during routine processing.
Cassette cover closing
10436 However, the cassette cover closing mechanism HP sensor (SA8) did not CLOSE within a predetermined {MT:4.12}
mechanism drive error period of time. Although retries were performed, the maximum retry count was exceeded.

The cassette cover opening mechanism driving motor (MA1) was driven by one pulse during bootup or
Debris fall prevention shutter routine processing to perform a home positioning operation for the cassette cover opening mechanism.
10441 However, it was found that the debris fall prevention shutter sensor (SA3) was OPEN (the shutter was
open error (4)

Bootup cassette cover opening When the cassette cover opening mechanism was moved from the reference position to the home
10443 mechanism home positioning position during bootup, it was found that the IP dropping sensor (SA4) was CLOSED (due to IP detection). {MT:4.17}

error Although retries were performed, the maximum retry count was exceeded.

When a remaining IP side-positioning process was performed during bootup, the IP transport motors (MA4,
Remaining IP side-positioning
10451 MC1, and MZ1) were driven to achieve IP positioning. However, IP sensor 2 (SG1) in the housing unit {MT:4.8}
error (2) was CLOSED.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-26

Error Analysis
Error Name Occurrence Condition
Code Flow
Cassette cover closing When an attempt was made during bootup or routine processing to place the cassette cover closing
10456 mechanism in its reference position, the cassette cover CLOSE position sensor (SA12) was not OPEN.
mechanism HP sensor error
The IP transport motors (MA4 and MC1) were driven during routine processing to perform an IP return
10461 Feed conveyance retry error conveyance operation in the feed conveyance retry sequence. However, IP sensor 2 (SG1) in the housing {MT:4.5}
unit did not OPEN within a predetermined period of time.

The IP transport motors (MA4, MC1, and MZ1) were driven during routing processing to perform a post-IP-
Post-reading conveyance error
10462 reading conveyance operation. However, IP sensor 1 (SC3) in the side-positioning conveyor unit did not {MT:4.3}
(2) CLOSE (did not detect an IP) within a predetermined period of time.

Side-positioning reference The side-positioning reference block driving motor (MC4) was driven during bootup or routine processing
to perform a home positioning operation for the side-positioning reference block. However, the side-
10464 block home positioning retry positioning reference block HP sensor (SC7) did not CLOSE within a predetermined period of time.

error Although retries were performed, the maximum retry count was exceeded.

Remaining IP side-positioning The side-positioning reference block driving motor (MC4) was driven during bootup to perform a remaining
10465 reference surface positioning IP side-positioning process. However, the side-positioning reference block HP sensor (SC7) did not {MT:4.23}

error CLOSE within a predetermined period of time.

The side-positioning latch mechanism driving motor (MC3) was driven during bootup or routine processing
Side-positioning latch home to perform a home positioning operation for the side-positioning latch. However, the side-positioning
10467 latch position sensor (SC8) did not OPEN within a predetermined period of time. Although retries were
positioning error
performed, the maximum retry count was exceeded.

The side-positioning latch mechanism driving motor (MC3) was driven during bootup or routine processing
Side-positioning latch HP to detect the home position of the side-positioning latch. However, the side-positioning latch position
10468 sensor (SC8) did not OPEN within a predetermined period of time. Although retries were performed, the
detection error
maximum retry count was exceeded.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-27

Error Analysis
Error Name Occurrence Condition
Code Flow
The side-positioning latch mechanism driving motor (MC3) was driven during bootup or routine processing
Side-positioning latch to protrude the side-positioning latch. However, the side-positioning latch position sensor (SC8) did not
10469 OPEN within a predetermined period of time. Although retries were performed, the maximum retry count
protrusion error
was exceeded.

When the ERS board conducted a diagnostic check during bootup, it was found that the INV23A board
10731 INV23A board position error was not mounted in the correct position. For the correct board position, refer to the MD volume.

Configuration initialization During bootup, the Iconfiguration data (Irset.cfg) could not be loaded into the SDRAM from the flash ROM
10900 on the CPU23A board.
11200 Initialization HV-OFF status It was found during bootup that the high voltage of the photomultiplier (PMT23A board) was OFF. {MT:13.}

11273 Laser life warning During bootup, the laser drive current value (LDIF) is more than 1.4 times the factory default value. {MT:5.10}

Image data variation or image An abnormal virtual data change was detected when the virtual data transfer diagnostics was conducted for
11287 signal connector error during bootup. In the virtual data transfer diagnostics for bootup, an abnormal virtual data change, disconnected {MT:5.12}

bootup image signal connector, or erroneous connector connection was detected.

Bootup improper cassette It was found during bootup that a cassette was improperly loaded (inserted obliquely or into a non-
11315 reference position).
loading detection
It was found during bootup that a cassette was incompletely inserted. The cassette IN sensor (SA1)
Bootup incomplete cassette
11316 detected that no cassette was present (CLOSED). The cassette ejection sensor (SA11) detected that a {MT:4.10}
insertion detection cassette was present (CLOSED).

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-28

Error Analysis
Error Name Occurrence Condition
Code Flow
When a remaining IP search process was performed during bootup, an incompletely inserted cassette was
Improper cassette loading detected. The cassette IN sensor (SA1) detected that no cassette was present (CLOSED). The cassette
11341 hold sensor (SA2) detected a cassette hold (OPEN). The cassette ejection sensor (SA11) detected that a
detection (1)
cassette was present (CLOSED).

When a remaining IP search process was performed during bootup, an incompletely inserted cassette was
Improper cassette loading detected. The cassette IN sensor (SA1) detected that a cassette was present (OPEN). The cassette hold
11342 sensor (SA2) detected that a cassette hold was released (CLOSED). The cassette ejection sensor (SA11)
detection (2)
detected that a cassette was present (CLOSED).

The cassette hold pin solenoid (SOLA1) turned OFF (cassette hold) during routine processing. However,
the cassette hold sensor (SA2) detected that a cassette hold was released (CLOSED). Although retries
were performed, the maximum retry count was exceeded.
11373 Cassette hold retry error An error results also when the following operation takes place.

- When the cassette is loaded upside down;

- When the cassette is loaded front side back.

It was found during routine processing that a cassette was incompletely inserted. The cassette IN sensor
Incomplete cassette insertion
11374 (SA1) detected that no cassette was present (CLOSED). The cassette ejection sensor (SA11) detected {MT:4.10}
detection that a cassette was present (CLOSED).

The cassette hold pin solenoid (SOLA1) turned OFF (cassette hold) during routine processing. However,
11375 Cassette not detected the cassette IN sensor (SA1) detected that no cassette was present (OPEN).

Cassette size sensor The cassette width sensors (SA9, SA14, and SA15) in the cassette set unit detected an abnormal
11377 combination during routine processing.
combination error
The cassette width sensors in the cassette set unit detected an abnormal combination during routine
Small-size cassette loading processing. The "15x30 cassette" identifying sensor (SA9) detected that no cassette was present (OPEN).
11378 The cassette insertion error sensor (SA14) detected a cassette (CLOSED). The large cassette size sensor
(SA15) detected that no cassette was present (OPEN).

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-29

Error Analysis
Error Name Occurrence Condition
Code Flow
The cassette hold pin solenoid (SOLA1) turned ON (to release a cassette hold) during routine processing.
11379 Cassette hold release error However, the cassette hold sensor (SA2) detected a cassette hold (OPEN). Although retries were {MT:4.9}
performed, the maximum retry count was exceeded.

The cassette cover opening mechanism driving motor (MA1) was driven during routine processing to close
Debris fall prevention shutter the debris fall prevention shutter. However, it was found that the debris fall prevention shutter sensor
11381 (SA3) was OPEN (the shutter was open). Although retries were performed, the maximum retry count was
close error

The cassette cover opening mechanism driving motor (MA1) was driven during routine processing to
prevent an IP drop. However, it was found that the cassette IP holding sensor (SA10) was OPEN (old
11382 Old cassette loading cassette). Although retries were performed, the maximum retry count was exceeded. It was therefore

concluded that an old cassette was loaded.

The IP suction pump (PA1) turned ON during routine processing to perform an IP suction operation.
However, it was found that the IP suction sensor (SA5) was CLOSED (the IP was not vacuum-retained).
IP suction error (before IP
11389 Although retries were performed, the maximum retry count was exceeded. {MT:4.18}
reading) An error results also when the following operation takes place.
- When a cassette of a metric type is loaded into an inch-type machine.

It was found during routine processing that the IP suction sensor (SA5) was CLOSED (the IP was not
11390 Feed IP suction error vacuum-retained) prior to the IP feed air leak sequence. Although an IP feed operation was retried, the {MT:4.18}
maximum retry count was exceeded.

The IP transport motors (MA4 and MC1) were driven during routine processing to perform a feed
conveyance operation. However, IP sensor 2 (SG1) in the housing unit did not CLOSE (did not detect an
11396 Feed IP conveyance error (1) IP) within a predetermined period of time. Although retries were performed, the maximum retry count was


The IP transport motors (MA4 and MC1) were driven during routine processing to perform a feed
conveyance operation. However, IP sensor 1 (SC3) in the side-positioning conveyor unit did not CLOSE (did
11397 Feed IP conveyance error (2) not detect an IP) within a predetermined period of time. Although retries were performed, the maximum

retry count was exceeded.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-30

Error Analysis
Error Name Occurrence Condition
Code Flow
When a remaining IP length measurement process was performed during bootup, IP sensor 1 (SC3) in the
11398 Nonstandard IP size side-positioning conveyor unit and "15x30/24x30 IP width" identifying sensor (SC9) detected an abnormal {MT:4.22}
combination. It was therefore concluded that a nonstandard IP size was encountered.

The barcode could not be read during routine processing. Although the barcode reading operation was
11403 Barcode reading retry error retried, the maximum retry count was exceeded.

The IP transport motors (MA4 and MC1) were driven during routine processing to perform a barcode
Barcode reading retry
11405 reading retry conveyance operation. However, IP sensor 1 (SC3) in the side-positioning conveyor unit did {MT:4.4}
conveyance error not CLOSE (did not detect an IP) within a predetermined period of time.

During routine processing, the IP size detected in an IP length measurement process and the IP type
11406 Nonstandard IP size detected in a barcode reading operation formed an abnormal combination.

Unacceptable IP generation/ The IP type detected in a barcode reading operation during routine processing was other than ST-VN/ST-
11407 VI.
type detection
The subscanning motor (MZ1) was driven during routine processing to perform a reading conveyance
11413 Leading-edge detection error operation. However, the leading-edge detection interrupt did not occur within a predetermined period of {MT:4.28}

The subscanning motor (MZ1) was driven during routine processing to perform a reading conveyance
Subscanning conveyance error
11414 operation. However, IP sensor 1 (SC3) in the side-positioning conveyor unit did not OPEN (did not find that {MT:4.29}
(1) no IP was present) within a predetermined period of time.

The subscanning motor (MZ1) was driven during routine processing to perform a reading conveyance
Subscanning conveyance error
11415 operation. As a result, a leading-edge detection interrupt occurred. However, IP sensor 1 (SC3) in the {MT:4.29}
(2) side-positioning conveyor unit did not OPEN within a predetermined period of time.

Improperly sized cassette When a remaining IP ejection process was performed during bootup, it was found that the cassette size did
11453 not match the size of the IP in the machine. It was therefore requested that the cassette be ejected.
ejection request
When a remaining IP ejection process was performed during bootup, an empty cassette was detected. It
11454 Empty cassette ejection request was therefore requested that the cassette be ejected.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-31

Error Analysis
Error Name Occurrence Condition
Code Flow
The cassette IP holding arm performed an IP holding operation during bootup to determine whether the
Old cassette loading during cassette was old or new. However, it was found that the cassette IP holding sensor (SA10) was CLOSED (the
11460 IP was not held and an old cassette was detected). Although retries were performed, the maximum retry
count was exceeded. It was therefore concluded that an old cassette was encountered.

Side-positioning reference The side-positioning reference block driving motor (MC4) was driven during bootup or routine processing
to perform a reference surface positioning operation for the side-positioning reference block. However, the
11465 block reference surface side-positioning reference block HP sensor (SC7) did not CLOSE within a predetermined period of time.

positioning retry error Although retries were performed, the maximum retry count was exceeded.

The side-positioning reference block driving motor (MC4) was driven during bootup or routine processing to
Side-positioning reference return the side-positioning reference block. However, the side-positioning reference block HP sensor (SC7)
11466 did not OPEN within a predetermined period of time. Although retries were performed, the maximum retry
block return retry error
count was exceeded.

Scanner unit cooling fan It was found during bootup or routine processing that the scanner unit cooling fan (FANG1) in the housing
11489 unit was faulty.
(FANG1) failure
Unread IP ejection during When a remaining IP search process was performed during bootup, an unread IP in the machine was
11495 returned to a cassette and then the cassette was ejected.
Request for an empty cassette When a remaining IP ejection process was performed during bootup, the insertion of an empty cassette
11498 having a specified size was requested.
having a specified size
Unread IP ejection during When a remaining IP search process was performed during bootup, an unread IP in the machine was
11499 returned to a cassette and then the cassette was ejected.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-32

Error Analysis
Error Name Occurrence Condition
Code Flow
<Improper servicing>
In the CR-IR355RU, the employed RU/console connection setting was N-N. Therefore, the cassette was
ejected with a message displayed. Change the console configuration setting to 1:1.
11510 Unread IP ejection (1) <Occurrence condition analysis>

The console conducted a barcode search during routine processing. However, the relevant information
was not found. Therefore, the IP was ejected into the cassette without being read.

<User operation>
This error occurs if no menu is selected at the time of image output.
Patient information not
11511 <Occurrence condition analysis> -
registered The barcode could not be read because, for instance, the patient information relevant to the barcode of the
processed IP was not registered in the CL or the barcode label attached to the IP was soiled.

Although the RU sent an ID information inquiry to the CL during routine processing, the RU could not
acquire ID information due to CL abnormality. (This error does not occur in a situation where the target
11512 ID information acquisition error ID is not registered or the ID information cannot be acquired due to a barcode error.) The processed IP

returns to the cassette, the cassette is ejected, and the panel displays a message.

11530 Image data retransmission The RU has retransmitted the image data to the CL -

During routine processing, an attempt is made to retransmit the unsent image data from the RU to the CL
11531 Retransmission retry failure after communication with the CL is suspended; however, the CL rejects it, so that the image data is lost {MT:14.}
and the cassette is ejected.

Erasure time extension due Some erasure lamps failed to illuminate. Therefore, the message appeared, and a process was performed
11700 to erasure lamp illumination in the erasure extension mode in which the erasure time was extended. For the number of unlit erasure {MT:6.3}

failure lamps, refer to the MD volume.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-33

Error Analysis
Error Name Occurrence Condition
Code Flow
Erasure degeneration resulting A predetermined number of erasure lamps failed to illuminate. The erasure degeneration mode then
from inadequate erasure due prevailed due to inadequate erasure. An unerased IP was ejected into the cassette. The message
11701 appeared and the user made a mode selection. For the number of unlit erasure lamps, refer to the MD
to erasure lamp illumination
A predetermined cumulative erasure lamp illumination time was exceeded. Therefore, the message
Erasure lamp life end advance
11702 appeared to indicate that the lamp life end is about to be reached. For the predetermined cumulative {MT:21.8}
notice erasure lamp illumination time, refer to the MD volume.

The life end warning message appeared because a predetermined cumulative erasure lamp illumination
11703 Erasure lamp life end 1 time was exceeded. For the predetermined cumulative erasure lamp illumination time, refer to the MD {MT:21.8}

The life end message appeared because a predetermined cumulative erasure lamp illumination time was
11704 Erasure lamp life end 2 exceeded. For the predetermined cumulative erasure lamp illumination time, refer to the MD volume.

It was found during bootup that the temperature thermistor (THE1) was outside the specified temperature
11710 Temperature sensor failure range or that the erasure unit temperature control function was inoperative due to an open-circuited or {MT:6.4}
short-circuited sensor.

Erasure cooling fan (FANB1) The failure was detected by a current monitor circuit inside the erasure cooling fan (FANB1) during bootup
11720 or routine processing.
It was found during bootup or routine processing that the F3 fuse on the ERS23A board, which protects
11721 ERS23A board F3 fuse blowout the erasure cooling fan (FANB1), was blown.

It was detected during bootup or routine processing that the fuse mounted on the ERS23A board was
11730 ERS23A board fuse blowout blown.

Erasure time extension due to Some erasure lamps failed to illuminate due to an INV board failure. Therefore, the erasure time was
11732 extended. For the number of unlit erasure lamps, refer to the MD volume.
INV board failure

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-34

Error Analysis
Error Name Occurrence Condition
Code Flow
A predetermined number of erasure lamps failed to illuminate due to an INV board failure. The erasure
Erasure degeneration due to
11733 degeneration mode then prevailed, and an unerased IP was ejected into the cassette. For the number of {MT:6.3}
INV board failure unlit erasure lamps, refer to the MD volume.

An IP that was inadequately erased due, for instance, to an erasure lamp illumination failure or erasure
11760 Inadequately erased IP ejection lamp temperature detection thermistor (THB1) failure was returned to the cassette, and the cassette was {MT:6.6}

Right-hand side cover air filter The message appeared and the error was logged because the life end of the right-hand side cover air filter
11901 was reached, that is, an IP conveyance count of 90,000 (2 years) was exceeded. Replace the air filter.
life end indication
Erasure unit brush roller life The message appeared and the error was logged because the life end of the erasure unit brush roller was
11902 reached, that is, an IP conveyance count of 90,000 (2 years) was exceeded. Replace the brush roller.
end indication
The message appeared and the error was logged because the life end of the cassette impact absorption
Cassette impact absorption
11903 damper was reached, that is, an IP conveyance count of 180,000 (4 years) was exceeded. Replace the {MT:21.5}
damper life end indication damper.

Erasure lamp filter life end The message appeared and the error was logged because the life end of the erasure lamp filter was
11904 reached, that is, an IP conveyance count of 90,000 (2 years) was exceeded. Replace the lamp filter.
The message appeared and the error was logged because the life end of the IP suction pump was
11905 IP suction pump life end reached, that is, an IP conveyance count of 135,000 (3 years) was exceeded. Replace the pump.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-35

Error Analysis
Error Name Occurrence Condition
Code Flow
11906 Laser life end The message appeared because a predetermined cumulative laser illumination time was exceeded. {MT:21.5}

Log information save error An error occurred during an RU shutdown process when an attempt was made to save error log/trace
11907 information in the FTP server.
during shutdown process
The message appeared and the error was logged because S-value was fluctuated over 50% from initial
11908 S-value fluctuations (1) value.

The message appeared and the error was logged because S-value was fluctuated over 70% from initial
11909 S-value fluctuations (2) value.

Cassette insertion before

The message appeared and the cassette was ejected because the cassette was inserted before the
11950 console connection connection to the console was established.

The message appeared because the cassette was not inserted all the way in and two seconds elapsed.
An error results also when the following operation takes place.
11951 Cassette setting failure - When the cassette is slantly loaded; -
- When the cassette is inserted into an opposite side to reference;
- When a cassette of an inch type is loaded into a metric-type machine.

Inadequate erasure due to X-ray When an erasure mode process was performed during routing processing, an X-ray overdose was
11960 detected. Therefore, the message appeared and an inadequately erased IP was returned to the cassette.
Power restoration IP process An incompletely read IP was detected during bootup. Therefore, the message appeared, and the IP was
11970 returned to the cassette and ejected.
Power restoration IP erasure An incompletely erased IP was detected during bootup. Therefore, the message appeared, and the IP was
11971 returned to the cassette and ejected.
Since a high dose was detected during routine processing, the message appeared and a primary erasure
Erasure incompleteness after
11980 process was retried five times. Although the primary erasure process was retried five times, the detected -
re-erasure dose was still high. Therefore, the inadequately erased IP was returned to the cassette.

12001 File open error 1 (FTP) An error occurred in the FTP server file open sequence. {MT:7.}

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-36

Error Analysis
Error Name Occurrence Condition
Code Flow
12002 File read error 1 (FTP) An error occurred in the FTP server file read sequence. {MT:7.}

12003 File format error 1 (FTP) An error occurred in the FTP server file formatting sequence. {MT:7.}

12004 File write error 1 (FTP) An error occurred in the FTP server file write sequence. {MT:7.}

12005 File close error 1 (FTP) An error occurred in the FTP server file close sequence. {MT:7.}

Console BMP server connection An error occurred during routine processing when an attempt was made to establish the connection to the
12039 console BMP server.
Console BMP server An error occurred during routine processing when an attempt was made to establish the communication
12040 with the console BMP server.
communication error
12201 Start-point detection error During bootup, error for the start-point detection signal (SSH, SSL) is detected. {MT:5.9}

12202 Leading-edge detection error During bootup, only error for the leading-edge detection signal (SED1L) is detected. {MT:5.13}

During bootup, an SCN board diagnostic error (no main-scan sync signal is generated) associated with
12203 SCN sync signal error polygon error occurs.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-37

Error Analysis
Error Name Occurrence Condition
Code Flow
During bootup, an SCN board diagnostic error (no polygon index signal is generated) associated with
12204 Polygon index signal error polygon error occurs.

An error occurred during bootup because no edge detection interrupt was generated in the event of a
12206 Interrupt error CPU23B-to-SCN23A board interrupt diagnostic check error.

At the initializing and the processings, cannot detect polygon "OK" signal within 7.5 secounds after polygon
12210 Polygon timeout "ON".

During bootup and routine processing, error for the PMT analog power supply signal (+15VOKH,
12211 PMT analog power supply error +15VOKL) is detected.

12212 Laser light intensity error During bootup and routine processing, error for the laser OK signal (LD1OKH, LD1OKL) is detected. {MT:5.15}

12213 Polygon lock error During bootup and routine processing, error for the polygon lock signal (POKL, PONL) is detected. {MT:5.7}

During bootup and routine processing, error is detected for the polygon rotation detection function on the
12214 Polygon rotation error SCN23A board.

12215 PLL function error During bootup and routine processing, error is detected for the PLL function on the SCN23A board. {MT:5.16}

During bootup and routine processing, error is detected for the start-point interval function on the SCN23A
12216 Start-point interval error board.

High-voltage command value During bootup and routine processing, error is detected for the high-voltage command value diagnostics
12217 signal on the SCN23A board.
High-voltage detection value During bootup and routine processing, error is detected for the high-voltage detection value diagnostics
12218 signal on the SCN23A board.
12221 Light shielding error It is detected that the QL value is 9 or higher by S-value variation detection.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-38

Error Analysis
Error Name Occurrence Condition
Code Flow
During bootup and routine processing, the laser drive current value (LDIF) is more than 1.4 times the
12222 Laser drive current value error factory default value.

12225 Reading status error During routine processing, error is detected for the VSYNC signal on the SCN23A board. {MT:18.}

12226 Operation line status error During routine processing, error is detected for the SEDTM/FCLKTM signal on the SCN23A board. {MT:18.}

During bootup or during routine processing, error is detected for the PLL function, polygon rotation
12241 Scanner control board error (1) function, startpoint interval function on the SCN23A board.

During routine processing, because the PMT high-voltage value is not set correctly on the SCN23A board,
12242 Scanner control board error (2) error is detected for the high-voltage command diagnostics.

During bootup or during routine processing, error is detected for the start-point mask signal generated from
12243 Scanner control board error (3) the SCN23A board and the index signal (PINDXL) from the polygonal mirror (POL).

During routine processing, an SCN board diagnostic error associated with polygon error is detected.
12244 Scanner control board error (4) Because the PLL on the SCN23A board does not oscillate, a polygon sync signal cannot be detected.

Photomultiplier control board During bootup or during routine processing, only error for the PMT analog power supply signal (+15VOKH,
12251 +15VOKL) is detected (detail code: 008100). Note that if the HV is OFF, the detail code is 008000.
error (1)
Photomultiplier control board During bootup or during routine processing, only error for the high-voltage power supply signal (HVOKH,
12252 HVOKL) is detected.
error (2)
During bootup or during routine processing, only error for the leading-edge detection signal (SED1,
12255 Leading-edge detection error (1) SED2L) is detected.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-39

Error Analysis
Error Name Occurrence Condition
Code Flow
Leading-edge detection timing During routine processing, IP conveyance overrun occurs due to mechanical error or SCN23A board
12256 control error, and only error for the SEDTM and FCLKTM signals on the SCN23A board is detected.
During bootup, error for the polygon lock signal (PONL, POKL) is detected so that the polygonal mirror
12261 Polygon rotation error (1) function is disabled. The start-point detection (SYN) and leading-edge detection (SED) functions are also {MT:5.7}

During bootup or during routine processing, error for the polygon lock signal (PONL, POKL) and error for
12262 Polygon rotation error (2) the start-point interval function and polygon rotation detection function on the SCN23A/SCT23B board are {MT:5.7}
detected (detail code: 003400).

During bootup or during routine processing, only error for the lock signal (POKL, PONL) from the polygonal
12263 Polygon rotation error (3) mirror (POL) is detected (detail code: 002001). {MT:5.7}
If error for the SEDTM or FCLKTM signal on the SCN23A board is detected, the detail code is 002003.

During bootup or during routine processing, error for the signals (PONL, POKL, PINDXL) from the
polygonal mirror and the SEDTM signal on the SCN23A board is detected (detail code: 001002).
Alternatively, error for the index signal (PINDXL) from the polygonal mirror and the SEDTM and FCLKTM
12264 Polygon rotation error (4) signals on the SCN23A board is detected (detail code: 001000).

Alternatively, error for the signals (POKL, PINDXL) from the polygonal mirror and the SEDTM signal on the
SCN23A board is detected (error code: 101000).

At the processings, detected that the value of LD driving current has changed greater than 5mA, in order
12270 LDIFMAX update to control the lack of light intensity (keep the same level light intensity) due to the LD deterioration.

During routine processing, the laser (LDD) and start-point detection (SYN) functions are disabled due to
12271 Laser unlit error (1) blow of the fuse (G011 and H011 on the SCN23A board) or laser failure (detail code: 805413, C05413, {MT:5.8}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-40

Error Analysis
Error Name Occurrence Condition
Code Flow
During routine processing, the laser light intensity is less than 50%, and the laser light intensity error signal
(LD1OKL, LD1OKH) is detected (detail code: 004000).
12272 Insufficient laser light intensity Alternatively, the laser light intensity error signal (LD1OKL, LD1OKH) and laser drive current value (LDIF)

error are detected (detail code: 014000).

During routine processing, the laser drive current value (LDIF) is more than 1.4 times the factory default
12273 Laser life warning value.

During bootup, the disabled state of the start-point detection (SYN) function, and error for the PLL function
and polygon rotation detection function on the SCN23A board are detected (detail code: 801C03).
Alternatively, the disabled state of the start-point detection (SYN) function, and error for the PLL function
12281 Start-point detection error (1) on the SCN23A board are detected (detail code: 800C03). {MT:5.9}
Alternatively, during routine processing, the disabled state of the start-point detection (SYN) function, and
error for the PLL function and polygon rotation detection function on the SCN23A board are detected (detail
code: 801401).

During bootup and routine processing, only error for the start-point interval function on the SCN23A board
is detected (detail code: 000400).
12282 Start-point detection error (2) Alternatively, error for the start-point interval function and polygon rotation detection function on the

SCN23A board is detected (detail code: 001401).

Scanning optics unit board During bootup, the laser (LDD), start-point detection (SYN), and leading-edge detection (SED) functions
12283 are disabled due to laser failure or disconnected connector.
error during bootup
During IP reading, the laser drive current value (LDIF) becomes more than 1.4 times the factory default
12284 LD monitor value error warning value.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-41

Error Analysis
Error Name Occurrence Condition
Code Flow
During IP reading, error is detected for the HV command value signal sent from the SCN23A board to the
HV command value error
12285 PMT23A board. The difference between MIN and MAX of the monitor value relative to the setup value is {MT:5.14}
warning out of specification.

HV detection value error During routine processing, error is detected for the HV detection value signal of the PMT23A board. The
12286 difference between MIN and MAX of the monitor value relative to the setup value is out of specification.
An abnormal image data change was detected when the image data transfer diagnostics was conducted
Image data variation or image for scanner diagnostics during routine processing.
12287 signal connector error during In the image data transfer diagnostics for scanner diagnostics during routine processing, an abnormal {MT:5.12}

routine processing virtual data change, disconnected image signal connector, or erroneous connector connection was

During routine processing, error for the VSYNC signal on the SCN23A board is detected after IP reading is
12291 Reading sequence error completed (detail code: 000002).

Reading is completed by any interrupt other than the leading-edge detection interrupt or end-of-screen
Reading sequence error during interrupt.
12292 At the same time, an insufficient number of output lines and a too-early start of reading are detected (detail
routine (2)
code: 000003).

A scanner unit abnormality was detected while control communication is established between the
Scanner transmission/reception
12295 CPU23B board and SCN23A board during bootup, during routine processing, or in the Maintenance Utility. {MT:5.16}
error Therefore, the control communication did not normally end.

During bootup, during routine processing, or in the Maintenance Utility, control communication between the
12296 Scanner send sum check error CPU23B board and SCN23A board can be done; however, sum check error is detected from the SCN23A {MT:5.16}

During bootup, or during routine processing, or in the Maintenance Utility, communication between the
Communication receive size
12297 CPU23B board and SCN23A board can be done; however, data size error is detected from the SCN23A {MT:5.16}
error board.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-42

Error Analysis
Error Name Occurrence Condition
Code Flow
During routine processing, because scanner-related error is detected, the IP is returned to the cassette
12298 Scanner retry error and scanner initialization is performed, with a retry made for routine processing.

During bootup or routine processing, a combination of errors that should not have logically occurred were
12299 Error for scanner, etc. generated.

The side-positioning conveyor roller grip release motor (MC2) was driven during bootup or routine
Side-positioning grip home processing to perform a home positioning operation for the side-positioning grip. However, the side-
12318 positioning grip HP sensor (SC1) did not OPEN within a predetermined period of time. Therefore, a retry
positioning retry
was performed.

The side-positioning latch mechanism driving motor (MC3) was driven during bootup or routine processing
Side-positioning start position
12319 to detect a side-positioning start position. However, the side-positioning latch stroke sensor (SC10) did not {MT:4.21}
detection retry CLOSE within a predetermined period of time. Therefore, a retry was performed.

The side-positioning latch mechanism driving motor (MC3) was driven during bootup or routine processing
Side-positioning mechanism to perform a home positioning operation for the side-positioning mechanism. However, the side-positioning
12320 latch stroke sensor (SC10) did not OPEN within a predetermined period of time. Therefore, a retry was
home positioning retry

When a subscanning grip position search was conducted during bootup, it was found that the driving-side
Subscanning grip position
12322 grip roller release HP sensor (SZ3) or driven-side grip roller release HP sensor (SZ2) was not CLOSED. {MT:4.26}
search retry Therefore, a retry was performed.

Driving-side grip roller grip When the driving-side grip roller performed a grip operation during bootup, the driving-side grip roller
12323 release HP sensor (SZ3) was not OPEN. Therefore, a retry was performed.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-43

Error Analysis
Error Name Occurrence Condition
Code Flow
When the driven-side grip roller performed a fast grip operation during bootup, the driven-side grip roller
12324 Driven-side grip roller grip retry release HP sensor (SZ2) was not OPEN. Therefore, a retry was performed.

The cassette cover closing mechanism driving motor (MA2) was driven during bootup or routine processing
Cassette cover closing to perform a home position release operation for the cassette cover closing mechanism. However, the
12325 cassette cover closing mechanism HP sensor (SA8) did not OPEN within a predetermined period of time.
mechanism HP release retry
Therefore, a retry was performed.

Cassette cover closing The cassette cover closing mechanism driving motor (MA2) was driven during bootup or routine
processing to perform a home positioning operation for the cassette cover closing mechanism. However,
12326 mechanism home positioning the cassette cover closing mechanism HP sensor (SA8) did not CLOSE within a predetermined period of

retry time. Therefore, a retry was performed.

Cassette cover opening The cassette cover opening mechanism driving motor (MA1) was driven by one pulse during bootup or
routine processing to perform a home positioning operation for the cassette cover opening mechanism.
12329 mechanism home positioning However, the cassette cover opening mechanism HP sensor (SA7) did not CLOSE within a predetermined

retry (1) period of time. Therefore, a retry was performed.

Cassette cover opening The cassette cover opening mechanism driving motor (MA1) was driven during bootup or routine
processing to perform a home positioning operation for the cassette cover opening mechanism. However,
12330 mechanism home positioning the cassette cover opening mechanism HP sensor (SA7) did not CLOSE within a predetermined period of

retry (2) time. Therefore, a retry was performed.

Cassette cover opening The cassette cover opening mechanism driving motor (MA1) was driven during bootup or routine
processing to perform a home positioning operation for the cassette cover opening mechanism. However,
12331 mechanism home positioning the cassette cover opening mechanism HP sensor (SA7) did not OPEN within a predetermined period of

retry time. Therefore, a retry was performed.

IP suction sensor error during

12335 It was found during bootup that the IP suction sensor (SA5) was CLOSED (the IP was vacuum-retained). {MT:4.18}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-44

Error Analysis
Error Name Occurrence Condition
Code Flow
The suction arm driving motor (MA3) was driven by one pulse during bootup or routine processing to
Suction arm home positioning
12336 perform a home positioning operation for the suction arm. However, the suction arm HP sensor (SA6) did {MT:4.16}
retry (1) not CLOSE within a predetermined period of time. Therefore, a retry was performed.

The suction arm driving motor (MA3) was driven during bootup or routine processing to perform a home
Suction arm home positioning
12337 positioning operation for the suction arm. However, the suction arm HP sensor (SA6) did not CLOSE {MT:4.16}
retry (2) within a predetermined period of time. Therefore, a retry was performed.

The suction arm driving motor (MA3) was driven during bootup or routine processing to perform a home
Suction arm home positioning
12338 positioning operation for the suction arm. However, the suction arm HP sensor (SA6) did not OPEN within {MT:4.16}
retry a predetermined period of time. Therefore, a retry was performed.

When an attempt was made to release the cassette IP holding arm from the IP holding position during
IP holding arm release retry
12344 bootup, it was found that the cassette IP holding sensor (SA10) was OPEN (the IP was held and a new {MT:4.14}
during bootup (1) cassette was detected). Therefore, a retry was performed.

When an attempt was made to release the cassette IP holding arm from the cassette cover opening
IP holding arm release retry
12345 position during bootup, it was found that the cassette IP holding sensor (SA10) was OPEN (the IP was {MT:4.14}
during bootup (2) held and a new cassette was detected). Therefore, a retry was performed.

Subscanning grip free rotation When the subscanning unit grip roller freely rotated during bootup, the driving-side grip roller release HP
12350 sensor (SZ3) was not OPEN. Therefore, a retry was performed.
Driving-side grip roller fast grip When a fast grip release operation was performed for the driving-side grip roller during bootup, the driving-
12351 side grip roller release HP sensor (SZ3) was not OPEN. Therefore, a retry was performed.
release retry

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-45

Error Analysis
Error Name Occurrence Condition
Code Flow
Subscanning IP ejection grip When a subscanning IP ejection grip operation was performed during bootup or routine processing, the
12352 driving-side grip roller release HP sensor (SZ3) was not CLOSED. Therefore, a retry was performed.
Subscanning pre-reading grip When the subscanning unit performed a pre-reading grip operation during bootup or routine processing,
12357 the driven-side grip roller release HP sensor (SZ2) was not CLOSED. Therefore, a retry was performed.
retry (1)

Cassette cover opening The cassette cover opening mechanism driving motor (MA1) was driven by one pulse during bootup or
routine processing to perform a home positioning operation for the cassette cover opening mechanism.
12361 mechanism home positioning However, the cassette cover opening mechanism HP sensor (SA7) did not CLOSE within a predetermined

retry (1) period of time. Therefore, a retry was performed.

Cassette cover opening The cassette cover opening mechanism driving motor (MA1) was driven during bootup or routine
processing to perform a home positioning operation for the cassette cover opening mechanism. However,
12362 mechanism home positioning the cassette cover opening mechanism HP sensor (SA7) did not CLOSE within a predetermined period of

retry (2) time. Therefore, a retry was performed.

Cassette cover opening The cassette cover opening mechanism driving motor (MA1) was driven during bootup or routine
processing to perform a home positioning operation for the cassette cover opening mechanism. However,
12363 mechanism home positioning the cassette cover opening mechanism HP sensor (SA7) did not OPEN within a predetermined period of

retry time. Therefore, a retry was performed.

When a subscanning grip speed correction operation was performed during bootup or routine processing,
Driven-side grip roller grip
12367 it was found that the driven-side grip roller release HP sensor (SZ2) was not OPEN. Therefore, a retry was {MT:4.26}
speed correction retry performed.

The dust removal motor (MZ3) was driven during bootup or routine processing to perform a home
Dust removal home positioning
12370 positioning operation for the dust removal mechanism. However, the dust removal HP sensor (SZ5) did not {MT:4.27}
retry OPEN within a predetermined period of time. Therefore, a retry was performed.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-46

Error Analysis
Error Name Occurrence Condition
Code Flow
The dust removal motor (MZ3) was driven by the dust removal mechanism during user utility processing.
Dust removal mechanism drive
12371 However, the dust removal HP sensor (SZ5) did not CLOSE within a predetermined period of time. {MT:4.27}
retry (1) Therefore, a retry was performed.

The dust removal motor (MZ3) was driven by the dust removal mechanism during user utility processing.
Dust removal mechanism drive
12372 However, the dust removal HP sensor (SZ5) did not OPEN within a predetermined period of time. {MT:4.27}
retry (2) Therefore, a retry was performed.

The cassette hold pin solenoid (SOLA1) turned OFF (cassette hold) during routine processing. However,
12373 Cassette hold retry the cassette hold sensor (SA2) detected that a cassette hold was released (CLOSED). Therefore, a retry {MT:4.9}
was performed.

Cassette undetected in cassette The cassette hold pin solenoid (SOLA1) turned OFF (cassette hold) during routine processing. However,
12376 the cassette ejection sensor (SA11) detected that no cassette was present (OPEN).
hold sequence
The cassette hold pin solenoid (SOLA1) turned ON (to release a cassette hold) during routine processing.
12379 Cassette hold release retry However, the cassette hold sensor (SA2) detected a cassette hold (OPEN). Therefore, a retry was {MT:4.9}

The cassette cover opening mechanism driving motor (MA1) was driven during routine processing to close
Debris fall prevention shutter
12381 the debris fall prevention shutter. However, it was found that the debris fall prevention shutter sensor (SA3) {MT:4.13}
close retry was OPEN (the shutter was open). Therefore, a retry was performed.

The cassette cover opening mechanism driving motor (MA1) was driven during routine processing to
12382 Old cassette loading retry prevent an IP drop. However, it was found that the cassette IP holding sensor (SA10) was OPEN (old {MT:4.14}
cassette). Therefore, a retry was performed.

When a suction arm home position was checked during bootup or routine processing, it was found that the
12383 Suction arm home positioning suction arm HP sensor (SA6) was OPEN. Therefore, the suction arm was returned to its home position.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-47

Error Analysis
Error Name Occurrence Condition
Code Flow
After the cassette cover was opened during routine processing, it was found that the IP dropping sensor
12386 IP drop detection (1) (SA4) was CLOSED (due to IP detection).

After IP suction during routine processing, it was found that the IP dropping sensor (SA4) was CLOSED (due
12388 IP drop detection (2) to IP detection).

The IP suction pump (PA1) turned ON during routine processing to perform an IP suction operation.
12389 IP suction retry However, it was found that the IP suction sensor (SA5) was CLOSED (the IP was not vacuum-retained). {MT:4.18}
Therefore, a retry was performed.

It was found during routine processing that the IP suction sensor (SA5) was CLOSED (the IP was not
12390 Feed IP suction retry vacuum-retained) prior to the IP feed air leak sequence. Therefore, an IP feed operation was retried.

The cassette cover opening mechanism driving motor (MA1) was driven during routine processing to
release the cassette IP holding arm from the IP holding position after IP suction. However, it was found
12391 IP holding arm release error (2) that the cassette IP holding sensor (SA10) was CLOSED (the IP was not held and an old cassette was


When an IP feed leak operation was performed during routine processing, it was found that the IP suction
12392 Feed suction IP leak error sensor (SA5) was OPEN (the IP was vacuum-retained).

The cassette cover opening mechanism driving motor (MA1) was driven during routine processing to hold
12393 Feed IP fall prevention retry an IP. However, it was found that the cassette IP holding sensor (SA10) was OPEN (the IP was held and a {MT:4.14}
new cassette was detected). Therefore, a retry was performed.

The IP transport motors (MA4 and MC1) were driven during routine processing to perform a feed
Feed IP side-positioning
12396 conveyance operation. However, IP sensor 2 (SG1) in the housing unit did not CLOSE within a {MT:4.5}
conveyance retry (1) predetermined period of time. Therefore, a retry was performed.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-48

Error Analysis
Error Name Occurrence Condition
Code Flow
The IP transport motors (MA4 and MC1) were driven during routine processing to perform a feed
Feed IP side-positioning
12397 conveyance operation. However, IP sensor 1 (SC3) in the side-positioning conveyor unit did not CLOSE {MT:4.4}
conveyance retry (2) within a predetermined period of time. Therefore, a retry was performed.

An IP length measurement process was performed with IP sensor 2 (SG1) in the housing unit in the feed
12399 IP length measurement retry conveyance sequence during routine processing. However, IP sensor 2 (SG1) CLOSED within a short {MT:4.6}
period of time. Therefore, the IP length measurement process was retried.

The barcode could not be read during routine processing. Therefore, the barcode reading operation was
12403 Barcode reading retry retried.

The side-positioning conveyor roller grip release motor (MC2) was driven during bootup or routine
Side-positioning grip release
12408 processing to release the side-positioning grip. However, the side-positioning grip release position sensor {MT:4.20}
drive retry (SC2) did not OPEN within a predetermined period of time. Therefore, a retry was performed.

The side-positioning conveyor roller grip release motor (MC2) was driven for the side-positioning grip
12410 Side-positioning grip drive retry during bootup or routine processing. However, the side-positioning grip HP sensor (SC1) did not OPEN {MT:4.20}
within a predetermined period of time. Therefore, a retry was performed.

The subscanning motor (MZ1) was driven during routine processing to perform a reading conveyance
Subscanning conveyance error
12415 operation. As a result, a leading-edge detection interrupt occurred. However, IP sensor 1 (SC3) in the {MT:4.29}
(2) side-positioning conveyor unit did not OPEN within a predetermined period of time.

The subscanning motor (MZ1) was driven during routine processing to perform a reading conveyance
12416 FFM drive W.F. abnormal operation. However, a W.F. abnormality was detected.

The driven/driving grip roller driving motor (MZ2) was driven during routine processing to let the driven-
Driven-side grip roller grip error
12417 side grip roller perform a grip operation. However, the driven-side grip roller release HP sensor (SZ2) did {MT:4.26}
(2) not OPEN within a predetermined period of time.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-49

Error Analysis
Error Name Occurrence Condition
Code Flow
The IP transport motors (MA4, MC1, and MZ1) were driven during routing processing to perform a post-
12419 Post-reading conveyance retry reading conveyance operation. However, IP sensor 2 (SG1) in the housing unit did not CLOSE (did not {MT:4.8}
detect an IP) within a predetermined period of time. Therefore, a retry was performed.

The IP suction pump (PA1) turned ON during routine processing to perform an IP hold release operation.
12421 Load IP suction retry However, it was found that the IP suction sensor (SA5) was CLOSED (the IP was not vacuum-retained). {MT:4.18}
Therefore, a retry was performed.

After an IP hold release operation was performed during routine processing, it was found that the IP
12422 Load IP drop retry (1) dropping sensor (SA4) was CLOSED (due to IP detection). Therefore, a retry was performed.

After the cassette cover was closed during routine processing, it was found that the IP dropping sensor (SA4)
12423 Load IP drop retry (2) was CLOSED (due to IP detection). Therefore, a retry was performed.

The cassette cover opening mechanism driving motor (MA1) was driven during routine processing to
12424 Load IP hold retry prevent an IP drop. However, it was found that the cassette IP holding sensor (SA10) was CLOSED (the IP {MT:4.14}
was not held and an old cassette was detected). Therefore, a retry was performed.

The cassette cover opening mechanism driving motor (MA1) was driven during routine processing to
12428 Load IP hold release retry (1) release an IP hold in the load sequence. However, it was found that the cassette IP holding sensor (SA10) {MT:4.14}
was OPEN (the IP was held and a new cassette was detected). Therefore, a retry was performed.

The cassette cover opening mechanism driving motor (MA1) was driven during routine processing to
12429 Load IP hold release retry (2) release an IP hold in the load sequence. However, it was found that the cassette IP holding sensor (SA10) {MT:4.14}
was OPEN (the IP was held and a new cassette was detected). Therefore, a retry was performed.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-50

Error Analysis
Error Name Occurrence Condition
Code Flow
The cassette cover opening mechanism driving motor (MA1) was driven to perform a home positioning
Cassette cover opening operation for the cassette cover opening mechanism during routine processing. However, it was found that
12430 the debris fall prevention shutter sensor (SA3) was CLOSED (the shutter was closed). Therefore, a retry
mechanism HP drive retry
was performed.

When a suction relief operation was performed in the IP load sequence during routine processing, it was
12432 Load IP suction relief retry found that the IP suction sensor (SA5) was OPEN (the IP was vacuum-retained). Therefore, a retry was {MT:4.18}

The cassette cover closing mechanism driving motor (MA2) was driven during routine processing.
Cassette cover closing
12436 However, the cassette cover closing mechanism HP sensor (SA8) did not CLOSE within a predetermined {MT:4.12}
mechanism drive retry period of time. Therefore, a retry was performed.

Cassette cover closing The cassette cover closing mechanism driving motor (MA2) was driven during bootup or routine
processing to perform a home positioning operation for the cassette cover closing mechanism. However,
12438 mechanism home positioning the cassette cover closing mechanism HP sensor (SA8) did not CLOSE within a predetermined period of

retry time. Therefore, a retry was performed.

Cassette cover closing The cassette cover closing mechanism driving motor (MA2) was driven during bootup or routine
processing to perform a home positioning operation for the cassette cover closing mechanism. However,
12439 mechanism home positioning the cassette cover closing mechanism HP sensor (SA8) did not CLOSE within a predetermined period of

retry error time. Although retries were performed, the maximum retry count was exceeded.

Cassette cover closing The cassette cover closing mechanism driving motor (MA2) was driven during bootup or routine processing
12440 mechanism close positioning to place the cassette cover closing mechanism in the close position. However, the cassette cover CLOSE {MT:4.12}

error position sensor (SA12) did not CLOSE within a predetermined period of time.

When a home position check was performed on the cassette cover closing mechanism during bootup or
Cassette cover closing
12441 routine processing, the suction arm HP sensor (SA6) was OPEN. Therefore, the cassette cover closing {MT:4.16}
mechanism HP check mechanism was placed at its home position.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-51

Error Analysis
Error Name Occurrence Condition
Code Flow
IP found in remaining IP
12442 When a remaining IP ejection process was performed during bootup, an IP was found in the cassette. -
ejection cassette during bootup
Bootup cassette cover opening When the cassette cover opening mechanism was moved from the reference position to the home
12443 mechanism home positioning position during bootup, it was found that the IP dropping sensor (SA4) was CLOSED (due to IP detection). {MT:4.17}

retry Therefore, a retry was performed.

When the driven-side grip roller performed a grip operation during routine processing, it was found that the
12444 Driven-side grip roller grip error driven-side grip roller release HP sensor (SZ2) was not OPEN.

The driven/driving grip roller driving motor (MZ2) was driven during routine processing to let the driven-side
Subscanning grip speed grip roller perform a grip operation. However, the time required for the driven-side grip roller release HP
12446 sensor (SZ2) to switch from the CLOSE state to the OPEN state was not as specified. (Since the required
timeout (2)
time was significantly different from the specified time, a correction must be made.)

When the subscanning unit performed a pre-reading grip operation during bootup or routine processing,
Subscanning pre-reading grip
12447 the driven-side grip roller release HP sensor (SZ2) was not CLOSED. Although retries were performed, {MT:4.26}
retry error (2) the maximum retry count was exceeded.

Subscanning pre-reading grip When the subscanning unit performed a pre-reading grip operation during bootup or routine processing,
12448 the driven-side grip roller release HP sensor (SZ2) was not CLOSED. Therefore, a retry was performed.
retry (2)
The cassette cover opening mechanism driving motor (MA1) was driven to release an IP hold in the load
Cassette cover opening
12449 sequence during routine processing. However, it was found that the cassette cover opening mechanism {MT:4.15}
mechanism operation error HP sensor (SA7) was CLOSED.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-52

Error Analysis
Error Name Occurrence Condition
Code Flow
No remaining-IP ejection empty When a remaining IP ejection process was performed during bootup, a remaining IP was detected in the
12452 machine. However, it was found that there was no ejection cassette in the cassette set unit.
cassette during bootup
When a remaining IP search process was performed during bootup, the IP dropping sensor (SA4) in the
Two IPs remaining during
12455 cassette set unit and IP sensor 1 (SC3) in the side-positioning conveyor unit were both CLOSED (due to IP {MT:4.1}
bootup detection). It was therefore concluded that there were a plurality of IPs in the machine.

When the cassette IP holding arm held an IP during bootup to determine whether an old or new cassette
Old/new cassette judgment
12460 is used, it was found that the cassette IP holding sensor (SA10) was CLOSED (the IP was not held and an {MT:4.14}
retry during bootup old cassette was detected). Therefore, a retry was performed.

The side-positioning reference block driving motor (MC4) was driven during bootup or routine processing
Side-positioning reference to place the side-positioning reference block at its home position. However, the side-positioning reference
12464 block HP sensor (SC7) did not CLOSE within a predetermined period of time. Therefore, a retry was
block home positioning retry

Side-positioning reference The side-positioning reference block driving motor (MC4) was driven during bootup or routine processing
to perform a reference surface positioning operation for the side-positioning reference block. However, the
12465 block reference surface side-positioning reference block HP sensor (SC7) did not CLOSE within a predetermined period of time.

positioning retry Therefore, a retry was performed.

The side-positioning reference block driving motor (MC4) was driven during bootup or routine processing
Side-positioning reference
12466 to return the side-positioning reference block. However, the side-positioning reference block HP sensor {MT:4.23}
block return retry (SC7) did not OPEN within a predetermined period of time. Therefore, a retry was performed.

The side-positioning latch mechanism driving motor (MC3) was driven during bootup or routine processing
Side-positioning latch home to perform a home positioning operation for the side-positioning latch. However, the side-positioning
12467 latch position sensor (SC8) did not OPEN within a predetermined period of time. Therefore, a retry was
positioning retry

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-53

Error Analysis
Error Name Occurrence Condition
Code Flow
The side-positioning latch mechanism driving motor (MC3) was driven during bootup or routine processing
Side-positioning latch HP
12468 to detect the home position of the side-positioning latch. However, the side-positioning latch position {MT:4.24}
detection retry sensor (SC8) did not OPEN within a predetermined period of time. Therefore, a retry was performed.

The side-positioning latch mechanism driving motor (MC3) was driven during bootup or routine processing
Side-positioning latch
12469 to protrude the side-positioning latch. However, the side-positioning latch position sensor (SC8) did not {MT:4.24}
protrusion retry OPEN within a predetermined period of time. Therefore, a retry was performed.

The IP transport motors (MA4 and MC1) were driven during routine processing to perform a feed
12474 Feed IP conveyance error (3) conveyance operation. However, IP sensor 2 (SG1) in the housing unit did not CLOSE within a {MT:4.5}
predetermined period of time. Therefore, a retry was performed.

12510 Message format error An illegal command was received from the CL during bootup or routine processing. -

12520 Message transmission failure An attempt to transmit a message from the RU to the CL failed during bootup or routine processing. {MT:14.}

RES message receiving time- During bootup or routine processing, a REQUEST message is transmitted from RU to CL, however, RU
12521 cannot receive a RESPONSE message, thus resulting in a time-out.
During bootup or routine processing, a message is transmitted from RU to CL, however, RU cannot receive
12522 ACK receiving time-out ACK, thus resulting in a time-out.

Although the SET command was transmitted from the RU during routine processing, a signal other than
SET command CL receiving
12523 OK was received as a response from the CL. After the processed IP returns to a cassette, the cassette is -
error ejected so that the associated message appears on the RU panel.

Although the Start-Process command was transmitted from the RU to the CL immediately after cassette
Forbidden Response to Start-
12524 insertion during routine processing, a rejection command was received from the CL. After the processed IP {MT:14.}
Process command returns to a cassette, the cassette is ejected so that the associated message appears on the RU panel.

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CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-54

Error Analysis
Error Name Occurrence Condition
Code Flow
Although the INQ command was transmitted from the RU to the CL immediately after cassette insertion
Forbidden Response to INQ
12525 during routine processing, a rejection command was received from the CL. After the processed IP returns {MT:14.}
command to a cassette, the cassette is ejected so that the associated message appears on the RU panel.

Although the Start-Read command was transmitted from the RU immediately before IP reading during
Forbidden Response to Start-
12526 routine processing, a rejection command was received from the CL. After the processed IP returns to a {MT:14.}
Read command cassette, the cassette is ejected so that the associated message appears on the RU panel.

An error occurred during routine processing when an attempt was made to read image data from an image
12589 Image read error area in the SDRAM on the CPU23B board.

A timeout occurred during routine processing when an attempt was made to read image data from an
12591 Image read timeout image area in the SDRAM on the CPU23B board.

An error occurred in the scanner correction mode of the Maintenance Utility when an attempt was made to
12592 Image read error read image data from an image area in the SDRAM on the CPU23B board.

Error in image transfer from During normal use or in the Maintenance Utility, the whole or part of an image was not transferred from the
12594 SCN23A board to the CPU23B board.
SCN board
Erasure unit safety thermostat During bootup or routine processing, the safety thermostat (TSWE1) was activated because the
12711 temperature of the erasure unit lamp house was unduly raised.
ERS board communication
12740 During bootup, an error was detected in the communication between the CPU23B board and ERS board. {MT:18.}
It was detected during bootup or routine processing that the INV-board-mounted fuse for port 1 was blown.
12770 INV board port 1 failure For the INV board location and port numbers, refer to the MD volume.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-55

Error Analysis
Error Name Occurrence Condition
Code Flow
It was detected during bootup or routine processing that the INV-board-mounted fuse for port 2 was blown.
12771 INV board port 2 failure For the INV board location and port numbers, refer to the MD volume.

It was detected during bootup or routine processing that the INV-board-mounted fuse for port 3 was blown.
12772 INV board port 3 failure For the INV board location and port numbers, refer to the MD volume.

It was detected during bootup or routine processing that the INV-board-mounted fuse for port 4 was blown.
12773 INV board port 4 failure For the INV board location and port numbers, refer to the MD volume.

It was detected during bootup or routine processing that the INV-board-mounted fuse for port 5 was blown.
12774 INV board port 5 failure For the INV board location and port numbers, refer to the MD volume.

It was detected during bootup or routine processing that the INV-board-mounted fuse for port 6 was blown.
12775 INV board port 6 failure For the INV board location and port numbers, refer to the MD volume.

Wait for erasure due to out-of- During routine processing, the erasure unit internal temperature did not reach a specified level within 60
12790 seconds. Therefore, the message appeared and erasure degeneration occurred.
range temperature
During routine processing, temperature buildup was awaited before IP erasure because the erasure unit
Timeout after wait for erasure
12791 internal temperature was out of range. However, a timeout occurred. As a result, erasure degeneration {MT:6.4}
due to out-of-range temperature occurred.

Out-of-range temperature
12792 The temperature was out of range during erasure. {MT:6.4}
during erasure
It was detected during bootup or routine processing that the F2 fuse on the SND23A board (MA1 fuse)
12801 MA1 fuse blowout was blown.

It was detected during bootup or routine processing that the F3 fuse on the SND23A board (MA3 fuse)
12802 MA3 fuse blowout was blown.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-56

Error Analysis
Error Name Occurrence Condition
Code Flow
It was detected during bootup or routine processing that the F4 fuse on the SND23A board (MA4 fuse)
12803 MA4 fuse blowout was blown.

It was detected during bootup or routine processing that the F5 fuse on the SND23A board (a common
12804 SPSV fuse blowout fuse for the solenoids, pumps, and valves) was blown.

It was detected during bootup or routine processing that the F1 fuse on the SND23A board (a common
12805 ALLSA fuse blowout fuse for the daylight section sensors) was blown.

It was detected during bootup or routine processing that the F2 fuse on the SND23B board (MC1 fuse)
12806 MC1 fuse blowout was blown.

It was detected during bootup or routine processing that the F3 fuse on the SND23B board (MC3 fuse)
12807 MC3 fuse blowout was blown.

It was detected during bootup or routine processing that the F6 fuse on the SND23B board (MZ2 fuse) was
12808 MZ2 fuse blowout blown.

It was detected during bootup or routine processing that the F4 fuse on the SND23B board (FANG1 or
12809 Scanner fan fuse blowout FANG2 fuse) was blown.

It was detected during bootup or routine processing that the F5 fuse on the SND23B board (the fuse for
12811 MZ1 fuse blowout protecting the subscanning motor (MZ1)) was blown.

It was detected during bootup or routine processing that the F1 fuse on the SND23B board (the fuse
IP conveyance sensor fuse
12812 for protecting the side-positioning conveyor sensors (SC1 to SC3 and SC6 to SC10), subscanning unit {MT:9.}
blowout sensors (SZ2, SZ3, and SZ5), and housing unit sensor (SG1)) was blown.

In the Maintenance Utility, an error occurred when an SDRAM diagnostic check was performed on the
12820 SDRAM test error CPU23B board.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-57

Error Analysis
Error Name Occurrence Condition
Code Flow
CPU23B board flash ROM When a board check was conducted in the Maintenance Utility, an abnormality was detected in the flash
12821 ROM read/write test.
diagnostic error
CPU23B board interrupt When a board check was conducted in the Maintenance Utility, an abnormality was detected in the
12822 CPU23B interrupt test.
diagnostic error
CPU23B board register In the Maintenance Utility, an error occurred when a register diagnostic check was performed on the
12823 CPU23B board.
diagnostic error
SCN23A board interrupt When the SCN23A board was checked in the Maintenance Utility, an abnormality was detected in the
12830 interrupt test.
diagnostic error
SCN23A board register When the SCN23A board was checked in the Maintenance Utility, an abnormality was detected in the
12831 register read/write test.
diagnostic error
SCN23A board interrupt When the SCN23A board was checked in the Maintenance Utility, an abnormality was detected in the
12840 interrupt test.
diagnostic error
SCN23A board register When the SCN23A board was checked in the Maintenance Utility, an abnormality was detected in the
12841 register test.
diagnostic error
SCN23B board interrupt When the SCN23B board was checked in the Maintenance Utility, an abnormality was detected in the
12842 interrupt test.
diagnostic error
SCN23B board register When the SCN23B board was checked in the Maintenance Utility, an abnormality was detected in the
12843 register test.
diagnostic error

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-58

Error Analysis
Error Name Occurrence Condition
Code Flow
Panel board communication When the PNL23A board diagnostic check was performed in the Maintenance Utility, a timeout occurred in
12850 the communication with the CPU23B board.
PNL23A board flash ROM In the Maintenance Utility, an error occurred when a flash ROM diagnostic check was performed on the
12851 PNL23A board.
diagnostic error
PNL23A board SDRAM In the Maintenance Utility, an error occurred when an SDRAM diagnostic check was performed on the
12852 PNL23A board.
diagnostic error
PNL23A board self-diagnostic In the Maintenance Utility, an error occurred when flash ROM and SDRAM diagnostic checks were
12853 performed on the PNL23A board.
12908 S-value fluctuations (1) The error was logged because S-value was fluctuated over 50% from initial value. -

12909 S-value fluctuations (2) The error was logged because S-value was fluctuated over 70% from initial value. -

During routine processing, an IP that was inadequately erased due to X-ray overdose was returned to the
12960 Re-erasure detection cassette. The error occurs only when the log function is turned on for configuration setup purposes.

- "MUTL mode" functions are simultaneously activated for the RU.

MUTL mode multiple access
12980 - The function that is entered first is activated, but the function that is entered second is not activated, and -
warning error is logged.

During bootup and during routine processing, the FTP server cannot be accessed for communication from
12990 FTP server access error the RU to the CL. Or, the FTP server may be accessed, but a connection cannot be established.

High-voltage OFF during

13200 During bootup, the photomultiplier (PMT23A board) high voltage is OFF. -
During bootup or routine processing, a command error occurred in the status acquisition sequence after
13207 High-voltage ON retry high-voltage turn-ON. Therefore, a retry was performed.

During bootup and routine processing, the polygon OK signal is not detected within 7 seconds after turn-
13210 Polygon timeout ON of the polygonal mirror.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-59

Error Analysis
Error Name Occurrence Condition
Code Flow
The IP of the size other than the input size is inserted for shading correction of the M-Utility, so that error is
13227 Reading IP size error detected.

In the shading correction mode of the Maintenance Utility, a correction was made of a non-flat image or a
13228 Shading correction data error clear portion that was generated due to improper image formatting. Make the shading correction again.

13229 HVCNT value error During M-Utility operation, an out-of-spec HV is inputted. -

- During bootup or during routine processing, the start-point mask signal issued from the SCN23A board
13240 Start-point mask signal warning varies by 0.02%, peak to peak. -
- During bootup or during routine processing, the detection of 12241 error is done with 2% variations.

During bootup or routine processing, the range of main scan interval variations was outside the upper or
lower limit of the error decision value parameter.
<User operation>
13260 Main scan interval warning If vibration is applied to the machine from the outside while the adjuster bolts are not lowered, the vibration -
is transmitted to the scanning optics unit and logged.
Check to ensure that the adjuster bolts are lowered.

This error occurs when the surrounding temperature around the machine changes drastically.
During routine processing checks, it is detected that the LD drive current value varies by more than 5 mA.
13270 LDIFMAX update In order to adjust the insufficient luminosity due to degraded LD (to maintain the same level of luminosity), -
it is necessary to vary the LD drive current by more than 5 mA. During LDIFMAX update, variations of 5
mA or more are detected.

During routine processing, the difference between MIN and MAX of the laser drive current monitor value is
13284 LD monitor value error warning out of specification.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-60

Error Analysis
Error Name Occurrence Condition
Code Flow
During routine processing, error is detected for the HV command value signal sent from the SCN23A board
HV command value error
13285 to the PMT23A board. The difference between MIN and MAX of the monitor value relative to the setup {MT:5.14}
warning value is out of specification.

HV detection value error During routine processing, error is detected for the HV detection value signal of the PMT23A board. The
13286 difference between MIN and MAX of the monitor value relative to the setup value is out of specification.
13289 Format adjustment data error In the Maintenance Utility, when format adjustments are performed, out-of-range data is inputted. -

When a restore command was executed in the M-Utility to write scanner data from a floppy disk to the
13290 Scanner data format error IMG board flash ROM, the command did not terminate normally because a scanner data format error was -

When control communication was established between the CPU23B board and SCN23A board from the
Scanner send/receive retry
13295 Maintenance Utility during bootup or routine processing, a scanner unit error was detected. Error recovery -
warning was achieved by performing a retry operation.

Bootup cassette size sensor

13312 The cassette size sensors (SA9, SA14, and SA15) detected an abnormal combination during bootup. {MT:4.11}
combination inconsistency
The side-positioning latch mechanism driving motor (MC3) was driven during bootup or routine processing
Side-positioning start position
13319 to detect a side-positioning start position. However, the side-positioning latch stroke sensor (SC10) did not {MT:4.21}
detection error CLOSE within a predetermined period of time.

The side-positioning latch mechanism driving motor (MC3) was driven during bootup or routine processing
Side-positioning latch HP
13320 to detect the side-positioning home position. However, the side-positioning latch stroke sensor (SC10) did {MT:4.21}
detection error not OPEN within a predetermined period of time.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-61

Error Analysis
Error Name Occurrence Condition
Code Flow
Error encountered before side-
When an attempt was made during bootup or routine processing to detect a side-positioning start position,
13321 positioning start position the side-positioning latch stroke sensor (SC10) was CLOSED.

Subscanning grip speed data
13368 The speed data was updated during bootup or routine processing to correct the subscanning grip speed. -
update (1)
The driven/driving grip roller driving motor (MZ2) was driven during bootup or routine processing to correct
Driven-side grip roller grip
13369 the subscanning grip speed. However, the time required for the driven-side grip roller release HP sensor {MT:4.26}
release timeout (great) (SZ2) to switch from the CLOSE state to the OPEN state was considerably longer than the specified time.

The driven/driving grip roller driving motor (MZ2) was driven during routine processing to let the driven-side
Driven-side grip roller grip
13417 grip roller perform a grip operation. However, the time required for the driven-side grip roller release HP {MT:4.26}
release timeout (small) sensor (SZ2) to switch from the CLOSE state to the OPEN state was a bit longer than the specified time.

The side-positioning latch mechanism driving motor (MC3) was driven during bootup or routine processing
Side-positioning latch HP
13468 to detect the home position of the side-positioning latch. However, the side-positioning latch position {MT:4.24}
detection error sensor (SC8) did not OPEN within a predetermined period of time.

The side-positioning latch mechanism driving motor (MC3) was driven during bootup or routine processing
Side-positioning latch
13469 to protrude the side-positioning latch. However, the side-positioning latch position sensor (SC8) did not {MT:4.24}
protrusion error OPEN within a predetermined period of time.

Detection of communication During bootup or during routine processing, it is detected that the communication between the CL and the
13520 RU is broken.
abortion to CL
During bootup or during routine processing, because the communication between the CL and RU is
CL communication failure
13521 broken, the connection is suspended and initialization of communication between the CL and RU is {MT:14.}
detected performed again.

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CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-62

Error Analysis
Error Name Occurrence Condition
Code Flow
The CL was too late receiving the image data sent from the RU, so that the image was retransmitted from
the RU.
13530 CL image data receive timeout The network is overloaded, or a communication error occurs due to hardware failure of the network,

thereby causing frequent retries.

FTP server data acquisiton

13900 During bootup, data cannot be gotten from FTP server and is initialized. {MT:14.}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-63

3. Detail Code

3.1 How to Understand Detail Code

The error log contains the operation mode of the RU and detail code associated with the
error that occurred.
This section describes the detail code display format and meaning of each item.

3.1.1 Display of Detail Code

 Sensor status

 IP size
1. 14" x 17" (35 cm x 43 cm)
2. 14" x 14" (35 cm x 35 cm)
3. 10" x 12"
4. 8" x 10"
5. 18 cm x 24 cm
6. 24 cm x 30 cm
9. 15 cm x 30 cm

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-64
3.2 Detail Codes for Scanner Errors 3.2.2 Meaning of Six-Digit Detail Code

Scanner errors are detected by checking a plurality of scanner I/O states and finding a To each bit of a six-digit detail code is assigned an object to be checked during error check,
combination of defects and/or failures. so that a bit value of “1” indicates that the object to checked is in error.
Each I/O status at the time of error occurrence can be identified by checking the detail code
in the error log.

3.2.1 Display of Detail Code

The detail code is displayed in six hexadecimal digits, located in the error log as shown
NO. Object to be checked Signal source Value of bit
below. Hexadecimal
1 Start-point sensor SYN23A board 1 2 3 4
2 Leading-edge sensor SED23A board 0 0 0 0 0
3 Start-point mask signal SCN23A board 1 0 0 0 1
4 Polygon index POL (polygon) 2 0 0 1 0
1 – – 3 0 0 1 1
2 – – 4 0 1 0 0
3 – – 5 0 1 0 1
4 – – 6 0 1 1 0
1 PMT analog power supply PMT board 7 0 1 1 1
2 Laser light intensity error LDD23A board 8 1 0 0 0
3 Polygon lock POL (polygon) 9 1 0 0 1
4 Polygon rpm POL (polygon) A 1 0 1 0
1 PLL function SCN23A board B 1 0 1 1
2 Start-point period SYN23A board C 1 1 0 0

IV High-voltage command
3 SCN23A board D 1 1 0 1
value diagnostics
High-voltage detection
4 PMT board E 1 1 1 0
value diagnostics
1 – – F 1 1 1 1
2 – –
3 – –
4 LD drive current LDD23A board
1 – –
2 – –
3 Reading status error SCN23A board
4 Operation line status error SCN23A board

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-65

4. Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism Q5 Check the sensor (SA4).

{MT:10._Procedures for Checking the Sensors}

4.1 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 1 Q6 Check the sensor (SC3).
{MT:10._Procedures for Checking the Sensors}

10347, 12455 Q7 Error recurs?

 Analysis Flow
Check the error log in the ERROR DB. N
Q1 The indicated error is at the beginning of the error log? Replace the boards in the order named.
{MT:1.4_Troubleshooting from Error Log} 1. SND23A board
{MC:11.5_SND23A Board}
N 2. SND23B board
Check the error code table again for the error at the beginning, and troubleshoot.
{MC:11.6_SND23B Board}
Y {MT:2._Error Code Table}
3. CPU23B board
{MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
Q2 Power supply error (12801-12812) occurs?

Check the error code table again and troubleshoot.
Q8 Reseat the error-causing board and check if the error occurs again.
N {MT:2._Error Code Table}

Perform preparation procedures in the order named. N

1. Secure space for servicing the machine. A
2. Remove the front cover and right-hand side cover. Y
3. Turn OFF the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board.
Replace the error-causing board.
- SND23A board
{MC:11.5_SND23A Board}
Q3 Check the voltage on the power supply unit test pin (TP1). - SND23B board
{MT:8.3_Checking the Voltage on the Power Supply Unit {MC:11.6_SND23B Board}
(PSU23A) Test Pins (TP1)} - CPU23B board
Q4 CPU23B, SND23A, and SND23B boards tested in MUTL normal? {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
{MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL}



05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-66
4.2 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 2 Q5 Check the sensor (SA4).
{MT:10._Procedures for Checking the Sensors}

10348, 10349 Q6 Check the sensor (SC3).

{MT:10._Procedures for Checking the Sensors}
 Analysis Flow
Check the error log in the ERROR DB. Q7 Check the sensor (SG1).
{MT:10._Procedures for Checking the Sensors}

Q1 The indicated error is at the beginning of the error log? Q8 Check the motor (MA4).
{MT:1.4_Troubleshooting from Error Log} {MT:11._Procedures for Checking the Motors}

Q9 Check the motor (MC1).
Check the error code table again for the error at the beginning, and troubleshoot. {MT:11._Procedures for Checking the Motors}
Y {MT:2._Error Code Table}
Q10 Check the motor (MZ1).
Q2 Power supply error (12801-12812) occurs? {MT:11._Procedures for Checking the Motors}

Y Q11 Error recurs?

Check the error code table again and troubleshoot.
N {MT:2._Error Code Table}
Perform preparation procedures in the order named. A
1. Secure space for servicing the machine. Y
2. Remove the front cover and right-hand side cover.
3. Turn OFF the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board. Replace the boards in the order named.
1. SND23A board
{MC:11.5_SND23A Board}
2. SND23B board
Q3 Check the voltage on the power supply unit test pin (TP1).
{MC:11.6_SND23B Board}
{MT:8.3_Checking the Voltage on the Power Supply Unit
3. CPU23B board
(PSU23A) Test Pins (TP1)}
{MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
Q4 CPU23B, SND23A, and SND23B boards tested in MUTL normal?
{MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL} Q12 Reseat the error-causing board and check if the error occurs again.

Q12 A

Q5 Replace the error-causing board.

- SND23A board
{MC:11.5_SND23A Board}
- SND23B board
{MC:11.6_SND23B Board}
- CPU23B board
{MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-67
4.3 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 3 Q5 Check the sensor (SC3).
{MT:10._Procedures for Checking the Sensors}

10353, 10354, 10355 Q6 Check the sensor (SG1).

{MT:10._Procedures for Checking the Sensors}
 Analysis Flow
Check the error log in the ERROR DB. Q7 Check the motor (MA4).
{MT:11._Procedures for Checking the Motors}

Q1 The indicated error is at the beginning of the error log? Q8 Check the motor (MC1).
{MT:1.4_Troubleshooting from Error Log} {MT:11._Procedures for Checking the Motors}

Q9 Check the motor (MZ1).
Check the error code table again for the error at the beginning, and troubleshoot. {MT:11._Procedures for Checking the Motors}
Y {MT:2._Error Code Table}
Q10 Error recurs?
Q2 Power supply error (12801-12812) occurs?

Check the error code table again and troubleshoot. A
N {MT:2._Error Code Table} Y

Perform preparation procedures in the order named. Replace the boards in the order named.
1. Secure space for servicing the machine. 1. SND23A board
2. Remove the front cover and right-hand side cover. {MC:11.5_SND23A Board}
3. Turn OFF the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board. 2. SND23B board
A {MC:11.6_SND23B Board}
3. CPU23B board
Q3 Check the voltage on the power supply unit test pin (TP1). {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
{MT:8.3_Checking the Voltage on the Power Supply Unit
(PSU23A) Test Pins (TP1)} Q11 Reseat the error-causing board and check if the error occurs again.

Q4 CPU23B, SND23A, and SND23B boards tested in MUTL normal?

{MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL} N
Q11 Replace the error-causing board.
Y - SND23A board
{MC:11.5_SND23A Board}
Q5 - SND23B board
{MC:11.6_SND23B Board}
- CPU23B board
{MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-68
4.4 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 4 Q5 Check the sensor (SC3).
{MT:10._Procedures for Checking the Sensors}

10358, 11397, 11405, 12397 Q6 Check the motor (MA4).

{MT:11._Procedures for Checking the Motors}
 Analysis Flow
Check the error log in the ERROR DB. Q7 Check the motor (MC1).
{MT:11._Procedures for Checking the Motors}

Q1 The indicated error is at the beginning of the error log? Q8 Error recurs?
{MT:1.4_Troubleshooting from Error Log}

Check the error code table again for the error at the beginning, and troubleshoot.
Y {MT:2._Error Code Table}
Replace the boards in the order named.
Q2 Power supply error (12801-12812) occurs? 1. SND23A board
{MC:11.5_SND23A Board}
Check the error code table again and troubleshoot. 2. SND23B board
N {MT:2._Error Code Table} {MC:11.6_SND23B Board}
3. CPU23B board
Perform preparation procedures in the order named. {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
1. Secure space for servicing the machine.
2. Remove the front cover and right-hand side cover.
3. Turn OFF the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board. Q9 Reseat the error-causing board and check if the error occurs again.
Q3 Check the voltage on the power supply unit test pin (TP1). Y
{MT:8.3_Checking the Voltage on the Power Supply Unit
(PSU23A) Test Pins (TP1)} Replace the error-causing board.
- SND23A board
Q4 CPU23B, SND23A, and SND23B boards tested in MUTL normal? {MC:11.5_SND23A Board}
{MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL} - SND23B board
{MC:11.6_SND23B Board}
N - CPU23B board
{MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}


05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-69
4.5 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 5 Q5 Check the sensor (SG1).
{MT:10._Procedures for Checking the Sensors}

10364, 10365, 10420, 10461, 11396, 12396, 12474 Q6 Check the motor (MA4).
{MT:11._Procedures for Checking the Motors}
 Analysis Flow
Check the error log in the ERROR DB. Q7 Check the motor (MC1).
{MT:11._Procedures for Checking the Motors}

Q1 The indicated error is at the beginning of the error log? Q8 Error recurs?
{MT:1.4_Troubleshooting from Error Log}

Check the error code table again for the error at the beginning, and troubleshoot.
Y {MT:2._Error Code Table}
Replace the boards in the order named.
Q2 Power supply error (12801-12812) occurs? 1. SND23A board
{MC:11.5_SND23A Board}
Check the error code table again and troubleshoot. 2. SND23B board
N {MT:2._Error Code Table} {MC:11.6_SND23B Board}
3. CPU23B board
Perform preparation procedures in the order named. {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
1. Secure space for servicing the machine.
2. Remove the front cover and right-hand side cover.
3. Turn OFF the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board. Q9 Reseat the error-causing board and check if the error occurs again.
Q3 Check the voltage on the power supply unit test pin (TP1). Y
{MT:8.3_Checking the Voltage on the Power Supply Unit
(PSU23A) Test Pins (TP1)} Replace the error-causing board.
- SND23A board
Q4 CPU23B, SND23A, and SND23B boards tested in MUTL normal? {MC:11.5_SND23A Board}
{MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL} - SND23B board
{MC:11.6_SND23B Board}
N - CPU23B board
{MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}


05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-70
4.6 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 6 Q5 Check the sensor (SG1).
{MT:10._Procedures for Checking the Sensors}

10395, 10425, 10426, 12399 Q6 Check the motor (MA4).

{MT:11._Procedures for Checking the Motors}
 Analysis Flow
Check the error log in the ERROR DB. Q7 Error recurs?

Q1 The indicated error is at the beginning of the error log? N

{MT:1.4_Troubleshooting from Error Log}

N Replace the boards in the order named.

Check the error code table again for the error at the beginning, and troubleshoot. 1. SND23A board
Y {MT:2._Error Code Table} {MC:11.5_SND23A Board}
2. SND23B board
Q2 Power supply error (12801-12812) occurs? {MC:11.6_SND23B Board}
3. CPU23B board
Check the error code table again and troubleshoot. {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
N {MT:2._Error Code Table}

Perform preparation procedures in the order named.

Q8 Reseat the error-causing board and check if the error occurs again.
1. Secure space for servicing the machine.
2. Remove the front cover and right-hand side cover. N
3. Turn OFF the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board. A

Replace the error-causing board.

Q3 Check the voltage on the power supply unit test pin (TP1). - SND23A board
{MT:8.3_Checking the Voltage on the Power Supply Unit {MC:11.5_SND23A Board}
(PSU23A) Test Pins (TP1)} - SND23B board
{MC:11.6_SND23B Board}
Q4 CPU23B, SND23A, and SND23B boards tested in MUTL normal?
- CPU23B board
{MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL}
{MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}



05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-71
4.7 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 7 Q5 Check the sensor (SA4).
{MT:10._Procedures for Checking the Sensors}

10404 Q6 Check the motor (MA4).

{MT:11._Procedures for Checking the Motors}
 Analysis Flow
Check the error log in the ERROR DB. Q7 Check the motor (MC1).
{MT:11._Procedures for Checking the Motors}

Q1 The indicated error is at the beginning of the error log? Q8 Error recurs?
{MT:1.4_Troubleshooting from Error Log}

Check the error code table again for the error at the beginning, and troubleshoot.
Y {MT:2._Error Code Table}
Replace the boards in the order named.
Q2 Power supply error (12801-12812) occurs? 1. SND23A board
{MC:11.5_SND23A Board}
Check the error code table again and troubleshoot. 2. SND23B board
N {MT:2._Error Code Table} {MC:11.6_SND23B Board}
3. CPU23B board
Perform preparation procedures in the order named. {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
1. Secure space for servicing the machine.
2. Remove the front cover and right-hand side cover.
3. Turn OFF the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board. Q9 Reseat the error-causing board and check if the error occurs again.
Q3 Check the voltage on the power supply unit test pin (TP1). Y
{MT:8.3_Checking the Voltage on the Power Supply Unit
(PSU23A) Test Pins (TP1)} Replace the error-causing board.
- SND23A board
Q4 CPU23B, SND23A, and SND23B boards tested in MUTL normal? {MC:11.5_SND23A Board}
{MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL} - SND23B board
{MC:11.6_SND23B Board}
N - CPU23B board
{MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}


05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-72
4.8 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 8 Q5 Check the sensor (SG1).
{MT:10._Procedures for Checking the Sensors}

10419, 10435, 10451, 12419 Q6 Check the motor (MA4).

{MT:11._Procedures for Checking the Motors}
 Analysis Flow
Check the error log in the ERROR DB. Q7 Check the motor (MC1).
{MT:11._Procedures for Checking the Motors}

Q1 The indicated error is at the beginning of the error log? Q8 Check the motor (MZ1).
{MT:1.4_Troubleshooting from Error Log} {MT:11._Procedures for Checking the Motors}

Q9 Error recurs?
Check the error code table again for the error at the beginning, and troubleshoot.
Y {MT:2._Error Code Table}
Q2 Power supply error (12801-12812) occurs? Y
Y Replace the boards in the order named.
Check the error code table again and troubleshoot.
N {MT:2._Error Code Table} 1. SND23A board
{MC:11.5_SND23A Board}
Perform preparation procedures in the order named. 2. SND23B board
1. Secure space for servicing the machine. {MC:11.6_SND23B Board}
2. Remove the front cover and right-hand side cover. 3. CPU23B board
3. Turn OFF the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board. {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
Q10 Reseat the error-causing board and check if the error occurs again.
Q3 Check the voltage on the power supply unit test pin (TP1).
{MT:8.3_Checking the Voltage on the Power Supply Unit
(PSU23A) Test Pins (TP1)} N
Q4 CPU23B, SND23A, and SND23B boards tested in MUTL normal?
{MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL} Replace the error-causing board.
- SND23A board
N {MC:11.5_SND23A Board}
Q10 - SND23B board
Y {MC:11.6_SND23B Board}
- CPU23B board
{MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-73
4.9 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 9 Q5 Check the sensor (SA1).
{MT:10._Procedures for Checking the Sensors}

10311, 11373, 11375, 11379, 12373, 12376, 12379 Q6 Check the sensor (SA2).
{MT:10._Procedures for Checking the Sensors}
 Analysis Flow
Check the error log in the ERROR DB. Q7 Check the sensor (SA11).
{MT:10._Procedures for Checking the Sensors}

Q1 The indicated error is at the beginning of the error log? Q8 Check the solenoid (SOLA1).
{MT:1.4_Troubleshooting from Error Log} {MT:12._Procedures for Checking the Actuators}

Q9 Error recurs?
Check the error code table again for the error at the beginning, and troubleshoot.
Y {MT:2._Error Code Table}
Q2 Power supply error (12801-12812) occurs? Y
Y Replace the boards in the order named.
Check the error code table again and troubleshoot.
N {MT:2._Error Code Table} 1. SND23A board
{MC:11.5_SND23A Board}
Perform preparation procedures in the order named. 2. CPU23B Board
1. Secure space for servicing the machine. {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
2. Remove the front cover and right-hand side cover.
3. Turn OFF the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board.
Q10 Reseat the error-causing board and check if the error occurs again.

Q3 Check the voltage on the power supply unit test pin (TP1). N
{MT:8.3_Checking the Voltage on the Power Supply Unit
(PSU23A) Test Pins (TP1)}
Replace the error-causing board.
Q4 CPU23B and SND23A boards tested in MUTL normal? - SND23A board
{MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL} {MC:11.5_SND23A Board}
- CPU23B board
N {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}


05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-74
4.10 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 10 Q5 Check the sensor (SA1).
{MT:10._Procedures for Checking the Sensors}

10312, 10313, 10340, 11316, 11341, 11342, 11374, 11454, 12452 Q6 Check the sensor (SA2).
{MT:10._Procedures for Checking the Sensors}
 Analysis Flow
Check the error log in the ERROR DB. Q7 Check the sensor (SA11).
{MT:10._Procedures for Checking the Sensors}

Q1 The indicated error is at the beginning of the error log? Q8 Error recurs?
{MT:1.4_Troubleshooting from Error Log}

Check the error code table again for the error at the beginning, and troubleshoot.
Y {MT:2._Error Code Table}
Replace the boards in the order named.
Q2 Power supply error (12801-12812) occurs? 1. SND23A board
{MC:11.5_SND23A Board}
Check the error code table again and troubleshoot. 2. CPU23B Board
N {MT:2._Error Code Table} {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}

Perform preparation procedures in the order named.

1. Secure space for servicing the machine. Q9 Reseat the error-causing board and check if the error occurs again.
2. Remove the front cover and right-hand side cover.
3. Turn OFF the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board.
Q3 Check the voltage on the power supply unit test pin (TP1). Replace the error-causing board.
{MT:8.3_Checking the Voltage on the Power Supply Unit - SND23A board
(PSU23A) Test Pins (TP1)} {MC:11.5_SND23A Board}
- CPU23B board
Q4 CPU23B and SND23A boards tested in MUTL normal?
{MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
{MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL}



05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-75
4.11 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 11 Q5 Check the sensor (SA9).
{MT:10._Procedures for Checking the Sensors}

10314, 10339, 11377, 11378, 11453, 13312 Q6 Check the sensor (SA14).
{MT:10._Procedures for Checking the Sensors}
 Analysis Flow
Check the error log in the ERROR DB. Q7 Check the sensor (SA15).
{MT:10._Procedures for Checking the Sensors}

Q1 The indicated error is at the beginning of the error log? Q8 Error recurs?
{MT:1.4_Troubleshooting from Error Log}

Check the error code table again for the error at the beginning, and troubleshoot.
Y {MT:2._Error Code Table}
Replace the boards in the order named.
Q2 Power supply error (12801-12812) occurs? 1. SND23A board
{MC:11.5_SND23A Board}
Check the error code table again and troubleshoot. 2. CPU23B Board
N {MT:2._Error Code Table} {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}

Perform preparation procedures in the order named.

1. Secure space for servicing the machine. Q9 Reseat the error-causing board and check if the error occurs again.
2. Remove the front cover and right-hand side cover.
3. Turn OFF the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board.
Q3 Check the voltage on the power supply unit test pin (TP1). Replace the error-causing board.
{MT:8.3_Checking the Voltage on the Power Supply Unit - SND23A board
(PSU23A) Test Pins (TP1)} {MC:11.5_SND23A Board}
- CPU23B board
Q4 CPU23B and SND23A boards tested in MUTL normal?
{MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
{MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL}



05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-76
4.12 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 12 Q5 Check the sensor (SA8).
{MT:10._Procedures for Checking the Sensors}

10325, 10326, 10436, 10456, 12325, 12326, 12436, 12438, 12439, 12440 Q6 Check the sensor (SA12).
{MT:10._Procedures for Checking the Sensors}
 Analysis Flow
Check the error log in the ERROR DB. Q7 Check the motor (MA2).
{MT:11._Procedures for Checking the Motors}

Q1 The indicated error is at the beginning of the error log? Q8 Error recurs?
{MT:1.4_Troubleshooting from Error Log}

Check the error code table again for the error at the beginning, and troubleshoot.
Y {MT:2._Error Code Table}
Replace the boards in the order named.
Q2 Power supply error (12801-12812) occurs? 1. SND23A board
{MC:11.5_SND23A Board}
Check the error code table again and troubleshoot. 2. CPU23B Board
N {MT:2._Error Code Table} {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}

Perform preparation procedures in the order named.

1. Secure space for servicing the machine. Q9 Reseat the error-causing board and check if the error occurs again.
2. Remove the front cover and right-hand side cover.
3. Turn OFF the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board.
Q3 Check the voltage on the power supply unit test pin (TP1). Replace the error-causing board.
{MT:8.3_Checking the Voltage on the Power Supply Unit - SND23A board
(PSU23A) Test Pins (TP1)} {MC:11.5_SND23A Board}
- CPU23B board
Q4 CPU23B and SND23A boards tested in MUTL normal?
{MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
{MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL}



05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-77
4.13 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 13 Q5 Check the sensor (SA3).
{MT:10._Procedures for Checking the Sensors}

10327, 10332, 10333, 10334, 10427, 10430, 10441, 11381, 12381, 12430 Q6 Check the motor (MA1).
{MT:11._Procedures for Checking the Motors}
 Analysis Flow
Check the error log in the ERROR DB. Q7 Error recurs?

Q1 The indicated error is at the beginning of the error log? N

{MT:1.4_Troubleshooting from Error Log}

N Replace the boards in the order named.

Check the error code table again for the error at the beginning, and troubleshoot. 1. SND23A board
Y {MT:2._Error Code Table} {MC:11.5_SND23A Board}
2. CPU23B Board
Q2 Power supply error (12801-12812) occurs? {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
Check the error code table again and troubleshoot.
Q8 Reseat the error-causing board and check if the error occurs again.
N {MT:2._Error Code Table}

Perform preparation procedures in the order named.

1. Secure space for servicing the machine. A
2. Remove the front cover and right-hand side cover. Y
3. Turn OFF the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board.
Replace the error-causing board.
- SND23A board
{MC:11.5_SND23A Board}
Q3 Check the voltage on the power supply unit test pin (TP1). - CPU23B board
{MT:8.3_Checking the Voltage on the Power Supply Unit {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
(PSU23A) Test Pins (TP1)}

Q4 CPU23B and SND23A boards tested in MUTL normal?

{MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL}



05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-78
4.14 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 14 Q7 Check the sensor (SA10).
{MT:10._Procedures for Checking the Sensors}

10328, 10344, 10345, 10391, 10393, 10424, 10428, 10429, 11382, 11460, Q8 Check the motor (MA1).
12344, 12345, 12382, 12391, 12393, 12424, 12428, 12429, 12460 {MT:11._Procedures for Checking the Motors}

 Analysis Flow Q9 Error recurs?

Q1 Is a cassette of an applicable type to the machine inserted?
Replace the cassette.
Replace the boards in the order named.
Check the error log in the ERROR DB.
1. SND23A board
{MC:11.5_SND23A Board}
Q2 The indicated error is at the beginning of the error log? 2. CPU23B Board
{MT:1.4_Troubleshooting from Error Log} {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}

N Q10 Reseat the error-causing board and check if the error occurs again.
Check the error code table again for the error at the beginning, and troubleshoot.
Y {MT:2._Error Code Table}
Q3 Power supply error (12801-12812) occurs?
Check the error code table again and troubleshoot. Replace the error-causing board.
N {MT:2._Error Code Table} - SND23A board
{MC:11.5_SND23A Board}
Perform preparation procedures in the order named. - CPU23B board
1. Secure space for servicing the machine.
{MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
2. Remove the front cover and right-hand side cover.
3. Turn OFF the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board.

Q4 Check the voltage on the power supply unit test pin (TP1).
{MT:8.3_Checking the Voltage on the Power Supply Unit
(PSU23A) Test Pins (TP1)}

Q5 CPU23B and SND23A boards tested in MUTL normal?

{MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL}



05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-79
4.15 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 15 Q5 Check the sensor (SA7).
{MT:10._Procedures for Checking the Sensors}

10329, 10361, 10380, 12329, 12330, 12331, 12361, 12362, 12363, 12449 Q6 Check the motor (MA1).
{MT:11._Procedures for Checking the Motors}
 Analysis Flow
Check the error log in the ERROR DB. Q7 Error recurs?

Q1 The indicated error is at the beginning of the error log? N

{MT:1.4_Troubleshooting from Error Log}

N Replace the boards in the order named.

Check the error code table again for the error at the beginning, and troubleshoot. 1. SND23A board
Y {MT:2._Error Code Table} {MC:11.5_SND23A Board}
2. CPU23B Board
Q2 Power supply error (12801-12812) occurs? {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
Check the error code table again and troubleshoot.
Q8 Reseat the error-causing board and check if the error occurs again.
N {MT:2._Error Code Table}

Perform preparation procedures in the order named.

1. Secure space for servicing the machine. A
2. Remove the front cover and right-hand side cover. Y
3. Turn OFF the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board.
Replace the error-causing board.
- SND23A board
{MC:11.5_SND23A Board}
Q3 Check the voltage on the power supply unit test pin (TP1). - CPU23B board
{MT:8.3_Checking the Voltage on the Power Supply Unit {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
(PSU23A) Test Pins (TP1)}

Q4 CPU23B and SND23A boards tested in MUTL normal?

{MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL}



05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-80
4.16 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 16 Q5 Check the sensor (SA6).
{MT:10._Procedures for Checking the Sensors}

10336, 12336, 12337, 12338, 12383, 12441 Q6 Check the motor (MA3).
{MT:11._Procedures for Checking the Motors}
 Analysis Flow
Check the error log in the ERROR DB. Q7 Error recurs?

Q1 The indicated error is at the beginning of the error log? N

{MT:1.4_Troubleshooting from Error Log}

N Replace the boards in the order named.

Check the error code table again for the error at the beginning, and troubleshoot. 1. SND23A board
Y {MT:2._Error Code Table} {MC:11.5_SND23A Board}
2. CPU23B Board
Q2 Power supply error (12801-12812) occurs? {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
Check the error code table again and troubleshoot.
Q8 Reseat the error-causing board and check if the error occurs again.
N {MT:2._Error Code Table}

Perform preparation procedures in the order named.

1. Secure space for servicing the machine. A
2. Remove the front cover and right-hand side cover. Y
3. Turn OFF the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board.
Replace the error-causing board.
- SND23A board
{MC:11.5_SND23A Board}
Q3 Check the voltage on the power supply unit test pin (TP1). - CPU23B board
{MT:8.3_Checking the Voltage on the Power Supply Unit {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
(PSU23A) Test Pins (TP1)}

Q4 CPU23B and SND23A boards tested in MUTL normal?

{MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL}



05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-81
4.17 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 17 Q5 Check the sensor (SA4).
{MT:10._Procedures for Checking the Sensors}

10343, 10346, 10360, 10422, 10423, 10433, 10434, 10443, 12386, 12388, Q6 Error recurs?
12422, 12423, 12443

 Analysis Flow N
Check the error log in the ERROR DB. Y

Replace the boards in the order named.

Q1 The indicated error is at the beginning of the error log? 1. SND23A board
{MT:1.4_Troubleshooting from Error Log} {MC:11.5_SND23A Board}
2. CPU23B Board
N {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
Check the error code table again for the error at the beginning, and troubleshoot.
Y {MT:2._Error Code Table}
Q7 Reseat the error-causing board and check if the error occurs again.
Q2 Power supply error (12801-12812) occurs?
Check the error code table again and troubleshoot.
{MT:2._Error Code Table} Y
Replace the error-causing board.
Perform preparation procedures in the order named.
- SND23A board
1. Secure space for servicing the machine.
2. Remove the front cover and right-hand side cover. {MC:11.5_SND23A Board}
3. Turn OFF the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board. - CPU23B board
{MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}

Q3 Check the voltage on the power supply unit test pin (TP1).
{MT:8.3_Checking the Voltage on the Power Supply Unit
(PSU23A) Test Pins (TP1)}

Q4 CPU23B and SND23A boards tested in MUTL normal?

{MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL}



05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-82
4.18 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 18 Q5 Check the sensor (SA5).
{MT:10._Procedures for Checking the Sensors}

10421, 10432, 11389, 11390, 12335, 12389, 12390, 12392, 12421, 12432 Q6 Check the pump (PA1).
{MT:12._Procedures for Checking the Actuators}
 Analysis Flow
Check the error log in the ERROR DB. Q7 Check the valve (SVA1).
{MT:12._Procedures for Checking the Actuators}

Q1 The indicated error is at the beginning of the error log? Q8 Check the valve (SVA2).
{MT:1.4_Troubleshooting from Error Log} {MT:12._Procedures for Checking the Actuators}

Q9 Error recurs?
Check the error code table again for the error at the beginning, and troubleshoot.
Y {MT:2._Error Code Table}
Q2 Power supply error (12801-12812) occurs? Y
Y Replace the boards in the order named.
Check the error code table again and troubleshoot.
N {MT:2._Error Code Table} 1. SND23A board
{MC:11.5_SND23A Board}
Perform preparation procedures in the order named. 2. CPU23B Board
1. Secure space for servicing the machine. {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
2. Remove the front cover and right-hand side cover.
3. Turn OFF the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board.
Q10 Reseat the error-causing board and check if the error occurs again.

Q3 Check the voltage on the power supply unit test pin (TP1). N
{MT:8.3_Checking the Voltage on the Power Supply Unit
(PSU23A) Test Pins (TP1)}
Replace the error-causing board.
Q4 CPU23B and SND23A boards tested in MUTL normal? - SND23A board
{MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL} {MC:11.5_SND23A Board}
- CPU23B board
N {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}


05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-83
4.19 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 19 Q5 Check the sensor (SA1).
{MT:10._Procedures for Checking the Sensors}

11315 Q6 Check the sensor (SA9).

{MT:10._Procedures for Checking the Sensors}
 Analysis Flow
Check the error log in the ERROR DB. Q7 Check the sensor (SA11).
{MT:10._Procedures for Checking the Sensors}

Q1 The indicated error is at the beginning of the error log? Q8 Check the sensor (SA14).
{MT:1.4_Troubleshooting from Error Log} {MT:10._Procedures for Checking the Sensors}

Q9 Check the sensor (SA15).
Check the error code table again for the error at the beginning, and troubleshoot. {MT:10._Procedures for Checking the Sensors}
Y {MT:2._Error Code Table}
Q10 Error recurs?
Q2 Power supply error (12801-12812) occurs?

Check the error code table again and troubleshoot. A
N {MT:2._Error Code Table} Y

Perform preparation procedures in the order named. Replace the boards in the order named.
1. Secure space for servicing the machine. 1. SND23A board
2. Remove the front cover and right-hand side cover. {MC:11.5_SND23A Board}
3. Turn OFF the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board. 2. CPU23B Board
A {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}

Q3 Check the voltage on the power supply unit test pin (TP1). Q11 Reseat the error-causing board and check if the error occurs again.
{MT:8.3_Checking the Voltage on the Power Supply Unit
(PSU23A) Test Pins (TP1)}
Q4 CPU23B and SND23A boards tested in MUTL normal?
{MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL}
Replace the error-causing board.
N - SND23A board
Q11 {MC:11.5_SND23A Board}
Y - CPU23B board
{MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-84
4.20 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 20 Q5 Check the sensor (SC1).
{MT:10._Procedures for Checking the Sensors}

10317, 10318, 10408, 10409, 10410, 10411, 12318, 12408, 12410 Q6 Check the sensor (SC2).
{MT:10._Procedures for Checking the Sensors}
 Analysis Flow
Check the error log in the ERROR DB. Q7 Check the motor (MC2).
{MT:11._Procedures for Checking the Motors}

Q1 The indicated error is at the beginning of the error log? Q8 Error recurs?
{MT:1.4_Troubleshooting from Error Log}

Check the error code table again for the error at the beginning, and troubleshoot.
Y {MT:2._Error Code Table}
Replace the boards in the order named.
Q2 Power supply error (12801-12812) occurs? 1. SND23B Board
{MC:11.6_SND23B Board}
Check the error code table again and troubleshoot. 2. CPU23B Board
N {MT:2._Error Code Table} {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}

Perform preparation procedures in the order named.

1. Secure space for servicing the machine. Q9 Reseat the error-causing board and check if the error occurs again.
2. Remove the front cover and right-hand side cover.
3. Turn OFF the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board.
Q3 Check the voltage on the power supply unit test pin (TP1). Replace the error-causing board.
{MT:8.3_Checking the Voltage on the Power Supply Unit - SND23B board
(PSU23A) Test Pins (TP1)} {MC:11.6_SND23B Board}
- CPU23B board
Q4 CPU23B and SND23B boards tested in MUTL normal?
{MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
{MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL}



05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-85
4.21 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 21 Q5 Check the sensor (SC10).
{MT:10._Procedures for Checking the Sensors}

10319, 10320, 12319, 12320, 13319, 13320, 13321 Q6 Check the motor (MC3).
{MT:11._Procedures for Checking the Motors}
 Analysis Flow
Check the error log in the ERROR DB. Q7 Error recurs?

Q1 The indicated error is at the beginning of the error log? N

{MT:1.4_Troubleshooting from Error Log}

N Replace the boards in the order named.

Check the error code table again for the error at the beginning, and troubleshoot. 1. SND23B Board
Y {MT:2._Error Code Table} {MC:11.6_SND23B Board}
2. CPU23B Board
Q2 Power supply error (12801-12812) occurs? {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
Check the error code table again and troubleshoot.
Q8 Reseat the error-causing board and check if the error occurs again.
N {MT:2._Error Code Table}

Perform preparation procedures in the order named.

1. Secure space for servicing the machine. A
2. Remove the front cover and right-hand side cover. Y
3. Turn OFF the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board.
Replace the error-causing board.
- SND23B board
{MC:11.6_SND23B Board}
Q3 Check the voltage on the power supply unit test pin (TP1). - CPU23B board
{MT:8.3_Checking the Voltage on the Power Supply Unit {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
(PSU23A) Test Pins (TP1)}

Q4 CPU23B and SND23B boards tested in MUTL normal?

{MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL}



05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-86
4.22 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 22 Q5 Check the sensor (SC3).
{MT:10._Procedures for Checking the Sensors}

10356, 11398 Q6 Check the sensor (SC9).

{MT:10._Procedures for Checking the Sensors}
 Analysis Flow
Check the error log in the ERROR DB. Q7 Error recurs?

Q1 The indicated error is at the beginning of the error log? N

{MT:1.4_Troubleshooting from Error Log}

N Replace the boards in the order named.

Check the error code table again for the error at the beginning, and troubleshoot. 1. SND23B Board
Y {MT:2._Error Code Table} {MC:11.6_SND23B Board}
2. CPU23B Board
Q2 Power supply error (12801-12812) occurs? {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
Check the error code table again and troubleshoot.
Q8 Reseat the error-causing board and check if the error occurs again.
N {MT:2._Error Code Table}

Perform preparation procedures in the order named.

1. Secure space for servicing the machine. A
2. Remove the front cover and right-hand side cover. Y
3. Turn OFF the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board.
Replace the error-causing board.
- SND23B board
{MC:11.6_SND23B Board}
Q3 Check the voltage on the power supply unit test pin (TP1). - CPU23B board
{MT:8.3_Checking the Voltage on the Power Supply Unit {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
(PSU23A) Test Pins (TP1)}

Q4 CPU23B and SND23B boards tested in MUTL normal?

{MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL}



05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-87
4.23 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 23 Q5 Check the sensor (SC7).
{MT:10._Procedures for Checking the Sensors}

10464, 10465, 11465, 11466, 12464, 12465, 12466 Q6 Check the motor (MC4).
{MT:11._Procedures for Checking the Motors}
 Analysis Flow
Check the error log in the ERROR DB. Q7 Error recurs?

Q1 The indicated error is at the beginning of the error log? N

{MT:1.4_Troubleshooting from Error Log}

N Replace the boards in the order named.

Check the error code table again for the error at the beginning, and troubleshoot. 1. SND23B Board
Y {MT:2._Error Code Table} {MC:11.6_SND23B Board}
2. CPU23B Board
Q2 Power supply error (12801-12812) occurs? {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
Check the error code table again and troubleshoot.
Q8 Reseat the error-causing board and check if the error occurs again.
N {MT:2._Error Code Table}

Perform preparation procedures in the order named.

1. Secure space for servicing the machine. A
2. Remove the front cover and right-hand side cover. Y
3. Turn OFF the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board.
Replace the error-causing board.
- SND23B board
{MC:11.6_SND23B Board}
Q3 Check the voltage on the power supply unit test pin (TP1). - CPU23B board
{MT:8.3_Checking the Voltage on the Power Supply Unit {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
(PSU23A) Test Pins (TP1)}

Q4 CPU23B and SND23B boards tested in MUTL normal?

{MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL}



05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-88
4.24 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 24 Q5 Check the sensor (SC8).
{MT:10._Procedures for Checking the Sensors}

10467, 10468, 10469, 12467, 12468, 12469, 13468, 13469 Q6 Check the motor (MC3).
{MT:11._Procedures for Checking the Motors}
 Analysis Flow
Check the error log in the ERROR DB. Q7 Error recurs?

Q1 The indicated error is at the beginning of the error log? N

{MT:1.4_Troubleshooting from Error Log}

N Replace the boards in the order named.

Check the error code table again for the error at the beginning, and troubleshoot. 1. SND23B Board
Y {MT:2._Error Code Table} {MC:11.6_SND23B Board}
2. CPU23B Board
Q2 Power supply error (12801-12812) occurs? {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
Check the error code table again and troubleshoot.
Q8 Reseat the error-causing board and check if the error occurs again.
N {MT:2._Error Code Table}

Perform preparation procedures in the order named.

1. Secure space for servicing the machine. A
2. Remove the front cover and right-hand side cover. Y
3. Turn OFF the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board.
Replace the error-causing board.
- SND23B board
{MC:11.6_SND23B Board}
Q3 Check the voltage on the power supply unit test pin (TP1). - CPU23B board
{MT:8.3_Checking the Voltage on the Power Supply Unit {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
(PSU23A) Test Pins (TP1)}

Q4 CPU23B and SND23B boards tested in MUTL normal?

{MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL}



05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-89
4.25 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 25 Q5 CPU23B and SND23B boards tested in MUTL normal?
{MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL}

11403, 11406, 12403

 Analysis Flow Q8
Check the error log in the ERROR DB.
Q6 Barcode reader (BCRC1) normal?
{MT:10._Procedures for Checking the Sensors}
Q1 The indicated error is at the beginning of the error log?
{MT:1.4_Troubleshooting from Error Log} N
Replace the barcode reader (BCRC1).
Y {MC:7.38_Barcode Reader (BCRC1)}
Check the error code table again for the error at the beginning, and troubleshoot.
Q7 Error recurs?
Y {MT:2._Error Code Table}

Q2 Power supply error (12801-12812) occurs? N

Check the error code table again and troubleshoot.
N {MT:2._Error Code Table} Replace the boards in the order named.
1. SND23B Board
Perform preparation procedures in the order named.
{MC:11.6_SND23B Board}
1. Secure space for servicing the machine.
2. CPU23B Board
2. Remove the front cover and right-hand side cover.
3. Turn OFF the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board. {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}

Q3 Error recurs after a retry is performed with a cassette suitable for the machine set in Q8 Reseat the error-causing board and check if the error occurs again.


A Replace the error-causing board.

- SND23B board
Q4 Check the voltage on the power supply unit test pin (TP1). {MC:11.6_SND23B Board}
{MT:8.3_Checking the Voltage on the Power Supply Unit - CPU23B board
(PSU23A) Test Pins (TP1)} {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}


05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-90
4.26 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 26 Q5 Check the sensor (SZ2).
{MT:10._Procedures for Checking the Sensors}

10323, 10322, 10324, 10350, 10351, 10352, 10357, 10367, 10418, 12322, Q6 Check the sensor (SZ3).
12323, 12324, 12350, 12351, 12352, 12357, 12444, 12367, 12417, 12446, {MT:10._Procedures for Checking the Sensors}
12447, 12448, 13369, 13417
Q7 Check the motor (MZ2).
 Analysis Flow {MT:11._Procedures for Checking the Motors}
Check the error log in the ERROR DB.
Q8 Error recurs?

Q1 The indicated error is at the beginning of the error log?

{MT:1.4_Troubleshooting from Error Log} A
N Replace the boards in the order named.
Check the error code table again for the error at the beginning, and troubleshoot.
{MT:2._Error Code Table} 1. SND23B Board
{MC:11.6_SND23B Board}
Q2 Power supply error (12801-12812) occurs? 2. CPU23B Board
{MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
Check the error code table again and troubleshoot.
N {MT:2._Error Code Table} Q9 Reseat the error-causing board and check if the error occurs again.

Perform preparation procedures in the order named.

1. Secure space for servicing the machine. N
2. Remove the front cover and right-hand side cover.
3. Turn OFF the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board. Y

A Replace the error-causing board.

- SND23B board
Q3 Check the voltage on the power supply unit test pin (TP1). {MC:11.6_SND23B Board}
{MT:8.3_Checking the Voltage on the Power Supply Unit - CPU23B board
(PSU23A) Test Pins (TP1)} {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}

Q4 CPU23B and SND23B boards tested in MUTL normal?

{MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL}



05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-91
4.27 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 27 Q5 Check the sensor (SZ5).
{MT:10._Procedures for Checking the Sensors}

10370, 10371, 10372, 12370, 12371, 12372 Q6 Check the motor (MZ3).
{MT:11._Procedures for Checking the Motors}
 Analysis Flow
Check the error log in the ERROR DB. Q7 Error recurs?

Q1 The indicated error is at the beginning of the error log? N

{MT:1.4_Troubleshooting from Error Log}

N Replace the boards in the order named.

Check the error code table again for the error at the beginning, and troubleshoot. 1. SND23B Board
Y {MT:2._Error Code Table} {MC:11.6_SND23B Board}
2. CPU23B Board
Q2 Power supply error (12801-12812) occurs? {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
Check the error code table again and troubleshoot.
Q8 Reseat the error-causing board and check if the error occurs again.
N {MT:2._Error Code Table}

Perform preparation procedures in the order named.

1. Secure space for servicing the machine. A
2. Remove the front cover and right-hand side cover. Y
3. Turn OFF the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board.
Replace the error-causing board.
- SND23B board
{MC:11.6_SND23B Board}
Q3 Check the voltage on the power supply unit test pin (TP1). - CPU23B board
{MT:8.3_Checking the Voltage on the Power Supply Unit {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
(PSU23A) Test Pins (TP1)}

Q4 CPU23B and SND23B boards tested in MUTL normal?

{MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL}



05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-92
4.28 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 28 Q5 MUTL indicates that the light-collecting mirror operation is normal?
{MU:7.3[6-4-3]_Dust Removal: Dust Removal Operation}

11413, 12416
 Analysis Flow Q10
Check the error log in the ERROR DB.
Q6 Check the sensor (SZ1).
{MT:10._Procedures for Checking the Sensors}
Q1 The indicated error is at the beginning of the error log?
{MT:1.4_Troubleshooting from Error Log} Q7 Check the motor (MZ1).
{MT:11._Procedures for Checking the Motors}
Check the error code table again for the error at the beginning, and troubleshoot. Q8 Error recurs?
Y {MT:2._Error Code Table}

Q2 Power supply error (12801-12812) occurs? N

Check the error code table again and troubleshoot.
N {MT:2._Error Code Table} Replace the boards in the order named.
1. SND23B Board
Perform preparation procedures in the order named. {MC:11.6_SND23B Board}
1. Secure space for servicing the machine. 2. CPU23B Board
2. Remove the front cover and right-hand side cover. {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
3. Turn OFF the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board.
Q9 Reseat the error-causing board and check if the error occurs again.

Q3 Check the voltage on the power supply unit test pin (TP1).
{MT:8.3_Checking the Voltage on the Power Supply Unit N
(PSU23A) Test Pins (TP1)}
Q4 CPU23B and SND23B boards tested in MUTL normal?
Replace the error-causing board.
{MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL}
- SND23B board
{MC:11.6_SND23B Board}
N - CPU23B board
{MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}


05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-93
Q10 Check whether the spur gear for driving the light-collecting shaft is properly mounted.
{MC:10.20_Light-Collecting Shaft Driving Gear}


Q11 Check the sensor (SZ5).

{MT:10._Procedures for Checking the Sensors}

Q12 Check the motor (MZ3).

{MT:11._Procedures for Checking the Motors}

Q13 Error recurs?



05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-94
4.29 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 29 Q5 Check the sensor (SC3).
{MT:10._Procedures for Checking the Sensors}

11414, 11415, 12415 Q6 Check the motor (MZ1).

{MT:11._Procedures for Checking the Motors}
 Analysis Flow
Check the error log in the ERROR DB. Q7 Error recurs?

Q1 The indicated error is at the beginning of the error log? N

{MT:1.4_Troubleshooting from Error Log}

N Replace the boards in the order named.

Check the error code table again for the error at the beginning, and troubleshoot. 1. SND23B Board
Y {MT:2._Error Code Table} {MC:11.6_SND23B Board}
2. CPU23B Board
Q2 Power supply error (12801-12812) occurs? {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
Check the error code table again and troubleshoot.
Q8 Reseat the error-causing board and check if the error occurs again.
N {MT:2._Error Code Table}

Perform preparation procedures in the order named.

1. Secure space for servicing the machine. A
2. Remove the front cover and right-hand side cover. Y
3. Turn OFF the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board.
Replace the error-causing board.
- SND23B board
{MC:11.6_SND23B Board}
Q3 Check the voltage on the power supply unit test pin (TP1). - CPU23B board
{MT:8.3_Checking the Voltage on the Power Supply Unit {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
(PSU23A) Test Pins (TP1)}

Q4 CPU23B and SND23B boards tested in MUTL normal?

{MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL}



05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-95
4.30 Error Code Analysis Flow: Mechanism 30 Q5 Check the sensor (SZ1).
{MT:10._Procedures for Checking the Sensors}

12292 Q6 Check the voltage on the power supply unit test pin (TP1).
{MT:8.3_Checking the Voltage on the Power Supply Unit
 Analysis Flow
(PSU23A) Test Pins (TP1)}
Q1 Check whether the connector for the IP leading-edge sensor (SZ1) is properly
connected. Q7 CPU23B and SND23B boards tested in MUTL normal?
{MT:17.5_Sensor (SZ1), Scanning Optics Unit (LDD23A, {MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL}
PDA23A, LDA23A, SYN23A, and POL23A)}
Restore N
Q8 Error recurs?
Q2 Error recurs?
Replace the boards in the order named.
Check the error log in the ERROR DB. 1. SND23B Board
{MC:11.6_SND23B Board}
2. CPU23B Board
Q3 The indicated error is at the beginning of the error log? {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
{MT:1.4_Troubleshooting from Error Log}

Q8 Reseat the error-causing board and check if the error occurs again.
Check the error code table again for the error at the beginning, and troubleshoot.
Y {MT:2._Error Code Table} N
Q4 Power supply error (12801-12812) occurs? Y

Y Replace the error-causing board.

Check the error code table again and troubleshoot.
- SND23B board
N {MT:2._Error Code Table}
{MC:11.6_SND23B Board}
- CPU23B board
Perform preparation procedures in the order named.
1. Secure space for servicing the machine. {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
2. Remove the front cover and right-hand side cover.
3. Turn OFF the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board.


05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-96

5. Error Code Analysis Flow: Scanner Q6 Error recurs?

5.1 Error Code Analysis Flow: Scanner 1

10230 Disconnect and reconnect the connectors in the following sequence. If the error is
detected, replace the affected part.
 Analysis Flow 1. SCN23A board
{MC:11.3_SCN23A Board}
Check the error log in the ERROR DB.
2. Scanning optics unit
{MC:9._Scanning Optics Unit}
Q1 Errors 10230-10236 logged? 3. CPU23B board
{MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}

Check the error code table again and troubleshoot.
N {MT:2._Error Code Table} Q7 Reseat the error-causing board and check if the error occurs again.

Q2 Check the voltage of the SCN23A board test pin (CN5). Y
{MT:8.2_Checking the Voltage on the SCN23A Board Test Pins
(CN5)} Replace the error-causing board.
- SCN23A board
Q3 CPU23B and SCN23A boards tested in MUTL normal? {MC:11.3_SCN23A Board}
{MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL} - CPU23B board
{MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}

Q4 Check the connector of the SCN23A board.

{MT:21.1_Checking the Connector on the SCN23A Board}

Q5 Check the connector of the scanning optics unit.

{MT:21.2_Checking the Connector on the Scanning Optics Unit}


05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-97
5.2 Error Code Analysis Flow: Scanner 2 Q7 Error recurs?

10231, 10233 N
 Analysis Flow Y

Check the error log in the ERROR DB. Disconnect and reconnect the connectors in the following sequence. If the error is
detected, replace the affected part.
1. SCN23A board
Q1 Errors 10230-10236 logged? {MC:11.3_SCN23A Board}
2. CPU23B board
Y {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
Check the error code table again and troubleshoot.
N {MT:2._Error Code Table}

A Q8 Reseat the error-causing board and check if the error occurs again.

Q2 Check the voltage of the SCN23A board test pin (CN5).

{MT:8.2_Checking the Voltage on the SCN23A Board Test Pins A
(CN5)} Y

Q3 Check the fuse (F2) on the SCN23A board. Replace the error-causing board.
{MT:9._Procedures for Checking the Fuses} - SCN23A board
{MC:11.3_SCN23A Board}
- CPU23B board
Q4 Check the voltage on the power supply unit test pin (TP1). {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
{MT:8.3_Checking the Voltage on the Power Supply Unit
(PSU23A) Test Pins (TP1)}

Q5 Error recurs?


Q6 CPU23B and SCN23A boards tested in MUTL normal?

{MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL}



05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-98
5.3 Error Code Analysis Flow: Scanner 3 Q6 Error recurs?

10232 N
 Analysis Flow Y

Check the error log in the ERROR DB. Disconnect and reconnect the connectors in the following sequence. If the error is
detected, replace the affected part.
1. SCN23A board
Q1 Errors 10230-10236 logged? {MC:11.3_SCN23A Board}
2. CPU23B board
Y {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
Check the error code table again and troubleshoot.
N {MT:2._Error Code Table}

A Q7 Reseat the error-causing board and check if the error occurs again.

Q2 Check the voltage of the SCN23A board test pin (CN5).

{MT:8.2_Checking the Voltage on the SCN23A Board Test Pins A
(CN5)} Y

Q3 Check the fuses (F5 and F6) on the SCN23A board. Replace the error-causing board.
{MT:9._Procedures for Checking the Fuses} - SCN23A board
{MC:11.3_SCN23A Board}
- CPU23B board
Q4 Error recurs? {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}


Q5 CPU23B and SCN23A boards tested in MUTL normal?

{MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL}



05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-99
5.4 Error Code Analysis Flow: Scanner 4 Q7 Error recurs?

10234 N
 Analysis Flow Y

Check the error log in the ERROR DB. Disconnect and reconnect the connectors in the following sequence. If the error is
detected, replace the affected part.
1. SCN23A board
Q1 Errors 10230-10236 logged? {MC:11.3_SCN23A Board}
2. CPU23B board
Y {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
Check the error code table again and troubleshoot.
N {MT:2._Error Code Table}

A Q8 Reseat the error-causing board and check if the error occurs again.

Q2 Check the voltage of the SCN23A board test pin (CN5).

{MT:8.2_Checking the Voltage on the SCN23A Board Test Pins A
(CN5)} Y

Q3 Check all fuses except the fuse (F5) on the SCN23A board. Replace the error-causing board.
{MT:9._Procedures for Checking the Fuses} - SCN23A board
{MC:11.3_SCN23A Board}
- CPU23B board
Q4 Check the voltage on the power supply unit test pin (TP1). {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
{MT:8.3_Checking the Voltage on the Power Supply Unit
(PSU23A) Test Pins (TP1)}

Q5 Error recurs?


Q6 CPU23B and SCN23A boards tested in MUTL normal?

{MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL}



05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-100
5.5 Error Code Analysis Flow: Scanner 5 Q7 Error recurs?

10235 N
 Analysis Flow Y

Check the error log in the ERROR DB. Disconnect and reconnect the connectors in the following sequence. If the error is
detected, replace the affected part.
1. SCN23A board
Q1 Errors 10230-10236 logged? {MC:11.3_SCN23A Board}
2. CPU23B board
Y {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
Check the error code table again and troubleshoot.
N {MT:2._Error Code Table}

A Q8 Reseat the error-causing board and check if the error occurs again.

Q2 Check the voltage of the SCN23A board test pin (CN5).

{MT:8.2_Checking the Voltage on the SCN23A Board Test Pins A
(CN5)} Y

Q3 Check the fuses (F3, F4, and F6) on the SCN23A board. Replace the error-causing board.
{MT:9._Procedures for Checking the Fuses} - SCN23A board
{MC:11.3_SCN23A Board}
- CPU23B board
Q4 Check the voltage on the power supply unit test pin (TP1). {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
{MT:8.3_Checking the Voltage on the Power Supply Unit
(PSU23A) Test Pins (TP1)}

Q5 Error recurs?


Q6 CPU23B and SCN23A boards tested in MUTL normal?

{MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL}



05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-101
5.6 Error Code Analysis Flow: Scanner 6 Q7 Error recurs?

10236 N
 Analysis Flow Y

Check the error log in the ERROR DB. Disconnect and reconnect the connectors in the following sequence. If the error is
detected, replace the affected part.
1. SCN23A board
Q1 Errors 10230-10236 logged? {MC:11.3_SCN23A Board}
2. CPU23B board
Y {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
Check the error code table again and troubleshoot.
N {MT:2._Error Code Table}

A Q8 Reseat the error-causing board and check if the error occurs again.

Q2 Check the voltage of the SCN23A board test pin (CN5).

{MT:8.2_Checking the Voltage on the SCN23A Board Test Pins A
(CN5)} Y

Q3 Check the fuses (F2 and F5) on the SCN23A board. Replace the error-causing board.
{MT:9._Procedures for Checking the Fuses} - SCN23A board
{MC:11.3_SCN23A Board}
- CPU23B board
Q4 Check the voltage on the power supply unit test pin (TP1). {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
{MT:8.3_Checking the Voltage on the Power Supply Unit
(PSU23A) Test Pins (TP1)}

Q5 Error recurs?


Q6 CPU23B and SCN23A boards tested in MUTL normal?

{MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL}



05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-102
5.7 Error Code Analysis Flow: Scanner 7 Q6 Reseat the error-causing board and check if the error occurs again.

10244, 10261, 10283, 12203, 12204, 12213, 12244, 12261, 12262, 12263, N
12264, 13210
 Analysis Flow Replace the error-causing board.
Check the error log in the ERROR DB. - SCN23A board
{MC:11.3_SCN23A Board}
- CPU23B board
Q1 Errors 10230-10236 logged? {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}

Check the error code table again and troubleshoot.
N {MT:2._Error Code Table}

Q2 Check the voltage of the SCN23A board test pin (CN5).

{MT:8.2_Checking the Voltage on the SCN23A Board Test Pins

Q3 CPU23B and SCN23A boards tested in MUTL normal?

{MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL}


Q4 Check the polygon (POL).

{MT:13._Procedures for Checking the Scanner I/O}

Q5 Error recurs?


Disconnect and reconnect the connectors in the following sequence. If the error is
detected, replace the affected part.
1. SCN23A board
{MC:11.3_SCN23A Board}
2. CPU23B board
{MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-103
5.8 Error Code Analysis Flow: Scanner 8 Q7 Error recurs?

10271, 12271 N
 Analysis Flow Y

Check the error log in the ERROR DB. Disconnect and reconnect the connectors in the following sequence. If the error is
detected, replace the affected part.
1. SCN23A board
Q1 Errors 10230-10236 logged? {MC:11.3_SCN23A Board}
2. Scanning optics unit
Y {MC:9._Scanning Optics Unit}
Check the error code table again and troubleshoot.
3. CPU23B board
N {MT:2._Error Code Table}
{MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}

Q2 Check the voltage of the SCN23A board test pin (CN5). Q8 Reseat the error-causing board and check if the error occurs again.
{MT:8.2_Checking the Voltage on the SCN23A Board Test Pins
(CN5)} N
Q3 Check the fuses (F4, F5, and F6) on the SCN23A board. Y
{MT:9._Procedures for Checking the Fuses}
Replace the error-causing board.
- SCN23A board
Q4 Error recurs? {MC:11.3_SCN23A Board}
- CPU23B board
{MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}

Q5 CPU23B and SCN23A boards tested in MUTL normal?

{MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL}


Q6 Check the laser (LDD).

{MT:13._Procedures for Checking the Scanner I/O}


05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-104
5.9 Error Code Analysis Flow: Scanner 9 Q6 Reseat the error-causing board and check if the error occurs again.

10281, 12201, 12281, 12282 N

 Analysis Flow Y

Check the error log in the ERROR DB. Replace the error-causing board.
- SCN23A board
{MC:11.3_SCN23A Board}
Q1 Errors 10230-10236 logged? - CPU23B board
{MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
Check the error code table again and troubleshoot.
N {MT:2._Error Code Table}

Q2 Check the voltage of the SCN23A board test pin (CN5).

{MT:8.2_Checking the Voltage on the SCN23A Board Test Pins

Q3 CPU23B and SCN23A boards tested in MUTL normal?

{MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL}


Q4 Check the start-point sensor (SYN).

{MT:13._Procedures for Checking the Scanner I/O}

Q5 Error recurs?


Disconnect and reconnect the connectors in the following sequence. If the error is
detected, replace the affected part.
1. SCN23A board
{MC:11.3_SCN23A Board}
2. Scanning optics unit
{MC:9._Scanning Optics Unit}
3. CPU23B board
{MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-105
5.10 Error Code Analysis Flow: Scanner 10 Q7 Error recurs?

10294, 11273, 12222, 12273, 12283, 12284, 13284 N

 Analysis Flow Y

Check the error log in the ERROR DB. Disconnect and reconnect the connectors in the following sequence. If the error is
detected, replace the affected part.
1. SCN23A board
Q1 Errors 10230-10236 logged? {MC:11.3_SCN23A Board}
2. Scanning optics unit
Y {MC:9._Scanning Optics Unit}
Check the error code table again and troubleshoot.
3. CPU23B board
N {MT:2._Error Code Table}
{MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
Q8 Reseat the error-causing board and check if the error occurs again.
Q2 Scanner machine-specific data correctly installed onto the CPU23B board?
Restore the scanner machine-specific data (SCN ALL DATA) attached to the
Y machine.
Replace the error-causing board.
{MC:16.2_RESTORE Procedure} - SCN23A board
{MC:11.3_SCN23A Board}
Q3 Check the voltage of the SCN23A board test pin (CN5). - CPU23B board
{MT:8.2_Checking the Voltage on the SCN23A Board Test Pins {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}

Q4 Error recurs?

Q5 CPU23B and SCN23A boards tested in MUTL normal?

{MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL}


Q6 Check the laser (LDD).

{MT:13._Procedures for Checking the Scanner I/O}


05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-106
5.11 Error Code Analysis Flow: Scanner 11 Q7 Performs scanner initialization self-diagnostics.

10298, 12298
Q8 Error recurs?
 Analysis Flow
Check the error log in the ERROR DB. N
Q1 Errors 10230-10236 logged?
Disconnect and reconnect the connectors in the following sequence. If the error is
detected, replace the affected part.
Y 1. SCN23A board
Check the error code table again and troubleshoot.
N {MT:2._Error Code Table} {MC:11.3_SCN23A Board}
2. CPU23B board
A {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}

Q2 Other software exited before RU startup?

Q9 Reseat the error-causing board and check if the error occurs again.
Exit the other software.
Q3 Check the voltage of the SCN23A board test pin (CN5).
{MT:8.2_Checking the Voltage on the SCN23A Board Test Pins Replace the error-causing board.
(CN5)} - SCN23A board
{MC:11.3_SCN23A Board}
Q4 Check all the fuses on the SCN23A board. - CPU23B board
{MT:9._Procedures for Checking the Fuses} {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}

Q5 Error recurs?


Q6 CPU23B and SCN23A boards tested in MUTL normal?

{MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL}



05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-107
5.12 Error Code Analysis Flow: Scanner 12 Q7 Error recurs?

11287, 12287 N
 Analysis Flow Y

Check the error log in the ERROR DB. Disconnect and reconnect the connectors in the following sequence. If the error is
detected, replace the affected part.
1. SCN23A board
Q1 Errors 10230-10236 logged? {MC:11.3_SCN23A Board}
2. CPU23B board
Y {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
Check the error code table again and troubleshoot.
N {MT:2._Error Code Table}

A Q8 Reseat the error-causing board and check if the error occurs again.

Q2 Check the voltage of the SCN23A board test pin (CN5). N

{MT:8.2_Checking the Voltage on the SCN23A Board Test Pins
(CN5)} Y

Q3 CPU23B and SCN23A boards tested in MUTL normal? Replace the error-causing board.
- SCN23A board
{MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL}
{MC:11.3_SCN23A Board}
- CPU23B board
N {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}

Q4 Performs scanner initialization self-diagnostics.


Q5 Check the photomultipliers (PMT).

{MT:13._Procedures for Checking the Scanner I/O}

Q6 Check the connector of the SCN23A board.

{MT:21.1_Checking the Connector on the SCN23A Board}


05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-108
5.13 Error Code Analysis Flow: Scanner 13 Q5 Error recurs?

12202, 12255, 12256 N

 Analysis Flow Y

Check the error log in the ERROR DB. Disconnect and reconnect the connectors in the following sequence. If the error is
detected, replace the affected part.
1. SCN23A board
Q1 Errors 10230-10236 logged? {MC:11.3_SCN23A Board}
2. Scanning optics unit
Y {MC:9._Scanning Optics Unit}
Check the error code table again and troubleshoot.
3. CPU23B board
N {MT:2._Error Code Table}
{MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}

Q2 Check the voltage of the SCN23A board test pin (CN5). Q6 Reseat the error-causing board and check if the error occurs again.
{MT:8.2_Checking the Voltage on the SCN23A Board Test Pins
(CN5)} N
Check the subscanning unit mechanism. Y
{MC:10.1_Subscanning Unit}
Replace the error-causing board.
- SCN23A board
{MC:11.3_SCN23A Board}
Q3 CPU23B and SCN23A boards tested in MUTL normal?
- CPU23B board
{MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL}
{MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}


Q4 Check the leading-edge sensor (SZ1).

{MT:10._Procedures for Checking the Sensors}


05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-109
5.14 Error Code Analysis Flow: Scanner 14 Q6 Error recurs?

12211, 12251, 12252, 12285, 12286, 13285, 13286 N

 Analysis Flow Y

Check the error log in the ERROR DB. Disconnect and reconnect the connectors in the following sequence. If the error is
detected, replace the affected part.
1. SCN23A board
Q1 Errors 10230-10236 logged? {MC:11.3_SCN23A Board}
2. PMT Board
Y {MC:8.2_PMT Board}
Check the error code table again and troubleshoot.
3. CPU23B board
N {MT:2._Error Code Table}
{MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}

Q2 Check the voltage of the SCN23A board test pin (CN5). Q7 Reseat the error-causing board and check if the error occurs again.
{MT:8.2_Checking the Voltage on the SCN23A Board Test Pins
Q3 CPU23B and SCN23A boards tested in MUTL normal? Y
{MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL}
Replace the error-causing board.
- SCN23A board
Q7 {MC:11.3_SCN23A Board}
Y - CPU23B board
{MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
Q4 Check the connector of the PMT board.
{MT:21.3_Checking the Connector on the PMT Board}

Q5 Check the photomultipliers (PMT).

{MT:13._Procedures for Checking the Scanner I/O}


08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-110
5.15 Error Code Analysis Flow: Scanner 15 Q6 Error recurs?

12212 N
 Analysis Flow Y

Check the error log in the ERROR DB. Disconnect and reconnect the connectors in the following sequence. If the error is
detected, replace the affected part.
1. SCN23A board
Q1 Errors 10230-10236 logged? {MC:11.3_SCN23A Board}
2. Scanning optics unit
Y {MC:9._Scanning Optics Unit}
Check the error code table again and troubleshoot.
3. CPU23B board
N {MT:2._Error Code Table}
{MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}

Q2 Check the voltage of the SCN23A board test pin (CN5). Q7 Reseat the error-causing board and check if the error occurs again.
{MT:8.2_Checking the Voltage on the SCN23A Board Test Pins
(CN5)} N
Q3 Error recurs? Y

Replace the error-causing board.

N - SCN23A board
{MC:11.3_SCN23A Board}
- CPU23B board
Q4 CPU23B and SCN23A boards tested in MUTL normal? {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
{MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL}


Q5 Check the laser (LDD).

{MT:13._Procedures for Checking the Scanner I/O}


05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-111
5.16 Error Code Analysis Flow: Scanner 16 Q6 Error recurs?

12210, 12214, 12215, 12216, 12217, 12218, 12241, 12242, 12243, 12295, N
12296, 12297
 Analysis Flow Disconnect and reconnect the connectors in the following sequence. If the error is
Check the error log in the ERROR DB. detected, replace the affected part.
1. SCN23A board
{MC:11.3_SCN23A Board}
Q1 Errors 10230-10236 logged? 2. CPU23B board
{MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
Check the error code table again and troubleshoot.
N {MT:2._Error Code Table}
Q7 Reseat the error-causing board and check if the error occurs again.
Q2 Check the voltage of the SCN23A board test pin (CN5).
{MT:8.2_Checking the Voltage on the SCN23A Board Test Pins
(CN5)} Replace the error-causing board.
- SCN23A board
Q3 Check the connection between the board connectors.
{MC:11.3_SCN23A Board}
{MT:21.4_Checking the Board-to-Board Connectors}
- CPU23B board
{MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
Q4 Error recurs?


Q5 CPU23B and SCN23A boards tested in MUTL normal?

{MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL}



05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-112

6. Error Code Analysis Flow: Electrical Q5 Check the fuse (F4) on the SND23B board.
{MT:9._Procedures for Checking the Fuses}

Replace the SND23B board fuse (F4).
6.1 Error Code Analysis Flow: Electrical 1
Y {MC:12.6_ERS23A Board Fuses}

11489 Q6 Drive and stop the fan with the MUTL to check for improper operation.
{MU:7.3[6-4-6]_FAN (G1) Diagnostic}
 Analysis Flow
Check the error log in the ERROR DB. Replace the fan (FANG1).
Y {MC:4.3_Fan (FANG1)}

Q1 The indicated error is at the beginning of the error log? Q7 Error recurs?
{MT:1.4_Troubleshooting from Error Log}

Check the error code table again for the error at the beginning, and troubleshoot.
Y {MT:2._Error Code Table}
Replace the boards in the order named.
Q2 Power supply error (12801-12812) occurs? 1. SND23B board
{MC:11.6_SND23B Board}
Check the error code table again and troubleshoot. 2. CPU23B board
N {MT:2._Error Code Table} {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}

Perform preparation procedures in the order named.

1. Secure space for servicing the machine. Q8 Does the error recur when you disconnect and reconnect the connector for the board on
2. Remove the front cover and right-hand side cover. which the error was detected?
3. Turn OFF the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board.
Q3 Check the voltage on the power supply unit test pin (TP1). Replace the error-causing board.
{MT:8.3_Checking the Voltage on the Power Supply Unit - SND23B board
(PSU23A) Test Pins (TP1)} {MC:11.6_SND23B Board}
- CPU23B board
Q4 CPU23B and SND23B boards tested in MUTL normal?
{MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
{MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL}



08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-113
6.2 Error Code Analysis Flow: Electrical 2 Q6 Error recurs?

11720 N
 Analysis Flow Y

Check the error log in the ERROR DB. Replace the parts in the order named.
1. Erasure assembly
{MC:6.14_Erasure Assembly}
Q1 The indicated error is at the beginning of the error log? 2. CPU23B board
{MT:1.4_Troubleshooting from Error Log} {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}

Check the error code table again for the error at the beginning, and troubleshoot.
Y {MT:2._Error Code Table} Q7 Is “Result-13720” displayed as the board test result?

Q2 Power supply error (12801-12812) occurs?

Replace the Fan (FANB1).
Check the error code table again and troubleshoot. Y {MC:6.3_Fan (FANB1)}
N {MT:2._Error Code Table}
Q8 Does the error recur when you disconnect and reconnect the connector for the board on
Perform preparation procedures in the order named. which the error was detected?
1. Secure space for servicing the machine.
2. Remove the front cover and right-hand side cover. N
3. Turn OFF the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board.
Replace the error-causing parts.
- Erasure assembly
Q3 Check the voltage on the power supply unit test pin (TP1).
{MC:6.14_Erasure Assembly}
{MT:8.3_Checking the Voltage on the Power Supply Unit
- CPU23B board
(PSU23A) Test Pins (TP1)}
{MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
Q4 CPU23B and ERS23A boards tested in MUTL normal?
{MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL}


Q5 Check the fuse (F3) on the ERS23A board.

{MT:9._Procedures for Checking the Fuses}


05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-114
6.3 Error Code Analysis Flow: Electrical 3 Q6 Does the error recur when you disconnect and reconnect the connectors for the
CPU23B board, ERS23A board, and INV board?

11700, 11701, 11732, 11733 N

 Analysis Flow Y

Check the error log in the ERROR DB. Q7 Lamps normal?

Q1 The indicated error is at the beginning of the error log? N

Replace the erasure assembly.
{MT:1.4_Troubleshooting from Error Log} {MC:6.14_Erasure Assembly}

N Replace the CPU23B board.

Check the error code table again for the error at the beginning, and troubleshoot. {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
Y {MT:2._Error Code Table}

Q2 Power supply error (12801-12812) occurs?

Q8 Does the error recur when you disconnect and reconnect the connector for the board on
Y which the error was detected?
Check the error code table again and troubleshoot.
N {MT:2._Error Code Table} N
Perform preparation procedures in the order named. Y
1. Secure space for servicing the machine.
Replace the error-causing parts.
2. Remove the front cover and right-hand side cover.
- Erasure assembly
3. Turn OFF the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board.
{MC:6.14_Erasure Assembly}
A - CPU23B board
{MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
Q3 Check the voltage on the power supply unit test pin (TP1).
{MT:8.3_Checking the Voltage on the Power Supply Unit
(PSU23A) Test Pins (TP1)}

Q4 CPU23B and ERS23A boards tested in MUTL normal?

{MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL}


Q5 Check the fuse (F1 and F2) on the ERS23A board.

{MT:9._Procedures for Checking the Fuses}


08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-115
6.4 Error Code Analysis Flow: Electrical 4 Q5 Lamp temperature sensor (THB1) properly conducting?
{MT:17.7_Erasure Assembly}

11710, 12790, 12791, 12792

 Analysis Flow Replace the lamp temperature sensor (THB1).
Y {MC:6.13_Lamp Temperature Sensor (THB1)}
Check the error log in the ERROR DB.
Q6 Does the error recur when you disconnect and reconnect the connectors for the
CPU23B board and ERS23A board?
Q1 The indicated error is at the beginning of the error log?
{MT:1.4_Troubleshooting from Error Log} N
Check the error code table again for the error at the beginning, and troubleshoot.
Replace the parts in the order named.
Y {MT:2._Error Code Table} 1. Erasure assembly
{MC:6.14_Erasure Assembly}
Q2 Power supply error (12801-12812) occurs?
2. CPU23B board
Y {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
Check the error code table again and troubleshoot.
N {MT:2._Error Code Table}

Perform preparation procedures in the order named. Q7 Does the error recur when you disconnect and reconnect the connector for the board on
1. Secure space for servicing the machine. which the error was detected?
2. Remove the front cover and right-hand side cover.
3. Turn OFF the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board. A

Replace the error-causing parts.

Q3 Check the voltage on the power supply unit test pin (TP1). - Erasure assembly
{MT:8.3_Checking the Voltage on the Power Supply Unit {MC:6.14_Erasure Assembly}
(PSU23A) Test Pins (TP1)} - CPU23B board
{MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
Q4 CPU23B and ERS23A boards tested in MUTL normal?
{MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL}



05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-116
6.5 Error Code Analysis Flow: Electrical 5 Q6 Thermal switch (TSWB1) properly conducting?
{MT:17.7_Erasure Assembly}

 Analysis Flow Replace the thermal switch (TSWB1).
Y {MC:6.12_Thermal Switch (TSWB1)}
Check the error log in the ERROR DB.
Q7 Does the error recur when you disconnect and reconnect the connectors for the
CPU23B board and ERS23A board?
Q1 The indicated error is at the beginning of the error log?
{MT:1.4_Troubleshooting from Error Log} N
Check the error code table again for the error at the beginning, and troubleshoot.
Replace the parts in the order named.
Y {MT:2._Error Code Table} 1. Erasure assembly
{MC:6.14_Erasure Assembly}
Q2 Power supply error (12801-12812) occurs?
2. CPU23B board
Y {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
Check the error code table again and troubleshoot.
N {MT:2._Error Code Table}

Perform preparation procedures in the order named. Q8 Does the error recur when you disconnect and reconnect the connector for the board on
1. Secure space for servicing the machine. which the error was detected?
2. Remove the front cover and right-hand side cover.
3. Turn OFF the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board. A

Replace the error-causing parts.

Q3 Check the voltage on the power supply unit test pin (TP1). - Erasure assembly
{MT:8.3_Checking the Voltage on the Power Supply Unit {MC:6.14_Erasure Assembly}
(PSU23A) Test Pins (TP1)} - CPU23B board
{MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
Q4 CPU23B and ERS23A boards tested in MUTL normal?
{MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL}


Q5 Check the fuse (F1 and F2) on the ERS23A board.

{MT:9._Procedures for Checking the Fuses}


05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-117
6.6 Error Code Analysis Flow: Electrical 6 Q6 Lamp temperature sensor (THB1) properly conducting?
{MT:17.7_Erasure Assembly}

 Analysis Flow Replace the lamp temperature sensor (THB1).
Y {MC:6.13_Lamp Temperature Sensor (THB1)}
Check the error log in the ERROR DB.
Q7 Does the error recur when you disconnect and reconnect the connectors for the
CPU23B board, ERS23A board, and INV board?
Q1 The indicated error is at the beginning of the error log?
{MT:1.4_Troubleshooting from Error Log} N
Check the error code table again for the error at the beginning, and troubleshoot.
{MT:2._Error Code Table}
Q8 Lamps normal?

Q2 Power supply error (12801-12812) occurs? N

Replace the erasure assembly.
Y Y {MC:6.14_Erasure Assembly}
Check the error code table again and troubleshoot.
N {MT:2._Error Code Table} Replace the CPU23B board.
{MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
Perform preparation procedures in the order named.
1. Secure space for servicing the machine.
2. Remove the front cover and right-hand side cover. Q9 Does the error recur when you disconnect and reconnect the connector for the board on
3. Turn OFF the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board. which the error was detected?

Q3 Check the voltage on the power supply unit test pin (TP1).
{MT:8.3_Checking the Voltage on the Power Supply Unit Replace the error-causing parts.
(PSU23A) Test Pins (TP1)} - Erasure assembly
{MC:6.14_Erasure Assembly}
Q4 CPU23B and ERS23A boards tested in MUTL normal?
- CPU23B board
{MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL}
{MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}


Q5 Check the fuse (F1 and F2) on the ERS23A board.

{MT:9._Procedures for Checking the Fuses}


08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-118
6.7 Error Code Analysis Flow: Electrical 7 Q6 Does the error recur when you disconnect and reconnect the connectors for the
CPU23B board, ERS23A board, and INV board?

12770, 12771, 12772, 12773, 12774, 12775 N

 Analysis Flow Y

Check the error log in the ERROR DB. Replace the parts in the order named.
1. Erasure assembly
{MC:6.14_Erasure Assembly}
Q1 The indicated error is at the beginning of the error log? 2. CPU23B board
{MT:1.4_Troubleshooting from Error Log} {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}

Check the error code table again for the error at the beginning, and troubleshoot.
{MT:2._Error Code Table} Q7 Does the error recur when you disconnect and reconnect the connector for the board on
which the error was detected?
Q2 Power supply error (12801-12812) occurs? N
Check the error code table again and troubleshoot.
N {MT:2._Error Code Table} Replace the error-causing parts.
- Erasure assembly
Perform preparation procedures in the order named.
{MC:6.14_Erasure Assembly}
1. Secure space for servicing the machine.
2. Remove the front cover and right-hand side cover. - CPU23B board
3. Turn OFF the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board. {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}

Q3 Check the voltage on the power supply unit test pin (TP1).
{MT:8.3_Checking the Voltage on the Power Supply Unit
(PSU23A) Test Pins (TP1)}

Q4 CPU23B and ERS23A boards tested in MUTL normal?

{MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL}


Q5 Check the fuse (F1 and F2) on the ERS23A board.

{MT:9._Procedures for Checking the Fuses}


08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-119

7. Troubleshooting the Errors that Cause the  Analysis Procedures

Inability to Update the Software Version  NOTE 

Troubleshoot the errors in accordance with the following steps. Otherwise, they cannot be
or Back Up the Machine Shipment Control troubleshooted.


This chapter summarizes the procedures for troubleshooting the errors that causes the
inability to update the software version or back up the machine shipment control data. Q1 Does the RU operation panel indicate a connection error?
Troubleshoot the errors in accordance with the check procedures in each section.
N {MT:14.1_Analysis Flow for Line Error between CR Console and
Q2 Network Check from the RU OK?
{MU:3.8_Network Check}

Q3 Check the IIS.

{MT:7.1_Checking the IIS}

Q4 Check the FTP server operating status.

{MT:7.2_Checking the Operating Status of the FTP Server}

Q5 Check the IP address of the CR Console.

{MT:7.3_Checking the IP Address of the CR Console}

Q6 Make sure that the RU has been registered in "LIST OF EXISTING RU" of the RU PC-
{MT:7.4_Checking "LIST OF EXISTING RU"}


05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-120
7.1 Checking the IIS 7.2 Checking the Operating Status of the FTP Server
Unless the IIS ("Internet Information Service") is not installed, the FTP server cannot be
used.  Check Procedures
Make sure that the IIS has been installed in the CR Console that is used as the FTP server. 1. Exit the CR Console software.

 Check Procedures 2. From Windows' [Start] menu, click .

1. Exit the CR Console software.
→ The "Control Panel" window opens.
2. From Windows' [Start] menu, click .
3. Double-click "Administrative Tools."
→ The "Control Panel" window opens.

3. Double-click "Administrative Tools."

4. Double-click “Internet Service Manager”.

4. Make sure that "IIS (Internet Service Manager)" has been installed in
"Administrative Tools".

5. Make sure that “Default FTP Site” has been started (i.e., “Stopped” is not

If the IIS has not been installed, install it.

{FCR XG-1/CR CL Service Manual}

 NOTE 
If "Stopped" is displayed, select [Start] from the [Action] menu

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-121
7.3 Checking the IP Address of the CR Console 6. Choose "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)" and then click [Properties].

 Check Procedures
1. Exit the CR Console software.

2. From Windows' [Start] menu, click .

→ The "Control Panel" window opens.

3. Double-click . → The “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties” window opens.

→ The “Network Connections” window opens.

4. Double-click .

→ The “Local Area Connection Status” window opens.

7. Make sure that the IP address of the CR Console matches “FTP Server IP
5. Click [Properties]. Address” that is set in the RU.
If they are not matched, set the IP addresses of the RU as appropriate.
{MT:7.5_Checking the FTP Server Address of the RU}

→ The “Local Area Connection Properties” window opens.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-122
7.4 Checking "LIST OF EXISTING RU"

 Check Procedures
1. Start the RU PC-TOOL.
{MU:4.23.1_Starting RU PC-TOOL}
2. Verify that the "LIST OF EXISTING RU" shows the RU to be updated or backed up.

If the RU is not registered yet, install it.
{IN: Appendix 7._Installing the RU Software}

3. Exit the RU PC-TOOL.

{MU:4.23.2_Exiting RU PC-TOOL}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-123
7.5 Checking the FTP Server Address of the RU 3. Verify the RU's FTP server address.

 Check Procedures Check whether the RU's FTP server address agrees with the CR Console's IP address,
which was confirmed as directed under "7.3 Checking the IP Address." If the addresses
1. Start the RU in the maintenance mode.
do not agree with each other, change the FTP server address setting in accordance with
{MU:3.11_Starting and Exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility} the CR Console's IP address.
2. Verify that "FTP Server IP Address" is chosen, and then press the [Select] button.

For details on the procedure for changing the RU's FTP server address, see "1.4.2
Procedures for Changing the Address" in the Maintenance Utility volume.
{MU:1.4.2_Procedures for Changing the Address}

4. Press the [Return] button.

5. Exit the Machine Maintenance Utility.

{MU:3.11.3_Exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-124

8. Procedures for Checking the Voltage  Reference Sections

 Scanner board (SCN23A)

{MT:8.2_Checking the Voltage on the SCN23A Board Test Pins (CN5)}
8.1 Checking the Board Locations
 Power supply unit (PSU23A)
{MT:8.3_Checking the Voltage on the Power Supply Unit (PSU23A) Test Pins (TP1)}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-125
8.2 Checking the Voltage on the SCN23A Board Test Pins 8.2.2 Checking the Voltage on Test Pins
1. Check if the voltage on the test pins is normal.

If the checked voltage is not within the range of the power supply voltage inspection
To avoid possible electric shock hazard from high voltage, observe the following standard, adjust the voltage of the portion concerned according to the indication
precautions. described on the power supply unit.
- Do not touch the power supply terminals.
- When making voltage measurements, do not touch the probe (metal portion) of a

8.2.1 Check Procedures


Remove the front cover and right-hand side cover.

{MC:3.1_Front Cover}
{MC:3.2_Right-Hand Side Cover}

Turn OFF the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board.

{MT:1.5_Turning OFF the High-Voltage Switch}

Q1 Voltage on the SCN23A board normal?

{MT:8.2.2_Checking the Voltage on Test Pins}
Return to the error code analysis flow.

Q2 Check the voltage on the power supply unit.

{MT:8.3_Checking the Voltage on the Power Supply Unit (PSU23A)
Test Pins (TP1)}
Turn ON the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board.
Connector CN5 Voltage Power supply voltage inspection standard
CN5 1-4 + 24V (G) Should be within a range from +22.8 to +25.2 V
Reinstall the front cover and right-hand side cover.
{MC:3.1.2_Front Cover} CN5 2-5 + 15V (C) Should be within a range from +14.25 to +15.75 V
{MC:3.2.2_Right-Hand Side Cover} CN5 3-6 - 15V (D) Should be within a range from -14.25 to -15.75 V

Return to the error code analysis flow.

2. Check that all the CPU91A board cables are connected to the CPU91A board.
{MT:17._Block Diagrams}

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-126
8.3 Checking the Voltage on the Power Supply Unit (PSU23A) 8.3.1 Check Procedures
Test Pins (TP1) START

WARNING Turn OFF the power of RU.

To avoid possible electric shock hazard from high voltage, observe the following
precautions. Remove the front cover and right-hand side cover.
- Do not touch the power supply terminals. {MC:3.1_Front Cover}
- When making voltage measurements, do not touch the probe (metal portion) of a {MC:3.2_Right-Hand Side Cover}
Turn OFF the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board.
{MT:1.5_Turning OFF the High-Voltage Switch}

Turn ON the power of RU.

Q1 Voltage on the power supply unit (PSU23A) normal?

{MT:8.3.2_Checking the Voltage on Test Pins}
Replace the power supply unit.
Y {MC:4.6_Power Supply Unit}

Turn OFF the power of RU.

Turn ON the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board.

Reinstall the front cover and right-hand side cover.

{MC:3.1.2_Front Cover}
{MC:3.2.2_Right-Hand Side Cover}

Return to the error code analysis flow.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-127
8.3.2 Checking the Voltage on Test Pins

1. Check if the voltage on the test pins is normal.

- If the checked voltage is not within the range of the power supply voltage inspection
standard, adjust the voltage of the portion concerned according to the indication
described on the power supply unit.
- If the multimeter probe (metal portion) comes into contact with the metal portion of the
power supply unit during a voltage check, turn OFF the RU and then back ON before
you conduct the voltage check again.

Test Pin TP1 Voltage Power supply voltage inspection standard

TP1 1-3 + 24V (F), + 24 V (G) Should be within a range from +22.8 to +25.2 V
TP1 2-3 + 5V (B) Should be within a range from +4.75 to +5.25 V
TP1 4-5 + 15 (C) Should be within a range from +14.25 to +15.75 V
TP1 6-3 + 12V (E) Should be within a range from +11.28 to +12.72 V
TP1 7-3 + 5Vs (A) Should be within a range from +4.75 to +5.25 V
TP1 9-5 - 15V (D) Should be within a range from -14.25 to -15.75 V

2. Check to ensure that all the cables of the power supply unit are connected.
{MT:17._Block Diagrams}

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-128

9. Procedures for Checking the Fuses  SND23A board

9.1 Checking the Fuse Locations

After checking the fuse locations on each of the boards, check the fuses in accordance with
the procedures described in the reference section.

9.1.1 Checking the Board Locations

 CPU23B board, SCN23A board, and SND23B board

 ERS23A board

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-129
9.1.2 List of Reference Sections
Fuse-mounted component Fuse No. Reference Sections
ERS23A Board F3 {MT:9.6_ERS23A Board}
SND23A Board F4 {MT:9.2_SND23A Board}
SND23B Board {MT:9.3_SND23B Board}
CPU23B Board F3 {MT:9.5_CPU23B Board}
SCN23A Board {MT:9.4_SCN23A Board}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-130
9.2 SND23A Board

9.2.1 Check Flow


Q4 Same error occurs when testing the circuit which controls the blown fuse detection
Q1 A lot of fuse errors (12801 to 12811) occur? circuit on the SND23A board in the MUTL?
N {MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL}
Turn OFF the power of RU and circuit breaker.
Replace the SND23A board.
{MC:11.5_SND23A Board}
Remove the front cover, right-hand side cover, and rear cover.
{MC:3.1_Front Cover}
{MC:3.2_Right-Hand Side Cover}
{MC:3.3_Rear Cover}

Q2 Fuse on the SND23A board normal?

{MT:9.2.2_Procedures for Checking the SND23A Board Fuses}
Replace the fuse.
{MC:12.2_SND23A Board Fuses}
Replace the SND23A board when F6 or F7 is blown.
{MC:11.5_SND23A Board}

Q3 Load protected by the fuse normal?

{MT:17._Block Diagrams}
Restore the load.

Reinstall the front cover, right-hand side cover, and rear cover.
{MC:3.1.2_Front Cover}
{MC:3.2.2_Right-Hand Side Cover}
{MC:3.3.2_Rear Cover}

Return to the error code analysis flow.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-131
9.2.2 Procedures for Checking the SND23A Board Fuses

1. Check the locations of the fuses on the SND23A board.

2. Check the fuses.

{MT:9.7_Checking the Fuse}
3. Check the cable.
{MT:9.8_Checking the Cable}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-132
9.3 SND23B Board Q3 Load protected by the fuse normal?
{MT:17._Block Diagrams}
9.3.1 Check Flow Restore the load.
Reinstall the dust-tight cover assembly.
{MC:5.2.2_Dust-Tight Cover Assembly}
Q1 A lot of fuse errors (12801 to 12811) occur?
Reinstall the front cover, right-hand side cover, rear cover, and left-hand side cover.
N {MC:3.1.2_Front Cover}
Y {MC:3.2.2_Right-Hand Side Cover}
A {MC:3.3.2_Rear Cover}
{MC:3.4.2_Left-Hand Side Cover}
Turn OFF the power of RU and circuit breaker.
Return to the error code analysis flow.

Remove the front cover, right-hand side cover, rear cover, and left-hand side cover.
{MC:3.1_Front Cover}
{MC:3.2_Right-Hand Side Cover}
{MC:3.3_Rear Cover}
{MC:3.4_Left-Hand Side Cover} Q4 Same error occurs when testing the circuit which controls the blown fuse detection
circuit on the SND23B board in the MUTL?
Remove the dust-tight cover assembly. {MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL}
{MC:5.2_Dust-Tight Cover Assembly}
Q2 Fuse on the SND23B board normal? Y
{MT:9.3.2_Procedures for Checking the SND23B Board Fuses}
Replace the SND23B board.
N {MC:11.6_SND23B Board}
Replace the fuse.
{MC:12.3_SND23B Board Fuses}
Replace the SND23B board when F7 or F8 is blown.
{MC:11.6_SND23B Board}


05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-133
9.3.2 Procedures for Checking the SND23B Board Fuses

1. Check the locations of the fuses on the SND23B board.

2. Check the fuses.

{MT:9.7_Checking the Fuse}
3. Check the cable.
{MT:9.8_Checking the Cable}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-134
9.4 SCN23A Board

9.4.1 Check Flow


Q4 Same error occurs when testing the circuit which controls the blown fuse detection
Q1 A lot of fuse errors (12801 to 12811) occur? circuit on the SCN23A board in the MUTL?
N {MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL}
Turn OFF the power of RU and circuit breaker.
Replace the SCN23A board.
{MC:11.3_SCN23A Board}
Remove the front cover and right-hand side cover.
{MC:3.1_Front Cover}
{MC:3.2_Right-Hand Side Cover}

Q2 Fuse on the SCN23A board normal?

{MT:9.4.2_Procedures for Checking the SCN23A Board Fuses}
Replace the fuse.
{MC:12.4_SCN23A Board Fuses}
Replace the SND23A board when F7 or F8 is blown.
{MC:11.3_SCN23A Board}

Q3 Load protected by the fuse normal?

{MT:17._Block Diagrams}
Restore the load.

Reinstall the front cover and right-hand side cover.

{MC:3.2.2_Right-Hand Side Cover}
{MC:3.1.2_Front Cover}

Return to the error code analysis flow.

09.04.2007 FM5208
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-135
9.4.2 Procedures for Checking the SCN23A Board Fuses

1. Check the locations of the fuses on the SCN23A board.

2. Check the fuses.

{MT:9.7_Checking the Fuse}
3. Check the cable.
{MT:9.8_Checking the Cable}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-136
9.5 CPU23B Board

9.5.1 Check Flow


Q4 Same error occurs when testing the circuit which controls the blown fuse detection
Q1 A lot of fuse errors (12801 to 12811) occur? circuit on the CPU23B board in the MUTL?
N {MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL}
Turn OFF the power of RU and circuit breaker.
Replace the CPU23B board.
{MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
Remove the board assembly and then remove the SCN23A board.
{MC:11.1_Board Assembly}
{MC:11.3_SCN23A Board}

Q2 Fuse on the CPU23B board normal?

{MT:9.5.2_Procedures for Checking the CPU23B Board Fuses}
Replace the fuse.
{MC:12.5_CPU23B Board Fuses}
Replace the CPU23B board when F5 is blown.
{MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}

Q3 Load protected by the fuse normal?

{MT:17._Block Diagrams}
Restore the load.

Reinstall the SCN23A board and then reinstall the board assembly.
{MC:11.3.2_SCN23A Board}
{MC:11.1.2_Board Assembly}

Return to the error code analysis flow.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-137
9.5.2 Procedures for Checking the CPU23B Board Fuses

1. Check the locations of the fuses on the CPU23B board.

2. Check the fuses.

{MT:9.7_Checking the Fuse}
3. Check the cable.
{MT:9.8_Checking the Cable}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-138
9.6 ERS23A Board

9.6.1 Check Flow


Q4 Same error occurs when testing the circuit which controls the blown fuse detection
Q1 A lot of fuse errors (12801 to 12811) occur? circuit on the ERS23A board in the MUTL?
N {MT:18._Board Tests in MUTL}
Turn OFF the power of RU and circuit breaker.
Replace the erasure assembly.
{MC:6.14_Erasure Assembly}
Remove the erasure unit and then remove the cover bracket.
{MC:6.1_Erasure Unit}
{MC:6.7_Cover Bracket}

Q2 Fuse on the ERS23A board normal?

{MT:9.6.2_Procedures for Checking the ERS23A Board Fuses}
Replace the fuse.
{MC:12.6_ERS23A Board Fuses}
Replace the erasure assembly when F5 is blown.
{MC:6.14_Erasure Assembly}

Q3 Load protected by the fuse normal?

{MT:17._Block Diagrams}
Restore the load.

Reinstall the cover bracket and then reinstall the erasure unit.
{MC:6.7.2_Cover Bracket}
{MC:6.1.2_Erasure Unit}

Return to the error code analysis flow.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-139
9.6.2 Procedures for Checking the ERS23A Board Fuses

1. Check the locations of the fuses on the ERS23A board.

2. Check the fuses.

{MT:9.7_Checking the Fuse}
3. Check the cable.
{MT:9.8_Checking the Cable}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-140
9.7 Checking the Fuse 9.8 Checking the Cable
Check the fuse for continuity as illustrated below. Referring to "17. Block Diagrams", check the following.
{MT:17._Block Diagrams}
1. Check for improper connector connections.
2. Check for shorts between each of the pins and GND → 2 Ω or greater
3. Check for shorts between each of the pins → 2 Ω or greater
4. Check for continuity of each of the pins → 1 Ω or less

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-141

10. Procedures for Checking the Sensors 10.1 Checking the Sensors

To check whether a sensor is normal, monitor it with the RU PC-TOOL or CLIENT PC-TOOL Because the sensor checking procedures differ for each of the sensors, refer to the check
and note the LED indications given by the SND23A board and SND23B board. procedures for the sensor to be checked.

 NOTE   Reference Sections for Check Procedures of Each Sensor

Although the checking with LED ON/OFF statuses is mentioned in the check flow, it is not I/O No Reference Sections
available for the SND23A board of the version H or those follow and the SND23B board of
SA1 {MT:10.4_Sensor Check Flow 1: SA1}
the version H or those follow, since they are not equipped with LEDs. Skip the checking
procedures by the LEDs for these versions. SA2 {MT:10.5_Sensor Check Flow 2: SA2}
SA3 {MT:10.6_Sensor Check Flow 3: SA3, SA7, and SA10}
SA4 (SA4-1, SA4-2) {MT:10.8_Sensor Check Flow 5: SA4 and SA6}
SA5 {MT:10.7_Sensor Check Flow 4: SA5}
SA6 {MT:10.8_Sensor Check Flow 5: SA4 and SA6}
SA7 {MT:10.6_Sensor Check Flow 3: SA3, SA7, and SA10}
SA8 {MT:10.9_Sensor Check Flow 6: SA8 and SA12}
SA9 {MT:10.10_Sensor Check Flow 7: SA9}
SA10 {MT:10.6_Sensor Check Flow 3: SA3, SA7, and SA10}
SA11 {MT:10.11_Sensor Check Flow 8: SA11}
SA12 {MT:10.9_Sensor Check Flow 6: SA8 and SA12}
SA14 {MT:10.12_Sensor Check Flow 9: SA14 and SA15}
SA15 {MT:10.12_Sensor Check Flow 9: SA14 and SA15}
SA16 {MT:10.22_Sensor Check Flow 18: SA16}
SC1 {MT:10.13_Sensor Check Flow 10: SC1 and SC2}
SC2 {MT:10.13_Sensor Check Flow 10: SC1 and SC2}
SC3 {MT:10.14_Sensor Check Flow 11: SC3, SC9, and SG1}
SC6 {MT:10.15_Sensor Check Flow 12: SC6 and SC10}
SC7 {MT:10.16_Sensor Check Flow 13: SC7}
SC8 {MT:10.17_Sensor Check Flow 14: SC8}
SC9 {MT:10.14_Sensor Check Flow 11: SC3, SC9, and SG1}
SC10 {MT:10.15_Sensor Check Flow 12: SC6 and SC10}
BCRC1 {MT:10.21_Barcode Reader Check Flow: BCRC1}
SZ1 {MT:10.20_Sensor Check Flow 17: SZ1}
SZ2 {MT:10.18_Sensor Check Flow 15: SZ2 and SZ3}
SZ3 {MT:10.18_Sensor Check Flow 15: SZ2 and SZ3}
SZ5 {MT:10.19_Sensor Check Flow 16: SZ5}
SG1 {MT:10.14_Sensor Check Flow 11: SC3, SC9, and SG1}

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-142
10.2 Starting and Exiting the Monitoring Function 10.2.2 Starting to Exercise the Monitoring Function from the CLIENT
With the RU PC-TOOL or CLIENT PC-TOOL sensor monitoring function activated, turn ON/
OFF the sensor to be checked. If the sensor status changes corresponding to the ON/OFF 1. Connect the client PC to the network in the user's site. Start the CLIENT PC-TOOL
timing, it can be judged that the sensor is normal. and then perform the network setup and connection verification procedures.
{MU:5.4_Client PC Network Setup and Connection Verification}
10.2.1 Starting to Exercise the Monitoring Function from the RU PC-
2. From the hospital list, select an RU.

1. Start the RU PC-TOOL.

{MU:4.23.1_Starting RU PC-TOOL}
2. From "LIST OF EXISTING RU", select a RU.

3. Click on [MON] button.

3. Click on [MON] button.

4. Click on [START] button.

4. Click on [START] button.

→ When the RU operates under this condition, display entries are added whenever the
I/O changes.
→ When the RU operates under this condition, display entries are added whenever the
I/O changes.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-143
10.2.3 Exiting the Monitoring Function

1. Click on [STOP] button.

2. Click on button.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-144
10.3 Checking with the LEDs on the SND23A and SND23B 10.3.2 Procedures for Exiting the LED Check
1. Exit the MUTL.
To check whether the sensors are ON or OFF, you should note the LED indications given by {MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}
the SND23A and SND23B boards (the LED status changes from OFF to ON or from OFF to 2. Turn ON the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board.
3. Reinstall the covers.

10.3.1 Procedures for Starting the LED Check  When the LED on the SND23A board has been checked
Reinstall the front cover, right-hand side cover, and rear cover.
1. Remove the covers. {MC:3.3.2_Rear Cover}
 To check the LEDs on the SND23A board {MC:3.2.2_Right-Hand Side Cover}
Remove the front cover, right-hand side cover, and rear cover. {MC:3.1.2_Front Cover}
{MC:3.1_Front Cover}
 When the LED on the SND23B board has been checked
{MC:3.2_Right-Hand Side Cover} Reinstall the front cover.
{MC:3.3_Rear Cover} {MC:3.1.2_Front Cover}
 To check the LEDs on the SND23B board
Remove the front cover.
{MC:3.1_Front Cover}
2. Turn OFF the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board.
{MT:1.5_Turning OFF the High-Voltage Switch}
3. Start the MUTL.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-145
10.4 Sensor Check Flow 1: SA1 10.4.1 Check Flow 1

Start the RU in the maintenance mode. START

Insert and eject the cassette to open or close the cassette IN sensor (SA1). Verify that the
sensor status changes.
Turn OFF the power of RU.

Start the RU in the maintenance mode.

{MU:3.11_Starting and Exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility}

Q1 Result of monitoring function check normal?

{MT:10.4.2_Check Procedures via Monitoring Function (1)}

Return to the error code analysis flow.

Q2 Result of SND23A board LED check normal?

{MT:10.4.3_Check Procedures via LEDs on the SND23A Board
Return to the error code analysis flow.

Q3 Cable normal?
Referring to the connector and pin number in the block diagram, check the following
1. The connector is securely plugged in.
2. The resistance between each of the pins and GND is 2Ω or greater.
3. The resistance between each of the pins is 2Ω or greater.
4. The continuity between each of the pins is 1Ω or less.
{MT:17.3_Sensors (SA1 to SA12, SA14 to SA16)}


Replace the error-causing sensor.

{MC:2._Table of Contents}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-146
10.4.2 Check Procedures via Monitoring Function (1) 3. Exit the monitoring of the RU PC-TOOL.
1. Start the monitoring function of the RU PC-TOOL or CLIENT PC-TOOL. {MT:10.2.3_Exiting the Monitoring Function}
{MT:10.2_Starting and Exiting the Monitoring Function}
2. Allow the cassette to be inserted and ejected with the hold released, and check
the monitoring display.
 GOOD indication

 NO GOOD indication
Although the cassette was inserted and ejected, the sensor status (OPEN or CLOSE)
was not displayed.
 NOTE 
Click on the [START] button in the monitoring window to initiate the monitoring
beforehand. Unless the monitoring is initiated, nothing is displayed in the window even
when the sensor changes its status.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-147
10.4.3 Check Procedures via LEDs on the SND23A Board (1)

1. Perform the procedures for starting the LED check.

{MT:10.3.1_Procedures for Starting the LED Check}
2. Allow the cassette to be inserted and ejected with the hold released. Check the
LED display on the SND23A board.

 GOOD indication
The LED changes its status (lit to unlit or unlit to lit) when the cassette is inserted and

 NO GOOD indication
The LED does not change.
3. Perform the procedures for exiting the LED check.
{MT:10.3.2_Procedures for Exiting the LED Check}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-148
10.5 Sensor Check Flow 2: SA2 10.5.1 Check Flow 2

Start the RU in the maintenance mode. START

Move the hold release arm to open or close the cassette hold sensor (SA2). Verify that the
sensor status changes.
Turn OFF the power of RU.

Start the RU in the maintenance mode.

{MU:3.11_Starting and Exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility}

Q1 Result of monitoring function check normal?

{MT:10.5.2_Check Procedures via Monitoring Function (2)}

Return to the error code analysis flow.

Q2 Result of SND23A board LED check normal?

{MT:10.5.3_Check Procedures via LEDs on the SND23A Board
Return to the error code analysis flow.

Q3 Cable normal?
Referring to the connector and pin number in the block diagram, check the following
1. The connector is securely plugged in.
2. The resistance between each of the pins and GND is 2Ω or greater.
3. The resistance between each of the pins is 2Ω or greater.
4. The continuity between each of the pins is 1Ω or less.
{MT:17.3_Sensors (SA1 to SA12, SA14 to SA16)}


Replace the error-causing sensor.

{MC:2._Table of Contents}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-149
10.5.2 Check Procedures via Monitoring Function (2) 3. Exit the monitoring of the RU PC-TOOL.
{MT:10.2.3_Exiting the Monitoring Function}
1. Start the monitoring function of the RU PC-TOOL or CLIENT PC-TOOL.
{MT:10.2_Starting and Exiting the Monitoring Function}
2. Allow the hold release arm to move, and check the monitoring display.

 GOOD indication

 NO GOOD indication
Although the hold release arm was moved, the sensor status (OPEN or CLOSE) was
not displayed.
 NOTE 
Click on the [START] button in the monitoring window to initiate the monitoring
beforehand. Unless the monitoring is initiated, nothing is displayed in the window even
when the sensor changes its status.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-150
10.5.3 Check Procedures via LEDs on the SND23A Board (2)

1. Perform the procedures for starting the LED check.

{MT:10.3.1_Procedures for Starting the LED Check}
2. Allow the hold release arm to move, and check the display on the LED of the
SND23A board.

 GOOD indication
The LED changes its status (lit to unlit or unlit to lit) when the hold release arm is

 NO GOOD indication
The LED does not change.
3. Perform the procedures for exiting the LED check.
{MT:10.3.2_Procedures for Exiting the LED Check}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-151
10.6 Sensor Check Flow 3: SA3, SA7, and SA10 10.6.1 Check Flow 3

Drive the cassette cover opening mechanism with the MUTL to open or close the debris fall START
prevention shutter sensor (SA3), cassette cover opening mechanism HP sensor (SA7), and
cassette IP holding sensor (SA10). Verify that the sensor status changes.
Q1 Result of monitoring function check normal?
{MT:10.6.2_Check Procedures via Monitoring Function (3)}

Return to the error code analysis flow.

Q2 Result of SND23A board LED check normal?

{MT:10.6.3_Check Procedures via LEDs on the SND23A Board
Return to the error code analysis flow.

Q3 Cable normal?
Referring to the connector and pin number in the block diagram, check the following
1. The connector is securely plugged in.
2. The resistance between each of the pins and GND is 2Ω or greater.
3. The resistance between each of the pins is 2Ω or greater.
4. The continuity between each of the pins is 1Ω or less.
{MT:17.3_Sensors (SA1 to SA12, SA14 to SA16)}


Replace the error-causing sensor.

{MC:2._Table of Contents}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-152
10.6.2 Check Procedures via Monitoring Function (3) 4. Verify the displayed monitoring result.

1. Start the monitoring function of the RU PC-TOOL or CLIENT PC-TOOL.  GOOD indication
{MT:10.2_Starting and Exiting the Monitoring Function}
2. Start the MUTL.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
3. Perform the "Open Lid Diagnostic" process.

 NO GOOD indication
When the status (OPEN or CLOSE) of the checked sensors is not displayed
 NOTE 
Click on the [START] button in the monitoring window to initiate the monitoring
beforehand. Unless the monitoring is initiated, nothing is displayed in the window even
when the sensor changes its status.

5. Exit the monitoring of the RU PC-TOOL.

{MT:10.2.3_Exiting the Monitoring Function}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-153
10.6.3 Check Procedures via LEDs on the SND23A Board (3) 3. Note the LED indications given by the SND23A board.

1. Perform the procedures for starting the LED check.

{MT:10.3.1_Procedures for Starting the LED Check}
2. Perform the "Open Lid Diagnostic" process.

 GOOD indication
Make sure that the LEDs change (from ON to OFF, or from OFF to ON) during

 NO GOOD indication
The LED does not change.
4. Perform the procedures for exiting the LED check.
{MT:10.3.2_Procedures for Exiting the LED Check}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-154
10.7 Sensor Check Flow 4: SA5 10.7.1 Check Flow 4

Convey the IP in the "erasure" mode to open or close the IP suction sensor (SA5). Verify START
that the sensor status changes.

Q1 Result of monitoring function check normal?

{MT:10.7.2_Check Procedures via Monitoring Function (4)}

Return to the error code analysis flow.

Q2 Result of SND23A board LED check normal?

{MT:10.7.3_Check Procedures via LEDs on the SND23A Board
Return to the error code analysis flow.

Q3 Cable normal?
Referring to the connector and pin number in the block diagram, check the following
1. The connector is securely plugged in.
2. The resistance between each of the pins and GND is 2Ω or greater.
3. The resistance between each of the pins is 2Ω or greater.
4. The continuity between each of the pins is 1Ω or less.
{MT:17.3_Sensors (SA1 to SA12, SA14 to SA16)}


Replace the error-causing sensor.

{MC:2._Table of Contents}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-155
10.7.2 Check Procedures via Monitoring Function (4) 10.7.3 Check Procedures via LEDs on the SND23A Board (4)

1. Start the monitoring function of the RU PC-TOOL or CLIENT PC-TOOL. 1. Perform the procedures for starting the LED check.
{MT:10.2_Starting and Exiting the Monitoring Function} {MT:10.3.1_Procedures for Starting the LED Check}
2. Operate the operation panel on the RU main body to select the "erasure" mode. 2. Operate the operation panel on the RU main body to select the "erasure" mode.
{Instruction Manual} {Instruction Manual}
3. Set the cassette in position. 3. Set the cassette in position.
4. Verify the displayed monitoring result. 4. Note the LED indications given by the SND23A board.

 GOOD indication

 NO GOOD indication
When the status (OPEN or CLOSE) of the checked sensors is not displayed
 NOTE 
Click on the [START] button in the monitoring window to initiate the monitoring
beforehand. Unless the monitoring is initiated, nothing is displayed in the window even
 GOOD indication
when the sensor changes its status.
Make sure that the LEDs change (from ON to OFF, or from OFF to ON) during
5. Exit the monitoring of the RU PC-TOOL.
{MT:10.2.3_Exiting the Monitoring Function}  NO GOOD indication
The LED does not change.
5. Perform the procedures for exiting the LED check.
{MT:10.3.2_Procedures for Exiting the LED Check}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-156
10.8 Sensor Check Flow 5: SA4 and SA6 10.8.1 Check Flow 5

Drive the IP removal arm with the MUTL to open or close the IP dropping sensor (SA4) and START
suction arm HP sensor (SA6). Verify that the sensor status changes.

Q1 Result of monitoring function check normal?

{MT:10.8.2_Check Procedures via Monitoring Function (5)}

Return to the error code analysis flow.

Q2 Result of SND23A board LED check normal?

{MT:10.8.3_Check Procedures via LEDs on the SND23A Board
Return to the error code analysis flow.

Q3 Cable normal?
Referring to the connector and pin number in the block diagram, check the
following points.
1. The connector is securely plugged in.
2. The resistance between each of the pins and GND is 2Ω or greater.
3. The resistance between each of the pins is 2Ω or greater.
4. The continuity between each of the pins is 1Ω or less.
{MT:17.3_Sensors (SA1 to SA12, SA14 to SA16)}


Replace the error-causing sensor.

{MC:2._Table of Contents}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-157
10.8.2 Check Procedures via Monitoring Function (5) 4. Verify the displayed monitoring result.

1. Start the monitoring function of the RU PC-TOOL or CLIENT PC-TOOL.  GOOD indication
{MT:10.2_Starting and Exiting the Monitoring Function}
2. Start the MUTL.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
3. Perform the "Removal Diagnostic" process.

 NO GOOD indication
When the status (OPEN or CLOSE) of the checked sensors is not displayed
 NOTE 
Click on the [START] button in the monitoring window to initiate the monitoring
beforehand. Unless the monitoring is initiated, nothing is displayed in the window even
when the sensor changes its status.

5. Exit the monitoring of the RU PC-TOOL.

{MT:10.2.3_Exiting the Monitoring Function}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-158
10.8.3 Check Procedures via LEDs on the SND23A Board (5) 3. Note the LED indications given by the SND23A board.

1. Perform the procedures for starting the LED check.

{MT:10.3.1_Procedures for Starting the LED Check}
2. Perform the "Removal Diagnostic" process.

 GOOD indication
Make sure that the LEDs change (from ON to OFF, or from OFF to ON) during

 NO GOOD indication
The LED does not change.
4. Perform the procedures for exiting the LED check.
{MT:10.3.2_Procedures for Exiting the LED Check}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-159
10.9 Sensor Check Flow 6: SA8 and SA12 10.9.1 Check Flow 6

Drive the cassette cover closing mechanism with the MUTL to open or close the cassette START
cover closing mechanism HP sensor (SA8) and cassette cover CLOSE position sensor (SA12).
Verify that the sensor status changes.
Q1 Result of monitoring function check normal?
{MT:10.9.2_Check Procedures via Monitoring Function (6)}

Return to the error code analysis flow.

Q2 Result of SND23A board LED check normal?

{MT:10.9.3_Check Procedures via LEDs on the SND23A Board
Return to the error code analysis flow.

Q3 Cable normal?
Referring to the connector and pin number in the block diagram, check the following
1. The connector is securely plugged in.
2. The resistance between each of the pins and GND is 2Ω or greater.
3. The resistance between each of the pins is 2Ω or greater.
4. The continuity between each of the pins is 1Ω or less.
{MT:17.3_Sensors (SA1 to SA12, SA14 to SA16)}


Replace the error-causing sensor.

{MC:2._Table of Contents}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-160
10.9.2 Check Procedures via Monitoring Function (6) 4. Verify the displayed monitoring result.

1. Start the monitoring function of the RU PC-TOOL or CLIENT PC-TOOL.  GOOD indication
{MT:10.2_Starting and Exiting the Monitoring Function}
2. Start the MUTL.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
3. Perform the "Close Lid Diagnostic" process.

 NO GOOD indication
When the status (OPEN or CLOSE) of the checked sensors is not displayed
 NOTE 
Click on the [START] button in the monitoring window to initiate the monitoring
beforehand. Unless the monitoring is initiated, nothing is displayed in the window even
when the sensor changes its status.

5. Exit the monitoring of the RU PC-TOOL.

{MT:10.2.3_Exiting the Monitoring Function}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-161
10.9.3 Check Procedures via LEDs on the SND23A Board (6) 3. Note the LED indications given by the SND23A board.

1. Perform the procedures for starting the LED check.

{MT:10.3.1_Procedures for Starting the LED Check}
2. Perform the "Close Lid Diagnostic" process.

 GOOD indication
Make sure that the LEDs change (from ON to OFF, or from OFF to ON) during

 NO GOOD indication
The LED does not change.
4. Perform the procedures for exiting the LED check.
{MT:10.3.2_Procedures for Exiting the LED Check}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-162
10.10 Sensor Check Flow 7: SA9 10.10.1 Check Flow 7

Start the RU in the maintenance mode. START

Insert and eject the cassette to open or close the "15x30 cassette" identifying sensor. Verify
that the sensor status changes.
Turn OFF the power of RU.

Start the RU in the maintenance mode.

{MU:3.11_Starting and Exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility}

Q1 Result of monitoring function check normal?

{MT:10.10.2_Check Procedures via Monitoring Function (7)}

Return to the error code analysis flow.

Q2 Result of SND23A board LED check normal?

{MT:10.10.3_Check Procedures via LEDs on the SND23A Board
Return to the error code analysis flow.

Q3 Cable normal?
Referring to the connector and pin number in the block diagram, check the following
1. The connector is securely plugged in.
2. The resistance between each of the pins and GND is 2Ω or greater.
3. The resistance between each of the pins is 2Ω or greater.
4. The continuity between each of the pins is 1Ω or less.
{MT:17.3_Sensors (SA1 to SA12, SA14 to SA16)}


Replace the error-causing sensor.

{MC:2._Table of Contents}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-163
10.10.2 Check Procedures via Monitoring Function (7)  NO GOOD indication
Although the cassette was inserted and ejected, the sensor status (OPEN or CLOSE)
1. Start the monitoring function of the RU PC-TOOL or CLIENT PC-TOOL. was not displayed.
{MT:10.2_Starting and Exiting the Monitoring Function}  NOTE 
2. Allow the cassette to be inserted and ejected with the hold released, and check Click on the [START] button in the monitoring window to initiate the monitoring
the monitoring display. beforehand. Unless the monitoring is initiated, nothing is displayed in the window even
when the sensor changes its status.
 NOTE 
Always use a cassette other than a 15cm x 30cm size. With the cassette of 15cm x
3. Exit the monitoring of the RU PC-TOOL.
30cm size, whether the sensor is OPEN or CLOSE cannot be checked.
{MT:10.2.3_Exiting the Monitoring Function}

 GOOD indication

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-164
10.10.3 Check Procedures via LEDs on the SND23A Board (7)

1. Perform the procedures for starting the LED check.

{MT:10.3.1_Procedures for Starting the LED Check}
2. Allow the cassette to be inserted and ejected with the hold released. Check the
LED display on the SND23A board.

 NOTE 
Always use a cassette other than a 15cm x 30cm size. With the cassette of 15cm x
30cm size, whether the sensor is OPEN or CLOSE cannot be checked.

 GOOD indication
The LED changes its status (lit to unlit or unlit to lit) when the cassette is inserted and

 NO GOOD indication
The LED does not change.
3. Perform the procedures for exiting the LED check.
{MT:10.3.2_Procedures for Exiting the LED Check}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-165
10.11 Sensor Check Flow 8: SA11 10.11.1 Check Flow 8

Start the RU in the maintenance mode. START

Open and close the cassette set unit shutter by hand to open or close the cassette ejection
sensor (SA11). Verify that the sensor status changes.
Turn OFF the power of RU.

Start the RU in the maintenance mode.

{MU:3.11_Starting and Exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility}

Q1 Result of monitoring function check normal?

{MT:10.11.2_Check Procedures via Monitoring Function (8)}

Return to the error code analysis flow.

Q2 Result of SND23A board LED check normal?

{MT:10.11.3_Check Procedures via LEDs on the SND23A Board
Return to the error code analysis flow.

Q3 Cable normal?
Referring to the connector and pin number in the block diagram, check the following
1. The connector is securely plugged in.
2. The resistance between each of the pins and GND is 2Ω or greater.
3. The resistance between each of the pins is 2Ω or greater.
4. The continuity between each of the pins is 1Ω or less.
{MT:17.3_Sensors (SA1 to SA12, SA14 to SA16)}


Replace the error-causing sensor.

{MC:2._Table of Contents}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-166
10.11.2 Check Procedures via Monitoring Function (8) 3. Exit the monitoring of the RU PC-TOOL.
{MT:10.2.3_Exiting the Monitoring Function}
1. Start the monitoring function of the RU PC-TOOL or CLIENT PC-TOOL.
{MT:10.2_Starting and Exiting the Monitoring Function}
2. Open and close the shutter by hand. Verify the displayed monitoring result.

 GOOD indication

 NO GOOD indication
Although the shutter opened and closed, the sensor status (OPEN or CLOSE) was not
 NOTE 
Click on the [START] button in the monitoring window to initiate the monitoring
beforehand. Unless the monitoring is initiated, nothing is displayed in the window even
when the sensor changes its status.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-167
10.11.3 Check Procedures via LEDs on the SND23A Board (8)

1. Perform the procedures for starting the LED check.

{MT:10.3.1_Procedures for Starting the LED Check}
2. Open and close the shutter by hand. Verify the LED indications given by the
SND23A board.

 GOOD indication
Make sure that the LEDs change (from ON to OFF, or from OFF to ON) during the
shutter opened and closed.

 NO GOOD indication
The LED does not change.
3. Perform the procedures for exiting the LED check.
{MT:10.3.2_Procedures for Exiting the LED Check}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-168
10.12 Sensor Check Flow 9: SA14 and SA15 10.12.1 Check Flow 9

Start the RU in the maintenance mode. START

Insert and eject the cassette to open or close the cassette insertion error sensor (SA14) and
large cassette size sensor (SA15). Verify that the sensor status changes.
Turn OFF the power of RU.

Start the RU in the maintenance mode.

{MU:3.11_Starting and Exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility}

Q1 Result of monitoring function check normal?

{MT:10.12.2_Check Procedures via Monitoring Function (9)}

Return to the error code analysis flow.

Q2 Result of SND23A board LED check normal?

{MT:10.12.3_Check Procedures via LEDs on the SND23A Board
Return to the error code analysis flow.

Q3 Cable normal?
Referring to the connector and pin number in the block diagram, check the following
1. The connector is securely plugged in.
2. The resistance between each of the pins and GND is 2Ω or greater.
3. The resistance between each of the pins is 2Ω or greater.
4. The continuity between each of the pins is 1Ω or less.
{MT:17.3_Sensors (SA1 to SA12, SA14 to SA16)}


Replace the error-causing sensor.

{MC:2._Table of Contents}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-169
10.12.2 Check Procedures via Monitoring Function (9)  NO GOOD indication
Although the cassette was inserted and ejected, the sensor status (OPEN or CLOSE)
1. Start the monitoring function of the RU PC-TOOL or CLIENT PC-TOOL. was not displayed.
{MT:10.2_Starting and Exiting the Monitoring Function}  NOTE 
2. Allow the cassette to be inserted and ejected with the hold released, and check Click on the [START] button in the monitoring window to initiate the monitoring
the monitoring display. beforehand. Unless the monitoring is initiated, nothing is displayed in the window even
when the sensor changes its status.
 NOTE 
Be sure to use a 14" x 17" (35 cm x 43 cm) or 14" x 14" (35 cm x 35 cm) size cassette.
3. Exit the monitoring of the RU PC-TOOL.
If any other cassette size is used, you cannot verify the sensor status (OPEN or
{MT:10.2.3_Exiting the Monitoring Function}

 GOOD indication

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-170
10.12.3 Check Procedures via LEDs on the SND23A Board (9)

1. Perform the procedures for starting the LED check.

{MT:10.3.1_Procedures for Starting the LED Check}
2. Allow the cassette to be inserted and ejected with the hold released. Check the
LED display on the SND23A board.

 NOTE 
Be sure to use a 14" x 17" (35 cm x 43 cm) or 14" x 14" (35 cm x 35 cm) size cassette.
If any other cassette size is used, you cannot verify the sensor status (OPEN or

 GOOD indication
The LED changes its status (lit to unlit or unlit to lit) when the cassette is inserted and

 NO GOOD indication
The LED does not change.
3. Perform the procedures for exiting the LED check.
{MT:10.3.2_Procedures for Exiting the LED Check}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-171
10.13 Sensor Check Flow 10: SC1 and SC2 10.13.1 Check Flow 10

Drive the grip arm with the MUTL to open or close the side-positioning grip HP sensor START
(SC1) and side-positioning grip release position sensor (SC2). Verify that the sensor status
Q1 Result of monitoring function check normal?
{MT:10.13.2_Check Procedures via Monitoring Function (10)}

Return to the error code analysis flow.

Q2 Result of SND23B board LED check normal?

{MT:10.13.3_Check Procedures via LEDs on the SND23B Board
Return to the error code analysis flow.

Q3 Cable normal?
Referring to the connector and pin number in the block diagram, check the following
1. The connector is securely plugged in.
2. The resistance between each of the pins and GND is 2Ω or greater.
3. The resistance between each of the pins is 2Ω or greater.
4. The continuity between each of the pins is 1Ω or less.
{MT:17.4_Sensors (SC1 to SC3, SC6 to SC10, SG1, SZ2, SZ3,
and SZ5)}

Replace the error-causing sensor.

{MC:2._Table of Contents}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-172
10.13.2 Check Procedures via Monitoring Function (10) 4. Verify the displayed monitoring result.

1. Start the monitoring function of the RU PC-TOOL or CLIENT PC-TOOL.  GOOD indication
{MT:10.2_Starting and Exiting the Monitoring Function}
2. Start the MUTL.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
3. Perform the "Side-positioning Operation" process.

 NO GOOD indication
When the status (OPEN or CLOSE) of the checked sensors is not displayed
 NOTE 
Click on the [START] button in the monitoring window to initiate the monitoring
beforehand. Unless the monitoring is initiated, nothing is displayed in the window even
when the sensor changes its status.

5. Exit the monitoring of the RU PC-TOOL.

{MT:10.2.3_Exiting the Monitoring Function}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-173
10.13.3 Check Procedures via LEDs on the SND23B Board (10) 3. Note the LED indications given by the SND23B board.

1. Perform the procedures for starting the LED check.

{MT:10.3.1_Procedures for Starting the LED Check}
2. Perform the "Side-positioning Operation" process.

 GOOD indication
Make sure that the LEDs change (from ON to OFF, or from OFF to ON) during

 NO GOOD indication
The LED does not change.
4. Perform the procedures for exiting the LED check.
{MT:10.3.2_Procedures for Exiting the LED Check}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-174
10.14 Sensor Check Flow 11: SC3, SC9, and SG1 10.14.1 Check Flow 11

Convey the IP in the "erasure" mode to open or close the IP sensor 1 (SC3), "15x30/24x30 START
IP width" identifying sensor (SC9), and IP sensor 2 (SG1). Verify that the sensor status
Q1 Result of monitoring function check normal?
{MT:10.14.2_Check Procedures via Monitoring Function (11)}

Return to the error code analysis flow.

Q2 Result of SND23B board LED check normal?

{MT:10.14.3_Check Procedures via LEDs on the SND23B Board
Return to the error code analysis flow.

Q3 Cable normal?
Referring to the connector and pin number in the block diagram, check the following
1. The connector is securely plugged in.
2. The resistance between each of the pins and GND is 2Ω or greater.
3. The resistance between each of the pins is 2Ω or greater.
4. The continuity between each of the pins is 1Ω or less.
{MT:17.4_Sensors (SC1 to SC3, SC6 to SC10, SG1, SZ2, SZ3,
and SZ5)}

Replace the error-causing sensor.

{MC:2._Table of Contents}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-175
10.14.2 Check Procedures via Monitoring Function (11) 10.14.3 Check Procedures via LEDs on the SND23B Board (11)

1. Start the monitoring function of the RU PC-TOOL or CLIENT PC-TOOL. 1. Perform the procedures for starting the LED check.
{MT:10.2_Starting and Exiting the Monitoring Function} {MT:10.3.1_Procedures for Starting the LED Check}
2. Operate the operation panel on the RU main body to select the "erasure" mode. 2. Operate the operation panel on the RU main body to select the "erasure" mode.
{Instruction Manual} {Instruction Manual}
3. Set the cassette in position. 3. Set the cassette in position.
4. Verify the displayed monitoring result. 4. Note the LED indications given by the SND23B board.

 GOOD indication

 NO GOOD indication
When the status (OPEN or CLOSE) of the checked sensors is not displayed
 NOTE 
Click on the [START] button in the monitoring window to initiate the monitoring
beforehand. Unless the monitoring is initiated, nothing is displayed in the window even
when the sensor changes its status.  GOOD indication
Make sure that the LEDs change (from ON to OFF, or from OFF to ON) during
5. Exit the monitoring of the RU PC-TOOL. operation.
{MT:10.2.3_Exiting the Monitoring Function}  NO GOOD indication
The LED does not change.
5. Perform the procedures for exiting the LED check.
{MT:10.3.2_Procedures for Exiting the LED Check}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-176
10.15 Sensor Check Flow 12: SC6 and SC10 10.15.1 Check Flow 12

Operate the side-positioning mechanism with the MUTL to open or close the IP side- START
positioning HP sensor (SC6) and side-positioning latch stroke sensor (SC10). Verify that the
sensor status changes.
Q1 Result of monitoring function check normal?
{MT:10.15.2_Check Procedures via Monitoring Function (12)}

Return to the error code analysis flow.

Q2 Result of SND23B board LED check normal?

{MT:10.15.3_Check Procedures via LEDs on the SND23B Board
Return to the error code analysis flow.

Q3 Cable normal?
Referring to the connector and pin number in the block diagram, check the following
1. The connector is securely plugged in.
2. The resistance between each of the pins and GND is 2Ω or greater.
3. The resistance between each of the pins is 2Ω or greater.
4. The continuity between each of the pins is 1Ω or less.
{MT:17.4_Sensors (SC1 to SC3, SC6 to SC10, SG1, SZ2, SZ3,
and SZ5)}

Replace the error-causing sensor.

{MC:2._Table of Contents}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-177
10.15.2 Check Procedures via Monitoring Function (12) 4. Verify the displayed monitoring result.

1. Start the monitoring function of the RU PC-TOOL or CLIENT PC-TOOL.  GOOD indication
{MT:10.2_Starting and Exiting the Monitoring Function}
2. Start the MUTL.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
3. Perform the "Side-positioning Operation" process.

 NO GOOD indication
When the status (OPEN or CLOSE) of the checked sensors is not displayed
 NOTE 
Click on the [START] button in the monitoring window to initiate the monitoring
beforehand. Unless the monitoring is initiated, nothing is displayed in the window even
when the sensor changes its status.

5. Exit the monitoring of the RU PC-TOOL.

{MT:10.2.3_Exiting the Monitoring Function}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-178
10.15.3 Check Procedures via LEDs on the SND23B Board (12) 3. Note the LED indications given by the SND23B board.

1. Perform the procedures for starting the LED check.

{MT:10.3.1_Procedures for Starting the LED Check}
2. Perform the "Side-positioning Operation" process.

 GOOD indication
Make sure that the LEDs change (from ON to OFF, or from OFF to ON) during

 NO GOOD indication
The LED does not change.
4. Perform the procedures for exiting the LED check.
{MT:10.3.2_Procedures for Exiting the LED Check}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-179
10.16 Sensor Check Flow 13: SC7 10.16.1 Check Flow 13

Operate the reference block with the MUTL to open or close the side-positioning reference START
block HP sensor (SC7). Verify that the sensor status changes.

Q1 Result of monitoring function check normal?

{MT:10.16.2_Check Procedures via Monitoring Function (13)}

Return to the error code analysis flow.

Q2 Result of SND23B board LED check normal?

{MT:10.16.3_Check Procedures via LEDs on the SND23B Board
Return to the error code analysis flow.

Q3 Cable normal?
Referring to the connector and pin number in the block diagram, check the
following points.
1. The connector is securely plugged in.
2. The resistance between each of the pins and GND is 2Ω or greater.
3. The resistance between each of the pins is 2Ω or greater.
4. The continuity between each of the pins is 1Ω or less.
{MT:17.4_Sensors (SC1 to SC3, SC6 to SC10, SG1, SZ2, SZ3,
and SZ5)}

Replace the error-causing sensor.

{MC:2._Table of Contents}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-180
10.16.2 Check Procedures via Monitoring Function (13) 4. Verify the displayed monitoring result.

1. Start the monitoring function of the RU PC-TOOL or CLIENT PC-TOOL.  GOOD indication
{MT:10.2_Starting and Exiting the Monitoring Function}
2. Start the MUTL.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
3. Perform the "Side-positioning Base Pin HP" process.

 NO GOOD indication
When the status (OPEN or CLOSE) of the checked sensors is not displayed
 NOTE 
Click on the [START] button in the monitoring window to initiate the monitoring
beforehand. Unless the monitoring is initiated, nothing is displayed in the window even
when the sensor changes its status.

5. Exit the monitoring of the RU PC-TOOL.

{MT:10.2.3_Exiting the Monitoring Function}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-181
10.16.3 Check Procedures via LEDs on the SND23B Board (13) 3. Note the LED indications given by the SND23B board.

1. Perform the procedures for starting the LED check.

{MT:10.3.1_Procedures for Starting the LED Check}
2. Perform the "Side-positioning Base Pin HP" process.

 GOOD indication
Make sure that the LEDs change (from ON to OFF, or from OFF to ON) during

 NO GOOD indication
The LED does not change.
4. Perform the procedures for exiting the LED check.
{MT:10.3.2_Procedures for Exiting the LED Check}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-182
10.17 Sensor Check Flow 14: SC8 10.17.1 Check Flow 14

Operate the side-positioning latch mechanism with the MUTL to open or close the side- START
positioning latch position sensor (SC8). Verify that the sensor status changes.

Q1 Result of monitoring function check normal?

{MT:10.17.2_Check Procedures via Monitoring Function (14)}

Return to the error code analysis flow.

Q2 Result of SND23B board LED check normal?

{MT:10.17.3_Check Procedures via LEDs on the SND23B Board
Return to the error code analysis flow.

Q3 Cable normal?
Referring to the connector and pin number in the block diagram, check the following
1. The connector is securely plugged in.
2. The resistance between each of the pins and GND is 2Ω or greater.
3. The resistance between each of the pins is 2Ω or greater.
4. The continuity between each of the pins is 1Ω or less.
{MT:17.4_Sensors (SC1 to SC3, SC6 to SC10, SG1, SZ2, SZ3,
and SZ5)}

Replace the error-causing sensor.

{MC:2._Table of Contents}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-183
10.17.2 Check Procedures via Monitoring Function (14) 4. Verify the displayed monitoring result.

1. Start the monitoring function of the RU PC-TOOL or CLIENT PC-TOOL.  GOOD indication
{MT:10.2_Starting and Exiting the Monitoring Function}
2. Start the MUTL.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
3. Perform the "Side-positioning Hook HP" process.

 NO GOOD indication
When the status (OPEN or CLOSE) of the checked sensors is not displayed
 NOTE 
Click on the [START] button in the monitoring window to initiate the monitoring
beforehand. Unless the monitoring is initiated, nothing is displayed in the window even
when the sensor changes its status.

5. Exit the monitoring of the RU PC-TOOL.

{MT:10.2.3_Exiting the Monitoring Function}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-184
10.17.3 Check Procedures via LEDs on the SND23B Board (14) 3. Note the LED indications given by the SND23B board.

1. Perform the procedures for starting the LED check.

{MT:10.3.1_Procedures for Starting the LED Check}
2. Perform the "Side-positioning Hook HP" process.

 GOOD indication
Make sure that the LEDs change (from ON to OFF, or from OFF to ON) during

 NO GOOD indication
The LED does not change.
4. Perform the procedures for exiting the LED check.
{MT:10.3.2_Procedures for Exiting the LED Check}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-185
10.18 Sensor Check Flow 15: SZ2 and SZ3 10.18.1 Check Flow 15

Operate the side-positioning grip mechanism with the MUTL to open or close the driven- START
side grip roller release HP sensor (SZ2) and driving-side grip roller release HP sensor (SZ3).
Verify that the sensor status changes.
Q1 Result of monitoring function check normal?
{MT:10.18.2_Check Procedures via Monitoring Function (15)}

Return to the error code analysis flow.

Q2 Result of SND23B board LED check normal?

{MT:10.18.3_Check Procedures via LEDs on the SND23B Board
Return to the error code analysis flow.

Q3 Cable normal?
Referring to the connector and pin number in the block diagram, check the following
1. The connector is securely plugged in.
2. The resistance between each of the pins and GND is 2Ω or greater.
3. The resistance between each of the pins is 2Ω or greater.
4. The continuity between each of the pins is 1Ω or less.
{MT:17.4_Sensors (SC1 to SC3, SC6 to SC10, SG1, SZ2, SZ3,
and SZ5)}

Replace the error-causing sensor.

{MC:2._Table of Contents}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-186
10.18.2 Check Procedures via Monitoring Function (15) 4. Verify the displayed monitoring result.

1. Start the monitoring function of the RU PC-TOOL or CLIENT PC-TOOL.  GOOD indication
{MT:10.2_Starting and Exiting the Monitoring Function}
2. Start the MUTL.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
3. Perform the "Sub-Scanning Grip HP" process.

 NO GOOD indication
When the status (OPEN or CLOSE) of the checked sensors is not displayed
 NOTE 
Click on the [START] button in the monitoring window to initiate the monitoring
beforehand. Unless the monitoring is initiated, nothing is displayed in the window even
when the sensor changes its status.

5. Exit the monitoring of the RU PC-TOOL.

{MT:10.2.3_Exiting the Monitoring Function}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-187
10.18.3 Check Procedures via LEDs on the SND23B Board (15) 3. Note the LED indications given by the SND23B board.

1. Perform the procedures for starting the LED check.

{MT:10.3.1_Procedures for Starting the LED Check}
2. Perform the "Sub-Scanning Grip HP" process.

 GOOD indication
Make sure that the LEDs change (from ON to OFF, or from OFF to ON) during

 NO GOOD indication
The LED does not change.
4. Perform the procedures for exiting the LED check.
{MT:10.3.2_Procedures for Exiting the LED Check}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-188
10.19 Sensor Check Flow 16: SZ5 10.19.1 Check Flow 16

Operate the dust removal mechanism with the MUTL to open or close the dust removal HP START
sensor (SZ5). Verify that the sensor status changes.

Q1 Result of monitoring function check normal?

{MT:10.19.2_Check Procedures via Monitoring Function (16)}

Return to the error code analysis flow.

Q2 Result of SND23B board LED check normal?

{MT:10.19.3_Check Procedures via LEDs on the SND23B Board
Return to the error code analysis flow.

Q3 Cable normal?
Referring to the connector and pin number in the block diagram, check the following
1. The connector is securely plugged in.
2. The resistance between each of the pins and GND is 2Ω or greater.
3. The resistance between each of the pins is 2Ω or greater.
4. The continuity between each of the pins is 1Ω or less.
{MT:17.4_Sensors (SC1 to SC3, SC6 to SC10, SG1, SZ2, SZ3,
and SZ5)}

Replace the error-causing sensor.

{MC:2._Table of Contents}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-189
10.19.2 Check Procedures via Monitoring Function (16) 4. Verify the displayed monitoring result.

1. Start the monitoring function of the RU PC-TOOL or CLIENT PC-TOOL.  GOOD indication
{MT:10.2_Starting and Exiting the Monitoring Function}
2. Start the MUTL.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
3. Perform the "Dust Removal Operation" process.

 NO GOOD indication
When the status (OPEN or CLOSE) of the checked sensors is not displayed
 NOTE 
Click on the [START] button in the monitoring window to initiate the monitoring
beforehand. Unless the monitoring is initiated, nothing is displayed in the window even
when the sensor changes its status.

5. Exit the monitoring of the RU PC-TOOL.

{MT:10.2.3_Exiting the Monitoring Function}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-190
10.19.3 Check Procedures via LEDs on the SND23B Board (16) 3. Note the LED indications given by the SND23B board.

1. Perform the procedures for starting the LED check.

{MT:10.3.1_Procedures for Starting the LED Check}
2. Perform the "Dust Removal Operation" process.

 GOOD indication
Make sure that the LEDs change (from ON to OFF, or from OFF to ON) during

 NO GOOD indication
The LED does not change.
4. Perform the procedures for exiting the LED check.
{MT:10.3.2_Procedures for Exiting the LED Check}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-191
10.20 Sensor Check Flow 17: SZ1 Q2 Cable normal?
Referring to the connector and pin number in the block diagram, check the following
Start the RU in the maintenance mode. points.
Insert the IP from the rear of the machine to open or close the IP leading-edge sensor (SZ1). 1. The connector is securely plugged in.
Verify that the sensor status changes. 2. The resistance between each of the pins and GND is 2Ω or greater.
3. The resistance between each of the pins is 2Ω or greater.
10.20.1 Check Flow 17 4. The continuity between each of the pins is 1Ω or less.
{MT:17.5_Sensor (SZ1) and Scanning Optics Unit (LDD23A,
START PDA23A, LDA23A, SYN23A, and POL23A)}
Remove the front cover, right-hand side cover, rear cover, and left-hand side cover.
{MC:3.1_Front Cover} Replace the error-causing sensor.
{MC:3.2_Right-Hand Side Cover} {MC:2._Table of Contents}
{MC:3.3_Rear Cover}
{MC:3.4_Left-Hand Side Cover} Turn OFF the power of RU.

Remove the front cover plate and left-hand cover plate. Turn ON the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board.
{MC:3.5_Front Cover Plate}
{MC:3.7_Left-Hand Cover Plate}
Reinstall the post-reading conveyor guide assembly.
Remove the post-reading conveyor guide assembly.
{MC:10.2.2_Post-Reading Conveyor Guide Assembly}
{MC:10.2_Post-Reading Conveyor Guide Assembly}
Reinstall the front cover plate and left-hand cover plate.
Turn OFF the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board.
{MC:3.7.2_Left-Hand Cover Plate}
{MT:1.5_Turning OFF the High-Voltage Switch} {MC:3.5.2_Front Cover Plate}

Start the RU in the maintenance mode. Reinstall the front cover, right-hand side cover, rear cover, and left-hand side cover.
{MU:3.11_Starting and Exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility} {MC:3.4.2_Left-Hand Side Cover}
{MC:3.3.2_Rear Cover}
Q1 Result of SCN23A board LED check normal? {MC:3.2.2_Right-Hand Side Cover}
{MT:10.20.2_Check Procedures via LEDs on the SCN23A Board {MC:3.1.2_Front Cover}
Return to the error code analysis flow.


05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-192
10.20.2 Check Procedures via LEDs on the SCN23A Board (17) 3. While rotating the flywheel on the left-hand side of the machine, insert the IP by
hand and verify the SOH LED indication given by the SCN23A board.
1. Start the MUTL.
 NOTE 
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
Be sure to insert the IP while rotating the flywheel on the left-hand side of the machine.
2. Choose "Scanner Check" and then turn ON the laser. The IP may become damaged if you forcibly insert it.

 GOOD indication
When the IP is inserted: The LED comes on.
When the IP is removed: The LED goes off.

 NO GOOD indication
The LED status does not change.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-193
10.21 Barcode Reader Check Flow: BCRC1 Q2 Cable normal?
Referring to the connector and pin number in the block diagram, check the following
Start the RU in the maintenance mode. points.
Turn ON the barcode reader in the MUTL, to make sure that the barcode reader (BCRC1) 1. The connector is securely plugged in.
reads the barcode of the IP. 2. The resistance between each of the pins and GND is 2Ω or greater.
3. The resistance between each of the pins is 2Ω or greater.
4. The continuity between each of the pins is 1Ω or less.
10.21.1 Check Flow 18 {MT:17.6_PNL23A/PNL23B, FANG1, FANG3, and BCRC1}

START Restore
Remove the front cover, right-hand side cover, rear cover, and left-hand side cover. Replace the barcode reader (BCRC1).
{MC:3.1_Front Cover} {MC:2._Table of Contents}
{MC:3.2_Right-Hand Side Cover}
{MC:3.3_Rear Cover} Turn OFF the power of RU.
{MC:3.4_Left-Hand Side Cover}

Turn ON the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board.

Remove the rear cover plate.
{MC:3.6_Rear Cover Plate}
Reinstall the rear cover plate.
{MC:3.6.2_Rear Cover Plate}
Turn OFF the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board.
{MT:1.5_Turning OFF the High-Voltage Switch}
Reinstall the front cover, right-hand side cover, rear cover, and left-hand side cover.
Start the RU in the maintenance mode. {MC:3.4.2_Left-Hand Side Cover}
{MU:3.11_Starting and Exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility} {MC:3.3.2_Rear Cover}
{MC:3.2.2_Right-Hand Side Cover}
Q1 Result of monitoring function check normal? {MC:3.1.2_Front Cover}
{MT:10.21.2_Check Procedures via Monitoring Function (18)}

Return to the error code analysis flow.


08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-194
10.21.2 Check Procedures via Monitoring Function (18) 3. Release the clamp and disconnect the barcode reader (BCRC1) from the side-
positioning conveyor unit.
1. Start the MUTL.
 NOTE 
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
Do not disconnect the connector of the barcode reader.
2. Select "Barcode-Reader Check".

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-195
4. Select “Barcode-Reader On” with the cassette brought close to the barcode 5. Reinstall the barcode reader (BCRC1) and retain the cable with the clamps.
reader (BCRC1), and select “Show Barcode”.

 NOTE 
Exercise care not to damage the cable with the barcode reader dropping, since the
connector of the barcode reader is kept connected with the side-positioning conveyor

 GOOD indication
“RESULT-OK” and the barcode No. that has been read are displayed on the MUTL.

 NO GOOD indication
“RESULT-OK” and the barcode No. that has been read are not displayed on the MUTL.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-196
10.22 Sensor Check Flow 18: SA16 10.22.1 Check Flow 18

Start the RU in the maintenance mode. START

Insert and eject the cassette of 8x10 (inch) or 10x12 (inch) to open or close the inch/metric
sensor (SA16) to check that the sensor status changes.
Turn OFF the power of RU.

Start the RU in the maintenance mode.

{MU:3.11_Starting and Exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility}

Q1 Result of monitoring function check normal?

{MT:10.22.2_Check Procedures via Monitoring Function (18)}

Return to the error code analysis flow.

Q2 Result of SND23A board LED check normal?

{MT:10.22.3_Check Procedures via LEDs on the SND23A Board
Return to the error code analysis flow.

Q3 Cable normal?
Referring to the connector and pin number in the block diagram, check the following
1. The connector is securely plugged in.
2. The resistance between each of the pins and GND is 2Ω or greater.
3. The resistance between each of the pins is 2Ω or greater.
4. The continuity between each of the pins is 1Ω or less.
{MT:17.3_Sensors (SA1 to SA12, SA14 to SA16)}


Replace the error-causing sensor.

{MC:2._Table of Contents}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-197
10.22.2 Check Procedures via Monitoring Function (18) 3. Exit the monitoring of the RU PC-TOOL.
{MT:10.2.3_Exiting the Monitoring Function}
1. Start the monitoring function of the RU PC-TOOL or CLIENT PC-TOOL.
{MT:10.2_Starting and Exiting the Monitoring Function}
2. Allow the cassette of 8x10 (inch) or 10x12 (inch) to be inserted and ejected with
the hold released, and check the monitoring display.
 GOOD indication

 NO GOOD indication
Although the cassette was inserted and ejected, the sensor status (OPEN or CLOSE)
was not displayed.
 NOTE 
Click on the [START] button in the monitoring window to initiate the monitoring
beforehand. Unless the monitoring is initiated, nothing is displayed in the window even
when the sensor changes its status.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-198
10.22.3 Check Procedures via LEDs on the SND23A Board (18)

1. Perform the procedures for starting the LED check.

{MT:10.3.1_Procedures for Starting the LED Check}
2. Allow the cassette of 8x10 (inch) or 10x12 (inch) to be inserted and ejected with
the hold released. Check the LED display on the SND23A board.

 GOOD indication
The LED changes its status (lit to unlit or unlit to lit) when the cassette of 8x10 (inch) or
10x12 (inch) is inserted and ejected.

 NO GOOD indication
The LED does not change.
3. Perform the procedures for exiting the LED check.
{MT:10.3.2_Procedures for Exiting the LED Check}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-199

11. Procedures for Checking the Motors Q2 Cable normal?

Referring to the connector and pin number in the block diagram, check the following
It can be checked, via the LEDs on the SND23A board, to see that the signal sent when the points.
motor is driven is received by the SND23A board. 1. The connector is securely plugged in.
2. The resistance between each of the pins and GND is 2Ω or greater.
3. The resistance between each of the pins is 2Ω or greater.
11.1 Motor Check Flow 4. The continuity between each of the pins is 1Ω or less.
{MT:17.1_Motors (MA1 to MA4) and Actuators (SOLA1, PA1,
{MT:17.2_Motors (MC1 to MC4, MZ1 to MZ3)}
Q1 Operation of the motor normal? Restore
For checking the cassette cover opening mechanism driving motor (MA1)
{MT:11.2_Checking the MA1 Operation}
Q3 Resistance value of the motor normal?
For checking the cassette cover closing mechanism driving motor (MA2) {MT:11.13_Checking the Motor Resistance Values}
{MT:11.3_Checking the MA2 Operation}
For checking the suction arm driving motor (MA3) Return to the error code analysis flow.
{MT:11.4_Checking the MA3 Operation} N
For checking the IP transport motor (MA4) Replace the motor.
{MT:11.5_Checking the MA4 Operation} {MC:2._Table of Contents}
For checking the side-positioning IP transport motor (MC1)
{MT:11.6_Checking the MC1 Operation}
For checking the side-positioning conveyor roller grip release motor (MC2)
{MT:11.7_Checking the MC2 Operation}
For checking the side-positioning latch mechanism driving motor (MC3)
{MT:11.8_Checking the MC3 Operation}
For checking the side-positioning reference block driving motor (MC4)
{MT:11.9_Checking the MC4 Operation}
For checking the subscanning motor (MZ1)
{MT:11.10_Checking the MZ1 Operation}
For checking the driven/driving grip roller driving motor (MZ2)
{MT:11.11_Checking the MZ2 Operation}
For checking the dust removal motor (MZ3)
{MT:11.12_Checking the MZ3 Operation}

Return to the error code analysis flow.


05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-200
11.2 Checking the MA1 Operation 7. Check the result of the operation via the LEDs.

 Checking the result of the operation

1. Remove the front cover, right-hand side cover, and rear cover.
If an error code is displayed on the MUTL, instead of "RESULT-OK", then refer to the
{MC:3.1_Front Cover}
error code table and troubleshoot again.
{MC:3.2_Right-Hand Side Cover} {MT:2._Error Code Table}
{MC:3.3_Rear Cover}
 Checking the display of the LEDs
2. Start the RU in the maintenance mode.
Check the display of the LEDs located on the SND23A board.
{MU:3.11_Starting and Exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility}
The LEDs can only be checked corresponding to the timing of the motor activation.
3. Start the MUTL. If they cannot be checked, repeat steps 4 through 7 again to check them.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL} If the LEDs can be checked during activation of the motor (which may be checked via
the sound generated by it, for example), it may be judged that the motor is normal.
4. Select "IP Removal Unit 1".

5. Select "OpenLid Mechanism".

6. Select "Open Lid Diagnostic".

8. Exit the MUTL.

{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}
9. Reinstall the front cover, right-hand side cover, and rear cover.
{MC:3.3.2_Rear Cover}
{MC:3.2.2_Right-Hand Side Cover}
{MC:3.1.2_Front Cover}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-201
11.3 Checking the MA2 Operation 7. Check the result of the operation via the LEDs.

 Checking the result of the operation

1. Remove the front cover, right-hand side cover, and rear cover.
If an error code is displayed on the MUTL, instead of "RESULT-OK", then refer to the
{MC:3.1_Front Cover}
error code table and troubleshoot again.
{MC:3.2_Right-Hand Side Cover} {MT:2._Error Code Table}
{MC:3.3_Rear Cover}
 Checking the display of the LEDs
2. Start the RU in the maintenance mode.
Check the display of the LEDs located on the SND23A board.
{MU:3.11_Starting and Exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility}
The LEDs can only be checked corresponding to the timing of the motor activation.
3. Start the MUTL. If they cannot be checked, repeat steps 4 through 7 again to check them.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL} If the LEDs can be checked during activation of the motor (which may be checked via
the sound generated by it, for example), it may be judged that the motor is normal.
4. Select "IP Removal Unit 1".

5. Select "CloseLid Mechanism".

6. Select "Close Lid Diagnostic".

8. Exit the MUTL.

{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}
9. Reinstall the front cover, right-hand side cover, and rear cover.
{MC:3.3.2_Rear Cover}
{MC:3.2.2_Right-Hand Side Cover}
{MC:3.1.2_Front Cover}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-202
11.4 Checking the MA3 Operation 7. Check the result of the operation via the LEDs.

 Checking the result of the operation

1. Remove the front cover, right-hand side cover, and rear cover.
If an error code is displayed on the MUTL, instead of "RESULT-OK", then refer to the
{MC:3.1_Front Cover}
error code table and troubleshoot again.
{MC:3.2_Right-Hand Side Cover} {MT:2._Error Code Table}
{MC:3.3_Rear Cover}
 Checking the display of the LEDs
2. Start the RU in the maintenance mode.
Check the display of the LEDs located on the SND23A board.
{MU:3.11_Starting and Exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility}
The LEDs can only be checked corresponding to the timing of the motor activation.
3. Start the MUTL. If they cannot be checked, repeat steps 4 through 7 again to check them.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL} If the LEDs can be checked during activation of the motor (which may be checked via
the sound generated by it, for example), it may be judged that the motor is normal.
4. Select "IP Removal Unit 1".

5. Select "Removal Mechanism".

6. Select "Removal Diagnostic".

8. Exit the MUTL.

{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}
9. Reinstall the front cover, right-hand side cover, and rear cover.
{MC:3.3.2_Rear Cover}
{MC:3.2.2_Right-Hand Side Cover}
{MC:3.1.2_Front Cover}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-203
11.5 Checking the MA4 Operation 6. Check the result of the operation via the LEDs.

 Checking the result of the operation

1. Remove the front cover, right-hand side cover, and rear cover.
If an error code is displayed on the MUTL, instead of "RESULT-OK", then refer to the
{MC:3.1_Front Cover}
error code table and troubleshoot again.
{MC:3.2_Right-Hand Side Cover} {MT:2._Error Code Table}
{MC:3.3_Rear Cover}
 Checking the display of the LEDs
2. Start the RU in the maintenance mode.
Check the display of the LEDs located on the SND23A board.
{MU:3.11_Starting and Exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility}
The LEDs can only be checked corresponding to the timing of the motor activation.
3. Start the MUTL. If they cannot be checked, repeat steps 4 through 6 again to check them.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL} If the LEDs can be checked during activation of the motor (which may be checked via
the sound generated by it, for example), it may be judged that the motor is normal.
4. Select "IP Removal Unit 2".

5. Select "Feed Conveyance (MA4/MC1)".

7. Exit the MUTL.

{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}
8. Reinstall the front cover, right-hand side cover, and rear cover.
{MC:3.3.2_Rear Cover}
{MC:3.2.2_Right-Hand Side Cover}
{MC:3.1.2_Front Cover}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-204
11.6 Checking the MC1 Operation 6. Check the result of the operation via the LEDs.

 Checking the result of the operation

1. Remove the front cover.
If an error code is displayed on the MUTL, instead of "RESULT-OK", then refer to the
{MC:3.1_Front Cover}
error code table and troubleshoot again.
2. Start the RU in the maintenance mode. {MT:2._Error Code Table}
{MU:3.11_Starting and Exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility}
 Checking the display of the LEDs
3. Start the MUTL.
Check the display of the LEDs located on the SND23B board.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL} The LEDs can only be checked corresponding to the timing of the motor activation.
4. Select "IP Removal Unit 2". If they cannot be checked, repeat steps 4 through 6 again to check them.
If the LEDs can be checked during activation of the motor (which may be checked via
the sound generated by it, for example), it may be judged that the motor is normal.

5. Select "Feed Conveyance (MA4/MC1)".

7. Exit the MUTL.

{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}
8. Reinstall the front cover.
{MC:3.1.2_Front Cover}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-205
11.7 Checking the MC2 Operation 7. Check the result of the operation via the LEDs.

 Checking the result of the operation

1. Remove the front cover.
If an error code is displayed on the MUTL, instead of "RESULT-OK", then refer to the
{MC:3.1_Front Cover}
error code table and troubleshoot again.
2. Start the RU in the maintenance mode. {MT:2._Error Code Table}
{MU:3.11_Starting and Exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility}
 Checking the display of the LEDs
3. Start the MUTL.
Check the display of the LEDs located on the SND23B board.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL} The LEDs can only be checked corresponding to the timing of the motor activation.
4. Select "Side-Positioning Conveyor". If they cannot be checked, repeat steps 4 through 7 again to check them.
If the LEDs can be checked during activation of the motor (which may be checked via
the sound generated by it, for example), it may be judged that the motor is normal.

5. Select "Side-Positioning".

6. Select "Side-Positioning Grip HP".

8. Exit the MUTL.

{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}
9. Reinstall the front cover.
{MC:3.1.2_Front Cover}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-206
11.8 Checking the MC3 Operation 7. Check the result of the operation via the LEDs.

 Checking the result of the operation

1. Remove the front cover.
If an error code is displayed on the MUTL, instead of "RESULT-OK", then refer to the
{MC:3.1_Front Cover}
error code table and troubleshoot again.
2. Start the RU in the maintenance mode. {MT:2._Error Code Table}
{MU:3.11_Starting and Exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility}
 Checking the display of the LEDs
3. Start the MUTL.
Check the display of the LEDs located on the SND23B board.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL} The LEDs can only be checked corresponding to the timing of the motor activation.
4. Select "Side-Positioning Conveyor". If they cannot be checked, repeat steps 4 through 7 again to check them.
If the LEDs can be checked during activation of the motor (which may be checked via
the sound generated by it, for example), it may be judged that the motor is normal.

5. Select "Side-Positioning".

6. Select "Side-Positioning Hook HP".

8. Exit the MUTL.

{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}
9. Reinstall the front cover.
{MC:3.1.2_Front Cover}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-207
11.9 Checking the MC4 Operation 7. Check the result of the operation via the LEDs.

 Checking the result of the operation

1. Remove the front cover.
If an error code is displayed on the MUTL, instead of "RESULT-OK", then refer to the
{MC:3.1_Front Cover}
error code table and troubleshoot again.
2. Start the RU in the maintenance mode. {MT:2._Error Code Table}
{MU:3.11_Starting and Exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility}
 Checking the display of the LEDs
3. Start the MUTL.
Check the display of the LEDs located on the SND23B board.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL} The LEDs can only be checked corresponding to the timing of the motor activation.
4. Select "Side-Positioning Conveyor". If they cannot be checked, repeat steps 4 through 7 again to check them.
If the LEDs can be checked during activation of the motor (which may be checked via
the sound generated by it, for example), it may be judged that the motor is normal.

5. Select "Side-Positioning".

6. Select "Side-Positioning Base Pin HP".

8. Exit the MUTL.

{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}
9. Reinstall the front cover.
{MC:3.1.2_Front Cover}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-208
11.10 Checking the MZ1 Operation 7. Drive the subscanning motor (MZ1).

1. Remove the front cover.

{MC:3.1_Front Cover}
2. Start the RU in the maintenance mode.
{MU:3.11_Starting and Exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility} 8. Check the result of the operation via the LEDs.
3. Start the MUTL.
 Checking the result of the operation
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
If an error code is displayed on the MUTL, instead of "RESULT-OK", then refer to the
4. Select "Sub Scanning". error code table and troubleshoot again.
{MT:2._Error Code Table}

 Checking the display of the LEDs

Check the display of the LEDs located on the SND23B board.
The LEDs can only be checked corresponding to the timing of the motor activation.
If they cannot be checked, repeat steps 4 through 7 again to check them.
5. Select "Conveyance Motor". If the LEDs can be checked during activation of the motor (which may be checked via
the sound generated by it, for example), it may be judged that the motor is normal.

6. Set the conveyance speed to "SR (356)".

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-209
9. Stop the subscanning motor (MZ1).

10. Exit the MUTL.

{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}
11. Reinstall the front cover.
{MC:3.1.2_Front Cover}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-210
11.11 Checking the MZ2 Operation 7. Check the result of the operation via the LEDs.

 Checking the result of the operation

1. Remove the front cover.
If an error code is displayed on the MUTL, instead of "RESULT-OK", then refer to the
{MC:3.1_Front Cover}
error code table and troubleshoot again.
2. Start the RU in the maintenance mode. {MT:2._Error Code Table}
{MU:3.11_Starting and Exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility}
 Checking the display of the LEDs
3. Start the MUTL.
Check the display of the LEDs located on the SND23B board.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL} The LEDs can only be checked corresponding to the timing of the motor activation.
4. Select "Sub Scanning". If they cannot be checked, repeat steps 4 through 7 again to check them.
If the LEDs can be checked during activation of the motor (which may be checked via
the sound generated by it, for example), it may be judged that the motor is normal.

5. Select "Sub-Scanning Grip".

6. Select "Sub-Scanning Grip HP".

8. Exit the MUTL.

{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}
9. Reinstall the front cover.
{MC:3.1.2_Front Cover}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-211
11.12 Checking the MZ3 Operation 7. Check the result of the operation via the LEDs.

 Checking the result of the operation

1. Remove the front cover.
If an error code is displayed on the MUTL, instead of "RESULT-OK", then refer to the
{MC:3.1_Front Cover}
error code table and troubleshoot again.
2. Start the RU in the maintenance mode. {MT:2._Error Code Table}
{MU:3.11_Starting and Exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility}
 Checking the display of the LEDs
3. Start the MUTL.
Check the display of the LEDs located on the SND23B board.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL} The LEDs can only be checked corresponding to the timing of the motor activation.
4. Select "Sub Scanning". If they cannot be checked, repeat steps 4 through 7 again to check them.
If the LEDs can be checked during activation of the motor (which may be checked via
the sound generated by it, for example), it may be judged that the motor is normal.

5. Select "Dust Removal".

6. Select "Dust Remova Operation".

8. Exit the MUTL.

{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}
9. Reinstall the front cover.
{MC:3.1.2_Front Cover}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-212
11.13 Checking the Motor Resistance Values
With reference to the block diagram, measure the motor resistance values based on the pin
{MT:17.1_Motors (MA1 to MA4) and Actuators (SOLA1, PA1, SVA1, and SVA2)}
{MT:17.2_Motors (MC1 to MC4, MZ1 to MZ3)

 List of Resistance Values of Motor Windings

Reference resistance value
I/O No. Load name Pin numbers Pin numbers Pin numbers Pin numbers
1 and 2 3 and 2 4 and 5 6 and 5
Cassette cover opening mechanism
MA1 0.8–1.3Ω 0.8–1.3Ω 0.8–1.3Ω 0.8–1.3Ω
driving motor
Cassette cover closing mechanism
MA2 0.8–1.3Ω
driving motor
MA3 Suction arm driving motor 0.8–1.3Ω 0.8–1.3Ω 0.8–1.3Ω 0.8–1.3Ω
MA4 IP transport motor 0.8–1.3Ω 0.8–1.3Ω 0.8–1.3Ω 0.8–1.3Ω
MC1 Side-positioning IP transport motor 0.8–1.3Ω 0.8–1.3Ω 0.8–1.3Ω 0.8–1.3Ω
Side-positioning conveyor roller grip
MC2 0.8–1.3Ω
release motor
Side-positioning latch mechanism
MC3 0.8–1.3Ω 0.8–1.3Ω 0.8–1.3Ω 0.8–1.3Ω
driving motor
Side-positioning reference block
MC4 0.8–1.3Ω
driving motor
MZ2 Driven/driving grip roller driving motor 0.8–1.3Ω
MZ3 Dust removal motor 0.8–1.3Ω

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-213

12. Procedures for Checking the Actuators Q3 Resistance value of the actuator normal?
{MT:12.6_Checking the Actuator Resistance Values}
It can be checked, via the LEDs on the SND23A board, to see that the signal sent when the Y
Return to the error code analysis flow.
actuator is driven is received by the SND23A board.

12.1 Actuator Check Flow Replace the actuator.

{MC:5.64_Solenoid (SOLA1) and Cassette Hold Sensor (SA2)}
{MC:5.41_IP Suction Pump (PA1)}
{MC:5.40_IP Air Leak Valve Assembly (SVA1/SVA2)}
Q1 Operation of the actuator normal?
 For checking the cassette hold pin solenoid (SOLA1)
{MT:12.2_Checking the SOLA1 Operation}
 For checking the IP suction pump (PA1)
{MT:12.3_Checking the PA1 Operation}
 For checking the IP air-leak valve (SVA1)
{MT:12.4_Checking the SVA1 Operation}
 For checking the IP suction path changeover valve (SVA2)
{MT:12.5_Checking the SVA2 Operation}

Return to the error code analysis flow.

Q2 Cable normal?
Referring to the connector and pin number in the block diagram, check the following
1. The connector is securely plugged in.
2. The resistance between each of the pins and GND is 2Ω or greater.
3. The resistance between each of the pins is 2Ω or greater.
4. The continuity between each of the pins is 1Ω or less.
{MT:17.1_Motors (MA1 to MA4) and Actuators (SOLA1, PA1,
SVA1, and SVA2))}



05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-214
12.2 Checking the SOLA1 Operation Q4 Cassette hold pin damaged such as bent?
{MC:5.64_Solenoid (SOLA1) and Cassette Hold Sensor (SA2)}

12.2.1 Solenoid Check Flow Y

Replace the cassette hold pin.
START N {MC:5.64_Solenoid (SOLA1) and Cassette Hold Sensor (SA2)}

Start the RU in the maintenance mode.

{MU:3.11_Starting and Exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility} Replace the solenoid.
{MC:5.64_Solenoid (SOLA1) and Cassette Hold Sensor (SA2)}

Q1 Result of visual check normal?

{MT:12.2.2_Visual Check Procedures} Q5 Result of cassette hold solenoid check normal after changing type of cassette?
N {MT:12.2.3_Procedures for Checking the Cassette Hold
Q4 Solenoid}
Q2 Result of cassette hold solenoid normal? Y
{MT:12.2.3_Procedures for Checking the Cassette Hold
Solenoid} Return to the check flow.
N {MT:12.1_Actuator Check Flow}

Turn OFF the power of RU.

Q3 Result of SND23A board LED check normal?

{MT:12.2.4_Procedures for Checking the LED on the SND23A
N Board}

Return to the check flow.

{MT:12.1_Actuator Check Flow}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-215
12.2.2 Visual Check Procedures 4. Turn OFF the solenoid, and check to ensure that the cassette hold pin rises.

Allow the solenoid to work in MUTL, and check to ensure that the cassette hold pin rises/  MUTL operation
lowers normally.
1. Start the MUTL.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
2. Select "IP Removal Unit 2".

 RU status

3. Turn ON the solenoid, and check to ensure that the cassette hold pin lowers.

 MUTL operation

 RU status 5. Repeat the steps 4 and 5 several times, and check the operation of the cassette
hold pin.
6. Exit the MUTL.
{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-216
12.2.3 Procedures for Checking the Cassette Hold Solenoid 5. Turn OFF the solenoid, and check to ensure that the cassette hold pin rises.

Turn ON the solenoid with the MUTL, and insert the cassette with hold pin lowered. Turn  MUTL operation
OFF the solenoid to raise the hold pin and hold the cassette.
Verify that the cassette is properly held by the hold pin.
1. Start the MUTL.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
2. Select "IP Removal Unit 2".
 RU status

3. Turn ON the solenoid to lower the hold pin.

4. Insert the cassette.

6. Turn ON the solenoid to lower the hold pin.

7. Pull out the cassette.

8. Exit the MUTL.
{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-217
12.2.4 Procedures for Checking the LED on the SND23A Board 6. Check the result of the operation via the LEDs.

1. Remove the front cover, right-hand side cover, and rear cover.  Checking the result of the operation
{MC:3.1_Front Cover}
If an error code is displayed on the MUTL, instead of "RESULT-OK", then refer to the
error code table and troubleshoot again.
{MC:3.2_Right-Hand Side Cover}
{MT:2._Error Code Table}
{MC:3.3_Rear Cover}
2. Start the RU in the maintenance mode.  Checking the display of the LEDs
{MU:3.11_Starting and Exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility} Check the display of the LEDs located on the SND23A board.
The LEDs can only be checked corresponding to the timing of the cassette hold pin
3. Start the MUTL.
solenoid (SOLA1) activation.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL} If the operation result cannot be verified, repeat step 5 to turn ON/OFF the solenoid. If
4. Select "IP Removal Unit 2". you verify that the LED comes on when the solenoid operates (you should listen for its
operating sound), it can be concluded that the cassette hold pin solenoid (SOLA1) is

5. Turn ON/OFF the solenoid.

7. Exit the MUTL.

{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}
8. Remove the front cover, right-hand side cover, and rear cover.
{MC:3.3.2_Rear Cover}
{MC:3.2.2_Right-Hand Side Cover}
{MC:3.1.2_Front Cover}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-218
12.3 Checking the PA1 Operation 6. Check the result of the operation via the LEDs.

 Checking the result of the operation

1. Remove the front cover, right-hand side cover, and rear cover.
If an error code is displayed on the MUTL, instead of "RESULT-OK", then refer to the
{MC:3.1_Front Cover}
error code table and troubleshoot again.
{MC:3.2_Right-Hand Side Cover} {MT:2._Error Code Table}
{MC:3.3_Rear Cover}
 Checking the display of the LEDs
2. Start the RU in the maintenance mode.
Check the display of the LEDs located on the SND23A board.
{MU:3.11_Starting and Exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility}
The LEDs can only be checked corresponding to the timing of the IP suction pump (PA19)
3. Start the MUTL. activation.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL} If the operation result cannot be verified, repeat step 5 to turn ON/OFF the pump. If you
verify that the LED comes on when the IP suction pump operates (you should listen for
4. Select "IP Removal Unit 2".
its operating sound), it can be concluded that the IP suction pump (PA1) is normal.

5. Turn ON/OFF the pump.

7. Exit the MUTL.

{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}
8. Remove the front cover, right-hand side cover, and rear cover.
{MC:3.3.2_Rear Cover}
{MC:3.2.2_Right-Hand Side Cover}
{MC:3.1.2_Front Cover}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-219
12.4 Checking the SVA1 Operation 6. Check the result of the operation via the LEDs.

 Checking the result of the operation

1. Remove the front cover, right-hand side cover, and rear cover.
If an error code is displayed on the MUTL, instead of "RESULT-OK", then refer to the
{MC:3.1_Front Cover}
error code table and troubleshoot again.
{MC:3.2_Right-Hand Side Cover} {MT:2._Error Code Table}
{MC:3.3_Rear Cover}
 Checking the display of the LEDs
2. Start the RU in the maintenance mode.
Check the display of the LEDs located on the SND23A board.
{MU:3.11_Starting and Exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility}
The LEDs can only be checked corresponding to the timing of the IP air-leak valve (SVA1)
3. Start the MUTL. activation.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL} If the operation result cannot be verified, repeat step 5 to turn ON/OFF the valve. If you
verify that the LED comes on when the IP air-leak valve operates (you should listen for
4. Select "IP Removal Unit 2".
its operating sound), it can be concluded that the IP air-leak valve (SVA1) is normal.

5. Turn ON/OFF the valve.

7. Exit the MUTL.

{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}
8. Remove the front cover, right-hand side cover, and rear cover.
{MC:3.3.2_Rear Cover}
{MC:3.2.2_Right-Hand Side Cover}
{MC:3.1.2_Front Cover}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-220
12.5 Checking the SVA2 Operation 6. Check the result of the operation via the LEDs.

 Checking the result of the operation

1. Remove the front cover, right-hand side cover, and rear cover.
If an error code is displayed on the MUTL, instead of "RESULT-OK", then refer to the
{MC:3.1_Front Cover}
error code table and troubleshoot again.
{MC:3.2_Right-Hand Side Cover} {MT:2._Error Code Table}
{MC:3.3_Rear Cover}
 Checking the display of the LEDs
2. Start the RU in the maintenance mode.
Check the display of the LEDs located on the SND23A board.
{MU:3.11_Starting and Exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility}
The LEDs can only be checked corresponding to the timing of the IP suction path
3. Start the MUTL. changeover valve (SVA2) activation.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL} If the operation result cannot be verified, repeat step 5 to turn ON/OFF the valve. If you
verify that the LED comes on when the IP air-leak valve operates (you should listen for
4. Select "IP Removal Unit 2".
its operating sound), it can be concluded that the IP air-leak valve (SVA2) is normal.

5. Turn ON/OFF the valve.

7. Exit the MUTL.

{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}
8. Remove the front cover, right-hand side cover, and rear cover.
{MC:3.3.2_Rear Cover}
{MC:3.2.2_Right-Hand Side Cover}
{MC:3.1.2_Front Cover}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-221
12.6 Checking the Actuator Resistance Values
With reference to the block diagram, measure the actuator resistance values based on the
pin numbers.
{MT:17.1_Motors (MA1 to MA4) and Actuators (SOLA1, PA1, SVA1, and SVA2))}

 Resistance Values of Solenoid

Reference resistance value
I/O No. Load name
Pin numbers 1 and 3 Pin numbers 2 and 4
SOLA1 Cassette hold pin solenoid 13.5–16.5Ω 134–154Ω

 Resistance Values of Pump

Reference resistance value
I/O No. Load name
Pin numbers 1 and 3
PA1 IP suction pump 1Ω or less

 Resistance Values of Valve

Reference resistance value
I/O No. Load name
Pin numbers 1 and 2
SVA1 IP air-leak valve
65–95Ω or less
SVA2 IP suction path changeover valve

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-222

13. Procedures for Checking the Scanner I/O Q6 Error recurs?

Return to the error code analysis flow.
13.1 Scanner I/O Check Flow Y

Turn ON the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board.


Remove the front cover and right-hand side cover. Q7 CPU23A and SCN23A boards tested in MUTL normal?
{MC:3.1_Front Cover} {MT:18.2.2_Testing the CPU23B Board}
{MC:3.2_Right-Hand Side Cover} {MT:18.2.3_Testing the SCN23A Board}

Turn OFF the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board. N

Replace the error-causing board.
{MT:1.5_Turning OFF the High-Voltage Switch} {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
{MC:11.3_SCN23A Board}
Q1 Laser ON operated in MUTL normal?
{MT:13.2_Checking Laser ON in MUTL}
Y Q8 Error recurs?
Return to the error code analysis flow.
Return to the error code analysis flow.
Q2 PMT (photomultiplier) normal? Y
{MT:13.3_Checking the PMT}
Replace the scanning optics unit.
Y {MC:9._Scanning Optics Unit}
Return to the error code analysis flow.

Q3 Check the voltage on CN5 of the SCN23A board.

{MT:8.2_Checking the Voltage on the SCN23A Board Test Pins

Turn OFF the power of RU.

Q4 Check all the fuses on the SCN23A board.

{MT:9.4_SCN23A Board}

Q5 Cable normal?
{MT:13.4_Checking the Cable}
Restore the cable.


08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-223
13.2 Checking Laser ON in MUTL 4. Check to see whether the LEDs on the SCN23A board are normal.

 GOOD indication
1. Remove the front cover and right-hand side cover.
No abnormality exists if the indication is other than the NO GOOD indication.
{MC:3.1_Front Cover}
{MC:3.2_Right-Hand Side Cover}  NOTE 
The "HVON" LED display varies depending on the state of the high-voltage switch.
2. Start the MUTL.
Thus, check the state of the high-voltage switch.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL} - High-voltage switch ON → LED illuminated
3. Turn ON the laser. - High-voltage switch OFF → LED not illuminated

 NO GOOD indication

→The following messages appear in the MUTL.

 NOTE 
If an error code is displayed on the MUTL, instead of "THE LASER IS TURNED ON.",
then refer to the error code table and troubleshoot as appropriate.
{MT:2._Error Code Table}

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-224
13.3 Checking the PMT 4. Check to see whether the LEDs on the SCN23A board are normal.

 GOOD indication
1. Remove the front cover and right-hand side cover.
No abnormality exists if the indication is other than the NO GOOD indication.
{MC:3.1_Front Cover}
{MC:3.2_Right-Hand Side Cover}  NOTE 
The "HVON" LED display varies depending on the state of the high-voltage switch.
2. Start the MUTL.
Thus, check the state of the high-voltage switch.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL} - High-voltage switch ON → LED illuminated
3. Turn ON the laser. - High-voltage switch OFF → LED not illuminated

 NO GOOD indication

→The following messages appear in the MUTL.

 NOTE 
If an error code is displayed on the MUTL, instead of "THE LASER IS TURNED ON.",
then refer to the error code table and troubleshoot as appropriate.
{MT:2._Error Code Table}

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-225
13.4 Checking the Cable
1. Turn OFF the power of the machine.
2. Referring to the block diagram, check the following points.
{MT:17._Block Diagrams}
- The connector is securely plugged in.
- Check for shorts between each of the pins and GND → 2 Ω or greater
- Check for shorts between each of the pins → 2 Ω or greater
- Check for continuity of each of the pins → 1 Ω or less

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-226

14. Line Error between CR Console and RU Q6 Check the RU’s IP address.
{MT:14.6_Checking the IP Address of the RU}

14.1 Analysis Flow for Line Error between CR Console and

RU Q7 PING from the CR Console acceptable?
{MT:14.2_Checking Connection from the CR Console}
Q1 PING from the CR Console acceptable? Y
{MT:14.2_Checking Connection from the CR Console}
Q8 Perform a loopback test.
Q2 Check the NETWORK CONFIGURATION information of the CR Console. {MT:14.7_Loopback Test}
{MT:14.3_Checking Configuration Information of the CR

Q9 PING from the CR Console acceptable?

Q3 Check the IP address of the CR Console. {MT:14.2_Checking Connection from the CR Console}
{MT:14.4_Checking the IP Address of the CR Console}

Restore the network connection.
Q4 Check to see whether the IP address of the master CL that is set in the RU is correct.
{MT:14.5_Checking the IP Address of the Master CL}

Q5 Check to see whether the FTP server setting is correct.

{MT:7._Troubleshooting the Errors that Cause the Inability to
Update the Software Version or Back Up the Machine Shipment
Control Data}


09.04.2007 FM5208
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-227
14.2 Checking Connection from the CR Console 4. Check the result of PING, and click on to close the window.

Using the "PING" function of the "RU PC-TOOL", check the connection between the RU and
CR Console.

 Check Procedures
1. Start the RU PC-TOOL.
{MU:4.23.1_Starting RU PC-TOOL}
2. From “LIST OF EXISTING RU”, select the RU that is targeted for a connection
"Lost = (0% loss)" means that there is no problem as a result of executing the PING
command. If other than "(0% loss)", it is a sign that there was some problem.

 GOOD indication
3. Click on [PING]. If the following message appears, the result is normal.
| Ping statistics for |
| Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), |

 NO GOOD indication
Other than above is all abnormal.
5. Exit the RU PC-TOOL.
→ The DOS prompt window opens to display the test result. {MU:4.23.2_Exiting RU PC-TOOL}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-228
14.3 Checking Configuration Information of the CR Console

 Check Procedures
1. Exit the CR Console software.
2. Start the IIP Service Utility.
3. Click on [Setup Configuration Item] button.
4. Check the setting of "NETWORK CONFIG".
Make sure that the RU name and IP address are identical to those registered in "LIST
If not, modify the setting.

5. Check the setting of "CONNECTING EQUIPMENT".

Make sure that the RU that was checked at step 4 is set.
If the setting is improper, modify the setting. If nothing is set, set it anew.
{FCR XG-1/CR CL Service Manual}

6. Exit the IIP Service Utility.

7. Turn ON the power of RU.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-229
14.4 Checking the IP Address of the CR Console 6. Choose "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)" and then click [Properties].

 Check Procedures
1. Exit the CR Console software.

2. From Windows' [Start] menu, click .

→ The "Control Panel" window opens.

3. Double-click . → The “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties” window opens.

→ The “Network Connections” window opens.

4. Double-click .

→ The “Local Area Connection Status” window opens.

5. Click [Properties].
Take note of the "IP address" displayed.

→ The “Local Area Connection Properties” window opens.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-230
14.5 Checking the IP Address of the Master CL 4. Click on [CANCEL] to close the window.

 Check Procedures
1. From "LIST OF EXISTING RU", select a RU where the list of master CL's is to be
checked, and click on the [EDIT CL NAME] button.

2. Click on [MODIFY] button.

3. Check the IP address displayed.

Make sure that the IP address displayed is identical to the IP address noted at step 6 of
"14.4 Checking the IP Address of the CR Console".
If it is not identical, modify "CL IP ADDRESS", and click on the [SET] button.

For "CL NAME", any name (20 bytes: 20 alphanumeric characters, or 10 Kanji
characters) may be entered.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-231
14.6 Checking the IP Address of the RU 4. Press the [Return] button.

 Check Procedures
1. Start the RU in the maintenance mode.
{MU:3.11_Starting and Exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility}
2. Verify that "Reader Unit IP Address" is chosen, and then press the [Select] button.

5. Exit the Machine Maintenance Utility.

{MU:3.11.3_Exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility}

3. Check the IP address of the RU.

Make sure that it is identical to the IP address registered in "LIST OF EXISTING RU" of
If it is not identical, modify the IP address of the RU.

For details on the procedure for changing the RU's IP address, see "1.4.2 Procedures
for Changing the Address" in the Maintenance Utility volume.
{MU:1.4.2_Procedures for Changing the Address}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-232
14.7 Loopback Test Q4 Does the error recur when you disconnect and reconnect the connector for the CPU23B
Connect the loopback cable (jig: 898Y0981) to the network cable or LAN23A board
connector, allow the signal transmitted from the RU to be looped back by the jig, and check Y
whether the transmitted signal returns. Q5
Conducting the loopback test enables you to locate an open in the network or a fault in the N
Return to the analysis flow.
For details on the loopback test function, see “3.9 Loopback Test” in the Maintenance Utility
volume. {MT:14.1_Analysis Flow for Line Error between CR Console and
{MU:3.9_Loop Back Test}

14.7.1 Loopback Test Flow Q5 Are the CPU23B board check results generated by the MUTL normal?
{MT:18.2.2_Testing the CPU23B Board}

Replace the LAN23A board.
Q1 Network connection to the LAN cable connector normal?
N {MC:11.4_LAN23A Board}
{MT:14.7.2_Loopback Test-1}
Replace the CPU23B board.
Y {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}

Q2 Error recurs when the LAN23A board is reseated?

{MC:11.4_LAN23A Board}


Return to the analysis flow.

{MT:14.1_Analysis Flow for Line Error between CR Console and

Q3 Network connection between the RU and hub normal?

{MT:14.7.3_Loopback Test-2}

Replace the LAN cable.

Return to the analysis flow.

{MT:14.1_Analysis Flow for Line Error between CR Console and

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-233
14.7.2 Loopback Test-1 14.7.3 Loopback Test-2

1. Connect the jig (898Y0981) to the LAN cable connector. 1. Disconnect the LAN cable from the hub. Connect the jig (898Y0981) to the LAN

2. Perform a loopback test.

{MT:14.7.4_Loopback Test Procedure}
3. Remove the jig and then connect the LAN cable to the RU.
2. Perform a loopback test.
{MT:14.7.4_Loopback Test Procedure}
3. Remove the jig and then connect the LAN cable to the RU.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-234
14.7.4 Loopback Test Procedure 4. Confirm the test result.

1. Start the RU in the maintenance mode.

{MU:3.11.2_Starting Up the Machine Maintenance Utility during READY State}
2. Verify that "Loop Back Test" is chosen, and then press the [Select] button.

5. Turn OFF the power of the RU and back ON.

 NOTE 
After completion of the loopback test, be sure to turn the RU power OFF and then back
ON. If you do not observe this precaution, the RU may fail to operate normally.

3. Press the [Check] button.

→ The test result is displayed.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-235

15. Troubleshooting Procedures for Image Q4 Quasi-data output from the PMT board normal?
{MU:7.3[4-1-2]_PMT Virtual Read}
Abnormalities N
15.1 Vertical Streaks Q5 Quasi-data output from the LED lighting on the PMT board normal?
{MU:7.3[4-1-1]_LED Virtual Read}

15.1.1 Peculiar Events N

Replace the light-collecting guide.
Y {MC:8.1_Light-Collecting Guide}
- Does this image abnormality occur only with a specific cassette or IP?
- Does this image abnormality occur when another machine is operating? Q6 Error recurs after the light-collecting guide and light-collecting mirror are cleaned?
- Does this image abnormality occur depending o the processing size?

15.1.2 Analysis Flow END
Replace the parts in the order named.
1. Scanning Optics Unit
Check the frequency of occurrence of abnormal image. {MC:9._Scanning Optics Unit}
* Subsequent check procedures differ depending on the frequency of occurrence. 2. SCN23A board
A {MC:11.3_SCN23A Board}
3. PMT board
Q1 Any peculiar event found when abnormal image occurs?
{MC:8.2_PMT Board}
4. Light-collecting mirror
Y {MC:10.22_Light-Collecting Mirror}
Troubleshoot the peculiar event or check the RU machine.
Q7 Does the error recur when you disconnect and reconnect the connector for the SCN23A
Q2 Printer normal? board?

Perform printer troubleshooting. Y
Q8 Reseat the SCN23A board from the CPU23A board and check if the error occurs again.
Q3 Quasi-data output from the SCN23A board normal?
{MU:7.3[4-1-3]_SCN Board Virtual Read} N
Q7 Y
Replace the parts in the order named.
Q4 1. SCN23A board
{MC:11.3_SCN23A Board}
2. CPU23B board
{MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-236
Q9 Does the error recur when you disconnect and reconnect the connector for the PMT


Replace the parts in the order named.

1. PMT board
{MC:8.2_PMT Board}
2. SCN23A board
{MC:11.3_SCN23A Board}

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-237
15.2 Horizontal Streaks 15.2.2 Troubleshooting Image Abnormalities Considered to be
Caused by IP
15.2.1 Analysis Flow for Horizontal Streaks If an image abnormality occurs only with a specific IP or cassette, the image abnormality is
considered to be caused by a defect of the IP.
 Analysis Flow
Q1 Error code logged?
{MT:1.4.1_Checking the Error Log}
Y Q1 Can the IP number or cassette number that causes image abnormality be identified?
Perform analysis procedures based on the error code.
{ Checking the IP Number or Cassette Number}
N {MT:2._Error Code Table}

Q2 Check the IP or cassette number that caused image abnormality. N

Return to the analysis flow for horizontal streaks.
{MT:15.2.2_Troubleshooting Image Abnormalities Considered to
be Caused by IP}

Q3 Printer normal? Q2 Read IPs in a cassette with the identified IP number or cassette number, and check if
the image abnormality occurs again.

Perform printer troubleshooting.
Y Return to the analysis flow for horizontal streaks.
Q4 X-ray not irradiated to the RU during reading?
Check to see, among others, whether: Replace a specific IP.
- The X-ray room door is not opened during exposure
- The medical equipment that employs X-ray is not used during reading.
 Checking the IP Number or Cassette Number
Y Check the IP number or cassette number that causes image abnormality.
Guide the user to move the RU to a place where X-ray is not irradiated.

Q5 Check to see whether pale band-like nonuniformity occurs at the leading edge or trailing
edge of the IP.
{MT:15.2.3_Analyzing Pale Nonuniformity at the Leading Edge
or Trailing Edge of the IP}

Q6 Check to see whether thin, distinct nonuniformity occurs.

{MT:15.2.4_Analyzing Thin, Distinct Nonuniformity}


05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-238
15.2.3 Analyzing Pale Nonuniformity at the Leading Edge or Trailing  Checking the IP Size and Nonuniformity Occurrence Location
Edge of the IP The nonuniformity occurrence location differs depending on the IP size.

If a pale nonuniformity occurs at a fixed location on the leading-edge or trailing-edge side IP contact position center during
IP type IP size Event
relative to the IP conveyance direction, the grip mechanism is considered to be faulty. gripping
14" x 17"
 Analysis Flow
(35cm x 43cm)
14" x 14"
(35cm x 35cm)
Reading leading edge 70 mm, trailing
Q1 Pale nonuniformity occurs at a position that is considered to be caused by faulty grip ST 10" x 12"
edge 70 mm: White streak
mechanism? (24cm x 30cm)
{ Checking the IP Size and Nonuniformity Occurrence Location}
8" x 10" Grip operation
N (18cm x 24cm)
Return to the analysis flow for horizontal streaks.
Y 15cm x 30cm
Reading leading edge 65 mm, trailing
Q2 Grip mechanism normal? 24cm x 30cm
edge 80 mm: White streak
{ Procedures for Checking the Grip Mechanism} HR-V
Reading leading edge 65 mm, trailing
18cm x 24cm
edge 50 mm: White streak
The location of the nonuniformity is shown for the original size; thus, convert it, as needed,
Return to the analysis flow for horizontal streaks. based on the reduction ratio of the film, to check its location.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-239
 Procedures for Checking the Grip Mechanism 8. Execute sub-scanning Grip HP.
Check the grip mechanism of the subscanning unit in accordance with the procedures
described below, and remedy a problem, if any.
1. Turn OFF the power of RU.
2. Remove the front cover, right-hand side cover, rear cover, left-hand side cover,
front cover plate, and left-hand cover plate.
Repeat Grip HP several times to check the following points.
{MC:3.1_Front Cover}
{MC:3.2_Right-Hand Side Cover}
 RESULT-OK is displayed
If an error code is displayed in the "OK" portion of RESULT-OK, then refer to the error
{MC:3.3_Rear Cover}
code table and troubleshoot as appropriate.
{MC:3.4_Left-Hand Side Cover}
{MT:2._Error Code Table}
{MC:3.5_Front Cover Plate}
{MC:3.7_Left-Hand Cover Plate}  The operation is smooth without any offensive noise
If the operation of the grip roller is not smooth or any offensive noise is generated,
3. Turn OFF the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board.
remedy it.
{MT:1.5_Turning OFF the High-Voltage Switch}
4. Remove the shock-absorber attached bracket.  The grip springs are not attached in a wrong way
The grip springs of appropriate lengths should be used for the right and left sides of the
{MC:10.37_Shock-Absorber-Attached Bracket}
5. Start the RU in the maintenance mode. If their lengths are inappropriate, replace them with springs of appropriate lengths.
{MU:3.11_Starting and Exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility} {MC:10.10_Driving Shaft Grip Bracket (Reference Side)}
6. Start the MUTL. {MC:10.11_Driven Shaft Grip Bracket (Reference Side)}
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL} {MC:10.12_Driving Shaft Grip Bracket (Opposite Reference Side)}
7. Select "Sub-Scanning Grip". {MC:10.13_Driven Shaft Grip Bracket (Opposite Reference Side)}
9. Exit the MUTL.
{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}
10. Turn OFF the power of RU.
11. Turn ON the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board.
12. Reinstall the front cover, right-hand side cover, rear cover, left-hand side cover,
front cover plate, and left-hand cover plate.
{MC:3.7.2_Left-Hand Cover Plate}
{MC:3.5.2_Front Cover Plate}
{MC:3.4.2_Left-Hand Side Cover}
{MC:3.3.2_Rear Cover}
{MC:3.2.2_Right-Hand Side Cover}
{MC:3.1.2_Front Cover}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-240
15.2.4 Analyzing Thin, Distinct Nonuniformity 15.2.5 Procedures for Checking the Grip Roller (Upper)
If a thin, distinct nonuniformity occurs at a fixed location on the trailing-edge side relative to
the IP conveyance direction, the grip mechanism or FFM motor is considered to be faulty.  Check Procedures
START Check the grip mechanism of the subscanning unit in accordance with the procedures
described below, and remedy a problem, if any.
1. Remove the driving-shaft and driven-shaft grip rollers (upper).
Q1 Check to see that there is nothing abnormal with the grip roller (upper).
{MC:10.14_Driven Shaft Grip Roller (Upper)}
{MT:15.2.5_Procedures for Checking the Grip Roller (Upper)}
{MC:10.15_Driving Shaft Grip Roller (Upper)}

Q2 Check to see that there is nothing abnormal with the grounding of the photomultiplier (PMT).
2. Make sure that there is nothing abnormal with the grip roller (upper) removed.
{MT:15.2.6_Procedures for Checking the Grounding of the - There should be no peeled adhesive.
Photomultiplier (PMT)} - Grasp the bearings on both ends to rotate the shaft, and make sure that the roller rotates
Q3 Check to see that there is nothing abnormal with the FFM motor (MZ1).
 NOTE 
{MT:15.2.7_Procedures for Checking the FFM Motor}
If anything abnormal is found, replace the grip roller (upper).

Return to the analysis flow for horizontal streaks.

3. Make sure that there is nothing abnormal with the grip roller (lower).
- The antistatic brush should come into contact with the grip roller (lower).
- Light shielding should be provided sufficiently (the covers should be attached
 NOTE 
If anything abnormal is found, replace the grip roller (lower).

4. Reinstall the driving-shaft and driven-shaft grip rollers (upper).

{MC:10.14.2_Driven Shaft Grip Roller (Upper)}
{MC:10.15.2_Driving Shaft Grip Roller (Upper)}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-241
15.2.6 Procedures for Checking the Grounding of the Photomultiplier

 Check Procedures
With the machine placed in the power-OFF condition, perform the following procedures.
1. Disconnect the connectors connected to the PMT board.
{MC:8.2_PMT Board}
2. Check for continuity of the PMT shield portion and body.
If continuity is found, remedy it.
3. Connect the connectors to the PMT board.
{MC:8.2.2_PMT Board}

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-242
15.2.7 Procedures for Checking the FFM Motor 8. Drive the subscanning motor (MZ1).

 Check Procedures
Check the grip mechanism of the subscanning unit in accordance with the procedures
described below, and remedy a problem, if any.
1. Turn OFF the power of RU. Repeat steps 7 and 8 to check the following points.
2. Remove the front cover, right-hand side cover, rear cover, left-hand side cover, If anything abnormal is found, replace the FFM motor.
and left-hand cover plate.
 RESULT-OK is displayed
{MC:3.1_Front Cover} If an error code is displayed in the "OK" portion of RESULT-OK, then refer to the error
{MC:3.2_Right-Hand Side Cover} code table and troubleshoot as appropriate.
{MC:3.3_Rear Cover} {MT:2._Error Code Table}
{MC:3.4_Left-Hand Side Cover}
 The wow/flutter is held below the reference
{MC:3.7_Left-Hand Cover Plate}
The wow/flutter is held below 0.6%.
3. Turn OFF the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board.
 There is no offensive noise
{MT:1.5_Turning OFF the High-Voltage Switch}
There is no offensive noise during rotation of the FFM motor.
4. Start the RU in the maintenance mode. If any offensive noise is found, remedy it.
{MU:3.11_Starting and Exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility} 9. Stop the subscanning motor (MZ1).
5. Start the MUTL.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
6. Select "Conveyance Motor".

10. Exit the MUTL.

{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}
11. Turn OFF the power of RU.
12. Turn ON the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board.
13. Reinstall the front cover, right-hand side cover, rear cover, left-hand side cover,
and left-hand cover plate.
{MC:3.7.2_Left-Hand Cover Plate}
{MC:3.4.2_Left-Hand Side Cover}
{MC:3.3.2_Rear Cover}
7. Select "SR (356)". {MC:3.2.2_Right-Hand Side Cover}
{MC:3.1.2_Front Cover}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-243
15.3 Other Abnormal Images Q5 Quasi-data output from the PMT board normal?
{MU:7.3[4-1-2]_PMT Virtual Read}
15.3.1 Peculiar Events Q10
- Does this image abnormality occur only with a specific cassette or IP?
- Does this image abnormality occur when another machine is operating? Q6 Quasi-data output from the LED lighting on the PMT board normal?
- Does this image abnormality occur depending o the processing size? {MU:7.3[4-1-1]_LED Virtual Read}
Replace the light-collecting guide.
15.3.2 Analysis Flow
Y {MC:8.1_Light-Collecting Guide}

Check the frequency of occurrence of abnormal image.

* Subsequent check procedures differ depending on the frequency of occurrence. Q7 Does the error recur when you disconnect and reconnect the connector for the SCN23A
Q1 Any peculiar event found when abnormal image occurs? A
Troubleshoot the peculiar event or check the RU machine. Q8 Reseat the SCN23A board from the CPU23A board and check if the error occurs again.
Q2 Printer normal? A
Perform printer troubleshooting. Replace the parts in the order named.
Y 1. SCN23A board
{MC:11.3_SCN23A Board}
Q3 IP not irradiated twice by X-rays? 2. CPU23B board
{MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
Re-expose it.

Q4 Quasi-data output from the SCN23A board normal?

{MU:7.3[4-1-3]_SCN Board Virtual Read}


08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-244
Q9 Photomultiplier (PMT) normal?
{MT:13._Procedures for Checking the Scanner I/O}
Remedy the error according to the procedures for checking the scanner I/O.

Q10 Does the error recur when you disconnect and reconnect the connector for the PMT


Replace the parts in the order named.

1. PMT board
{MC:8.2_PMT Board}
2. SCN23A board
{MC:11.3_SCN23A Board}

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-245

16. Removing the IP

If an IP is jammed, locate it and then perform an appropriate IP removal procedure in
accordance with the IP jam location.

 If an IP is jammed in the cassette set unit or erasure unit

{MT:16.1_If an IP Is Jammed in the Cassette Set Unit/Erasure Unit}

 If an IP is jammed in the side-positioning conveyor unit or subscanning unit

{MT:16.2_If an IP Is Jammed in the Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit/Subscanning

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-246
16.1 If an IP Is Jammed in the Cassette Set Unit/Erasure Unit 2. While rotating the handle of the cassette set unit and the timing belt of the side-
positioning conveyor unit, move the IP to the side-positioning conveyor unit.
If an IP is jammed in the cassette set unit or erasure unit, rotate the handle of the cassette
set unit and the timing belt of the side-positioning conveyor to move the IP to the side-
positioning conveyor unit. After the IP is moved to the side-positioning conveyor unit, remove
the IP from the front of the machine by performing the procedure set forth under "16.2 If an
IP Is Jammed in the Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit/Subscanning Unit."

1. To prepare for IP removal, remove the following parts concerned. Remove

the parts by performing the procedures set forth in sections designated in the
"Reference" column.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:3.1} Front Cover

{MC:3.2} Right-Hand Side Cover

{MC:3.3} Rear Cover

{MC:3.4} Left-Hand Side Cover

{MC:3.5} Front Cover Plate

{MC:3.7} Left-Hand Cover Plate

{MC:10.2} Post-Reading Conveyor Guide Assembly

{MC:8.1} Light-Collecting Guide

* If any of the procedures set forth in sections designated in the "Reference" column are
already completed, skip them.

3. Remove the IP from the front of the machine by performing the procedure set
forth under "16.2 If an IP Is Jammed in the Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit/
Subscanning Unit."
{MT:16.2_If an IP Is Jammed in the Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit/Subscanning

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-247
16.2 If an IP Is Jammed in the Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit/ 2. While rotating the timing belt of the side-positioning conveyor unit and the
flywheel, remove the IP.
Subscanning Unit
If an IP is jammed in the side-positioning conveyor unit or subscanning unit, remove it from
the front of the machine by rotating the timing belt of the side-positioning conveyor unit and
the flywheel of the subscanning unit.

1. To prepare for IP removal, remove the following parts concerned. Remove

the parts by performing the procedures set forth in sections designated in the
"Reference" column.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:3.1} Front Cover

{MC:3.2} Right-Hand Side Cover

{MC:3.3} Rear Cover

{MC:3.4} Left-Hand Side Cover

{MC:3.5} Front Cover Plate

{MC:3.7} Left-Hand Cover Plate

{MC:10.2} Post-Reading Conveyor Guide Assembly

{MC:8.1} Light-Collecting Guide

* If any of the procedures set forth in sections designated in the "Reference" column are
already completed, skip them.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-248
3. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:8.1.2} Light-Collecting Guide

{MC:10.2.2} Post-Reading Conveyor Guide Assembly

{MC:3.7.2} Left-Hand Cover Plate

{MC:3.5.2} Front Cover Plate

{MC:3.4.2} Left-Hand Side Cover

{MC:3.3.2} Rear Cover

{MC:3.2.2} Right-Hand Side Cover

{MC:3.1.2} Front Cover

* If any of the procedures set forth in sections designated in the "Reference" column are
already completed, skip them.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-249

17. Block Diagrams

17.1 Motors (MA1 to MA4) and Actuators (SOLA1, PA1, SVA1,

and SVA2)
PSU-CN1 1 MA1A 青 BLU 136Y9322 1
1 AC(L) L
Inlet 1 +24V 橙 ORN 1 1 赤 RED 136Y100427 1 3 MA1AL

5 GND 橙 ORN 5 5 赤 RED 4 4
2 AC(N) N F6 MA1COM 青 BLU 5 118SX213
3 GND E 2 +24V 橙 ORN 2 2 赤 RED 2 5

6 GND 橙 ORN 6 6 赤 RED 5 6 MA1BL 青 BLU 6

3 +5V 橙 ORN 3 3 赤 RED 3

7 GND 橙 ORN 7 7 赤 RED 6
CN24 MA2
4 NC NC 4 4
1 MA2DRV1 青 BLU 136Y9322 1
8 NC NC 8 8
2 MA2DRV2 青 BLU 2 MA2

1 MA3A 青 BLU 136Y9322 1
2 MA3COM 青 BLU 2

5 MA3COM 青 BLU 5 118SX213
6 MA3BL 青 BLU 6

1 MA4A 青 BLU 136Y9322 1
2 MA4COM 青 BLU 2

5 MA4COM 青 BLU 5 118SX213
6 MA4BL 青 BLU 6

1 +24V(SOLA1) 青 BLU 136Y9322 1 107Y0183

CN28 PA1
1 +24V 青 BLU 136Y9322 1
3 +24V 青 BLU 3
5 +24V 青 BLU
1 134S0059

1 134S0059
2 SVA2

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-250
17.2 Motors (MC1 to MC4, MZ1 to MZ3)
CN23 CNC61-P CNC61-J MC1
1 MC1A 青 BLU 136Y9332 1 1 青 BLU 136Y8917 1
2 MC1COM 青 BLU 2 2 青 BLU 2
Plug Inlet F2
3 MC1AL 青 BLU 3 3 青 BLU 3
1 AC(L) L
2 AC(N) N 4 MC1B 青 BLU 4 4 青 BLU 4
3 GND E PSU-CN2 5 MC1COM 青 BLU 5 5 青 BLU 5
CN2 6 MC1BL 青 BLU 6 6 青 BLU 6
1 +24V 橙 ORN 1 1 赤 RED 136Y100428 1 7 7 青 BLU
4 GND 橙 ORN 4 4 赤 RED 4 8 8 青 BLU
F7 MC3
2 +24V 橙 ORN 2 2 赤 RED 2 9 9 青 BLU
5 GND 橙 ORN 5 5 赤 RED 5 CN24 10 10 青 BLU
3 +5V 橙 ORN 3 3 赤 RED 3 MC3A 青 BLU 11 11 青 BLU
F8 1
6 GND 橙 ORN 6 6 赤 RED 6 2 MC3COM 青 BLU 12 12 青 BLU
F3 4
3 MC3B 青 BLU 13 13 青 BLU 118SX214
4 MC3AL 青 BLU 14 14 青 BLU
5 MC3COM 青 BLU 15 15 青 BLU
6 MC3BL 青 BLU 16 16 青 BLU


8 MC2DRV2 青 BLU 1


10 MC4DRV2 青 BLU
2 MC4

1 +15V 橙 ORN 136Y9330 1
2 GND 橙 ORN 2


1 SUP OK 灰 GRY 136Y9330 1
2 5V 灰 GRY 2
3 OKL 灰 GRY 3 118YX256
5 CWL 灰 GRY 5
6 M0L 灰 GRY 6
7 M1L 灰 GRY 7
8 M2L 灰 GRY 8

CN25 CNZ61-P CNZ61-J MZ2
1 MZ2DRV1 青 BLU 136Y9332 1 1 青 BLU 136Y8920 1
2 MZ2DRV2 青 BLU 2 2 青 BLU 2 MZ2
3 MZ3DRV1 青 BLU 3 3 青 BLU
DRV 118SX308
4 MZ3DRV2 青 BLU 4 4 青 BLU
2 MZ3

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-251
17.3 Sensors (SA1 to SA12, SA14 to SA16)
1 SA1
PSU23A 1 SA_5V 灰 GRY 136Y9700 CNA52
1 灰 GRY 136Y8927 1 COM
1 128S0934
灰 NO
2 灰
4 SINSA5 2 GRY 2


6 SA_5V 灰 GRY
Plug Inlet 1 SA6
1 AC(L) L
灰 GRY 2
PSU-CN1 8 GND 146S0029
2 AC(N) N
灰 GRY 3
+24V 赤 RED 136Y100427 10 SINSA3 灰 GRY
1 橙 ORN 1 1 1
GND 橙 赤 RED 11 GND 灰 GRY 1 SA3
5 ORN 5 5 4
+24V 橙 ORN 赤 RED 12 SA_5V 灰 GRY 2
2 2 2 2
灰 GRY 146S0029
6 6 6 5
+5V 橙 赤 RED 14 GND 灰 GRY
3 3
F7 F1 15 SA_5V 灰 GRY
7 7 7 6
1 SA8
4 NC 4 4 NC 2
8 NC 8 8 NC 3
18 SA_5V 灰 GRY

19 SINSA12 灰 GRY

20 GND 灰 GRY 1 SA10

21 SA_5V 灰 GRY 2
灰 GRY 146S0029
22 SINSA16 3

23 GND 灰 GRY

24 N.C 1 SA12
CNA51 3
SA_5V 灰 GRY 136Y9700 灰 GRY 136Y9701
1 1 1 1 SA2
2 SINSA2 灰 GRY 2 2 灰 GRY 2
3 GND 灰 GRY 3 3 灰 GRY 3
4 SA_5V 灰 GRY 4 4 灰 GRY
5 SINSA7 灰 GRY 5 5 灰 GRY
6 GND 灰 GRY 6 6 灰 GRY
1 SA7
7 SA_5V 灰 GRY 7 7 灰 GRY 146S0029
8 SINSA11 灰 GRY 8 8 灰 GRY
9 GND 灰 GRY 9 9 灰 GRY
10 SA_5V 灰 GRY 10 10 灰 GRY 1 SA11
11 SINSA14 灰 GRY 11 11 灰 GRY 2
12 GND 灰 GRY 12 12 灰 GRY 3

13 SA_5V 灰 GRY 13 13 灰 GRY

14 SINSA15 灰 GRY 14 14 灰 GRY
1 SA14
15 GND 灰 GRY 15 15 灰 GRY
16 SA_5V 灰 GRY 16 16 灰 GRY 146S0029
17 SA_5V 灰 GRY 17 17 灰 GRY
18 SHORT_SA4 灰 GRY 18 18 灰 GRY
19 18-19ショート(SA4) 灰 GRY 19 19 灰 GRY 1 SA15
20 GND 灰 GRY 20 20 灰 GRY 2
21 SINSA4 灰 GRY 21 21 灰 GRY 3

22 SA_5V 灰 GRY 22 22 灰 GRY

23 SA_5V 灰 GRY 23 23 灰 GRY
24 SINSA9 灰 GRY 24 24 灰 GRY
25 GND 灰 GRY 25 25 灰 GRY
26 N.C N.C 26 26 N.C 4

1 SA9
3 1 灰 GRY 136Y9702 1 SA16
1 SA4-1
2 2 2 灰 GRY 2
146S0082-1 1 3 灰 GRY 3


08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-252
17.4 Sensors (SC1 to SC3, SC6 to SC10, SG1, SZ2, SZ3, and
3 146S0029

Plug Inlet
1 AC(L) L
2 AC(N) N SC2
3 146S0029

CN3 CNC51-J CNC51-P 146N0016
1 SCGZ_5V 灰 GRY 136Y9330 1 1 灰 GRY 136Y8915
2 SINSC1 灰 GRY 2 2 灰 GRY
3 GND 灰 GRY 3 3 灰 GRY
4 SCGZ_5V 灰 GRY 4 4 灰 GRY 1
PSU-CN2 5 SINSC2 灰 GRY 5 5 灰 GRY 2
PSU-CN2-P PSU-CN2-J 6 GND 灰 GRY 6 6 灰 GRY 146N0010
CN2 3

1 +24V 橙 ORN 1 1 赤 RED 136Y100428 1

7 SCGZ_5V 灰 GRY 7 7 灰 GRY

4 GND 橙 ORN 4 4 赤 RED 4

8 SINSC3 灰 GRY 8 8 灰 GRY

2 +24V 橙 ORN 2 2 赤 RED 2

9 GND 灰 GRY 9 9 灰 GRY
10 SCGZ_5V 灰 10 10 灰 136Y8925 1
5 GND 橙 ORN 5 5 赤 RED 5 GRY GRY SC6
+5V 橙 赤 RED 11 SINSC9 灰 GRY 11 11 灰 GRY 2
6 GND 橙
6 赤 RED
F8 F1 12 GND 灰 GRY 12 12 灰 GRY 3 146S0029
13 SCGZ_5V 灰 GRY 13 13 灰 GRY
14 SINSC6 灰 GRY 14 14 灰 GRY CNC53
15 GND 灰 GRY 15 15 灰 GRY CNC53-P CNC53-J
16 SCGZ_5V 灰 GRY 16 16 灰 GRY 1 1 灰 GRY 1
17 SINSC7 灰 GRY 17 17 灰 GRY 2 2 灰 GRY 2
18 GND 灰 GRY 18 18 灰 GRY 3 3 灰 GRY 3 146S0029
19 SCGZ_5V 灰 GRY 19 19 灰 GRY 4 4 灰 GRY
20 SINSC8 灰 GRY 20 20 灰 GRY 5 5 灰 GRY
21 GND 灰 GRY 21 21 灰 GRY 6 6 灰 GRY
22 SCGZ_5V 灰 GRY 22 22 灰 GRY 7 7 灰 GRY 1
23 SINSC10 灰 GRY 23 23 灰 GRY 8 8 灰 GRY 2
24 GND 灰 GRY 24 24 灰 GRY 9 9 灰 GRY 3 146N0016
10 10 灰 GRY
11 11 灰 GRY
12 12 灰 GRY
3 146S0029
1 SCGZ_5V 灰 GRY 136Y9330 1
2 SINSG1 灰 GRY 2 1
3 GND 灰 GRY 3 146N0016 2
4 NC 3 146S0029
5 NC CNZ52
6 NC CNZ52-P CNZ52-J
7 SCGZ_5V 灰 GRY 136Y9330 1 1 灰 GRY 136Y8919
8 SINSZ2 灰 GRY 2 2 灰 GRY SZ3
9 GND 灰 GRY 3 3 灰 GRY 146S0029
10 SCGZ_5V 灰 GRY 4 4 灰 GRY
11 SINSZ3 灰 GRY 5 5 灰 GRY
12 GND 灰 GRY 6 6 灰 GRY
13 SCGZ_5V 灰 GRY 7 7 灰 GRY 1
14 SINSZ5 灰 GRY 8 8 灰 GRY 2
15 GND 灰 GRY 9 9 灰 GRY 3 146S0029
16 NC NC 10 10


08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-253
17.5 Sensor (SZ1), Scanning Optics Unit (LDD23A, PDA23A,
LDA23A, SYN23A, and POL23A)


Vcc+15AS 灰 GRY 136Y9331
F5 1 1 1
Plug Inlet 2 GND_A 灰 GRY
2 2 PDA23A
1 AC(L) L 3 Vcc+15AS 3 3
2 AC(N) N 4 GND_A 灰 GRY 4 4 113Y1735
Vcc+5AS 灰 GRY CN2
F7 F6 5
6 1 VCC_+5AS 黒 BLK 136Y8924
10 LDOKL 灰 GRY 10 5 GND_LD 黒 BLK 1
11 LD1FH 灰 GRY
11 6 LDK 黒

12 LD1FL 12 7 LDA BLK 3
CN4 CN7 13 LDTMPH 灰 GRY 13 8 NC 113Y1739
+24V 赤 136Y100429 14 LDTMPL 灰 GRY 14
4 GND 赤
F8 15 Vcc+5AS 灰 GRY NC 15

2 +15V 赤 RED 2
16 NC NC 16


5 赤 RED 5
3 -15V 赤 RED 3
18 NC
19 SSL 黄 YEL
6 AGND 赤 RED 6
20 SSH 灰 GRY
CNZ31-J CNZ31-P CN1 Scanning Optics Unit
1 1 1

NC 2 2
NC NC 2 839Y0059
3 3 3

NC 4 4
5 5 5
6 6 6

1 NC 1 1 NC NC 1 1 Vcc_+24PS 黒 BLK 136Y8922 1
2 N.C NC 2 2 NC NC 2 2 GND_P 黒 BLK 2
3 PIDXL 灰 GRY 136Y9331 3 3 3 3 POKL 黒 BLK 3
4 GND_P 灰 GRY 4 4 4 4 PONL 黒 BLK 4 POL23A
5 PONL 灰 GRY 5 5 5 5 GND_P 黒 BLK 5
6 POKL 灰 GRY 6 6 6 6 PIDXL 黒 BLK 6
7 GND_P 灰 GRY 7 7 7 7 7
Vcc+24PS 灰 GRY N.C N.C
F4 8 8 8 8 8 8

SED2L 灰 GRY 136Y9331 1 灰 GRY 136Y8918 SED2L
F3 1
2 SED1L 灰 GRY 2
2 灰 GRY
2 SED23A
3 VCC 灰 GRY 3 3 灰 GRY 3 3 VCC 3
4 DG 灰 GRY 4 4 灰 GRY 4 4 DG 4 113Y1738


1 +12V 赤 RED 136Y100430 1
5 GND 赤 RED 5
+5V 赤
6 GND 赤
3 +5VS 赤 RED 3
7 GND 赤 RED 7
8 GND 赤 RED 8


08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-254
17.6 PNL23A/PNL23B, FANG1, FANG3, and BCRC1
1 CTS 灰 GRY 136Y9328 1 1 灰 GRY 136Y9330 1 1 灰 GRY 136Y8916 1 1 CTS
CN5 CN1 2 SG 灰 GRY 2 2 灰 GRY 2 2 灰 GRY 2 2 SG
Plug Inlet +12V 赤 136Y100430 VCC(+5) 灰 GRY 3 灰 GRY 3 灰 GRY 3 VCC(+5)
1 AC(L) L
5 GND 赤
F4 3
4 4 灰 GRY
4 4 灰 GRY
4 4 TXD
2 AC(N) N 2 +5V 赤 RED 2
F5 F1 5 RTS 灰 GRY 5 5 灰 GRY 5 5 灰 GRY 5 5 RTS BCRC1
3 GND E 6 GND 赤 RED 6 6 RXD 灰 GRY 6 6 灰 GRY 6 6 灰 GRY 6 6 RXD

F2 7
8 NC
7 GND RED 7 8 8
8 GND 赤 RED 8

1 POWONSW-N 灰 GRY 136Y9329 1
2 GND 灰 GRY 2
3 +5V 灰 GRY 3
4 +5VS 灰 GRY 4
5 GND 灰 GRY 5 PNL23A
+12V 灰 GRY PNL23B
F3 6
8 SDA 灰 GRY 8
9 SCL 灰 GRY 9
10 GND 灰 GRY 10


+24V 橙 赤 RED 136Y100428 +24V 橙 136Y9332
ORN 1 1
F4 1 ORN 4 1 1
4 ORN 4 4 4 2 NC NC 3 2
NC 2
2 +24V 橙 ORN 2 2 赤 RED 2 3 ALARM 橙 ORN 2 3 3
5 GND 橙 ORN 5 5 赤 RED 5 4 GND 橙 ORN 1 4
3 +5V 橙 ORN 3 3 赤 RED 3
6 GND 橙 ORN 6 6 赤 RED 6


+24V 橙 136Y8951
1 ORN 4 1 1 FANG3
2 NC 3 2
NC 2
3 GND 橙 ORN N.C 2 3 3
1 4


08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-255
17.7 Erasure Assembly

Plug Inlet CN12 CN2 CN4 1 白 WHT LAMP_L

3 GND E 1
+24V 橙 ORN 1 1 赤 RED 136Y100431 1
GND 橙 ORN 4 4 赤 RED 4
F1 INV23A / INV26A
+24V 橙 ORN 2 2 赤 RED 2 CN13
GND 橙 ORN 5 5 赤 RED 5 .
+5V 橙 赤 RED
F5 F2
3 3 3 3
GND 橙 ORN 6 6 赤 RED 6














TSW_H 灰 136Y100431 NC COM 1
F4 1
1 1 2
2 2 2
3 NC

橙 ORN 赤 RED 1
2 橙 ORN 黒 BLK 2


+24V 橙 136Y100431
F3 1
2 NC NC 1
3 ALARM 橙 ORN 2 3
NC 2
GND 橙 ORN 1 4 119S0054


08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-256

18. Board Tests in MUTL Q2 Connector connected on the error-causing board snugly installed?

18.1 Analysis Flow Y

START Q3 Reseat the error-causing board and check if the error occurs again.

Turn OFF the power of RU. N

Remove the front cover and right-hand side cover.
{MC:3.1_Front Cover} Replace the error-causing board or operation panel assembly.
If the ERS23A board is in error, replace the erasure assembly.
{MC:3.2_Right-Hand Side Cover}
If the PNL board is in error, replace the operation panel assembly.
{MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
Turn OFF the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board.
{MT:1.5_Turning OFF the High-Voltage Switch} {MC:11.3_SCN23A Board}
{MC:11.4_LAN23A Board}
{MC:11.5_SND23A Board}
Turn ON the power of RU.
{MC:11.6_SND23B Board}
{MC:6.14_Erasure Assembly}
A {MC:4.1_Operation Panel Assembly}

Q1 Board tested normal?

{MT:18.2_Board Test}

Turn OFF the power of RU.

Turn ON the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board.

Reinstall the front cover and right-hand side cover.

{MC:3.2.2_Right-Hand Side Cover}
{MC:3.1.2_Front Cover}

Return to the error code analysis flow or check flow.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-257
18.2 Board Test 18.2.1 Testing All Boards

Locations to be checked for the board test are specified on each board. Carry out the board Check the CPU23A board, SCN23A board, SND23A board, SND23B board, ERS23A board,
test and check those locations on the board, to ensure that the board is free from errors. and PNL boards.
1. Start the MUTL.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
 To check the all boards
{MT:18.2.1_Testing All Boards} 2. In the MUTL, set the number of board tests to be repeated.

 To check the CPU23B board

{MT:18.2.2_Testing the CPU23B Board}

 To check the SCN23A board

{MT:18.2.3_Testing the SCN23A Board}

 To check the SND23A board

{MT:18.2.4_Testing the SND23A Board}

 To check the SND23B board

{MT:18.2.5_Testing the SND23B Board}

 To check the ERS23A board

{MT:18.2.6_Testing the ERS23A Board}

 To check the PNL board (Operation Panel Assembly)

{MT:18.2.7_Testing the PNL Board}

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-258
3. Note the MUTL indication.  NO GOOD indication
The MUTL reads “RESULT: XXXX” (XXXX: error code).
 GOOD indication
If an error is detected during the board test, the error code corresponding to the
When the number of board tests is set to "1," the following diagnostic results appear in
error detected on the checked location. When an error is detected, the board test is
the MUTL window. The meanings of the displayed results are indicated below:
interrupted, pand the error code is displayed again as the result of the board check.

If the “NO GOOD” indication is given, perform the troubleshooting procedures again in
accordance with the error code.
{MT:2._Error Code Table}

4. Exit the MUTL.

{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-259
18.2.2 Testing the CPU23B Board 3. Note the MUTL indication.

Check the CPU23A board.  GOOD indication

1. Start the MUTL. When the number of board tests is set to "1," the following diagnostic results appear in
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
the MUTL window.

2. In the MUTL, set the number of board tests to be repeated.

 NO GOOD indication
The MUTL reads “RESULT: XXXX” (XXXX: error code).
If an error is detected during the board test, the error code corresponding to the
error detected on the checked location. When an error is detected, the board test is
interrupted, pand the error code is displayed again as the result of the board check.

If the “NO GOOD” indication is given, perform the troubleshooting procedures again in
accordance with the error code.
{MT:2._Error Code Table}

4. Exit the MUTL.

{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-260
18.2.3 Testing the SCN23A Board 3. Note the MUTL indication.

Check the SCN23A board.  GOOD indication

1. Start the MUTL. When the number of board tests is set to "1," the following diagnostic results appear in
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
the MUTL window.

2. In the MUTL, set the number of board tests to be repeated.

 NO GOOD indication
The MUTL reads “RESULT: XXXX” (XXXX: error code).
If an error is detected during the board test, the error code corresponding to the
error detected on the checked location. When an error is detected, the board test is
interrupted, pand the error code is displayed again as the result of the board check.

If the “NO GOOD” indication is given, perform the troubleshooting procedures again in
accordance with the error code.
{MT:2._Error Code Table}

4. Exit the MUTL.

{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-261
18.2.4 Testing the SND23A Board 3. Note the MUTL indication.

Check the SND23A board.  GOOD indication

1. Start the MUTL. When the number of board tests is set to "1," the following diagnostic results appear in
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
the MUTL window.

2. In the MUTL, set the number of board tests to be repeated.

 NO GOOD indication
The MUTL reads “RESULT: XXXX” (XXXX: error code).
If an error is detected during the board test, the error code corresponding to the
error detected on the checked location. When an error is detected, the board test is
interrupted, pand the error code is displayed again as the result of the board check.

If the “NO GOOD” indication is given, perform the troubleshooting procedures again in
accordance with the error code.
{MT:2._Error Code Table}

4. Exit the MUTL.

{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-262
18.2.5 Testing the SND23B Board 3. Note the MUTL indication.

Check the SND23B board.  GOOD indication

1. Start the MUTL. When the number of board tests is set to "1," the following diagnostic results appear in
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
the MUTL window.

2. In the MUTL, set the number of board tests to be repeated.

 NO GOOD indication
The MUTL reads “RESULT: XXXX” (XXXX: error code).
If an error is detected during the board test, the error code corresponding to the
error detected on the checked location. When an error is detected, the board test is
interrupted, pand the error code is displayed again as the result of the board check.

If the “NO GOOD” indication is given, perform the troubleshooting procedures again in
accordance with the error code.
{MT:2._Error Code Table}

4. Exit the MUTL.

{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-263
18.2.6 Testing the ERS23A Board 3. Note the MUTL indication.

Check the ERS23A board.  GOOD indication

1. Start the MUTL. When the number of board tests is set to "1," the following diagnostic results appear in
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
the MUTL window.

2. In the MUTL, set the number of board tests to be repeated.

 NO GOOD indication
The MUTL reads “RESULT: XXXX” (XXXX: error code).
If an error is detected during the board test, the error code corresponding to the
error detected on the checked location. When an error is detected, the board test is
interrupted, pand the error code is displayed again as the result of the board check.

If the “NO GOOD” indication is given, perform the troubleshooting procedures again in
accordance with the error code.
{MT:2._Error Code Table}

4. Exit the MUTL.

{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-264
18.2.7 Testing the PNL Board 3. Note the MUTL indication.

Check the PNL board (Operation Panel Assembly).  GOOD indication

1. Start the MUTL. When the number of board tests is set to "1," the following diagnostic results appear in
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
the MUTL window.

2. In the MUTL, set the number of board tests to be repeated.

 NO GOOD indication
The MUTL reads “RESULT: XXXX” (XXXX: error code).
If an error is detected during the board test, the error code corresponding to the
error detected on the checked location. When an error is detected, the board test is
interrupted, pand the error code is displayed again as the result of the board check.

If the “NO GOOD” indication is given, perform the troubleshooting procedures again in
accordance with the error code.
{MT:2._Error Code Table}

4. Exit the MUTL.

{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-265

19. Collecting Various Data for  Using "BACKUP" of the RU PC-TOOL

Use "BACKUP" of the RU PC-TOOL to back up the "LOG ALL" and "CONFIGURATION"
Troubleshooting data.
The backed-up data is stored at a location that is specified with "BACKUP" of the RU PC-
When a trouble is encountered, back up the following two data on a floppy disk or other TOOL.
recording medium: For details on the procedure for collecting various data for troubleshooting by using
- LOG ALL "BACKUP" of the RU PC-TOOL, see "19.1 Collecting Various Data from the RU PC-TOOL."
- CONFIGURATION {MT:19.1_Collecting Various Data from the RU PC-TOOL}

When you back up "LOG ALL," the following three data are backed up:
Use "DOWNLOAD" of the CLIENT PC-TOOL to back up the "LOG ALL" and
Use either of the following two data collection methods: "CONFIGURATION" data.
- Using "BACKUP" of the RU PC-TOOL The backed-up data is stored on drive C of the client PC.
- Using "DOWNLOAD" of the CLIENT PC-TOOL To use the data stored in the client PC at an outside location, it is necessary to execute
"WRITE" after "DOWNLOAD" execution to save the data on a floppy disk or other external
recording medium.
For details on the procedure for collecting various data for troubleshooting by using
"DOWNLOAD" of the CLIENT PC-TOOL, see "19.2 Collecting Various Data from the CLIENT
{MT:19.2_Collecting Various Data from the CLIENT PC-TOOL}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-266
19.1 Collecting Various Data from the RU PC-TOOL 19.2 Collecting Various Data from the CLIENT PC-TOOL
1. Start the RU PC-TOOL. 1. Connect the client PC to the network in the user's site, and then perform network
{MU:4.23.1_Starting RU PC-TOOL} setup.

2. From the "LIST OF EXISTING RU," select the RU whose data is to be backed up. {MU:5.4_Client PC Network Setup and Connection Verification}
Back up the "LOG ALL" and "CONFIGURATION" data. 2. Start the CLIENT PC-TOOL.
{MU:6.28_Starting and Exiting CLIENT PC-TOOL}
3. From the "Hospital List," select the RU whose data is to be downloaded.
Download the "LOG ALL" and "CONFIGURATION" data.

 NOTE 
When you back up the data on a floppy disk, set a formatted floppy disk in the CR
Console before selecting a backup location. If no such floppy disk is set in position, you
cannot choose the floppy disk drive (a:\).
4. To use the data stored in the client PC at an outside location, execute "WRITE."
For details on the backup procedure, see "16. BACKUP/RESTORE Procedure" in the 5. Exit the CLIENT PC-TOOL.
Checks, Replacement and Adjustment volume. {MU:6.28.3_Exiting CLIENT PC-TOOL}
{MC:16._BACKUP/RESTORE Procedure}

3. Exit the RU PC-TOOL.

{MU:4.23.2_Exiting RU PC-TOOL}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-267

20. Troubleshooting Failures where Error Code Q5 DIP switch on the CPU23B board properly set?
{MT:20.3_Checking the DIP SW Setting on the CPU23B Board}
Is Undetectable and Machine does not Boot N
Up Y
If the error code is not displayed and the machine does not boot up, perform the following Perform the procedures for restoring the RU application.
{MT:20.4_Procedures for Restoring the RU Application}
20.1 Analysis Flow for Bootup Failure
Q6 Mechanical initialization effected after RU startup?
Q1 POWER lamp ( ) lit when RU circuit breaker is turned ON?
Q7 Operation panel indications normal?
{MT:20.6_Checking the Operation Panel}
Check the connection and continuity of cables. N
{MT:20.7_Check of Cable Connection and Continuity} Q9
Q2 RU in one of the following states?
- The operation panel remains black and shows nothing. END
- Only the cassette IN and cassette OUT lamps illuminated.
- The LEDs on the CPU23B board are abnormal. Q8 Error recurs when the CPU23B board is reseated?
{MT:20.2_Checking the LEDs on the CPU23B Board}
Q5 Y
Replace the CPU23B board.
Q3 Message “Now Loading...” repeatedly displayed on the operation panel? {MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}

Q9 Operation panel cable properly connected?
Y Restore
Q4 Connector connections between the boards normal?
{MT:20.5_Checking the Connector Connections} Q10 Error recurs?
Y Replace the parts in the order named.
Y 1. Operation Panel Assembly
Replace the boards in the order named. {MC:4.1_Operation Panel Assembly}
1. CPU23B board 2. CPU23B board
{MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
{MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
2. SCN23A board
{MC:11.3_SCN23A Board}
3. SND23B board
{MC:11.6_SND23B Board}
05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-268
20.2 Checking the LEDs on the CPU23B Board  GOOD indication
A normal result is obtained when the illuminated LED position moves from left to right
The LEDs are mounted on the CPU23B board to indicate that the board is operating. and right to left.
If anything abnormal is found with the LED lighting status while the RU is powered ON,
replace the CPU23B board.

 Checking the LED Display

1. Remove the front cover and right-hand side cover.
{MC:3.1_Front Cover}
{MC:3.2_Right-Hand Side Cover}
2. Start the RU in the maintenance mode.
{MU:3.11_Starting and Exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility}
3. Check the LEDs on the CPU23B board.

 NO GOOD indication
Other than above is all abnormal.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-269
20.3 Checking the DIP SW Setting on the CPU23B Board
Verify that the DIP switch on the CPU23B board is set as indicated below.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-270
20.4 Procedures for Restoring the RU Application 4. Turn ON DIP switch No. 8 on the CPU23B board.

 NOTE 
Once the procedures for restoring the RU application are performed, the machine shipment
control data of the RU is initialized. Check the IP addresses of the RU and CR Console
beforehand, and writhe them down on your notepad.

1. Turn OFF the power of the RU.

2. Disconnect the RU power cable and interface cable.
3. To prepare for RU application restoration, remove the following parts concerned.
Remove the parts by performing the procedures set forth in sections designated
in the "Reference" column.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:3.1} Front Cover

{MC:3.2} Right-Hand Side Cover

{MC:3.8} LAN Cover

{MC:11.4} LAN23A Board

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

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5. Install the LAN23A board. 12. Click on [OK].
{MC:11.4.2_LAN23A Board}

6. Connect the interface cable and power cable to the RU.

7. Turn ON the power of RU.

The RU starts in the following state:
- The operation panel remains black and shows nothing.
- The power lamp glows green. 13. Verify that the RU's IP address, which was selected in step 9, is displayed, and
- The initialization operation is not performed. then click [OK].

8. Start the RU PC-TOOL.

{MU:4.23.1_Starting RU PC-TOOL}

9. Select an RU from "LIST OF EXISTING RU".

10. Select "Initialize APL" from the "Operation (O)" menu.  NOTE 
When you click [OK], the "Command Prompt" window appears on the CR Console to
start an application initialization process. If the CR Console does not change so that
the application initialization process does not progress, it is necessary to perform the
application initialization process by turning ON DIP switch No. 7 on the CPU23B board.
For the procedure to be performed, see "Appendix 1. Procedure for Restoring an
Application with DIP Switch No. 7 on the CPU23B Board."
{MT:Appendix 1._Procedure for Restoring an Application with DIP Switch No. 7
on the CPU23B Board}
11. Insert the RU-APL CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive of the CR Console.

When you insert the RU-APL CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive, the "Set Up PC-TOOL"
window may open. If the "Set Up PC-TOOL" window opens, close it by clicking [EXIT].

05.24.2007 FM5134
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14. Once the initialization of the application is completed, press the [Enter] key. 21. Turn ON the power of RU.

The initialization of the application takes about 3 minutes.

- When you turn ON the RU, it starts in the maintenance mode about two minutes later.

15. Turn OFF the power of the RU.

16. Disconnect the RU power cable and interface cable.
17. Remove the LAN23A board.
{MC:11.4_LAN23A Board}
18. Restore the original setting for DIP switch No. 8 on the CPU23B board.
19. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:11.4.2} LAN23A Board - The [Return] button, which is at the lower left corner of the operation panel, is hidden.

{MC:3.8.2} LAN Cover

{MC:3.2.2} Right-Hand Side Cover

{MC:3.1.2} Front Cover

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

20. Connect the RU power cable and interface cable.

05.24.2007 FM5134
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22. Select "Reader Unit IP Address" from the RU's operation panel. 24. Select "FTP Sever IP Address" from the RU's operation panel.

For details on a menu item selection method, see "1.3 Method of Menu Selection in For details on a menu item selection method, see "1.3 Method of Menu Selection in
Respective Modes." Respective Modes."
{MU:1.3_Method of Menu Selection in Respective Modes} {MU:1.3_Method of Menu Selection in Respective Modes}
23. Set the IP address. 25. Set the IP address of the FTP server.
 NOTE   NOTE 
Initializing the application resets the RU’s IP address setting for the RU to the factory Initializing the application resets the FTP server’s IP address setting for the RU to the
default. Be sure to enter the RU’s IP address that is entered from the CR Console. factory default. Be sure to enter the CR Console’s IP address.

For details on an address setup method, see "1.4.2 Procedures for Changing the For details on an address setup method, see "1.4.2 Procedures for Changing the
Address." Address."
{MU:1.4.2_Procedures for Changing the Address} {MU:1.4.2_Procedures for Changing the Address}

05.24.2007 FM5134
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26. Select "Network Check" from the RU's operation panel. 28. Select the RU to be deleted from “LIST OF EXISTING RU”, and click [DELETE].

For details on a menu item selection method, see "1.3 Method of Menu Selection in
Respective Modes."
{MU:1.3_Method of Menu Selection in Respective Modes}

27. Press the [Check] button.

 NOTE 
If you click [DELETE] without inserting the RU-APL CD-ROM into the CR Console, the
following error message appears. If the error message appears, insert the RU-APL CD-
ROM into the CR Console and then repeat steps 28 and beyond.

29. Click on [OK].

 NOTE 
In the case of "NO GOOD" indication
{MT:14._Line Error between CR Console and RU} 30. Verify that the RU selected in step 28 is deleted from "LIST OF EXISTING RU."

05.24.2007 FM5134
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31. Click on [NEW]. 34. Check the result of PING, and click on to close the window.

32. Enter Install "RU NAME" and "RU IP ADDR".

 NOTE 
Input the RU’s IP address specified in the procedure 23.
 [GOOD indication]
If the following message appears, the result is normal.
| Ping statistics for |
| Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), |

 [NO GOOD indication]

Other than above is all abnormal. (The selected IP address of the RU is displayed.)

33. Click on [PING].  NOTE 

In the case of "NO GOOD" indication
{MT:14._Line Error between CR Console and RU}

35. Click on [INSTALL].

When clicking on [INSTALL], “Under maintenance” appears on the operation panel of
the RU.

36. Click on [OK].

05.24.2007 FM5134
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37. Select "INSTALL VERSION". 40. Select an operation panel screen type (SCREEN TYPE), and then click [OK].

 NOTE 
The proper selection varies with a network connection between the RU and CR console.
Make a proper selection in accordance with the employed network connection. If an
improper selection is made, the connection between the RU and CR console is not
- When a "1:1 connection" is established between the RU and CR Console, choose
38. Select "LANGUAGE".
- When an "N:N connection" is established between the RU and CR Console, choose
The following languages can be selected during the installation.
Japanese, English, Germany, French, Spanish, Italian, Swedish, Finnish, Danish,
Norwegian, Korean, ChineseSimplified, ChineseTraditional, Dutch, Portuguese, Greek,
Hebrew, Russian, Turkish, Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Thai, Indonesian

41. If a LINAC CASSETTE is to be used at the user’s site, select “USE”. If the LINAC
CASSETTE is not to be used, select “NOT USE”, and click on [SET].

39. Select "BRAND TYPE".

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-277
42. Click on [SET]. 44. Confirm the installation precautions.

While the flash ROM is being written into, never turn OFF the RU or CR Console. If
you turn OFF the power, the program stored in the memory becomes damaged and
cannot restart.

45. Click on [SET].

43. Set "IP ADDRESS" and "CL NAME". When you click on [SET], the installation screen appears on the CR Console display.
While the flash ROM is being written into, the RU's LED glows.
 NOTE 
Enter IP ADDRESS of the CR Console to be connected with the RU.
Do not close the installation screen until the flash ROM write process is completed.
If you inadvertently close the installation screen, return to step 31 and perform the
installation procedure again. The flash ROM write process takes about 8 minutes.

05.24.2007 FM5134
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46. Verify that the flash ROM write process is completed, and then press the [Enter] 49. Verify that the RU's LED is extinguished, and then turn OFF the RU.
key twice.
The message "Under maintenance" is displayed on the operation panel. However,
turning OFF the RU power does not affect the RU's functionality.

47. Click on [OK].

50. Turn ON the power of RU.

48. Verify the RU software version.  NOTE 

Unless the power of the RU is turned OFF and back ON, the state only allows you to

 NOTE 
In the case of "NO GOOD" indication, return to step 28 and perform install procedures
all over again.

05.24.2007 FM5134
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51. From "LIST OF EXISTING RU", select a RU for its data restore, and restore the CAUTIONS
- In a machine into which the 50 micron upgrade kit (HR reading option key) has been
 NOTE  installed, take all of the procedures of 52 and later.
If the floppy disk that stores the data to be restored is not on hand, perform setup as - In a machine into which the 50 micron upgrade kit (HR reading option key) has not
directed below: been installed, the procedures 52 to 56 are not necessary. Proceed to the procedure
- CONFIGURATION: Restore from the machine specific data CD-R attached to the 57.
- HISTORY LOG: Perform setup again from the RU PC-TOOL’s “EDIT HISTORY” as 52. Insert the 50 micron upgrade kit CD-ROM (or HR reading option key CD-ROM) into
much as possible. the CD-ROM drive of the CR console.
- SCN ALL DATA: Restore from the machine specific data CD-R attached to the
machine. → The installation menu automatically appears.

53. Enter “1” and press the [Enter] key.

→ The message for prompting the input of the RU’s IP address appears.

For details on the restore procedure, see under “16.2 Restore Procedure” in the
Checks, Replacement and Adjustment volume.
{MC:16.2_Restore Procedure}

09.04.2007 FM5208
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54. Input the RU’s IP address (example:, and press the [Enter] key. 57. Close the SetUp PC-TOOL.

→ The message “Installation Completed” appears.

55. Check to make sure that the message indicating the completion of the installation
is displayed, and press the [Enter] key.

58. Turn OFF the power of the RU and back ON.

59. Check the following points.

 The RU normally enters the READY state.

 The results of the image/conveyance checks are normal without
{MC:17._Image/Conveyance Checks}

 There is no error occurrence.

56. Remove the 50 micron upgrade kit CD-ROM (or HR reading option key CD-ROM)
from the CD-ROM drive of the CR console.

09.04.2007 FM5208
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MT-281
20.5 Checking the Connector Connections 20.6 Checking the Operation Panel
Conduct the following connection checks: Check that the RU goes into the following state upon mechanical initialization.
- Check that CPU23B board connector CN2 is tightly connected to SCN23A board connector
CN10.  GOOD
- Check that SND23B board connector CN81 is tightly connected to CPU23B board - The RU properly goes into the READY state.
connector CN7. For details on the operation panel screen that appears when the RU normally enters
- Check that SND23A board connector CN81 is tightly connected to CPU23B board the READY state, see "1.3.3 Operation Panel Display Screen Contents" in the Machine
connector CN6. Description volume.
{MD:1.3.3_Operation Panel Display Screen Contents}
- No error occurs

- The operation panel remains black and shows nothing.
- Only the cassette IN and cassette OUT lamps illuminated.
- An error code is displayed.
If an error code is displayed, perform a troubleshooting procedure again in accordance with
the error code.
{MT:2._Error Code Table}

09.04.2007 FM5208
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20.7 Check of Cable Connection and Continuity Q2 Cable connected to CN5 on the CPU23B board?
{MT:20.7.3_Checking Connection of the CPU23B Board
 Phenomenon N
If the POWER lamp ( ) does not light up, the remote ON switch cannot be turned ON. If
Q3 Check for the continuity of the power supply cable between the operation panel and the
the remote ON switch cannot be turned ON, the secondary output of the power supply unit CPU23B board.
cannot be output, resulting in the failure of the machine to boot up. {MT:20.7.4_Checking for Continuity of the Cables 1}
 Action Q4 Check for the continuity of the power supply cable between the power supply unit and
the CPU23B board.
Follow the procedures below if the POWER lamp ( ) does not light up with the RU circuit {MT:20.7.5_Checking for Continuity of the Cables 2}

breaker switch tuned ON. Q5 Error recurs?

20.7.1 Check Flow N


Replace the parts in the order named.

Turn OFF the Power of RU. 1. CPU23B board
{MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}
Remove the front cover and right-hand side cover. 2. Operation panel assembly
{MC:3.1_Front Cover} {MC:4.1_Operation Panel Assembly}
{MC:3.2_Right-Hand Side Cover} 3. Power supply unit
{MC:4.6_Power Supply Unit}
Turn OFF the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board.
{MT:1.5_Turning OFF the High-Voltage Switch}

Q1 Power supply unit 5Vs (A) LED lit when the RU breaker switch is turned ON?
{MT:20.7.2_Checking the LED on the Power Supply Unit}


Turn OFF the breaker switch and disconnect the power cable.

Turn ON the high-voltage switch (HV) of the SCN23A board.

Reinstall the front cover and right-hand side cover.

{MC:3.2.2_Right-Hand Side Cover}
{MC:3.1.2_Front Cover}

Return to the analysis flow for bootup failure.

{MT:20.1_Analysis Flow for Bootup Failure}

09.04.2007 FM5208
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20.7.2 Checking the LED on the Power Supply Unit 20.7.3 Checking Connection of the CPU23B Board Connector
Verify that the 5Vs (A) LED in the power supply unit comes on when you turn ON the RU's Check to ensure that the connector is snugly connected to CN5 on the CPU23B board.
circuit breaker switch.

GOOD The 5Vs (A) LED is lit in green.

NO GOOD The 5Vs (A) LED is not lit.

09.04.2007 FM5208
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20.7.4 Checking for Continuity of the Cables 1 20.7.5 Checking for Continuity of the Cables 2
Check the cable between operation panel connector CN1 and CPU23B board connector CN5 Check the cable between power supply unit CN1 connector pin 4 and CPU23B board CN1
for continuity. Replace the cable if its continuity cannot be verified. connector pin 4 for continuity. Replace the cable if its continuity cannot be verified.

1. Check for shorts between each of the pins and GND → 2 Ω or greater
2. Check for shorts between each of the pins → 2 Ω or greater
3. Check for continuity of each of the pins → 1 Ω or less
1. Check for shorts between each of the pins and GND → 2 Ω or greater
2. Check for shorts between each of the pins → 2 Ω or greater
3. Check for continuity of each of the pins → 1 Ω or less

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21. Checking the Status of Each Parts 21.2 Checking the Connector on the Scanning Optics Unit
Check to ensure that the connectors (CN1, CNZ31 and CNZ32) connected to the scanning
optics unit are snugly connected.
21.1 Checking the Connector on the SCN23A Board
Check to ensure that there is no wobbling on the connector connected to the SCN23A board
for transferring image data.
 NOTE 
Do not apply excessive force to the connector to check its wobble. The connector region
might get damaged.

Repair a disconnected connector if any.

Replace the SCN23A board if the connector region wobbles.

Refer to the Check, Replacement and Adjustment of Parts Volume, “11.3 SCN23A Board” for
details of the replacement procedures of the SCN23A board.
{MC:11.3_SCN23A Board}

09.04.2007 FM5208
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21.3 Checking the Connector on the PMT Board 21.4 Checking the Board-to-Board Connectors
Check to ensure that there is no wobbling on the connector connected to the PMT board for Check that CPU23B board connector CN2 and SCN23A board connector CN10 are
transferring image data. connected without a gap.
 NOTE 
Do not apply excessive force to the connector to check its wobble. The connector region
might get damaged.

Replace the PMT board if the connector region wobbles.

Refer to the Check, Replacement and Adjustment of Parts Volume, “8.2 PMT Board” for
details of the replacement procedures of the PMT board.
{MC:8.2_PMT Board}

08.11.2008 FM5391
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21.5 Checking the Parts for the End of Their Life 21.5.1 Air Filter

If an error code (11902-11906) indicating the end of parts life is displayed, note the HISTORY 1. Start [EDIT HISTORY].
LOG and replace a part that has reached the end of its useful life. {MU:4.12_EDIT HISTORY}

11902: End of an air filter's life

2. Check whether the part has reached the end of its useful life.

11903: End of a brush roller's life

11904: End of a damper's life
11905: End of an IP suction pump's life
11906: End of a laser's life

3. Replace the air filter.

{MC:3.9_Filter and Mechanical Filter (on the Right-Hand Side Cover)}

21.5.2 Brush Roller

1. Start [EDIT HISTORY].

2. Check whether the part has reached the end of its useful life.

3. Replace the brush roller.

{MC:6.9_Brush Roller}

09.04.2007 FM5208
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21.5.3 Damper 21.5.5 IP Suction Pump

1. Start [EDIT HISTORY]. 1. Start [EDIT HISTORY].

2. Check whether the part has reached the end of its useful life. 2. Check whether the part has reached the end of its useful life.

3. Replace the damper. 3. Replace the IP suction pump.

{MC:5.11_Dumper (Opposite Reference Side)} {MC:6.10_Filter}
{MC:5.12_Dumper (Reference Side)}

21.5.4 Lamp Filter 21.5.6 Laser

1. Start [EDIT HISTORY]. 1. Start [EDIT HISTORY].

2. Check whether the part has reached the end of its useful life. 2. Check whether the part has reached the end of its useful life.

3. Replace the lamp filter. 3. Replace the scanning optics unit.

{MC:6.10_Filter} {MC:9._Scanning Optics Unit}

09.04.2007 FM5208
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21.7 Checking the INV Board Mounting Position 21.8 Checking the Erasure Lamp Assembly for the End of Its
Check the mounting position of the INV board, which is on the ERS23A board. If the INV
board is improperly positioned, mount it in its correct position. If an error code (11702-11704) indicating the end of life is displayed, view the HISTORY LOG
1. Remove the erasure unit. to confirm the cumulative illumination time of the part, and then replace the part.
{MC:6.1_Erasure Unit} 1. Start [EDIT HISTORY].
2. Remove the cover bracket. {MU:4.12_EDIT HISTORY}
{MC:6.7_Cover Bracket} 2. Check whether the part has reached the end of its useful life.
3. Check whether the INV board is properly positioned. If it is improperly positioned,
mount it in its correct position.

 NOTE 
For the correct mounting position of the INV board, which is on the ERS23A board, see
"3.2.3 Erasure Lamp and Board Configurations" in the Machine Description volume.
{MD:3.2.3_Erasure Lamp and Board Configurations}

4. Reinstall the cover bracket.

{MC:6.7.2_Cover Bracket}
5. Reinstall the erasure unit.
{MC:6.1.2_Erasure Unit}
6. After completion of machine reassembly, turn ON the RU to check for an error.

3. Replace the erasure assembly.

{MC:6.14_Erasure Assembly}
4. Reset the erasure lamp cumulative illumination time.

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Appendix 1. Procedure for Restoring an CAUTION

Check that the RU whose IP address is set to “” is not connected on the
Application with DIP Switch No. 7 on network, before following the procedures below. If any connected, isolate the RU from
the CPU23B Board the network by disconnecting the network cable or the like.
Otherwise, the application will not be able to be restored normally.

 NOTES  1. Turn OFF the power of the RU.

- Restore the application according to the procedures shown in this section only when
initialization of the application is not normally completed after it was tried in “20.4
2. Disconnect the RU power cable and interface cable.
Procedures for Restoring the RU Application”. 3. To prepare for RU application restoration, remove the following parts concerned.
- Be sure to set the CR Console’s IP to “” before initializing the application. Remove the parts by performing the procedures set forth in sections designated
Restore the IP address to the user specified value after the initialization. in the "Reference" column.
Reference Part concerned
Turn ON the DIP SW-No.7 of the CPU23B board to boot up the RU. The machine is forced to
boot up with the RU IP address and the FTP server IP address as the factory default values. {MC:3.1} Front Cover
RU IP address: {MC:3.2} Right-Hand Side Cover
FTP server IP address:
{MC:3.8} LAN Cover

{MC:11.4} LAN23A Board

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

05.24.2007 FM5134
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4. Set No. 7 of the DIP SW of the CPU23B board to ON. 5. Install the LAN23A board.
{MC:11.4.2_LAN23A Board}
6. Connect the interface cable and power cable to the RU.
7. Check the CR Console’s IP address and record it.

 NOTE 
The CR Console’s IP address must be restored to the user specified value after the RU
application is initialized. Be sure to confirm the CR Console’s IP address (user specified
value) and record it.

8. Change the CR Console’s IP address to “”.

9. Turn ON the power of RU.

The RU starts in the following state:
- The touch panel does not display anything and remains blank.
- The power lamp glows green.
- The initialization operation is not performed.

08.11.2008 FM5391
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10. Start the RU PC-TOOL. 14. Click on [OK].
{MU:4.23.1_Starting RU PC-TOOL}

11. Click [NEW]. Enter an arbitrary name in the "RU NAME" field and enter
"" in the "RU IP ADDR" field.

 NOTE 
Always input “” in RU IP ADDR.
15. Check to ensure that the RU IP address input in the step 11 ( is
displayed, and click on [OK].

12. Select "Initialize APL" from the "Operation (O)" menu.

16. Once the initialization of the application is completed, press the [Enter] key.

The initialization of the application takes about 3 minutes.

13. Insert the RU-APL CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive of the CR Console.

When you insert the RU-APL CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive, the "Set Up PC-TOOL"
window may open. If the "Set Up PC-TOOL" window opens, close it by clicking [EXIT].

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual Appx_MT-3
17. Turn OFF the power of the RU. 24. Turn ON the power of RU.
18. Disconnect the RU power cable and interface cable.
19. Remove the LAN23A board.
{MC:11.4_LAN23A Board}
20. Restore No. 7 of the DIP SW of the CPU23B board to its original setting.
21. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:11.4.2} LAN23A Board

{MC:3.8.2} LAN Cover

{MC:3.2.2} Right-Hand Side Cover

{MC:3.1.2} Front Cover

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

22. Connect the RU power cable and interface cable.

23. Restore the CR console’s IP address to the value registered in step 8 (the user REFERENCES
specified value).
- When you turn ON the RU, it starts in the maintenance mode about two minutes later.

- The [Return] button, which is at the lower left corner of the operation panel, is hidden.

05.24.2007 FM5134
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25. Select "Reader Unit IP Address" from the RU's operation panel. 27. Select "FTP Sever IP Address" from the RU's operation panel.

For details on a menu item selection method, see "1.3 Method of Menu Selection in For details on a menu item selection method, see "1.3 Method of Menu Selection in
Respective Modes." Respective Modes."
{MU:1.3_Method of Menu Selection in Respective Modes} {MU:1.3_Method of Menu Selection in Respective Modes}
26. Set the IP address. 28. Set the IP address of the FTP server.
 NOTE   NOTE 
Initializing the application resets the RU’s IP address setting for the RU to the factory Initializing the application resets the FTP server’s IP address setting for the RU to the
default. Be sure to enter the RU’s IP address that is entered from the CR Console. factory default. Be sure to enter the CR Console’s IP address.

For details on an address setup method, see "1.4.2 Procedures for Changing the For details on an address setup method, see "1.4.2 Procedures for Changing the
Address." Address."
{MU:1.4.2_Procedures for Changing the Address} {MU:1.4.2_Procedures for Changing the Address}

05.24.2007 FM5134
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29. Select "Network Check" from the RU's operation panel. 31. From "LIST OF EXISTING RU", select a RU for its version update, and click on

For details on a menu item selection method, see "1.3 Method of Menu Selection in
Respective Modes."
{MU:1.3_Method of Menu Selection in Respective Modes}

30. Press the [Check] button.

 NOTE 
If you click [DELETE] without inserting the RU-APL CD-ROM into the CR Console, the
following error message appears. If the error message appears, insert the RU-APL CD-
ROM into the CR Console and then repeat steps 31 and beyond.

32. Click on [OK].

 NOTE 
In the case of "NO GOOD" indication
{MT:14._Line Error between CR Console and RU}
33. Verify that the RU selected in step 31 is deleted from "LIST OF EXISTING RU."

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34. Click on [NEW]. 37. Check the result of PING, and click on to close the window.

35. Enter Install "RU NAME" and "RU IP ADDR".

 NOTE 
Input the RU’s IP address specified in the procedure 26.
 [GOOD indication]
If the following message appears, the result is normal.
| Ping statistics for |
| Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), |

 [NO GOOD indication]

Other than above is all abnormal. (The selected IP address of the RU is displayed.)

36. Click on [PING].  NOTE 

In the case of "NO GOOD" indication
{MT:14._Line Error between CR Console and RU}

38. Click on [INSTALL].

When clicking on [INSTALL], “Under maintenance” appears on the operation panel of
the RU.

39. Click on [OK].

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual Appx_MT-7
40. Select "INSTALL VERSION". 43. Select an operation panel screen type (SCREEN TYPE), and then click [OK].

 NOTE 
The proper selection varies with a network connection between the RU and CR console.
Make a proper selection in accordance with the employed network connection. If an
improper selection is made, the connection between the RU and CR console is not
- When a "1:1 connection" is established between the RU and CR Console, choose
41. Select "LANGUAGE".
- When an "N:N connection" is established between the RU and CR Console, choose
The following languages can be selected during the installation.
Japanese, English, Germany, French, Spanish, Italian, Swedish, Finnish, Danish,
Norwegian, Korean, ChineseSimplified, ChineseTraditional, Dutch, Portuguese, Greek,
Hebrew, Russian, Turkish, Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Thai, Indonesian

44. If a LINAC CASSETTE is to be used at the user’s site, select “USE”. If the LINAC
CASSETTE is not to be used, select “NOT USE”, and click on [SET].

42. Select "BRAND TYPE".

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual Appx_MT-8
45. Click on [SET]. 47. Confirm the installation precautions.

While the flash ROM is being written into, never turn OFF the RU or CR Console. If
you turn OFF the power, the program stored in the memory becomes damaged and
cannot restart.

48. Click on [SET].

46. Set "IP ADDRESS" and "CL NAME". When you click on [SET], the installation screen appears on the CR Console display.
While the flash ROM is being written into, the RU's LED glows.
 NOTE 
Enter IP ADDRESS of the CR Console to be connected with the RU.
Do not close the installation screen until the flash ROM write process is completed.
If you inadvertently close the installation screen, return to step 34 and perform the
installation procedure again. The flash ROM write process takes about 8 minutes.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual Appx_MT-9
49. Verify that the flash ROM write process is completed, and then press the [Enter] 52. Verify that the RU's LED is extinguished, and then turn OFF the RU.
key twice.
The message "Under maintenance" is displayed on the operation panel. However,
turning OFF the RU power does not affect the RU's functionality.

50. Click on [OK].

53. Turn ON the power of RU.

51. Verify the RU software version.  NOTE 

Unless the power of the RU is turned OFF and back ON, the state only allows you to

 NOTE 
In the case of "NO GOOD" indication, return to step 30 and perform install procedures
all over again.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual Appx_MT-10
54. From "LIST OF EXISTING RU", select a RU for its data restore, and restore the CAUTIONS
- In a machine into which the 50 micron upgrade kit (HR reading option key) has been
 NOTE  installed, take all of the procedures of 55 and later.
If the floppy disk that stores the data to be restored is not on hand, perform setup as - In a machine into which the 50 micron upgrade kit (HR reading option key) has not
directed below: been installed, the procedures 55 to 59 are not necessary. Proceed to the procedure
- CONFIGURATION: Restore from the machine specific data CD-R attached to the 60.
- HISTORY LOG: Perform setup again from the RU PC-TOOL’s “EDIT HISTORY” as 55. Insert the 50 micron upgrade kit CD-ROM (or HR reading option key CD-ROM) into
much as possible. the CD-ROM drive of the CR console.
- SCN ALL DATA: Restore from the machine specific data CD-R attached to the
machine. → The installation menu automatically appears.

56. Enter “1” and press the [Enter] key.

→ The message for prompting the input of the RU’s IP address appears.

For details on the restore procedure, see under “16.2 Restore Procedure” in the
Checks, Replacement and Adjustment volume.
{MC:16.2_Restore Procedure}

09.04.2007 FM5208
CR-IR 359 Service Manual Appx_MT-11
57. Input the RU’s IP address (example:, and press the [Enter] key. 60. Close the SetUp PC-TOOL.

→ The message “Installation Completed” appears.

58. Check to make sure that the message indicating the completion of the installation
is displayed, and press the [Enter] key.

61. Turn OFF the power of the RU and back ON.

62. Check the following points.

 The RU normally enters the READY state.

 The results of the image/conveyance checks are normal without
{MC:17._Image/Conveyance Checks}

 There is no error occurrence.

59. Remove the 50 micron upgrade kit CD-ROM (or HR reading option key CD-ROM)
from the CD-ROM drive of the CR console.

09.04.2007 FM5208
CR-IR 359 Service Manual Appx_MT-12
Control Sheet
Issue date Revision number Reason Pages affected
05.24.2007 01 New release (FM5134) All pages
09.04.2007 02 Revision (FM5208) 5, 16, 491, 605, 619-701
08.11.2008 03 Revision (FM5391) 3-5, 312-727

CR-IR 359 Service Manual

Checks, Replacement and Adjustment of

Parts (MC)

014-211-03E CR-IR 359 Service Manual

08.11.2008 FM5391

1. Check/Adjustment Procedures for Each  INSTRUCTION 

The yellow-painted screws require adjustments when components are reinstalled.
Unit When reinstalling the components, follow the check/adjustment procedures.

1.1 Precautions for Check, Replacement, and Adjustment 1.2 Types of Screws
- In this volume, descriptions are omitted regarding components that do not require
special attention or adjustment during their removal/reinstallation. For removal The DT screw and the TP screw employed in the machine are of similar shape and color.
procedures for such components, refer to the Parts List Volume. Check the screw type referring to the figures below when attaching a screw.
- When performing check/replacement/adjustment procedures on the machine, the
DT screw TP screw
following precautions should be observed.
Has four dots on the head Has no dot on the head
To avoid electric shock hazards, power OFF the machine before performing the

1.3 Checking the Protective Grounding
Observe the warnings and cautions described in the "Safety Precautions".

CAUTIONS Safety provided by grounding is assured by properly establishing power cable and additional
- When servicing any printed circuit board, be sure to wear an anti-static wristband to protective ground wire connections and securing the parts with retaining screws. To maintain
ground your body. If your body is not grounded, static electricity built on your body safety, ensure that the parts and retaining screws removed for servicing purposes are
may cause damage to electronic parts on the board. restored to states existing upon installation. After the parts and retaining screws are restored
- Do not remove the cover of the scanning optics unit. to the above-mentioned states, follow the procedures set forth in this service manual to verify
- Never remove the red-painted screws. that the retaining screws are securely tightened to properly secure the parts.

Some of the illustrations in this volume contain check/adjustment and half-punch indicators 1.4 Handling Parts Containing Hazardous Substance
as needed.
For removal and reinstallation, perform the procedures as instructed by such indicators. When handling parts containing a hazardous substance, such as the operation panel,
the photomultiplier and the erasure lamp, fully exercise care in handling. The hazardous
- Check/Adjustment indicator: Indicates that it is necessary to check or adjust the
substance may leak from the inside of a broken part.
installation location when the part or component removed
is to be reinstalled. This indicator is placed in the illustration
that depicts the procedures for removing the parts and 1.5 Checking the High-Voltage Switch and Image
components. When you see this indicator, refer to its relevant
When you install the covers after a check, replacement, or adjustment, make sure that the
" Check/ Adjustment Procedures.”
high-voltage switch is ON. After the machine is restored to normal, run an image read check
- Half-punch indicator: Indicates that it is necessary to align the half-punches when
to verify that a read image is normal.
installing the parts or components. However, it is not indicated
for the half-punches for improving ease of assembly or
preventing erroneous assembly procedures.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-1

2. Table of Contents 5.21

Bearing Retaining Bracket (Reference Side)
Bearing Retaining Bracket

(Opposite Reference Side) MC-107

3. Cover 3. Cover MC-6 5.23 Cassette Cover Closing Mechanism Driving
3.1 Front Cover MC-6 Gear MC-108
3.2 Right-Hand Side Cover MC-7 5.24 Cassette Hold Release Arm MC-110
3.3 Rear Cover MC-8 5.25 Cassette IP Holding Arm Assembly MC-112
3.4 Left-Hand Side Cover MC-9 5.26 Cassette Inlet Guide Assembly MC-115
3.5 Front Cover Plate MC-10 5.27 Cassette Insertion Error Sensor (SA14) MC-117
3.6 Rear Cover Plate MC-10 5.28 Cassette Ejection Sensor (SA11) MC-118
3.7 Left-Hand Cover Plate MC-11 5.29 Cable Junction Bracket (C) MC-122
3.8 LAN Cover MC-11 5.30 Cassette Cover Closing Mechanism Driving
3.9 Filter and Mechanical Filter Motor (MA2) MC-126
(on the Right-Hand Side Cover) MC-13 5.31 IP Removal Unit Link Mechanism (Opposite
3.10 Nothing MC-14 Reference Side Gear) MC-127
3.11 Shock Absorbers MC-15 5.32 IP Removal Unit Link Mechanism (Reference
Side Gear) MC-130
4. Housing Unit 4. Housing Unit MC-17 5.33 Suction Arm Driving Motor (MA3) MC-132
4.1 Operation Panel Assembly MC-17 5.34 Cable Junction Bracket (D) MC-134
4.2 Fan Assembly MC-21 5.35 Cassette Cover Closing Assembly Driving
4.3 Fan (FANG1) MC-22 Shaft MC-136
4.4 Fan (FANG3) MC-25 5.36 Cassette Cover Closing Assembly MC-141
4.5 Air-Intake Duct MC-27 5.37 Cassette Cover Closing Roller MC-144
4.6 Power Supply Unit MC-29 5.38 Hose MC-152
4.7 Antistatic Member MC-36 5.39 Hose Joints MC-155
4.8 IP Sensor (SG1) MC-37 5.40 IP Air Leak Valve Assembly (SVA1/SVA2) MC-156
4.9 Casters MC-40 5.41 IP Suction Pump (PA1) MC-159
4.10 Fan (Power Supply Unit - Lower Section) MC-44 5.42 IP Suction Sensor (SA5) MC-162
5.43 IP Dropping Sensor Assembly MC-164
5. Cassette Set Unit 5. Cassette Set Unit MC-46 5.44 IP Dropping Sensor (SA4, Light Emitting
5.1 Cassette Set Unit MC-46 Side) MC-166
5.2 Dust-Tight Cover Assembly MC-52 5.45 IP Dropping Sensor (SA4, Light Receiving
5.3 Opening/Closing the Board Box MC-57 Side) MC-167
5.46 Guide (Right-Hand) MC-169
5.4 Shutter Drive Arm (Opposite Reference Side) MC-61
5.47 Guide (Left-Hand) MC-173
5.5 Cassette Cover Opening Mechanism Driving
5.48 Suction Cup Assembly (Right-Hand) MC-176
Motor (MA1) MC-63
5.49 Suction Cup (Right-Hand) MC-179
5.6 Spur Gear (Opposite Reference Side) MC-65
5.50 Suction Cup (Left-Hand) MC-181
5.7 Cable Junction Bracket (A) MC-68
5.51 Suction Cup (Left-Hand) MC-186
5.8 Debris Fall Prevention Shutter Sensor (SA3) MC-72
5.52 IP Transport Motor (MA4) MC-188
5.9 Shutter Drive Arm (Reference Side) MC-73
5.53 Cable Junction Bracket (E) MC-191
5.10 Spur Gear (Reference Side) MC-75
5.54 Rubber Roller Driving Gear MC-192
5.11 Dumper (Opposite Reference Side) MC-79
5.55 Spring and Wire (Reference Side) MC-194
5.12 Dumper (Reference Side) MC-80
5.56 Rubber Roller Protection Bracket MC-196
5.13 Cassette Cover Opening Assembly MC-81
5.57 Rubber Rollers (A) and (B) MC-198
5.14 Cassette Cover Opening Assembly Driving
5.58 Cassette IN Sensor (SA1) MC-211
Shaft MC-87
5.59 Actuator Assembly MC-212
5.15 Cable Junction Bracket (B) MC-93
5.60 Suction Arm HP Sensor (SA6) MC-214
5.16 Antistatic Member MC-95
5.61 Cassette Cover Opening Mechanism HP
5.17 Shutter Assembly MC-96
Sensor (SA7) MC-216
5.18 Damper Return Spring
5.62 "15x30 Cassette" Identifying Sensor (SA9) MC-218
(Opposite Reference Side) MC-100
5.63 Solenoid Assembly MC-220
5.19 Damper Return Spring (Reference Side) MC-102
5.64 Solenoid (SOLA1) and Cassette Hold Sensor
5.20 Sensor Bracket Assembly (SA8/SA10/SA12) MC-104
(SA2) MC-224

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-2
5.65 Large Cassette Size Sensor (SA15) MC-226 7. Side-Positioning Conveyor 7. Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit MC-336
5.66 Movable Guide Driving Assembly MC-228 Unit 7.1 Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit MC-336
5.67 Movable Guide Assembly MC-233 7.2 Sensor Assembly MC-343
5.68 "15x30 Cassette" Movable Guide Assembly MC-236 7.3 Side-Positioning Grip HP Sensor (SC1) and
5.69 IP Removal Arm MC-238 Side-Positioning Grip Release Position Sensor
5.70 Removal Link Shaft MC-243 (SC2) MC-345
5.71 Debris Fall Prevention Shutter Assembly MC-245 7.4 Timing Belt MC-346
5.72 Antistatic Member Assembly MC-251 7.5 Tensioner Assembly MC-348
5.73 Guide Plate (Reference Side) MC-252
7.6 Guide (A) MC-349
5.74 Guide Plate (Opposite Reference Side) MC-254
7.7 Guide (B) MC-350
5.75 Guide Plate (Inch/Metric) MC-256
7.8 Shock-Absorbing Roller Assembly MC-351
5.76 Stopper (Reference Side) MC-257
7.9 Leaf Spring (Reference Side) MC-352
5.77 Stopper (Opposite Reference Side) MC-258
7.10 Leaf Spring (Opposite Reference Side) MC-353
5.78 Stopper (Inch/Metric) MC-259
5.79 Cassette Cover Opening Pin (Inch/Metric) MC-260 7.11 Planetary Gear Assembly MC-354
5.80 Cassette Receiver Assembly 7.12 Spur Gear (Reference Side) MC-355
(Reference Side) MC-263 7.13 Spur Gear (Opposite Reference Side) MC-356
5.81 Cassette Receiver Arm (Reference Side) MC-265 7.14 Grip Arm (Reference Side) MC-357
5.82 Cassette Receiver Assembly (Opposite 7.15 Grip Arm (Opposite Reference Side) MC-361
Reference Side) MC-268 7.16 Grip Shaft MC-363
5.83 Cassette Receiver Arm (Opposite Reference 7.17 IP Sensor (SC3) MC-366
Side) MC-270 7.18 "15x30/24x30 IP Width" Identifying Sensor MC-367
5.84 Nothing MC-272 7.19 Reference Block Assembly MC-369
5.85 Inch/Metric Sensor (SA16) MC-273 7.20 Cable Junction Bracket MC-374
5.86 Inch/Metric Sensor Actuator MC-275 7.21 Side-Positioning Conveyor Roller Grip
Release Motor (MC2) MC-376
7.22 Side-Positioning Reference Block HP Sensor
6. Erasure Unit 6. Erasure Unit MC-279 (SC7) MC-380
6.1 Erasure Unit MC-279 7.23 Side-Positioning Latch Stroke Sensor (SC10) MC-382
6.2 Duct Cover Bracket MC-283 7.24 Claw Driving Unit MC-384
6.3 Fan (FANB1) MC-284 7.25 Reference Block Driving Mechanism MC-392
6.4 Duct (Air-Intake Side) MC-286 7.26 Side-Positioning Reference Block Driving
6.5 Duct (Exhaust Side) MC-287 Motor (MC4) MC-396
6.6 Reflection Plate MC-288 7.27 Spur Gear Assembly (Claw Driving Unit) MC-399
6.7 Cover Bracket MC-291 7.28 Arm MC-400
6.8 Brush Roller Assembly MC-292 7.29 Shaft Driving Assembly MC-403
6.9 Brush Roller MC-295 7.30 Housing MC-406
6.10 Filter MC-299 7.31 Side-Positioning HP Sensor (SC6) MC-408
6.11 Spur Gear MC-303 7.32 Side-Positioning Latch Position Sensor (SC8) MC-410
6.12 Thermal Switch (TSWB1) MC-304 7.33 Shaft Retaining Bracket Assembly MC-412
6.13 Lamp Temperature Sensor (THB1) MC-307 7.34 Shaft Assemblies MC-415
6.14 Erasure Assembly MC-311 7.35 Shafts and Claws MC-419
6.15 INV Board (A) MC-312 7.36 Side-Positioning Latch Mechanism Driving
6.16 INV Board (B) MC-315 Motor (MC3) MC-422
6.17 ERS23A Board MC-318 7.37 Half Clutch Assembly MC-424
6.18 Lamp Assembly MC-320 7.38 Barcode Reader (BCRC1) MC-430
7.39 Side-Positioning IP Transport Motor (MC1) MC-432
7.40 Spur Gears and Tension Coil Springs MC-434
7.41 Rubber Roller (A) MC-437
7.42 Rubber Roller (B) MC-442
7.43 Rubber Roller (C) MC-447
7.44 Rubber Roller (D) MC-452

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-3
7.45 Rubber Roller (E) MC-458 10. Subscanning Unit 10. Subscanning Unit MC-508
7.46 Rubber Roller (F) MC-463 10.1 Subscanning Unit MC-508
7.47 Guide (C) MC-469 10.2 Post-Reading Conveyor Guide Assembly MC-518
7.48 Guide (D) MC-472 10.3 Rubber Belt MC-521
7.49 Reinforcement Bracket MC-477 10.4 Flywheel (Reference Surface-Driving Shaft
Side) MC-524
8. Light-Collecting Unit 8. Light-Collecting Unit MC-479
10.5 Flywheel (Reference Surface-Driven Shaft
8.1 Light-Collecting Guide MC-479
Side) MC-525
8.2 PMT Board MC-489
10.6 Kapton® Belt MC-526
8.3 Shield Member MC-497
10.7 Flywheel (Opposite Reference Side) MC-529
10.8 Tensioner Assembly MC-530
10.9 FFM Motor (MZ1) MC-531
10.10 Driving Shaft Grip Bracket (Reference Side) MC-538
10.11 Driven Shaft Grip Bracket (Reference Side) MC-539
10.12 Driving Shaft Grip Bracket (Opposite
Reference Side) MC-540
10.13 Driven Shaft Grip Bracket (Opposite
Reference Side) MC-541
9. Scanning Optics Unit 9. Scanning Optics Unit MC-499 10.14 Driven Shaft Grip Roller (Upper) MC-542
10.15 Driving Shaft Grip Roller (Upper) MC-546
10.16 Guide (A) MC-550
10.17 Guide (B) MC-554
10.18 Driving Shaft Grip Roller (Lower) MC-558
10.19 Driven Shaft Grip Roller (Lower) MC-563
10.20 Light-Collecting Shaft Driving Gear MC-568
10.21 Light-Collecting Mirror Assembly MC-571
10.22 Light-Collecting Mirror MC-577
10.23 Antistatic Member MC-578
10.24 IP Leading-Edge Sensor (SZ1) MC-579
10.25 Center Roller MC-581
10.26 Motor Assembly MC-585
10.27 Driven-Side Grip Roller Release HP Sensor
(SZ2) MC-592
10.28 Driving-Side Grip Roller Release HP Sensor
(SZ3), Driven/Driving Grip Roller Driving Motor
(MZ2) MC-594
10.29 Dust Removal HP Sensor (SZ5),
Dust Removal Motor (MZ3) MC-598
10.30 Driving Shaft Grip Release Arm MC-601
10.31 Driven Shaft Grip Release Arm MC-605
10.32 Antistatic Member MC-608
10.33 Vibration-Proof Rubber Assembly MC-609
10.34 Toothed Washer (Driving Shaft) MC-612
10.35 Toothed Washer (Driven Shaft) MC-615
10.36 Auxiliary Bracket MC-618
10.37 Shock-Absorber-Attached Bracket MC-619

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-4
11. PC Boards 11. PC Boards MC-620 17. Image/Conveyance Checks 17. Image/Conveyance Checks MC-714
11.1 Board Assembly MC-620 17.1 Check Before Procedures MC-714
11.2 CPU23B Board MC-629 17.2 Image/Conveyance Checks MC-715
11.2.1 Replacement Procedures MC-629 17.3 Detailed Description of the Image Output
11.2.2 Starting Up the Machine Maintenance Procedure MC-717
Utility of the RU MC-629
11.2.3 Machine Data Backup MC-631 18. Confirming the S Value 18. Confirming the S Value MC-718
11.2.4 Replacing the CPU23B Board MC-632 18.1 Confirming the S Value of IP Type ST MC-718
11.2.5 Setting the IP Address of the RU MC-635 18.2 Confirming the S Value of IP Type HR MC-720
11.2.6 Updating the RU Software Version MC-639
11.2.7 Installing the HR Reading Option Key MC-643 19. Installing the Software 19. Installing the Software MC-723
11.2.8 Restoring the Machine Data MC-644 19.1 Installing the RU Software MC-723
11.3 SCN23A Board MC-645 19.2 Installing the RU PC-TOOL MC-723
11.4 LAN23A Board MC-647 19.3 Installing the CLIENT PC-TOOL MC-723
11.5 SND23A Board MC-650
20. Nothing 20. Nothing MC-724
11.6 SND23B Board MC-657
12. Replacing the Fuses and Fuse 12. Replacing the Fuses and Fuse Locations MC-663
Locations 12.1 Fuse Classification and Replacement
21. List of Jigs and Tools 21. List of Jigs and Tools MC-725
Procedures MC-663 21.1 Jigs and Tools MC-725
12.1.1 Fuse Classification MC-663
12.1.2 Fuse Replacement Procedures MC-663 Appendix 1. Parts Removal/ Appendix 1. Parts Removal/Installation Appx_MC-1
12.2 SND23A Board Fuses MC-664 Installation 1. Sensor (5 mm type) Appx_MC-2
12.3 SND23B Board Fuses MC-666 2. Nothing Appx_MC-3
12.4 SCN23A Board Fuses MC-668
12.5 CPU23B Board Fuses MC-669
12.6 ERS23A Board Fuses MC-670
13. Updating the Software 13. Updating the Software MC-671
13.1 Updating the Software from the CR Console MC-671
13.2 Updating the Software from the Client PC MC-678
14. Format Adjustment 14. Format Adjustment MC-685
14.1 Main Scan Format Adjustment MC-685
14.1.1 Main Scan Length Adjustment MC-685
14.1.2 Main Scan Position Adjustment MC-687
14.2 IP Leading Edge Adjustment (Sub-Scanning) MC-689
15. Shading/Sensitivity Correction 15. Shading/Sensitivity Correction MC-692
15.1 Shading/Sensitivity Correction for IP Type ST MC-693
15.2 Shading Speed Correction for IP Type ST MC-695
15.3 Sensitivity Correction for IP Type ST MC-697
15.4 Shading/Sensitivity Correction for IP Type HR MC-699
15.5 Shading Speed Correction for IP Type HR MC-701
15.6 Sensitivity Correction for IP Type HR MC-703
15.7 Special Sensitivity Correction for IP Type HR MC-705
15.7.1 Special Sensitivity Correction for IP Type
HR When Tungsten X-Ray Tube Is Used MC-705
15.7.2 Special Sensitivity Correction for IP Type
HR When Molybdenum X-Ray Tube Is Used MC-707
16. BACKUP/RESTORE Procedure 16. BACKUP/RESTORE Procedure MC-709
16.1 Backup Procedure MC-709
16.2 Restore Procedure MC-711
16.3 Backing Up the Scanner Data MC-713

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-5

3. Cover

3.1 Front Cover

3.1.1 Removal Procedures 3.1.2 Reinstallation Procedures

1. Loosen the screws, to remove 1. Put in the lower part of the front
the front cover. cover into the housing, then
reinstall the front cover, and
retain with the screws while
holding the cover.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-6
3.2 Right-Hand Side Cover
3.2.1 Removal Procedures 3.2.2 Reinstallation Procedures

1. Remove the front cover. 1. Put the lower part of the right-
{MC:3.1_Front Cover} hand side cover into the
housing to install. Retain it
with the screws while holding
the cover.

2. Remove the louver.

2. Reinstall the louver.

3. Remove the screws to remove

the right-hand side cover.

3. Reinstall the front cover.

{MC:3.1.2_Front Cover}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-7
3.3 Rear Cover
3.3.1 Removal Procedures 3.3.2 Reinstallation Procedures

1. Remove the front cover. 1. Put the lower part of the rear
{MC:3.1_Front Cover} cover into the housing to
install. Put in the right-hand
2. Remove the right-hand side cover.
side below the left-hand side
{MC:3.2_Right-Hand Side Cover} cover, and reinstall the rear

3. Remove the screws, slightly tilt

the rear cover laterally, and pull
it out toward you for removal.

2. Retain the rear cover with the

screws while holding it.

3. Reinstall the right-hand side cover.

{MC:3.2.2_Right-Hand Side Cover}
4. Reinstall the front cover.
{MC:3.1.2_Front Cover}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-8
3.4 Left-Hand Side Cover
3.4.1 Removal Procedures 3.4.2 Reinstallation Procedures

1. Remove the front cover. 1. Put the lower part of the left-
{MC:3.1_Front Cover} hand side cover into the
housing to install. Retain it
2. Remove the right-hand side cover. with the screws while holding
{MC:3.2_Right-Hand Side Cover} the cover.

3. Remove the rear cover.

{MC:3.3_Rear Cover}

2. Reinstall the rear cover.

{MC:3.3.2_Rear Cover}

3. Reinstall the right-hand side cover.

{MC:3.2.2_Right-Hand Side Cover}

4. Reinstall the front cover.

{MC:3.1.2_Front Cover}

4. Remove the screws on the left-

hand side, loosen the screw on
the rear, and then remove the
left-hand side cover.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-9
3.5 Front Cover Plate 3.6 Rear Cover Plate
3.5.1 Removal Procedures 3.6.1 Removal Procedures

1. Remove the front cover. 1. Remove the front cover.

{MC:3.1_Front Cover} {MC:3.1_Front Cover}

2. Remove the right-hand side cover.

{MC:3.2_Right-Hand Side Cover}

3. Remove the rear cover.

{MC:3.3_Rear Cover}

4. Remove the left-hand side cover.

2. Remove the screws to remove {MC:3.4_Left-Hand Side Cover}
the front cover plate.
5. Remove the screws to remove
the rear cover plate.

3.5.2 Reinstallation Procedures

For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.

3.6.2 Reinstallation Procedures

For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-10
3.7 Left-Hand Cover Plate 3.8 LAN Cover
3.7.1 Removal Procedures 3.8.1 Removal Procedures

1. Remove the front cover. 1. Remove the front cover.

{MC:3.1_Front Cover} {MC:3.1_Front Cover}

2. Remove the right-hand side cover. 2. Remove the right-hand side cover.
{MC:3.2_Right-Hand Side Cover} {MC:3.2_Right-Hand Side Cover}

3. Remove the rear cover.

{MC:3.3_Rear Cover}

4. Remove the left-hand side cover.

{MC:3.4_Left-Hand Side Cover} 3. Take the procedure 4 from the
direction indicated by the arrow
5. Remove the screws to remove
in the figure.
the left-hand cover plate.

4. Remove the screws to remove

3.7.2 Reinstallation Procedures the LAN cover while tilting it in
the direction indicated by the
For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps. arrow in the figure.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-11
3.8.2 Reinstallation Procedures 3. Reinstall the retaining screws
of the LAN cover.

1. Take the procedures 2 and 3 4. Reinstall the right-hand side cover.

from the direction indicated by {MC:3.2.2_Right-Hand Side Cover}
the arrow in the figure.
5. Reinstall the front cover.
{MC:3.1.2_Front Cover}

2. Put in the lower part of the LAN

cover into the housing, and
then reinstall the LAN cover.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-12
3.9 Filter and Mechanical Filter (on the Right-Hand Side 3.9.2 Reinstallation Procedures
Cover) For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.

3.9.1 Removal Procedures

1. Remove the louver.

2. Remove the filter and the

mechanical filter inside the

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-13
3.10 Nothing

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-14
3.11 Shock Absorbers 2. Remove the shock absorbers.


The shock absorbers are mounted on the undersides of the front cover, right-hand side cover,
rear cover, and left-hand side cover. The shock absorber mounting locations and the number
of the shock absorbers vary from one cover to another. However, the same installation and
removal procedures apply to all shock absorbers. To replace a shock absorber, you have to
remove the associated cover. This section describes the installation/removal procedure for
the front cover shock absorbers.

3.11.1 Removal Procedures

1. Remove the cover on which the shock absorbers to be replaced are mounted.
{MC:3.1_Front Cover}
{MC:3.2_Right-Hand Side Cover}
{MC:3.3_Rear Cover}
{MC:3.4_Left-Hand Side Cover}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-15
3.11.2 Reinstallation Procedures 2. Mount the shock absorbers.

1. Clean the shock absorber

mounting surfaces.

3. Reinstall the cover on which the shock absorbers are mounted.

{MC:3.1.2_Front Cover}
{MC:3.2.2_Right-Hand Side Cover}
{MC:3.3.2_Rear Cover}
{MC:3.4.2_Left-Hand Side Cover}

09.04.2007 FM5208
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-16

4. Housing Unit 3. Disconnect the connector, and

remove the retaining screws of
the operation panel assembly.

4.1 Operation Panel Assembly

4.1.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:3.1} Front Cover

{MC:3.2} Right-Hand Side Cover 4. Remove the operation panel

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.
 NOTE 
Do not remove the operation
panel assembly in the upward
direction. Otherwise, part of the
machine might get damaged.

2. Take the procedure 3 from the

direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-17
4.1.2 Reinstallation Procedures 2. Put the operation panel
assembly on the shaded
portion in the figure, and push
it against the protrusion on
the housing. Laterally push
the operation panel assembly
straight for reinstalling.

1. Take the procedure 2 from the

direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-18
3. Reinstall the retaining
screws of the operation panel
assembly, and connect the

4. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:3.2.2} Right-Hand Side Cover

{MC:3.1.2} Front Cover

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

5. If the operation panel is replaced with a new one, reassemble the machine and
then perform the installation procedure.

When the operation panel is supplied as a service part, its display language and
display screen are not defined. If the operation panel is replaced with a new one, be
sure to perform the installation procedure as directed under "4.1.3 Check/Adjustment
{MC:4.1.3_Check/Adjustment Procedures}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-19
4.1.3 Check/Adjustment Procedures
After operation panel replacement, delete the RU that is registered in the RU PC-TOOL's
"LIST OF EXISTING RU," and then perform the installation procedure.
 NOTE 
When the operation panel is supplied as a service part, its display language and display
screen are not defined. The display language and display screen for the operation panel can
only be defined during the RU software installation process. Therefore, when the operation
panel is replaced with a new one, be sure to reinstall the RU software.

1. Start the RU in the maintenance mode.

{MU:3.11_Starting and Exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility}
2. From "LIST OF EXISTING RU," delete the RU for which the operation panel has
been replaced.

 NOTE 
Before deleting the RU from "LIST OF EXISTING RU," note down the RU's IP address.

{IN:Appendix 6-1_Deleting an Installed RU}

3. Install the RU software.

 NOTE 
As regards the "Operation Panel Language Display (LANGUAGE)" and "Screen Display
(BRAND TYPE)," which are to be specified during the installation process, select the
same settings as those for the previously used operation panel.

{IN:Appendix 7-3_Installing the RU Software}

4. Turn OFF the RU power and then turn it ON.
5. Check the following points.

 The RU normally enters the READY state.

 The results of the image/conveyance checks are normal without
{MC:17._Image/Conveyance Checks}

 There is no error occurrence.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-20
4.2 Fan Assembly 4. Disconnect the connectors.

4.2.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:3.1} Front Cover

{MC:3.2} Right-Hand Side Cover

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures 3 to 5 from 5. Remove the screws to remove

the direction indicated by the the fan assembly.
arrow in the figure.

3. Push the shaded portion in the 4.2.2 Reinstallation Procedures

figure, and unclamp the clamp.
For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-21
4.3 Fan (FANG1) 4. Remove the screws to remove
the fan assembly.
4.3.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:3.1} Front Cover

{MC:3.5} Front Cover Plate

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures 3 and 4 5. Disconnect the connector.

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

3. Disconnect the connector. 6. Remove the screws, and pull

out the fan (FANG1) from the

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-22
4.3.2 Reinstallation Procedures 2. Connect the connector.

1. Verify the mount orientation 3. Take the procedures 4 and 5

by the arrow mark of the fan from the direction indicated by
(FANG1) and the orientation of the arrow in the figure.
the cable, then insert the fan
into the bracket, and retain with
the screws.

 NOTE 
Do not mount the fan (FANG1) in
a wrong orientation.

4. Reinstall the fan assembly, and

reinstall the screws.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-23
5. Connect the connector.

6. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:3.5.2} Front Cover Plate

{MC:3.1.2} Front Cover

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-24
4.4 Fan (FANG3) 3. Remove the screws to remove
the guard and the fan (FANG3).
4.4.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:3.1} Front Cover

{MC:3.2} Right-Hand Side Cover

{MC:4.2} Fan Assembly

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Unclamp the clamp, and

disconnect the connector.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-25
4.4.2 Reinstallation Procedures 3. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:4.2.2} Fan Assembly

{MC:3.2.2} Right-Hand Side Cover

{MC:3.1.2} Front Cover

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

1. Verify the mount orientation

by the arrow mark of the fan
(FANG3) and the orientation of
the cable, and then retain the
fan with the screws.

 NOTE 
Do not mount the fan (FANG3) in
a wrong orientation.

2. Connect the connector, and

retain the cable with the clamp.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-26
4.5 Air-Intake Duct 4. Remove the retaining screw of
the ground wire.
4.5.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:6.1} Erasure Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures 3 to 8 from 5. Remove the screws to remove

the direction indicated by the the guard.
arrow in the figure.

3. Remove the screws to remove 6. Disconnect the connector.

the bracket.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-27
7. Remove the screws, and pull 4.5.2 Reinstallation Procedures
out the duct.
For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.
 NOTE 
The pulled-out duct has the cable
attached. Exercise care not to
damage the cable.

8. Remove the cable, and remove

the duct.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-28
4.6 Power Supply Unit 3. Remove the power supply
4.6.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:3.1} Front Cover

{MC:3.2} Right-Hand Side Cover

{MC:6.1} Erasure Unit

{MC:4.5} Air-Intake Duct

4. Take the procedures 5 to 8 from
* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to. the direction indicated by the
arrow in the figure.

2. Take the procedure 3 from the 5. Unclamp the clamps.

direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-29
6. Remove the bracket. 9. Take the procedure 10 from the
direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

7. Disconnect the connectors. 10. Remove the retaining screws of

the power supply unit.

8. Remove the retaining screw of

the power supply unit.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-30
11. Hold the positions as indicated
in the figure, to slightly raise
the power supply unit. Pull
out the upper part of the
power supply unit toward you,
disengage the hook from the
side plate of the housing, and
draw out the power supply unit.

 NOTE 
Be sure to hold the specified
positions for the operation.
Otherwise, the power supply unit
might drop and get damaged. Do
not hold the fan connector on the
lower part of the power supply 12. Place the power supply unit in
unit. the orientation as indicated in
the figure.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-31
4.6.2 Reinstallation Procedures

1. Take the procedure 2 from the

direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

2. Hold the positions as indicated

in the figure, engage the hook
of the power supply unit with
the side plate of the housing,
and push in the power supply
unit for reinstallation.
 NOTE 
Be sure to hold the specified
positions for the operation.
Otherwise, the power supply unit
might drop and get damaged. Do
not hold the fan connector on the
lower part of the power supply

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-32
3. Take the procedure 4 from the 5. Take the procedures 6 to 9 from
direction indicated by the arrow the direction indicated by the
in the figure. arrow in the figure.

4. Reinstall the retaining screws 6. Reinstall the retaining screws

of the power supply unit. of the power supply unit.

7. Connect the connectors.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-33
8. Reinstall the bracket. 11. Hook the upper latches on the
power supply unit, and put on
the power supply cover.

9. Retain the cable with the 12. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
clamps. procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:4.5.2} Air-Intake Duct

{MC:6.1.2} Erasure Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

13. When the power supply unit is replaced with a new one, check the voltage
referring to “4.6.3 Check/Adjustment Procedures”.
{MC:4.6.3_Check/Adjustment Procedures}

14. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
10. Take the procedure 11 from the
Reference Part concerned
direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure. {MC:3.2.2} Right-Hand Side Cover

{MC:3.1.2} Front Cover

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-34
4.6.3 Check/Adjustment Procedures
After the power supply unit is replaced, check the voltage.
If the checked voltage is not within the range of the power supply voltage inspection
standard, adjust the voltage of the portion concerned according to the silk mentioned on the
power supply unit.  SCN23A board
 Power Supply Unit Connector CN5 Voltage Power supply voltage inspection standard
Test pin TP1 Voltage Power supply voltage inspection standard CN5 1-4 +24V (G) Within a range from +22.8 to +25.2 V
TP1 1-3 +24V (F), +24V (G) Within a range from +22.8 to +25.2 V CN5 2-5 +15V (C) Within a range from +14.25 to +15.75 V
TP1 2-3 +5V (B) Within a range from +4.75 to +5.25 V CN5 3-6 -15V (D) Within a range from -14.25 to -15.75 V
TP1 4-5 +15 (C) Within a range from +14.25 to +15.75 V
TP1 6-3 +12V (E) Within a range from +11.28 to +12.72 V
TP1 7-3 +5Vs (A) Within a range from +4.75 to +5.25 V
TP1 9-5 -15V (D) Within a range from -14.25 to -15.75 V

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-35
4.7 Antistatic Member 4. Remove the screws to remove
the antistatic member.
4.7.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:6.1} Erasure Unit

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures 3 to 5 from 5. Remove the guide plate.

the direction indicated by the
arrow in the figure.

3. Remove the screws to remove 4.7.2 Reinstallation Procedures

the antistatic member.
For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-36
4.8 IP Sensor (SG1) 3. Remove the retaining screw
of the sensor assembly, and
{SP:INDEX} slightly pull out the assembly.

4.8.1 Removal Procedures  NOTE 

The sensor assembly has the
1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
cable attached. Exercise care not
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
to damage the cable when pulling
out the sensor assembly.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.1} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

{MC:10.2} Post-Reading Guide Assembly

{MC:8.1} Light-Collecting Guide

{MC:9.} Scanning Optics Unit

4. Unclamp the clamp.
{MC:10.1} Subscanning Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures 3 to 5 from 5. Disconnect the connector, and

the direction indicated by the remove the sensor assembly.
arrow in the figure.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-37
6. Remove the screws to remove 4.8.2 Reinstallation Procedures
the sensor (SG1).

1. Reinstall the sensor (SG1), and

reinstall the screws.

2. Take the procedures 3 to 5 from

the direction indicated by the
arrow in the figure.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-38
3. Connect the connector to the 6. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
sensor assembly. procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:10.1.2} Subscanning Unit

{MC:9.2} Scanning Optics Unit

{MC:8.1.2} Light-Collecting Guide

{MC:10.2.2} Post-Reading Conveyor Guide Assembly

{MC:7.1.2} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

4. Retain the cable with the clamp.

5. Check to make sure that the

half punches are correctly fitted
with the sensor assembly, and
then reinstall the screw.

 NOTE 
Check to make sure that the
half punches are correctly fitted
with the sensor assembly before
reinstalling the screw.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-39
4.9 Casters 3. Check to make sure that the
adjustable feet have risen to
{SP:INDEX} the uppermost position.

4.9.1 Removal Procedures  NOTE 

Be sure to verify that the
1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
adjustable feet have risen to
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
the uppermost position. The
adjustable feet might get
Reference Part concerned damaged or deform when
inclining the machine.
{MC:6.1} Erasure Unit

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

{MC:7.1} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

{MC:10.2} Post-Reading Guide Assembly

{MC:8.1} Light-Collecting Guide

{MC:9.} Scanning Optics Unit

{MC:10.1} Subscanning Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Remove the screws to 4. Make sure that a working

remove the antistatic member space greater than 800 mm is
assembly. secured on the front side of the

 NOTE 
Be sure to check the working
space before taking the
procedures to follow.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-40
5. Stand on the left-hand side of 6. Remove the screws to remove
the machine. Hold the upper the caster.
part of the board box by the
right hand, and hold the portion
of the housing with the tape
applied by the left hand. Slowly
tilt the machine frontward, and
place it in a laterally lying state.

- Be sure to stand on the left-
hand side of the machine, and
hold the specified portion for the
- When tilting the machine
frontward, slowly do so,
exercising care not to have your
foot caught under the machine.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-41
4.9.2 Reinstallation Procedures 2. Make sure that a working space
greater than approx. 400 mm
is secured on the rear of the

 NOTE 
Be sure to check the working
space before taking the
procedures to follow.

1. Reinstall the caster, and

reinstall the screws.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-42
3. Stand on the left-hand side of 4. Reinstall the antistatic member
the machine. Hold the upper assembly, and reinstall the
part of the board box by the screws.
right hand, and hold the portion
of the housing with the tape
applied by the left hand. Slowly
raise the machine to stand it

- Be sure to stand on the left-
hand side of the machine, and
hold the specified portion for the
- When raising the machine,
slowly do so, exercising care not 5. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
to have your foot caught under procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
the machine.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:10.1.2} Subscanning Unit

{MC:9.2} Scanning Optics Unit

{MC:8.1.2} Light-Collecting Guide

{MC:10.2.2} Post-Reading Conveyor Guide Assembly

{MC:7.1.2} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

{MC:5.1.2} Cassette Set Unit

{MC:6.1.2} Erasure Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-43
4.10 Fan (Power Supply Unit - Lower Section) 2. Disconnect the connector,
and remove the cable from the
{SP:INDEX} clamp.

4.10.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:3.1} Front Cover

{MC:3.2} Right-Hand Side Cover

{MC:4.6} Power Supply Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

3. Remove the screws to remove

the guard and the fan.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-44
4.10.2 Reinstallation Procedures 3. Connect the connector, and put
the cable on the clamp.

1. Take the procedure 2 from the 4. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
direction indicated by the arrow procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
in the figure.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:4.6.2} Power Supply Unit

{MC:3.2.2} Right-Hand Side Cover

{MC:3.1.2} Front Cover

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Verify the mount orientation by

the arrow mark of the fan and
the orientation of the cable, and
retain the guard and the fan
with the screws.

 NOTE 
Do not mount the fan in a wrong

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-45

5. Cassette Set Unit 2. Take the procedure 3 from the

direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

5.1 Cassette Set Unit


 NOTE 
Since the cassette set unit is a heavy object, be careful about the following points when
removing, reinstalling and moving.
- Secure a sufficient working space before the operation.
- Hold the position where the “Hold here” label is applied.
- Lift the unit in a natural posture.

5.1.1 Removal Procedures 3. Unclamp the clamp, and

disconnect the connector.
1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts Put the cable aside out of the
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the housing for the protection of
parts. the cable.
Reference Part concerned
 NOTE 
{MC:3.1} Front Cover Be sure to put the cable aside out
{MC:3.2} Right-Hand Side Cover of the housing. Otherwise, the
cable and the connector might get
{MC:3.3} Rear Cover
caught when removing/reinstalling
{MC:3.4} Left-Hand Side Cover the cassette set unit.
{MC:4.1} Operation Panel Assembly

{MC:6.1} Erasure Unit

{MC:5.2} Dust-Tight Cover Assembly

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-46
4. Unclamp the clamp, and 6. Take the procedure 7 from the
disconnect the connector direction indicated by the arrow
while pushing the hook of in the figure.
the connector. Retain the
cable with the clamp for the
protection of the cable.

- As the working space is small,
exercise care not to get injured
by peripheral components when
disconnecting the connector.
- Be sure to retain the cable
with the clamp. Otherwise, the
cable and the connector might
get caught when removing/ 7. Remove the retaining screws of
reinstalling the cassette set unit. the cassette set unit.

Never remove red painted screws.

5. Remove the retaining screws of

the cassette set unit.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-47
8. Take the procedure 9 from the 9. Hold the cassette set unit on
direction indicated by the arrow the positions indicated in the
in the figure. figure. Lift the cassette set unit
above the housing frame and
 NOTE  remove it.
The heavy object is to be handled
in the following procedure. Be  NOTES 
sure to work from the direction as - Since the cassette set unit is a
instructed. heavy object, be sure to secure
a sufficient working space
before the operation, and work
in a natural posture.
- Be sure to lift the cassette set
unit above the housing frame
before removing. If the cassette
set unit has not been lifted high
enough, the unit might come
into contact with the housing,
causing the damage.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-48
5.1.2 Reinstallation Procedures

1. Hold the cassette set unit on

the positions indicated in the
figure. Lift the cassette set
unit above the housing frame,
and lower it halfway with the
housing clamp as a guide.
Push the unit against the left-
hand and then inner sides of
the housing in this order, and
vertically lower the unit for

- Always lift the cassette set unit
above the housing frame before
reinstalling. If the cassette set
unit has not been lifted high
enough, the unit might come
into contact with the housing,
causing the damage.
- Be sure to push the unit against
the left-hand and then inner
side of the housing in this order.
Otherwise, the cassette set unit
cannot be reinstalled in place,
and the housing cable might get

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-49
2. Reinstall the retaining screws 4. Reinstall the retaining screws
of the cassette set unit. of the cassette set unit.

3. Take the procedure 4 from the

direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-50
5. Take the procedures 6 and 7 7. Connect the connector, and
from the direction indicated by retain the cable with the clamp.
the arrow in the figure.

6. Unclamp the clamp, connect

the connector, and retain the
cable with the clamp.

 NOTE 
As the working space is small,
exercise care not to get injured
by peripheral components when
connecting the connector.

8. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned
{MC:5.2.2} Dust-Tight Cover Assembly
{MC:6.1.2} Erasure Unit
{MC:4.1.2} Operation Panel Assembly
{MC:3.4.2} Left-Hand Side Cover
{MC:3.3.2} Rear Cover
{MC:3.2.2} Right-Hand Side Cover
{MC:3.1.2} Front Cover
* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-51
5.2 Dust-Tight Cover Assembly 2. Take the procedures 3 and 4
from the direction indicated by
{SP:INDEX} the arrow in the figure.

5.2.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:3.1} Front Cover

{MC:3.2} Right-Hand Side Cover

{MC:3.3} Rear Cover

{MC:3.4} Left-Hand Side Cover

3. Remove the retaining screws of
{MC:4.1} Operation Panel Assembly the dust-tight cover assembly
* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to. from the direction instructed in

4. Remove the retaining screws of

the dust-tight cover assembly
from the direction instructed in

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-52
5. Hold the dust-tight cover
assembly on the position
indicated in the figure, and lift
it straight up to remove, while
exercising care not to tilt the

 NOTE 
Be sure to lift the dust-tight cover
assembly straight without tilting
it, to remove it. Otherwise, the
sensor or the gear might get

For the detailed exploded view of
the dust-tight cover assembly, see
the "Service Parts List" volume.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-53
5.2.2 Reinstallation Procedures 2. Hold the dust-tight cover
assembly on the positions
indicated in the figure, and
push the assembly against the
housing. Lower the assembly
straight down not to tilt it and

 NOTE 
Be sure to lower the dust-tight
cover assembly straight down
without tilting it, and reinstall.
Otherwise, the sensor or the gear
might get damaged.

1. Take the procedure 2 from the

direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-54
3. Take the procedures 4 and 5 6. Take the procedures 7 and 8
from the direction indicated by from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure. the arrow in the figure.

4. Check to make sure that 7. Reinstall the retaining screws

there is no difference in level of the dust-tight cover
between the dust-tight cover assembly from the direction
assembly and the side plate of instructed in DETAIL A.
the cassette set unit from the
direction instructed in DETAIL

5. Check to make sure that 8. Reinstall the retaining screws

there is no difference in level of the dust-tight cover
between the dust-tight cover assembly from the direction
assembly and the side plate of instructed in DETAIL B.
the cassette set unit from the
direction instructed in DETAIL

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-55
9. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:4.1.2} Operation Panel Assembly

{MC:3.4.2} Left-Hand Side Cover

{MC:3.3.2} Rear Cover

{MC:3.2.2} Right-Hand Side Cover

{MC:3.1.2} Front Cover

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-56
5.3 Opening/Closing the Board Box 3. Disconnect the connector.


 NOTE 
The board box can be opened/closed even when the cassette set unit is not removed from
the housing. When you open/close the board box while the cassette set unit is removed from
the housing, you do not have to perform procedures 1 to 4. Just perform procedures 5 and 6.

5.3.1 Opening the Board Box

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:3.1} Front Cover

4. Disconnect the connector
while pushing the hook of the
{MC:3.2} Right-Hand Side Cover connector.
{MC:3.3} Rear Cover  NOTE 
{MC:3.4} Left-Hand Side Cover As the working space is small,
exercise care not to get injured
* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.
by peripheral components when
disconnecting the connector.

2. Take the procedures from 3 to 6 5. Remove the screws.

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-57
6. Lift the board box and remove
the safety bar from the retainer.
Lift the safety bar and hook
it on the bracket of the board

 NOTE 
Be sure to hook the safety bar
on the bracket of the board box
to prevent the board box from
falling down. Otherwise, the board
box might fall down, hurting the

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-58
5.3.2 Closing the Board Box

1. Take the procedures from 2 to 5

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

2. While holding the position

indicated in the figure and
supporting the board box,
remove the safety bar. Lower
the safety bar and fix to the
retainer. Then lower the board

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-59
3. Reinstall the screws. 6. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:3.4.2} Left-Hand Side Cover

{MC:3.3.2} Rear Cover

{MC:3.2.2} Right-Hand Side Cover

{MC:3.1.2} Front Cover

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

4. Connect the connector.

 NOTE 
As the working space is small,
exercise care not to get injured
by peripheral components when
connecting the connector.

5. Connect the connector.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-60
5.4 Shutter Drive Arm (Opposite Reference Side)
5.4.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedure 3 from the

direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

3. Remove the KL ring, and

remove the shutter driving arm.

 NOTE 
When the shutter driving arm is
removed, the bearing installed
inside the arm might drop.
Exercise care not to miss the

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-61
5.4.2 Reinstallation Procedures 2. Install the bearing inside the
shutter driving arm. Then
mount the shutter driving arm
and the KL ring.

- Pay attention to the orientation
of mounting the bearing.
- Mount the shutter driving
arm and the bearing in place
referring to the figure.

1. Take the procedure 2 from the

direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

3. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1.2} Cassette Set Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-62
5.5 Cassette Cover Opening Mechanism Driving Motor (MA1) 4. In the direction indicated in
DETAIL B, remove the screws
{SP:INDEX} and then the motor assembly.

5.5.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures 3 and 4 5. Remove the motor (MA1) from

from the direction indicated by the vibration-proof rubber.
the arrow in the figure.

3. Disconnect the connector in the

direction indicated in DETAIL A.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-63
5.5.2 Reinstallation Procedures 3. In the direction indicated in
DETAIL A, mount the motor
assembly in the cassette set
unit with the connector oriented
as shown.

 NOTE 
When mounting the motor
assembly, ensure that the
connector is properly oriented.

1. Mount the vibration-proof 4. In the direction indicated

rubber on the motor (MA1) in DETAIL B, connect the
in such a manner that the connector.
positional relationship between
the connector for the motor
(MA1) and the half punch holes
in the vibration-proof rubber is
as indicated in the figure.
 NOTE 
If the positional relationship
between the motor and vibration-
proof rubber is not as indicated
in the figure, the motor assembly
cannot properly be mounted in
the cassette set unit.

2. Take the procedures 3 and 4 5. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
from the direction indicated by procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
the arrow in the figure.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1.2} Cassette Set Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-64
5.6 Spur Gear (Opposite Reference Side) 4. Remove the spur gears and
5.6.1 Removal Procedures - When you remove the
uppermost spur gear, the
1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
bearing may drop. Be sure to
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
keep track of the bearing.
- The uppermost spur gear on
Reference Part concerned the reference side differs in
shape and color from the one
{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit
on the opposite reference side.
{MC:5.4} Shutter Drive Arm (Opposite Reference Side) The spur gear on the opposite
* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to. reference side is white.

2. Take the procedures 3 and 4

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

3. Remove the screw.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-65
5.6.2 Reinstallation Procedures 3. With the arm lifted, mount the
spur gear and bearing.

- Ensure that the mounted bearing
is properly oriented.
- The uppermost spur gear on
the reference side differs in
shape and color from the one
on the opposite reference side.
The spur gear on the opposite
reference side is white.

1. Take the procedures from 2 to 4

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

2. Mount the spur gears. 4. Reinstall the screw.

 NOTE 
Ensure that the mounted spur
gears are properly oriented.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-66
5. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.4.2} Shutter Drive Arm (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:5.1.2} Cassette Set Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-67
5.7 Cable Junction Bracket (A) 4. Disconnect the connector.

5.7.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures from 3 to 8 5. Unclamp the clamps.

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

3. Remove the bracket. 6. Disconnect the connector.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-68
7. Remove the screws. 8. Remove the bracket while
lifting up the shutter driving
 NOTES  arm.
- Do not remove the bracket after
the screws are removed. If the  NOTE 
bracket is removed in this state, Always remove the bracket with
the sensor installed inside the the shutter driving arm lifted up.
bracket might get damaged. Otherwise, the sensor installed
- If the bracket lowers and on the bracket might interfere with
disengages after the screws are the shutter driving arm, resulting
removed, the procedure 6 is in the damage of the sensor.
not necessary. Proceed to the
procedure 8.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-69
5.7.2 Reinstallation Procedures 2. Reinstall the bracket while
lifting up the shutter driving

 NOTE 
Always install the bracket with
the shutter driving arm lifted up.
Otherwise, the sensor installed
on the bracket might interfere with
the shutter driving arm, resulting
in the damage of the sensor.

1. Take the procedures from 2 to 7

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

3. Reinstall the screws.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-70
4. Connect the connector. 7. Reinstall the bracket.

5. Verify that the cable ties are 8. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
positioned as indicated in the procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
figure, and then secure the
Reference Part concerned
cable with the clamps.
{MC:5.1.2} Cassette Set Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

6. Connect the connector.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-71
5.8 Debris Fall Prevention Shutter Sensor (SA3) 5.8.2 Reinstallation Procedures
For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.
5.8.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

{MC:5.7} Cable Junction Bracket (A)

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Remove the sensor from the

cable junction bracket.

For details on the sensor
removal/installation procedure,
see "Appendix 1-1 Sensor (5 mm
{MC: Appendix 1-1_Sensor
(5 mm Type)}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-72
5.9 Shutter Drive Arm (Reference Side)
5.9.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

{MC:5.7} Cable Junction Bracket (A)

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedure 3 from the

direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

3. Remove the KL ring, and

remove the shutter driving arm.

 NOTE 
When the shutter driving arm is
removed, the bearing installed
inside the arm might drop.
Exercise care not to miss the

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-73
5.9.2 Reinstallation Procedures 2. Install the bearing inside the
shutter driving arm. Then
mount the shutter driving arm
and the KL ring.

- Pay attention to the orientation
of mounting the bearing.
- Mount the shutter driving
arm and the bearing in place
referring to the figure.

1. Take the procedure 2 from the

direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

3. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.7.2} Cable Junction Bracket (A)

{MC:5.1.2} Cassette Set Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-74
5.10 Spur Gear (Reference Side) 2. Rotate the motor gear to a
position at which the sensor
{SP:INDEX} (SA7) and spur gear actuator
do not interfere with each other.
5.10.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

{MC:5.7} Cable Junction Bracket (A)

{MC:5.9} Shutter Drive Arm (Reference Side)

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-75
3. Take the procedures 4 and 5
from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

4. Remove the screw.

5. Remove the spur gear and


- When you remove the spur gear,
the bearing may drop. Be sure
to keep track of the bearing.
- The spur gear on the reference
side differs in shape and color
from the one on the opposite
reference side. The spur gear
on the reference side is black.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-76
5.10.2 Reinstallation Procedures 2. With the arm lifted, mount the
spur gear and bearing.

- Ensure that the mounted bearing
is properly oriented.
- The spur gear on the reference
side differs in shape and color
from the one on the opposite
reference side. The spur gear
on the reference side is black.

1. Take the procedures 2 and 3

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

3. Reinstall the screw.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-77
4. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.9.2} Shutter Drive Arm (Reference Side)

{MC:5.7.2} Cable Junction Bracket (A)

{MC:5.1.2} Cassette Set Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-78
5.11 Dumper (Opposite Reference Side) 5.11.2 Reinstallation Procedures
For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.
5.11.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

{MC:5.4} Shutter Drive Arm (Opposite Reference Side)

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedure 3 from the

direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

3. Remove the dumper (opposite

reference side).

 NOTE 
The dumpers on the reference
side and the opposite reference
side are different in color. Put
on the dumper with a dark gray
barrel on the opposite reference

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-79
5.12 Dumper (Reference Side) 5.12.2 Reinstallation Procedures
For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.
5.12.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned
{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit
{MC:5.7} Cable Junction Bracket (A)
{MC:5.9} Shutter Drive Arm (Reference Side)
* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedure 3 from the

direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

3. Remove the dumper (reference


 NOTE 
The dumpers on the reference
side and the opposite reference
side are different in color. Put on
the dumper with a light gray barrel
on the reference side.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-80
5.13 Cassette Cover Opening Assembly 3. Remove the tension coil spring
(L = 43 mm).
5.13.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

{MC:5.7} Cable Junction Bracket (A)

{MC:5.9} Shutter Drive Arm (Reference Side)

{MC:5.10} Spur Gear (Reference Side)

4. Take the procedures 5 and 6
{MC:5.4} Shutter Drive Arm (Opposite Reference Side) from the direction indicated by
{MC:5.6} Spur Gear (Opposite Reference Side) the arrow in the figure.

{MC:5.5} Cassette Cover Opening Mechanism Driving Motor (MA1)

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedure 3 from the 5. In the direction indicated in

direction indicated by the arrow DETAIL A, remove the screw
in the figure. and then the guide.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-81
6. In the direction indicated in 9. While inserting the cassette
DETAIL B, remove the screw cover opening pins into the
and then the guide. frame holes in the cassette
set unit, give a square, slightly
forward pull to the cassette
cover opening assembly.
Rotate the cassette cover
opening assembly driving shaft
until its D-cut flat surface faces
forward. Pull the left-hand side
of the cassette cover opening
assembly forward. Remove
the cassette cover opening
assembly while exercising
care not to damage the sensor
7. Take the procedure 8 from the (SA4-2) and cable.
direction indicated by the arrow
 NOTE 
in the figure.
When you remove the cassette
cover opening assembly, the
bearings may drop. Be sure to
keep track of the bearings.

8. Undo the clamps and then

position the cable outside the
cassette set unit.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-82
10. Remove the bearings.
For the detailed exploded view
of the cassette cover opening
assembly, see the "Service Parts
List" volume.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-83
5.13.2 Reinstallation Procedures 3. Mount the bearings on the
cassette cover opening
assembly driving shaft.

 NOTE 
Ensure that the mounted bearings
are properly oriented.

1. Take the procedure 2 from the 4. While exercising care so that

direction indicated by the arrow the sensor (SA4-2) cable is not
in the figure. damaged by the cassette cover
opening pin, insert the cassette
cover opening assembly in
such a manner that the two
shafts on the right-hand side
of the cassette cover opening
assembly are positioned inside
the cable that is routed inside
the right-hand side of the
cassette set unit.

2. Rotate the cassette cover

opening assembly driving shaft
until its D-cut flat surface faces

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-84
5. Insert the left-hand side of 7. Secure the cable with the
the cassette cover opening clamps.
assembly into the left-hand side
of the cassette set unit. While
inserting the cassette cover
opening pins into the frame
holes in the cassette set unit,
squarely insert the cassette
cover opening assembly.

8. Take the procedures 9 and 10

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

6. Take the procedure 7 from the 9. In the direction indicated in

direction indicated by the arrow DETAIL A, mount the guide and
in the figure. then tighten the screw.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-85
10. In the direction indicated in 13. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
DETAIL B, mount the guide and procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
then tighten the screw.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.5.2} Cassette Cover Opening Mechanism Driving Motor (MA1)

{MC:5.6.2} Spur Gear (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:5.4.2} Shutter Drive Arm (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:5.10.2} Spur Gear (Reference Side)

{MC:5.9.2} Shutter Drive Arm (Reference Side)

{MC:5.7.2} Cable Junction Bracket (A)

{MC:5.1.2} Cassette Set Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

11. Take the procedure 12 from the
direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

12. Mount the tension coil spring

(L = 43 mm).

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-86
5.14 Cassette Cover Opening Assembly Driving Shaft 3. Rotate the cassette cover
opening assembly driving shaft
{SP:INDEX} until the cam screw on the
leftmost end of the cassette
5.14.1 Removal Procedures cover opening assembly
driving shaft can be rotated
1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
with a screwdriver. Remove the
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
parts. screw. Move the cam inward
and then remove the straight
Reference Part concerned pin.
{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit
 NOTE 
{MC:5.5} Cassette Cover Opening Mechanism Driving Motor (MA1) When you move the cam, the
{MC:5.7} Cable Junction Bracket (A) straight pin may drop. Be sure to
keep track of the straight pin.
{MC:5.9} Shutter Drive Arm (Reference Side)

{MC:5.4} Shutter Drive Arm (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:5.6} Spur Gear (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:5.10} Spur Gear (Reference Side)

{MC:5.13} Cassette Cover Opening Assembly

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures 3 to 7 from

the direction indicated by the
arrow in the figure.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-87
4. Rotate the cassette cover 5. Remove the right- and left-
opening assembly driving shaft hand KL rings that secure
until the second cam screw the cassette cover opening
from the left of the cassette assembly driving shaft.
cover opening assembly
driving shaft can be rotated
with a screwdriver. Remove the
screw. Move the cam inward
and then remove the straight

 NOTE 
When you move the cam, the
straight pin may drop. Be sure to
keep track of the straight pin.

6. Locate the two cams and the

bearing on the left-hand side
of the cassette cover opening
assembly driving shaft. Move
these parts inward.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-88
7. Move the cassette cover 8. Remove the bearings and
opening assembly driving shaft cams.
to the left, pull its rightmost end
forward, and then remove the
entire cassette cover opening
assembly driving shaft.

 NOTE 
When you move the cassette
cover opening assembly driving
shaft, the bearings and cams may
drop. Be sure to keep track of

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-89
5.14.2 Reinstallation Procedures 3. Insert the leftmost end of
the cassette cover opening
assembly driving shaft into the
hole in the left-hand side of
the cassette set unit. Push the
rightmost end inward. Insert
the rightmost end into the hole
in the right-hand side of the
cassette set unit.

1. Locate the marking on the

cassette cover opening
assembly driving shaft. With
the marked end positioned on
the right-hand side, install two
cams over the left-hand side of
the shaft. Verify that the two
inner cams are oriented in the
same direction and that the two
outer cams are oriented in the
same direction.

2. Install the bearings over both

ends of the cassette cover
opening assembly driving

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-90
4. Mount the bearings over the 5. Rotate the cassette cover
holes in both sides of the opening assembly driving shaft
cassette set unit. Secure until the second cam screw
the cassette cover opening from the left of the cassette
assembly driving shaft with the cover opening assembly
KL rings. driving shaft can be rotated
with a screwdriver. Insert the
straight pin into the cassette
cover opening assembly
driving shaft. Move the cam
outward and then install the
screw to secure the cam.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-91
6. Rotate the cassette cover 7. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
opening assembly driving shaft procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
until the cam screw on the
Reference Part concerned
leftmost end of the cassette
cover opening assembly {MC:5.13.2} Cassette Cover Opening Assembly
driving shaft can be rotated
{MC:5.5.2} Cassette Cover Opening Mechanism Driving Motor (MA1)
with a screwdriver. Insert the
straight pin into the cassette {MC:5.6.2} Spur Gear (Opposite Reference Side)
cover opening assembly {MC:5.4.2} Shutter Drive Arm (Opposite Reference Side)
driving shaft. Move the cam
outward and then install the {MC:5.10.2} Spur Gear (Reference Side)
screw to secure the cam. {MC:5.9.2} Shutter Drive Arm (Reference Side)

{MC:5.7.2} Cable Junction Bracket (A)

{MC:5.1.2} Cassette Set Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-92
5.15 Cable Junction Bracket (B) 4. Disconnect the connector.

5.15.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures from 3 to 8 5. Remove the screw.

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

3. Unclamp the clamps. 6. Remove the cable junction

bracket (B).

 NOTE 
The cable is still attached to the
removed cable junction bracket
(B). Exercise care not to damage
the cable.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-93
7. Unclamp the clamps. 5.15.2 Reinstallation Procedures
For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.

8. While pressing the connector

hook with long-nose pliers,
remove the connector from
the bracket. Remove the cable
from the clamp.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-94
5.16 Antistatic Member 5.16.2 Reinstallation Procedures
For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.
5.16.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedure 3 from the

direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

3. Remove the screws to remove

the antistatic member.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-95
5.17 Shutter Assembly 3. Remove the screws. Remove
the shutter assembly (left-
{SP:INDEX} hand) while rotating it forward
to release the latches from the
5.17.1 Removal Procedures frame holes.
1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedure 3 from the

direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-96
4. Disassemble the shutter 5.17.2 Reinstallation Procedures

5. Remove the shutter assembly 1. Reassemble the shutter

(right-hand) by performing assembly. Verify that the
steps similar to steps 3 and 4. leading end of the torsion coil
spring is lodged in the shutter

 NOTE 
Hold the reassembled shutter
assembly by hand. If it is not held
by hand, it is disassembled by the
action of the torsion coil spring.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-97
2. Take the procedures 3 and 4 3. While inserting the leading
from the direction indicated by end of the torsion coil spring
the arrow in the figure. into the groove in the guide
plate, position the shutter
assembly in the cassette set
unit. Slightly lift the shutter
assembly. While rotating the
lifted shutter assembly, insert
the shutter assembly latches
into the frame holes. Install the
screws to secure the shutter

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-98
4. Press the shutter by hand and then release it to check that the shutter is returned
by spring action.
5. Mount the shutter assembly (right-hand) by performing steps similar to steps 1 to

6. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1.2} Cassette Set Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-99
5.18 Damper Return Spring (Opposite Reference Side) 5.18.2 Reinstallation Procedures

5.18.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedure 3 from the 1. Take the procedure 2 from the
direction indicated by the arrow direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure. in the figure.

3. Remove the damper return 2. Attach the damper return

spring (L = 67 mm). spring (L = 67 mm) to the spur
gear protrusion and cassette
 NOTE  set unit bracket. Ensure that
The damper return spring on the the damper return spring is
reference side differs in length properly positioned.
from the one on the opposite  NOTES 
reference side. The spring on the - The damper return spring on the
opposite reference side is 67 mm reference side differs in length
long. from the one on the opposite
reference side. The 67 mm long
spring must be mounted on the
opposite reference side.
- Pay due attention to the damper
return spring mounting position.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-100
3. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1.2} Cassette Set Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-101
5.19 Damper Return Spring (Reference Side) 5.19.2 Reinstallation Procedures

5.19.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedure 3 from the 1. Take the procedure 2 from the
direction indicated by the arrow direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure. in the figure.

3. Remove the damper return 2. Attach the damper return

spring (L = 72 mm). spring (L = 72 mm) to the spur
gear protrusion and cassette
 NOTE  set unit bracket. Ensure that
The damper return spring on the the damper return spring is
reference side differs in length properly positioned.
from the one on the opposite  NOTES 
reference side. The spring on the - The damper return spring on the
reference side is 72 mm long. reference side differs in length
from the one on the opposite
reference side. The 72 mm long
spring must be mounted on the
reference side.
- Pay due attention to the damper
return spring mounting position.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-102
3. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1.2} Cassette Set Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-103
5.20 Sensor Bracket Assembly (SA8/SA10/SA12) 4. Disconnect the connectors.

5.20.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures from 3 to 6 5. Remove the screws.

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

3. Unclamp the clamps. 6. Remove the sensor bracket


 NOTE 
The cable is still attached to
the removed sensor bracket
assembly. Exercise care not to
damage the cable.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-104
7. Disconnect the connector. 5.20.2 Reinstallation Procedures
For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.

8. Remove the sensors.

For details on the sensor
removal/installation procedure,
see "Appendix 1-1 Sensor (5 mm
{MC: Appendix 1-1_Sensor
(5 mm Type)}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-105
5.21 Bearing Retaining Bracket (Reference Side) 4. Remove the bracket.

5.21.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

{MC:5.19} Damper Return Spring (Reference Side)

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures 3 and 4 5.21.2 Reinstallation Procedures

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure. For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.

3. Remove the spring (L = 38 mm).

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-106
5.22 Bearing Retaining Bracket (Opposite Reference Side) 5.22.2 Reinstallation Procedures
For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.
5.22.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

{MC:5.18} Damper Return Spring (Opposite Reference Side)

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedure 3 from the

direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

3. Remove the bracket.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-107
5.23 Cassette Cover Closing Mechanism Driving Gear 4. In the direction indicated in
DETAIL B, remove the spur
{SP:INDEX} gear and straight pin while
supporting the cassette cover
5.23.1 Removal Procedures closing assembly shaft by
1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
 NOTE 
When you remove the spur gear,
Reference Part concerned the straight pin may drop. Be
{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit sure to keep track of the straight
{MC:5.20} Sensor Bracket Assembly (SA8/SA10/SA12)

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures 3 and 4 5. While supporting the cassette

from the direction indicated by cover closing assembly by
the arrow in the figure. hand, lower it to its lowermost

3. In the direction indicated in 6. Remove the spur gear.

DETAIL A, support the cassette
cover closing assembly shaft
by hand.

When you remove the spur gear
in procedure 4, the cassette cover
closing assembly may drop. To
prevent the cassette cover closing
assembly from dropping and
becoming damaged, support the
cassette cover closing assembly
by hand before spur gear

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-108
5.23.2 Reinstallation Procedures

For installation, there is no need to support the cassette cover closing assembly by hand.
Mount the spur gear while the cassette cover closing assembly is at its lowermost position.

For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-109
5.24 Cassette Hold Release Arm 5.24.2 Reinstallation Procedures

5.24.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned
{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit
{MC:5.19} Damper Return Spring (Reference Side)
{MC:5.21} Bearing Retaining Bracket (Reference Side)
* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedure 3 from the 1. Take the procedure 2 from the
direction indicated by the arrow direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure. in the figure.

3. Remove the screws. Remove 2. Screw down the flange and

the flange and hold release hold release arm.
 NOTE 
Exercise care not to overtighten
the screws. If you overtighten the
screws, the flange may become
damaged, causing the arm to
improperly operate.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-110
3. Press the hold release arm to
check for improper operation.

4. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.21.2} Bearing Retaining Bracket (Reference Side)

{MC:5.19.2} Damper Return Spring (Reference Side)

{MC:5.1.2} Cassette Set Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-111
5.25 Cassette IP Holding Arm Assembly 2. Take the procedures 3 and 4
from the direction indicated by
{SP:INDEX} the arrow in the figure.

5.25.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

{MC:5.7} Cable Junction Bracket (A)

{MC:5.19} Damper Return Spring (Reference Side)

{MC:5.18} Damper Return Spring (Opposite Reference Side)

3. Remove the spring (L = 43 mm).
{MC:5.20} Sensor Bracket Assembly (SA8/SA10/SA12)
{MC:5.9} Shutter Drive Arm (Reference Side)
The same tension coil spring (L =
{MC:5.4} Shutter Drive Arm (Opposite Reference Side) 43 mm) is used for the cassette
IP holding arm assemblies on
{MC:5.21} Bearing Retaining Bracket (Reference Side)
the reference side and opposite
{MC:5.22} Bearing Retaining Bracket (Opposite Reference Side) reference side.
{MC:5.23} Cassette Cover Closing Mechanism Driving Gear

{MC:5.6} Spur Gear (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:5.10} Spur Gear (Reference Side)

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

4. Removing the driving arm.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-112
5. Take the procedures from 6 to 9 8. Move the cassette IP holding
from the direction indicated by arm assembly in the direction
the arrow in the figure. of the arrow until it reaches its
uppermost position.

After the cassette IP holding
arm assembly is moved to its
uppermost position, the lever can
be removed horizontally from the
opening in the side plate.

6. Remove the spring (L = 43 mm). 9. Remove the lever on the

opposite reference side.

7. Removing the driving arm. 10. Take the procedures 11 and 12

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-113
11. Move the cassette IP holding 5.25.2 Reinstallation Procedures
arm assembly in the direction
of the arrow until it reaches its For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.
uppermost position.

After the cassette IP holding
arm assembly is moved to its
uppermost position, the lever can
be removed horizontally from the
opening in the side plate.

12. Remove the lever on the  INSTRUCTION 

reference side.
Mount the cassette IP holding arm
with its holed side facing upward.

13. Remove the cassette IP holding


05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-114
5.26 Cassette Inlet Guide Assembly 2. Take the procedures 3 and 4
from the direction indicated by
{SP:INDEX} the arrow in the figure.

5.26.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

{MC:5.7} Cable Junction Bracket (A)

{MC:5.19} Damper Return Spring (Reference Side)

{MC:5.18} Damper Return Spring (Opposite Reference Side)

3. In the direction indicated in
{MC:5.20} Sensor Bracket Assembly (SA8/SA10/SA12) DETAIL A, remove the screws.
{MC:5.9} Shutter Drive Arm (Reference Side)

{MC:5.4} Shutter Drive Arm (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:5.21} Bearing Retaining Bracket (Reference Side)

{MC:5.22} Bearing Retaining Bracket (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:5.23} Cassette Cover Closing Mechanism Driving Gear

{MC:5.6} Spur Gear (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:5.10} Spur Gear (Reference Side)

{MC:5.24} Cassette Hold Release Arm

{MC:5.25} Cassette IP Holding Arm Assembly

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to. 4. In the direction indicated in
DETAIL B, remove the screws.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-115
5. Remove the cassette inlet 5.26.2 Reinstallation Procedures
guide assembly.
For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-116
5.27 Cassette Insertion Error Sensor (SA14) 4. Remove the sensor (SA14).

For details on the sensor
5.27.1 Removal Procedures removal/installation procedure,
see "Appendix 1-1 Sensor (5 mm
1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts Type)."
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the {MC: Appendix 1-1_Sensor
parts. (5 mm Type)}
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures 3 and 4 5.27.2 Reinstallation Procedures

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure. For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.

3. Disconnect the connector.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-117
5.28 Cassette Ejection Sensor (SA11) 4. Remove the screw.

5.28.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

{MC:5.15} Cable Junction Bracket (B)

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures 3 to 7 from 5. Hold the portion indicated in

the direction indicated by the the figure, rotate the sensor
arrow in the figure. assembly, and pull it downward
and out.

3. Undo the clamp and then

remove the cable from the

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-118
6. Disconnect the connector.

7. Remove the sensor (SA11) from

the bracket.

For details on the sensor
removal/installation procedure,
see "Appendix 1-1 Sensor (5 mm
{MC: Appendix 1-1_Sensor
(5 mm Type)}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-119
5.28.2 Reinstallation Procedures 3. Connect the connector.

1. Mount the sensor (SA11) on the 4. Hold the portion indicated in

bracket. the figure, insert the sensor
assembly into the setting unit,
and hook the sensor assembly
in the bracket hole.

2. Take the procedures from 3 to 6

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-120
5. Verify that the sensor assembly
is properly mounted on the
half punch, and then install the

6. Verify that the cable ties are

positioned as indicated in the
figure, push the cable into the
clamp, and secure the clamp.

7. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.15.2} Cable Junction Bracket (B)

{MC:5.1.2} Cassette Set Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-121
5.29 Cable Junction Bracket (C) 4. Remove the screws.

5.29.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

{MC:5.3} Opening/Closing the Board Box

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures 3 to 7 from

the direction indicated by the
arrow in the figure.

3. Unclamp the clamps.

 NOTE 
Since the working space is small,
exercise care not to get injured
on your hands by the edge of the

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-122
5. Position the cable so as to 6. Disconnect the lower
prevent it from being caught connector.
by the bracket clamp. Move
the bracket to the center of the
cassette set unit. Remove the
bracket by rotating it.

 NOTE 
Be sure to move the bracket with
the cable positioned away from
the bracket clamp. If you do not
observe this precaution, the cable
may be caught by the clamp and

7. Disconnect the upper

connector from the bracket
while depressing both sides of
the connector.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-123
5.29.2 Reinstallation Procedures 3. Insert the bracket beneath
the board box shaft. While
positioning the cable so as to
prevent it from being caught by
the bracket clamp, mount the

 NOTE 
Be sure to mount the bracket with
the cable positioned away from
the bracket clamp. If you do not
observe this precaution, the cable
may be caught by the clamp and
captured within the bracket.

1. Take the procedures from 2 to 5

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

2. Mount the upper connector on

the bracket and connect the
lower connector to the upper

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-124
4. Reinstall the screws. 6. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
 NOTE 
Reference Part concerned
When tightening the screws,
exercise care so that the cable is {MC:5.3.2} Opening/Closing the Board Box
not caught.
{MC:5.1.2} Cassette Set Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

5. Secure the cable with the


 NOTE 
The work space is limited. When
securing the clamps, exercise
care so that your hands are not
injured by bracket edges.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-125
5.30 Cassette Cover Closing Mechanism Driving Motor (MA2) 3. While supporting the motor
(MA2) by hand, remove the
{SP:INDEX} screws.

5.30.1 Removal Procedures  NOTE 

Be sure to support the motor by
1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
hand. Upon screw removal, the
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
motor may drop.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

{MC:5.3} Opening/Closing the Board Box

{MC:5.20} Sensor Bracket Assembly (SA8/SA10/SA12)

{MC:5.23} Cassette Cover Closing Mechanism Driving Gear

4. Locate the WP screw
{MC:5.29} Cable Junction Bracket (C) protrusions on the motor (MA2)
* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to. shaft. With the protrusions
aligned with the opening in the
side plate, remove the motor

2. Take the procedures 3 and 4 5.30.2 Reinstallation Procedures

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure. For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-126
5.31 IP Removal Unit Link Mechanism (Opposite Reference 3. Take the procedures from 4 to 7
from the direction indicated by
Side Gear) the arrow in the figure.
5.31.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Hold the arm (white) to move 4. Remove the arm (white).

the IP removal arm to the
lowermost position.

When you remove the IP
removal unit link mechanism,
the IP removal arm may drop.
To prevent the IP removal arm
from being damaged, move the
IP removal arm to its lowermost
position before IP removal unit
link mechanism removal.

5. Remove the screw.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-127
6. Remove the gear. 5.31.2 Reinstallation Procedures

7. Remove the spur gears. 1. Take the procedures from 2 to 5

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

2. Mount the spur gears.

 NOTE 
Ensure that the mounted spur
gears are properly oriented.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-128
3. Mount the gear. 6. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1.2} Cassette Set Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

4. Reinstall the screw.

5. Mount the arm (white).

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-129
5.32 IP Removal Unit Link Mechanism (Reference Side Gear) 3. Take the procedures from 4 to 6
from the direction indicated by
{SP:INDEX} the arrow in the figure.

5.32.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

{MC:5.7} Cable Junction Bracket (A)

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Hold the arm (white) to move 4. Remove the arm (white).

the IP removal arm to the
lowermost position.

When you remove the IP
removal unit link mechanism,
the IP removal arm may drop.
To prevent the IP removal arm
from being damaged, move the
IP removal arm to its lowermost
position before IP removal unit
link mechanism removal.

5. Remove the screw.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-130
6. Remove the gear. 5.32.2 Reinstallation Procedures
For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-131
5.33 Suction Arm Driving Motor (MA3) 3. Disconnect the connector.

5.33.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

{MC:5.3} Opening/Closing the Board Box

{MC:5.31} IP Removal Unit Link Mechanism (Opposite Reference Side Gear)

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

4. Remove the screws and then
the motor assembly.

2. Take the procedures from 3 to 6 5. Remove the motor (MA3) from

from the direction indicated by the vibration-proof rubber.
the arrow in the figure.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-132
5.33.2 Reinstallation Procedures 3. Mount the motor assembly in
the cassette set unit with the
connector oriented as shown.

 NOTE 
When mounting the motor
assembly, ensure that the
connector is properly oriented.

1. Mount the vibration-proof 4. Connect the connector.

rubber on the motor (MA3)
in such a manner that the
positional relationship between
the connector for the motor
and the half punch holes in the
vibration-proof rubber is as
indicated in the figure.
 NOTE 
If the positional relationship
between the motor and vibration-
proof rubber is not as indicated
in the figure, the motor assembly
cannot properly be mounted in
the cassette set unit.

2. Take the procedures 3 and 4 5. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
from the direction indicated by procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
the arrow in the figure.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.31.2} IP Removal Unit Link Mechanism (Opposite Reference Side Gear)

{MC:5.3.2} Opening/Closing the Board Box

{MC:5.1.2} Cassette Set Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-133
5.34 Cable Junction Bracket (D) 3. Unclamp the clamps.

5.34.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

{MC:5.3} Opening/Closing the Board Box

{MC:5.31} IP Removal Unit Link Mechanism (Opposite Reference Side Gear)

{MC:5.33} Suction Arm Driving Motor (MA3)

4. Take the procedure 5 from the
* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to. direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

2. Take the procedure 3 from the 5. Remove the screws.

direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-134
6. Take the procedure 7 from the 5.34.2 Reinstallation Procedures
direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure. For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.

7. Move the cable junction bracket

(D) to the center of the cassette
set unit. Remove the cable
junction bracket (D) by rotating

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-135
5.35 Cassette Cover Closing Assembly Driving Shaft 3. Remove KL ring.

5.35.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

{MC:5.3} Opening/Closing the Board Box

{MC:5.20} Sensor Bracket Assembly (SA8/SA10/SA12)

{MC:5.29} Cable Junction Bracket (C)

4. Move the spur gear and remove
{MC:5.31} IP Removal Unit Link Mechanism (Opposite Reference Side Gear) the straight pin.
{MC:5.23} Cassette Cover Closing Mechanism Driving Gear
 NOTE 
{MC:5.33} Suction Arm Driving Motor (MA3) When you move the spur gear,
{MC:5.30} Cassette Cover Closing Mechanism Driving Motor (MA2) the straight pin may drop. Be
sure to keep track of the straight
{MC:5.34} Cable Junction Bracket (D) pin.
* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures from 3 to 5

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-136
5. Move the bearing. 8. Remove the cassette cover
closing assembly driving shaft.

6. Take the procedures 7 and 8

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

7. Pull the leftmost end of

the cassette cover closing
assembly driving shaft away
from the side plate.

 NOTE 
Also remove the bearing that is
attached to the side plate.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-137
5.35.2 Reinstallation Procedures 2. Insert the cassette cover
closing assembly driving shaft
into the cassette set unit.

1. Engage the rightmost end of 3. Engage one end of the cassette

the cassette cover closing cover closing assembly driving
assembly driving shaft with the shaft with the side plate on the
right-hand side plate. Ensure reference side.
that the cassette cover closing
assembly driving shaft is
properly oriented.

 NOTE 
Pay attention to the orientation
of the cassette cover closing
assembly driving shaft. Ensure
that the shaft end without a KL
ring is engaged with the side plate
on the opposite reference side.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-138
4. Take the procedures from 5 to 7 6. Insert the straight pin into its
from the direction indicated by position and then move the
the arrow in the figure. spur gear.

5. Insert the bearing into the hole

in the right-hand side plate.

7. Mount the KL ring to secure the

spur gear.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-139
8. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.34.2} Cable Junction Bracket (D)

{MC:5.30.2} Cassette Cover Closing Mechanism Driving Motor (MA2)

{MC:5.33.2} Suction Arm Driving Motor (MA3)

{MC:5.23.2} Cassette Cover Closing Mechanism Driving Gear

{MC:5.31.2} IP Removal Unit Link Mechanism (Opposite Reference Side Gear)

{MC:5.29.2} Cable Junction Bracket (C)

{MC:5.20.2} Sensor Bracket Assembly (SA8/SA10/SA12)

{MC:5.3.2} Opening/Closing the Board Box

{MC:5.1.2} Cassette Set Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-140
5.36 Cassette Cover Closing Assembly 2. Close the board box.
{MC:5.3.2_Closing the Board Box}
5.36.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned
{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit
{MC:5.3} Opening/Closing the Board Box
{MC:5.7} Cable Junction Bracket (A)
{MC:5.19} Damper Return Spring (Reference Side)
{MC:5.18} Damper Return Spring (Opposite Reference Side)
{MC:5.20} Sensor Bracket Assembly (SA8/SA10/SA12)
{MC:5.29} Cable Junction Bracket (C)
{MC:5.31} IP Removal Unit Link Mechanism (Opposite Reference Side Gear)
{MC:5.9} Shutter Drive Arm (Reference Side)
{MC:5.4} Shutter Drive Arm (Opposite Reference Side)
{MC:5.21} Bearing Retaining Bracket (Reference Side)
{MC:5.22} Bearing Retaining Bracket (Opposite Reference Side)
{MC:5.23} Cassette Cover Closing Mechanism Driving Gear
{MC:5.33} Suction Arm Driving Motor (MA3)
{MC:5.6} Spur Gear (Opposite Reference Side)
{MC:5.10} Spur Gear (Reference Side)
{MC:5.24} Cassette Hold Release Arm
{MC:5.30} Cassette Cover Closing Mechanism Driving Motor (MA2)
{MC:5.34} Cable Junction Bracket (D)
{MC:5.25} Cassette IP Holding Arm Assembly
{MC:5.26} Cassette Inlet Guide Assembly
{MC:5.35} Cassette Cover Closing Assembly Driving Shaft

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-141
3. Take the procedures 4 and 5 5. In the direction indicated in
from the direction indicated by DETAIL B, remove the screw
the arrow in the figure. and then the bearing while
supporting the cassette cover
closing assembly by hand.

 NOTE 
Be sure to support the cassette
cover closing assembly by hand.
If the cassette cover closing
assembly is tilted, the actuator
may come into contact with the
side plate opening section and
become damaged.

4. In the direction indicated in

DETAIL A, remove the screw
and then the bearing while
supporting the cassette cover
closing assembly by hand.

 NOTE 
Be sure to support the cassette
cover closing assembly by hand.
If the cassette cover closing
assembly is tilted, the actuator
may come into contact with the
side plate opening section and
become damaged.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-142
6. Hold the cassette cover 5.36.2 Reinstallation Procedures
closing assembly with both
hands, and horizontally move For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.
it until the actuator lodges
into the opening in the side
plate. Verify that the actuator
is not in contact with the side
plate. With the right-hand side
of the cassette cover closing
assembly handled as a fulcrum,
remove the cassette cover
closing assembly by lifting its
left-hand side.

- For details on the cassette
cover closing roller removal/
reinstallation procedure, see
"5.37 Cassette Cover Closing
{MC:5.37_Cassette Cover
Closing Roller}
- For the detailed exploded view
of the cassette cover closing
assembly, see the "Service
Parts List" volume.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-143
5.37 Cassette Cover Closing Roller 2. Take the procedure 3 from the
direction indicated by the arrow
{SP:INDEX} in the figure.

5.37.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned
{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit
{MC:5.3} Opening/Closing the Board Box
{MC:5.7} Cable Junction Bracket (A)
{MC:5.19} Damper Return Spring (Reference Side)
3. Remove the torsion coil spring
{MC:5.18} Damper Return Spring (Opposite Reference Side) hook with long-nose pliers or
{MC:5.20} Sensor Bracket Assembly (SA8/SA10/SA12) the like. Move the torsion coil
spring inward.
{MC:5.29} Cable Junction Bracket (C)
{MC:5.31} IP Removal Unit Link Mechanism (Opposite Reference Side Gear)
{MC:5.9} Shutter Drive Arm (Reference Side)
{MC:5.4} Shutter Drive Arm (Opposite Reference Side)
{MC:5.21} Bearing Retaining Bracket (Reference Side)
{MC:5.22} Bearing Retaining Bracket (Opposite Reference Side)
{MC:5.23} Cassette Cover Closing Mechanism Driving Gear
{MC:5.33} Suction Arm Driving Motor (MA3)
{MC:5.6} Spur Gear (Opposite Reference Side)
{MC:5.10} Spur Gear (Reference Side)
{MC:5.24} Cassette Hold Release Arm
{MC:5.30} Cassette Cover Closing Mechanism Driving Motor (MA2)
{MC:5.34} Cable Junction Bracket (D)
{MC:5.25} Cassette IP Holding Arm Assembly
{MC:5.26} Cassette Inlet Guide Assembly
{MC:5.35} Cassette Cover Closing Assembly Driving Shaft
{MC:5.36} Cassette Cover Closing Assembly

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-144
4. Take the procedure 5 from the 6. Lift the roller assembly along
direction indicated by the arrow the grooves. Move the roller
in the figure. assembly to the right and pull
its leftmost end away from the
left-hand groove.

 NOTE 
When you remove the roller
assembly, the bearing may drop.
Be sure to keep track of the

5. Remove the torsion coil spring

hook with long-nose pliers or
the like. Move the torsion coil
spring inward.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-145
7. Pull the rightmost end of the 8. Remove the outside retaining
roller assembly away from the KL rings from the rollers (white).
right-hand groove. Remove the Remove the rollers (white).
roller assembly and bearings. Remove the inside retaining KL
 NOTE 
When you remove the roller
assembly, the bearing may drop.
Be sure to keep track of the

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-146
9. Remove the KL rings that retain
the roller (black). Move the
rollers (black).

10. Remove the KL ring and then

the rollers (black).

11. Remove the KL ring, and then

remove the resin rollers and
the ring.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-147
5.37.2 Reinstallation Procedures 3. Mount the KL ring.

1. Put the resin rollers and the 4. Move the rollers (black) and
ring over the shaft, and put on then mount the KL rings.
the KL ring.

2. Install the rollers (black) over

the roller. Ensure that the
rollers (black) are oriented as
indicated in the figure.

 NOTE 
Ensure that the rollers (black) are
properly oriented.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-148
5 Mount the inside retaining KL 6. Install the bearings over the
rings for the rollers (white). roller assembly. Tilt the roller
Mount the rollers (white), assembly and then insert its
and then mount the outside rightmost end into the hole
retaining KL rings. in the cassette cover closing

 NOTE 
Insert the roller assembly while
exercising care to its orientation
so that it is oriented as shown in
the figure.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-149
7. Insert the leftmost end of the 8. Take the procedure 9 from the
roller assembly into the groove. direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

9. Engage the lower end of the

torsion coil spring with the
bearing. With long-nose
pliers or the like, lodge the
hook on the upper end of the
torsion coil spring in the hole
in the cassette cover closing

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-150
10. Take the procedure 11 from the 12. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
direction indicated by the arrow procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
in the figure.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.36.2} Cassette Cover Closing Assembly

{MC:5.35.2} Cassette Cover Closing Assembly Driving Shaft

{MC:5.26.2} Cassette Inlet Guide Assembly

{MC:5.25.2} Cassette IP Holding Arm Assembly

{MC:5.34.2} Cable Junction Bracket (D)

{MC:5.30.2} Cassette Cover Closing Mechanism Driving Motor (MA2)

{MC:5.24.2} Cassette Hold Release Arm

{MC:5.10.2} Spur Gear (Reference Side)

11. Engage the lower end of the {MC:5.6.2} Spur Gear (Opposite Reference Side)
torsion coil spring with the
bearing. With long-nose {MC:5.33.2} Suction Arm Driving Motor (MA3)
pliers or the like, lodge the {MC:5.23.2} Cassette Cover Closing Mechanism Driving Gear
hook on the upper end of the
{MC:5.22.2} Bearing Retaining Bracket (Opposite Reference Side)
torsion coil spring in the hole
in the cassette cover closing {MC:5.21.2} Bearing Retaining Bracket (Reference Side)
{MC:5.4.2} Shutter Drive Arm (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:5.9.2} Shutter Drive Arm (Reference Side)

{MC:5.31.2} IP Removal Unit Link Mechanism (Opposite Reference Side Gear)

{MC:5.29.2} Cable Junction Bracket (C)

{MC:5.20.2} Sensor Bracket Assembly (SA8/SA10/SA12)

{MC:5.18.2} Damper Return Spring (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:5.19.2} Damper Return Spring (Reference Side)

{MC:5.7.2} Cable Junction Bracket (A)

{MC:5.3.2} Opening/Closing the Board Box

{MC:5.1.2} Cassette Set Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-151
5.38 Hose 4. Remove the hose.

 NOTE 
Exercise care not to damage the
5.38.1 Removal Procedures hose when removing it.

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.3} Opening/Closing the Board Box

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures 3 and 4

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

3. Remove the hose.

 NOTE 
Exercise care not to damage the
hose when removing it.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-152
5.38.2 Reinstallation Procedures 2. Attach the hose.

- When attaching the hose,
exercise care not to damage it.
- Be sure to attach the hose to
the suction side of the IP suction
- Insert the hose to the innermost

1. Take the procedures 2 and 3

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

3. Attach the hose.

 NOTE 
When attaching the hose,
exercise care not to damage it.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-153
4. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.3.2} Opening/Closing the Board Box

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-154
5.39 Hose Joints 4. Remove the hoses.

Exercise care not to damage the
5.39.1 Removal Procedures hose when removing it.

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.3} Opening/Closing the Board Box

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures from 3 to 5 5. Remove the screw. Remove

from the direction indicated by the bracket and hose joints.
the arrow in the figure.

3. Remove the hose. 5.39.2 Reinstallation Procedures

 NOTE  For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.
Exercise care not to damage the
hose when removing it.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-155
5.40 IP Air Leak Valve Assembly (SVA1/SVA2) 4. While pushing the hook
of the connector with the
{SP:INDEX} longnose pliers, disconnect the
connector from the bracket.
5.40.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.3} Opening/Closing the Board Box

{MC:5.38} Hose

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures from 3 to 6 5. Disconnect the connectors.

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

3. Disconnect the connector. 6. Remove the screw. Remove

the IP air leak valve assembly.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-156
5.40.2 Reinstallation Procedures 3. Connect the connectors.

1. Take the procedures from 2 to 5 4. Attach the connector to the

from the direction indicated by bracket.
the arrow in the figure.

2. Mount the IP air leak valve 5. Connect the connector.


 NOTE 
When mounting the IP air leak
valve assembly, exercise care so
that the cable is not caught by the

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-157
6. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.38.2} Hose

{MC:5.3.2} Opening/Closing the Board Box

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-158
5.41 IP Suction Pump (PA1) 4. Disconnect the connector, and
unclamp the clamp.
5.41.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.3} Opening/Closing the Board Box

{MC:5.38} Hose

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedure 3 from the 5. While pushing the hook

direction indicated by the arrow of the connector with the
in the figure. longnose pliers, disconnect the
connector from the bracket.

3. Remove the hose. 6. Remove the retaining screw of

the pump.
 NOTE 
Exercise care not to damage the
hose when removing it.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-159
7. Remove the pump. 5.41.2 Reinstallation Procedures

1. Mount the IP suction pump

so that the IP suction cable
pump is located behind the IP
leak valve assembly. Put on
the retaining screw of the IP
suction pump.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-160
2. Attach the connector to the 4. Attach the hose.
- Be sure to attach the hose to
the suction side of the IP suction
- Insert the hose to the innermost

3. Retain the cable with the clamp,

and connect the connector.

5. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.38.2} Hose

{MC:5.3.2} Opening/Closing the Board Box

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-161
5.42 IP Suction Sensor (SA5) 4. Remove the screw. Remove
the sensor (SA6).
5.42.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.3} Opening/Closing the Board Box

{MC:5.38} Hose

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures 3 and 4

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

3. Disconnect the connector and

then undo the clamp.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-162
5.42.2 Reinstallation Procedures 3. Secure the clamps and then
connect the connector.

1. Take the procedures 2 and 3 4. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
from the direction indicated by procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
the arrow in the figure.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.38.2} Hose

{MC:5.3.2} Opening/Closing the Board Box

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Orient the cable as indicated in

the figure and then mount the
sensor (SA5).

 NOTE 
When mounting the suction
sensor, exercise care so that the
hose is not caught.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-163
5.43 IP Dropping Sensor Assembly 4. Pull out the bracket, and
unclamp the clamp.
 NOTE 
5.43.1 Removal Procedures Since the working space is small,
exercise care not to get injured
1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
on your hands by the edge of the
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.3} Opening/Closing the Board Box

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures from 3 to 5 5. Disconnect the connector.

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

3. Remove the retaining screws of

the bracket.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-164
5.43.2 Reinstallation Procedures 3. Verify that the cable ties are
positioned as indicated in the
figure, and then secure the
cable with the clamps.

1. Take the procedures from 2 to 4 4. Check to make sure that the

from the direction indicated by bracket is correctly mounted
the arrow in the figure. on the half punches, before
retaining with the screws.

 NOTE 
Always make sure that the
bracket is correctly mounted on
the half punches, before retaining
with the screws.

2. Connect the connector. 5. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.3.2} Opening/Closing the Board Box

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-165
5.44 IP Dropping Sensor (SA4, Light Emitting Side) 5.44.2 Reinstallation Procedures
For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.
5.44.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.3} Opening/Closing the Board Box

{MC:5.43} IP Dropping Sensor Assembly

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Remove the screw. Remove

the IP dropping sensor (SA4,
light emitting side) while
exercising care not to damage
its light emitting surface.

- Do not damage or soil the
light emitting surface of the
IP dropping sensor. Failure
to observe this precaution
may degrade the sensor
- The IP dropping sensor on the
light emitting side differs from
the one on the light receiving
side in the number of connector
pins. The connector for the light
emitting side has three pins.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-166
5.45 IP Dropping Sensor (SA4, Light Receiving Side) 3. Take the procedures from 4 and
5 from the direction indicated
{SP:INDEX} by the arrow in the figure.

5.45.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. To obtain the work space for 4. Remove the screw.

removing the IP dropping
sensor (SA4, light receiving
side), rotate the motor gear
to place the cassette cover
opening assembly at its
uppermost position.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-167
5. Disconnect the connector while 5.45.2 Reinstallation Procedures
exercising care not to damage
the light receiving surface of For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.
the IP dropping sensor (SA4,
light receiving side).

- Do not damage or soil the
light receiving surface of the
IP dropping sensor. Failure
to observe this precaution
may degrade the sensor
- The IP dropping sensor on the
light receiving side differs from
the one on the light emitting
side in the number of connector
pins. The connector for the light
receiving side has four pins.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-168
5.46 Guide (Right-Hand) 2. Manually rotate the gear of the
motor, and check to make sure
{SP:INDEX} that the anti-foreign-matter
shutter assembly has moved to
5.46.1 Removal Procedures its closed position.
1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the CAUTION
parts. Do not work with your head put
under the board box.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.3} Opening/Closing the Board Box

 NOTE 
* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.
Check to make sure that the
antiforeign-matter shutter
assembly has moved to its closed
Otherwise, the tip of the IP
removal arm comes into contact,
preventing the arm from moving.

For the details on the operation
of the anti-foreign-matter shutter
assembly, refer to the Machine
Description volume “5.2 Cassette
Set Unit”.
{MD:5.2_Cassette Set Unit}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-169
3. Move the IP removal arm while 4. Remove the screws, to remove
holding the arm (white) to a the guide.
position where the driver can
access the screws of the IP
removal arm.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-170
5.46.2 Reinstallation Procedures 2. Insert the tip of the guide into
an aperture of the bracket
before mounting the guide. Be
sure to verify that the guide is
correctly mounted on the half
punches, before retaining with
the screws.

 NOTE 
Be sure to verify that the guide
is correctly mounted on the half
punches, before retaining with the

1. Take the procedures 2 and 3

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-171
3. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.3.2} Opening/Closing the Board Box

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-172
5.47 Guide (Left-Hand) 2. Manually rotate the gear of the
motor, and check to make sure
{SP:INDEX} that the anti-foreign-matter
shutter assembly has moved to
5.47.1 Removal Procedures its closed position.
1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the CAUTION
parts. Do not work with your head put
under the board box.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.3} Opening/Closing the Board Box

 NOTE 
* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.
Check to make sure that the
antiforeign-matter shutter
assembly has moved to its closed
Otherwise, the tip of the IP
removal arm comes into contact,
preventing the arm from moving.

For the details on the operation
of the anti-foreign-matter shutter
assembly, refer to the Machine
Description volume “5.2 Cassette
Set Unit”.
{MD:5.2_Cassette Set Unit}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-173
3. Move the IP removal arm while 4. Remove the screws, to remove
holding the arm (white) to a the guide.
position where the driver can
access the screws of the IP
removal arm.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-174
5.47.2 Reinstallation Procedures 3. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.3.2} Opening/Closing the Board Box

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

1. Take the procedure 2 from the

direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

2. Be sure to verify that the guide

is correctly mounted on the half
punches, before retaining with
the screws.

 NOTE 
Be sure to verify that the guide
is correctly mounted on the half
punches, before retaining with the

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-175
5.48 Suction Cup Assembly (Right-Hand) 4. Remove the retaining screws
of the suction cup assembly
{SP:INDEX} (right-hand). Hold the assembly
on the position indicated in
5.48.1 Removal Procedures the figure, and pull out the
assembly (right-hand) from
1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
below the IP removal link shaft.
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
 NOTE 
Reference Part concerned Exercise care not to damage the
{MC:5.3} Opening/Closing the Board Box hose when pulling out the suction
cup assembly.
{MC:5.46} Guide (Right-Hand)

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures 3 and 4

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

3. Remove the hose.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-176
5.48.2 Reinstallation Procedures 3. Reinstall the suction cup
assembly (right-hand) on the
IP removal arm from below
the IP removal link shaft.
Make sure that the suction
cup assembly (right-hand) is
correctly mounted on the half
punches, before retaining with
the screws.

- Exercise care not to damage
the hose when reinstalling the
suction cup assembly on the IP
removal arm.
1. Take the procedures 2 and 3 - Be sure to verify that the suction
from the direction indicated by cup assembly has been correctly
the arrow in the figure. mounted on the half punches,
before retaining with the screws.

2. Check the mounted orientation

of the KL ring.

 NOTE 
Check to make sure that the KL
ring is attached in the orientation
indicated in the figure. Otherwise,
the suction cup assembly cannot
be correctly mounted on the IP
removal arm.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-177
4. Connect the hose.

5. Pull the hose in the direction

indicated by the arrow, and
make sure that there is no
excessive slack of the hose in
the region surrounded by the
dotted line in the figure.

 NOTE 
If the hose has an excessive
slack, the hose might get
damaged as it is pulled when the
IP removal arm is moved.

6. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.46.2} Guide (Right-Hand)

{MC:5.3.2} Opening/Closing the Board Box

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-178
5.49 Suction Cup (Right-Hand) 2. While pressing down on the
hose joint with a wrench or the
{SP:INDEX} like, remove the suction cup
with a Phillips screwdriver.
5.49.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.3} Opening/Closing the Board Box

{MC:5.46} Guide (Right-Hand)

{MC:5.48} Suction Cup Assembly (Right-Hand)

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

1. Remove KL ring.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-179
5.49.2 Reinstallation Procedures 3. Verify that metal cuttings generated, for instance, by a screwdriver are not
attached to the suction cup.
4. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.48.2} Suction Cup Assembly (Right-Hand)

{MC:5.46.2} Guide (Right-Hand)

{MC:5.3.2} Opening/Closing the Board Box

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

1. While pressing down on the

hose joint with a wrench or the
like, reinstall the suction cup
with a Phillips screwdriver.

2. Mount the KL ring.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-180
5.50 Suction Cup (Left-Hand) 2. Manually rotate the gear of the
motor, and check to make sure
{SP:INDEX} that the anti-foreign-matter
shutter assembly has moved to
5.50.1 Removal Procedures its closed position.
1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the CAUTION
parts. Do not work with your head put
under the board box.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.3} Opening/Closing the Board Box

 NOTE 
{MC:5.43} IP Dropping Sensor Assembly
Check to make sure that the
* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to. antiforeign-matter shutter
assembly has moved to its closed
Otherwise, the tip of the IP
removal arm comes into contact,
preventing the arm from moving.

For the details on the operation
of the anti-foreign-matter shutter
assembly, refer to the Machine
Description volume “5.2 Cassette
Set Unit”.
{MD:5.2_Cassette Set Unit}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-181
3. Take the procedure 4 from the 4. Move the IP removal arm while
direction indicated by the arrow holding the arm (white) to a
in the figure. position where the driver can
access the screws of the IP
removal arm.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-182
5. Remove the hose. 6. Remove the retaining screws
of the suction cup assembly
(left-hand). Hold the assembly
on the position indicated in
the figure, and pull out the
assembly (left-hand) from
below the IP removal link shaft.

 NOTE 
Exercise care not to damage the
hose when pulling out the suction
cup assembly.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-183
5.50.2 Reinstallation Procedures 2. Reinstall the suction cup
assembly (left-hand) on the IP
removal arm from below the IP
removal link shaft. Make sure
that the suction cup assembly
(left-hand) is correctly mounted
on the half punches, before
retaining with the screws.

- Exercise care not to damage
the hose when reinstalling the
suction cup assembly on the IP
removal arm.
- Be sure to verify that the suction
1. Check the mounted orientation cup assembly has been correctly
of the KL ring. mounted on the half punches,
before retaining with the screws.
 NOTE 
Check to make sure that the KL
ring is attached in the orientation
indicated in the figure. Otherwise,
the suction cup assembly cannot
be correctly mounted on the IP
removal arm.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-184
3. Pull the hose in the direction
indicated by the arrow, and
make sure that there is no
excessive slack of the hose in
the region surrounded by the
dotted line in the figure.

 NOTE 
If the hose has an excessive
slack, the hose might get
damaged as it is pulled when the
IP removal arm is moved.

4. Connect the hose.

5. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.43.2} IP Dropping Sensor Assembly

{MC:5.3.2} Opening/Closing the Board Box

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-185
5.51 Suction Cup (Left-Hand) 3. While pressing down on the
hose joint with a wrench or the
{SP:INDEX} like, remove the suction cup
with a Phillips screwdriver.
5.51.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.3} Opening/Closing the Board Box

{MC:5.43} IP Dropping Sensor Assembly

{MC:5.50} Suction Cup (Left-Hand)

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Remove KL ring.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-186
5.51.2 Reinstallation Procedures 3. Verify that metal cuttings generated, for instance, by a screwdriver are not
attached to the suction cup.
4. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.50.2} Suction Cup (Left-Hand)

{MC:5.43.2} IP Dropping Sensor Assembly

{MC:5.3.2} Opening/Closing the Board Box

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

1. While pressing down on the

hose joint with a wrench or the
like, reinstall the suction cup
with a Phillips screwdriver.

2. Mount the KL ring.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-187
5.52 IP Transport Motor (MA4) 4. Take the procedures from 5 and
6 from the direction indicated
{SP:INDEX} by the arrow in the figure.

5.52.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

{MC:5.3} Opening/Closing the Board Box

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedure 3 from the 5. Remove the screws and then
direction indicated by the arrow the motor assembly.
in the figure.

3. Unclamp the clamp, and 6. Remove the vibration-proof

disconnect the connector. rubber from the motor (MA4).

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-188
5.52.2 Reinstallation Procedures 3. Verify that the connector is
positioned as shown, and then
mount the motor assembly in
the cassette set unit.

 NOTE 
When mounting the motor
assembly, ensure that the
connector is properly oriented.

1. Mount the vibration-proof 4. Take the procedure 5 from the

rubber on the motor (MA4) direction indicated by the arrow
in such a manner that the in the figure.
positional relationship between
the connector for the motor
(MA4) and the half punch holes
in the vibration-proof rubber is
as indicated in the figure.
 NOTE 
If the positional relationship
between the motor and vibration-
proof rubber is not as indicated in
the figure, the assembly cannot
properly be mounted in the
cassette set unit.

2. Take the procedure 3 from the 5. Connect the connector and

direction indicated by the arrow then secure the clamp.
in the figure.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-189
6. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.3.2} Opening/Closing the Board Box

{MC:5.1.2} Cassette Set Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-190
5.53 Cable Junction Bracket (E) 4. Remove the screws and then
pull out the bracket. Undo the
{SP:INDEX} clamps and then remove the
5.53.1 Removal Procedures
 NOTE 
1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
The removed bracket has the
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
cable left attached. Exercise care
not to damage the cable.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.3} Opening/Closing the Board Box

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures 3 and 4

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

3. Unclamp the clamp, and 5.53.2 Reinstallation Procedures

disconnect the connector.
For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-191
5.54 Rubber Roller Driving Gear 5.54.2 Reinstallation Procedures

5.54.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

{MC:5.7} Cable Junction Bracket (A)

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedure 3 from the 1. Take the procedure 2 from the
direction indicated by the arrow direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure. in the figure.

3. Remove the rubber roller 2. Properly orient the rubber roller

driving gears. driving gears and mount them.

 NOTE 
Ensure that the mounted rubber
roller driving gears are oriented
as shown.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-192
3. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.7.2} Cable Junction Bracket (A)

{MC:5.1.2} Cassette Set Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-193
5.55 Spring and Wire (Reference Side) 3. Remove the spring (L = 40 mm)
and then the wire.
5.55.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

{MC:5.7} Cable Junction Bracket (A)

{MC:5.32} IP Removal Unit Link Mechanism (Reference Side Gear)

{MC:5.54} Rubber Roller Driving Gear

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedure 3 from the

direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-194
5.55.2 Reinstallation Procedures 3. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.54.2} Rubber Roller Driving Gear

{MC:5.32.2} IP Removal Unit Link Mechanism (Reference Side Gear)

{MC:5.7.2} Cable Junction Bracket (A)

{MC:5.1.2} Cassette Set Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

1. Take the procedure 2 from the

direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

2. Engage the wire hook with the

side plate of the cassette set
unit. Thread the wire through
the grooves in the housings.
Engage the spring (L = 40
mm) with the side plate of the
cassette set unit.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-195
5.56 Rubber Roller Protection Bracket 3. Remove the retaining screws
from the rubber roller
{SP:INDEX} protection bracket.

5.56.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

{MC:5.7} Cable Junction Bracket (A)

{MC:5.54} Rubber Roller Driving Gear

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedure 3 from the

direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-196
4. Take the procedures 5 and 6 6. Pull the rubber roller protection
from the direction indicated by bracket away from the
the arrow in the figure. underside of the cassette set

5. Remove the retaining screws 5.56.2 Reinstallation Procedures

from the rubber roller
protection bracket. For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-197
5.57 Rubber Rollers (A) and (B) 3. Remove the spring (L = 40 mm)
and then the wire.
5.57.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

{MC:5.7} Cable Junction Bracket (A)

{MC:5.31} IP Removal Unit Link Mechanism (Opposite Reference Side Gear)

{MC:5.32} IP Removal Unit Link Mechanism (Reference Side Gear)

4. Remove the KL ring and then
{MC:5.54} Rubber Roller Driving Gear the handle.
{MC:5.55} Spring and Wire (Reference Side)

{MC:5.56} Rubber Roller Protection Bracket

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures from 3 to 5 5. Remove the spur gears while

from the direction indicated by opening their claws.
the arrow in the figure.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-198
6. Open the board box. 7. While supporting rubber roller
{MC:5.3.1_Opening the Board Box } (A) by hand to prevent it from
tilting, rotate the housing that
is located to the right of rubber
roller (A) until it is oriented
as shown, and remove the

When removing the housing,
be sure to support the rubber
roller by hand to prevent it from
tilting. If the rubber roller is not
supported when you remove the
housing, the rubber roller may tilt,
causing the opposite housing to
be damaged due to rubber roller

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-199
8. While supporting rubber roller 9. Remove the bearings from both
(A) by hand to prevent it from ends of rubber roller (A).
tilting, rotate the housing that
is located to the left of rubber
roller (A) until it is oriented
as shown, and remove the

When removing the housing, be
sure to support the rubber roller
by hand to prevent it from tilting.
If the rubber roller is titled, the
housing may be damaged due to
rubber roller load.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-200
10. Move the leftmost end of 11. While supporting rubber roller
rubber roller (A) to the right and (B) by hand to prevent it from
pull it away from the side plate. tilting, rotate the housing that
Lower and remove rubber roller is located to the right of rubber
(A). roller (B) until it is oriented
as shown, and remove the
For the detailed exploded view
of the rubber roller (A), see the  INSTRUCTION 
"Service Parts List" volume. When removing the housing,
{SP:03N_CASSETTE SET be sure to support the rubber
UNIT} roller by hand to prevent it from
tilting. If the rubber roller is not
supported when you remove the
housing, the rubber roller may tilt,
causing the opposite housing to
be damaged due to rubber roller

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-201
12. While supporting rubber roller 13. Remove the bearings from both
(B) by hand to prevent it from ends of rubber roller (B).
tilting, rotate the housing that
is located to the left of rubber
roller (B) until it is oriented
as shown, and remove the

When removing the housing, be
sure to support the rubber roller
by hand to prevent it from tilting.
If the rubber roller is titled, the
housing may be damaged due to
rubber roller load.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-202
14. Move the leftmost end of
rubber roller (B) to the right and
pull it away from the side plate.
Lower and remove rubber roller

For the detailed exploded view
of the rubber roller (B), see the
"Service Parts List" volume.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-203
5.57.2 Reinstallation Procedures 2. Insert the leftmost end of
rubber roller (B) into the side

1. Insert the rightmost end of

rubber roller (B) into the hole in
the side plate.

- Orient rubber roller (B) and then
insert it into the side plate hole.
- Properly distinguish between
rubber rollers (A) and (B). The
left shaft end of rubber roller
(B) does not have a D-cut flat

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-204
3. Install the bearings over both 4. While supporting rubber roller
ends of rubber roller (B). (B) by hand to prevent it from
tilting, locate the housing that
is positioned to the left of
rubber roller (B), align it with
the cut in the side plate, and
mount it.

When mounting the housing, be
sure to support the rubber roller
by hand to prevent it from tilting.
If the rubber roller is titled, the
housing may be damaged due to
rubber roller load.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-205
5. While supporting rubber roller 6. Insert the rightmost end of
(B) by hand to prevent it from rubber roller (A) into the hole in
tilting, locate the housing that the side plate.
is positioned to the right of
rubber roller (B), align it with  INSTRUCTION 
the cut in the side plate, and Orient rubber roller (A) and then
mount it. insert it into the side plate hole.

When mounting the housing, be
sure to support the rubber roller
by hand to prevent it from tilting.
If the rubber roller is titled, the
housing may be damaged due to
rubber roller load.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-206
7. Insert the leftmost end of 8. Install the bearings over both
rubber roller (A) into the side ends of rubber roller (A).

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-207
9. While supporting rubber roller 10. While supporting rubber roller
(A) by hand to prevent it from (A) by hand to prevent it from
tilting, locate the housing that tilting, locate the housing that
is positioned to the left of is positioned to the right of
rubber roller (A), align it with rubber roller (A), align it with
the cut in the side plate, and the cut in the side plate, and
mount it. mount it.

When mounting the housing, be When mounting the housing, be
sure to support the rubber roller sure to support the rubber roller
by hand to prevent it from tilting. by hand to prevent it from tilting.
If the rubber roller is titled, the If the rubber roller is titled, the
housing may be damaged due to housing may be damaged due to
rubber roller load. rubber roller load.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-208
11. Close the board box. 14. Mount the handle and then the
{MC:5.3.2_Closing the Board Box} KL ring.

12. Take the procedures from 13 to 15. Engage the wire hook with the
15 from the direction indicated side plate of the cassette set
by the arrow in the figure. unit. Thread the wire through
the grooves in the housings.
Engage the spring (L = 40
mm) with the side plate of the
cassette set unit.

13. Mount the spur gears.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-209
16. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.56.2} Rubber Roller Protection Bracket

{MC:5.55.2} Spring and Wire (Reference Side)

{MC:5.54.2} Rubber Roller Driving Gear

{MC:5.32.2} IP Removal Unit Link Mechanism (Reference Side Gear)

{MC:5.31.2} IP Removal Unit Link Mechanism (Opposite Reference Side Gear)

{MC:5.7.2} Cable Junction Bracket (A)

{MC:5.1.2} Cassette Set Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-210
5.58 Cassette IN Sensor (SA1) 3. Remove the sensor (SA1).

For details on the sensor
5.58.1 Removal Procedures removal/installation procedure,
see "Appendix 1-1 Sensor (5 mm
1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts Type)."
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the {MC: Appendix 1-1_Sensor
parts. (5 mm Type)}
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

{MC:5.7} Cable Junction Bracket (A)

{MC:5.9} Shutter Drive Arm (Reference Side)

{MC:5.12} Dumper (Reference Side)

5.58.2 Reinstallation Procedures
* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.
For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.

2. Take the procedure 3 from the

direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-211
5.59 Actuator Assembly 5.59.2 Reinstallation Procedures

5.59.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedure 3 from the 1. Take the procedures 2 and 3

direction indicated by the arrow from the direction indicated by
in the figure. the arrow in the figure.

3. Remove the screw. While 2. While holding the spring

holding the spring section by section to prevent the
hand, remove the actuator actuator assembly from being
assembly. disassembled, insert the
leading end of the actuator into
the stopper hole, ensure that the
actuator assembly is properly
mounted on the side plate half
punches, and install the screw.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-212
3. Press the actuator spring
section to move the actuator.
Verify that the actuator properly

4. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1.2} Cassette Set Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-213
5.60 Suction Arm HP Sensor (SA6) 2. Manually rotate the gear of the
motor, and check to make sure
{SP:INDEX} that the anti-foreign-matter
shutter assembly has moved to
5.60.1 Removal Procedures its closed position.
1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the CAUTION
parts. Do not work with your head put
under the board box.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

 NOTE 
{MC:5.7} Cable Junction Bracket (A)
Check to make sure that the
{MC:5.3} Opening/Closing the Board Box antiforeign-matter shutter
* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.
assembly has moved to its closed
Otherwise, the tip of the IP
removal arm comes into contact,
preventing the arm from moving.

For the details on the operation
of the anti-foreign-matter shutter
assembly, refer to the Machine
Description volume “5.2 Cassette
Set Unit”.
{MD:5.2_Cassette Set Unit}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-214
3. Raise the arm (white) and verify 5. Disconnect the connector.
that the sensor (SA6) is visible
beneath the gear.

6. Remove the sensor (SA6).

For details on the sensor
removal/installation procedure,
see "Appendix 1-1 Sensor (5 mm
{MC: Appendix 1-1_Sensor
(5 mm Type)}

4. Take the procedures 5 and 6 5.60.2 Reinstallation Procedures

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure. For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-215
5.61 Cassette Cover Opening Mechanism HP Sensor (SA7) 3. Undo the clamp and then
disconnect the connector.
5.61.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

{MC:5.7} Cable Junction Bracket (A)

{MC:5.9} Shutter Drive Arm (Reference Side)

{MC:5.10} Spur Gear (Reference Side)

4. Remove the screw and then the
* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to. sensor assembly.

2. Take the procedures from 3 to 5 5. Remove the sensor (SA7).

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.
For details on the sensor
removal/installation procedure,
see "Appendix 1-1 Sensor (5 mm
{MC: Appendix 1-1_Sensor
(5 mm Type)}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-216
5.61.2 Reinstallation Procedures
For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-217
5.62 "15x30 Cassette" Identifying Sensor (SA9) 3. Undo the clamps and remove
the cable.
5.62.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

{MC:5.15} Cable Junction Bracket (B)

{MC:5.28} Cassette Ejection Sensor (SA11)

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures from 3 to 6 4. Remove the screw.

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-218
5. Lift the sensor (SA9) assembly 7. Remove the sensor (SA9).
and then remove it by pulling it
For details on the sensor
 NOTE  removal/installation procedure,
The cable is still attached to see "Appendix 1-1 Sensor (5 mm
the removed sensor assembly. Type)."
Exercise care not to damage the {MC: Appendix 1-1_Sensor
cable. (5 mm Type)}

5.62.2 Reinstallation Procedures

For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.

6. Unclamp the clamp, and

disconnect the connector.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-219
5.63 Solenoid Assembly 3. Remove the tension coil spring
(L = 38 mm).
5.63.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

{MC:5.15} Cable Junction Bracket (B)

{MC:5.28} Cassette Ejection Sensor (SA11)

{MC:5.62} "15x30 Cassette" Identifying Sensor (SA9)

4. Disconnect the connector with
* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to. tweezers.

 NOTE 
Since the available work space is
limited, use tweezers or like tool
to disconnect the connector.

2. Take the procedures from 3 to 6 5. While supporting the solenoid

from the direction indicated by assembly by hand, remove the
the arrow in the figure. retaining screws.

 NOTE 
When removing the retaining
screws, be sure to support the
solenoid assembly by hand.
If you do not observe this
precaution, the solenoid assembly
may drop.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-220
6. While holding the cassette
hold pin, remove the solenoid
assembly by pulling it

 NOTE 
When removing the solenoid
assembly, be sure to hold the
cassette hold pin. If you do not
observe this precaution, the
cassette hold pin may drop and
become lost.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-221
5.63.2 Reinstallation Procedures 2. While holding the cassette
hold pin, insert the solenoid
assembly bracket into the side
plate and insert the cassette
hold pin into the mounting
position. Mount the solenoid
assembly in the cassette set

 NOTE 
When mounting the solenoid
assembly, be sure to hold the
cassette hold pin. If you do not
observe this precaution, the
cassette hold pin may drop and
1. Take the procedures from 2 to 5 become lost.
from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-222
3. While supporting the solenoid 6. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
assembly by hand, install the procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
retaining screws.
Reference Part concerned
 NOTE  {MC:5.62.2} "15x30 Cassette" Identifying Sensor (SA9)
When installing the retaining
{MC:5.28.2} Cassette Ejection Sensor (SA11)
screws, be sure to support the
solenoid assembly by hand. {MC:5.15.2} Cable Junction Bracket (B)
If you do not observe this {MC:5.1.2} Cassette Set Unit
precaution, the solenoid assembly
may drop and become lost. * Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

4. Connect the connector with


 NOTE 
Since the available work space is
limited, use tweezers or like tool
to connect the connector.

5. Mount the tension coil spring (L

= 38 mm).

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-223
5.64 Solenoid (SOLA1) and Cassette Hold Sensor (SA2) 3. Remove the screws.

5.64.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

{MC:5.15} Cable Junction Bracket (B)

{MC:5.28} Cassette Ejection Sensor (SA11)

{MC:5.62} "15x30 Cassette" Identifying Sensor (SA9)

4. Remove the solenoid.
{MC:5.63} Solenoid Assembly

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Remove the cassette hold pin. 5. Remove the KL ring and then
the bracket.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-224
6. Remove the sensor (SA2). 5.64.2 Reinstallation Procedures
REFERENCE For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.
For details on the sensor
removal/installation procedure,
see "Appendix 1-1 Sensor (5 mm
{MC: Appendix 1-1_Sensor
(5 mm Type)}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-225
5.65 Large Cassette Size Sensor (SA15) 4. Remove the screw.

5.65.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures from 3 to 6 5. Disconnect the connector.

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

3. Disconnect the connector. 6. Lift the sensor (SA15) assembly

and then remove it by pulling it

 NOTE 
The cable is still attached to
the removed sensor assembly.
Exercise care not to damage the

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-226
7. Disconnect the connector. 5.65.2 Reinstallation Procedures
For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.

8. Remove the sensor (SA15).

For details on the sensor
removal/installation procedure,
see "Appendix 1-1 Sensor (5 mm
{MC: Appendix 1-1_Sensor
(5 mm Type)}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-227
5.66 Movable Guide Driving Assembly 3. Remove the torsion coil spring.

5.66.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

{MC:5.65} Large Cassette Size Sensor (SA15)

{MC:5.15} Cable Junction Bracket (B)

{MC:5.28} Cassette Ejection Sensor (SA11)

4. Remove the screw.
* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures from 3 to 9 5. Remove the bearing.

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-228
6. Remove one end of the spring (L 9. Move the movable guide
= 67 mm) from the shaft. driving assembly rightward
until it reaches a position at
which its protrusion does not
come into contact with the pin.
Slightly pull the leftmost end
of the movable guide driving
assembly. Position the pin
within the cut in the movable
guide driving assembly.
Remove the movable guide
driving assembly.

- When removing the movable
7. Remove the screw. guide driving assembly, keep it
from coming into contact with
the cable. The leftmost end
of the movable guide driving
assembly might come into
contact with the cable, thereby
damaging the cable.
- When removing the movable
guide driving assembly, keep it
from coming into contact with
the sensor. Failure to observe
this precaution may damage the

8. Remove the pin bracket and For the detailed exploded view
then the spring (L = 67 mm). of the movable guide driving
assembly, see the "Service Parts
List" volume.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-229
5.66.2 Reinstallation Procedures 2. Position the pin within the
cut in the movable guide
driving assembly and mount
the movable guide driving
assembly. Move the rightmost
end of the movable guide
driving assembly rightward.
Move the movable guide driving
assembly leftward until its
protrusion is positioned above
the pin.

- When mounting the movable
guide driving assembly, keep it
1. Take the procedures from 2 to 9 from coming into contact with
from the direction indicated by the cable. The leftmost end
the arrow in the figure. of the movable guide driving
assembly might come into
contact with the cable, thereby
damaging the cable.
- When mounting the movable
guide driving assembly, keep it
from coming into contact with
the sensor. Failure to observe
this precaution may damage the

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-230
3. Mount the pin bracket and then 6. Verify that one end of the
the spring (L = 67 mm). spring (L = 67 mm) is lodged in
the groove in the pin bracket.
 NOTE 
Install one end of the spring over
the pin bracket shaft.

4. Tighten the screw. 7. Mount the bearing.

5. Engage one end of the spring (L 8. Reinstall the screw.

= 67 mm) with the shaft.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-231
9. Mount the torsion coil
spring. Engage its ends with
the movable guide driving
assembly bracket and frame

10. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.28.2} Cassette Ejection Sensor (SA11)

{MC:5.15.2} Cable Junction Bracket (B)

{MC:5.65.2} Large Cassette Size Sensor (SA15)

{MC:5.1.2} Cassette Set Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-232
5.67 Movable Guide Assembly 2. Take the procedure 3 from the
direction indicated by the arrow
{SP:INDEX} in the figure.

5.67.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned
{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

{MC:5.65} Large Cassette Size Sensor (SA15)

{MC:5.5} Cassette Cover Opening Mechanism Driving Motor (MA1)

{MC:5.7} Cable Junction Bracket (A)

3. Disconnect the connector and
{MC:5.15} Cable Junction Bracket (B) then unclamp the clamps.
{MC:5.9} Shutter Drive Arm (Reference Side)

{MC:5.4} Shutter Drive Arm (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:5.28} Cassette Ejection Sensor (SA11)

{MC:5.66} Movable Guide Driving Assembly

{MC:5.6} Spur Gear (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:5.10} Spur Gear (Reference Side)

{MC:5.13} Cassette Cover Opening Assembly

{MC:5.14} Cassette Cover Opening Assembly Driving Shaft

{MC:5.85} Inch/Metric Sensor (SA16)

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to. 4. Take the procedures from 5 to 7
from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-233
5. Remove the bearing and then 5.67.2 Reinstallation Procedures
the screws.

6. Remove the sensor (SA14) 1. Take the procedures 2 and 3

assembly. from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

7. Remove the movable guide 2. Mount the movable guide

assembly. assembly.

 NOTE 
When mounting the movable
guide assembly, align the
movable guide assembly shaft
with the D-cut flat surface of the
hole in the unit.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-234
3. Mount the sensor (SA14) 6. Secure the clamps and connect
assembly and then push the the connector.
movable guide assembly in the
direction of the arrow.

4. Take the procedures 5 and 6 7. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
from the direction indicated by procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
the arrow in the figure.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.85.2} Inch/Metric Sensor (SA16)

{MC:5.14.2} Cassette Cover Opening Assembly Driving Shaft

{MC:5.13.2} Cassette Cover Opening Assembly

{MC:5.10.2} Spur Gear (Reference Side)

{MC:5.6.2} Spur Gear (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:5.66.2} Movable Guide Driving Assembly

{MC:5.28.2} Cassette Ejection Sensor (SA11)

{MC:5.4.2} Shutter Drive Arm (Opposite Reference Side)

5. Install the screws and then the {MC:5.9.2} Shutter Drive Arm (Reference Side)
{MC:5.15.2} Cable Junction Bracket (B)

{MC:5.7.2} Cable Junction Bracket (A)

{MC:5.5.2} Cassette Cover Opening Mechanism Driving Motor (MA1)

{MC:5.65.2} Large Cassette Size Sensor (SA15)

{MC:5.1.2} Cassette Set Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-235
5.68 "15x30 Cassette" Movable Guide Assembly 3. Remove the spring (L = 51 mm).

Since the available work space is
5.68.1 Removal Procedures limited, use a tool to remove the
1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

{MC:5.5} Cassette Cover Opening Mechanism Driving Motor (MA1)

{MC:5.7} Cable Junction Bracket (A)

{MC:5.15} Cable Junction Bracket (B)

4. Remove the spring (L = 40 mm).
{MC:5.9} Shutter Drive Arm (Reference Side)
{MC:5.4} Shutter Drive Arm (Opposite Reference Side)
Since the available work space is
{MC:5.28} Cassette Ejection Sensor (SA11) limited, use a tool to remove the
{MC:5.6} Spur Gear (Opposite Reference Side) spring.

{MC:5.10} Spur Gear (Reference Side)

{MC:5.62} "15x30 Cassette" Identifying Sensor (SA9)

{MC:5.13} Cassette Cover Opening Assembly

{MC:5.14} Cassette Cover Opening Assembly Driving Shaft

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures from 3 to 6 5. While supporting the "15x30

from the direction indicated by cassette" movable guide
the arrow in the figure. assembly by hand, remove the

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-236
6. Remove the "15x30 cassette" 5.68.2 Reinstallation Procedures
movable guide assembly.
For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.
For the detailed exploded view
of the "15x30 cassette" movable
guide assembly, see the "Service
Parts List" volume.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-237
5.69 IP Removal Arm 2. Take the procedures 3 and 4
from the direction indicated by
{SP:INDEX} the arrow in the figure.

5.69.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

{MC:5.3} Opening/Closing the Board Box

{MC:5.7} Cable Junction Bracket (A)

{MC:5.31} IP Removal Unit Link Mechanism (Opposite Reference Side Gear)

3. In the direction indicated in
{MC:5.43} IP Dropping Sensor Assembly DETAIL A, remove the slide
{MC:5.52} IP Transport Motor (MA4) bearing and bearings.

{MC:5.53} Cable Junction Bracket (E)

{MC:5.32} IP Removal Unit Link Mechanism (Reference Side Gear)

{MC:5.54} Rubber Roller Driving Gear

{MC:5.46} Guide (Right-Hand)

{MC:5.47} Guide (Left-Hand)

{MC:5.50} Suction Cup (Left-Hand)

{MC:5.48} Suction Cup Assembly (Right-Hand)

{MC:5.55} Spring and Wire (Reference Side)

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to. 4. In the direction indicated in
DETAIL B, remove the slide
bearing and bearings.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-238
5. Lift the rightmost end of the IP 6. While moving the cable away
removal arm to the uppermost by hand, remove the left end
position by moving it along shaft of the IP removal arm
the groove in the side plate. from the groove in the side
Lower the leftmost end of the IP plate and take the IP removal
removal arm along the groove arm away.
in the side plate, and stop it
in a position at which the left
end shaft of the IP removal arm
comes into contact with the

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-239
5.69.2 Reinstallation Procedures 1. Insert the rightmost end of
the IP removal arm into the
uppermost position of the
groove in the side plate. While
moving the cable away, insert
the left end shaft of the IP
removal arm into the groove in
the side plate.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-240
2. Lift the leftmost end of the IP 3. Take the procedures 4 and 5
removal arm by moving it along from the direction indicated by
the groove in the side plate. the arrow in the figure.
Insert both of the two left end
shafts of the IP removal arm
into the groove in the side plate
and then place the IP removal
arm in a horizontal position.

4. In the direction indicated in

DETAIL A, mount the bearings
and slide bearing.

 NOTE 
When mounting the slide bearing,
ensure that it is properly oriented.

5. In the direction indicated in

DETAIL B, mount the bearings
and slide bearing.

 NOTE 
When mounting the slide bearing,
ensure that it is properly oriented.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-241
6. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.55.2} Spring and Wire (Reference Side)

{MC:5.48.2} Suction Cup Assembly (Right-Hand)

{MC:5.50.2} Suction Cup (Left-Hand)

{MC:5.47.2} Guide (Left-Hand)

{MC:5.46.2} Guide (Right-Hand)

{MC:5.54.2} Rubber Roller Driving Gear

{MC:5.32.2} IP Removal Unit Link Mechanism (Reference Side Gear)

{MC:5.53.2} Cable Junction Bracket (E)

{MC:5.52.2} IP Transport Motor (MA4)

{MC:5.43.2} IP Dropping Sensor Assembly

{MC:5.31.2} IP Removal Unit Link Mechanism (Opposite Reference Side Gear)

{MC:5.7.2} Cable Junction Bracket (A)

{MC:5.3.2} Opening/Closing the Board Box

{MC:5.1.2} Cassette Set Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-242
5.70 Removal Link Shaft 3. Remove KL ring.

5.70.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

{MC:5.3} Opening/Closing the Board Box

{MC:5.7} Cable Junction Bracket (A)

{MC:5.31} IP Removal Unit Link Mechanism (Opposite Reference Side Gear)

4. Move the bearing in the
{MC:5.32} IP Removal Unit Link Mechanism (Reference Side Gear) direction of the arrow.
* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures 3 and 4

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-243
5. Take the procedures 6 and 7 5.70.2 Reinstallation Procedures
from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure. For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.

6. Move the IP removal link shaft  NOTE 

and bearing to the left.
Orient the IP removal link shaft so
that its long small-diameter end is
on the left-hand side, and insert it
into the cassette set unit with its
left end positioned forward.

7. Remove the IP removal link


05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-244
5.71 Debris Fall Prevention Shutter Assembly 2. Take the procedures 3 and 4
from the direction indicated by
{SP:INDEX} the arrow in the figure.

5.71.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

{MC:5.3} Opening/Closing the Board Box

{MC:5.7} Cable Junction Bracket (A)

{MC:5.31} IP Removal Unit Link Mechanism (Opposite Reference Side Gear)

3. Remove the screw.
{MC:5.43} IP Dropping Sensor Assembly

{MC:5.32} IP Removal Unit Link Mechanism (Reference Side Gear)

{MC:5.54} Rubber Roller Driving Gear

{MC:5.4} Shutter Drive Arm (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:5.9} Shutter Drive Arm (Reference Side)

{MC:5.55} Spring and Wire (Reference Side)

{MC:5.56} Rubber Roller Protection Bracket

{MC:5.57} Rubber Rollers (A) and (B)

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

4. Remove the arm and bearing.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-245
5. Take the procedures from 6 to 8 8. Remove the screw and then the
from the direction indicated by pin.
the arrow in the figure.

6. Remove the screw.

7. Remove the arm and bearing.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-246
9. Lower the left end shaft of the 5.71.2 Reinstallation Procedures
debris fall prevention shutter
assembly along the cut in the
left-hand side plate. Remove
the debris fall prevention
shutter assembly by pulling its
right end shaft away from the
right-hand side plate.

For the detailed exploded view of
the debris fall prevention shutter
assembly, see the "Service Parts
List" volume.
1. Attach the torsion coil springs
to the shafts on both ends
of the debris fall prevention
shutter assembly, and engage
the torsion coil spring hooks
with the bracket.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-247
2. Insert the right end shaft of the 3. Insert the left end shaft of the
debris fall prevention shutter debris fall prevention shutter
assembly into the hole in the assembly by moving it along
side plate, and engage the end the cut in the side plate.
of the torsion coil spring with
the pin on the side plate.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-248
4. Take the procedures from 5 to 7 6. Mount the arm and bearing.
from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

5. Engage the torsion coil spring 7. Reinstall the screw.

end on the leftmost end of the
debris fall prevention shutter
assembly with the pin, and then
screw down the pin.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-249
8. Take the procedures 9 and 10 11. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
from the direction indicated by procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
the arrow in the figure.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.57.2} Rubber Rollers (A) and (B)

{MC:5.56.2} Rubber Roller Protection Bracket

{MC:5.55.2} Spring and Wire (Reference Side)

{MC:5.9.2} Shutter Drive Arm (Reference Side)

{MC:5.4.2} Shutter Drive Arm (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:5.54.2} Rubber Roller Driving Gear

{MC:5.32.2} IP Removal Unit Link Mechanism (Reference Side Gear)

{MC:5.43.2} IP Dropping Sensor Assembly

9. Mount the arm and bearing. {MC:5.31.2} IP Removal Unit Link Mechanism (Opposite Reference Side Gear)

{MC:5.7.2} Cable Junction Bracket (A)

{MC:5.3.2} Opening/Closing the Board Box

{MC:5.1.2} Cassette Set Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

10. Reinstall the screws.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-250
5.72 Antistatic Member Assembly 5.72.2 Reinstallation Procedures
For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.
5.72.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.3} Opening/Closing the Board Box

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedure 3 from the

direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

3. Remove the antistatic member


05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-251
5.73 Guide Plate (Reference Side) 2. Take the procedures 3 and 4
from the direction indicated by
{SP:INDEX} the arrow in the figure.

5.73.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned
{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit
{MC:5.3} Opening/Closing the Board Box
{MC:5.59} Actuator Assembly
{MC:5.7} Cable Junction Bracket (A)
{MC:5.19} Damper Return Spring (Reference Side)
3. Remove the screws.

{MC:5.18} Damper Return Spring (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:5.20} Sensor Bracket Assembly (SA8/SA10/SA12)
{MC:5.29} Cable Junction Bracket (C)
{MC:5.31} IP Removal Unit Link Mechanism (Opposite Reference Side Gear)
{MC:5.9} Shutter Drive Arm (Reference Side)
{MC:5.4} Shutter Drive Arm (Opposite Reference Side)
{MC:5.21} Bearing Retaining Bracket (Reference Side)
{MC:5.22} Bearing Retaining Bracket (Opposite Reference Side)
{MC:5.23} Cassette Cover Closing Mechanism Driving Gear
{MC:5.33} Suction Arm Driving Motor (MA3)
{MC:5.6} Spur Gear (Opposite Reference Side) 4. Remove the guide plate
(reference side).
{MC:5.10} Spur Gear (Reference Side)
{MC:5.24} Cassette Hold Release Arm  NOTE 
When you remove the guide
{MC:5.30} Cassette Cover Closing Mechanism Driving Motor (MA2)
plate (reference side), the "15x30
{MC:5.34} Cable Junction Bracket (D) cassette" movable guide assembly
{MC:5.25} Cassette IP Holding Arm Assembly roller may drop. Be sure to keep
track of the roller.
{MC:5.35} Cassette Cover Closing Assembly Driving Shaft
{MC:5.26} Cassette Inlet Guide Assembly
{MC:5.36} Cassette Cover Closing Assembly
* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-252
5.73.2 Reinstallation Procedures
For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-253
5.74 Guide Plate (Opposite Reference Side) 2. Take the procedures 3 and 4
from the direction indicated by
{SP:INDEX} the arrow in the figure.

5.74.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

{MC:5.3} Opening/Closing the Board Box

{MC:5.7} Cable Junction Bracket (A)

{MC:5.19} Damper Return Spring (Reference Side)

3. Remove the screws.
{MC:5.18} Damper Return Spring (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:5.20} Sensor Bracket Assembly (SA8/SA10/SA12)

{MC:5.29} Cable Junction Bracket (C)

{MC:5.31} IP Removal Unit Link Mechanism (Opposite Reference Side Gear)

{MC:5.9} Shutter Drive Arm (Reference Side)

{MC:5.4} Shutter Drive Arm (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:5.21} Bearing Retaining Bracket (Reference Side)

{MC:5.22} Bearing Retaining Bracket (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:5.23} Cassette Cover Closing Mechanism Driving Gear

{MC:5.33} Suction Arm Driving Motor (MA3)

{MC:5.6} Spur Gear (Opposite Reference Side) 4. Remove the guide plate
(opposite reference side).
{MC:5.10} Spur Gear (Reference Side)

{MC:5.24} Cassette Hold Release Arm

{MC:5.30} Cassette Cover Closing Mechanism Driving Motor (MA2)

{MC:5.34} Cable Junction Bracket (D)

{MC:5.25} Cassette IP Holding Arm Assembly

{MC:5.35} Cassette Cover Closing Assembly Driving Shaft

{MC:5.26} Cassette Inlet Guide Assembly

{MC:5.36} Cassette Cover Closing Assembly

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-254
5.74.2 Reinstallation Procedures
For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-255
5.75 Guide Plate (Inch/Metric) 4. Remove the guide plate (inch/
5.75.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.3} Opening/Closing the Board Box

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures 3 and 4 5.75.2 Reinstallation Procedures

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure. For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.

3. Remove the screw.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-256
5.76 Stopper (Reference Side) 2. Take the procedure 3 from the
direction indicated by the arrow
{SP:INDEX} in the figure.
5.76.1 Removal Procedures
1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

{MC:5.3} Opening/Closing the Board Box

{MC:5.59} Actuator Assembly

{MC:5.7} Cable Junction Bracket (A)

{MC:5.19} Damper Return Spring (Reference Side)

3. Remove the screws and then
{MC:5.18} Damper Return Spring (Opposite Reference Side) the stopper (reference side).
{MC:5.20} Sensor Bracket Assembly (SA8/SA10/SA12)

{MC:5.29} Cable Junction Bracket (C)

{MC:5.31} IP Removal Unit Link Mechanism (Opposite Reference Side Gear)

{MC:5.9} Shutter Drive Arm (Reference Side)

{MC:5.4} Shutter Drive Arm (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:5.21} Bearing Retaining Bracket (Reference Side)

{MC:5.22} Bearing Retaining Bracket (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:5.23} Cassette Cover Closing Mechanism Driving Gear

{MC:5.33} Suction Arm Driving Motor (MA3)

{MC:5.6} Spur Gear (Opposite Reference Side)

5.76.2 Reinstallation Procedures
{MC:5.10} Spur Gear (Reference Side)
For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.
{MC:5.24} Cassette Hold Release Arm

{MC:5.30} Cassette Cover Closing Mechanism Driving Motor (MA2)

{MC:5.34} Cable Junction Bracket (D)

{MC:5.25} Cassette IP Holding Arm Assembly

{MC:5.35} Cassette Cover Closing Assembly Driving Shaft

{MC:5.26} Cassette Inlet Guide Assembly

{MC:5.36} Cassette Cover Closing Assembly

{MC:5.73} Guide Plate (Reference Side)

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-257
5.77 Stopper (Opposite Reference Side) 2. Take the procedure 3 from the
direction indicated by the arrow
{SP:INDEX} in the figure.
5.77.1 Removal Procedures
1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

{MC:5.3} Opening/Closing the Board Box

{MC:5.7} Cable Junction Bracket (A)

{MC:5.19} Damper Return Spring (Reference Side)

Damper Return Spring (Opposite Reference Side)
{MC:5.18} 3. Remove the screws and then
{MC:5.20} Sensor Bracket Assembly (SA8/SA10/SA12) the stopper (opposite reference
{MC:5.29} Cable Junction Bracket (C)

{MC:5.31} IP Removal Unit Link Mechanism (Opposite Reference Side Gear)

{MC:5.9} Shutter Drive Arm (Reference Side)

{MC:5.4} Shutter Drive Arm (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:5.21} Bearing Retaining Bracket (Reference Side)

{MC:5.22} Bearing Retaining Bracket (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:5.23} Cassette Cover Closing Mechanism Driving Gear

{MC:5.33} Suction Arm Driving Motor (MA3)

{MC:5.6} Spur Gear (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:5.10} Spur Gear (Reference Side)

5.77.2 Reinstallation Procedures
{MC:5.24} Cassette Hold Release Arm
For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.
{MC:5.30} Cassette Cover Closing Mechanism Driving Motor (MA2)

{MC:5.34} Cable Junction Bracket (D)

{MC:5.25} Cassette IP Holding Arm Assembly

{MC:5.35} Cassette Cover Closing Assembly Driving Shaft

{MC:5.26} Cassette Inlet Guide Assembly

{MC:5.36} Cassette Cover Closing Assembly

{MC:5.74} Guide Plate (Opposite Reference Side)

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-258
5.78 Stopper (Inch/Metric) 5.78.2 Reinstallation Procedures
For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.
5.78.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.3} Opening/Closing the Board Box

{MC:5.75} Guide Plate (Inch/Metric)

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedure 3 from the

direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

3. Remove the screws and then

the stopper (inch/metric).

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-259
5.79 Cassette Cover Opening Pin (Inch/Metric) 2. Remove the KL rings.

5.79.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

{MC:5.65} Large Cassette Size Sensor (SA15)

{MC:5.5} Cassette Cover Opening Mechanism Driving Motor (MA1)

{MC:5.7} Cable Junction Bracket (A)

3. Remove the shaft.
{MC:5.15} Cable Junction Bracket (B)

{MC:5.9} Shutter Drive Arm (Reference Side)

{MC:5.4} Shutter Drive Arm (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:5.28} Cassette Ejection Sensor (SA11)

{MC:5.66} Movable Guide Driving Assembly

{MC:5.6} Spur Gear (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:5.10} Spur Gear (Reference Side)

{MC:5.13} Cassette Cover Opening Assembly

{MC:5.14} Cassette Cover Opening Assembly Driving Shaft

{MC:5.85} Inch/Metric Sensor (SA16)

{MC:5.67} Movable Guide Assembly 4. Remove the cassette cover

opening pin (inch/metric).
* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-260
5.79.2 Reinstallation Procedures 2. Reinstall the ring and the
spring, and then the shafts.

1. Insert the cassette cover

opening pin (inch/metric) into
the rail. Align the bearing with
the hole of the movable guide
assembly for placement.

3. Mount the KL rings.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-261
4. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.67.2} Movable Guide Assembly

{MC:5.85.2} Inch/Metric Sensor (SA16)

{MC:5.14.2} Cassette Cover Opening Assembly Driving Shaft

{MC:5.13.2} Cassette Cover Opening Assembly

{MC:5.10.2} Spur Gear (Reference Side)

{MC:5.6.2} Spur Gear (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:5.66.2} Movable Guide Driving Assembly

{MC:5.28.2} Cassette Ejection Sensor (SA11)

{MC:5.4.2} Shutter Drive Arm (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:5.9.2} Shutter Drive Arm (Reference Side)

{MC:5.15.2} Cable Junction Bracket (B)

{MC:5.7.2} Cable Junction Bracket (A)

{MC:5.5.2} Cassette Cover Opening Mechanism Driving Motor (MA1)

{MC:5.65.2} Large Cassette Size Sensor (SA15)

{MC:5.1.2} Cassette Set Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-262
5.80 Cassette Receiver Assembly (Reference Side) 3. Remove the screw.

5.80.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

{MC:5.5} Cassette Cover Opening Mechanism Driving Motor (MA1)

{MC:5.7} Cable Junction Bracket (A)

{MC:5.19} Damper Return Spring (Reference Side)

4. Remove the gear and bearing.
{MC:5.9} Shutter Drive Arm (Reference Side)

{MC:5.4} Shutter Drive Arm (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:5.6} Spur Gear (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:5.10} Spur Gear (Reference Side)

{MC:5.13} Cassette Cover Opening Assembly

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures 3 and 4

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-263
5. Take the procedures 6 and 7 5.80.2 Reinstallation Procedures
from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure. For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.

6. Remove the screws.

7. Remove the cassette receiver

assembly (reference side).

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-264
5.81 Cassette Receiver Arm (Reference Side) 2. Remove the screw. Remove
the cassette receiver arm and
{SP:INDEX} then the straight pin.

5.81.1 Removal Procedures  NOTE 

When you remove the arm, the
1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
straight pin may drop. Be sure to
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
keep track of the straight pin.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

{MC:5.5} Cassette Cover Opening Mechanism Driving Motor (MA1)

{MC:5.7} Cable Junction Bracket (A)

{MC:5.19} Damper Return Spring (Reference Side)

{MC:5.9} Shutter Drive Arm (Reference Side)

{MC:5.4} Shutter Drive Arm (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:5.6} Spur Gear (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:5.10} Spur Gear (Reference Side)

{MC:5.13} Cassette Cover Opening Assembly

{MC:5.80} Cassette Receiver Assembly (Reference Side)

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

3. Remove the bracket and


05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-265
4. Remove the screw. Remove 5.81.2 Reinstallation Procedures
the cassette receiver arm and
then the straight pin.

 NOTE 
When you remove the arm, the
straight pin may drop. Be sure to
keep track of the straight pin.

1. Insert the straight pin into

the shaft. Install the cassette
receiver arm and then the

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-266
2. Install the bracket and bearing. 4. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
 NOTE 
Reference Part concerned
Ensure that the installed bracket
is oriented as shown. {MC:5.80.2} Cassette Receiver Assembly (Reference Side)

{MC:5.13.2} Cassette Cover Opening Assembly

{MC:5.10.2} Spur Gear (Reference Side)

{MC:5.6.2} Spur Gear (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:5.4.2} Shutter Drive Arm (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:5.9.2} Shutter Drive Arm (Reference Side)

{MC:5.19.2} Damper Return Spring (Reference Side)

{MC:5.7.2} Cable Junction Bracket (A)

3. Insert the straight pin into {MC:5.5.2} Cassette Cover Opening Mechanism Driving Motor (MA1)
the shaft. Install the cassette
receiver arm and then the {MC:5.1.2} Cassette Set Unit
screw. * Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-267
5.82 Cassette Receiver Assembly (Opposite Reference Side) 2. Take the procedures 3 and 4
from the direction indicated by
{SP:INDEX} the arrow in the figure.

5.82.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

{MC:5.65} Large Cassette Size Sensor (SA15)

{MC:5.5} Cassette Cover Opening Mechanism Driving Motor (MA1)

{MC:5.7} Cable Junction Bracket (A)

3. Remove the screws.
{MC:5.15} Cable Junction Bracket (B)

{MC:5.18} Damper Return Spring (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:5.9} Shutter Drive Arm (Reference Side)

{MC:5.4} Shutter Drive Arm (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:5.28} Cassette Ejection Sensor (SA11)

{MC:5.66} Movable Guide Driving Assembly

{MC:5.6} Spur Gear (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:5.10} Spur Gear (Reference Side)

{MC:5.13} Cassette Cover Opening Assembly

{MC:5.14} Cassette Cover Opening Assembly Driving Shaft

{MC:5.85} Inch/Metric Sensor (SA16) 4. Remove the gear and bearing.

{MC:5.67} Movable Guide Assembly

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-268
5. Take the procedures 6 and 7 5.82.2 Reinstallation Procedures
from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure. For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.

6. Remove the KL ring and then

the bearing.

7. Remove the cassette receiver

assembly (opposite reference

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-269
5.83 Cassette Receiver Arm (Opposite Reference Side) 2. Remove the screw. Remove
the cassette receiver arm and
{SP:INDEX} then the straight pin.

5.83.1 Removal Procedures  NOTE 

When you remove the arm, the
1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
straight pin may drop. Be sure to
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
keep track of the straight pin.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

{MC:5.5} Cassette Cover Opening Mechanism Driving Motor (MA1)

{MC:5.7} Cable Junction Bracket (A)

{MC:5.9} Shutter Drive Arm (Reference Side)

{MC:5.4} Shutter Drive Arm (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:5.6} Spur Gear (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:5.10} Spur Gear (Reference Side)

{MC:5.13} Cassette Cover Opening Assembly

{MC:5.14} Cassette Cover Opening Assembly Driving Shaft

{MC:5.15} Cable Junction Bracket (B)

{MC:5.28} Cassette Ejection Sensor (SA11)

{MC:5.65} Large Cassette Size Sensor (SA15)

{MC:5.66} Movable Guide Driving Assembly

{MC:5.85} Inch/Metric Sensor (SA16)

{MC:5.67} Movable Guide Assembly

{MC:5.18} Damper Return Spring (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:5.82} Cassette Receiver Assembly (Opposite Reference Side)

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-270
5.83.2 Reinstallation Procedures 2. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.82.2} Cassette Receiver Assembly (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:5.18.2} Damper Return Spring (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:5.67.2} Movable Guide Assembly

{MC:5.85.2} Inch/Metric Sensor

{MC:5.66.2} Movable Guide Driving Assembly

{MC:5.65.2} Large Cassette Size Sensor (SA15)

{MC:5.28.2} Cassette Ejection Sensor (SA11)

{MC:5.15.2} Cable Junction Bracket (B)

1. Insert the straight pin into {MC:5.14.2} Cassette Cover Opening Assembly Driving Shaft
the shaft. Install the cassette
receiver arm and then the {MC:5.13.2} Cassette Cover Opening Assembly
screw. {MC:5.10.2} Spur Gear (Reference Side)

{MC:5.6.2} Spur Gear (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:5.4.2} Shutter Drive Arm (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:5.9.2} Shutter Drive Arm (Reference Side)

{MC:5.7.2} Cable Junction Bracket (A)

{MC:5.5.2} Cassette Cover Opening Mechanism Driving Motor (MA1)

{MC:5.1.2} Cassette Set Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-271
5.84 Nothing

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-272
5.85 Inch/Metric Sensor (SA16) 3. Remove the screw while putting
away the actuator by the hand.
5.85.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures 3 and 4

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-273
4. Pull out the sensor (SA16) 5.85.2 Reinstallation Procedures
assembly, and disconnect the
connector. For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.

5. Remove the sensor from the


For details on the sensor
removal/installation procedure,
see "Appendix 1-1 Sensor (5 mm
{MC: Appendix 1-1_Sensor
(5 mm Type)}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-274
5.86 Inch/Metric Sensor Actuator 2. Remove the KL ring.

5.86.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.1} Cassette Set Unit

{MC:5.65} Large Cassette Size Sensor (SA15)

{MC:5.5} Cassette Cover Opening Mechanism Driving Motor (MA1)

{MC:5.7} Cable Junction Bracket (A)

3. Raise the actuator, and remove
{MC:5.15} Cable Junction Bracket (B) the straight pin.
{MC:5.9} Shutter Drive Arm (Reference Side)

{MC:5.4} Shutter Drive Arm (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:5.28} Cassette Ejection Sensor (SA11)

{MC:5.66} Movable Guide Driving Assembly

{MC:5.6} Spur Gear (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:5.10} Spur Gear (Reference Side)

{MC:5.13} Cassette Cover Opening Assembly

{MC:5.14} Cassette Cover Opening Assembly Driving Shaft

{MC:5.85} Inch/Metric Sensor (SA16)

{MC:5.67} Movable Guide Assembly

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-275
4. Raise the bracket, and remove 5.86.2 Reinstallation Procedures
the E ring.

5. Pull out the shaft, and remove 1. Rotate the bracket, and align
the torsion coil spring and the the bracket hole with the
actuator. bearing.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-276
2. Reinstall the torsion coil spring 4. Raise the actuator, and reinstall
and the actuator, and insert the the straight pin.

3. Raise the bracket, and reinstall 5. Mount the KL ring.

the E ring.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-277
6. Hook the end of the torsion coil
spring on a groove between the
actuator and the protrusion.

7. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.67.2} Movable Guide Assembly

{MC:5.85.2} Inch/Metric Sensor (SA16)

{MC:5.14.2} Cassette Cover Opening Assembly Driving Shaft

{MC:5.13.2} Cassette Cover Opening Assembly

{MC:5.10.2} Spur Gear (Reference Side)

{MC:5.6.2} Spur Gear (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:5.66.2} Movable Guide Driving Assembly

{MC:5.28.2} Cassette Ejection Sensor (SA11)

{MC:5.4.2} Shutter Drive Arm (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:5.9.2} Shutter Drive Arm (Reference Side)

{MC:5.15.2} Cable Junction Bracket (B)

{MC:5.7.2} Cable Junction Bracket (A)

{MC:5.5.2} Cassette Cover Opening Mechanism Driving Motor (MA1)

{MC:5.65.2} Large Cassette Size Sensor (SA15)

{MC:5.1.2} Cassette Set Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-278

6. Erasure Unit 3. Disconnect the connectors.

6.1 Erasure Unit


 NOTE 
When removing the erasure unit, exercise care in handling as the unit is hot.

6.1.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
4. Put the cable aside for the
Reference Part concerned protection of the cable.
{MC:3.1} Front Cover
 NOTE 
{MC:3.2} Right-Hand Side Cover
Be sure to put the cable aside.
* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to. Otherwise, the cable and the
connector might get caught when
removing/reinstalling the erasure

2. Take the procedures 3 to 6 from 5. Remove the retaining screws of

the direction indicated by the the erasure unit.
arrow in the figure.
 NOTE 
When removing the erasure unit,
exercise care in handling as the
unit is hot.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-279
6. Holding the erasure unit on the 6.1.2 Reinstallation Procedures
position indicated in the figure,
pull it out.

1. Take the procedures 2 to 6 from

the direction indicated by the
arrow in the figure.

2. Place the erasure unit in the

housing (shaded portion),
supporting it on the positions
indicated in the figure.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-280
3. While pushing the erasure 4. Pull out the erasure unit.
unit in the direction of the Slightly rotate the spur gear,
arrow, push it halfway into and then push the erasure unit
the housing. Push into the slowly into the housing.
innermost while exercising care
not to have the cable caught.  NOTE 
If the erasure unit cannot be
 NOTES  pushed into the inner of the
- If the erasure unit cannot be housing, do not forcibly pull it in.
pushed into the inner of the The spur gear of the erasure unit
housing, do not forcibly pull it might get damaged.
in. The spur gear of the erasure
unit might get damaged.
- If the erasure unit can be
pushed into the innermost
without the cassette set unit and
the spur gear of the erasure
unit interfering with each other,
the procedure 4 need not be
performed. Proceed to the
procedure 5.

5. Reinstall the retaining screws

of the erasure unit.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-281
6. Connect the connectors.

7. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:3.2.2} Right-Hand Side Cover

{MC:3.1.2} Front Cover

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-282
6.2 Duct Cover Bracket 6.2.2 Reinstallation Procedures

{SP:INDEX} For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.

6.2.1 Removal Procedures

1. Remove the erasure unit.

{MC:6.1_Erasure Unit}

2. Place the erasure unit in the

orientation as indicated in the

3. Remove the screws to remove

the duct cover bracket.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-283
6.3 Fan (FANB1) 4. Remove the screws to remove
the fan (FANB1).
6.3.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:6.1} Erasure Unit

{MC:6.2} Duct Cover Bracket

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Place the erasure unit in the

orientation as indicated in the

3. Unclamp the clamp, and

disconnect the connector.

 NOTE 
As the working space is small,
exercise care not to get injured by
peripheral parts when unclamping
the clamp.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-284
6.3.2 Reinstallation Procedures 3. Install the fan (FANB1).

1. Place the erasure unit in the 4. Connect the connector, and

orientation as indicated in the retain the cable with the clamp.

2. Verify the mount orientation of 5. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
the fan (FANB1) by the arrow procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
mark and the orientation of the
Reference Part concerned
{MC:6.2.2} Duct Cover Bracket

{MC:6.1.2} Erasure Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-285
6.4 Duct (Air-Intake Side) 6.4.2 Reinstallation Procedures
{SP:INDEX} For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.
6.4.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned
{MC:6.1} Erasure Unit
{MC:6.2} Duct Cover Bracket
{MC:6.3} Fan (FANB1)
* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Unclamp the clamp, and

disconnect the connector.

3. Remove the screws to remove

the duct (air-intake side).

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-286
6.5 Duct (Exhaust Side) 6.5.2 Reinstallation Procedures

{SP:INDEX} For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.

6.5.1 Removal Procedures

1. Remove the erasure unit.

{MC:6.1_Erasure Unit}

2. Place the erasure unit in the

orientation as indicated in the

3. Remove the screws to remove

the duct (exhaust side).

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-287
6.6 Reflection Plate 6.6.2 Reinstallation Procedures

6.6.1 Removal Procedures

1. Remove the erasure unit.

{MC:6.1_Erasure Unit}

2. Place the erasure unit in the 1. Place the reflection plate with
orientation as indicated in the its notches facing downward
figure. on the erasure unit.

 NOTE 
Exercise care in the orientation of
mounting the reflection plate.

3. Remove the reflection plate. 2. Reinstall the retaining screws

of the reflection plate.
- Do not strongly grasp the
reflection plate and the filter,
when removing the reflection
plate. Otherwise, the lamp
located inside the filter might get
- Do not damage the reflection
face of the reflection plate that
has been removed. If it gets
damaged, IP erasure might not
be performed normally.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-288
3. Check to make sure that the 6.6.3 Check/Adjustment Procedures
clearance is 6 ± 1 mm between
the reflection plate and the
filter around the center of the
reflection plate.

- When the distance between
the reflection plate and the
filter is within 6±1 mm, it is not
necessary to correct the warp of
the reflection plate. Proceed to
the procedure 4.
- If the clearance between the
reflection plate and the filter is
smaller than 5 mm or larger than 1. Remove the reflection plate.
7 mm, the warp of the reflection
plate need be corrected.  NOTES 
Correct the warp of the reflection - Do not strongly grasp the
plate, referring to “6.6.3 Check/ reflection plate and the filter,
Adjustment Procedures”. when removing the reflection
{MC:6.6.3_Check/Adjustment plate. Otherwise, the lamp
Procedures} located inside the filter might get
- Do not damage the reflection
face of the reflection plate that
has been removed. If it gets
damaged, IP erasure might not
be performed normally.

4. Reinstall the erasure unit. 2. Push around the center of the

{MC:6.1.2_Erasure Unit} reflection plate to adjust the
warp of the reflection plate.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-289
3. Place the reflection plate with
its notches facing downward
on the erasure unit.

 NOTE 
Exercise care in the orientation of
mounting the reflection plate.

4. Reinstall the retaining screws

of the reflection plate.

5. Reinstall the erasure unit.

{MC:6.1.2_Erasure Unit}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-290
6.7 Cover Bracket 6.7.2 Reinstallation Procedures

{SP:INDEX} For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.

6.7.1 Removal Procedures

1. Remove the erasure unit.

{MC:6.1_Erasure Unit}

2. Place the erasure unit in the

orientation as indicated in the

3. Remove the cover bracket.

 NOTE 
Do not raise nor move the erasure
unit, holding the reflection plate.
If the reflection plate deforms,
correct its warp referring to
the Check, Replacements and
Adjustment of Parts “6.6.3 Check/
Adjustment Procedures”.
Adjustment Procedures}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-291
6.8 Brush Roller Assembly 4. Remove the brush roller
6.8.1 Removal Procedures

1. Remove the erasure unit.

{MC:6.1_Erasure Unit}

2. Place the erasure unit in the

orientation as indicated in the

 NOTE 
Do not raise nor move the erasure
unit, holding the reflection plate.
If the reflection plate deforms,
correct its warp referring to
the Check, Replacements and
Adjustment of Parts “6.6.3 Check/
Adjustment Procedures”.
Adjustment Procedures}

3. Remove the retaining screw of

the brush roller assembly.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-292
6.8.2 Reinstallation Procedures 2. Check to make sure that both
brush roller assembly latches
are inserted into the bracket

 NOTE 
Improper insertion of the brush
roller assembly latch may cause
an IP jam.

1. Insert the brush roller assembly 3. Put on the retaining screw of

latches into the bracket holes, the brush roller assembly.
before reinstalling.

4. Place the erasure unit in the

orientation as indicated in the

 NOTE 
Do not raise nor move the erasure
unit, holding the reflection plate.
If the reflection plate deforms,
correct its warp referring to
the Check, Replacements and
Adjustment of Parts “6.6.3 Check/
Adjustment Procedures”.
Adjustment Procedures}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-293
5. Check to make sure that the
brush roller assembly latches
and the protrusions are
correctly mounted.

6. Reinstall the erasure unit.

{MC:6.1.2_Erasure Unit}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-294
6.9 Brush Roller 4. Remove the KL ring and the
half clutch spur gears.
6.9.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:6.1} Erasure Unit

{MC:6.8} Brush Roller Assembly

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. While expanding the latches of 5. While pushing the latches

the spur gear, remove the spur at both ends of the stopper,
gears. remove the stopper.

3. While pushing the latches 6. Remove the brash roller from

at both ends of the stopper, the bracket, and remove the
remove the stopper. bearings at both ends of the
brush roller.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-295
6.9.2 Reinstallation Procedures 2. Reinstall the brush roller,
watching the orientations of the
brush roller and the bracket.

 NOTE 
Install the brush roller in the
correct orientation referring to the
- Insert the shorter shaft end of
the brush roller to a region of the
bracket with a latch.
- Insert the longer shaft end of the
brush roller to a region of the
bracket with a hole.

1. Reinstall the bearings into both

ends of the brush roller.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-296
3. Install the other brush roller 5. Mount the half clutch spur gear
similarly to the procedure 1. and the KL ring on the longer
shaft end.

 NOTE 
Place the half clutch spur gear
in the orientation indicated in the
figure. If reversely placed, the
brush roller assembly will not
work normally.

4. While pushing the latches

at both ends of the stopper,
mount the stopper. Check to
make sure that the stopper will
not disengage.

 NOTE 
Check to make sure that the
stopper latch hooks the inside
of the bracket and does not

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-297
6. While pushing the latches
at both ends of the stopper,
mount the stopper. Check to
make sure that the stopper will
not disengage.

 NOTE 
Check to make sure that the
stopper latch hooks the inside
of the bracket and does not

7. Reinstall the spur gears.

8. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:6.8.2} Brush Roller Assembly

{MC:6.1.2} Erasure Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-298
6.10 Filter 3. Remove the screw to remove
the bracket.
 NOTE 
6.10.1 Removal Procedures Exercise care not to damage
the lamp by the bracket when
1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
removing the bracket.
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:6.1} Erasure Unit

{MC:6.6} Reflection Plate

{MC:6.7} Cover Bracket

{MC:6.8} Brush Roller Assembly

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Place the erasure unit in the

orientation as indicated in the

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-299
4. Place the erasure unit in the 6. Place the erasure unit in the
orientation as indicated in the orientation as indicated in the
figure. figure.

5. Lift the filter with a jeweler’s 7. Lift the filter while watching the
screwdriver, and remove it from lamp. Disengage the portion
the half punch. engaged with the half punch,
and remove the filter.

 NOTE 
Exercise care not to damage
the lamp with your fingers when
removing the filter.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-300
6.10.2 Reinstallation Procedures 2. Insert the end of the filter into
the aperture of the bracket,
move it in the direction of the
arrow, and reinstall the filter.

 NOTE 
Exercise care not to damage the
lamp when reinstalling the filter.

1. Check the orientation of

mounting the filter.

Determine the orientation of
mounting the filter by a yellow
portion of the filter.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-301
3. Push the filter into the right and 5. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
left half punches. procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:6.8.2} Brush Roller Assembly

{MC:6.7.2} Cover Bracket

{MC:6.6.2} Reflection Plate

{MC:6.1.2} Erasure Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

4. Reinstall the bracket.

 NOTE 
Exercise care not to damage
the lamp when reinstalling the

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-302
6.11 Spur Gear 6.11.2 Reinstallation Procedures

6.11.1 Removal Procedures

1. Remove the erasure unit.

{MC:6.1_Erasure Unit}

2. Place the erasure unit in the 1. Check the orientation of the

orientation as indicated in the spur gear, and mount on the
figure. shaft.

 NOTE 
Mount the spur gear in the correct
orientation, referring to the figure.

3. Remove the retaining screw of 2. Reinstall the spur gear and the
the spur gear, and remove the shaft, and reinstall the retaining
spur gear and the shaft. screw.

3. Reinstall the erasure unit.

{MC:6.1.2_Erasure Unit}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-303
6.12 Thermal Switch (TSWB1) 4. Remove the cable from the
6.12.1 Removal Procedures

1. Remove the erasure unit.

{MC:6.1_Erasure Unit}

2. Take the procedures 3 and 4 5. Take the procedures 6 and 7

from the direction indicated by from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure. the arrow in the figure.

3. Unclamp the clamp, and 6. Unclamp the clamps.

disconnect the connector.

 NOTE 
As the working space is small,
exercise care not to get injured by
peripheral parts.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-304
7. Remove the screws to remove 6.12.2 Reinstallation Procedures
the thermal switch (TSWB1).

1. Take the procedures 2 and 3

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

2. Put on the thermal switch

(TSWB1) with its shorter cable
upward, and reinstall the

 NOTE 
Mount the thermal switch in the
correct orientation, noticing the
length of the cable.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-305
3. Retain the cable with the clamps. 6. Connect the connector, and
retain the cable with the clamp.

 NOTE 
As the working space is small,
exercise care not to get injured by
peripheral parts.

4. Take the procedures 5 and 6 7. Reinstall the erasure unit.

from the direction indicated by {MC:6.1.2_Erasure Unit}
the arrow in the figure.

5. Push the cable into the clamp.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-306
6.13 Lamp Temperature Sensor (THB1) 4. Disconnect the connector.

6.13.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:6.1} Erasure Unit

{MC:6.7} Cover Bracket

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Place the erasure unit in the 5. Place the erasure unit in the
orientation as indicated in the orientation as indicated in the
figure. figure.

3. Unclamp the clamp, and

disconnect the connectors.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-307
6. Remove the screw, and
supporting on the position as
indicated in the figure, remove
the lamp temperature sensor

- Always hold the position as
indicated in the figure for the
operation. Otherwise, the lamp
temperature sensor (THB1)
might get damaged.
- Exercise care not to damage
the tip of the lamp temperature
sensor (THB1). If damaged, the
lamp temperature sensor (THB1)
may not work normally.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-308
6.13.2 Reinstallation Procedures 2. Place the erasure unit in the
orientation as indicated in the

1. Insert the lamp temperature 3. Take the procedures 4 and 5

sensor (THB1) into the lamp from the direction indicated by
assembly hole while exercising the arrow in the figure.
care not to damage the tip of
the sensor. Reinstall the screw.

- Always hold the position as
indicated in the figure for the
operation. Otherwise, the lamp
temperature sensor (THB1)
might get damaged.
- Exercise care not to damage
the tip of the lamp temperature
sensor (THB1). If damaged, the
lamp temperature sensor (THB1) 4. Connect the connector.
may not work normally.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-309
5. Connect the connectors.

6. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:6.7.2} Cover Bracket

{MC:6.1.2} Erasure Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-310
6.14 Erasure Assembly 3. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
{SP:INDEX} Reference Part concerned
1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts {MC:6.8.2} Brush Roller Assembly
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
parts. {MC:6.6.2} Reflection Plate

Reference Part concerned

{MC:6.5.2} Duct (Exhaust Side)

{MC:6.1} Erasure Unit {MC:6.4.2} Duct (Air-Intake Side)

{MC:6.2} Duct Cover Bracket {MC:6.3.2} Fan (FANB1)

{MC:6.3} Fan (FANB1) {MC:6.2.2} Duct Cover Bracket

{MC:6.4} Duct (Air-Intake Side) {MC:6.1.2} Erasure Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

{MC:6.5} Duct (Exhaust Side)

{MC:6.6} Reflection Plate

{MC:6.8} Brush Roller Assembly

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Replace the erasure assembly.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-311
6.15 INV Board (A) 3. Remove the screws.


When servicing any printed circuit board, be sure to wear an anti-static wristband to
ground your body. If your body is not grounded, static electricity built on your body
may cause damage to electronic parts on the board.

 NOTE 
Three INV boards (A) are mounted on the erasure unit. Although only one board is shown in
the procedures below, two other boards can be removed/reinstalled similarly.

6.15.1 Removal Procedures

4. Hold the positions as indicated
1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts in the figure, slightly raise the
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the INV board from the ERS23A
parts. board, and remove.
Reference Part concerned
{MC:6.1} Erasure Unit - Always lift vertically from the
{MC:6.7} Cover Bracket ERS23A board to remove.
Otherwise, the board connector
* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to. part might get damaged.
- Do not lift the INV board too
high. The cable connected from
the lamp assembly might get

2. Place the erasure unit in the 5. Disconnect the connectors, and

orientation as indicated in the remove the INV board.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-312
6.15.2 Reinstallation Procedures 2. Connect the connector to the
upper connector of the INV
board with the white cable of
the cables retained with the
upper clamp upward. Connect
the connector to the lower
connector of the INV board
with the white cable of the two
cables retained with the lower
clamp upward.

 NOTE 
Refer to the Machine Description
volume “3.2.3 Erasure Lamp and
Board Configurations” for the
1. Place the erasure unit in the positional relation between the
orientation as indicated in the connector of the INV board and
figure. the cables connected with it.
{MD:3.2.3_Erasure Lamp and
Board Configurations}

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-313
3. Holding the positions as 5. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
indicated in the figure, procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
insert the INV board into the
Reference Part concerned
innermost of the connectors of
the ERS23A board. {MC:6.7.2} Cover Bracket

 NOTES  {MC:6.1.2} Erasure Unit

- Be sure to push the INV board * Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.
into the specified position on
the ERS23A board. If the INV
board is mounted on a wrong
position, the erasure lamp will
not work normally. Refer to the
Machine Description volume
“3.2.3 Erasure Lamp and Board
Configurations” for details of the
mounting position of the INV
{MD:3.2.3_Erasure Lamp and
Board Configurations}
- Be sure to push in the connector
vertically to the board. If pushed
slantly, the board might get
- Always push in the connector to
the innermost.

4. Reinstall the screws.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-314
6.16 INV Board (B) 3. Remove the screws.


When servicing any printed circuit board, be sure to wear an anti-static wristband to
ground your body. If your body is not grounded, static electricity built on your body
may cause damage to electronic parts on the board.

 NOTE 
Three INV boards (B) are mounted on the erasure unit. Although only one board is shown in
the procedures below, two other boards can be removed/reinstalled similarly.

6.16.1 Removal Procedures

4. Hold the positions as indicated
1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts in the figure, slightly raise the
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the INV board from the ERS23A
parts. board, and remove.

Reference Part concerned  NOTES 

{MC:6.1} Erasure Unit - Always lift vertically from the
ERS23A board to remove.
{MC:6.7} Cover Bracket
Otherwise, the board connector
* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to. part might get damaged.
- Do not lift the INV board too
high. The cable connected from
the lamp assembly might get

2. Place the erasure unit in the 5. Disconnect the connector, and

orientation as indicated in the remove the INV board.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-315
6.16.2 Reinstallation Procedures 2. Connect the connector to the
upper connector of the INV
board with the white cable of
the cables retained with the
upper clamp upward. Connect
the connector to the lower
connector of the INV board
with the white cable of the two
cables retained with the lower
clamp upward.

 NOTE 
Refer to the Machine Description
volume “3.2.3 Erasure Lamp and
Board Configurations” for the
1. Place the erasure unit in the positional relation between the
orientation as indicated in the connector of the INV board and
figure. the cables connected with it.
{MD:3.2.3_Erasure Lamp and
Board Configurations}

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-316
3. Holding the positions as 5. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
indicated in the figure, procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
insert the INV board into the
Reference Part concerned
innermost of the connectors of
the ERS23A board. {MC:6.7.2} Cover Bracket

 NOTES  {MC:6.1.2} Erasure Unit

- Be sure to push the INV board * Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.
into the specified position on
the ERS23A board. If the INV
board is mounted on a wrong
position, the erasure lamp will
not work normally. Refer to the
Machine Description volume
“3.2.3 Erasure Lamp and Board
Configurations” for details of the
mounting position of the INV
{MD:3.2.3_Erasure Lamp and
Board Configurations}
- Be sure to push in the connector
vertically to the board. If pushed
slantly, the board might get
- Always push in the connector to
the innermost.

4. Reinstall the screws.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-317
6.17 ERS23A Board 3. Unclamp the clamp, and
disconnect the connectors.

When servicing any printed circuit board, be sure to wear an anti-static wristband to
ground your body. If your body is not grounded, static electricity built on your body
may cause damage to electronic parts on the board.

6.17.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:6.1} Erasure Unit 4. Disconnect the connector.

{MC:6.7} Cover Bracket

{MC:6.15} INV Board (A)

{MC:6.16} INV Board (B)

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Place the erasure unit in the 5. Remove the screws to remove

orientation as indicated in the the ERS23A board.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-318
6.17.2 Reinstallation Procedures
For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-319
6.18 Lamp Assembly 6.18.1 Removal Procedures

{SP:INDEX} 1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
 NOTE  parts.
- The lamp assembly differs in shape of the frame and the case between before and after
Reference Part concerned
the design change.
{MC:6.1} Erasure Unit

{MC:6.2} Duct Cover Bracket

{MC:6.4} Duct (Air-Intake Side)

{MC:6.5} Duct (Exhaust Side)

{MC:6.6} Reflection Plate

{MC:6.7} Cover Bracket

{MC:6.11} Spur Gear

{MC:6.12} Thermal Switch (TSWB1)

Removal/reinstallation procedures differ between before and after the design change. {MC:6.13} Lamp Temperature Sensor (THB1)
Refer to the procedures mentioned in “6.18.1 Removal Procedures” and “6.18.2
Reinstallation Procedures” for the procedures before the design change. {MC:6.15} INV Board (A)
{MC:6.18.1_Removal Procedures} {MC:6.16} INV Board (B)
{MC:6.18.2_Reinstallation Procedures}
* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.
Refer to the procedures mentioned in “6.18.3 Removal Procedures (After Design
Change)” and “6.18.4 Reinstallation Procedures (After Design Change)” for the
procedures after the design change.
{MC:6.18.3_Removal Procedures (After Design Change)}
{MC:6.18.4_Reinstallation Procedures (After Design Change)}
- Although the procedures to follow may differ in the number of lamps attached to
the machine and the number indicated in the service manual, the same removal/
reinstallation procedures of the lamp assembly can be taken. Read the contents
depending on the number of lamps attached to the machine.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-320
2. Take the procedures 3 to 5 from 4. Unclamp the clamps.
the direction indicated by the
arrow in the figure.

3. Unclamp the clamps.

5. Remove the retaining screws of

the lamp assembly.

 NOTE 
Do not strongly grasp the filter
when removing the screws. The
lamp located inside the filter might
get damaged.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-321
6. Take the procedure 7 from the 7. Slightly lift the lamp assembly,
direction indicated by the arrow holding the positions as
in the figure. indicated in the figure. Pull
out the right-hand side slowly
toward you. Shift the lamp
assembly slightly sideward,
and remove the assembly
toward you while watching the
connector and the cable.

 NOTE 
Exercise care not to have the
connector and the cable caught
by the bracket, when removing
the lamp assembly. The
connector and the cable might get

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-322
6.18.2 Reinstallation Procedures 2. Put in the left-hand cables of
the lamp assembly, and mount
the assembly on the erasure
unit. Push to the left while
watching the connectors on
the left-hand side of the lamp

 NOTE 
Exercise care not to have the
connector and the cable caught
by the bracket, when pushing
in the lamp assembly. The
connector and the cable might get
1. Check the mount orientation of
the lamp assembly.

Determine the mount orientation
of the lamp assembly by the
yellow portion of the filter.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-323
3. Put in the right-hand cables of 4. Push in the lower part of the
the lamp assembly. Push in the lamp assembly into the bracket.
lamp assembly while exercising
care not to have the connector
and the cable caught.

 NOTE 
Exercise care not to have the
connector and the cable caught
by the bracket, when pushing
in the lamp assembly. The
connector and the cable might get

5. Check to make sure that the

screws of the lamp assembly
are fitted into the holes of the

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-324
6. Take the procedures 7 to 9 from 8. Retain the cable coming out of
the direction indicated by the the first-from-upper cable outlet
arrow in the figure. with the upper clamp. Retain
the cable coming out of the
third-from-upper cable outlet
with the lower clamp.

 NOTE 
Check the following after the INV
board is mounted.
- The cable connecting with the
upper connector of the INV
board is retained with an upper
- The cable connecting with the
7. Reinstall the retaining screws lower connector of the INV
of the lamp assembly. board is retained with a lower
 NOTE 
Do not strongly grasp the filter
when reinstalling the screws. The
lamp located inside the filter might
get damaged.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-325
9. Retain the cable coming out of 10. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
the second-from-upper cable procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
outlet with the upper clamp.
Reference Part concerned
Retain the cable coming out
of the fourth-from-upper cable {MC:6.16.2} INV Board (B)
outlet with the lower clamp.
{MC:6.15.2} INV Board (A)

 NOTE  {MC:6.13.2} Lamp Temperature Sensor (THB1)

Check the following after the INV {MC:6.12.2} Thermal Switch (TSWB1)
board is mounted.
- The cable connecting with the {MC:6.11.2} Spur Gear
upper connector of the INV {MC:6.7.2} Cover Bracket
board is retained with an upper
{MC:6.6.2} Reflection Plate
- The cable connecting with the {MC:6.5.2} Duct (Exhaust Side)
lower connector of the INV
{MC:6.4.2} Duct (Air-Intake Side)
board is retained with a lower
clamp. {MC:6.2.2} Duct Cover Bracket

{MC:6.1.2} Erasure Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-326
6.18.3 Removal Procedures (After Design Change) 4. Take the procedures 5 to 9 from
the direction indicated by the
1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts arrow in the figure.
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:6.1} Erasure Unit

{MC:6.2} Duct Cover Bracket

{MC:6.4} Duct (Air-Intake Side)

{MC:6.5} Duct (Exhaust Side)

{MC:6.6} Reflection Plate

{MC:6.7} Cover Bracket

{MC:6.11} Spur Gear

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Disconnect the connector of the thermal switch (TSWB1), and unclamp the
clamps which retain the cable. Refer to the procedures 3 to 6 of “6.12 Thermal
Switch (TSWB1) for detailed procedures.
{MC:6.12_Thermal Switch (TSWB1)}
The thermal switch (TSWB1) is attached to the lamp assembly for replacement. You
need not remove the switch in this procedure.

3. Disconnect the connector of the lamp temperature sensor (THB1). Refer to the
procedure 4 of “6.13 Lamp Temperature Sensor (THB1)” for detailed procedures.
{MC:6.13_Lamp Temperature Sensor (THB1)}
The lamp temperature sensor (THB1) is attached to the lamp assembly for replacement.
You need not remove the sensor in this procedure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-327
5. Unclamp the clamps. 7. Unclamp the clamps.

6. Disconnect the connectors. 8. Disconnect the connectors.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-328
9. Remove the retaining screws of 10. Take the procedure 11 from the
the lamp assembly. direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.
 NOTE 
Do not strongly grasp the filter
when removing the screws. The
lamp located inside the filter might
get damaged.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-329
11. Slightly lift the lamp assembly, 12. Remove the cable clamp to
holding the positions as remove the bracket.
indicated in the figure. Pull
out the right-hand side slowly
toward you. Shift the lamp
assembly slightly sideward,
and remove the assembly
toward you while watching the
connector and the cable.

 NOTE 
Exercise care not to have the
connector and the cable caught
by the bracket, when removing
the lamp assembly. The
connector and the cable might get

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-330
6.18.4 Reinstallation Procedures (After Design Change) 2. Check the mount orientation of
the lamp assembly.

Determine the mount orientation
of the lamp assembly by the
yellow portion of the filter.

1. Attach the bracket to the lamp

assembly. Put the cables on the
lamp assembly hooks, and then
attach the cable clamps.

- For the lamp assembly with a
part No. of 360Y100027B or
later, you can attach the bracket
by means of half punches of the
lamp assembly.
- For the lamp assembly with
a part No. of 360Y100027
or earlier, no half punch for
positioning is not present on the
lamp assembly. Position the
bracket through screw holes,
and attach the bracket.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-331
3. Put in the left-hand cables of 4. Put in the right-hand cables of
the lamp assembly, and mount the lamp assembly. Push in the
the assembly on the erasure lamp assembly while exercising
unit. Push to the left while care not to have the connector
watching the connectors on and the cable caught.
the left-hand side of the lamp
assembly.  NOTE 
Exercise care not to have the
 NOTE  connector and the cable caught
Exercise care not to have the by the bracket, when pushing
connector and the cable caught in the lamp assembly. The
by the bracket, when pushing connector and the cable might get
in the lamp assembly. The damaged.
connector and the cable might get

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-332
5. Push in the lower part of the 8. Reinstall the retaining screws
lamp assembly into the bracket. of the lamp assembly.

 NOTE 
Do not strongly grasp the filter
when reinstalling the screws. The
lamp located inside the filter might
get damaged.

6. Check to make sure that the

screws of the lamp assembly
are fitted into the holes of the

7. Take the procedures 8 to 12

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-333
9. Connect the cable to the 11. Connect the cable to the
connector. connector.

 NOTE   NOTE 
Refer to the Machine Description Refer to the Machine Description
volume “3.2.3 Erasure Lamp and volume “3.2.3 Erasure Lamp and
Board Configurations” for the Board Configurations” for the
positional relation between the positional relation between the
connector of the INV board and connector of the INV board and
the cables connected with it. the cables connected with it.
{MD:3.2.3_Erasure Lamp and {MD:3.2.3_Erasure Lamp and
Board Configurations} Board Configurations}

10. Retain the cables with the 12. Retain the cables with the
clamps. clamps.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-334
13. Connect the connector of the lamp temperature sensor (THB1). Refer to the
reinstallation procedure 4 of “6.13 Lamp Temperature Sensor (THB1)” for detailed
{MC:6.13.2_Lamp Temperature Sensor (THB1)}

14. Retain the cable of the thermal switch (TSWB1) with clamps, and connect the
connector. Refer to the reinstallation procedures 3 to 6 of “6.12 Thermal Switch
(TSWB1)” for detailed procedures.
{MC:6.12.2_Thermal Switch (TSWB1)}

15. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:6.11.2} Spur Gear

{MC:6.7.2} Cover Bracket

{MC:6.6.2} Reflection Plate

{MC:6.5.2} Duct (Exhaust Side)

{MC:6.4.2} Duct (Air-Intake Side)

{MC:6.2.2} Duct Cover Bracket

{MC:6.1.2} Erasure Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-335

7. Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit 3. Unclamp the clamps, and

disconnect the connectors.
Move the cable toward the side
face and hook on the clamp
7.1 Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit for the protection of the cable.
Close the clamp.
7.1.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:3.1} Front Cover

{MC:3.2} Right-Hand Side Cover

{MC:3.3} Rear Cover

{MC:3.4} Left-Hand Side Cover

{MC:3.6} Rear Cover Plate

{MC:3.7} Left-Hand Cover Plate

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedure 3 from the

direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-336
4. Take the procedures 5 and 6 6. Remove the retaining screw of
from the direction indicated by the side-positioning conveyor
the arrow in the figure. unit.

5. Unclamp the clamp, and

disconnect the connector.
Set aside the cable out of the
housing for the protection of
the cable.

 NOTE 
Be sure to put the cable aside out
of the housing. Otherwise, the
cable and the connector might get
caught when removing/reinstalling
the side-positioning conveyor unit.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-337
7. Take the procedures 8 and 9 9. Supporting the side-positioning
from the direction indicated by conveyor unit on the positions
the arrow in the figure. indicated in the figure, pull the
unit straight toward you.

 NOTE 
Always support the unit on the
positions indicated in the figure
for this operation. If the unit is
pulled out with other positions
supported, components of the
side-positioning conveyor unit
might get damaged.

8. Remove the retaining screws of

the side-positioning conveyor

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-338
7.1.2 Reinstallation Procedures 3. Push in the side-positioning
conveyor unit straight halfway
into the housing. Push in
the lower part of the side-
positioning conveyor unit
horizontally into the housing,
and then push in the upper

 NOTE 
Always support the unit on the
positions indicated in the figure
for this operation. If the unit is
pulled out with other positions
supported, components of the
1. Take the procedures from 2 and side-positioning conveyor unit
3 from the direction indicated might get damaged.
by the arrow in the figure.

2. Hold the side-positioning

conveyor unit as indicated in
the figure, and mount it on the

 NOTE 
Always support the unit on the
positions indicated in the figure
for this operation. If the unit is
pulled out with other positions
supported, components of the
side-positioning conveyor unit
might get damaged.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-339
4. Take the procedures 5 and 6 7. Take the procedure 8 from the
from the direction indicated by direction indicated by the arrow
the arrow in the figure. in the figure.

5. Reinstall the retaining screw of 8. Reinstall the retaining screws

the side-positioning conveyor of the side-positioning
unit. conveyor unit.

6. Connect the connector, and

retain the cable with the clamp.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-340
9. Take the procedure 10 from the 10. Unclamp the clamp. Remove
direction indicated by the arrow the cable from the clamp,
in the figure. and move it toward the rear
of the housing. Connect the
connectors, and retain the
cable with the clamps.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-341
11. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:3.7.2} Left-Hand Cover Plate

{MC:3.6.2} Rear Cover Plate

{MC:3.4.2} Left-Hand Side Cover

{MC:3.3.2} Rear Cover

{MC:3.2.2} Right-Hand Side Cover

{MC:3.1.2} Front Cover

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-342
7.2 Sensor Assembly 4. Disconnect the connectors.

7.2.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.1} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures from 3 to 5 5. Remove the screws. Remove

from the direction indicated by the sensor assembly.
the arrow in the figure.

3. Unclamp the clamps.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-343
7.2.2 Reinstallation Procedures 3. Connect connector SC2 to
the upper sensor. Connect
connector SC1 to the lower

 NOTE 
Note the markings on the sensor
assembly and properly connect
the connectors. If the connectors
are erroneously connected,
the machine does not operate

1. Take the procedures from 2 to 4 4. Verify that the cable ties are
from the direction indicated by positioned as indicated in the
the arrow in the figure. figure, and then secure the
cable with the clamps.

2. Mount the sensor assembly 5. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
and reinstall the screws. procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.1.2} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-344
7.3 Side-Positioning Grip HP Sensor (SC1) and Side- 7.3.2 Reinstallation Procedures
Positioning Grip Release Position Sensor (SC2) For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.

7.3.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.1} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

{MC:7.2} Sensor Assembly

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Note the markings on the

bracket and remove the
sensors (SC1 and SC2).

For details on the sensor
removal/installation procedure,
see "Appendix 1-1 Sensor (5 mm
{MC: Appendix 1-1_Sensor
(5 mm Type)}

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-345
7.4 Timing Belt 4. Remove the timing belt.

7.4.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.1} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures 3 and 4

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

3. Remove the tension coil spring.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-346
7.4.2 Reinstallation Procedures 3. Mount the tension coil spring.

1. Take the procedures from 2 to 4 4. Verify that the timing belt is

from the direction indicated by threaded through the path
the arrow in the figure. indicated in the figure.

2. Thread the timing belt through 5. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
the path indicated in the figure. procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.1.2} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-347
7.5 Tensioner Assembly 7.5.2 Reinstallation Procedures
For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.
7.5.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.1} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

{MC:7.4} Timing Belt

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Remove the KL ring. Remove

the tensioner assembly.

For the detailed exploded view of
the tensioner assembly, see the
"Service Parts List" volume.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-348
7.6 Guide (A) 7.6.2 Reinstallation Procedures

7.6.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts 1. Orient the side-positioning
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the conveyor unit as indicated in
parts. the figure.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.1} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Remove the screws. Remove

the guide (A).

For the detailed exploded view
of the guide (A), see the "Service
Parts List" volume. 2. Place one end of the guide (A)
{SP:05A_SIDE-POSITIONING in its mounting position and
CONVEYOR 1} screw it down. Place the other
end in its mounting position
and screw it down to secure
the guide (A).

3. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.1.2} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-349
7.7 Guide (B) 7.7.2 Reinstallation Procedures
For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.
7.7.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.1} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

{MC:7.6} Guide (A)

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Remove the screws. Remove

the guide (B).

For the detailed exploded view
of the guide (B), see the "Service
Parts List" volume.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-350
7.8 Shock-Absorbing Roller Assembly 7.8.2 Reinstallation Procedures
For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.
7.8.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.1} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Remove the screws. Remove

the shock-absorbing roller

For the detailed exploded view
of the shock-absorbing roller
assembly, see the "Service Parts
List" volume.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-351
7.9 Leaf Spring (Reference Side) 7.9.2 Reinstallation Procedures

7.9.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts 1. Verify that the leaf spring is
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the properly mounted on the half
parts. punch, and then install the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.1} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit  NOTE 

Before installing the screw, be
{MC:7.2} Sensor Assembly
sure to verify that the leaf spring
* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to. is properly mounted on the half
2. Remove the screw and then the
leaf spring.

2. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.2.2} Sensor Assembly

{MC:7.1.2} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-352
7.10 Leaf Spring (Opposite Reference Side) 7.10.2 Reinstallation Procedures
7.10.1 Removal Procedures
1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the 1. Verify that the leaf spring is
parts. properly mounted on the half
punch, and then install the
Reference Part concerned
{MC:7.1} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit
 NOTE 
{MC:7.4} Timing Belt
Before installing the screw, be
{MC:7.5} Tensioner Assembly sure to verify that the leaf spring
* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to. is properly mounted on the half
2. Remove the screw and then the
leaf spring.

2. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned
{MC:7.5.2} Tensioner Assembly

{MC:7.4.2} Timing Belt

{MC:7.1.2} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-353
7.11 Planetary Gear Assembly 4. Remove the planetary gear
7.11.1 Removal Procedures For the detailed exploded view of
the planetary gear assembly, see
1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts the "Service Parts List" volume.
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the {SP:05B_SIDE-POSITIONING
parts. CONVEYOR 2}
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.1} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures 3 and 4

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

3. Remove the spur gears while 7.11.2 Reinstallation Procedures

opening their claws.
For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-354
7.12 Spur Gear (Reference Side) 7.12.2 Reinstallation Procedures
For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.
7.12.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.1} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

{MC:7.11} Planetary Gear Assembly

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Remove the spur gears while

opening their claws.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-355
7.13 Spur Gear (Opposite Reference Side) 7.13.2 Reinstallation Procedures
For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.
7.13.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.1} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

{MC:7.4} Timing Belt

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Remove the spur gears while

opening their claws.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-356
7.14 Grip Arm (Reference Side) 2. Remove the KL rings. Remove
the spacers, bearings, and grip
{SP:INDEX} arm.

7.14.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.1} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

{MC:7.2} Sensor Assembly

{MC:7.11} Planetary Gear Assembly

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-357
7.14.2 Reinstallation Procedures 2. Before mounting the side-positioning conveyor unit in the housing, adjust the
phases of the right- and left-hand grip arms.
{MC:7.14.3_Check/Adjustment Procedure}

 NOTE 
Before mounting the side-positioning conveyor unit in the housing, be sure to adjust the
phases of the right- and left-hand grip arms. If you mount the side-positioning conveyor
unit in the housing without properly adjusting the phases of the grip arms, the machine
does not operate normally.

3. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.11.2} Planetary Gear Assembly

1. Mount the grip arm, bearings, {MC:7.2.2} Sensor Assembly
and spacers while keeping
them from coming into contact {MC:7.1.2} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit
with the leaf spring. Mount the * Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.
KL rings.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-358
7.14.3 Check/Adjustment Procedure 2. With a thin-blade screwdriver,
rotate the shaft at least one
turn clockwise.

- If you continuously rotate
the shaft with a thin-blade
screwdriver, the gears
disengage from the grip arms
and then engage with the grip
arms, generating a hitting sound.
However, it does not constitute
any machine failure.
- For the description of grip arm
operations, see "5.4_Side-
Positioning Conveyor Unit" in
1. Verify that the right- and left-
the Machine Description volume.
hand grip arms are mounted in
the side-positioning conveyor
Conveyor Unit}

 NOTE 
Be sure to verify that the right-
and left-hand grip arms are
mounted. If either of them is
not mounted, mount it and then
proceed to perform procedures 2
and beyond.
- For mounting the grip arm
(reference side)
{MC:7.14.2_Grip Arm
(Reference Side)}
- For mounting the grip arm
(opposite reference side)
{MC:7.15.2_Grip Arm
(Opposite Reference Side)}

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-359
3. Take the procedures 4 and 5 6. Perform the grip arm installation procedure.
from the direction indicated by - To perform the grip arm (reference side) installation procedure
the arrow in the figure. {MC:7.14.2_Grip Arm (Reference Side)}
- To perform the grip arm (opposite reference side) installation procedure
{MC:7.15.2_Grip Arm (Opposite Reference Side)}

4. In the direction indicated

in DETAIL A, verify that the
lowermost tooth of the grip arm
is in mesh with the spur gear.

 NOTE 
If the lowermost tooth of the grip
arm is not in mesh with the spur
gear, make adjustment again by
performing procedure 2.

5. In the direction indicated

in DETAIL B, verify that the
lowermost tooth of the grip arm
is in mesh with the spur gear.

 NOTE 
If the lowermost tooth of the grip
arm is not in mesh with the spur
gear, make adjustment again by
performing procedure 2.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-360
7.15 Grip Arm (Opposite Reference Side) 2. Remove the KL rings. Remove
the spacers, bearings, and grip
{SP:INDEX} arm.

7.15.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.1} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

{MC:7.4} Timing Belt

{MC:7.5} Tensioner Assembly

{MC:7.13} Spur Gear (Opposite Reference Side)

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-361
7.15.2 Reinstallation Procedures 2. To adjust the phases of the grip arms, remove the sensor assembly.
{MC:7.2_Sensor Assembly}

 NOTE 
If the sensor assembly is already removed, there is no need to perform procedure 2.
Skip to procedure 3.

3. Before mounting the side-positioning conveyor unit in the housing, adjust the
phases of the right- and left-hand grip arms.
{MC:7.14.3_Check/Adjustment Procedure}

 NOTE 
Before mounting the side-positioning conveyor unit in the housing, be sure to adjust the
phases of the right- and left-hand grip arms. If you mount the side-positioning conveyor
unit in the housing without properly adjusting the phases of the grip arms, the machine
1. Mount the grip arm, bearings, does not operate normally.
and spacers while keeping
them from coming into contact 4. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
with the leaf spring. Mount the procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
KL rings.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.13.2} Spur Gear (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:7.5.2} Tensioner Assembly

{MC:7.4.2} Timing Belt

{MC:7.2.2} Sensor Assembly

{MC:7.1.2} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-362
7.16 Grip Shaft 3. In the direction indicated in
DETAIL A, remove the E-ring
{SP:INDEX} and then the spur gear.
Remove the KL ring, spur gear,
7.16.1 Removal Procedures and bearing.
1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.1} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

{MC:7.2} Sensor Assembly

{MC:7.11} Planetary Gear Assembly

{MC:7.14} Grip Arm (Reference Side)

4. In the direction indicated in
{MC:7.4} Timing Belt DETAIL B, remove the KL ring.
{MC:7.5} Tensioner Assembly Remove the spur gear and then
the bearing.
{MC:7.13} Spur Gear (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:7.15} Grip Arm (Opposite Reference Side)

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures 3 and 4 5. Take the procedure 6 from the

from the direction indicated by direction indicated by the arrow
the arrow in the figure. in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-363
6. Pull out the grip shaft. 7.16.2 Reinstallation Procedures

1. Take the procedure 2 from the

direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

2. Verify that the grooved shaft

end is positioned toward the
reference side, and then insert
the grip shaft into its position.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-364
3. Take the procedures 4 and 5 6. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
from the direction indicated by procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
the arrow in the figure.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.15.2} Grip Arm (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:7.13.2} Spur Gear (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:7.5.2} Tensioner Assembly

{MC:7.4.2} Timing Belt

{MC:7.14.2} Grip Arm (Reference Side)

{MC:7.11.2} Planetary Gear Assembly

{MC:7.2.2} Sensor Assembly

{MC:7.1.2} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

4. Verify that the spur gear * Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.
protrusion faces the side plate,
and then mount the bearing,
spur gear, and KL ring.

5. Verify that the spur gear

protrusion faces the side plate,
and then mount the bearing,
spur gear, and KL ring. Mount
the spur gear and E-ring.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-365
7.17 IP Sensor (SC3) 4. Remove the screws. Remove
the sensor (SC3).
7.17.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.1} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures 3 and 4 7.17.2 Reinstallation Procedures

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure. For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.

3. Disconnect the connector.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-366
7.18 "15x30/24x30 IP Width" Identifying Sensor 3. Remove the sensor assembly
retaining screws.
7.18.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:3.1} Front Cover

{MC:3.2} Right-Hand Side Cover

{MC:3.3} Rear Cover

{MC:3.6} Rear Cover Plate

4. Remove the cable from the
* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to. clamp and then remove the
sensor assembly by pulling it

 NOTE 
The cable is attached to the
removed sensor assembly.
Exercise care not to damage the

2. Take the procedures from 3 to 5

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-367
5. Disconnect the connector. 7.18.2 Reinstallation Procedures
Remove the screw and then the
sensor (SC9). For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-368
7.19 Reference Block Assembly 1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
{SP:INDEX} parts.

7.19.1 Removal Procedures  Removing reference block assemblies (A) and (B)
Reference Part concerned
{MC:7.1} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit
- The same removal steps are
applied to reference block {MC:7.20} Cable Junction Bracket
assemblies (A), (B), and (C)
{MC:7.24} Claw Driving Unit
except procedure 1.
- Reference block assemblies (A) * Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.
and (B) are the same parts.
 Removing reference block assembly (C)
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.1} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

{MC:7.2} Sensor Assembly

{MC:7.11} Planetary Gear Assembly

{MC:7.14} Grip Arm (Reference Side)

{MC:7.20} Cable Junction Bracket

{MC:7.24} Claw Driving Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures 3 and 4

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-369
3. Remove the reference block
assembly retaining screw.

4. Remove the reference block

assembly by moving it

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-370
7.19.2 Reinstallation Procedures 2. Press the arm to verify that
the guide is at its lowermost
 NOTES  position.
- The same removal steps are
 NOTE 
applied to reference block
Be sure to verify that the guide
assemblies (A), (B), and (C)
is at its lowermost position. If
except procedure 8.
the guide is not at its lowermost
- Reference block assemblies (A)
position, the proper phase does
and (B) are the same parts.
not prevail after installation.

1. Verify that the reference block driving mechanism is installed.

 NOTE 
If the reference block driving mechanism is not installed, install it as directed under
"7.25 Reference Block Driving Mechanism." If the reference block driving mechanism is
not installed, the reference block assembly cannot properly be installed.
{MC:7.25_Reference Block Driving Mechanism}

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-371
3. Verify that the installed 6. While the guide is retained with
reference block assembly cap a 2.0 mm diameter jeweler's
is oriented as shown in the screwdriver or wrench, insert
figure. the reference block assembly
 NOTE  into its position with the left-
hand protrusion aligned with
Be sure to verify that the installed
the hole in the side plate. Lift
cap is properly oriented. If the
the reference block assembly
cap is reversed, the reference
while pressing it against the
block assembly cannot be
side plate, and engage the
upper protrusion with the side

 NOTE 
Be sure to mount the reference
4. Verify that the curved surface block assembly while the guide
of the guide is visible. Insert is retained with a 2.0 mm
a 2.0 mm diameter jeweler's diameter jeweler's screwdriver
screwdriver or wrench into or wrench. If you remove the
the hole in the reference block jeweler's screwdriver or wrench
assembly to secure the guide, before completion of this step, an
which is positioned inside.
improper phase adjustment may
 NOTE 
Be sure to secure the guide, which
is positioned inside, with a 2.0 mm
diameter jeweler's screwdriver
or wrench. If a size other than
specified is used, an improper
phase adjustment may result at the
time of reference block assembly

5. Take the procedure 6 from the

direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-372
7. Install the reference block
assembly screw and then
remove the jeweler's
screwdriver or wrench.

8. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.

 For mounting reference block assembly (A) or (B)

Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.24.2} Claw Driving Unit

{MC:7.20.2} Cable Junction Bracket

{MC:7.1.2} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

 For mounting reference block assembly (C)

Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.14.2} Grip Arm (Reference Side)

{MC:7.11.2} Planetary Gear Assembly

{MC:7.2.2} Sensor Assembly

{MC:7.24.2} Claw Driving Unit

{MC:7.20.2} Cable Junction Bracket

{MC:7.1.2} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-373
7.20 Cable Junction Bracket 4. Remove the retaining screws of
the bracket.
7.20.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.1} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures from 3 to 5 5. Remove the bracket by tilting it

from the direction indicated by forward.
the arrow in the figure.

3. Unclamp the clamps.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-374
7.20.2 Reinstallation Procedures 3. Reinstall the bracket retaining

1. Take the procedures from 2 to 4 4. Secure the cable with the

from the direction indicated by clamps.
the arrow in the figure.

2. Mount the bracket by inserting 5. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
its lower end into a section that procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
is shaded in the figure.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.1.2} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-375
7.21 Side-Positioning Conveyor Roller Grip Release Motor 3. Take the procedures from 4 to 6
from the direction indicated by
(MC2) the arrow in the figure.
7.21.1 Removal Procedures
1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.1} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

{MC:7.2} Sensor Assembly

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Remove the KL ring and then 4. Undo the clamps. Disconnect

the spur gear. connector MC2 by pressing its

 NOTE 
Do not disconnect connector

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-376
5. While supporting the motor 6. Position the shaft end of the
(MC2) by hand, remove the motor (MC2) so that its shape
retaining screws. matches the side plate hole,
and then pull out the motor.
 NOTE 
If you remove the retaining
screws without supporting the
motor (MC2) by hand, the motor
may drop.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-377
7.21.2 Reinstallation Procedures 3. While supporting the motor
(MC2) by hand, install the
retaining screws.

1. Take the procedures from 2 to 5

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

2. Position the shaft end of the 4. Connect the connector.

motor (MC2) so that its shape Verify that the cable ties and
matches the side plate hole, connectors are positioned as
and then insert the motor into indicated in the figure, and
its position. then secure the cable with the

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-378
5. Mount the spur gear and then
the KL ring.

6. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.2.2} Sensor Assembly

{MC:7.1.2} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-379
7.22 Side-Positioning Reference Block HP Sensor (SC7) 4. Remove the sensor assembly
retaining screw.
7.22.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.1} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Orient the side-positioning 5. Rotate the sensor assembly

conveyor unit as indicated in until the sensor (SC7) becomes
the figure. visible, and then remove the
sensor assembly.

 NOTE 
The cable is attached to the
removed sensor assembly.
Exercise care not to damage the

3. Take the procedures from 4 to 6 6. Disconnect the connector and

from the direction indicated by then remove the sensor (SC7).
the arrow in the figure.
For details on the sensor
removal/installation procedure,
see "Appendix 1-1 Sensor (5 mm
{MC: Appendix 1-1_Sensor
(5 mm Type)}

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-380
7.22.2 Reinstallation Procedures 3. Rotate the sensor assembly
until it is properly oriented
for mounting. Verify that the
sensor assembly is properly
mounted on the half punch, and
then install the screw.

 NOTE 
Before installing the screw, be
sure to verify that the sensor
assembly is properly mounted on
the half punch.

1. Take the procedures from 2 and

3 from the direction indicated
by the arrow in the figure.

2. Mount the sensor (SC7) on 4. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
the bracket. Connect the procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
connector to the sensor (SC7).
Reference Part concerned
REFERENCE {MC:7.1.2} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit
For details on the sensor
removal/installation procedure, * Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.
see "Appendix 1-1 Sensor (5 mm
{MC: Appendix 1-1_Sensor
(5 mm Type)}

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-381
7.23 Side-Positioning Latch Stroke Sensor (SC10) 4. Remove the sensor assembly
retaining screws.
7.23.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.1} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Orient the side-positioning 5. Pull out the sensor assembly.

conveyor unit as indicated in
the figure.  NOTE 
The cable is still attached to
the removed sensor assembly.
Exercise care not to damage the

3. Take the procedures from 4 to 6 6. Disconnect the connector and

from the direction indicated by then remove the sensor (SC10).
the arrow in the figure.
For details on the sensor
removal/installation procedure,
see "Appendix 1-1 Sensor (5 mm
{MC: Appendix 1-1_Sensor
(5 mm Type)}

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-382
7.23.2 Reinstallation Procedures 3. Verify that the sensor assembly
is properly mounted on the
half punch, and then install the

 NOTE 
Before installing the screw, be
sure to verify that the sensor
assembly is properly mounted on
the half punch.

1. Take the procedures 2 and 3

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

2. Mount the sensor (SC10) on 4. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
the bracket. Connect the procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
connector to the sensor (SC10).
Reference Part concerned
{MC:7.1.2} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit
For details on the sensor
removal/installation procedure, * Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.
see "Appendix 1-1 Sensor (5 mm
{MC: Appendix 1-1_Sensor
(5 mm Type)}

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-383
7.24 Claw Driving Unit 3. Rotate the spur gear of the
motor (MC3) in the direction of
{SP:INDEX} the arrow in the figure to verify
that the shaft assembly claw is
7.24.1 Removal Procedures positioned nearest the sensor
1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.1} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

{MC:7.20} Cable Junction Bracket

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Verify the position of the shaft 4. Rotate the spur gear of the
assembly claw. motor (MC3) in the direction of
- If the shaft assembly claw the arrow in the figure to verify
is positioned in the CLOSE that the shaft assembly claw is
position of the sensor (SC6), moved to the CLOSE position
skip to procedure 5. of the sensor (SC6).
- If the shaft assembly claw is
 NOTE 
not positioned in the CLOSE
position of the sensor (SC6), Be sure to verify that the claw is
perform procedures 3 and 4 to moved to the CLOSE position of
adjust the claw position. the sensor (SC6). If you do not
observe this precaution, the claw
may break when you remove the
claw driving section.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-384
5. In the direction indicated in 6. Take the procedures from 7 to 9
DETAIL A, access the spur gear from the direction indicated by
of the motor (MC3). Rotate the the arrow in the figure.
spur gear in the direction of
the arrow in the figure to move
the arm claws. In the direction
indicated in DETAIL B, verify
that the arm claws are moved
to the inside of the side plate.

- Be sure to verify that the arm
claws are moved to the inside
of the side plate. If you do not
observe this precaution, the arm
claws may be caught by the side 7. Unclamp the clamps.
plate and damaged when you
remove the claw driving unit.
- Be sure to rotate the spur
gear of the motor (MC3) in
the specified direction only.
Rotating the spur gear in an
opposite direction shifts the claw
position that was adjusted in
procedures 3 and 4.
- If the motor (MC3) is
inadvertently rotated in an
opposite direction, return to
procedure 3 and adjust the shaft
assembly claw position again.

8. Disconnect the connectors.

 NOTE 
Do not disconnect connector

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-385
9. Orient the side-positioning 12. In the direction indicated in
conveyor unit as indicated in DETAIL B, remove the claw
the figure. driving unit retaining screws.

10. Take the procedures 11 and 12

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

11. In the direction indicated in

DETAIL A, remove the claw
driving unit retaining screws.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-386
13. Hold the portions indicated
in the figure and slightly pull
the claw driving unit. While
verifying that the arm claws
are not interfering with the side
plate, squarely pull out the claw
driving unit exercising care not
to tilt it leftward or rightward.

- When you pull out the claw
driving unit, be sure to verify that
the arm claws are not interfering
with the side plate. Failure to
observe this precaution may
break the claws.
- Be sure to squarely pull out the
claw driving unit while exercising
care not to tilt it leftward or
rightward. If you do not observe
this precaution, the arm claws
may interfere with the side plate
and become damaged.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-387
7.24.2 Reinstallation Procedures 2. Rotate the spur gear of the
motor (MC3) in the direction of
the arrow in the figure to verify
that the shaft assembly claw is
positioned nearest the sensor

1. Verify the position of the shaft 3. Rotate the spur gear of the
assembly claw. motor (MC3) in the direction of
- If the shaft assembly claw the arrow in the figure to verify
is positioned in the CLOSE that the shaft assembly claw is
position of the sensor (SC6), moved to the CLOSE position
skip to procedure 4. of the sensor (SC6).
- If the shaft assembly claw is
 NOTE 
not positioned in the CLOSE
position of the sensor (SC6), Be sure to verify that the claw is
perform procedures 2 and 3 to moved to the CLOSE position of
adjust the claw position. the sensor (SC6). If you do not
observe this precaution, the claw
may break when you install the
claw driving section.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-388
4. Rotate the spur gear of the 5. Hold the claw driving unit as
motor (MC3) in the direction indicated in the figure and
indicated in the figure until the insert the arm claws into the
end surfaces of the arms align holes in the side plate. Install
with the edge of the bracket. the right-hand side of the claw
Verify that the end surfaces of driving unit over the lower
the arms have moved to the end of the screw shown, and
edge of the bracket. then push the claw driving unit
- Be sure to verify that the end  NOTE 
surfaces of the arms have Be sure to push the claw driving
moved to the edge of the unit inward with the claws inserted
bracket. If you do not observe into the holes in the side plate.
this precaution, the arm claws Failure to observe this precaution
may be caught by the side plate may damage the claw.
and damaged when you install
the claw driving unit.
- Be sure to rotate the spur
gear of the motor (MC3) in
the specified direction only.
Rotating the spur gear in an
opposite direction shifts the claw
position that was adjusted in
procedures 2 and 3.
- If the motor (MC3) is
inadvertently rotated in an
opposite direction, return to
procedure 2 and adjust the
shaft assembly claw position

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-389
6. Take the procedures 7 and 8 9. Orient the side-positioning
from the direction indicated by conveyor unit as indicated in
the arrow in the figure. the figure.

7. In the direction indicated in 10. Take the procedures 11 and 12

DETAIL A, install the claw from the direction indicated by
driving unit retaining screws. the arrow in the figure.

8. In the direction indicated in 11. Connect the connectors.

DETAIL B, install the claw
driving unit retaining screws.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-390
12. Verify that the two cable ties
and connectors (MC2 and MC4)
are positioned as indicated in
the figure, and then secure the
cable with the clamps.

13. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.20.2} Cable Junction Bracket

{MC:7.1.2} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-391
7.25 Reference Block Driving Mechanism 3. Remove the tension coil spring.

7.25.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.1} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

{MC:7.20} Cable Junction Bracket

{MC:7.24} Claw Driving Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

4. Remove the E ring.

2. Take the procedures from 3 to 6 5. Remove the arm.

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-392
6. Remove the screws and then 7.25.2 Reinstallation Procedures
the rack assemblies.
 NOTE 
When installing the reference block driving mechanism, ensure that the reference
block assembly is installed in the side-positioning conveyor unit. If the reference block
assembly is not installed, the reference block driving mechanism cannot be properly
installed. If the reference block assembly is removed, install it as directed under "7.19.2
Reference Block Assembly."
{MC:7.19.2_Reference Block Assembly}

7. Pull the guides out of the racks. 1. Insert the guides into the rack

2. Take the procedures from 3 to 8

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-393
3. Install the rack assemblies and 5. From top to bottom, insert
then install the screws. the guide protrusions into the
grooves in the centers of the

4. With a jeweler's screwdriver

or the like, move all the three
guides downward.

 NOTE 
Be sure to move all the three
guides downward. If the guides
are not moved in this manner, the
arm cannot be properly mounted
in procedures 5 and beyond.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-394
6. Verify that all the three arm 8. Mount the tension coil spring.
protrusions are inserted into
the grooves at the guide center.

- Be sure to verify that all the
three arm protrusions are
inserted into the grooves at
the guide center. If you do not
observe this precaution, the
machine may fail to properly
- If the arm protrusions are not
inserted into the grooves at the
guide center, return to procedure
4 and insert the arm protrusions 9. Remove the reference block assembly, make phase adjustment, and then reinstall the
into the grooves. reference block assembly.

 NOTE 
Be sure to remove the reference block assembly and make phase adjustment as
directed under "7.19 Reference Block Assembly." When the reference block driving
mechanism is removed or installed, the machine may fail to properly operate due to an
improper reference block phase adjustment.
{MC:7.19_Reference Block Assembly}

10. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.24.2} Claw Driving Unit

7. Install the E-rings. {MC:7.20.2} Cable Junction Bracket

{MC:7.1.2} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-395
7.26 Side-Positioning Reference Block Driving Motor (MC4) 3. Unclamp the clamp.

7.26.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.1} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

{MC:7.20} Cable Junction Bracket

{MC:7.24} Claw Driving Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

4. Remove the screw and then the
motor assembly.

2. Take the procedures 3 and 4 5. Remove the KL ring and then

from the direction indicated by the spur gear. Remove the
the arrow in the figure. screws and then the motor

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-396
7.26.2 Reinstallation Procedures 3. Take the procedures 4 and 5
from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

1. Mount the motor (MC4) on the 4. Mount the motor assembly and
bracket and install the screws. install the screw.

2. Properly orient the spur gear. 5. Secure the cable with the
Mount the spur gear and KL clamp.

 NOTE 
Before mounting the spur gear,
orient it so that its protrusion end
faces the KL ring.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-397
6. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.24.2} Claw Driving Unit

{MC:7.20.2} Cable Junction Bracket

{MC:7.1.2} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-398
7.27 Spur Gear Assembly (Claw Driving Unit) 2. Remove the screw and then the
spur gear assembly.
7.27.1 Removal Procedures For details on the spur gear
assembly, see the "Service Parts
1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts List" volume.
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the {SP:05F_SIDE-POSITIONING
parts. CONVEYOR 6}
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.1} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

{MC:7.20} Cable Junction Bracket

{MC:7.24} Claw Driving Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

7.27.2 Reinstallation Procedures

For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-399
7.28 Arm 3. Remove the screw and then the
leaf spring.
7.28.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.1} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

{MC:7.20} Cable Junction Bracket

{MC:7.24} Claw Driving Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

4. Remove one arm by lifting its

2. Take the procedures 3 and 4 5. Remove the other arm by repeating procedure 4.
from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-400
7.28.2 Reinstallation Procedures 2. Push one arm into its position
after ounting its end with a

protrusion over the shaft and

aligning the other end with the
shaft groove. Repeat this step
to install the other arm.

1. Take the procedures 2 and 3

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

3. Install the bracket with its

grooves aligned with the arm
protrusions, and then install
the screw.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-401
4. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.24.2} Claw Driving Unit

{MC:7.20.2} Cable Junction Bracket

{MC:7.1.2} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-402
7.29 Shaft Driving Assembly 3. Remove the tension coil spring.

7.29.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.1} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

{MC:7.20} Cable Junction Bracket

{MC:7.22} Side-Positioning Reference Block HP Sensor (SC7)

{MC:7.24} Claw Driving Unit

4. Rotate the housing until the KL
{MC:7.27} Spur Gear Assembly (Claw Driving Unit) ring comes into view. Insert a
* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to. jeweler's screwdriver or the like
to remove the KL ring.

2. Take the procedures from 3 to 5 5. Remove the shaft driving

from the direction indicated by assembly.
the arrow in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-403
7.29.2 Reinstallation Procedures 3. Move the housing to locate the
shaft groove.

1. Take the procedures from 2 to 5 4. Mount the KL ring in alignment

from the direction indicated by with the shaft groove that was
the arrow in the figure. located in procedure 3.

2. Mount the shaft driving 5. Mount the tension coil spring.


08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-404
6. Verify the shaft assembly phase adjustment.

 NOTE 
Be sure to verify the shaft assembly phase adjustment as directed under "7.43.3 Check/
Adjustment Procedures." When the shaft driving assembly is removed or installed, an
improper shaft assembly phase adjustment may result.
{MC:7.34.3_Check/Adjustment Procedures}

7. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.27.2} Spur Gear Assembly (Claw Driving Unit)

{MC:7.24.2} Claw Driving Unit

{MC:7.22.2} Side-Positioning Reference Block HP Sensor (SC7)

{MC:7.20.2} Cable Junction Bracket

{MC:7.1.2} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-405
7.30 Housing 2. Hold the housing, move it
in a direction in which the
{SP:INDEX} compression coil spring
contracts, and lift the housing.
7.30.1 Removal Procedures
 NOTE 
1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
While you are moving the
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
housing in a direction in which the
compression coil spring contracts,
Reference Part concerned do not release your hand from the
housing. If you do not observe
{MC:7.1} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit
this precaution, the housing and
{MC:7.20} Cable Junction Bracket compression coil spring may
{MC:7.22} Side-Positioning Reference Block HP Sensor (SC7) scatter due to spring action and
become lost.
{MC:7.24} Claw Driving Unit

{MC:7.27} Spur Gear Assembly (Claw Driving Unit)

{MC:7.29} Shaft Driving Assembly

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-406
7.30.2 Reinstallation Procedures

1. Mount the housings,

compression coil spring, and
spacer. When mounting the
spacer on the cut housing,
align the housing protrusion
with the spacer groove.

2. Install the noncut housing over

3. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
the bearing as indicated in
the figure. Install the housing procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
over the bearing by moving the Reference Part concerned
housing in a direction in which
the compression coil spring {MC:7.29.2} Shaft Driving Assembly
{MC:7.27.2} Spur Gear Assembly (Claw Driving Unit)
 NOTE 
While you are moving the {MC:7.24.2} Claw Driving Unit
housing in a direction in which the
compression coil spring contracts, {MC:7.22.2} Side-Positioning Reference Block HP Sensor (SC7)
do not release your hand from the {MC:7.20.2} Cable Junction Bracket
housing. If you do not observe
this precaution, the housing and {MC:7.1.2} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit
compression coil spring may
scatter due to spring action and * Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.
become lost.
08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-407
7.31 Side-Positioning HP Sensor (SC6) 3. Unclamp the clamp, and
disconnect the connector.
7.31.1 Removal Procedures
1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned
{MC:7.1} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit
{MC:7.20} Cable Junction Bracket
{MC:7.24} Claw Driving Unit
* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Manually rotate the spur gear of 4. Remove the sensor (SC6).

the motor (MC3) in the direction
of the arrow in the figure to
verify that the shaft assembly For details on the sensor
claw is disengaged from the removal/installation procedure,
CLOSE position of the sensor see "Appendix 1-1 Sensor (5 mm
(SC6). Type)."
{MC: Appendix 1-1_Sensor
 NOTE  (5 mm Type)}
If you remove the sensor (SC6)
while it is engaged with the claw,
the sensor (SC6) may become

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-408
7.31.2 Reinstallation Procedures 3. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.24.2} Claw Driving Unit

{MC:7.20.2} Cable Junction Bracket

{MC:7.1.2} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

1. Mount the sensor (SC6).

For details on the sensor
removal/installation procedure,
see "Appendix 1-1 Sensor (5 mm
{MC: Appendix 1-1_Sensor
(5 mm Type)}

2. Connect the connector. Make

sure that the cable tie is
positioned as indicated in the
figure, before retaining the
cable with the clamps.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-409
7.32 Side-Positioning Latch Position Sensor (SC8) 2. Disconnect the connector.

7.32.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:3.1} Front Cover

{MC:3.2} Right-Hand Side Cover

{MC:3.3} Rear Cover

{MC:3.6} Rear Cover Plate

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

3. Remove the screws and then

the sensor (SC8).

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-410
7.32.2 Reinstallation Procedures 2. Connect the connector.

1. Verify that the connector faces 3. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
downward, mount the sensor procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
(SC8), and install the screws.
Reference Part concerned
 NOTE  {MC:3.6.2} Rear Cover Plate
Be sure to verify that the
{MC:3.3.2} Rear Cover
connector faces downward.
{MC:3.2.2} Right-Hand Side Cover

{MC:3.1.2} Front Cover

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-411
7.33 Shaft Retaining Bracket Assembly 3. Remove the E rings.

7.33.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.1} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

{MC:7.20} Cable Junction Bracket

{MC:7.24} Claw Driving Unit

{MC:7.28} Arm
4. Remove the claws.
* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures from 3 to 7 5. Unclamp the clamp, and

from the direction indicated by disconnect the connector.
the arrow in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-412
6. Remove the retaining screw 7.33.2 Reinstallation Procedures
from the shaft retaining bracket

7. Remove the shaft retaining 1. Take the procedures from 2 to 6

bracket assembly. from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

2. Mount the shaft retaining

bracket assembly in a
horizontal position.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-413
3. Install the retaining screw 6. Mount the E rings.
to secure the shaft retaining
bracket assembly.

4. Connect the connector. Make 7. Verify the shaft assembly phase adjustment.
sure that the cable tie is
positioned as indicated in the  NOTE 
figure, before retaining the Be sure to verify the shaft assembly phase adjustment as directed under "7.34.3 Check/
cable with the clamps. Adjustment Procedures." When the shaft driving assembly is removed or installed, an
improper shaft assembly phase adjustment may result.
{MC:7.34.3_Check/Adjustment Procedures}

5. With the protrusion of the claw 8. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
facing the shaft, reinstall the procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
claw in alignment with the
Reference Part concerned
D-cut flat surface.
{MC:7.28.2} Arm

{MC:7.24.2} Claw Driving Unit

{MC:7.20.2} Cable Junction Bracket

{MC:7.1.2} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-414
7.34 Shaft Assemblies 7.34.2 Reinstallation Procedures

7.34.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.1} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

{MC:7.20} Cable Junction Bracket

{MC:7.22} Side-Positioning Reference Block HP Sensor (SC7)

{MC:7.32} Side-Positioning Latch Position Sensor (SC8)

1. Orient the shaft assemblies in
{MC:7.24} Claw Driving Unit the same direction so that the
{MC:7.27} Spur Gear Assembly (Claw Driving Unit) claws are roughly parallel to
each other.
{MC:7.29} Shaft Driving Assembly

{MC:7.28} Arm

{MC:7.33} Shaft Retaining Bracket Assembly

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Remove the shaft assemblies 2. Make sure that the shaft

by moving them in a horizontal assembly having a groove
direction. in the middle of the shaft is
located in front. Insert the shaft
assemblies in a horizontal
direction so that the spur gears
mesh with the teeth of the half
clutch assemblies.

 NOTE 
Shaft assemblies are different in
shape. Be sure to place the shaft
assembly having a groove in the
middle of the shaft in front.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-415
3. Verify the shaft assembly phase adjustment.

 NOTE 
Be sure to verify the shaft assembly phase adjustment as directed under "7.34.3 Check/
Adjustment Procedure." When the shaft driving assembly is removed or installed, an
improper shaft assembly phase adjustment may result.
{MC:7.34.3_Check/Adjustment Procedure}

4. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.33.2} Shaft Retaining Bracket Assembly

{MC:7.28.2} Arm

{MC:7.29.2} Shaft Driving Assembly

{MC:7.27.2} Spur Gear Assembly (Claw Driving Unit)

{MC:7.24.2} Claw Driving Unit

{MC:7.32.2} Side-Positioning Latch Position Sensor (SC8)

{MC:7.22.2} Side-Positioning Reference Block HP Sensor (SC7)

{MC:7.20.2} Cable Junction Bracket

{MC:7.1.2} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-416
7.34.3 Check/Adjustment Procedures 4. With the rear shaft secured,
measure the claw as indicated
1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts in the figure.
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
parts.  When the claw height is 27±1 mm

Reference Part concerned Claw phase adjustment is

properly made. Therefore, there
{MC:7.1} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit is no need to perform procedures
{MC:7.29} Shaft Driving Assembly 5 and beyond. Return to the
installation procedure.
{MC:7.33} Shaft Retaining Bracket Assembly
 When the claw height is not 27±1
* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.
Proceed to perform procedures
5 and 6 to make claw phase
2. Take the procedure from 3 to 6
from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

3. Rotate the rear shaft until the

claw height shown in the figure
is 50±1 mm.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-417
5. Move the shaft driving 6. Make claw height
assemblies in the direction measurements again as
indicated in the figure. Rotate indicated in the figure. Verify
the front shaft assembly to that the rear claw height is 50
adjust the claw height. After ±1 mm and that the front claw
completion of adjustment, height is 27±1 mm.
move the shaft assembly to
its original position so that the  NOTE 
spur gear meshes with the half If the claw heights are not as
clutch assembly. specified above (50±1 mm and
27±1 mm), return to procedure 5
 NOTE  and make claw phase adjustment.
The direction of shaft assembly
rotation varies with the claw
height measured in procedure 4.
 When the claw height is more 7. Return to the reinstallation
than 27±1 mm procedure.
Rotate the shaft assembly
 When the claw height is less
than 27±1 mm
Rotate the shaft assembly

When you rotate the shaft
assembly by one tooth position,
the claw height is changed by
about 5 mm.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-418
7.35 Shafts and Claws 3. Remove the claws.

7.35.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.1} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

{MC:7.20} Cable Junction Bracket

{MC:7.22} Side-Positioning Reference Block HP Sensor (SC7)

{MC:7.32} Side-Positioning Latch Position Sensor (SC8)

4. Remove the E-ring from the
{MC:7.24} Claw Driving Unit other end of the shaft.
{MC:7.27} Spur Gear Assembly (Claw Driving Unit)

{MC:7.29} Shaft Driving Assembly

{MC:7.28} Arm

{MC:7.33} Shaft Retaining Bracket Assembly

{MC:7.34} Shaft Assemblies

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Remove the E ring. 5. Remove the spur gear and


08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-419
7.35.2 Reinstallation Procedures 3. Mount the E-ring.

1. Take the procedures 2 and 3 4. Take the procedures from 5 to 7

from the direction indicated by from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure. the arrow in the figure.

2. With the protrusion of the claw 5. With the protrusion of the claw
facing forward, install the claw facing the shaft, install the claw
and spur gear in alignment with in alignment with the D-cut flat
the D-cut flat surface. surface.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-420
6. With the protrusion of the claw 8. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
facing the shaft, install the claw procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
in alignment with the three
Reference Part concerned
D-cut flat surfaces.
{MC:7.34.2} Shaft Assemblies

{MC:7.33.2} Shaft Retaining Bracket Assembly

{MC:7.28.2} Arm

{MC:7.29.2} Shaft Driving Assembly

{MC:7.27.2} Spur Gear Assembly (Claw Driving Unit)

{MC:7.24.2} Claw Driving Unit

{MC:7.32.2} Side-Positioning Latch Position Sensor (SC8)

{MC:7.22.2} Side-Positioning Reference Block HP Sensor (SC7)

7. Mount the E ring. {MC:7.20.2} Cable Junction Bracket

{MC:7.1.2} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-421
7.36 Side-Positioning Latch Mechanism Driving Motor (MC3) 3. Insert a screwdriver obliquely
and remove the retaining
{SP:INDEX} screws from the motor (MC3).

7.36.1 Removal Procedures  NOTE 

When inserting the screwdriver
1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
obliquely to remove the screws,
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
exercise care not to damage
the screw threads. If the screw
Reference Part concerned threads are damaged, you may
not be able to remove the motor
{MC:7.1} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit
{MC:7.20} Cable Junction Bracket

{MC:7.24} Claw Driving Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

4. Remove the motor (MC3).

2. Take the procedures 3 and 4

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-422
7.36.2 Reinstallation Procedures 3. Insert a screwdriver obliquely
and install the motor (MC3)
retaining screws.

 NOTE 
When inserting the screwdriver
obliquely to install the screws,
exercise care not to damage
the screw threads. If the screw
threads are damaged, you may
not be able to remove the motor

1. Take the procedures 2 and 3 4. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
from the direction indicated by procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
the arrow in the figure.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.24.2} Claw Driving Unit

{MC:7.20.2} Cable Junction Bracket

{MC:7.1.2} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Verify that the connector for

the motor (MC3) is oriented as
shown in the figure, and then
mount the motor (MC3).

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-423
7.37 Half Clutch Assembly 3. Remove the screws and then
the base assembly.
7.37.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.1} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

{MC:7.22} Side-Positioning Reference Block HP Sensor (SC7)

{MC:7.23} Side-Positioning Latch Stroke Sensor (SC10)

{MC:7.32} Side-Positioning Latch Position Sensor (SC8)

4. Remove the retaining screw of
{MC:7.24} Claw Driving Unit the bracket.
{MC:7.27} Spur Gear Assembly (Claw Driving Unit)

{MC:7.29} Shaft Driving Assembly

{MC:7.28} Arm

{MC:7.33} Shaft Retaining Bracket Assembly

{MC:7.34} Shaft Assemblies

{MC:7.36} Side-Positioning Latch Mechanism Driving Motor (MC3)

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures from 3 to 7 5. Remove the bracket.

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-424
6. Remove KL ring.

7. Remove the half clutch

assembly and spur gear.
Remove the leaf spring and

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-425
7.37.2 Reinstallation Procedures 3. Verify that the clutch marking is
positioned outward. Mount the
clutch with the three grooves
properly positioned.

 NOTE 
Before mounting the clutch, be
sure to verify that the clutch
marking is visible.

1. Install the spacers and spur 4. Mount the bearing.

gear in alignment with the D-cut
flat surface.

2. Install the bearing and cam. 5. Take the procedures from 6 to

10 from the direction indicated
by the arrow in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-426
6. Mount the leaf spring. Engage 9. Have on hand the half
the leading end of the leaf clutch assembly, which was
spring with the base assembly. assembled by performing
procedures 1 to 4. Mount the
 NOTE  half clutch assembly while
Be sure to engage the leading keeping it from coming into
end of the leaf spring with the contact with the leaf spring.
base assembly. If the leading end
of the leaf spring is not engaged
with the base assembly, the parts
mentioned in procedures 7 and
beyond cannot be mounted.

7. Mount the arm while observing 10. Verify that the longer shaft end
the positional relationship of the spur gear faces the shaft.
shown in the figure. Mount the spur gear and then
the KL ring.
 NOTE 
Be sure that the positional
relationship between the leaf
spring and arm is as indicated
in the figure. If the positional
relationship between the leaf
spring and arm is not as shown,
the machine may fail to properly

8. While the positional 11. Orient the base assembly as

relationship mentioned in indicated in the figure. In the
procedure 7 is maintained, direction of the arrow, perform
secure the leaf spring by procedures 12 and 13.
pressing it from below with
your finger.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-427
12. Mount the bearing. With 15. Mount the bracket while
the two visible holes facing aligning the bracket protrusion
upward, mount the half clutch with the half clutch hole.
spur gear.

13. Verify that the clutch marking is 16. Reinstall the bracket retaining
positioned outward. Mount the screw.
clutch with the three grooves
properly positioned. Mount the

14. Orient the base assembly as 17. Mount the base assembly, and
indicated in the figure. In the install the screws.
direction of the arrow, perform
procedures 15 and 16.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-428
18. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.36.2} Side-Positioning Latch Mechanism Driving Motor (MC3)

{MC:7.34.2} Shaft Assemblies

{MC:7.33.2} Shaft Retaining Bracket Assembly

{MC:7.28.2} Arm

{MC:7.29.2} Shaft Driving Assembly

{MC:7.27.2} Spur Gear Assembly (Claw Driving Unit)

{MC:7.24.2} Claw Driving Unit

{MC:7.32.2} Side-Positioning Latch Position Sensor (SC8)

{MC:7.23.2} Side-Positioning Latch Stroke Sensor (SC10)

{MC:7.22.2} Side-Positioning Reference Block HP Sensor (SC7)

{MC:7.1.2} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-429
7.38 Barcode Reader (BCRC1) 3. Unclamp the clamps, and
disconnect the connector.
7.38.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:3.1} Front Cover

{MC:3.2} Right-Hand Side Cover

{MC:3.3} Rear Cover

{MC:3.4} Left-Hand Side Cover

4. Remove the screws and then
{MC:3.6} Rear Cover Plate the barcode reader assembly.
* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures 3 and 4 5. Remove the screws and then

from the direction indicated by the barcode reader (BCRC1).
the arrow in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-430
7.38.2 Reinstallation Procedures
For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-431
7.39 Side-Positioning IP Transport Motor (MC1) 3. Press the claw and disconnect
the connector.
7.39.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.1} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

{MC:7.4} Timing Belt

{MC:7.20} Cable Junction Bracket

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

4. Remove the motor (MC1)
retaining screws.

2. Take the procedures from 3 to 5 5. Remove the motor (MC1) while

from the direction indicated by tilting it.
the arrow in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-432
7.39.2 Reinstallation Procedures 3. Screw down the motor (MC1).

1. Take the procedures from 2 to 4 4. Connect the connector.

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

2. Verify that the connector for 5. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
the motor (MC1) is oriented as procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
shown in the figure. Mount the
Reference Part concerned
motor (MC1) while tilting it.
{MC:7.20.2} Cable Junction Bracket
 NOTE 
{MC:7.4.2} Timing Belt
Ensure that the connector is
properly oriented. {MC:7.1.2} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-433
7.40 Spur Gears and Tension Coil Springs 4. Remove the tension coil spring.

7.40.1 Removal Procedures
1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.1} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

{MC:7.11} Planetary Gear Assembly

{MC:7.12} Spur Gear (Reference Side)

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures 3 and 4 5. Take the procedure 6 from the

from the direction indicated by direction indicated by the arrow
the arrow in the figure. in the figure.

3. Remove the spur gears while 6. Remove the tension coil spring.
opening their claws.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-434
7.40.2 Reinstallation Procedures 3. Take the procedures 4 and 5
from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

1. Take the procedure 2 from the 4. Mount the tension coil spring
direction indicated by the arrow along the groove in the
in the figure. housing.

 NOTE 
The tension coil spring on the
reference side differs in length
from the one on the opposite
reference side. The spring on the
opposite reference side is 61 mm

2. Mount the tension coil spring 5. Mount the spur gears.

along the groove in the

 NOTE 
The tension coil spring on the
reference side differs in length
from the one on the opposite
reference side. The spring on the
reference side is 80 mm long.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-435
6. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.12.2} Spur Gear (Reference Side)

{MC:7.11.2} Planetary Gear Assembly

{MC:7.1.2} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-436
7.41 Rubber Roller (A) 3. Rotate the housing until it is
oriented as shown in the figure.
{SP:INDEX} Remove the housing.

7.41.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.1} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

{MC:7.6} Guide (A)

{MC:7.11} Planetary Gear Assembly

{MC:7.12} Spur Gear (Reference Side)

{MC:7.40} Spur Gears and Tension Coil Springs

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures 3 and 4 4. Remove the bearing.

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-437
5. Take the procedures 6 and 7 7. Remove the bearing.
from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

6. Rotate the housing until it is 8. Take the procedure 9 from the

oriented as shown in the figure. direction indicated by the arrow
Remove the housing. in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-438
9. Move rubber roller (A) inward 7.41.2 Reinstallation Procedures
and then remove it.

1. Take the procedures 2 and 3

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

2. Insert one end of rubber roller

(A) into the side plate.

 NOTE 
Pay attention to the orientation of
the rubber roller.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-439
3. Insert the other end of rubber 6. Mount the housing after
roller (A) into the side plate. aligning it with the hole in the
side plate.

4. Take the procedures 5 and 6

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

5. Mount the bearing. 7. Take the procedures 8 and 9

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-440
8. Mount the bearing. 10. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.40.2} Spur Gears and Tension Coil Springs

{MC:7.12.2} Spur Gear (Reference Side)

{MC:7.11.2} Planetary Gear Assembly

{MC:7.6.2} Guide (A)

{MC:7.1.2} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

9. Mount the housing after

aligning it with the hole in the
side plate.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-441
7.42 Rubber Roller (B) 3. Rotate the housing until it is
oriented as shown in the figure.
{SP:INDEX} Remove the housing.

7.42.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.1} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

{MC:7.11} Planetary Gear Assembly

{MC:7.12} Spur Gear (Reference Side)

{MC:7.40} Spur Gears and Tension Coil Springs

{MC:7.38} Barcode Reader (BCRC1)

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures 3 and 4 4. Remove the bearing.

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-442
5. Take the procedures 6 and 7 7. Remove the bearing.
from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

6. Rotate the housing until it is 8. Take the procedure 9 from the

oriented as shown in the figure. direction indicated by the arrow
Remove the housing. in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-443
9. Move rubber roller (B) inward 7.42.2 Reinstallation Procedures
and then remove it along the
opening in the side plate.

1. Take the procedures 2 and 3

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

2. Insert one end of rubber roller

(B) into the side plate while
keeping it from coming into
contact with the stay.

 NOTE 
Pay attention to the orientation of
the rubber roller.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-444
3. Insert the other end of rubber 6. Mount the housing after
roller (B) along the opening in aligning it with the hole in the
the side plate. side plate.

4. Take the procedures 5 and 6

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

5. Mount the bearing. 7. Take the procedures 8 and 9

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-445
8. Mount the bearing. 10. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.38.2} Barcode Reader (BCRC1)

{MC:7.40.2} Spur Gears and Tension Coil Springs

{MC:7.12.2} Spur Gear (Reference Side)

{MC:7.11.2} Planetary Gear Assembly

{MC:7.1.2} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

9. Mount the housing after

aligning it with the hole in the
side plate.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-446
7.43 Rubber Roller (C) 3. Remove the tension coil spring.

7.43.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.1} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

{MC:7.2} Sensor Assembly

{MC:7.11} Planetary Gear Assembly

{MC:7.14} Grip Arm (Reference Side)

4. Remove the E-ring. Remove
{MC:7.4} Timing Belt the housing and bearings.
{MC:7.5} Tensioner Assembly

{MC:7.13} Spur Gear (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:7.15} Grip Arm (Opposite Reference Side)

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures 3 and 4 5. Take the procedures from 6 to 8

from the direction indicated by from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure. the arrow in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-447
6. Remove the tension coil spring. 9. Take the procedure 10 from the
direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

7. Remove the tension coil spring. 10. Move rubber roller (C) inward
and then remove it.

8. Remove the E-ring. Remove

the housing and bearings.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-448
7.43.2 Reinstallation Procedures 3. Insert the other end of rubber
roller (C) into the side plate.

1. Take the procedures 2 and 3 4. Take the procedures from 5 to 7

from the direction indicated by from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure. the arrow in the figure.

2. Insert one end of rubber roller 5. Mount the bearings and

(C) into the side plate. housing. Mount the E-ring.

 NOTE 
Pay attention to the orientation of
the rubber roller.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-449
6. Mount the tension coil spring 9. Mount the bearings and
along the groove in the housing. Mount the E-ring.

 NOTE 
The tension coil spring length
varies with the mounting position.
Mount an tension coil spring
having the proper length.

7. Engage the tension coil spring 10. Mount the tension coil spring
with the side plate and mount along the groove in the
it along the groove in the housing.
 NOTE 
The tension coil spring length
varies with the mounting position.
Mount an tension coil spring
having the proper length.

8. Take the procedures 9 and 10

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-450
11. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.15.2} Grip Arm (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:7.13.2} Spur Gear (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:7.5.2} Tensioner Assembly

{MC:7.4.2} Timing Belt

{MC:7.14.2} Grip Arm (Reference Side)

{MC:7.11.2} Planetary Gear Assembly

{MC:7.2.2} Sensor Assembly

{MC:7.1.2} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-451
7.44 Rubber Roller (D) 3. Unclamp the clamps.

7.44.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.1} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

{MC:7.2} Sensor Assembly

{MC:7.11} Planetary Gear Assembly

{MC:7.14} Grip Arm (Reference Side)

4. Remove the screws and then
{MC:7.4} Timing Belt the bracket.
{MC:7.5} Tensioner Assembly

{MC:7.13} Spur Gear (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:7.15} Grip Arm (Opposite Reference Side)

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures 3 and 4 5. Take the procedures 6 and 7

from the direction indicated by from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure. the arrow in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-452
6. Remove the tension coil spring. 9. Remove the tension coil spring.

7. Remove the spacers, bearings, 10. Remove the tension coil spring.
and housing in the order
indicated in the figure.

8. Take the procedures 9 and 10 11. Remove the spacer, bearings,

from the direction indicated by and housing in the order
the arrow in the figure. indicated in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-453
12. Take the procedure 13 from the 13. Move rubber roller (D) inward,
direction indicated by the arrow and then remove it while
in the figure. keeping it from coming into
contact with the cable.

 NOTE 
Remove rubber roller (D) while
exercising care not to damage the

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-454
7.44.2 Reinstallation Procedures 3. Insert the other end of rubber
roller (D) into the side plate.

1. Take the procedures 2 and 3 4. Take the procedures from 5 to 7

from the direction indicated by from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure. the arrow in the figure.

2. Insert one end of rubber roller 5. Mount the bearings, housing,

(D) into the side plate while and spacer in the order
keeping it from coming into indicated in the figure.
contact with the cable.

- Mount rubber roller (D) while
exercising care not to damage
the cable.
- Pay attention to the orientation
of the rubber roller.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-455
6. Mount the tension coil spring 9. Mount the bearings, housing,
along the groove in the and spacer in the order
housing. indicated in the figure.

 NOTE 
The tension coil spring length
varies with the mounting position.
Mount an tension coil spring
having the proper length.

7. Engage the tension coil spring 10. Mount the tension coil spring
with the side plate and mount along the groove in the
it along the groove in the housing.
 NOTE 
 NOTE  The tension coil spring length
The tension coil spring length varies with the mounting position.
varies with the mounting position. Mount an tension coil spring
Mount an tension coil spring having the proper length.
having the proper length.

8. Take the procedures 9 and 10 11. Take the procedures 12 and 13

from the direction indicated by from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure. the arrow in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-456
12. Mount the bracket and secure it 14. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
with the screws. procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.15.2} Grip Arm (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:7.13.2} Spur Gear (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:7.5.2} Tensioner Assembly

{MC:7.4.2} Timing Belt

{MC:7.14.2} Grip Arm (Reference Side)

{MC:7.11.2} Planetary Gear Assembly

{MC:7.2.2} Sensor Assembly

{MC:7.1.2} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

13. Secure the cable with the * Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-457
7.45 Rubber Roller (E) 3. Remove the tension coil spring.

7.45.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.1} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

{MC:7.2} Sensor Assembly

{MC:7.11} Planetary Gear Assembly

{MC:7.14} Grip Arm (Reference Side)

4. Remove the tension coil spring.
{MC:7.4} Timing Belt

{MC:7.5} Tensioner Assembly

{MC:7.13} Spur Gear (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:7.15} Grip Arm (Opposite Reference Side)

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures from 3 to 5 5. Remove the E-ring. Remove

from the direction indicated by the housing and bearings.
the arrow in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-458
6. Take the procedures from 7 to 9 9. Remove the E-ring. Remove
from the direction indicated by the housing and bearings.
the arrow in the figure.

7. Remove the tension coil spring. 10. Take the procedure 11 from the
direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

8. Remove the tension coil spring.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-459
11. Move rubber roller (E) inward 7.45.2 Reinstallation Procedures
and then remove it.

1. Take the procedures 2 and 3

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

2. Insert one end of rubber roller

(E) into the side plate.

 NOTE 
Pay attention to the orientation of
the rubber roller.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-460
3. Insert the other end of rubber 6. Mount the tension coil spring
roller (E) into the side plate. along the groove in the

 NOTE 
The tension coil spring length
varies with the mounting position.
Mount an tension coil spring
having the proper length.

4. Take the procedures from 5 to 7 7. Engage the tension coil spring

from the direction indicated by with the side plate and mount
the arrow in the figure. it along the groove in the

 NOTE 
The tension coil spring length
varies with the mounting position.
Mount an tension coil spring
having the proper length.

5. Mount the bearings and 8. Take the procedures from 9 to

housing. Mount the E-ring. 11 from the direction indicated
by the arrow in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-461
9. Mount the bearings and 12. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
housing. Mount the E-ring. procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.15.2} Grip Arm (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:7.13.2} Spur Gear (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:7.5.2} Tensioner Assembly

{MC:7.4.2} Timing Belt

{MC:7.14.2} Grip Arm (Reference Side)

{MC:7.11.2} Planetary Gear Assembly

{MC:7.2.2} Sensor Assembly

{MC:7.1.2} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

10. Mount the tension coil spring * Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.
along the groove in the

 NOTE 
The tension coil spring length
varies with the mounting position.
Mount an tension coil spring
having the proper length.

11. Engage the tension coil spring

with the side plate and mount
it along the groove in the

 NOTE 
The tension coil spring length
varies with the mounting position.
Mount an tension coil spring
having the proper length.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-462
7.46 Rubber Roller (F) 3. Take the procedures from 4 to 6
from the direction indicated by
{SP:INDEX} the arrow in the figure.

7.46.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.1} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

{MC:7.2} Sensor Assembly

{MC:7.11} Planetary Gear Assembly

{MC:7.14} Grip Arm (Reference Side)

4. Remove the tension coil spring.
{MC:7.4} Timing Belt

{MC:7.5} Tensioner Assembly

{MC:7.13} Spur Gear (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:7.15} Grip Arm (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:7.20} Cable Junction Bracket

{MC:7.24} Claw Driving Unit

{MC:7.25} Reference Block Driving Mechanism

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Orient the side-positioning 5. Remove the tension coil spring.

conveyor unit as indicated in
the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-463
6. Remove the spacers, bearings, 9. Remove the tension coil spring.
and housing in the order
indicated in the figure.

7. Take the procedures from 8 to 10. Remove the KL ring. Remove

10 from the direction indicated the spacer, bearings, and
by the arrow in the figure. housing in the order indicated
in the figure.

8. Remove the tension coil spring. 11. Take the procedure 12 from the
direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-464
12. Move the rubber roller inward
and then lift it along the
opening in the side plate.
Remove the rubber roller while
keeping it from coming into
contact with the motor (MC1).

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-465
7.46.2 Reinstallation Procedures 3. Insert the other end of the
rubber roller into the side plate.

1. Take the procedures 2 and 3 4. Take the procedures from 5 to 7

from the direction indicated by from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure. the arrow in the figure.

2. Insert one end of the rubber 5. Mount the bearings, housing,

roller into the side plate while and spacer in the order
keeping it from coming into indicated in the figure, and then
contact with the motor (MC1). mount the KL ring.

 NOTE 
Pay attention to the orientation of
the rubber roller.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-466
6. Mount the tension coil spring 9. Mount the spacers, bearings,
along the groove in the and housing in the order
housing. indicated in the figure.

 NOTE 
The tension coil spring length
varies with the mounting position.
Mount an tension coil spring
having the proper length.

7. Engage the tension coil spring 10. Mount the tension coil spring
with the side plate and mount along the groove in the
it along the groove in the housing.
 NOTE 
 NOTE  The tension coil spring length
The tension coil spring length varies with the mounting position.
varies with the mounting position. Mount an tension coil spring
Mount an tension coil spring having the proper length.
having the proper length.

8. Take the procedures from 9 to 11. Engage the tension coil spring
11 from the direction indicated with the side plate and mount
by the arrow in the figure. it along the groove in the

 NOTE 
The tension coil spring length
varies with the mounting position.
Mount an tension coil spring
having the proper length.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-467
12. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.25.2} Reference Block Driving Mechanism

{MC:7.24.2} Claw Driving Unit

{MC:7.20.2} Cable Junction Bracket

{MC:7.15.2} Grip Arm (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:7.13.2} Spur Gear (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:7.5.2} Tensioner Assembly

{MC:7.4.2} Timing Belt

{MC:7.14.2} Grip Arm (Reference Side)

{MC:7.11.2} Planetary Gear Assembly

{MC:7.2.2} Sensor Assembly

{MC:7.1.2} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-468
7.47 Guide (C) 3. Take the procedures 4 and 5
from the direction indicated by
{SP:INDEX} the arrow in the figure.

7.47.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.1} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

{MC:7.6} Guide (A)

{MC:7.7} Guide (B)

{MC:7.11} Planetary Gear Assembly

4. In the direction indicated in
{MC:7.12} Spur Gear (Reference Side) DETAIL A, remove the guide (C)
{MC:7.40} Spur Gears and Tension Coil Springs retaining screws.

{MC:7.41} Rubber Roller (A)

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Orient the side-positioning 5. In the direction indicated in

conveyor unit as indicated in DETAIL B, remove the guide (C)
the figure. retaining screws.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-469
6. Remove guide (C) by lifting its 7.47.2 Reinstallation Procedures
leading end.

1. Place guide (C) on the side

plate half punches.

2. Take the procedures 3 and 4

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-470
3. In the direction indicated in 5. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
DETAIL A, install the guide (C) procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
retaining screws.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.41.2} Rubber Roller (A)

{MC:7.40.2} Spur Gears and Tension Coil Springs

{MC:7.12.2} Spur Gear (Reference Side)

{MC:7.11.2} Planetary Gear Assembly

{MC:7.7.2} Guide (B)

{MC:7.6.2} Guide (A)

{MC:7.1.2} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

4. In the direction indicated in
DETAIL B, install the guide (C)
retaining screws.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-471
7.48 Guide (D) 2. Orient the side-positioning
conveyor unit as indicated in
{SP:INDEX} the figure.

7.48.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.1} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

{MC:7.2} Sensor Assembly

{MC:7.11} Planetary Gear Assembly

{MC:7.14} Grip Arm (Reference Side)

3. Take the procedure 4 from the
{MC:7.9} Leaf Spring (Reference Side) direction indicated by the arrow
{MC:7.17} IP Sensor (SC3) in the figure.

{MC:7.4} Timing Belt

{MC:7.5} Tensioner Assembly

{MC:7.13} Spur Gear (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:7.15} Grip Arm (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:7.10} Leaf Spring (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:7.43} Rubber Roller (C)

{MC:7.45} Rubber Roller (E)

{MC:7.8} Shock-Absorbing Roller Assembly

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to. 4. Remove the screw and then the

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-472
5. Remove the guide (D) retaining 8. In the direction indicated in
screws. DETAIL B, remove the guide (D)
retaining screws.

6. Take the procedures 7 and 8 9. Remove guide (D) by lifting its

from the direction indicated by leading end.
the arrow in the figure.

7. In the direction indicated in

DETAIL A, remove the guide (D)
retaining screws.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-473
7.48.2 Reinstallation Procedures

1. Place one end of guide (D) on

the two front half punches.
Lay guide (D) by inclining it
rearward. As indicated in the
figure, press guide (D) against
the half punches.

2. Verify that guide (D) is properly

mounted on the half punches,
and then loosely install the

 NOTE 
Before loosely installing the
screws, be sure to verify that
guide (D) is properly mounted on
the half punches.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-474
3. Take the procedures 4 and 5 6. Securely tighten the guide (D) retaining screws that were loosely installed in
from the direction indicated by procedures 2 to 5.
the arrow in the figure.

4. In the direction indicated in 7. Take the procedure 8 from the

DETAIL A, loosely install the direction indicated by the arrow
guide (D) retaining screws. in the figure.

5. In the direction indicated in 8. Mount the bracket and secure it

DETAIL B, loosely install the with the screw.
guide (D) retaining screws.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-475
9. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.8.2} Shock-Absorbing Roller Assembly

{MC:7.45.2} Rubber Roller (E)

{MC:7.43.2} Rubber Roller (C)

{MC:7.10.2} Leaf Spring (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:7.15.2} Grip Arm (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:7.13.2} Spur Gear (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:7.5.2} Tensioner Assembly

{MC:7.4.2} Timing Belt

{MC:7.17.2} IP Sensor (SC3)

{MC:7.9.2} Leaf Spring (Reference Side)

{MC:7.14.2} Grip Arm (Reference Side)

{MC:7.11.2} Planetary Gear Assembly

{MC:7.2.2} Sensor Assembly

{MC:7.1.2} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-476
7.49 Reinforcement Bracket 4. Remove the reinforcement
bracket retaining screws.
7.49.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:7.1} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Orient the side-positioning 5. Remove the retaining screws of

conveyor unit as indicated in the bracket.
the figure.

3. Take the procedures from 4 to 6 6. Remove the bracket retaining

from the direction indicated by screw and then the bracket.
the arrow in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-477
7.49.2 Reinstallation Procedures 3. Reinstall the bracket retaining

1. Take the procedures from 2 to 4 4. Verify that the guide is properly

from the direction indicated by mounted on the half punches,
the arrow in the figure. and then install the screws.

 NOTE 
Before installing the screws, be
sure to verify that the guide is
properly mounted on the half

2. Verify that the bracket is 5. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
properly mounted on the half procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
punches, and then install the
Reference Part concerned
retaining screw.
{MC:7.1.2} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit
 NOTE 
* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.
Always make sure that the
bracket is correctly mounted on
the half punches, before retaining
with the screws.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-478

8. Light-Collecting Unit 8.1.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
8.1 Light-Collecting Guide concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

CAUTIONS {MC:3.1} Front Cover

- Never touch the light-receiving face of the light-collecting unit even when you are {MC:3.5} Front Cover Plate
wearing gloves. {MC:10.2} Post-Reading Guide Assembly
- There are two kinds of service parts available for the light-collecting guide (815Y0071
and 815Y100036) and two kinds of service parts for the PMT board (113Y1737 and * Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.
113Y100255). Confirm an available combination of parts Nos. in the following table.
113Y1737 113Y100255
(PMT23A board) (PMT26A board)
815Y0071  X 2. Take the procedures from 3 to 6
from the direction indicated by
815Y100036 X  the arrow in the figure.
* : Usable X: Unuable
- Always confirm the S-value according to the procedure 7 of “8.1.3 Check/Adjustment
Procedures” after the light-collecting guide is replaced. Confirm the S-value without
sensitivity correction or shading sensitivity correction. If the S-value exhibits an
abnormal value (2000 or larger with a dose of 1 mR) or the read image is whitened , a
wrong combination of the light-collecting guide and the PMT board might have been
made. Check the part Nos. of the light-collecting guide and the PMT board.

When servicing the light-collecting unit, wear gloves.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-479
3. Unclamp the clamp, and 4. Disconnect the connector while
disconnect the connector. holding the shaded portion in
the figure.

- Be sure to hold the specified
portion to disconnect the
connector. Otherwise, the cable
may get damaged.
- Disconnect the connector
vertically. If it is disconnected
slantly, the connector on the
board may get damaged.
- As the working space is small,
exercise care not to get injured
by peripheral components when
disconnecting the connector.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-480
5. Disconnect the connector. 7. Take the procedures 8 and 9
from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

6. Retain the three cables 8. Remove the retaining screws

removed in the procedures of the light-collecting guide
3 to 5 with the clamp for the from the direction instructed in
protection of the cables. DETAIL A.

 NOTE   NOTE 
Be sure to retain the cables with Exercise care not to damage the
the clamp. Otherwise, the cable acrylic part of the light-collecting
and the connector might get guide when removing the screws.
caught when removing/reinstalling
the light-collecting guide.

9. Remove the retaining screws

of the light-collecting guide
from the direction instructed in

 NOTE 
Exercise care not to damage the
acrylic part of the light-collecting
guide when removing the screws.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-481
10. Supporting the light-collecting
guide on the positions
indicated in the figure, lift the
guide. Check to make sure
that the light-collecting guide
bracket is disengaged from
the hook on the side plate of
the subscanning unit, and then
pull out to remove the light-
collecting guide toward you.

 NOTE 
Always check to make sure that
the light-collecting guide bracket
is disengaged from the hook on
the side plate of the subscanning
unit before removing the light-
collecting guide. Otherwise, the
tip of the light-collecting guide
might get damaged.

11. Place the light-collecting guide

in the orientation indicated in
the figure.

 NOTE 
Be sure to place the light-
collecting guide in the orientation
indicated in the figure. If placed
reversely, load may be applied
to the adhesive part of the
photomultiplier, causing the light-
collecting guide to get damaged.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-482
8.1.2 Reinstallation Procedures

1. Hold the light collecting guide

as indicated in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-483
2. Mount the light-collecting 3. Push in the light-collecting
guide on the guides of the guide while slightly raising it.
subscanning unit. Insert the Check to make sure that the
light-collecting guide along the guide is correctly engaged with
guides into the subscanning the hooks of the subscanning
unit. unit side plate.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-484
4. Take the procedures 5 and 6 7. Take the procedures from 8 to
from the direction indicated by 11 from the direction indicated
the arrow in the figure. by the arrow in the figure.

5. Reinstall the retaining screws 8. Unclamp the clamp.

of the light-collecting guide
from the direction instructed in

 NOTE 
Exercise care not to damage the
acrylic part of the light-collecting
guide with a screwdriver when
reinstalling the screws.

6. Reinstall the retaining screws 9. Connect the connector.

of the light-collecting guide
from the direction instructed in

 NOTE 
Exercise care not to damage the
acrylic part of the light-collecting
guide with a screwdriver when
reinstalling the screws.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-485
10. Reconnect the connector 11. Connect the connector.
vertically, holding the shaded
portion in the figure. Check
that the connector is fully
inserted into its position as

Be sure to check that the connector
is fully inserted into its position
as shown. If the connector is not
properly connected, an error occurs
during image reading.

- Be sure to hold the specified
portion to reconnect the
connector. Otherwise, the cable
may get damaged.
- Connect the connector vertically
to the board. If it is connected
in a rotated state, the connector
might get damaged.
- As the working space is small,
exercise care not to get injured
by peripheral components when
connecting the connector.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-486
12. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:10.2.2} Post-Reading Guide Assembly

{MC:3.5.2} Front Cover Plate

{MC:3.1.2} Front Cover

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

13. When the light-collecting guide has been replaced with a new one, restore the
machine-specific data from the CD-ROM attached to the light-collecting guide,
after the machine is restored exactly as it was.

When the light-collecting guide has been replaced with a new one, restore the attached
machine-specific data, referring to “8.1.3 Check/adjustment procedures”.
{MC:8.1.3_Check/Adjustment Procedures}

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-487
8.1.3 Check/Adjustment Procedures 6. Turn OFF the RU power and then turn it ON.
Restore the machine-specific data of the light-collecting guide attached to the light-collecting 7. Check the following points.
1. Turn ON the power of the RU and the CR Console.  The RU normally enters the READY state.
2. Set the machine-specific data CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive of the CR Console.  No abnormal S-value is exhibited and image read normally takes place.
{MC:18._Confirming the S Value}
3. Start up the RU PC-TOOL.
{MU:4.23.1_Starting RU PC-TOOL}  INSTRUCTION 
4. Select the RU to which the machine-specific data is to be restored from the “LIST If the S-value exhibits an abnormal value (2000 or larger with a dose of 1 mR) or the
OF EXISTING RU”. read image is whitened, check the part Nos. of the light-collecting guide and the PMT
board according to the CAUTIONS in “8.1 Light-Collecting Guide”.
{MC:8.1_Light-Collecting Guide}

 The results of the image/conveyance checks are normal without

{MC:17._Image/Conveyance Checks}
5. Select “SCN LIGHT COLLECTING DATA”, and restore the machine-specific data
of the light-collecting guide.  There is no error occurrence.

Refer to the Checks, Replacement and Adjustment of Parts “16.2 RESTORE
Procedures” for the detailed restoring procedures.
{MC:16.2_RESTORE Procedures}

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-488
8.2 PMT Board 8.2.1 Removal Procedures

{SP:INDEX} 1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
- When servicing any printed circuit board, be sure to wear an anti-static wristband to Reference Part concerned
ground your body. If your body is not grounded, static electricity built on your body {MC:3.1} Front Cover
may cause damage to electronic parts on the board.
{MC:3.5} Front Cover Plate
- There are two kinds of service parts available for the light-collecting guide (815Y0071
and 815Y100036) and two kinds of service parts for the PMT board (113Y1737 and {MC:10.2} Post-Reading Guide Assembly
113Y100255). Confirm an available combination of parts Nos. in the following table. * Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.
113Y1737 113Y100255
(PMT23A board) (PMT26A board)
815Y0071  X
815Y100036 X  2. Take the procedures 3 and 4
from the direction indicated by
* : Usable X: Unuable the arrow in the figure.
- After the PMT board is replaced, confirm the S-value before carrying out the "LED
Initialize" and "SCN ALL DATA" backup of the MUTL in the procedure (10) of “8.2.2
Reinstallation Procedures”. Confirm the S-value without sensitivity correction or
shading sensitivity correction. If the S-value exhibits an abnormal value (2000 or
larger with a dose of 1 mR) or the read image is whitened , a wrong combination of
the light-collecting guide and the PMT board might have been made. Check the part
Nos. of the light-collecting guide and the PMT board.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-489
3. Disconnect the connector while 4. Disconnect the connector.
holding the shaded portion in
the figure.

- Be sure to hold the specified
portion to disconnect the
connector. Otherwise, the cable
may get damaged.
- Disconnect the connector
vertically. If it is disconnected
slantly, the connector on the
board may get damaged.
- As the working space is small,
exercise care not to get injured
by peripheral components when 5. Take the procedures 6 and 7
disconnecting the connector. from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

6. Loosen the retaining screws of

the PMT board assembly.

 NOTE 
Just loosen the screws which
retain the PMT board assembly,
but do not remove them.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-490
7. Hold on the shield member 8.2.2 Reinstallation Procedures
of the PMT board assembly.
Slowly raise it, and remove the
PMT board assembly.

 NOTE 
As the working space is small,
exercise care not to get injured by
peripheral parts when removing
the PMT board assembly.

1. Reinstall the PMT board

assembly on the shield

8. Remove the screws to remove 2. Take the procedures 3 to 5 from

the PMT board assembly from the direction indicated by the
the shield member. arrow in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-491
3. Reinstall the PMT board 4. Check to make sure that the
assembly on the connection socket of the PMT board
of the light-collecting guide. is installed in parallel to
Push in straight so that the the connection of the light-
PMT board is in parallel to collecting guide, and that
the connection of the light- clearances on the right and left
collecting guide. are equal.

 NOTE 
As the working space is small,
exercise care not to get injured by
peripheral parts when reinstalling
the PMT board assembly.

5. Fasten the retaining screws of

the PMT board assembly.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-492
6. Take the procedures 7 and 8 8. Reconnect the connector
from the direction indicated by vertically, holding the shaded
the arrow in the figure. portion in the figure. Check
that the connector is fully
inserted into its position as

Be sure to check that the connector
is fully inserted into its position
as shown. If the connector is not
properly connected, an error occurs
during image reading.

7. Connect the connector.  NOTES 

- Be sure to hold the specified
portion to reconnect the
connector. Otherwise, the cable
may get damaged.
- Connect the connector vertically
to the board. If it is connected
in a rotated state, the connector
might get damaged.
- As the working space is small,
exercise care not to get injured
by peripheral components when
connecting the connector.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-493
9. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:10.2.2} Post-Reading Guide Assembly

{MC:3.5.2} Front Cover Plate

{MC:3.1.2} Front Cover

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

10. When the PMT board is replaced with a new one, recover the machine, and then
confirm the S-value.
{MC:18._Confirming the S Value}

If the S-value exhibits an abnormal value (2000 or larger with a dose of 1 mR) or
the read image is whitened, check the combination of the part Nos. according to the
CAUTIONS in “8.2 PMT Board”.
{MC:8.2_PMT Board}

11. If the PMT board is replaced with a new one, reassemble the machine and then
perform the "LED Initialize" and "SCN ALL DATA" backup procedures with the

When the PMT board is replaced with a new one, be sure to perform the "LED Initialize"
procedure and then the "SCN ALL DATA" backup procedure with the MUTL as directed
under "8.2.3 Check/Adjustment Procedures."
{MC:8.2.3_Check/Adjustment Procedures}

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-494
8.2.3 Check/Adjustment Procedures 6. Click on [OK].

After the replacement of the PMT board, initialize the LED data of the PMT board by “LED
initialize” of MUTL, to back up “SCN ALL DATA”.
With “SCN ALL DATA” backed up, the initialization values for error detection are set.
1. Turn ON the power of the RU and the CR Console.
2. Start up the RU PC-TOOL. 7. Verify that the MUTL message field reads "THE FLASH MEMORY WAS UPDATED."

{MU:4.23.1_Starting RU PC-TOOL}
3. From "LIST OF EXISTING RU," select a RU for which the PMT board has been

8. Exit the MUTL.

{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}
9. From "LIST OF EXISTING RU," select a RU for which the LED data has been
4. Start the MUTL. initialized.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
5. Select "LED initialize".

10. Back up "SCN ALL DATA."

For details on the backup procedure, see "16.1 Backup Procedure" in the Checks,
Replacement and Adjustment volume.
{MC:16.1_Backup Procedure}

→ The confirmation window appears.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-495
11. Turn OFF the RU power and then turn it ON.
12. Check the following points.

 The RU normally enters the READY state.

 The results of the image/conveyance checks are normal without
{MC:17._Image/Conveyance Checks}

 There is no error occurrence.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-496
8.3 Shield Member 2. Take the procedures 3 and 4
from the direction indicated by
{SP:INDEX} the arrow in the figure.

Never touch the light-receiving face of the light-collecting unit even when you are
wearing gloves.

When servicing the light-collecting unit, wear gloves.

8.3.1 Removal Procedures 3. In the direction indicated in

DETAIL A, remove the screws
and then remove the flange.
Do not handle the light-collecting
guide by its shield member (shaded
section in the figure) alone. If
this precaution is not observed,
the adhesion surfaces of the
photomultiplier and light-collecting
guide may separate from each
other, thereby causing an image

4. In the direction indicated in

DETAIL B, remove the screws
and then remove the flange.
1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:4.3} Fan (FANG1)

{MC:8.2} PMT Board

{MC:8.1} Light-Collecting Guide

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-497
5. Remove the screws. 8.3.2 Reinstallation Procedures
For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.

6. Remove the shield member

by rotating it in the direction CAUTION
shown. Do not handle the light-collecting
guide by its shield member (shaded
section in the figure) alone. If
this precaution is not observed,
the adhesion surfaces of the
photomultiplier and light-collecting
guide may separate from each
other, thereby causing an image

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-498

9. Scanning Optics Unit  NOTE 

If you are going to use the scanning optics unit that was used in another machine, install it
{SP:INDEX} and then make a shading correction. After shading correction, back up the "SCN OPTICAL

CAUTION  When the IP type ST is used

When servicing the scanning optics unit, be sure to wear an anti-static wristband to {MC:15.1_Shading/Sensitivity Correction for IP Type ST}
ground your body. If your body is not grounded, static electricity built on your body
 When the IP type HR is used
may cause damage to electronic parts on the board.
{MC:15.4_Shading/Sensitivity Correction for IP Type HR}

Never touch the window of the
scanning optics unit. If fingerprints
or the like are left on the window,
the scanning optics unit must be

 NOTE 
Place the scanning optics unit
in the orientation as shown
in the figure, according to the
label indicating how to place the
scanning optics unit.

Do not remove the top cover of the scanning optics unit.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-499
9.1 Removal Procedures 2. Unclamp the clamp, and
disconnect the connector.
1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts Retain the cables with the
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the clamp for the protection of the
parts. cable.
Reference Part concerned
 NOTE 
{MC:3.1} Front Cover
Be sure to retain the cables with
{MC:3.5} Front Cover Plate the clamp. Otherwise, the cable
and the connector might get
{MC:10.2} Post-Reading Guide Assembly
caught when removing/reinstalling
{MC:8.1} Light-Collecting Guide the scanning optics unit.
* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-500
3. Unclamp the clamp, and 4. Loosen the retaining screws of
disconnect the connectors. the scanning optics unit.
Retain the cable with the clamp
for its protection.  NOTE 
Just loosen the screws which
 NOTE  retain the scanning optics unit,
Be sure to retain the cables with but do not remove them.
the clamp. Otherwise, the cable
and the connector might get
caught when removing/reinstalling
the scanning optics unit.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-501
5. Hold the green labels and raise
the scanning optics unit. Make
sure that holes on the scanning
optics unit and screw heads
are located where they do not
interfere with each other. Then,
pull out the scanning optics
unit parallel to the guides.

Never touch the window of the
scanning optics unit. If fingerprints
or the like are left on the window,
the scanning optics unit must be

- Hold the green labels to remove/
reinstall the scanning optics unit.
- Pull out the scanning optics unit
parallel to the guides. If the unit
is tilted, it may drop from the
guides and result in damage
of peripheral components or

6. Place the scanning optics unit

in the orientation as shown in
the figure.

 NOTE 
Place the scanning optics unit
in the orientation as shown
in the figure, according to the
label indicating how to place the
scanning optics unit.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-502
9.2 Reinstallation Procedures 2. Mount the notches on both
sides of the scanning optics
unit on the guides. Push
straight completely while
exercising care not to tilt the
scanning optics unit.

 NOTE 
Push in the scanning optics unit
straight along the guides not to
permit it to tilt. If the unit is tilted,
it may drop from the guides and
result in damage of peripheral
components or sensors.

1. Hold the scanning optics unit

on parts with the attached
green labels.

Never touch the window of the
scanning optics unit. If fingerprints
or the like are left on the window,
the scanning optics unit must be

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-503
3. Be sure to check that the 4. Secure the retaining screws
scanning optics unit is correctly while pushing the scanning
placed on the retaining screws. optics unit against the
positioning pin.
 NOTE 
Make sure that the scanning  NOTE 
optics unit is correctly placed on Be sure to retain the retaining
the retaining screws. If the screw screw while pushing the scanning
head is not in the correct position optics unit against the positioning
in the hole of the scanning optics pin. By pushing the scanning
unit, the unit cannot be installed optics unit tightly against the
correctly. positioning pin, the unit is located
If the screw head is not in the in the correct position.
correct position, reinstall the unit
again and recheck.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-504
5. Unclamp the clamp and 6. Unclamp the clamp and
connect the connectors. connect the connector.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-505
7. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:8.1.2} Light-Collecting Guide

{MC:10.2.2} Post-Reading Guide Assembly

{MC:3.5.2} Front Cover Plate

{MC:3.1.2} Front Cover

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

8. Restore the machine-specific data from the CD-ROM attached to the scanning
optics unit, after the machine is restored exactly as it was.

When the scanning optics unit has been replaced with a new one, always restore the
attached machine-specific data, referring to “9.3 Check/Adjustment Procedures”.
{MC:9.3_Check/Adjustment Procedures}

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-506
9.3 Check/Adjustment Procedures 5. Select “SCN OPTICAL DATA”, and restore the machine-specific data of the
scanning optics unit.
Restore the machine-specific data of the scanning optics unit attached to the scanning optics
1. Turn ON the power of the RU and the CR Console.
2. Set the machine-specific data CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive of the CR Console.
3. Start up the RU PC-TOOL.
{MU:4.23.1_Starting RU PC-TOOL}
4. Select the RU to which the machine-specific data is to be restored from the “LIST

Refer to the Checks, Replacement and Adjustment of Parts “16.2 RESTORE
Procedures” for the detailed restoring procedures.
{MC:16.2_RESTORE Procedures}

6. Turn OFF the RU power and then turn it ON.

7. Check the following points.

 The RU normally enters the READY state.

 The results of the image/conveyance checks are normal without
{MC:17._Image/Conveyance Checks}

 There is no error occurrence.

If irregularities in polygon pitch is observed in a solid image (horizontal streaks of
approx. 0.6 mm in the IP type ST and horizontal streaks of approx. 0.3 mm in the IP
type HR), the errors might have caused by the following factors:
- An optical unit for a different machine type is mounted;
- Wrong machine-specific data has been installed.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-507

10. Subscanning Unit 2. Take the procedures 3 and 4

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.
10.1 Subscanning Unit
10.1.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned
{MC:3.1} Front Cover
{MC:3.2} Right-Hand Side Cover
{MC:3.3} Rear Cover 3. Remove the retaining screw of
the bracket.
{MC:3.4} Left-Hand Side Cover
{MC:3.5} Front Cover Plate
{MC:3.6} Rear Cover Plate
{MC:3.7} Left-Hand Cover Plate
{MC:7.1} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

{MC:10.2} Post-Reading Conveyor Guide Assembly

{MC:8.1} Light-Collecting Guide

{MC:9.} Scanning Optics Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-508
4. Unclamp the clamp, and 6. Loosen the screws and then
disconnect the connector. remove the jig.
Retain the cables with the
clamp and the tape for the
protection of the cables. After subscanning unit removal,
mount the removed jig on the
 NOTE  vibration-proof rubber assembly.
Be sure to retain the cables
with the clamp and the tape.
Otherwise, the cable and the
connector might get caught
when removing/reinstalling the
subscanning unit.

7. Remove the retaining screws of

the subscanning unit.

Never remove red painted screws.

5. Take the procedures 6 and 7

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-509
8. Take the procedure 9 from the 10. Take the procedure 11 from the
direction indicated by the arrow direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure. in the figure.

9. Remove the screws. With 11. Remove the screws. With

long-nose pliers, remove the long-nose pliers, remove the
bracket. bracket.

 NOTE   NOTE 
Exercise care not to drop the Exercise care not to drop the
bracket. If the bracket drops, it bracket. If the bracket drops, it
may damage nearby parts. may damage nearby parts.

<For a mobile machine> <For a mobile machine>
The removed bracket need be The removed bracket need be
reattached when the subscanning reattached when the subscanning
unit is to be reinstalled. Keep it unit is to be reinstalled. Keep it
stored. stored.

<For other machines> <For other machines>
The removed bracket is a part The removed bracket is a part
for providing protection against for providing protection against
vibration during transit. Therefore, vibration during transit. Therefore,
it need not be installed after it need not be installed after
completion of the procedure. completion of the procedure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-510
12. Take the procedure 13 from the 14. Take the procedure 15 from the
direction indicated by the arrow direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure. in the figure.

13. Remove the retaining screws of 15. Rotate the nut, and lower the
the subscanning unit. adjustable foot.

 NOTE 
Be sure to rotate the nut before
lowering the adjustable foot.
Otherwise, the shaft of the
adjustable foot might interfere with
the subscanning unit, preventing
the subscanning unit from being

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-511
16. Holding the green labels, 17. Have on hand the jig that was
pull out the subscanning unit removed in procedure 6.
slightly forward. Shift the
held positions, pull out the  NOTE 
subscanning unit straight, and After subscanning unit removal,
remove the subscanning unit be sure to mount the jig. If you
while holding its upper part. perform the procedure without
mounting the jig, the vibration-
 NOTE  proof rubber assembly may fail to
Be sure to hold the specified properly function.
positions to pull out straight the
subscanning unit. Otherwise,
part of the subscanning unit
might come into contact with the
housing, causing damage.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-512
10.1.2 Reinstallation Procedures 3. Supporting the subscanning
unit on the positions indicated
in the figure, put the unit on the
housing rails. Push the unit
straight halfway.

 NOTE 
Exercise care not to have your
hand caught in the housing when
pushing in the subscanning unit.

1. Remove the two jigs as

indicated in the figure.

 NOTE 
Remove only the two jigs shown.
If you remove all the jigs, you
may not be able to mount the
subscanning unit in the housing.

2 Take the procedures from 3 to 6

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-513
4. Remove the jigs. 6. Reinstall the retaining screws
of the subscanning unit.

5. Putting your hands on the

positions indicated in the
figure, push in the subscanning
unit straight into the housing.

- Be sure to put your hands
on the specified positions to
push in the subscanning unit
straight. Otherwise, part of the
subscanning unit might come
into contact with the housing,
causing damage.
- Exercise care not to have
your hands caught in the
housing when pushing in the
subscanning unit.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-514
7. Take the procedure 8 from the 9. Take the procedure 10 from the
direction indicated by the arrow direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure. in the figure.

8. Rotate the nut of the adjustable 10. Reinstall the retaining screws
foot, and lift the adjustable foot. of the subscanning unit.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-515
11. Take the procedures from 12 to 13. Tighten the retaining screw for
13 from the direction indicated the bracket.
by the arrow in the figure.

12. Connect the connectors.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-516
14. Take the procedure 15 from the 16. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
direction indicated by the arrow procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
in the figure.
Reference Part concerned
{MC:9.2} Scanning Optics Unit

{MC:8.1.2} Light-Collecting Guide

{MC:10.2.2} Post-Reading Conveyor Guide Assembly

{MC:7.1.2} Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit

{MC:3.7.2} Left-Hand Cover Plate

{MC:3.6.2} Rear Cover Plate

{MC:3.5.2} Front Cover Plate

{MC:3.4.2} Left-Hand Side Cover

15. Mount the jig and then tighten {MC:3.3.2} Rear Cover
the screws. {MC:3.2.2} Right-Hand Side Cover

{MC:3.1.2} Front Cover

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-517
10.2 Post-Reading Conveyor Guide Assembly 4. Supporting the post-reading
conveyor guide assembly on
{SP:INDEX} the position indicated in the
10.2.1 Removal Procedures figure, fall it down slantly and
1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned
{MC:3.1} Front Cover

{MC:3.5} Front Cover Plate

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures 3 and 4

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

3. Remove the retaining screws

of the post-reading conveyor
guide assembly.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-518
10.2.2 Reinstallation Procedures

1. Hold the post-reading conveyor

guide assembly as indicated
in the figure, and mount it on
the guide of the subscanning
unit. Raise the post-reading
conveyor guide assembly until
it hooks on the bracket of the
subscanning unit.

- Do not strongly grasp the
upper part of the post-reading
conveyor guide assembly. The
guide might deform, causing an
IP jam.
- Mount the post-reading
conveyor guide assembly on the
guide of the subscanning unit,
before raising the post-reading
conveyor guide assembly.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-519
2. Reinstall the retaining screws
of the post-reading conveyor
guide assembly.

3. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned
{MC:3.5.2} Front Cover Plate

{MC:3.1.2} Front Cover

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-520
10.3 Rubber Belt 3. While rotating the flywheel,
gradually move the rubber belt
{SP:INDEX} toward you and remove it.

10.3.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts Do not pull only the rubber belt
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the to remove it without rotating the
parts. flywheel. If the rubber belt goes
Reference Part concerned
slack, the machine may not work
{MC:10.1} Subscanning Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedure 3 from the

direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-521
10.3.2 Reinstallation Procedures 2. Hitch the rubber belt on the
lower flywheel, and then hitch
on the upper flywheel. Put on
the rubber belt while rotating
the flywheel, and check to
make sure that the rubber belt
does not come off.

Do not pull only the rubber belt
to reinstall it without rotating the
flywheel. If the rubber belt goes
slack, the machine may not work

1. Take the procedure 2 from the

direction indicated by the arrow  NOTE 
in the figure. Reinstall the rubber belt with its
glossy face facing outward. If
the rubber belt is placed inside
out, the machine might not work

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-522
3. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:10.1.2} Subscanning Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-523
10.4 Flywheel (Reference Surface-Driving Shaft Side) 4. Insert an Allen wrench into
the hole in the driving shaft
{SP:INDEX} grip roller. While the roller is
10.4.1 Removal Procedures secured, remove the flywheel.

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:10.1} Subscanning Unit

{MC:10.3} Rubber Belt

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Place the subscanning unit in 10.4.2 Reinstallation Procedures

the orientation indicated in the
figure. For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.

3. Take the procedure 4 from the

direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-524
10.5 Flywheel (Reference Surface-Driven Shaft Side) 10.5.2 Reinstallation Procedures
{SP:INDEX} For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.
10.5.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:10.1} Subscanning Unit

{MC:10.3} Rubber Belt

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedure 3 from the

direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

3. Insert an Allen wrench into

the hole in the driven shaft
grip roller. While the roller is
secured, remove the flywheel.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-525
10.6 Kapton® Belt 4. Support the Kapton® belt on
the positions indicated in the
{SP:INDEX} figure, and remove it.

10.6.1 Removal Procedures  NOTE 

When removing the Kapton® belt,
1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
exercise care not to turn the belt
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
inside out. The machine might not
work normally.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:10.1} Subscanning Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures 3 and 4

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

3. Remove the tension coil spring.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-526
10.6.2 Reinstallation Procedures

1. Take the procedures from 2 to 4

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

2. Hitch the lower part of the

Kapton® belt on the flywheel,
and hitch the upper part on
the shaft. While pressing the
tensioner from upward, put the
end of the Kapton® belt on the
tensioner. While rotating the
flywheel, mount the Kapton®
 NOTE 
When reinstalling the Kapton ®
belt, exercise care not to turn
the belt inside out. The machine
might not work normally.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-527
3. Reinstall the tension coil

4. Rotate the flywheel, and check

to make sure that the Kapton®
belt does not come off.

5. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:10.1.2} Subscanning Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-528
10.7 Flywheel (Opposite Reference Side) 4. Insert an Allen wrench into
the hole in the driving shaft
{SP:INDEX} grip roller. While the roller is
10.7.1 Removal Procedures secured, remove the flywheel.

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:10.1} Subscanning Unit

{MC:10.6} Kapton® Belt

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Place the subscanning unit in 10.7.2 Reinstallation Procedures

the orientation indicated in the
figure. For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.

3. Take the procedure 4 from the

direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-529
10.8 Tensioner Assembly 10.8.2 Reinstallation Procedures
{SP:INDEX} For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.
10.8.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:10.1} Subscanning Unit

{MC:10.6} Kapton® Belt

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedure 3 from the

direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

3. Remove the KL ring and then

remove the tensioner assembly.

For details on the tensioner
assembly, see the "Service Parts
List" volume.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-530
10.9 FFM Motor (MZ1) 2. Take the procedures 3 to 5 from
the direction indicated by the
{SP:INDEX} arrow in the figure.

When servicing any printed circuit board, be sure to wear an anti-static wristband to
ground your body. If your body is not grounded, static electricity built on your body
may cause damage to electronic parts on the board.

 NOTES  3. Check the DIP switch setting

before replacement.
- Do not use any magnet
screwdriver when removing/ REFERENCE
installing the FFM motor (MZ1). The setting example in the figure
- Do not touch the magnet portion shows the settings for shipment
of the FFM motor (MZ1). of the FFM motor (MZ1). Note
that the settings may have been

10.9.1 Removal Procedures 4. Remove the cover.

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts  NOTE 
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the Do not use a magnet screwdriver.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:10.1} Subscanning Unit

{MC:10.6} Kapton® Belt

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-531
5. While supporting the FFM
motor (MZ1) by the hand,
preventing it from dropping,
remove the retaining screws to
remove the FFM motor (MZ1).

- Do not use a magnet
- Do not touch the magnet portion
of the FFM motor (MZ1).
- Be sure to support the FFM
motor (MZ1) not to have it
dropped, and remove the
retaining screws.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-532
10.9.2 Reinstallation Procedures 3. Mount the FFM motor (MZ1) on
the subscanning unit. While
 NOTE  supporting the FFM motor
(MZ1) by the hand not to have it
When the FFM motor (MZ1) is to be installed, temporarily fasten the screws once, and then
dropped, temporarily fasten the
fasten the screws according to the procedures.
retaining screws of the motor.

- Do not use a magnet
- Do not touch the magnet portion
of the FFM motor (MZ1).
- Be sure to support the FFM
motor (MZ1) not to have it
dropped, and temporarily fasten
1. Check the DIP switch settings the retaining screws.
before the replacement, and
make the same settings.

2. Take the procedures 3 to 5 from 4. Put on the cover, and

the direction indicated by the temporarily fasten the retaining
arrow in the figure. screws.

 NOTE 
Do not use a magnet screwdriver.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-533
5. Fasten the screws in the order
as indicated in the figure.

6. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:10.6.2} Kapton® Belt

{MC:10.1.2} Subscanning Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

7. Check the subscan length.

When the FFM motor (MZ1) is replaced, always check the subscan length according to
“10.9.3 Subscan Length Check”.
{MC:10.9.3_Subscan Length Check}

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-534
10.9.3 Subscan Length Check 4. Calculate the length (theoretical value) of the steel rule on the film.

1. Perform primary erasure on the IP to be used for subscan length check.

{Instruction Manual}

- The IP type to be used should be the VI type.
- Make sure that no important image data has been exposed on the IP to be used.

2. Place a steel rule on the cassette and expose it at 1 mR.

5. Based on the theoretical value calculated in the procedure 4, calculate the

allowable subscan length.

If the IP cannot be exposed at 1 mR, it should be exposed at 1 mR, with reference to
the following exposure conditions. Note, however, that those conditions are for standard
IP setup reference.
Distance: 1.8m
Voltage: 80kV
Amperage: 50mA
Time: 0.013 sec

6. Measure the steel rule length (actual measurement) on the output film, and make
3. Read the IP, which was exposed in the procedure 2 by “TEST”, “Image format” or sure that the length is within the allowable range calculated in the procedure 5.
“Image format-2” and “SINGLE”, and output it.
149.6 mm ≤ Actual measurement ≤ 151.4 mm

 NOTE 
If the subscan length is beyond the allowable value, make subscan length adjustments
(change the DIP switch setting), as appropriate.
{MC:10.9.4_Subscan Length Adjustment}

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-535
10.9.4 Subscan Length Adjustment DIP Switch Setting List (Table 1)
Switch Speed fine-adjustment
1. Remove the following covers. S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 setup factor (%)
- Front Cover OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF -1.6
{MC:3.1_Front Cover} OFF ON ON OFF OFF ON -1.5
- Right-Hand Side Cover OFF ON ON OFF ON OFF -1.4
{MC:3.2_Right-Hand Side Cover} OFF ON ON OFF ON ON -1.3
- Rear Cover OFF ON ON ON OFF OFF -1.2
{MC:3.3_Rear Cover} OFF ON ON ON OFF ON -1.1
- Left-Hand Side Cover OFF ON ON ON ON OFF -1.0
{MC:3.4_Left-Hand Side Cover} OFF ON ON ON ON ON -0.9
- Left-Hand Cover Plate ON OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF -0.8
{MC:3.7_Left-Hand Cover Plate}
2. With reference to the DIP Switch Setting List (Table 1), change the DIP switch ON OFF OFF OFF ON OFF -0.6
setting. ON OFF OFF OFF ON ON -0.5
Changing the “speed fine-adjustment setup factor” in the positive (+) direction will cause ON OFF OFF ON OFF ON -0.3
the F value to decrease, while changing it in the negative (-) direction will cause the F ON OFF OFF ON ON OFF -0.2
value to increase. ON OFF OFF ON ON ON -0.1

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-536
3. Reinstall the following covers.
- Left-Hand Cover Plate
{MC:3.7.2_Left-Hand Cover Plate}
- Left-Hand Side Cover
{MC:3.4.2_Left-Hand Side Cover}
- Rear Cover
{MC:3.3.2_Rear Cover}
- Right-Hand Side Cover
{MC:3.2.2_Right-Hand Side Cover}
- Front Cover
{MC:3.1.2_Front Cover}
4. Check the subscan length.
{MC:10.9.3_Subscan Length Check}

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-537
10.10 Driving Shaft Grip Bracket (Reference Side) 4. Rotate the driving shaft until
the driving shaft grip bracket
{SP:INDEX} hole is oriented in the same
10.10.1 Removal Procedures direction as the housing
latches, and then remove the
1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
driving shaft grip bracket.
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
parts.  NOTE 
Reference Part concerned Be sure to remove the driving
{MC:10.1} Subscanning Unit shaft grip bracket while the
driving shaft grip bracket hole is
{MC:10.3} Rubber Belt
oriented in the same direction
{MC:10.4} Flywheel (Reference Surface-Driving Shaft Side)
as the housing latches. Failure
* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to. to observe this precaution may
damage the housing latches.
2. Take the procedures 3 and 4
from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

3. While pressing down on the 10.10.2 Reinstallation Procedures

bracket to prevent the housing
latches from being damaged, For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.
remove the tension coil spring.

 NOTE 
Be sure to remove the tension coil
spring while pressing down on
the bracket. Failure to observe
this precaution may damage the
housing latches.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-538
10.11 Driven Shaft Grip Bracket (Reference Side) 4. Rotate the driven shaft until the
driven shaft grip bracket hole is
{SP:INDEX} oriented in the same direction
10.11.1 Removal Procedures as the housing latches, and
then remove the driven shaft
1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
grip bracket.
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
parts.  NOTE 
Reference Part concerned Be sure to remove the driven
{MC:10.1} Subscanning Unit shaft grip bracket while the
driven shaft grip bracket hole is
{MC:10.3} Rubber Belt
oriented in the same direction
{MC:10.5} Flywheel (Reference Surface-Driven Shaft Side)
as the housing latches. Failure
* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to. to observe this precaution may
damage the housing latches.
2. Take the procedures 3 and 4
from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

3. While pressing down on the 10.11.2 Reinstallation Procedures

bracket to prevent the housing
latches from being damaged, For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.
remove the tension coil spring.

 NOTE 
Be sure to remove the tension coil
spring while pressing down on
the bracket. Failure to observe
this precaution may damage the
housing latches.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-539
10.12 Driving Shaft Grip Bracket (Opposite Reference Side) 4. Rotate the driving shaft until
the driving shaft grip bracket
{SP:INDEX} hole is oriented in the same
10.12.1 Removal Procedures direction as the housing
latches, and then remove the
1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
driving shaft grip bracket.
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
parts.  NOTE 
Reference Part concerned Be sure to remove the driving
{MC:10.1} Subscanning Unit shaft grip bracket while the
driving shaft grip bracket hole is
{MC:10.6} Kapton® Belt
oriented in the same direction
{MC:10.7} Flywheel (Opposite Reference Side)
as the housing latches. Failure
* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to. to observe this precaution may
damage the housing latches.
2. Take the procedures 3 and 4
from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

3. While pressing down on the 10.12.2 Reinstallation Procedures

bracket to prevent the housing
latches from being damaged, For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.
remove the tension coil spring.

 NOTE 
Be sure to remove the tension coil
spring while pressing down on
the bracket. Failure to observe
this precaution may damage the
housing latches.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-540
10.13 Driven Shaft Grip Bracket (Opposite Reference Side) 4. Rotate the driven shaft until the
driven shaft grip bracket hole is
{SP:INDEX} oriented in the same direction
10.13.1 Removal Procedures as the housing latches, and
then remove the driven shaft
1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
grip bracket.
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
parts.  NOTE 
Reference Part concerned Be sure to remove the driven
{MC:10.1} Subscanning Unit shaft grip bracket while the
driven shaft grip bracket hole is
{MC:10.6} Kapton® Belt
oriented in the same direction
{MC:10.7} Flywheel (Opposite Reference Side)
as the housing latches. Failure
* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to. to observe this precaution may
damage the housing latches.
2. Take the procedures 3 and 4
from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

3. While pressing down on the 10.13.2 Reinstallation Procedures

bracket to prevent the housing
latches from being damaged, For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.
remove the tension coil spring.

 NOTE 
Be sure to remove the tension coil
spring while pressing down on
the bracket. Failure to observe
this precaution may damage the
housing latches.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-541
10.14 Driven Shaft Grip Roller (Upper) 3. Take the procedure 4 from the
direction indicated by the arrow
{SP:INDEX} in the figure.

10.14.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:10.1} Subscanning Unit

{MC:10.6} Kapton® Belt

{MC:10.7} Flywheel (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:10.13} Driven Shaft Grip Bracket (Opposite Reference Side)

4. Remove the bracket and then
* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to. remove the bearing.

2. Place the subscanning unit in

the orientation indicated in the

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-542
5. Take the procedures 6 and 7 8. Remove the bearing from the
from the direction indicated by driven shaft grip roller.
the arrow in the figure.

6. Move the driven shaft grip

roller to the left and then pull it
away from the side plate.

7. Lift one end of the driven shaft

grip roller and then remove the
driven shaft grip roller.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-543
10.14.2 Reinstallation Procedures 2. Tilt the driven shaft grip roller
and insert it into the hole in the
left-hand side plate.

 NOTE 
Insert the driven shaft grip roller in
the direction shown.

1. Install the bearing while paying

attention to the orientation of
the driven shaft grip roller.

 NOTE 
Be sure to install the bearing over
the shaft end shown while paying
attention to the orientation of the
driven shaft grip roller.

3. Level the driven shaft grip


08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-544
4. Insert the driven shaft grip 7. Place the subscanning unit in
roller into the hole in the right- the orientation indicated in the
hand side plate. figure.

5. Take the procedure 6 from the 8. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
direction indicated by the arrow procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
in the figure.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:10.13.2} Driven Shaft Grip Bracket (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:10.7.2} Flywheel (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:10.6.2} Kapton® Belt

{MC:10.1.2} Subscanning Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

6. Install the bearing and then

mount the bracket.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-545
10.15 Driving Shaft Grip Roller (Upper) 3. Remove the bracket and then
remove the bearing.
10.15.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:10.1} Subscanning Unit

{MC:10.3} Rubber Belt

{MC:10.4} Flywheel (Reference Surface-Driving Shaft Side)

{MC:10.6} Kapton® Belt

4. Take the procedures 5 and 6
{MC:10.7} Flywheel (Opposite Reference Side) from the direction indicated by
{MC:10.12} Driving Shaft Grip Bracket (Opposite Reference Side) the arrow in the figure.

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedure 3 from the 5. Move the driving shaft grip
direction indicated by the arrow roller to the right and then pull
in the figure. it away from the side plate.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-546
6. Lift one end of the driving shaft 10.15.2 Reinstallation Procedures
grip roller and then remove the
driving shaft grip roller.

7. Remove the bearing from the 1. Install the bearing while paying
driving shaft grip roller. attention to the orientation of
the driving shaft grip roller.

 NOTE 
Be sure to install the bearing over
the shaft end shown while paying
attention to the orientation of the
driving shaft grip roller.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-547
2. Tilt the driving shaft grip roller 4. Insert the driving shaft grip
and insert it into the hole in the roller into the hole in the left-
right-hand side plate. hand side plate.

 NOTE 
Insert the driving shaft grip roller
in the direction shown.

5. Take the procedure 6 from the

direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

3. Level the driving shaft grip 6. Install the bearing and then
roller. mount the bracket.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-548
7. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:10.12.2} Driving Shaft Grip Bracket (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:10.7.2} Flywheel (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:10.6.2} Kapton® Belt

{MC:10.4.2} Flywheel (Reference Surface-Driving Shaft Side)

{MC:10.3.2} Rubber Belt

{MC:10.1.2} Subscanning Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-549
10.16 Guide (A) 3. Remove the guide retaining
screws in the direction
{SP:INDEX} indicated in DETAIL A.

10.16.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:10.1} Subscanning Unit

{MC:10.3} Rubber Belt

{MC:10.5} Flywheel (Reference Surface-Driven Shaft Side)

{MC:10.11} Driven Shaft Grip Bracket (Reference Side)

4. Remove the guide retaining
{MC:10.37} Shock-Absorber-Attached Bracket screws in the direction
{MC:10.19} Driven Shaft Grip Roller (Lower) indicated in DETAIL B.

{MC:10.6} Kapton® Belt

{MC:10.7} Flywheel (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:10.13} Driven Shaft Grip Bracket (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:10.14} Driven Shaft Grip Roller (Upper)

{MC:10.32} Antistatic Member

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures 3 and 4 5. While paying attention to the

from the direction indicated by light-collecting mirror, remove
the arrow in the figure. the guide.

 NOTE 
When you remove the guide,
exercise care not to damage the
light-collecting surface of the light-
collecting mirror.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-550
10.16.2 Reinstallation Procedures 2. Press the grooves in both ends
of the guide against the half-
punches on the side plate inner

 NOTE 
When you press the guide against
the half-punches, exercise care
not damage the light-collecting
surface of the light-collecting

1. Take the procedures 2 and 3

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-551
3. Press the upper side of the 5. Install the guide retaining
guide against the half-punches. screws in the direction
indicated in DETAIL A.

6. Install the guide retaining

screws in the direction
indicated in DETAIL B.

4. With the guide pressed against

the half-punches, perform
procedures 5 and 6 in the
directions indicated by the
arrows in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-552
7. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:10.32.2} Antistatic Member

{MC:10.14.2} Driven Shaft Grip Roller (Upper)

{MC:10.13.2} Driven Shaft Grip Bracket (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:10.7.2} Flywheel (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:10.6.2} Kapton® Belt

{MC:10.19.2} Driven Shaft Grip Roller (Lower)

{MC:10.37.2} Shock-Absorber-Attached Bracket

{MC:10.11.2} Driven Shaft Grip Bracket (Reference Side)

{MC:10.5.2} Flywheel (Reference Surface-Driven Shaft Side)

{MC:10.3.2} Rubber Belt

{MC:10.1.2} Subscanning Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-553
10.17 Guide (B) 3. Take the procedures 4 and 5
from the direction indicated by
{SP:INDEX} the arrow in the figure.

10.17.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:10.1} Subscanning Unit

{MC:10.3} Rubber Belt

{MC:10.4} Flywheel (Reference Surface-Driving Shaft Side)

{MC:10.10} Driving Shaft Grip Bracket (Reference Side)

4. Remove the guide retaining
{MC:10.6} Kapton® Belt screws in the direction
{MC:10.7} Flywheel (Opposite Reference Side) indicated in DETAIL A.

{MC:10.12} Driving Shaft Grip Bracket (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:10.15} Driving Shaft Grip Roller (Upper)

{MC:10.18} Driving Shaft Grip Roller (Lower)

{MC:10.36} Auxiliary Bracket

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Place the subscanning unit in 5. Remove the guide retaining

the orientation indicated in the screws in the direction
figure. indicated in DETAIL B.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-554
6. Take the procedure 7 from the 7. Raise the grip release arm latch
direction indicated by the arrow forward. Remove the guide
in the figure. while keeping it from coming
into contact with the latch.

 NOTE 
Be sure to remove the guide with
the grip release arm latch raised
forward. If this precaution is not
observed, you may not be able to
remove the guide because it may
be caught by the latch.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-555
10.17.2 Reinstallation Procedures

1. Raise the grip release arm latch

forward. Insert the guide into
the subscanning unit while
keeping it from coming into
contact with the latch. Press
the grooves in both ends of
the guide against the rear half
punches on the inner side plate
surfaces. Press the guide
against the front half punches.

 NOTE 
Be sure to insert the guide with
the grip release arm latch raised
forward. If this precaution is not
observed, you may not be able to
install the guide because it may
be caught by the latch.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-556
2. With the guide pressed against 5. Place the subscanning unit in
the half-punches, perform the orientation indicated in the
procedures 3 and 4 in the figure.
directions indicated by the
arrows in the figure.

3. Install the guide retaining 6. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
screws in the direction procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
indicated in DETAIL A.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:10.36.2} Auxiliary Bracket

{MC:10.18.2} Driving Shaft Grip Roller (Lower)

{MC:10.15.2} Driving Shaft Grip Roller (Upper)

{MC:10.12.2} Driving Shaft Grip Bracket (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:10.7.2} Flywheel (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:10.6.2} Kapton® Belt

{MC:10.10.2} Driving Shaft Grip Bracket (Reference Side)

{MC:10.4.2} Flywheel (Reference Surface-Driving Shaft Side)

4. Install the guide retaining {MC:10.3.2} Rubber Belt
screws in the direction
indicated in DETAIL B. {MC:10.1.2} Subscanning Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-557
10.18 Driving Shaft Grip Roller (Lower) 3. Remove the KL ring and
bearing. Verify that the housing
{SP:INDEX} latch is positioned to match the
shape of the side plate hole,
10.18.1 Removal Procedures and then remove the housing.
1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts REFERENCE
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the The housing can be removed only
parts. when its latch is positioned to
Reference Part concerned match the shape of the side plate
{MC:10.1} Subscanning Unit

{MC:10.3} Rubber Belt

{MC:10.4} Flywheel (Reference Surface-Driving Shaft Side)

{MC:10.10} Driving Shaft Grip Bracket (Reference Side)

4. Remove the spacer and
{MC:10.6} Kapton® Belt bearing.
{MC:10.7} Flywheel (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:10.12} Driving Shaft Grip Bracket (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:10.15} Driving Shaft Grip Roller (Upper)

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures 3 and 4

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-558
5. Take the procedures 6 and 7 8. Take the procedures 9 and 10
from the direction indicated by from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure. the arrow in the figure.

6. Remove the KL ring and 9. Move the driving shaft grip

bearing. Verify that the housing roller to the right and then pull
latch is positioned to match the it away from the side plate.
shape of the side plate hole,
and then remove the housing.

The housing can be removed only
when its latch is positioned to
match the shape of the side plate

7. Remove the spacer and 10. Pull out one end of the driving
bearing. shaft grip roller and then
remove the driving shaft grip

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-559
10.18.2 Reinstallation Procedures 2. Insert the driving shaft grip
roller into the subscanning

1. Tilt the driving shaft grip roller 3. Insert the driving shaft grip
and insert it into the hole in the roller shaft into the hole in the
right-hand side plate. left-hand side plate.

 NOTE 
Insert the driving shaft grip roller
in the direction shown.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-560
4. Take the procedures 5 and 6 7. Take the procedures 8 and 9
from the direction indicated by from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure. the arrow in the figure.

5. Install the bearing and then 8. Install the bearing and then
install the spacer. install the spacer.

6. Verify that the housing latch is 9. Verify that the housing latch is
positioned to match the shape positioned to match the shape
of the side plate hole, and then of the side plate hole, and then
mount the housing. Install the mount the housing. Install the
bearing and then mount the KL bearing and then mount the KL
ring. ring.

The housing can be mounted only The housing can be mounted only
when its latch is positioned to when its latch is positioned to
match the shape of the side plate match the shape of the side plate
hole. hole.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-561
10. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:10.15.2} Driving Shaft Grip Roller (Upper)

{MC:10.12.2} Driving Shaft Grip Bracket (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:10.7.2} Flywheel (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:10.6.2} Kapton® Belt

{MC:10.10.2} Driving Shaft Grip Bracket (Reference Side)

{MC:10.4.2} Flywheel (Reference Surface-Driving Shaft Side)

{MC:10.3.2} Rubber Belt

{MC:10.1.2} Subscanning Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-562
10.19 Driven Shaft Grip Roller (Lower) 3. Take the procedures 4 and 5
from the direction indicated by
{SP:INDEX} the arrow in the figure.

10.19.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:10.1} Subscanning Unit

{MC:10.3} Rubber Belt

{MC:10.5} Flywheel (Reference Surface-Driven Shaft Side)

{MC:10.11} Driven Shaft Grip Bracket (Reference Side)

4. Remove the KL ring and
{MC:10.6} Kapton® Belt bearing. Verify that the housing
{MC:10.7} Flywheel (Opposite Reference Side) latch is positioned to match the
shape of the side plate hole,
{MC:10.13} Driven Shaft Grip Bracket (Opposite Reference Side) and then remove the housing.
{MC:10.37} Shock-Absorber-Attached Bracket
* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to. The housing can be removed only
when its latch is positioned to
match the shape of the side plate

2. Place the subscanning unit in 5. Remove the spacer and

the orientation indicated in the bearing.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-563
6. Take the procedures 7 and 8 9. Take the procedures 10 and 11
from the direction indicated by from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure. the arrow in the figure.

7. Remove the KL ring and 10. Move the driven shaft grip
bearing. Verify that the housing roller to the left and then pull it
latch is positioned to match the away from the side plate.
shape of the side plate hole,
and then remove the housing.

The housing can be removed only
when its latch is positioned to
match the shape of the side plate

8. Remove the spacer and 11. Pull one end of the driven shaft
bearing. grip roller and then remove the
driven shaft grip roller.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-564
10.19.2 Reinstallation Procedures 2. Insert the driven shaft grip
roller into the subscanning

1. Tilt the driven shaft grip roller 3. Insert the driven shaft grip
and engage the driven shaft roller into the hole in the right-
grip roller shaft with the left- hand side plate.
hand side plate.

 NOTE 
Mount the driven shaft grip roller
in the direction shown.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-565
4. Take the procedures 5 and 6 7. Take the procedures 8 and 9
from the direction indicated by from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure. the arrow in the figure.

5. Install the bearing and then 8. Install the bearing and then
install the spacer. install the spacer.

6. Verify that the housing latch is 9. Verify that the housing latch is
positioned to match the shape positioned to match the shape
of the side plate hole, and then of the side plate hole, and then
mount the housing. Install the mount the housing. Install the
bearing and then mount the KL bearing and then mount the KL
ring. ring.

The housing can be mounted only The housing can be mounted only
when its latch is positioned to when its latch is positioned to
match the shape of the side plate match the shape of the side plate
hole. hole.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-566
10. Place the subscanning unit in
the orientation indicated in the

11. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:10.37.2} Shock-Absorber-Attached Bracket

{MC:10.13.2} Driven Shaft Grip Bracket (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:10.7.2} Flywheel (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:10.6.2} Kapton® Belt

{MC:10.11.2} Driven Shaft Grip Bracket (Reference Side)

{MC:10.5.2} Flywheel (Reference Surface-Driven Shaft Side)

{MC:10.3.2} Rubber Belt

{MC:10.1.2} Subscanning Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-567
10.20 Light-Collecting Shaft Driving Gear
10.20.1 Removal Procedures
1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned
{MC:10.1} Subscanning Unit
{MC:10.6} Kapton® Belt
{MC:10.7} Flywheel (Opposite Reference Side)
* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedure 3 from the

direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

3. Remove the KL ring and then

remove the light-collecting
shaft driving gear.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-568
10.20.2 Reinstallation Procedures 2. Align the leading end (enlarged
hole section) of the groove
in the light-collecting shaft
driving gear with the side plate
shaft, and then install the light-
collecting shaft driving gear.

The light-collecting shaft driving
gear can be removed/installed
only at one position at which
the leading end (enlarged hole
section) of the groove in the light-
collecting shaft driving gear is
aligned with the side plate shaft.

1. Take the procedures from 2 to 4

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

3. Verify that the side plate shaft

and arm shaft are properly
positioned in the grooves of the
light-collecting shaft driving

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-569
4. Mount the KL ring.

5. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:10.7.2} Flywheel (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:10.6.2} Kapton® Belt

{MC:10.1.2} Subscanning Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-570
10.21 Light-Collecting Mirror Assembly 3. Take the procedures from 4 to 6
from the direction indicated by
{SP:INDEX} the arrow in the figure.

When handing the light-collecting mirror, observe the following precautions:
- Wear gloves. However, never touch the reflection surface of the light-collecting mirror even
when you are wearing gloves.
- Wear a mask so that saliva does not come into contact with the light-collecting mirror.

10.21.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned 4. Remove the tension coil spring.

{MC:10.1} Subscanning Unit

{MC:10.3} Rubber Belt

{MC:10.4} Flywheel (Reference Surface-Driving Shaft Side)

{MC:10.5} Flywheel (Reference Surface-Driven Shaft Side)

{MC:10.6} Kapton® Belt

{MC:10.7} Flywheel (Opposite Reference Side)

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Place the subscanning unit in 5. Remove the KL ring, and then

the orientation indicated in the remove the guide and bearing.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-571
6. Disconnect the connector. 9. Pull out the SZ1 assembly while
exercising care not to damage
the flat cable.

 NOTE 
Exercise care not to bend or
damage the flat cable.

7. Take the procedures 8 and 9 10. Take the procedure 11 from the
from the direction indicated by direction indicated by the arrow
the arrow in the figure. in the figure.

8. Remove the screw. 11. Remove the KL ring, and then

remove the spur gear and

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-572
12. Take the procedures 13 and 14 10.21.2 Reinstallation Procedures
from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

13. While supporting the portion

indicated in the figure with your CAUTIONS
finger, move the light-collecting - Ensure that the reflection surface
mirror assembly to the left and
of the light-collecting mirror
pull it away from the side plate.
does not come into contact with
CAUTIONS neighboring parts. Failure to
- Ensure that the reflection surface observe this precaution may
of the light-collecting mirror damage the reflection surface of
does not come into contact with the light-collecting mirror.
neighboring parts. Failure to - Do not bend the flat cable.
observe this precaution may
damage the reflection surface of
the light-collecting mirror.
- Do not bend the flat cable.

14. Hold the light-collecting mirror

assembly as indicated in the
figure, lift one end of it, and
then remove it.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-573
1. Hold a shaft end of the light- 3. Verify that the positional
collecting mirror assembly relationship between the light-
as indicated in the figure, and collecting mirror assembly and
insert the light-collecting mirror stopper is as indicated in the
assembly shaft into the hole in figure, and then insert the light-
the left-hand side plate. collecting mirror assembly
shaft into the hole in the right-
 NOTE  hand side plate.
Be sure to hold the indicated shaft  NOTE 
end of the light-collecting mirror Be sure to verify that the positional
assembly. relationship between the light-
collecting mirror assembly and
stopper is as indicated in the
figure. Failure to observe this
precaution may damage a part of
the subscanning unit.

4. Take the procedure 5 from the

direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

2. Level the light-collecting mirror 5. Mount the bearing, spur gear,

assembly. and KL ring.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-574
6. Take the procedures 7 and 8 9. Take the procedures from 10 to
from the direction indicated by 12 from the direction indicated
the arrow in the figure. by the arrow in the figure.

7. While positioning the flat cable 10. Connect the connector.

within the bracket, insert the
SZ1 assembly into the side

 NOTE 
Exercise care not to bend or
damage the flat cable.

8. Reinstall the screw. 11. Mount the bearing. Orient the

guide protrusion as indicated
in the figure and then mount
the guide. Mount the KL ring.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-575
12. Reinstall the tension coil

13. Place the subscanning unit in

the orientation indicated in the

14. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:10.7.2} Flywheel (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:10.6.2} Kapton® Belt

{MC:10.5.2} Flywheel (Reference Surface-Driven Shaft Side)

{MC:10.4.2} Flywheel (Reference Surface-Driving Shaft Side)

{MC:10.3.2} Rubber Belt

{MC:10.1.2} Subscanning Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-576
10.22 Light-Collecting Mirror 3. While exercising care not to
touch the reflection surface
{SP:INDEX} of the light-collecting mirror,
remove the light-collecting
 INSTRUCTIONS  mirror.
When handing the light-collecting mirror, observe the following precautions:
- Wear gloves. However, never touch the reflection surface of the light-collecting mirror  NOTE 
even when you are wearing gloves. Be sure not to touch the reflection
- Wear a mask so that saliva does not come into contact with the light-collecting mirror. surface of the light-collecting
10.22.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the 10.22.2 Reinstallation Procedures
For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.
Reference Part concerned
{MC:10.1} Subscanning Unit
{MC:10.3} Rubber Belt
{MC:10.4} Flywheel (Reference Surface-Driving Shaft Side)
{MC:10.5} Flywheel (Reference Surface-Driven Shaft Side)
{MC:10.6} Kapton® Belt
{MC:10.7} Flywheel (Opposite Reference Side)
{MC:10.21} Light-Collecting Mirror Assembly
* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Orient the light-collecting shaft

assembly as indicated in the

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-577
10.23 Antistatic Member 3. Remove the antistatic member.

10.23.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:10.1} Subscanning Unit

{MC:10.3} Rubber Belt

{MC:10.4} Flywheel (Reference Surface-Driving Shaft Side)

{MC:10.5} Flywheel (Reference Surface-Driven Shaft Side)

10.23.2 Reinstallation Procedures
{MC:10.6} Kapton® Belt
For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.
{MC:10.7} Flywheel (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:10.21} Light-Collecting Mirror Assembly

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Orient the light-collecting shaft

assembly as indicated in the

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-578
10.24 IP Leading-Edge Sensor (SZ1) 3. Orient the light-collecting
mirror assembly as indicated in
{SP:INDEX} the figure.

10.24.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:10.1} Subscanning Unit

{MC:10.3} Rubber Belt

{MC:10.4} Flywheel (Reference Surface-Driving Shaft Side)

{MC:10.5} Flywheel (Reference Surface-Driven Shaft Side)

4. While depressing the nail of the
{MC:10.6} Kapton® Belt IP leading edge sensor (SZ1)
{MC:10.7} Flywheel (Opposite Reference Side) with a jeweler's screwdriver,
pull the IP leading edge sensor
{MC:10.21} Light-Collecting Mirror Assembly (SZ1) forward.
* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.
 NOTE 
Exercise care not to bend or
damage the flat cable.

2. Remove the bracket from

the light-collecting mirror

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-579
5. Remove the IP leading-edge 10.24.2 Reinstallation Procedures
sensor (SZ1).
For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-580
10.25 Center Roller 3. Remove the bracket and then
remove the bearing.
10.25.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:10.1} Subscanning Unit

{MC:10.6} Kapton® Belt

{MC:10.7} Flywheel (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:10.20} Light-Collecting Shaft Driving Gear

4. Take the procedures 5 and 6
{MC:10.37} Shock-Absorber-Attached Bracket from the direction indicated by
{MC:10.26} Motor Assembly the arrow in the figure.

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedure 3 from the 5. Move the center roller to the left
direction indicated by the arrow and pull it away from the side
in the figure. plate.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-581
6. Pull one end of the center roller 10.25.2 Reinstallation Procedures
and then remove the center

7. Remove the KL ring from the 1. While paying attention to the

center roller, and then remove orientation of the center roller,
the bearing. mount the bearing and then the
KL ring.

 NOTE 
Mount the bearing while paying
attention to the orientation of the
center roller.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-582
2. Tilt the center roller, and then 4. Insert the center roller into
insert the center roller shaft the hole in the right-hand side
into the hole in the left-hand plate.
side plate.

 NOTE 
Orient the center roller as
indicated in the figure.

5. Take the procedure 6 from the

direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

3. Insert the center roller into the 6. Install the bearing and then
subscanning unit. mount the bracket.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-583
7. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:10.26.2} Motor Assembly

{MC:10.37.2} Shock-Absorber-Attached Bracket

{MC:10.20.2} Light-Collecting Shaft Driving Gear

{MC:10.7.2} Flywheel (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:10.6.2} Kapton® Belt

{MC:10.1.2} Subscanning Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-584
10.26 Motor Assembly 3. Remove the screw.

10.26.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:10.1} Subscanning Unit

{MC:10.6} Kapton® Belt

{MC:10.7} Flywheel (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:10.20} Light-Collecting Shaft Driving Gear

4. Rotate the bracket and pull it
{MC:10.37} Shock-Absorber-Attached Bracket out of the subscanning unit.
* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures from 3 to 5 5. Reinstall the screw.

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-585
6. Place the subscanning unit in 8. Undo the clamps, and then
the orientation indicated in the remove the connector from the
figure. bracket.

7. Take the procedures 8 and 9

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

9. Hold the portion indicated in

the figure and pull out the arm

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-586
10. Take the procedure 11 from the 12. Take the procedures 13 and 14
direction indicated by the arrow from the direction indicated by
in the figure. the arrow in the figure.

11. Unclamp the clamps, and 13. Remove the motor assembly
disconnect the connectors. retaining screws.

14. Pull the motor assembly

forward and out.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-587
10.26.2 Reinstallation Procedures 3. Push the rightmost end of
the motor assembly into the
subscanning unit.

1. Take the procedures from 2 to 4 4. Remove the motor assembly

from the direction indicated by retaining screws.
the arrow in the figure.

2. Mount the motor assembly.

 NOTE 
When mounting the motor
assembly, exercise care so that
the cable is not caught by the
subscanning unit side plate.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-588
5. Take the procedure 6 from the 7. Take the procedures 8 and 9
direction indicated by the arrow from the direction indicated by
in the figure. the arrow in the figure.

6. Connect the connectors and 8. Hold the portion indicated in

then secure the clamps. the figure and push in the arm

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-589
9. Mount the connector on the 11. Remove the screw.
bracket and then secure the
cable with the clamps.

12. Rotate the bracket, and return it

into the subscanning unit.

10. Place the subscanning unit in 13. Reinstall the screw.

the orientation indicated in the

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-590
14. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:10.37.2} Shock-Absorber-Attached Bracket

{MC:10.20.2} Light-Collecting Shaft Driving Gear

{MC:10.7.2} Flywheel (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:10.6.2} Kapton® Belt

{MC:10.1.2} Subscanning Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-591
10.27 Driven-Side Grip Roller Release HP Sensor (SZ2) 3. Remove the retaining screws
from the sensor (SZ2)
{SP:INDEX} assembly.

10.27.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:10.1} Subscanning Unit

{MC:10.6} Kapton® Belt

{MC:10.7} Flywheel (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:10.20} Light-Collecting Shaft Driving Gear

4. Remove the sensor (SZ2)
{MC:10.26} Motor Assembly assembly and then remove the
* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to. bearing.

2. Take the procedures 3 and 4 5. Remove the sensor (SZ2) from

from the direction indicated by the bracket.
the arrow in the figure.
For details on the sensor
removal/installation procedure,
see "Appendix 1-1 Sensor (5 mm
{MC: Appendix 1-1_Sensor
(5 mm Type)}

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-592
10.27.2 Reinstallation Procedures 3. Mount the bearing, and then
mount the sensor (SZ2)

1. Mount the sensor (SZ2) on the 4. Verify that the sensor (SZ2)
bracket. assembly is properly mounted
on the half punches, and then
tighten the screws.
For details on the sensor
removal/installation procedure,
see "Appendix 1-1 Sensor (5 mm
{MC: Appendix 1-1_Sensor
(5 mm Type)}

2. Take the procedures 3 and 4 5. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
from the direction indicated by procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
the arrow in the figure.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:10.26.2} Motor Assembly

{MC:10.20.2} Light-Collecting Shaft Driving Gear

{MC:10.7.2} Flywheel (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:10.6.2} Kapton® Belt

{MC:10.1.2} Subscanning Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-593
10.28 Driving-Side Grip Roller Release HP Sensor (SZ3), 3. Unclamp the clamp, and
disconnect the connector.
Driven/Driving Grip Roller Driving Motor (MZ2)
10.28.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:10.1} Subscanning Unit

{MC:10.6} Kapton® Belt

{MC:10.7} Flywheel (Opposite Reference Side)

4. Remove the sensor (SZ3)
{MC:10.20} Light-Collecting Shaft Driving Gear assembly.
{MC:10.26} Motor Assembly

{MC:10.27} Driven-Side Grip Roller Release HP Sensor (SZ2)

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures 3 and 4

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-594
5. With an Allen wrench, loosen 7. Remove the motor (MZ2).
the cam retaining screws.

- Loosen the screws, but do not
remove them.
- Loosen only the specified

6. Remove the cam.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-595
10.28.2 Reinstallation Procedures 3. Apply screw-locking bond (3B)
to the screws, and then tighten
the screws with an Allen

1. Mount the motor (MZ2).

2. Properly orient the cam, install

it over the shaft, and push it all
the way in.

- When mounting the cam,
properly orient it.
- Install the cam over the shaft
and then push it all the way in.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-596
4. Take the procedures 5 and 6 7. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
from the direction indicated by procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
the arrow in the figure.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:10.27.2} Driven-Side Grip Roller Release HP Sensor (SZ2)

{MC:10.26.2} Motor Assembly

{MC:10.20.2} Light-Collecting Shaft Driving Gear

{MC:10.7.2} Flywheel (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:10.6.2} Kapton® Belt

{MC:10.1.2} Subscanning Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

5. Verify that the sensor (SZ3)

assembly is properly mounted
on the half punches, and then
tighten the screws.

6. Connect the connector, and

retain the cable with the clamp.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-597
10.29 Dust Removal HP Sensor (SZ5), Dust Removal Motor 3. Unclamp the clamp.
10.29.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:10.1} Subscanning Unit

{MC:10.6} Kapton® Belt

{MC:10.7} Flywheel (Opposite Reference Side)

4. Disconnect the connector.
{MC:10.20} Light-Collecting Shaft Driving Gear

{MC:10.26} Motor Assembly

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures from 3 to 7 5. Remove the motor (MZ3).

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-598
6. Remove the retaining screws 10.29.2 Reinstallation Procedures
from the sensor (SZ5)

7. Slightly lift the sensor (SZ5) 1. Take the procedures from 2 to 6

assembly and undo the clamp. from the direction indicated by
Remove the cable from the the arrow in the figure.

2. Push the cable into the sensor

(SZ5) assembly clamp and
then secure the cable with the

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-599
3. Verify that the sensor (SZ5) 6. Retain the cable with the clamp.
assembly is properly mounted
on the half punches, and then
tighten the screws.

4. Mount the motor (MZ3). 7. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:10.26.2} Motor Assembly

{MC:10.20.2} Light-Collecting Shaft Driving Gear

{MC:10.7.2} Flywheel (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:10.6.2} Kapton® Belt

{MC:10.1.2} Subscanning Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

5. Connect the connector.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-600
10.30 Driving Shaft Grip Release Arm 3. Remove the bearing in the
direction indicated in DETAIL A.
10.30.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:10.1} Subscanning Unit

{MC:10.6} Kapton® Belt

{MC:10.7} Flywheel (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:10.20} Light-Collecting Shaft Driving Gear

4. Remove the bearing in the
{MC:10.37} Shock-Absorber-Attached Bracket direction indicated in DETAIL B.
{MC:10.26} Motor Assembly

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures 3 and 4

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-601
5. Take the procedure 6 from the
direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

6. Remove the driving shaft grip

release arm.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-602
10.30.2 Reinstallation Procedures 2. Mount the driving shaft grip
release arm, and then engage
the latches on both ends with
the driving shaft grip roller

1. Take the procedure 2 from the

direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-603
3. Take the procedures 4 and 5 6. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
from the direction indicated by procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
the arrow in the figure.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:10.26.2} Motor Assembly

{MC:10.37.2} Shock-Absorber-Attached Bracket

{MC:10.20.2} Light-Collecting Shaft Driving Gear

{MC:10.7.2} Flywheel (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:10.6.2} Kapton® Belt

{MC:10.1.2} Subscanning Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

4. Mount the bearing in the

direction indicated in DETAIL A.

5. Mount the bearing in the

direction indicated in DETAIL B.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-604
10.31 Driven Shaft Grip Release Arm 4. Remove the bearing in the
direction indicated in DETAIL B.
10.31.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:10.1} Subscanning Unit

{MC:10.37} Shock-Absorber-Attached Bracket

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures 3 and 4 5. Take the procedure 6 from the

from the direction indicated by direction indicated by the arrow
the arrow in the figure. in the figure.

3. Remove the bearing in the 6. Remove the driven shaft grip

direction indicated in DETAIL A. release arm.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-605
10.31.2 Reinstallation Procedures 2. Mount the driven shaft grip
release arm, and then engage
the latches on both ends with
the driven shaft grip roller

1. Take the procedure 2 from the

direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-606
3. Take the procedures 4 and 5 6. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
from the direction indicated by procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
the arrow in the figure.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:10.37.2} Shock-Absorber-Attached Bracket

{MC:10.1.2} Subscanning Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

4. Mount the bearing in the

direction indicated in DETAIL A.

5. Mount the bearing in the

direction indicated in DETAIL B.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-607
10.32 Antistatic Member 10.32.2 Reinstallation Procedures

{SP:INDEX} For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.

10.32.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:10.1} Subscanning Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedure 3 from the

direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

3. Remove the antistatic member.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-608
10.33 Vibration-Proof Rubber Assembly 2. Remove the jigs.


 NOTE 
When a vibration-proof rubber assembly needs to be replaced, replace both of the two
vibration-proof rubber assemblies.

10.33.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:10.1} Subscanning Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-609
3. Take the procedures 4 and 5 6. Take the procedures 7 and 8
from the direction indicated by from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure. the arrow in the figure.

4. Remove the screws to 7. Remove the screws to

disconnect one end of each disconnect one end of each
ground wire. ground wire.

5. Remove the vibration-proof 8. Remove the vibration-proof

rubber assembly. rubber assembly.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-610
10.33.2 Reinstallation Procedures
For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-611
10.34 Toothed Washer (Driving Shaft) 3. Remove the tension coil spring.

10.34.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:10.1} Subscanning Unit

{MC:10.3} Rubber Belt

{MC:10.4} Flywheel (Reference Surface-Driving Shaft Side)

{MC:10.10} Driving Shaft Grip Bracket (Reference Side)

4. Remove the KL ring and then
{MC:10.6} Kapton® Belt remove the guide.
{MC:10.7} Flywheel (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:10.12} Driving Shaft Grip Bracket (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:10.15} Driving Shaft Grip Roller (Upper)

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures 3 to 5 from 5. Remove the bracket and then

the direction indicated by the remove the toothed washer.
arrow in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-612
10.34.2 Reinstallation Procedures 3. While keeping the toothed
washer from falling off the
bracket, mount the bracket
on the half punches. While
pressing the bracket against
the side plate, tighten the

 NOTE 
Tighten the screws while pressing
the bracket to prevent the toothed
washer from falling off.

1. Engage the toothed washer

with the nail of the bracket.

2. Take the procedures 3 to 5 from 4. Verify that the guide protrusion

the direction indicated by the is oriented as indicated in the
arrow in the figure. figure, mount the guide, and
mount the KL ring.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-613
5. Reinstall the tension coil

6. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:10.15.2} Driving Shaft Grip Roller (Upper)

{MC:10.12.2} Driving Shaft Grip Bracket (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:10.7.2} Flywheel (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:10.6.2} Kapton® Belt

{MC:10.10.2} Driving Shaft Grip Bracket (Reference Side)

{MC:10.4.2} Flywheel (Reference Surface-Driving Shaft Side)

{MC:10.3.2} Rubber Belt

{MC:10.1.2} Subscanning Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-614
10.35 Toothed Washer (Driven Shaft) 3. Remove the bracket and then
remove the toothed washer.
10.35.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:10.1} Subscanning Unit

{MC:10.3} Rubber Belt

{MC:10.5} Flywheel (Reference Surface-Driven Shaft Side)

{MC:10.11} Driven Shaft Grip Bracket (Reference Side)

{MC:10.6} Kapton® Belt

{MC:10.7} Flywheel (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:10.13} Driven Shaft Grip Bracket (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:10.14} Driven Shaft Grip Roller (Upper)

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedure 3 from the

direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-615
10.35.2 Reinstallation Procedures 3. While keeping the toothed
washer from falling off the
bracket, mount the bracket
on the half punches. While
pressing the bracket against
the side plate, tighten the

 NOTE 
Tighten the screws while pressing
the bracket to prevent the toothed
washer from falling off.

1. Engage the toothed washer

with the nail of the bracket.

2. Take the procedure 3 from the

direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-616
4. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:10.14.2} Driven Shaft Grip Roller (Upper)

{MC:10.13.2} Driven Shaft Grip Bracket (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:10.7.2} Flywheel (Opposite Reference Side)

{MC:10.6.2} Kapton® Belt

{MC:10.11.2} Driven Shaft Grip Bracket (Reference Side)

{MC:10.5.2} Flywheel (Reference Surface-Driven Shaft Side)

{MC:10.3.2} Rubber Belt

{MC:10.1.2} Subscanning Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-617
10.36 Auxiliary Bracket 10.36.2 Reinstallation Procedures

{SP:INDEX} For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.

10.36.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:10.1} Subscanning Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedure 3 from the

direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

3. Remove the auxiliary bracket.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-618
10.37 Shock-Absorber-Attached Bracket 10.37.2 Reinstallation Procedures

{SP:INDEX} For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.

10.37.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:10.1} Subscanning Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedure 3 from the

direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

3. Remove the shock-absorber-

attached bracket.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-619

11. PC Boards 3. Unclamp the clamps.

11.1 Board Assembly


When servicing any printed circuit board, be sure to wear an anti-static wristband to
ground your body. If your body is not grounded, static electricity built on your body
may cause damage to electronic parts on the board.

11.1.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the 4. Remove the bracket.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:3.1} Front Cover

{MC:3.2} Right-Hand Side Cover

{MC:4.2} Fan Assembly

{MC:3.8} LAN Cover

{MC:11.4} LAN23A Board

{MC:6.1} Erasure Unit

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures 3 to 14 5. Unclamp the clamp, and

from the direction indicated by disconnect the connector.
the arrow in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-620
6. Disconnect the connectors. 9. Disconnect the connectors
while pushing the hook.

7. Remove the connector (CN4) 10. Disconnect the connectors.

straight, holding the shaded
portion in the figure.

- Be sure to hold the specified
portion to disconnect the
connector. Otherwise, the cable
may get damaged.
- Be sure to remove the connector
straight. If it is removed slantly,
a failure in connection may
occur, causing an error.

8. Disconnect the connectors. 11. Disconnect the connectors.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-621
12. Remove the retaining screws of 13. Put aside the cable upward.
the board assembly.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-622
14. While putting aside the cable,
slightly pull out the lower part
of the board assembly. Slightly
lower the board assembly, and
pull it out toward you.

- Be sure to pull out the board
assembly while putting aside
the cable. The cable might get
caught by the board assembly,
getting damaged.
- Exercise care not to bring the
board into contact with the
housing, when pulling out the
board assembly. The board
might get damaged.

15. Disconnect the cable from the

board assembly.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-623
11.1.2 Reinstallation Procedures 2. Put aside the cable upward.

1. Take the procedures 2 to 14

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-624
3. Mount the board assembly
on the housing bracket while
exercising care not to bring
the cable into contact with the
power supply unit connector
while the cable is put aside.
Push the leading edge of the
board assembly against the
inner and the top of the housing
in this order. Push in the lower
part of the board assembly into
the housing.

- Be sure to push in the board
assembly while putting aside
the cable. The cable might get
caught by the board assembly,
getting damaged.
- Exercise care not to bring the
board into contact with the
housing, when mounting the
board assembly. The board
might get damaged.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-625
4. Reinstall the retaining screws 6. Connect the connectors.
of the board assembly.

7. Connect the connectors.

5. Reinstall the cable. 8. Connect the connectors.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-626
9. Connect the connectors. 12. Connect the connector, and
retain the cable with the clamp.

10. Reinstall the connector straight, 13. Reinstall the bracket.

holding the shaded portion in
the figure.

- Be sure to hold the specified
portion to reconnect the
connector. Otherwise, the cable
may get damaged.
- Be sure to reinstall the connector
straight. If it is reinstalled
slantly, the connector on the
board might get damaged.

11. Connect the connectors. 14. Retain the cable with the

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-627
15. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:6.1.2} Erasure Unit

{MC:11.4.2} LAN23A Board

{MC:3.8.2} LAN Cover

{MC:4.2.2} Fan Assembly

{MC:3.2.2} Right-Hand Side Cover

{MC:3.1.2} Front Cover

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-628
11.2 CPU23B Board 11.2.2 Starting Up the Machine Maintenance Utility of the RU

{SP:INDEX} When the RU can boot up, start up the machine Maintenance Utility of the RU to back up the
machine data.
CAUTION If the RU cannot boot up, proceed to “11.2.4 Replacing the CPU23B Board”.
When servicing any printed circuit board, be sure to wear an anti-static wristband to {MC:11.2.4_Replacing the CPU23B Board}
ground your body. If your body is not grounded, static electricity built on your body
may cause damage to electronic parts on the board.
1. Turn ON the power of the CR Console.
The Flash ROM of the CPU23B board stores the RU machine data (configuration information,
scanner information and log information). Since the CPU23B board shipped as a service
2. Turn ON the circuit breaker of the RU.
part does not contain the machine data set, it is necessary to restore the RU as exactly it
was before the replacement by updating the software version and adjusting the machine data
after replacement.
For the adjustment of the machine data, take either of the following procedures depending on
the RU conditions.
- When the RU can boot up, back up the machine data, and restore the backed up machine
data after the replacement of the CPU23B board.
- When the RU cannot boot up, restore the machine-specific data by means of the machine-
specific data CD-ROM attached to the machine.
- If the RU cannot boot up and no machine-specific data FD is available, adjust the machine
data through format adjustment, and shading/sensitivity correction.

11.2.1 Replacement Procedures

Replace the CPU23B board according to the procedures mentioned in the following reference
Reference Part concerned

{11.2.2} Starting Up the Machine Maintenance Utility of the RU

{11.2.3} Machine Data Backup

{11.2.4} Replacing the CPU23B Board

{11.2.5} Setting the IP Address of the RU

{11.2.6} Updating the RU Software Version

{11.2.7} Installing the HR Reading Option Key

{11.2.8} Restoring the Machine Data

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-629
3. Start up the Machine Maintenance Utility of the RU. 4. Return to the reference list described in the replacement procedures.
Turn ON the RU power while pressing the first and third buttons from the left on {MC:11.2.1_Replacement Procedures}
the operation panel. Keep pressing the first and third buttons from the left until the
“Maintenance Utility” window appears on the operation panel.
 NOTE 
Be sure to keep pressing the first and third buttons from the left until the “Maintenance
Utility” window appears on the operation panel. If the “Maintenance Utility” window
does not appear and the RU starts to boot up, once turn OFF the RU power and repeat
from the procedure 1.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-630
11.2.3 Machine Data Backup 4. Back up the “CONFIGURATION”, “SCN OPTICAL DATA” AND “HISTORY LOG”.

It is necessary to restore the machine as exactly it was before the replacement of the
CPU23B board by restoring the machine data after the replacement of the CPU23B board.
To do so, back up the machine data.

1. Start up the RU PC-TOOL.

Refer to the Maintenance Utility “4.23.1 Starting RU PC-TOOL” for the details of the
startup procedures of the RU PC-TOOL.
{MU:4.23.1_Starting RU PC-TOOL}

2. When an FD (floppy disk) is to be used for backing up the machine data, insert a
new FD into the CR Console. If another recording medium is to be used, connect
it to the CR Console.

 NOTE 
When the machine data is to be backed up in an arbitrary place in the hard disk of the
CR Console, the procedure 2 need not be taken. Proceed to the procedure 3.
3. Select the RU whose machine data is to be backed up from the “LIST OF Refer to “16.1 Backup Procedure” for the details of the backup procedures.
EXISTING RU”. {MC:16.1_Backup Procedure}

5. Turn OFF the RU power.

6. Disconnect the power cable and the I/F cable from the RU.
7. Eject the FD from the CR Console when the machine data has been backed up on
the FD.
8. Return to the reference list described in the replacement procedures.
{MC:11.2.1_Replacement Procedures}

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-631
11.2.4 Replacing the CPU23B Board 2. Remove the bracket.

When servicing any printed circuit board, be sure to wear an anti-static wristband to
ground your body. If your body is not grounded, static electricity built on your body
may cause damage to electronic parts on the board.

Replace the CPU23B board.

The CPU23B board shipped as a service part is specified for use in Japan. Make the DIP
switch settings equal to those of the removed CPU23B board before installing the board.

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts 3. Remove the CPU23B board.
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:3.1} Front Cover

{MC:3.2} Right-Hand Side Cover

{MC:4.2} Fan Assembly

{MC:3.8} LAN Cover

{MC:11.4} LAN23A Board

{MC:11.1} Board Assembly

{MC:11.3} SCN23A Board

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-632
4. Make the DIP switch settings of a new CPU23B board to be installed.  Meaning of DIP switch settings
No Item Normal Meaning
Make the DIP switch settings of a new CPU23B board to be installed equal to those of
the removed CPU23B board. If differently set, the machine will not work normally. 1 For design OFF Nothing
2 For design OFF Nothing
3 Machine selection 1 OFF Sets the type of the machine.
Always set to OFF for this machine.
4 BCR yes/no ON Sets as to whether or not the BCR is installed
in the side-positioning conveyor unit. Always
set to ON for this machine.
5 Machine selection 2 ON Sets the type of the machine.
Always set to ON for this machine.
6 15x30 IP usable/nonusable ON Sets whether or not 15x30 size IPs are to be
used. Always set to ON for this machine.
7 Restoring applications (for OFF Used to perform “Initialize APL” of the RU PC-
troubleshooting) TOOL with the IP address of the RU fixed to
“” and the IP address of the CR
When the IP addresses of the Console fixed to “” .
RU and the FTP server are OFF: “Initialize APL” cannot be executed.
unknown. ON: “Initialize APL” can be executed.
8 Restoring applications (for OFF Used to perform “Initialize APL” of the RU PC-
troubleshooting) TOOL
OFF: “Initialize APL” cannot be executed.
When the IP addresses of the ON: “Initialize APL” can be executed.
RU and the FTP server are

* If both No.7 and No.8 switches are ON, the function of the No.8 switch has priority.

When “Board check” of the MUTL is selected, “38” is displayed in “CPU Board Setting
Display”. Refer to the Maintenance Utility “7.3 [2-8] CPU Board Setting Display” for the
details of “CPU Board Setting Display”.
{MU:7.3[2-8]_CPU Board Setting Display}

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-633
5. Install the CPU23B board. 7. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:11.3.2} SCN23A Board

{MC:11.1.2} Board Assembly

{MC:11.4.2} LAN23A Board

{MC:3.8.2} LAN Cover

{MC:4.2.2} Fan Assembly

{MC:3.2.2} Right-Hand Side Cover

{MC:3.1.2} Front Cover

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

6. Reinstall the bracket.
8. Return to the reference list described in the replacement procedures.
{MC:11.2.1_Replacement Procedures}

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-634
11.2.5 Setting the IP Address of the RU 2. Start up the Machine Maintenance Utility of the RU.
Turn ON the RU power while pressing the first and third buttons from the left on
The IP address of the RU is set to the default after the replacement of the CPU23B board.
the operation panel. Keep pressing the first and third buttons from the left until the
Set the IP address of the RU to the address before the replacement of the CPU23B board.
“Maintenance Utility” window appears on the operation panel.
 NOTE 
This chapter describes the procedures, by way of example, where settings are made as
Be sure to keep pressing the first and third buttons from the left until the “Maintenance
Utility” window appears on the operation panel. If the “Maintenance Utility” window
IP address of the RU:
does not appear and the RU starts to boot up, once turn OFF the RU power and repeat
IP address of the FTP server:
from the procedure 1.
1. Turn ON the circuit breaker of the RU.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-635
REFERENCE 4. Press the button 11 times, and press the button once.
The IP address of the RU is set in the procedures 3 to 5.
 NOTE 
3. Make sure that “Reader Unit IP Address” is selected, and then press the [Select] Set the IP address of the RU specified on the CR Console.

5. Press the button once to select “OK”. Then press the [Confirm] button.

→ The address setting window appears.

→ In 1 to 2 seconds after the [Confirm] button is pressed, an alarm beeps. The specified
address becomes effective, and the menu selection window restores.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-636
REFERENCE 7. Press the [Select] button.
The IP address of the FTP server is to be set in the procedures 6 to 9.

6. Press the button twice, and select “FTP Server IP Address”.

→ The address setting window appears.

8. Press the button 11 times, and press the button once.

 NOTE 
Specify the IP address of the CR Console.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-637
9. Press the button once to select “OK”. Then press the [Confirm] button. REFERENCE
In the procedures 11 to 14, “Check of the connection with the CR Console” is performed.

11. Press the button, and select “Network Check”.

→ In 1 to 2 seconds after the [Confirm] button is pressed, an alarm beeps. The specified
address becomes effective, and the menu selection window restores.

10. Set the following addresses according to the conditions before the replacement
of the CPU23B board.
- Subnet Mask
{MU:3.3_Subnet Mask}
- Default Gateway
12. Press the [Select] button.

{MU:3.5_Default Gateway}
- Secure Host
{MU:3.6_Secure Host}
- Secure Net
{MU:3.7_Secure Net}

→ The “Network Check” window appears.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-638
13. Press the [Check] button. 11.2.6 Updating the RU Software Version
The RU software version is updated to update the RU software in the latest conditions. After
the updating, set the master CL.

1. Insert the RU-APL CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive of the CR Console.
→ The “Set Up PC-TOOL” window automatically appears.

2. Click on [START].

14. Confirm the display on the operation panel.

3. Select the RU whose software version is to be updated from the “LIST OF
EXISTING RU”, and click on [FTP].

- “OK” is displayed in the GOOD indication when “Default Gateway” is specified.
- Take the troubleshooting procedures when the NO GOOD indication appears.

15. Return to the reference list described in the replacement procedures.

{MC:11.2.1_Replacement Procedures}

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-639
4. Make sure that the GOOD indication appears, and click on [OK]. 6. Select the RU whose software version is to be updated from the “LIST OF
EXISTING RU”, and click on [VERSION UP].

7. Click on [OK].

 NOTE 
In the case of the NO GOOD indication, refer to: 8. Verify the “RU VERSION”, and click on [OK].

5. Make sure that the GOOD indication appears, and click on .

9. Click on [OK].

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-640
10. Check the precautions for the installation. 12. Verify that the flash ROM write process is completed, and then press the [Enter]
key twice.
Never turn OFF the power of the RU nor the CR Console during the write into the Flash
ROM. If turned OFF, the program in the memory will be destroyed and cannot restart.

11. If a linac cassette is to be used at the user’s site, select “USE”. If the linac
cassette is not to be used, select “NOT USE”, and click on [SET].
When you click on [SET], the installation screen appears on the CR Console display.
While the flash ROM is being written into, the RU's LED glows.
 NOTE 
Do not close the installation screen until the flash ROM write process is completed.
If you inadvertently close the installation screen, return to step 7 and perform the
installation procedure again. The flash ROM write process takes about 8 minutes.

13. Click on [OK].

14. Verify the RU software version.

 NOTE 
If the NO GOOD indication appears, return to the procedure 1, and again perform the

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-641
15. Select the RU whose software version has been updated from the “LIST OF 18. Return to the reference list described in the replacement procedures.
EXISTING RU”, and click on [EDIT CL NAME]. {MC:11.2.1_Replacement Procedures}

16. Click on [MODIFY].

17. Input “CL IP ADDRESS” and “CL NAME”, and click on [SET].

The “CL IP ADDRESS” and “CL NAME” settings should be the same as those before
the replacement of the CPU23B board.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-642
11.2.7 Installing the HR Reading Option Key 3. Input the RU’s IP address (example:, and press the [Enter] key.

The following procedures are necessary only in a machine into which the 50 micron
upgrade kit (HR reading option key) has been installed. Do not take the procedures in
a machine without the 50 micron upgrade kit (HR reading option key) installed.

1. Insert the 50 micron upgrade kit CD-ROM (HR reading option key CD-ROM) into
the CD-ROM drive of the CR console.
→ The installation menu automatically appears.

2. Enter “1” and press the [Enter] key.

→ The message “Installation Completed” appears.

4. Check to make sure that the message indicating the completion of the installation
is displayed, and press the [Enter] key.

→ The message for prompting the input of the RU’s IP address appears.

5. Remove the 50 micron upgrade kit CD-ROM (HR reading option key CD-ROM)
from the CD-ROM drive of the CR console.

6. Return to the reference list described in the replacement procedures.

{MC:11.2.1_Replacement Procedures}

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-643
11.2.8 Restoring the Machine Data 1. Select the RU whose machine data is to be restored from the “LIST OF EXISTING
The machine is not properly adjusted after the replacement of the CPU23B board.
Restore the backup data created in “11.2.3 Machine Data Backup”, and restore to the
conditions before the replacement of the CPU23B board.

- If the RU was not able to boot up before the replacement of the CPU23B board and you
were not able to back up the machine data, restore the machine-specific data by means of 2. Restore “CONFIGURATION”, “SCN OPTICAL DATA” and “HISTORY LOG”.
the machine-specific data CD-ROM attached to the machine.
- If no backup data or machine-specific data is available, take the procedures for the “format
adjustment” and “shading/sensitivity correction” to adjust the machine. Also perform
“shading speed correction” when needed.

 Format Adjustment
{MC:14._Format Adjustment}

 Shading/sensitivity correction (when the IP type ST is used)

{MC:15.1_Shading/Sensitivity Correction for IP Type ST}

 Shading/sensitivity correction (when the IP type HR is used)

{MC:15.4_Shading/Sensitivity Correction for IP Type HR}

 Shading speed correction (when the IP type ST is used)

{MC:15.2_Shading Speed Correction for IP Type ST}

 Shading speed correction (when the IP type HR is used)

{MC:15.5_Shading Speed Correction for IP Type HR}
Refer to “16.2 Restore Procedure” for the details of the restoring procedures.
{MC:16.2_Restore Procedure}

3. Turn OFF the RU power.

4. Turn ON the RU power.
5. Check the following points.
 The RU normally enters the READY state.
 The results of the image/conveyance checks are normal without
{MC:17._Image/Conveyance Checks}
 There is no error occurrence.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-644
11.3 SCN23A Board 3. Hold and raise the SCN23A
board straight not to tilt, and
{SP:INDEX} remove it.

 NOTE 
Be sure to hold and raise the
When servicing any printed circuit board, be sure to wear an anti-static wristband to
SCN23A board straight not to
ground your body. If your body is not grounded, static electricity built on your body
tilt for removal. Otherwise, the
may cause damage to electronic parts on the board.
connector on the board might get
11.3.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:3.1} Front Cover

{MC:3.2} Right-Hand Side Cover

{MC:4.2} Fan Assembly

{MC:3.8} LAN Cover

{MC:11.4} LAN23A Board

{MC:11.1} Board Assembly

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Remove the screws.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-645
11.3.2 Reinstallation Procedures 2. Check to make sure that the
SCN23A board connector
(CN10) is snugly fitted into
the CPU23B board connector

 NOTE 
Be sure to verify that the
connector is snugly fitted.
Otherwise, the machine might not
work normally.

1. Mount the SCN23A board on 3. Reinstall the screws.

the CPU23B board connector
(CN2) with the connector
(CN10) position aligned. Place
your fingers on the positions
as indicated in the figure, and
vertically push in the SCN23A

 NOTE 
Be sure to push in the SCN23A
board vertically. If pushed slantly,
the connector on the board might
get damaged.

4. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:11.1.2} Board Assembly

{MC:11.4.2} LAN23A Board

{MC:3.8.2} LAN Cover

{MC:4.2.2} Fan Assembly

{MC:3.2.2} Right-Hand Side Cover

{MC:3.1.2} Front Cover

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-646
11.4 LAN23A Board 3. Remove the retaining screws of
the LAN23A board assembly.

When servicing any printed circuit board, be sure to wear an anti-static wristband to
ground your body. If your body is not grounded, static electricity built on your body
may cause damage to electronic parts on the board.

11.4.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned 4. Pull out the LAN23A board
{MC:3.1} Front Cover assembly not to tilt it to the
right or left.
{MC:3.2} Right-Hand Side Cover

{MC:3.8} LAN Cover

 NOTE 
Be sure to hold the positions as
* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.
indicated in the figure to pull out
the LAN23A board assembly. If
pulled out with the board held, the
board might get damaged.

2. Take the procedures 3 to 5 from 5. Remove the LAN23A board

the direction indicated by the from the bracket.
arrow in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-647
11.4.2 Reinstallation Procedures 3. Place the LAN23A board
assembly in the housing.

1. Reinstall the LAN23A board 4. Align the edge of the LAN23A

onto the bracket. board with the PCI1 connector
in position.

2. Take the procedures 3 and 4

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-648
5. Hold the positions as indicated
in the figure to push in the
LAN23A board assembly.
- Push in the LAN23A board
assembly, holding the positions
as indicated in the figure.
Otherwise, the bracket might
- Push in LAN23A board
assembly, exercising care not to
tilt it to the right or left.
- Be sure to fit the LAN23A board

6. Reinstall the retaining screws

of the LAN23A board assembly.

7. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:3.8.2} LAN Cover

{MC:3.2.2} Right-Hand Side Cover

{MC:3.1.2} Front Cover

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-649
11.5 SND23A Board 3. Remove the board box cover.


When servicing any printed circuit board, be sure to wear an anti-static wristband to
ground your body. If your body is not grounded, static electricity built on your body
may cause damage to electronic parts on the board.

11.5.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned 4. Disconnect the connectors.
{MC:3.1} Front Cover
 NOTE 
{MC:3.2} Right-Hand Side Cover As the working space is small,
{MC:3.3} Rear Cover exercise care not to get injured
by peripheral components when
* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.
disconnecting the connector.

2. Take the procedures 3 to 13

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-650
5. Unclamp the clamps. 8. Disconnect the connectors.

6. Disconnect the connectors. 9. Close the clamps.

 NOTE 
Be sure to close the clamps.
Otherwise, the board and the
clamp may interfere with each
other when the board is to be

7. Disconnect the connectors. 10. Put the cable aside for the
protection of the cable.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-651
11. Remove the retaining screws of 13. Slightly pull out one of sides
the SND23A board. of the SND23A board while
supporting on the positions as
indicated in the figure. Slightly
raise the SND23A board, and
slantly pull it out exercising
care not to have the connector
caught by the bracket.

 NOTE 
Exercise care in removing the
SND23A board, not to have
the connector caught by the
bracket. The connector might get

12. Push out the retainers until

the SND23A board disengages
while supporting the SND23A

 NOTE 
Be sure to support the SND23A
board for the operation.
Otherwise, the SND23A board
might drop, getting damaged.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-652
11.5.2 Reinstallation Procedures 2. Slightly put in one of sides
of the SND23A board into the
board box while supporting on
the positions as indicated in
the figure. Make sure that the
connector is inserted into the
bracket hole, before installing
the SND23A board in the board

 NOTE 
Be sure to verify that the
connector has been inserted into
the bracket hole, before installing
the SND23A board in the board
1. Take the procedures 2 to 12 box. Otherwise, the connector
from the direction indicated by might get damaged.
the arrow in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-653
3. Push in the SND23A board until 5. Open the clamps.
the board is retained with the
retainers while supporting the
SND23A board.

 NOTE 
Be sure to support the SND23A
board for the operation.
Otherwise, the SND23A board
might drop, getting damaged.

4. Reinstall the retaining screws 6. Connect the connectors.

of the SND23A board.

7. Connect the connectors.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-654
8. Connect the connectors. 11. Connect the connectors.

 NOTE 
As the working space is small,
exercise care not to get injured
by peripheral components when
connecting the connector.

9. Manually push in the fuses (F2

to F5) around the cable on the
SND23A board. Check to make
sure that the fuses are not

10. Retain the cable with the 12. Reinstall the board box cover.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-655
13. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:3.3.2} Rear Cover

{MC:3.2.2} Right-Hand Side Cover

{MC:3.1.2} Front Cover

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-656
11.6 SND23B Board 3. Remove the bracket.


When servicing any printed circuit board, be sure to wear an anti-static wristband to
ground your body. If your body is not grounded, static electricity built on your body
may cause damage to electronic parts on the board.

11.6.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned 4. Unclamp the clamps.
{MC:3.1} Front Cover

{MC:3.2} Right-Hand Side Cover

{MC:3.3} Rear Cover

{MC:3.4} Left-Hand Side Cover

{MC:4.1} Operation Panel Assembly

{MC:5.2} Dust-Tight Cover Assembly

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures 3 to 9 from

the direction indicated by the
arrow in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-657
5. Disconnect the six connectors. 6. Disconnect the connectors.

 NOTE   NOTE 
As the working space is small, As the working space is small,
exercise care not to get injured exercise care not to get injured
by peripheral components when by peripheral components when
disconnecting the connector. disconnecting the connector.

7. Remove the retaining screws of

the SND23B board.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-658
8. Push out the retainers until 9. Pull out the SND23B board,
the SND23B board disengages supporting the positions as
while supporting the SND23B indicated in the figure.

 NOTE 
Be sure to support the SND23B
board for the operation.
Otherwise, the SND23B board
might drop, getting damaged.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-659
11.6.2 Reinstallation Procedures 3. Push in the SND23B board,
supporting the board, until the
SND23B board is retained with
the retainers.

 NOTE 
Be sure to support the SND23B
board for the operation.
Otherwise, the SND23B board
might drop, getting damaged.

1. Take the procedures 2 to 9 from

the direction indicated by the
arrow in the figure.

2. Put in the SND23B board into

the housing.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-660
4. Reinstall the retaining screws 6. Connect the six connectors.
of the SND23B board.
 NOTE 
As the working space is small,
exercise care not to get injured
by peripheral components when
connecting the connector.

5. Connect the connectors.

 NOTE 
As the working space is small,
exercise care not to get injured
by peripheral components when
connecting the connector.

7. Manually push in the fuses (F1

to F6) around the cable on the
SND23B board, and make sure
that they are not loose.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-661
8. Retain the cable with the 10. Reinstall the following parts concerned to restore the machine. Refer to the
clamps. procedures mentioned as the reference, to reinstall the parts concerned.
Reference Part concerned

{MC:5.2.2} Dust-Tight Cover Assembly

{MC:4.1.2} Operation Panel Assembly

{MC:3.4.2} Left-Hand Side Cover

{MC:3.3.2} Rear Cover

{MC:3.2.2} Right-Hand Side Cover

{MC:3.1.2} Front Cover

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

9. Reinstall the bracket.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-662

12. Replacing the Fuses and Fuse Locations 12.1.2 Fuse Replacement Procedures

12.1 Fuse Classification and Replacement Procedures - When servicing any printed circuit board, be sure to wear an anti-static wristband to
ground your body. If your body is not grounded, static electricity built on your body
may cause damage to electronic parts on the board.
12.1.1 Fuse Classification - When replacing the fuse, check the rated amperage of the fuse to be replaced, and
replace it with a fuse of the same rated amperage. At that time, check the Rated
 How to understand fuse notations amperage (A) silk-screened on the board as well.
An example of classification symbols and rated amperage is shown below. - To remove the fuse, pull it straight up and off.
- When attaching the fuse, exercise care not to bend the pins of the fuse.

1. Pull out the fuse, and replace it with a new one.

 How to identify rated amperage

Fuse notation Rated amperage
03 (D) 0.3A
05 (D) 0.5A
10 (D) 1A
13 (D) 1.3A
LM 16 (D) 1.6A
20 (D) 2A
32 (D) 3.2A
40 (D) 4A
50 (D) 5A

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-663
12.2 SND23A Board Fuses 3. Remove the board box cover.

12.2.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:3.1} Front Cover

{MC:3.2} Right-Hand Side Cover

{MC:3.3} Rear Cover

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures 3 and 4

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-664
4. Replace the SND23A board fuses with new ones, referring to the fuse location and  Fuse information
the fuse information. Refer to "12.1.2 Fuse Replacement Procedures" for details Board indications Type Rated voltage (V) Rated amperage (A)
of the replacement procedures of the fuse.
F1 LM 48V 2A
{MC:12.1.2_Fuse Replacement Procedures}
F2 LM 48V 3.2A
 Fuse location
F3 LM 48V 3.2A
F4 LM 48V 3.2A
F5 LM 48V 3.2A
F6 LM 48V 5A
F7 LM 48V 5A

 NOTE 
Since F6 and F7 are directly mounted on the SND23A board, the fuses themselves
cannot be replaced. If F6 or F7 has blown out, replace the whole SND23A board with a
new one.
{MC:11.5_SND23A Board}

12.2.2 Reinstallation Procedures

For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-665
12.3 SND23B Board Fuses 3. Remove the bracket.

12.3.1 Removal Procedures

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:3.1} Front Cover

{MC:3.2} Right-Hand Side Cover

{MC:3.3} Rear Cover

{MC:3.4} Left-Hand Side Cover

{MC:4.1} Operation Panel Assembly

{MC:5.2} Dust-Tight Cover Assembly

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Take the procedures 3 and 4

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-666
4. Replace the SND23B board fuses with new ones, referring to the fuse location  Fuse information
and the fuse information. Refer to "12.1.2 Fuse Replacement Procedures" for Board indications Type Rated voltage (V) Rated amperage (A)
details of the replacement procedures of the fuse.
F1 LM 48V 2A
{MC:12.1.2_Fuse Replacement Procedures}
F2 LM 48V 3.2A
 Fuse location
F3 LM 48V 3.2A
F4 LM 48V 2A
F5 LM 48V 3.2A
F6 LM 48V 2A
F7 LM 48V 5A
F8 LM 48V 5A

 NOTE 
Since F7 and F8 are directly mounted on the SND23B board, the fuses themselves
cannot be replaced. If F7 or F8 has blown out, replace the whole SND23B board with a
new one.
{MC:11.6_SND23B Board}

12.3.2 Reinstallation Procedures

For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-667
12.4 SCN23A Board Fuses  Fuse information
Board indications Type Rated voltage (V) Rated amperage (A)
F1 LM 48V 1.6A
12.4.1 Removal Procedures F2 LM 48V 1.6A

1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts F3 LM 48V 1.6A
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
F4 LM 48V 1.6A
F5 LM 48V 1.6A
Reference Part concerned
F6 LM 48V 1.6A
{MC:3.1} Front Cover
F7 LM 48V 3.2A
{MC:3.2} Right-Hand Side Cover
F8 LM 48V 5A
* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

2. Replace the SCN23A board fuses with new ones, referring to the fuse location and  NOTE 
the fuse information. Refer to "12.1.2 Fuse Replacement Procedures" for details Since F7 and F8 are directly mounted on the SCN23A board, the fuses themselves
of the replacement procedures of the fuse. cannot be replaced. If F7 or F8 have blown out, replace the whole SCN23A board with
{MC:12.1.2_Fuse Replacement Procedures} a new one.
{MC:11.3_SCN23A Board}
 Fuse location

12.4.2 Reinstallation Procedures

For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-668
12.5 CPU23B Board Fuses 3. Replace the CPU23B board fuses with new ones, referring to the fuse location
and the fuse information. Refer to "12.1.2 Fuse Replacement Procedures" for
{SP:INDEX} details of the replacement procedures of the fuse.

12.5.1 Removal Procedures {MC:12.1.2_Fuse Replacement Procedures}

 Fuse location
1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:3.1} Front Cover

{MC:3.2} Right-Hand Side Cover

{MC:4.2} Fan Assembly

{MC:3.8} LAN Cover

{MC:11.4} LAN23A Board

{MC:6.1} Erasure Unit

{MC:11.1} Board Assembly

 Fuse information
Board indications Type Rated voltage (V) Rated amperage (A)
{MC:11.3} SCN23A Board
F1 LM 48V 1A
* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.
F2 LM 48V 1A
F3 LM 48V 1A
F4 LM 48V 1A
F5 LM 48V 5A

 NOTE 
Since F5 is directly mounted on the CPU23B board, the fuse itself cannot be replaced.
2. Remove the bracket.
If F5 has blown out, replace the whole CPU23B board with a new one.
{MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}

12.5.2 Reinstallation Procedures

For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-669
12.6 ERS23A Board Fuses 2. Replace the ERS23A board fuses with new ones, referring to the fuse location and
the fuse information. Refer to “12.1.2 Fuse Replacement Procedures” for details
{SP:INDEX} of the replacement procedures of the fuse.

12.6.1 Removal Procedures {MC:12.1.2_Fuse Replacement Procedures}

 Fuse location
1. For the preparation of the replacement of parts, remove the following parts
concerned. Refer to the procedures mentioned as the reference, to remove the
Reference Part concerned

{MC:3.1} Front Cover

{MC:3.2} Right-Hand Side Cover

{MC:6.1} Erasure Unit

{MC:6.7} Cover Bracket

* Skip the already completed procedures in those referred to.

 Fuse information
Board indications Type Rated voltage (V) Rated amperage (A)
F1 LM 48V 5A
F2 LM 48V 5A
F3 LM 48V 2A
F4 LM 48V 2A
F5 LM 48V 5A

 NOTE 
Since F5 is directly mounted on the ERS23A board, the fuse itself cannot be replaced.
If F5 has blown out, replace the erasure assembly with a new one.
{MC:6.14_Erasure Assembly}

12.6.2 Reinstallation Procedures

For reinstallation, reverse the removal steps.

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13. Updating the Software 13.1 Updating the Software from the CR Console

The software update procedure for the CR console differs from that for the client PC. 1. Turn ON the power of the CR Console.
Perform either of two different software update procedures depending on the situation of the
2. Turn ON the circuit breaker of the RU.

- For updating the software from the CR console, see "13.1 Updating the Software from the
CR Console."
{MC:13.1_Updating the Software from the CR Console}
- For updating the software from the client PC, see "13.2 Updating the Software from the
Client PC."
{MC:13.2_Updating the Software from the Client PC}

08.11.2008 FM5391
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3. Start up the Machine Maintenance Utility of the RU. REFERENCE
Turn ON the RU power while pressing the first and third buttons from the left on Steps 4 to 8 are performed to uninstall the RU PC-TOOL.
the operation panel. Keep pressing the first and third buttons from the left until the
“Maintenance Utility” window appears on the operation panel. 4. Insert the RU-APL CD-ROM into the CR console's CD-ROM drive.

 NOTE  5. Click on [UNINSTALL].

Be sure to keep pressing the first and third buttons from the left until the “Maintenance
Utility” window appears on the operation panel. If the “Maintenance Utility” window
does not appear and the RU starts to boot up, once turn OFF the RU power and repeat
from the procedure 1.

6. Click on [NEXT].

08.11.2008 FM5391
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7. Click on [Remove]. REFERENCE
Steps 9 to 17 are performed to install the RU PC-TOOL.

9. Click on [INSTALL].

10. Choose "For FTP-Server" and then click [SET].

 NOTE 
Be sure to choose "For FTP-Server." If "For Client PC" is chosen, you cannot properly
8. Upon completion of uninstallation, click [Finish]. perform the installation procedure. If you inadvertently click [SET] with "For Client PC"
chosen, perform installation again as directed under "Appendix 8. Corrective Procedure
to be Performed after Improper RU PC-TOOL Installation" in the "Installation" volume.
{IN: Appendix 8._Corrective Procedure to be Performed after Improper RU PC-
TOOL Installation}

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11. Click on [NEXT]. 15. Select the RU whose software version is to be updated from the “LIST OF
EXISTING RU”, and click on [FTP].

12. Click on [INSTALL].

16. Make sure that the GOOD indication appears, and click on [OK].

13. Upon completion of installation, click [Finish].

14. Click on [START].

 NOTE 
In the case of the NO GOOD indication, refer to:

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17. Make sure that the GOOD indication appears, and click on . 19. Click on [OK].

20. Select the “RU VERSION”, and click on [OK].

 NOTE 
In the case of the NO GOOD indication, refer to:
{Troubleshooting} 21. Click on [OK].

Steps 18 to 29 are performed to update the RU software.

18. Select the RU whose software version is to be updated from the “LIST OF
EXISTING RU”, and click on [VERSION UP].

When you click [VERSION UP], the message "Under maintenance" appears on the RU
operation panel.

08.11.2008 FM5391
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22. Check the precautions for the installation. 24. Verify that the flash ROM write process is completed, and then press the [Enter]
key twice.
Never turn OFF the power of the RU nor the CR Console during the write into the Flash
ROM. If turned OFF, the program in the memory will be destroyed and cannot restart.

23. If a linac cassette is to be used at the user’s site, select “USE”. If the linac
cassette is not to be used, select “NOT USE”, and click on [SET].
When you click on [SET], the installation screen appears on the CR Console display.
While the flash ROM is being written into, the RU's LED glows.
 NOTE 
Do not close the installation screen until the flash ROM write process is completed.
If you inadvertently close the installation screen, return to step 18 and perform the
installation procedure again. The flash ROM write process takes about 8 minutes.

25. Click on [OK].

08.11.2008 FM5391
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26. Verify the RU software version, and then close the RU PC-TOOL. 27. Turn OFF the RU power.
28. Turn ON the RU power.
29. Check the following points.

 The RU normally enters the READY state.

 The results of the image/conveyance checks are normal without
{MC:17._Image/Conveyance Checks}

 There is no error occurrence.

 NOTE 
If the NO GOOD indication appears, return to the procedure 1, and again perform the

08.11.2008 FM5391
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13.2 Updating the Software from the Client PC 5. Start up the Machine Maintenance Utility of the RU.
Turn ON the RU power while pressing the first and third buttons from the left on
1. Turn ON the client PC. the operation panel. Keep pressing the first and third buttons from the left until the
“Maintenance Utility” window appears on the operation panel.
2. Connect the client PC to the network within the institution, and then perform
network setup.  NOTE 
{MU:5.4_Client PC Network Setup and Connection Verification} Be sure to keep pressing the first and third buttons from the left until the “Maintenance
3. Turn ON the power of the CR Console. Utility” window appears on the operation panel. If the “Maintenance Utility” window
does not appear and the RU starts to boot up, once turn OFF the RU power and repeat
4. Turn ON the circuit breaker of the RU. from the procedure 1.

08.11.2008 FM5391
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REFERENCE 9. Click on [Remove].
Steps 6 to 10 are performed to uninstall the CLIENT PC-TOOL.

6. Insert the RU-APL CD-ROM into the client PC's CD-ROM drive.

7. Click on [UNINSTALL].

10. Upon completion of uninstallation, click [Finish].

8. Click on [NEXT].

08.11.2008 FM5391
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REFERENCE 13. Click on [NEXT].
Steps 11 to 20 are performed to install the CLIENT PC-TOOL.

11. Click on [INSTALL].

14. Click on [INSTALL].

12. Choose "For Client PC" and then click [SET].

 NOTE 
Be sure to choose "For Client PC" If "For FTP-Server" is chosen, you cannot properly
perform the installation procedure.
If you inadvertently click [SET] with "For FTP-Server" chosen, perform installation again
as directed under "5.8 Corrective Procedure to be Performed after Improper CLIENT
PC-TOOL Installation" in the "Maintenance Utility" volume.
{MU:5.8_Corrective Procedure to be Performed after Improper CLIENT PC-TOOL

15. Upon completion of installation, click [Finish].

16. Click on [START].

08.11.2008 FM5391
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17. Select the RU in the hospital list. 20. Make sure that the GOOD indication appears, and click on .

18. Click on [FTP].

 NOTE 
In the case of the NO GOOD indication, refer to:
19. Make sure that the GOOD indication appears, and click on [OK].

 NOTE 
In the case of the NO GOOD indication, refer to:

08.11.2008 FM5391
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REFERENCE 25. Select “LANGUAGE”, “BRAND TYPE” and “SCREEN TYPE”, and click on [OK].
Steps 21 to 34 are performed to update the RU software.

21. Select the RU in the hospital list.

26. Click on [OK].

22. Click on [VERSION UP].

When you click [VERSION UP], the message "Under maintenance" appears on the RU
operation panel.

23. Click on [OK].

24. Select "VERSION UP".

08.11.2008 FM5391
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27. Check the precautions for the installation. 29. Verify that the flash ROM write process is completed, and then press the [Enter]
key twice.
Never turn OFF the power of the RU nor the client PC during the write into the Flash
ROM. If turned OFF, the program in the memory will be destroyed and cannot restart.

28. If a linac cassette is to be used at the user’s site, select “USE”. If the linac
cassette is not to be used, select “NOT USE”, and click on [SET].
When you click on [SET], the installation screen appears on the CR Console display.
While the flash ROM is being written into, the RU's LED glows.
 NOTE 
Do not close the installation screen until the flash ROM write process is completed.
If you inadvertently close the installation screen, return to step 18 and perform the
installation procedure again. The flash ROM write process takes about 8 minutes.

30. Click on [OK].

31. Exit from the “CLIENT PC-TOOL” window.

 NOTE 
If the NO GOOD indication appears, return to the procedure 1, and again perform the

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32. Turn OFF the RU power.
33. Turn ON the RU power.
34. Check the following points.

 The RU normally enters the READY state.

 The results of the image/conveyance checks are normal without
{MC:17._Image/Conveyance Checks}

 There is no error occurrence.

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14. Format Adjustment 3. Measure a misalignment of the reading width.

Measure the actual size of the 175mm-length steel rule and the size of the white blank
portion, and calculate an adjustment value in accordance with the formula shown below.
14.1 Main Scan Format Adjustment

Of the IPs used by the user, the largest sized IP should be utilized for adjustment.

14.1.1 Main Scan Length Adjustment

If the output image is enlarged or reduced in a horizontal direction (in the direction of main --- Example ---
scanning), perform the following procedure for fine adjustment purposes. For details on main If the measured value of the reading width is 170 mm when an IP of 14"x14" (35cm x
scan length adjustment, see under "[5-5-1] Manual Adjustment (FREQ)" in the "Maintenance 35cm) size is outputted to a 14" x17" (35cm x 43cm) film:
Utility" volume.
(175 - (170/1))/175x100 = 2.8 (%)
{MU:7.3[5-5-1]_Manual Adjustment (FREQ)}
Since the adjustment will be made so as to enlarge the white blank portion, enter the
 NOTE  value 2.8 in the "Input range" field.
To adjust the main scan length, expose an IP to radiation while using a steel rule or other thin
article. If you use a tester or other thick article, the resulting image is larger than the actual REFERENCES
size so that the main scan length cannot be properly adjusted. - The reduction ratio is indicated in the lower right corner of the output film.

1. Place a 175mm-length steel rule on an IP of 14” x 14” (35cm x 35cm) or 14” x 17”
(35cm x 43cm) size, and expose it with the tungsten X-ray tube at about 1 mR.

At least two IPs should be exposed for checks before and after the adjustment.

2. Using menus “QC/TEST”, “Image Format”, and “SINGLE”, read one of the IPs
prepared in step 1, and generate an image output.
- The white blank portion within the output image reduces when you enter a minus (-)
 INSTRUCTION  value and enlarges when you enter a plus (+) value.
When generating an image output, be sure to observe the instructions set forth under
"17.2 Image/Conveyance Checks."
{MC:17.2_Image/Conveyance Checks}

08.11.2008 FM5391
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5. Start the MUTL. 8. Make sure that “RESULT-OK” appears on screen.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
6. Clear the message "Under maintenance" from the operation panel.
{MU:4.2.1_Display of “Under Maintenance” on the Operation Panel}
7. Enter the reading start position (e.g., “2.8”) calculated at step 3.

- Do not turn OFF the RU before the MUTL text display field reads "RESULT-OK." If the 9. Using menus “QC/TEST”, “Image Format”, and “SINGLE”, read one of the IPs
RU is powered OFF, the main scan length data will not be retained. prepared in step 1, and generate an image output.
- “Input range” only accepts values ranging from -5 to 5.
When generating an image output, be sure to observe the instructions set forth under
"17.2 Image/Conveyance Checks."
{MC:17.2_Image/Conveyance Checks}

10. Measure the actual size of the 175mm-length steel rule and the size of the white
blank portion, and verify that there is no misalignment.
11. Back up the adjusted data on a floppy disk or other recording medium.
{MC:16.3_Backing Up the Scanner Data}
12. Exit the MUTL.
{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUT}
13. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.

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14.1.2 Main Scan Position Adjustment 3. Measure the extent to which the reading start position is shifted, and then
calculate an adjustment value.
If the output image is shifted in a horizontal direction (in the direction of main scanning) (a
Measure the size of the white blank portion, and calculate an adjustment value in
horizontal white blank portion is generated or a part of the image is not output), perform the accordance with the formula shown below.
following procedure for fine adjustment purposes.
For details on main scan position adjustment, see under "[5-5-2] Manual Adjustment (Pixel)"
in the "Maintenance Utility" volume.
{MU:7.3[5-5-2]_Manual Adjustment (Pixel)}

1. Expose IPs of 14” x 14” (35cm x 35cm) or 14” x 17” (35cm x 43cm) size with the
tungsten X-ray tube at about 1 mR.

At least two IPs should be exposed for checks before and after the adjustment.

2. Using menus “QC/TEST”, “Image Format”, and “SINGLE”, read one of the IPs --- Example ---
prepared in step 1, and generate an image output. If the positional misalignment is 1 mm when an IP of 14"x14" (35cm x 35cm) size is
outputted to a 14" x17" (35cm x 43cm) film:
((1/1 + 0.5) x 10) = 15 (PIXEL)
When generating an image output, be sure to observe the instructions set forth under
"17.2 Image/Conveyance Checks." Since the adjustment will be made so as to reduce the white blank portion, enter the
value 15 in the "Input range" field.
{MC:17.2_Image/Conveyance Checks}
- The reduction ratio is indicated in the lower right corner of the output film.

- The white blank portion within the output image enlarges when you enter a minus (-)
value and reduces when you enter a plus (+) value.

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5. Start the MUTL. 8. Make sure that “RESULT-OK” appears on screen.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
6. Clear the message "Under maintenance" from the operation panel.
{MU:4.2.1_Display of “Under Maintenance” on the Operation Panel}
7. Enter the reading start position adjustment value (e.g., 15) that was calculated in
step 3.

 NOTES  9. Using menus “QC/TEST”, “Image Format”, and “SINGLE”, read one of the IPs
prepared in step 1, and generate an image output.
- Do not turn OFF the RU before the MUTL text display field reads "RESULT-OK." If the
RU is powered OFF, the reading start position data will not be retained.  INSTRUCTION 
- “Input range” only accepts values ranging from -999 to 999.
When generating an image output, be sure to observe the instructions set forth under
"17.2 Image/Conveyance Checks."
{MC:17.2_Image/Conveyance Checks}

10. Verify that there is no white blank portion and the resulting image is not cut off.

 NOTE 
If anything abnormal is found with the image:

11. Back up the adjusted data on a floppy disk or other recording medium.
{MC:16.3_Backing Up the Scanner Data}
12. Exit the MUTL.
{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUT}
13. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.

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14.2 IP Leading Edge Adjustment (Sub-Scanning) 3. Start the MUTL.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
Make fine adjustment when the output image is offset in the lateral direction (sub-scanning
direction) (i.e., a white blank portion appears or a portion of the image is not output).
4. Verify the current correction value (current value).

Refer to the Maintenance Utility “[5-5-3] IP Leading Edge Adjustment (Sub-scanning)” for the REFERENCE
detailed procedures of the IP leading edge adjustment (sub-scanning). The value verified in this step is used to calculate the adjustment value in step 5.
{MU:7.3[5-5-3]_IP Leading Edge Adjustment (Sub-scanning)}
- IP leading edge adjustment is effective only for the IP type HR.
- IP leading edge adjustment can be performed for each of IP sizes.

1. Expose an IP with a size to be adjusted (18cm x 24cm HR or 24cm x 30 cm HR)

with the tungsten X-ray tube at about 15 mR.

At least two IPs should be exposed for checks before and after the adjustment.

2. Using menus “QC/TEST”, “Image Format” and “SINGLE”, read one of the IPs
prepared in step 1, and generate an image output.

When generating an image output, be sure to observe the instructions set forth under
"17.2 Image/Conveyance Checks."
{MC:17.2_Image/Conveyance Checks}

08.11.2008 FM5391
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5. Measure the extent to which the reading start position is shifted, and calculate an 6. Clear the message "Under maintenance" from the operation panel.
adjustment value. {MU:4.2.1_Display of “Under Maintenance” on the Operation Panel}
Measure the size of the white blank portion, and calculate an adjustment value by the
following formula. 7. Enter the adjustment value for the IP leading edge position (e.g., “10”) that was
calculated in step 5.

- Do not turn OFF the RU before the MUTL text display field reads "RESULT-OK."
Otherwise, the IP leading edge position data will not be stored.
- “Input range” only accepts values ranging from 1 to 50.

--- Example ---

If a misalignment is 1 mm when an IP of 18cm x 24cm HR size is output to film:
20 - (1 × 10) = 10 (digit)
Since the adjustment will be made so as to reduce the white blank portion, enter the
value “10” in the "Input range" field.
- The reduction ratio is indicated in the lower right corner of the output film.
8. Click [OK].

9. Make sure that “RESULT-OK” appears.

- The white blank portion within the output image enlarges when you enter a minus (-)
value and reduces when you enter a plus (+) value.

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10. Using menus “QC/TEST”, “Image Format” and “SINGLE”, read one of the IPs
prepared in step 1, and generate an image output.

When generating an image output, be sure to observe the instructions set forth under
"17.2 Image/Conveyance Checks."
{MC:17.2_Image/Conveyance Checks}

11. Verify that there is no white blank portion and the resulting image is not cut off.

 NOTE 
If anything abnormal is found with the image:

12. Back up the adjusted data on a floppy disk or other recording medium.
{MC:16.3_Backing Up the Scanner Data}
13. Exit the MUTL.
{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUT}
14. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.

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15. Shading/Sensitivity Correction

The procedures for IP type HR shading/sensitivity correction are necessary only in
a machine into which the 50 micron upgrade kit (HR reading option key) has been
installed. Do not take the procedures in a machine without the 50 micron upgrade kit
(HR reading option key) installed.

Before making adjustments, verify the exposure conditions. For details on the exposure
conditions, see "[5-6] Correction" in the "Maintenance Utility" volume.

- Shading/sensitivity correction can be performed only when the IP size is 14" x 14" (35cm x
35cm) or 14" x 17" (35cm x 43cm) for the IP type ST.
- As for the IP type HR, the largest size IP of the IPs used by the user should be utilized for
adjustment. Using a smaller size IP may incur unusual irregularities.
- Before making shading/sensitivity correction, adjust the format. If there is a white blank
portion in an exposed image, an error may occur.

IP type Correction item X-ray tube X-ray dose Description Reference

Shading/sensitivity correction Tungsten 1 mR The procedures for concurrently making shading correction and sensitivity correction of {15.1}
the IP type ST are described.
Shading speed correction Tungsten 1 mR If the FR mode is employed as the reading mode at a user’s site where the IP type ST {15.2}
is used, shading speed correction is required after shading/sensitivity correction. The
procedures for shading speed correction are described here.
Sensitivity correction Tungsten 1 mR The procedures only for sensitivity correction of the IP type ST are described. {15.3}
Shading/sensitivity correction Tungsten 15 mR The procedures for concurrently performing shading correction and sensitivity {15.4}
correction of the IP type HR are described. Correct the sensitivity with the X-ray tube
to be used, after the procedures.
Shading speed correction Tungsten 15 mR The procedures for shading speed correction when the reading speed for the IP type {15.5}
HR is the HR speed are described.
HR Sensitivity correction Molybdenum 20 mR The procedures for sensitivity correction of the IP type HR with a molybdenum X-ray {15.6}
tube are described.
Special sensitivity correction Tungsten 3.6 mR The procedures for sensitivity correction of the IP type HR with a tungsten X-ray tube {15.7.1}
are described (TUNGSTEN FIX).
Molybdenum 20 mR The procedures for sensitivity correction of the IP type HR with a molybdenum X-ray {15.7.2}
tube are described (AUTO SELECT).

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15.1 Shading/Sensitivity Correction for IP Type ST REFERENCE
Steps 1 to 8 are performed for shading/sensitivity correction.
Perform shading/sensitivity correction for the IP type ST at a normal speed (SR), and then
perform the correction at a high speed (FR). 1. Measure the X-ray dose with an X-ray dosimeter and record the measured value.
The corrected data affects only the IP type ST. 2. With a tungsten X-ray tube, expose a 14" x 14" (35 cm x 35 cm) or 14" x 17" (35
Refer to the Maintenance Utility “[5-6-1] Shading/Sensitivity Correction (ST)” for details of the cm x 43 cm) IP to about 1 mR of radiation.
shading/sensitivity correction for the IP type ST.
{MU:7.3[5-6-1]_Shading/Sensitivity Correction (ST)}
3. From the CL screen, start the MUTL of the RU Service Utility.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
A total of two IPs, one for correction and one for verification, are conveyed in shading/
sensitivity correction for the IP type ST. 4. Enter the X-ray dose measured in step 1 (e.g., 0.92 mR) to perform correction
Make shading/sensitivity correction by performing the following steps. setup.

When the measured X-ray dose is 0.92 mR, enter the value 0.92.
Use a calibrated dosimeter to measure the X-ray dose.
When the measured X-ray dose is 1.11 mR, enter the value 1.11.

- Shading/sensitivity correction can be made only when the IP size is 14" x 14" (35 cm x 35
cm) or 14" x 17" (35 cm x 43 cm).
- Before making shading/sensitivity correction, adjust the format. If there is a white blank
portion in an exposed image, an error may occur.
- Perform a read operation for a 1-minute period between 10 and 11 minutes after an X-ray
exposure. If the read operation is otherwise timed, sensitivity correction cannot be properly

Reference exposure conditions
Type of X-ray tube Distance Voltage Current Time
Tungsten 1.8 m 80 kVp 50 mA 0.013 sec

5. Click on [OK].

08.11.2008 FM5391
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6. Clear the message "Under maintenance" from the operation panel so that a 11. Check the image for unusual irregularities and confirm the S value.
cassette can be loaded.
{MU:4.2.1_Display of “Under Maintenance” on the Operation Panel}
The relationship between the X-ray dose and S value is as summarized below:
7. Read the IP obtained in step 2 during a 1-minute period between 10 and 11 0.1 mR: The S value is 2000.
minutes after the exposure by using the "QC/TEST," "Image Format" and 1 mR: The S value is 200.
"SINGLE" menus, and then output the read image. 10 mR: The S value is 20.
For details on the procedure for S-value confirmation, see "18. Confirming the S Value."
{MC:18._Confirming the S Value}
When generating an image output, be sure to observe the instructions set forth under
"17.2 Image/Conveyance Checks."
{MC:17.2_Image/Conveyance Checks} 12. With "Shading Speed Correction," make shading correction for the FR speed.
{MC:15.2_Shading Speed Correction for IP Type ST}
8. Make sure that “RESULT-OK” appears on screen. 13. Back up the corrected data on a floppy disk or other recording medium.
{MC:16.3_Backing Up the Scanner Data}
14. Exit the MUTL.
{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUT}
15. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.

 NOTE 
Do not convey the IP to the RU before the correction ends normally with the message
"RESULT-OK" displayed.

Steps 9 to 11 are performed for shading/sensitivity correction verification.

9. With a tungsten X-ray tube, expose a 14" x 14" (35 cm x 35 cm) or 14" x 17" (35
cm x 43 cm) IP to about 1 mR of radiation.
10. Read the IP obtained in step 9 during a 1-minute period between 10 and 11
minutes after the exposure by using the "QC/TEST," "Image Format" and
"SINGLE" menus, and then output the read image.

When generating an image output, be sure to observe the instructions set forth under
"17.2 Image/Conveyance Checks."
{MC:17.2_Image/Conveyance Checks}

08.11.2008 FM5391
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15.2 Shading Speed Correction for IP Type ST 4. Set the SR (SR speed).

Perform shading correction for respective speeds of the IP type ST.

For details on shading speed correction, see "[5-6-3] Shading Speed Correction" in the
"Maintenance Utility" volume.
{MU:7.3[5-6-3]_Shading Speed Correction}
A total of three IPs, one for SR adjustment, one for FR adjustment and one for verification,
are conveyed in shading/sensitivity correction for the IP type ST.
Make shading speed correction by performing the following steps.

 NOTE 
Be sure to use a tungsten X-ray tube. If you use a molybdenum X-ray tube, which involves
irregularities, the correction process does not normally end.

Reference exposure conditions
Type of X-ray tube Distance Voltage Current Time
Tungsten 1.8 m 80 kVp 50 mA 0.013 sec

Steps 1 to 8 are performed to make shading correction for the SR speed.

1. With a tungsten X-ray tube, expose a 14" x 14" (35 cm x 35 cm) or 14" x 17" (35 5. Click on [OK].
cm x 43 cm) IP to about 1 mR of radiation.

For SR adjustment, FR adjustment, and post-adjustment verification, expose at least
three IPs.
6. Read one of the IPs obtained in step 1 by using the "QC/TEST," "Image Format"
and "SINGLE" menus, and then output the read image.
2. From the CL screen, start the MUTL of the RU Service Utility.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}  INSTRUCTION 
3. Clear the message "Under maintenance" from the operation panel. When generating an image output, be sure to observe the instructions set forth under
{MU:4.2.1_Display of “Under Maintenance” on the Operation Panel} "17.2 Image/Conveyance Checks."
{MC:17.2_Image/Conveyance Checks}

7. Check the image for unusual irregularities.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-695
8. Make sure that “RESULT-OK” appears on screen. 11. Read one of the IPs obtained in step 1 by using the "QC/TEST," "Image Format"
and "SINGLE" menus, and then output the read image.

When generating an image output, be sure to observe the instructions set forth under
"17.2 Image/Conveyance Checks."
{MC:17.2_Image/Conveyance Checks}

REFERENCE 12. Check the image for unusual irregularities.

Steps 9 to 13 are performed to make shading correction for the FR speed.
13. Make sure that “RESULT-OK” appears on screen.

9. Set the FR (FR speed).

Steps 14 and 15 are performed for shading speed correction verification.

14. Read one of the IPs obtained in step 1 by using the "QC/TEST," "Image Format"
and "SINGLE" menus, and then output the read image.

When generating an image output, be sure to observe the instructions set forth under
"17.2 Image/Conveyance Checks."
{MC:17.2_Image/Conveyance Checks}

15. Check the image for unusual irregularities.

16. Back up the corrected data on a floppy disk or other recording medium.
{MC:16.3_Backing Up the Scanner Data}
17. Exit the MUTL.
{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUT}
18. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.
10. Click on [OK].

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-696
15.3 Sensitivity Correction for IP Type ST REFERENCE
Steps 1 to 8 are performed to make sensitivity correction.
Sensitivity correction is performed for the IP type ST.
The corrected data only affects the IP type ST. 1. Measure the X-ray dose with an X-ray dosimeter and record the measured value.
Refer to the Maintenance Utility “[5-6-4] Sensitivity Correction (ST)” for details of the
sensitivity correction for the IP type ST. 2. With a tungsten X-ray tube, expose a 14" x 14" (35 cm x 35 cm) or 14" x 17" (35
{MU:7.3[5-6-4]_Sensitivity Correction (ST)} cm x 43 cm) IP to about 1 mR of radiation.

A total of two IPs, one for correction and one for verification, are conveyed in sensitivity 3. From the CL screen, start the MUTL of the RU Service Utility.
correction for the IP type ST. {MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
Perform the sensitivity correction according to the following procedures.
4. Enter the X-ray dose measured in step 1 (e.g., 0.92 mR), and then prepare for
 INSTRUCTION  correction.
Use a calibrated X-ray dosimeter to measure the X-ray dose.
When the measured X-ray dose is 0.92 mR, enter the value 0.92.
 NOTES  When the measured X-ray dose is 1.11 mR, enter the value 1.11.
- Perform a read operation for a 1-minute period between 10 and 11 minutes after an X-ray
exposure. If the read operation is otherwise timed, sensitivity correction cannot be properly
- Be sure to use a tungsten X-ray tube. If you use a molybdenum X-ray tube, which involves
irregularities, the correction process does not normally end.

Reference exposure conditions
Type of X-ray tube Distance Voltage Current Time
Tungsten 1.8 m 80 kVp 50 mA 0.013 sec

5. Click on [OK].

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-697
6. Clear the message "Under maintenance" from the operation panel. 12. Check the image for unusual irregularities and confirm the S value.
{MU:4.2.1_Display of “Under Maintenance” on the Operation Panel} REFERENCE
7. Read the IP obtained in step 2 during a 1-minute period between 10 and 11 The relationship between the X-ray dose and S value is as summarized below:
minutes after the exposure by using the "QC/TEST," "Image Format" and 0.1 mR: The S value is 2000.
"SINGLE" menus, and then output the read image. 1 mR: The S value is 200.
10 mR: The S value is 20.
 INSTRUCTION  For details on the procedure for S-value confirmation, see "18. Confirming the S Value."
When generating an image output, be sure to observe the instructions set forth under {MC:18._Confirming the S Value}
"17.2 Image/Conveyance Checks."
{MC:17.2_Image/Conveyance Checks}
13. Back up the corrected data on a floppy disk or other recording medium.
{MC:16.3_Backing Up the Scanner Data}
8. Make sure that “RESULT-OK” appears on screen.
14. Exit the MUTL.
{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUT}

15. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.

Steps 9 to 13 are performed for sensitivity correction verification.

9. Measure the X-ray dose with an X-ray dosimeter and record the measured value.

10. With a tungsten X-ray tube, expose a 14" x 14" (35 cm x 35 cm) or 14" x 17" (35
cm x 43 cm) IP to about 1 mR of radiation.
11. Read the IP obtained in step 9 during a 1-minute period between 10 and 11
minutes after the exposure by using the "QC/TEST," "Image Format" and
"SINGLE" menus, and then output the read image.

When generating an image output, be sure to observe the instructions set forth under
"17.2 Image/Conveyance Checks."
{MC:17.2_Image/Conveyance Checks}

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-698
15.4 Shading/Sensitivity Correction for IP Type HR REFERENCE
Steps 1 to 8 are performed for shading/sensitivity correction.

CAUTION 1. Measure the X-ray dose with an X-ray dosimeter and record the measured value.
The following procedures are necessary only in a machine into which the 50 micron 2. With a tungsten X-ray tube, expose a 18 cm x 24 cm HR or 24 cm x 30 cm HR IP to
upgrade kit (HR reading option key) has been installed. Do not take the procedures in about 15 mR of radiation.
a machine without the 50 micron upgrade kit (HR reading option key) installed.
3. From the CL screen, start the MUTL of the RU Service Utility.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
Perform shading/sensitivity correction for the IP type HR at the HR speed (HR-V). 4. Enter the X-ray dose measured in step 1 (e.g., 14.8 mR) to perform correction
The corrected data only affects the IP type HR. setup.
Refer to the Maintenance Utility “[5-6-2] Shading/Sensitivity Correction (HR)” for details of the
shading/sensitivity correction for IP type HR.
{MU:7.3[5-6-2]_Shading/Sensitivity Correction (HR)}
When the measured X-ray dose is 14.8 mR, enter the value 14.8.
When the measured X-ray dose is 15.0 mR, enter the value 15.
A total of two IPs, one for correction and one for verification, are conveyed in sensitivity
correction for the IP type HR.
Perform the sensitivity correction according to the following procedures.

Use a calibrated dosimeter to measure the X-ray dose.

- Of the IPs used by the user, the largest size IP should be utilized for adjustment.
- Perform a read operation for a 1-minute period between 10 and 11 minutes after an X-ray
exposure. If the read operation is otherwise timed, sensitivity correction cannot be properly
- Be sure to use a tungsten X-ray tube. If you use a molybdenum X-ray tube, which involves
irregularities, the correction process does not normally end.

Reference exposure conditions
Type of X-ray tube Distance Voltage Current Time
Tungsten 1.8 m 80 kVp 160 mA 0.056 sec

5. Click on [OK].

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-699
6. Clear the message "Under maintenance" from the operation panel so that a 11. Check the image for unusual irregularities and confirm the S value.
cassette can be loaded.
{MU:4.2.1_Display of “Under Maintenance” on the Operation Panel}
The relationship between the X-ray dose and S value is as summarized below:
7. Read the IP obtained in step 2 during a 1-minute period between 10 and 11 15 mR: The S value is 29.
minutes after the exposure by using the "QC/TEST," "Image Format" and For details on the procedure for S-value confirmation, see "18. Confirming the S Value."
"SINGLE" menus, and then output the read image. {MC:18._Confirming the S Value}
When generating an image output, be sure to observe the instructions set forth under 12. Perform sensitivity correction.
"17.2 Image/Conveyance Checks."
 When a tungsten X-ray tube is used:
{MC:17.2_Image/Conveyance Checks}
When the IP type HR is to be used with the tungsten X-ray tube, perform sensitivity
correction by “special sensitivity correction (TUNSTEN FIX)”.
8. Make sure that “RESULT-OK” appears on screen.
{MC:15.7.1_Special Sensitivity Correction for IP Type HR When Tungsten X-Ray
Tube Is Used}

 When a molybdenum X-ray tube is used:

When the IP type HR is to be used with the molybdenum X-ray tube, perform sensitivity
correction by “special sensitivity correction (AUTO SELECT)” or “sensitivity correction
{MC:15.7.2_Special Sensitivity Correction for IP Type HR When Molybdenum
 NOTE 
X-Ray Tube Is Used}
Do not convey the IP to the RU before the correction ends normally with the message
{MC:15.6_Sensitivity Correction for IP Type HR}
"RESULT-OK" displayed.
13. Back up the corrected data on a floppy disk or other recording medium.

REFERENCE {MC:16.3_Backing Up the Scanner Data}

Steps 9 to 11 are performed for shading/sensitivity correction verification. 14. Exit the MUTL.
{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUT}
9. With a tungsten X-ray tube, expose a 18 cm x 24 cm HR or 24 cm x 30 cm HR IP to 15. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.
about 15 mR of radiation.
10. Read the IP obtained in step 9 during a 1-minute period between 10 and 11
minutes after the exposure by using the "QC/TEST," "Image Format" and
"SINGLE" menus, and then output the read image.

When generating an image output, be sure to observe the instructions set forth under
"17.2 Image/Conveyance Checks."
{MC:17.2_Image/Conveyance Checks}

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-700
15.5 Shading Speed Correction for IP Type HR REFERENCE
Steps 1 to 8 are performed to make shading correction for the HR speed.

CAUTION 1. With a tungsten X-ray tube, expose a 18 cm x 24 cm HR or 24 cm x 30 cm HR IP to

The following procedures are necessary only in a machine into which the 50 micron about 15 mR of radiation.
upgrade kit (HR reading option key) has been installed. Do not take the procedures in
a machine without the 50 micron upgrade kit (HR reading option key) installed.
For HR adjustment and post-adjustment verification, expose at least two IPs.
Perform shading correction for the HR speed of the IP type HR.
Refer to the Maintenance Utility “[5-6-3] Shading Speed Correction” for details of the shading 2. From the CL screen, start the MUTL of the RU Service Utility.
speed correction for the IP type HR. {MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
{MU:7.3[5-6-3]_Shading Speed Correction}
3. Clear the message "Under maintenance" from the operation panel.
A total of two IPs, one for HR adjustment and one for verification, are conveyed in shading {MU:4.2.1_Display of “Under Maintenance” on the Operation Panel}
speed correction for the IP type HR.
Perform the shading speed correction according to the following procedures. 4. Set HR-V Speed (HR speed).

- Of the IPs used by the user, the largest size IP should be utilized for adjustment.
- Be sure to use a tungsten X-ray tube. If you use a molybdenum X-ray tube, which involves
irregularities, the correction process does not normally end.

Reference exposure conditions
Type of X-ray tube Distance Voltage Current Time
Tungsten 1.8 m 80 kVp 160 mA 0.056 sec

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-701
5. Click on [OK]. 10. Check the image for unusual irregularities.
11. Back up the corrected data on a floppy disk or other recording medium.
{MC:16.3_Backing Up the Scanner Data}
12. Exit the MUTL.

6. Read one of the IPs obtained in step 1 by using the "QC/TEST," "Image Format" {MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUT}
and "SINGLE" menus, and then output the read image. 13. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.

When generating an image output, be sure to observe the instructions set forth under
"17.2 Image/Conveyance Checks."
{MC:17.2_Image/Conveyance Checks}

7. Check the image for unusual irregularities.

8. Make sure that “RESULT-OK” appears on screen.

Steps 9 and 10 are performed for shading speed correction verification.

9. Read one of the IPs obtained in step 1 by using the "QC/TEST," "Image Format"
and "SINGLE" menus, and then output the read image.

When generating an image output, be sure to observe the instructions set forth under
"17.2 Image/Conveyance Checks."
{MC:17.2_Image/Conveyance Checks}

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-702
15.6 Sensitivity Correction for IP Type HR REFERENCE
Steps 1 to 8 are performed to make sensitivity correction.

CAUTION 1. Measure the X-ray dose with an X-ray dosimeter and record the measured value.
The following procedures are necessary only in a machine into which the 50 micron
upgrade kit (HR reading option key) has been installed. Do not take the procedures in 2. With a molybdenum X-ray tube, expose a 18 cm x 24 cm HR or 24 cm x 30 cm HR
IP to about 20 mR of radiation.
a machine without the 50 micron upgrade kit (HR reading option key) installed.

Perform sensitivity correction for the IP type HR.

3. From the CL screen, start the MUTL of the RU Service Utility.
For details on sensitivity correction for the IP type HR, see "[5-6-5] Sensitivity Correction (HR)" {MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
in the "Maintenance Utility" volume. 4. Enter the X-ray dose measured in step 1 (e.g., 18.1 mR), and then prepare for
{MU:7.3[5-6-5]_Sensitivity Correction (HR)} correction.
In sensitivity correction, a total of two IPs are conveyed (one for correction and one for
When the measured X-ray dose is 18.1 mR, enter the value 18.1.
Make sensitivity correction by performing the following steps.
When the measured X-ray dose is 20.0 mR, enter the value 20.
Use a calibrated X-ray dosimeter to measure the X-ray dose.

- Of the IPs used by the user, the largest size IP should be utilized for adjustment.
- Perform a read operation for a 1-minute period between 10 and 11 minutes after an X-ray
exposure. If the read operation is otherwise timed, sensitivity correction cannot be properly
- Be sure to use a molybdenum X-ray tube.

Reference exposure conditions
Type of X-ray tube Distance Voltage Current Time
Molybdenum 0.55 m 25 kVp 100 mA 0.053 sec

5. Click on [OK].

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-703
6. Clear the message "Under maintenance" from the operation panel. 12. Check the image for unusual irregularities and confirm the S value.
{MU:4.2.1_Display of “Under Maintenance” on the Operation Panel} REFERENCE
7. Read the IP obtained in step 2 during a 1-minute period between 10 and 11 The relationship between the X-ray dose and S value is as summarized below:
minutes after the exposure by using the "QC/TEST," "Image Format" and 2 mR: The S value is 1200.
"SINGLE" menus, and then output the read image. 20 mR: The S value is 120.
200 mR: The S value is 12.
 INSTRUCTION  For details on the procedure for S-value confirmation, see "18. Confirming the S Value."
When generating an image output, be sure to observe the instructions set forth under {MC:18._Confirming the S Value}
"17.2 Image/Conveyance Checks."
{MC:17.2_Image/Conveyance Checks}
13. Back up the corrected data on a floppy disk or other recording medium.
{MC:16.3_Backing Up the Scanner Data}
8. Make sure that “RESULT-OK” appears on screen.
14. Exit the MUTL.
{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUT}
15. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.

Steps 9 to 13 are performed for sensitivity correction verification.

9. Measure the X-ray dose with an X-ray dosimeter and record the measured value.
10. With a molybdenum X-ray tube, expose a 18 cm x 24 cm HR or 24 cm x 30 cm HR
IP to about 20 mR of radiation.
11. Read the IP obtained in step 9 during a 1-minute period between 10 and 11
minutes after the exposure by using the "QC/TEST," "Image Format" and
"SINGLE" menus, and then output the read image.

When generating an image output, be sure to observe the instructions set forth under
"17.2 Image/Conveyance Checks."
{MC:17.2_Image/Conveyance Checks}

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-704
15.7 Special Sensitivity Correction for IP Type HR 3. From the CL screen, start the MUTL of the RU Service Utility.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
The procedures for special sensitivity correction for the IP type HR differ depending on the
type of the X-ray tube to be used. Refer to the respective procedures for performing special 4. Enter the X-ray dose measured in step 1 (e.g., 3.4 mR), and then prepare for
sensitivity correction. correction.

 When a tungsten X-ray tube is used: REFERENCE

{MC:15.7.1_Special Sensitivity Correction for IP Type HR When Tungsten X-Ray When the measured X-ray dose is 3.4 mR, enter the value 3.4.
Tube Is Used} When the measured X-ray dose is 3.0 mR, enter the value 3.
 When a molybdenum X-ray tube is used:
{MC:15.7.2_Special Sensitivity Correction for IP Type HR When Molybdenum
X-Ray Tube Is Used}

15.7.1 Special Sensitivity Correction for IP Type HR When Tungsten

X-Ray Tube Is Used
- The following procedures are necessary only in a machine into which the 50 micron
upgrade kit (HR reading option key) has been installed. Do not take the procedures
in a machine without the 50 micron upgrade kit (HR reading option key) installed.
- When the shading data is of default, special sensitivity correction cannot be done.
Perform shading correction before special sensitivity correction.
{MC:15.4_Shading/Sensitivity Correction for IP Type HR}
The shading data is default-set when the machine is under such conditions:
- The machine-specific data has not been restored after replacement of the
CPU23B board;
- The RU application has been initialized according to the restoring procedures of
the RU application.

Use a calibrated X-ray dosimeter to measure the X-ray dose.

 NOTE 
Perform a read operation for a 1-minute period between 10 and 11 minutes after an
X-ray exposure. If the read operation is otherwise timed, sensitivity correction cannot
be properly made.

Steps 1 to 8 are performed to make sensitivity correction.
5. Click on [OK].

1. Measure the X-ray dose with an X-ray dosimeter and record the measured value.

2. With a tungsten X-ray tube, expose a 18 cm x 24 cm HR or 24 cm x 30 cm HR IP to

about 3.6 mR of radiation.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-705
6. Clear the message "Under maintenance" from the operation panel. 12. Check the image for unusual irregularities and confirm the S value.
{MU:4.2.1_Display of “Under Maintenance” on the Operation Panel} REFERENCE
7. Read the IP obtained in step 2 during a 1-minute period between 10 and 11 The relationship between the X-ray dose and S value is as summarized below:
minutes after the exposure by using the "QC/TEST," "Image Format" and 0.36 mR: The S value is 1200.
"SINGLE" menus, and then output the read image. 3.6 mR: The S value is 120.
36 mR: The S value is 12.
 INSTRUCTION  For details on the procedure for S-value confirmation, see "18. Confirming the S Value."
When generating an image output, be sure to observe the instructions set forth under {MC:18._Confirming the S Value}
"17.2 Image/Conveyance Checks."
{MC:17.2_Image/Conveyance Checks}
13. Back up the corrected data on a floppy disk or other recording medium.
{MC:16.3_Backing Up the Scanner Data}
8. Make sure that “RESULT-OK” appears on screen.
14. Exit the MUTL.
{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUT}

15. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.

Steps 9 to 13 are performed for sensitivity correction verification.

9. Measure the X-ray dose with an X-ray dosimeter and record the measured value.
10. With a tungsten X-ray tube, expose a 18 cm x 24 cm HR or 24 cm x 30 cm HR IP to
about 3.6 mR of radiation.
11. Read the IP obtained in step 9 during a 1-minute period between 10 and 11
minutes after the exposure by using the "QC/TEST," "Image Format" and
"SINGLE" menus, and then output the read image.

When generating an image output, be sure to observe the instructions set forth under
"17.2 Image/Conveyance Checks."
{MC:17.2_Image/Conveyance Checks}

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-706
15.7.2 Special Sensitivity Correction for IP Type HR When 4. Enter the X-ray dose measured in step 1 (e.g., 18.1 mR), and then prepare for
Molybdenum X-Ray Tube Is Used correction.

When the measured X-ray dose is 18.1 mR, enter the value 18.1.
CAUTIONS When the measured X-ray dose is 20.0 mR, enter the value 20.
- The following procedures are necessary only in a machine into which the 50 micron
upgrade kit (HR reading option key) has been installed. Do not take the procedures
in a machine without the 50 micron upgrade kit (HR reading option key) installed.
- When the shading data is of default, special sensitivity correction cannot be done.
Perform shading correction before special sensitivity correction.
{MC:15.4_Shading/Sensitivity Correction for IP Type HR}
The shading data is default-set when the machine is under such conditions:
- The machine-specific data has not been restored after replacement of the
CPU23B board;
- The RU application has been initialized according to the restoring procedures of
the RU application.

Use a calibrated X-ray dosimeter to measure the X-ray dose.

 NOTE 
Perform a read operation for a 1-minute period between 10 and 11 minutes after an
X-ray exposure. If the read operation is otherwise timed, sensitivity correction cannot
be properly made.

Steps 1 to 8 are performed to make sensitivity correction.

1. Measure the X-ray dose with an X-ray dosimeter and record the measured value.

2. With a molybdenum X-ray tube, expose a 18 cm x 24 cm HR or 24 cm x 30 cm HR

IP to about 20 mR of radiation.

3. From the CL screen, start the MUTL of the RU Service Utility.

{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
5. Click on [OK].

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-707
6. Clear the message "Under maintenance" from the operation panel. 12. Check the image for unusual irregularities and confirm the S value.
{MU:4.2.1_Display of “Under Maintenance” on the Operation Panel} REFERENCE
7. Read the IP obtained in step 2 during a 1-minute period between 10 and 11 The relationship between the X-ray dose and S value is as summarized below:
minutes after the exposure by using the "QC/TEST," "Image Format" and 2 mR: The S value is 1200.
"SINGLE" menus, and then output the read image. 20 mR: The S value is 120.
200 mR: The S value is 12.
 INSTRUCTION  For details on the procedure for S-value confirmation, see "18. Confirming the S Value."
When generating an image output, be sure to observe the instructions set forth under {MC:18._Confirming the S Value}
"17.2 Image/Conveyance Checks."
{MC:17.2_Image/Conveyance Checks}
13. Back up the corrected data on a floppy disk or other recording medium.
{MC:16.3_Backing Up the Scanner Data}
8. Make sure that “RESULT-OK” appears on screen.
14. Exit the MUTL.
{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUT}

15. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.

Steps 9 to 13 are performed for sensitivity correction verification.

9. Measure the X-ray dose with an X-ray dosimeter and record the measured value.
10. With a molybdenum X-ray tube, expose a 18 cm x 24 cm HR or 24 cm x 30 cm HR
IP to about 20 mR of radiation.
11. Read the IP obtained in step 9 during a 1-minute period between 10 and 11
minutes after the exposure by using the "QC/TEST," "Image Format" and
"SINGLE" menus, and then output the read image.

When generating an image output, be sure to observe the instructions set forth under
"17.2 Image/Conveyance Checks."
{MC:17.2_Image/Conveyance Checks}

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-708

16. BACKUP/RESTORE Procedure 1. Start the PC-TOOL.

{MU:4.23.1_Starting RU PC-TOOL}
This section describes the procedures for backing up and restoring the CONFIGURATION 2. From "LIST OF EXISTING RU," select the RU whose data is to be backed up.
information and error log data.

16.1 Backup Procedure

This procedure is used to copy the CONFIGURATION information, error log data, and the
like from the RU's flash ROM to a floppy disk or other recording medium.
The following eight items of data can be backed up:
3. Click on [FTP].
- SCN LIGHT COLLECTING DATA For details on the FTP, see "4.9 FTP" in the "Maintenance Utility" volume.
For details on the backup procedure, see "4.15 Backup" in the "Maintenance Utility" volume. 4. From the "BACKUP" pull-down menu, select an item to be backed up.

When you back up the following data, never turn OFF the RU because the RU's flash
ROM will be accessed. If you turn OFF the RU, the program stored in the flash ROM
becomes damaged so that the RU cannot restart.

5. Click on [EXECUTE].

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-709
6. Select a data backup destination. 8. Reconfirm the location for data backup, and then click [OK].

 NOTE 
To back up data to a floppy disk, insert a formatted floppy disk into the CL before
selecting a backup destination. If no floppy disk is set in its position, you cannot select
the floppy disk drive (a:\).

9. When a message appears to indicate the completion of backup, click [OK].

 NOTE 
If the data has been backed up to a floppy disk, be sure to click the [OK] button and
then remove the floppy disk.

10. Exit the PC-TOOL.

{MU:4.23.2_Exiting RU PC-TOOL}

7. Verify that the selected location is displayed, and then click [OK].

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-710
16.2 Restore Procedure 1. Start the PC-TOOL.
{MU:4.23.1_Starting RU PC-TOOL}
This procedure is used to copy the CONFIGURATION information, error log data, and the
like from a floppy disk or other recording medium to the RU's flash ROM.
2. From "LIST OF EXISTING RU," select the RU whose data is to be restored.

The following five items of data can be restore:

For details on the restore procedure, see "4.16 RESTORE" in the "Maintenance Utility" 3. From the "RESTORE" pull-down menu, select an item to be restored

When you restore the following data, never turn OFF the RU because the RU's flash
ROM will be accessed. If you turn OFF the RU, the program stored in the flash ROM
becomes damaged so that the RU cannot restart.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-711
5. Select the location of the data to be restored. 7. Reconfirm the location of the data to be restored, and then click [OK].

 NOTE 
To restore data from a floppy disk, insert the floppy disk, which stores the data to be
restored, into the CL before selecting a data location. If no floppy disk is set in its
position, you cannot select the floppy disk drive (a:\).

8. When a message appears to indicate the completion of restore, click [OK].

 NOTE 
If the data has been restored from a floppy disk, be sure to click the [OK] button and
then remove the floppy disk.

9. Exit the PC-TOOL.

{MU:4.23.2_Exiting RU PC-TOOL}

6. Verify that the selected location is displayed, and then click [OK].

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-712
16.3 Backing Up the Scanner Data
This section describes how to back up corrected scanner data.
1. Start the PC-TOOL.
{MU:4.23.1_Starting RU PC-TOOL}
2. From "LIST OF EXISTING RU," select the RU whose scanner data is to be backed
up. Back up the "CONFIGURATION" data and "SCN ALL DATA."

For details on the backup procedure, see "16.1 Backup Procedure."
{MC:16.1_Backup Procedure}

3. Exit the PC-TOOL.

{MU:4.23.2_Exiting RU PC-TOOL}

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-713

17. Image/Conveyance Checks 3. Perform IP exposures.

 NOTE 
The following checks are made in this section.
Be sure to make exposure under the following X-ray tube voltage conditions. Otherwise,
- Conveyance checks
the image cannot be correctly checked.
- Image checks
- For tungsten X-ray tube: 80 kVp
- For molybdenum X-ray tube: 25 kVp
17.1 Check Before Procedures
 NOTES  - Expose two IPs of maximum sizes for each of the IP types (ST and HR) used at the
- If a cassette with a wrong IP type is inserted, appropriate image cannot be obtained. When user’s site with the following doses
inserting an IP into a cassette, be sure to perform servicing after confirming the IP type. - With the X-ray tube, the first IP should be exposed in a normal orientation, and the
- For the IP used for image/conveyance checks, an IP of the maximum size used in the second in a 180-degree upside-down orientation.
hospital should be employed.
- Make sure that the IP to be used does not contain any important image data exposed.  When the IP type ST
- X-ray tube: Tungsten X-ray tube
1. Check to ensure that the "READY" screen appears.
- Exposure X-ray dose: 1 mR
2. Perform "secondary erasure" on the spontaneous radiation and image - Maximum size: IP of 14"x14" (35 cm x 35 cm) or 14" x 17" (35 cm x 43 cm) size
accumulated on the IP to be used.
- Reference conditions: Distance 1.8 m
{Instruction Manual} Voltage 80 kVp
Amperage 50 mA
Time 0.013 sec.

 When the IP type HR

- X-ray tube: Tungsten X-ray tube
- Exposure X-ray dose: 1 mR
- Maximum size: IP of 18 cm x 24 cm HR size or of 24 cm x 30 cm HR size
- Reference conditions: Distance 1.8 m
Voltage 80 kVp
Amperage 50 mA
Time 0.013 sec.

 When the IP type HR is to be exposed with the molybdenum X-ray tube

- X-ray tube: Molybdenum X-ray tube
- Exposure X-ray dose: 20mR
- Maximum size: IP of 18 cm x 24 cm HR size or of 24 cm x 30 cm HR size
- Reference conditions: Distance 0.55 m
Voltage 25 kVp
Amperage 100 mA
Time 0.53 sec.

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-714
17.2 Image/Conveyance Checks 2. Verify that there is no "unusual nonuniformity" found on the output film or on the
image displayed on the image monitor.

 NOTE   NOTE 
Because the "MENU" and so forth differ depending on the IP type, image checks should be There should be no uneven density difference in the main scan direction.
performed with the "MENU" specified below.
If there is any uneven density difference, compare the films outputted from the two IPs
 INSTRUCTION  of the same size, and determine whether such nonuniformity is caused by the machine
or X-ray tube.
If the message "Under maintenance" is displayed at the center of the operation panel, the
IPs cannot be conveyed because the operating control buttons on the operation panel  If there is uneven density difference in the same direction on two films
are inoperative. Therefore, clear the message "Under maintenance" by performing the
procedure set forth under "4.2.1 Display of “Under Maintenance” on the Operation Panel" in
the "Maintenance Utility" volume.
{MU:4.2.1_Display of “Under Maintenance” on the Operation Panel}

1. Using “QC/TEST”, “Image Format” and “SINGLE”, record the IP exposed at "17.1
Check Before Procedures", and generate an image output.

Refer to "17.3 Detailed Description of the Image Output Procedure" for detailed
procedures for inputting the image.
{MC:17.3_Detailed Description of the Image Output Procedure}

→ The machine may be the cause of such nonuniformity.


 If positions of uneven density difference are different

→ The X-ray tube may be the cause of such nonuniformity.

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CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-715
3. Check the image format.
Make sure that the white blank portion is 2 mm or less, as actually measured on the IP,
from the outermost edge of the image frame of the film outputted.
 NOTE 
The white blank portion should be 2 mm or less.
If anything abnormal is found:

 NOTE 
The distance measured on the film may differ from the actual size on the IP, depending
on the reading size and film size. The actual size on the IP should be calculated using
the distance measured on the film and the reduction factor for the film. Compute the
actual size on the IP according to the following equation.

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17.3 Detailed Description of the Image Output Procedure 3. Click [IP#] and then enter the barcode of the cassette to be used.

1. From the console's study reception screen, click [NEXT].

2. From the "QC/TEST" menu, choose [IMAGE FORMAT] and then click the [Start
Study] button.

4. Press the [ENTER] key.

→ The study reservation procedure is completed. The following screen opens.

5. Have on hand the cassette whose barcode was entered, and insert it into its
3. Select [SINGLE]. position.
→ A read process starts. An image appears on the CR Console.

6. Verify the displayed image.

 NOTE 
If any unusual irregularity is found in the displayed image:

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CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-717

18. Confirming the S Value 2. Set the tube voltage to 80 kVp. Confirm the exposure conditions under which the
radiation dose is 1 mR.

 NOTE 
18.1 Confirming the S Value of IP Type ST If the radiation dose measured by the dosimeter is not 1 mR, leave the tube voltage at
The procedure set forth below is used to read an IP, which has been exposed to 1 mR of 80 kVp and adjust the distance, tube current, and time to obtain a radiation dose of 1
radiation, during a 1-minute period between 10 and 11 minutes after an X-ray exposure, mR. Record the adjusted exposure conditions.
output the read image, and check that the S value for 1 mR of radiation, which is determined - Distance: ___cm
from the displayed S value and average dose value, is within the control limits. - Tube voltage: ___kVp
- Tube current: ___mA
REFERENCE - Time: ___sec
The method for calculating the S value control limits is outlined below:
- S value control limits for user adjustments REFERENCE
Upper limit: 200 x 1.5 = 300
If the exposure conditions are unknown, use the following values as the reference
Lower limit: 200/1.5 = 133
values and make fine adjustments:
- S value control limits for service technician adjustments
Upper limit: 200 x 1.3 = 260
Lower limit: 200/1.3 = 154
To eliminate the necessity for adjusting the machine within a short period of time after
service technician inspection/adjustment, the S value control range for service technician
adjustments is narrower than that for user adjustments.

1. Position a cassette so that the cassette center coincides with the X-ray
radiation field center. Perform setup so that the X-ray radiation field outline is
approximately 3 cm outside the cassette outer frame. Temporarily remove the
cassette and then position a dosimeter at the radiation field center.

3. Under the exposure conditions confirmed in step 2, measure the radiation dose
five times and average the measured values.
--- Example ---
First Second Third Fourth Fifth Average
measurement measurement measurement measurement measurement value
0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.0 1.04

4. Enter the exposure conditions and the average radiation dose determined in step
3 in the "FCR S Value Control Table."

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-718
5. Subject the natural radiation and image stored on the employed IP to secondary 8. Determine the "S value for 1 mR of radiation" from the displayed S value (the S
erasure. value printed on the film or displayed on the CR Console screen) and the average
{Instruction Manual} radiation dose value obtained in step 3.
--- Example ---
 NOTE  Displayed S value: 200
Before secondary erasure, confirm that no important image data is recorded on the Average radiation dose value obtained in step 3: 1.04
employed IP.

6. Under the exposure conditions confirmed in step 2, expose a 14" x 14" (35 cm x
35 cm) or 14" x 17" (35 cm x 43 cm) IP to X-ray radiation.

 NOTE 
Use the largest size IP of all the IPs used at the institution.

7. Read the IP exposed in step 6 during a 1-minute period between 10 and 11

minutes after the exposure by using the "QC/TEST," "Image Format" or "Image
Format - 2," and "SINGLE" CR Console menus, and then output the read image.

S value for 1 mR of radiation = Displayed S value x average radiation dose value

= 200 x 1.04
= 208
9. Check that the "S value for 1 mR of radiation," which was determined in step 8, is
within the control limits.
--- Example ---
Lower control limit value Upper control limit value
154 < 208 < 260

Check that the "S value for 1 mR of radiation," which

was determined in step 8, is between the upper and
lower control limit values.

 NOTE 
If the "S value for 1 mR of radiation," which was determined in step 8, is not between
the upper and lower control limit values, make sensitivity correction as directed in "15.3
Sensitivity Correction for IP Type ST" and then confirm the S value again.
{MC:15.3_Sensitivity Correction for IP Type ST}

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CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-719
18.2 Confirming the S Value of IP Type HR 1. Align the X-ray radiation field with the cassette size. Position the
reference point of the dosimeter sensor so that it coincides with the
size of the cassette to be used.
The following procedures are necessary only in a machine into which the 50 micron
upgrade kit (HR reading option key) has been installed. Do not take the procedures in
a machine without the 50 micron upgrade kit (HR reading option key) installed.

The procedure set forth below is used to read an IP, which has been exposed to 20
mR of radiation, during a 1-minute period between 10 and 11 minutes after an X-ray
exposure, output the read image, and check that the S value for 20 mR of radiation,
which is determined from the displayed S value and average dose value, is within the
control limits.
The method for calculating the S value control limits is outlined below:
- S value control limits for user adjustments
Upper limit: 120 x 1.5 = 180
Lower limit: 120/1.5 = 80
- S value control limits for service technician adjustments
Upper limit: 120 x 1.3 = 156
Lower limit: 120/1.3 = 92
To eliminate the necessity for adjusting the machine within a short period of time
after service technician inspection/adjustment, the S value control range for service
technician adjustments is narrower than that for user adjustments.

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2. Set the tube voltage to 25 kVp. Set the target/filter to molybdenum/molybdenum. 3. Under the exposure conditions confirmed in step 2, measure the
Confirm the exposure conditions under which the IP radiation dose of 20 mR is radiation dose five times and average the measured values.
achieved. --- Example ---
2 2
 Achieved IP radiation dose = Dosimeter reading x L /L' First Second Third Fourth Fifth Average
measurement measurement measurement measurement measurement value
L: Distance between the focus and the reference point of the dosimeter sensor 19.6 20.0 20.2 20.4 18.8 19.8
L':Distance between the focus and the cassette top frame
4. Enter the exposure conditions and the average radiation dose
determined in step 3 in the "FCR S Value Control Table."
5. Subject the natural radiation and image stored on the employed IP to
secondary erasure.
{Instruction Manual}
 NOTE 
Before secondary erasure, confirm that no important image data is recorded on
the employed IP.

6. Under the exposure conditions confirmed in step 2, expose a 18 cm x

24 cm or 24 cm x 30 cm IP to X-ray radiation.
 NOTE 
Use the largest size IP of all the IPs used at the institution.

7. Read the IP exposed in step 6 during a 1-minute period between 10

and 11 minutes after the exposure by using the "QC/TEST," "Image
Format" and "SINGLE" CL menus, and then output the read image.
 NOTE 
If the radiation dose measured by the dosimeter is not 20 mR, leave the tube
voltage at 25 kVp and adjust the distance, tube current, and time to obtain a
radiation dose of 20 mR. Record the adjusted exposure conditions.
- Distance: cm - Tube voltage: kVp
- Tube current: mA - Time: sec

If the exposure conditions are unknown, use the following values as the reference
values and make fine adjustments:
- Distance (L: Distance between the focus and the reference point of the
dosimeter sensor) 55 cm
- Distance (L': Distance between the focus and the reference point of the
dosimeter sensor) 60 cm
- Tube voltage 80 kVp
- Tube current 100 mA
- Time 0.053 sec

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8. Determine the "S value for 20 mR of radiation" from the displayed S
value (the S value printed on the film or displayed on the CL screen)
and the average radiation dose value obtained in step 3.
---Example ---
Displayed S value: 120
Average radiation dose value obtained in step 3: 19.8

S value for 20 mR of Displayed S Average radiation

= x / 20 (mR)
radiation value dose value
= 120 x 19.8 / 20
= 118.8
9. Check that the "S value for 20 mR of radiation," which was determined in step 8,
is within the control limits.
--- Example ---
Lower control limit value Upper control limit value
92 < 118.8 < 156

Check that the "S value for 20 mR of radiation,"

which was determined in step 8, is between the
upper and lower control limit values.
 NOTE 
If the "S value for 20 mR of radiation," which was determined in step 8, is not
between the upper and lower control limit values, make sensitivity correction as
directed in "15.6 Sensitivity Correction for IP Type HR" and then confirm the S
value again.
{MC:15.6_Sensitivity Correction for IP Type HR}

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CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-722

19. Installing the Software 19.1 Installing the RU Software

Install various software programs by performing the procedures that are set forth in the For installing the RU software, see "Appendix 7. Installing the RU Software" in the
designated reference sections. "Installation" volume.
{IN: Appendix 7._Installing the RU Software}

19.2 Installing the RU PC-TOOL

For installing the RU software, see "Appendix 7-2 Installing the RU PC-TOOL" in the
"Installation" volume.
{IN: Appendix 7-2_Installing the RU PC-TOOL}

19.3 Installing the CLIENT PC-TOOL

For installing the CLIENT PC-TOOL, see "5.2 Setting Up the Client PC" in the "Maintenance
Utility" volume.
{MU:5.2_Setting Up the Client PC}

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20. Nothing

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CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-724

21. List of Jigs and Tools

21.1 Jigs and Tools
Name Code No. Manufacturer Model No. Remarks
Loop cable


Cable Consists of two cables.

Used when checking the RU operation while the board box of
the cassette set unit is open.


08.11.2008 FM5391
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Name Code No. Manufacturer Model No. Remarks


403N100005 For cleaning the erasure lamp unit

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CR-IR 359 Service Manual MC-727

Appendix 1. Parts Removal/Installation

This appendix gives a detailed description of parts removal/installation procedures.

Part concerned Reference

Sensor (5 mm type)

{MC: Appendix 1-1}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual Appx_MC-1
1. Sensor (5 mm type)

1.1 Removal Procedure 1.2 Reinstallation Procedure

1. Pinch the sensor claws and 1. Engage the sensor's trailing

push the sensor outward. end claw with the bracket.
Remove the sensor from the Mount the sensor on the
bracket. bracket while pinching the
sensor claws.
 NOTE 
If you cannot pinch the sensor  NOTE 
claws due to a limited work space, If you cannot pinch the sensor
remove the sensor while pushing claws due to a limited work space,
the sensor claws with steel rules install the sensor while pushing
or the like. the sensor claws with steel rules
or the like.

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2. Nothing

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual Appx_MC-3

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual Appx_MC-4
Control Sheet
Issue date Revision number Reason Pages affected
05.24.2007 01 New release (FM5134) All pages
09.04.2007 02 Revision (FM5208) 9, 69, 93, 97, 135
08.11.2008 03 Revision (FM5391) 40, 42, 93, 95, 151, 156, 158, 159

CR-IR 359 Service Manual

Maintenance Utility (MU)

014-211-03E CR-IR 359 Service Manual

08.11.2008 FM5391

1. Overview of RU Service Utility 1.2 RU Operation Panel

The RU Service Utility consists of six kinds of utilities including the User Utility, Machine Change the RU settings or check its operation from the RU operation panel. The menu
Maintenance Utility, RU PC-TOOL, Client PC, CLIENT PC-TOOL, and MUTL. items displayed on the operation panel screen can be selected/executed by the four control
The User Utility provides a maintenance tool used by end users as well, while the buttons.
Machine Maintenance Utility, RU PC-TOOL, Client PC, CLIENT PC-TOOL and MUTL offer
maintenance tools used exclusively by service engineers.
The User Utility and Machine Maintenance Utility are operated from the operation panel of
the RU machine, the RU PC-TOOL and MUTL are operated from the CR Console, and the
Client PC and CLIENT PC-TOOL are operated on the client PC.

1.1 Tree of RU Service Utility

The architecture of the RU Service Utility is shown in the tree diagram below.

 Tree Diagram
RU Service Utility

{MU:2._User Utility}

{MU:3._Machine Maintenance Utility}

{MU:4._RU PC-TOOL}  To Execute the Menu Item “Mode change”

{MU:5._Client PC} To change the mode, press the control button below “Mode change”.


{MU:7._MUTL (Maintenance Utility) Functions}

The menus of the MUTL for "For Design" should never be used for routine servicing
procedures. In the Maintenance Utility volume, their functions and procedures are not

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MU-1
1.3 Method of Menu Selection in Respective Modes 1.3.1 Description of Buttons

Described in this section is the procedure for selecting the menu items displayed on the The buttons to be used in the menu selection in the respective modes are mentioned below.
operation panel.
Button Function
The following is the menu selection window for the Machine Maintenance Utility.
Return button Returns to the User Utility window.

button Moves the cursor one item up from the current selection.

button Moves the cursor one item down from the current selection.

Select button Displays the setting window of the item selected by the
/ buttons.

Confirm button Sets the item selected by the / buttons in the RU.

Check button Used when executing the “Network Check” and “Loop Back Test” in
the Machine Maintenance Utility.

05.24.2007 FM5134
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1.3.2 Procedures for Menu Selection 3. Press the Select button.

The procedures for selecting “Loop Back Test” in the Machine Maintenance Utility are
described as an example.
1. Start up the Machine Maintenance Utility.
{MU:3.11_Starting and Exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility}

2. Press the button seven times and select “Loop Back Test”.
→ The window of the selected menu appears.

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CR-IR 359 Service Manual MU-3
1.4 Method of Setting the Addresses 1.4.1 Description of Buttons

The procedures for setting addresses such as the Reader Unit IP Address and Subnet Mask The buttons to be used to set the addresses are mentioned below.
from the operation panel are described. Button Function
The following is the window for setting the Reader Unit Address.
Return button Returns to the menu selection window of the Machine Maintenance
Utility. The address being changed is canceled.

button Moves the cursor one digit left from the current digit.

button Increments the value of the current digit by one.

button Decrements the value of the current digit by one.

button Moves the cursor one digit right from the current digit.

Confirm button Sets the changed address in the RU and returns to the menu selection
window of the Machine Maintenance Utility.

 NOTE 
When the addresses for the Subnet Mask, Secure Host and Secure Net are to be effective,
The following address items are set from the operation panel. be sure to turn OFF the RU power after the addresses are set, and then turn it ON again.
- Reader Unit IP Address The changed address is not set in the RU only by pressing the [Confirm] button.
- Subnet Mask
- FTP Server IP Address REFERENCES
- Default Gateway - The [Return] button appears only when the cursor is at the leftmost digit. To return to the
- Secure Host menu selection window of the Machine Maintenance Utility, move the cursor to the leftmost
- Secure Net digit by pressing the [←] button. Then press the [Return] button.

- The [Confirm] button appears only when “OK” is selected. To return to the menu selection
window of the Machine Maintenance Utility, after the set address is made effective, move
the cursor to “OK” by pressing the [→] button. Then press the [Confirm] button.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MU-4
1.4.2 Procedures for Changing the Address 3. Press the button once, select “OK”, and press the Confirm button.

The procedures of changing the address from “” to “” are

described as an example.
1. Press the button five times and then press the button three times.

2. Press the button six times and then press the button eight times.

→ An alarm sound beeps 1 to 2 seconds after the [Confirm] button is pressed, and the
display returns to the menu selection window.

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CR-IR 359 Service Manual MU-5

2. User Utility  Tree Diagram

The architecture of the User Utility is shown in the tree diagram below.
The User Utility provides a maintenance tool used by both the end user and service engineer. User Utility
 NOTE 
Equipment information*
The menu items appearing in the “User Utility” depend on the settings of the EDIT
CONFIGURATION specified at the time of installation. Scanner Cleaning*
Refer to “4.13 EDIT CONFIGURATION” for details of the EDIT CONFIGURATION settings.
{MU:4.13_EDIT CONFIGURATION} Alarm volume *

Alarm stop*
See the Instruction Manual.
2.1 Overview of User Utility Button touch sound*

LCD panel brightness adjustment*

 User Utility Window
Screen OFF timer*

Sleep timer

{MU:2.3_Master CL Setting}

For more detail on those marked by *, see the Instruction Manual.

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 Overview of Functions
The overview of the User Utility functions is presented below.

 Equipment information
"Equipment description", "Number of IP read", "Number of IP conveyance", "Total time of
laser ON", and "Total time of erasure lamp ON", and "Date of installation" are displayed.
The respective values are those specified by the EDIT HISTORY of the RU PC-TOOL. Refer
to “4.12 EDIT HISTORY” for details of the EDIT HISTORY.

 Scanner Cleaning
The light-collecting mirror is rotated to clean the light-collecting face of the light-collecting
guide and perform its home-positioning.

 Alarm volume
Used to set the volume of the alarm sound.

 Alarm stop
Used to set how to stop the alarm sound.

 Button touch sound

Used to set whether to enable or disable the sound when a button is touched. This is also
used to set the volume of the button touch sound.

 LCD panel brightness adjustment

Used to adjust the contrast of the LCD panel.

 Screen OFF timer

Used to set the time until the backlight is automatically turned OFF when no button operation
takes place.

 Sleep timer
Used to set the time until the RU automatically enters the sleep mode when the RU is idle.

 Master CL setting
Refer to “2.3 Master CL setting” for details of the master CL setting.
{MU:2.3_Master CL Setting}

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2.2 Starting and Exiting the User Utility 2.3 Master CL Setting
The procedures for starting and exiting the User Utility are described below. Set the CR Console to be used as a master CL among those registered during the installation
or those registered by the RU PC-TOOL or CLIENT PC-TOOL. The setting can be done
2.2.1 Starting the User Utility only when “HOSPITAL” is selected in the “SCREEN TYPE” setup during the installation or
version-update of the RU software.

CAUTION 2.3.1 Function

When starting the User Utility, make sure that all the processing, such as reading, has
been completed and the machine is in READY state. The master CL can be changed. Up to four CR Console can be registered. One of them can
be set as the RU’s default master CL.
1. Press the [Utility] button.
Even when the master CL is changed, the IP address of the FTP server that is set in
the RU remains unchanged. Information to be stored in the FTP server, such as error
logs, is written into the FTP server of the IP address that is set in the RU.

2.3.2 Procedures
2.2.2 Exiting the User Utility
 NOTE 
1. Press the [Back] button. Do not change the master CL unless an emergency arises or the machine is faulty.
Changing the master CL erases the "ERROR LOG", "HISTORY LOG", and other data
necessary for the user.

For the master CL change procedure, see "Appendix 4. Setting the Master CL" in the
Installation volume.
{IN: Appendix 4._Setting the Master CL}

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CR-IR 359 Service Manual MU-8

3. Machine Maintenance Utility  NOTE 

If the Machine Maintenance Utility is started up during bootup, the [Return] button in the lower
The Machine Maintenance Utility offers a maintenance tool used exclusively by the service right corner of the Machine Maintenance Utility window is hidden. This provision is made
engineer. to prevent an initialization process from being inadvertently started during maintenance, as
Setup of the RU’s IP address, the check of network connection from the RU side or the like is “Under maintenance” does not appear on the RU operation panel if the Machine Maintenance
operated from the operation panel of the RU. Utility is started up during bootup.
Setup items include the followings:
- Reader Unit Address
- Subnet Mask
- FTP Server IP Address
- Default Gateway
- Secure Host
- Secure Net
- Network Check
- Loop Back Test
- HV On/Off
Note that the setup items of the Machine Maintenance Utility cannot be set from the CR
Console or the client PC.

 Machine Maintenance Utility Window

3.1 Tree of Machine Maintenance Utility

 Tree Diagram of Machine Maintenance Utility

Machine Maintenance

{MU:3.2_Reader Unit IP Address}

{MU:3.3_Subnet Mask}

{MU:3.4_FTP Server IP Address}

{MU:3.5_Default Gateway}

{MU:3.6_Secure Host}

{MU:3.7_Secure Net}

{MU:3.8_Network Check}

{MU:3.9_Loop Back Test}

{MU:3.10_HV On/Off}

09.04.2007 FM5208
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MU-9
3.2 Reader Unit IP Address 3.2.2 Procedures
The procedures for setting the IP address of the RU to "" are described as
an example.
1. Start up the Machine Maintenance Utility.
{MU:3.11_Starting and Exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility}
2. Select “Reader Unit IP Address”.

Refer to “1.3 Method of menu selection in respective modes” for details of the menu
3.2.1 Function selection method.
{MU:1.3_Method of Menu Selection in Respective Modes}
Used to set the IP address of the RU in the flash ROM on the CPU23B board of the RU.
Setting the IP address of the RU specified here in the CL attains the network connection from 3. Set the IP address.
the CL to the RU.
- By factory default for the CPU23B board, the IP address is set to "".
- Do not change the IP address setting of "" when the machine is to be used
under the conditions as shipped from the factory.

Refer to “1.4 Method of setting the addresses” for the details of the address setting
{MU:1.4_Method of Setting the Addresses}

 NOTE 
The setting is effective when “OK” is selected and the [Confirm] button is pressed.

4. Exit the Machine Maintenance Utility.

{MU:3.11.3_Exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MU-10
3.3 Subnet Mask 3.3.2 Procedures
The procedures for setting the subnet mask to "" are described as an

1. Start up the Machine Maintenance Utility.

{MU:3.11_Starting and Exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility}

2. Select “Subnet Mask”.

Refer to “1.3 Method of menu selection in respective modes” for details of the menu
3.3.1 Function selection method.
Used to set the subnet mask in the flash ROM on the CPU23B board of the RU. With the {MU:1.3_Method of Menu Selection in Respective Modes}
subnet mask set, networking devices capable of exchanging data can be limited. 3. Set the subnet mask.
- By factory default for the CPU23B board, the subnet mask is set to "".
- Do not change the subnet mask setting of "" when the machine is to be
used under the conditions as shipped from the factory.

Refer to “1.4 Method of setting the addresses” for the details of the address setting
{MU:1.4_Method of Setting the Addresses}

 NOTE 
The setting does not become effective only by selecting “OK” and pressing the [Confirm]
button. Turn OFF the RU power once and then turn it ON again to make the setup
contents effective.

4. Exit the Machine Maintenance Utility.

{MU:3.11.3_Exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility}
5. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.

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CR-IR 359 Service Manual MU-11
3.4 FTP Server IP Address 3.4.2 Procedures
The procedures for setting the IP address of the FTP server to "" are
described as an example.

1. Start up the Machine Maintenance Utility.

{MU:3.11_Starting and Exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility}

2. Select “FTP Server IP Address”.

3.4.1 Function Refer to “1.3 Method of menu selection in respective modes” for details of the menu
selection method.
Used to set the IP address of the FTP server which contains the HISTORY LOG, ERROR {MU:1.3_Method of Menu Selection in Respective Modes}
LOG, configuration information or the like in the flash ROM on the CPU23B board of the RU.
Setting the IP address of the FTP server attains the network connection from the RU to the 3. Set the IP address of the FTP server.
FTP server.
- By factory default for the CPU23B board, the IP address of the FTP server is set to
- Do not change the FTP IP address setting of "" when the machine is to be
used under the conditions as shipped from the factory.

Refer to “1.4 Method of setting the addresses” for the details of the address setting
{MU:1.4_Method of Setting the Addresses}

 NOTE 
The setting is effective when “OK” is selected and the [Confirm] button is pressed.

4. Exit the Machine Maintenance Utility.

{MU:3.11.3_Exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility}

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3.5 Default Gateway 3.5.2 Procedures
The procedures for setting the IP address of the gateway to "" are described
as an example.
1. Start up the Machine Maintenance Utility.
{MU:3.11_Starting and Exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility}
2. Select "Default Gateway".

Refer to “1.3 Method of menu selection in respective modes” for details of the menu
3.5.1 Function selection method.
{MU:1.3_Method of Menu Selection in Respective Modes}
Used to set the IP address of the gateway, if the machine is networked via the gateway,
3. Set the IP address of the Gateway.
in the flash ROM on the CPU23B board of the RU. Setting the IP address of the gateway
attains the network connection with a machine with different network settings connected with
the gateway.
- By factory default for the CPU23B board, the IP address of the gateway is set to
- Do not change the default setting of "" when the gateway is not to be used.

The following diagram shows an example of network connection between networks with
different subnet mask settings.

Refer to “1.4 Method of setting the addresses” for the details of the address setting
{MU:1.4_Method of Setting the Addresses}

 NOTE 
The setting is effective when “OK” is selected and the [Confirm] button is pressed.

4. Exit the Machine Maintenance Utility.

{MU:3.11.3_Exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility}

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3.6 Secure Host 3.6.2 Procedures
The procedures for setting the IP address of the Secure Host to "" are
described as an example.

1. Start up the Machine Maintenance Utility.

{MU:3.11_Starting and Exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility}

2. Select "Secure Host".

Refer to “1.3 Method of menu selection in respective modes” for details of the menu
3.6.1 Function selection method.
{MU:1.3_Method of Menu Selection in Respective Modes}
Used to set the IP address of a machine connectable with the RU via the telnet in the flash
ROM on the CPU23B board of the RU. Setting the IP address of the Secure Host disables 3. Set the IP address of the Secure Host.
the connection with a networking device with an IP address except the setup IP address via
the telnet. This assures certain security.
- By factory default for the CPU23B board, the IP address of the Secure Host is set to
- Do not change the default setting of "" when the Secure Host is not to be

Refer to “1.4 Method of setting the addresses” for the details of the address setting
{MU:1.4_Method of Setting the Addresses}
 NOTE 
The setting does not become effective only by selecting “OK” and pressing the [Confirm]
button. Turn OFF the RU power once and then turn it ON again to make the setup
contents effective.

4. Exit the Machine Maintenance Utility.

{MU:3.11.3_Exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility}
5. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.

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3.7 Secure Net 3.7.2 Procedures
The procedures for setting the network address of the Secure Net to "" are
described as an example.

1. Start up the Machine Maintenance Utility.

{MU:3.11_Starting and Exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility}

2. Select "Secure Net".

3.7.1 Function Refer to “1.3 Method of menu selection in respective modes” for details of the menu
selection method.
Used to set the network address connectable with the RU via the telnet in the flash ROM {MU:1.3_Method of Menu Selection in Respective Modes}
of the RU. Setting the network address of the Secure Net disables the connection with
a networking device out of the setup range of the network addresses via the telnet. This
3. Set the IP address of the Secure Net.
assures certain security.
- By factory default for the CPU23B board, the network address of the Secure Net is set to
- Do not change the default setting of "" when the Secure Net is not to be

Refer to “1.4 Method of setting the addresses” for the details of the address setting
{MU:1.4_Method of Setting the Addresses}
 NOTE 
The setting does not become effective only by selecting “OK” and pressing the [Confirm]
button. Turn OFF the RU power once and then turn it ON again to make the setup
contents effective.

4. Exit the Machine Maintenance Utility.

{MU:3.11.3_Exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility}
5. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.

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3.8 Network Check 3.8.2 Procedures
The procedures of a setup example where the FTP server is connected with the network and
the gateway is not used are described.
1. Start up the Machine Maintenance Utility.
{MU:3.11_Starting and Exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility}

2. Select "Network Check".

3.8.1 Function Refer to “1.3 Method of menu selection in respective modes” for details of the menu
selection method.
Used to check whether the network connection with the PC specified as the FTP server {MU:1.3_Method of Menu Selection in Respective Modes}
and the gateway is made by executing the PING command from the RU. The result of the
network check appears on the operation panel. 3. Press the [Check] button.

In the case of "NO GOOD" indication, remedy the error with reference to the
Troubleshooting Volume.

4. Exit the Machine Maintenance Utility.

{MU:3.11.3_Exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility}

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3.9 Loop Back Test The loopback test makes it possible to verify the network connection within the area shown

3.9.1 Function
While the loopback cable (jig: 898Y0981) is connected to the network cable or connector, For the CR-IR 359, the loopback test is to be conducted at the following two locations.
the signal transmitted from the RU can be looped back by the jig to check whether the
transmitted signal returns.
 Immediately before the hub
Conducting the loopback test enables you to locate an open in the network or a fault in the
The result of the loopback test appears on the operation panel.

 LAN23A board connector CN1

3.9.2 Procedures
For the loopback test procedure, see “14.7 Loopback Test” in the Troubleshooting volume.
{MT:14.7_Loopback Test}

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3.10 HV On/Off 3.10.2 Procedures
The procedures for turning OFF the HV switch (software switch) are described as an
1. Start up the Machine Maintenance Utility.
{MU:3.11_Starting and Exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility}

2. Select "HV On/Off".

3.10.1 Function Refer to “1.3 Method of menu selection in respective modes” for details of the menu
selection method.
Turn ON or OFF the HV switch (software switch). {MU:1.3_Method of Menu Selection in Respective Modes}
3. Select “OFF” and press the [Confirm] button.
If the high-voltage switch of the SCN23A is set to OFF, the HV switch (software switch)
cannot be turned ON (although ON or OFF is selectable, the setting is not effective).

4. Exit the Machine Maintenance Utility.

{MU:3.11.3_Exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility}

 NOTE 
The setting is effective when “OK” is selected and the [Confirm] button is pressed.

After you exit from the Machine Maintenance Utility and return to the main window, the
HV-OFF error window (error code: 11200) appears. Press the [Confirm] button on the
error window. The display returns to the main window, and “HV-OF” blinks on the top of
the window.

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3.11 Starting and Exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility 3.11.1 Starting the Machine Maintenance Utility during Initialization

How to start and exit the Machine Maintenance Utility is described. 1. Turn ON the RU circuit breaker.
The RU does not become READY unless it is connected to the CR Console (the operation
panel reads the error message “CR Console communication error”). However, even when the
RU is not connected to the CR Console, the Machine Maintenance Utility can be started, for
instance, to set the RU’s IP address.

The Machine Maintenance Utility is started up by one of the following three methods
depending on the RU state.
- To start the Machine Maintenance Utility during bootup of the RU.
{MU:3.11.1_Starting the Machine Maintenance Utility during Initialization}
- To start the Machine Maintenance Utility while the RU is in the READY state.
{MU:3.11.2_Starting Up the Machine Maintenance Utility during READY State}
- To start the Machine Maintenance Utility when an error occurs in the RU.
{MU:3.11.4_Starting the Machine Maintenance Utility when Error Occurred}

Refer to the following procedures for exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility.
{MU:3.11.3_Exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility}

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2. Start up the Machine Maintenance Utility of the RU. 3.11.2 Starting Up the Machine Maintenance Utility during READY
Turn ON the RU power while pressing the first and third buttons from the left on State
the operation panel. Keep pressing the first and third buttons from the left until the
“Maintenance Utility” window appears on the operation panel. 1. Press the [Utility] button.
 NOTE 
Be sure to keep pressing the first and third buttons from the left until the “Maintenance
Utility” window appears on the operation panel. If the “Maintenance Utility” window
does not appear and the RU starts to boot up, once turn OFF the RU power and repeat
from the procedure 1.

→ The “Utility” window appears.

2. Press the leftmost button while pressing the third button from the left.

If the Machine Maintenance Utility does not start up, exit the user utility by pressing the
[Back] button. Then, repeat the above procedures.

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3.11.3 Exiting the Machine Maintenance Utility 3.11.4 Starting the Machine Maintenance Utility when Error Occurred

 When the [Return] Button Is Not Displayed in the Lower Left Corner of the
1. If “System down” appears, press the leftmost button while pressing the third
button from the left.
Operation Panel
1. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.
2. Check the following points.

 The RU normally enters the READY state.

 There is no error occurrence.

 When the [Return] Button Is Displayed in the Lower Left Corner of the
Operation Panel
1. Press the [Return] button.

2. Check the following points.

 The RU normally enters the READY state.

 There is no error occurrence.

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4. RU PC-TOOL 4.1.2 Tree Diagram


4.1 RU PC-TOOL Main Window and Tree EACH RU SETTING

4.1.1 RU PC-TOOL Main Window {MU:4.3_LIST OF EXISTING RU}
RU PC-TOOL Ver.2.5 {MU:4.4_NEW}
Configuration(C) Operation(O)
RU NAME ru1 {MU:4.6_MUTL}
{MU:4.18_ERROR DB}




The version of the RU PC-TOOL is displayed on the upper left of the RU PC-TOOL window.



{MU:4.22_Initialize APL}

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4.2 Outline of RU PC-TOOL  Resetting the “Under Maintenance” Message
Press the leftmost button while pressing the third button from the left. The “Under
RU PC-TOOL offers a maintenance tool designed exclusively for the service engineer. Maintenance” message disappears, and the button control is accepted on the operation
Operations, such as installing the RU software and checking connection from the CR panel. IP conveyance takes place.
Console to RU, are performed on the CR Console connected to the RU via the network.
Note that, however, that the blinking “Under Maintenance” message appears on the top of
the operation panel even if you reset the “Under Maintenance” message appearing at the
4.2.1 Display of “Under Maintenance” on the Operation Panel center of the operation panel.
“Under Maintenance” appears on the operation panel, indicating that the RU is under

 “Under Maintenance” Message

When a command to change the contents on the flash ROM is executed from the RU PC-
TOOL, “Under Maintenance” appears on the top of the operation panel, and the message of
“Can't process the cassette” appears at the center.
While “Under Maintenance” appears on the top of the operation panel, no button control can
be accepted. No IP conveyance takes place even if you insert a cassette.

The blinking “Under Maintenance” message on the top of the operation panel indicates that
a command to change the contents of the flash ROM has been executed from the RU PC-

 To Terminate the “Under Maintenance” Message

The blinking “Under Maintenance” message disappears by turning OFF the RU power and
then turning it ON.

The following commands are used to change the contents of the FLASH ROM:

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4.2.2 RU PC-TOOL Error Screen Display
If a command for changing the contents of the flash ROM is executed while the RU is
running, the Error window as shown below appears on the CR console. The command for
changing the contents of the flash ROM is not executed.
The commands for changing the contents of the flash ROM include:

The following commands are used to change the contents of the FLASH ROM:

Do not execute a command for changing the contents of the flash ROM while the RU
is running. The program stored in the flash ROM is corrupted and the machine cannot

The RU is running in the following states:
- The RU is being initialized.
- The RU is performing a “read”, “primary erasure”, or “secondary erasure” process.
- The User Utility is started by the RU.

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4.3.1 Function 4.4.1 Function

Upon installing the RU software, a data file corresponding to each machine is created in the Cancel the selected state of "LIST OF EXISTING RU" and clear the values for "RU NAME"
FTP server. The list of RU's that have their folders in the FTP server are listed up in “LIST and "RU IP ADDR" to enable them to be registered anew.
OF EXISTING RU”. Used to execute the following commands in the RU input in the “RU NAME” and “RU IP
ADDR” fields if not displayed in the “LIST OF EXISTING RU” field.

4.4.2 Procedures
Note that if nothing is displayed in the "RU TYPE" field, it means that its corresponding RU
has not been installed normally. 1. Click on [NEW].

- For the RU where nothing is displayed in its "RU TYPE" field, uninstall it and then install the
RF software again.

2. Input the RU name and the IP address of the RU.

- If "VERSION" is displayed in red, it indicates that the version of the RU software has not
been updated. Update the version as needed.

3. Execute the respective commands.

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4.5.1 Function 4.6.1 Function

Used to delete a folder of the RU stored in the FTP server and also to delete it from "LIST OF Used to start the maintenance utility (MUTL) of the RU service utility.
EXISTING RU". MUTL offers functions for diagnosing and adjusting the RU, such as adjustments of the
When reinstallation is required in such a case where the machine is to be used with the IP reading start position and reading width, as well as board and mechanical checks.
address of the RU changed, use the “DELETE” command.
4.6.2 Procedures
4.5.2 Procedures
1. Select an RU from "LIST OF EXISTING RU".
Refer to “Appendix 6-1_Deleting an Installed RU” for the details of deleting procedures in the
Installation volume.
{IN: Appendix 6-1_Deleting an Installed RU}

2. Click on [MUTL].

Refer to “7. MUTL (maintenance utility) functions” for functions of the respective MUTL
commands and the detailed procedures.
{MU:7._MUTL (Maintenance Utility) Functions}

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4.7 PING 3. Check the result of PING, and click on to close the window.

4.7.1 Function
Used to execute the "PING" command for the RU.
When you click on [PING], the “command prompt” window appears where you can check
whether or not the network connection from the CR console to the RU is normal. If the
network connection is determined to be normal as the result of the PING execution, the
message indicating the result of execution OK appears on the “command prompt” window.

4.7.2 Procedures
"Lost = (0% loss)" means that there is no problem as a result of executing the PING
1. Select an RU from "LIST OF EXISTING RU". command. If other than "(0% loss)", it is a sign that there was some problem.

 [GOOD indication]
If the following message appears, the result is normal.
| Ping statistics for |
| Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), |

2. Click on [PING].  [NO GOOD indication]

Other than above (the IP address is the IP address of the RU selected).
 NOTE 
In the case of "NO GOOD" indication

→ The “command prompt” window appears.

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4.8 MON  I/O name
The I/O name is displayed.
Symbol Name
4.8.1 Function SA1 Cassette IN sensor

Used to display the status when the sensor of the I/O of the RU (sensors or the like) changes SA2 Cassette hold sensor
its status. SA3 Debris fall prevention shutter sensor
The barcode information is displayed if read, as well as the status of OPEN or CLOSE. SA4 IP dropping sensor
The status changes for the sensors, switches, and BCRs (barcode readers) are displayed,
SA5 IP Suction sensor
although ON or OFF is not displayed for the motors.
SA6 Suction arm HP sensor
SA7 Cassette cover opening mechanism HP sensor
SA8 Cassette cover closing mechanism HP sensor
SA9 "15x30 cassette" identifying sensor
SA10 Cassette IP holding sensor
SA11 Cassette ejection sensor
SA12 Cassette cover CLOSE position sensor
SA14 Cassette insertion error sensor
SA15 Large cassette size sensor
SA16 Inch/metric sensor
SC1 Side-positioning grip HP sensor
SC2 Side-positioning grip release position sensor

 Status SC3 IP sensor 1

Displays one of statuses, OPEN, CLOSE, ON, OFF or READ depending on the change of SC6 IP side-positioning HP sensor
the I/O conditions. SC7 Side-positioning reference block HP sensor

 Other information SC8 Side-positioning latch position sensor

Displays the barcode information when the barcode is read. SC9 "15x31/24x30 IP width" identifying sensor
SC10 Side-positioning latch stroke sensor
 Status changed time
Displays the time when the I/O status changes. SG1 IP sensor 2
SZ1 IP leading-edge sensor
SZ2 Driven-side grip roller release HP sensor
The text displayed on the Monitor window is selectable by dragging the mouse.
The text selected may be copied, cut, pasted, or deleted. SZ3 Driving-side grip roller release HP sensor
If the display is too crowded to see well, you may delete unnecessary portions of text. SZ5 Dust removal HP sensor
BCRC1 Barcode reader
LDSN1, LDSN2, Erasure lamp
24TSW Safety thermostat (lamp)
* The SZ1 (IP leading edge sensor) status changes will not be displayed.

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4.8.2 Procedures 3. Click on [START].

1. Select an RU from "LIST OF EXISTING RU".

2. Click on [MON].
→ When the RU is operated under this condition, display items are added whenever I/O
has changed.

 Checking the sensor operation by reading an image

I. Exit from the “Under maintenance” window of the RU.
{MU:4.2.1_Display of “Under Maintenance” on the Operation Panel}
→ The “REAL TIME MONITOR” window appears.
II. Register the exposure menu or the like on the CR Console, and insert the
→ The sensor status (open/close) is displayed on the “REAL TIME MONITOR” window.

 Checking the sensor operation by means of the MUTL mechanical check

I. Start the MUTL.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
II. Click the item to be checked by the mechanical check.
→ The sensor status (open/close) is displayed on the “REAL TIME MONITOR” window.

- When the power of the RU is turned OFF, the monitor function is disabled. However, the
items displayed within the Monitor window are left unchanged.
- When you click on [STOP], the monitor temporarily stops working. Click on [START] to
resume the monitor function. The status change of the I/O of the RU since [STOP] is
clicked until [START] is clicked is not displayed.
- To reset (erase) the information appearing on the window, close the monitor window,
and then open the monitor window.

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4.9 FTP 3. Make sure that the GOOD indication appears, and click on [OK].

4.9.1 Function
Used to check the network for the RU selected from “LIST OF EXISTING RU”, and to check
the operation of the FTP server for the CR Console.
Clicking on [FTP], you can check whether or not the network connection to the RU and the
FTP server of the CR Console are normal.
If the network connection and the FTP server are determined to be normal as the result of the
FTP execution, the message indicating the result of execution OK appears on two windows.

4.9.2 Procedures

1. Select an RU from "LIST OF EXISTING RU".

 NOTE 
In the case of "NO GOOD" indication
2. Click on [FTP].

4. Make sure that the GOOD indication appears, and click on .

→ Two windows appear.

 NOTE 
In the case of "NO GOOD" indication

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4.10 INSTALL  Selection of “SCREEN TYPE”
Select whether the display on the operation panel of the RU is for use in a hospital or use in
a clinic.
CAUTION  Selection as to whether or not the LINAC CASSETTE is to be used.
Never turn OFF the RU power during installation. If you turn OFF the RU power, the Select whether or not the LINAC CASSETTE is to be used in the RU to be installed.
RU fails to start up because the contents of the flash ROM are corrupted.
 Setting of configuration information
Refer to “4.13 EDIT CONFIGURATION” for the details of setting the configuration information.
4.10.1 Function {MU:4.13_EDIT CONFIGURATION}

Used to install the RU software into the RU entered in the "RU NAME" and "RU IP ADDR"  Registration of the master CL
fields. Upon installation, an RU folder is created in the FTP server. Refer to “4.14 EDIT CL NAME” for the details of registration of the master CL.
 Recognizing the device type to be installed
The RU with the IP address described in the “RU IP ADDR” field is accessed before the
installation is started, to automatically recognize the type of the RU. RU PC-TOOL reads the 4.10.2 Procedures
settings of the DIP switches mounted on the CPU23B board of the RU to identify the type.
Refer to the Installation volume for the details of the installing procedures.
 NOTE  {IN: Appendix 7._Installing the RU Software}
If the CPU23B board has been replaced, check to make sure that the settings of the DIP
switches mounted on the CPU23B board are correct. 4.10.3 Message on the Error Window
If the DIP switch settings are wrong, improper RU software will be installed, and the RU will
not start up. If the RU software is re-installed in the RU where the software has been already installed, the
Refer to the Check, Replacement and Adjustment of Parts “11.2.4 Replacing the CPU23B following error message appears.
Board” for the details of the DIP switch settings of the CPU23B board.
{MC:11.2.4_Replacing the CPU23B Board}

 Selection of software version

A list of installable versions of the software stored in the RU-APL CD-ROM is displayed.

 Selection of software display language

A list of languages to be displayed on the operation panel of the RU is displayed.

 Selection of "BRAND TYPE"

Select "BRAND TYPE" to be displayed on the operation panel of the RU when the machine
starts up. Since “BRAND TYPE” differs depending upon its destination, "BRAND TYPE"
suitable for the destination need be selected when installing the software.

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4.11 VERSION UP 4.11.2 Procedures
Refer to the Checks, Replacement and Adjustment of Parts “13. Updating the Software” for
CAUTION details of the procedures for version updates.
{MC:13._Updating the Software}
Never turn OFF the RU power during version update.
The contents of the flash ROM are corrupted, and the RU will no longer boot up.

4.11.1 Function
Used to execute RU software version updates.

 Recognizing the device type to be updated in version

The RU selected before starting the version update is accessed, to automatically recognize
the device type of the RU. RU PC-TOOL reads the settings of the DIP switches mounted on
the CPU23B board of the RU to identify the device type.
 NOTE 
If the CPU23B board has been replaced, check to make sure that the settings of the DIP
switches mounted on the CPU23B board are correct.
If the DIP switch settings are wrong, improper RU software is updated in version, resulting in
the RU unable to boot up.
Refer to the Check, Replacement and Adjustment of Parts “11.2.4 Replacing the CPU23B
Board” for the details of the DIP switch settings of the CPU23B board.
{MC:11.2.4_Replacing the CPU23B Board}

 Selection of software version

A list of version-updatable ones of the software packages included in the CD-ROM is
The "VERSION" indication of the RU registered in “LIST OF EXISTING RU” may appear
in red. This indicates that the RU software has not been updated in version. Update the
software version as needed.

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4.12 EDIT HISTORY 4.12.2 Procedures

1. Select an RU from "LIST OF EXISTING RU".

4.12.1 Function
Used to view the HISTORY information (including the number of IP’s processed by the RU,
lighting time of the erasure lamp, etc.,) of the RU, and clear the information when a unit has
been replaced or other occasions. The following five kinds of information can be displayed
and edited.

 USE 2. Click on [EDIT HISTORY].

Displays the date when the RU software is installed or updated in version. Also displays the
total time count when the RU power has been ON.
{MU:4.12.3_Details of USE}

 IP
Displays the number of IP7s processed by the RU for each IP size and the count of each part
driven. Image reading, secondary erasure, and primary erasure are all subject to counting.
{MU:4.12.4_Details of IP}

Displays the count that each IP with different barcode is processed.
{MU:4.12.5_Details of BARCODE}

Displays lighting time and lighting count for the laser of the scanner unit. Image reading,
secondary erasure, and primary erasure, as well as lighting activated in MUTL, are subject to
{MU:4.12.6_Details of LASER}

Displays the lighting time and the lighting count of the erasure lamp. Image reading,
secondary erasure, and primary erasure, as well as lighting activated in MUTL, are subject to
counting. Lighting time and lighting count for preheating are also subject to counting.
{MU:4.12.7_Details of LAMP}
Clicking on [EDIT HISTORY], “Under Maintenance” appears on the operation panel of
the RU.

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3. Check or change the contents displayed on the screen. 4.12.3 Details of USE
Refer to the detailed description of each item for the details of the contents appearing on
the screen.
{MU:4.12.3_Details of USE}

{MU:4.12.4_Details of IP}

{MU:4.12.5_Details of BARCODE}

{MU:4.12.6_Details of LASER}

{MU:4.12.7_Details of LAMP}

4. Click on [SET].

 NOTE 
The information marked with * in the figure has the same value displayed in device
information you can check by the user utility of the RU.
To update the device information appearing on the RU, transfer once to another window, or
turn OFF the RU power and then turn it ON.

Item name Function

Displays the date when the RU software is installed or

updated in version. A specific date can be entered manually.
A total count of a period of time when the RU power is turned
II ON is displayed. A specific numerical value can be entered

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4.12.4 Details of IP Item name Function

I RESET Resets each item in “IP”.

Displays the date when the RU software is installed.
II SINCE By clicking on [RESET], the system date is automatically
entered. A specific date can be entered manually.
TOTAL READING Counts the total count that normal reading takes place per IP
COUNTER size, and displays the total in “ALL IP SIZES”.
Displays the total count that normal reading, secondary erasure
IV and erasure take place. A specific numerical value can be
entered manually.
Displays the respective total numbers that the air filter, the
PARTS PROCESSING erasure lamp, the brush roller, the IP suction pump, and the
COUNTER damper are used. Specific numerical values can be entered

 NOTE 
The information marked with * in the figure has the same value displayed in device
information you can check by the user utility of the RU.
To update the device information appearing on the RU, transfer once to another window, or
turn OFF the RU power and then turn it ON.

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4.12.5 Details of BARCODE

Item name Function

I BARCODE NUMBER Displays the barcode number of the IP read by the RU.
Displays the total count of IP conveyance for each barcode. A
specific numerical value can be entered manually.

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4.12.6 Details of LASER Item name Function

I RESET Resets each item of “LASER”.

Displays the date when the RU software is installed.
II SINCE By clicking on [RESET], the system date is automatically
entered. A specific date can be entered manually.
TOTAL TIME FOR THE Displays the total laser lighting time. A specific numerical
LASER ON value can be entered manually.
TOTAL COUNT FOR Displays the total laser lighting count. A specific numerical
THE LASER ON value can be entered manually.

 NOTE 
The information marked with * in the figure has the same value displayed in device
information you can check by the user utility of the RU.
To update the device information appearing on the RU, transfer once to another window, or
turn OFF the RU power and then turn it ON.

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4.12.7 Details of LAMP Item name Function

I RESET Resets each item of “LAMP”.

Displays the date when the RU software is installed.
II SINCE By clicking on [RESET], the system date is automatically
entered. A specific date can be entered manually.
TOTAL TIME FOR Displays the total erasure lamp lighting time. A specific
III THE ERASURE LAMP numerical value can be entered manually.
TOTAL COUNT FOR Displays the total erasure lamp lighting count. A specific
IV THE ERASURE LAMP numerical value can be entered manually.

 NOTE 
The information marked with * in the figure has the same value displayed in device
information you can check by the user utility of the RU.
To update the device information appearing on the RU, transfer once to another window, or
turn OFF the RU power and then turn it ON.

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4.13 EDIT CONFIGURATION 4.13.2 Procedures

1. Select an RU from "LIST OF EXISTING RU".

4.13.1 Function
Used to edit the configuration information for the RU.
However, the configuration information (such as IP address of the RU) that is set in Machine
Maintenance Utility cannot be set with EDIT CONFIGURATION.
The set information is written into the flash ROM of the RU.
The LED panel of the RU lights up while the flash ROM of the RU is being updated.
Never turn OFF the RU power for the while.
If the RU power is turned OFF, the contents of the flash ROM are corrupted, and the
RU will no longer boot up.

Clicking on [EDIT CONFIGURATION], “Under Maintenance” appears on the operation
panel of the RU.

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3. Set the respective CONFIGURATION items. Item name Function
Sets the identification code (1-digit alphanumeric character) with
 NOTE  EQUIPMENT CODE which the user identifies the RU which has read the image when a
Check to make sure that the setting of the IP type (GENERATION SETTING) coincides (A-Z) plurality of RU’s are used. The identification code is printed on the
with the IP type to be used at the user’s site. If the IP type set in the configuration output film.
information differs from the IP to be used at the user’s site, such problems may occur Sets the erasure mode which can be selected by the “Mode
that sufficient IP image erasure cannot be done or it takes long to process. change” button of the RU.
The setting is effective only when “HOSPITAL” was selected in
RANGE OF ERASE setting “SCREEN TYPE” at the time of installation.
MODE - ERASE 1, ERASE 2 (default):
Can select secondary erasure or primary erasure.
- ERASE 1:
Can select only primary erasure.
Sets the period of time since “primary erasure” or “secondary
erasure” is selected by the “Mode change” button of the RU until
III “Image reading” is automatically restored in the unit of second.
OUT (0-999[s])
When “0” is set, the mode is kept changed to “primary erasure” or
“secondary erasure”.
Determines whether the alarm sounds when a cassette is set.
IV - ON (default): Alarm sounds.
- OFF: Alarm does not sound.
Selects the kind of IP (inch or metric) to be used in the machine.
- INCH (default):
INCH OR METRIC Select when inch IP’s are to be used.
Select when metric IP’s are to be used.
* Need not be set for this machine.
Selects the IP type to be used in the machine.
GENERATION - VI (default): VI-type IP is to be used.
REFERENCE SETTING - VN: VN-type IP is to be used.
When an overexposed IP is detected, it is written into the error log and an error * Need not be set for this machine.
message appears. The set item is displayed only when “USE” is selected in “selection Determines whether or not the patient’s name registered in the CR
as to whether or not the LINAC CASSETTE is to be used” when the software is installed Console is to be displayed on the operation panel.
This is effective only when “CLINIC” is selected in “SCREEN
or updated in version.
TYPE” setting for installation.
DISPLAY - ON: The patient’s name is displayed.
VII PATIENT&MENU - OFF (default): The patient’s name is not displayed.
This can be set to “ON” when connecting with the CR-IR 355VCL (of
V2.0 or later) or the CR-VW 674.
Always set to “OFF” in other connections.

- LOG&MESSAGE (default):
Write into the log file and display of an error message
OVERXRAY Write of an error log
Nothing is done.

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4. Move down the slide bar. Item name Function

Determines the menu (user utility) items to be displayed when

the “Utility” button on the operation panel is pressed.
Set this when the “SCREEN TYPE” setting is “HOSPITAL”.
Displays the entire menu of the user utility.
Set this when the “SCREEN TYPE” setting is “CLINIC”.
Displays scanner cleaning only.
- :
Set this when the “SCREEN TYPE” setting is “CLINIC” at the
time of installation.
5. Set each item of CONFIGURATION.
Displays scanner cleaning only.
Do not set this when only the configuration setting is to be
Determines whether the warning on the laser life is to be only
written into the error log or written into the error log and displayed
in the error message.
Only write into the error log
Write into the error log and display of the error message.
Determines whether the warning on the erasure lamp life is to
be only written into the error log or written into the error log and
displayed in the error message.
IV - LOG ONLY (default):
Only write into the error log
Write into the error log and display of the error message.
Determines whether the warning on the part life is to be only
written into the error log or written into the error log and displayed
in the error message.
Item name Function V - LOG ONLY (default):
Only write into the error log
Determines whether or not the name of the CR Console is - LOG & MESSAGE:
displayed, which is the destination of transfer of the read image Write into the error log and display of the error message.
during image reading.
Determines whether the warning on the S value is to be only
This is effective only when “HOSTPITAL” is selected in “SCREEN
written into the error log or written into the error log and displayed
TYPE” setting for installation.
I DISPLAY CL NAME in the error message.
- OFF (default): WARNING OF S
VI - LOG ONLY (default):
The CR Console name of the image destination is not VALUE
Only write into the error log
- ON:
Write into the error log and display of the error message.
The CR Console name of the image destination is displayed.

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6. Set the respective CONFIGURATION items (continues from step 5). 7. Click on [SET].

Item name Function

Sets the read pixel size of the IP.
Select the items to be set depending on the type of the console
to be connected: CAUTION
 For CR-IR 355VCL or CR-VW 674 Do not take the procedures 8 and 9 during the installation of the RU software. If the
You can select either FR or SR. RU power is turned OFF and then ON before the installation of the RU software is
<When FR is set>
completed, the software cannot be installed normally.
The read pixel size depends on the IP size.
An IP of 14”x17” (35cm x 43cm) or 14”x14” (35cm x 35cm) is
read by the rate of 5 pixels/mm. 8. Turn OFF the power of the RU.
An IP of other sizes is read by the rate of 10 pixels/mm.
I <When SR is set>
MODE Although “Under Maintenance” appears on the operation panel, the RU functions are
IPs of all sizes are read by the rate of 10 pixels/mm.
 For CR Console
not affected even if the RU power is turned OFF.
Always select “SR”.
The read pixel size depends on connection setting 9. Turn ON the power of the RU.
(Configuration) of the CR Console.
<When Connection setting of the CR Console is 1:1>
Any IP size is read by the rate of 10 pixels/mm.
<When Connection setting of the CR Console is other than 1:1>
The IP is read by the rate of five or 10 pixels/mm depending
on the exposure menu and the IP size.
Set the timing when you can press the QUIT STUDY button on
the console after reading the image.
You can press the QUIT STUDY button when the read image
THE TIMING FOR data is transferred to the console.
STUDY" BUTTON (1:1) You can press the QUIT STUDY button when the cassette hold
is released.

 NOTE 
Always select "IMAGE TRANSFER END".

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4.14 EDIT CL NAME  Procedures for editing/adding the CR Console as image transfer destination
1. Select from "LIST OF EXISTING RU" an RU where the CR Console as the image
transfer destinations is to be edited or added, and click on [EDIT CL NAME].
4.14.1 Function
Used to edit/add the CR Console as an image transfer destination, and edit the list of master

4.14.2 Editing/Adding the CR Console as Image Transfer Destination

→ “CL NAME” window appears.
 Overview
Edit and/or add the CR Console as an image transfer destination of the RU. Up to 32 CL's
2. To edit, select the CR Console to be edited, and then click on [MODIFY]; to add,
click on [NEW].
may be registered as image transfer destinations.
 To edit:

 To add:

→ The window for prompting the input of the “CL IP ADDRESS” and “CL NAME”

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3. Enter "IP ADDRESS" and "CL NAME", and click on [SET]. 4.14.3 Editing the List of Master CL's
 NOTE 
Enter IP ADDRESS of the CR Console to be connected with the RU.  Overview
Edit the list of master CL's. Of the CR Console registered as image transfer destinations, the
CR Console registered in the "MASTER CL" field is switchable as the master CL. Up to four
CR Console may be registered in the "MASTER CL" field.
When switched to the master CL, "CL NAME" of the CR Console registered is displayed on
the LCD screen of RU.

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 Procedures for editing the list of master CL's
1. From "LIST OF EXISTING RU", select a RU where the list of master CL's is to be
edited, and click on the [EDIT CL NAME] button.

→ “CL NAME” window appears.

2. Select a CR Console to be added, and add it to the list of master CL's.

4.14.4 Switching the Master CL

Switch the master CL.
 NOTE 
Do not switch the master CL, except in case of emergency or machine trouble. If the master
CL is switched, data that is necessary for the user, such as "ERROR LOG" and "HISTORY
LOG", will be lost.

For the procedures for switching the master CL, see "Appendix 4. Setting the Master CL" of
the Installation volume.
{IN: Appendix 4._Setting the Master CL}

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4.15 BACKUP 4.15.2 Procedures
You can select a backup location (by specifying the drive and directory) after an item for
4.15.1 Function backup is chosen. Note that drives and directories recognized by the CR Console are
Used to copy the configuration information, error log data or the like from the flash ROM of
the RU to a recording medium such as an FD. You can back up the following data.

Log data is backed up.

Configuration data is backed up.

Trace log data (design analysis information) is backed up.

History data (processing counter and erasure lamp lighting time) is backed up.

All of “ERROR LOG”, “TRACE LOGS” and “HISTORY LOG” are backed up at a time.


All of “SCN LIGHT COLLECTING DATA” and “SCN OPTICAL DATA” are backed up at a time.


Of the scanner data, light-collecting data is backed up.


Of the scanner data, optical data is backed up.

For details on the backup procedure, see under “16. BACKUP/RESTORE Procedure” in the
Checks, Replacement and Adjustment volume.
{MC:16._BACKUP/RESTORE Procedure}

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4.15.3 Errors That May Occur during BACKUP and Their Probable
If the RU has not been powered ON or if no network connection has been established with
the RU, the following error message appears.
In this case, verify the network connection, before turning OFF the RU power and then
turning it ON.

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4.16 RESTORE 4.16.2 Procedures
You can select a location in which the data to be restored exists (by specifying the drive and
4.16.1 Function directory) after an item for restore is chosen. Note that drives and directories recognized by
the CR Console are selectable.
Used to copy the configuration information and machine specific data from a recording
medium such as an FD to the flash ROM of the RU. The items to be restored include:

Configuration data is restored.

History data (processing counter and erasure lamp lighting time) is restored.


All of “SCN LIGHT COLLECTING DATA” and “SCN OPTICAL DATA” are restored at a time.


Light collecting system data among the scanner data is restored.


Of the scanner data, optical data is restored.

The contents copied into the FLASH ROM become effective by turning OFF the RU power
and then turning it ON.

For details on the restore procedure, see under “16. BACKUP/RESTORE Procedure” in the
Checks, Replacement and Adjustment volume.
{MC:16._BACKUP/RESTORE Procedure}

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4.16.3 Errors That May Occur during RESTORE and Their Probable
If the RU has not been powered ON or if no network connection has been established with
the RU, the following error message appears.
In this case, verify the network connection, before turning OFF the RU power and then
turning it ON.

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4.17 I/O TRACE EXPERT Item name Function

The file that has been set in the "Pass" text box is
1 "FILE OPEN" button
displayed on the Timing Chart screen.
4.17.1 Function
The path of IOT.LOG to be displayed as the timing
The I/O trace data is displayed in a timing chart. 2 "Pass" text box
chart is entered.
You can check operations including the reading of cassettes, erasure, conveyance check in
the RU PC-TOOL MUTL and mechanical checks. The display scale for the time base (horizontal
3 "Scale" button
axis) is changed.
Note that only the I/O trace data can be displayed.
4 I/O name display text box The I/O name is displayed.
The timing chart is displayed. With the scroll bar
5 Chart display area available, the display range may be moved by
manipulating the scroll bar.
By placing the mouse pointer in the chart area and
pressing the left or right button of the mouse, the
following values are displayed in the A, B, and A-B
- A: Time elapsed from power ON to the position
6 "Measure Point (Unit: msec)" area pointed by the left mouse button.
- B Time elapsed from power ON to the position

pointed by the right mouse button.

- A-B: Time difference between positions A and B.
When the "CLEAR" button is clicked, the values in
the A, B, and A-B fields are cleared.

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4.17.2 Procedures

1. Select an RU from "LIST OF EXISTING RU".

Backing up “LOG ALL” creates the IOT folder in the specified destination and the
following folder in the CR Console, and the IOT.LOG file is stored in the folder.
C:\ProgramFiles\FujiFilm\FCR\CR-IRxxx\system\RU’s IP address\LOG\IOT
The IOT.LOG file stored in “C:\ProgramFiles\FujiFilm\FCR\CR-IRxxx\system\RU’s IP
address\LOG\IOT” is specified by the default.

2. Select an RU from "LIST OF EXISTING RU".

3. Click on [I/O TRACE EXPERT].

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4.18 ERROR DB Item name Function
1 “SELECT” button A error log file to be viewed is selected.
4.18.1 Function 2 “FATAL" button Of the error log files, only FATAL errors are displayed.
Of the error log files, only WARNING errors are
Used to check the error names and occurrence conditions by referring to the error log data 3 “WARNING” button
of the RU. Memos may be appended to error messages, or detailed information or analysis
flows may be viewed. Both “FATAL and “WARNING” errors windows are
4 “BOTH” button
5 “CLEAR” button The error log of the FTP server is cleared.
The latest error log data is copied from the CPU23B
6 “UPDATE” button
board of the RU to the FTP server of the CL.
The contents of the error log file selected are
7 Error message list box
The error code selected (highlighted) in the error
8 “Error Code” text box
message list box is displayed.
The error name selected (highlighted) in the error
9 “Error Name” text box
message list box is displayed.
The occurrence condition of the error message
10 “Meaning” text box selected (highlighted) in the error message list box is
The detail information selected (highlighted) in the
11 “Details Info.” Button
error message list box is displayed.
The analysis flow for the error message selected
12 “Analysis Flow” button (highlighted) in the error message list box is
REFERENCE A memo may be attached to the error message
Clicking on [UPDATE], the error message list box is updated to the latest one. 13 “Memo.” text box (highlighted) in the error message list box.
Up to seven memos may be entered.
The name of the person (author) who entered text in
14 “Author” text box
the “Memo.” text box is entered.
The contents of “Memo.” and “Author” are saved.
15 “SAVE” button To delete them, erase them by use of the Delete key
and press the [SAVE] button again.

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4.18.2 Procedures
The procedures of displaying the latest error log are described as an example.
1. Select an RU from "LIST OF EXISTING RU".

2. Click on [ERROR DB].

→ The “ERROR DB” window appears.

3. Click on [UPDATE].

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4.19 UNINSTALL: ALL RUs 1. Select an RU from "LIST OF EXISTING RU".

4.19.1 Function
The RU's of the same device type as those recorded in the RU-APL CD-ROM inserted
into the CR Console are collectively uninstalled. Upon the uninstallation, the folders of the
uninstalled RU's are deleted from the FTP server and the RU’s disappear from "LIST OF 2. Click on [PING].
EXISTING RU". In addition, the contents of “C:/ProgramFiles/FujiFIlm/FCR” directory on the
CR Console are deleted.
 NOTE 
If a plurality of RU’s of the same device type exist, the software and configuration data for the
RU of the same type are all deleted from the FTP server upon executing UNINSTALL.
Be sure to perform INSTALL after UNINSTALL is executed.
→ Check to make sure that GOOD indication appears on the “command prompt”
4.19.2 Procedures {MU:4.7_PING}

3. Repeat procedures 1 and 2 for all the RU’s to be uninstalled.

CAUTIONS 4. Back up the following files for the RU to be uninstalled.
- Before executing UNINSTALL, be sure to take note of the IP addresses (user settings)
of the RU, CR Console, and FTP server. - HISTORY LOG
Once UNINSTALL is executed, all the user settings are lost. - SCN ALL DATA
- For the RU connected to the CR Console, back up the following files. Those files {MU:4.15_BACKUP}
must be restored after installation.
If a plurality of the RU’s of the same device type exit, it is necessary to identify which
file belongs to which RU.

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6. Select the device type to be uninstalled, and Click on [OK].

→ Uninstall is performed.

7. Click on [OK].

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4.20 VERSION UP: ALL RUs 4.20.2 Procedures

4.20.1 Function When a plurality of RU's are to be updated inversion, update the connected RU’s one by one
in the sequence they are registered in "LIST OF EXISTING RU". If two RU’s are registered
The RU's of the same device type as those recorded in the RU-APL CD-ROM inserted into in "LIST OF EXISTING RU" in the sequence of ru2 and ru1, they are updated in this order.
the CR Console are collectively updated in version.
1. Select an RU from "LIST OF EXISTING RU".
Never turn OFF the CR Console/RU power during the version updating.
The contents of the flash ROM might be corrupted, and the RU will no longer boot up.

 NOTE 
When a plurality of RU's are to be updated in version, sequentially update the RU software
in the connected RU’s. It takes about eight minutes to update one RU. Do not turn OFF the 2. Click on [PING].
CR Console and RU power until the installation is completed for all the RU's.
After the installation, be sure to check the software version of all of the RU's, and check to
make sure that they have been updated in version.

→ Check to make sure that GOOD indication appears on the displayed command
prompt window.

3. Repeat procedures 1 and 2 for all the RU's connected to the CR Console.
4. Click on [VERSION UP].

→ A dialog box appears to prompt you to insert the CD-ROM.

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5. Insert the RU-APL CD-ROM into the CR Console, and click on [OK]. 9. When a linac cassette is to be used in the user’s site, select “USE”. Or select “NOT
USE” if the linac cassette is not to be used. Then click on [SET].

6. Select "RU VERSION".

10. Click on [OK].

7. Select “SCREEN TYPE”, and click on [OK].

→ The RU PC-TOOL window appears again.

11. Check to make sure that the version update has been normally completed.

→ The window to verify the execution of a version update appears.

8. Click on [OK].

→ Version-update of the RU software starts.

The LED of one RU lights up.
In approx. eight minutes, the update of the first RU is completed, and the update of a
second RU is started.

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4.21 CDPath 2. Enter the path of the folder where RU-APL CD-ROM is completely copied.

 When the path is to be directly entered in the text box, go to the

4.21.1 Function procedure 5.

The RU software should normally be installed from the RU-APL CD-ROM.

If a folder that completely copies the RU-APL CD-ROM data resides in the hard disk of the
CR Console, you may install the RU software from that hard disk without using the RU-APL
CD-ROM by specifying the path of that folder.
- To copy the RU-APL CD-ROM data, its whole data should be completely copied to a single
folder. If it is partially copied, the installation cannot be executed.  To enter the path in a GUI manner just like the Explorer, click on […] and
- "CDPath" setting should be made only when necessary. If "CDPath" is set, installation from proceed to the next procedure.
the RU-APL CD-ROM cannot be executed.

4.21.2 Procedures for Setting "CDPath"

The procedures for copying the complete CD contents to the Copy CD-R of the C drive are
described as an example. → The window for selecting the folder appears.
1. Select “CDPath” from the [Configuration (C)] menu.
3. Double-click on the folder where RU-APL CD-ROM is completely copied.

→ The “CD PATH SETTING” window appears.

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4. Click on [OK]. 4.21.3 Procedures for Canceling "CDPath"

1. Select “CDPath” from the [Configuration (C)] menu.

→ The “CD PATH SETTING” window appears.

→ The path is displayed in the text box.
2. Click on [CLEAR].
5. Click on [SET].

→ “CDPath” is set.
→ The path in the text box is cleared.

3. Click on [SET].

→ The "CDPath" setting is canceled.

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4.22 Initialize APL 4.23 Starting and Exiting RU PC-TOOL

4.22.1 Function 4.23.1 Starting RU PC-TOOL

Effects RU application initialization. 1. Power ON the RU and CR Console.
 NOTE  2. Press the [Window] key on the keyboard, and open the Start menu of Windows.
Effect RU application initialization only when no error code appears and the machine does
not boot up during troubleshooting.

4.22.2 Procedures
For the procedure for RU application initialization, see “20.4 Procedures for Restoring the RU
Application” in the Troubleshooting volume.
{MT:20.4_Procedures for Restoring the RU Application}

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3. Open the [Run...] window from the Start menu of Windows. Specify “C:/Program 4.23.2 Exiting RU PC-TOOL
Files/FujiFilm/FCR/Tool/RuPcTool/RuPcTool.exe”, and click on [OK].
1. Click on in the upper right corner of the main window of RU PC-TOOL.

2. Turn OFF the power of the RU.

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5. Client PC  Commands that the client PC can directly execute for the RU
Even when the CR Console is not running, it is possible to execute command by specifying
the RU's IP address. Executable commands are MUTL, PING, and MON.

5.1 Features and Operations of the Client PC

The client PC is a notebook PC on which CLIENT PC-TOOL is installed. When CLIENT PC-
TOOL is installed on a notebook PC from the RU-APL CD-ROM, the notebook PC can be
used as the client PC.

5.1.1 Features of the Client PC

The use of CLIENT PC-TOOL, which is installed on the client PC, makes it possible to
execute commands as needed for RU maintenance even while the CR Console is used.
Note, however, the commands executable from RU PC-TOOL of the CR Console differ from
those executable from CLIENT PC-TOOL of the client PC.
Commands executable from CLIENT PC-TOOL can be classified into the following three
- Commands for editing data stored in the client PC
- Commands that the client PC can directly execute for the RU  Commands that the client PC can execute for the RU via the CR Console
- Commands that the client PC can execute for the RU via the CR Console Commands can be executed for an RU that is registered in the hospital list of CLIENT PC-
TOOL, which is installed on the client PC. This command execution is performed via the CR
CAUTION Console (FTP server).
When executing a command for allowing CLIENT PC-TOOL to access the RU's flash
ROM, it is necessary to observe precautions as is the case with the use of RU PC-
TOOL. For details on the precautions, see "5.1.3 Precautions for Using the Client PC."
{MU:5.1.3_Precautions for Using the Client PC}

 Commands for editing data stored in the client PC

Data stored in the client PC can be edited and saved even when the client PC is not
connected to the network in the user's site.

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5.1.2 Operations of the Client PC

 Client PC operation immediately after installation  Client PC operation after hospital list creation
When you install and start CLIENT PC-TOOL, the following window opens. When an RU is registered in the hospital list of CLIENT PC-TOOL, all commands of CLIENT
PC-TOOL can be executed. However, executable commands vary depending on whether
the client PC is in the ON-LINE mode or OFF-LINE mode.

For the difference between the ON-LINE and OFF-LINE modes and the details on commands
executable in the respective modes, see 5.6 "ON-LINE and OFF-LINE."
The following commands can be executed immediately after installation: {MU:5.6_ON-LINE and OFF-LINE}
- Commands selectable from the Configuration (C) menu
- Commands executable for a machine having an address that is entered in the IP address
field (MUTL, PING, and MON)

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5.1.3 Precautions for Using the Client PC 5.1.5 Precautions in Setting the CR Console
As is the case with RU PC-TOOL, CLIENT PC-TOOL has commands for accessing the When the CLIENT PC-TOOL is to be used in the ON-LINE mode, always check to make sure
RU's flash ROM. When executing the commands for accessing the flash ROM, observe the that the “Windows Firewall” of the CR Console is set as follows.
following precautions: If differently set, the commands in the ON-LINE mode are not available.
- When executing a command for accessing the RU's flash ROM, never turn OFF the RU
or client PC power. If you turn OFF the power, the contents of the flash ROM become  “Exceptions” tab setting
damaged so that the RU does not start up.
- While the CR Console and RU are used, do not execute a command that allows the client
PC to access the flash ROM.

5.1.4 Precautions for Using a Notebook PC without a CD-ROM

The RU-APL CD-ROM is required for installing CLIENT PC-TOOL, creating the hospital list,
and executing the version update command.
Before using a PC without a CD-ROM as the client PC, it is necessary to copy the contents
of the RU-APL CD-ROM to a certain place within the client PC.  Network connection setting in “Detail setting” tab
When the CD path is set up after CLIENT PC-TOOL installation, it is possible to create the
hospital list and execute the version update command even when the RU-APL CD-ROM is
not on hand.

Refer to “5.10 Checking the CR Console Setup when Using the Client PC” for the detailed
procedures of checking the respective settings.
{MU:5.10_Checking the CR Console Setup when Using the Client PC}

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5.2 Setting Up the Client PC
This section describes the procedure for installing CLIENT PC-TOOL on the notebook PC
with the RU-APL CD-ROM so that the notebook PC can be used as the client PC.

 Items required for preparing the client PC  Installing CLIENT PC-TOOL

- Notebook PC for use as the client PC Use either of the following two CLIENT PC-TOOL installation procedures:

 Installing from the RU-APL CD-ROM

Insert the RU-APL CD-ROM into the PC. The "Set Up PC-TOOL" window then automatically
opens. Start installing CLIENT PC-TOOL by clicking "INSTALL" in the "Set Up PC-TOOL"
For details on the installation procedure, see "5.2.1 Installing CLIENT PC-TOOL from the RU-
{MU:5.2.1_Installing CLIENT PC-TOOL from the RU-APL CD-ROM}

 Installing on a PC without a CD-ROM drive

Install CLIENT PC-TOOL after copying the RU-APL CD-ROM data to the client PC with a
flash memory or other recording medium.
For details on the installation procedure, see "5.2.2 Installing CLIENT PC-TOOL on a PC
without a CD-ROM Drive."
{MU:5.2.2_Installing CLIENT PC-TOOL on a PC without a CD-ROM Drive}

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5.2.1 Installing CLIENT PC-TOOL from the RU-APL CD-ROM 4. Click on [NEXT].

Insert the RU-APL CD-ROM into the PC. When the "Set Up PC-TOOL" window automatically
opens, install CLIENT PC-TOOL.
1. Insert the RU-APL CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive of the notebook PC.
→ The “Set UP PC-TOOL” window automatically appears.

2. Click on [INSTALL].
5. Click on [INSTALL].

3. Select “For Client PC” and click on [SET].

 NOTE 
Always select “For Client PC”. If “For FTP-Server” is selected, the software cannot be
normally installed. If you select “For FTP-Server” inadvertently and click on [SET], re-
install according to “5.8 Corrective Procedure to be Performed after Improper CLIENT
PC-TOOL Installation”.
{MU:5.8_Corrective Procedure to be Performed after Improper CLIENT PC-TOOL
Installation} 6. Click on [Finish] upon completion of the installation.

→ You are then returned to the "Set Up PC-TOOL" window.

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5.2.2 Installing CLIENT PC-TOOL on a PC without a CD-ROM Drive 3. Copy the entire copied RU-APL CD-ROM data to the folder created in step 2.

With a PC with a CD-ROM drive, copy the RU-APL CD-ROM data to a flash memory or other  NOTE 
recording medium. Copy the entire copied data to a folder on the client PC. Start "Set Up Be sure to copy the entire data to the folder created in step 2. If all the data is not
PC-TOOL" by double-clicking the "SetupRun.exe" file that is among the copied data. When copied, you cannot install CLIENT PC-TOOL.
the "Set Up PC-TOOL" window opens, start installing CLIENT PC-TOOL.
1. With a PC with a CD-ROM drive, copy the entire RU-APL CD-ROM data to a flash
memory or other recording medium.

 NOTE 
Be sure to copy the entire data from the RU-APL CD-ROM.

2. Create a new folder in an arbitrary location within the client PC (e.g., "Copy CD-R"
on drive C).

4. Double-click the "SetupRun.exe" file that is among the copied data.

→ The "Set Up PC-TOOL" window opens.

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5. Click on [INSTALL]. 8. Click on [INSTALL].

6. Select “For Client PC” and click on [SET].

 NOTE 
Always select “For Client PC”. If “For FTP-Server” is selected, the software cannot be
normally installed. If you select “For FTP-Server” inadvertently and click on [SET], re-
install according to “5.8 Corrective Procedure to be Performed after Improper CLIENT
PC-TOOL Installation”. 9. Click on [Finish] upon completion of the installation.
{MU:5.8_Corrective Procedure to be Performed after Improper CLIENT PC-TOOL

→ You are then returned to the "Set Up PC-TOOL" window.

7. Click on [NEXT].

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5.3 Starting CLIENT PC-TOOL
This section describes the procedures for starting CLIENT PC-TOOL.
Two different procedures are used to Start the CLIENT PC-TOOL.

 Starting from the CD-ROM (Setup PC-TOOL)

Insert the RU-APL CD-ROM into the PC. The "Set Up PC-TOOL" window then automatically
opens. Start CLIENT PC-TOOL from the "Set Up PC-TOOL" window.
For details on the procedure, see "6.28.1 Starting CLIENT PC-TOOL from the CD-ROM (Setup
{MU:6.28.1_Starting CLIENT PC-TOOL from the CD-ROM (Setup PC-TOOL)}

 Starting from a client PC window

From a client PC window, start CLIENT PC-TOOL by specifying its file name.
For details on the procedure, see "6.28.2 Starting CLIENT PC-TOOL from a Client PC
{MU:6.28.2_Starting CLIENT PC-TOOL from a Client PC Window}

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5.4 Client PC Network Setup and Connection Verification 5. Select “Network” from the “Configuration (C)” menu.

Connect the client PC with the network in the user’s site and make the network settings of
the client PC

→ The “Network Connection” window appears.

1. Connect the client PC with the network in the user’s site.
6. Double-click "Local area connection," display the “Local Area Connection Status”
2. Make sure that the proxy server setting in “Internet Options” of the client PC is window, and click on [Property].
{MU:5.11_Checking the “Internet Options” Setting of the Client PC}
3. Start the CLIENT PC-TOOL.
{MU:5.3_Starting CLIENT PC-TOOL}
4. Check to make sure that the CLIENT PC-TOOL is in the ON-LINE mode.

→ The “Local area connection property” window appears.

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7. Choose "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)" and then click [Properties]. 10. Enter the address of the RU or CR Console connected to the network in the
user's site, and then execute the "PING" command to verify that the client PC is
connected to the network in the user's site.

8. Set the client PC IP address and then click [OK].

- Ask the network manager of the user’s site to check the available IP address before
changing the IP address. If the IP address of another device is specified, the client PC
cannot be connected with the network.
- Set the subnet mask and the default gateway as the need arises, after the network
setups of the site are confirmed.

9. Close the "Local Area Connection Properties" window, "Local Area Connection
Status" window, and "Network Connection" window.

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5.5 Preparing/Editing the Hospital List 5.5.1 Registering an RU in the Hospital List

Create the hospital list in “CLIENT PC-TOOL”. The hospital list includes names of sites, FTP Register an RU by executing the "NEW RU" command from "HOSPITAL" in the hospital list.
servers used at the site, and the RU’s registered in a tree format. Upon registering a site,
FTP server and RU in the hospital list, their folders are created in the C drive of the client PC.
With “CLIENT PC-TOOL”, the maintenance can be performed only for the RU registered in
the hospital list.

For details on the "NEW RU" command, see "6.4 NEW RU."
{MU:6.4_NEW RU}

 NOTE 
The RU-APL CD-ROM is required for preparing/editing the hospital list. Therefore, have the
RU-APL CD-ROM on hand before you start performing the procedure.
If you create or edit the hospital list with a PC without a CD-ROM drive, it is necessary to
copy the RU-APL CD-ROM data to a certain location within the client PC and set the CD
path. Therefore, perform the procedure set forth under "6.23 CDPath" to set the CD path
before creating or editing the hospital list.

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5.5.2 Adding an RU to the Hospital List  Using the "COPY" command
When the RU to be added has the same model number as an existing one, it can be added
This section describes the procedures for adding an RU to a prepared hospital list. with the "COPY" command. This procedure does not entail the use of the RU-APL CD-ROM.
To add an RU, use either of the following two procedures:
- Using the "NEW RU" command
 NOTE 
- Using the "COPY" command Use the "COPY" command only when the RU to be added has the same model number as
an existing one. If the RU to be added differs from existing ones, it cannot be added with the
 Using the "NEW RU" command "COPY" command.
Add an RU by performing the same procedure as for registering an RU in the hospital list.
When an RU is to be added, a previously registered site name and FTP server IP address
can be chosen from the pull-down menu.

For details on the "NEW RU" command, see "6.4 NEW RU."
{MU:6.4_NEW RU}
For details on the use of the "COPY" command, see "6.6 COPY."

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5.5.3 Deleting a Hospital List Entry  Deleting an FTP server
Select the FTP server to be deleted from the hospital list and then execute the "DELETE"
If an RU, FTP server, site, or tree is erroneously registered in the hospital list, it can be command.
deleted with the "DELETE" command. → The FTP server and all the RUs registered with the FTP server are then deleted.
The tree information to be deleted varies with the hospital list selection position.

 Deleting an RU only
Select the name of the RU to be deleted from the hospital list and then execute the
"DELETE" command.
→ Only the RU is then deleted.

 Deleting a site
Select the name of the site to be deleted from the hospital list and then execute the
"DELETE" command.
→ The name of the site and all the FTP servers and RUs registered with the site are
then deleted.

For details on the use of the "DELETE" command, see "6.5 DELETE."

For details on the use of the "DELETE" command, see "6.5 DELETE."

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 Deleting all hospital list entries 5.5.4 CLIENT PC-TOOL Error Indications
Choose "HOSPITAL" and then execute the "DELETE" command.
→ The entire tree information registered in the hospital list is then deleted. If it is found during hospital list creation/editing that the RU name or RU IP address to be
entered is already registered, the following error windows open.

 If the RU name to be entered is already registered

 If the IP address to be entered is already registered

For details on the use of the "DELETE" command, see "6.5 DELETE."

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5.6 ON-LINE and OFF-LINE  OFF-LINE mode

5.6.1 Difference between ON-LINE and OFF-LINE Operations

By setting the IP address of the client PC, the PC can be connected with the network in the
user’s site. The client PC has commands to be executed while connected with the network
of the site (ON-LINE mode) and commands to be executed while separated from the network
of the site (OFF-LINE mode). The available commands differ depending on the mode of the
client PC, so that it is necessary to change over the mode of the client PC depending on the The following commands are available when the client PC is in the OFF-LINE mode.
type of the maintenance. The client PC can be changed over between the ON-LINE and - Commands to register the RU where the maintenance will take place
OFF-LINE modes through the use of the “Online” command of CLIENT PC-TOOL. - Commands to edit the machine information of the RU acquired during the ON-LINE mode

 ON-LINE mode

Refer to “5.6.3 Operation in OFF-LINE Mode” for the details on operations in the OFF-LINE
When the client PC is in the ON-LINE mode, the following commands are available. {MU:5.6.3_Operation in OFF-LINE Mode}
- Commands to acquire/write machine information of the RU
- Commands to access the flash ROM of the RU and the FTP server
- Command to directly operate the RU (MUTL)
When a command to access the flash ROM of the RU is executed, “Under Maintenance”
appears on the operation panel of the RU as in the case of the RU PC-TOOL of the CR

Refer to “5.6.2 Operation in ON-LINE Mode” for the details on operations in the ON-LINE
{MU:5.6.2_Operation in ON-LINE Mode}

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5.6.2 Operation in ON-LINE Mode The following commands can be executed in the ON-LINE mode.

Command Function Reference

Acquires the software version of the
The “ON-LINE mode” of the client PC refers to the conditions when only the commands to
GET VERSION RU stored in the FTP server, and {MU:6.8_GET VERSION}
access the RU or the FTP server from CLIENT PC-TOOL are available. To change over the displays it in the hospital list.
client PC to the ON-LINE mode, use the “OnLine” command of the CLIENT PC-TOOL.
Starts up the MUTL of the RU service
Refer to “6.26 OnLine” for the details of procedures for changing over to the ON-LINE mode. MUTL {MU:6.9_MUTL}
Executes PING for the RU or the FTP
During the ON-LINE mode, the commands to directly access the flash ROM of the RU or the server.
FTP server, such as VERSION UP, UPLOAD of RU’s configuration information are executed. Displays the change of I/O statues of
MON {MU:6.11_MON}
the RU.
Checks the network connection with
FTP the RU and the operation of the FTP {MU:6.12_FTP}
Updates the version of the RU
Copies the maintenance information
UPLOAD edited in the OFF-LINE mode to the {MU:6.21_UPLOAD}
RU and the FTP server.
Copies the maintenance information of
DOWNLOAD the RU stored in the flash ROM of the {MU:6.22_DOWNLOAD}
RU and in the FTP to the client PC.

- The commands available during the ON-LINE mode include those for accessing only the
flash ROM of the RU and those for accessing both the flash ROM of the RU and the FTP
The commands for accessing both the flash ROM of the RU and the FTP server include:
- When the following commands to change the contents of the flash ROM of the RU are
executed, “Under Maintenance” appears on the operation panel of the RU.
Refer to “6.2.1 “Under Maintenance” indication on the operation panel” for the details of the
“Under Maintenance” indication.
{MU:6.2.1_Display of “Under Maintenance” on the Operation Panel}

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5.6.3 Operation in OFF-LINE Mode The following commands can be executed in the OFF-LINE mode.

Command Function Reference

The “OFF-LINE mode” of the client PC refers to the conditions when the commands to Registers an RU in the hospital
access the RU or the FTP server from the CLIENT PC-TOOL are not available. To change list.
over the client PC to the OFF-LINE mode, use the “OnLine” command of the CLIENT PC- Deletes an RU registered in
TOOL. the hospital list.
Refer to “6.26 OnLine” for the details of procedures for changing over to the OFF-LINE mode.
Duplicates an RU registered in
{MU:6.26_OnLine} COPY {MU:6.6_COPY}
the hospital list.

During the OFF-LINE mode, you can edit the configuration information, history information or Changes the name of an RU
the like registered the hospital list. registered in the hospital list.

 NOTE  Edits the history information of

the RU stored in the client PC.
The data you can edit in the OFF-LINE mode is limited to the information stored in the
client PC. To effect the contents edited in the client PC in the RU machine, the data need Edits the configuration
be uploaded after the client PC is changed over to the ON-LINE mode. Refer to “5.6.2 EDIT COFIGURATION information of the RU stored in {MU:6.15_EDIT COFIGURATION}
Operation in ON-LINE mode” for the details of the operation in the ON-LINE mode. the client PC.
{MU:5.6.2_Operation in ON-LINE Mode} Edits the list of the master
CL’s of the image transfer
destination stored in the client
Displays trace data of RU I/O
in the form of a timing chart.
Displays error log data of an
Reads the machine information
READ from a recording medium such {MU:6.19_READ}
as an FD to the client PC.
Writes the machine information
from the client PC into a
recording medium such as an
Copies the information in the
Export hospital list from the client PC {MU:6.24_Export}
to a recording medium.
Copies the information in the
Import hospital list from a recording {MU:6.25_Import}
medium to the client PC.

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5.7 Data Flow of Each Command 5.7.2 READ and WRITE
Available only when the client PC is in the OFF-LINE mode.
Features of the commands of UPLOAD & DOWNLOAD, READ & WRITE, and Import &
READ: Writes the machine information resident in the client PC into an external recording
Export and the data flow are described below.
WRITE: Writes the machine information stored in an external recording medium into the
5.7.1 UPLOAD and DOWNLOAD client PC.
Available only when the client PC is in the ON-LINE mode.
DOWNLOAD: Acquires the machine information from the flash ROM of the RU.
UPLOAD: Writes the machine information edited by the client PC into the flash ROM
of the RU. “Under Maintenance” appears on the operation panel of the RU
during the write.

Refer to “6.19 READ” and “6.20 WRITE” for the details of the commands “READ” and “WRITE”.

5.7.3 Import and Export

Available only when the client PC is in the OFF-LINE mode.
Refer to “6.21 UPLOAD” and “6.22 DOWNLOAD” for the details of the commands [UPLOAD] Import: Reads hospital names, the FTP server, and the RU information (hospital list) stored
and [DOWNLOAD]. in an external recording medium into the CLIENT PC-TOOL.
Export: Writes hospital names, the FTP server, and the RU information (hospital list) stored
in the CLIENT PC-TOOL into an external recording medium.

Refer to “6.25 Import” and “6.24 Export” for the details of the commands “Import” and “Export”.

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5.8 Corrective Procedure to be Performed after Improper 5.8.1 Solution-1
CLIENT PC-TOOL Installation The procedures for discontinuing the installation and re-installing the CLIENT PC-TOOL are
If “For FTP-Server” is inadvertently selected when the CLIENT PC-TOOL is to be installed,
follow the procedures below to reinstall the CLIENT PC-TOOL. 1. If you select “For FTP-Server” and click on [SET], click on [Cancel] in the
subsequently displayed window.
Two ways are available as countermeasures to be taken when a mistake is made during the
installation of the CLIENT PC-TOOL.

 Discontinue the installation, and re-install

“For FTP-Server” has been inadvertently selected when CLIENT PC-TOOL is to be installed.
If the mistake in selection is noticed during the operation, you can discontinue the installation.
Stop the installation, and then start to re-install the CLIENT PC-TOOL.
Refer to “5.8.1 Solution -1” for details.
{MU:5.8.1_Solution -1}

 Delete the RU PC-TOOL, and re-install

“For FTP-Server” is inadvertently selected when the CLIENT PC-TOOL is to be installed.
The RU PC-TOOL is installed if the installation is continued. Delete the RU PC-TOOL by the
RU-APL CD-ROM, and re-install the CLIENT PC-TOOL.
Refer to “5.8.2 Solution-2” for details.

2. Click on [Yes] to confirm the cancellation of the installation.

3. Click on [Finish].

4. Install the CLIENT PC-TOOL according to “5.2 Setting Up the Client PC”.
{MU:5.2_Setting Up the Client PC}

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5.8.2 Solution-2 5. Click on [Remove].

The procedures for deleting the RU PC-TOOL by the RU-APL CD-ROM and then re-installing
the CLIENT PC-TOOL are described.
1. Exit from the RU PC-TOOL when it has booted up.
2. Insert the RU-APL CD-ROM into the CR Console.
→ The “Set UP PC-TOOL” window automatically appears.

3. Click on [UNINSTALL].

6. Click on [Finish] upon completion of the uninstallation.

4. Click on [NEXT].
7. Install the CLIENT PC-TOOL according to “5.2 Setting Up the Client PC”.
{MU:5.2_Setting Up the Client PC}

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5.9 Updating CLIENT PC-TOOL 5.9.1 Updating CLIENT PC-TOOL from the RU-APL CD-ROM

This section describes the version update procedures for CLIENT PC-TOOL. 1. Exit from the RU PC-TOOL when it has booted up.
To update CLIENT PC-TOOL, use either of the following procedures: 2. Insert the RU-APL CD-ROM into the CR Console.
→ The “Set UP PC-TOOL” window automatically appears.
 Updating CLIENT PC-TOOL from the RU-APL CD-ROM
Insert the RU-APL CD-ROM into the PC. The "Set Up PC-TOOL" window then automatically 3. Click on [UNINSTALL].
opens. From this window, uninstall CLIENT PC-TOOL and then perform an install again to
For details on the version update procedure, see "5.9.1 Updating CLIENT PC-TOOL from the
{MU:5.9.1_Updating CLIENT PC-TOOL from the RU-APL CD-ROM}

 Updating CLIENT PC-TOOL from a PC without a CD-ROM drive

Update CLIENT PC-TOOL after copying the RU-APL CD-ROM data to the client PC with a
flash memory or other recording medium.
For details on the version update procedure, see "5.9.2 Updating CLIENT PC-TOOL from a
PC without a CD-ROM Drive." 4. Click on [NEXT].
{MU:5.9.2_Updating CLIENT PC-TOOL from a PC without a CD-ROM Drive}

5. Click on [Remove].

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6. Click on [Finish] upon completion of the uninstallation. 9. Click on [NEXT].

→ The "Set Up PC-TOOL" window opens.

7. Click on [INSTALL]. 10. Click on [INSTALL].

8. Select “For Client PC” and click on [SET].

 NOTE 
Always select “For Client PC”. If “For FTP-Server” is selected, the software cannot be
normally installed. If you select “For FTP-Server” inadvertently and click on [SET], re-
install according to “5.8 Corrective Procedure to be Performed after Improper CLIENT
PC-TOOL Installation”. 11. Click on [Finish] upon completion of the installation.
{MU:5.8_Corrective Procedure to be Performed after Improper CLIENT PC-TOOL

→ You are then returned to the "Set Up PC-TOOL" window.

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5.9.2 Updating CLIENT PC-TOOL from a PC without a CD-ROM 3. Copy the entire copied RU-APL CD-ROM data to the folder created in step 2.
Drive  NOTE 
Be sure to copy the entire data to the folder created in step 2. If all the data is not
1. With a PC with a CD-ROM drive, copy the entire RU-APL CD-ROM data to a flash
copied, you cannot install CLIENT PC-TOOL.
memory or other recording medium.

 NOTE 
Be sure to copy the entire data from the RU-APL CD-ROM.

2. Create a new folder in an arbitrary location within the client PC (e.g., "Copy CD-R"
on drive C).

4. Double-click the "SetupRun.exe" file that is among the copied data.

→ The "Set Up PC-TOOL" window opens.

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5. Click on [UNINSTALL]. 8. Click on [Finish] upon completion of the uninstallation.

→ The "Set Up PC-TOOL" window opens.

9. Click on [INSTALL].

6. Click on [NEXT].

10. Select “For Client PC” and click on [SET].

 NOTE 
7. Click on [Remove]. Always select “For Client PC”. If “For FTP-Server” is selected, the software cannot be
normally installed. If you select “For FTP-Server” inadvertently and click on [SET], re-
install according to “5.8 Corrective Procedure to be Performed after Improper CLIENT
PC-TOOL Installation”.
{MU:5.8_Corrective Procedure to be Performed after Improper CLIENT PC-TOOL

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11. Click on [NEXT].

12. Click on [INSTALL].

13. Click on [Finish] upon completion of the installation.

→ You are then returned to the "Set Up PC-TOOL" window.

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5.10 Checking the CR Console Setup when Using the Client 5. Click on the [Advanced] tab.
Be sure to check the settings in the “Windows Firewall” on the CR Console before using the
If differently set, the commands in the ON-LINE mode are not available.

1. Click on in the Windows [Start] menu.

→ The "Control Panel "window appears.

2. Double-click on . 6. Click on [Settings].

→ The "Windows Firewall" window appears.

3. Click on the [Exceptions] tab.

→ The “Advanced Settings” window appears.

7. Check to make sure that check box of “FTP server” is marked with a check.

4. Check to make sure that check boxes of “ftp.exe” and “FTP_port” are marked
with checks.

8. Close all of the windows.

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5.11 Checking the “Internet Options” Setting of the Client PC 4. Make sure that a check mark is not put in the check box for the “Proxy server”
setting. If checked, cancel it.
If the proxy server setting is “ON” in the “Internet Options” of the notebook PC used as the
client PC, commands cannot be correctly executed for the RU, resulting in errors.
Be sure to set the “Proxy server” to “OFF” in the notebook PC used, before servicing.

1. Click from the Windows’ [Start] menu.

→ The “Control Panel” window opens.

2. Double-click .

→ The “Internet Properties” window opens.

3. Click the “Connections” tab, and click “LAN Settings” button.

5. Close the respective windows.

→ The “Local Area Network (LAN) Settings” window opens.

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6. CLIENT PC-TOOL 6.1.2 Tree Diagram


6.1 CLIENT PC-TOOL Main Window and Tree HOSPITAL

{MU:6.4_NEW RU}
6.1.1 CLIENT PC-TOOL Main Window {MU:6.9_MUTL}





{MU:6.18_ERROR DB}











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6.2 Outline of the CLIENT PC-TOOL  “Under Maintenance” Message
When a command to change the contents of a flash ROM is executed from the CLIENT PC-
The CLIENT PC-TOOL is installed into a notebook PC of a service engineer to serve as TOOL while the client PC is connected with the network in the site and the CLIENT PC-TOOL
a maintenance tool for use of service engineers. It is used to update the RU software in is in the ON-LINE mode, “Under Maintenance” appears on the top of the operation panel,
version and check the connection between the CR Console and the RU on the client PC and the message of “Can't process the cassette” appears at the center.
networked with the RU.
While “Under Maintenance” appears on the top of the operation panel, no button control can
be accepted. No IP conveyance takes place even if you insert a cassette.
6.2.1 Display of “Under Maintenance” on the Operation Panel
“Under Maintenance” appears on the operation panel, indicating that the RU is under

The following commands are used to change the contents of the FLASH ROM:

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 Resetting the “Under Maintenance” Message 6.2.2 CLIENT PC-TOOL Error Screen Display
Press the leftmost button while pressing the third button from the left. The “Under
If a command for changing the contents of the flash ROM is executed while the RU is
Maintenance” message disappears, and the button control is accepted on the operation
running, the Error window as shown below appears on the client PC. The command for
panel. IP conveyance takes place.
changing the contents of the flash ROM is not executed.
Note that, however, that the blinking “Under Maintenance” message appears on the top of The commands for changing the contents of the flash ROM include:
the operation panel even if you reset the “Under Maintenance” message appearing at the
center of the operation panel.

The following commands are used to change the contents of the FLASH ROM:

Do not execute a command for changing the contents of the flash ROM while the RU
is running. The program stored in the flash ROM is corrupted and the machine cannot

The RU is running in the following states:
- The RU is being initialized.
Blinking “Under Maintenance” indication on the top of the operation panel indicates that a
- The RU is performing a “read”, “primary erasure”, or “secondary erasure” process.
command to change the flash ROM through the use of the CLIENT PC-TOOL has been
- The User Utility is started by the RU.

 To Terminate the “Under Maintenance” Message

The blinking “Under Maintenance” message disappears by turning OFF the RU power and
then turning it ON.

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6.3 Hospital List

6.3.1 Function
The hospital list contains the name of each site, the FTP server used there, and the RU’s
registered in a tree form. When the site, FTP server and RU are registered in the hospital
list, their respective folders are created in the C drive of the client PC.

Refer to “6.4 NEW RU” for the details of procedures of registering in the hospital list.
{MU:6.4_NEW RU}

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6.4 NEW RU 4. Right-click "HOSPITAL". From the menu that pops up, choose [NEW RU].

6.4.1 Function
Used to register the name of a site, the FTP server used there and the RU in the hospital list
in the tree form. Folders for storing the respective data are created in the C drive of the client
PC according to the tree constructed in the hospital list.
 NOTE 
This command is available when the CLIENT PC-TOOL is in the OFF-LINE mode. Check
to make sure that the CLIENT PC-TOOL is in the OFF-LINE mode before taking the

6.4.2 Registering an RU in the Hospital List

5. Enter a new site name in the "HOSPITAL NAME" field and then click [SET].
This section describes the procedure for registering an RU in the hospital list.
The procedure set forth below can also be used for registering a new site name, FTP server,
or RU.
1. When the employed PC is equipped with a CD-ROM drive, insert the RU-APL CD-
ROM into the client PC. If the employed PC is without a CD-ROM drive, verify that
the CD path is set up.
{MU:6.23.4_Verifying the "CD Path" Setting}
2. Start the CLIENT PC-TOOL.
{MU:5.3_Starting CLIENT PC-TOOL}
3. Verify that CLIENT PC-TOOL is in the OFF-LINE mode.

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6. In the "FTP-SERV. IP ADDR" field, enter the IP address of the FTP server used at 8. Select “SELECT RU TYPE” and “RU VERSION”.
the site, and then click [SET].

9. Select “LANGUAGE”, “BRAND TYPE” and “SCREEN TYPE”, and click on [OK].
 NOTE 
Use one-byte numerical characters to enter the IP address. If two-byte numerical
characters are used, the input characters will be garbled.

If the CD path is set up, the confirmation window does not open as indicated in step 7.
In this instance, skip to step 8.

7. Click on [OK].
10. Input “RU NAME” and “RU IP ADDR”, and click on [SET].

 NOTE 
If an error window opens, proceed as directed below:
- When the employed PC is equipped with a CD-ROM drive
Insert the RU-APL CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive of the client PC.
- When the employed PC is without a CD-ROM drive
Click [CANCEL], set the CD path, and repeat RU registration steps 4 and beyond.

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11. When a linac cassette is used in the user’s site, select “USE”. Or select “NOT 6.4.3 Registering an FTP Server and RU with a Registered Site
USE” if the linac cassette is not used. Then click on [SET]. Name
This section describes the procedure for registering a new FTP server and RU with a
previously registered site name.
1. When the employed PC is equipped with a CD-ROM drive, insert the RU-APL CD-
ROM into the client PC. If the employed PC is without a CD-ROM drive, verify that
the CD path is set up.
{MU:6.23.4_Verifying the "CD Path" Setting}
2. Start the CLIENT PC-TOOL.
→ The added contents are displayed in the hospital list.
{MU:5.3_Starting CLIENT PC-TOOL}
3. Verify that CLIENT PC-TOOL is in the OFF-LINE mode.
4. Right-click a site name. From the menu that pops up, choose [NEW RU].

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5. In the "FTP-SERV. IP ADDR" field, enter the IP address of the FTP server used at 7. Select “SELECT RU TYPE” and “RU VERSION”.
the site, and then click [SET].

8. Select “LANGUAGE”, “BRAND TYPE” and “SCREEN TYPE”, and click on [OK].
 NOTE 
Use one-byte numerical characters to enter the IP address. If two-byte numerical
characters are used, the input characters will be garbled.

If the CD path is set up, the confirmation window does not open as indicated in step 6.
In this instance, skip to step 7.

6. Click on [OK].
9. Input “RU NAME” and “RU IP ADDR”, and click on [SET].

 NOTE 
If an error window opens, proceed as directed below:
- When the employed PC is equipped with a CD-ROM drive
Insert the RU-APL CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive of the client PC.
- When the employed PC is without a CD-ROM drive
Click [CANCEL], set the CD path, and repeat RU registration steps 4 and beyond.

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10. When a linac cassette is used in the user’s site, select “USE”. Or select “NOT 6.4.4 Registering an RU with a Registered FTP Server
USE” if the linac cassette is not used. Then click on [SET].
This section describes the procedure for registering a new RU with a previously registered
FTP server.
1. When the employed PC is equipped with a CD-ROM drive, insert the RU-APL CD-
ROM into the client PC. If the employed PC is without a CD-ROM drive, verify that
the CD path is set up.
{MU:6.23.4_Verifying the "CD Path" Setting}
2. Start the CLIENT PC-TOOL.
{MU:5.3_Starting CLIENT PC-TOOL}
→ The added contents are displayed in the hospital list.
3. Verify that CLIENT PC-TOOL is in the OFF-LINE mode.
4. Right-click a FTP Server. From the menu that pops up, choose [NEW RU].

If the CD path is set up, the confirmation window does not open as indicated in step 5.
In this instance, skip to step 6.

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5. Click on [OK]. 8. Input “RU NAME” and “RU IP ADDR”, and click on [SET].

 NOTE 
If an error window opens, proceed as directed below: 9. When a linac cassette is used in the user’s site, select “USE”. Or select “NOT
- When the employed PC is equipped with a CD-ROM drive USE” if the linac cassette is not used. Then click on [SET].
Insert the RU-APL CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive of the client PC.
- When the employed PC is without a CD-ROM drive
Click [CANCEL], set the CD path, and repeat RU registration steps 4 and beyond.

6. Select “SELECT RU TYPE” and “RU VERSION”.

→ The added contents are displayed in the hospital list.

7. Select “LANGUAGE”, “BRAND TYPE” and “SCREEN TYPE”, and click on [OK].

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6.5 DELETE 6.5.2 Deleting an RU Only

1. Start the CLIENT PC-TOOL.

6.5.1 Function {MU:5.3_Starting CLIENT PC-TOOL}

Used to delete the site, FTP server or RU registered in the hospital list. The folders of the 2. Verify that CLIENT PC-TOOL is in the OFF-LINE mode.
site, FTP server or the RU deleted from the tree are deleted from the C drive of the client PC. {MU:5.6_ON-LINE and OFF-LINE}

 NOTE  3. Right-click the RU to be deleted. From the menu that pops up, choose [DELETE].
This command is available when the CLIENT PC-TOOL is in the OFF-LINE mode. Check
to make sure that the CLIENT PC-TOOL is in the OFF-LINE mode before taking the

4. Click on [OK].

→ The RU is then deleted.

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6.5.3 Deleting an FTP Server 6.5.4 Deleting a Site

1. Start the CLIENT PC-TOOL. 1. Start the CLIENT PC-TOOL.

{MU:5.3_Starting CLIENT PC-TOOL} {MU:5.3_Starting CLIENT PC-TOOL}
2. Verify that CLIENT PC-TOOL is in the OFF-LINE mode. 2. Verify that CLIENT PC-TOOL is in the OFF-LINE mode.
3. Right-click the FTP server to be deleted. From the menu that pops up, choose 3. Right-click the site name to be deleted. From the menu that pops up, choose

4. Click on [OK].
4. Click on [OK].

→ The site name and all the FTP servers and RUs registered with the site name are
→ The FTP server and all the RUs registered with the FTP server are then deleted. then deleted.

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6.5.5 Deleting the Entire Tree Information 4. Click on [OK].

1. Start the CLIENT PC-TOOL.

{MU:5.3_Starting CLIENT PC-TOOL}
2. Verify that CLIENT PC-TOOL is in the OFF-LINE mode.
→ The entire tree information registered in the hospital list is then deleted.
3. Right-click "HOSPITAL." From the menu that pops up, choose [DELETE].

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6.6 COPY 3. Enter a new site name in the “HOSPITAL NAME” field, and click on [SET]. Or
select an existing site name from the pull-down menu, and click on [SET].

6.6.1 Function  To input a new site name:

Used to copy the RU registered in the hospital list. The folder of the selected RU is copied in
the C drive of the client PC.
- The "COPY" command works only when the RU to be added has the same model number
as an existing one. If the RU to be added differs from existing ones, use the "NEW RU"
- This command is available when the CLIENT PC-TOOL is in the OFF-LINE mode. Check  To select an existing site name:
to make sure that the CLIENT PC-TOOL is in the OFF-LINE mode before taking the

6.6.2 Procedures

1. Check to make sure that the CLIENT PC-TOOL is in the OFF-LINE mode.
2. Select [COPY] from the menu which appears by right-clicking on the RU to be
copied in the hospital list.

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4. Enter the IP address of the FTP server being used at the site in the “FTP-SERV. 5. Input “RU NAME” and “RU IP ADDR”, and click on [SET].
IP ADDR” field, and click on [SET]. Or select an existing site name from the pull-
down menu, and click on [SET].

 To input the IP address of a new FTP server:

6. When a linac cassette is used in the user’s site, select “USE”. Or select “NOT
USE” if the linac cassette is not used. Then click on [SET].

 To select the IP address of an existing site name:

→ The copied RU is added to the hospital list.

- If the existing site name is not selected in the procedure 2, the IP address of that FTP
server is not displayed in the pull-down menu. If the existing site name has not been
selected, make a new entry of the IP address of the FTP server.
- Use one-byte numerical characters to enter the IP address. If two-byte characters are
used, the input characters will be garbled.

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6.7 RENAME 3. Input the name of the RU to be changed, and click on [SET].

6.7.1 Function
Used to change the name of the RU registered in the hospital list.
 NOTE 
This command is available when the CLIENT PC-TOOL is in the OFF-LINE mode. Check
to make sure that the CLIENT PC-TOOL is in the OFF-LINE mode before taking the → The RU name is changed.

6.7.2 Procedures

1. Check to make sure that the CLIENT PC-TOOL is in the OFF-LINE mode.

2. Select [RENAME] from the menu which appears by right-clicking on the RU to be

renamed in the hospital list.

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6.8 GET VERSION 6.8.2 Procedures

1. Connect the client PC with the network in the site, and make the network settings.
6.8.1 Function {MU:5.4_Client PC Network Setup and Connection Verification}

Used to identify the version of the RU software of the RU registered in the hospital list by 2. Select [GET VERSION] from the menu displayed by right-clicking on the RU
whose software version is to be identified in the hospital list.
accessing the FTP server from the client PC while connected with the network in the site.
The identified version of the RU software is displayed in the hospital list.
 NOTE 
This command is available when the CLIENT PC-TOOL is connected with the network in the
site and is in the ON-LINE mode. Connect with the network in the site and make network
settings before taking the procedures.
{MU:5.4_Client PC Network Setup and Connection Verification}

→ The RU software version number then appears.

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6.9 MUTL 3. Click on [MUTL].

6.9.1 Function
Used to start up the MUTL of the RU service utility. The MUTL serves to diagnose and adjust
the RU, such as board checks and mechanical checks. Although the same commands as
those of the CR Console appear when the MUTL is started up from the client PC, some of
them cannot be executed.
 NOTE 
This command is available when the CLIENT PC-TOOL is connected with the network in the
site and is in the ON-LINE mode. Connect with the network in the site and make network
settings before taking the procedures.
{MU:5.4_Client PC Network Setup and Connection Verification}

6.9.2 Procedures
Refer to “7. MUTL (maintenance utility) functions” for functions of the respective MUTL
1. Connect the client PC with the network in the site, and make the network settings. commands and the detailed procedures.
{MU:5.4_Client PC Network Setup and Connection Verification} {MU:7._MUTL (Maintenance Utility) Functions}

2. Select the RU in the hospital list.

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6.10 PING 4. Check the result of PING, and click on to close the window.

6.10.1 Function
Executes the PING command for the RU or the FTP server selected in the hospital list.
Clicking on [PING], the “command prompt” window appears, where you can check whether
the network connection from the client PC to the RU or the FTP server is normal. When
the network connection is determined to be normal as the result of the PING command, the
message of the result OK appears on the “command prompt” window.
This command is available when the CLIENT PC-TOOL is connected with the network in the "Lost = (0% loss)" means that there is no problem as a result of executing the PING
site and is in the ON-LINE mode. Connect with the network in the site and make network command. If other than "(0% loss)", it is a sign that there was some problem.
settings before taking the procedures.
{MU:5.4_Client PC Network Setup and Connection Verification}
 [GOOD indication]
If the following message appears, the result is normal.
6.10.2 Procedures | Ping statistics for |
| Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), |
1. Connect the client PC with the network in the site, and make the network settings.
 [NO GOOD indication]
{MU:5.4_Client PC Network Setup and Connection Verification} Other than above (the IP address is the IP address of the RU selected).
2. Select the RU or FTP server in the hospital list.
 NOTE 
In the case of "NO GOOD" indication

3. Click on [PING].

→ The “command prompt” window appears.

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6.11 MON  Status
Used to display either the OPEN, CLOSE, ON, OFF or READ status.

 Other information
6.11.1 Function
isplays the barcode information when the barcode is read.
Used to display the status when the sensor of the I/O of the RU (sensors or the like) changes  Status changed time
its status.
Displays the time when the I/O status changes.
The barcode information is displayed if read, as well as the status of OPEN or CLOSE.
The status changes for the sensors, switches, and BCRs (barcode readers) are displayed, REFERENCE
although ON or OFF is not displayed for the motors. The text displayed on the Monitor window is selectable by dragging the mouse.
The text selected may be copied, cut, pasted, or deleted.
If the display is too crowded to see well, you may delete unnecessary portions of text.

 NOTE 
This command is available when the CLIENT PC-TOOL is connected with the network in the
site and is in the ON-LINE mode. Connect with the network in the site and make network
settings before taking the procedures.
{MU:5.4_Client PC Network Setup and Connection Verification}

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 I/O name 6.11.2 Procedures
The I/O name is displayed.
Symbol Name 1. Connect the client PC with the network in the site, and make the network settings.
SA1 Cassette IN sensor {MU:5.4_Client PC Network Setup and Connection Verification}
SA2 Cassette hold sensor 2. Select the RU in the hospital list.
SA3 Debris fall prevention shutter sensor
SA4 IP dropping sensor
SA5 IP Suction sensor
SA6 Suction arm HP sensor
SA7 Cassette cover opening mechanism HP sensor
SA8 Cassette cover closing mechanism HP sensor
SA9 "15x30 cassette" identifying sensor
SA10 Cassette IP holding sensor
SA11 Cassette ejection sensor
SA12 Cassette cover CLOSE position sensor
SA14 Cassette insertion error sensor
SA15 Large cassette size sensor
SA16 Inch/metric sensor
SC1 Side-positioning grip HP sensor
SC2 Side-positioning grip release position sensor
SC3 IP sensor 1
SC6 IP side-positioning HP sensor
SC7 Side-positioning reference block HP sensor
SC8 Side-positioning latch position sensor
SC9 "15x31/24x30 IP width" identifying sensor
SC10 Side-positioning latch stroke sensor
SG1 IP sensor 2
SZ1 IP leading-edge sensor
SZ2 Driven-side grip roller release HP sensor
SZ3 Driving-side grip roller release HP sensor
SZ5 Dust removal HP sensor
BCRC1 Barcode reader
LDSN1, LDSN2, Erasure lamp
24TSW Safety thermostat (lamp)
* The SZ1 (IP leading edge sensor) status changes will not be displayed.

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3. Click on [MON].

→ The “REAL TIME MONITOR” window appears.

4. Click on [START].

→ When the RU is operated under this condition, display items are added whenever I/O
has changed.

- When the power of the RU is turned OFF, the monitor function is disabled. However, the
items displayed within the Monitor window are left unchanged.
- When you click on [STOP], the monitor temporarily stops working. Click on [START] to
resume the monitor function. The status change of the I/O of the RU since [STOP] is
clicked until [START] is clicked is not displayed.
- To reset (erase) the information appearing on the window, close the monitor window,
and then open the monitor window.

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6.12 FTP

6.12.1 Function
Used to check the network with the RU selected in the hospital list, and verify that the FTP
server in the CR Console is operating.
Clicking on [FTP], you can check whether or not the network connection to the RU and the
FTP server of the CR Console are normal.
If the network connection and the FTP server are determined to be normal as the result of the
FTP execution, the message indicating the result of execution OK appears on two windows.
 NOTE 
This command is available when the CLIENT PC-TOOL is connected with the network in the
site and is in the ON-LINE mode. Connect with the network in the site and make network
settings before taking the procedures.
{MU:5.4_Client PC Network Setup and Connection Verification}
 NOTE 
In the case of "NO GOOD" indication
6.12.2 Procedures {Troubleshooting}

1. Connect the client PC with the network in the site, and make the network settings.
4. Make sure that the GOOD indication appears, and click on .
{MU:5.4_Client PC Network Setup and Connection Verification}
2. Select the RU in the hospital list.

3. Click on [FTP].

 NOTE 
In the case of "NO GOOD" indication

→ Two windows appear.

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6.13 VERSION UP 6.13.2 Procedures
Refer to Checks, replacement and adjustment of parts, “13.2 Updating the Software from the
CAUTION Client PC”, for details of the version update from the client PC.
{MC:13.2_Updating the Software from the Client PC}
Never turn OFF the RU or the client PC during version-update. Otherwise, the
contents of the flash ROM are corrupted, resulting in the RU unable to boot up.

6.13.1 Function
Used to execute RU software version updates.
 NOTE 
This command is available when the CLIENT PC-TOOL is connected with the network in the
site and is in the ON-LINE mode. Connect with the network in the site and make network
settings before taking the procedures.
{MU:5.4_Client PC Network Setup and Connection Verification}

 Recognizing the device type to be updated in version

The RU with the IP address described in the “RU IP ADDR” field is accessed before the
installation is started, to automatically recognize the type of the RU. CLIENT PC-TOOL
reads the settings of the DIP switches mounted on the CPU23B board of the RU to identify
the type.
 NOTE 
If the CPU23B board has been replaced, check to make sure that the settings of the DIP
switches mounted on the CPU23B board are correct.
If the DIP switch settings are wrong, improper RU software is updated in version, resulting in
the RU unable to boot up.
Refer to the Check, Replacement and Adjustment of Parts “11.2.4 Replacing the CPU23B
Board” for the details of the DIP switch settings of the CPU23B board.
{MC:11.2.4_Replacing the CPU23B Board}

 Selection of software version

A list of version-updatable ones of the software packages included in the CD-ROM is

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6.14 EDIT HISTORY 6.14.2 Procedures

 NOTE 
6.14.1 Function The information to be displayed or edited by executing [EDIT HITTORY] is the information
stored in the C drive of the client PC. To acquire the latest information specified in the RU,
Used to view the history information (such as the number of IP’s processed by the RU and
connect the client PC with the network in the user’s site, change over the CLIENT PC-TOOL
lighting time of the erasure lamp) of the RU stored in the C drive of the client PC. The
to the ON-LINE mode, and download the history information.
information can be reset when units are replaced. The following five kinds of information are
displayed and may be edited.
- IP 1. Check to make sure that the CLIENT PC-TOOL is in the OFF-LINE mode.
2. Select the RU in the hospital list.

- This command is available when the CLIENT PC-TOOL is in the OFF-LINE mode. Check
to make sure that the CLIENT PC-TOOL is in the OFF-LINE mode before taking the

- The information to be displayed or edited by executing [EDIT HITTORY] is the information

stored in the C drive of the client PC. To acquire the latest information specified in the RU,
connect the client PC with the network in the user’s site, change over the CLIENT PC-
TOOL to the ON-LINE mode, and download the history information.
To write the specified information in the flash ROM of the RU, upload the history information
while the client PC is connected with the network in the site and the CLIENT PC-TOOL is in
the ON-LINE mode.

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3. Click on [EDIT HISTORY]. 5. Click on [SET].

 NOTE 
To write the specified information in the flash ROM of the RU, upload the history
4. Check or change the contents displayed on the screen. information while the client PC is connected with the network in the site and the CLIENT
Refer to the detailed description of each item for the details of the contents appearing on PC-TOOL is in the ON-LINE mode.
the screen. {MU:6.21_UPLOAD}
{MU:4.12.3_Details of USE}

{MU:4.12.4_Details of IP}

{MU:4.12.5_Details of BARCODE}

{MU:4.12.6_Details of LASER}

{MU:4.12.7_Details of LAMP}

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6.15 EDIT CONFIGURATION 6.15.2 Procedures

 NOTE 
6.15.1 Function The information to be displayed or edited by executing [EDIT CONFIGURATION] is the
information stored in the C drive of the client PC. To acquire the latest information specified
Used to set the configuration information for the RU stored in the C drive of the client PC.
in the RU, connect the client PC with the network in the user’s site, change over the CLIENT
However, the configuration information (such as IP address of the RU) that is set in the
PC-TOOL to the ON-LINE mode, and download the configuration information.
Machine Maintenance Utility cannot be set.
- This command is available when the CLIENT PC-TOOL is in the OFF-LINE mode. Check 1. Check to make sure that the CLIENT PC-TOOL is in the OFF-LINE mode.
to make sure that the CLIENT PC-TOOL is in the OFF-LINE mode before taking the {MU:5.6_ON-LINE and OFF-LINE}
{MU:5.6_ON-LINE and OFF-LINE} 2. Select the RU in the hospital list.

- The information to be displayed or edited by executing [EDIT CONFIGURATION] is the

information stored in the C drive of the client PC. To acquire the latest information specified
in the RU, connect the client PC with the network in the user’s site, change over the
CLIENT PC-TOOL to the ON-LINE mode, and download the configuration information.
To write the specified information in the flash ROM of the RU, upload the configuration
information while the client PC is connected with the network in the site and the CLIENT
PC-TOOL is in the ON-LINE mode.

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3. Click on [EDIT CONFIGURATION]. 5. Click on [SET].

 NOTE 
To write the specified information in the flash ROM of the RU, upload the configuration
information while the client PC is connected with the network in the site and the CLIENT
PC-TOOL is in the ON-LINE mode.

4. Set the respective CONFIGURATION items.

Refer to “4.13 EDIT CONFIGURAIOTN” for the details of the CONFIGURATION items.

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6.16 EDIT CL NAME 6.16.2 Editing/Adding the CR Console as Image Transfer Destination

 Overview
6.16.1 Function Edit and/or add the CR Console as an image transfer destination of the RU. Up to 32 CL's
may be registered as image transfer destinations.
Used to edit/add the CR Console as an image transfer destination, and edit the list of master
This command can be set only when “HOSPITAL” is selected in “SCREEN TYPE” setting at
the time of installation or the update in version.
- This command is available when the CLIENT PC-TOOL is in the OFF-LINE mode. Check
to make sure that the CLIENT PC-TOOL is in the OFF-LINE mode before taking the

- The information to be displayed or edited by executing [EDIT CL NAME] is the information

stored in the C drive of the client PC. To acquire the latest information specified in the RU,
connect the client PC with the network in the user’s site, change over the CLIENT PC-
TOOL to the ON-LINE mode, and download the configuration information.
To write the specified information in the flash ROM of the RU, upload the configuration
information while the client PC is connected with the network in the site and the CLIENT
PC-TOOL is in the ON-LINE mode.

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 Procedures for editing/adding the CR Console as image transfer destination 4. Click on [MODIFY] to edit, or [NEW] to add.
 NOTE   To edit:
The information to be displayed or edited by executing [EDIT CL NAME] is the information
stored in the C drive of the client PC. To acquire the latest information specified in the RU,
connect the client PC with the network in the user’s site, change over the CLIENT PC-TOOL
to the ON-LINE mode, and download the configuration information.

1. Check to make sure that the CLIENT PC-TOOL is in the OFF-LINE mode.
{MU:5.6_ON-LINE and OFF-LINE}  To add:
2. Select the RU in the hospital list.

→ The window for prompting the input of the “CL IP ADDRESS” and “CL NAME”

 NOTE 
3. Click on [CL NAME].
To write the specified information in the flash ROM of the RU, upload the configuration
information while the client PC is connected with the network in the site and the CLIENT
PC-TOOL is in the ON-LINE mode.

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5. Enter "CL IP ADDRESS" and "CL NAME", and click on [SET]. 6.16.3 Editing the List of Master CL's
 NOTE 
Enter IP ADDRESS of the CR Console to be connected with the RU.  Overview
Edit the list of master CL's. Of the CR Console registered as image transfer destinations, the
CR Console registered in the "MASTER CL" field is switchable as the master CL. Up to four
CR Console may be registered in the "MASTER CL" field.
When switched to the master CL, "CL NAME" of the CR Console registered is displayed on
the LCD screen of RU.

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 Procedures for editing the list of master CL's 4. Select a CR Console to be added, and add it to the list of master CL's.
 NOTE 
The information to be displayed or edited by executing [EDIT CL NAME] is the information
stored in the C drive of the client PC. To acquire the latest information specified in the RU,
connect the client PC with the network in the user’s site, change over the CLIENT PC-TOOL
to the ON-LINE mode, and download the configuration information.

1. Check to make sure that the CLIENT PC-TOOL is in the OFF-LINE mode.
2. Select the RU in the hospital list.

 NOTE 
To write the specified information in the flash ROM of the RU, upload the configuration
3. Click on [EDIT CL NAME].
information while the client PC is connected with the network in the site and the CLIENT
PC-TOOL is in the ON-LINE mode.

6.16.4 Switching the Master CL

Switch the master CL.
 NOTE 
Do not switch the master CL, except in case of emergency or machine trouble. If the master
CL is switched, data that is necessary for the user, such as "ERROR LOG" and "HISTORY
LOG", will be lost.

For the procedures for switching the master CL, see "Appendix 4. Setting the Master CL" of
the Installation volume.
{IN: Appendix 4._Setting the Master CL}

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6.17 I/O TRACE EXPERT Item name Function

The file that has been set in the "Pass" text box is
1 "FILE OPEN" button
displayed on the Timing Chart screen.
6.17.1 Function
The path of IOT.LOG to be displayed as the timing
Used to view the I/O trace data of the RU stored in the C drive of the client PC in the form of 2 "Pass" text box
chart is entered.
a timing chart. Note that, however, only the I/O trace data can be displayed.
The display scale for the time base (horizontal
3 "Scale" button
axis) is changed.
4 I/O name display text box The I/O name is displayed.
The timing chart is displayed. With the scroll bar
5 Chart display area available, the display range may be moved by
manipulating the scroll bar.
By placing the mouse pointer in the chart area and
pressing the left or right button of the mouse, the
following values are displayed in the A, B, and A-B
- A: Time elapsed from power ON to the position
6 "Measure Point (Unit: msec)" area pointed by the left mouse button.
-B : Time elapsed from power ON to the position
pointed by the right mouse button.
- A-B: Time difference between positions A and B.
When the "CLEAR" button is clicked, the values in
the A, B, and A-B fields are cleared.

- This command is available when the CLIENT PC-TOOL is in the OFF-LINE mode. Check
to make sure that the CLIENT PC-TOOL is in the OFF-LINE mode before taking the
- The information to be displayed or edited by executing [I/O TRACE EXPERT] is the
information stored in the C drive of the client PC. To acquire the latest information specified
in the RU, connect the client PC with the network in the user’s site, change over the
CLIENT PC-TOOL to the ON-LINE mode, and download the TRACE LOGS information.

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6.17.2 Procedures 3. Click on [I/O TRACE EXPERT].

 NOTE 
The information to be displayed or edited by executing [I/O TRACE EXPERT] is the
information stored in the C drive of the client PC. To acquire the latest information specified
in the RU, connect the client PC with the network in the user’s site, change over the CLIENT
PC-TOOL to the ON-LINE mode, and download the TRACE LOGS information.

1. Check to make sure that the CLIENT PC-TOOL is in the OFF-LINE mode.

2. Select the RU in the hospital list.

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6.18 ERROR DB Item name Function
1 “SELECT” button A error log file to be viewed is selected.
6.18.1 Function 2 “FATAL" button Of the error log files, only FATAL errors are displayed.
Of the error log files, only WARNING errors are
Used to check the error names and occurrence conditions by referring to the error log data of 3 “WARNING” button
the RU, stored in the C drive of the client PC. You can append notes to error messages, or
view the detailed information or analysis flows. Both “FATAL and “WARNING” errors windows are
4 “BOTH” button
5 “CLEAR” button The error log of the FTP server is cleared.
The latest error log data is copied from the CPU23B
6 “UPDATE” button
board of the RU to the FTP server of the CL.
The contents of the error log file selected are
7 Error message list box
The error code selected (highlighted) in the error
8 “Error Code” text box
message list box is displayed.
The error name selected (highlighted) in the error
9 “Error Name” text box
message list box is displayed.
The occurrence condition of the error message
10 “Meaning” text box selected (highlighted) in the error message list box is
The detail information selected (highlighted) in the
11 “Details Info.” Button
error message list box is displayed.
The analysis flow for the error message selected
12 “Analysis Flow” button (highlighted) in the error message list box is
 NOTE  A memo may be attached to the error message
The information to be displayed or edited by executing [ERROR DB] is the information stored 13 “Memo.” text box (highlighted) in the error message list box.
in the C drive of the client PC. To display the latest information stored in the RU, connect the Up to seven memos may be entered.
client PC with the network in the site, change over the CLIENT PC-TOOL to the ON-LINE The name of the person (author) who entered text in
mode, and click on [UPDATE] or download the error log information. 14 “Author” text box
the “Memo.” text box is entered.
The contents of “Memo.” and “Author” are saved.
15 “SAVE” button To delete them, erase them by use of the Delete key
and press the [SAVE] button again.

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6.18.2 Procedures 3. Click on [ERROR DB].

 NOTE 
The information to be displayed or edited by executing [ERROR DB] is the information stored
in the C drive of the client PC. To display the latest information stored in the RU, connect the
client PC with the network in the site, change over the CLIENT PC-TOOL to the ON-LINE
mode, and click on [UPDATE] or download the error log information.

1. Check to make sure that the CLIENT PC-TOOL is in the OFF-LINE mode.

2. Select the RU in the hospital list.

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6.19 READ 6.19.2 Procedures

1. Select the RU in the hospital list.

6.19.1 Function
Used to copy the configuration information and machine specific data from a recording
medium such as an FD to the C drive of the client PC. The items which can be copied by
means of the READ command include:

Copies the configuration data.

Copies the history data (processing counter and erasure lamp lighting time). 2. Select the items to be read from the pull-down menu of “READ”.
Copies the whole of “SCN LIGHT COLLECTING DATA” and “SCN OPTICAL DATA” at a time.


Copies light-collecting data of the scanner data.


Copies optical data of the scanner data.

3. Click on [EXECUTE].

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4. Select a location of the data to be read. 6. Again verify the location to be read, and click on [OK].

 NOTE 
When data is to be read from a recording medium such as an FD, be sure to set the
recording medium such as the FD which contains the data to be read in the client PC,
before selecting the location.

7. Click on [OK].

 NOTE 
When the data is read from the recording medium such as an FD, be sure to remove

the recording medium after clicking on [OK].

5. Check to make sure that the selected location is displayed, and then click on [OK].

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6.20 WRITE 6.20.2 Procedures

1. Select the RU in the hospital list.

6.20.1 Function
Used to copy the configuration information and machine specific data from the C drive of the
client PC to a recording medium such as an FD. The items which can be copied by means
of the WRITE command include:

Copies the error log data.

Copies the configuration data. 2. Select the items to be written from the pull-down menu of “WRITE”.
Copies the trace log data (design analysis information).

Copies the history data (processing counter and erasure lamp lighting time).

Copies the whole “ERROR LOG”, “TRACE LOGS” and “HISTORY LOG” at a time.


Copies the whole of “SCN LIGHT COLLECTING DATA” and “SCN OPTICAL DATA” at a time.


Copies light-collecting data of the scanner data. 3. Click on [EXECUTE].


Copies optical data of the scanner data.

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4. Select a location where the data is to be written. 6. Again verify the location to write, and click on [OK].

 NOTE 
When data is to be written into a recording medium such as an FD, be sure to set the
recording medium such as the FD in the client PC, before selecting the location.

7. Click on [OK].

 NOTE 
When the data is written from the recording medium such as an FD, be sure to remove

the recording medium after clicking on [OK].

5. Check to make sure that the selected location is displayed, and then click on [OK].

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6.21 UPLOAD 6.21.2 Procedures

6.21.1 Function CAUTION

The LED panel of the RU lights up while the flash ROM of the RU is being updated.
Used to copy the configuration information and machine specific data from the C drive of the Never turn OFF the RU power for the while.
client PC to the flash ROM of the RU. The items which can be uploaded include: If the RU power is turned OFF, the contents of the flash ROM are corrupted, and the
RU will no longer boot up.
Copies the configuration data.
1. Select the RU in the hospital list.
Copies the history data (processing counter and erasure lamp lighting time).


Copies the whole of “SCN LIGHT COLLECTING DATA” and “SCN OPTICAL DATA” at a time.


Copies light-collecting data of the scanner data.


Copies optical data of the scanner data. 2. Select the item to be uploaded from the pull-down menu of “UPLOAD”.
The contents copied into the FLASH ROM become effective by turning OFF the RU power
and then turning it ON.

 NOTE 
This command is available when the CLIENT PC-TOOL is connected with the network in the
site and is in the ON-LINE mode. Connect with the network in the site and make network
settings before taking the procedures.
{MU:5.4_Client PC Network Setup and Connection Verification}

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3. Click on [EXECUTE]. 6.21.3 Errors that may Occur during UPLOAD and their Probable
If the RU has not been powered ON or if no network connection has been established with
the RU, the following error message appears.
In this case, verify the network connection, before turning OFF the RU power and then
turning it ON.
→ Uploading starts, and the following dialogue boxes appear on the screen of the client

4. Click on [OK].

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6.22 DOWNLOAD 6.22.2 Procedures

1. Select the RU in the hospital list.

6.22.1 Function
Used to copy the configuration information, error log data or the like from the flash ROM of
the RU to the client PC. The items which can be downloaded include:

Copies the error log data.

Copies the configuration data.

 "TRACE LOGS" 2. Select the item to be downloaded from the pull-down menu of “DOWNLOAD”.
Copies the trace log data (design analysis information).

Copies the history data (processing counter and erasure lamp lighting time).

Copies the whole “ERROR LOG”, “TRACE LOGS” and “HISTORY LOG” at a time.


Copies the whole of “SCN LIGHT COLLECTING DATA” and “SCN OPTICAL DATA” at a time.


Copies light-collecting data of the scanner data.


Copies optical data of the scanner data.

 NOTE 
This command is available when the CLIENT PC-TOOL is connected with the network in the
site and is in the ON-LINE mode. Connect with the network in the site and make network
settings before taking the procedures.
{MU:5.4_Client PC Network Setup and Connection Verification}

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3. Click on [EXECUTE]. 6.22.3 Errors that may Occur during DOWNLOAD and their Probable
If the RU has not been powered ON or if no network connection has been established with
the RU, the following error message appears.
In this case, verify the network connection, before turning OFF the RU power and then
turning it ON.
→ Downloading starts, and the following dialogue boxes appear on the screen of the
client PC.

4. Click on [OK].

Change over the CLEINT PC-TOOL to the OFF-LINE mode to execute respective
commands, when the downloaded information is to be edited or viewed. Refer to “5.6
ON-LINE and OFF-LINE” for the detailed procedures of changing over to the OFF-LINE

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6.23 CDPath 2. Enter the path of the folder where RU-APL CD-ROM is completely copied.

 When the path is to be directly entered in the text box, go to the

6.23.1 Function procedure 5.

When an RU is to be registered in the hospital list or the RU software is to be updated in

version, the necessary data is usually acquired from the RU-APL CD-ROM. If a folder in
which the complete RU-APL CD-ROM data is copied is present on the hard disk of the client
PC, you can acquire the necessary data from the hard disk without the RU-APL CD-ROM by
specifying the folder path.
- Completely copy all of the data into a single folder when the RU-APL CD-ROM data is to be  To select the path in a GUI manner just like the Explorer, click on […] and
copied. You cannot register an RU in the hospital list or update the RU software in version proceed to the next procedure.
with a folder containing a partial copy of the data.
- Set the “CDPath” only when necessary. If the “CDPath” is set, you cannot register an RU
in the hospital list or version-update the RU software from the RU-APL CD-ROM even if the
CD-ROM is inserted into the client PC. Cancel the setting when not necessary.

6.23.2 Procedures for Setting "CDPath" → The window for selecting the folder appears.

The procedures for copying the complete CD contents to the “Copy CD-R” folder of the C 3. Double-click on the folder where RU-APL CD-ROM is completely copied.
drive are described as an example.
1. Select “CDPath” from the [Configuration (C)] menu.

→ The “CD PATH SETTING” window appears.

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4. Click on [OK]. 6.23.3 Procedures for Canceling "CDPath"

1. Select “CDPath” from the [Configuration (C)] menu.

→ The path is displayed in the text box.

5. Click on [SET].

→ The “CD PATH SETTING” window appears.

2. Click on [CLEAR].

→ The path in the text box is cleared, and the “CDPath” setting is canceled.

3. Click on [SET].

→ The "CDPath" setting is canceled.

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6.23.4 Verifying the "CDPath" Setting

1. Choose "CDPath" from the "Configuration(C)" menu.

→ The "CD PATH SETTING" window opens.

2. Verify that the CD path is set.

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6.24 Export 2. Select the location to which the data is exported.

6.24.1 Function
Used to copy the tree information registered in the hospital list, and folders of the site, FTP
server and RU stored in the C drive of the client PC to the hard disk of the client PC or to an
external recording medium.

- The data to be copied by means of [Export] is too large to be stored in a recording medium
with a small recording capacity such as an FD. Specify the hard disk with a sufficient
empty space or a recording medium with a large capacity as the destination of the data to
be copied.
- Upon execution of [Export], a “SERV” folder is created in the specified storage region. Do
not change the folder name and the stored contents of the created “SERV” folder.

6.24.2 Procedures

1. Select “Export” from the “Configuration (C)” menu. 3. Check to make sure that the selected location is displayed, and then click on [OK].

4. Again verify the location for export, and click on [OK].

→ The “EXPORT” window appears.

→ The data is stored in the location specified in the procedure 2.

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6.25 Import 2. Select the location to which the data is to be imported.

6.25.1 Function
Used to read the data stored by means of [Export], display the data in the tree of the hospital
list, and store it in the C drive of the client PC.
 NOTE 
If data with the site name same as that registered in the hospital list is to be read, the
following error message appears and [Import] is interrupted.
To read the data having the site name same as that registered in the hospital list, delete the
site having the same name registered in the hospital list, before re-trying [Export].

3. Check to make sure that the selected location is displayed, and then click on [OK].

6.25.2 Procedures

1. Select “Import” from the “Configuration (C)” menu.

4. Again verify the location for import, and click on [OK].

→ The imported contents are reflected in the hospital list.

→ The “IMPORT” window appears.

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6.26 OnLine 6.26.2 Procedures

1. Select “OnLine” from the “Configuration (C)” menu.

6.26.1 Function
Used to change over the CLIENT PC-TOOL between the OFF-LINE and ON-LINE modes.
The available commands differ between the OFF-LINE and ON-LINE modes.

 ON-LINE mode
A check mark appears at the head of “OnLine” in the “Configuration (C)” menu.

→ A check mark disappears from the head of “OnLine” in the “Configuration (C)” menu,
setting the CLIENT-PC TOOL in the OFF-LINE mode.

 OFF-LINE mode
A check mark does not appear at the head of “OnLine” in the “Configuration (C)” menu.

Refer to “5.6 ON-LINE and OFF-LINE” for the details of the ON-LINE and OFF-LINE modes.

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6.27 Network

6.27.1 Function
Upon executing the “Network” command, the “Network Connection” window of Windows
appears. This command is used to connect the client PC with the network at the user’s site
and make the network settings.

6.27.2 Procedures

1. Select “Network” from the “Configuration (C)” menu.

→ The “Network Connection” window appears.

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6.28 Starting and Exiting CLIENT PC-TOOL  NOTE 
If your click of [START] opens the following window without starting CLIENT PC-TOOL,
the version of CLIENT PC-TOOL stored on the RU-APL CD-ROM is later than the
6.28.1 Starting CLIENT PC-TOOL from the CD-ROM (Setup PC- version of CLIENT PC-TOOL installed on the client PC.

1. Insert the RU-APL CD-ROM into the PC.

→ The "Set Up PC-TOOL" window automatically opens.

2. Click [START].
→ CLIENT PC-TOOL starts up.

- To update CLIENT PC-TOOL, click [BACK] and then perform the version update
procedure set forth under "5.9 Updating CLIENT PC-TOOL."
{MU:5.9_Updating CLIENT PC-TOOL}
- If you do not intend to update CLIENT PC-TOOL on the spot, click [CONTINUE].

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6.28.2 Starting CLIENT PC-TOOL from a Client PC Window 6.28.3 Exiting CLIENT PC-TOOL

1. Choose "Run..." from Windows' Start menu. 1. Click on in the upper right corner of the main window of CLIENT PC-TOOL.
→ The "Run" window opens.

2. Turn OFF the power of the RU.

2. Enter "C:\Program Files\FujiFilm\FCR\TOOL\RuPcTool\RuPCTool.exe" and then

click [OK].
→ CLIENT PC-TOOL starts up.

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7. MUTL (Maintenance Utility) Functions A1

The MUTL, which offers a utility used by service engineers, is operated by starting up the {MU:7.3[3]_Software Check}
MUTL from the RU PC-TOOL on the CR console or from the CLIENT PC-TOOL on the client
PC. {MU:7.3[3-1]_Ver. Display (FLASH)}

{MU:7.3[3-2]_Ver. Display (FTP SERV)}

After the MUTL is used, the RU cannot read normally. Be sure to turn OFF and back {MU:7.3[3-3]_MAC Address Display}
ON the power of the RU at the end.
{MU:7.3[4]_Virtual Image Check}

{MU:7.3[4-1]_Virtual Image Test}

7.1 Tree of MUTL
{MU:7.3[4-1-1]_LED Virtual Read}
{MU:7.3[4-1-2]_PMT Virtual Read}
{MU:7.3[1]_Conveyance Check}
{MU:7.3[4-1-3]_SCN Board Virtual Read}
{MU:7.3[1-1]_Conveyance Setting}

{MU:7.3[1-2]_Processing Mode Setting} {MU:7.3[5]_Scanner Check}

{MU:7.3[1-3]_Number of Conveyance Setting} {MU:7.3[5-1]_Diagnostic}

{MU:7.3[5-2]_Polygon Mortor}
{MU:7.3[2]_Board Check}
{MU:7.3[2-1]_All Board}
{MU:7.3[5-4]_HV Diagnostic}
{MU:7.3[2-2]_CPU Board}
{MU:7.3[5-4-1]_HV Setting/Diagnostic}
{MU:7.3[2-3]_SCN Board}
{MU:7.3[5-5]_Format Adjustment}
{MU:7.3[2-4]_SNS/DRV-A Board}
{MU:7.3[5-5-1]_Manual Adjustment (FREQ)}
{MU:7.3[2-5]_SNS/DRV-B Board}
{MU:7.3[5-5-2]_Manual Adjustment (Pixel)}
{MU:7.3[2-6]_ERS Board}

{MU:7.3[2-7]_PNL Board} {MU:7.3[5-5-3]_IP Leading-Edge Adjustment (Sub-scanning)}

{MU:7.3[2-8]_CPU Board Setting Display} {MU:7.3[5-5-4]_Default Setting (FREQ)}

{MU:7.3[2-9]_IP Sensor Check} {MU:7.3[5-5-5]_Default Setting (Pixel)}

{MU:7.3[5-5-6]_Optic Setting (FREQ)}

A1 {MU:7.3[5-5-7]_Optic Setting (Pixel)}

A2 B1

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A2 B1 A3 B2

{MU:7.3[5-6]_Correction} {MU:7.3[6-2]_IP Removal Unit 2}

{MU:7.3[5-6-1]_Shading/Sensitivity Correction (ST)} {MU:7.3[6-2-1]_Pump}

{MU:7.3[5-6-2]_Shading/Sensitivity Correction (HR)} {MU:7.3[6-2-2]_Valve 1 (SVA1)}

{MU:7.3[5-6-3]_Shading Speed Correction} {MU:7.3[6-2-3]_Valve 2 (SVA2)}

{MU:7.3[5-6-4]_Sensitivity Correction (ST)} {MU:7.3[6-2-4]_Solenoid}

{MU:7.3[5-6-5]_Sensitivity Correction (HR)} {MU:7.3[6-2-5]_Feed Conveyance (MA4/MC1)}

{MU:7.3[5-6-6]_Special Sensitivity Correction} {MU:7.3[6-2-6]_Erasure Conveyance (MA4/MC1)}

{MU:7.3[5-6-7]_Sensitivity S-Value Correction} {MU:7.3[6-3]_Side-Positioning Conveyor}

{MU:7.3[5-7]_Trouble Shooting} {MU:7.3[6-3-1]_Side-Positioning: Side-Positioning HP}

{MU:7.3[5-7-1]_Shading Correction} {MU:7.3[6-3-2]_Side-Positioning: Side-Positioning Hook HP}

{MU:7.3[5-8]_HV ON/OFF} {MU:7.3[6-3-3]_Side-Positioning: Side-Positioning Base Pin HP}

{MU:7.3[5-9]_S Value} {MU:7.3[6-3-4]_Side-Positioning: Side-Positioning Grip HP}
{MU:7.3[5-9-1]_S value now} {MU:7.3[6-3-5]_Side-Positioning: Side-Positioning Size Selection}
{MU:7.3[5-9-2]_S value calculate} {MU:7.3[6-3-6]_Side-Positioning: Side-Positioning Operation}
{MU:7.3[5-9-3]_PMT/LightGuide change : LED initialize} {MU:7.3[6-3-7]_Barcode-Reader: Barcode-Reader On}

{MU:7.3[6]_Mechanical Check} {MU:7.3[6-3-8]_Barcode-Reader: Show Barcode}

{MU:7.3[6-1]_IP Removal Unit 1} {MU:7.3[6-3-9]_Post-Conveyance (FFM/MC1)}

{MU:7.3[6-1-1]_Removal Mechanism: Removal HP} A4 B3

{MU:7.3[6-1-2]_Removal Mechanism: Removal Diagnostic}

{MU:7.3[6-1-3]_Open Lid Mechanism: Open Lid HP}

{MU:7.3[6-1-4]_Open Lid Mechanism: Open Lid Diagnostic}

{MU:7.3[6-1-5]_Close Lid Mechanism: Close Lid HP}

{MU:7.3[6-1-6]_Close Lid Mechanism: Close Lid Diagnostic}

A3 B2

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A4 B3

{MU:7.3[6-4]_Sub Scanning}

{MU:7.3[6-4-1]_Sub-Scanning Grip : Sub-Scanning Grip HP}

{MU:7.3[6-4-2]_Dust Remova: Dust Removal HP}

{MU:7.3[6-4-3]_Dust Remova: Dust Removal Operation}

{MU:7.3[6-4-4]_Conveyance Motor: Conveyance Motor Speed Selection}

{MU:7.3[6-4-5]_Conveyance Motor : Conveyance Motor Stop/Drive}

{MU:7.3[6-4-6]_FAN (G1) Diagnostic}

{MU:7.3[7]_For Design}

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7.2 Starting and Exiting the MUTL 7.2.1 Starting up the MUTL from the RU PC-TOOL

The MUTL is started by the following two ways:

- To start from the RU PC-TOOL of the CR Console CAUTION
{MU:7.2.1_Starting up the MUTL from the RU PC-TOOL} Do not start multiple MUTL's for a single RU.
If multiple MUTL's are started, the RU software becomes out of control.
- To start from the CLEINT PC-TOOL in the ON-LINE mode
{MU:7.2.2_Starting up the MUTL from the CLIENT PC-TOOL}
1. Start the RU PC-TOOL.
Start up the MUTL by either method depending on the conditions of a user’s site for {MU:4.23.1_Starting RU PC-TOOL}
2. From "LIST OF EXISTING RU", select a RU where "MUTL" is to be started.
 NOTE 
Some commands for virtual image check and scanner check require images to be read and
output on the CR Console.
Since images cannot be read or output on the client PC, always start up the MUTL from the
RU PC-TOOL of the CR Console to check the virtual images and the scanner.

REFERENCE 3. Click on [MUTL], and the “MUTL” window appears.

The MUTL has the same menu items to appear either started from the RU PC-TOOL of the
CR Console or from the CLEINT PC-TOOL of the client PC.

To exit, refer to “7.2.3 Exiting the MUTL”.

{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}

Clicking on [MUTL], “Under Maintenance” appears on the top of the operation panel of
the RU. Refer to “4.2.1 Display of “Under Maintenance” on the operation panel” for the
details of the “Under Maintenance” indication.
{MU:4.2.1_Display of “Under Maintenance” on the Operation Panel}

05.24.2007 FM5134
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7.2.2 Starting up the MUTL from the CLIENT PC-TOOL 3. Click on [MUTL], and the “MUTL” window appears.

Do not start multiple MUTL's for a single RU.
If multiple MUTL's are started, the RU software becomes out of control.

1. Connect the client PC with the network in the site, and make the network settings.
{MU:5.4_Client PC Network Setup and Connection Verification}
2. Select the RU in the hospital list.

Clicking on [MUTL], “Under Maintenance” appears on the top of the operation panel of
the RU. Refer to “6.2.1 Display of “Under Maintenance” on the operation panel” for the
details of the “Under Maintenance” indication.
{MU:6.2.1_Display of “Under Maintenance” on the Operation Panel}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MU-146
7.2.3 Exiting the MUTL

 NOTE 
Check to make sure that the operation that was performed in the MUTL has been completed
before exiting the MUTL.
If the operation that was performed in the MUTL is under way, the operation running on the
RU remains intact even when the MUTL is exited by clicking on .

1. Click on in the upper right corner of the MUTL window.

 NOTE 
Turn OFF the RU power and then turn it ON again to convey the IP for reading an image on
the RU or other operations after the MUTL is exited. Otherwise, the conveyance may fail.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MU-147
7.3 Details of MUTL 4. Perform Conveyance Setting.

[1] Conveyance Check

 Function
Automatic conveyance (unattended conveyance) of IP
The following three items are to be specified for conveyance check:
- Setting of automatic conveyance 5. Cancel the “Under Maintenance” indication on the RU.
- Setting of processing mode
{MU:4.2.1_Display of “Under Maintenance” on the Operation Panel}
- Setting of number of conveyance
→ “Number of conveyance performed” and “number of conveyance setting” appear on
 Procedures the operation panel of the RU.
The procedures for the conveyance check with the following settings are described as an
- Setting of automatic conveyance: AUTO MODE
- Setting of processing mode: 1-ERASE
- Setting of number of conveyance: Three times
1. Start the MUTL.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
2. Cancel the “Under Maintenance” indication on the RU.
- When using the RU PC-TOOL of the CR Console:
{MU:4.2.1_Display of “Under Maintenance” on the Operation Panel}
- When using the CLIENT PC-TOOL of the CR Console:
{MU:6.2.1_Display of “Under Maintenance” on the Operation Panel}
3. Click the [Conveyance Check].

05.24.2007 FM5134
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5. Insert the cassette.  Procedures for Halting in the Middle of Conveyance
→ Erasure conveyance starts, and the result is displayed on the MUTL. 1. Set to halt the conveyance.

 GOOD indication

2. Exit the MUTL.

{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}
 NO GOOD indication
"RESULT: XXXX (XXXX: error code)" is displayed.  Procedures for Exiting Conveyance Check
 NOTE  1. Select [ROUTINE] for Conveyance Setting.
A four-digit number is displayed as an error code.
Perform the troubleshooting procedure with “1” added to the head of the displayed error CAUTION
code. Once Conveyance Check is completed, be sure to set "Conveyance Setting" back to
---Example--- "ROUTINE" again.
When the displayed error code is “0293”:
→ Perform the troubleshooting procedures for the error of “10293”.

2. Exit the MUTL.

{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}
 NOTE  3. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.
In the case of "NO GOOD" indication

Once Conveyance Check is completed, be sure to set "Conveyance Setting" back to
"ROUTINE" again.

05.24.2007 FM5134
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[1-1] Conveyance Setting

The conveyance is repeated with the processing mode and number of IP conveyance that
have been set.
It is used for checking the conveyance.

The conveyance is performed with the processing mode that has been set.
When the number of IP conveyance is set to greater than 1, the conveyance is performed
again as the cassette is set again once the IP returns to the cassette.
It should be noted that when the mode is changed to "ROUTINE" while the conveyance is
repeated in "AUTO MODE", "AUTO MODE" may be canceled.

[1-2] Processing Mode Setting

 READ: Read
Performs a normal read operation.
This menu should not be used for servicing purposes.

 1-ERASE: Primary Erasure

IP reading is performed to detect the dose of the IP, and IP erasure is performed according to
the detected dose.
Because IP reading is intended to detect the dose, image output is not generated.

 2-ERASE: Secondary Erasure

Conveyance is performed on the same conveyance path as for IP reading, but image reading
is not done.
This menu should be used when you only want to make mechanical checks on the IP

[1-3] Number of Conveyance Setting

The number of conveyance may be set in a range from 1 to 99999.
To halt the conveyance while the IP is conveyed with the number of conveyance set to
greater than 1, set "0 (zero)" to the number of conveyance.
When the number of conveyance is set, "number set" and "number conveyed" are displayed
on the operation panel of the RU.

05.24.2007 FM5134
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[2] Board Check [2-1] All Board

 NOTE   Function
Once the board check is initiated, the ongoing process cannot be interrupted. Even when the
The entire diagnoses for boards of the electrical subsystems are repeated by the specified
MUTL is exited, the board check running on the RU remains intact.
number of times.
To interrupt the board check, turn OFF the power of the RU.
The boards to be diagnosed include:
- CPU23B Board - SCN23A Board
Perform self-diagnostics on each board, and display the result of the diagnostics.
- SND23A Board - SND23B Board
The board check provides diagnostic checkout of the following 9 items: - ERS23A Board - PNL Board
- All Board
- SCN23A Board If the diagnostic results of the board check are normal when the number of checks is set as “1”,
- SND23A Board the following messages appear in the MUTL.
- SND23B Board
- ERS23A Board
- PNL Board
- CPU Board Setting Display
- IP Sensor Check
If a plural number of board checks are specified at a time, each board is sequentially self-
diagnosed by the specified number of times.

 Procedures
Refer to the Troubleshooting “18.2.1 Testing All Boards” for the detailed procedures to check
all boards.
{MT:18.2.1_Testing All Boards}

08.11.2008 FM5391
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[2-2] CPU Board [2-3] SCN Board

 Function  Function
The following diagnostics are repeated for the number specified. The following diagnostics are repeated for the number specified.
- SDRAM read/write test - Firmware test
- Flash ROM read/write test - Diagnosis of fan rotation
- Interrupt diagnostics - Interrupt diagnostics
- Register read/write test - Register read/write test
If the diagnostic results of the board check are normal when the number of checks is set as “1”, If the diagnostic results of the board check are normal when the number of checks is set as “1”,
the following messages appear in the MUTL. the following messages appear in the MUTL.

 Procedures
Refer to the Troubleshooting “18.2.3 Testing the SCN23A Board” for the detailed procedures
for SCN/SCT board check.
{MT:18.2.3_Testing the SCN23A Board}

 Procedures
Refer to the Troubleshooting “18.2.2 Testing the CPU23B Board” for the detailed procedures
for CPU board check.
{MT:18.2.2_Testing the CPU23B Board}

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[2-4] SNS/DRV-A Board [2-5] SNS/DRV-B Board

 Function  Function
The following diagnostics are repeated for the number specified. The following diagnostics are repeated for the number specified.
- How sensor changes by turning ON/OFF the solenoid - How sensor changes by turning ON/OFF the solenoid
- Communication between the pulse motor and FPMC - Communication between the pulse motor and FPMC
- Interrupt diagnostics - Diagnosis of fan (FANG1) rotation
- Register read/write test - Interrupt diagnostics
REFERENCE - Register read/write test
If the diagnostic results of the board check are normal when the number of checks is set as “1”, REFERENCE
the following messages appear in the MUTL. If the diagnostic results of the board check are normal when the number of checks is set as “1”,
the following messages appear in the MUTL.

 Procedures
Refer to the Troubleshooting “18.2.4 Testing the SND23A Board” for the detailed procedures  Procedures
for SND-A board check. Refer to the Troubleshooting “18.2.5 Testing the SND23B Board” for the detailed procedures
{MT:18.2.4_Testing the SND23A Board} for SND-B board check.
{MT:18.2.5_Testing the SND23B Board}

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[2-6] ERS Board [2-7] PNL Board

 Function  Function
The following diagnostics are repeated for the number specified. The following diagnostics are repeated for the number specified.
- Lit/unlit erasure lamp - Firmware test
- Firmware test REFERENCE
- Diagnosis of fan rotation
If the diagnostic results of the board check are normal when the number of checks is set as “1”,
REFERENCE the following messages appear in the MUTL.
If the diagnostic results of the board check are normal when the number of checks is set as “1”,
the following messages appear in the MUTL.

 Procedures
Refer to the Troubleshooting “18.2.7 Testing the PNL Board” for the detailed procedures for
PNL board check.
{MT:18.2.7_Testing the PNL Board}

 Procedures
Refer to the Troubleshooting “18.2.6 Testing the ERS23A Board” for the detailed procedures
for ERS board check.
{MT:18.2.6_Testing the ERS23A Board}

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[2-8] CPU Board Setting Display [2-9] IP Sensor Check

 Function  Function
Displays the DipSW setting for the CPU23B board. The following sensors provided in the IP conveyance path are diagnosed:
The display content and setup meaning are presented below. - IP dropping sensor
- IP sensor 1
- IP sensor 2
If the results after the IP sensor check are normal, the following messages appear in the

 Procedures
1. Start the MUTL.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
2. Select [IP sensor check].

Refer to the Checks, Replacement and Adjustment of Parts “11.2 CPUS23B Board” for
If an error code is displayed on the MUTL instead of “RESULT-OK”, troubleshoot the
details of the DIP switch settings.
{MC:11.2_CPU23B Board}

3. Exit the MUTL.

{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}
4. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MU-155
[3] Software Check [3-2] Ver. Display (FTP SERV)

[3-1] Ver. Display (FLASH)  Function

Used to display the version of the CPU23B board IPL resident in the FTP server.

 Function  Procedures
Used to display the versions of the CPU23B board IPL, the firmware of the PNL board, and
1. Start the MUTL.
the firmware of the SCN23A board existing on the flash ROM.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
 Procedures 2. Select [Ver. Display (FTP SERV)].
1. Start the MUTL.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
2. Select [Ver. Display (FLASH)].

If an error code is displayed on the MUTL instead of the versions, troubleshoot the
If an error code is displayed on the MUTL instead of the versions, troubleshoot the
3. Exit the MUTL.
{Troubleshooting} {MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}
4. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.
3. Exit the MUTL.
{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}
4. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.

08.11.2008 FM5391
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[3-3] MAC Address Display

 Function
Displays the RU’s MAC address.

 Procedures
1. Start the MUTL.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
2. Select [MAC Address Display].

If an error code is displayed on the MUTL instead of the MAC address, troubleshoot the

3. Exit the MUTL.

{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}
4. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MU-157
[4] Virtual Image Check  Procedures
 NOTE 
[4-1] Virtual Image Test Always use the MUTL of the RU PC-TOOL to perform “LED virtual read”.

Image is virtually read, thereby enabling a cause of image abnormality to be located. The procedures for LED virtual read with a dose of 0.1 mR are described as an example.
Generate and output test images with each of the components comprising the scanner unit, 1. Click on [NEXT] on the examination reception window of the CR Console.
by, for example, generating and outputting image data with the boards, or turning ON the
LED of the PMT board and inputting the resulting light; accordingly, a location that caused a
functional failure can be identified.

[4-1-1] LED Virtual Read

 Function 2. Select [Sensitivity] from the [QC/TEST] menu, and click on [Start Examination].
Cause the blue LED of the PMT board and the LED of the PMT board to illuminate, and input
the resulting light from the light-collecting guide to generate image output.
If there is no problem with the output image, it can be decided that the failure of the scanning
optics unit is responsible for the image abnormality.

3. Click on [IP#].

4. Type in the barcode of the cassette to be used.

08.11.2008 FM5391
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5. Press the [ENTER] key. [4-1-2] PMT Virtual Read
→ The examination reservation is completed, and the following screen appears.
 Function
Generate and output image data with the LOG AMP of the PMT board.
If there is any problem with "LED Virtual Read" but there is no problem with "SCN Board
Virtual Read", the result of "PMT Virtual Read" permits a decision to be made whether the
failure of the scanning optics unit is responsible for the image abnormality.

6. Start the MUTL.

{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
7. Cancel the “Under Maintenance” indication on the RU.
{MU:4.2.1_Display of “Under Maintenance” on the Operation Panel}
8. Click on [LED Virtual Read], and select [ON (0.1mR)].

9. Insert the cassette with the barcode entered.

→ The IP reading starts, and the image is displayed on the CR Console.

10. Exit the MUTL.

{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}
11. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.

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 Procedures 5. Press the [ENTER] key.

 NOTE  → The examination reservation is completed, and the following screen appears.
Always use the MUTL of the RU PC-TOOL to perform “PMT Virtual Read”.

1. Click on [NEXT] on the examination reception window of the CR Console.

6. Start the MUTL.

{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
7. Cancel the “Under Maintenance” indication on the RU.
2. Select [Sensitivity] from the [QC/TEST] menu, and click on [Start Examination]. {MU:4.2.1_Display of “Under Maintenance” on the Operation Panel}
8. Click on [PMT Virtual Read], and select [ON].

3. Click on [IP#].
9. Insert the cassette with the barcode entered.
→ The IP reading starts, and the image is displayed on the CR Console.

4. Type in the barcode of the cassette to be used. 10. Exit the MUTL.
{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}
11. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.

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[4-1-3] SCN Board Virtual Read  Procedures
 NOTE 
 Function Always use the MUTL of the RU PC-TOOL to perform “SCN board virtual read”.
Generate image data with the SCN23A board, and send the resulting image data to the
CPU23B board. 1. Click on [NEXT] on the examination reception window of the CR Console.
If there is any problem with the output image, it can be decided that the image processing
function of the CPU23B board is faulty.

2. Select [Sensitivity] from the [QC/TEST] menu, and click on [Start Examination].

3. Click on [IP#].

4. Type in the barcode of the cassette to be used.

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5. Press the [ENTER] key.
→ The examination reservation is completed, and the following screen appears.

6. Start the MUTL.

{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
7. Cancel the “Under Maintenance” indication on the RU.
{MU:4.2.1_Display of “Under Maintenance” on the Operation Panel}
8. Click on [SCN/SCT Board Virtual Read], and select [ON].

9. Insert the cassette with the barcode entered.

→ The IP reading starts, and the image is displayed on the CR Console.

10. Exit the MUTL.

{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}
11. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MU-162
[5] Scanner Check [5-2] Polygon Mortor

[5-1] Diagnostic  Function

Turn ON or OFF the polygon.
When it is turned ON, it is checked to see whether the polygon is operating normally a
 Function predetermined time after the polygon is activated.
Perform scanner self-diagnostics on the scanner unit.
Refer to the Machine Description “4.5 Error Detection/Processing Subsystem” for details of  Procedures
items to be diagnosed.
1. Start the MUTL.
{MD:4.5_Error Detection/Processing Subsystem}
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
2. Turn ON the polygon.
It takes approx. 1 minute to perform initial self diagnosis to complete.

 Procedures
1. Start the MUTL.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL} REFERENCE
If an error code is displayed on the MUTL instead of the “THE POLYGON IS TURNED
2. Select [Diagnostic].
ON.”, troubleshoot the machine referring to the error code table.

3. Turn OFF the polygon.

If an error code is displayed on the MUTL instead of the “RESULT-OK”, troubleshoot the
machine referring to the error code table.
4. Exit the MUTL.
{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}
3. Exit the MUTL.
5. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.
{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}
4. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.

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[5-3] Laser 3. Turn OFF the laser.

 Function
Turn ON or OFF the laser.
When the laser is turned ON, the polygon is turned ON, and the polygon and laser are
4. Exit the MUTL.

Either of the following values is displayed on the MUTL. {MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}
- LDIFINT: Factory-default LD current value 5. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.
- LDIFNOW: Current value at present
- LDIFNOW/LDIFINT: Value to indicate how much the current has dropped, from the factory
default until at present.

 Procedures

While the laser is being turned ON, do not turn OFF the polygon.
If the polygon is turned OFF, the laser is irradiated to a single spot, possibly result in a
machine failure or fire.

1. Start the MUTL.

{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
2. Turn ON the laser.

→ The following message appears in the MUTL.



If an error code is displayed on the MUTL instead of the “THE LASER IS TURNED
ON.”, troubleshoot the machine referring to the error code table.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MU-164
[5-4] HV Diagnostic [5-5] Format Adjustment
When the image is outputted under condition where the machine shipment control data is
[5-4-1] HV Setting/Diagnostic installed, a while blank portion may appear on the film or there may be some non-outputted
portion (image loss). In that case, format adjustment is used for fine adjustment.
Format adjustment is also used when it is necessary to make adjustments between units, as
 Function in cases where the subscanning unit and side-positioning conveyor unit are replaced at the
When the HV voltage is inputted over a range from 250 to 999, the command value outputted same time.
from the SCN23A board is detected to check that the difference from the input value is held
within +/- 10%. Checks can be performed on the front side and back side, respectively.
- Before making format adjustment, be sure to turn ON the HV switch. With the HV switch in
 Procedures the OFF position, format adjustment cannot be done.
- When the setting is changed, the result associated with that change is immediately
1. Start the MUTL.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
2. Select [HV Diagnostic]. REFERENCE
When both Manual Adjustment (FREQ) and Manual Adjustment (Pixel) are to be made,
Manual Adjustment (FREQ) should be performed first. If Manual Adjustment (Pixel) is done
first, it may be necessary to perform Manual Adjustment (Pixel) once again, as a result of
Manual Adjustment (FREQ).
3. Input the HV value.

If an error code is displayed on the MUTL instead of the “RESULT-OK”, troubleshoot the
machine referring to the error code table.

4. Exit the MUTL.

{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}
5. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.

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[5-5-1] Manual Adjustment (FREQ) [5-5-2] Manual Adjustment (Pixel)

 Function  Function
Make fine adjustment when the output image is enlarged or reduced in the horizontal Make fine adjustment when the output image is offset in the horizontal direction (main scan
direction (main scan direction). direction) (i.e., a white blank portion appears horizontally, or a portion of the image is not
Its adjustable range is from -5% to +5%. When a negative-quantity (-) value is entered, the outputted).
image is enlarged, while it is reduced when a positive-quantity (+) value is entered. Its adjustable range is from -999 to 999 pixels. When a negative-quantity (-) value is entered,
The calculation formula for the adjustment value is as follows. the white blank portion is expanded, while the white blank portion is narrowed when a
positive-quantity (+) value is entered.
The calculation formula for the adjustment value is as follows.

 Procedures
Refer to the Checks, Replacement and Adjustment of Parts “14.1.1 Main Scan Length
Adjustment” for the detailed procedures for manual adjustment (main scan length).
{MC:14.1.1_Main Scan Length Adjustment}

 Procedures
Refer to the Checks, Replacement and Adjustment of Parts “14.1.2 Main Scan Position
Adjustment” for the detailed procedures for manual adjustment (main scan length).
{MC:14.1.2_Main Scan Position Adjustment}

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CR-IR 359 Service Manual MU-166
[5-5-3] IP Leading-Edge Adjustment (Sub-scanning) [5-5-4] Default Setting (FREQ)
Make fine adjustment when the output image is offset in the IP carrying direction (sub-scanning Set the value of the main scan length (FREQ) to its default value.
direction) (i.e., a white blank portion appears or a portion of the image is not output).
Its adjustable range is from 1 to 50 digits. When a negative-quantity (-) value is entered, the
white blank portion is expanded, while the white blank portion is narrowed when a positive-
quantity (+) value is entered.
The calculation formula for the adjustment value is as follows.

[5-5-5] Default Setting (Pixel)

Set the value of the main scan position (Pixel) to its default value.
 Procedures
Refer to the Checks, Replacement and Adjustment of Parts “14.2 IP Leading Edge
Adjustment (Sub-scanning)” for the detailed procedures of the IP leading edge adjustment
{MC:14.2_IP Leading Edge Adjustment (Sub-scanning)}

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[5-5-6] Optic Setting (FREQ)
Unavailable menu for this machine.
Input no numerical values.

[5-5-7] Optic Setting (Pixel)

Unavailable menu for this machine.
Input no numerical values.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MU-168
[5-6] Correction
 Chart of relations between the correction items and IP type/exposure conditions/
correction procedures
The correction items mentioned in the service manual are listed below for the respective exposure
conditions/IP types.
 : Correction items applicable to the IP of interest
: Not related
Reference of IP type Center S
Correction item mentioned in the X-ray Dose Tube
No. correction Description value after
service manual ST HR tube (mR) voltage
procedure correction
Shading/sensitivity correction for IP Shading/sensitivity/polygonal facet variation correction for the IP type ST is
1 {MC:15.1}  W 1 80 200
type ST concurrently performed. The corrected data affects only the IP type ST.
Shading speed correction for IP type Because subscanning motor speed varies depending on the IP reading mode, speed
2 {MC:15.2}  W 1 80 -
ST correction is performed. The correction is performed for SR speed and FR speed.
Sensitivity correction for the IP type ST is performed. The corrected data affects only
3 Sensitivity correction for IP type ST {MC:15.3}  W 1 80 200
the IP type ST.
Shading/sensitivity correction for IP Shading/sensitivity/polygonal facet variation correction for the IP type HR is
4 {MC:15.4}  W 15 80 29
type HR concurrently performed. The corrected data affects only the IP type HR.
Shading speed correction for IP type Because subscanning motor speed varies depending on the IP reading mode, speed
5 {MC:15.5}  W 15 80 -
HR correction is performed. The correction is performed for HR speed.
Sensitivity correction for the IP type HR is performed. The corrected data affects only
6 Sensitivity correction for IP type HR {MC:15.6}  Mo 20 25 120
the IP type HR.
Sensitivity correction for the IP type HR is performed by means of a tungsten X-ray
{MC:15.7.1}  W 3.6 80 120
Special sensitivity correction for IP type tube.
HR Sensitivity correction for the IP type HR is performed by means of a molybdenum
{MC:15.7.2}  Mo 20 25 120
X-ray tube.
W: Tungsten X-ray tube
Mo: Molybdenum X-ray tube
 Chart of relations between the correction items and IP type/subscanning motor
The correction procedures are listed below for the respective IP types/subscanning motor speeds.
IP type ST HR Remarks:
Relation between the correction item and the data attached to the part
Subscanning motor speed SR FR HR replacement.
Shading correction {MC:15.1} - {MC:15.4}
Tungsten X-ray tube {MC:15.3} {MC:15.7.1}
Correction {MC:15.6} Data attached to the light-collecting guide. (*1)
Sensitivity correction
items Molybdenum X-ray tube - or
Shading speed correction - {MC:15.2} {MC:15.5} Data attached to the scanning optics unit. (*1)
-: Indicates an operation for the correction item is not necessary.
*1: The operation for the correction item is not necessary by restoring the attached data when a part is

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MU-169
[5-6-1] Shading/Sensitivity Correction (ST) [5-6-2] Shading/Sensitivity Correction (HR)

 Function  Function
Shading/sensitivity correction for the IP type ST is performed. Shading/sensitivity correction for the IP type HR is performed.
The corrected data affects only the IP type ST. The corrected data affects only the IP type HR.
 NOTE   NOTE 
Correction can be performed with IPs irradiated by the tungsten X-ray tube. If irradiated by Correction can be performed with IPs irradiated by the tungsten X-ray tube. If irradiated by
the molybdenum X-ray tube, correction will not end normally because it suffers from tube-to- the molybdenum X-ray tube, correction will not end normally because it suffers from tube-to-
tube variability. tube variability.

IP reading should be done for a one-minute period from 10 to 11 minutes after the X-ray IP reading should be done for a one-minute period from 10 to 11 minutes after the X-ray
irradiation. irradiation.

 Procedures
The indications for the S value are as follows according to the irradiation output.
Refer to the Checks, Replacement and Adjustment of Parts “15.4 Shading/Sensitivity
For 0.1 mR: The S value is 2000.
Correction for IP type HR” for the detailed procedures of correcting shading/sensitivity for IP
For 1 mR: The S value is 200.
type HR.
For 10 mR: The S value is 20.

{MC:15.4_Shading/Sensitivity Correction for IP Type HR}

 Procedures
Refer to the Checks, Replacement and Adjustment of Parts “15.1 Shading/Sensitivity
Correction for IP type ST” for the detailed procedures of correcting shading/sensitivity for IP
type ST.
{MC:15.1_Shading/Sensitivity Correction for IP Type ST}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MU-170
[5-6-3] Shading Speed Correction [5-6-4] Sensitivity Correction (ST)

 Function  Function
As the subscanning motor speed differs depending on the reading mode, shading correction Used to correct the IP type ST sensitivity.
can be performed for each of the speeds.
 NOTE 
The following three kinds of speed can be corrected:
Correction is possible only with the IP irradiated by the tungsten X-ray tube.
SR, FR, and HR
- Correct the shading at each subscanning motor speed. Otherwise, unusual nonuniformity
The X-ray dose required during exposure differs depending on the X-ray tube. Expose the IP
will occur when the IP is read at the speed at which shading correction is not performed.
according to the following conditions.
- Correction should be performed with the IP irradiated by the tungsten X-ray tube.
Tungsten X-ray tube: About 1 mR

Depending on the speed at which the correction is performed, film outputs and screen
The indications for the S value are as follows according to the irradiation output.
displays may vary.
For 0.1 mR: The S value is 2000.
For 1 mR: The S value is 200.
For 10 mR: The S value is 20.

 Procedures
Refer to the Checks, Replacement and Adjustment of Parts “15.3 Sensitivity Correction for IP
type ST” for the detailed procedures of correcting the sensitivity.
{MC:15.3_Sensitivity Correction for IP Type ST}

 Procedures
The correction procedures differ depending on the IP type.
- For the IP type ST
{MC:15.2_Shading Speed Correction for IP Type ST}

- For the IP type HR

{MC:15.5_Shading Speed Correction for IP Type HR}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MU-171
[5-6-5] Sensitivity Correction (HR) [5-6-6] Special Sensitivity Correction

 Function  Function
Used to correct the IP type HR sensitivity. Sensitivity correction is performed for the IP type HR depending on the type of the X-ray tube
to be used at the user’s site.
 NOTE 
Correction is possible only with the IP irradiated by the molybdenum X-ray tube.  INSTRUCTION 
X-ray dose required for exposure differs depending on the X-ray tube. Make exposure
 INSTRUCTION  according to the following conditions.
Tungsten X-ray tube: About 3.6 mR
The X-ray dose required during exposure differs depending on the X-ray tube. Expose the IP
Molybdenum X-ray tube: About 20 mR
according to the following conditions.
Molybdenum X-ray tube: About 20 mR
- The X-ray tube selection menu is recognized as follows:
AUTO SELECT: The IP type HR is automatically recognized as one irradiated by the
The indications for the S value are as follows according to the irradiation output.
molybdenum X-ray tube for correction.
For 2 mR: The S value is 1200.
TUNGSTEN FIX: Correction is performed by the X-ray tube (tungsten) with the IP type
For 20 mR: The S value is 120.
HR specified.
For 200 mR: The S value is 12.
- The S value is indicated as follows depending on the irradiation output.
<When a molybdenum X-ray tube is used>
 Procedures For 2 mR: The S value is 1200.
Refer to the Checks, Replacement and Adjustment of Parts “15.6 Sensitivity Correction for IP For 20 mR: The S value is 120.
type HR” for the detailed procedures of correcting the sensitivity. For 200 mR: The S value is 12.
{MC:15.6_Sensitivity Correction for IP Type HR} <When a tungsten X-ray tube is used>
For 0.36 mR: The S value is 1200.
For 3.6 mR: The S value is 120.
For 36 mR: The S value is 12.

 Procedures
Refer to the Checks, replacement and adjustment of parts, “15.7 Special Sensitivity
Correction for IP Type HR” for the detailed procedures of the special sensitivity correction.
{MC:15.7_Special Sensitivity Correction for IP Type HR}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MU-172
[5-6-7] Sensitivity S-Value Correction  Procedures
Procedures for correcting the indication of 195 to 200 are described as an example.
 Function 1. Start the MUTL.
Correct the S value indicated on the film. {MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
For example, if the S value is indicated as 195 on the film when the IP exposed at 1 mR is 2. Select [Correction].
read, then correction is performed to indicate the S value as 200.

3. Select [Sensitivity S-Value Correction].

4. Enter the existing S-value and expected S-value.

S value correction is applied to the IP type (ST or HR) read by the RU immediately
before the command is executed.
- When the S value correction is to be performed for the IP type ST, do not read the IP 5. Back up the data so adjusted into a floppy diskette.
type HR from the time when the S value indicated on the film is checked to the time {MC:16.3_Backing Up the Scanner Data}
when the command for “S value correction” is performed.
- When the S value correction is to be performed for the IP type HR, do not read the IP
6. Exit the MUTL.

type ST from the time when the S value indicated on the film is checked to the time {MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}
when the command for “S value correction” is performed. 7. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MU-173
[5-7] Trouble Shooting [5-8] HV ON/OFF

[5-7-1] Shading Correction  Function

Turn ON or OFF the HV switch (software switch).
The setting changed becomes effective immediately; however, the result updated does not
 Function appear immediately on the operation panel of the RU.
For troubleshooting, set to determine whether to generate image output by use of the If the mode of the RU is changed (from the maintenance mode to routine mode), an error
shading correction data or without use of the shading correction data. message (error code: 11200) appears on the operation panel, and when the error window is
- ON: Generate image output by using the shading correction data. exited, the blinking “HV-OFF” message appears on the top of the operation panel.
- OFF: Generate image output without using the shading correction data.

Check to make sure that the cover plate has been put on to shield the inside of the
Normally, be sure to set it to "ON".
housing against light, before turning ON the HV switch. If the HV switch is turned ON
If "OFF" setting is used, the resulting image suffers unusual nonuniformity.
without the inside of the housing shielded against light, the photomultiplier may get
The "OFF" setting is canceled when the power of the RU is turned OFF and back ON, or
when IP reading operation is performed once or more.
- This can be set only when the HV switch on the SCN23A board of the RU is ON.
- The "OFF" setting is canceled when the power of the RU is turned OFF and back ON.
 Procedures
Procedures for setting the shading correction to OFF are described as an example.  Procedures
1. Start the MUTL.
The procedures of setting the HV switch to OFF are described as an example.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
1. Start the MUTL.
2. Click on [Trouble Shooting]. {MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
2. Click on [HV ON/OFF], and select [OFF].

3. Click on [Shading correction], and select [OFF].

3. Exit the MUTL after the maintenance is completed.
{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}
4. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.

4. Exit the MUTL.

{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}
5. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MU-174
[5-9] S Value [5-9-2] S value calculate

[5-9-1] S value now  Function

Performs calculations on the X-ray dose to determine the S value that corresponds to the
X-ray dose.
 Function
Displays the initial S value and current S value.  Procedures
Allows you to confirm S value changes.
1. Start the MUTL.
After the S value changes are confirmed, perform the S value verification procedure as
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
2. Select [S Value].
 Procedures
1. Start the MUTL.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
2. Select [S Value].
3. Enter the X-ray dose value and then click [Set].

If the X-ray dose value is set to 1, the following message appears in the MUTL window.

3. Select [S value now].

4. Exit the MUTL.

4. Verify the result displayed in the MUTL window.
{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}
5. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.

5. Verify the current S value. Perform the S value verification procedure as needed.
{MC:18._Confirming the S Value}
6. Exit the MUTL.
{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}
7. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MU-175
[5-9-3] PMT/LightGuide change: LED initialize

 Function
Initializes the LED data after PMT board replacement to set the initial value for S value error
 NOTE 
After the "LED initialize" procedure is performed, be sure to back up "SCN ALL DATA." When
the "LED initialize" procedure is performed, the initial value for S value error detection is set
up in the RU's flash ROM only. When you back up "SCN ALL DATA," the initial value for S
value error detection is saved in the FTP server.

 Procedures
For details on the "LED initialize" procedure, see "8.2.3 Check/Adjustment Procedures" under
"8.2 PMT Board" in the Checks, Replacement and Adjustment volume.
{MC:8.2.3_Check/Adjustment Procedures}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MU-176
[6] Mechanical Check 3. Select [Removal HP].

When the function of mechanical check is to be used, be sure to follow the procedures
in order. Otherwise, correct operation cannot be made.
If an error code is displayed on the MUTL instead of the “RESULT-OK”, troubleshoot the
[6-1] IP Removal Unit 1 machine referring to the error code table.

[6-1-1] Removal Mechanism: Removal HP

4. Exit the MUTL.
{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}
 Function
Used to drive the suction arm driving motor (MA3) of the cassette set unit to home-position
5. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.

the suction arm. When the suction arm HP sensor (SA6) is closed, the suction arm is
detected to have moved to the home position.

 Procedures
1. Start the MUTL.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}

2. Select [IP Removal Unit 1].

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MU-177
[6-1-2] Removal Mechanism: Removal Diagnostic [6-1-3] Open Lid Mechanism: Open Lid HP

 Function  Function
Used to drive the suction arm driving motor (MA3) of the cassette set unit to check the Used to drive the cassette cover opening mechanism driving motor (MA1) of the cassette
operation of the suction arm. set unit to home-position the cassette cover opening mechanism. When the cassette cover
opening mechanism HP sensor (SA7) is closed, the cassette cover opening mechanism is
 Procedures detected to have moved to the home position.
1. Start the MUTL.
 Procedures
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
1. Start the MUTL.
2. Select [IP Removal Unit 1].
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}

2. Select [IP Removal Unit 1].

3. Select [Removal Diagnostic].

3. Select [Open Lid HP].

If an error code is displayed on the MUTL instead of the “RESULT-OK”, troubleshoot the
machine referring to the error code table. REFERENCE
{Troubleshooting} If an error code is displayed on the MUTL instead of the “RESULT-OK”, troubleshoot the
machine referring to the error code table.
4. Exit the MUTL. {Troubleshooting}

{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}

4. Exit the MUTL.
5. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.
{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}

5. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MU-178
[6-1-4] Open Lid Mechanism: Open Lid Diagnostic [6-1-5] Close Lid Mechanism: Close Lid HP

 Function  Function
Used to drive the cassette cover opening mechanism driving motor (MA1) of the cassette set Used to drive the cassette cover closing mechanism driving motor (MA2) of the cassette
unit to check the operation of the cassette cover opening mechanism. set unit to home-position the cassette cover closing mechanism. When the cassette cover
closing mechanism HP sensor (SA8) is closed, the cassette cover closing mechanism is
 Procedures detected to have moved to the home position.
1. Start the MUTL.
 Procedures
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
1. Start the MUTL.
2. Select [IP Removal Unit 1].
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}

2. Select [IP Removal Unit 1].

3. Select [Open Lid Diagnostic].

3. Select [Close Lid HP].

If an error code is displayed on the MUTL instead of the “RESULT-OK”, troubleshoot the
machine referring to the error code table. REFERENCE
{Troubleshooting} If an error code is displayed on the MUTL instead of the “RESULT-OK”, troubleshoot the
machine referring to the error code table.
4. Exit the MUTL. {Troubleshooting}

{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}

4. Exit the MUTL.
5. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.
{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}

5. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MU-179
[6-1-6] Close Lid Mechanism: Close Lid Diagnostic [6-2] IP Removal Unit 2

 Function [6-2-1] Pump

Used to drive the cassette cover closing mechanism driving motor (MA2) of the cassette set
unit to check the operation of the cassette cover closing mechanism.
 Function
 Procedures Used to drive the IP suction pump (PA1) of the cassette set unit or release its drive, to check
the operation.
1. Start the MUTL.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}  Procedures
2. Select [IP Removal Unit 1]. 1. Start the MUTL.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}

2. Select [IP Removal Unit 2].

3. Select [Close Lid Diagnostic].

3. Set the pump to ON.

If an error code is displayed on the MUTL instead of the “RESULT-OK”, troubleshoot the
machine referring to the error code table.
{Troubleshooting} REFERENCE
If an error code is displayed on the MUTL instead of the “RESULT-OK”, troubleshoot the
4. Exit the MUTL. machine referring to the error code table.
{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL} {Troubleshooting}

5. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.

4. Set the pump to OFF.

5. Exit the MUTL.

{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}

6. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MU-180
[6-2-2] Valve 1 (SVA1) [6-2-3] Valve 2 (SVA2)

 Function  Function
Used to drive the IP air-leak valve (SVA1) of the cassette set unit or release its drive, to Used to drive the IP suction path changeover valve (SVA2) of the cassette set unit or release
check the operation. its drive, to check the operation.

 Procedures  Procedures
1. Start the MUTL. 1. Start the MUTL.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL} {MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
2. Select [IP Removal Unit 2]. 2. Select [IP Removal Unit 2].

3. Set the valve 1 to ON. 3. Set the valve 2 to ON.

If an error code is displayed on the MUTL instead of the “RESULT-OK”, troubleshoot the If an error code is displayed on the MUTL instead of the “RESULT-OK”, troubleshoot the
machine referring to the error code table. machine referring to the error code table.
{Troubleshooting} {Troubleshooting}

4. Set the valve 1 to OFF. 4. Set the valve 2 to OFF.

5. Exit the MUTL. 5. Exit the MUTL.

{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL} {MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}

6. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again. 6. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MU-181
[6-2-4] Solenoid [6-2-5] Feed Conveyance (MA4/MC1)

 Function  Function
Used to drive the cassette hold pin solenoid (SOLA1) of the cassette set unit or release its Used to drive the IP transport motor (MA4) and the side-positioning IP transport motor (MC1)
drive, to check the operation. in the direction of reading the IP to check the operation.
Setting the solenoid to ON, the hold is canceled, and the cassette hold sensor (SA2) changes
from close to open.  Procedures

 Procedures
1. Start the MUTL.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
1. Start the MUTL.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
2. Select [IP Removal Unit 2].

2. Select [IP Removal Unit 2].

3. Select [Feed Conveyance (MA4/MC1)].

3. Set the solenoid to ON.

If an error code is displayed on the MUTL instead of the “RESULT-OK”, troubleshoot the
REFERENCE machine referring to the error code table.
If an error code is displayed on the MUTL instead of the “RESULT-OK”, troubleshoot the {Troubleshooting}
machine referring to the error code table.
4. Exit the MUTL.
{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}
4. Set the solenoid to OFF.
5. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.

5. Exit the MUTL.

{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}

6. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MU-182
[6-2-6] Erasure Conveyance (MA4/MC1) [6-3] Side-Positioning Conveyor

 Function [6-3-1] Side-Positioning: Side-Positioning HP

Used to drive the IP transport motor (MA4) and the side-positioning IP transport motor (MC1)
in the direction of ejecting the IP to check the operation.
 Function
 Procedures Used to drive the side-positioning conveyor roller grip release motor (MC2) to home-position
the side-positioning grip mechanism. When the side-positioning grip HP sensor is opened,
1. Start the MUTL.
the grip mechanism is detected to have moved to the home position. The grip is released at
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
the home position.
2. Select [IP Removal Unit 2].
 Procedures
1. Start the MUTL.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}

2. Select [Side-Positioning Conveyor].

3. Select [Erasure Conveyance (MA4/MC1)].

3. Select [Side-Positioning HP].

If an error code is displayed on the MUTL instead of the “RESULT-OK”, troubleshoot the
machine referring to the error code table.

4. Exit the MUTL.
If an error code is displayed on the MUTL instead of the “RESULT-OK”, troubleshoot the
{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL} machine referring to the error code table.
5. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again. {Troubleshooting}

4. Exit the MUTL.

{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}

5. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MU-183
[6-3-2] Side-Positioning: Side-Positioning Hook HP [6-3-3] Side-Positioning: Side-Positioning Base Pin HP

 Function  Function
Used to drive the side-positioning latch mechanism driving motor (MC3) to home-position the Used to select the IP size for self diagnoses.
side-positioning mechanism. When the IP side-positioning HP sensor (SC6) is closed, the
side-positioning mechanism is detected to have moved to the home position.  Procedures
The procedures of setting the IP size to [1824] are described as an example.
 Procedures
1. Start the MUTL.
1. Start the MUTL. {MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
2. Select [Side-Positioning Conveyor].
2. Select [Side-Positioning Conveyor].

3. Click on [Side-positioning Base Pin HP], and select [1824].

3. Select [Side-Positioning Hook HP].

4. Perform side-positioning self diagnosis.

REFERENCE {MU:7.3[6-3-4]_Side-Positioning: Side-Positioning Grip HP}
If an error code is displayed on the MUTL instead of the “RESULT-OK”, troubleshoot the
machine referring to the error code table.
5. Exit the MUTL.
{Troubleshooting} {MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}

6. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.

4. Exit the MUTL.
{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}

5. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MU-184
[6-3-4] Side-Positioning: Side-Positioning Grip HP [6-3-5] Side-Positioning: Side-Positioning Size Selection

 Function  Function
Used to drive the side-positioning latch mechanism driving motor (MC3) to check the Used to drive the side-positioning latch mechanism driving motor (MC3) to homo-position
operation of the side-positioning mechanism. the side-positioning latch. The IP side-positioning HP sensor (SC6) is closed at the home
 Procedures
 Procedures
1. Start the MUTL.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL} 1. Start the MUTL.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
2. Select [Side-Positioning Conveyor].
2. Select [Side-Positioning Conveyor].

Select an IP size when the need arises. 3. Select [Side-Positioning Size Selection].
{MU:7.3[6-3-3]_Side-Positioning: Side-Positioning Base Pin HP}

3. Select [Side-Positioning Grip HP].

If an error code is displayed on the MUTL instead of the “RESULT-OK”, troubleshoot the
machine referring to the error code table.
If an error code is displayed on the MUTL instead of the “RESULT-OK”, troubleshoot the
machine referring to the error code table. 4. Exit the MUTL.
{Troubleshooting} {MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}

5. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.

4. Exit the MUTL.
{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}

5. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MU-185
[6-3-6] Side-Positioning: Side-Positioning Operation [6-3-7] Barcode-Reader: Barcode-Reader On

 Function  Function
Used to drive the side-positioning reference block driving motor (MC4) to home-position the Used to check that the barcode reader (BCRC1) is lit.
side-positioning reference pin (reference block). The side-positioning reference block HP
sensor (SC7) is closed at the home position.  Procedures

 Procedures
1. Start the MUTL.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
1. Start the MUTL.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
2. Select [Side-Positioning Conveyor].

2. Select [Side-Positioning Conveyor].

3. Select [Barcode-Reader On].

3. Select [Side-Positioning Operation].

If an error code is displayed on the MUTL instead of the “RESULT-OK”, troubleshoot the
REFERENCE machine referring to the error code table.
If an error code is displayed on the MUTL instead of the “RESULT-OK”, troubleshoot the {Troubleshooting}
machine referring to the error code table.
{Troubleshooting} 4. Exit the MUTL.
{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}
4. Exit the MUTL.
{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}
5. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.

5. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MU-186
[6-3-8] Barcode-Reader: Show Barcode [6-3-9] Post-Conveyance (FFM/MC1)

 Function  Function
Used to display the barcode number that the barcode reader (BCRC1) has just read. Used to drive the subscanning motor (MZ1) and the side-positioning IP transport motor (MC1)
in the direction of reading the IP to check the operation.
 Procedures
 Procedures
1. Start the MUTL.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL} 1. Start the MUTL.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
2. Select [Side-Positioning Conveyor].
2. Select [Side-Positioning Conveyor].

3. Select [Show Barcode].

3. Select [Post-Conveyance (FFM/MC1)].

→ The barcode number which has just been read id displayed.

If an error code is displayed on the MUTL instead of the “RESULT-OK”, troubleshoot the
- If no barcode has just been read, “BARCODE NODATA” appears, and then “RESULT-OK”
machine referring to the error code table.
- If an error code is displayed on the MUTL instead of the “RESULT-OK”, troubleshoot the {Troubleshooting}
machine referring to the error code table.
{Troubleshooting} 4. Exit the MUTL.
{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}
4. Exit the MUTL.
5. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.
{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}

5. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MU-187
[6-4] Sub Scanning [6-4-2] Dust Removal: Dust Removal HP

[6-4-1] Sub-Scanning Grip : Sub-Scanning Grip HP  Function

Used to drive the dust removal motor (MZ3) to home-position the dust removal mechanism.
When the dust removal HP sensor (SZ5) is opened, the dust removal mechanism is detected
 Function to have moved to the home position.
Used to drive the driven/driving grip roller driving motor (MZ2) to home-position the grip
mechanism.  Procedures

 Procedures 1. Start the MUTL.

{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
1. Start the MUTL.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL} 2. Select [Sub Scanning].

2. Select [Sub Scanning].

3. Select [Dust Removal HP].

3. Select [Sub Scanning Grip HP].

If an error code is displayed on the MUTL instead of the “RESULT-OK”, troubleshoot the
REFERENCE machine referring to the error code table.
If an error code is displayed on the MUTL instead of the “RESULT-OK”, troubleshoot the {Troubleshooting}
machine referring to the error code table.
4. Exit the MUTL.
{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}
4. Exit the MUTL.
{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL} 5. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.

5. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MU-188
[6-4-3] Dust Removal: Dust Removal Operation [6-4-4] Conveyance Motor: Conveyance Motor Speed Selection

 Function  Function
Used to drive the dust removal motor (MZ3) to remove dust. Used to select the conveyance speed when the IP transport motor is driven.

 Procedures CAUTION
1. Start the MUTL. Always stop the subscanning motor (MZ1) before carrying out “Select IP motor
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL} conveyance speed”. If the speed is selected with the subscanning motor driven, it
may not work normally.
2. Select [Sub Scanning].

 Procedures
The procedures of setting the speed of the IP transport motor to [FR] are described as an
SR (355): HR mode reading speed
3. Select [Dust Removal Operation]. SR (356): SR mode reading speed
FR: FR mode reading speed

1. Start the MUTL.

{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
REFERENCE 2. Select [Sub Scanning].
If an error code is displayed on the MUTL instead of the “RESULT-OK”, troubleshoot the
machine referring to the error code table.

4. Exit the MUTL.

3. Click on [Select IP transport motor speed] and select [FR].
{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}

5. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.

4. Drive and stop the transport motor.

{MU:7.3[6-4-5]_Conveyance Motor : Conveyance Motor Stop/Drive}

5. Exit the MUTL.

{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}

6. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MU-189
[6-4-5] Conveyance Motor : Conveyance Motor Stop/Drive 4. Click on [Transport motor stop/drive], and select [STOP].

 Function
Used to drive and stop the subscanning motor (MZ1).

 Procedures
1. Start the MUTL. If an error code is displayed on the MUTL instead of the “RESULT-OK”, troubleshoot the
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL} machine referring to the error code table.
2. Select [Sub Scanning]. {Troubleshooting}

5. Exit the MUTL.

{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}

6. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.

Select the IP transport motor speed when the need arises.
{MU:7.3[6-4-4]_Conveyance Motor: Conveyance Motor Speed Selection}

3. Click on [Transport motor stop/drive], and select [DRIVE].

If an error code is displayed on the MUTL instead of the “RESULT-OK”, troubleshoot the
machine referring to the error code table.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MU-190
[6-4-6] FAN (G1) Diagnostic [7] For Design
Commands for design
 Function Not used for servicing.
Used to check operation of the scanner unit cooling fan (FANG1).

 Procedures
1. Start the MUTL.
{MU:7.2_Starting and Exiting the MUTL}
2. Select [Sub Scanning].

3. Click on [FAN (G1) Diagnostic].

If an error code is displayed on the MUTL instead of the “RESULT-OK”, troubleshoot the
machine referring to the error code table.

4. Exit the MUTL.

{MU:7.2.3_Exiting the MUTL}

5. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON again.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual MU-191
Control Sheet
Issue date Revision number Reason Pages affected
05.24.2007 01 New release (FM5133) All pages
09.04.2007 02 Revision (FM5207) 2-4, 6, 8, 19, 20, 23, 24, 26, 31, 36, 40,
42, 44, 45, 55-57, 64
07.08.2008 03 Revision (FM5390) 2-4, 6, 8-10, 12, 13, 15, 18-22,
24, 26-28, 30, 31, 34-57, 59-65

CR-IR 359 Service Manual

Service Parts List (SP)

014-211-03E CR-IR 359 Service Manual

07.08.2008 FM5390

How to Use Service Character Significance

Consumable parts or parts
○ For software
The alphabet denotes a difference in the
■ Recommended quantities of spare
Parts List A that will be replaced at short
specifications. Parts differing in the suffix
are not compatible with each other. Version It is recommended as a rough guide to hold
Parts that may become faulty number is omitted in the list. in stock a certain quantity of parts according
B accidentally and have a to the rank (A, B, C, D, E) assigned to the
relatively high failure rate. ■ PART NAME parts, as follows. For periodically replaced
Parts that have a sufficiently long parts, hold them in stock separately. Adjust
● Handling RANK characters (parts C MTBF, but are expected to have
PART NAME represents a general name of
the stock quantity of service parts depending
that are handled in a special a relatively high failure rate. a part.
on the number of working units (N).
manner during parts operation, Parts that have a sufficiently Quantity used in a single system : Q
■ QTY.
such as management) D long MTBF, but are expected to
become faulty. ○ QTY. denotes the quantity of parts used ○N=1
Character Under Warranty Out of Warranty
Parts that are necessary for fault in each unit. Rank A = 1 + Q × 0.3
R Must be returned. Repairable analysis, or parts that may be Rank C = 1 + Q × 0.05
Must be returned. E needed in case of unexpected ○ A part whose quantity is suffixed with -S Rank D = 1 + Q × 0.02
Q (We use for Not repairable accidents such as man-induced represents a small part that is shipped in
analysis.) damage. packs of 50. (Even if such a part is ordered ○ 2 ≦ N ≦ 10
Must Not be in quantity of 1, a pack containing 50 pieces Rank A = 2 + N × Q × 0.3
<The RANK guide> Rank C = 2 + N × Q × 0.05
of that part is supplied.)
(Consumable The Fault RANK characters, Handling Rank D = 2 + N × Q × 0.02
T part. Not Not repairable RANK characters, and Export regulation- ■ REMARKS
applicable character are assigned in that ○ 11 ≦ N ≦ 300
applicable to
order. The REMARKS column indicates a unique Rank A = 3 + N × Q × 0.3
warranty.) Thus, at least one character or up to three name of a part or relevant information of Rank C = 3 + N × Q × 0.05
without Must Not be characters are assigned in the RANK each part. Rank D = 2 + N × Q × 0.02
Not repairable
R, Q, T returned. column.
■ SERIAL NUMBER ■ Precautions to be Observed When
■ REF.NO. The units may contain different parts Returning Parts for Repair
● Export regulation-applicable
REF. NO. is a part number indicated in the depending on their shipment control number. When returning a component for repair,
character(Parts with the following
Service Parts Exploded Views. For parts SERIAL NUMBER indicates the shipment pack it in the same manner as for the
character are controlled by Export
having different functions, they are clearly control number to which the relevant parts supplied substitute, using the substitute
distinguished in the REMARKS and SERIAL are applicable. If the SERIAL NUMBER packing materials.
Character Significance NUMBER columns. column is blank, the parts are applicable to The use of different packing materials or
Parts applicable to export all the relevant units. The shipment control packing methods may incur damage to

regulations. ■ PART NUMBER number is represented by lower five digits packed component during transit.
of eight-digit number indicated on the rating
PART NUMBER is a code number that is
● Fault RANK characters (which indication label.
unique to each part. An alphabetic letter at
provide reference for determining the the rightmost position of the code number ■ REFER TO
recom-mended stock quantity) has the following meaning.
The "REFER TO" column shows reference
All parts are assigned with one of ○ For hardware sections concerning the part.Clicking
characters A through E. The alphabet denotes the version number the reference section in the "REFER
of a part. If parts have different version TO" column jumps to the top page of
numbers, they are upward-compatible. the reference section where the related
information is in.

05.24.2007 FM5133
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-1

● カバー ● フレーム ● カセッテセット部 ● ケーブル ● 回路図 ●部品番号検索表


● 消去部 ● 幅寄搬送部 ● 光学部 ● オプション ● 治具 ● その他サービス部品


● 集光部 ● 副走査部 ● 制御部 ● 締結用および配線用の
List of Service Parts for
Securing and Wiring

07.08.2008 FM5390
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-2
01A カバー 1
カバー 1
Except for
E 1.1 350Y100498 カバー Cover 1 {MC:3.1}
USA, Japan
E 1.2 350Y2079E カバー Cover 1 For PHILIPS {MC:3.1}
E 1.3 350Y100675 カバー Cover 1 {MC:3.1}
E 1.4 350Y100676 カバー Cover 1 For USA {MC:3.1}
E 1.5 350Y100679 カバー Cover 1 For Japan {MC:3.1}
E 2 405N3178D 銘板 Label 1 {MC:3.5}
D 3 343N0048 フック Hook 1 {MC:3.5}
D 4 382N1667 テープ Tape 2 {MC:3.5}
D 5 382N1670 テープ Tape 2 {MC:3.5}
E 6 345Y0318B/C 遮板 Light Protect Plate 1 {MC:3.5}
Except for
E 7.1 350Y1925C カバー Cover 1 {MC:3.2}
E 7.2 350Y2065C カバー Cover 1 {MC:3.2}
A 8 376N0240C メカニカルフィルタ Mechanical Filter 1 {MC:3.9}
Except for
D 9.1 345N1742E ルーバー Louver 1 {MC:3.9}
D 9.2 345N1884A ルーバー Louver 1 {MC:3.9}
D 10 376N0241B メカニカルフィルタ Mechanical Filter 1 {MC:3.9}
Except for
D 11.1 345N1743D ルーバー Louver 1 {MC:3.9}
D 11.2 345N1885A ルーバー Louver 1 {MC:3.9}
D 12 382N1711B テープ Tape 1 {MC:3.2}
D 13 382N1713A テープ Tape 2 {MC:3.2}
D 14 382N1716 テープ Tape 1 {MC:3.2}
D 15 382N1712B テープ Tape 1 {MC:3.2}
D 16 382N1715B テープ Tape 1 {MC:3.2}
Except for
E 17.1 350N3085C カバー Cover 1 {MC:4.6}
E 17.2 350N3318A カバー Cover 1 {MC:4.6}
Except for
E 18.1 350Y100308 カバー Cover 1 {MC:4.6}
E 18.2 350Y100309 カバー Cover 1 {MC:4.6}
E 18.3 350Y2974F カバー Cover 1 For Japan {MC:4.6}
E 19 356N10768A ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:3.5}
D 20 386N1372 緩衝機材 Shock Absorber 1 {MC:3.5}
E 21 356Y0616A ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:3.5}
D 22 386N1375 緩衝機材 Shock Absorber 1 {MC:3.11}
D 23 386N1374 緩衝機材 Shock Absorber 2 {MC:3.11}
Except for
A 24 376Y100009 メカニカルフィルタ Mechanical Filter 1 {MC:3.9}

07.08.2008 FM5390
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-3
01B カバー 2
カバー 2
Except for
E 1.1 350Y1959B カバー Cover 1 {MC:3.3}
E 1.2 350Y2067E カバー Cover 1 {MC:3.3}
E 2 405N3178D 銘板 Label 1 {MC:3.6}
E 3 345Y0319C/D 遮板 Light Protect Plate 1 {MC:3.6}
D 4 382N1668 テープ Tape 2 {MC:3.6}
D 5 382N1667 テープ Tape 2 {MC:3.6}
D 6 382N1839 テープ Tape 2 {MC:3.6}
Except for
E 7.1 350N3235C カバー Cover 1 {MC:3.3}
E 7.2 350N3310B カバー Cover 1 {MC:3.3}
E 8 405N2505A 銘板 Label 1 {MC:3.8}
Except for
E 9.1 350Y1809C カバー Cover 1 {MC:3.8}
E 9.2 350Y2059A カバー Cover 1 {MC:3.8}
Except for
E 10.1 350Y2082 カバー Cover 1 {MC:3.4}
E 10.2 350Y2083A カバー Cover 1 {MC:3.4}
11 ***
E 12 345Y0320B/C 遮板 Light Protect Plate 1 {MC:3.7}
D 13 382N1665 テープ Tape 2 {MC:3.7}
D 14 382N1666A テープ Tape 2 {MC:3.7}
E 15 356N10769A ブラケット Bracket 2 {MC:3.6}
D 16 386N1373 緩衝機材 Shock Absorber 2 {MC:3.6}
E 17 356Y0617A ブラケット Bracket 2 {MC:3.6}
E 18 356N10761A ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:3.7}
D 19 386N1367 緩衝機材 Shock Absorber 1 {MC:3.7}
E 20 356Y0610A ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:3.7}
D 21 386N1374 緩衝機材 Shock Absorber 4 {MC:3.11}
E 22 405N3178D 銘板 Label 1 {MC:3.7}

07.08.2008 FM5390
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-4
02A フレーム 1
フレーム 1
E 1 356Y0459 ブラケット Bracket 1 −
D 2 382N1745B テープ Tape 1 −
D 3 382N1747 テープ Tape 1 −
E 4 356N10253B ブラケット Bracket 1 −
E 5 356Y0460 ブラケット Bracket 1 −
E 6 356N10254B ブラケット Bracket 1 −
D 7 382N1746A テープ Tape 1 −
D 8 382N1820 テープ Tape 2 −
E 9 356N10570C ブラケット Bracket 1 −
D 10 382N1717 テープ Tape 1 −
D 11 382N1718A テープ Tape 1 −
D 12 382N1719 テープ Tape 1 −
D 13 367N2069 脚 Adjuster Assembly 4 {MC:4.9}
D 14 367S1109A キャスタ Caster 4 {MC:4.9}
15 ***
D 16 347N2124 スペーサ Spacer 4 {MC:4.9}

05.24.2007 FM5133
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-5
02B フレーム 2
フレーム 2
1 ***
D 2 387N0187/A 帯電防止材 Antistatic Brush 2 {MC:4.7}
D 3 363N2613C ガイド板 Guide plate 1 {MC:4.7}
D 4 363N2614C ガイド板 Guide plate 1 {MC:4.7}
E 5 362N0834E 受 Support 1 {MC:4.7}
E 6 362N0835B 受 Support 1 {MC:4.7}
E 7 362N0833B 受 Plate 1 {MC:4.7}
E 8 345N1757B 仕切板 Bracket 1 −
E 9 350N3134B カバー Cover 1 −
D 10 375N0103B パッキン Packing 1 −
D 11 375N0104B パッキン Packing 1 −
E 12 350N3133B カバー Cover 1 −
E 13 356N10208A ブラケット Bracket 1 −
E 14 386N1292B 緩衝機材 Shock Absorber 1 −
E 15 362N0836F 受 Bracket 1 −
D 16 382N1864 テープ Tape 2 −
E 17 356N9820E ブラケット Bracket 1 −
D 18 382N1819 スポンジテープ Sponge Tape 1 −
E 19 356N9819D ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:4.8}
D 20 146N0016A/B ホトインタラプタ Photo Sensor 1 SG1 {MC:4.8}
E 21 345N1799A 遮板 Light Protect Plate 1 −
E 22 319N4192D/E 軸 Shaft 2 −
D 23 384N0105A こすり部材 Tape 1 −
24.1 ***
E 24.2 356N10835 ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:10.1}
E 25 316S0163 止め具 Clamp 1 {MC:10.1}
E 26 138S0139 フェライトコア Ferrite Core 1 {MC:10.1}

07.08.2008 FM5390
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-6
02C フレーム 3
フレーム 3
E 1 375N0099 シール Seal 12 −

05.24.2007 FM5133
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-7
03A カセッテセット部 1
カセッテセット部 1
D 1 327N6101401D ラック Guide 4 {MC:5.2}
D 2 327N1101607B 平歯車 Spur Gear 4 {MC:5.2}
D 3 322N1036B すべり軸受 Plain Bearing 8 {MC:5.2}
E 4 356Y0407A ブラケット Bracket 2 {MC:5.2}
D 5 322SY066 すべり軸受 Plain Bearing 4 {MC:5.2}
E 6 319N4168C/D 軸 Shaft 1 {MC:5.2}
E 7 356Y0406B ブラケット Bracket 2 {MC:5.2}
E 8 319N4146C/D 軸 Shaft 1 {MC:5.2}
For inch
E 9.1 350Y1957A カバー Cover 1 {MC:5.2}
except for
For metric
E 9.2 350Y1958A カバー Cover 1 {MC:5.2}
except for
For inch
E 9.3 350Y100668 カバー Cover 1 Cassette, for {MC:5.2}
For inch
E 9.4 350Y100666 カバー Cover 1 Cassette, for {MC:5.2}
E 10 356Y0458A ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:5.2}
D 11 386N1266 緩衝機材 Shock Absorber 4 {MC:5.2}
D 12 382N1747 テープ Tape 4 {MC:5.2}
For inch
E 13.1 350Y1953B カバー Cover 1 {MC:5.2}
except for
For metric
E 13.2 350Y1954B カバー Cover 1 {MC:5.2}
except for
For inch
E 13.3 350Y100667 カバー Cover 1 Cassette, for {MC:5.2}
For inch
E 13.4 350Y100665 カバー Cover 1 Cassette, for {MC:5.2}
E 14 356Y0457A ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:5.2}
E 15 350Y1951B カバー Cover 1 {MC:5.2}
D 16 334Y2247 樹脂ローラ Resin Roller 4 {MC:5.2}
D 17 322NB006 ころがり軸受 Ball Bearing 2 {MC:5.2}
D 18 334N2390D 樹脂ローラ Resin Roller 1 {MC:5.2}
D 19 319N4091B 軸 Shaft 1 {MC:5.2}
E 20 346N1254E 補助板 Plate Support 1 {MC:5.2}
E 21 353Y0073G シャーシ Chassis 1 {MC:5.2}
E 22 356N10790A ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:5.2}
E 23 356N10111 ブラケット Bracket 2 {MC:5.2}
D 24 387N0138C 帯電防止材 Antistatic Brush 2 {MC:5.2}

07.08.2008 FM5390
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-8
03B カセッテセット部 2
カセッテセット部 2
E 1 341N1134C アーム Arm 1 {MC:5.4}
D 2 315S0050 止め輪 Snap Ring 1 {MC:5.4}
E 3 341N1135B アーム Arm 1 {MC:5.4}
D 4 322SY094 すべり軸受 Plain Bearing 1 {MC:5.4}
D 5 329N0168B カム Cam 1 {MC:5.6}
D 6 327N0194 平歯車 Spur Gear 1 {MC:5.6}
D 7 327N0193A 平歯車 Spur Gear 1 {MC:5.6}
D 8 322SY092 すべり軸受 Plain Bearing 1 {MC:5.6}
E 9 341N1054C アーム Arm 1 {MC:5.25}
Rubber Vibration
E 10 386N1307A 防振ゴム 1 *1 {MC:5.5}
D 11 118SX213 ステッピングモータ Stepping Motor 1 {MC:5.5}
*1: #86221130, #86221132 以降には取付けられていない。
*1: Not fixed on #86221130, #86221132 or later.

07.08.2008 FM5390
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-9
03C カセッテセット部 3
カセッテセット部 3
E 1 356N9816C ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:5.22}
D 2 388N2562A 引張りコイルバネ Extension Spring 1 L ≒ 56mm *1 {MC:5.18}
D 3 327N0209D 平歯車 Spur Gear 1 *1 {MC:5.82}
A 4 386N1304A ショックアブソーバ Shock Absorber 1 *1 {MC:5.11}
D 5 322SY251 すべり軸受 Plain Bearing 1 *1 {MC:5.82}
E 6 341N0937B アーム Arm 1 {MC:5.31}
D 7 327N1103610D 平歯車 Spur Gear 1 {MC:5.31}
D 8 327N0193A 平歯車 Spur Gear 1 {MC:5.31}
D 9 327N0194 平歯車 Spur Gear 1 {MC:5.31}
D 10 322N0037D すべり軸受 Plain Bearing 1 {MC:5.69}
D 11 322SB058 ころがり軸受 Ball Bearing 2 {MC:5.69}
D 12 118SX213 ステッピングモータ Stepping Motor 1 {MC:5.33}
E 13 356N9814B ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:5.34}
Rubber Vibration
E 14 386N1307A 防振ゴム 1 *2 {MC:5.33}
E 15 322SY251 すべり軸受 Plain Bearing 1 {MC:5.70}
E 16 332N0640 ストッパ Stopper 1 {MC:5.22}
*1: #86121047, #86221049 以降には取付けられていない。
*1: Not fixed on #86121047, #86221049 or later.
*2: #86221130, #86221132 以降には取付けられていない。
*2: Not fixed on #86221130, #86221132 or later.

07.08.2008 FM5390
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-10
03D カセッテセット部 4
カセッテセット部 4
D 1 315S0050 止め輪 Snap Ring 1 {MC:5.9}
E 2 341N1134C アーム Arm 1 {MC:5.9}
E 3 341N1135B アーム Arm 1 {MC:5.9}
D 4 322SY094 すべり軸受 Plain Bearing 1 {MC:5.9}
D 5 329N0169C カム Cam 1 {MC:5.10}
D 6 322SY092 すべり軸受 Plain Bearing 1 {MC:5.10}
E 7 341N1131C アーム Arm 1 {MC:5.25}
E 8 356N9685A ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:5.61}
D 9 146S0029A ホトインタラプタ Photo Sensor 1 SA7 {MC:5.61}
D 10 146S0083 ホトインタラプタ Photo Sensor 1 SA4 {MC:5.45}
D 11 146S0029A ホトインタラプタ Photo Sensor 1 SA1 {MC:5.58}
E 12 341N1139A アーム Arm 1 {MC:5.59}
Compression Coil
D 13 388N1216 圧縮コイルバネ 1 L ≒ 14mm {MC:5.59}
E 14 356Y0353A ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:5.59}
E 15 356N10108A ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:5.7}
E 16 356N9811B ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:5.7}
D 17 146S0029A ホトインタラプタ Photo Sensor 1 SA3 {MC:5.8}
D 18 146S0082 ホトインタラプタ Photo Sensor 1 SA4 {MC:5.44}
E 19 356N9808A ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:5.44}

05.24.2007 FM5133
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-11
03E カセッテセット部 5
カセッテセット部 5
E 1 356N9680B ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:5.20}
D 2 146S0029A ホトインタラプタ Photo Sensor 1 SA10 {MC:5.20}
D 3 146S0029A ホトインタラプタ Photo Sensor 1 SA8 {MC:5.20}
D 4 146S0029A ホトインタラプタ Photo Sensor 1 SA12 {MC:5.20}
A 5 386N1303A ショックアブソーバ Shock Absorber 1 *1 {MC:5.12}
D 6 327N0209D 平歯車 Spur Gear 1 *1 {MC:5.80}
D 7 388N2615A 引張りコイルバネ Extension Spring 1 L ≒ 72mm *1 {MC:5.19}
E 8 356N9815A ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:5.21}
D 9 388N2563A 引張りコイルバネ Extension Spring 1 L ≒ 38mm {MC:5.21}
D 10 335N0095B フランジ Flange 2 {MC:5.24}
E 11 341N1167 アーム Arm 1 {MC:5.24}
D 12 322SY251 すべり軸受 Plain Bearing 1 *1 {MC:5.80}
D 13 327N1103208C 平歯車 Spur Gear 1 {MC:5.23}
D 14 327N1102202C 平歯車 Spur Gear 1 {MC:5.23}
E 15 310S7002016 平行ピン Straight Pin 1 {MC:5.23}
D 16 118YX268A モータ Motor 1 {MC:5.30}
E 17 356N10106B ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:5.29}
E 18 341N0937B アーム Arm 1 {MC:5.32}
D 19 327N1103610D 平歯車 Spur Gear 1 {MC:5.32}
D 20 322N0037D すべり軸受 Plain Bearing 1 {MC:5.69}
D 21 322SB058 ころがり軸受 Ball Bearing 2 {MC:5.69}
D 22 327N1122501B 平歯車 Spur Gear 1 {MC:5.54}
D 23 327N0210B 平歯車 Spur Gear 1 {MC:5.54}
D 24 146S0029A ホトインタラプタ Photo Sensor 1 SA6 {MC:5.60}
D 25 322SY251 すべり軸受 Plain Bearing 1 {MC:5.70}
D 26 315S0051 止め輪 Snap Ring 1 {MC:5.70}
Rubber Vibration
E 27 386N1307A 防振ゴム 1 {MC:5.52}
D 28 118SX213 ステッピングモータ Stepping Motor 1 {MC:5.52}
E 29 356N10107A ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:5.53}
E 30 319N4113B/C 軸 Shaft 1 {MC:5.70}
*1: #86121047, #86221049 以降には取付けられていない。
*1: Not fixed on #86121047, #86221049 or later.

07.08.2008 FM5390
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-12
03F カセッテセット部 6
カセッテセット部 6
D 1 322SB040 ころがり軸受 Ball Bearing 1 {MC:5.36}
D 2 322SY251 すべり軸受 Plain Bearing 2 {MC:5.35}
D 3 327N1102202C 平歯車 Spur Gear 2 {MC:5.35}
E 4 310S7002016 平行ピン Pin 2 {MC:5.35}
D 5 315S0051 止め輪 Snap Ring 2 {MC:5.35}
E 6 319N4088B/C 軸 Shaft 1 {MC:5.35}
E 7 341N1132C アーム Arm 1 {MC:5.36}
D 8 388N3102A ねじりコイルバネ Torsion Coil Spring 1 {MC:5.36}
D 9 322N2004A すべり軸受 Plain Bearing 2 {MC:5.37}
E 10 341N1133B アーム Arm 1 {MC:5.36}
D 11 388N3103A ねじりコイルバネ Torsion Coil Spring 1 {MC:5.36}
D 12 334Y100081 樹脂ローラ Resin Roller 1 {MC:5.37}
D 13 315N0011 止め輪 Snap Ring 8 {MC:5.37}
D 14 334N2391C 樹脂ローラ Resin Roller 2 {MC:5.37}
E 15 319N100390 軸 Shaft 1 {MC:5.37}
E 16 313N1230A/B ステー Stay 1 {MC:5.36}
E 17 319N4087B/C 軸 Shaft 1 {MC:5.36}
D 18 334N2388C 樹脂ローラ Resin Roller 7 {MC:5.36}
D 19 334N2393 樹脂ローラ Resin Roller 2 {MC:5.37}
D 20 338N100018 リング Ring 1 {MC:5.37}
D 21 334N100072D 樹脂ローラ Resin Roller 2 {MC:5.37}
D 22 322SF268 ころがり軸受 Ball Bearing 1 {MC:5.36}

07.08.2008 FM5390
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-13
03G カセッテセット部 7
カセッテセット部 7
D 1 134Y0077A 電磁バルブ Solenoid Valve 1 SVA1, SVA2 {MC:5.40}
D 2 369N0275B 管 Hose 1 {MC:5.38}
D 3 317N5011B 栓 Plug 4 {MC:5.38}
A 4 133Y2034C 電動ポンプ Pump 1 {MC:5.41}
D 5 128Y0331 スイッチ Switch 1 SA5 {MC:5.42}
D 6 369N0288A 管 Hose 2 {MC:5.38}
D 7 372S0280 管継手 Joint 1 {MC:5.38}
D 8 372S0050A 管継手 Joint 2 {MC:5.39}
D 9 375S0040 パッキン Packing 4 {MC:5.39}
E 10 356N9876A ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:5.39}
D 11 372S0053A 管継手 Joint 2 {MC:5.39}
D 12 372S0049A 管継手 Joint 2 {MC:5.39}
E 13 341Y0343 アーム Arm 1 {MC:5.69}
E 14 356N9683B ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:5.46}
E 15 356N9682A ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:5.47}
D 16 370N100063A ホース Hose 1 L ≒ 200mm {MC:5.48}
17 ***
E 18 386N1328 緩衝機材 Shock Absorber 1 {MC:5.69}
D 19 315N0011 止め輪 Snap Ring 1 {MC:5.49}
E 20 356N9875B ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:5.48}
E 21 356N9874B ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:5.50}
D 22 392N0009A 吸着盤 Suction Cup 1 {MC:5.49}
D 23 372S0053A 管継手 Joint 1 {MC:5.48}
D 24 372S0049A 管継手 Joint 1 {MC:5.48}
D 25 375S0040 パッキン Packing 2 {MC:5.48}
D 26 370N100063A ホース Hose 1 L ≒ 200mm {MC:5.50}
27 ***
D 28 372S0053A 管継手 Joint 1 {MC:5.50}
D 29 372S0049A 管継手 Joint 1 {MC:5.50}
D 30 375S0040 パッキン Packing 2 {MC:5.50}
D 31 315N0011 止め輪 Snap Ring 1 {MC:5.51}
D 32 392N0009A 吸着盤 Suction Cup 1 {MC:5.51}

05.24.2007 FM5133
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-14
03H カセッテセット部 8
カセッテセット部 8
E 1 405N0186 銘板 Label 2 {MC:5.2}
D 2 322SY251 すべり軸受 Plain Bearing 2 {MC:5.14}
D 3 315S0051 止め輪 Snap Ring 2 {MC:5.14}
D 4 329N0167B カム Cam 4 {MC:5.14}
E 5 310S7002016 平行ピン Pin 4 {MC:5.14}
E 6 319N4086B/C 軸 Shaft 1 {MC:5.14}
D 7 322N1015C すべり軸受 Plain Bearing 2 {MC:5.13}
D 8 322SY094 すべり軸受 Plain Bearing 8 {MC:5.13}
D 9 388N2560A 引張りコイルバネ Extension Spring 1 L ≒ 43mm {MC:5.13}
E 10 357Y100062 台 Base 1 {MC:5.13}
E 11 342Y0027B レバー Lever 1 {MC:5.13}
E 12 342Y0026B レバー Lever 1 {MC:5.13}
E 13 362N0769A 受 Guide 2 {MC:5.13}
D 14 315S0050 止め輪 Snap Ring 2 {MC:5.13}

07.08.2008 FM5390
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-15
03 I カセッテセット部 9
カセッテセット部 9
E 1 356N10105A ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:5.65}
D 2 146S0029A ホトインタラプタ Photo Sensor 1 SA15 {MC:5.65}
D 3 388N3106C ねじりコイルバネ Torsion Coil Spring 1 {MC:5.66}
D 4 146S0029A ホトインタラプタ Photo Sensor 1 SA11 {MC:5.28}
E 5 356N9810D ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:5.28}
E 6 356N9812C ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:5.15}
E 7 386N1322A 緩衝機材 Shock Absorber 2 {MC:5.13}
D 8 146S0029A ホトインタラプタ Photo Sensor 1 SA14 {MC:5.27}
D 9 107Y0183A ソレノイド Solenoid 1 {MC:5.64}
D 10 315S0050 止め輪 Snap Ring 1 {MC:5.64}
D 11 322SY066 すべり軸受 Plain Bearing 2 {MC:5.64}
E 12 341N1136D アーム Arm 1 {MC:5.64}
E 13 319Y100046 軸 Shaft 1 {MC:5.64}
D 14 388N2563A 引張りコイルバネ Extension Spring 1 L ≒ 38mm {MC:5.63}
E 15 346Y0083D 補助板 Plate Support 1 {MC:5.64}
D 16 146S0029A ホトインタラプタ Photo Sensor 1 SA2 {MC:5.64}
E 17 356N9877B ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:5.62}
D 18 146S0029A ホトインタラプタ Photo Sensor 1 SA9 {MC:5.62}

05.24.2007 FM5133
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-16
03J カセッテセット部 10
カセッテセット部 10
D 1 388N2560A 引張りコイルバネ Extension Spring 2 L ≒ 43mm {MC:5.25}
E 2 342N0132B レバー Lever 2 {MC:5.25}
E 3 362N0764B 受 Holder 2 {MC:5.17}
D 4 350N2643B 蓋 Shutter 2 {MC:5.17}
D 5 388N3101D ねじりコイルバネ Torsion Coil Spring 2 {MC:5.17}
E 6 363N2506B ガイド Guide 4 {MC:5.26}
E 7 356N9472B ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:5.26}
D 8 387N0168 帯電防止材 Antistatic Brush 1 {MC:5.16}
E 9 341N1053A アーム Arm 1 {MC:5.25}
D 10 362N0763D 受 Stopper 2 {MC:5.25}

05.24.2007 FM5133
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-17
03K カセッテセット部 11
カセッテセット部 11
D 1 388N2566 引張りコイルバネ Extension Spring 1 L ≒ 40mm {MC:5.68}
E 2 356Y0354C ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:5.68}
D 3 322N1016D すべり軸受 Plain Bearing 2 {MC:5.68}
E 4 353N0144 シャーシ Chassis 1 {MC:5.68}
E 5 319N4116A 軸 Shaft 1 {MC:5.68}
D 6 388N2568 引張りコイルバネ Extension Spring 1 L ≒ 51mm {MC:5.68}
E 7 341N1165C アーム Arm 1 {MC:5.68}
D 8 334N2392 樹脂ローラ Resin Roller 1 {MC:5.68}
E 9 341N1166B アーム Arm 1 {MC:5.68}
E 10 356Y0355A ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:5.68}
D 11 328N0046B 爪 Claw 1 {MC:5.68}
D 12 362N0768B 受 Guide 1 {MC:5.68}
D 13 332N0622E ストッパ Stopper 1 {MC:5.68}
D 14 322SY067 すべり軸受 Plain Bearing 1 {MC:5.68}
D 15 388N2567 引張りコイルバネ Extension Spring 1 L ≒ 24mm {MC:5.68}
E 16 319N4115A/B 軸 Shaft 1 {MC:5.68}
D 17 315S0050 止め輪 Snap Ring 1 {MC:5.68}
D 18 322SY066 すべり軸受 Plain Bearing 1 {MC:5.68}

07.08.2008 FM5390
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-18
03L カセッテセット部 12
カセッテセット部 12
E 1 310Y0008A ピン Pin 1 {MC:5.66}
E 2 356N100903C ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:5.85}
D 3 322N1017B すべり軸受 Plain Bearing 1 {MC:5.66}
E 4 341Y0414 アーム Arm 1 {MC:5.66}
D 5 322N1016D すべり軸受 Plain Bearing 4 {MC:5.66}
E 6 386N1388 緩衝機材 Shock Absorber 1 {MC:5.66}
E 7 363N2505B ガイド Guide 1 {MC:5.66}
E 8 356N9809F ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:5.67}
D 9 322SY101 すべり軸受 Plain Bearing 1 {MC:5.67}
D 10 388N100174A 引張りコイルバネ Extension Spring 1 L ≒ 67mm {MC:5.66}
D 11 322N1016D すべり軸受 Plain Bearing 5 {MC:5.67}
D 12 388N100173C ねじりコイルバネ Torsion Coil Spring 1 {MC:5.86}
D 13 315S0050 止め輪 Snap Ring 1 {MC:5.86}
E 14 341N100068F アーム Arm 1 {MC:5.86}
E 15 310S7002016 平行ピン Pin 1 {MC:5.86}
E 16 319N3943D/E 軸 Shaft 1 {MC:5.67}
E 17 319N100347E 軸 Shaft 1 {MC:5.86}
E 18 357N100096B 台 Base 1 {MC:5.67}
D 19 322N100044A すべり軸受 Plain Bearing 2 {MC:5.86}
D 20 146S0029A ホトインタラプタ Photo Sensor 1 SA16 {MC:5.85}
E 21 356N101345A ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:5.85}
E 22 353Y100010H シャーシ Chassis 1 {MC:5.67}
E 23 319N100346A 軸 Shaft 2 {MC:5.79}
D 24 338N100026B リング Ring 1 {MC:5.79}
Compression Coil
D 25 388N100154 圧縮コイルバネ 1 {MC:5.79}
D 26 363N100240D 受 Guide 1 {MC:5.75}
D 27 332N0622E ストッパ Stopper 1 {MC:5.78}
D 28 322SY097 すべり軸受 Plain Bearing 4 {MC:5.79}
E 29 357N100097C 台 Base 1 {MC:5.79}
D 30 365N100009D レール Rail 1 {MC:5.79}
E 31 342Y100003D レバー Lever 1 {MC:5.79}
D 32 322SP202 ころがり軸受 Ball Bearing 1 {MC:5.79}
E 33 315S0053 止め輪 Snap Ring 1 {MC:5.79}
D 34 315S0050 止め輪 Snap Ring 2 {MC:5.79}

07.08.2008 FM5390
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-19
03M カセッテセット部 13
カセッテセット部 13
E 1 341N1052D アーム Arm 2 *1 {MC:5.81}
E 2 319N3944C 軸 Shaft 1 *1 {MC:5.81}
E 3 310S7002016 平行ピン Pin 2 *1 {MC:5.81}
E 4 356N9873A ブラケット Bracket 1 *1 {MC:5.81}
D 5 322SY251 すべり軸受 Plain Bearing 1 *1 {MC:5.81}
D 6 362N0723D/E 受 Guide Plate 1 {MC:5.73}
D 7 332N0621F ストッパ Stopper 1 {MC:5.76}
E 8 387N0190B 帯電防止材 Antistatic Brush 1 {MC:5.72}
E 9 356N10110 ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:5.72}
D 10 315S0051 止め輪 Snap Ring 1 *1 {MC:5.83}
E 11 319N4085B 軸 Shaft 1 *1 {MC:5.83}
D 12 362N0724E 受 Guide 1 {MC:5.74}
D 13 332N0622E ストッパ Stopper 1 {MC:5.77}
E 14 341N1052D アーム Arm 1 *1 {MC:5.83}
E 15 310S7002016 平行ピン Pin 1 *1 {MC:5.83}
D 16 322SY251 すべり軸受 Plain Bearing 1 *1 {MC:5.83}
*1: #86121047, #86221049 以降には取付けられていない。
*1: Not fixed on #86121047, #86221049 or later.

07.08.2008 FM5390
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-20
03N カセッテセット部 14
カセッテセット部 14
D 1 388N2594B 引張りコイルバネ Extension Spring 1 L ≒ 40mm {MC:5.55}
D 2 383Y0075A ワイヤ Wire 1 {MC:5.55}
E 3 341N1137D アーム Arm 2 {MC:5.71}
D 4 322SY251 すべり軸受 Plain Bearing 2 {MC:5.71}
D 5 327N1121801B 平歯車 Spur Gear 1 {MC:5.54}
D 6 360N0475A ハウジング Housing 4 {MC:5.57}
D 7 322SB052 ころがり軸受 Ball Bearing 4 {MC:5.57}
D 8 322SY121 すべり軸受 Plain Bearing 2 {MC:5.71}
D 9 388N3104B ねじりコイルバネ Torsion Coil Spring 1 {MC:5.71}
E 10 310N0714A/B ピン Pin 2 {MC:5.71}
D 11 315S0050 止め輪 Snap Ring 1 {MC:5.57}
D 12 340D775280A つまみ(ノブ) Knob 1 {MC:5.57}
D 13 327N1121605C 平歯車 Spur Gear 1 {MC:5.57}
D 14 327N1121608A 平歯車 Spur Gear 1 {MC:5.57}
D 15 388N3105B ねじりコイルバネ Torsion Coil Spring 1 {MC:5.71}
E 16 363N2507A ガイド Guide 1 {MC:5.56}
D 17 334Y100086A ゴムローラ Rubber Roller 1 {MC:5.57}
D 18 334Y100084 ゴムローラ Rubber Roller 1 {MC:5.57}
D 19 322SB056 軸受 Bearing 4 {MC:5.57}
D 20 334Y3207B ゴムローラ Rubber Roller 1 {MC:5.57}
D 21 334N3616C/D ゴムローラ Rubber Roller 1 {MC:5.57}
E 22 319N100391 軸 Shaft 1 {MC:5.71}
E 23 386N1323 緩衝機材 Shock Absorber 3 {MC:5.71}
E 24 356Y0356D ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:5.71}
D 25 334N3677 ゴムローラ Rubber Roller 5 {MC:5.71}
D 26 388N100175A 板バネ Leaf Spring 1 {MC:5.71}
D 27 388N2594B 引張りコイルバネ Extension Spring 1 L ≒ 40mm {MC:5.57}
D 28 383Y0075A ワイヤ Wire 1 {MC:5.57}

07.08.2008 FM5390
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-21
04A 消去部 1
消去部 1
E 1 350Y1867 カバー Cover 1 {MC:6.2}
E 2 369N0281E/F ダクト Duct 1 {MC:6.4}
D 3 334Y5010B/D/E ブラシローラ Brush Roller 1 {MC:6.8}
E 4 350N2972C 蓋 Cover 2 {MC:6.9}
D 5 327N1121608A 平歯車 Spur Gear 2 {MC:6.9}
D 6 322SB052 ころがり軸受 Ball Bearing 4 {MC:6.9}
E 7 362N0780D 受 Box 1 {MC:6.9}
A 8 334N5027/A ブラシローラ Brush Roller 2 {MC:6.9}
D 9 332N0620 ストッパ Stopper 1 {MC:6.9}
D 10 327N0208 平歯車 Spur Gear 1 {MC:6.9}
D 11 322SF267 ころがり軸受 Ball Bearing 1 {MC:6.9}
D 12 315S0050 止め輪 Snap Ring 1 {MC:6.9}
D 13.1 119S0054/A 電動ファン Fan 1 FANB1 {MC:6.3}
Ref. 13.1代替品
D 13.2 119S0049/A 電動ファン Fan 1 {MC:6.3}
/ Substitution
of Ref. 13.1
D 14 120S4293 コネクタ Connector 1 {MC:6.3}
E 15 369Y0027B ダクト Duct 1 {MC:6.5}

07.08.2008 FM5390
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-22
04B 消去部 2
消去部 2
DR 1 840Y100093A 消去部 Erasure Unit 1 {MC:6.14}
E 2 350Y1761D カバー Cover 1 {MC:6.7}
E 3 405N3392 銘板 Label 1 {MC:6.1}
D 4 327N1122501B 平歯車 Spur Gear 1 {MC:6.11}
E 5 319N4177C 軸 Shaft 1 {MC:6.11}
E 6 356N9829B ブラケット Bracket 1 −
D 7 407Y0031E 反射板 Reflective Plate 1 {MC:6.6}

09.04.2007 FM5207
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-23
04C 消去部 3
消去部 3
CR 1 113Y1756F/G ERS23A ERS23A 1 {MC:6.17}
CR 2.1 109N0023 蛍光灯安定器 INV23A 3 {MC:6.15}
C 2.2 109N100001A 蛍光灯安定器 INV26A 3 {MC:6.15}
E 3 356N9731C ブラケット Bracket 3 {MC:6.15}
E 4 355Y0241A フレーム Frame 1 −
DR 5 360Y100027/B ケース Lamp Assembly 1 {MC:6.18}
E 6 356N9851B ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:6.15}
E 7 356Y0368B/C ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:6.10}
A 8 603Y100012 フィルタ Filter 1 {MC:6.10}
D 9 115Y0048D 感熱スイッチ Thermo Switch 1 TSWB1 {MC:6.12}
E 10 356Y0405B/C ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:6.15}
D 11 115Y0047B サーミスタ Thermo Switch 1 THEB1 {MC:6.13}
E 12 350N3238C 蓋 Cap 14 {MC:6.15}
AT 13 137S1280 ヒューズ FUSE 1 {MC:6.17}
For ERS23A
AT 14 137S1277 ヒューズ FUSE 1 {MC:6.17}
For ERS23A
CR 15.1 109N0023 蛍光灯安定器 INV23A 3 {MC:6.16}
C 15.2 109N100001A 蛍光灯安定器 INV26A 3 {MC:6.16}
E 16 356N9731C ブラケット Bracket 3 {MC:6.16}
E 17 356N10156A ブラケット Bracket 1 −

07.08.2008 FM5390
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-24
05A 幅寄搬送部 1
幅寄搬送部 1
E 1 363Y0623 ガイド Guide 1 {MC:7.6}
D 2 387Y0018A 帯電防止材 Antistatic Brush 1 {MC:7.7}
E 3 363N2728F ガイド Guide 1 {MC:7.7}
E 4 356N9689A ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:7.8}
D 5 388N5414A 板バネ Leaf Spring 3 {MC:7.8}
D 6 334N3619 ゴムローラ Resin Roller 3 {MC:7.8}
Resin Roller 
D 7 334Y2255 樹脂ローラ 3 {MC:7.8}
8.1 *** −
D 8.2 387Y0017A 帯電防止材 Antistatic Brush 1 {MC:7.6}
9.1 *** −
D 9.2 387Y0019A 帯電防止材 Antistatic Brush 1 {MC:7.8}

05.24.2007 FM5133
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-25
05B 幅寄搬送部 2
幅寄搬送部 2
D 1 327N0219B 平歯車 Spur Gear 1 {MC:7.12}
D 2 327N0218A 平歯車 Spur Gear 1 {MC:7.12}
D 3 327N1122803B 平歯車 Spur Gear 1 {MC:7.11}
D 4 327N0217A 平歯車 Spur Gear 1 {MC:7.11}
E 5 356N9658D ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:7.2}
D 6 146S0029A ホトインタラプタ Photo Sensor 1 SC2 {MC:7.3}
D 7 146S0029A ホトインタラプタ Photo Sensor 1 SC1 {MC:7.3}
D 8 322SY059 すべり軸受 Plain Bearing 1 {MC:7.11}
D 9 322SY303 すべり軸受 Plain Bearing 2 {MC:7.14}
E 10 347N2034 スペーサ Spacer 2 {MC:7.14}
D 11 315S0053 止め輪 Snap Ring 2 {MC:7.14}
E 12 347N2131 スペーサ Spacer 1 {MC:7.44}
D 13 322SB053 ころがり軸受 Ball Bearing 1 {MC:7.44}
E 14 342Y0035A レバー Lever 1 {MC:7.11}
D 15 322SY232 すべり軸受 Plain Bearing 1 {MC:7.11}
D 16 327N1102410C 平歯車 Spur Gear 1 {MC:7.16}
D 17 315S0051 止め輪 Snap Ring 1 {MC:7.16}
D 18 315S0050 止め輪 Snap Ring 1 {MC:7.21}
D 19 327N1103208C 平歯車 Spur Gear 1 {MC:7.21}
D 20 329N0178C カム Cam 1 {MC:7.14}
D 21 322SB061 ころがり軸受 Ball Bearing 1 {MC:7.16}
D 22 388N5421 板バネ Leaf Spring 1 {MC:7.9}
E 23 319N4084B 軸 Shaft 1 {MC:7.16}
D 24 146N0016A/B ホトインタラプタ Photo Sensor 1 SC3 {MC:7.17}
D 25 118YX271B モータ Motor 1 RB-35CM- {MC:7.21}
D 26 327N0219B 平歯車 Spur Gear 1 {MC:7.11}

07.08.2008 FM5390
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-26
05C 幅寄搬送部 3
幅寄搬送部 3
D 1 324N3194D タイミングベルト車 Timing Belt Pulley 2 {MC:7.13}
D 2 323S3374 タイミングベルト Timing Belt 1 {MC:7.4}
E 3 347N1939 スペーサ Spacer 1 {MC:7.44}
D 4 322SB053 ころがり軸受 Ball Bearing 1 {MC:7.44}
E 5 347N1624A スペーサ Spacer 1 {MC:7.44}
D 6 315S0053 止め輪 Snap Ring 2 {MC:7.14}
E 7 347N2034 スペーサ Spacer 2 {MC:7.14}
D 8 322SY303 すべり軸受 Plain Bearing 2 {MC:7.14}
D 9 329N0178C カム Cam 1 {MC:7.14}
D 10 388N5421 板バネ Leaf Spring 1 {MC:7.10}
D 11 322SB061 ころがり軸受 Ball Bearing 1 {MC:7.16}
D 12 327N1102410C 平歯車 Spur Gear 1 {MC:7.16}
D 13 315S0051 止め輪 Snap Ring 1 {MC:7.16}
E 14 356N10199B ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:7.1}
D 15 118SX215 ステッピングモータ Stepping Motor 1 {MC:7.39}
E 16 356N10201C ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:7.1}
D 17 388N2613 バネ Spring 1 L ≒ 35mm {MC:7.4}
D 18 324N0080 平ベルト車 Belt Pulley 1 {MC:7.5}
D 19 324N3198 平ベルト車 Belt Pulley 1 {MC:7.16}
D 20 322SY063 すべり軸受 Plain Bearing 2 {MC:7.5}
E 21 341Y0334A アーム Arm 1 {MC:7.5}
D 22 324N0080 平ベルト車 Belt Pulley 1 {MC:7.4}
D 23 315S0051 止め輪 Snap Ring 1 {MC:7.5}
E 24 347N1939 スペーサ Spacer 1 {MC:7.46}
D 25 322SB053 ころがり軸受 Ball Bearing 1 {MC:7.46}
E 26 347N1624A スペーサ Spacer 1 {MC:7.46}
E 27 315S0051 止め輪 Snap Ring 2 {MC:7.13}

07.08.2008 FM5390
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-27
05D 幅寄搬送部 4
幅寄搬送部 4
D 1 388N2458A 引張コイルバネ Extension Spring 1 L ≒ 61mm {MC:7.40}
D 2 327N1121608A 平歯車 Spur Gear 2 {MC:7.40}
D 3 360N0542C ハウジング Housing 2 {MC:7.42}
D 4 322SB052 ころがり軸受 Ball Bearing 2 {MC:7.42}
D 5 388N2576B バネ Spring 1 L ≒ 130mm {MC:7.43}
D 6 322SB062 ころがり軸受 Ball Bearing 2 {MC:7.43}
D 7 360N0521E ハウジング Housing 2 {MC:7.43}
D 8 360N0543A ハウジング Housing 2 {MC:7.44}
D 9 322SB053 ころがり軸受 Ball Bearing 2 {MC:7.44}
D 10 388N2615A 引張コイルバネ Extension Spring 1 L ≒ 72mm {MC:7.45}
D 11 388N2524A 引張コイルバネ Extension Spring 1 L ≒ 80mm {MC:7.40}
D 12 388N2575B バネ Spring 1 L ≒ 127mm {MC:7.43}
D 13 388N2616 バネ Spring 1 L ≒ 102mm {MC:7.43}
D 14 388N2614A バネ Spring 1 L ≒ 103mm {MC:7.45}
D 15 315S0050 止め輪 Snap Ring 1 {MC:7.46}
E 16 347N1624A スペーサ Spacer 1 {MC:7.46}
D 17 334N3625B/C ゴムローラ Rubber Roller 1 {MC:7.43}
D 18 334N3624A/B ゴムローラ Rubber Roller 1 {MC:7.44}
D 19 334N3623/A ゴムローラ Rubber Roller 1 {MC:7.41}
D 20 334N3622A/B ゴムローラ Rubber Roller 1 {MC:7.42}
D 21 334N3621/A ゴムローラ Rubber Roller 1 {MC:7.46}
E 22 346N1405B 補強板 Reinforcement Plate 1 {MC:7.49}
E 23 363N2792C ガイド板 Guide Plate 1 {MC:7.47}
E 24 363N100247A ガイド Guide 1 {MC:7.48}
D 25 360N0542C ハウジング Housing 2 {MC:7.41}
D 26 322SB052 ころがり軸受 Ball Bearing 2 {MC:7.41}
D 27 322SB052 ころがり軸受 Ball Bearing 2 {MC:7.44}
D 28 322SB052 ころがり軸受 Ball Bearing 2 {MC:7.43}
D 29 322SB052 ころがり軸受 Ball Bearing 2 {MC:7.46}
D 30 322SB052 ころがり軸受 Ball Bearing 2 {MC:7.45}
D 31 388N2576B バネ Spring 1 L ≒ 130mm {MC:7.45}
D 32 388N2575B バネ Spring 1 L ≒ 127mm {MC:7.45}
D 33 360N0521E ハウジング Housing 2 {MC:7.45}
D 34 360N0543A ハウジング Housing 2 {MC:7.45}
D 35 322SB053 ころがり軸受 Ball Bearing 2 {MC:7.43}
D 36 322SB053 ころがり軸受 Ball Bearing 3 {MC:7.46}
D 37 322SB053 ころがり軸受 Ball Bearing 4 {MC:7.45}
D 38 334N3625B/C ゴムローラ Rubber Roller 1 {MC:7.45}

07.08.2008 FM5390
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-28
05E 幅寄搬送部 5
幅寄搬送部 5
E 1 356N9651F ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:7.1}
E 2 405N0186 銘板 Label 2 {MC:7.1}
E 3 356N10305 ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:7.1}
D 4 146N100002 ホトインタラプタ Photo Sensor 1 SC9 {MC:7.18}
E 5 356N10261B ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:7.18}
E 6 356N10492D ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:7.1}
E 7 356N10493A ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:7.1}
E 8 356N10567B ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:7.1}
E 9 313N1310B ステー Bracket 1 {MC:7.1}
E 10 313N1309B ステー Bracket 1 {MC:7.20}
E 11 356Y0604 ブラケット Bracket 2 {MC:7.1}
E 12 356Y0605C ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:7.1}
D 13 386N1362 緩衝機材 Shock Absorber 3 {MC:7.1}
D 14 386N1370 緩衝機材 Shock Absorber 1 {MC:7.1}
E 15 356Y0607 ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:7.1}
E 16 356Y0623 ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:7.1}
D 17 386N1365 緩衝機材 Shock Absorber 2 {MC:7.1}
D 18 852Y0074B 読取り部 Bar Code Reader 1 BCRC1 {MC:7.38}
E 19 356N9191 ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:7.38}

05.24.2007 FM5133
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-29
05F 幅寄搬送部 6
幅寄搬送部 6
D 1 118YX273B モータ Motor 1 RB- {MC:7.26}
E 2 356N10196B ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:7.26}
D 3 327N0236D 平歯車 Spur Gear 1 {MC:7.26}
D 4 327N1103008A 平歯車 Spur Gear 1 {MC:7.27}
D 5 329N0177C カム Cam 1 {MC:7.27}
E 6 356Y0416B ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:7.27}
D 7 146S0029A ホトインタラプタ Photo Sensor 1 SC7 {MC:7.22}
D 8 356N10505B ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:7.22}
D 9 146S0029A ホトインタラプタ Photo Sensor 1 SC10 {MC:7.23}
D 10 356N10495C ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:7.23}
D 11 322SB063 ころがり軸受 Ball Bearing 6 {MC:7.19}
E 12 363N2725E ガイド Stopper 1 {MC:7.19}
D 13 317N1074B キャップ Cap 3 {MC:7.19}
D 14 360N0548C ケーシング Case 1 {MC:7.19}
E 15 363N2724E ガイド Stopper 2 {MC:7.19}
D 16 360N0547C ケーシング Case 2 {MC:7.19}

07.08.2008 FM5390
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-30
05G 幅寄搬送部 7
幅寄搬送部 7
E 1 388N100176B 板バネ Leaf Spring 1 {MC:7.28}
D 2 315S0051 止め輪 Snap Ring 2 {MC:7.35}
E 3 341N100076A アーム Arm 2 {MC:7.28}
D 4 322N100092A すべり軸受 Plain Bearing 4 {MC:7.34}
E 5 356N100842B ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:7.33}
D 6 146S0029A ホトインタラプタ Photo Sensor 1 SC6 {MC:7.31}
E 7 341N100062 アーム Arm 2 {MC:7.35}
E 8 341N100059 アーム Arm 2 {MC:7.35}
E 9 319N100371 軸 Shaft 1 {MC:7.35}
E 10 319N100372A 軸 Shaft 1 {MC:7.35}
D 11 388N2610 引張コイルバネ Extension Spring 1 L ≒ 26mm {MC:7.29}
D 12 360N0537B ハウジング Housing 2 {MC:7.30}
Compression Coil
D 13 388N1243 圧縮コイルバネ 2 L ≒ 30mm {MC:7.30}
D 14 360N0553A ハウジング Housing 2 {MC:7.30}
D 15 315S0050 止め輪 Snap Ring 2 {MC:7.29}
D 16 347N2082B スペーサ Spacer 2 {MC:7.30}
D 17 368Y0027B 摺動台 Slider 1 {MC:7.30}
E 18 355N0752H フレーム Frame 1 −
D 19 146N0016A/B ホトインタラプタ Photo Sensor 1 SC8 {MC:7.32}
D 20 356Y0454 ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:7.37}
D 21 327N0234B 平歯車 Spur Gear 2 {MC:7.35}
D 22 327N0233 平歯車 Spur Gear 1 {MC:7.37}
D 23 322SB057 軸受 Bearing 2 {MC:7.37}
D 24 330S0013 クラッチ Clutch 2 {MC:7.37}
D 25 327Y0017 平歯車 Spur Gear 1 {MC:7.37}
D 26 322SB059 ころがり軸受 Ball Bearing 2 {MC:7.37}
E 27 319N4293D 軸 Shaft 1 {MC:7.37}
D 28 347N2068A スペーサ Spacer 1 {MC:7.37}
D 29 327N0232B 平歯車 Spur Gear 1 {MC:7.37}
D 30 347N2067B スペーサ Spacer 1 {MC:7.37}
D 31 329N0176D カム Cam 1 {MC:7.37}
D 32 388Y100002 板バネ Leaf Spring 1 {MC:7.37}
D 33 341N1203B アーム Arm 1 {MC:7.37}
E 34 356Y0409F ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:7.37}
D 35 118SX214 ステッピングモータ Stepping Motor 1 {MC:7.36}
D 36 322N100092A すべり軸受 Plain Bearing 2 {MC:7.30}
D 37 322N100039A すべり軸受 Plain Bearing 2 {MC:7.30}
E 38 341N100060 アーム Arm 2 {MC:7.33}
E 39 341N100061 アーム Arm 2 {MC:7.33}

07.08.2008 FM5390
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-31
05H 幅寄搬送部 8
幅寄搬送部 8
D 1 363N2826A ガイド Guide 3 {MC:7.25}
D 2 327N0237B ラック Rack 3 {MC:7.25}
D 3 388N2621C 引張コイルバネ Extension Spring 1 L ≒ 35mm {MC:7.25}
D 4 363N2825B ガイド Guide 1 {MC:7.25}

05.24.2007 FM5133
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-32
06 光学部
DR 1 839Y100027 光学部 Scanning Optics Unit 1 {MC:9.}

09.04.2007 FM5207
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-33
07 集光部
D 1 345N1723D 遮板 Shield Plate 1 {MC:8.2}
E 2 405N3486 銘板 Label 1 {MC:8.2}
D 3.1 113Y1737G PMT23A PMT23A 1 {MC:8.2}
D 3.2 113Y100255B PMT26A PMT26A 1 {MC:8.2}
D 4 345N1724C 遮板 Shield Plate 1 {MC:8.3}
D 5 335N0091D フランジ Flange 2 {MC:8.3}
D 6.1 345N1663A 遮板 Shield Plate 1 {MC:8.3}
D 6.2 345N100527 遮板 Shield Plate 1 {MC:8.3}
D 7.1 815Y0071/A/B 集光ガイド Light-Collecting Unit 1 *1 {MC:8.1}
D 7.2 815Y100036 集光ガイド Light-Collecting Unit 1 {MC:8.1}
D 8 120S4293 コネクタ Connector 1 {MC:4.3}
E 9 356N10089A ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:4.3}
D 10 119S0049/A 電動ファン Fan 1 FANG1 {MC:4.3}
E 11 405N3485 銘板 Label 1 {MC:8.1}
D 12 387N0197A/B 帯電防止材 Antistatic Brush 1 {MC:8.1}
*1:REF 7.1 を交換時、在庫が無い場合は、REF 3.2 と REF 7.2 のペアで交換のこと。
*1:If there is no stock when replacing REF 7.1, replace with a pair of REF 3.2 and REF 7.2.

07.08.2008 FM5390
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-34
08A 副走査部 1
副走査部 1
Vibration Proof Rubber 2 ヶ組/
E 1 898Y1311 防振ゴムアセンブリ 1 {MC:10.33}
Assembly A set of two
D 2 347N1950E スペーサ Spacer 1 {MC:10.33}
E 3 365N0114A レール Rail 2 −
E 4 405N1880 銘板 Label 2 {MC:10.1}
D 5 363N2699D ガイド Guide 1 {MC:10.2}
E 6 363Y100109/A ガイド板 Guide Plate 1 {MC:10.2}
E 7 356N9824E ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:10.2}
D 8 334Y2256/A/B ローラ Roller 1 {MC:10.2}
E 9 356N10786A ブラケット Bracket 2 {MC:10.2}
E 10 363N2849 ガイド Guide 1 {MC:10.2}
E 11 363N100275 ガイド板 Guide Plate 1 {MC:10.2}
E 12 346N1475B 補強板 Plate Support 1 {MC:10.2}

07.08.2008 FM5390
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-35
08B 副走査部 2
副走査部 2
D 1 388N2570 引張りコイルバネ Extension Spring 1 L ≒ 59mm {MC:10.6}
D 2 322SB060 ころがり軸受 Ball Bearing 4 {MC:10.8}
D 3 334N0068B ローラ Roller 1 {MC:10.8}
Compression Coil
D 4 388N1234 圧縮コイルバネ 1 L ≒ 7mm {MC:10.8}
D 5 315S0050 止め輪 Snap Ring 1 {MC:10.8}
E 6 341Y0352A アーム Arm 1 {MC:10.8}
E 7 350N2924C カバー Cover 1 {MC:10.9}
D 8 118YX256G FFM モータ FFM Motor 1 {MC:10.9}
E 9 356Y0415B/C ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:10.36}
D 10 337N0071B ホイール Flywheel 1 {MC:10.7}
E 11 323N1262A ベルト Belt 1 {MC:10.6}
D 12 337N0070A ホイール Flywheel 1 {MC:10.4}
E 13 323N1266 ベルト Belt 1 {MC:10.3}
D 14 309N100022 座金 Washer 2 {MC:10.8}
D 15 384N0104 こすり部材 Tape 2 −
D 16 386N1377 緩衝機材 Shock Absorber 1 −
E 17 350N3329B カバー Cover 1 {MC:10.9}
D 18 337N0070A ホイール Flywheel 1 {MC:10.5}

07.08.2008 FM5390
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-36
08C 副走査部 3
副走査部 3
D 1 360N0508A ハウジング Housing 2 {MC:10.30}
2 ***
3 ***
E 4 341Y0412 アーム Arm 1 {MC:10.30}
5 ***
6 ***
E 7 341N1124C アーム Arm 1 {MC:10.26}
D 8 146Y0141 ホトインタラプタ Photo Sensor Assembly 1 SZ5 {MC:10.29}
D 9 118YX280 モータ Motor Assembly 1 RB35CM {MC:10.29}
D 10 118Y100047 モータ Motor 1 RB35CM {MC:10.28}
D 11 146Y0142 ホトインタラプタ Photo Sensor Assembly 1 SZ3 {MC:10.28}
D 12 329N0171D カム Cam 1 {MC:10.28}
D 13 322SB060 ころがり軸受 Ball Bearing 1 {MC:10.27}
E 14 356N9661B ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:10.27}
D 15 146S0029A ホトインタラプタ Photo Sensor 1 SZ2 {MC:10.27}
E 16 356Y0615 ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:10.1}
E 17 386N1365 緩衝機材 Shock Absorber 2 {MC:10.1}
E 18 313N1263C ステー Stay 1 {MC:10.26}
D 19 360N0508A ハウジング Housing 2 {MC:10.31}
E 20 341Y0412 アーム Arm 1 {MC:10.31}

07.08.2008 FM5390
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-37
08D 副走査部 4
副走査部 4
D 1 388N2569A 引張りコイルバネ Extension Spring 1 L ≒ 47mm {MC:10.13}
D 2 315S0050 止め輪 Snap Ring 2 {MC:10.19}
D 3 343N0068A フック Hook 1 {MC:10.13}
D 4 322SB052 ころがり軸受 Ball Bearing 2 {MC:10.19}
E 5 356N10090A ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:10.14}
D 6 360N0494B ハウジング Housing 2 {MC:10.19}
7 ***
E 8 347N1944A スペーサ Spacer 2 {MC:10.19}
D 9 322SB053 ころがり軸受 Ball Bearing 2 {MC:10.19}
D 10 334Y3229A/B ゴムローラ Rubber Roller 1 {MC:10.14}
D 11 334N3614B/C ゴムローラ Rubber Roller 1 {MC:10.19}
D 12 309S0025 座金 Washer 1 {MC:10.35}
E 13 356N10086 ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:10.35}
D 14 343N0069A フック Hook 1 {MC:10.11}
D 15 363N100274 ガイド Guide 1 {MC:10.16}
D 16 388N2569A 引張りコイルバネ Extension Spring 1 L ≒ 47mm {MC:10.11}
D 17 384N0104 こすり部材 Tape 2 −

07.08.2008 FM5390
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-38
08E 副走査部 5
副走査部 5
D 1 327N0213C 歯車 Gear 1 {MC:10.20}
D 2 315S0050 止め輪 Snap Ring 1 {MC:10.20}
D 3 327N0214B 歯車 Gear 1 {MC:10.21}
D 4 322SB057 軸受 Bearing 2 {MC:10.21}
5 ***
D 6 387N0189A 帯電防止材 Antistatic Brush 1 {MC:10.32}
D 7 363N2060C ガイド Guide 1 {MC:10.21}
D 8 388N2435 引張りコイルバネ Extension Spring 1 L ≒ 41mm {MC:10.21}
E 9 356N10091A ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:10.34}
10 ***
D 11 334Y100082A/B ゴムローラ Rubber Roller 1 {MC:10.25}
E 12 356N10090A ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:10.25}
13 ***
E 14 356N10562 ブラケット Bracket 1 −
E 15 356N9665C ブラケット Bracket 1 −
D 16 113Y1738D SED23A SED23A 1 SZ1 {MC:10.24}
D 17 602Y100002 ミラー Mirror 1 {MC:10.22}
E 18 319N4263B 軸 Shaft 1 {MC:10.21}
D 19 387N100002 帯電防止材 Antistatic Brush 1 {MC:10.23}
D 20 315S0050 止め輪 Snap Ring 2 {MC:10.21}

07.08.2008 FM5390
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-39
08F 副走査部 6
副走査部 6
D 1 388N2569A 引張りコイルバネ Extension Spring 1 L ≒ 47mm {MC:10.10}
D 2 315S0050 止め輪 Snap Ring 2 {MC:10.18}
D 3 343N0068A フック Hook 1 {MC:10.10}
D 4 322SB052 ころがり軸受 Ball Bearing 2 {MC:10.18}
D 5 360N0494B ハウジング Housing 2 {MC:10.18}
E 6 347N1944A スペーサ Spacer 2 {MC:10.18}
D 7 322SB053 ころがり軸受 Ball Bearing 2 {MC:10.18}
E 8 356N10086 ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:10.34}
D 9 309S0025 座金 Washer 1 {MC:10.34}
10 ***
E 11 356N10200A ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:10.1}
E 12 386N1292B 緩衝機材 Shock Absorber 3 −
D 13 334Y3229A/B ゴムローラ Rubber Roller 1 {MC:10.15}
D 14 334N3614B/C ゴムローラ Rubber Roller 1 {MC:10.18}
E 15 356N10090A ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:10.15}
D 16 343N0069A フック Hook 1 {MC:10.12}
D 17 363N100273A ガイド Guide 1 {MC:10.17}
D 18 387Y0020 帯電防止材 Antistatic Brush 4 {MC:10.17}
D 19 384N0104 こすり部材 Tape 4 −
D 20 388N2569A 引張りコイルバネ Extension Spring 1 L ≒ 47mm {MC:10.12}
E 21 345N1925 遮光材 Light Shielding Film 1 −

07.08.2008 FM5390
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-40
08G 副走査部 7
副走査部 7
E 1 356Y0613A ブラケット Bracket 1 −
D 2 386N1366 緩衝機材 Shock Absorber 2 −
E 3 356Y0608A ブラケット Bracket 1 −
D 4 386N1363 緩衝機材 Shock Absorber 2 −
D 5 386N1380 緩衝機材 Shock Absorber 1 −
E 6 356Y0622A ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:10.1}
D 7 386N1369 緩衝機材 Shock Absorber 2 {MC:10.1}
E 8 356Y0612 ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:10.1}
9 ***
E 10 356Y0609 ブラケット Bracket 3 {MC:10.1}
D 11 386N1370 緩衝機材 Shock Absorber 3 {MC:10.1}
E 12 313N1315/A ステー Stay 1 −

07.08.2008 FM5390
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-41
09A 制御部 1
制御部 1
E 1 350N2998C カバー Cover 1 *1 {MC:11.6}
CR 2 113Y1758F/G/H SND23B SND23B 1 {MC:11.6}
D 3 316S0456 止め具 Clamp 3 {MC:11.6}
D 4 316S0268 止め具 Clamp 2 {MC:11.6}
E 5 358Y0086B ボックス Box 1 {MC:11.6}
CR 6.1 845Y0123H 操作パネル Panel 1 PNL23A {MC:4.1}
REF. 6.1 代替品
CR 6.2 845Y100049 操作パネル Panel 1 {MC:4.1}
/ Substitution
of REF. 6.1
E 7 356N10180D ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:4.5}
E 8 369Y0029C ダクト Duct 1 {MC:4.5}
E 9 369N0279F ダクト Duct 1 {MC:4.5}
D 10 382N1758 テープ Tape 1 {MC:4.5}
E 11 364Y0018A ガード Guard 1 {MC:4.5}
D 12 382N1759 テープ Tape 1 {MC:4.5}
E 13 364N0114C ガード Guard 1 {MC:4.5}
E 14 350N3116A 蓋 Cover 1 {MC:4.5}
CR 15 125N0134G/H 電源 Power Supply 1 PSU23A {MC:4.6}
D 16 382N1824 テープ Tape 1 {MC:4.6}
AT 17 137S1278 ヒューズ FUSE 3 {MC:12.3}
For SND23B
AT 18 137S1277 ヒューズ FUSE 3 {MC:12.3}
For SND23B
*1: #8682xxxx 以降には取付けられていない予定。
*1: Will not be fixed on #8682xxxx or later.

07.08.2008 FM5390
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-42
09B 制御部 2
制御部 2
E 1 345N1795A 仕切板 Bracket 1 {MC:11.1}
E 2 364N0122C ガード Guard 1 {MC:11.1}
E 3 364N0142B ガード Guard 1 *1 {MC:4.4}
D 4 119S0048/A 電動ファン Fan 1 {MC:4.4}
E 5 364S0068 ガード Guard 1 *2 {MC:4.4}
D 6 120S4293 コネクタ Connector 1 *1 {MC:4.4}
E 7 356N10571C ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:4.4}
E 8 346N1540 補助板 Plate Support 1 *1 {MC:4.4}
CR 9 113Y1789H/J CPU23B CPU23B 1 {MC:11.2}
E 10 356N10569B ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:11.2}
CR 11 113Y1733J SCN23A SCN23A 1 {MC:11.3}
CR 12 113Y1790D LAN23A LAN23A 1 {MC:11.4}
E 13 356N10123B ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:11.4}
E 14 358Y0088D ボックス Box 1 {MC:11.2}
AT 15 137S1178 ヒューズ FUSE 4 {MC:12.5}
For CPU23B
AT 16 137S1278 ヒューズ FUSE 1 {MC:12.4}
For SCN23A
AT 17 137S1276 ヒューズ FUSE 6 {MC:12.4}
For SCN23A
*1: #8702xxxx 以降には取付けられていない予定。
*1: Will not be fixed on #8702xxxx or later.
*2: #86120993 以降には取付けられていない(#86121043 は除く)。
*2: Not fixed on #86120993 or later (Except for #86121043).

07.08.2008 FM5390
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-43
09C 制御部 3
制御部 3
E 1 313N1271C/D/E ステー Stay 1 {MC:5.3}
E 2 362S0681 受 Rod holder 1 {MC:5.3}
E 3 362S0682 受 Rod holder 1 {MC:5.3}
E 4 319N4114A/B 軸 Shaft 1 {MC:5.3}
D 5 322SY063 すべり軸受 Plain Bearing 2 {MC:5.3}
D 6 315S0051 止め輪 Snap Ring 2 {MC:5.3}
E 7 356N9813C ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:5.3}
E 8 358Y0083G ボックス Box 1 {MC:11.5}
E 9 386N1322A 緩衝機材 Shock Absorber 4 {MC:12.2}
E 10 316S0456 止め具 Clamp 2 {MC:11.5}
E 11 316S0268 止め具 Clamp 2 {MC:11.5}
CR 12 113Y1757F/G/H SND23A SND23A 1 {MC:11.5}
E 13 350N2642A カバー Cover 1 {MC:12.2}
AT 14 137S1278 ヒューズ FUSE 4 {MC:12.2}
For SND23A
AT 15 137S1277 ヒューズ FUSE 1 {MC:12.2}
For SND23A
Except for
E 16 356N10112A ブラケット Bracket 1 {MC:10.1}
Except for
E 17 356N10787A ブラケット Bracket 4 {MC:10.1}
E 18 382N1844 緩衝機材 Shock Absorber 2 {MC:12.2}
E 19 898Y100334 クランプキット Clamp Kit 1 For Japan {MC:10.1}

AT 20 898Y1401 ヒューズキット FUSE KIT 1 −
48V/1.0A for
137S1178 ヒューズ Fuse 2 −
48V/1.6A for
137S1276 ヒューズ Fuse 2 −
for ERS23A,
137S1277 ヒューズ Fuse 2 −
48V/3.2A for
137S1278 ヒューズ Fuse 2 −
48V/5.0A for
137S1280 ヒューズ Fuse 2 −

07.08.2008 FM5390
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-44
10 ケーブル
E 1 136Y8545A ケーブル Cable 1 2/10
E 2 136Y8915D ケーブル Cable 1 5/10
E 3 136Y8916A ケーブル Cable 1 3/10
E 4 136Y8917C ケーブル Cable 1 7/10
E 5 136Y8918B ケーブル Cable 1 10/10
E 6 136Y8919D ケーブル Cable 1 5/10
E 7 136Y8920C ケーブル Cable 1 7/10
E 8 136Y8921C ケーブル Cable 4 7/10
E 9 136Y8922A ケーブル Cable 1 10/10
E 10 136Y8924A ケーブル Cable 1 10/10
E 11 136Y8925E ケーブル Cable 1 5/10
E 12 136Y8927 ケーブル Cable 1 4/10
E 13 136Y8951D ケーブル Cable 1 *1 2/10
E 14 136Y9322B ケーブル Cable 6 6/10
E 15 136Y9328B ケーブル Cable 2 3/10
E 16 136Y9329B ケーブル Cable 3 3/10
E 17 136Y9330D ケーブル Cable 6 3/10, 5/10
E 18 136Y9331G ケーブル Cable 5 10/10
E 19 136Y9332B ケーブル Cable 3 7/10
E 20 136Y9700 ケーブル Cable 2 4/10
E 21 136Y9701 ケーブル Cable 1 4/10
E 22 136Y9702 ケーブル Cable 1 4/10
E 23 136Y100427 ケーブル Cable 1 2/10
E 24 136Y100428 ケーブル Cable 1 2/10
E 25 136Y100429A ケーブル Cable 1 2/10
E 26 136Y100430 ケーブル Cable 1 2/10
E 27 136Y100431 ケーブル Cable 1 2/10
*1: #8702xxxx 以降には取付けられていない予定。
*1: Will not be fixed on #8702xxxx or later.

07.08.2008 FM5390
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-45
11 回路図

07.08.2008 FM5390
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-46

11 回路図

07.08.2008 FM5390
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-47

11 回路図

07.08.2008 FM5390
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-48

11 回路図

07.08.2008 FM5390
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-49

11 回路図

07.08.2008 FM5390
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-50

11 回路図

07.08.2008 FM5390
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-51

11 回路図

07.08.2008 FM5390
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-52

11 回路図

07.08.2008 FM5390
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-53

11 回路図

07.08.2008 FM5390
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-54
12 部品番号検索表
Part No. INDEX No.-Drawing No Part No. INDEX No.-Drawing No Part No. INDEX No.-Drawing No Part No. INDEX No.-Drawing No Part No. INDEX No.-Drawing No Part No. INDEX No.-Drawing No
107Y0183A 03I-9 136Y8920C 10-7 146S0029A 08C-15 315S0051 03H-3 322N100092A 05G-36 322SY066 03K-18
109N0023 04C-2.1 136Y8921C 10-8 146S0082 03D-18 315S0051 03M-10 322N1015C 03H-7 322SY067 03K-14
109N0023 04C-15.1 136Y8922A 10-9 146S0083 03D-10 315S0051 05B-17 322N1016D 03K-3 322SY092 03B-8
109N100001A 04C-2.2 136Y8924A 10-10 146Y0141 08C-8 315S0051 05C-13 322N1016D 03L-5 322SY092 03D-6
109N100001A 04C-15.2 136Y8925E 10-11 146Y0142 08C-11 315S0051 05C-23 322N1016D 03L-11 322SY094 03B-4
113Y100255B 07-3.2 136Y8927 10-12 304S1000820 13-8 315S0051 05C-27 322N1017B 03L-3 322SY094 03D-4
113Y1733J 09B-11 136Y8951D 10-13 304S5000820 13-11 315S0051 05G-2 322N1036B 03A-3 322SY094 03H-8
113Y1737G 07-3.1 136Y9322B 10-14 305N100033 13-12 315S0051 09C-6 322N2004A 03F-9 322SY097 03L-28
113Y1738D 08E-16 136Y9328B 10-15 309N100022 08B-14 315S0053 03L-33 322NB006 03A-17 322SY101 03L-9
113Y1756F/G 04C-1 136Y9329B 10-16 309S0025 08D-12 315S0053 05B-11 322SB040 03F-1 322SY121 03N-8
113Y1757F/G/H 09C-12 136Y9330D 10-17 309S0025 08F-9 315S0053 05C-6 322SB052 03N-7 322SY232 05B-15
113Y1758F/G/H 09A-2 136Y9331G 10-18 309S0110008 13-10 316S0163 02B-25 322SB052 04A-6 322SY251 03C-5
113Y1789H/J 09B-9 136Y9332B 10-19 309S0220008 13-9 316S0268 09A-4 322SB052 05D-4 322SY251 03C-15
113Y1790D 09B-12 136Y9620 14-2 310N0714A/B 03N-10 316S0268 09C-11 322SB052 05D-26 322SY251 03E-12
115Y0047B 04C-11 136Y9700 10-20 310S7002016 03E-15 316S0456 09A-3 322SB052 05D-27 322SY251 03E-25
115Y0048D 04C-9 136Y9701 10-21 310S7002016 03F-4 316S0456 09C-10 322SB052 05D-28 322SY251 03F-2
118SX213 03B-11 136Y9702 10-22 310S7002016 03H-5 317N1074B 05F-13 322SB052 05D-29 322SY251 03H-2
118SX213 03C-12 137S1178 09B-15 310S7002016 03L-15 317N5011B 03G-3 322SB052 05D-30 322SY251 03M-5
118SX213 03E-28 137S1276 09B-17 310S7002016 03M-3 317S1064 13-7 322SB052 08D-4 322SY251 03M-16
118SX214 05G-35 137S1277 04C-14 310S7002016 03M-15 319N100346A 03L-23 322SB052 08F-4 322SY251 03N-4
118SX215 05C-15 137S1277 09A-18 310Y0008A 03L-1 319N100347E 03L-17 322SB053 05B-13 322SY303 05B-9
118Y100047 08C-10 137S1277 09C-15 313N1230A/B 03F-16 319N100371 05G-9 322SB053 05C-4 322SY303 05C-8
118YX256G 08B-8 137S1278 09A-17 313N1263C 08C-18 319N100372A 05G-10 322SB053 05C-25 323N1262A 08B-11
118YX268A 03E-16 137S1278 09B-16 313N1271C/D/E 09C-1 319N100390 03F-15 322SB053 05D-9 323N1266 08B-13
118YX271B 05B-25 137S1278 09C-14 313N1309B 05E-10 319N100391 03N-22 322SB053 05D-35 323S3374 05C-2
118YX273B 05F-1 137S1280 04C-13 313N1310B 05E-9 319N3943D/E 03L-16 322SB053 05D-36 324N0080 05C-18
118YX280 08C-9 138S0139 02B-26 313N1315/A 08G-12 319N3944C 03M-2 322SB053 05D-37 324N0080 05C-22
119S0048/A 09B-4 146N0016A/B 02B-20 315N0011 03F-13 319N4084B 05B-23 322SB053 08D-9 324N3194D 05C-1
119S0049/A 04A-13.2 146N0016A/B 05B-24 315N0011 03G-19 319N4085B 03M-11 322SB053 08F-7 324N3198 05C-19
119S0049/A 07-10 146N0016A/B 05G-19 315N0011 03G-31 319N4086B/C 03H-6 322SB056 03N-19 327N0193A 03B-7
119S0054/A 04A-13.1 146N100002 05E-4 315S0050 03B-2 319N4087B/C 03F-17 322SB057 05G-23 327N0193A 03C-8
120S4293 04A-14 146S0029A 03D-9 315S0050 03D-1 319N4088B/C 03F-6 322SB057 08E-4 327N0194 03B-6
120S4293 07-8 146S0029A 03D-11 315S0050 03H-14 319N4091B 03A-19 322SB058 03C-11 327N0194 03C-9
120S4293 09B-6 146S0029A 03D-17 315S0050 03I-10 319N4113B/C 03E-30 322SB058 03E-21 327N0208 04A-10
125N0134G/H 09A-15 146S0029A 03E-2 315S0050 03K-17 319N4114A/B 09C-4 322SB059 05G-26 327N0209D 03C-3
128Y0331 03G-5 146S0029A 03E-3 315S0050 03L-13 319N4115A/B 03K-16 322SB060 08B-2 327N0209D 03E-6
133Y2034C 03G-4 146S0029A 03E-4 315S0050 03L-34 319N4116A 03K-5 322SB060 08C-13 327N0210B 03E-23
134Y0077A 03G-1 146S0029A 03E-24 315S0050 03N-11 319N4146C/D 03A-8 322SB061 05B-21 327N0213C 08E-1
136Y100427 10-23 146S0029A 03I-2 315S0050 04A-12 319N4168C/D 03A-6 322SB061 05C-11 327N0214B 08E-3
136Y100428 10-24 146S0029A 03I-4 315S0050 05B-18 319N4177C 04B-5 322SB062 05D-6 327N0217A 05B-4
136Y100429A 10-25 146S0029A 03I-8 315S0050 05D-15 319N4192D/E 02B-22 322SB063 05F-11 327N0218A 05B-2
136Y100430 10-26 146S0029A 03I-16 315S0050 05G-15 319N4263B 08E-18 322SF267 04A-11 327N0219B 05B-1
136Y100431 10-27 146S0029A 03I-18 315S0050 08B-5 319N4293D 05G-27 322SF268 03F-22 327N0219B 05B-26
136Y8545A 10-1 146S0029A 03L-20 315S0050 08D-2 319Y100046 03I-13 322SP202 03L-32 327N0232B 05G-29
136Y8915D 10-2 146S0029A 05B-6 315S0050 08E-2 322N0037D 03C-10 322SY059 05B-8 327N0233 05G-22
136Y8916A 10-3 146S0029A 05B-7 315S0050 08E-20 322N0037D 03E-20 322SY063 05C-20 327N0234B 05G-21
136Y8917C 10-4 146S0029A 05F-7 315S0050 08F-2 322N100039/A 05G-37 322SY063 09C-5 327N0236D 05F-3
136Y8918B 10-5 146S0029A 05F-9 315S0051 03E-26 322N100044A 03L-19 322SY066 03A-5 327N0237B 05H-2
136Y8919D 10-6 146S0029A 05G-6 315S0051 03F-5 322N100092A 05G-4 322SY066 03I-11 327N1101607B 03A-2

07.08.2008 FM5390
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-55

12 部品番号検索表
Part No. INDEX No.-Drawing No Part No. INDEX No.-Drawing No Part No. INDEX No.-Drawing No Part No. INDEX No.-Drawing No Part No. INDEX No.-Drawing No Part No. INDEX No.-Drawing No
327N1102202C 03E-14 334N3624A/B 05D-18 341N1167 03E-11 347N2068A 05G-28 353Y100010H 03L-22 356N9472B 03J-7
327N1102202C 03F-3 334N3625B/C 05D-17 341N1203B 05G-33 347N2082B 05G-16 355N0752H 05G-18 356N9651F 05E-1
327N1102410C 05B-16 334N3625B/C 05D-38 341Y0334A 05C-21 347N2108 13-5 355Y0241A 04C-4 356N9658D 05B-5
327N1102410C 05C-12 334N3677 03N-25 341Y0343 03G-13 347N2109 13-6 356N100842B 05G-5 356N9661B 08C-14
327N1103008A 05F-4 334N5027/A 04A-8 341Y0352A 08B-6 347N2124 02A-16 356N10086 08D-13 356N9665C 08E-15
327N1103208C 03E-13 334Y100081 03F-12 341Y0412 08C-4 347N2131 05B-12 356N10086 08F-8 356N9680B 03E-1
327N1103208C 05B-19 334Y100082A/B 08E-11 341Y0412 08C-20 350N2642A 09C-13 356N10089A 07-9 356N9682A 03G-15
327N1103610D 03C-7 334Y100084 03N-18 341Y0414 03L-4 350N2643B 03J-4 356N100903C 03L-2 356N9683B 03G-14
327N1103610D 03E-19 334Y100086A 03N-17 342N0132B 03J-2 350N2924C 08B-7 356N10090A 08D-5 356N9685A 03D-8
327N1121605C 03N-13 334Y2247 03A-16 342Y0026B 03H-12 350N2972C 04A-4 356N10090A 08E-12 356N9689A 05A-4
327N1121608A 03N-14 334Y2255 05A-7 342Y0027B 03H-11 350N2998C 09A-1 356N10090A 08F-15 356N9731C 04C-3
327N1121608A 04A-5 334Y2256/A/B 08A-8 342Y0035A 05B-14 350N3085C 01A-17.1 356N10091A 08E-9 356N9731C 04C-16
327N1121608A 05D-2 334Y3207B 03N-20 342Y100003D 03L-31 350N3116A 09A-14 356N10105A 03I-1 356N9808A 03D-19
327N1121801B 03N-5 334Y3229A/B 08D-10 343N0048 01A-3 350N3133B 02B-12 356N10106B 03E-17 356N9809F 03L-8
327N1122501B 03E-22 334Y3229A/B 08F-13 343N0068A 08D-3 350N3134B 02B-9 356N10107A 03E-29 356N9810D 03I-5
327N1122501B 04B-4 334Y5010B/D/E 04A-3 343N0068A 08F-3 350N3235C 01B-7.1 356N10108A 03D-15 356N9811B 03D-16
327N1122803B 05B-3 335N0091D 07-5 343N0069A 08D-14 350N3238C 04C-12 356N10110 03M-9 356N9812C 03I-6
327N6101401D 03A-1 335N0095B 03E-10 343N0069A 08F-16 350N3310B 01B-7.2 356N10111 03A-23 356N9813C 09C-7
327Y0017 05G-25 337N0070A 08B-12 345N100527 07-6.2 350N3318A 01A-17.2 356N10112A 09C-16 356N9814B 03C-13
328N0046B 03K-11 337N0070A 08B-18 345N1663A 07-6.1 350N3329B 08B-17 356N10123B 09B-13 356N9815A 03E-8
329N0167B 03H-4 337N0071B 08B-10 345N1723D 07-1 350Y100308 01A-18.1 356N101345A 03L-21 356N9816C 03C-1
329N0168B 03B-5 338N100018 03F-20 345N1724C 07-4 350Y100309 01A-18.2 356N10156A 04C-17 356N9819D 02B-19
329N0169C 03D-5 338N100026B 03L-24 345N1742E 01A-9.1 350Y100498 01A-1.1 356N10180D 09A-7 356N9820E 02B-17
329N0171D 08C-12 340D775280A 03N-12 345N1743D 01A-11.1 350Y100665 03A-13.4 356N10196B 05F-2 356N9824E 08A-7
329N0176D 05G-31 341N0937B 03C-6 345N1757B 02B-8 350Y100666 03A-9.4 356N10199B 05C-14 356N9829B 04B-6
329N0177C 05F-5 341N0937B 03E-18 345N1795A 09B-1 350Y100667 03A-13.3 356N10200A 08F-11 356N9851B 04C-6
329N0178C 05B-20 341N100059 05G-8 345N1799A 02B-21 350Y100668 03A-9.3 356N10201C 05C-16 356N9873A 03M-4
329N0178C 05C-9 341N100060 05G-38 345N1884A 01A-9.2 350Y100675 01A-1.3 356N10208A 02B-13 356N9874B 03G-21
330S0013 05G-24 341N100061 05G-39 345N1885A 01A-11.2 350Y100676 01A-1.4 356N10253B 02A-4 356N9875B 03G-20
332N0620 04A-9 341N100062 05G-7 345N1925 08F-21 350Y100679 01A-1.5 356N10254B 02A-6 356N9876A 03G-10
332N0621F 03M-7 341N100068F 03L-14 345Y0318B/C 01A-6 350Y1761D 04B-2 356N10261B 05E-5 356N9877B 03I-17
332N0622E 03K-13 341N100076A 05G-3 345Y0319C/D 01B-3 350Y1809C 01B-9.1 356N10305 05E-3 356Y0353A 03D-14
332N0622E 03L-27 341N1052D 03M-1 345Y0320B/C 01B-12 350Y1867 04A-1 356N10492D 05E-6 356Y0354C 03K-2
332N0622E 03M-13 341N1052D 03M-14 346N1254E 03A-20 350Y1925C 01A-7.1 356N10493A 05E-7 356Y0355A 03K-10
332N0640 03C-16 341N1053A 03J-9 346N1405B 05D-22 350Y1951B 03A-15 356N10495C 05F-10 356Y0356D 03N-24
334N0068B 08B-3 341N1054C 03B-9 346N1475B 08A-12 350Y1953B 03A-13.1 356N10505B 05F-8 356Y0368B/C 04C-7
334N100072D 03F-21 341N1124C 08C-7 346N1540 09B-8 350Y1954B 03A-13.2 356N10562 08E-14 356Y0405B/C 04C-10
334N2388C 03F-18 341N1131C 03D-7 346Y0083D 03I-15 350Y1957A 03A-9.1 356N10567B 05E-8 356Y0406B 03A-7
334N2390D 03A-18 341N1132C 03F-7 347N1624A 05C-5 350Y1958A 03A-9.2 356N10569B 09B-10 356Y0407A 03A-4
334N2391C 03F-14 341N1133B 03F-10 347N1624A 05C-26 350Y1959B 01B-1.1 356N10570C 02A-9 356Y0409F 05G-34
334N2392 03K-8 341N1134C 03B-1 347N1624A 05D-16 350Y2059A 01B-9.2 356N10571C 09B-7 356Y0415B/C 08B-9
334N2393 03F-19 341N1134C 03D-2 347N1939 05C-3 350Y2065C 01A-7.2 356N10761A 01B-18 356Y0416B 05F-6
334N3614B/C 08D-11 341N1135B 03B-3 347N1939 05C-24 350Y2067E 01B-1.2 356N10768A 01A-19 356Y0454 05G-20
334N3614B/C 08F-14 341N1135B 03D-3 347N1944A 08D-8 350Y2079E 01A-1.2 356N10769A 01B-15 356Y0457A 03A-14
334N3616C/D 03N-21 341N1136D 03I-12 347N1944A 08F-6 350Y2082 01B-10.1 356N10786A 08A-9 356Y0458A 03A-10
334N3619 05A-6 341N1137D 03N-3 347N1950E 08A-2 350Y2083A 01B-10.2 356N10787A 09C-17 356Y0459 02A-1
334N3621/A 05D-21 341N1139A 03D-12 347N2034 05B-10 350Y2974F 01A-18.3 356N10790A 03A-22 356Y0460 02A-5
334N3622A/B 05D-20 341N1165C 03K-7 347N2034 05C-7 353N0144 03K-4 356N10835 02B-24.2 356Y0475 13-1
334N3623/A 05D-19 341N1166B 03K-9 347N2067B 05G-30 353Y0073G 03A-21 356N9191 05E-19 356Y0498 13-4

07.08.2008 FM5390
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-56

12 部品番号検索表
Part No. INDEX No.-Drawing No Part No. INDEX No.-Drawing No Part No. INDEX No.-Drawing No Part No. INDEX No.-Drawing No Part No. INDEX No.-Drawing No Part No. INDEX No.-Drawing No
356Y0499 13-3 362S0682 09C-3 375N0103B 02B-10 386N1322A 03I-7 388N2567 03K-15 840Y100093A 04B-1
356Y0502 13-2 363N100240D 03L-26 375N0104B 02B-11 386N1322A 09C-9 388N2568 03K-6 845Y0123H 09A-6.1
356Y0604 05E-11 363N100247A 05D-24 375S0040 03G-9 386N1323 03N-23 388N2569A 08D-1 845Y100049 09A-6.2
356Y0605C 05E-12 363N100273A 08F-17 375S0040 03G-25 386N1328 03G-18 388N2569A 08D-16 852Y0074B 05E-18
356Y0607 05E-15 363N100274 08D-15 375S0040 03G-30 386N1362 05E-13 388N2569A 08F-1 898Y0981 14-1
356Y0608A 08G-3 363N100275 08A-11 376N0240B 01A-8 386N1363 08G-4 388N2569A 08F-20 898Y100305 15-1
356Y0609 08G-10 363N2060C 08E-7 376N0241B 01A-10 386N1365 05E-17 388N2570 08B-1 898Y100306 15-2
356Y0610A 01B-20 363N2505B 03L-7 376Y100009 01A-24 386N1365 08C-17 388N2575B 05D-12 898Y100307 15-3
356Y0612 08G-8 363N2506B 03J-6 382N1665 01B-13 386N1366 08G-2 388N2575B 05D-32 898Y100308 15-4
356Y0613A 08G-1 363N2507A 03N-16 382N1666A 01B-14 386N1367 01B-19 388N2576B 05D-5 898Y100309 15-5
356Y0615 08C-16 363N2613C 02B-3 382N1667 01A-4 386N1369 08G-7 388N2576B 05D-31 898Y100310 15-6
356Y0616A 01A-21 363N2614C 02B-4 382N1667 01B-5 386N1370 05E-14 388N2594B 03N-1 898Y100311 15-7
356Y0617A 01B-17 363N2699D 08A-5 382N1668 01B-4 386N1370 08G-11 388N2594B 03N-27 898Y100312 15-8
356Y0622A 08G-6 363N2724E 05F-15 382N1670 01A-5 386N1372 01A-20 388N2610 05G-11 898Y100313 15-9
356Y0623 05E-16 363N2725E 05F-12 382N1711B 01A-12 386N1373 01B-16 388N2613 05C-17 898Y100327 15-10
357N100096B 03L-18 363N2728F 05A-3 382N1712B 01A-15 386N1374 01A-23 388N2614A 05D-14 898Y100334 09C-19
357N100097C 03L-29 363N2792C 05D-23 382N1713A 01A-13 386N1374 01B-21 388N2615A 03E-7 898Y1311 08A-1
357Y100062 03H-10 363N2825B 05H-4 382N1715B 01A-16 386N1375 01A-22 388N2615A 05D-10 898Y1401 09C-20
358Y0083G 09C-8 363N2826A 05H-1 382N1716 01A-14 386N1377 08B-16 388N2616 05D-13
358Y0086B 09A-5 363N2849 08A-10 382N1717 02A-10 386N1380 08G-5 388N2621C 05H-3
358Y0088D 09B-14 363Y0623 05A-1 382N1718A 02A-11 386N1388 03L-6 388N3101D 03J-5
360N0475A 03N-6 363Y100109/A 08A-6 382N1719 02A-12 387N0138C 03A-24 388N3102A 03F-8
360N0494B 08D-6 364N0114C 09A-13 382N1745B 02A-2 387N0168 03J-8 388N3103A 03F-11
360N0494B 08F-5 364N0122C 09B-2 382N1746A 02A-7 387N0187/A 02B-2 388N3104B 03N-9
360N0508A 08C-1 364N0142B 09B-3 382N1747 02A-3 387N0189A 08E-6 388N3105B 03N-15
360N0508A 08C-19 364S0068 09B-5 382N1747 03A-12 387N0190B 03M-8 388N3106C 03I-3
360N0521E 05D-7 364Y0018A 09A-11 382N1758 09A-10 387N0197B 07-12 388N5414A 05A-5
360N0521E 05D-33 365N0114A 08A-3 382N1759 09A-12 387N100002 08E-19 388N5421 05B-22
360N0537B 05G-12 365N100009D 03L-30 382N1819 02B-18 387Y0017A 05A-8.2 388N5421 05C-10
360N0542C 05D-3 367N2069 02A-13 382N1820 02A-8 387Y0018A 05A-2 388Y100002 05G-32
360N0542C 05D-25 367S1109A 02A-14 382N1824 09A-16 387Y0019A 05A-9.2 392N0009A 03G-22
360N0543A 05D-8 368Y0027B 05G-17 382N1839 01B-6 387Y0020 08F-18 392N0009A 03G-32
360N0543A 05D-34 369N0275B 03G-2 382N1844 09C-18 388N100154 03L-25 403N100005 14-3
360N0547C 05F-16 369N0279F 09A-9 382N1864 02B-16 388N100173C 03L-12 405N0186 03H-1
360N0548C 05F-14 369N0281E/F 04A-2 382N1885 13-13 388N100174A 03L-10 405N0186 05E-2
360N0553A 05G-14 369N0288A 03G-6 383Y0075A 03N-2 388N100175A 03N-26 405N1880 08A-4
360Y100027B 04C-5 369Y0027B 04A-15 383Y0075A 03N-28 388N100176B 05G-1 405N2505A 01B-8
362N0723D/E 03M-6 369Y0029C 09A-8 384N0104 08B-15 388N1216 03D-13 405N3178D 01A-2
362N0724E 03M-12 370N100063A 03G-16 384N0104 08D-17 388N1234 08B-4 405N3178D 01B-2
362N0763D 03J-10 370N100063A 03G-26 384N0104 08F-19 388N1243 05G-13 405N3178D 01B-22
362N0764B 03J-3 372S0049A 03G-12 384N0105A 02B-23 388N2435 08E-8 405N3392 04B-3
362N0768B 03K-12 372S0049A 03G-24 386N1266 03A-11 388N2458A 05D-1 405N3485 07-11
362N0769A 03H-13 372S0049A 03G-29 386N1292B 02B-14 388N2524A 05D-11 405N3486 07-2
362N0780D 04A-7 372S0050 03G-8 386N1292B 08F-12 388N2560A 03H-9 407Y0031E 04B-7
362N0833B 02B-7 372S0053 03G-11 386N1303A 03E-5 388N2560A 03J-1 602Y100002 08E-17
362N0834E 02B-5 372S0053 03G-23 386N1304A 03C-4 388N2562A 03C-2 603Y100012 04C-8
362N0835B 02B-6 372S0053 03G-28 386N1307A 03B-10 388N2563A 03E-9 815Y0071/A/B 07-7.1
362N0836F 02B-15 372S0280 03G-7 386N1307A 03C-14 388N2563A 03I-14 815Y100036 07-7.2
362S0681 09C-2 375N0099 02C-1 386N1307A 03E-27 388N2566 03K-1 839Y100027 06-1

07.08.2008 FM5390
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-57
13 オプション
■ 転倒防止金具キット/ Anti-topple retainer kit E 1 356Y0475 ブラケット(前面用) Bracket 1 −
E 2 356Y0502 ブラケット(背面用) Bracket 1 −
E 3 356Y0499 ブラケット(左側面用) Bracket 1 −
■ 車載キット/ Mobile Kit E 4 356Y0498 ブラケット(右側面用) Bracket 1 −
E 5 347N2108 スペーサ(1mm) Spacer 6 −
E 6 347N2109 スペーサ(2mm) Spacer 4 −
E 7 317S1064 キャップ Cap 2 −
Hexagon head socket
E 8 304S1000820 六角ボルト(8x20) 2 −
E 9 309S0220008 バネ座金(SW8) Spring washer 6 −
E 10 309S0110008 平座金(W8) Plain washer 6 −
E 11 304S5000820 Bolt 4 −
E 12 305N100033 アンカーナット(Na8) Anchor nut 4 −
Not included
in Mobile Kit
D 13 382N1885 テープ Tape 1 み/ −
For Mobile Kit

05.24.2007 FM5133
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-58
14 治具
JIG 14
E 1 898Y0981 ループケーブル Loop cable 1 {MC:21.}
E 2 136Y9620 ケーブル Cable 1 {MC:21.}
E 3 403N100005 ブラシ Brush 1 {MC:21.}

07.08.2008 FM5390
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-59
15 その他サービス部品
Other Service Parts
E 1 898Y100305 ヒューズキット Fuse Kit 1 −
E 2 898Y100306 ヒューズキット Fuse Kit 1 −
E 3 898Y100307 ヒューズキット Fuse Kit 1 −
E 4 898Y100308 ヒューズキット Fuse Kit 1 −
E 5 898Y100309 ヒューズキット Fuse Kit 1 −
E 6 898Y100310 ねじキット Screw Kit 1 −
E 7 898Y100311 ねじキット Screw Kit 1 −
E 8 898Y100312 ねじキット Screw Kit 1 −
E 9 898Y100313 KL リングキット K-CL Ring Kit 1 −
Stand Rubber Pad
E 10 898Y100327 架台ゴム板交換キッド 1 for STAND −
Replacement Kit

07.08.2008 FM5390
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-60
16 締結用および配線用のサービス部品一覧表
List of Service Parts for Securing and Wiring
1. 締結用および配線用のサービス部品について 1. Service Parts for Securing and Wiring
● 発注の際は部品コードと発注数量を明記すること。発注数量は 100 個単位とする。  Clearly indicate the part code and quantity required when ordering service parts.
Service parts can be ordered in sets of 100.
● サービス部品の納入時、部品コードをサービスマニュアルで使用されている記号に読
替えるための表が「5.[部品コード]→[記号]読替表」に用意されている。  The table in 5. [Parts Code] to [Symbol] Conversion Table is provided for converting
{SP:16_5.[部品コード]→[記号]読替表 } the parts code of delivered service parts to the symbols used in the service manual.
{SP:16_5. [Parts Code] to [Symbol] Conversion Table}

2. ねじ類 2. Screws
● サービス部品一覧表の中のねじの記載方法の例を以下に示す。この記載方法はサービ  The following is an example of how screws in the service parts table are described. This
スマニュアル内の記載方法と同じである。 description method is the same as that in this Service Manual.

07.08.2008 FM5390
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-61

16 締結用および配線用のサービス部品一覧表
List of Service Parts for Securing and Wiring

参考情報 参考情報
記号 部品コード Reference information 記号 部品コード Reference information
Symbol Parts code 形状 部品名称 材質、処理など Symbol Parts code 形状 部品名称 材質、処理など
Shape Parts name Material/treatment, etc. Shape Parts name Material/treatment, etc.
ばね座金組込み 十字穴付なべ小ね ステンレス
鋼 *N2x6 301S2000206
十字穴付なべ小ね じ 不動態化処理
亜鉛メッキ + 白色 3 価ク
じ Cross recessed Stainless steel
ロメート *N4x8 301S2000408
(ダブルセムスね pan head screw Passive state treatment
B2x6 308S2780206 じ) 十字穴付トラス小 鋼
Cross recessed ネジ 黒色 3 価クロメート
Zinc plating/White trivalent T2x3 301S0017
pan head screw Cross recessed Steel
with spring and truss head screwBlack trivalent chromating
Color: Light white
plain washers

BR3x6 308S0401 TP3x6 308S0414 亜鉛メッキ + 白色 3 価ク

六角頭 TP ネジ ロメート
BR3x10 308S0403 座金組込み ばね座金 + みがき丸座金
Cross recessed 色:うすい白色
十字穴付六角ボル 亜鉛メッキ + 白色 3 価ク TP4x8 308S0424
BR3x12 308S0404 hexagon head TP Steel
ト ロメート
screw Zinc plating/White trivalent
BR3x22 308S0431 Cross recessed 色:うすい白色
TP4x12 308S0426 chromating
hexagon head Steel
BR4x8 308S0406 Color: Light white
screw with spring Zinc plating/White trivalent
BR4x25 308S0411 and plain washers chromating 鋼
Color: Light white バインド小ねじ 黒色 3 価クロメート
BR5x12 308S9780512 V3x4 301S0016
Bind screw Steel
鋼 Black trivalent chromating
亜鉛メッキ + 白色 3 価ク 六角穴付き止めネ 鋼
六角頭デルタイト ロメート ジ 亜鉛メッキ + リン酸塩処
ネジ 色:うすい白色 (W ポイント) 理
DT3x6 306S0101 WP3x4 303S0102
Hexagon head Steel Hexagon socket Steel
deltight screw Zinc plating/White trivalent head set screw Zinc plating/Phosphate
chromating (double -point) treatment
Color: Light white

07.08.2008 FM5390
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-62

16 締結用および配線用のサービス部品一覧表
List of Service Parts for Securing and Wiring
3. 止め輪、座金、ナット類
3. Stopper Rings, Washers, Nuts
記号 部品コード Reference information
Symbol Parts code 形状 部品名称 材質、処理など
Shape Parts name Material/treatment, etc.

309S0025 WW-16

309S0077 STW-FT60-025

315S0052 1480201-48040

*E3 315S3360030
E 形止め輪 不動態化処理
*E4 315S3360040
E ring Stainless steel
Passive state treatment
*E6 315S3360060

KL3 315S0053
KL リング
KL4 315S0050
K-CL ring
KL6 315S0051

*SW4 309S0220004 ステンレス

ばね座金 不動態化処理
Spring washer Stainless steel
*SW8 309S0220008 Passive state treatment

平座金 不動態化処理
*W4 309S0120004
Plain washer Stainless steel
Passive state treatment

07.08.2008 FM5390
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-63

16 締結用および配線用のサービス部品一覧表
List of Service Parts for Securing and Wiring
4. 配線用部品
4. Wiring Parts
参考情報 参考情報
Reference information Reference information
記号 部品コード 記号 部品コード
Symbol Parts code 概略外形寸法など(mm) Symbol Parts code 概略外形寸法など(mm)
形状 部品名称 形状 部品名称
Approx. external Approx. external
Shape Parts name Shape Parts name
dimensions (mm), etc. dimensions (mm), etc.

コードクランプ コードクランプ
EDS-0607U 316S2027 14x9x4 (WxHxD) LAMS-05 318S1164 9x23x5 (WxHxD)
Code clamp Code clamp

EDS-1 316S1121 20x10x4 (WxHxD) PCB-3S 316S0268 15x13x7 (WxHxD)

Code clamp コードクランプ
Code clamp
EDS-2 316S1122 20x10x5 (WxHxD)
PCB-6S 316S0464 15x18x7 (WxHxD)

EDS-17L 318S1037 55x26x5 (WxHxD)
Code clamp コードクランプ
SB-4025 316S0029 48x33x6 (WxHxD)
Code clamp

T-18R 316S1001 束線部品 100x2.5 (LxW)

T-30R 316S1002 Cable tie 152x3.5 (LxW)
KGES6 316S0456 11x22x10 (WxHxD)
Code clamp

WPC-21SP 316S1263 23x11x11 (WxHxD)

LWS-3S 316S1037
13x10x29 (WxHxD)
Code clamp
LWS-3S V0 316S1242

07.08.2008 FM5390
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-64

16 締結用および配線用のサービス部品一覧表
List of Service Parts for Securing and Wiring
5. [部品コード]→[記号]読替表

5. [Parts Code] to [Symbol] Conversion Table

Use this table for converting the parts code of delivered service parts to the symbols used
in this Service Manual.

■ ねじ類 ■ 止め輪、座金、ナット類 ■ 配線用部品

Screws Stopper Rings, Washers, Nuts Wiring Parts
部品コード 記号 部品コード 記号 部品コード 記号
Parts code Symbol Parts code Symbol Parts code Symbol
308S2780206 B2x6 309S0025 Special Washer 316S2027 EDS-0607U
308S0401 BR3x6 309S0077 Special Washer 316S1121 EDS-1
308S0403 BR3x10 315S0052 Special Washer 316S1122 EDS-2
308S0404 BR3x12 315S3360030 *E3 318S1037 EDS-17L
308S0431 BR3x22 315S3360040 *E4 316S0456 KGES6
308S0406 BR4x8 315S3360060 *E6 316S1037 LWS-3S
308S0411 BR4x25 315S0053 KL3 316S1242 LWS-3S V0
308S9780512 BR5x12 315S0050 KL4 318S1164 LAMS-05
306S0101 DT3x6 315S0051 KL6 316S0268 PCB-3S
301S2000206 *N2x6 309S0220004 *SW4 316S0464 PCB-6S
301S2000408 *N4x8 309S0220008 *SW8 316S0029 SB-4025
301S0017 T2x3 309S0120004 *W4 316S1001 T-18R
308S0414 TP3x6 316S1002 T-30R
308S0424 TP4x8 316S1263 WPC-21SP
308S0426 TP4x12
301S0016 V3x4
303S0102 WP3x4

07.08.2008 FM5390
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-65

05.24.2007 FM5133
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-66

05.24.2007 FM5133
CR-IR 359 Service Manual SP-67
Control Sheet
Issue date Revision number Reason Pages affected
05.24.2007 01 New release (FM5134) All pages
09.04.2007 02 Revision (FM5208) 137

CR-IR 359 Service Manual

Preventive Maintenance (PM)

014-211-02E CR-IR 359 Service Manual

09.04.2007 FM5208

1. Preventive Maintenance Program 1.2 Notations of Intervals

In this volume, either of the following symbols is indicated for each maintenance program.
Before initiating any maintenance operation, you should become familiar with the following
1.1 How To Use the Preventive Maintenance Volume symbols.

- Perform the relevant procedures in accordance with the interval notations ( : Indicates a preventive maintenance program that must be performed when the
). machine has been used for one year or when a process count of about 30,000 is
- "Preventive Maintenance Program List" is comprised of programs classified by intervals of
one year (1Y), two years (2Y), three years (3Y), four years (4Y), and five years (5Y). Since : Indicates a preventive maintenance program that must be performed when the
the maintenance programs differ depending upon the respective intervals, they should be machine has been used for two years or when a process count of about 60,000 is
performed according to the Program List. reached.
: Indicates a preventive maintenance program that must be performed when the
machine has been used for three years or when a process count of about 90,000 is
: Indicates a preventive maintenance program that must be performed when the
machine has been used for four years or when a process count of about 120,000 is
: Indicates a preventive maintenance program that must be performed when the
machine has been used for five years or when a process count of about 150,000 is

The above process counts are based on a maximum daily process count of 150.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-1
1.3 Preventive Maintenance Program List 1.3.1 Maintenance Programs for the First Year
 Preventive maintenance programs to be performed when the machine has
 INSTRUCTION  been used for one year or when a process count of about 30,000 is reached
Safety provided by grounding is assured by properly establishing power cable and additional
( )
protective ground wire connections and securing the parts with retaining screws. To maintain Reference Time Periodic
Maintenance program Remarks
section requirements replacement parts
safety, ensure that the parts and retaining screws removed for servicing purposes are
2. Details of Maintenance Procedures
restored to states existing upon installation. After the parts and retaining screws are restored
to the above-mentioned states, follow the procedures set forth in this service manual to verify 2.1 Backing Up the Log
that the retaining screws are securely tightened to properly secure the parts. 2.2 Checking the Error Log
2.3 Checking the Erasure Lamp Lighting Time
Perform the specified preventive maintenance programs at the predefined intervals or when 3.Checking the Image/Conveyance
the predefined process count is reached.
3.1 Check Before Procedures
The preventive maintenance programs to be performed at various intervals are listed below.
3.2 Checking the Image/Conveyance
3.3 Checking the Output Characters
4. Pulling Out the Machine
4.1 Unlocking the Retainers
4.2 Disconnecting the Cables
5. Removing the Covers
5.1 Removing the Covers (1st/5th Year)
7. Cassette Set Unit
7.1 Removing the Erasure Unit
8. Erasure Unit
8.1 Removing the Filter
8.2 Cleaning the Filter
8.4 Reinstalling the Filter
8.5 Cleaning/Replacing the Brush Roller
8.6 Reinstalling the Brush Roller Assembly
8.8 Reinstalling the Reflection Plate
8.9 Reinstalling the Erasure Unit
13. Cleaning/Reinstalling the Covers and Louvers
13.1 Cleaning/Reinstalling the Covers and
Louvers (1st/5th Year)
14. Cleaning the Air Filter
15. Securing the Machine
15.1 Connecting the Cables
15.2 Securing the Machine
15.3 Checking for Improper Protective
16. Checking the Image/Conveyance
17. Confirming the S Value
18. Checking the Error Log

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-2
1.3.2 Maintenance Programs for the Second Year Reference
Maintenance program
Time Periodic
section requirements replacement parts
 Preventive maintenance programs to be performed when the machine has
been used for two years or when a process count of about 60,000 is reached 8. Erasure Unit
( ) 8.1 Removing the Filter
Reference Time Periodic 8.3 Replacing the Filter Filter
Maintenance program Remarks
section requirements replacement parts 8.4 Reinstalling the Filter
2. Details of Maintenance Procedures 8.5 Cleaning/Replacing the Brush Roller Brush rollers (x2)
2.1 Backing Up the Log 8.6 Reinstalling the Brush Roller Assembly
2.2 Checking the Error Log 8.7 Cleaning the Reflection Plate
2.3 Checking the Erasure Lamp Lighting 8.8 Reinstalling the Reflection Plate
Time 8.9 Reinstalling the Erasure Unit
3. Checking the Image/Conveyance 9. Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit
3.1 Check Before Procedures 9.1 Removing the Side-Positioning Conveyor
3.2 Checking the Image/Conveyance Unit

3.3 9.2 Cleaning the Guide

Checking the Output Characters
9.3 Cleaning the Rubber Rollers
4. Pulling Out the Machine
9.4 Cleaning the Shock-Absorbing Rollers,
4.1 Unlocking the Retainers Antistatic Members, and Guide
4.2 Disconnecting the Cables 10. Subscanning Unit
5. Removing the Covers 10.1 Removing the Post-Reading Conveyor
5.2 Removing the Covers (2nd/4th Year) Guide Assembly
10.2 Removing the Light-Collecting Guide
6. Turning OFF the High-Voltage Switch
10.3 Removing the Scanning Optics Unit
7. Cassette Set Unit
10.4 Removing the Subscanning Unit
7.1 Removing the Erasure Unit
10.5 Cleaning the Guides, Center Rollers,
7.2 Removing the Cassette Set Unit and Rubber Rollers
7.3 Preparation for Cleaning of Suction 10.6 Cleaning the Flywheel (Large) and
Cups Kapton® Belt
7.4 Cleaning the Suction Cups (Left-Hand) 10.7 Cleaning the Flywheel (Small) and
Rubber Belt
7.5 Cleaning the Suction Cups (Right-Hand)
10.8 Cleaning Inside the Machine
7.6 Cleaning the Rubber Rollers (Small)
10.9 Reinstalling the Subscanning Unit
7.7 Cleaning the Rubber Rollers
10.10 Reinstalling the Scanning Optics Unit
7.8 Installing the Components
11. Light-Collecting Guide
7.9 Cleaning the Antistatic Member and
11.1 Cleaning and Reinstalling the Light-
Collecting Guide
7.12 Cleaning inside the Machine and the 11.2 Cleaning the Post-Reading Conveyor
Antistatic Member Guide Assembly
7.13 Reinstalling the Cassette Set Unit 11.3 Reinstalling the Post-Reading Conveyor
7.14 Cleaning the Dust-Tight Cover Assembly Guide Assembly
11.4 Reinstalling the Side-Positioning
Conveyor Unit

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-3
Reference Time Periodic  Parts to be replaced when the machine has been used for two years or when
Maintenance program Remarks
section requirements replacement parts a process count of about 60,000 is reached
12. Turning ON the High-Voltage Switch
Reference section Parts Name Parts No. Qty. Remarks
13. Cleaning/Reinstalling the Covers and Louvers
8.3 Filter 603Y0070* 1
13.2 Cleaning/Reinstalling the Covers and
Louvers (2nd/4th Year) 8.5 Brush roller 334N5027* 2
14. Cleaning the Air Filter
15.Securing the Machine
15.1 Connecting the Cables
15.2 Securing the Machine
15.3 Checking for Improper Protective
16. Checking the Image/Conveyance
17. Confirming the S Value
18. Checking the Error Log

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-4
1.3.3 Maintenance Programs for the Third Year  Parts to be replaced when the machine has been used for three years or
 Preventive maintenance programs to be performed when the machine when a process count of about 90,000 is reached
has been used for three years or when a process count of about 90,000 is Reference section Parts Name Parts No. Qty. Remarks
reached ( )
7.15 IP suction pump 133Y2034* 1
Reference Time Periodic
Maintenance program Remarks
section requirements replacement parts
2. Details of Maintenance Procedures
2.1 Backing Up the Log
2.2 Checking the Error Log
2.3 Checking the Erasure Lamp Lighting Time
3.Checking the Image/Conveyance
3.1 Check Before Procedures
3.2 Checking the Image/Conveyance
3.3 Checking the Output Characters
4. Pulling Out the Machine
4.1 Unlocking the Retainers
4.2 Disconnecting the Cables
5. Removing the Covers
5.3 Removing the Covers (3rd Year)
7. Cassette Set Unit
7.1 Removing the Erasure Unit
7.15 Replacing the IP Suction Pump IP suction pump
8. Erasure Unit
8.1 Removing the Filter
8.2 Cleaning the Filter
8.4 Reinstalling the Filter
8.5 Cleaning/Replacing the Brush Roller
8.6 Reinstalling the Brush Roller Assembly
8.8 Reinstalling the Reflection Plate
8.9 Reinstalling the Erasure Unit
13. Cleaning/Reinstalling the Covers and Louvers
13.3 Cleaning/Reinstalling the Covers and
Louvers (3rd Year)
14 Cleaning the Air Filter
15.Securing the Machine
15.1 Connecting the Cables
15.2 Securing the Machine
15.3 Checking for Improper Protective
16. Checking the Image/Conveyance
17. Confirming the S Value
18. Checking the Error Log

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-5
1.3.4 Maintenance Programs for the Fourth Year Reference Maintenance program Time Periodic
section requirements replacement parts Remarks
 Preventive maintenance programs to be performed when the machine
has been used for four years or when a process count of about 120,000 is 8. Erasure Unit
reached ( ) 8.1 Removing the Filter
Reference Time Periodic 8.3 Replacing the Filter Filter
Maintenance program
section requirements replacement parts Remarks 8.4 Reinstalling the Filter
2. Details of Maintenance Procedures 8.5 Cleaning/Replacing the Brush Roller Brush rollers (x2)
2.1 Backing Up the Log 8.6 Reinstalling the Brush Roller Assembly
2.2 Checking the Error Log 8.7 Cleaning the Reflection Plate
2.3 Checking the Erasure Lamp Lighting 8.8 Reinstalling the Reflection Plate
8.9 Reinstalling the Erasure Unit
3.Checking the Image/Conveyance
9. Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit
3.1 Check Before Procedures
9.1 Removing the Side-Positioning
3.2 Checking the Image/Conveyance Conveyor Unit
3.3 Checking the Output Characters 9.2 Cleaning the Guide
4. Pulling Out the Machine 9.3 Cleaning the Rubber Rollers
4.1 Unlocking the Retainers 9.4 Cleaning the Shock-Absorbing Rollers,
4.2 Disconnecting the Cables Antistatic Members, and Guide
5. Removing the Covers 10. Subscanning Unit
5.2 Removing the Covers (2nd/4th Year) 10.1 Removing the Post-Reading Conveyor
Guide Assembly
6. Turning OFF the High-Voltage Switch
10.2 Removing the Light-Collecting Guide
7. Cassette Set Unit
10.3 Removing the Scanning Optics Unit
7.1 Removing the Erasure Unit
10.4 Removing the Subscanning Unit
7.2 Removing the Cassette Set Unit
10.5 Cleaning the Guides, Center Rollers,
7.3 Preparation for Cleaning of Suction
and Rubber Rollers
10.6 Cleaning the Flywheel (Large) and
7.4 Cleaning the Suction Cups (Left-Hand)
Kapton® Belt
7.5 Cleaning the Suction Cups (Right-Hand)
10.7 Cleaning the Flywheel (Small) and
7.6 Cleaning the Rubber Rollers (Small) Rubber Belt
7.7 Cleaning the Rubber Rollers 10.8 Cleaning Inside the Machine
7.8 Installing the Components 10.9 Reinstalling the Subscanning Unit
7.9 Cleaning the Antistatic Member and 10.10 Reinstalling the Scanning Optics Unit
Shutter 11. Light-Collecting Guide
7.10 Replacing the Dumper (Opposite Dumper (opposite 11.1 Cleaning and Reinstalling the Light-
Reference Side) reference side) Collecting Guide
7.11 Replacing the Dumper (Reference Side) Dumper (reference 11.2 Cleaning the Post-Reading Conveyor
side) Guide Assembly
7.12 Cleaning inside the Machine and the 11.3 Reinstalling the Post-Reading Conveyor
Antistatic Member Guide Assembly
7.13 Reinstalling the Cassette Set Unit 11.4 Reinstalling the Side-Positioning
7.14 Cleaning the Dust-Tight Cover Assembly Conveyor Unit

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-6
Reference Time Periodic  Parts to be replaced when the machine has been used for four years or when
Maintenance program
section requirements replacement parts Remarks a process count of about 120,000 is reached
12 Turning ON the High-Voltage Switch Reference section Parts Name Parts No. Qty. Remarks
13. Cleaning/Reinstalling the Covers and Louvers 7.10 Dumper (opposite reference 386N1304*
13.2 Cleaning/Reinstalling the Covers and side)
Louvers (2nd/4th Year)
7.11 Dumper (reference side) 386N1303* 1
14. Cleaning the Air Filter
8.3 Filter 603Y0070* 1
15. Securing the Machine
8.5 Brush roller 334N5027* 2
15.1 Connecting the Cables
15.2 Securing the Machine
15.3 Checking for Improper Protective
16. Checking the Image/Conveyance
17. Confirming the S Value
18. Checking the Error Log

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-7
1.3.5 Maintenance Programs for the Fifth Year
 Preventive maintenance programs to be performed when the machine has
been used for five years or when a process count of about 150,000 is reached
( )
Reference Time Periodic
Maintenance program Remarks
section requirements replacement parts
2. Details of Maintenance Procedures
2.1 Backing Up the Log
2.2 Checking the Error Log
2.3 Checking the Erasure Lamp Lighting Time
3. Checking the Image/Conveyance
3.1 Check Before Procedures
3.2 Checking the Image/Conveyance
3.3 Checking the Output Characters
4. Pulling Out the Machine
4.1 Unlocking the Retainers
4.2 Disconnecting the Cables
5. Removing the Covers
5.1 Removing the Covers (1st/5th Year)
7. Cassette Set Unit
7.1 Removing the Erasure Unit
8. Erasure Unit
8.1 Removing the Filter
8.2 Cleaning the Filter
8.4 Reinstalling the Filter
8.5 Cleaning/Replacing the Brush Roller
8.6 Reinstalling the Brush Roller Assembly
8.8 Reinstalling the Reflection Plate
8.9 Reinstalling the Erasure Unit
13. Cleaning/Reinstalling the Covers and Louvers
13.1 Cleaning/Reinstalling the Covers and
Louvers (1st/5th Year)
14. Cleaning the Air Filter
15. Securing the Machine
15.1 Connecting the Cables
15.2 Securing the Machine
15.3 Checking for Improper Protective
16. Checking the Image/Conveyance
17. Confirming the S Value
18. Checking the Error Log

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-8

2. Details of Maintenance Procedures 5. Input “C:\Program Files\FujiFilm\FCR\Tool\PuPcTool\RuPcTool.exe” in “Name”.

2.1 Backing Up the Log

1. Power ON the CR Console.
2. Power ON the RU. 6. Click on [OK].
3. Press the [Windows] key to display the Start menu of Windows. → The RU PC-TOOL window opens.

4. Click [Run...] from the Start menu of Windows.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-9
7. Select “LOG-ALL” from the BACKUP items, and click on [EXECUTE].

→ The window for selecting the location for backing up the data appears.

8. Click on and select the location (drive and directory) where the data is to be
→ The Completed window appears after backup is completed.
backed up. After making the selection, click on [OK]. Confirm the location for
backing up the data, and then click on [OK].
9. Click on [OK].
 NOTE 
When the data is to be backed up on an FD, set a formatted FD into the CR Console FD
drive before selecting the location for backup. If you click on [OK] without setting the
FD, the error window appears.

→ The display returns to the RU PC-TOOL window.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-10
2.2 Checking the Error Log 3. Select the log, and check to make sure that the error log is not abnormal.

1. Click on [ERROR DB].

→ The ERROR-DB window opens.

2. Click on [UPDATE].

4. Click on .
→ The display returns to the RU PC-TOOL window.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-11
2.3 Checking the Erasure Lamp Lighting Time 2. Click on the [LAMP] tab, and confirm the total count for the erasure lamp lighting.
After the confirmation, click on [CANCEL].
1. Click on [EDIT HISTORY].
→ The EDIT HISTORY window opens.

→ The display returns to the RU PC-TOOL window.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-12

3. Checking the Image/Conveyance 4. Perform IP exposures.

 NOTE 
The following checks are made in this section.
Be sure to make exposure under the following X-ray tube voltage conditions. Otherwise,
- Conveyance checks
the image cannot be correctly checked.
- Image checks
- For tungsten X-ray tube: 80 kVp
- Check for output characters - For molybdenum X-ray tube: 25 kVp

3.1 Check Before Procedures  INSTRUCTIONS 

- Expose two IPs of maximum sizes for each of the IP types (ST and HR) used at the
 NOTES  user’s site with the following doses.
- For the IP used for image/conveyance checks, an IP of the maximum size used in the - With the X-ray tube, the first IP should be exposed in a normal orientation, and the
user’s site should be employed. second in a 180-degree upside-down orientation.
- Make sure that the IP to be used does not contain any important image data exposed.
 When the IP type ST
1. Turn OFF the RU power, and then turn it ON. - X-ray tube: Tungsten X-ray tube
2. Make sure that the RU normally starts up, and the operation panel turns to the - Exposure X-ray dose: 1 mR
“READY” window.
- Maximum size: IP of 14"x14" (35 cm x 35 cm) or 14" x 17" (35 cm x 43 cm) size
3. Perform "Secondary Erasure" on the spontaneous radiation and images - Reference conditions: Distance 1.8 m
accumulated on the IP to be used. Voltage 80 kVp
{Instruction Manual} Amperage 50 mA
Time 0.013 sec.

 When the IP type HR

- X-ray tube: Tungsten X-ray tube
- Exposure X-ray dose: 1 mR
- Maximum size: IP of 18cm x 24cm HR size or of 24cm x 30cm HR size
- Reference conditions: Distance 1.8 m
Voltage 80 kVp
Amperage 50 mA
Time 0.013 sec.

 When the IP type HR is to be exposed with the molybdenum X-ray tube

- X-ray tube: Molybdenum X-ray tube
- Exposure X-ray dose: 20mR
- Maximum size: IP of 18cm x 24cm HR size or of 24cm x 30cm HR size
- Reference conditions: Distance 0.55 m
Voltage 25 kVp
Amperage 100 mA
Time 0.53 sec.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-13
3.2 Checking the Image/Conveyance 3. Check the image format.
Make sure that the white blank portion is 2 mm or less, as actually measured on the IP,
1. Read the IP, which was exposed as instructed in "3.1 Check Before Procedures," from the outermost edge of the image frame of the film outputted.
by “TEST” or “Image format” and “SINGLE”, and output it.
2. Verify that there is no "unusual nonuniformity" found on the output film or on the The white blank portion should be 2 mm or less.
image displayed on the image monitor. If anything abnormal is found:
 CHECK  {Troubleshooting}

There should be no uneven density difference in the main scan direction.

If there is any uneven density difference, compare the films outputted from the two IPs
of the same size, and determine whether such nonuniformity is caused by the machine
or X-ray tube.

 If there is uneven density difference in the same direction on two films

 NOTE 
The distance measured on the film may differ from the actual size on the IP, depending
on the reading size and film size. The actual size on the IP should be calculated using
the distance measured on the film and the reduction factor for the film. Compute the
actual size on the IP according to the following equation.
→ The machine may be the cause of such nonuniformity.

 If positions of uneven density difference are different

→ The X-ray tube may be the cause of such nonuniformity.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-14
3.3 Checking the Output Characters
Make sure that the film character format information that was set in “Outputting the Film for
Image Check” is displayed on the output film. Also verify that none of the characters look
blurred or broken.
1. Check the output characters.
Check the following.
- The character format information that has been set is correct.
- There is nothing abnormal,such as blurred or broken characters.
If anything abnormal is found:

The details of output characters and the character display locations are as follows.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-15

4. Pulling Out the Machine 4.2 Disconnecting the Cables

4.1 Unlocking the Retainers

1. Power OFF the RU.

2. Loosen the nuts of the 1. Remove the power cable cover.

adjustable feet to make the
machine movable.

2. Disconnect the power cable.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-16
3. Disconnect the I/F cable.

4. Pull out the machine to the working space.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-17

5. Removing the Covers 3. Remove the screws to remove

the right-hand side cover.

5.1 Removing the Covers (1st/5th Year)

1. Loosen the screws to remove

the front cover.

2. Remove the louver.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-18
5.2 Removing the Covers (2nd/4th Year) 3. Remove the louver.

1. Loosen the screws to remove 4. Remove the screws to remove

the front cover. the right-hand side cover.

2. Remove the screws to remove 5. Remove the screws, slightly tilt

the front cover plate. the rear cover laterally, and pull
it out toward you for removal.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-19
6. Remove the screws on the left- 9. Take the procedure 10 from the
hand side, loosen the screw on direction indicated by the arrow
the rear, and remove the left- in the figure.
hand side cover.

7. Remove the screws to remove 10. Disconnect the connector, and

the rear cover plate. remove the retaining screws of
the operation panel assembly.

8. Remove the screws to remove 11. Remove the operation panel

the left-hand cover plate. assembly.

 NOTE 
Do not remove the operation
panel assembly in the upward
direction. Otherwise, part of the
machine might get damaged.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-20
12. Take the procedures 13 and 14 15. Hold the dust-tight cover
from the direction indicated by assembly on the position
the arrow in the figure. indicated in the figure, and lift
it straight up to remove, while
exercising care not to tilt the

 NOTE 
Be sure to lift the dust-tight cover
assembly straight without tilting
it, to remove it. Otherwise, the
sensor or the gear might get

13. Remove the retaining screws of

the dust-tight cover assembly
from the direction instructed in

14. Remove the retaining screws of

the dust-tight cover assembly
from the direction instructed in

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-21
5.3 Removing the Covers (3rd Year) 3. Remove the screws to remove
the right-hand side cover.

1. Loosen the screws to remove 4. Remove the screws, slightly tilt

the front cover. the rear cover laterally, and pull
it out toward you for removal.

2. Remove the louver. 5. Remove the screws on the left-

hand side, loosen the screw on
the rear, and remove the left-
hand side cover.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-22

6. Turning OFF the High-Voltage Switch

1. Turn OFF the high-voltage

switch (S1) on the SCN23A

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-23

7. Cassette Set Unit 3. Put the cable aside for the

protection of the cable.

 NOTE 
7.1 Removing the Erasure Unit Be sure to put the cable aside.
Otherwise, the cable and the
 NOTE  connector might get caught when
When removing the erasure unit, exercise care in handling as the unit is hot. removing/reinstalling the erasure

1. Take the procedures from 2 to 4. Remove the retaining screws of

5 from the direction indicated the erasure unit.
by the arrow in the figure.

2. Disconnect the connectors. 5. Holding the erasure unit on the

position indicated in the figure,
pull it out.

 NOTE 
When removing the erasure unit,
exercise care in handling as the
unit is hot.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-24
7.2 Removing the Cassette Set Unit 2. Unclamp the clamp, and
disconnect the connector.
Put the cable aside out of the
 NOTE 
housing for the protection of
Since the cassette set unit is a heavy object, be careful about the following points when the cable.
removing, reinstalling and moving.
- Secure a sufficient working space before the operation.  NOTE 
- Be sure to follow the procedures of “7.1 Removing the Erasure Unit” before removing the Be sure to put the cable aside out
cassette set unit. of the housing. Otherwise, the
{PM:7.1_Removing the Erasure Unit} cable and the connector might get
- Hold the position where the “Hold here” label is applied. caught when removing/reinstalling
- Lift the unit in a natural posture. the cassette set unit.

1. Take the procedures from 2 to 4

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-25
3. Unclamp the clamp, and 5. Take the procedure 6 from the
disconnect the connector direction indicated by the arrow
while pushing the hook of in the figure.
the connector. Retain the
cable with the clamp for the
protection of the cable.

- As the working space is small,
exercise care not to get injured
by peripheral components when
disconnecting the connector.
- Be sure to retain the cable
with the clamp. Otherwise, the
cable and the connector might
get caught when removing/ 6. Remove the retaining screws of
reinstalling the cassette set unit. the cassette set unit.

Never remove red painted screws.

4. Remove the retaining screws of

the cassette set unit.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-26
7. Take the procedure 8 from the 8. Hold the cassette set unit on
direction indicated by the arrow the positions indicated in the
in the figure. figure. Lift the cassette set unit
above the housing frame and
 NOTE  remove it.
The heavy object is to be handled
in the following procedure. Be  NOTE 
sure to work from the direction as - Since the cassette set unit is a
instructed. heavy object, be sure to secure
a sufficient working space
before the operation, and work
in a natural posture.
- Be sure to lift the cassette set
unit above the housing frame
before removing. If the cassette
set unit has not been lifted high
enough, the unit might come
into contact with the housing,
causing the damage.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-27
7.3 Preparation for Cleaning of Suction Cups 2. Lift the board box and remove
the safety bar from the retainer
by means of a screwdriver or
the like. Lift the safety bar and
hook it on the bracket of the
board box.

 NOTE 
Be sure to hook the safety bar on
the bracket of the board box to
prevent the board box from falling
down. Otherwise, the board
box might fall down, hurting the

1. Remove the screws.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-28
3. Manually rotate the gear of the 4. Take the procedures from 5 to 9
motor, and check to make sure from the direction indicated by
that the debris fall prevention the arrow in the figure.
shutter assembly has moved to
its closed position.

Do not work with your head put
under the board box. The safety
bar supporting the board box might
come off, causing you to get injured.

 NOTE 
Check to make sure that the
debris fall prevention shutter 5. Unclamp the clamp, and
assembly has moved to its closed disconnect the connector.
position. Otherwise, the tip of
the IP removal arm comes into
contact, preventing the arm from

For the details on the operation of
the debris fall prevention shutter
assembly, refer to the Machine
Description “5.2 Cassette Set
{MD:5.2_Cassette Set Unit}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-29
6. Remove the screws to remove 8. Pull out the bracket, and
the bracket. unclamp the clamp.

 NOTE   NOTE 
The removed bracket has the Since the working space is small,
cable left attached. Exercise care exercise care not to get injured
not to damage the cable. on your hands by the edge of the

9. Disconnect the connector.

7. Remove the retaining screws of

the bracket.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-30
7.4 Cleaning the Suction Cups (Left-Hand) 2. Move the IP removal arm while
holding the arm (white) to a
position where the driver can
access the screws of the IP
removal arm.

1. Take the procedures from 2 to 6

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-31
3. Remove the retaining screws 4. Clean the suction cup (left-
of the suction cup assembly hand) with a moistened cloth.
(left-hand). Hold the assembly Check the mounted orientation
on the position indicated in of the KL clip.
the figure, and pull out the
assembly (left-hand) from  NOTES 
below the IP removal link shaft. - Exercise care not to excessively
pull out the suction cup
 NOTE  assembly, causing the hose to
Exercise care not to damage the be damaged.
hose when pulling out the suction -Check to make sure that the KL
cup assembly. clip is attached in the orientation
indicated in the figure.
Otherwise, the suction cup
assembly cannot be correctly
mounted on the IP removal arm.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-32
5. Reinstall the suction cup 6. Pull the hose in the direction
assembly (left-hand) on the IP indicated by the arrow, and
removal arm from below the IP make sure that there is no
removal link shaft. Make sure excessive slack of the hose in
that the suction cup assembly the region surrounded by the
(left-hand) is correctly mounted dotted line in the figure.
on the half punches, before
retaining with the screws.  NOTE 
If the hose has an excessive
 NOTES  slack, the hose might get
- Exercise care not to damage damaged as it is pulled when the
the hose when reinstalling the IP removal arm is moved.
suction cup assembly on the IP
removal arm.
- Be sure to verify that the suction
cup assembly has been correctly
mounted on the half punches,
before retaining with the screws.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-33
7.5 Cleaning the Suction Cups (Right-Hand) 2. Remove the retaining screws
of the suction cup assembly
(right-hand). Hold the assembly
on the position indicated in
the figure, and pull out the
assembly (right-hand) from
below the IP removal link shaft.

 NOTE 
Exercise care not to damage the
hose when pulling out the suction
cup assembly.

1. Remove the screws, to remove

the guide.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-34
3. Clean the suction cup (right-
hand) with a moistened cloth.
Check the mounted orientation
of the KL clip.
- Exercise care not to excessively
pull out the suction cup
assembly, causing the hose to
be damaged.
- Check to make sure that the KL
clip is attached in the orientation
indicated in the figure.
Otherwise, the suction cup
assembly cannot be correctly
mounted on the IP removal arm.

4. Reinstall the suction cup 5. Pull the hose in the direction

assembly (right-hand) on the indicated by the arrow, and
IP removal arm from below make sure that there is no
the IP removal link shaft. excessive slack of the hose in
Make sure that the suction the region surrounded by the
cup assembly (right-hand) is dotted line in the figure.
correctly mounted on the half
punches, before retaining with  NOTE 
the screws. If the hose has an excessive
slack, the hose might get
 NOTES  damaged as it is pulled when the
- Exercise care not to damage IP removal arm is moved.
the hose when reinstalling the
suction cup assembly on the IP
removal arm.
- Be sure to verify that the suction
cup assembly has been correctly
mounted on the half punches,
before retaining with the screws.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-35
6. Insert the tip of the guide into
an aperture of the bracket
before mounting the guide. Be
sure to verify that the guide is
correctly mounted on the half
punches, before retaining with
the screws.

 NOTE 
Be sure to verify that the guide
is correctly mounted on the half
punches, before retaining with the

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-36
7.6 Cleaning the Rubber Rollers (Small) 2. Clean the rubber roller (small)
with a moistened cloth.

1. Hold the arm (white) to lift

the IP removal arm to the
uppermost position.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-37
7.7 Cleaning the Rubber Rollers 2. Hold the arm (white) to move
the IP removal arm to the
lowermost position.

1. Push the moistened cloth

against the rubber roller. Clean
the roller while rotating it by
the handle.

 NOTE 
Exercise care not to damage
or pull the hose when pushing
the moistened cloth against the
rubber roller.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-38
7.8 Installing the Components 3. Check to make sure that the
bracket is correctly mounted
on the half punches, before
retaining with the screws.

 NOTE 
Always make sure that the
bracket is correctly mounted on
the half punches, before retaining
with the screws.

1. Connect the connector. 4. Reinstall the bracket, and retain

with the screws.

2. Check to make sure that the 5. Connect the connector, and

cable tie is positioned as retain the cable with the clamp.
indicated in the figure. Then,
retain the cable with the

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-39
6. While holding the position
indicated in the figure and
supporting the board box,
remove the safety bar. Lower
the safety bar and fix to the
retainer. Then lower the board

7. Reinstall the screws.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-40
7.9 Cleaning the Antistatic Member and Shutter

1. Take the procedure 2 from the

direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

2. Clean the antistatic member

and the shutter with a vacuum

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-41
7.10 Replacing the Dumper (Opposite Reference Side) 3. Replace the dumper (opposite
reference side).

 NOTE 
The dumpers on the reference
side and the opposite reference
side are different in color. Put
on the dumper with a dark gray
barrel on the opposite reference

1. Take the procedures from 2 to 4 4. Install the bearing inside the

from the direction indicated by shutter driving arm. Then
the arrow in the figure. mount the shutter driving arm
and the KL clip.

- Pay attention to the orientation
of mounting the bearing.
- Mount the shutter driving
arm and the bearing in place
referring to the figure.

2. Remove the KL clip, and

remove the shutter driving arm.

 NOTE 
When the shutter driving arm is
removed, the bearing installed
inside the arm might drop.
Exercise care not to miss the

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-42
7.11 Replacing the Dumper (Reference Side) 3. Disconnect the connector.

1. Take the procedures from 2 to 4. Release the clamps.

14 from the direction indicated
by the arrow in the figure.

2. Remove the bracket.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-43
5. Remove the screws. 6. Remove the bracket while
lifting up the shutter driving
 NOTES  arm.
- Do not remove the bracket after
the screws are removed. If the  NOTES 
bracket is removed in this state, - Always remove the bracket with
the sensor installed inside the the shutter driving arm lifted up.
bracket might get damaged. Otherwise, the sensor installed
- If the bracket lowers and on the bracket might interfere
disengages after the screws are with the shutter driving arm,
removed, the procedure 6 is resulting in the damage of the
not necessary. Proceed to the sensor.
procedure 7. - The removed bracket has the
cable left attached. Exercise
care not to damage the cable.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-44
7. Remove the KL clip, and 9. Install the bearing inside the
remove the shutter driving arm. shutter driving arm. Then
mount the shutter driving arm
 NOTE  and the KL clip.
When the shutter driving arm is
removed, the bearing installed  NOTES 
inside the arm might drop. - Pay attention to the orientation
Exercise care not to miss the of mounting the bearing.
bearing. - Mount the shutter driving
arm and the bearing in place
referring to the figure.

8. Replace the dumper (reference


 NOTE 
The dumpers on the reference
side and the opposite reference
side are different in color. Put on
the dumper with a light gray barrel
on the reference side.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-45
10. Reinstall the bracket while 12. Retain the cable with the clamp.
lifting up the shutter driving

 NOTE 
Always install the bracket with
the shutter driving arm lifted up.
Otherwise, the sensor installed
on the bracket might interfere with
the shutter driving arm, resulting
in the damage of the sensor.

13. Connect the connector.

11. Reinstall the screws. 14. Reinstall the bracket.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-46
7.12 Cleaning inside the Machine and the Antistatic Member

1. Clean the inside of the machine

and the antistatic member with
a vacuum cleaner to remove
dust entering from the outside
of the machine.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-47
7.13 Reinstalling the Cassette Set Unit

 NOTE 
Since the cassette set unit is a heavy object, be careful about the following points when
removing, reinstalling and moving.
- Secure a sufficient working space before the operation.
- Hold the position where the “Hold here” label is applied.
- Lift the unit in a natural posture.

1. Hold the cassette set unit on

the positions indicated in the
figure. Lift the cassette set
unit above the housing frame,
and lower it halfway with the
housing clamp as a guide.
Push the unit against the left-
hand and then inner sides of
the housing in this order, and
vertically lower the unit for

- Always lift the cassette set unit
above the housing frame before
reinstalling. If the cassette set
unit has not been lifted high
enough, the unit might come
into contact with the housing,
causing the damage.
- Be sure to push the unit against
the left-hand and then inner
side of the housing in this order.
Otherwise, the cassette set unit
cannot be reinstalled in place,
and the housing cable might get

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-48
2. Reinstall the retaining screws 3. Take the procedure 4 from the
of the cassette set unit. direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

4. Reinstall the retaining screws

of the cassette set unit.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-49
5. Take the procedures 6 and 7 7. Connect the connector, and
from the direction indicated by retain the cable with the clamp.
the arrow in the figure.

6. Unclamp the clamp, connect

the connector, and retain the
cable with the clamp.

 NOTE 
As the working space is small,
exercise care not to get injured
by peripheral components when
connecting the connector.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-50
7.14 Cleaning the Dust-Tight Cover Assembly 3. Hold the dust-tight cover
assembly on the positions
indicated in the figure, and
push the assembly against the
housing. Lower the assembly
straight down not to tilt it and

 NOTE 
Be sure to lower the dust-tight
cover assembly straight down
without tilting it, and reinstall.
Otherwise, the sensor or the gear
might get damaged.

1. Clean the dust-tight cover

assembly with a moistened

2. Take the procedure 3 from the

direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-51
4. Take the procedures 5 and 6 7. Take the procedures 8 and 9
from the direction indicated by from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure. the arrow in the figure.

5. Check to make sure that 8. Reinstall the retaining screws

there is no difference in level of the dust-tight cover
between the dust-tight cover assembly from the direction
assembly and the side plate of instructed in DETAIL A.
the cassette set unit from the
direction instructed in DETAIL

6. Check to make sure that 9. Reinstall the retaining screws

there is no difference in level of the dust-tight cover
between the dust-tight cover assembly from the direction
assembly and the side plate of instructed in DETAIL B.
the cassette set unit from the
direction instructed in DETAIL

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-52
10. Put the operation panel 11. Reinstall the retaining
assembly on the shaded screws of the operation panel
portion in the figure, and push assembly, and connect the
it against the protrusion on connector.
the housing. Laterally push
the operation panel assembly
straight for reinstalling.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-53
7.15 Replacing the IP Suction Pump 2. Disconnect the connector.

1. Take the procedures from 2 to 5 3. Disconnect the connector

from the direction indicated by while pushing the hook of the
the arrow in the figure. connector.

 NOTE 
As the working space is small,
exercise care not to get injured
by peripheral components when
disconnecting the connector.

4. Remove the screws.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-54
5. Lift the board box and remove 6. Take the procedures from 7 to
the safety bar from the retainer. 15 from the direction indicated
Lift the safety bar and hook by the arrow in the figure.
it on the bracket of the board

 NOTE 
Be sure to hook the safety bar on
the bracket of the board box to
prevent the board box from falling
down. Otherwise, the board
box might fall down, hurting the

7. Remove the hose.

 NOTE 
Exercise care not to damage the
hose when removing it.

8. Disconnect the connector, and

unclamp the clamp.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-55
9. While pushing the hook of 12. Install the IP suction pump
the connector with the long- so that the IP suction cable
nose pliers, disconnect the pump is located behind the IP
connector from the bracket. leak valve assembly. Put on
the retaining screw of the IP
suction pump.

10. Remove the retaining screw of

the IP suction pump.

11. Remove the IP suction pump 13. Attach the connector to the
and replace. bracket.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-56
14. Retain the cable with the clamp,
and connect the connector.

15. Attach the hose.

- Be sure to attach the hose to
the suction side of the IP suction
- Insert the hose to the innermost

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-57
16. Take the procedures from 17 to
20 from the direction indicated
by the arrow in the figure.

17. While holding the position

indicated in the figure and
supporting the board box,
remove the safety bar. Lower
the safety bar and fix to the
retainer. Then lower the board

18. Reinstall the screws.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-58
19. Connect the connector.

 NOTE 
As the working space is small,
exercise care not to get injured
by peripheral components when
connecting the connector.

20. Connect the connector.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-59

8. Erasure Unit 3. Remove the reflection plate.

- Do not strongly grasp the
8.1 Removing the Filter reflection plate and the filter,
when removing the reflection
 NOTE  plate. Otherwise, the lamp
Refer to “7.1 Removing the erasure unit” for the removal procedures of the erasure unit. located inside the filter might get
{PM:7.1_Removing the Erasure Unit} damaged.
- Do not damage the reflection
face of the reflection plate that
has been removed. If it gets
damaged, IP erasure might not
be performed normally.

1. Place the erasure unit in the 4. Remove the screws to remove

orientation indicated in the the bracket.
 NOTE 
Exercise care not to damage
the lamp by the bracket when
removing the bracket.

2. Remove the bracket. 5. Place the erasure unit in the

orientation indicated in the
 NOTE  figure.
Do not raise nor move the erasure
unit, holding the reflection plate.
If the reflection plate deforms,
correct its warp referring to
the Check, Replacements and
Adjustment of Parts “6.6.3 Check/
Adjustment Procedures”.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-60
6. Remove the screws. 8. Lift the filter with a jeweler’s
screwdriver, and remove it from
the half punch.

7. Remove the brush roller


9. Place the erasure unit in the

orientation indicated in the

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-61
10. Lift to remove the filter while
watching the lamp.

 NOTE 
Exercise care not to damage
the lamp with your fingers when
removing the filter.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-62
8.2 Cleaning the Filter 8.3 Replacing the Filter

1. Clean the guide with a vacuum 1. Replace the filter.


2. Clean the front and the rear

of the filter with a moistened

- Be sure to clean both the front
and the rear of the filter with the
moistened cloth.
- Exercise care not to wipe the
guide with the moistened cloth.
Otherwise, the guide might peel.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-63
8.4 Reinstalling the Filter 2. Insert the end of the filter into
the aperture of the bracket,
move it in the direction of the
arrow, and reinstall the filter.

 NOTE 
Exercise care not to damage the
lamp when reinstalling the filter.

1. Check the orientation of

mounting the filter.

Determine the orientation of
mounting the filter by a yellow
portion of the filter.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-64
3. Push the filter into the right and
left half punches.

4. Reinstall the bracket.

 NOTE 
Exercise care not to damage
the lamp when reinstalling the

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-65
8.5 Cleaning/Replacing the Brush Roller 3. Remove the KL clip and the half
clutch spur gear.

1. While expanding the latches of 4. While pushing the latches

the spur gear, remove the spur at both ends of the stopper,
gears. remove the stopper.

2. While pushing the latches 5. Clean the inside of the bracket

at both ends of the stopper, with a vacuum cleaner, and
remove the stopper. then remove the bearings from
the brush rollers. When the
machine has been used for one
year, three years, or five years,
clean the brush rollers. When
the machine has been used for
two years, four years, or six
years, replace the brush rollers.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-66
6. Reinstall the brush roller, 7. Install the other brush roller
watching the orientations of the similarly to the procedure 6.
brush roller and the bracket.

 NOTE 
Install the brush roller in the
correct orientation referring to the
- Insert the shorter shaft end of
the brush roller to a region of the
bracket with a latch.
- Insert the longer shaft end of the
brush roller to a region of the
bracket with a hole.

8. While pushing the latches

at both ends of the stopper,
mount the stopper. Check to
make sure that the stopper will
not disengage.

 NOTE 
Check to make sure that the
stopper latch hooks the inside
of the bracket and does not

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-67
9. Mount the half clutch spur gear 10. While pushing the latches
and the KL clip on the longer at both ends of the stopper,
shaft end. mount the stopper. Check to
make sure that the stopper will
 NOTE  not disengage.
Place the half clutch spur gear
in the orientation indicated in the  NOTE 
figure. If reversely placed, the Check to make sure that the
brush roller assembly will not stopper latch hooks the inside
work normally. of the bracket and does not

11. Reinstall the spur gears.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-68
8.6 Reinstalling the Brush Roller Assembly 2. Insert the brush roller assembly
latches into the bracket holes,
before reinstalling.

1. Take the procedures 2 and 3

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

3. Check to make sure that both

brush roller assembly latches
are inserted into the bracket

 NOTE 
Improper insertion of the brush
roller assembly latch may cause
an IP jam.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-69
4. Put on the retaining screw of 8.7 Cleaning the Reflection Plate
the brush roller assembly.

5. Place the erasure unit in the 1. Clean the reflection plate with a
orientation indicated in the moistened cloth.

6. Check to make sure that the

brush roller assembly latches
and the protrusions are
correctly mounted.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-70
8.8 Reinstalling the Reflection Plate 3. Check to make sure that the
clearance is 6 ± 1 mm between
the reflection plate and the
filter around the center of the
reflection plate.

 NOTE 
If the clearance between the
reflection plate and the filter is
smaller than 5 mm or larger than
7 mm, the warp of the reflection
plate need be corrected. Correct
the warp of the reflection
plate, referring to the Check,
Replacements and Adjustment
1. Place the reflection plate with of Parts “6.6.3 Check/Adjustment
its notches facing downward Procedures”.
on the erasure unit. {MC:6.6.3_Check/Adjustment
 NOTE 
Exercise care in the orientation of
mounting the reflection plate.

2. Reinstall the retaining screws 4. Reinstall the bracket.

of the reflection plate.
 NOTE 
 NOTE  Do not raise nor move the erasure
Do not strongly grasp the unit, holding the reflection plate.
reflection plate and the filter, when If the reflection plate deforms,
reinstalling the reflection plate. correct its warp referring to
The lamp located inside the filter the Check, Replacements and
might get damaged. Adjustment of Parts “6.6.3 Check/
Adjustment Procedures”.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-71
8.9 Reinstalling the Erasure Unit 3. While pushing the erasure
unit in the direction of the
arrow, push it halfway into
the housing. Push into the
innermost while exercising care
not to have the cable caught.

- If the erasure unit cannot be
pushed to the innermost in the
housing, do not push it forcibly.
The spur gear of the erasure
unit might get damaged.
- If the erasure unit can be
pushed into the innermost
1. Take the procedures from 2 to 6 without the cassette set unit and
from the direction indicated by the spur gear of the erasure
the arrow in the figure. unit interfering with each other,
the procedure 4 need not be
performed. Proceed to the
procedure 5.

2. Place the erasure unit in the

housing (shaded portion),
supporting it on the positions
indicated in the figure.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-72
4. Pull out the erasure unit. 6. Connect the connectors.
Slightly rotate the spur gear,
and then push the erasure unit
slowly into the housing.

 NOTE 
If the erasure unit cannot be
pushed to the innermost in the
housing, do not push it forcibly.
The spur gear of the erasure unit
might get damaged.

5. Reinstall the retaining screws

of the erasure unit.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-73

9. Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit 2. Unclamp the clamp, and

disconnect the connector.
Move the cable toward the side
face for the protection of the
9.1 Removing the Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit cable, and hook it on the clamp.
Close the clamp.

1. Take the procedure 2 from the

direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-74
3. Take the procedures 4 and 5 5. Remove the retaining screw of
from the direction indicated by the side-positioning conveyor
the arrow in the figure. unit.

4. Unclamp the clamp, and

disconnect the connector.
Set aside the cable out of the
housing for the protection of
the cable.

 NOTE 
Be sure to put the cable aside out
of the housing. Otherwise, the
cable and the connector might get
caught when removing/reinstalling
the side-positioning conveyor unit.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-75
6. Take the procedures 7 and 8 8. Supporting the side-positioning
from the direction indicated by conveyor unit on the positions
the arrow in the figure. indicated in the figure, pull the
unit straight toward you.

 NOTE 
Always support the unit on the
positions indicated in the figure
for this operation. If the unit is
pulled out with other positions
supported, components of the
side-positioning conveyor unit
might get damaged.

7. Remove the retaining screw of

the side-positioning conveyor

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-76
9.2 Cleaning the Guide 3. Remove the shock absorbing
roller assembly.

1. Remove the bracket. 4. Clean the guide with a vacuum


 NOTE 
Always use a vacuum cleaner for
cleaning the guide. Do not use a
moistened cloth.

2. Remove the bracket.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-77
9.3 Cleaning the Rubber Rollers 2. Clean the rubber rollers with a
moistened cloth.

1. Rotate the shaft with a thin- 3. Push the moistened cloth

blade screwdriver, and move against the rubber rollers.
the grip arm to the position Clean the rubber rollers while
indicated in the figure. rotating the rollers via the
timing belt.
When the shaft is kept rotated
by the screwdriver, the gear and
the grip arm disengage, and a
touching sound occurs when they
re-engage. Note that this is not a
failure of the machine.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-78
9.4 Cleaning the Shock-Absorbing Rollers, Antistatic 3. Align the shock-absorbing
roller assembly with the mount
Members, and Guide position while facing the
antistatic member downward.
Retain the assembly with the

1. Place the side-positioning 4. Clean the bracket and the

conveyor unit in the orientation antistatic member with a
indicated in the figure. vacuum cleaner.

2. Clean the shock-absorbing 5. Reinstall the bracket.

rollers and the antistatic
member with a vacuum cleaner.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-79
6. Clean the antistatic member
with a vacuum cleaner.

7. Align one of sides of the

bracket with the mount
position, and retain it with a
screw. Then align the other
side with the mount position
and retain it with a screw, to
have the bracket retained.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-80

10. Subscanning Unit 3. Supporting the post-reading

conveyor guide assembly on
the position indicated in the
figure, fall it down slantly and
10.1 Removing the Post-Reading Conveyor Guide Assembly remove.

1. Take the procedures 2 and 3

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

2. Remove the retaining screws

of the post-reading conveyor
guide assembly.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-81
10.2 Removing the Light-Collecting Guide 2. Unclamp the clamp, and
disconnect the connector.

Never touch the light-receiving face of the light-collecting unit even when you are
wearing gloves.

When servicing the light-collecting unit, wear gloves.

1. Take the procedures from 2 to 5

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-82
3. Disconnect the connector while 4. Disconnect the connector.
holding the shaded portion in
the figure.

- Be sure to hold the specified
portion to disconnect the
connector. Otherwise, the cable
may get damaged.
- Disconnect the connector
vertically. If it is disconnected
slantly, the connector on the
board may get damaged.
- As the working space is small,
exercise care not to get injured
by peripheral components when 5. Retain the three cables
disconnecting the connector. removed in the procedures
2 to 4 with the clamp for the
protection of the cables.

 NOTE 
Be sure to retain the cables with
the clamp. Otherwise, the cable
and the connector might get
caught when removing/reinstalling
the light-collecting guide.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-83
6. Take the procedures 7 and 8
from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

7. Remove the retaining screws

of the light-collecting guide
from the direction instructed in

 NOTE 
Exercise care not to damage the
acrylic part of the light-collecting
guide when removing the screws.

8. Remove the retaining screws

of the light-collecting guide
from the direction instructed in

 NOTE 
Exercise care not to damage the
acrylic part of the light-collecting
guide when removing the screws.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-84
9. Supporting the light-collecting
guide on the positions
indicated in the figure, lift the
guide. Check to make sure
that the light-collecting guide
bracket is disengaged from
the hook on the side plate of
the subscanning unit, and then
pull out to remove the light-
collecting guide toward you.

 NOTE 
Always check to make sure that
the light-collecting guide bracket
is disengaged from the hook on
the side plate of the subscanning
unit before removing the light-
collecting guide. Otherwise, the
tip of the light-collecting guide
might get damaged.

10. Place the light-collecting guide

in the orientation indicated in
the figure.

 NOTE 
Be sure to place the light-
collecting guide in the orientation
indicated in the figure. If placed
reversely, load may be applied
to the adhesive part of the
photomultiplier, causing the light-
collecting guide to get damaged.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-85
10.3 Removing the Scanning Optics Unit 1. Unclamp the clamp, and
disconnect the connector.
Retain the cables with the
CAUTION clamp for the protection of the
When servicing the scanning optics unit, be sure to wear an anti-static wristband to cable.
ground your body. If your body is not grounded, static electricity built on your body  NOTE 
may cause damage to electronic parts on the board.
Be sure to retain the cables with
the clamp. Otherwise, the cable
and the connector might get
CAUTION caught when removing/reinstalling
Never touch the window of the the scanning optics unit.
scanning optics unit. If fingerprints
or the like are left on the window,
the scanning optics unit must be

 NOTE 
Place the scanning optics unit
in the orientation as shown
in the figure, according to the
label indicating how to place the
scanning optics unit.

Do not remove the top cover of the scanning optics unit.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-86
2. Unclamp the clamp, and 3. Loosen the retaining screws of
disconnect the connector. the scanning optics unit.
Retain the cable with the clamp
for its protection.  NOTE 
Just loosen the screws which
 NOTE  retain the scanning optics unit,
Be sure to retain the cables with but do not remove them.
the clamp. Otherwise, the cable
and the connector might get
caught when removing/reinstalling
the scanning optics unit.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-87
4. Hold the green labels and raise
the scanning optics unit. Make
sure that holes on the scanning
optics unit and screw heads
are located where they do not
interfere with each other. Then,
pull out the scanning optics
unit parallel to the guides.

Never touch the window of the
scanning optics unit. If fingerprints
or the like are left on the window,
the scanning optics unit must be

- Hold the green labels to remove/
reinstall the scanning optics unit.
- Pull out the scanning optics unit
parallel to the guides. If the unit
is tilted, it may drop from the
guides and result in damage
of peripheral components or

5. Place the scanning optics unit

in the orientation as shown in
the figure.

 NOTE 
Place the scanning optics unit
in the orientation as shown
in the figure, according to the
label indicating how to place the
scanning optics unit.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-88
10.4 Removing the Subscanning Unit 2. Remove the retaining screw of
the bracket.

1. Take the procedures 2 and 3

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-89
3. Unclamp the clamp, and 5. Loosen the screws and then
disconnect the connector. remove the jig.
Retain the cables with the
clamp and the tape for the
protection of the cables. After subscanning unit removal,
mount the removed jig on the
 NOTE  vibration-proof rubber assembly.
Be sure to retain the cables
with the clamp and the tape.
Otherwise, the cable and the
connector might get caught when
removing/reinstalling the sub-
scanning unit.

6. Remove the retaining screws of

the subscanning unit.

Never remove red painted screws.

4. Take the procedures 5 and 6

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-90
7. Take the procedure 8 from the 9. Take the procedure 10 from the
direction indicated by the arrow direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure. in the figure.

8. Remove the screws. With 10. Remove the screws. With

long-nose pliers, remove the long-nose pliers, remove the
bracket. bracket.

 NOTE   NOTE 
Exercise care not to drop the Exercise care not to drop the
bracket. If the bracket drops, it bracket. If the bracket drops, it
may damage nearby parts. may damage nearby parts.

 NOTE   NOTE 
<For a mobile machine> <For a mobile machine>
The removed bracket need be The removed bracket need be
reattached when the subscanning reattached when the subscanning
unit is to be reinstalled. Keep it unit is to be reinstalled. Keep it
stored. stored.

<For other machines> <For other machines>
The removed bracket is a part The removed bracket is a part
for providing protection against for providing protection against
vibration during transit. Therefore, vibration during transit. Therefore,
it need not be installed after it need not be installed after
completion of the procedure. completion of the procedure.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-91
11. Take the procedure 12 from the 13. Take the procedure 14 from the
direction indicated by the arrow direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure. in the figure.

12. Remove the retaining screws of 14. Rotate the nut, and lower the
the subscanning unit. adjustable foot.

 NOTE 
Be sure to rotate the nut before
lowering the adjustable foot.
Otherwise, the shaft of the
adjustable foot might interfere with
the subscanning unit, preventing
the subscanning unit from being

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-92
15. Holding the green labels, 16. Have on hand the jig that was
pull out the subscanning unit removed in step 5. Mount it
slightly forward. Shift the on the vibration-proof rubber
held positions, pull out the assembly.
subscanning unit straight, and
remove the subscanning unit  NOTE 
while holding its upper part. After subscanning unit removal,
be sure to mount the jig. If you
 NOTE  perform the procedure without
Be sure to hold the specified mounting the jig, the vibration-
positions to pull out straight the proof rubber assembly may fail to
subscanning unit. Otherwise, properly function.
part of the subscanning unit
might come into contact with the
housing, causing damage.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-93
10.5 Cleaning the Guides, Center Rollers, and Rubber Rollers 3. Remove the screws.

1. Place the subscanning unit in 4. Rotate the bracket and pull it

the orientation indicated in the out of the subscanning unit.

2. Take the procedures from 3 to 5 5. Reinstall the screws.

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-94
6. Take the procedures from 7 to 9 8. Push the moistened cloth
from the direction indicated by against the rubber rollers.
the arrow in the figure. Clean the rubber rollers while
rotating them via the flywheel.

7. Clean the guide with a vacuum


9. Clean the rubber rollers with a

moistened cloth.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-95
10. Place the subscanning unit in 13. Push the moistened cloth
the orientation indicated in the against the rubber rollers.
figure. Clean the rubber rollers while
rotating them via the flywheel.

11. Take the procedures from 12 to

14 from the direction indicated
by the arrow in the figure.

12. Clean the guide with a vacuum 14. Clean the rubber rollers with a
cleaner. moistened cloth.

 NOTE 
Exercise care not to damage the
light-receiving face of the light-
collecting mirror when cleaning
the guide with the vacuum

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-96
15. Place the subscanning unit in 18. Clean the center roller with a
the orientation indicated in the moistened cloth.

16. Take the procedures from 17 to 19. Install the bracket.

19 from the direction indicated
by the arrow in the figure.

17. Remove the bracket. 20. Place the subscanning unit in

the orientation indicated in the

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-97
21. Take the procedures from 22 to 24. Reinstall the screws.
24 from the direction indicated
by the arrow in the figure.

22. Remove the screws. 25. Place the subscanning unit in

the orientation indicated in the

23. Rotate the bracket, and return it

into the subscanning unit.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-98
10.6 Cleaning the Flywheel (Large) and Kapton® Belt 3. Clean the flywheel (large) with
a cloth dampened with ethanol.

Do not damage the contact face
of the Kapton® belt.

1. Remove the tension coil spring. 4. Clean the Kapton® belt with a
moistened cloth.

2. Support the Kapton® belt on

the positions indicated in the
figure, and remove it.

 NOTE 
When removing the Kapton® belt,
exercise care not to turn the belt
inside out. The machine might
not work normally.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-99
5. Hitch the lower part of the
Kapton® belt on the flywheel,
and hitch the upper part on
the shaft. While pressing the
tensioner from upward, put the
end of the Kapton® belt on the
tensioner. While rotating the
flywheel, mount the Kapton®

 NOTE 
When reinstalling the Kapton ®
belt, exercise care not to turn
the belt inside out. The machine
might not work normally.
6. Reinstall the tension coil

7. Rotate the flywheel, and check

to make sure that the Kapton®
belt does not come off.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-100
10.7 Cleaning the Flywheel (Small) and Rubber Belt 2. While rotating the flywheel,
gradually move the rubber belt
toward you and remove it.

Do not pull only the rubber belt
to remove it without rotating the
flywheel. If the rubber belt goes
slack, the machine may not work

1. Take the procedures from 2 to 6

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

3. Clean the flywheel (small) with

a moistened cloth.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-101
4. Clean the rubber belt with a 5. Hitch the rubber belt on the
moistened cloth. lower flywheel, and then hitch
on the upper flywheel. Put on
the rubber belt while rotating
the flywheel, and check to
make sure that the rubber belt
does not come off.

Do not pull only the rubber belt
to reinstall it without rotating the
flywheel. If the rubber belt goes
slack, the machine may not work

 NOTE 
Reinstall the rubber belt with its
glossy face facing outward. If
the rubber belt is placed inside
out, the machine might not work

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-102
10.8 Cleaning Inside the Machine

1. Clean the inside of the machine

and the antistatic member with
a vacuum cleaner to remove
dust entering from the outside
of the machine.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-103
10.9 Reinstalling the Subscanning Unit 3. Supporting the subscanning
unit on the positions indicated
in the figure, put the unit on the
housing rails. Push the unit
straight halfway.

 NOTE 
Exercise care not to have your
hand caught in the housing when
pushing in the subscanning unit.

1. Remove the two jigs as

indicated in the figure.

 NOTE 
Remove only the two jigs shown.
If you remove all the jigs, you
may not be able to mount the
subscanning unit in the housing.

2. Take the procedures from 3 to 6

from the direction indicated by
the arrow in the figure.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-104
4. Remove the jig. 6. Reinstall the retaining screws
of the subscanning unit.

5. Putting your hands on the

positions indicated in the
figure, push in the subscanning
unit straight into the housing.

- Be sure to put your hands
on the specified positions to
push in the subscanning unit
straight. Otherwise, part of the
subscanning unit might come
into contact with the housing,
causing damage.
- Exercise care not to have
your hands caught in the
housing when pushing in the
subscanning unit.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-105
7. Take the procedure 8 from the 9. Take the procedure 10 from the
direction indicated by the arrow direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure. in the figure.

8. Rotate the nut of the adjustable 10. Reinstall the retaining screws
foot, and lift the adjustable foot. of the subscanning unit.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-106
11. Take the procedures from 12 to 13. Tighten the retaining screw for
13 from the direction indicated the bracket.
by the arrow in the figure.

12. Connect the connectors.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-107
14. Take the procedure 15 from the
direction indicated by the arrow
in the figure.

15. Mount the jig and then tighten

the screws.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-108
10.10 Reinstalling the Scanning Optics Unit

When servicing the scanning optics unit, be sure to wear an anti-static wristband to
ground your body. If your body is not grounded, static electricity built on your body
may cause damage to electronic parts on the board.

Never touch the window of the
scanning optics unit. If fingerprints
or the like are left on the window,
the scanning optics unit must be

 NOTE 
Place the scanning optics unit
in the orientation as shown
in the figure, according to the
label indicating how to place the
scanning optics unit.

Do not remove the top cover of the scanning optics unit.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-109
1. Hold the scanning optics unit 2. Mount the notches on both
on parts with the attached sides of the scanning optics
green labels. unit on the guides. Push
straight completely while
CAUTION exercising care not to tilt the
scanning optics unit.
Never touch the window of the
scanning optics unit. If fingerprints  NOTE 
or the like are left on the window,
Push in the scanning optics unit
the scanning optics unit must be
straight along the guides not to
permit it to tilt. If the unit is tilted,
it may drop from the guides and
result in damage of peripheral
components or sensors.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-110
3. Be sure to check that the 4. Secure the retaining screws
scanning optics unit is correctly while pushing the scanning
placed on the retaining screws. optics unit against the
positioning pin.
 NOTE 
Make sure that the scanning  NOTE 
optics unit is correctly placed on Be sure to retain the retaining
the retaining screws. If the screw screw while pushing the scanning
head is not in the correct position optics unit against the positioning
in the hole of the scanning optics pin. By pushing the scanning
unit, the unit cannot be installed optics unit tightly against the
correctly. positioning pin, the unit is located
If the screw head is not in the in the correct position.
correct position, reinstall the unit
again and recheck.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-111
5. Unclamp the clamp and 6. Unclamp the clamp and
connect the connectors. connect the connector.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-112

11. Light-Collecting Guide 1. Clean the light-collecting face

of the light-collecting guide by
use of ethanol.

11.1 Cleaning and Reinstalling the Light-Collecting Guide REFERENCE

To clean the light-collecting guide,
two sheets of lens cleaning paper
CAUTIONS should be folded in four and then
- Never touch the light-receiving face of the light-collecting unit even when you are moistened with ethanol.
wearing gloves.
- Do not wipe the light-collecting guide with a dry cloth. If so, the lightcollecting guide
may be scratched or otherwise damaged.
- If the lens cleaning paper becomes soiled, replace it with a new one.
- Wipe the light-collecting surface of the light-collecting guide until the lens cleaning
paper becomes no longer soiled.
- Wipe the light-collecting guide assembly in one direction at a constant speed.
- Do not wipe the photomultiplier attachment face.
2. Hold the light collecting guide
as indicated in the figure.

When servicing the light-collecting unit, wear gloves.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-113
3. Mount the light-collecting 4. Push in the light-collecting
guide on the guides of the guide while slightly raising it.
subscanning unit. Insert the Check to make sure that the
light-collecting guide along the guide is correctly engaged with
guides into the subscanning the hooks of the subscanning
unit. unit side plate.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-114
5. Take the procedures 6 and 7 8. Take the procedures from 9 to
from the direction indicated by 12 from the direction indicated
the arrow in the figure. by the arrow in the figure.

6. Reinstall the retaining screws 9. Unclamp the clamps.

of the light-collecting guide
from the direction instructed in

 NOTE 
Exercise care not to damage the
acrylic part of the light-collecting
guide with a screwdriver when
reinstalling the screws.

7. Reinstall the retaining screws 10. Connect the connector.

of the light-collecting guide
from the direction instructed in

 NOTE 
Exercise care not to damage the
acrylic part of the light-collecting
guide with a screwdriver when
reinstalling the screws.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-115
11. Reconnect the connector 12. Connect the connector.
vertically, holding the shaded
portion in the figure. Check
that the connector is fully
inserted into its position as

Be sure to check that the connector
is fully inserted into its position
as shown. If the connector is not
properly connected, an error occurs
during image reading.

- Be sure to hold the specified
portion to reconnect the
connector. Otherwise, the cable
may get damaged.
- Connect the connector vertically
to the board. If it is connected
in a rotated state, the connector
might get damaged.
- As the working space is small,
exercise care not to get injured
by peripheral components when
connecting the connector.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-116
11.2 Cleaning the Post-Reading Conveyor Guide Assembly 3. Remove the guide.

1. Remove the bracket. 4. Clean the guide with a vacuum


2. Remove the bracket. 5. Clean the shock absorbing

roller with a vacuum cleaner.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-117
6. Check to make sure that the 9. Install the screws while
guide is correctly fitted onto the pressing down on the bracket.
protrusions, before reinstalling
the screws.

- Exercise care in the orientation
of installing the guide.
- Be sure to check that the guide
is correctly fitted on to the
protrusions of the post-reading
conveyor guide assembly,
before reinstalling the screws.

7. Check to make sure that the

bracket is correctly fitted
onto the protrusions, before
reinstalling the screws.

 NOTE 
Be sure to check that the bracket
is correctly fitted onto the
protrusions of the post-reading
conveyor guide assembly, before
reinstalling the screws.

8. Install the screws to secure the


05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-118
11.3 Reinstalling the Post-Reading Conveyor Guide Assembly

1. Hold the post-reading conveyor

guide assembly as indicated
in the figure, and mount it on
the guide of the subscanning
unit. Raise the post-reading
conveyor guide assembly until
it hooks on the bracket of the
subscanning unit.

- Do not strongly grasp the
upper part of the post-reading
conveyor guide assembly. The
guide might deform, causing an
IP jam.
- Mount the post-reading
conveyor guide assembly on the
guide of the subscanning unit,
before raising the post-reading
conveyor guide assembly.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-119
2. Reinstall the retaining screws
of the post-reading conveyor
guide assembly.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-120
11.4 Reinstalling the Side-Positioning Conveyor Unit 3. Push in the side-positioning
conveyor unit straight halfway
into the housing. Push in
the lower part of the side-
positioning conveyor unit
horizontally into the housing,
and then push in the upper

 NOTE 
Always support the unit on the
positions indicated in the figure
for this operation. If the unit is
pulled out with other positions
supported, components of the
1. Take the procedures from 2 to 3 side-positioning conveyor unit
from the direction indicated by might get damaged.
the arrow in the figure.

2. Hold the side-positioning

conveyor unit as indicated in
the figure, and mount it on the

 NOTE 
Always support the unit on the
positions indicated in the figure
for this operation. If the unit is
pulled out with other positions
supported, components of the
side-positioning conveyor unit
might get damaged.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-121
4. Take the procedures 5 and 6 7. Take the procedure 8 from the
from the direction indicated by direction indicated by the arrow
the arrow in the figure. in the figure.

5. Reinstall the retaining screw of 8. Reinstall the retaining screws

the side-positioning conveyor of the side-positioning
unit. conveyor unit.

6. Connect the connector, and

retain the cable with the clamp.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-122
9. Take the procedure 10 from the 10. Disconnect the cable from the
direction indicated by the arrow clamp, and move it toward the
in the figure. rear of the housing. Connect
the connector, and retain the
cable with the clamps.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-123

12. Turning ON the High-Voltage Switch

1. Turn ON the high-voltage

switch (S1) on the SCN23A

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-124

13. Cleaning/Reinstalling the Covers and 3. Put the lower part of the
front cover into the housing
Louvers to install. Retain it with the
screws while holding the cover.

13.1 Cleaning/Reinstalling the Covers and Louvers

(1st/5th Year)

1. Clean the covers and louvers.

2. Put the lower part of the right-

hand side cover into the
housing to install. Retain it
with the screws while holding
the cover.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-125
13.2 Cleaning/Reinstalling the Covers and Louvers 3. Reinstall the rear cover plate.
(2nd/4th Year)

Check to make sure that the high-voltage switch is ON before reinstalling the cover.

1. Clean the covers and louvers. 4. Put the lower part of the left-
hand side cover into the
housing to install. Retain it
with the screws while holding
the cover.

2. Reinstall the left-hand side 5. Put the lower part of the rear
cover plate. cover into the housing to
install. Put in the right-hand
side below the left-hand side
cover, and reinstall the rear

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-126
6. Retain the rear cover with the 9. Put the lower part of the
screws while holding it. front cover into the housing
to install. Retain it with the
screws while holding the cover.

7. Put the lower part of the right-

hand side cover into the
housing to install. Retain it
with the screws while holding
the cover.

8. Reinstall the front cover plate.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-127
13.3 Cleaning/Reinstalling the Covers and Louvers (3rd Year) 3. Put the lower part of the rear
cover into the housing to
install. Put in the right-hand
side below the left-hand side
cover, and reinstall the rear

1. Clean the covers and louvers. 4. Retain the rear cover with the
screws while holding it.

2. Put the lower part of the left- 5. Put the lower part of the right-
hand side cover into the hand side cover into the
housing to install. Retain it housing to install. Retain it
with the screws while holding with the screws while holding
the cover. the cover.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-128
6. Put the lower part of the
front cover into the housing
to install. Retain it with the
screws while holding the cover.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-129

14. Cleaning/Replacing the Air Filter 3. Reinstall the louver.

1. Remove the louver.

2. Clean the air filter.

The air filter should be cleaned
every three months by the user.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-130

15. Securing the Machine 3. Measure the resistance value of the power cable.
(Reference value)
Terminal L-N L-E N-E
15.1 Connecting the Cables Resistance value 100kΩ - ∞ ∞

- Before measuring the resistance value, make sure that the power plug is unplugged
from the outlet.
- If the machine is to be installed in the patient environment, see "Appendix

1. Connect the power cable to the 4. Measure the resistance value between the E terminal of the power cable and the
machine. bottom of the machine frame, and make sure that there is continuity.

2. Place the breaker switch in the

ON position.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-131
5. Place the breaker switch in the 8. Check the installation conditions of the machine, cable wiring locations and so
OFF position. on. When the I/F cable is to be drawn out from the right-hand side of the machine,
pass the cable through the right-hand slot, and when it is to be drawn out from
the rear of the machine, pass it through the rear slot.

6. Install the the power cable


9. Move the machine to the installation space.

7. Connect the I/F cable to the I/F

cable connection connector.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-132
10. Connect the power cable to the outlet. 15.2 Securing the Machine
Do not tie or bundle the power cable in such a manner that it is overloaded.

1. Lower the adjustable feet to

settle the machine.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-133
15.3 Checking for Improper Protective Grounding 16. Checking the Image/Conveyance
1. Check that the power cable and additional protective ground wire connections 1. Check the image/conveyance.
are established in the same manner as for installation.
{PM:3_Checking the Image/Conveyance}
Check the additional protecting ground wire only when the machine is installed in the
patient environment.

2. Check that the parts and cables removed for servicing purposes are connected in
the same manner as for installation.

3. Check to ensure that the screws once removed are snugly retained.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-134

17. Confirming the S Value 2. Set the tube voltage to 80 kVp. Confirm the exposure conditions under which the
radiation dose is 1 mR.

17.1 Confirming the S Value of IP Type ST  NOTE 

If the radiation dose measured by the dosimeter is not 1 mR, leave the tube voltage at
The procedure set forth below is used to read an IP, which has been exposed to 1 mR of 80 kVp and adjust the distance, tube current, and time to obtain a radiation dose of 1
radiation, during a 1-minute period between 10 and 11 minutes after an X-ray exposure, mR. Record the adjusted exposure conditions.
output the read image, and check that the S value for 1 mR of radiation, which is determined - Distance: ___cm
from the displayed S value and average dose value, is within the control limits. - Tube voltage: ___kVp
REFERENCE - Tube current: ___mA
- Time: ___sec
The method for calculating the S value control limits is outlined below:
- S value control limits for user adjustments
Upper limit: 200 x 1.5 = 300 REFERENCE
Lower limit: 200/1.5 = 133 If the exposure conditions are unknown, use the following values as the reference
- S value control limits for service technician adjustments values and make fine adjustments:
Upper limit: 200 x 1.3 = 260
Lower limit: 200/1.3 = 154
To eliminate the necessity for adjusting the machine within a short period of time after
service technician inspection/adjustment, the S value control range for service technician
adjustments is narrower than that for user adjustments.

1. Position a cassette so that the cassette center coincides with the X-ray
radiation field center. Perform setup so that the X-ray radiation field outline is
approximately 3 cm outside the cassette outer frame. Temporarily remove the
cassette and then position a dosimeter at the radiation field center.

3. Under the exposure conditions confirmed in step 2, measure the radiation dose
five times and average the measured values.
--- Example ---
First Second Third Fourth Fifth Average
measurement measurement measurement measurement measurement value
0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.0 1.04

4. Enter the exposure conditions and the average radiation dose determined in step
3 in the "FCR S Value Control Table."

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-135
5. Subject the natural radiation and image stored on the employed IP to secondary 8. Determine the "S value for 1 mR of radiation" from the displayed S value (the S
erasure. value printed on the film or displayed on the CR Console screen) and the average
{Instruction Manual} radiation dose value obtained in step 3.
--- Example ---
 NOTE  Displayed S value: 200
Before secondary erasure, confirm that no important image data is recorded on the Average radiation dose value obtained in step 3: 1.04
employed IP.

6. Under the exposure conditions confirmed in step 2, expose a 14" x 14" (35 cm x
35 cm) or 14" x 17" (35 cm x 43 cm) IP to X-ray radiation.

 NOTE 
Use the largest size IP of all the IPs used at the institution.

7. Read the IP exposed in step 6 during a 1-minute period between 10 and 11

minutes after the exposure by using the "QC/TEST," "Image Format" and
"SINGLE" CR Console menus, and then output the read image.

S value for 1 mR of radiation = Displayed S value x average radiation dose value

= 200 x 1.04
= 208
9. Check that the "S value for 1 mR of radiation," which was determined in step 8, is
within the control limits.
--- Example ---
Lower control limit value Upper control limit value
154 < 208 < 260

Check that the "S value for 1 mR of radiation," which

was determined in step 8, is between the upper and
lower control limit values.

 NOTE 
If the "S value for 1 mR of radiation," which was determined in step 8, is not between
the upper and lower control limit values, make sensitivity correction as directed in "15.3
Sensitivity Correction for IP Type ST" and then confirm the S value again.
{MC:15.3_Sensitivity Correction for IP Type ST}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-136
17.2 Confirming the S Value of IP Type HR 1. Align the X-ray radiation field with the cassette size. Position the
reference point of the dosimeter sensor so that it coincides with the
size of the cassette to be used.
The following procedures are necessary only in a machine into which the 50 micron
upgrade kit (HR reading option key) has been installed. Do not take the procedures in
a machine without the 50 micron upgrade kit (HR reading option key) installed.

The procedure set forth below is used to read an IP, which has been exposed to 20
mR of radiation, during a 1-minute period between 10 and 11 minutes after an X-ray
exposure, output the read image, and check that the S value for 20 mR of radiation,
which is determined from the displayed S value and average dose value, is within the
control limits.
The method for calculating the S value control limits is outlined below:
- S value control limits for user adjustments
Upper limit: 120 x 1.5 = 180
Lower limit: 120/1.5 = 80
- S value control limits for service technician adjustments
Upper limit: 120 x 1.3 = 156
Lower limit: 120/1.3 = 92
To eliminate the necessity for adjusting the machine within a short period of time
after service technician inspection/adjustment, the S value control range for service
technician adjustments is narrower than that for user adjustments.

09.04.2007 FM5208
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-137
2. Set the tube voltage to 25 kVp. Set the target/filter to molybdenum/molybdenum.
3. Under the exposure conditions confirmed in step 2, measure the
Confirm the exposure conditions under which the IP radiation dose of 20 mR is
radiation dose five times and average the measured values.
--- Example ---
2 2
 Achieved IP radiation dose = Dosimeter reading x L /L' First Second Third Fourth Fifth Average
measurement measurement measurement measurement measurement value
L: Distance between the focus and the reference point of the dosimeter sensor
19.6 20.0 20.2 20.4 18.8 19.8
L':Distance between the focus and the cassette top frame
4. Enter the exposure conditions and the average radiation dose
determined in step 3 in the "FCR S Value Control Table."
5. Subject the natural radiation and image stored on the employed IP to
secondary erasure.
{Instruction Manual}
 NOTE 
Before secondary erasure, confirm that no important image data is recorded on
the employed IP.

6. Under the exposure conditions confirmed in step 2, expose a 18 cm x

24 cm or 24 cm x 30 cm IP to X-ray radiation.
 NOTE 
Use the largest size IP of all the IPs used at the institution.

7. Read the IP exposed in step 6 during a 1-minute period between 10

and 11 minutes after the exposure by using the "QC/TEST," "Image
 NOTE  Format" and "SINGLE" CL menus, and then output the read image.
If the radiation dose measured by the dosimeter is not 20 mR, leave the tube
voltage at 25 kVp and adjust the distance, tube current, and time to obtain a
radiation dose of 20 mR. Record the adjusted exposure conditions.
- Distance: cm - Tube voltage: kVp
- Tube current: mA - Time: sec

If the exposure conditions are unknown, use the following values as the reference
values and make fine adjustments:
- Distance (L: Distance between the focus and the reference point of the
dosimeter sensor) 55 cm
- Distance (L': Distance between the focus and the reference point of the
dosimeter sensor) 60 cm
- Tube voltage 80kVp
- Tube current 100mA
- Time 0.053sec

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-138
8. Determine the "S value for 20 mR of radiation" from the displayed S
value (the S value printed on the film or displayed on the CL screen)
and the average radiation dose value obtained in step 3.
---Example ---
Displayed S value: 120
Average radiation dose value obtained in step 3: 19.8

S value for 20 mR of Displayed S Average radiation

= x / 20 (mR)
radiation value dose value
= 120 x 19.8 / 20
= 118.8
9. Check that the "S value for 20 mR of radiation," which was determined in step 8,
is within the control limits.
--- Example ---
Lower control limit value Upper control limit value
92 < 118.8 < 156

Check that the "S value for 20 mR of radiation,"

which was determined in step 8, is between the
upper and lower control limit values.

 NOTE 
If the "S value for 20 mR of radiation," which was determined in step 8, is not
between the upper and lower control limit values, make sensitivity correction as
directed in "15.6 Sensitivity Correction for IP Type HR" and then confirm the S
value again.
{MC:15.6_Sensitivity Correction for IP Type HR}

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-139

18. Checking the Error Log

1. Check the error log.
{PM:2.2_Checking the Error Log}
2. Close the RU PC-TOOL window.
3. Turn OFF the power of RU.
4. Turn OFF the power of CR Console.

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-140

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-141

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-142

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PM-143
Control Sheet
Issue date Revision number Reason Pages affected
05.24.2007 01 New release (FM5134) All pages
09.04.2007 02 Revision (FM5208) 18, 28, 37, 38, 44
08.11.2008 03 Revision (FM5391) 18, 28

CR-IR 359 Service Manual

Installation (IN)

014-211-03E CR-IR 359 Service Manual

08.11.2008 FM5391

1. Specifications of Machine 1.2 Means for Moving and Fixing the Machine

 Moving Means
1.1 Dimensions and Weight Double-wheel caster (variable-direction/no-brake) x4

 Fixing Means
 Dimensions
- Adjustable foot x4
W590 × D380 × H810 (mm)
- Anti-topple retainer: 1 set

 Weight
99 kg approx.

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CR-IR 359 Service Manual IN-1
1.3 Servicing Space 1.3.1 Retaining with the Adjustable Feet

The following four kinds of installation patterns are available: Shown below is the installation space where the machine is retained with the adjustable feet.
- Retaining with the adjustable feet; When the machine is retained with the adjustable feet, the long cassette cannot be used.
- Retaining the machine by the anti-topple retainer;  Top view
- Installing the machine at a user’s site where long cassettes are used;
- Using the supporter
Note that the installation space and the retaining method are limited at a user’s site where a
long cassette is used.

Be sure to observe the following cautions at a user’s site where long cassettes are
- Fix the machine to the floor by the anti-topple retainer.
- Install the machine where the ceiling height is 1750 mm or higher.

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CR-IR 359 Service Manual IN-2
1.3.2 Retaining the Machine by the Anti-Topple Retainer 1.3.3 Installing the Machine at a User’s Site where Long Cassettes
are Used
Shown below is the installation space where the machine is fixed to the floor by means of the
optional anti-topple retainer as demanded by the user. Shown below is the installation space where the machine is installed at a user’s site where
 Top view long cassettes are used.

 Top view and side view

 Hole locations of the anti-topple retainer

 Hole locations of the anti-topple retainer

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CR-IR 359 Service Manual IN-3
1.3.4 Using the Supporter  Installation space required when the base is attached to the supporter
The base mounting position and installation space are left-right symmetrical.
When the supporter is used for installation, the installation space is as indicated below.

 Installation space required for the supporter only

 Installation space required when the cassette rack is attached to the

The cassette rack mounting position and installation space are left-right symmetrical.

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CR-IR 359 Service Manual IN-4

2. Installation Work Flowchart

 Workflow for First-Time Installation
3. Preparation for Installation 8. Installing RU Software

3.2 Unloading 8.1 Starting the Machine Maintenance Utility

3.3 Transfer 8.2 Setting the RU IP Address

3.4 Temporary Placement 8.3 Setting the FTP Server IP Address

3.5 Checking the Items Supplied 8.4 Checking the Connection with the CR Console

4. Installation Procedures 8.5 Installing the RU PC-TOOL

8.6 Installing RU Software

4.1 Removing the Transportation Protective Member
8.7 Installation of the 50 Micron Uprade Kit
5. Connecting the Cables
9. Image/Conveyance Checks
5.1 Connecting the Power Cable and Checking Resistance Value
9.1 Check Before Procedures
5.2 Connecting the Interface Cable
9.2 Image/Conveyance Checks
6. Final Placement
10. Confirming the S Value
6.1 Securing the Machine
11. Powering OFF the CR Console/RU
6.2 Securing the Cable

7. CR Console Installation Procedures 12. Cleaning the CR Console/RU

{FCR XG-1/CR CL Service Manual}

13. Lead Precaution Label


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3. Preparation for Installation 3.1.2 Precautions on Patient Environment

 Additional Protective Grounding

3.1 Precautions Regarding Installation When the RU is to be installed in the patient environment, connect the RU with the medical
use grounding terminal through the additional protective grounding wire.
The place where the machine is to be installed needs to meet the criteria set forth in "Getting Definition of "patient environment" is given below.
Started" and "3.1.1 Installation Site Requirements." Preinstallation procedures should be
performed beforehand for necessary construction work, electrical work, and air-conditioning  Patient environment
system installation. Patient environment is the area for the patient to receive medical procedures (treatment,
tests, diagnosis, monitoring).It is the space measuring 2.5 m in all four directions and 2.5 m
3.1.1 Installation Site Requirements in height from the area of the patient's body. It excludes the space traveled by the patient to
reach the medically-used room.
Avoid the following installation sites:
- Places where the temperature changes drastically. 3.1.3 Handling Precautions for Printed Circuit Boards and Optical
- Places near heat sources such as heaters.
- Places where water leakage or equipment submersion may occur.
- Places where corrosive gas may be generated. When servicing a board or optical unit, use a wristband to ground your body.
- Dusty places. If your body is not grounded, the electrostatic buildup on your body may damage the
- Places where the machine is subject to constant or excessive vibration or shock. electronic parts.
- Places that are exposed to direct sunlight.
- Places that are exposed to X-rays while the machine is processing.
Make sure that the machine will never be exposed to direct and scattered X-rays while the 3.1.4 Precautions for System Connection
machine is processing.
The size and position of the X-ray shields should be such that the machine is completely "Accessory equipment connected to be the analog and digital interfaces must be certified
shielded to avoid exposure of direct and scattered X-rays to the machine. according to the respective IEC Standards. Furthermore all configurations shall comply with
the medical system standard, IEC60601-1-1. Everyone who connects additional equipment
 When installed in the patient environment
configures a medical system, and is therefore responsible that the system complies with
In the room where the machine is to be installed, the hospital-grade grounding terminal and
the requirements of IEC60601-1-1. If in doubt consult with the your local technical service
outlet should be provided.
The installation place should be within reach of the cable of the patient environment support
cable kit from the hospital-grade grounding terminal and outlet.

 When installed in other than the patient environment 3.1.5 Precautions in Using the Machine in Combination with the
Make sure that persons other than routine operators of the machine will not touch the CR-IR 355RU (FCR XC-1)
machine inadvertently.
The APL software of versions 1.6 or earlier of the CR-IR 355RU cannot process an HR-V
type IP as an unreadable IP even if the cassette CH is inserted.
The APL software of versions 1.7 or later of the CR-IR 355RU is equipped with an additional
function for discharging an HR-V type IP as an unreadable IP when the cassette CH is
Therefore, if the cassette CH might be possibly inserted into the CR-IR 355RU by mistake
at a user’s site where the machine and the CR-IR355RU are used in combination, the APL
software of the CR-IR 355RU need to be upgraded to versions of 1.7 or later.

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CR-IR 359 Service Manual IN-6
3.2 Unloading 1. Unload the machine together with the carrier pallet from the load-carrying
platform of the truck.
2. Cut the polypropylene (PP) band, and remove the slope.
- When unloading the machine, two persons should always cooperate to do so.
- Before unloading the machine, secure a proper machine transfer route.
- Unload the machine on a flat space as close to the installation space as possible. If
there are many steps or bumps in the machine transfer route, load may be applied to
casters, causing damage.
- Secure a necessary space for unloading, before unloading the machine together with
the carrier pallet from the load-carrying platform of the truck.

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3. Remove the corrugated fiberboard box. 4. Cut the tapes, and remove the PP bands with stoppers and the bag containing the
 NOTE 
Lift the corrugated fiberboard box straight up not to damage the machine with the edges
of the box, for removal.

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5. Cut the lower part of the plastic cover which protects the machine. Remove the 6. Cut the corners of the plastic cover which cover two right and left machine
upper part of the plastic cover. retainers on the rear of the machine. Then remove the bolts which retain the
machine retainers on the rear of the machine.
 NOTE 
When cutting the plastic cover, cut below the bottom of the machine. Do not damage REFERENCE
the machine with a sharp instrument. In removing the bolts, use of a 17-mm spanner is recommended to improve workability.

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7. Cut the plastic cover around the machine retainer in an L-shape by a cutter, 8. Once loosen the adjustable feet for removing the two right and left machine
for easy removal of the two right and left machine retainers on the rear of the retainers on the rear of the machine.
In loosening the nut of the adjustable foot, use of a 13-mm spanner is recommended to
improve workability.

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9. Remove the two machine retainers on the right- and left-hand on the rear of the 10. Raise the two adjustable feet on the right- and left-hand on the rear of the
machine together with their sealing plastic covers and rubber plates. machine to the uppermost position.

Be sure to raise the adjustable feet to the uppermost position. If the machine is
moved with the adjustable feet lowered, they might get caught on the ground, causing
the machine to topple down.

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11. Cut the corners of the plastic covers which cover the two machine retainers 12. Loosen the bolts which retain the two right and left machine retainers on the
on the right- and left-hand on the front of the machine by a cutter, and remove front of the machine, and then once loosen the adjustable feet on the front of the
the front bolt of the two bolts retaining the machine retainer on the front of the machine.
CAUTION In loosening the nut of the adjustable foot, use of a 13-mm spanner is recommended to
Do not remove all of the four bolts which retain the machine retainers on the front of improve workability.
the machine. If removed, the machine is movable, and might drop from the carrier

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13. Move the machine on the carrier pallet until the machine disengages from the 14. Remove the PP bands for retaining the slope from the accessory bags, and pass
machine retainers. Then raise the adjustable feet on the front of the machine to the PP bands through the holes on the carrier pallet.
the uppermost position.
 NOTE 
Make sure that the rubber plate has been removed, before passing the PP band.
Otherwise, the adjustable foot might get caught on the rubber plate, causing the
Be sure to raise the adjustable feet to the uppermost position. If the machine is
machine to topple down, when the machine is unloaded from the carrier pallet.
moved with the adjustable feet lowered, they might get caught on the ground, causing
the machine to topple down.

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15. Place the slope over the step of the carrier pallet. 16. Pass the PP bands through the holes of the slope.

- Place the slope with the surface having the label applied facing upward. Since the
step of the slope serves as a guide for casters, if a wrong face is placed, a difference
in levels will occur between the carrier pallet and the slope, and in addition, the casters
might come off from the slope when the machine is unloaded.
- Place the slope with the side with holes toward the carrier pallet.

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17. Put the PP band on the stopper. 18. Tighten the PP band, and fix the slope to the carrier pallet.

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19. Check to make sure that the four adjustable feet are raised to the uppermost 20. Unload the machine from the carrier pallet.
position, before unloading the machine from the carrier pallet.
CAUTION - Be sure to unload the machine with two persons, and support the machine from both
If the machine is moved with the adjustable feet lowered, the feet might get caught side faces of the machine.
with the carrier pallet, the slope and the ground, causing the damage on the adjustable - Hold the rear and the side faces of the machine when supporting the machine.
feet. - Do not hold in the vicinity of the cassette inserting entrance or the vicinity of the
operation panel.

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3.3 Transfer 3.4 Temporary Placement
1. Secure space required for installation procedures and temporarily place the
CAUTIONS machine.
- When transferring the machine, two persons should support the machine from both
side faces to prevent the machine from toppling down.
- Raise the adjustable feet to the uppermost position before transfer. Otherwise, the
machine might topple or the casters might get damaged.
- When the machine should be moved over some step or bump, move it as slowly as
possible to avoid shock to it. Note that the step over which the machine may move is
about 10 mm high at most.

1. Put the hand lifter underneath the machine.

 NOTE 
Do not use the hand lifter to transfer the machine into the installation place. The
machine might topple and get damaged.

2. Secure the machine with the adjustable feet in place.

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3.5 Checking the Items Supplied  Optional Items
Abbreviated product name Description Qty Remarks
Check whether all the items are supplied in accordance with the PACKING LIST that is
For retaining the
contained in each carton. IR 355 FLOOR FIX KIT RH E Anti-topple retainer kit 1
 Machine Main Body IR 355 STAND #(E) Supporter 1
Abbreviated product name Description Qty. Remarks IR 355 CASSETTE RACK #(E) Cassette rack 1
- Inch-type specification IR 355 CASSETE RACK FOR LC #(E) Rack for long cassette 1
Image reader main body
- For FMSU direct selling
CR IR 359 RU USA 1 E CR-IR 359 1 IR 355 CPU FLOOR MOUNT KIT #(E) Mount 1 Except for USA
- With the 50 micron upgrade
(For the U.S.)
kit installed IR 355 IR CPU FLOOR MOUNT KIT EU E Mount 1
- Inch-type specification IR 355 ARM FOR LCD MONITOR #(E) Arm for LCD monitor 1 Except for USA
Image reader main body - For selling by FMSU
CR IR 359 RU USA 2 E CR-IR 359 1 franchised stores Retainer for fixing to wall
IR 355 STAND WALL FIX KIT #(E) 1 Except for USA
(For the U.S.) - With the 50 micron upgrade (long type)
kit installed IR 355 MBL KIT #(E) Mobile kit 1
Image reader main body IR 346 AC CORD 200-240V UK E AC cable for BSI 1
CR-IR 359 - For use at hospitals
CR IR 359 RU E 1 IR 346 AC CORD 200-240V E AC cable for CEE 1
(For European and other - Metric-type specification
foreign countries) IR 362 AC CORD 100-120V UL E AC cable for USA 1
IR 359 50MICRON UPGRADE KIT 50 micron upgrade kit 1 Except for USA
 Accessories
Check Item Qty. Remarks
CD-R (machine-specific data) 1 Machine-specific data CD-R
CD-ROM (application) 1 For installation
1 1.0A (137S1178)
1 1.6A (137S1276)
Fuse set 1 2.0A (137S1277)
1 3.2A (137S1278)
1 5.0A (137S1280)
Cassette insertion operation label
Label (HR metric for USA, ST inch for overseas)
1 Exposure markers precaution label
1 327N1122501
Spur gear
1 327N1121608
5 TP3x6
Screw 5 BR4x8
5 DT3x6
KL ring 5 KL4
Cover 1 For power supply inlet
Test result sheet 1
Instruction manual 1
Information sheet 1 Except for PHILIPS
CD-ROM (HR reading option key) 1 For USA

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4. Installation Procedures

4.1 Removing the Transportation Protective Member

1. Remove the tapes.

2. Remove the protective member.

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5. Connecting the Cables 1. Connect the power cable to the machine.

5.1 Connecting the Power Cable and Checking Resistance

- Before measuring the resistance value, make sure that the power plug is unplugged
from the outlet.
- If the machine is to be installed in the patient environment, see "APPENDIX 1.
- If the power cable is not packed together with the machine accessories, be sure to
use a power cable that complies with the requirements stated below.
<For the U.S. and Canada>
UL-listed detachable power supply cable 2. Place the breaker switch in the ON position.
Hospital-grade plug
Cable wire diameter : 16 AWG or larger, 3-conductor
Rated voltage : 125 VAC or higher
Cable type : SJT
<For Europe>
Cable certified by a country in which the machine is to be installed
Cable wire diameter : 1.0 mm2 or larger, 3-conductor
Rated voltage : 250 VAC or higher
Cable type : H05VV-F

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3. Measure the resistance value of the power cable. 5. Place the breaker switch in the OFF position.
(Reference value)
Terminal L-N L-E N-E
Resistance value 100kΩ - ∞ ∞

4. Measure the resistance value between the E terminal of the power cable and the
bottom of the machine frame, and make sure that there is continuity.
6. Install the power cable cover.

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5.2 Connecting the Interface Cable 2. Consult the user to check the installation conditions of the machine, cable wiring
locations and so on. When the I/F cable is to be drawn out from the right-hand
side of the machine, pass the cable through the right-hand slot, and when it is to
CAUTION be drawn out from the rear of the machine, pass it through the rear slot.
A telephone cable should not be plugged into the I/F cable connector. The type of
cable compatible with this machine is an IEC950/UL1950-listed cable only.

 NOTE 
For the I/F cable, only the straight cable of UTP type should be used.

1. Connect the I/F cable to the I/F cable connector of the machine.

3. Connect the I/F cable to the switching hub.

Only devices evaluated to IEC/UL60950-1 can be used.

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6. Final Placement 6.1 Securing the Machine

For final placement of the machine, check the requests of the user, and observe the 1. Secure the four adjustable feet down onto the floor.
procedures described below to secure the machine and cables in place.
 NOTE 
WARNING When securing the adjustable feet, pay attention to the following points.
- The four adjustable feet should be evenly loaded.
At an institution where a long cassette is used, be sure to fasten the machine to the However, if there is too little space on the right and left sides in the machine installation
floor with the anti-topple retainer. place to secure the adjustable feet on the rear side, the two adjustable feet on the front
{IN: Appendix 2_Securing the Machine with the Anti-Topple Retainer} side should be secured in place. In this case, the two adjustable feet and two casters
should be evenly loaded.
- When the adjustable feet are secured, the casters should be detached from the floor.

 Retaining the machine with the adjustable feet; 2. Secure the adjustable feet.
When the machine is to be retained with the adjustable feet, refer to “6.1 Securing the
{IN:6.1_Securing the Machine}

 Retaining the machine by the anti-topple retainer;

When the machine is to be fixed by the anti-topple retainer (optional), refer to “Appendix 2.
Securing the Machine with the Anti-Topple Retainer”.
{IN: Appendix 2_Securing the Machine with the Anti-Topple Retainer}

 Using the supporter

When using the supporter (optional), see "Appendix 3. Assembling and Securing the
{IN: Appendix 3_Assembling and Securing the Supporter}

 Using the mobile kit

When an optional mobile kit is to be used, take the procedures in “Appendix 9 Installing the
Mobile Kit”.
{IN: Appendix 9_Installing the Mobile Kit}

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CR-IR 359 Service Manual IN-23
6.2 Securing the Cable 7. CR Console Installation Procedures
WARNING 1. Perform the CR Console installation procedures.

If the machine is to be installed in the patient environment, see "APPENDIX 1.  NOTE 

ADDITIONAL PROTECTIVE GROUNDING." Complete "7. CR Console Installation Procedures" before performing the procedures
{IN: Appendix 1_ADDITIONAL PROTECTIVE GROUNDING} described in "8. Installing RU Software."

{FCR XG-1/CR CL Service Manual}

Do not tie or bundle the power cable in such a manner that it is overloaded.

1. Plug the power cable into the outlet.

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CR-IR 359 Service Manual IN-24

8. Installing RU Software 3. Start up the Machine Maintenance Utility of the RU.

Turn ON the RU power while pressing the first and third buttons from the left on
Start up the Machine Maintenance Utility of the RU and set the "RU IP Address" and "FTP the operation panel. Keep pressing the first and third buttons from the left until the
Server IP Address." “Maintenance Utility” window appears on the operation panel.
The procedure described here assumes that the following addresses are to be set:  NOTE 
RU IP address:
Be sure to keep pressing the first and third buttons from the left until the “Maintenance
FTP server IP address:
Utility” window appears on the operation panel. If the “Maintenance Utility” window
does not appear and the RU starts to boot up, once turn OFF the RU power and repeat
8.1 Starting the Machine Maintenance Utility from the procedure 1.

1. Turn ON the power of the CR Console.

2. Turn ON the circuit breaker of the RU.

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8.2 Setting the RU IP Address 2. Press the button 11 times, and press the button once.

 NOTE 
1. Make sure that “Reader Unit IP Address” is selected, and then press the [Select]
button. Set the IP address of the RU specified on the CR Console.

3. Press the button once to select “OK”. Then press the [Confirm] button.

→ The address setting window appears.

→ In 1 to 2 seconds after the [Confirm] button is pressed, an alarm beeps. The specified
address becomes effective, and the menu selection window restores.

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8.3 Setting the FTP Server IP Address 2. Press the [Select] button.

1. Press the button twice, and select “FTP Server IP Address”.

→ The address setting window appears.

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3. Press the button 11 times, and press the button once. 5. Confirm the network specifications of the user’s site, and set the following
addresses when needed.
 NOTE 
Specify the IP address of the CR Console.  NOTE 
Set the addresses by performing the individual setup procedures set forth in the
Maintenance Utility volume.
- For Subnet Mask setup
{MU:3.3_Subnet Mask}
- For Default Gateway setup
{MU:3.5_Default Gateway}
- For Secure Host setup
{MU:3.6_Secure Host}
- For Secure Net setup
{MU:3.7_Secure Net}

4. Press the button once to select “OK”. Then press the [Confirm] button.

→ In 1 to 2 seconds after the [Confirm] button is pressed, an alarm beeps. The specified
address becomes effective, and the menu selection window restores.

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8.4 Checking the Connection with the CR Console 3. Press the [Check] button.

1. Press the button, and select “Network Check”.

4. Confirm the display on the operation panel.

2. Press the [Select] button.

- “OK” is displayed in the GOOD indication when “Default Gateway” is specified.
- Take the troubleshooting procedures when the NO GOOD indication appears.

→ The “Network Check” window appears.

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8.5 Installing the RU PC-TOOL 4. Click on [NEXT].

1. Insert the RU-APL CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive of the CR console.
→ The “Set Up PC-TOOL” window automatically appears.

2. Click on [INSTALL].

5. Click on [INSTALL].

3. Select “For FTP-Server”, and click on [SET].

 NOTE 
Always select “For FTP-Server”. If “For Client PC” is selected, the installation cannot be
done properly.
If you inadvertently click [SET] with "For Client PC" chosen, perform installation again
as directed under "Appendix 8. Corrective Procedure to be Performed after Improper
RU PC-TOOL Installation."
{IN: Appendix 8._Corrective Procedure to be Performed after Improper RU PC-
TOOL Installation.}
6. Click on [Finish] when the installation is completed.

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7. Check that the following message appears, and press the [Enter] key.

The following window appears to register a user on the PC. When the RU PC-TOOL
has been already installed, the window indicating that the registration is completed

8. Check that the following message appears, and press the [Enter] key.

 NOTE 
The following message appears a total of three times. Press the [Enter] key each time
the message appears.

→ Return to the “Set Up PC-TOOL” window.

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8.6 Installing RU Software 4. Click on [PING].

This section describes the procedures, by way of example, where settings are made as
BRAND TYPE: U.S.A (FMSU) 5. Check the result of PING, and click on to close the window.

1. Click on [START].

 [GOOD indication]
If the following message appears, the result is normal.
| Ping statistics for |
2. Click on [NEW]. | Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), |

 [NO GOOD indication]

Other than above is all abnormal. (The selected IP address of the RU is displayed.)
 NOTE 
In the case of "NO GOOD" indication
3. Enter Install "RU NAME" and "RU IP ADDR".

 NOTE 
If the "Reader Unit IP Address" setting was changed from the RU operation panel before
RU software installation, enter the changed address.

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6. Click on [INSTALL]. 10. Select "BRAND TYPE".

When clicking on [INSTALL], “Under maintenance” appears on the operation panel of
the RU.
11. Select an operation panel screen type (SCREEN TYPE), and then click [OK].
7. Click on [OK].
 NOTE 
The proper selection varies with a network connection between the RU and CR console.
Make a proper selection in accordance with the employed network connection. If an
improper selection is made, the connection between the RU and CR console is not
8. Select "INSTALL VERSION". - When a "1:1 connection" is established between the RU and CR console, choose
- When an "N:N connection" is established between the RU and CR console, choose

9. Select "LANGUAGE".

The following languages can be selected during the installation.
Japanese, English, Germany, French, Spanish, Italian, Swedish, Finnish, Danish,
Norwegian, Korean, ChineseSimplified, ChineseTraditional, Dutch, Portuguese, Greek,
Hebrew, Russian, Turkish, Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Thai, Indonesian
12. If a LINAC CASSETTE is to be used at the user’s site, select “USE”. If the LINAC
CASSETTE is not to be used, select “NOT USE”, and click on [SET].

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13. If, for instance, the institution wishes to use nondefault CONFIGURATION 15. Set "IP ADDRESS" and "CL NAME".
information, edit the CONFIGURATION information by performing the procedure
set forth under "4.13 EDIT CONFIGURATION" in the Maintenance Utility volume.  INSTRUCTION 
Enter IP ADDRESS of the CR Console to be connected with the RU.

14. Click on [SET]. REFERENCE

Up to 32 CR Console's may be registered as image transfer destinations. Of the CR
Console's registered, up to four CR Console's are switchable as master CL's.

For more detail about the function that may be set on the "EDIT CL NAME" screen, see
"4.14 EDIT CL NAME" of the Maintenance Utility volume.

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16. Confirm the installation precautions. 18. Verify that the flash ROM write process is completed, and then press the [Enter]
key twice.
While the flash ROM is being written into, never turn OFF the RU or CR Console. If
you turn OFF the power, the program stored in the memory becomes damaged and
cannot restart.

17. Click on [SET].

When you click on [SET], the installation screen appears on the CR Console display.
While the flash ROM is being written into, the RU's LED glows.
 NOTE 
Do not close the installation screen until the flash ROM write process is completed.
If you inadvertently close the installation screen, return to step 7 and perform the
installation procedure again. The flash ROM write process takes about 8 minutes.

19. Click on [OK].

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20. Check the version of the RU software, and close RU PC-TOOL. 21. Verify that the RU's LED is extinguished, and then turn OFF the RU.

The message "Under maintenance" is displayed on the operation panel. However,
turning OFF the RU power does not affect the RU's functionality.

 NOTE 
In the case of "NO GOOD" indication, return to step 1 and perform install procedures all
over again.
22. Turn ON the power of the RU.

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8.7 Installation of the 50 Micron Upgrade Kit REFERENCES
- If you have pressed the [Enter] key without making any entry in #1 of the procedure 3,
 NOTES  the error message does not appear. Enter the RU’s IP address and press the [Enter]
- Only when the user has purchased the 50 micron upgrade kit to use the IP type HR in the
machine, perform installation according to the procedures below.
- When the 50 micron upgrade kit is not to be installed, or when the HR reading option key
has been already installed, the following procedures are not necessary. Proceed to “9.
Image/Conveyance Checks”.
{IN:9._Image/Conveyance Checks}

1. Insert the 50 micron upgrade kit CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive of the CR
- If you have entered a wrong IP address and pressed the [Enter] key in #1 of the procedure
→ The installation menu automatically appears. 3, the error message appears. Press the [Enter] key to exit. Double-click the CD-ROM
drive from the explorer to again perform the installation from the procedure 2.
2. Enter “1” and press the [Enter] key.

→ The message for prompting the input of the RU’s IP address appears.

3. Input the RU’s IP address (example:, and press the [Enter] key.

→ The message “Installation Completed” appears.

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4. Check to make sure that the message indicating the completion of the installation
is displayed, and press the [Enter] key.

5. Remove the 50 micron upgrade kit CD-ROM from the CD-ROM drive of the CR

6. Turn OFF the power of the RU.

7. Apply the cassette insertion operation label attached to the 50 micron upgrade kit
over the cassette insertion operation label which has been stuck to the machine.

8. Change the attached “CR-IR359 instruction manual (for options)” attached to the
50 micron upgrade kit.

Components of the 50 micron upgrade kit
1. Cassette Insertion Operation Labels
2. HR reading option key CD-ROM
3. CR-IR instruction manual (for options)

 NOTE 
As sales of the machine as an image reader for use of mammography are not permitted
by authorities concerned in USA and Canada, the machine cannot be used as
mammographic equipment.

9. Turn OFF the power of the RU.

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9. Image/Conveyance Checks 3. Perform IP exposures.

 NOTE 
In this section, the following checks are made as last-time verification for final placement.
Be sure to make exposure under the following X-ray tube voltage conditions. Otherwise,
- Conveyance checks
the image cannot be correctly checked.
- Image checks
- For tungsten X-ray tube: 80 kVp
- For molybdenum X-ray tube: 25 kVp
9.1 Check Before Procedures
 NOTES  - Expose two IPs of maximum sizes for each of the IP types (ST and HR) used at the
- For the IP used for image/conveyance checks, an IP of the maximum size used in the user’s site with the following doses.
hospital should be employed. - With the X-ray tube, the first IP should be exposed in a normal orientation, and the
- Make sure that the IP to be used does not contain any important image data exposed. second in a 180-degree upside-down orientation.

1. Check to ensure that the "READY" screen appears.  When the IP type ST
REFERENCE - X-ray tube: Tungsten X-ray tube
The screen contents of the RU's operation panel vary with the LANGUAGE and - Exposure X-ray dose: 1 mR
SCREEN TYPE selections made during installation. For details on the screen contents - Maximum size: IP of 14"x14" (35 cm x 35 cm) or 14" x 17" (35 cm x 43 cm) size
of the RU's operation panel, see "1.3.3 Operation Panel Display Screen Contents" in - Reference conditions: Distance 1.8 m
the "Machine Description" volume. Voltage 80 kVp
{MD:1.3.3_Operation Panel Display Screen Contents} Amperage 50 mA
Time 0.013 sec.

2. Perform "Secondary Erasure" on the spontaneous radiation and image  When the IP type HR
accumulated on the IP to be used.
- X-ray tube: Tungsten X-ray tube
{Instruction Manual} - Exposure X-ray dose: 1 mR
- Maximum size: IP of 18cm x 24cm HR size or of 24cm x 30cm HR size
- Reference conditions: Distance 1.8 m
Voltage 80 kVp
Amperage 50 mA
Time 0.013 sec.

 When the IP type HR is to be exposed with the molybdenum X-ray tube

- X-ray tube: Molybdenum X-ray tube
- Exposure X-ray dose: 20mR
- Maximum size: IP of 18cm x 24cm HR size or of 24cm x 30cm HR size
- Reference conditions: Distance 0.55 m
Voltage 25 kVp
Amperage 100 mA
Time 0.53 sec.

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9.2 Image/Conveyance Checks 2. Verify that there is no "unusual nonuniformity" found on the output film or on the
image displayed on the image monitor.

 NOTE   CHECK 
Because the "MENU" and so forth differ depending on the IP type, image checks should be There should be no uneven density difference in the main scan direction.
performed with the "MENU" specified below.
If there is any uneven density difference, compare the films outputted from the two IPs
1. Read the IP prepared in “9.1 Check before procedures” by the CR Console menus of the same size, and determine whether such nonuniformity is caused by the machine
“QC/TEST,” “Image Format” and “SINGLE,” and output an image. or X-ray tube.

 If there is uneven density difference in the same direction on two films

→ The machine may be the cause of such nonuniformity.


 If positions of uneven density difference are different

→ The X-ray tube may be the cause of such nonuniformity.

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3. Check the image format.
Make sure that the white blank portion is 2 mm or less, as actually measured on the IP,
from the outermost edge of the image frame of the film outputted.
The white blank portion should be 2 mm or less.
If anything abnormal is found:

 NOTE 
The distance measured on the film may differ from the actual size on the IP, depending
on the reading size and film size. The actual size on the IP should be calculated using
the distance measured on the film and the reduction factor for the film. Compute the
actual size on the IP according to the following equation.

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10. Confirming the S Value 2. Set the tube voltage to 80 kVp. Confirm the exposure conditions under which the
radiation dose is 1 mR.

10.1 Confirming the S Value of IP Type ST  NOTE 

If the radiation dose measured by the dosimeter is not 1 mR, leave the tube voltage at
The procedure set forth below is used to read an IP, which has been exposed to 1 mR of 80 kVp and adjust the distance, tube current, and time to obtain a radiation dose of 1
radiation, during a 1-minute period between 10 and 11 minutes after an X-ray exposure, mR. Record the adjusted exposure conditions.
output the read image, and check that the S value for 1 mR of radiation, which is determined - Distance: ___cm
from the displayed S value and average dose value, is within the control limits. - Tube voltage: ___kVp
- Tube current: ___mA
- Time: ___sec
The method for calculating the S value control limits is outlined below:
- S value control limits for user adjustments
Upper limit: 200 x 1.5 = 300
Lower limit: 200/1.5 = 133 If the exposure conditions are unknown, use the following values as the reference
- S value control limits for service technician adjustments values and make fine adjustments:
Upper limit: 200 x 1.3 = 260
Lower limit: 200/1.3 = 154
To eliminate the necessity for adjusting the machine within a short period of time after
service technician inspection/adjustment, the S value control range for service technician
adjustments is narrower than that for user adjustments.

1. Position a cassette so that the cassette center coincides with the X-ray
radiation field center. Perform setup so that the X-ray radiation field outline is
approximately 3 cm outside the cassette outer frame. Temporarily remove the
cassette and then position a dosimeter at the radiation field center.

3. Under the exposure conditions confirmed in step 2, measure the radiation dose
five times and average the measured values.
--- Example ---
First Second Third Fourth Fifth Average
measurement measurement measurement measurement measurement value
0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.0 1.04

4. Enter the exposure conditions and the average radiation dose determined in step
3 in the "FCR S Value Control Table."

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5. Subject the natural radiation and image stored on the employed IP to secondary 8. Determine the "S value for 1 mR of radiation" from the displayed S value (the S
erasure. value printed on the film or displayed on the CR Console screen) and the average
{Instruction Manual} radiation dose value obtained in step 3.
--- Example ---
 NOTE  Displayed S value: 200
Before secondary erasure, confirm that no important image data is recorded on the Average radiation dose value obtained in step 3: 1.04
employed IP.

6. Under the exposure conditions confirmed in step 2, expose a 14" x 14" (35 cm x
35 cm) or 14" x 17" (35 cm x 43 cm) IP to X-ray radiation.

 NOTE 
Use the largest size IP of all the IPs used at the institution.

7. Read the IP exposed in step 6 during a 1-minute period between 10 and 11

minutes after the exposure by using the "QC/TEST," "Image Format" and
"SINGLE" CR Console menus, and then output the read image.

S value for 1 mR of radiation = Displayed S value x average radiation dose value

= 200 x 1.04
= 208
9. Check that the "S value for 1 mR of radiation," which was determined in step 8, is
within the control limits.
--- Example ---
Lower control limit value Upper control limit value
154 < 208 < 260

Check that the "S value for 1 mR of radiation,"

which was determined in step 8, is between the
upper and lower control limit values.

 NOTE 
If the "S value for 1 mR of radiation," which was determined in step 8, is not between
the upper and lower control limit values, make sensitivity correction as directed in "15.3
Sensitivity Correction for IP Type ST" and then confirm the S value again.
{MC:15.3_Sensitivity Correction for IP Type ST}

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10.2 Confirming the S Value of IP Type HR 1. Align the X-ray radiation field with the cassette size. Position the
reference point of the dosimeter sensor so that it coincides with the
size of the cassette to be used.
The following procedures are necessary only in a machine into which the 50 micron
upgrade kit (HR reading option key) has been installed. Do not take the procedures in
a machine without the 50 micron upgrade kit (HR reading option key) installed.

The procedure set forth below is used to read an IP, which has been exposed to 20
mR of radiation, during a 1-minute period between 10 and 11 minutes after an X-ray
exposure, output the read image, and check that the S value for 20 mR of radiation,
which is determined from the displayed S value and average dose value, is within the
control limits.
The method for calculating the S value control limits is outlined below:
- S value control limits for user adjustments
Upper limit: 120 x 1.5 = 180
Lower limit: 120/1.5 = 80
- S value control limits for service technician adjustments
Upper limit: 120 x 1.3 = 156
Lower limit: 120/1.3 = 92
To eliminate the necessity for adjusting the machine within a short period of time
after service technician inspection/adjustment, the S value control range for service
technician adjustments is narrower than that for user adjustments.

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2. Set the tube voltage to 25 kVp. Set the target/filter to molybdenum/molybdenum. 3. Under the exposure conditions confirmed in step 2, measure the
Confirm the exposure conditions under which the IP radiation dose of 20 mR is radiation dose five times and average the measured values.
achieved. --- Example ---
2 2
 Achieved IP radiation dose = Dosimeter reading x L /L' First Second Third Fourth Fifth Average
measurement measurement measurement measurement measurement value
L: Distance between the focus and the reference point of the dosimeter sensor 19.6 20.0 20.2 20.4 18.8 19.8
L':Distance between the focus and the cassette top frame
4. Enter the exposure conditions and the average radiation dose
determined in step 3 in the "FCR S Value Control Table."
5. Subject the natural radiation and image stored on the employed IP to
secondary erasure.
{Instruction Manual}
 NOTE 
Before secondary erasure, confirm that no important image data is recorded on
the employed IP.

6. Under the exposure conditions confirmed in step 2, expose a 18 cm x

24 cm or 24 cm x 30 cm IP to X-ray radiation.
 NOTE 
Use the largest size IP of all the IPs used at the institution.

7. Read the IP exposed in step 6 during a 1-minute period between 10

and 11 minutes after the exposure by using the "QC/TEST," "Image
Format" and "SINGLE" CL menus, and then output the read image.
 NOTE 
If the radiation dose measured by the dosimeter is not 20 mR, leave the tube
voltage at 25 kVp and adjust the distance, tube current, and time to obtain a
radiation dose of 20 mR. Record the adjusted exposure conditions.
- Distance: cm - Tube voltage: kVp
- Tube current: mA - Time: sec

If the exposure conditions are unknown, use the following values as the reference
values and make fine adjustments:
- Distance (L: Distance between the focus and the reference point of the
dosimeter sensor) 55 cm
- Distance (L': Distance between the focus and the reference point of the
dosimeter sensor) 60 cm
- Tube voltage 80kVp
- Tube current 100mA
- Time 0.053sec

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8. Determine the "S value for 20 mR of radiation" from the displayed S
value (the S value printed on the film or displayed on the CL screen)
and the average radiation dose value obtained in step 3.
---Example ---
Displayed S value: 120
Average radiation dose value obtained in step 3: 19.8

S value for 20 mR of Displayed S Average radiation

= x / 20 (mR)
radiation value dose value
= 120 x 19.8 / 20
= 118.8
9. Check that the "S value for 20 mR of radiation," which was determined in step 8,
is within the control limits.
--- Example ---
Lower control limit value Upper control limit value
92 < 118.8 < 156

Check that the "S value for 20 mR of radiation,"

which was determined in step 8, is between the
upper and lower control limit values.
 NOTE 
If the "S value for 20 mR of radiation," which was determined in step 8, is not
between the upper and lower control limit values, make sensitivity correction as
directed in "15.6 Sensitivity Correction for IP Type HR" and then confirm the S
value again.
{MC:15.6_Sensitivity Correction for IP Type HR}

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11. Powering OFF the CR Console/RU 12. Cleaning the CR Console/RU

1. Shut down the system of the CR Console. 1. Clean the monitor and covers of the CR Console with a dry cloth.

2. Shut down the system of the RU. 2. Clean the covers of the RU with a moistened cloth.

3. Turn OFF the power of the RU. 3. Peel the seal off the operation panel.

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13. Lead Precaution Label

1. Apply the lead precaution label suitable for the local language.

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Appendix 1. ADDITIONAL PROTECTIVE Connection Locations of Cables for Additional Protective Grounding of the
Equipment and Clamp Locations
Please use power supply cord and clamp (which is required for keeping the additional
Additional protective grounding will be required if installing this equipment in the patient
protective ground cord in position) approved by the electrical standard of the country to which
environment with the connected equipment in a non-medically used room. Refer to Medical
the equipment is to be installed.
System Standard, IEC60601-1-1.
However, there may be cases where additional protective grounding is not possible.
(For example in cases like non-metallic faceplate screws as well as boxes and isolated <Counter-measures for additional protective grounding>
supply systems etc.) If this should happen, please refer to “Counter-measures for additional 1. Engage the services of a professional to make the necessary preparations for the
protective grounding” on the next page. connection of additional protective grounding.
This installation work should only be performed by persons certified to handle electrical 2. If the connected device possess a hospital grade earth terminal and is mobile, move the
facility construction. connected device and replace with a power supply plug which has hospital grade earth
Definitions of “patient environment”, “medically-used room”, and “non-medically used room” terminal.
are given below. 3. Install a isolating transformer to the connected device. In this way, the power supply from
the connected device will be separated from the main power supply.
Patient Environment
Patient environment is the area for the patient to receive medical procedures (treatment,
tests, diagnosis, monitoring). It is the space measuring 2.5 m in all four directions and 2.5 m
in height from the area of the patient’s body.
It excludes the space traveled by the patient to reach the medically-used room.

Medically-Used Room
Room equipped with protective grounding (medical use outlet or medical use grounding
terminal) implemented by the medical grounding method. The protective grounding inside
the medically-used room is equipotential, and the protective grounding of this medically-used
room is equipotential to that in the other medically-used room.
Generally, a portion of the medically-used room is the patient environment.

Non-Medically Used Room

Areas outside the medically-used room are considered the non-medically used room.

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Appendix 2. Securing the Machine with the No. Name Qty. Remarks

Anti-Topple Retainer 1 Bracket (front) 1 356Y0475

2 Bracket (rear) 1 356Y0502
3 Bracket (left-hand side) 1 356Y0499
1. Components of Anti-Topple Retainer Kit
4 Bracket (right-hand side) 1 356Y0498
5 Spacer (1 mm) 6 347N2108
6 Spacer (2 mm) 4 347N2109
7 Cap 2 317S1064
8 Hex head socket bolt (8x15) 2 304S1000820
9 Spring washer (SW8) 6 309S0220008
10 Plain washer (W8) 6 309S0110008
11 Hex socket head button bolt (8x20) 4 304S5000820
12 Anchor nut (Na8) 4 305N100033

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2. Securing the Machine with the Anti-Topple Retainer 2. Place the assembled anti-topple retainer on the location where the machine is to
be settled. While holding not to cause the anti-topple retainer to shift, mark the
1. Assemble the anti-topple retainer to determine the locations where the anchor locations where the holes for embedding the anchor nuts are to be bored with a
nuts are to be embedded. pen or the like.

The front bracket (for use on the front face) and the rear bracket (for use on the rear
face) of the anti-topple retainer have different shapes. Although they are of similar
shapes when viewed from the surface, you can distinguish them by checking from the
The front bracket has nuts welded on the inner side.
The rear bracket has no nut welded on the inner side.

<Reference value>

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3. Once move the anti-topple retainer. Strike a center punch at the center of a 4. Drill holes with a diameter of 12.5 mm and a depth of 35 mm at the four marked
marked position to easily drill a hole. positions.

When drilling a hole, wear protective goggles. Drilled chips might scatter.

 NOTE 
When drilling a hole, exercise care not to tilt the drill. If the drill is tilted, the anchor
nut cannot be embedded straight. As a result, there is possibility that the anti-topple
retainer cannot be correctly retained.

When drilling a hole, use of a vacuum cleaner is recommended. If the hole is drilled
while sucking the chips by the vacuum cleaner, the depth of the hole can be easily

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5. Strike the anchor nut by a hammer to embed the nut into the four drilled holes. 6. Place the anti-topple retainer in place. Put in spacers with thicknesses of 1 mm
and 2 mm into the bolt retaining positions on the rear side, and temporarily retain
 NOTES  the retainer with the button bolts.
- When embedding the anchor nut, strike the top of the anchor nut vertically to the nut. If
the top of the anchor nut deforms, the bolt for retaining the bracket cannot be installed.  NOTE 
- Embed the anchor nut until its top does not protrude from the floor surface. Be sure to use the button bolt as a bolt to retain the anti-topple retainer. If a common
bolt is used, the bolt head and the adjustable foot might come into contact when the
machine is moved, causing deformation on the adjustable foot.

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7. Remove the hex head bolts and the screws to remove the bracket. 8. Adjust the height of the adjustable foot so that a distance from the upper surface
of the nut of the adjustable foot to the bottom of the machine is approx. 5 mm, in
order to mount the bracket on the machine. After the adjustment, check to make
sure that there is no aperture between the two nuts of the adjustable foot.

 NOTE 
Check to make sure that there is no aperture between the two nuts of the adjustable
foot. If there is an aperture between the nuts, the machine retaining bracket cannot be
fixed properly.

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9. Insert the rear bracket from the rear of the machine between the nut of the
adjustable foot and the bottom of the machine. While pushing the bracket against
the machine, fasten the nut of the adjustable foot for retaining.

- Be sure to fasten the nut while pushing the bracket against the machine. If the bracket
is pushed insufficiently, the machine may not be able to be properly retained.
- When fastening the nut of the adjustable foot, exercise care not to cause an aperture
between the two nuts. The bracket might not be able to be properly retained.

The front bracket (for use on the front face) and the rear bracket (for use on the rear
face) of the anti-topple retainer have different shapes. Although they are of similar
shapes when viewed from the surface, you can distinguish them by checking from the
The front bracket has nuts welded on the inner side.
The rear bracket has no nut welded on the inner side.

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10. Insert the front bracket from the front of the machine between the nut of the 11. Slowly move the machine toward the bracket retained on the floor, until the
adjustable foot and the bottom of the machine. While pushing the bracket against bracket on the rear of the machine comes against the bracket retained on the
the machine, fasten the nut of the adjustable foot for retaining. floor.

- Be sure to fasten the nut while pushing the bracket against the machine. If the bracket - If the machine cannot be moved as the bracket retained on the bracket comes into
is pushed insufficiently, the machine may not be able to be properly retained. contact with the bracket mounted on the machine when the machine is to be moved,
- When fastening the nut of the adjustable foot, exercise care not to cause an aperture height adjustment is necessary with additional spacers. Take the procedure 12.
between the two nuts. The bracket might not be able to be properly retained. - If the machine can move until the bracket on the rear of the machine comes against
the bracket retained on the floor, the procedure 12 need not be taken. Proceed to the
procedure 13.

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12. Once pull out the machine. Adjust the height of the bracket retained on the floor 13. Check to make sure that the spacer of 1mm thickness cannot be inserted into an
by adding a spacer. Then move the machine again. aperture between the bracket retained on the floor and the bracket mounted on
the machine.
 NOTE 
Check the portion where the bracket retained on the floor is in contact wit the bracket on  NOTES 
the rear of the machine. Add a spacer of 1mm or 2mm thickness accordingly. - If the spacer of 1mm thickness can be inserted into an aperture between the bracket
retained on the floor and the bracket mounted on the machine, the spacer should be
removed and the height need be adjusted again. Take the procedure 14.
- If the spacer of 1mm thickness cannot be inserted into an aperture between the bracket
retained on the floor and the bracket mounted on the machine, the procedure 14 need
not be taken. Proceed to the procedure 15.

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14. Once pull out the machine. Loosen the button bolt, remove the spacer, and 15. While pushing the bracket retained on the floor against the machine, additionally
fasten the button bolt to retain the bracket. After the bracket is retained, move fasten the button bolt to retain the bracket mounted on the floor. When the
the machine, and again check as instructed in the procedure 13. bracket retained on the floor does not move, once loosen the button bolt, push
the bracket against the machine, and fasten the button nut to retain the bracket
 NOTE  on the floor.
When the spacer is removed, always take the procedure 13 to check the aperture.

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16. Put on the bolt on the front of the machine, retain the bracket, and put on the bolt

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Appendix 3 Assembling and Securing the  Supporter Body

No. Name Qty. Remarks
Supporter 1 Stanchion (left-hand side) 1
2 Stanchion (right-hand side) 1
3 Shelf 1
1. Components of the Supporter 4 Connecting strut 2
5 Bracket (left-hand side) 1
6 Bracket (right-hand side) 1
 Supporter Body
7 Bracket (front) 1
8 Bracket (rear) 1
9 Adjustable foot 4
10 Spacer 2

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 Options, Accessories  Arm Options
No. Name Qty. Remarks
11 Arm 1
12 Bracket 1
 Base Options
No. Name Qty. Remarks
13 Connecting bracket 1
14 Base 1
 Cassette Rack Options
No. Name Qty. Remarks
15 Cassette rack 1
Cassette rack
16 1
(for long cassette)
 Optional Wall-Fixing Fitting (Long Type)
No. Name Qty. Remarks
17 Bracket 2 Wall-fixing fitting (long type)
18 Bracket (for coupling) 1
 Optional Items
No. Name Qty. Remarks
19 Shock absorber 4
20 Cap 2
21 Hex head bolt (8x20) 2
2 For supporter body
22 Spring washer (SW8)
4 For retaining the anchor
2 For supporter body
23 Plain washer (W8)
4 For retaining the anchor
24 Hex socket head button bolt (8x20) 4 For retaining the anchor
25 Anchor nut (Na8) 4 For retaining the anchor
Cross recessed pan head tapping
26 8 For fixing to the wall
screw (4x40)
27 Washer (W4) 8
28 Stem band 4
29 Insulock 11
30 Insulock plate 11
31 NK clamp 10
32 Retaining band 1
33 Seal 24
18 For supporter body
4 For arm
4 For base
34 Screw (T5x12)
2 For cassette rack
2 For cassette rack (for long cassette)
8 Wall-fixing fitting (long type)
35 Screw (T6x15) 4 For supporter body
36 W sems screw (B4x12) 4 For arm
37 W sems screw (B4x8) 3 For arm
Cross recessed pan head tapping
37 8 For wall-fixing retainer (long type)
screw (4x10)

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2. Assembling the Supporter 2. Mount the connecting struts on one of the stanchions.

1. Attach the adjustable feet to the right- and left-hand stanchions.

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3. Mount the struts assembled in the step 2 on the other stanchion. 4. Screw the struts.

 NOTE 
Be sure to mount the struts with the two screws temporarily tightened.

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5. Mount the shelf. 6. Screw down the shelf.

 NOTE 
Be sure to mount the shelf with the two screws loosely installed.

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7. Mount the brackets. 8. Mount the shock absorbers.

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3. Attachment of the Options 2. Screw the arm.

3.1 Mounting the Arm

1. Mount the arm.

 NOTE 
Be sure to mount the struts with the two screws temporarily tightened.

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3. Lift the connection at the tip of the arm by means of a tool such as pincers. 4. Secure the supporter.
Attach the bracket and screw it.
 NOTE 
When the arm (optional) has been mounted, be sure to retain the supporter according
to “Appendix 3-5 Securing the Supporter”.
{IN: Appendix 3-5_Securing the Supporter}

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3.2 Mounting the Base 2. Mount the base to the supporter.

The base can be placed either on the right or the left at symmetrical positions.

1. Attach the bracket to the base.

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3.3 Mounting the Cassette Rack

The cassette rack can be placed either on the right or the left at symmetrical positions.

 Mounting the Cassette Rack  Mounting the Cassette Rack (for Use with a Long Cassette)

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4. Securing the Machine 1. Adjust the height of the adjustable foot so that a distance from the upper surface
of the nut of the adjustable foot to the bottom of the machine is approx. 5 mm, in
order to mount the bracket on the machine. After the adjustment, check to make
WARNING sure that there is no aperture between the two nuts of the adjustable foot.
Be sure to fix the supporter to the floor or to the wall to secure the machine according  NOTE 
to “Appendix 3-5 Securing the Supporter” in a site where a long cassette is used.
Check to make sure that there is no aperture between the two nuts of the adjustable
{IN: Appendix 3-5_Securing the Supporter}
foot. If there is an aperture between the nuts, the machine retaining bracket cannot be
fixed properly.
 NOTE 
Be sure to take off the power inlet cover when using the supporter.

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2. Insert the rear bracket from the rear of the machine between the nut of the
adjustable foot and the bottom of the machine. While pushing the bracket against
the machine, fasten the nut of the adjustable foot for retaining.

- Be sure to fasten the nut while pushing the bracket against the machine. If the bracket
is pushed insufficiently, the machine may not be able to be properly retained.
- When fastening the nut of the adjustable foot, exercise care not to cause an aperture
between the two nuts. The bracket might not be able to be properly retained.

The front bracket (for use on the front face) and the rear bracket (for use on the rear
face) of the anti-topple retainer have different shapes.
The rear bracket has pins on its back surface.

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3. Move the machine into the supporter. 4. Fix the adjustable feet on the front face of the machine.

When pushing the machine into the supporter or pulling the machine out of the
supporter, exercise care so that your fingers and other parts of your body are not
caught between the supporter and machine.

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5. Place the bracket (for the front face) and secure with hex head bolts.

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5. Securing the Supporter  REFERENCE INFORMATION
Refer to “Appendix 3-5.1 Floor/Wall Conditions and Fixing Method in Respective Fixing
WARNING Modes” on the conditions of the floor/wall and how to fix when the supporter is to be fixed to
the floor/wall.
Be sure to fix the supporter to the floor or to the wall to secure the machine in a site {IN: Appendix 3-5.1_Floor/Wall Conditions and Fixing Method in Respective Fixing
where a long cassette is used. Modes}

 NOTE 
When the arm (optional) has been mounted, be sure to fix the supporter to the floor or the
wall to secure the machine.

To secure the supporter, it is sometimes fixed to the floor and sometimes to the wall.
Depending on the conditions on the installation site, follow the reference procedures below to
fix the supporter to the floor or to the wall, before securing the machine.

 When the supporter is to be fixed to the floor

{IN: Appendix 3-5.3_Fixing the Supporter to the Floor}

 When directly fixing the supporter to the wall

{IN: Appendix 3-5.4_Fixing the Supporter to the Wall}

 When fixing the supporter to the wall by means of a wall-fixing fitting (long
{IN: Appendix 3-5.5_Fixing the Supporter to the Wall via the Wall-Retaining Fitting (Long

 When fixing the supporter to the wall via an anchor nut

{IN: Appendix 3-5.6_Fixing the Supporter to the Wall via Anchor Nuts}

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5.1 Floor/Wall Conditions and Fixing Method in Respective Fixing Modes
The floor/wall conditions and the fixing method in respective fixing modes are as follows:
Floor/wall conditions Fixing method
 When the supporter is to be fixed to the floor - Concrete floor - Strike an anchor at four positions, and secure the supporter
- Compression strength of 245kgf/cm2 or higher is assumed. with the bolts.
 When the supporter is to be directly fixed to the wall
In the case of a wall made of steel or - Pillar of steel partition or lightweight steel aggregate of - Secure the supporter with four or more cross recessed pan
lightweight steel aggregate lightweight steel partition head tapping screws (4x40).
- A pillar or aggregate with a thickness of 0.6 mm or thicker is
In the case of a wooden wall - Wooden pillar on wall foundation - Secure the supporter with four or more course sleds.
- A pillar of Hinoki (Japanese cypress) with a water content of - It is assumed that the supporter is fixed to the pillar in a
8.8%/ pine tree with a water content of 11.0%/cedar with a screwing depth of 27 mm or more.
water content of 9.0% is assumed.
 When the supporter is to be fixed to the wall by anchor nuts - Concrete floor - Strike an anchor at two positions, and secure the supporter
- Compression strength of 245kgf/cm2 or higher is assumed. with the bolts.
 When the supporter is fixed to the wall by a wall-retaining fitting (long type) (*1)
In the case of a wall made of steel or - Pillar of steel partition or lightweight steel aggregate of - Fix the wall-retaining fitting (long type) to the wall with four
lightweight steel aggregate lightweight steel partition or more cross recessed pan head tapping screws (4x40).
- A pillar or aggregate with a thickness of 0.6 mm or thicker is - Fix the wall-retaining fitting (long type) to the supporter with
assumed. four or more cross recessed pan head tapping screws (4x40).
In the case of a wooden wall - Wooden pillar on wall foundation - Secure the wall-retaining fitting (long type) to the wall with
- A pillar of Hinoki (Japanese cypress) with a water content of four or more course sleds.
8.8%/ pine tree with a water content of 11.0%/cedar with a - It is assumed that the supporter is fixed to the pillar in a
water content of 9.0% is assumed. screwing depth of 27 mm or more.
- Fix the wall-retaining fitting (long type) to the supporter with
four or more cross recessed pan head tapping screws (4x40).
(*1) If a part of the wall where the supporter is to be fixed is wider than the supporter, the supporter is fixed to the wall via an optional wall-retaining fitting (long type).

Whether the supporter is directly fixed to the wall or fixed via the wall-retaining fitting (long type) should be decided depending on the following values as reference.

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5.2 Nothing

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5.3 Fixing the Supporter to the Floor 2. Once move the supporter. Strike the center punch at the center of the marked
position to easily drill a hole.
1. Put the assembled supporter on a position where it is to be fixed. While holding
the supporter not to shift, mark with a pen or the like the positions to be bored
where the anchor nuts are to be embedded.

<Reference value>

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3. Drill holes with a diameter of 12.5 mm and a depth of 35 mm at the four marked 4. Strike the anchor nut by a hammer to embed the nut into the four drilled holes.
- When embedding the anchor nut, strike the top of the anchor nut vertically to the nut. If
CAUTION the top of the anchor nut deforms, the bolt for retaining the bracket cannot be installed.
When drilling a hole, wear protective goggles. Drilled chips might scatter. - Embed the anchor nut until its top does not protrude from the floor surface.

 NOTE 
When drilling a hole, exercise care not to tilt the drill. If the drill is tilted, the anchor nut
cannot be embedded straight. As a result, there is possibility that the supporter cannot
be correctly retained.

When drilling a hole, use of a vacuum cleaner is recommended. If the hole is drilled
while sucking the chips by the vacuum cleaner, the depth of the hole can be easily

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5. Place the supporter where it is to be fixed. Fix the supporter to the floor by the 6. Secure the machine.
button bolts. {IN: Appendix 3-5.7_Securing the Machine (when the Supporter has been Fixed)}
 NOTE 
Always use button bolts to fix the supporter. If a normal bolt is used, the head of the
bolt comes into contact with the adjustable foot when the machine is moved, and the
adjustable foot might get deformed.

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5.4 Fixing the Supporter to the Wall <Reference value>

1. Place the assembled supporter on a position where it is to be fixed. Check the

conditions of the wall at the installation site. Mark the positions to be screwed
with a pen or the like.

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2. Screw the supporter. 3. Secure the machine.

REFERENCE {IN: Appendix 3-5.7_Securing the Machine (when the Supporter has been Fixed)}
Make a preparatory hole of approx. 1 mm on the wall before screwing. This makes the
screws easy to be tightened.

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5.5 Fixing the Supporter to the Wall via the Wall-Retaining Fitting 2. Attach the wall-retaining fitting (long type) to the wall.
(Long Type)  NOTE 
Observe the wall conditions at the user’s site, and secure the fitting to the pillars of the
1. Assemble the wall-retaining fitting (long type).
The weight of the assembled wall-retaining fitting (long type) is approx. 2.1 kg.

<Reference value>

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3. Mount the supporter to the wall-retaining fitting (long type). 4. Secure the machine.
{IN: Appendix 3-5.7_Securing the Machine (when the Supporter has been Fixed)}

<Reference value>

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5.6 Fixing the Supporter to the Wall via Anchor Nuts <Reference value>

1. Place the assembled supporter on a position where it is to be fixed. Check the

conditions of the wall at the installation site. Mark the positions to be screwed
with a pen or the like.

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2. Once move the supporter. Strike the center punch at the center of the marked 3. Drill holes with a diameter of 12.5 mm and a depth of 35 mm at the two marked
position to easily drill a hole. positions.

When drilling a hole, wear protective goggles. Drilled chips might scatter.

 NOTE 
When drilling a hole, exercise care not to tilt the drill. If the drill is tilted, the anchor nut
cannot be embedded straight. As a result, there is possibility that the supporter cannot
be correctly retained.

When drilling a hole, use of a vacuum cleaner is recommended. If the hole is drilled
while sucking the chips by the vacuum cleaner, the depth of the hole can be easily

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4. Strike the anchor nut by a hammer to embed the nut into the two drilled holes. 5. Place the supporter on a position where it is to be fixed.

- Strike the top of the anchor nut horizontally when embedding the anchor nut. If the top
of the anchor nut deforms, the bolt for securing the supporter cannot be attached.
- Embed the anchor nut until its top does not protrude from the floor surface.

6. Secure the machine.

{IN: Appendix 3-5.7_Securing the Machine (when the Supporter has been Fixed)}

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5.7 Securing the Machine (when the Supporter has been Fixed)

1. Adjust the height of the adjustable foot so that a distance from the upper surface
of the nut of the adjustable foot to the bottom of the machine is approx. 5 mm, in
order to mount the bracket on the machine. After the adjustment, check to make
sure that there is no aperture between the two nuts of the adjustable foot.

 NOTE 
Check to make sure that there is no aperture between the two nuts of the adjustable
foot. If there is an aperture between the nuts, the machine retaining bracket cannot be
fixed properly.

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2. Insert the rear bracket from the rear of the machine between the nut of the
adjustable foot and the bottom of the machine. While pushing the bracket against
the machine, fasten the nut of the adjustable foot for retaining.

- Be sure to fasten the nut while pushing the bracket against the machine. If the bracket
is pushed insufficiently, the machine may not be able to be properly retained.
- When fastening the nut of the adjustable foot, exercise care not to cause an aperture
between the two nuts. The bracket might not be able to be properly retained.

The front bracket (for use on the front face) and the rear bracket (for use on the rear
face) of the anti-topple retainer have different shapes.
The rear bracket has pins on its back surface.

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3. Put on the spacer on the bracket (for the front). 4. Insert the front bracket from the front of the machine between the nut of the
adjustable foot and the bottom of the machine. While pushing the bracket against
the machine, fasten the nut of the adjustable foot for retaining.

- Be sure to fasten the nut while pushing the bracket against the machine. If the bracket
is pushed insufficiently, the machine may not be able to be properly retained.
- When fastening the nut of the adjustable foot, exercise care not to cause an aperture
between the two nuts. The bracket might not be able to be properly retained.

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5. Move the machine into the supporter. 6. Install the hex head bolts.

When pushing the machine into the supporter or pulling the machine out of the
supporter, exercise care so that your fingers and other parts of your body are not
caught between the supporter and machine.

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6. Applying the Seal 7. Nothing
1. Apply the seals to the screw holes on the supporter.

The number of seals to be applied depends on whether an optional part has been
mounted. The locations where the seals might be applied are shown below.

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8. Nothing

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Appendix 4. Setting the Master CL 1. Additionally Registering the Master CL (Procedures on

the CL1)
This section describes the procedures for additionally register the CL2 ( into the
system that consists of the RU (ru0: and CL1 (master CL:, and for 1. Turn ON the power of the CR Console.
switching the master CL from CL1 to CL2.
2. Turn ON the circuit breaker of the RU.

Up to 32 CR Console's may be registered as image transfer destinations. Of the CR
Console's registered, up to four CR Console's are switchable as master CL's.

For more detail about the function that may be set on the "EDIT CL NAME" screen, see "4.14
EDIT CL NAME" of the Maintenance Utility volume.

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3. Start up the Machine Maintenance Utility of the RU. 4. Select [Run...] from the Start menu of Windows. When the dialog opens, type ["C:\
Turn ON the RU power while pressing the first and third buttons from the left on Program Files\FujiFilm\FCR\TOOL\RuPcTool\RuPcTool.exe"] and click on the [OK]
the operation panel. Keep pressing the first and third buttons from the left until the button.
“Maintenance Utility” window appears on the operation panel.
 NOTE 
Be sure to keep pressing the first and third buttons from the left until the “Maintenance
Utility” window appears on the operation panel. If the “Maintenance Utility” window
does not appear and the RU starts to boot up, once turn OFF the RU power and repeat
from the procedure 1.

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5. From "LIST OF EXISTING RU", select a RU where the master CL is to be added, 6. Register the master CL (CL2) created at procedure 5 into the master CL.
and enter the "IP ADDRESS" and "CL NAME" of the master CL to be added.
It takes about three minutes to register the master CL (CL2) after you click [SET].

7. Close the RU PC-TOOL window.

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2. Registering the RU (Procedures on the CL2) 5. Enter the host name (ru0) of the RU in and its IP address

( in .
1. Start the Service Utility.
{FCR XG-1/CR CL Service Manual/Maintenance Utility (MU)/1. Starting and
Exiting the Service Utility} 6. Select in the "Add Node" field, and click on .
2. Click on [Setup Configuration Item].
→ The "FRUP Setup" screen appears.


7. Check in the "Attribute" field ( → ).

8. Type "ru0" in .

The name should not necessarily be the same as the host name.

9. Click on .

→ Registering the network information is now completed.

4. Click on .

→ The "New Node" dialog box appears.

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3. Registering the Machine Information (CONNECTING 4. Saving Configuration and Exiting Service Utility
1. From the "Config (F)" menu in the "Setup Configuration Item" window, select
"Save (V)".
1. Click on [CONNECTING EQUIPMENT] in the "Setup Configuration Item" window.

→ The save confirmation window appears.

2. Click on .

→ The "Connecting Equipment" dialog box appears. 2. Click on .

3. Register the machine information as shown below.
→ The setup is saved.

3. From the "Config (F)" menu, select "Close (C)".

→ The "Service Utility" window appears back on screen.

4. Exit the Service Utility.

I. Select "Reader".
II. Select the host name (e.g., ru0).
III. If several RU's are connected, select the second and subsequent host name(s) in
"Equipment #2" and so on.
4. Click on .

→ Registering the machine information is now completed.

The "Setup Configuration Item" window appears back on screen.

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5. Verifying Switching of Master CL 4. Press the button, and select “Set master CL”.

1. Turn OFF the power of the RU.

2. Turn ON the power of the RU.
3. Press the [Utility] button on the operation panel.

→ The “Utility” window appears.

5. Press the [Select] button.

→ The “Select master Console” window appears.

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6. Press the button, and select “CL2”. 8. Turn ON the power of the RU.
9. Perform reading, and make sure that the image is transferred to the master CL.

7. Press the [Select] button.

The power of the RU automatically turns OFF about 1 minute after the master CL is set.

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Appendix 5. Changing the RU's IP Address

This appendix describes the procedure for using the machine with the RU's IP address

1. Starting the machine Maintenance Utility

1. Start the machine Maintenance Utility as directed under "8.1 Starting the Machine
Maintenance Utility."
{IN:8.1_Starting the machine Maintenance Utility}

2. Setting the RU IP Address

1. Change the RU's IP address as directed under "8.2 Setting the RU IP Address."
{IN:8.2_Setting the RU IP Address}

3. Setting the FTP Server IP address

1. Change the RU's FTP server IP address as directed under "8.3 Setting the FTP
Server IP address."
{IN:8.3_Setting the FTP Server IP address}
2. Reinstall the RU software as directed under "Appendix 6. Reinstalling the RU

After the RU's IP address is changed, be sure to reinstall the RU software.
{IN: Appendix 6._Reinstalling the RU Software}

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Appendix 6. Reinstalling the RU Software 4. Click on [DELETE].

This appendix describes the RU software reinstallation procedure that is performed when,
for instance, the machine is to be used with the RU's IP address changed or the RU to be
installed is improperly set up.
To reinstall the RU software, first delete the RU registered in the RU PC-TOOL, and then
install the RU software.  NOTE 
If you click [DELETE] without inserting the RU-APL CD-ROM into the CR Console, the
following error message appears. If the error message appears, insert the RU-APL CD-
1. Deleting an Installed RU ROM into the CR Console and then repeat steps 2 and beyond.

1. Insert the RU-APL CD-ROM into the CR Console.

→ The "Set Up PC-TOOL" window automatically opens.

2. Click on [START].

5. Click on [OK].

6. Verify that the RU selected in step 3 is deleted from "LIST OF EXISTING RU."
→ The "RU PC-TOOL" window opens.

3. From "LIST OF EXISTING RU," select an RU.

2. Reinstalling the RU Software

Reinstall the RU software.
For the RU software reinstallation procedure, see "Appendix 7. Installing the RU Software."
{IN: Appendix 7._Installing the RU Software}

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Appendix 7. Installing the RU Software

This appendix describes the procedure for installing the RU software.
Before installing the RU software, you have to run a network check from the RU's machine
Maintenance Utility to verify the connection to the CR Console.

1. Verifying the connection to the CR Console

1. Run a network check as directed under "8.4 Checking the Connection with the CR
{IN:8.4_Checking the Connection with the CR Console}

2. Installing the RU PC-TOOL

 NOTE 
If the RU PC-TOOL is already installed on the CR console, the step below need not be
performed. In such an instance, skip to "Appendix 7-3 Installing the RU software."
{IN: Appendix 7-3_Installing the RU Software}

1. Install the RU PC-TOOL as directed under "8.5 Installing the RU PC-TOOL."

{IN:8.5_Installing the RU PC-TOOL}

3. Installing the RU Software

1. Install the RU software as directed under "8.6 Installing RU Software."
{IN:8.6_Installing RU Software}

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Appendix 8. Corrective Procedure to be 1. Corrective Procedure 1

Performed after Improper RU PC- This section describes the procedure for aborting the installation process and installing the
TOOL Installation 1. If you clicked [SET] with "For Client PC" chosen, click [Cancel] in a window that
opens next.
If "For Client PC" is inadvertently chosen when the RU PC-TOOL is to be installed, install the
RU PC-TOOL as directed below.

When the RU PC-TOOL installation procedure is improperly performed, use either of the
following corrective procedures:

 Abort the installation process and then perform the installation

procedure again.
If you find in the middle of the RU PC-TOOL installation process that "For Client PC" is
inadvertently chosen, you can abort the installation process.
In this instance, abort the installation process and install the RU PC-TOOL. For details
on the procedure, see "Appendix 8-1 Corrective Procedure 1."
{IN: Appendix 8-1_Corrective Procedure 1}

 Delete the CLIENT PC-TOOL and then perform the installation procedure
If you complete the RU PC-TOOL installation process with "For Client PC" inadvertently
chosen, the CLIENT PC-TOOL is installed.
In this instance, delete the CLIENT PC-TOOL with the RU-APL CD-ROM and then 2. When a message appears to ask whether you want to cancel the installation
install the RU PC-TOOL. For details on the procedure, see "Appendix 8-2 Corrective process, click [Yes].
Procedure 2."
{IN: Appendix 8-2_Corrective Procedure 2}

3. Click on [Finish].

4. Install the RU PC-TOOL as directed under "Appendix 7-2 Installing the RU PC-
{IN: Appendix 7-2_Installing the RU PC-TOOL}

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2. Corrective Procedure 2 5. Click on [Remove].

This section describes the procedure for deleting the CLIENT PC-TOOL with the RU-APL
CD-ROM and installing the RU PC-TOOL.
1. If the CLIENT PC-TOOL is running, exit it.
2. Insert the RU-APL CD-ROM into the CR Console.
→ The "Set Up PC-TOOL" window automatically opens.

3. Click on [UNINSTALL].

6. When the uninstallation process is completed, click [Finish].

4. Click on [NEXT].
7. Install the RU PC-TOOL as directed under "Appendix 7-2 Installing the RU PC-
{IN: Appendix 7-2_Installing the RU PC-TOOL}

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Appendix 9. Installing the Mobile Kit 2. Attaching the Tape

Apply the tape at the front side end of the right-hand side cover.
 NOTE 
IWhen the mobile kit is to be used, the retaining bracket need be attached to the upper part
Applying the tape, the cover edge can be prevented from getting broken by vibration.
of the subscanning unit. Check that the retaining bracket has been attached when reinstalling
the subscanning unit, if the subscanning unit has been removed and then reinstalled during
the servicing. Refer to the Checks, Replacement and Adjustment of Parts “10.1 Subscanning
Unit” for the retaining bracket.
1. Loosen the screws and remove
the front cover.
{MC:10.1_Subscanning Unit}

1. Components of the Mobile Kit

The mobile kit consists of a tape and the anti-topple retainer kit (except the anchor nut).
- Tape (382N1885): 1
- Anti-topple retainer kit: 1 set (except anchor nut)

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2. Apply the tape to the right-hand 3. Installing the Anti-Topple Retainer Kit
side cover.
Refer to the Installation “Appendix 2. Securing the Machine with the Anti-Topple Retainer” for
 NOTE  the details of the installation procedures for the anti-topple retainer kit.
Be sure to apply the tape with {IN:Appendix 2._Securing the Machine with the Anti-Topple Retainer}
its end pressed against a step
(recess) of the right-hand side

3. Put the lower part of the front

cover under the housing,
before attaching. Then, retain it
with the screws while holding
the cover.

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Appendix 10. Uninstallation of the 50 Micron REFERENCES

- If you have pressed the [Enter] key without making any entry in #1 of the procedure 3,
Upgrade Kit the error message does not appear. Enter the RU’s IP address and press the [Enter]

Described below are the procedures for uninstalling the 50 micron upgrade kit.

1. Insert the 50 micron upgrade kit CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive of the CR
→ The installation menu automatically appears.

2. Enter “2” and press the [Enter] key.

- If you have entered a wrong IP address and pressed the [Enter] key in #1 of the procedure
3, the error message appears. Press the [Enter] key to exit. Double-click the CD-ROM
drive from the explorer to again perform the installation from the procedure 2.

→ The message for prompting the input of the RU’s IP address appears.

3. Input the RU’s IP address (example:, and press the [Enter] key.

→ The message “Uninstallation Completed” appears.

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4. Check to make sure that the message indicating the completion of the
uninstallation is displayed, and press the [Enter] key.

5. Remove the HR reading option key CD-ROM from the CD-ROM drive of the CR

6. Turn OFF the power of the RU.

7. Peel off the cassette insertion operation label attached to the 50 micron upgrade
kit from the machine.

8. Restore the CR-IR359 instruction manual (including parts for options) to the
original set.

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Control Sheet
Issue date Revision number Reason Pages affected
05.24.2007 01 New release (FM5134) All pages
09.04.2007 02 Revision (FM5208) 1
08.11.2008 03 Revision (FM5391) 1

CR-IR 359 Service Manual

Performance Check (PC)

014-211-03E CR-IR 359 Service Manual

08.11.2008 FM5391

CR-IR 359 Performance Check List 2. Connecting the Cables

{IN:5._Connecting the Cables}
The purpose of this performance check list is used at the time of CR-IR 359 installation - Supply voltage/machine power supply short-circuit check  OK  NG
to record the steps performed, measured values, and settings, which are based on the Power supply voltage: V (specified value: 100VAC ± 10%)
instructions set forth in the Service Manual. This checklist is not supposed to replace the Continuity check between E and E:  OK  NG (specified value: with continuity)
installation steps set forth in the CR-IR 359 Service Manual but is to be followed concurrently. Resistance value measured between L and E: Ω (specified value: ∞Ω)
Verify the proper equipment operations at installation and after servicing by checking the Resistance value measured between N and E: Ω (specified value: ∞Ω)
system connection and output image quality (section 4 or later), and then pass the equipment Resistance value measured between L and N: Ω (specified value: 100KΩ –)
over to the customer.
3. Installing RU Software
{IN:8._Installing RU Software}
Installation Information
- RU IP address:  Default (  Modify (__________)
- FTP server IP address:  Default (  Modify (__________)
Serial Number: Software Ver.:
- Identification code of the machine (RU):
Site Name: Installed by: - Software Version:
Site Number: Signature: - Backup of set file (machine-specific data)  OK  NG
Room Name: Installation Date/Servicing Date:
4. Image/Conveyance Checks
{IN:9._Image/Conveyance Checks}
- X-ray exposure information with a dose of ST IP  OK  NG
X-ray dose: mR Voltage: kV Tube current: mA
1. Preparation for Installation
Time: msec Distance: cm Exposure chamber:
{IN:3._Preparation for Installation} Bulb No.:
- Checking the Items Supplied  OK  NG Additional filter: Yes  (AL: mm, Cu: mm) No 
 Machine main body IP size: × IP barcode No.:
 Accessories S value:
Options - X-ray exposure information with a dose of HR IP  OK  NG
 Anti-topple retainer kit Check the following when the HR IP is to be used.
 Supporter X-ray dose: mR Voltage: kV Tube current: mA
 Cassette rack Time: msec Distance: cm Exposure chamber:
 Rack for long cassette Bulb No.:
 Mount (IR 355 CPU FLOOR MOUNT KIT #(E)) Additional filter: Yes  (AL: mm, Cu: mm) No 
 Mount (IR CPU FLOOR MOUNT KIT EU E) IP size: × IP barcode No.:
 Arm for LCD monitor S value:
 Retainer for fixing to wall (long type) - Image/Conveyance Checks  OK  NG
 Mobile kit - Image format check: white blank portion, ____ mm max. (specified value: 2 mm max.)
 AC cable for BSI  OK  NG
 AC cable for CEE
 AC cable for USA
 50 micron upgrade kit (Except for USA)

08.11.2008 FM5391
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PC-1
5. IP type checks
- IP type used at the institution  ST-VN  ST-VI  HR-V

6. Summary test  OK  NG
Includes checks for normal bootup and termination.

7. Output films or image data are stored as records for performance check.
 OK  NG

8. Test equipment used for the check

Test equipment: Model: S/N:
Test equipment: Model: S/N:
Test equipment: Model: S/N:

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PC-2

05.24.2007 FM5134
CR-IR 359 Service Manual PC-3

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