Chapter 4 - Moving Charges and Magnetism

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CBSE Class 12 physics

Important Questions
Chapter 4
Moving Charges and Magnetism

1 M a r k Questions

1. State two properties of the material of the w i r e used f o r suspension of the coil i n a
moving coil galvanometer?

Ans. (a) Non-Brittle conductor

(b) Restoring Torque per unit Twist should be small.

2. What w i l l be the path of a charged particle moving along the d irection of a u n i f o r m

magnetic field?

Ans. The path of a charged particle will be a straight line path as no force acts on the

3. Two wires of equal lengths are bent i n the f o r m of t wo loops. One of the loop is
square shaped whereas the other loop is circular. These are suspended i n a uni f orm
magnetic field and the same cur ren t is passed throug h them. Which loop w i l l
experience greater torque? Give reasons?

Ans. since

Since Area of – circular loops is more Than of a square loop

Torque experienced by a circular loop is greater.

4. A cyclotron is not suitable to accelerate electron. Why?

Ans. A cyclotron is not suitable to accelerate electron because its mass is less due to which
they gain speed and step out of the dee immediately.
2 M a r k Questions

1. A steady cu rrent flows in the network shown i n the figure. What w i l l be the magnetic
field at the centre of the network?

Ans. Zero, because magnetic field at the centre of the loop is just equal and opposite i.e.
magnetic field due 1- PQR is equal and opposite to that of PSR.

2. A n - particle and a proton are moving in the plane of paper i n a region where there
is u n if o r m magnetic field B directed nor mal to the plane of paper. I f two particles have
equal linear momenta, w h a t w i l l be the ra tio of the radi i of t h e i r trajectories i n the field?

Ans. Since radius of the path (R) =

=> R


=> R : Rp = 1:2.
3. Give one difference each between diamagnetic and ferromagnetic substances. Give
one example of each?

Ans. Diamagnetic substances are weakly repelled by a magnet eg. Gold.

Ferromagnetic materials are strongly attracted by a magnet eg. Iron.

4. Write the expression f o r the force acting on a charged particle of charge q moving
wi t h velocity is in the presence of magnetic field B. Show that i n the presence of this

(a) The K.E. of the particle does not change.

(b) Its instantaneous power is zero.

Ans. Since F = q ( )

(a) Since direction of force is perpendicular to the plane containing )

=> w = Fs cos

w = Fs =0

=> KE = 0

KE will not – change

(b) since p = Fvcos = Fv =0

=> Instantaneous power is also zero.

5. A n electron of kinetic energy 25KeV moves perpendicular to the d irection of a

u n i f o r m magnetic field o f 0.2 millitesla calculate the t im e period of ro ta ti o n of the
electron i n the magnetic field?

Ans. B = 0.2 T = 0.2 10 T
Time Period T =

6. I t is desired to pass only 10% of the c u r r e n t th ro u gh a galvanometer of resistance 90 .

How much shunt resistance be connected across the galvanometer?

Ans. IG = 10% of I =




3 M a r k Questions

1. Derive an expression f o r the force acting on a current ca rrying conductor placed i n a

u n i f o r m magnetic field Name the rule which gives the dire ctio n o f the force. Write the
condition f or wh ic h this force w i l l have (1) m ax im um (2) m i n i m u m value?

Ans. A conductor is placed in a uniform magnetic field which makes and angle with .
Let I current flows through the conductor.

If n is the no. of electrons per unit volume of the conductor, then Total no. of electrons in
small current element d = nAdl

=> = Ne

=> = nAdl e

be the force experienced by each electron


Force experienced by small current element

dF = neAvd dl B sin

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