NCM 103
NCM 103
NCM 103
Course Description:
This course deals with theories, principles, and processes basic to nursing as a profession, as a
science and as an art. It emphasizes on the concept of man as a holistic being and the professional
roles of the nurse in health care setting. The learners are expected to utilize the nursing process and the
basic nursing skills as primary tool in health promotion, disease prevention, restoration and
Course Credit: Theory: 3 units (54 hours); RLE: 2 units Skills Lab (102 hours)
1. Apply knowledge of physical, social, natural and health sciences and humanities in the practice of nursing.
2. Provide safe, appropriate and holistic care to individuals, families, population group and community utilizing
nursing process.
3. Apply guidelines and principles of evidence-based practice in the delivery of care.
4. Practice nursing in accordance with existing laws, legal, ethical and moral principles.
5. Communicate effectively in speaking, writing and presenting, using culturally-appropriate language.
6. Document to include reporting up-to-date client care accurately and comprehensively.
7. Work effectively in collaboration with inter-, intra- and multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams.
8. Practice beginning management and leadership skills in the delivery of client care using a systems approach.
9. Engage in lifelong learning with a passion to keep current with national and global development in general,
and nursing and health developments in particular.
10. Demonstrate responsible citizenship and pride of being a Filipino.
11. Apply techno-intelligent care systems and processes in health care delivery.
12. Adopt the nursing core values in the practice of the profession.
Level Outcomes:
At the end of first year, given simulated situations in selected settings, the learners demonstrate basic
nursing skills in rendering safe and appropriate care utilizing the nursing process.
Course Outcomes:
1. Apply knowledge of physical, social, natural and health sciences and humanities in the practice of nursing.
2. Utilize the nursing process in developing plans of care for an individual with simple health problems.
3. Apply guidelines and principles of evidence-based practice in the delivery of nursing care.
4. Practice nursing in accordance with existing laws, legal, ethical, and moral principles.
5. Communicate effectively using therapeutic and culturally sensitive language in the nurse-patient/family
6. Document client care accurately and comprehensively.
7. Collaborate effectively with a group/team.
8. Apply beginning management and leadership skills in the delivery of client care.
9. Engage in lifelong learning to keep current with national and global trends in health and nursing practice.
10. Advocate for responsible citizenship and pride as a Filipino nurse.
11. Apply techno-intelligent care systems and processes in health care delivery.
12. Adopt the nursing core values in the practice of the profession.
B. Concept of Nursing
1. Evolution of Nursing
1. Nursing as a Profession, Science, and Art
2. Different fields of nursing
Apply appropriate nursing Roles Basic to Nursing Care
concepts and actions
holistically and
- Justify nursing as a
profession, science
and art.
Provide safe, appropriate, Utilize the nursing process Assess with the client Nursing as a Profession
and holistic care to in developing plans of care (individual, family, A. Criteria
individuals, families, for an individual with population group, and/or B. Personal and Professional Qualities of A Nurse
population group, and simple health community), one’s health C. Fields of Nursing
community utilizing problems. status/competence. D. History of Nursing
nursing process. - Identify an
appropriate nursing Nursing As An Art
diagnosis. A. Caring
1. Caring Practice Models
2. 6 C’s of Caring
Formulate with the client a 3. Caring for Self and others
plan of care to address the B. Communicating
health conditions, needs, 1. Process and Modes
problems and issues based 2. Therapeutic Communication
on priorities. 3. Helping Relationship
- Explain the rationale 4. Communication and the Nursing Process
of specific nursing C. Teaching
procedures. 1. Health Promotion
2. Disease Prevention
3. Health Restoration and Maintenance
4. Rehabilitation
1. Hygiene
2. Skin Integrity
3. Mobility/Activity
4. Rest and Sleep
5. Comfort and Pain management
6. Nutrition
7. Urinary Elimination
8. Bowel Elimination
9. Oxygenation and Perfusion
10. Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance
1. Self-concept
2. Stress and adaptation
3. Loss, Grief, and Dying- Concept of death &
Dying/Post-Mortem Care
4. Sensory Functioning
5. Sexuality
6. Spirituality
Apply guidelines and Apply guidelines and Provide appropriate Evidence-Based Practice on in Basic Nursing
principles of evidence- principles of evidence- evidence-based Interventions
based practice in the based practice in the interventions in the A. Research-Related Roles and Responsibilities
delivery of care. delivery of nursing care. provision of nursing care.
Work effectively in Collaborate effectively with Maintain a harmonious and Concepts and Principles of Partnership,
collaboration with inter-, a group/team. effective / efficient working Collaboration, and Teamwork
intra- and multi- relationship among A. Development of Teamwork and Collaboration
disciplinary and multi- members of the group or 1. Self-awareness
cultural teams. team. 2. Dyad
3. Group
Establish collaborative 4. Team
relationship with colleagues - Health care team
and other members of the - Multi-Disciplinary team
group or team. B. Tools for Facilitating Teamwork
C. Roles of the Nurse
Practice beginning Apply beginning Perform the beginning role Concept of Leadership and Management
management and management and of the nurse in managing A. Role of the Nurse as Leader/ Manager
leadership skills in the leadership skills in the resources efficiently and B. Positive Practice Environment
delivery of client care delivery of client care. effectively. 1. Elements
using a systems 2. Characteristics
approach. Apply a positive practice
Engage in lifelong learning Engage in lifelong learning Assume personal Concept of Continuing Professional Development
with a passion to keep to keep current with commitment to lifelong
current with national and national and global trends learning for own personal A. Life-long Learning
global development in in health and nursing and future professional
general, and nursing and practice. development. . 1. Concepts
health developments in 2. Matrix of Activities
B. Career Path/ Development Map
Demonstrate responsible Advocate for responsible Exemplify love for country in Filipino Culture, Values, and Practices in Relation
citizenship and pride of citizenship and pride as a service of the Filipinos. to Health Care
being a Filipino. Filipino nurse.
Customize nursing
interventions based on
Philippine culture and
Practice nursing in Practice nursing in Consider ethico-legal and Ethico-Moral and Legal Considerations in the
accordance with existing accordance with existing moral principles when Practice of Nursing
laws, legal, ethical, and laws, legal, ethical, and providing safe and quality
moral principles. moral principles. nursing care. A. The Philippine Nursing Law of 2012: RA 9173 Art.
VI, Sec 28: Scope of Nursing Practice
Adopt the nursing core Adopt the nursing core Demonstrate caring as the
values in the practice of values in the practice of core of nursing, love of God, E. Data Privacy Law
the profession. the profession. love of country and love of
Manifest professionalism,
integrity and excellence. F. Code of Ethics for Nurses
D. Nursing Interventions to
Practice beginning Promote Healthy Lecture Paper and
nursing skills in Physiologic Responses -Discussion Skills Demonstration, 36 Pencil Test
promoting healthy Guided Supervision hrs
physiologic 1. Hygiene and Graded
responses to 2. Skin Integrity Demonstration Quiz
health /illness. 3. Mobility/Activity
4. Rest and Sleep
5. Comfort and Pain Demonstration and Skills
management Return Performance
6. Nutrition Demonstration Checklist
7. Urinary Elimination
8. Bowel Elimination
9. Oxygenation and
10. Fluid, Electrolyte, and
Acid-Base Balance
E. Nursing Interventions to
Practice beginning Promote Healthy Lecture- 24 Paper and Pencil
nursing skills in Psychosocial Responses Discussion hrs Test
promoting healthy Quiz
psychosocial 1. Self-concept
responses to 2. Stress and Adaptation Case Scenarios Case Rubrics:
health /illness. 3. Loss, Grief, and Dying- Case Scenario
Concept of Death &
Dying/ Post-mortem Role Play Group Feedback
Care Instant
4. Sensory Functioning Journal Sharing Rubrics: Reflective
5. Sexuality Structured Journal
6. Spirituality Learning Journal rubric
Experience/ Demonstration - Skills Performance
Exercises Return Checklist
Learning Environment:
Related Learning Experience
Skills Laboratory
Independent Study: Use of learner’s time spent outside of the laboratory for self-directed learning using
available resources (actual and online ), equivalent to 20-30% of the total RLE hours.
Print, Non-Print materials, and Electronic Materials, Training models and Mannequins, Equipment and supplies
Course Requirements:
These are major student outputs (whether individual or group outputs) reflective of the integrated attainment of
course outcomes.
Grading System:
1. Includes combined grades of both Theory and RLE ( Skills Lab) with corresponding unit weights
2. Assessment tools measure the learning outcomes taking into consideration the Table of Specifications
3. Follows the institutional grading system
Bibliography and Webliography (Include several appropriate and relevant references)