Chapter 2 - Footways and Walkways
Chapter 2 - Footways and Walkways
Chapter 2 - Footways and Walkways
2.1 Introduction
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Deterioration and Maintenance of Pavements Footways and Walkways
2.1 A typical user
2.2 Informal shared surface
2.3 Typical footwear early 1900's
2.4 Nice design, but how many people can get this view
2.5 Pedestrian precinct – Heavy loading
2.6 Pedestrian precinct – Heavy point loading
2.7 Urban footway formation – the reality
2.8 Some functional features can be a hazard
2.9 Natural stone cobbles
2.10 Natural stone flags
2.11 Typical footway – Copenhagen, Denmark
2.12 Typical footway – Tallinn, Estonia
2.13 Good example of small element paving
2.14 Small element paving mixed with block paving and cobbles
2.15 Brick paving – Wakefield Cathedral precinct
2.16 Laying small element paving Stureplan precinct, Stockholm, Sweden
2.17 Design layout for Stureplan precinct, Stockholm, Sweden
2.18 Natural stone setts – Blackpool, England, 2009
2.19 Natural stone paving – Leeds, England, 2010
2.20 Patterns in Asphalt surfacing – Tenerife
2.1 Gait analysis after Whittle (2002)
2.2 Walking surface - Surface regularity, legal benchmarks
2.3 Recommended design thickness – Pedestrian only footway
2.4 Recommended design thickness – Light vehicle overrun footway
2.5 Recommended design thickness – Occasional HGV's
2.6 Recommended design thickness - Subject to regular HGV overrun
2.7 Cross section – Footway with Asphalt Surface
2.8 Cross section – Footway with Modular Surface
2.1 Survey finding – Leake et al (1991)
2.2 Formation CBR basic guidance (AG 26 2003)
2.3 CBR – Subbase thickness relationship
2.4 Slip Resistance vrs potential to slip
2.5 Footway Surfacing Materials
2.6 Footways – Personal Injury Accident Data
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Deterioration and Maintenance of Pavements Footways and Walkways
2.1 Introduction
At this stage there is merit in clarifying the terms Footways and Walkways as they are
used in this section. In the UK the generic term Pavement is usually applied to the
footway, whereas in this text a footway is but a sub-category of the overall family of
Pavements used exclusively by pedestrians. The term Walkway is employed where
there is shared use with motor vehicles and in town centres feature Walkways are
referred to as Pedestrian Precincts.
Footways and Walkways are a more interesting, complex and challenging entity to
design and maintain than carriageways for a number of reasons, which will be explored
in detail later in this section.
The group of mobility impaired is considerably larger than might be imagined and
includes not just those with some ambulatory disability, but also those who push
prams, and those who carry shopping. It is this group who provide the greatest
challenge both for the provision and the maintenance of the walking surface.
Conceptually, the lady in the following photograph may realistically be considered to
represent a typical user in the UK.
Two things are of specific note, firstly in Plate 1 the footwear has a small heel, which
does not assist stability, nor does the potential impairment to stability of shopping.
Secondly in Plate 2, however, the users do not have any formal footwear.
With the walking surface the user is intolerant of trips and short undulations, loose
surfaces, and standing water. It should also be remembered that the walking surface
must, in most cases, be capable of sustaining the high stresses resulting from vehicle
overrun – both on an isolated and regular basis.
The design of the highway infrastructure has progressed from the original position of a
single joint surface, which accommodated animals and their accompanying pedestrian
minders along subsequently with wheeled vehicles of increasing diversity such as may
be seen in Plate 2.2.
From the mid 1700's separate footways became the norm with the vehicles being
segregated to the carriageways and pedestrians to the footway. From the early 1950's
there has been progressive encroachment of vehicles onto the footway, which in
addition to being dangerous has resulted in many structural problems and a
progressive acceptance of the need to provide a greater structural capability in the
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Chapter 2 - 4 of 35
Deterioration and Maintenance of Pavements Footways and Walkways
The range of footwear, particularly that worn by women has changed - from the
almost universal clog shown in the following photograph to the fashion heel, in some
cases capable of applying point loads to a surface approaching and in some cases
actually exceeding its compressive strength of the materials of construction.
Accidents occur on the walking surface for a number of reasons, the main ones being:
Random occurrences'
Ambulatory capabilities
Surface type
Pedestrian flow
Surface condition
The following figure shows that during the walking phase the foot is lifted then swings
through, making an arc centred about the knee. In the swing phase the toe is
generally the lowest part of the foot, and hence it is most often the toe that makes
contact with any trip hazard. One of the most important aspects of gait in relation to
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tripping is the height of the toe above the ground during the swing phase. This is
known as toe clearance. A number of studies have investigated minimum toe
clearance during both normal walking conditions and when negotiating obstacles. All
of these studies differentiated between minimum toe clearance of young adults and
the elderly, with the former exhibiting minimum toe clearances of between 10mm and
20mm, while the toe clearances of the latter were generally 10mm or less.
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Provides a safe route for pedestrians, cyclists and motor vehicles where
Free from:
o Obstructions
o Trips
o Standing water
o Loose surfaces
o Litter
o Weeds
Have gradients as gentle as practicable
Be well lit where necessary
Have clear markings
Have non-slip surfaces in wet and dry conditions
Have a maximum desirable level of slip resistance
Without gaps to trap:
o Wheels
o Walking canes
o Shoe heels
Compatible with the immediate surroundings
Permit easy and unhindered usage by all pedestrians and cyclists including those
with mobility difficulties
Designed to minimise the possibility of vehicle overrun
Capable of supporting overrun where it regularly occurs
Have minimal maintenance needs consistent with the lowest whole life costs
Easily reinstated
There is very little detailed guidance in the literature, which will facilitate the
quantification of pedestrian's capability or preferences, such that maintenance
standards can be developed for the walking surface Leake (1991), however presents a
useful starting point,
This reported on a survey conducted in Sheffield, which had three main objectives:
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The following table set out a summary of the findings, which were reported for a
variety of surface types.
This can be seen to provide the basis for the development of maintenance objectives.
Trip hazard – the foregoing suggests that a trip hazard of 25mm would provide a
significant obstacle to most pedestrians, particularly the elderly. Leake et al (1991)
established that users found difficulties when up-stands exceeded 10mm. This
consistent with Whittle (2002)
Rocking flags – Leake et al (1991) found that all rocking flags are categorised as
dangerous by the user.
Cracks and gaps – Leake et al (1991) found users had difficulties when gaps exceeded
10mm wide.
Depressions and bumps – Leake et al (1991) found that transverse depressions were
more difficult for the user and this was subsequently confirmed by Spong et al.(1995)
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The present legal position for all users of an adopted highway (one maintained at
public expense) is that if they have an accident they may be able to make a successful
claim against the Highway Authority for compensation. This is not dealt with in any
detail here and the reader is referred to. Roads Board (2005) (2009)
It will be seen that the above diagram, which relates to footways and walkways leads
to an unacceptable standard of maintenance when compared with the table 2.1.
The interesting dilemma here is that the general standards of surface compliance seen
by users as desirable are considerably more challenging than the legal interpretation of
what is reasonable.
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The design of footways and walkways follows highway practices, which are dealt with
in detail elsewhere, and can be traced back to TRL Road 29. first published in 1960.
Whilst this document related to asphalt pavement construction increasingly many areas
are constructed in elemental or modular materials. In this text the term elemental
construction relates to a range of materials from concrete to natural stone in many
sizes from large flagstones to small cobbles.
The greatest challenge for the designer is the urban pedestrian precinct where there is
the opportunity for architectural flair to enhance adjacent buildings and follow
European practices in the mid-late 1940's with major pedestrian schemes which
emerged in the post world war 2 rebuilding era. Almost without exception these were
of elemental construction.
The synthesis of ideas and requirements of the architect and the engineer has not
always been happy due to the naturally extrovert nature of the former and introvert
conservative nature of the latter. Nevertheless, there is a fundamental issue here,
which is where the result is viewed from and this is not well understood. The architect
is used to drafting elevations to buildings, which can easily be seen by the observer
looking with eyes set, typically at 1.5m above ground level. On many occasions
photographs of walkways have been taken from adjacent building not accessible to the
normal user and the layout and juxtaposition of different material of cannot be fully
appreciated from the usual viewing height of 1.5m above ground level, an example is
shown below.
Plate 2.4 - Nice design but how many people can get this view?
Whilst there are separate published standards for elemental construction, especially
where wheeled traffic may be expected to use the area the general rational for the
determination of overall pavement thickness is based on the proposition that the
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The major problem is to consider the usage. Originally footway design was fairly
straightforward but since the 1950's, in the UK, there has been an increasing degree of
vehicular encroachment, which must be allowed for and in the case of a pedestrian
precinct full heavy vehicular loading must be considered a shown in the previous
picture. At the other extreme the surface must be capable of dealing with
concentrated point loads from high-heeled shoes, typically 6mm x 6mm, and illustrates
some of the problems if gaps between adjacent elements are greater than 6mm.
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A 6mm x 6mm high heel can impose point loads in excess of the compressive strength
of some footway surfacing materils.
Harsh climatic conditions can result in specific design issues. For example; in central
Stockholm where 600mm of snow can fall overnight the layout of the precincts is such
that snow blowers and 3 axle lorries must be able to manoeuvre to pick up the snow
prior to business' and shops opening in the morning and in some areas "underfloor"
heating from district heating circulating pipes.
There are many situations where light vehicle overrun is common but overrun by
heavy vehicles would not be expected to occur more than occasionally. Heavy vehicle
overrun is likely where footways are adjacent to roads in areas where deliveries are
made to local shops. Where a footway is subjected to regular vehicle overrun from
parking the existing structure may require thicker layers, higher quality materials or
other strengthening measures.
In many residential areas the most severe loading is from the weekly waste (dustbin)
Shared pedestrian and cyclist facilities should be considered as light vehicle category to
allow for cleaning and maintenance vehicles.
When constructing a new footway a CBR assessment can be made. If the bearing
capacity of the soil is known, this can be related to CBR by simply dividing the bearing
capacity in kPa, by 140 (AG26_2003). Assessment of bearing capacity is more
important if the footway is required to withstand heavy vehicle overrun as this will
determine the thickness of construction.
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Chapter 2 - 13 of 35
Deterioration and Maintenance of Pavements Footways and Walkways Drainage
Since there should be no standing water on a footway it must be positively drained,
consequently adequate falls are necessary and it is suggested that 2.5% is the
absolute minimum with a preferred 3.5%. If a consistent cross fall of 2.5% is not
possible consideration must be given to some form of longitudinal slot or channel
drain. Great care should be exercised in deciding which because if incorrectly installed
they can present a hazard to users.
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Most pedestrian only footways are surfaced with asphalt. Typically, this takes the form
of a separate 40mm binder course and a 20mm surface course on a 100mm granular
sub-base. Some organizations prefer to use a single layer to avoid the problems of
compacting thin layers, which cool very quickly. It is more difficult, however, to
achieve a good quality surface finish when a separate regulating course is omitted.
Typical construction sections are shown below:
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Deterioration and Maintenance of Pavements Footways and Walkways
CBR % Type 1
sub-base (mm)
2 365
3 270
4 210
5 165
>5 150
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2.7.1 Introduction
Once the structural design has been completed it is necessary to consider overall
aesthetic design, the range of materials to be used and how that will affect the
construction process – for example, are all the surfacing elements to be laid in/on sand
or have some to have a stabilized bed? If clay pavers are included as features have
they to be laid on a wet bed. The following examines some of the issues and
considerations, which must be made.
Granular sub-base
Concrete bed and
2-3mm upstand
Small element, concrete or brick paver
The typical width of 2m is to ensure that two prams can safely pass. It is important to
ensure there is a positive drainage provision and that there is robust edge support at
the front and back of the footway. The construction of all walking surfaces is similar to
the above diagrams.
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Secondly, the needed functional requirements of the surface layer must be considered.
There has been previous discussion regarding user preferences but at this stage it is
appropriate to consider the required slip resistance. This is examined in greater detail
in the Chapter 9.
Unlike those Pavements designed for wheeled traffic, the greater the skid resistance
the safer the surface. In the case of the walking surface despite the measurement
procedure is similar in that the TRL Pendulum is used the term slip is used. With the
walking surface, however, there is a maximum slip resistance value (SRV) which if
exceeded makes the process of walking progressively more difficult for the user.
There has been considerable debate about how the slip resistance of the walking
surface should be measured. This is principally related to the exact material
specification of the slider, which is that part of the TRL Pendulum arm, which comes
into contact with the floor when the test is carried out.
The Health and Safety Laboratory (HSL) uses the Pendulum skid resistance tester to
determine the dynamic coefficient of friction (CoF) of a floor surface. This test
correctly models the interaction between the pedestrian heel and the floor during
normal pedestrian gait. HSE (2004)
The footway surface must not become slippery and difficult to walk on when wet. It is
unlikely that this will be a problem with asphalt or concrete materials, but care should
be taken when specifying clay pavers or natural stone. The slip resistance of clay
pavers is expressed as a polished paver value (PPV). A PPV of 45 is adequate for
general use AG26_2003 para 4.7
The recommended slip resistance value within BS6717 for pre-cast pavers is a
minimum of 35 for pedestrian only areas and 45 for use within trafficked area. These
values may also be applied to pavers in natural stone
Where the slope is >5% the above values should be increased by 10.
Locations near fast food outlets where grease / cooking oil may be dropped may
require additional cleaning to maintain an acceptable slip resistance.
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There is a broad range of surfacing materials which can be used on Footways and
Walkways and consideration of which is most suitable is related, initially, to the extent
to which there will be vehicle overrun. In central urban locations it is usual for there to
be a mix of materials and colours as part of the overall scheme aesthetic design.
Type and use: traffic (volume and mix) pedestrians, movement patterns.
Initial and on-going maintenance cost.
Strength and durability, for anticipated loading.
Construction: whether rigid or flexible and ease of construction.
Pre-formed or in-situ.
Maintenance, including ease of cleaning and repair.
Visual appearance: colour, widths, joints and bonds.
Protection of tree roots.
Appropriateness: vernacular/regional style, style of adjacent buildings, availability.
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Deterioration and Maintenance of Pavements Footways and Walkways Cobbles
Natural stone cobbles, typically large river gravel of about 75mm – 100mm diameter,
are generally laid in a local sourced soil or sand-lime mortar. They tend to present an
aesthetic impression rather than a functional walking surface and experience indicates
that this form of construction is confined to local areas and may be used as a deterrent
surface. One recurring problem is that of being disfigured by weeds
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The previous photograph shows the use of large elements during a recent
refurbishment of Trafalgar Square, London the flags (slabs) were up to 100mm thick
and 3m x 3m in size, which clearly needs specialist skills and laying equipment.
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The concept of small element paving, typically 450mm x 450mm x 50/65mm thick was
first used in Germany and introduced into the UK in the early 1980’s in Birmingham
proving to be progressively more popular as a properly constructed bed has the
capability to resist traffic.
Plate 2.14 - Small element paving mixed with concrete block paving and cobbles
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From the mid 1950’s, in the UK, there has been progressive encroachment onto the
footway by vehicular traffic. In the urban centre streets with terraced housing and
roads serving the major estates of social housing, which begun to emerge from about
that time, there was generally no provision for parking of private motor vehicles,
consequently encroachment onto the footways increased and a lot of damage was
fairly normal. Where vehicles were allowed to cross the footway it was normal for a
sand/cement bed to be used along with a thicker 65mm flag.
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The availability of the small element flag from the mid 1970’s followed European
practice and the use of sand bedding continued. Later, in a misguided attempt to
strengthen the pavement the sand was stabilized with cement.
The problem with a cement stabilized bed is that a stiff surface element is laid on a
stiff base and for the pavement to function properly there needs to be a bond develop
between them. The likelihood of any bond developing in these circumstances is
extremely low, consequently any movement of the element will destroy any tenuous
bond which may have developed.
It is argued that for any elemental surface to be successful it must be placed on a sand
or fine granular bed with some degree of resilience. In the UK the preference is to use
sand, whereas in some parts of Europe and the Scandinavian countries a 3mm – 5mm
crushed granite is preferred. This has been examined in detail by Dowson (2001)
Plate 2.16 - Laying small element paving for Stureplan precinct Stockholm
In many cases in Europe small element paving is laid in conjunction with small natural
stone cubes to break up the overall surface into irregular shaped areas.
The Stureplan precinct in Stockholm is a good example of this and a copy of the
designer's layout is shown in the following figure, which because of the extremely high
quality of work has delivered exceptional results.
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Experience with Fargate, one of the major pedestrian precincts in Sheffield, which was
constructed in 1972 and was one of the early UK pedestrianisation projects is relevant.
A sand/cement bed was used and the surface comprised 500mm x 500mm x 100mm
thick reinforced concrete flags. By the mid 1980’s an increasing number of flags were
cracking and progressively became hazardous to pedestrians. Replacement of the flag
with like for like proved unsuccessful consequently the damaged slabs were removed
and the resulting cavity was filled with asphalt. As the number of black infills grew
(think tooth fillings!); the areas became progressively larger and more noticeable
consequently generating increasingly vocal complaints from both the public and the
local press. As a short term palliative, concrete blocks of a matching colour were
placed in the cavities, which proved more acceptable than asphalt, nevertheless the
problem was how to refurbish a major precinct with an attractive long lasting solution.
It this point it is relevant to briefly consider the "design" or service life of the paving in
a precinct. From a highway perspective this would typically be 20+ years. The
interesting dilemma here is that the precinct is an integral part of the fabric of the
commercial area, facilitating ideally unimpeded access by goods and purchasers to the
"sales" areas. As part of the continuing striving for trade and turnover it is not unusual
for commercial premises to be refurbished on a 10-year cycle. This leads to the
question "Is the use of a 20 years+ design life for the walking surface appropriate"?
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accommodate thermal movement – both positive and negative. Most of the grouting
mortar used is of proprietary brands where the exact ingredients are not declared and
it is argued by the manufacturers that “their” product contains a degree of elasticity
not normally associated with a cement mortar.
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Plate 2.18 shows the construction of a new pedestrianised area in Blackpool, adjacent
to the Winter Gardens, which appears to be, designed to cope with a considerable
traffic load. There is an asphalt layer under the sett layer, which appears to be
shaping over the original pavement construction. The setts are a fairly constant
125mm deep and of varying size, they are laid on/in a semi-dry cement stabilized
bedding in a typical fan pattern. There is no evidence of any expansion joints nor
formal edge restrains.
Plate 2.19 shows the construction of a new pedestrianised street within the bounds of
the University of Leeds. The existing road has been removed and a concrete slab
placed along with robust edge restraints. The paving elements are all machine cut
prior to delivery and are laid on a thin bed of cement bound sharp 6-10mm crushed
stone, prior to the joints being filled with a flowable grout. No evidence of any
expansion joints were noted.
In this situation either lean mix concrete or ideally asphalt should be used to
harmonise levels. The problem with lean mix concrete is that shrinkage is inevitable
leading to cracking, which can result is the loss of fine bedding sand into the crack
leading to localized surface settlement. Asphalt is preferred as a base, since it does
not require a curing period and can be used as a temporary walking surface prior to
placing the sand bedding and CBP surface layer.
The appropriateness and specification of bedding sand is a function of both its grading
and petrological background as was demonstrated by Dowson (2001). This is less of a
problem for lightly loaded surfaces but can be critical where there is continuous
channelised traffic.
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When using the rigid paving method movement joint should be incorporated around
the edges of the bed and 4.5m – 6m centres.
2.7.5 Asphalt
Asphalt can be available in a limited number of colours, which can be used to delineate
a particular usage – for example a cycleway from the footway.
In Europe there are many examples where the quality of work is much higher than we
see in the UK and if done properly there is no reason for the surface to be a boring
expanse of featureless asphalt, an example of this was recorded in Tenerife and is
shown in the following picture, where the indentations were obviously made whilst the
asphalt was still hot. Whilst the initial indication was that of local damage closer
examination revealed this was in a large area covering many streets. The patterns did
not present any difficulties to users and resulted in an attractive addition to an
otherwise normally featureless asphalt surface.
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Twin drum vibrating rollers are preferred for compaction; special care should be taken
to ensure good compaction around street furniture and adjacent to walls and buildings.
There are a number of asphalt mixes, which may be used.
For the surface course a 6mm aggregate size to BS 594987 is usual and a dense
grading is to be preferred. The use of a limestone aggregate is to be preferred as in
addition to being a hard stone with good weathering capabilities it is less aggressive on
broken skin in the event of a fall. This is particularly relevant for use in school
playgrounds as limestone has antiseptic properties compared with some other
For specialist applications where a high degree of impermeability is required the use of
mastic asphalt can be considered. This may be found useful where there are cellars,
which project under the footway in urban areas. It is usual for mastic asphalt to be
laid hot, by hand as a skilled operation. Compaction is usually by a relatively light
hand roller, which typically leaves a dimpled surface.
2.7.6 Concrete
The use of poured concrete is not widespread in the UK as there is a need for it to
achieve a reasonable degree of set before it can be used or there is the likelihood that
third parties will damage the surface. Surface finish is typically tamped, which is not
the most helpful of walking surface. By comparison in the USA, many footways are
formed from concrete where the surface finish is lightly brushed and the standard of
finish and regularity of colour is considerably better than is usually achieved in the UK.
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A major factor in WLC is the user cost, which in the case of footways and walkways the
proxy accident costs can be used.
At the time the above was first proposed (1990) there was very little factual
information relating to the cost of pedestrian accidents. The development of a culture
of claiming damages for injury resulting from trips etc, within the highway has drawn
attention to the very considerable cost involved. At the present time (2010) there is
still little hard information available in the public domain.
To illustrate the scale of costs involved the following information was taken from an
article in the Sheffield Star dated 26 August 2009 the base information having been
gained under a Freedom of Information request made to Highway Authorities by the
Liberal Democrat Party.
It can be seen from the above table, which contains only a small number of large
urban authorities, that the average cost of claim per km of footway is £229 /km/yr.
It should be noted that the above figures only relate to the cost of claims paid, they do
not include the cost the National Health Service, legal costs and cost to society.
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Another TRL publication "The cost of walking accidents" estimated the economic
evaluation of the cost of measures for preventing footway falls to be £5000 per
Based on the above table together with Cooper and Spong (1996) and making the
following assumptions:
The overall annual cost of footway personal injury accident claims in the UK is
estimated to be £115 x 10^6
Chapter 2 - 33 of 35
Deterioration and Maintenance of Pavements Footways and Walkways
Dowson A.J. (2001) - Investigation into the performance and suitability of sand laying
course and jointing materials in modular pavements, Ph.D. thesis, University of
Newcastle, 2001.
Hammett M. (1995), R.A. Smith, - Rigid paving with clay pavers – Design Note 8, Brick
Development Association, Windsor, England.
HSE (2004) – The assessment of pedestrian slip resistance; the HSE approach, 2004
HSE (2006) – Evaluation of Kirchberg rolling slider and slip alert slip resistance meters
– report HSL/2006/65 (
Leake G.R., (1991) A.D. May, D.I.Pearson – Pedestrian’s preferences for footway
maintenance and design - Highways & Transportation, Institution of Highways and
Transportation, London, July 1991.
Lilley A.A. (1991) – A Handbook Segmental Paving, E. & FN. Spon, London, 1991
Pearson D.I. (1990) – Elemental Renaissance – Concrete Quarterly Winter 1990 British
Cement Association
Pearson D.I. (1991) (1) – Footways Inspection, Maintenance and the development of a
Whole Life Cost Framework – Seminar, Towards Better Footways – British Cement
Association, TRL Crowthorne.
Chapter 2 - 34 of 35
Deterioration and Maintenance of Pavements Footways and Walkways
Pearson D.I. (1991) (2) – History and Development of the Physical Requirements of
Footways – Seminar, Towards Better Footways – British Cement Association, TRL
Pratt C.J. (1991) (Ed.) – Proceedings of Conference – Developments in Town and City
Centres towards the 21st Century, - Coventry Polytechnic, Coventry, 1991
Smith R.A. (1988), - Flexible paving with clay pavers – Design Note 9, Brick
Development Association, Windsor, England.
Spong C.C., (1994) D.R.C. Cooper, Footway Maintenance: Footway Profilometer End
Product / Performance Specification, Project Report PR/H/85/94, Transport Research
Laboratory, Crowthorne, UK.
Spong C.C., (1995) D.R. Cooper, G.R. Leake, D.I. Pearson – The measurement of
footway profiles - Highways & Transportation, Institution of Highways and
Transportation, London, October 1995.
UK Roads Board (2005) - Well Maintained Highways, Code of Practice for Highway
Maintenance Management - UK Roads Board - The Stationary Office, London, 2005
UK Roads Board (2009) - Highway Risk and Liability Claims, A Practical guide to
Appendix C of the UK Roads Board Report, Well Maintained Highways: Code of Practice
for Highway Maintenance Management - UK Roads Board - The Stationary Office,
London, 2009.
Chapter 2 - 35 of 35