Ch3 - Project Manager

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C h3- The Role O f The

Project M anager
Projects Management
A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge

Eng. Nasser Alkinani Ch3. The Role Of The Project Manager

In th is c h a p te r w e w ill • What are the characteristics of
c a v e r th e s e Projects Management?
p r in c ip le s : • The skills of Project Management.
• Manager vs Leader
• Leadership styles
• The ways of communication.

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• The project manager plays a critical role in the leadership of a project
team in order to achieve the project’s objectives. This role is clearly visible
throughout the project. Many project managers become involved in a
project from its initiation through closing. However, in some
organizations, a project manager may be involved in evaluation and
analysis activities prior to project initiation. These activities may include
consulting with executive and business unit leaders on ideas for
advancing strategic objectives, improving organizational performance, or
meeting customer needs.

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The project manager is not expected to perform every role on the
project, but should possess project management knowledge, technical
knowledge, understanding, and experience. The project manager
provides the project team with leadership, planning, and coordination
through communications. The project manager provides written
communications (e.g., documented plans and schedules) and
communicates in real time with the team using meetings and
verbal or nonverbal cues.

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project m anager
• Definition: The project manager is the person assigned by
the performing organization to lead the team that is
responsible for achieving the project objectives.

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The w ays to com m unicate w ith other people
• Developing finely tuned skills using multiple methods (e.g., verbal, written, and
• Creating, maintaining, and adhering to communications plans and schedules;
• Communicating predictably and consistently;
• Seeking to understand the project stakeholders’ communication needs
(communication may be the only deliverable that some stakeholders received
until the project’s end product or service is completed);
• Making communications concise, clear, complete, simple, relevant, and tailored;
• Incorporating feedback channels; and
• Relationship skills involving the development of extensive networks of people
throughout the project manager’s spheres of influence.

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The com m unication w ith the organization

• The project manager proactively interacts with other project managers.

Other independent projects or projects that are part of the same program
may impact a project due to but not limited to the following:
1. Demands on the same resources,
2. Priorities of funding,
3. Receipt or distribution of deliverables, and
4. Alignment of project goals and objectives with those of the organization.
• Interacting with other project managers helps to create a positive influence
for fulfilling the various needs of the project. These needs may be in the
form of human, technical, or financial resources and deliverables required
by the team for project completion.

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1.Technical project management.
The knowledge, skills, and behaviors related to specific domains of
project, program, and portfolio management. The technical aspects of
performing one’s role.

2. Leadership.
The knowledge, skills, and behaviors needed to guide, motivate, and
direct a team, to help an organization achieve its business goals.

3. Strategic and business management.

The knowledge of and expertise in the industry and organization that
enhanced performance and better delivers business outcomes. This
ability may include a working knowledge of other functions such as
finance, marketing, and operations

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Leadership skills
• Leadership skills involve the ability to guide, motivate, and direct a
team. These skills may include demonstrating essential capabilities
such as negotiation, resilience, communication, problem solving,
critical thinking, and interpersonal skills.

Dealing with people

• A project manager applies leadership skills and qualities when

working with all project stakeholders, including the project team, the
steering team, and project sponsors.

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Spending sufficient time communicating (research shows that top
project managers spend about 90% of their time on a project in
Managing expectations;
Accepting feedback graciously;
Giving feedback constructively; and
Asking and listening.

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Qualities and skills of a leader
Focusing on the important things, including:

I. Continuously prioritizing work by reviewing and adjusting as necessary;

II. Finding and using a prioritization method that works for them and the project;
III. Differentiating high-level strategic priorities, especially those related to critical success
factors for the project;
IV. Maintaining vigilance on primary project constraints;
V. Remaining flexible on tactical priorities; and
VI. Being able to sift through massive amounts of information to obtain the most
important information.
VII. Having a holistic and systemic view of the project, taking into account internal and
external factors equally;
VIII. Being able to apply critical thinking (e.g., application of analytical methods to reach
decisions) and identify him
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M anager vs L eader
Management Leadership
1.Direct using positional power 1.Guide, influence, and collaborate using
2.Maintain relational power
3.Administrate 2.Develop
4.Focus on systems and structure 3.Innovate
5.Rely on control 4.Focus on relationships with people
6.Focus on near-term goals 5.Inspire trust
7.Ask how and when 6.Focus on long-range vision
8.Focus on bottom line 7.Ask what and why
9.Accept status quo 8.Focus on the horizon
10.Do things right 9.Challenge status quo
11.Focus on operational issues and problem 10.Do the right things
solving 11.Focus on vision, alignment, motivation, and

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Leadership styles
• Laissez-faire (e.g., allowing the team to make their own decisions and
establish their own goals, also referred to as taking a hands-off style);

• Transactional (e.g., focus on goals, feedback, and accomplishment to

determine rewards; management by exception);

• Servant leader (e.g., demonstrates commitment to serve and put other

people first; focuses on other people’s growth, learning, development,
autonomy, and well-being; concentrates on relationships, community and
collaboration; leadership is secondary and emerges after service);

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Leadership styles

• Transformational (e.g., empowering followers through idealized

attributes and behaviors, inspirational motivation, encouragement for
innovation and creativity, and individual consideration);

• Charismatic (e.g., able to inspire; is high-energy, enthusiastic, self-

confident; holds strong convictions); and

• Interactional (e.g., a combination of transactional, transformational,

and charismatic).

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Integration and com plexity
• Complexity within projects is a result of the organization’s system behavior,
human behavior, and the uncertainty at work in the organization or its
environment. In Navigating Complexity: A Practice Guide [13], these three
dimensions of complexity are defined as:

• 1. System behavior. The interdependencies of components and systems.

• 2. Human behavior. The interplay between diverse individuals and groups.
• 3. Ambiguity. Uncertainty of emerging issues and lack of understanding or

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What we will see in the next chapter?

I. What dose means by Integration?

II. The 7 processes of the integration
III. How we are doing the Integration?
IV. Inputs – Tools & Techniques –Outputs

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