Quarter 1
Self-Learning Module 7
Subtraction of Integers
Mathematics Grade 7
Quarter 1 – Self-Learning Module 7: Subtraction of Integers
First Edition, 2020
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In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the
body of the self-learning module:
As a facilitator you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this self-
learning module. You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing
them to manage their own learning. Moreover, you are expected to encourage and
assist the learners as they do the tasks included in the self-learning module.
For the Learner:
This self-learning module was designed to provide you with fun and
meaningful opportunities for guided and independent learning at your own pace and
time. You will be enabled to process the contents of the learning material while being
an active learner.
This self-learning module has the following parts and corresponding icons:
Posttest - This measures how much you have learned from the
entire module.
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer in your
1. What is the inverse of the subtrahend in 17 – (-13) = 30?
A. -30 B. 0 C. 13 D. 17
2. What is 20 decreased by -20?
A. -40 B. 0 C. 20 D. 40
3. What should be subtracted from 75 to get -10?
A. 0 B. 10 C. 75 D. 85
4. Simplify: -75 – (-125)
A. -200 B. -50 C. 50 D. 200
5. Simplify: (60 + 40) – (-21)
A. 121 B. 79 C. -79 D. -121
Directions: Analyze the rules then solve the unknown values to fill in the spaces in
the circle. The outermost circle is the sum.
-35 30 115
-50 b=?
e=? c=?
-60 -100 -2
The question, How many floors far away Angelo’s car to Jazmine’s car?, in the
given problem can be written as;
A. 5 – 3 = ______
While the question, How many floors far away Angelo’s car to Ryinna’s car?,
in the given problem can be written as;
B. 5 – (–3) =
Solution 1: 5 – 3 = _____
B. Solving 5 – (– 3) = _____, can also be solved using colored chips in two ways.
Solution 1: 5 – (– 3) = _____
Subtract -3 by removing 3 black chips. But since there are no 3 black chips
to remove, add 3 set of neutral chips.
+ + + + + + – + – + –
5 0 0 0
Now, we can subtract (-3) by removing the 3 black chips and what left are 8
positive chips.
+ + + + + + + +
Solution 2: 5 – (– 3) = _____, can also be expressed in addition as 5 + ( 3) = ______
Guide questions:
1. What are the minuends in the
5 and 5
subtraction statements?
2. What are the subtrahend in the 3 and –3
subtraction statements
3. What happened to the minuends in The minuends were kept.
the corresponding addition statement?
4. What happened to subtraction It changed to addition.
5. What happened to the subtrahend? The subtrahends were changed to
its opposite or its additive inverse.
B. 45 – (–12) = 45 + 12 = 57
80 – n = 120
80 – 120 = n
80 + (-120) = n
-40 = n
= -160 – (– 20)
= -160 + 20
= -140
1. -7
2. -13
3. 45
4. 20
5. -70
Remember that …
To subtract integers, keep the minuend, change the subtraction operation to
addition, and change the subtrahend to its opposite then proceed to addition
of integers. (Keep-Change-Change/ KCC)
To subtract integers, simply add its opposite. For every integer m and n:
minuend subtrahend addition operation
m - n = m + -n
Subtraction operation minuend opposite of subtrahend
The terms difference, minus, subtracted from, subtracted by, decreased by,
diminished by, and less than indicate subtraction.
Reflections: (Journal Writing)
Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. What is 75 diminished by 40?
A. 115 B. 55 C. 35 D. 25
2. What is -120 – 80?
A. -200 B. -40 C. 40 D. 200
3. If n – 63 = 37, then the value of n is
A. -100 B. 26 C. 36 D. 100
4. What should be subtracted from -50 to get 30?
A. -80 B. -20 C. 20 D. 80
5. Simplify: (54 + 46) – 78.
A. 32 B. 22 C. -22 D. -32
5. B 4. A 3. D 2. A 1. C
5. 79 4. -10 3. 15C 2. 11th floor 1. Php 2,000
Alferez, Merle, and Cecilia Duro. Elementary Algebra. Quezon: Gerpress Printing,
Monterozo, Mercilinia, and Anastacia Viduya. Learning Enhancement in Mathematics.
Quezon: Souvenir Publications, Inc., 2008.
Oronce, Orlando, and Marilyn Mendoza. E-Math 7. Manila: Rex Books Store, Inc.,
Department of Health. Updates on Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19). (Accessed July 1, 2020).
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