Brindis Speech
Brindis Speech
Brindis Speech
"GENTLEMEN: Upon taking the floor I am untroubled by the thought that you might listen to
me with indifference, because you are here to join your enthusiasm to ours, which is fired by our
youth, and you cannot help but be indulgent. The air is full of empathetic good feeling; currents
of brotherhood fly in every direction; generous souls are listening and, therefore, I do not fear for
my humble person nor doubt your benevolence. Men of heart, you only seek hearts, and from the
heights where noble emotions dwell, you single out nothing that is petty mean-spiritedness. You
see the whole, you judge the cause and hold out your hand to one such as myself, who wishes to
join you in one single thought, one sole aspiration: the glory of genius, the splendor of the
country. (Good, very good; applause.)
"In effect, I shall state the reason why we are gathered. In the history of nations there are names
that by themselves signify an achievement, that bring to mind affections and greatness. Names
which, like magic formulas, evoke pleasant and smiling ideas; names which become something
like a pact, a symbol of peace, a bond of love between nations. The names of Luna and Hidalgo
belong among them - their glories illuminate two ends of the globe: the East and the West, España
and Filipinas. Upon pronouncing them, gentlemen, I envision two brilliant arches, each rising
from the two regions, that entwine above in the heights, impelled by the sympathy of common
origin, and from that height they bind two peoples with eternal ties, two peoples separated in
vain by the seas and space, two peoples in which the seeds of disunion do not germinate,
BLINDLY SOWN BY MEN AND THEIR TYRANNY. Luna and Hidalgo are as much Spanish
glories as they are Filipino. Just as they were born in the Philippines, they could have been born
in Spain, because genius has no country, genius blossoms everywhere, genius is like the light, the
air, it is the heritage of all - cosmopolitan 2 like space, like life and like God. (Applause)
"The patriarchal era of Filipinas is passing. The illustrious achievements of her children are no
longer consummated within the home. The Oriental chrysalis is leaving the cocoon. The
tomorrow of a long day is announced for those regions in brilliant tints and rosy dawns, and that
race - lethargic during the historical night while the sun lit up other continents - awakens again,
powerfully moved by the electric shock produced in it by contact with the Western peoples, and
it clamors for light, life, the civilization that time once gave as its legacy, confirming in this way
the eternal laws of continual evolution, of transformation, of periodicity, of progress.
"This you know well and you glory in it. To you Filipinas owes the beauty of the diamonds that
stud her crown. She has given the stones, Europe has polished them. And we contemplate
proudly, you your work, ours the flame, the breath, the materials provided.(Bravos.)
"They drank there the poetry of nature, a nature great and terrible, and her cataclysms, in her
evolution, in her dynamism. Nature sweet, tranquil and melancholy in her constant, static
manifestation. Nature that leaves her imprint on everything she creates and produces. Her
children take that imprint wherever they go. If you do not believe me, examine their character,
their work, and no matter how little you may know that nation, you will see them act in
everything as forming their science, as the soul that presides over all, as the spring in the
mechanism, as the substantial form, as the raw material. It is impossible not to reflect what is felt
in oneself, it is impossible to be one thing and to do another; the contradictions are only apparent,
they are only paradoxes. In The Spoliarium, through that canvas which is not mute, one hears the
noise of the crowd, the shouts of the slaves, the metallic clanking of the dead bodies' armor, the
sobbing of orphans, the murmured prayers, with as much vigor and realism as one hears the
deafening noise of thunder amid the crashing sound of a waterfall or the awesome, terrifying
shaking of an earthquake. The same nature that births such phenomena also intervenes in those
brushstrokes. In contrast, in Hidalgo's painting beats the purest sentiment,3 the ideal expression
of mournfulness, beauty and vulnerability, the victims of brute force, and it is because Hidalgo
was born beneath the brilliant azure of that sky, the lullaby of its sea breezes, amid the serenity
of its lakes, the poetry of its valleys and the majestic harmony of its hills and mountains.
"For this reason, in Luna there are shadows, contrasts, dying light, the mystery and the horror, as
resonance of the dark tempests of the Tropics, the lightning and the roaring explosions of its
volcanoes. This is why Hidalgo is all light, color, harmony, sentiment, purity, as Filipinas is in
her moonlit nights, in her quiet days, with her horizon that invites to meditation, cradle gently
rocking the infinite. And both of them, despite being so different, at least in appearance, are the
same in their substance, just as all our hearts are the same despite our notable differences. Both,
upon reflecting with their palettes the splendor of the Tropical sunlight, transform it into rays of
eternal glory with which they wreath THEIR COUNTRY -- HUMANITY SUBJECTED TO
SEVERE TESTS; UNREDEEMED HUMANITY; reason and aspiration in open struggle against
personal troubles, FANATICISM AND INJUSTICE, because sentiment and opinion will break
open a path through even the thickest walls; because for them all bodies have pores, all are
transparent, and if they lack the pen, if the printing press does not second them, then palette and
brush not only will give pleasure to the eyes -- they will also be eloquent orators.
"If the mother teaches her child her language in order to understand his joys, his needs or pains,
Spain as a mother also teaches her language to Filipinas, despite the opposition of those short-
sighted midgets who secure their position, INCAPABLE OF LOOKING INTO THE FUTURE and
not weighing the consequences. Sickly wetnurses, corrupted and corrupting, who tend to snuff
out all legitimate feeling and pervert the hearts of nations, sowing in them the seeds of discords
such that later their fruit is harvested: wolfsbane. The death of future generations.
"But I put aside such troubles! Peace to those dead, because dead are they - they have no breath,
no soul, and the worms feed on them! Let's not evoke their dismal memory; let's not breathe in
their stench amid our joys! Fortunately the brothers exceed them in numbers; generosity and
nobility are innate beneath the Spanish skies - you are all its clear proof. You have responded in
one voice, you have assisted, and you would have done much more, had more been asked of you.
Seated and participating in our reception and honoring the illustrious sons of Filipinas, you also
honor Spain; because you know this well - the limits of Spain are neither the Atlantic, nor
Cantabria, nor the Mediterranean; what meanness it would be were the sea a dike against her
greatness, her thought. -- Spain is there, there where she makes her beneficent influence felt, and
even if her flag were to disappear, her memory would remain, eternal, imperishable. What can a
piece of red and yellow cloth do, what can guns and cannon do, there where the feeling of love,
of affection, does not spring; WHERE THERE IS NO FUSION OF IDEAS, UNITY OF
"Luna and Hidalgo belong as much to you as to us. You love them and we see in them generous
aspirations, precious examples. The Filipino youth of Europe, always enthusiastic, and some
other persons whose hearts remain youthful because of the disinterestedness and enthusiasm that
mark their actions, offer a crown to Luna, a modest gift, small, yes, compared to our fervor, but
it is the most spontaneously and freely offered gift of all the ones presented until now.
"However, the gratitude of Filipinas to her illustrious sons was not yet satisfied, and wanting to
give free rein to the ferment in our thoughts, the feelings overflowing in our hearts and the words
that escape from our lips, all of us have come here to this banquet to join our wishes, to materialize
the mutual embrace of TWO RACES who love and care for each other, UNITED morally, socially
and politically throughout the space of four centuries, SO THAT IN FUTURE THEY MAY FORM
ONE SOLE NATION IN SPIRIT,in their duties, their perspectives, their privileges. (Applause)
"Therefore I raise a toast to our artists Luna and Hidalgo, legitimate and pure glories of TWO
PEOPLES! I raise a toast to those who have given them assistance along the painful path of art! I
offer a toast that the Filipino youth, sacred hope of MY COUNTRY, may imitate such precious
models and that Mother Spain,4 solicitous and attentive to the wellbeing of her provinces, may
soon put into practice the reforms that she has long considered; for the furrow has been plowed
and the earth is not barren! And finally, I offer a toast to the happiness of parents who, deprived
of their sons' affection, from those distant regions follow them with tearful gaze and beating heart
through the seas and the distance, sacrificing on the altar of the common good the sweet
consolations that are so scarce in life's twilight - precious and solitary winter flowers blooming
beside the tomb's snow mantled borders.(Warm applause, congratulations to the speaker.)"5
Retana described the reason for the impact of Rizal's speech over the gathering - that he spoke
from a position of manly equality with the Spanish:
In truth, it was impossible to ask for more grace of bearing and bravery: RIZAL speaks in the
name of Filipinas, not with the submission that was demanded of that country's children by the
Spaniards, but as an ally who is such out of personal choice:we are TWO PEOPLES; we are TWO
RACES; we are as much men as you and for this very reason we want what you want. Are we
denied what we believe we deserve? Look to the future! The circumstances of the present cannot
be eternal! No Filipino, and even less in the presence of prestigious Spaniards, had ever dared to
say anything like it. RIZAL wanted the union of Spain and the Philippines to be preserved; but
he demanded, for that union to prevail, that the Filipinos should have identical rights as the
Spanish. He considered that to live without them diminished the dignity of his race, and he
refused to submit to such an offense.