Enzymes For Improving Oil Yield in Palm Oil Extraction: World Congress On Industrial Biotechnology, Montreal

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World Congress on

Industrial Biotechnology,

Enzymes for Improving Oil Yield

in Palm Oil Extraction

Advanced Enzyme
Technologies Ltd., India
Montreal, July 2017
A bit about us

 Pioneered enzyme production in India in 1958

 Leading producer of enzymes in South Asia

 Exports to 45+ countries across 6 continents

 60+ enzymes and 400+ products

 Safe, eco-friendly and biodegradable solutions for 25+ industries

 State-of-the-art manufacturing facilities that are ISO and WHO cGMP certified

Think of
Think of Life Think of us!
History & Milestones

1958: India's first enzyme manufacturing plant (for Papain) is pioneered by

Mr. L.C. Rathi

1978: Rathi Papains Pvt. Ltd. was incorporated

1986: Specialty Enzymes & Biotechnologies, United States is set up

1989: Advanced Enzymes is incorporated

(Originally under the name of Advanced Biochemicals Pvt. Ltd. )

1994: Commissioning of our 1st fermentation facility at Sinnar, Maharashtra

2008: Commissioning of 2nd fermentation facility at Pithampur, Madhya Pradesh

2016 : Listed in stock exchange (BSE)

Facts about Palm Oil
Palm Oil is beautifully defined by Ca’da Mosto, as - “It has the scent of violets, the
taste of olive oil and a color which tinges food like saffron but is more attractive”

Current Scenario
 Oil & Fats Production (world 2016/17F)  213.5 million tons
 Palm Oil Production (2016)  58.9 million tons
 Indonesia : 32.1 million tons
 Malaysia : 17.3 million tons
 Projected demand by 2025 : 85 million tons
 Largest importers of palm oil : India, European Union & China
Source : Oil World

Palm Oil Plantation Fresh Fruit Bunch Palm Fruit Palm Oil
Oil Palm: Most Efficient Oilseed Crop 1/2
Palm fruit cultivation requires less harvested area to produce the
major percentage of vegetable oil

Harvested Area of Major Oilseeds Oil Production 213.7 million tons

275.98 million ha
Palm, 6.0%

Other Oils Palm Oil

Others, 25% 30%

Sun Oil
Soya, 43.0%
Sunflower, 8%
9.0% Rapeseed
Rapeseed, Oil Soya Oil
13.0% 12% 25%

Source : Presentation by Thomas Mielke (Oil World ) in POC 2017

Palm Oil: Most efficient oilseed crop 2/2
Malaysia : Decline in Oil Productivity in
Recent Years
The following reasons are contributing to the fall in palm oil productivity in recent years:
1. Environmental Concerns / Sustainability / Water crisis
2. Old plantations are yielding lower fruits, leading to reduced production

Source : Presentation by Thomas Mielke (Oil World ) in POC 2017

Cell and cell wall components involved in
palm oil extraction
Composition of mass which
enters the digester

Total lipid content 56.68

Soluble sugars 2.89

Total structural
carbohydrate Fresh palm fruit
Glucan 8.27 O=Oil, CW=Cell Wall, ML=Middle Lamella

Xylan 4.52
Arabinan 0.97
Soluble lignin 3.58
Insoluble lignin 0.038
Water extractives 17.16

Ethanol extractives 17.98

Source : Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences, Vol 19 No

1 (2015): 77 – 87 (Hemavathi Silvamany and Jamaliah Md
Jahim) Mass Passing to Digester
Enzymatic Oil Extraction : A boon

Palm Oil Extraction Process

Mechanical Process Enzymatic process

Sterilization, bunch stripping or threshing, Stripped fruits are subjected to enzymatic

digestion of fruits, pressing of pulp, treatment throughout the digester
followed by clarification and purification followed by pressing for maximum oil

Disadvantages: Advantages:
Oil loss at every step which cannot be Almost complete oil recovery
recovered Overall nutritional quality is maintained
Time consuming process Higher anti-oxidant concentrations in
Intense human labour required extracted oil
Harsh treatment leads to loss of oil Improved mash viscosity, oil bleachability
Amount of water required is huge Reduced FFA content in the final oil
High energy consumption
Mass Balance
AETL’s journey – Exciting and Challenging
With the focus of enzyme application getting diversified in various industries, AETLs initiative to
start palm oil extraction using enzymes has rendered good results
Success and positive results at every step, it has been a morale booster for AETL to further expand
its work in the area of palm oil extraction
AETL is working in close association with palm oil producers in India, Malaysia, Indonesia and
Plant trials using different
enzyme blends conducted
in India and Malaysia

Patent filed by
AETL Patent granted in
of the idea Indonesia

2007- 2009 2015

2006 2010 2016

Laboratory scale First plant trial

trials began conducted in India
and Thailand
Laboratory Process
Set 1 : Enzyme addition
Sterilization in incubate @ > 50o C ,
Raw 30 – 120 mins.
Autoclave Threshing
Fruit reqd. water added
146oC, 90 min
Set 2: Control

Fiber + Seed Filter Filtrate

Oil &
Hot water
Liquid Centrifuge Sediment

Hot water
Recovered Oil Oil & Liquid
wash &
& Liquid layer
Observations 1/2



Highly viscous Free flowing


Lower quantity High quantity

Observations 2/2


Fiber and

Dark color and gummy Dry and non-gummy


High sediments and dark color Clear and light color

Sample Data from Laboratory Set Up

Enzyme Treated
Parameters Control Palm Fruit
Palm Fruit

Viscosity of mash (cP) < 50 > 1500

Oil recovered (ml) 54 – 71 27 – 40

Oil recovery as % of
38.6% – 50.7% 19.3 – 28.6%

Estimated oil recovery

28.9% – 38.0% 14.5% - 21.4%
as % of FFB

Note : The variations are observed due to origin, ripeness and size of fruit
Plant Process
Enzyme blend

Stripper / Screw
FFB Steriliser Digestor
Thresher Press

Vacuum Vibro
Purifier Clarifier Oil Nuts Fibre
Dryer Screen

Palm Kernel

Palm Kernel

Crude Palm Boiler

Oil (CPO)
Summary of Plant Trial Results
Qualitative Parameters :
Process using Enzyme
Parameters Conventional Process

Still having gums attached Light colour and no gums

Dark colour & glossy visible
(indicating oil residue) (indicating lesser oil residue)

(screw press output)
Summary of Plant Trial Results
Qualitative Parameters :
Process using Enzyme
Parameters Conventional Process

Partially hazy /
Less hazy /
suspended particles
less suspended particles

CPO Quality
Calculations – Increased OER

 Increase in Oil Yield by 8%

– Oil increase 8% x 20.34 kg = 1.63 kg
– In terms of OER = 20.34 + 1.63 = 21.97%

 Process throughput : 40 ton FFB / hour

 Assuming 1.5% increase in OER

 Additional Oil : 40 T/h x 1.5% x 20 h/day

= 12 tons per day
Or 3,600 Tons per year (300 days) !
i.e. ~ 2.2 million USD per year!!
AETL’s enzyme blends –
Asset to palm oil producers

 Increases the oil yield by 5-15%  Higher recovery of Oleoceuticals

i.e. about 10 – 30 kg of oil per ton of (tocotrienols & carotenoids)
FFB.  Reduces/eliminates the need for
 Lesser Effluent, easier biomass organic solvents
treatment  Possibility to eliminate degumming
 Enzymes are lipophobic, no traces step
remain in oil  Potential to deliver fermentable
 Destabilization of oil-water sugar solution which can be readily
emulsion utilized for ethanol production
 easier separation in decanters  Increase in overall processing
 Improved filterability capacity
Possible revolution in palm oil industry!

Major Issues faced by How to achieve the

Possible Solution
Palm Oil Industry solution

Rise in Oil
Make the
best output USE
Limited land in terms of ENZYMES
Availability Loss of Oil oil extracted
at every
step of
Solutions from Advanced Enzymes :
Apart from Palm Oil Extraction, Advanced Enzymes also offers solutions for:

 Yield improvement in PKO production along with High value PK Meal using

 Free Fatty Acid Reduction in CPO & other oils by Enzymatic Remediation

 Enzymatic Hydrolysis of CPO and other oils to produce fatty acids

 Enzymatic Esterification for Production of Mono & Di Esters from various fatty acids

 Production of Enzymatic Biodiesel

 Enzymatic Interesterification for production of trans-free fats

Solutions from Advanced Enzymes :

 Holding global patent on use of Enzymes as Plant Growth Promoter

 Production of Structured Lipids like Human Milk Fat Substitutes (HMFS) and Cocoa
Butter Equivalents (CBE)

 Fish Oil Applications : Production of Ethyl Esters and Omega 3 concentrates

 Biomass

 Production of Mono- & Di Glycerides

 Oil Degumming

 http://www.fao.org/fileadmin/templates/est/COMM_MARKETS_MONITORING/Oilcrops/Documents
 Oilworld Annual Dec 2015
 http://www.schusterinstituteinvestigations.org/palm-fruit-to-product
 http://www.saynotopalmoil.com/Whats_the_issue.php
 http://siteresources.worldbank.org/EDUCATION/Resources/278200-1121703274255/1439264-
 http://eprints.utm.my/12685/4/AnaNajwaMustafaMFKKSA2008CHAP1.pdf
 http://www.fao.org/docrep/005/y4355e/y4355e04.htm
 http://www.worldagroforestry.org/sea/Publications/files/policybrief/PB0079-14.pdf
 http://www.thehindubusinessline.com/portfolio/real-assets/crude-palm-oil-heats-
 http://theoilpalm.org/the-future-of-palm-oil/
 http://www.schusterinstituteinvestigations.org/palm-oil-industry-response
 AETL’s lab trial data
 AETL’s plant trial data
 AETL PCT application

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