Concept of Yield Potential
Concept of Yield Potential
Concept of Yield Potential
K.J. Goh, K.K. Kee, P.S. Chew, H.H. Gan, Y.C. Heng and H.C.P. Ng [Presented at the OFIC2000 Conference, Sept. 4, 2000, Kuala Lumpur]
Abstract: The oil palm industry in Malaysia must further improve its productivity and efficiency by maximising land
resources in order to be sustainable. Increasing productivity and profitability are largely reliant on maintaining high yield levels. Nevertheless the scenarios of stagnating yields of major plantation groups, ever increasing production cost of crude palm oil and the declining real price trend of palm oil continue to be disconcerting to the industry. One way to mitigate against this disconcerting trend is by reducing the cost of production, which is closely related to productivity per land area. In the case of the oil palm industry, achieving the highest possible yield for any given site or the site yield potential (SYP) could prove to be the best way in maximising our land resources, hence cushioning against the uncertainty of palm oil prices with the reduction of production cost. Information on SYP could also be used as an objective yield target and as a benchmark for evaluation of estates performances besides being used to draw up appropriate implementations according to priority.
through if the monthly wage scheme demanded by the plantation workers is adopted. Thirdly, the real price trend of palm oil according to Fry4 has been declining since 1960s as shown in Fig. 1. The main consequence of these scenarios is declining profits, which may lead to non-sustainability of oil palm plantations. One way to mitigate against this disconcerting trend is by reducing the cost of production. Labour is the biggest cost item in the estate constituting about 47% of the ex-estate production cost. Labour cost over FFB yield per unit area is the main component affecting the ex-estate cost as seen in Fig. 2. Increasing FFB yield per unit area will lead to a corresponding reduction in the ex-estate cost. The best way of realising this is by maximising our land resources, i.e. achieving the highest possible yield for any given site, which is the site yield potential.
1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995
Concept of Site Yield Potential and its Applications in Oil Palm Plantations
Ex-estate cost
Figure 2. Labour cost over FFB per unit area is the main component affecting ex-estate cost
Definitions of Yield
Genetic Yield The genetic yield potential of a crop has been defined as the largest yield obtainable if all the environmental conditions and agronomic decisions were perfect and there are no management constraints 5. Corley computed the genetic yield potential of oil palm to be about 44 to 46 t/ha/yr at peak yield.3 However, such ideal conditions and yield are seldom attained except in special growth chambers, small experimental plots and probably occurs in less than 1% of oil palm plantings. 6 More realistic FFB yields of 30 37 t FFB/ha/yr were reported by Tarmizi et al. on a wide range of soils in fertiliser trials and by Ng and Thong, Lee and Toh and Goh et al.7-10 in commercial fields. Site Yield While the genetic yield potential is a useful concept particularly to plant breeders, it cannot be used as yield targets on a large scale, which is how the oil palms are currently cultivated and managed. 6 Oil palms are planted under many different environmental conditions and therefore there will be yield limiting factors in these areas. These yield-limiting factors may restrict light utilisation, water availability and rooting activity.
Different planting patterns and densities for example can affect light utilisation by the palms as the total leaf area per unit ground area will vary. 11 On the other hand, different rainfall, soils and terrain affect water availability to the palms. Other soil factors such as soil depth, consistence, structure and drainage will affect the palm rooting activity. These yield-limiting factors will limit the achievable yield to a level below the genetic yield potential, i.e. the site yield potential (SYP). 5 The SYP therefore is the maximum yield realisable given a set of site characteristics in a particular environment. 12 Actual Yield Agro-management inefficiencies and constraints will reduce yield further and widen the gap between the actual yield and the site yield potential. Examples of these yield-reducing and yield-loss factors are poor palm nutrition, canopy damage by pests and herbicides, poor drainage, weed competition, poor harvesting standards and poor crop recovery. A schematic diagram illustrating the three definitions of yield is portrayed in Fig. 3. Yield-reducing and yield-loss factors are amenable and by correcting these limitations, the actual yields can be improved to the SYP. On the other hand, yield limiting factors e.g. irrigation in dry regions, are usually difficult and costly to overcome.
Genetic yield potential: maximum yield obtainable without any environmental, agronomic and management constraints Not easily amenable factors Yield limiting factors: light utilisation, water & rooting activity Site yield potential: maximum yield realisable, given a set of site characteristics
Amenable factors
Yield reducing factors: mainly agromanagement, e.g. nutrition, drainage, canopy damage, weed competition, etc.
Yield loss factors: mainly management, e.g. poor harvesting standard including crop recovery, etc
Actual yield: yield recovered from the field Figure 3. Schematic diagram of different definitions of yield
Malaysian Oil Science and Technology 2002 Vol. 11 No. 2
Concept of Site Yield Potential and its Applications in Oil Palm Plantations
Concept of Site Yield Potential and its Applications in Oil Palm Plantations Concept of ASYP The ASYP (AAR Site Yield Potential) is an empirical
model developed to predict the site yield potential (SYP) of oil palm for any given environment or site characteristics. ASYP is expressed as a function of various plant, soil and environmental factors that may influence yields as follows: ASYP = f (F1 x F2 x F3 x Fn) x G Where F1 to Fn are the site-specific factors that influence yields. Each factor has a score from 0 to 1. G is the genetic yield potential of oil palms (taken as 45 t FFB per hectare per year).13 From Light to Yield For the palms to grow and produce crop, they must have sunlight and soil. Sunlight provides energy for photosynthesis and the soil acts as the medium for water and nutrient supply. Solar radiation needs to be captured efficiently in order to maximise photosynthesis. This is best done by the correct planting density and pattern in the field in order to ensure that optimum light is captured for photosynthesis by the oil palms. According to Tan and Ng, 14 the optimum density is dependent on the degree of inter-palm shading and competition at their respective age and vigour. It is also reported that equilateral triangular plantings give the best cumulative yield. In addition, light use efficiency needs to be optimised through good planting materials. 15 For the uptake of water and nutrients from the soil, three factors are involved that is the rooting activity of the palms, and nutrient holding capacity and water holding capacity of the soil. These factors can be influenced by soil volume, soil structure, consistency and terrain. One final factor is climate, which affects the rate of photosynthesis and potential amount of water stored by the soil. The latter will affect severity and frequency of moisture stress experienced by the palms, which will have an impact on FFB yield. Fig. 4 summarizes these factors and their relation to dry matter production for both growth and yield. ASYP Computations ASYP takes into account all the factors that may influence the yield of oil palms, namely: (a) Planting materials (e.g. AAR, Golden Hope, Chemara, HRU, etc). (b) Quality of planting which is dependent on the planting density and planting pattern. (c) Soil factors, which are influenced by soil volume, structure, consistency and terrain. (d) Climatic factors by taking into account moisture stress severity and frequency.
Volume Uptake Rooting activity Nutrient Capacity Soil Water Capacity Consistency Terrain Nutrients
Figure 4. From light to yield: what does it take?
Malaysian Oil Science and Technology 2002 Vol. 11 No. 2
Concept of Site Yield Potential and its Applications in Oil Palm Plantations
Concept of Site Yield Potential and its Applications in Oil Palm Plantations
These factors are translated into mathematical equations and along with the historical data, i.e. rainfall data, they are then built into a model. This model, the ASYP 2.8, is programmed into AA AeGIS, which is a Decision Support System (DSS). Using this model, the site yield potentials of an oil palm field from year 3 to year 30+ after planting can be generated for any set of given site characteristics. An example is known of a 1985 planting of an estate where the site yield potential in year 2000 was 38 t/ha/yr. The AeGIS DSS also contains the yield records of the estates on a per field basis so that actual yields obtained can be easily compared against the SYP. With this, palm and field performances of the estates can be assessed objectively and quickly. Munchong series, Typic Hapludox) and central Johore (for mature palms on Kawang series, Typic Kanhapludult) are discussed as they have the longest, accurate yield records.13 For young palms, there was a response to fertiliser applications. Thus, best treatment yields are the best indicator of SYP. Trial results showed that best treatment yields followed closely to the SYP predicted by the ASYP model. The only exception is the yield from the first year of harvesting (Fig. 5a) whereby the actual yield was far below the SYP. This was mainly due to the effects of rhinoceros beetle damage on the palms in the first year after planting. However, for mature palms, there was no response to treatments. Thus, mean trial yields are good indicators of SYP. The mean trial yield fluctuated around the SYP as seen in Fig. 5b. Cumulatively the actual yield achieved was 96% of the SYP. Therefore, ASYP is capable of providing realistic and achievable yield targets for both young and mature palms for a three year period. As more accurate data is obtained for an area, the ASYP can be regenerated to take into account the updated conditions. The accuracy of field yield records in plantations can vary considerably especially for block hectareage.2 It is important to ensure that block hectarage are correct so that actual yields achieved reflect the actual potential of the block. Actual results can then be compared more realistically for the SYP generated by the model.
AY 2 S P .8 B s trt y ld et ie 6 7
Figure 5a. Comparison of ASYP and actual yields achieved for young palms on Munchong series soils
FFB Y ield (t/ha/yr) 4 5 4 0 3 5 3 0 2 5 2 0 1 5 1 0 3 4 5 A e( e r ) g y as 6 7 AY 2 S P .8 B s trt y ld et ie
Figure 5b. Comparison of ASYP and actual yields achieved for mature palms on Kawang series soils
Malaysian Oil Science and Technology 2002 Vol. 11 No. 2
Concept of Site Yield Potential and its Applications in Oil Palm Plantations
Concept of Site Yield Potential and its Applications in Oil Palm Plantations Limitations of ASYP The ASYP model like all models, has its limitations, i.e.
(a) The ASYP model is not a yield-forecasting tool as seasonal yield trend has not been taken into account (b) The model does not predict accurately for the first year of harvesting and also for palms above 20 years old. This is because for the first year of harvesting, variation in the field is usually greater in terms of growth of palms and number of supplies. Also, the palm age when it is brought into harvesting varies considerably between plantings. For palms over 20 years, over-pruning is usually necessary for harvesting purposes and this has not been taken into account by the model. (c) The ASYP uses rainfall record of at least ten years. Therefore short-term moisture stress effects are not totally taken into account. Their effects on the growth and yield of oil palms are still not fully understood and thus cannot be modeled. (d) The effects of by-products utilisation i.e. empty fruit bunches (EFB) and palm oil mill effluent (POME) which can improve poor, shallow or lateritic soils are also not accounted for by the model.16 (e) The ASYP assumes a good standard of planting and thus fields, which are poorly planted or planted with inferior quality palms (such as etiolated seedlings etc.), cannot be accurately predicted. (f) The detrimental effects of flooding are also not included in the model. contributing to ASYP (or yield limiting factors) should be reworked first. If the yield limiting factors were correctly identified, then the yield gaps are likely due to yield reducing and yield loss factors (e.g. manuring and harvesting standards). Appropriate measures to rectify these yield reducing and yield loss factors can then be drawn up to improve yields. Table 1. An example of a benchmark to assess performance of an area Benchmark Criterion (%) > 85 70 85 50 70 < 50 Potential Agronomic Problems Minor Moderate Serious Very Serious Potential Management Standards Good Good or Satisfactory Satisfactory or Fair Poor
Applications of ASYP
As a Benchmark SYP generated by the model can be used as an objective benchmark to assess palm and estate performances. For example, the actual yield achieved can be expressed as % of the site yield potential. If the figure obtained is 85% or more, the area or estate is likely to have good management standards with only minor or very few agronomic problems as seen in Table 1. However, if it is 50% or less, then that area/estate is likely to have very serious agronomic problems and/or poor management standards. Generation of the SYP using the model requires characterization and quantification of all factors that affect SYP. The exercise will quickly identify and quantify the most critical problem or constraint present in the given block. Therefore, if the actual yield is grossly lower compared to the SYP, the factors
To Set Targets The SYP is the maximum yield that can be achieved for the given site. Thus, it can be used as an objective yield target for the estates to attain. Thus, we would not expect the oil palms on shallow lateritic soils to yield more than 30 t/ha/yr when the site yield potential for that area is only 22 t/ha/yr, and vice versa. Fertiliser rates to be recommended for each field can therefore be drawn up in relation to the SYP based on the nutrient balance approach. This will avoid both excessive or under application of fertilisers. To Set Work Priority Estates have limited resources and manpower. Thus, it is necessary to prioritise the work programme on the estate. The concept of SYP can be used to help set priority of work in the estates. For example, priority of work should be given to fields with the largest yield gaps between the actual yield and the site yield potential instead of fields with the lowest yields. This is because, the lowest yielding field (Field B of Table 2) may already be close to the site yield potential and thus, further improvements are limited. Conversely in Field A, the potential for yield improvement is higher and priority should be given to improve yields in this block.
Table 2. Comparison of fields with different yield gaps Field A B C Major Soil Type Deep clayey soil Shallow lateritic soil Alluvial soil Actual Yield (t/ha/yr) 22.1 20.7 22.9 ASYP (t/ha/yr) 28.0 22.0 27.0 Benchmark Criterion (%) 79 94 85
Concept of Site Yield Potential and its Applications in Oil Palm Plantations
Table 3. Comparison of estates in different regions / states Estates in (State) Selangor Negeri Sembilan Average Actual Yield (t/ha/yr) 22.0 20.0 Average ASYP (t/ha/yr) 27.0 21.0 Benchmark Criterion (%) 81 95
In the same way, performances of estates on a regional scale can be compared as shown in Table 3. Estates in Selangor are actually under-performing compared to estates in Negeri Sembilan even though the average yield for Selangor estates is 22.0 t/ha/yr or 10% higher than those in Negeri Sembilan. Estates can be ranked according to the yield gaps between actual and SYP. Estates with more than 20% yield gaps may be identified for special attention. Within these estates, we can go a step further and investigate the fields with the largest yield gaps. Dominant factors or yield constraints that account for the large differences can then be identified and rectified. Other Potential Uses of ASYP The ASYP can also be used as a tool to help in strategic planning e.g. when to replant, by identifying fields with large yield gaps where correction is best done by replanting. This is because the low actual yields could possibly be due to the decrease in density caused by diseases, very tall palms which reduce harvesting efficiency etc. A study on the viability of land conversion to oil palm should also include the SYP for that land so that only those with high SYP should be purchased for long-term sustainability.
The benefits of achieving the site yield potentials are obvious. It can cushion against the uncertainty of palm oil prices, help reduce the cost of production and avoid both under-application (which can be detrimental to the palms) and excessive application (which can be detrimental to the environment) of fertilisers.
1. Ng HCP, Chew PS, Goh KJ and Kee KK (1999). Nutrient Requirements and sustainability in mature oil palms an Assessment. The Planter, 75 (880): 331 345. Chew PS (1997). Prospects for precision plantation practices in oil palm. The Planter, 74 (873): 661-683. Corley RHV (1985). Yield potentials of plantation crops. In: Potassium in the agricultural systems of the humid tropics. Proc 19th Coll, Int Pot Inst, Bangkok, Thailand, pp 61-80. Fry J (1998). Implications of recent developments in Asian economies and in the global economy for the oil palm industry. In: Angga Jatmika et al. (eds) Proc 1998 International Oil Palm Conference, Bali, Indonesian Oil Palm Research Institute, Medan, pp 28 35. Tinker PB (1984). Site-specific yield potentials in relation to fertiliser use in Nutrient balances and fertiliser needs in temperate agriculture. In: Von Peter A (ed), Proc 18th Colloquium, Int Potash Inst, Bern, 1984, pp 193 208. Goh KJ and Chew PS (2000). A lecture on Agronomic requirement and management of oil palm for high yields in Malaysia. In: Proc Seminar on Managing Oil Palm for High Yields: Agronomic Principles, Goh, KJ (ed), MSSS, Perak, pp 39 73. Tarmizi AM, Tayeb MD and Zin ZZ (1992). Maximum yield of oil palm in Peninsular Malaysia: Yield response and efficiency of nutrient recovery. In: Proc 1990 ISOPB Int. Workshop on Yield Potential in the Oil Palm. Phuket, Thailand, PORIM, Kuala Lumpur, pp 145 153. 65
2. 3.
General Remarks In the ASYP model, the site yield potential levels are
generally predetermined after planting and very little can be done to change the yield limiting factors after that as they are usually difficult and costly to amend, for example irrigation in dry regions.2 Thus, work and emphasis should be on eliminating yield reducing and yield loss factors, which are more amenable so that the actual yield achieved is as close as possible to the site yield potential.
Concept of Site Yield Potential and its Applications in Oil Palm Plantations
8. Ng SK and Thong KC (1985). Nutrient requirement for exploiting yield potential of major plantation tree crops in the tropics. In: Potassium in the Agricultural Systems of the humid Tropics. 19th Colloquium, Int Potash Inst, Bangkok, Thailand, pp 81 95. 9. Lee CH and Toh PY (1992). Yield performance of the Golden Hope OPRS DXP planting materials. In: Proc 1990 ISOPB Int Workshop on Yield Potential in the Oil Palm, Phuket, Thailand, PORIM, Kuala Lumpur, pp 24 29. 10. Goh KJ, Chew PS and Teo CB (1994). Maximising and maintaining oil palm yields on commercial scale in Malaysia. In: Int Planters Conf. On Management for Enhanced Profitability in Plantations, Chee KH (ed). ISP, Kuala Lumpur, pp 121 142. 11. Corley RHV (1982). Oil Palm Research Developments in Crop Science (1). Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, The Netherlands, pp 273 283. 12. Evans LT and Fischer RA (1999). Yield Potential: Its definition, measurement and significance, Crop Science, Volume 39 (6): 1544 1551. Kee KK, Chew PS, Gan HH and Goh KJ (1998). Validation of a Site Yield Potential Model for Oil Palms in Malaysia. In: Proc 1998 International Oil Palm Conference, Bali, pp 150 163. Tan YP and Ng SK (1976). Spacing for oil palms on coastal clays in Peninsular Malaysia. In: Proc. Malaysian International Agricultural Oil Palm Conference on International Developments in Oil Palm, ISP, Kuala Lumpur, pp 183 191. Rajanaidu N, Jalani BS, Ahmad Kushairi and Cheah SC (1994). Oil palm breeding current and future developments. In: Proc. 1993 PORIM Int. Palm Oil Congress: Update and Vision, Jalani B et al. (eds), PORIM, Kuala Lumpur, pp 9 23. Lim KC and Chan KW (1989). Towards optimizing EFB application in oil palm. In: Proc 1989 PORIM Int Palm Oil Dev Conf, PORIM, Kuala Lumpur, pp 235 242.