Online Motivation
Online Motivation
Online Motivation
With the increasing importance and rapid growth of online courses, diversification of the
student population, and the growing concern over retention rates, exploration of learner
online participation and possible relationships with motivation and achievement behaviour is
becoming increasingly relevant in higher education. Previous studies (Gerber, Grundt, &
Grote, 2008; Picciano, 2002) have tended to explore links between learner activity and
performance in online environments. But the relationships that may exist between
motivation and participation (both in terms of quality and quantity of activity) in online
contexts are not well understood. Indeed, participation, particularly active participation such
as posting messages to online discussions, is frequently used as a proxy for motivation, with
more active learners being perceived as more motivated.
This paper presents findings of one aspect of a larger study (Hartnett, 2010) that explored the
motivation of pre-service teachers situated within two separate and distinct online distance
learning contexts. Self-report motivation data, achievement, and online usage statistical data,
in conjunction with asynchronous discussion-forum transcripts, were used to explore
possible relationships between motivation, participation, and achievement in these contexts.
Analysis revealed important differences between and within the two cases (e.g., nature of the
task and assessment approaches) that indicated situational factors played a key role in
determining whether any significant relationships were present. In other words, various
factors within the specific learning environment combined in complex ways to influence
motivation to learn and the nature of student participation. In an age of increasing
exploration and interpretation of online learner behaviour via automatically collected
systems statistics (Beer, Jones, & Clark, 2009), these findings highlight the need to be
cautious about using online activity as the only gauge for assessing student motivation in
online contexts.
Over the last decade and a half, distance education has undergone a period of considerable
change (Larreamendy-Joerns & Leinhardt, 2006; Moore & Kearsley, 2011). The growth of the
internet and related technologies has resulted in a merging of online teaching and learning into
the routine practices of universities (Roy & Schumm, 2011). At the same time, it has given
distance education a new appeal (Tallent-Runnels et al., 2006). Following Bates (2005), online
learning is viewed here as a subcategory of distance education that specifically uses the internet
Journal of Open, Flexible, and Distance Learning, 16(1)
and the World Wide Web. Online learning is one increasingly popular method used by
institutions in various countries to provide opportunities and meet the needs of a growing and
increasingly diverse student population (Moore & Kearsley, 2011).
Online learning has a number of potential benefits, not least of which is the ability to overcome
the temporal and spatial restrictions of traditional educational settings (Bates, 2005).
Notwithstanding the advantages offered by online learning, a variety of factors have been
identified as crucial to the success of online courses (Andresen, 2009). Motivation is one such
factor (Bekele, 2010). Just as motivation is a key factor in learning, engagement, and
achievement in face-to-face educational contexts (Brophy, 2010), so it is in online learning
environments (Jones & Issroff, 2007).
Poor motivation has been identified as a decisive factor in contributing to the high drop-out rates
from online courses (Muilenburg & Berge, 2005). Although concern about student motivation
and engagement in technology-mediated environments has been evident for some time (Rovai,
2003), research in this area is limited both in quantity and scope (Artino, 2008; Bekele, 2010).
Existing research in online contexts has tended to adopt a limited view of motivation that does
not acknowledge the complexity and dynamic interplay of factors underlying and influencing
motivation to learn. Instead, designing motivating learning environments has received attention
(ChanLin, 2009; Keller, 2008). More frequently, research has focused on identifying traits of
successful online learners where motivation is seen as a personal characteristic that remains
relatively stable across contexts and situations (Wighting, Liu, & Rovai, 2008). Such studies
indicate that intrinsic motivation is an important characteristic of successful learners (Shroff,
Vogel, & Coombes, 2008).
A further, though relatively sparse, area of research has explored relationships between learner
online participation and motivation (Dawson, Macfadyen, & Lockyer, 2009; Hartnett, 2010;
Martens, Gulikers, & Bastiaens, 2004). In contrast, relationships between online participation
and achievement behaviour (where achievement is used as an indicator of motivation) have been
studied more extensively, in terms of both quantity (Bures, Amundsen, & Abrami, 2002; Gerber
et al., 2008; Rovai & Barnum, 2003) and quality (Gerber et al., 2008) of participation.
When intrinsically motivated, outside incentives are unnecessary and may even be counter-
productive (Brophy, 2010), because the reward lies in carrying out the activity. In contrast,
students who are extrinsically motivated undertake activities for reasons separate from the
activity itself (Ryan & Deci, 2000); for example, gaining good grades, avoiding negative
consequences, or because the task has utility value (such as passing a course in order to earn a
degree). Alternatively, the activity may be seen as relevant to a future career. Extrinsic
motivation processes are explained in terms of external regulation because the reasons for
undertaking the task lie outside the individual. However, the degree to which an activity is
perceived as externally controlled can vary, and therefore different types of extrinsic motivation
exist (see Hartnett, St George, & Dron, 2011, for further explanation).
Research in both face-to-face (Lepper, Henderlong Corpus, & Iyengar, 2005) and online settings
(Hartnett, et al., 2011) has shown that multiple types of motivation can and do co-exist. The ways
in which a student is intrinsically or extrinsically motivated are important, with more self-
determined students experiencing positive learning outcomes even when extrinsically motivated
(Brophy, 2010).
Results presented here relate to one aspect of a larger study (Hartnett, 2010) that explored the
motivation of pre-service teachers situated within two distinct online distance learning contexts.
Here, relationships between motivation, engagement (i.e., online participation), and achievement
are explored.
Case studies
Case-study methodology was used to explore the complex phenomenon of motivation in a
manageable way (Yin, 2009). Purposive sampling methods (Patton, 2002) were used to select
two information-rich cases. Although the broader institutional context was beyond the scope of
the wider study, the effect such influences can have at the situational level have been noted
previously (Vallerand & Ratelle, 2002)., Potential cases were therefore identified from the same
programme within the same institution in order to reduce differential contextual influences at the
institutional level. Cases were chosen based on predetermined criteria of importance to ensure
relevance to the research question. In particular: (a) courses were required to be predominantly
web-based, with only limited resources provided by alternative methods such as print; and
(b) students were required to participate in the online learning community as an integral part of
their assessed coursework.
Ethical consent to undertake the study was gained prior to the collection of data. Data comprised
self-report motivation data, achievement data, and online usage data, in conjunction with
questionnaire data and asynchronous discussion forum transcripts.
Learner motivation was measured with the self-report situational motivational scale developed
by Guay, Vallerand, and Blanchard (2000), which operationalises several of the motivation types
identified within the SDT framework. The scores reported for each motivation type were then
Journal of Open, Flexible, and Distance Learning, 16(1)
used to calculate a single motivation score called the self-determination index (SDI) for each
participant (see Hartnett et al., 2011, for further explanation).
Online statistical data comprised the number of times each student accessed any tool or a content
page (hits), the number of messages each student opened across all discussion topics (messages
read), and the number of messages each student posted across all discussion topics (messages
posted). These were used as a measure of the quantity of online participation, both active (posts)
and passive (hits and reads).
Online discussion transcripts provided a source of data that enabled the quality of online
participation to be explored in relation to reported levels of motivation. Given the focus of this
investigation and methodological issues associated with the rigorous, in-depth analysis of online
discussions (Garrison, Cleveland-Innes, Koole, & Kappelman, 2006), existing online transcript
content analysis models were not used. Instead, themes that emerged from the online transcripts,
and that were also supported by the literature (Dillenbourg, 1999), were used as indicators of the
quality of engagement. These themes were negotiation of understanding, collaboration, and
contribution to meaningful dialogue.
These procedures comprised data generated after the completion of coursework in each case
study, namely the questionnaires; and data generated during this period as part of normal online
course administration processes (i.e. online asynchronous discussions and student usage
statistics) but collected after all coursework was completed and graded, and results submitted.
Downloaded discussion transcripts were refined by removing any messages posted outside the
assignment timeframe, and only those messages posted by study participants were included for
analysis purposes.
While both cases were chosen from courses within the same programme, the instructional design
of each was different. Case study 1 was situated within a compulsory integrated science and
technology course. Teaching staff consisted of a course coordinator with science expertise and a
tutor with technology expertise. The tutor was responsible for most of the online teaching and
management of the course, and focused on use of online resources and facilitating related
asynchronous discussions. Students usually took this course in the third and final year of their
degree. The case study itself focused on a problem-based learning (PBL) assignment worth
60 percent of the final mark. It was undertaken over a 6-week period in which students were
required to work collaboratively in small groups. Problem-based learning is an instructional
approach built around authentic, ill-structured problems that are complex in nature (Schmidt &
Moust, 2000).
Case study 2 was positioned within an introductory social studies curriculum course that formed
a compulsory component of the same programme. Students usually took this course in the second
year of their degree. An individual micro-teaching and reflection assignment (with associated
Hartnett, M.
online activities), which required students to plan and teach two consecutive lessons in a school
of their choice and then reflect on their experience, formed the boundary for Case study 2.
Students completed this assignment over a 4-week period and it was worth 40 percent of the final
mark. The course coordinator was responsible for all online teaching throughout the semester.
A total of 21 student participants took part in the two case studies (12 in Case study 1 and nine in
Case study 2). They were recruited from the Semester 1 (February–June) 2008 online offering of
each course. Participants were located throughout New Zealand and undertook their courses at a
distance from the main campus. The respondent group comprised two males and 19 females (one
male in each case study). Participants’ ages ranged from 18 to 55, with 90 percent in the over-24
age group. It is important to highlight that the wider study was predominantly qualitative in
nature and that the information and statistical data reported here helped to illuminate the
findings. The intention was not to generalise to the wider population of online learners.
Motivation, online participation, and achievement
Several non-parametric correlations were calculated to explore relationships between the SDI
score as a measure of overall motivation, online participation (active and passive), and
achievement (at assignment and course level) for each case study. Student online usage statistics
data were captured over the course as a whole for both case studies.
Case study 1
A highly significant relationship was found between SDI scores (i.e., motivation) and the number
of messages posted (i.e., active participation) over the course (see Table 1). This means that the
higher the motivation reported by a student, the more active the student was, in terms of the
number of messages posted, within the discussion topics. No such relationships existed between
passive online participation indicators (i.e., messages read or hits) and motivation.
Table 1 Case study 1 – Spearman rho correlation coefficents (rs) between SDI, achievement,
and participation
Relationships between online participation and achievement (as an indicator of motivation), for
both the PBL assignment and the course as a whole, were also explored. The relationship
between the number of messages posted during the course and the assignment mark was found to
be moderately statistically significant (see Table 1). This suggests that the higher the number of
messages posted—that is, the more visibly active online a participant was during the course—the
higher the mark achieved for the PBL assignment. In terms of passive participation, a moderately
Journal of Open, Flexible, and Distance Learning, 16(1)
significant relationship was also found between the number of messages read throughout the
course and the assignment mark. In other words, the higher the number of messages accessed by
a participant, the higher the mark achieved for the assignment. No significant relationships were
found between participation (active or passive) and achievement for the course as a whole.
A reason for these differences may be that the nature of the PBL activity (i.e., collaborative and
high stakes) needed greater active online participation to achieve good marks, in comparison
with the course as a whole. In other words, the nature of the task has influenced the motivated
behaviour of participants.
Case study 2
No significant relationships were found in this context (see Table 2). That is, no relationships
exist between a participant’s online activity (active or passive), level of motivation, or their
achievement. It is interesting to note, however, that the relationship between the SDI score and
messages posted over the course approached significance (r S = 0.64, p = 0.06, ns). While caution
must be taken when interpreting these results, they are not unexpected given that online
participation was not critical to doing the assignment or completing the course.
Table 2 Case study 2 – Spearman rho correlation coefficents (rs) between SDI, achievement,
and participation
Using the number of messages posted is, however, only a rudimentary measure of participation,
as the quantity of messages does not necessarily equate to quality of engagement (Andresen,
2009). To determine whether any differences existed in the nature of online engagement and
motivation, online transcripts were explored in both case studies. As mentioned previously,
themes that emerged from the qualitative data that were also supported by the literature
(Dillenbourg, 1999) were used as indicators of the quality of participation.
Hartnett, M.
Hi everyone
If you could just clarify the impact results Elizabeth so that we have all got it around the
right way!! (i.e., was it bark that absorbed the most impact?)
(Asydisc CS1: Irene,1 19 March, 2008)
Elizabeth responds:
Hi Irene
Under the investigation of a 1-metre drop where all four samples were placed on the same
foundation, bark absorbed the most impact and wet-pour rubber the least.
(Asydisc CS1: Elizabeth, 19 March, 2008)
Wendy is still unclear about what the results mean, and seeks further information.
Hi Elizabeth
I was just wondering if you could clarify what type of bark you used for the test . . . Can you
also please clarify the results of the impact test as to which is the best as I think we are a bit
muddled in that department? . . . (Asydisc CS1: Wendy, 19 March, 2008)
Again Elizabeth provides additional information to help the group’s understanding of the
experimental results:
Hi Wendy
The bark was straight from the playground and was 3 months old. It had been sold as
certified playground bark, which means no piece is larger than 30 mm diameter and there is
little dust.
As for the impact testing. We dropped a cricket ball from 1 metre and measured the bounce.
The wet-pour rubber produced the highest bounce, followed by pre-pour rubber matting,
followed by artificial turf, then bark. I believe this means that rubber absorbs the least impact
and bark the most. I believe this makes bark the recommended material. However, all
samples were trialled on top of a wooden deck and possibly in situ the ground under the
material may play a large factor . . . (Asydisc CS1: Elizabeth, 19 March, 2008)
This line of questioning and negotiation of meaning continued until a common understanding
was reached.
In contrast, Hazel’s comment below highlights a more individual and isolated approach. Review
of the group’s asynchronous transcript confirmed periods where little online activity occurred
between her and the other members:
After [developing] the initial [problem] . . . statement full online activity rarely occurred due
to the varying demands of our commitments. So the assignment tended to be done by the
other two members . . . with me adding my bits as and when completed. (Hazel,
questionnaire CS1)
Case study 2
Quality participation was evident in the online activities that occurred concurrently with the
micro-teaching assignment. The following example is representative of the quality and depth of
engagement from a variety of participants that had no clear association with the level of
motivation they reported. This discussion focuses on a relevant social issue at the time (the
Pseudonyms are used
Journal of Open, Flexible, and Distance Learning, 16(1)
changing of New Zealand legislation relating to parental control, dubbed the ‘anti-smacking’
I’m one of the minority completely in favour of the amendment of s 59. I agree that it won’t
stop child abuse overnight, but I think it will have a big impact on future generations and
their attitudes to smacking. The argument that “it won’t stop child abusers anyway” seems
pretty weak to me—on that basis we shouldn’t bother having laws for anything, because the
baddies never pay attention to them.
I'm pretty surprised at how few people have actually read the amendment for themselves—I
know facts get in the way of a good argument :), but I can’t help thinking that a lot of parents
would be quite reassured to know that restraining their child from harm is not illegal
(contrary to popular belief).
I thought Sean’s US gun control analogy was right on the money—people aren’t really
signing petitions in great numbers because they want to smack their kids, they are indignant
because they perceive the amendment as infringing on their personal rights. (Asydisc CS2:
May, 25 March, 2008)
The wider study found that all participants perceived the environment to be supportive of learner
autonomy, including the online discussions (which were seen as dynamic, interesting, and
engaging), and participants tended to regulate their participation depending on their interests and
needs. Based on this, it appears that although participation was expected there was sufficient
flexibility to allow participants to determine the level of engagement that met their own learning
Motivation and amount of online participation
The only significant relationship between online participation and motivation occurred in Case
study 1 (for active participation only). In other words, participants reporting high levels of
motivation were more visibly active within discussion topics.
Support for the Case study 1 finding is available from previous research studies into motivation
and participation in online environments. For example, Xie et al. (2006) and Bures et al. (2002)
both found that active participation by learners in online discussions was related to their level of
motivation. The motivation literature also highlights that autonomously motivated learners are
more likely to be actively engaged in learning (see Brophy, 2010, for reviews).
Support for the lack of any significant relationship between motivation and active participation in
Case study 2 is also available. For example, Martens et al. (2004) found that more intrinsically
motivated students do not necessarily do more. Rather, they do different things and specifically
engage in more exploration. Similarly, the study by Dawson et al. (2009) showed no differences
in learners’ online participation based on their motivation.
The lack of any significant relationship between motivation and passive participation was
consistent across the case studies. This differs from findings from Dawson et al. (2009), who
found that passive participation was significantly positively related to student intrinsic
Possible reasons for the significant positive relationship between motivation and active online
participation in Case study 1 and the lack of a relationship in Case study 2 may be found in the
differing nature of the tasks within each case study. While no grade was assigned to online
contributions in either context, a factor that some argue is necessary in order to provide learners
Hartnett, M.
The collaborative nature and high percentage of the final grade (60 percent) associated with the
PBL assignment in Case study 1 meant that students were not just expected to contribute—they
had to do so to successfully complete the assignment and, in turn, the course. The number of
messages posted in this context (or lack of them) may therefore be a more accurate indication of
a participant’s motivation to learn. In contrast, the more independent nature of the Case study 2
micro-teaching task, as well as the course as a whole, allowed learners greater flexibility. In
particular, the completion of the micro-teaching assignment did not depend on participation in
the online activities that accompanied it, as it did for Case study 1.
In Case study 2, therefore, learners reporting lower motivation, and those who reported higher
motivation but preferred to exercise more independence and chose to regulate their online
activity, could both potentially access and contribute to online discussions to a lesser degree.
Differences in communication patterns (i.e., independent and interdependent) have been
previously noted in the online literature (Rovai, 2001), as has interaction selectiveness (B.
Anderson, 2006).
Quality engagement was also evident in the online activities in Case study 2. Contributions from
several participants clearly demonstrated engagement in meaningful dialogue as well as depth of
understanding that had no clear link to the level of motivation reported by these learners. In other
words, cognitive engagement in online discussions was evident from learners who reported lower
motivation levels as well as those who recorded higher levels. This finding is supported by other
studies that have shown that the quality of online interaction is influenced by numerous factors
within the learning context, such as the role of the instructor (Andresen, 2009; Rovai et al.,
2007), a sense of connectedness with the instructor (Gerber et al., 2008), sense of community (T.
Anderson, 2008; Rovai, 2007), prior knowledge and interest in discussion topics (Cheung, Hew,
& Ling Ng, 2008), time constraints (Xie et al., 2006), differing communication patterns (Rovai,
Journal of Open, Flexible, and Distance Learning, 16(1)
Once again, the conclusions that can be drawn from the cross-case findings are tentative and
appear to be situation dependent. Case study 1 results suggest that within the context of a
collaborative PBL assignment there was a connection between the quality of online engagement
and the motivation experienced by students. This was not apparent within the context of the
individual micro-teaching assignment in Case study 2. Here, quality participation was evident
from students reporting varying degrees of motivation, ranging from moderate to high. Taken
together, these results highlight the complex relationships that exist between an individual’s
motivation and their behaviour in terms of their participation in an online learning context.
A moderately positive relationship was also found between achievement (at the assignment level)
and passive participation (messages read) in Case study 1. A similar association between student
participation ‘behind the scenes’ and their achievement has been noted by Webb, Jones, Barker,
and van Schaik (2004). Similarly, the lack of any significant relationship between passive online
participation and achievement data in Case study 2 is also supported by prior research (Rovai &
Barnum, 2003).
These mixed results point to complex relationships between achievement (an indicator of
motivation) and online participation that are sensitive to contextual influences. In Case study 1,
the nature of the assignment task and the high weighting towards the final mark were particularly
important factors. Online participation was essential to do the assignment and, ultimately, to
complete the course successfully. This was not the case in the Case study 2 context, where
assignment (and course) completion, and therefore achievement, were not directly linked to
participation with others. It also highlights the limitations of focusing only on the quantities of
activity and the importance and relevance of exploring the actual quality of the activities
themselves to gain a clearer picture of participant engagement, as others have argued (Rovai &
Barnum, 2003).
The mixed results point to complex relationships between motivation, online participation, and
achievement that are sensitive to situational influences. The lack of conclusive results indicates
the need for online teachers to carefully consider the relevance of using the number of messages
posted by a student as a default indicator of online participation and, in turn, motivation. As
shown in this research, high numbers of postings by learners do not necessarily equate to more
motivated students, and vice versa.
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Journal of Open, Flexible, and Distance Learning, 16(1)
Biographical notes
Maggie Hartnett
Maggie is a lecturer in the School of Curriculum and Pedagogy at Massey University, teaching in the areas
of e-learning and educational psychology. Her research interests include motivation in e-learning
environments, online teaching practices, electronic portfolios, and learner support for online and blended
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