Let's Talk About: Why Do You Think Some People Fall Out of Love?

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Speaking and listening – Elementary to Intermediate

Let’s talk about LOVE

Conversation cards

What is love? Give your own Do you believe in love at What are the secrets of
definition. first sight? Do you think long-lasting loving
Discuss in group real love still exists? relationships such as
Why do you think some At what age do people get Describe your ideal partner.
people fall out of love? married in your country? Say what they should look like
What about you? (e.g. tall, handsome, fit) or be like
(e.g. friendly, romantic, rich).

Which one do you prefer more, Have you ever attended a Have you ever been on a
love marriage or arranged
wedding ceremony? blind date? Would you like
What happens? Money? to? Why or why not?

Have you ever had a broken Is it possible to find a Money can’t buy love.
heart? What happened? partner online? Is it safe? Do you agree?
Talk about it if you want. Discuss in group. Discuss.

How many marriages end in Are same-sex relationships There is no difference between
divorce nowadays? accepted in your country? a wise man and a fool when they
fall in love. Explain this saying.
Discuss. Do research. What’s your view on them?
Do you agree?

Do you believe in love at ‘Until death do us part.’ Love is blind.

first sight? Where are these words Can you explain this
Discuss. spoken? When? Why? proverb? Do you agree?

Rank chronologically (1-7) Match words and pictures Tick if you know
  get married 50th wedding anniversary   love affair  
  fancy someone divorce   love bite  
  grow old together engagement ring   love letter  
  fall in love honeymoon   lovebirds  
  get engaged wedding cake   loveseat  
  go on honeymoon wedding ceremony   lovesick  
  have children wedding ring   puppy love  
Pick two and
explain in English.
1 3 4 5

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