Food Curriculum - 3 Dec19
Food Curriculum - 3 Dec19
Food Curriculum - 3 Dec19
Through out food curriculum we aim to introduce students to a range of skills and techniques that will enable them to access the curriculum, equipping them with skills,
knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts covering aspects of food pre4paration which include hygiene, health and safety, nutrition and the value of food.
This is taught through first hand experience of using different equipment, ingredients and cooking methods, including demonstrations, and real-life learning.
We aim to develop students’ skills in planning, organisation, time management, manipulation, dexterity and hand eye co-ordination through the making of products. We aim
to provide students with the means to understand how the ingredients can be prepared and cooked using different methods.
T2 / T5
Development of knowledge and application of weighing & measuring.
Basic food preparation using rubbing-in technique.
Knowledge and application of using correct liquid quantities to form a
Basic food preparation using commodities; flour, butter, sugar, milk.
Evaluation of outcomes.
T3 / T6
Development of health & safety awareness.
Safe use of equipment and knives.
Development of knowledge and application of using the oven.
Development of knowledge and understanding as to how to identify if a
product is cooked.
Basic food preparation using fruit, vegetables and meat.
Year 8 T1 / T4 To develop and practice the skills needed for
Healthy Eating, focusing on Fat, Sugar, Salt and Fibre. GCSE and associated future life skills.
Students focus on the application
of a deeper knowledge of food Understanding of ingredients and modifying a recipe (creativity).
To develop the understanding of the use of
and nutrition in order to evaluate Food preparation and following a recipe.
ingredients based on the function and working
the effects on an individuals Application of rubbing-in, creaming techniques and the method of cooking characteristics of food properties
health. baking.
To utilise and develop skills from Evaluation of outcomes
Year 7
T2 / T5
Understanding of staples used by LEDCs
Introduction of the concept of food provenance and food security
Nutrition; Carbohydrates, Protein and Fat.
Understanding and application of adapting a recipe.
Basic food preparation of commodities meat, vegetables, pasta.
Application of rubbing-in and creaming technique, different methods of
cooking, controlling the hob temperature.
T3 / T6
Basic knowledge of ingredients, product analysis and development.
Understanding of ingredients and modifying a recipe.
Food preparation of basic commodities.
Application of understanding of ingredients and recipe development,
pastry making, shaping, lining and baking.
Year 10 Key Area: 1 Preparation for Component 1 – written
Theory and practical tasks linked to the area Food commodities assessment contributing 50% to overall GCSE
Demonstrate knowledge and AO1, A02 and A04 will be assessed through
understanding of nutrition, this element of the course.
food, cooking and preparation
Preparation for Component 2 – non
AO2: Key Area 2: examination assessment contributing 50% to
Apply knowledge and Theory and practical tasks linked to the area Principles of Nutrition overall GCSE grade.
understanding of nutrition, AO2, A03 and A04 will be assessed through
food, cooking and preparation this element of the course.
Plan, prepare, cook and Key Area 3:
present dishes, combining Theory and practical tasks linked to the area Diet and Good Health
appropriate techniques
Analyse and evaluate different
aspects of nutrition, food,
cooking and preparation, Key Area 4:
including food made by Theory and practical tasks linked to the area The science of Food
themselves and others
Key Area 5:
Theory and practical tasks linked to the area Where food comes from
Key Area 6:
Theory and practical tasks linked to the area Cooking and Food Preparation
Year 11 Term: 1 – Sept to Oct Preparation for Component 1 – written
Nutritive value, working characteristics and what happens when things go wrong. assessment contributing 50% to overall GCSE
Introduction to assessment 1 grade.
AO1: AO1, A02 and A04 will be assessed through
Demonstrate knowledge and this element of the course.
understanding of nutrition,
food, cooking and preparation Preparation for Component 2 – non
Term: 2 – Oct to Dec
Assessment 1: The Food Investigation Assessment; 8 hours; 30 marks (15%) examination assessment contributing 15% to
AO2: overall GCSE grade.
A scientific food investigation which will assess knowledge, skills and understanding in
Apply knowledge and relation to scientific principles underlying the preparation and cooking of food. AO2, A03 and A04 will be assessed through
understanding of nutrition, this element of the course.
food, cooking and preparation Food spoilage, Cross contamination, Food poisoning
Preparation for Component 1 – written
AO3: examination.
Plan, prepare, cook and
present dishes, combining Term: 3 – Jan to Feb Preparation for Component 1 – written
Food processing, sensory properties, provenance, food waste & sustainability, examination.
appropriate techniques
Introduction to assessment 2.
Assessment 2: The Food Preparation Assessment; 12 hours; 70 marks (35%) Preparation for Component 2 – non
AO4: examination assessment contributing 50% to
Analyse and evaluate different “Prepare, cook and present three dishes with appropriate accompaniments ”
overall GCSE grade.
aspects of nutrition, food, AO2, A03 and A04 will be assessed through
cooking and preparation, this element of the course.
including food made by
themselves and others
Term: 4 Feb to Apr Preparation for Component 2 – non
Assessment 2: The Food Preparation Assessment; 12 hours; 70 marks (35%) examination assessment contributing 35% to
“Prepare, cook and present three dishes with appropriate accompaniments ” overall GCSE grade.
AO2, A03 and A04 will be assessed through
this element of the course.