Proposal For Patton College of Education Mini Grant Project Title: Make The Right Choice!

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Proposal for Patton College of Education Mini Grant

Project Title: Make the Right Choice!

✓ 3 day kids camp

✓ 1 part about healthy eating, 1 part about exercising, and 1
part on activities to stay active

Individuals/Organizations Directly Involved:

▪ Laiken Salyers: Camp Director, (OHS Major)
▪ Jeremy Slusher: Certified fitness trainer/healthy eating
▪ Eden Howard: Camp director helper (graduate student)
▪ Rich Turner- Camp helper (Marketing)

Occupational Hygiene and Safety- studies Ohio University

Project Overview: The team of Make the Right Choice main goal is to
lower the rate of child obesity rates all around the world. We want to ensure
that kids starting at a young age is well educated and knows enough about
healthy living to make the right choices for their body. This camp is set up
into three days of fun, educational, and life changing experiences for the
children. As the child obesity epidemic continues its overweight head
across the nation, affecting one in five children, these three day healthy
camps can play a life changing role in the rescue efforts by being a
knowledgeable, safe support system for the children and their family. 
 Studies have shown that poor diet and lack of exercise are the leading
causes of preventable adult death in the U.S. and are surpassed only by
tobacco use. This is a huge motivating factor to get out there and help the
child generation. Childhood obesity becomes increasingly prevalent, the
current generation of children may "live less healthful and shorter lives than
their parents" for the first time in United States history.†
healthy-lifestyles-how-camps-can-help)  Camp Make the Right Choice is
a fun and educational program for the kids that not only gives the kids a
mini vacation and away from the house but also a time to gain insight on
the importance of eating healthier, and being active, and simply making the
right choices. This gives the children a chance to learn about the food they
put into their body and how it affects them but in a fun manner.
This camp will be a 3 day camp ran by a certified trainer to learn about the
importance of living a healthy lifestyle. Each day the camp will focus on one
importance for the day. The first day will be all about healthy eating and will
include a breakfast meal, snacks and lunch for the day. The second day will
focus on exercises for the kids and just show them simple things they can
do to still be active as a child and still have fun.. This day of course will
include breakfast, snack and lunch for the children. Then lastly, to wrap up
the camp this day will include fun games and activities for the kids just to
show the importance of being active. It will be a pizza party also on the
third day and shirts given to the children participating in a chance to show
the importance of a healthy life stale and help reduce the children’s
obesity rate in the U.S. The prevalence of obesity was 18.5% and affected
about 13.7 million children and adolescents.
( )

By starting a healthy camp for children, we are hoping to get this camp and
idea out to the community so that hopefully we can influence the other
people of the community to hop on board and be apart of this journey. We
know that many people care about their health but they just do not exactly
know the ins and outs about their health. They just don’t know who to
reach out to and ask, but that is why we are here to get those people to
step out of their boundaries and to make a step towards a healthy life by
joining our program!

Desired Outcomes:
Overall Goals for Camp Make the Right Choice:
▪ Bring awareness to a healthy lifestyle to children in a fun
and educational manner.
▪ Provide professional advice on healthy eating, and
▪ Provides children to interact with others in the community.
Program Specific Goals:
▪   Deliver healthy lifestyle activities including informational
▪ Introduce the community a healthy way of living
▪   Experience adventure in the outdoors and instill an
appreciation for outdoors
▪ Start a healthy living impact on the community/kids

▪ Evaluation Plan:
▪ kids will complete physical activities with other children
expressing what they learned in the camp.
▪ Kids will receive supplies from camp and healthy
eating/workout guide for at home.

• Breakfast, snacks & lunch for each participant (3 days):
• Day 1 breakfast/snacks: 50 @ $3.00 per person:
$150 (x 2 days) = $300
• Day 1 Lunch: 50 @ $5.00 per person:
$250 (x 2 days) = $500
• Camp materials/activities:
• Camp T-shirts for participants: 50 @ $10 each:
• Healthy food plan & exercise materials:

• Total Cost: $1,750

Work Cited:
Childhood Obesity Facts. (2019, June 24). Retrieved from

Resource Library. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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