Balance: Choose Your Fuel and Make Your Move!

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Elementary School Level

It Out!
Choose Your Fuel and Make Your Move!


A Teacher’s Resource

Our guide to balancing Bonus CD

food, fun and fitness Check it o

Presented nationally by:

Balance It Out!

hanks for sponsoring a Jump Rope For Heart or Hoops For Heart event!
We appreciate your commitment to improving your students’ health and fitness while helping to
raise funds for the American Heart Association. Your donations help to fund vital research and
educate the public about cardiovascular disease and stroke. Thank you for being a partner in this
important cause.
Since 1924 the American Heart Association has been working to fight heart disease and stroke. Our
efforts focus on research, education and advocacy led by dedicated volunteers and staff.
• Since 1996, we have funded more than $1 billion in cardiovascular research, including work on clot-
busting drugs. Over 28 percent of every publicly donated dollar goes to scientific research.
• Every year our Emergency Cardiovascular Care programs train more than 9 million emergency
medical services personnel, healthcare professionals and citizens in how to perform CPR or use
an automated external defibrillator (AED) to save lives.
• The American Heart Association works through legislative channels to increase funding for
cardiovascular research and make lifesaving equipment, such as AEDs, more widely available
in public places.
The American Heart Association dedicates significant resources to helping children be
more heart healthy.
• In 2004–05, the American Heart Association spent $11.7 million on research projects
related to children.
• Each year, the American Heart Association highlights major gains in heart
disease and stroke research. Listed among the 2005 Top 10 research
advances in heart disease and stroke is the American Heart Association’s
scientific statement on childhood obesity, which outlines cardiovascular
consequences and suggests prevention strategies.
• The American Heart Association and the William J. Clinton Foundation have joined
to form the Alliance for a Healthier Generation to combat the spread of childhood
obesity and the serious diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes, associated with it.
The Alliance is taking a comprehensive approach to stop the increase in childhood obesity by
2010. On May 3, 2006, the Alliance announced a landmark agreement to curb high-calorie
beverages in all schools. Representatives of Cadbury Schweppes, Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, and
the American Beverage Association established new guidelines to limit portion sizes and
reduce the number of calories available to children during the school day.

Materials Included in This Kit

• Teacher’s Resource Guide
• Educational Posters
• CD with electronic copies of forms
and additional resources

Fact File
We need physical education in our schools.
Many studies have shown that children who get sufficient physical activity have better academic
results. When you add in the growing problem of childhood obesity and the risk for adult-onset
diseases in our children, it’s time to fight for physical activity in schools. Here are some facts:
• Since 1980, the percentage of overweight children has nearly doubled and the percentage of
overweight adolescents has nearly tripled. In 2000, 15 percent of children aged 6 to 11 were
overweight and nearly 16 percent of adolescents were overweight.
• About 60 percent of overweight children already have at least one other risk factor for heart
disease (e.g., diabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol).
• Type 2 diabetes in adolescents increased ten-fold between 1982 and 1994.
• Fewer than 1 in 4 children get 20 minutes of vigorous physical activity per day, and fewer than 1
in 4 get at least 30 minutes of physical activity per day.
• Between 1991 and 1999, the percentage of students who took physical education daily
dropped from 42 percent to 29 percent.
• Participation in all types of physical activity declines as age or grade in
school increases. By the time students reach their teens, nearly half of
America’s youth are not vigorously active on a regular basis, and over one-
third aged 12 to 17 are physically active less than 3 out of 7 days a week.
• Nearly 200 studies on the effect of exercise on cognitive functioning suggest that physical
activity supports learning.
• Two studies demonstrated that providing more time for physical activity can lead
to increased test scores, particularly in the area of mathematics. Another study
linked physical activity programs to stronger academic achievement, increased
concentration and improved math, reading and writing test scores.
• Children with daily physical education exhibit better attendance, a more
positive attitude to school and superior academic performance.

Do You Know?
Compared to active children, inactive children weigh more, have
higher blood pressure and have lower levels of heart-protective
high-density lipoproteins (HDL cholesterol).

’s G

Educate Parents, Teachers and Your Community

If we expect to influence students’ behavior, consistent messages about heart health must go beyond the classroom and echo
throughout the school, the home and the community! Students need to see heart-healthy food choices in the cafeteria, at home
and on restaurant menus. We need to create opportunities for more physical activity and make it part of their everyday lives.
For some students, the physical activity they get at school may be their only exercise.

Here are some ideas to help students and their families live healthier lifestyles.
Try posting these on your school Web site or distributing them at events.

School is the Starting Point!

• Sponsor a Jump Rope For Heart or Hoops For Heart event and get all students and their families involved.
• During the official start of the school day, coordinators can direct each classroom to get up from their desks and perform
a variety of exercises each morning with directions over the school’s PA system. The physical educator in the school will
teach the students and teachers the exercises that will be performed each morning. This is a great way to kick-start the
brain’s learning abilities with increased blood flow.
• Schedule a day once a month as Fitness Day. Set up games and activities for the students to participate in. Make it fun
with music and special decorations.
• Schedule Family Fitness at your school. Set up non-competitive games and activities for students and their families to
participate in together on one or two evenings throughout the school year.
• Provide nutrition and physical activity information for your school newsletter. If your school doesn’t have one, publish your
own version! News could include ways to increase physical activity or recipes for low-fat, nutritious snacks or lunches.
• Provide information about purchasing pedometers or use them in physical education classes. Pedometers measure the
number of steps taken each day. Wearing a pedometer will encourage students and teachers to be more physically active.

Ambassadors of Heart Health: Advocacy Ideas for Teachers and Students

As you work to promote healthy eating habits and increased physical activity in and beyond your classroom, draw on the
energy and enthusiasm of some of the best ambassadors — your students! Involve them in educating their peers, family
members, friends and local citizens in the how’s and why’s of eating right and exercising. Try some of these ideas to
promote healthier lifestyles, and check out the Web sites in the Resources section for more. Be an advocate!
• Advocate within your school and school district for more opportunities for students to be physically active. Encourage
students who may not participate in traditional sports to take part in after-school activities that improve their fitness. Ideas
might include: cycling, skateboarding, inline skating or joining a climbing club.
• Work with the PTA to map out a safe walking trail or course around the school grounds. Challenge grades/schools to walk
and create a competition between the grades. Individual classroom teachers may want to include graphing or estimating
to help students learn how to apply their math knowledge to life. If supervision is available, students may arrive at school
early to walk the course, or stay after school.
• Get active with your students. Encourage other teachers and parents to become involved in physical activity. Show
children how much you enjoy physical activity.
• Advocate for recess before lunch. It has been shown that this results in fewer behavioral problems on the playground and
in the lunchroom.
• Advocate within your school district for better nutritional choices. Work with the PTA or create a plan on how to phase out
foods that don’t contain the best balance of nutrition.
• Provide information about local events such as 5Ks or clean-up days in your school announcements or school newsletter.
Encourage students and their families to participate in outdoor activities together and in the lunchroom.

l a n ce Activity Idea 1 for K–

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Can be modified for Grades 3–5 (larger space, longer spaces between stations, more complicated
“fast” and “slow” movements, etc.)

Race Cars

Food is fuel for your body — accelerate your performance by using the right fuel.

Knowledge Needed
To be your best, it’s important to think about what you eat and how much you eat. “Everyday foods” are more
nutritious and provide better fuel for your body. “Sometimes foods” may taste good, but they do not help our
bodies work as well. The important thing is to make sure you are getting energy out of your fuel. The calories we eat
and drink (energy in) provide fuel for our bodies to use for everyday activities and physical activities (energy out).
That means that you need to balance energy IN with energy OUT. Which foods will you CHOOSE to make your body
work better?

Students will become aware of how choosing the right foods helps their bodies work better,
keeping them healthier throughout their lives. Choosing the wrong foods will slow them down
and make it harder to “win.”

Materials and Setup

1. Food Cards: (See CD for food cards to print or create your own.) Each card has a picture
and the name of a different food. Have a good mix of “everyday” foods (fruits, veggies,
whole grains, low-fat or non-fat dairy products, lean meat, etc.) and “sometimes”
foods (French fries, hamburgers, pizza, candy, colas, desserts, etc.)
2. Track: Set up a “track” with “lanes” for the cars (students) to race on.
3. Stations: Every 5–10 feet, set up stations with buckets or baskets holding the
Food Cards. Make it so that the students cannot see the items on the cards
they are picking out of the bucket. Their choices should be random.
Before the race: Have students imagine that they are race cars. You really want to win the
race, so you have to have the best fuel possible to stay speedy and not break down. When
your fuel tank is low, you wouldn’t fill up the tank with muddy water would you? It’s the
same with your body. When you want it to work its best, you have to give it the best fuel.
Food is the fuel your bodies use to work. This game will help you learn what foods
are the best fuel for your body. (Explain/demonstrate the rules of the game.)
(continued on next page)

Do You Know?

The brighter the food on the plate, the more

vitamins and minerals you will consume.

l a n ce Activity Idea 1 (continued)

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Race Cars

• Divide the students into appropriate-sized groups for the track and lanes you have set up. (Students who are
watching can be cheerleaders while waiting their turn or perform another activity, such as jumping rope.)
• The race cars (students) start at the start line. Everyone WALKS to the first station.
• When they reach the first station, each student picks a “food fuel” from the bucket.
• “Everyday food” fuel choices allow the race cars go faster. Students can skip, run, walk faster, etc. to the
next station.
• “Sometimes food” fuel choices make the race cars go slower. Students must crabwalk, bear walk or use another
slow way of moving on the floor to get to the next station.
• When the race is over, the winning race cars should have more “everyday” fuel cards and
losers should have more “sometimes” fuel cards.
• If the class is running the race in groups, have someone at the end of each race write down
what fuel cards the winners had and what fuel card the losers had from each group.

Share the “everyday” fuel cards that the faster cars had and discuss what made
those choices better than the “sometimes” fuel cards. Give homework and
instructions to complete the assignment.

Send the Meal Planning Worksheet home to be filled out for the rest of the
week. Suggest that the whole family get involved in choosing a variety of food
each day.

Do You Know?
Children are exposed to 40,000 commercials per year.
• Candy ­— 32 percent
• Sweetened cereals ­— 31 percent
• Fast food ­— 9 percent

l a n ce Activity Idea 2 for 3–

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Meal Planning

How to choose a healthy meal!

Knowledge Needed
Students need to know the difference between an “everyday food” and a “sometimes
food.” “Everyday foods” provide excellent fuel for the body to work efficiently and
“sometimes foods” provide inferior fuel to the body. We CHOOSE what food to put
into our bodies. When we choose healthy foods, our bodies work better and we live
longer, stronger lives. If we select unhealthy foods to eat most of the time,
our bodies will have trouble working efficiently and will place us at an
increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease or stroke.

Students will learn to choose the right foods for their meals. All
students are doing some kind of physical activity while their
team builds a meal from the selected food cards.

Materials and Setup

1. Food Cards: (Make your own.) Each card has a picture and the name of a
different food. Have a good mix of “everyday foods” (fruits, veggies, whole
grains, low-fat or non-fat dairy products, lean meat, etc.) and “sometimes
foods” (French fries, hamburgers, pizza, candy, colas, desserts, etc.)
2. At least two dozen cones or “station” markers set up in a field or gymnasium.
3. Mount one Food Card to each cone and place plenty of copies of that food
card underneath the cone. (Each team begins with an exact copy of the
food cards of the other teams participating.)
4. One bucket or box for each team to put food cards into.
5. Music to keep the physical activity upbeat, fast and fun.
6. Whistle to tell students when to choose food for their meals.

(continued on next page)

l a n ce Activity Idea 2 (continued)

Ba ut!
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Meal Planning

• Divide the class into teams. Give each student in each team a number (1–5 if each team has five members)
and assign them an area to exercise (jumping rope, jumping jacks, running in place, etc.).
• Place the teams around the outside of the designated cone area.
• Each team begins by participating in their assigned exercise, while the first person in the group waits to hear
the whistle.
• When the whistle is blown, a team member from each team runs into the cone
area to pick up a food card from a category to add to their team meal. (The
team members will go in the assigned order already established… 1–5, etc.)
Blow the whistle enough times so that every team member gets to pick a food
for the team meal.
• Each team member takes their chosen food card back to the team (the team is
still exercising), shows it to the other members and places it in the team bucket,
then goes back to exercising before the whistle blows for the next team member to
go get a card.
• Continue this process, changing the team exercise for each round until each team
has built a meal out of the foods they are choosing.

• Have each team share the meal they have created with the rest of the class.
• Discuss why some meals are healthier than others.
• Have a class cheer for the team that built the healthiest meal.

Send home the Meal Planning Worksheet. After they are due, discuss the choices
students have made. Ask them to compare the foods they will choose now with the
foods they used to choose.

Do You Know?

• 46 percent of food dollars are spent outside the home.

• 44 percent of Americans eat at a restaurant on any given day.
• Restaurant portion sizes tend to be 2–3 times “normal.”

Meal Planning
Activ 2

How to choose a healthy meal!

Directions: Record daily food choices. Ask family members or friends to record their food choices.
Under each meal, list each food eaten on a separate line. For each food, place a check mark under the category where that food item
belongs and indicate if that food is an “everyday food” or a “sometimes food.”

NAME__________________________________________________________ DATE______________________________

“Everyday “Sometimes Bread, Milk, Lean Fats,

Food Selection food” food”
Fruit Vegetable cereal,
cheese meat oils,
pasta sweets




l a n ce Activity Idea 3 for 3–

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Risky Business

Learning Risk Factors for Heart Disease and Stroke

Knowledge Needed
Students need to know the risk factors that contribute to heart disease or stroke. The more risk factors a person
has, the higher the likelihood that they will develop heart disease or stroke. The students need to learn the additional
risk factors that a person may have no control over, such as heredity, diabetes, age, sex, race.

Students will participate in a cardiovascular tag game while learning the risk
factors for heart disease and stroke.

Materials and Setup

1. Risk Factor Cards: (See your CD for risk factor cards to print out or make
your own.) Each card has a risk factor on it. Some card suggestions if you
are making your own are: Overweight, High Blood Pressure, Smoking, High
Cholesterol, Physical Inactivity and Diabetes.
2. A box to put the cards in
3. 12–15 poly spots
4. 3–4 red nerf balls
5. 3–4 red pennies for “Heart Attackers”
6. 1–2 black/white pennies for “Heart Patrol”
7. 1–2 blue pennies or lab coats for “Cardiologists”

• Place poly spots with Risk Factor cards taped on them randomly
around gym floor.
• Designate the boundaries of the game: Assign a fitness run track
course area. All spots are considered “safe.” To get a student off
base, the “Heart Attackers” or another player must say, “Buzz off
PLEASE!” The student must leave.

• “Heart Attackers” (taggers) try to tag students by touching them with their cholesterol (nerf) ball.
• When a player is tagged, they must go get a Risk Factor card out of the box. Each time they are tagged they must
get a different risk factor. Once a player is carrying a Risk Factor card, they are not safe on spots with that risk factor
on them.
• After a student gets the fourth Risk Factor card, they are at greater risk for having a heart attack. They must go
to the “Cardiologist” who puts them on an exercise program. They are sent on the “fitness run” track around the
outside perimeter of the game. After completing each lap, they return a Risk Factor card to the Cardiologist. After
four laps, they are considered to have a reduced risk and can then return to the game.
• “Heart Patrol” is one or two students who walk around checking spots and Risk Factor cards. If a student is found
standing on a spot where they are not safe (holding that Risk Factor card), the Heart Patrol will give them another
Risk Factor card (ticket).
• STROKE! The teacher calls this anytime during the game and all students are temporarily
paralyzed — they can’t move or speak. Use this time to switch Heart Attackers, Heart Patrol
or to correct problems or safety issues.

Ask the students what they learned about the
number of risk factors you should have. Give
homework and instructions to complete.

Send home the Risky Business Worksheet. Have all family members check off the risk
factors that they have for heart disease and stroke. When students return their sheets,
figure out what percentage of the students’ family and friends are at risk for heart
disease and stroke and discuss the results with the class. Compare the results from
the class with the national averages.

Do You Know?

The more risk factors the person has, the more

likely they are to develop heart disease or stroke.

Risky Business
Worksheet Risk Factors for Heart Disease and Stroke
Directions: Ask your friends and family to note which risk factors
they have. For each person, create a total number of risk factors.

NAME__________________________________________________________ DATE______________________________

Which risk factor do

NAME OF PERSON How many risk factors do they have?
they have?
John Smith __x_ Overweight 3
____ High Blood Pressure
____ High Cholesterol
__x_ Smoking
__x_ Inactivity
____ Diabetes

____ Overweight
____ High Blood Pressure
____ High Cholesterol
____ Smoking
____ Inactivity
____ Diabetes

____ Overweight
____ High Blood Pressure
____ High Cholesterol
____ Smoking
____ Inactivity
____ Diabetes

____ Overweight
____ High Blood Pressure
____ High Cholesterol
____ Smoking
____ Inactivity
____ Diabetes

____ Overweight
____ High Blood Pressure
____ High Cholesterol
____ Smoking
____ Inactivity
____ Diabetes

____ Overweight
____ High Blood Pressure
____ High Cholesterol
____ Smoking
____ Inactivity
____ Diabetes
l a n ce Activity Idea 4 for 3–

Ba ut!
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Can be modified for younger students. Have them take their pulse, noting only the speed of the heart
rate without calculating the numbers.

Heart Rate Pulse Count

Getting your heart rate up for a healthy heart.

Knowledge Needed
With exercise, the heart becomes a strong and efficient pump that circulates blood to all parts of the body. Arteries
are the blood vessels that have a pulse. The heart beats faster while exercising because the muscles need extra
oxygen to keep working. It is important to always begin slowly and end slowly when you exercise. (Sequence example:
Walk, stretch, jump rope/jog, walk, stretch). Your heart beats at a different rate when doing various types of physical
activity. The more active you are, the faster it beats. Each person should participate
in a moderate activity that raises the heart rate for at least 30
minutes each day. By exercising each day, the heart stays
in good shape and will work more efficiently.

Students will discover that their heartbeat or
“pulse” rate will increase as a direct result of
physical activity. They will also learn that it’s
important to exercise the heart every day. Younger
students will learn how their heart rate changes
with certain types of activities.

• Stethoscope for teacher and/or students or a picture
of one to explain how the doctor hears your heartbeat.
• Pencils and paper for older students.
• Watch with second hand.
• Different types of music for different activities. (Slow music for walking,
faster music for fast walking or skipping, faster music for more strenuous
activities like jumping rope.)
(continued on next page)

l a n ce Activity Idea 4 (continued)

Ba ut!
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Set Up
• Arrange students so they have room for the physical activity but can see the teacher.
• Introduce the word “pulse” and ask if anyone knows what it means. Explain that your pulse can be felt on
certain parts of the body (arteries) like the wrist and neck. Have everyone “check” his or her pulse.
• Explain that the doctor uses a stethoscope to listen to a patient’s beating heart. The heartbeat is also referred
to as the “PULSE.” Ask: “Have you ever felt changes in your heartbeat? Why do you think your heartbeat
changes?” Inform students that today they will find their pulse after doing different levels of activity.
• Students will learn how to count their pulse and figure out their heart rate.

• Have the students check their pulse while being very still. (Older students count pulse for 10 seconds
and multiply the number by 6 to get their resting heart rate, and then write that down on
their paper.) Students who are not able to multiply quickly may use the easier version of
counting their pulse for 6 seconds and adding a 0 to the number (ex. 6=60).
• Play slow music and have the students walk quietly in place or around the room.
Then have them stop and take their pulse. Older kids count, multiply and write the
number down.
• Play fast music and have them skip or jog in place or around the room. Then
have them take their pulse again. Older kids record it.
• Play really fast music and have students run, jump rope or do another
very strenuous activity. Once again take the pulse and let older kids
record it.
• Then go back to the next lowest level and so on until they are sitting quietly
again. (This teaches the importance of warming up and cooling down before
strenuous exercise.)

Ask the students what they learned about the differences in their pulse based on the
level of the activity.

n ce
Additional Activities
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’s G
Jump Rope Rhymes
Suggested Grade Level: Grades K–3

No smoking or secondhand smoke

Students can jump rope and sing rhymes, teaching them about not smoking or being around secondhand smoke.
Students will learn that smoking and secondhand smoke are not good for the heart. If you smoke or are around
secondhand smoke, your heart and lungs can be damaged and will not work as efficiently.

No Smoking Rhyme No Secondhand Smoke Rhyme

Please be smart We’re not joking.

Says your heart We don’t like smoking.
Smoking is something It ruins our air.
You shouldn’t start That’s why we care.
We’re not joking.
We don’t like smoking.

High Fat or Low Fat

Suggested Grade Level: Grades K–3

Learn that high-fat foods are not good for the heart.

Students learn to choose low-fat foods to reduce the risk of heart disease. Have
students bring pictures of food from home or make their own.

Place pictures of different foods around the playing area. Make sure they are secured
to the floor or wall. The students begin to move around a designated space using any
locomotor pattern. (You can change this every few minutes.) When students hear the signal,
they pick up a picture closest to them. After they determine whether it is a high-fat or low-fat
food, they move through the room in a predetermined locomotor pattern (e.g., high-fat means to slide sideways, low-fat
means to skip forward). They hold their picture above their heads while moving so you can see them. On your signal,
they put the picture down, continue to move freely through the general space, and pick up a new picture on your signal.

n ce
Additional Activities
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Heart Obstacle Course
Suggested Grade Level: Grades 3–5

Learn that high-fat foods are not good for the heart.

Students will learn how the heart works as well as the flow of blood to and from the rest of the body.

Set up this course to teach the anatomy of the heart organ. Use hula hoops, scooters, mats and any other equipment
you have to set up different sections.









Physical Activity

Directions: Fill out the form and bring it back to class.

Encourage others in your family to also participate. Consider keeping track for one month.

DUE DATE _________________________________________________________________________________________

NAME ____________________________________________________________________________________________

GRADE ________________________________________ CLASS PERIOD________________________________________

Week 1 Week 2
Date: _________ Date: _________
Monday: 20 Push-ups & 25 Curl-ups ___ Monday: 20 Push-ups & 25 Curl-ups ___
Tuesday: Choice activity: __________# min. ___ Tuesday: Choice activity: __________# min. ___
Wednesday: 20 Push-ups & 25 Curl-ups ___ Wednesday: 20 Push-ups & 25 Curl-ups ___
Thursday: Choice activity: _________# min. ___ Thursday: Choice activity: _________# min. ___
Friday: 20 Push-ups & 25 Curl-ups ___ Friday: 20 Push-ups & 25 Curl-ups ___
Guardian Signature: _______________________ Guardian Signature: _______________________

Week 3 Week 4
Date: _________ Date: _________
Monday: 20 Push-ups & 25 Curl-ups ___ Monday: 20 Push-ups & 25 Curl-ups ___
Tuesday: Choice activity: __________# min. ___ Tuesday: Choice activity: __________# min. ___
Wednesday: 20 Push-ups & 25 Curl-ups ___ Wednesday: 20 Push-ups & 25 Curl-ups ___
Thursday: Choice activity: _________# min. ___ Thursday: Choice activity: _________# min. ___
Friday: 20 Push-ups & 25 Curl-ups ___ Friday: 20 Push-ups & 25 Curl-ups ___
Guardian Signature: _______________________ Guardian Signature: _______________________

Choice Activity must be an exercise that raises the heart rate for at least 30 minutes. Suggestions: walking, jogging, biking, skating,
inline skating, skateboarding, swimming, sports (basketball, soccer, hockey, etc.)
If you make a different choice, write it here. Make sure that your teacher approves it before you begin using the activity on your chart.
My Special Choice Activity is: __________________________
a n ce
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Educational Web Resources for Teachers
The Jump Rope For Heart Web site provides Physical Best is a comprehensive health-related fitness
information for teachers, students and parents about education program of AAHPERD for use in conjunction
the Jump Rope For Heart program. It’s an excellent with existing K–12 physical education curricula.
resource to help make event a success. STARS is a program developed by the National
The Hoops For Heart Web site provides event Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE).
resources for coordinators, as well as information This awards program features five levels of
for students and parents about the Hoops For achievement to recognize outstanding physical
Heart program. education programs in K–12 schools across America.
This is an opportunity to gain national recognition for your school and PE teachers by documenting the
excellence of your physical education program.
The American Heart Association Web site offers a
wide variety of valuable information including Heart
and Stroke Encyclopedia, family health information, obesity/wecan/
science and professional information, and heart-
healthy tips. We Can! (Ways to Enhance Children’s Activity &
Nutrition) is a national program designed as a one- stop resource for people interested in practical tools
to help children 8–13 years stay at a healthy weight.
Former President Clinton and the American Heart Tips and fun activities focus on three critical behaviors:
Association have joined forces to stop the increasing improved food choices, increased physical activity and
prevalence of childhood obesity in the United States. reduced screen (TV, computer, etc.) time.
They will identify issues that contribute to the problem
and help with solutions by providing tools for schools
that inspire all young Americans to develop life-long
healthy habits. You can register for e-mail updates. PE Central is ideal for PE teachers. The site offers
physical education curriculum, programs and resources for children and youth.

The Alliance for a Healthier Generation is a partnership

between the American Heart Association and the The Healthy Choices for Kids nutrition education
William J. Clinton Foundation dedicated to fighting program was created by the growers of Washington
childhood obesity. This site contains updates on the state apples. This program consists of four separate
programs and partnerships that are being developed volumes, each comprising a complete, ready-to-
to address this issue on all fronts. use curriculum guide, including Eat a Wide Variety
of Foods; Choose a Healthy and Active Lifestyle; Eat Plenty of Fruits, Vegetables, & Grains; and Choose
American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Healthy Snacks.
Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD) is the American
Heart Association’s partner in Jump Rope For
Heart and Hoops For Heart. AAHPERD is the largest Sponsored by the Dairy Council, Nutrition Explorations
organization of professionals supporting and helping is a great resource for teachers. It provides nutrition
those involved in physical education, leisure, fitness, lessons, nutrition news and FAQs, grade-level ideas
dance, health promotion and education and all and teacher idea exchange area. The site also has
specialties related to achieving a healthy lifestyle. an extensive section for parents, kids and even the
cafeteria or foodservice.

’s G
The USDA/Agricultural Research Service’s Children’s Nutrition BAM – Body and Mind is a children’s Web site of the Centers for
Research Center site with research, news, calculators (including Disease Control (CDC). Has a cool interactive Create Your Own Fitness
children’s BMI calculator), Portion-Distortion Quiz and an interesting Calendar feature for kids to make a personalized calendar of the
article on how parents’ attitudes help shape kids’ “athletic identity.” activities they are planning to do and a recipe finder for healthy
Also has a poster gallery you can download and print. snacks. Also neat activity cards that show how different activities
affect the body.
BAM — Body and Mind is a children’s Web site of the Centers for Advocacy Web Resources
Disease Control (CDC). This teachers’ resource center helps you to
incorporate CDC health, safety and science topics into your classroom.
The site also offers your students interactive content to investigate You’re the Cure is the American Heart Association’s nationwide
topics for school or for a personal interest. network of people dedicated to finding a cure for heart disease and
stroke. You’re the cure when you speak up for vital research funding, or when you advocate for public policies that increase physical activity
and improve nutrition in schools. You’ll get everything you need to
The Discovery Channel’s online health resource. Contains news, health
succeed including a Welcome Packet to get you started. Timely action
tools, information on diseases and conditions, diet and fitness, and
alerts ask you to call, write or visit policymakers.
even podcasts.
Educational Web Resources for Students
Robert Wood Johnson has published “Healthy Schools for Healthy Kids,” which highlights the best and most promising health-related
practices in schools. Look for this PDF released in December 2003.
KidsHealth is the largest and most-visited site on the Web providing
doctor-approved health information about children from before birth
through adolescence. Created by The Nemours Foundation’s Center for
Children’s Health Media, KidsHealth provides families with accurate, The National Association of State Boards of Education’s Healthy Schools
up-to-date and jargon-free health information they can use. The site program is a great resource for school health policies in each state and
offers games and activities for kids and advice for teens. sample policies on physical education and nutrition issues in schools.
A Web site devoted to bringing awareness to the importance of healthy The North Carolina Health Schools Program has put together a
eating habits and developing those healthy habits at an early age. comprehensive guide to create effective school health advisory councils.
Offers fun activities and information for parents and teens. has a great checklist to help you decide if your
The Diary Council’s great kid’s site is filled with games, activities, neighborhood is a friendly place to walk. It will also give you
contests, kid’s panel, recipes and fun links. Helps kids explore the suggestions on how to fix problems that you find.
world of nutrition and learn good eating habits.
The AAHPERD Legislative Action Center provides information and
Check out this new Kid’s Site! The movement for a Healthier Generation resources needed to address the health, physical activity, dance and
begins with youth. It’s all about being active and having fun! sport issues being debated on Capitol Hill. In addition, this site serves
as an election, media and training resource.
This site teaches the new Food Pyramid to kids. It has resources for
parents, games for kids and information for teachers. There are posters Offers the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, with reports, statistics, Youth
to download and tips on nutrition and physical activity. Action program and many ways to help keep our kids tobacco-free.

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National Center
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Dallas, Texas  75231-4596
©2006, American Heart Association. Also known as the Heart Fund.
This educational kit supports the Jump Rope For Heart and Hoops For Heart programs. 8/06CB0105

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