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Nitrogen Determinator
Instruction Manual
Version 1.2x
Part Number 200-748
October 2012
Patents are Pending in U.S.A. and other countries
© 2012 LECO Corporation
Minor revisions may not be reflected in this manual.
1 Introduction
The Introduction chapter contains general information about the FP628
Series Determinators. This includes safety guidelines and warranty
terms. Reference this chapter for replacement parts, operating
supplies and optional accessories. To place an order by phone, call our
customer service department toll-free in the United States at
1-800-292-6141 or 269-985-5496. Orders may also be sent by fax to

1 Introduction
Illustrations .................................................................................. 1–7
WEEE......................................................................................... 1–11
Warranty.................................................................................... 1–16
LECO-Supplied Dell Computers ..................................................... 1–18
Interference to Other Devices ....................................................... 1–20
Declaration of Conformity ............................................................. 1–21
Software License ......................................................................... 1–22
Equipment Packages .................................................................... 1–26
Options ...................................................................................... 1–27
Components and Accessories List .................................................. 1–30
Specifications ............................................................................. 1–32

2 Installation
Illustrations .................................................................................. 2–2
Lifting and Moving the Instrument ................................................... 2–3
Instrument Installation .................................................................. 2–4
Reagent Tube Packing.................................................................. 2–11
Computer Installation .................................................................. 2–14
Data Transmit Installation ............................................................ 2–15
Apply Power ............................................................................... 2–16

3 Option Installation
Illustrations .................................................................................. 3–2
Balance Installation ....................................................................... 3–3
Liquid Autosampler ........................................................................ 3–6
Stackable Carousels ...................................................................... 3–7

Introduction FP628 1–3

4 System Setup
Illustrations .................................................................................. 4–4
Front Panel Controls and Functions .................................................. 4–5
Menu Overview ............................................................................. 4–7
Apply Power ............................................................................... 4–14
Select Language.......................................................................... 4–15
Determining User Permissions....................................................... 4–16
Display Configuration ................................................................... 4–20
System Configuration .................................................................. 4–31
Method Configuration................................................................... 4–36
Define Calibration Standards ........................................................ 4–49
Sample Filters ............................................................................. 4–54
User Defined Fields...................................................................... 4–58
Remote Communication ............................................................... 4–61
Managing Databases .................................................................... 4–71
Deleting Analyzed Samples........................................................... 4–90

5 Operation
Illustrations .................................................................................. 5–4
First Time Analysis ........................................................................ 5–5
Shutdown Procedure .................................................................... 5–12
Sample Preparation ..................................................................... 5–13
Login ......................................................................................... 5–17
Correct for Moisture ..................................................................... 5–20
Correct for Atmospheric Blank ...................................................... 5–21
Enter a Mass from the Balance ...................................................... 5–22
Analyze a Sample ........................................................................ 5–23
Calibration ................................................................................. 5–32
Samples ..................................................................................... 5–40
Printing Reports .......................................................................... 5–46
Text Export Data ......................................................................... 5–50
Text Import Data ........................................................................ 5–60
Transmit Data ............................................................................. 5–61
Transmit Selected Samples .......................................................... 5–69
Data Backup ............................................................................... 5–70
Transfer Import .......................................................................... 5–72
Error Messages ........................................................................... 5–73

1–4 FP628 Introduction

6 Maintenance
Illustrations .................................................................................. 6–3
Periodic Maintenance Schedule ....................................................... 6–4
Air Filter Cleaning.......................................................................... 6–6
Aliquot Dosing Valve Cleaning ......................................................... 6–7
Ballast Tank Cleaning .................................................................... 6–9
Pinch Valve Tubing Replacement ................................................... 6–17
Carousel Cleaning ....................................................................... 6–19
Reduction Heater Tube Packing ..................................................... 6–21
Combustion Tube Removal and Replacement .................................. 6–25
Combustion Tube Packing ............................................................ 6–31
Crucible Replacement .................................................................. 6–34
Loading Head Cleaning................................................................. 6–36
O-rings ...................................................................................... 6–41
Reagent Tube Packing.................................................................. 6–42
Primary Furnace Filters Cleaning ................................................... 6–44
Thermoelectric Cooler .................................................................. 6–46
Login Periodic Maintenance ........................................................... 6–55
View Log File .............................................................................. 6–56
Configure Maintenance Counters ................................................... 6–57
Reset Maintenance Counters ......................................................... 6–59
Duckbill Replacement .................................................................. 6–60

7 Theory of Operation
Illustrations .................................................................................. 7–2
Theory of Operation FP628 ............................................................. 7–3
Method of Standard Additions ......................................................... 7–6
Calculations .................................................................................. 7–8
Barometric Pressure ...................................................................... 7–9
Thermal Conductivity Cell ............................................................. 7–10
Infrared Radiation Cell ................................................................. 7–12
Theory of Calibration ................................................................... 7–13
Comparator Level ........................................................................ 7–20

Introduction FP628 1–5

8 Diagnostics
Illustrations .................................................................................. 8–2
Ambient Monitor ........................................................................... 8–3
Calibrations .................................................................................. 8–7
Network Diagnostics .................................................................... 8–11
Furnace Diagnostics..................................................................... 8–13
Leak Check ................................................................................. 8–15
System Check ............................................................................. 8–26
Solenoids and Switches ................................................................ 8–28

9 Service
Illustrations .................................................................................. 9–3
Installing LECO Software ................................................................ 9–4
Configuring the Ethernet Adapter .................................................. 9–13
Configuring Firewall Settings ........................................................ 9–18
Configuring DHCPLite ................................................................... 9–19
Registering Software ................................................................... 9–23
Troubleshooting Copy Protection Key ............................................. 9–29
Loading Head Alignment and Adjustment ....................................... 9–34
Loading Head Interface Block Cleaning .......................................... 9–39
Carousel Alignment ..................................................................... 9–41
TC Cell Removal and Service ........................................................ 9–43
IR Cell Removal and Service ......................................................... 9–44
Troubleshooting .......................................................................... 9–46

10 Illustrations

11 Schematics

12 Index

1–6 FP628 Introduction


Figure 2-1 Rear Panel .....................................................................2–7

Figure 2-2 Lance Installation ...........................................................2–8
Figure 2-3 Crucible Installation ........................................................2–9
Figure 2-4 Exhaust Flask Installation ................................................2–10
Figure 2-5 Reagent Tube Packing .....................................................2–13
Figure 3-1 Balance Control Panel ......................................................3–4
Figure 3-2 Carousel Open Position ....................................................3–7
Figure 3-3 Carousel Bottom Plate .....................................................3–8
Figure 3-4 Carousel Mounting Position ..............................................3–8
Figure 3-5 Stacked Carousels ..........................................................3–9
Figure 4-1 Front Panel Controls and Functions ...................................4–5
Figure 4-2 Burn Profile ....................................................................4–40
Figure 5-1 Sample Preparation—Gel Capsule Method ..........................5–13
Figure 5-2 Sample Preparation—Quick Sampler Method ......................5–14
Figure 5-3 Sample Preparation—Manual Method .................................5–15
Figure 5-4 Sample Preparation—Foiler Method ...................................5–16
Figure 5-5 Autosampler Tray ...........................................................5–31
Figure 6-1 Aliquot Dosing Valve .......................................................6–8
Figure 6-2 Ballast Top Assembly ......................................................6–11
Figure 6-3 Ballast Connections .........................................................6–12
Figure 6-4 C-Flex Tubing Connection ................................................6–13
Figure 6-5 Stainless Line from Ballast to Doser Disconnected ...............6–14
Figure 6-6 Ballast Disassembly ........................................................6–15
Figure 6-7 Ballast and Pinch Valve Assembly .....................................6–17
Figure 6-8 Pinch Valve Tubing ..........................................................6–18
Figure 6-9 Carousel Bottom View .....................................................6–19
Figure 6-10 Carousel Bearings .........................................................6–20
Figure 6-11 Reduction Heater ..........................................................6–23
Figure 6-12 Packing the Reduction Heater Tube .................................6–24
Figure 6-13 Furnace Interface Blocks ................................................6–27
Figure 6-14 Afterburner Interface Block ............................................6–28
Figure 6-15 Furnace Latch Pin..........................................................6–28
Figure 6-16 Combustion Furnace Assembly .......................................6–29
Figure 6-17 Secondary Wire Screen Filter ..........................................6–30
Figure 6-18 Lance Assembly ............................................................6–32
Figure 6-19 Combustion Tube Packing ..............................................6–33
Figure 6-20 Loading Head Removal Screws .......................................6–35
Figure 6-21 Lance Removal .............................................................6–35
Figure 6-22 Slide Block Removal ......................................................6–37
Figure 6-23 Slide Block (Bottom View) ..............................................6–38

Introduction FP628 1–7

Figure 6-24 Lance Shield and Lance Tool ...........................................6–39
Figure 6-25 Female Jaw and Loading Pin ...........................................6–39
Figure 6-26 Reagent Tube Packing ...................................................6–43
Figure 6-27 Filter Locations .............................................................6–45
Figure 6-28 Thermoelectric Cooler ....................................................6–48
Figure 6-29 Thermoelectric Cooler Chamber ......................................6–49
Figure 6-30 Thermoelectric Chamber Cover .......................................6–50
Figure 6-31 Thermoelectric Cooler Chamber Plate ..............................6–51
Figure 6-32 Thermoelectric Cooler Chamber ......................................6–52
Figure 6-33 Precooler Assembly .......................................................6–53
Figure 6-34 Precooler Disassembly ...................................................6–54
Figure 7-1 FP628 Measurement Flow Diagram ...................................7–4
Figure 7-2 Pneumatic Flow Diagram .................................................7–5
Figure 7-3 Thermal Conductivity of Gases .........................................7–11
Figure 8-1 Oxygen Leak Check Flow Diagram ....................................8–19
Figure 8-2 Whole Carrier Gas Leak Check Flow Diagram ......................8–20
Figure 8-3 Oxygen Furnace Leak Check Diagram ................................8–21
Figure 8-4 Ballast Leak Check Diagram .............................................8–22
Figure 8-5 Aliqout Doser Leak Check Diagram ....................................8–23
Figure 8-6 TC Carrier Gas Aliquot Doser Leak Check Diagram ..............8–24
Figure 8-7 TC Carrier Gas Aliquot Bypass Doser Leak Check Diagram ...8–25
Figure 9-1 Male Mounting Block Top Screws ......................................9–35
Figure 9-2 Male Mounting Block Screws ............................................9–36
Figure 9-3 Loading Heading Alignment—Interface Block ......................9–37
Figure 9-4 Slide Block Speed Adjustments .........................................9–38
Figure 9-5 Carousel Actuator Arm Alignmnet .....................................9–42
Figure 9-6 Carousel Alignment .........................................................9–42
Figure 10-1 Reference Card .............................................................10–4
Figure 10-2 Pneumatic Manifold Assembly .........................................10–5
Figure 10-3 TC Cell Assembly Connector ...........................................10–6
Figure 10-4 TC Cell Manifold Assembly ..............................................10–7
Figure 10-5 TC Cell Assembly Card ...................................................10–9
Figure 10-6 TC Cell Leads................................................................10–10
Figure 10-7 TC Cell Assembly ..........................................................10–11
Figure 10-8 Oven Blower Assembly ..................................................10–12
Figure 10-9 Heater Plates Assembly .................................................10–13
Figure 10-10 Attaching Heater Plate Assembly ...................................10–14
Figure 10-11 Doser Block Assembly ..................................................10–15
Figure 10-12 Secondary Oven Upper Wall Panel Assembly ...................10–16
Figure 10-13 Secondary Oven Upper Wall Assembly ...........................10–17
Figure 10-14 Catalyst Heater Lower Block Assembly ...........................10–18
Figure 10-15 Catalyst Heater Back Panel Assembly ............................10–19

1–8 FP628 Introduction

Figure 10-16 Catalyst Heater Front Panel Assembly ............................10–20
Figure 10-17 Pinch Valve Plate Assembly ..........................................10–21
Figure 10-18 Pinch Valve Electrical Assembly .....................................10–22
Figure 10-19 Top Panel Assembly .....................................................10–23
Figure 10-20 Power Distribution Panel Assembly ................................10–24
Figure 10-21 Power Distribution Panel Card Assembly .........................10–25
Figure 10-22 Power Distribution Panel Wiring Harness Assembly ..........10–27
Figure 10-23 Left Side Panel Assembly..............................................10–29
Figure 10-24 Dual Furnace Cap Assembly ..........................................10–30
Figure 10-25 Dosing Valve Pneumatic Cylinder Assembly ....................10–31
Figure 10-26 Dosing Valve 8-Port Valve Block Assembly .....................10–32
Figure 10-27 Dosing Valve Spring Clamp Assembly ............................10–33
Figure 10-28 Micron Filter Assembly .................................................10–34
Figure 10-29 Loading Head Sliding Block Assembly ............................10–35
Figure 10-30 Loading Head Top Block Assembly .................................10–37
Figure 10-31 Loading Head Solenoid Assembly ..................................10–39
Figure 10-32 Loading Head Air Cylinder Assembly ..............................10–40
Figure 10-33 Loading Head Cylinder Cover Assembly ..........................10–41
Figure 10-34 Oven Door Assembly ...................................................10–42
Figure 10-35 Oven Heater Shelf Assembly .........................................10–43
Figure 10-36 Ballast Plate Assembly .................................................10–44
Figure 10-37 Ballast Top Bracket Assembly .......................................10–45
Figure 10-38 Ballast Interface Manifold Block Assembly ......................10–46
Figure 10-39 Connect Interface Manifold Block To Ballast ....................10–47
Figure 10-40 IR Cell Mounting Base Assembly....................................10–48
Figure 10-41 TC Cell Interface Manifold Assembly ..............................10–49
Figure 10-42 Oven Fan Bracket Assembly .........................................10–50
Figure 10-43 Oven Enclosure Assembly .............................................10–51
Figure 10-44 TC Cell Assembly.........................................................10–52
Figure 10-45 Oven Mounting Plate Assembly .....................................10–53
Figure 10-46 Pneumatic and Furnace Flow Manifold Assembly ..............10–54
Figure 10-47 Fan Assembly .............................................................10–55
Figure 10-48 IR Cell Bypass Assembly ..............................................10–56
Figure 10-49 Upper Fan Assembly ....................................................10–57
Figure 10-50 Thermoelectric Cooler Fan Assembly ..............................10–57
Figure 10-51 Thermoelectric Cooler Furnace Insulation Assembly .........10–58
Figure 10-52 Thermoelectric Cooler Assembly ....................................10–59
Figure 10-53 Thermoelectric Cooler Card Assembly ............................10–60
Figure 10-54 Thermoelectric Cooler Wiring Assembly ..........................10–61
Figure 10-55 Filter Door Assembly....................................................10–62
Figure 10-56 Furnace Reduction Heater Assembly ..............................10–63
Figure 10-57 Catalyst Heater Assembly .............................................10–64

Introduction FP628 1–9

Figure 10-58 Bracket and Fan Assembly............................................10–65
Figure 10-59 Particle Filter and Upper Block Assembly ........................10–66
Figure 10-60 Particle Filter and Lower Block Assembly ........................10–67
Figure 10-61 Particle Filter Front Door Assembly ................................10–68
Figure 10-62 Pneumatic Manifold Assembly Part 1 ..............................10–69
Figure 10-63 Pneumatic Manifold Assembly Part 2 ..............................10–70
Figure 10-64 Pneumatic Manifold Assembly Part 3 ..............................10–71
Figure 10-65 Upper Filter Manifold Assembly 1 of 3 ............................10–72
Figure 10-66 Upper Filter Manifold Assembly 2 of 3 ............................10–73
Figure 10-67 Upper Filter Manifold Assembly 3 of 3 ............................10–74
Figure 10-68 CHN Series D-26 Component Pack Assembly ..................10–75
Figure 10-69 Secondary Oven Upper Wall Assembly 1 of 2 ..................10–76
Figure 10-70 Secondary Oven Upper Wall Assembly 2 of 2 ..................10–77
Figure 10-71 Ballast Doser HE Block Assembly ...................................10–78
Figure 10-72 Furnace Flow Manifold Assembly 1 of 3 ..........................10–79
Figure 10-73 Furnace Flow Manifold Assembly 2 of 3 ..........................10–80
Figure 10-74 Furnace Flow Manifold Assembly 3 of 3 ..........................10–81
Figure 10-75 Upper Oven Wall Assembly 1 of 2 ..................................10–82
Figure 10-76 Upper Oven Wall Assembly 2 of 2 ..................................10–83
Figure 10-77 Liquid Loading Head Platform Assembly .........................10–84
Figure 10-78 Liquid Autosampler Assembly .......................................10–85
Figure 10-79 Liquid Loading Head Assemby .......................................10–87
Figure 10-80 Unique Sub FP628 Assembly .........................................10–88
Figure 10-81 FP628 Component Pack Assembly .................................10–89
Figure 10-82 CHN/CN/FP628 Common Sub Assembly 1 of 4 ................10–90
Figure 10-83 CHN/CN/FP628 Common Sub Assembly 2 of 4 ................10–91
Figure 10-84 CHN/CN/FP628 Common Sub Assembly 3 of 4 ................10–92
Figure 10-85 CHN/CN/FP628 Common Sub Assembly 4 of 4 ................10–93
Figure 10-86 FP628 Component Pack Assembly .................................10–94
Figure 10-87 FP628 W/Sulfur Unique Sub Assembly ...........................10–95
Figure 10-88 Door Assembly............................................................10–96
Figure 10-89 Top Furnace Plate Assembly .........................................10–97
Figure 10-90 Primary and Secondary Electric Furnace Assembly...........10–98
Figure 10-91 Primary and Secondary Electric Furnace Bottom
Plate Assembly ..............................................................................10–99
Figure 11-1 Distribution and Power Entry ..........................................11–3
Figure 11-2 Pneumatic Flow Card .....................................................11–4
Figure 11-3 Heater Control ..............................................................11–5

1–10 FP628 Introduction


Disposal of WEEE and the Wheeled Bin Symbol

In 2002, the European Union introduced the Directive on Waste
Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE). The main aim of the
Directive is to ensure that WEEE is collected and treated separately.
WEEE may contain hazardous substances that should not end up in the
(human) environment because it can have adverse effects on it.
Furthermore, WEEE is a vast source of raw materials. With the ever
rising worldwide demand for new equipment and the ever decreasing
volume of raw materials in nature, letting this potential source of such
materials go to waste is unacceptable.
If equipment is collected separately, the equipment can be recycled
and up to 85% to 90% of the equipment can be reused as new
material, saving the use of virgin raw materials and energy of
producing these. Separate collection and treatment of WEEE will thus
decrease CO2 emissions as well.
For the above reasons, LECO expects end users to dispose of the
material in an environmentally friendly way, being separate collection
and treatment.
Electrical and Electronic Equipment is labeled with the following
“crossed-out wheeled bin” symbol, indicating that the equipment
should be disposed of by the end user separate from other types of

End users should contact their dealer/distributor or our company on

disposal, collection, and recycling options in their country.

Introduction FP628 1–11


Equipment manufactured by LECO Corporation, St. Joseph, Michigan is

warranted free from defect in material and workmanship for a period
of 1) thirteen months from date of shipment or 2) twelve months from
date of installation, whichever occurs first. Equipment not
manufactured by LECO is covered to the extent of warranty provided
by the original manufacturer and this warranty does not cover any
equipment, new or used, purchased from anyone other than LECO
Corporation. All replacement parts shall be covered under warranty for
a period of thirty days from date of purchase. LECO makes no other
representation or warranty of any other kind, expressed or
implied, with respect to the goods sold hereunder, whether as
to merchantability, fitness for purpose, or otherwise.
Expendable items such as crucibles, combustion tubes, chemicals, and
items of like nature are not covered by this warranty.
LECO's sole obligation under this warranty shall be to repair or replace
any part or parts which, to our satisfaction, prove to be defective upon
return prepaid to LECO Corporation, St. Joseph, Michigan. This
obligation does not include labor to install replacement parts, nor does
it cover any failure due to accident, abuse, neglect, or use in disregard
of instructions furnished by LECO. In no event shall damages for
defective goods exceed the purchase price of the goods, and LECO
shall not be liable for incidental or consequential damages
All claims in regard to the parts or equipment must be made within ten
(10) days after Purchaser learns of the facts upon which the claim is
based. Authorization must be obtained from LECO prior to returning
any other parts. This warranty is voided by failure to comply with
these notice requirements.

1–16 FP628 Introduction

The warranty on LECO equipment remains valid only when
genuine LECO replacement parts are employed. Since LECO has
no control over the quality or purity of consumable products not
manufactured by LECO, the specifications for accuracy of results using
LECO instruments are not guaranteed unless genuine LECO
consumables are employed in conjunction with LECO instruments. If
purchaser defaults in making payment for any parts or equipment, this
warranty shall be void and shall not apply to such parts and
equipment. No late payment or cure of default in payment shall extend
the warranty period provided herein.
LECO Corporation is not responsible for damage to any associated
instruments, equipment, or apparatus nor will LECO be held liable for
loss of profit or other special damages resulting from abuse, neglect,
or use in disregard of instructions. The Buyer, their employees,
agents, and successors in interest assume all risks and liabilities for
the operation, use, and/or misuse of the product(s) described herein
and agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend the seller from any
and all claims and actions arising from any cause whatsoever,
including seller's negligence for personal injury incurred in connection
with the use of said product(s) and any and all damages proximately
resulting therefrom.

Introduction FP628 1–17

LECO-Supplied Dell Computers

Dell Support
All LECO supplied Dell PC's include Dell's ProSupport Service, which is
designed to provide a base level of customer security. This service
option can place a Dell-certified technician at your location the
following day, if necessary (after phone-based troubleshooting). In
many cases, remote troubleshooting can minimize overall system
downtime by getting the issue quickly fixed remotely or helping Dell to
dispatch the right part (if necessary).
The inclusion of Dell ProSupport with LECO supplied PC’s ensures that
any computer related service issues are handled directly by the
experts at Dell. This eliminates the unnecessary step of working
through the LECO service professionals for a resolution from Dell, and
provides PC support 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Dell ProSupport provides expert assistance when you need rapid
problem resolution to help maximize your PC system's uptime and
productivity. ProSupport provides the following benefits:
• 24 x 7 Access to advanced-level North American-based phone
• Live Chat tech support
• DellConnect remote diagnosis and resolution
• Next Business Day On-Site Service after Remote Diagnostics
For more information, call 1-800-WWW-DELL (1-800-999-3355) or
access Dell's website by copying and pasting the following link into
your internet browser:
Please have your Service Tag and Express Service Code numbers
available when contacting Dell to expedite service. These can be
found on the back or side of the tower.

1–18 FP628 Introduction

Transferring Ownership of a Dell Product
The following section explains the steps to transfer the warranty and
ownership of a Dell computer. This transfer is necessary to complete
when an equipment package that includes a Dell computer has been
purchased from LECO.
• An internet connection is required to complete the transfer. If an
internet connection is not available, the transfer can be completed
by calling Dell at 800-624-9897.
• To complete the transfer online through Dell's website, complete
either the Domestic Customer procedure or the International
Customer procedure as explained in the following steps.

For Domestic Customers:

1. Access Dell's website by copying and pasting or entering the
following website URL into your internet browser:
It is recommended to complete the transfer of ownership from the
computer from which the ownership will be transferred. If this is not
possible, follow the instructions provided on Dell's website.
2. Complete the transfer by completing and submitting the form
provided on Dell's website.

For International Customers:

1. Access Dell's website by copying and pasting or entering the
following website URL into your internet browser:
It is recommended to complete the transfer of ownership from the
computer from which the ownership will be transferred. If this is not
possible, follow the instructions provided on Dell's website.

2. Do not enter information into the fields. Instead, click

International Transfer Form located below the form fields.
3. On the form, for original owner,
A. For First Original Owner, enter "LECO Corp"
B. For Original Owner E-mail Address, enter
C. For Country of Original Purchase, click the arrow and select
United States from the list.
4. Complete the transfer by following the remaining instructions
provided on the form.

Introduction FP628 1–19

Interference to Other Devices

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits
for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules and
Regulations. These limits are designed to provide reasonable
protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency
energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the
instructions, may cause interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful
interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined
by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to
correct the interference by one or more of the following methods:
• Reorient or relocate the radio or television receiving
• Increase the separation between the equipment and the
radio or television receiver.
• Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different
from that which the radio or television receiver is currently
• Consult the radio or television dealer or an experienced
radio/TV technician for help.

1–20 FP628 Introduction

Declaration of Conformity

Introduction FP628 1–21

Software License

By installing the Licensed Software, the Licensee acknowledges that

Licensee has read it, understands it and agrees to be bound by its
terms, and further agree that this is the complete and exclusive
statement of the Software License between the parties, which
supersedes and merges all prior proposals, understandings and other
agreements oral and written, between the parties relating to the
subject matter of this Software License. In the event of any conflict
between the terms of this Software License and the terms of purchase
orders submitted by Licensee, the terms of this Software License shall
This is an agreement between the Licensee and LECO Corporation
(“LECO”) of 3000 Lakeview Avenue, St. Joseph, Michigan 49085-2396,
owner of the Licensed Software. This Software License specifies the
conditions under which Licensee may use the Licensed Software.

I. Definitions
"Licensed Software" shall mean the software supplied with this
Software License, which is software developed and distributed by
"Instruction Manual" shall mean a guide describing the use and
operation of the Licensed Software, together with any related
supporting documentation.
"Licensee" shall mean and include any of the Licensee's divisions and
departments within Licensee's organization, but shall not include
wholly or partially owned subsidiaries, affiliates, successors or assigns,
or independent third parties.

II. License Grant

LECO hereby grants to Licensee, and Licensee hereby accepts, subject
to the terms and conditions set forth in this Software License, a non-
exclusive, non-transferable license to use the Licensed Software and
Instruction Manual as set forth in this Software License. The term
license as used in this Software License shall mean and include:

a. the right to use a copy of the Licensed Software in executable form

by one user at a time;
b. the right to use and copy the Instruction Manual for Licensee's
internal operations; and
c. the right to make one backup copy of the Licensed Software.

1–22 FP628 Introduction

In accepting the license granted by LECO, Licensee agrees that it shall
1. transfer or allow transfer of copies of the Licensed Software to any
other party including any wholly or partially owned subsidiaries,
affiliates, successors, or assigns without the express consent of LECO;
2. use the Licensed Software on more than one (1) CPU at any one
3. cause or permit unauthorized copying, reproduction, or disclosure of
any portion of the Licensed Software or Instruction Manual or the
distribution of any part thereof to any third person or entity, for any
purpose whatsoever. This restriction shall continue to bind Licensee
and its agents beyond the termination of this Software License; or
4. attempt to disassemble modify, or reverse engineer the Licensed
5. attempt to defeat or defeat the copy-protection mechanism;
6. attempt to or access features not purchased.

III. Enhancements And Support

LECO may make available to Licensee updates and enhancements to
the Licensed Software, which Licensee may accept at the time it is
offered to Licensee by paying any applicable update fee. LECO shall
have the sole discretion to determine the update fee. Use of all such
updates and enhancements by Licensee shall be subject to the terms
and conditions of this Software License unless supplemented or
replaced by a subsequent license.

IV. Termination Of Software License

In the event of a material default by Licensee or its agents, of any
provision of this Software License, LECO may terminate this Software
License upon thirty (30) days written notice. Upon termination of the
Software License, the Licensee shall return all copies of the Licensed
Software to LECO. This obligation shall survive the termination of this
Software License.

V. Copyright And Proprietary Information

Licensee acknowledges that the Licensed Software and the Instruction
Manual constitute valuable and copyrighted property of LECO and that
all title and ownership rights in the Licensed Software and related
materials remain exclusively with LECO. LECO reserves all rights with
respect to the Licensed Software and Instruction Manual under all
applicable laws for the protection of proprietary information, including,
but not limited to, trade secrets, copyrights, trademarks, and patents.

Introduction FP628 1–23

VI. Limitation Of Liability And Warranties
With respect to the physical media on which the Licensed Software is
delivered and Instruction Manual, LECO warrants the same to be free
of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of ninety (90)
days from the date of delivery. In the event of notification within the
warranty period of defects in material or workmanship, LECO will
replace the defective media or documentation. LECO specifically
disclaims all other warranties, expressed or implied, including but not
limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a
particular purpose with respect to defects in the media and
documentation. In no event shall LECO be liable for any loss of profit,
data, or use, or any other commercial damage, including but not
limited to special, incidental, consequential, interruptions in Licensee’s
operations, or other damages regardless of negligence or fault. LECO's
liability in connection with this Software License shall not exceed the
value of the amounts paid by Licensee under this Software License for
the Licensed Software which gave rise to the loss less a reasonable
amount for use, damage and obsolescence.

VII. Confidentiality
All information and materials regarding the software, provided to
Licensee by LECO which are not generally known in the trade are
confidential, are proprietary, and such information and materials are
furnished solely for the use of Licensee under this Software License.
Licensee agrees not to use or disclose any such information or material
otherwise without prior written consent from LECO and Licensee
further agrees to take all reasonable steps requested by LECO, or
otherwise necessary to protect the confidentiality of all such
information and materials. The foregoing obligations will survive
termination of this Software License, and Licensee agrees to return all
such information and materials to LECO upon request or any non-
renewal or termination of this Software License.

1–24 FP628 Introduction

VIII. Miscellaneous
a) This Software License shall be binding upon and inure to the
benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and
assigns, provided that Licensee shall not have any right to assign its
rights or obligations under this Software License (whether by operation
of law or otherwise) without the prior written consent of LECO.
b) All notices hereunder shall be in writing and shall be sent by
registered or certified mail postage prepaid to LECO at the addresses
first written above. The date of postmark shall be deemed the date on
which such notice is given.
c) No delay on the part of LECO in exercising any right, power or
remedy hereunder shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any
single or partial exercise of any such right, power or remedy preclude
any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right,
power or remedy.
d) No amendment, modification or waiver of, or any consent with
respect to, any provision of this Software License shall be effective
unless the same shall be in writing and signed and delivered by each
of the parties hereto, and then such amendment, modification, waiver
or consent shall be effective only in the specific instance and for the
purpose for which given.
e) This Software License shall be construed in accordance with and
governed by the internal laws of the State of Michigan. Wherever
possible, each provision of this Software License shall be interpreted in
such manner as to be effective and valid under applicable law, but if
any provision of this Software License shall be prohibited by or invalid
under such law, such provision shall be ineffective to the extent of
such prohibition or invalidity, without invalidating the remainder of
such provision or the remaining provisions of this Software License.
f) Licensee agrees that it is responsible for obtaining proper
authorization and complying with any export, re-export, or import laws
or regulations and that may apply if Licensee exports, re-exports, or
imports the Licensed Software, technology or technical data licensed

Introduction FP628 1–25

Equipment Packages

Items listed below are repeated throughout this manual and are
subject to revision. Please consult the packing slip received with the

FP628C Package consisting of: FP628 Nitrogen Determinator with External



1 501-171-HAZ* ANHYDRONE 10-16 MESH 1/LB
1 502-174-HAZ* LECOSORB 20-30 MESH 500GR
1 622-000-200 ASSY FP628 230V
1 686-540 ASSY PC TOWER 628 SERIES
1 622-001-396 PACK ACCESSORY FP628

*Packed and shipped separately in the U.S.A. Not included with international
shipments due to shipping regulations. These items are essential for operation.
Contact your LECO distributor for quotation and delivery.

FP628CR Package consisting of: FP628 Nitrogen Determinator


1 501-171-HAZ* ANHYDRONE 10-16 MESH 1/LB
1 502-174-HAZ* LECOSORB 20-30 MESH 500GR
1 622-000-200 ASSY FP628 230V
1 622-001-350 DISK CAL HARDWARE 628 SERIES
1 622-001-396 PACK ACCESSORY FP628

*Packed and shipped separately in the U.S.A. Not included with international
shipments due to shipping regulations. These items are essential for operation.
Contact your LECO distributor for quotation and delivery.

1–26 FP628 Introduction


622-000-2OP FP628 Options

1 501-050 SAMPLE CARBON 59% 15/GR
1 501-081 WOOL GLASS 1/LB
1 501-171-HAZ ANHYDRONE 10-16 MESH 1/LB
1 501-563-150 SAMPLE FLOUR 7% PROTEIN 50/GR
1 501-571 CAPSULE COPPER 100/BT
1 502-008 PLUG TIN 100/BT
1 502-040 CAPSULE TIN .250X.625 100/BT
1 502-040-100 CAPSULE TIN .250X.625 1000/BT
1 502-092 SAMPLE CAL EDTA 50/GM
1 502-101 SAMPLE DURENE 10/GR
1 502-167 CAPSULE TIN .343X .750 100/BT
1 502-174-HAZ LECOSORB 20-30 MESH 500GR
1 502-186-100 CUP SAMPLE TIN FOIL 1000/BT
1 502-186-200 CUP SAMPLE TIN FOIL 100/BT
1 502-189 COPPER STICKS 100G
1 502-304 COPPER STICKS 100G
1 502-304-500 COPPER STICKS 500G
1 502-397-400 CUP SAMPLE TIN LARGE 400/PK

Introduction FP628 1–27

1 502-478 SYRINGE 1.0ML 2IN NEEDLE PT 3
1 502-642 STD RM PHENYLALANINE 99% 50G
1 502-812 STD EDTA CRM
1 601-490-110 KIT FOILER
1 608-379 STRIP QUARTZ WOOL 15 IN 10/PK
1 614-961-110 CRUCIBLE POROUS FP-528 10/PK
1 619-180-110 KIT CAROUSEL STACKBL 30P
1 619-351-110 KIT CAROUSEL SHORT 30 POS
1 619-611 GRINDER ASSY 110V 60HZ
1 619-612 GRINDER ASSY 230V 50HZ
1 619-630-120 KIT DUCKBILL & O-RING 50/PK
1 619-680-101 TRAY VIAL SAMPLE 10/20 ML
1 622-001-277 ASSY MIRROR
1 625-390-101 BOTTLE WASH 100ML CAPS SEPTA
1 625-401-350 AUTOTRANSFORMER 208-230V W/CB DOM*
1 751-300-160 KIT BALANCE L-250 4 PLC CE

1–28 FP628 Introduction

1 763-265 WOOL GLASS .50/LB
1 622-001-359 KIT SPARE PARTS FP628
1 502-338 CAPSULE QUIKCAP 0 BOT 400/PK
1 502-382 CAP GEL MEDIUM 400/PK
1 502-810 CAPSULE GEL LARGE 000 400/PK
1 502-310 WOOL STEEL #2
1 051-094 SPEC SHEET 628 SERIES
1 619-591-933 O-RING 903 .301X .429X .064V
1 104-124-HAZ KIT PMA CHN/CN/FP628
1 625-602-470 C-FLEX ASSY*
1 622-001-486 KIT CONVERSION FP628 TO CHN628
1 622-001-484 KIT CONVERSION FP628 TO CN628
1 502-825 CAPSULE TIN LARGE 9.05 X 21MM 50/BX
1 619-680-102 SYRINGE 1ML 4IN 19GA/PT
1 619-680-103 NEEDLE 19/PTS3 511MM/2IN 3PK
1 619-680-104 GUIDE NEEDLE UPPER 19GA
1 619-680-105 ROD GUIDE NEEDLE
1 619-680-106 MAGNET SPACE HEAD
1 619-680-107 GUIDE NEEDLE LOWER 19GA

*Packed and shipped separately in the U.S.A. Not included with international
shipments due to shipping regulations. These items are essential for operation.
Contact your LECO distributor for quotation and delivery.

Introduction FP628 1–29

Components and Accessories List

Accessory Pack FP628 (622-001-396)

1 501-241 LUB GREASE VACUUM 5.3 OZ
1 502-007 CLEANER TUBE 8MM X 4FT
1 502-092 SAMPLE CAL EDTA 50/GM
1 502-186-200 CUP SAMPLE TIN FOIL 100/BT
1 502-189 COPPER STICKS 100G
1 502-310 WOOL STEEL #2
1 502-382 CAP GEL MEDIUM 400/PK
1 601-591 BEAKER 200ML*
1 601-691-036 ASSY TUBE CFLEX .125ID X 36
1 604-378 TWEEZER CURVED SST 3.9*
1 608-379 STRIP QUARTZ WOOL 15 IN 10/PK
1 614-961-110 CRUCIBLE POROUS FP-528 10/PK
1 616-513 TOOL O-RING
1 617-441 FILTER SCREEN 100MESH 1.25 SST
1 763-265 WOOL GLASS .50/LB
1 625-602-470 C-FLEX ASSY*
2 601-442 O-RING 113 .562X .748X.093V
2 601-504 O-RING 147 2.687X 2.873X.093V
2 616-138 O-RING 221 1.437X 1.687X.125S
1 778-116 O-RING 256 5.750X 6.000X.125B
1 622-001-258 ASSY FILTER 0.60 MICRON
1 602-974 SCREW CAPT .250-20X .62 SST

1–30 FP628 Introduction

Component Pack (622-020-070)
2 190-279 SCREW MPHP 8-32X .38 ST ZP
2 193-055 WASHER FLT .170X .437X.04STZP
2 604-312 CLIP FLASK
1 620-677 CABLE ASSY CAT 5 15' RJ45 SHLD
1 709-806-720 CORD POWER ASSY 8FT 15A/250V
1 762-458 ASSY CONNR NUT 9/16-18/.25CU T
1 709-806-808 RECEPTACLE SNGL 15A 250V BLK
1 617-548 TUBE BOROS FILTER 1.0 X 11.39
1 200-748 MANUAL INSTR FP628

PC Tower Assembly (686-540)

1 686-540-101 NAMEPLATE ID FOR 628 SERIES
1 686-546 TOWER PC 3.60GHZ 4C T3600 PRECISION W7

Introduction FP628 1–31


Instrument Range* ...................0.04 to 50 mg Nitrogen

Precision Range ........................0.02 mg or 0.5% RSD, whichever is greater

Sample Mass .............................Up to 750 mg, 500 mg nominal

Readability ..................................0.0001%

Analysis Time ............................4.5 minutes

Detection Method ......................Thermal Conductivity (TC Cell) Detector

Gases Required
Carrier: .......................................Helium (99.99% pure) @ 35 psi (2.4 bar) ±10%
Combustion .................................Oxygen (99.99% pure) @ 35 psi (2.4 bar) ±10%
Pneumatic: ..................................Compressed Air @ 40 psi (2.8 bar) ±10%, source
must be oil and water free

Furnace .....................................Resistance furnace; both primary and

afterburner; up to 1050°C

Autoloader ................................30-position (stackable to 120 samples)

Environmental Conditions
Operating Temp: ..........................15°C to 35°C (59°F to 95°F)
Humidity: ....................................20% to 80%, non-condensing

Dimensions** ...........................32 in. H x 27.5 in. W x 30 in D (81 x 70 x 76 cm)

Weight (approximate)
Instrument ..................................273 lb. (124 kg)
Shipping Weight ...........................324 lb. (147 kg)

Electrical Power Requirements

230 V~ (±10%; at max load), 50/60 Hz, single phase, 12 A, 4,000 BTU/hr†

*Use the following formula to calculate element concentration:

% element concentration = ((absolute element mass in mg)/(sample mass in
**Allow a 6-inch (15 cm) minimum access area around all units.
†Average output based on nominal operating parameters.
V~ denotes VAC.

1–32 FP628 Introduction

2 Installation
This chapter lists step-by-step instructions to install the FP628
Determinator. For software setup and configuration, refer to System
Setup, page 4–1.

Illustrations .................................................................................. 2–2

Lifting and Moving the Instrument ................................................... 2–3
Instrument Installation .................................................................. 2–4
International Installation ........................................................... 2–6
Combustion Tube ................................................................ 2–6
Crucible Installation ............................................................. 2–7
Exhaust Flask Installation ........................................................ 2–10
Reagent Tube Packing.................................................................. 2–11
Removal .......................................................................... 2–11
Packing ............................................................................ 2–11
Installation ....................................................................... 2–11
Computer Installation .................................................................. 2–14
Data Transmit Installation ............................................................ 2–15
Apply Power ............................................................................... 2–16

Installation FP628 2–1


Figure 2-1 Rear Panel .....................................................................2–7

Figure 2-2 Lance Installation ...........................................................2–8
Figure 2-3 Crucible Installation ........................................................2–9
Figure 2-4 Exhaust Flask Installation ................................................2–10
Figure 2-5 Reagent Tube Packing .....................................................2–13

2–2 FP628 Installation

Lifting and Moving the Instrument

Refer to Specifications, page 1–32, for the approximate

shipping and instrument weight. To lift or move the
instrument, use equipment capable of safely lifting this

1. Properly distribute weight prior to lifting.

Front panels and other cosmetic parts of this instrument are

not designed to be weight bearing. DO NOT use such parts
as lifting points or damage may result. ALWAYS lift near the
feet at the sides or the rear of the instrument base.

2. Position instrument in a location convenient to power and gas

supplies, providing a minimum access space of 6 inches around
the instrument.

Installation FP628 2–3

Instrument Installation

The following procedure should be used for first time installation of the
instrument. This procedure assumes that the instrument has been
unpacked and positioned in its permanent location.
The Balance and Printer are not supplied with the instrument. They
must be purchased separately. Refer to Options, page 1–27.
Refer to the Facility Requirements diagram, page 2–7, during
installation of the instrument.
1. Provide a work surface with convenient electrical power and gas
supplies. Refer to the Facility Requirements diagram, page 2–7
for power and gas supply requirements.
2. Install the Instrument as shown in the Facility Requirements
diagram, page 2–8. Provide a minimum space of six inches
around the instrument for airflow.


This equipment operates from a 230V~ source. Contact with
this voltage can be fatal. Do NOT connect the instrument to
the facility power source until instructed to do so.
3. Connect the AC power cord, supplied with the instrument, to the
power connector on the rear of the instrument. DO NOT plug it
into facility power. For installation outside the U.S.A. Refer to
International Installation, page 2–6.
4. Remove the Incoming TC Carrier Gas Flow Scrubber and Aliquot
Dose Flow Scrubber reagent tubes from the gas panel of the
instrument and pack them. Refer to Reagent Tube Packing,
page 2–11.
5. Remove the Reduction Heater Tube from the Reduction heater
and pack. Refer to Reduction Heater Tube Packing, page 6–21.
6. Install the Computer near the instrument. Refer to Computer
Installation, page 2–14.
7. Install the Balance near the computer and instrument. Refer to
Balance Installation, page 3–3.

2–4 FP628 Installation

Oxygen is not recommended in the pneumatic systems of
LECO instruments. If a spark is present, an explosion may
8. Connect the Oxygen Tubing Assembly from the oxygen tank to
the oxygen fitting on the rear of the instrument.
9. Slide the fitting back from the edge of the tubing and push the
tubing into the oxygen port of the instrument. Then slide the nut
toward the instrument and screw it onto the instrument port.
Tighten the nut.
10. Turn the oxygen gas on at the tank and set it to 35 psi
(2.41 bars).
If the oxygen pressure is set higher than 35 psi (2.41 bars), the
ballast pressure after purging may be too high. This may result in the
software skipping the method burn profile and immediately switching
to maximum flow.
11. Connect the TC Carrier Gas Tubing Assembly from the carrier gas
tank to the TC Carrier Gas fitting on the rear of the instrument.
12. Slide the fitting back from the edge of the tubing and push the
tubing into the TC carrier gas port of the instrument. Then slide
the nut toward the instrument and screw it onto the instrument
port. Tighten the nut.
13. Turn the TC carrier gas on at the tank and set it to 35 psi
(2.41 bars).
If the TC carrier gas pressure is set higher than 35 psi (2.41 bars),
the depressurization at the beginning of the TC Carrier Gas Leak
Check will happen slowly. This could cause a “Failed to Depressurize
Leak Check” error.
14. Connect the Pneumatic Tubing Assembly from the pneumatic tank
to the pneumatic in fitting on the rear of the instrument.
15. Slide the fitting back from the edge of the tubing and push the
tubing into the pneumatic port of the instrument. Then slide the
nut toward the instrument and screw it onto the instrument port.
Tighten the nut.
16. Turn the pneumatic gas on at the tank and set it to 40 psi
(2.76 bars).
17. Install a Crucible into the into the combustion tube. Refer to
Crucible Installation, page 2–7.
18. Install the Exhaust Flask onto the rear panel of the instrument.
Refer to Exhaust Flask Installation, page 2–10.
DO NOT couple the TC cell and ballast exhaust together. Attach them
to separate exhaust systems.
19. Connect the Ballast Exhaust, on the rear of the instrument, to the
facility exhaust.

Installation FP628 2–5

Ballast exhaust must be exhausted away from the work
area and should not be vented into the lab. Connect the
exhaust ports to the lab exhaust system or a fume hood.
20. Install the Ethernet cable from the computer to the instrument.
Refer to Data Transmit Installation, page 2–14.
21. Plug the instrument into facility AC power DO NOT turn the
instrument on until instructed to do so.
22. This completes instrument installation. Before continuing with
operation, refer to Setup, page 4–1.

International Installation
For international installation, a HAR approved line cord for use in the
end country must be obtained. This product requires a disconnect
device that may either be the plug of the power cord or a disconnect
device installed at the installation site if the equipment is permanently
When the plug on the power supply cord is intended to serve as the
disconnect device, the socket/outlet must be installed near the
equipment and shall be easily accessible. When the wiring is
permanently connected, a disconnect device (such as a circuit breaker
or switch) must be lockable, installed near the equipment, and be
easily accessible.

Combustion Tube
The combustion tube supplied in instruments purchased for domestic
use is packed before shipment from the factory. Instruments
purchased for international use may not have the combustion tube
packed. If the combustion tube is not packed, refer to Combustion
Tube Packing, page 6–31 and pack the combustion tube.

2–6 FP628 Installation

Figure 2-1
Rear Panel

Crucible Installation
1. Remove the loading head and set it to the side. Refer to Crucible
Replacement, page 6–34.
2. Screw the lance extractor tool, located in the inside front door,
into one of the threaded holes in the lance assembly and remove
the lance assembly.
3. Insert the crucible extractor tool into a crucible and lower it into
the combustion tube, Figure 2-3, page 2–9. Rest the crucible on
the quartz wool packing. Release the crucible and remove the
extractor tool.
4. Hold the lance by the removal tool and carefully lower it in place.
Unscrew the lance extractor tool. The bottom of the lance should
be positioned ¼” inside the top of the crucible. On domestic units,
the combustion tube will be installed at time of installation. Verify
crucible position by using the crucible installation tool to find the
height of the crucible edge. Compare the height of the crucible
edge to the length of the lance. Refer to Figure 2-2.
5. Reinstall the loading head.
6. The lance extractor tool should be stored in the inside of the front

Installation FP628 2–7




Figure 2-2
Lance Installation

2–8 FP628 Installation




Figure 2-3
Crucible Installation

Installation FP628 2–9

Exhaust Flask Installation
1. Attach the exhaust flask holder to the rear of the instrument
using the screws supplied. Refer to Figure 2-4.
2. Attach the flexible tubing from the bottom of the instrument to
the long open metal tube in the top of the stopper.
3. Connect the short open metal tube, in the top of the stopper, to
the lab exhaust using a short piece of flexible tubing.



Figure 2-4
Exhaust Flask Installation

2–10 FP628 Installation

Reagent Tube Packing

Anhydrone is a strong dehydrating agent and potentially

strong oxidant (over 150oC). Do not heat with organic
matter, flammables or combustibles. Avoid contact with
strong acids. Refer to material safety data sheet for safe
handling and storage procedures.

1. Slide reagent tube upward until the bottom end can swing free.
2. Tilt out the free reagent tube end.
3. Pull the reagent tube downward off the top port.

1. Insert a screen filter into the bottom of reagent tube. Position the
o-ring towards the bottom and push the screen filter up into the
tube 1/4-inch, Figure 2-5.
2. Pack 3/4-inch of glass wool into the bottom of reagent tube.
3. Fill the bottom 1/3 of reagent tube with Anhydrone.
4. Fill the top 2/3 of reagent tube with Lecosorb.
5. Firmly pack 1/2 to 2/3-inch of glass wool into the top of reagent
6. Reinstall the reagent tube.
7. Clean excessive reagent from work area.

1. Push the top end of the reagent tube over the top port.
2. Tilt the reagent tube inward and pull it down, pushing it over the
bottom port.

Installation FP628 2–11

2–12 FP628 Installation
Figure 2-5
Reagent Tube Packing

Installation FP628 2–13

Computer Installation

1. Unpack the computer, monitor and printer.

2. Set the computer near the instrument and near the computer set
the monitor and printer.
3. Connect the power cord, supplied with the monitor, to the power
input jack on the rear of the monitor. Refer to the manual
supplied with the monitor.
4. Connect the monitor cable, supplied with the monitor, to the
monitor connector on the rear of the computer.
5. Locate the instrument interface cable and connect it to the
instrument connector (ethernet) on the rear of the computer.
Connect the other end to the computer connector (ethernet) on
the rear of the instrument. Refer to Figure 2-1.
6. Locate the keyboard, supplied with the computer, and set it in
front of the monitor. Connect the keyboard cable to the keyboard
connector on the rear of the computer.
7. Locate the mouse, supplied with the computer, and set it next to
the keyboard. Connect the mouse cable to the mouse connector
on the rear of the computer. The mouse pad should be positioned
under the mouse.
8. Connect the power cord, supplied with the printer, to the power
input connector on the rear of the printer. Refer to the manual
supplied with the printer.
9. Connect the printer cable to the connector on the rear of the
printer. Connect the other end of the printer cable to the printer
connector on the rear of the computer (typically this will be a USB
10. Locate the copy protection key and plug it into one of the USB
connectors on the back of the computer.
11. Refer to the manual supplied with the printer and install the ink
cartridges in the printer and align them.
12. Turn the computer on and wait for the operating system to load.
Click on the CN628 icon and follow the registration instructions
that appear on the display. Make sure the CN628 applications
program has loaded and the program appears on the display
before continuing.
13. Align the ink cartridges after the computer and printer have been
turned on. Refer to the manual supplied with the printer for the
alignment instructions.

2–14 FP628 Installation

Data Transmit Installation

The data output is RS-232. All character generation is coded in ASCII

or UNICODE format. Special characters (such as expanded print
characters) are filtered out.

1. Connect the data transmit connector on the computer to the

serial connector on the peripheral device.
2. Configure the instrument's output to match that of the peripheral
device. Refer to Data Transmission Communications Settings,
page 5–65, for the configuration procedure.
3. To transmit data automatically, refer to Transmit Data
Automation, page 5–64.

Installation FP628 2–15

Apply Power

1. The Power Switch on the left side of the determinator should be in

the off position.
2. Turn the Gas Supplies on at the regulators.
In the following steps, the Determinator and Computer must be
turned ON.
3. Turn on AC power to the determinator. Permit the computer to
boot-up and run the application program after power is on.
4. Allow the instrument to stabilize n until TC Cell reading for a two
minute period is + 0.0009, usually about one hour, before
performing a system check or sample analysis.
5. Access the Ambient Monitor. Refer to Ambient Chart on page 8–3.
6. Verify that there are no alarms indicated by an exclamation
marker in a yellow box to the left of the parameter. All alarms
must be cleared before performing a sample analysis. To clear an
alarm it may be necessary to perform hardware calibration,
system maintenance or wait an appropriate amount of time for
the instrument to warm-up. Refer to the Diagnostics and Service
Section of this manual for more information.

2–16 FP628 Installation

3 Option Installation
This chapter lists step-by-step instructions to install optional
equipment for the FP628 Determinator. For software setup and
configuration, refer to System Setup, page 4–1.

Illustrations .................................................................................. 3–2

Balance Installation ....................................................................... 3–3
Balance Installation consists of: ................................................. 3–3
Balance Setup..................................................................... 3–3
Resetting the Balance .......................................................... 3–4
Balance Test Procedure ........................................................ 3–4
Printer Installation.................................................................... 3–5
Liquid Autosampler ........................................................................ 3–6
Stackable Carousels ...................................................................... 3–7

Option Installation FP628 3–1


Figure 3-1 Balance Control Panel .......................................................... 3–4

Figure 3-2 Carousel Open Position ........................................................ 3–7
Figure 3-3 Carousel Bottom Plate ......................................................... 3–8
Figure 3-4 Carousel Mounting Position .................................................. 3–8
Figure 3-5 Stacked Carousels .............................................................. 3–9

3–2 FP628 Option Installation

Balance Installation

The following procedures should be performed to install the balance.

Refer to the manual supplied with the balance for more information.
The Balance is not supplied with the instrument it must be purchased
separately. Refer to Options, page 1–27.
The instrument will only support Sartorious® four or five place
analytical balances. Other balances may be used; however, LECO is
not responsible for installation or proper operation.

Balance Installation consists of:

Balance Setup—Installing the balance at the location where it will be
used and electrically connecting it to the instrument.
Resetting the Balance—Setting the balance output parameter values to
match those of the instrument's.
Balance Test Procedure—Making sure the balance operates properly
with the instrument.

Balance Setup
1. Unpack the Balance and assemble it as shown in the manual
supplied with the balance.
2. Plug the AC adapter, supplied with the balance, into facility
power. Connect the AC adapter cable to the power-input jack on
the rear of the balance.
3. Adjust the balance feet to level the balance. The level bubble
should be inside the circle when the balance is level. The level
bubble is located on the rear of the balance.
4. Connect one end of the balance interface cable to the serial
connector on the computer (COM 1). Connect the other end of
the cable to the balance connector on the rear of the balance.
5. To properly interface the balance with the analyzer, reset the
balance to the factory defaults. Refer to Resetting the Balance on
the next page.
6. After the balance is reset, do not change any of the configuration
codes. The balance codes can be changed to custom configure the
balance, if desired, after this procedure is completed and the
balance is operating with the determinator.

Option Installation FP628 3–3

Resetting the Balance
1. Turn the AC power on to the balance by pushing the Power
2. As soon as all the segments on the display light, push the TARE
button. The display will blank for a few seconds and then the
menu code settings will appear.
3. Press CAL to display 9 in the left digit.
4. Press PRINT to skip the center digit.
5. Press CAL to display 1 as the right digit.
6. Press TARE and hold it for 2 seconds or more. The balance will
reset to the factory set defaults.
7. Continue with Balance Test Procedure below.

Balance Test Procedure

Refer to Balance Configuration, page 4–33, and verify the instrument
is properly configured before performing this procedure.
1. Verify the spreadsheet is displayed on the monitor and press the
Print button on the balance. A sample should be logged in and the
weight displayed on the balance entered into the spreadsheet
under mass.
2. If desired, the sample logged in during this test procedure can be

Figure 3-1
Balance Control Panel

3–4 FP628 Option Installation

Printer Installation
A printer is not supplied with the instrument. It must be purchased
separately. Refer to Options, page 1–27, for more information.
1. Shut down and turn off the Computer system if necessary.
2. Unpack the Printer and locate the printer interface cable.
3. Refer to the installation instructions supplied with the printer and
connect the printer to the computer.
4. Refer to the installation instructions supplied with the printer.
Install the printer on the work surface and attach all necessary
cables and components.
5. Refer to the installation instructions supplied with the printer and
install the printer software. This will require turning on the
computer system and printer. It is not necessary to turn on the
instrument at this time.
6. After the printer is installed and tested turn the computer and
printer OFF.

Option Installation FP628 3–5

Liquid Autosampler

Instructions to install and setup the Liquid Autosampler are provided in

the 619-680-110G Liquid Autosampler Kit. The Instructions are Leco®
part number 619-680-901. For software setup, operation and
maintenance refer to the information below.

The Liquid Autosampler should only be used with the FP628


System Configuration, page 4–31.

Liquid Sample Analysis, page 5–29.

Duckbill Replacement, page 6–60.

• Liquid Autosampler- Exploded View, Figure 10-79
• Liquid Loading Head, Figure 10-78

3–6 FP628 Option Installation

Stackable Carousels

Stacking carousels increase the number of samples that can be

analyzed without operator intervention. Each carousel can hold 29
samples and up to four carousels can be stacked on the loading head.
As samples are analyzed, samples from the upper carousel drop and
fill the lower carousel. Only samples from the lower carousel drop into
the loading head.

1. Determine the number of carousels that are going to be used and

2. Prepare and weigh 29 samples for the first or bottom carousel.
3. Looking down into the carousel, turn the bottom plate until hole
number 30 is open. Refer to Figure 3-2 .

Figure 3-2
Carousel Open Position

4. Insert samples into holes 1 through 29 of the carousel. DO NOT

move the bottom plate. Use this carousel for the first or bottom
carousel only.

Option Installation FP628 3–7

5. Without moving the bottom plate,install the carousel onto the
loading head. The large and small pins on the bottom plate must
align with the holes in the loading head. DO NOT move the
bottom plate to align the holes, move the entire carousel. Refer
to Figure 3-3 and Figure 3-4.

Figure 3-3
Carousel Bottom Plate

Figure 3-4
Carousel Mounting Position

3–8 FP628 Option Installation

6. Prepare and weigh up to 29 more samples for the second
7. Looking down into the carousel, turn the bottom plate until hole
number 29 is open.
8. Insert samples into holes 30 through 28 of the carousel. DO NOT
move the bottom plate.
9. Without moving the bottom plate, align the standoffs and install
the second carousel on top of the first carousel. The standoff on
the first carousel should be inserted into the hole in the second
carousel directly under the standoff in the second carousel. Refer
to Figure 3-5.

Figure 3-5
Stacked Carousels

10. To stack more carousels, repeat steps 7 through 9. For the third
carousel hole 28 should be open and for the fourth carousel hole
27 should be open. As the samples drop into the first carousel
they will be in the correct numerical order.
11. Enter the sample information into the spreadsheet. It will be
necessary to ignore the sample position numbers on the carousels
and number the samples in the spreadsheet from 1 to the highest
sample number in consecutive order.
If operation is intermittent with the weight of 4 carousels, perform
the carousel adjustment procedure on page 9–41.

Option Installation FP628 3–9

This page intentionally left blank.

3–10 FP628 Option Installation

4 System Setup
System Setup explains how to set the operating parameters. These
procedures should be done before any samples are analyzed for the
first time per the application.

Illustrations .................................................................................. 4–4

Front Panel Controls and Functions .................................................. 4–5
Menu Overview ............................................................................. 4–7
Database Menu ........................................................................ 4–7
Edit Menu ................................................................................ 4–7
View Menu .............................................................................. 4–8
Samples Menu ......................................................................... 4–9
Configuration Menu ................................................................ 4–11
Diagnostics Menu ................................................................... 4–13
Maintenance Menu ................................................................. 4–13
Apply Power ............................................................................... 4–14
Select Language.......................................................................... 4–15
Determining User Permissions....................................................... 4–16
Adding User in Windows OS ..................................................... 4–16
Adding Users to Instrument Software ....................................... 4–16
Changing Users in Windows OS ................................................ 4–16
Deleting Users in the Instrument Software ................................ 4–17
Adding or Changing User Permission for Instrument ................... 4–18
Display Configuration ................................................................... 4–20
Main Screen Overview ............................................................ 4–20
Configure Fields ..................................................................... 4–21
Configure Font ....................................................................... 4–22
Create a Dashboard Panel ....................................................... 4–23
Single Sample Selected ...................................................... 4–24
Show an Element Plot in the Dashboard .......................... 4–24
Show element Values in the Dashboard........................... 4–25
Dashboard Tab Label .................................................... 4–25
Multiple Samples Selected .................................................. 4–26
Configure the Dashboard ......................................................... 4–27
Position a Dashboard ......................................................... 4–27
Screen Layouts ...................................................................... 4–28
Hide/Show the Toolbar............................................................ 4–29

System Setup FP628 4–1

Hide/Show the Status Bar ....................................................... 4–29
Log Bar ................................................................................. 4–29
Shortcuts to Move Between Samples ........................................ 4–30
Go to First Row in the Spreadsheet...................................... 4–30
Go to Last Row in the Spreadsheet ...................................... 4–30
Go to Analyze Row in the Spreadsheet ................................. 4–30
Auto Widths........................................................................... 4–30
System Configuration .................................................................. 4–31
System Configuration Definitions.............................................. 4–32
Balance Configuration ............................................................. 4–33
Test Commands ................................................................ 4–34
Barometric Calibration ............................................................ 4–35
Method Configuration................................................................... 4–36
Create a Method .................................................................... 4–36
Liquid Autosampler ................................................................. 4–42
Edit a Method ........................................................................ 4–43
Clone a Method ...................................................................... 4–44
Export a Method..................................................................... 4–45
Import a Method .................................................................... 4–46
Delete a Method ..................................................................... 4–48
Define Calibration Standards ........................................................ 4–49
Login using Calibration Reference Material ................................. 4–50
Sample Templates ............................................................. 4–50
Create a Sample Template ...................................................... 4–51
Delete a Sample Template....................................................... 4–52
Edit the Sample Template List............................................. 4–52
Login using a Sample Template ................................................ 4–53
Sample Filters ............................................................................. 4–54
Apply a Filter and Sort Sample Data ......................................... 4–54
Define a Filter to Apply ........................................................... 4–55
Automatically Reapply the Sample Filter.................................... 4–56
User Defined Fields...................................................................... 4–58
Number Formatting ................................................................ 4–59
Format Examples .............................................................. 4–59
Formulas ............................................................................... 4–60
Formula Examples ............................................................. 4–60
Remote Communication ............................................................... 4–61
Remote Sample Login ............................................................. 4–61
Remote Control ...................................................................... 4–62
Data Transmit ........................................................................ 4–62
Configure System for Remote Communication ........................... 4–62
XML Command Table .............................................................. 4–64

4–2 FP628 System Setup

Messages .............................................................................. 4–68
Command Examples .......................................................... 4–69
Managing Databases .................................................................... 4–71
Using the Start Dialog Box ...................................................... 4–72
Creating and Retrieving Database Backups ................................ 4–73
Create Backup .................................................................. 4–73
Retrieve Backup ................................................................ 4–74
Selecting a Database Connection.............................................. 4–74
Adding a Database Connection ................................................. 4–75
Adding a Connection to an Existing Database ........................ 4–75
Adding a Connection to a New Database .............................. 4–76
Deleting a Database Connection ............................................... 4–78
Validating a Database ............................................................. 4–78
Reviewing Orphan Objects .................................................. 4–80
Compacting/Repairing a Legacy Database ................................. 4–81
Managing Databases for 21 CFR Part 11 Compliance ................... 4–81
Enabling Logging for an Existing Database ........................... 4–81
Enabling Logging for a New Database .................................. 4–83
Database Menu ................................................................. 4–84
Presentation Time ........................................................ 4–85
View History ................................................................ 4–86
Archive Log ................................................................. 4–87
Adding a Connection to a Log Archive Database .................... 4–88
Removing Results from a Database ..................................... 4–88
Disabling Logging on an Existing Database ........................... 4–89
Deleting Analyzed Samples........................................................... 4–90

System Setup FP628 4–3


Figure 4-1 Front Panel Controls and Functions ...................................4–5

Figure 4-2 Burn Profile ....................................................................4–40

4–4 FP628 System Setup

Front Panel Controls and Functions

Figure 4-1
Front Panel Controls and Functions

Number Item Description

1 Quartz Wool Extractor Tool Used to remove and replace quartz
wool in the combustion tube.
2 Crucible Extractor Tool Used to remove and replace the
3 Storage for Lance Assembly Used to store lance assembly.
4 Lance Removal Tool Used to remove the lance assembly.
5 Catalyst Heater Assembly Removes oxygen and changes NOx to
N2 before the sample gas enters the
TC cell.
6 Aliquot Dose Reagent Tube Purifies the gas leaving the aliquot
doser and catalyst heater by removing
CO2 and moisture.

System Setup FP628 4–5

Number Item Description

7 Furnace Particle Filter Removes dirt and particles that may

(Empty Except for Screen Filter) not have been trapped in the furnace
8 Furnace Filter (Steel Wool and Glass Wool) Filters the gases leaving the furnace
and entering the thermoelectric cooler.
Any particles leaving the furnace are
trapped in the filter.
9 Incoming TC Carrier Gas Scrubber Reagent Purifies the incoming carrier gas by
Tube removing CO2 and moisture.
10 Loading Head Assembly During analysis, a sample is placed in
the loading head and automatically
drops into the furnace for analysis.
11 Sample Carousel Used to load samples for analysis.

4–6 FP628 System Setup

Menu Overview

The following are the menu choices in the Windows® software. Clicking
on any of these will open another set of menu choices.

Database Menu

Presentation Time—Refer to Presentation Time on page 4–85.

View History—Refer to View History on page 4–86.
Archive Log—Refer to Archive Log on page 4–87.
Delete by Date—Refer to Delete Analyzed Samples on page 4–90.
Exit—Used to exit the application program and returns to the Windows
Operating System.

Edit Menu

Insert—Inserts a sample out of sequence, between unanalyzed

samples, into the spreadsheet for analysis. Refer to Insert a Sample,
page 5–40, for additional information.
Fill—A group of cells in the spreadsheet can be quickly filled with the
same data. Refer to Fill Cells with the Same Data, page 5–40, for
additional information.

System Setup FP628 4–7

View Menu

Toolbar—Toggles the toolbar off or on. Refer to Hide/Show the

Toolbar, page 4–29, for additional information.
Status Bar—Toggles the status bar off or on. Refer to Hide/Show the
Status Bar, page 4–29, for additional information.
Log Bar—Displays messages that are added to the log file. Refer to Log
Bar, page 4–29, for additional information.
First Row—Automatically selects the first row of data in the
spreadsheet. Refer to Go to First Row in the Spreadsheet, page 4–30,
for additional information.
Analysis Row—Automatically selects the analysis row of data in the
spreadsheet. Refer to Go to the Analyze Row in the Spreadsheet, page
4–30, for additional information.
Last Row—Automatically selects the last row of data in the
spreadsheet. Refer to Go to Last Row in the Spreadsheet, page 4–30,
for additional information.
New Dashboard Panel—Permits the operator to create or edit the
properties of the dashboard. For more information refer to Create a
Dashboard Panel on page 4–23.
Screen Layouts—Permits the operator to save a screen layout after
configuration. By saving the screen layout the operator can return to a
previous screen layout quickly. Screen layouts can be saved for
specific applications. Refer to Screen Layouts on page 4–28.

4–8 FP628 System Setup

Samples Menu

Login—Used to login a sample or a standard into the spreadsheet.

Refer to Sample Login, page 5–18, for additional information.
Login Drift Samples—Used to log a drift sample into the spreadsheet.
Refer to Sample Login, page 5–18, and Drift Correction, page 5–36,
for additional information.
Balance—Used to enter a mass from the balance into the sample login
screen. Refer to Enter a Mass from the Balance, page 5–22, for
additional information.
Analyze—Displays the sample login screen to login and analyze a
sample, analyze a standard, or analyze multiple samples. Refer to
Analyze a Sample, page 5–23, for additional information.
Abort—Used to stop or abort an analysis. Refer to Abort an Analysis,
page 5–24, for additional information.
Pause—The operator can stop or pause analysis at a selected sample
and then resume at a programmed date and time. Refer to Pause
Analysis, page 5–27, for additional information.
Promote—Moves an unanalyzed sample, within the sample list, up the
list towards the next sample to be analyzed.

System Setup FP628 4–9

Promote: Analyze Next—Moves an unanalyzed sample, within the
sample list, up the list and positions it as the next sample to be
Demote—Moves an unanalyzed sample, within the sample list, down
the list towards the last sample to be analyzed.
Recalculate—After an analysis is complete, recalculate results can be
used to recalculate the result if the extraction data or calibration has
changed. Refer to Recalculate Results, page 5–41, for additional
Transmit—Transmit selected samples and transmits selected analyzed
samples with a data format to a host computer. Refer to Transmit
Selected Samples, page 5–69, for additional information.
Print—The print command accesses the report settings dialog box to
print selected sample results on the system printer. Refer to Print
Results, page 5–46, for additional information.
Print Preview—The print preview command accesses the report
settings dialog box to preview how selected samples would print on
the system printer.
Print Setup—Print Setup permits the operator to configure the printed
page. The choices and functions will depend on the printer in use.
Text Import Data—Used to import sample data from another software
application. Refer to Import Data, page 5–60, for additional
Text Export Data—Used to export sample data to another storage
location like a floppy disk. Refer to Export Data, page 5–46, for
additional information.
Text Export Buffers—Used to export selected sample plot data to a file
or another application. Refer to Export Buffers, page 5–59, for
additional information.
Transfer Export—Used to Export Sample Data to a File. The file can be
saved on the systems hard drive or transferred to another media for
safe storage. Refer to Transfer Export, page 5–70, for additional
Transfer Import—Used to Import Sample Data from a File and restore
it in the spreadsheet. The file had to be saved using Export Sample
Data to a File. Refer to Transfer Import, page 5–72, for additional
Sign—Used to add a signature to a sample that ensures the validity of
the sample information has remained the same since it was signed.
Refer to Sample Signature, page 5–44, for additional information.
View Signatures—Used to view a sample signature and determine if it
is valid. Refer to View Signatures, page 5–45, for additional
Delete—Delete a sample removes a selected sample with sample data
from the spreadsheet. Refer to Delete a Sample, page 5–41, for
additional information.
View History—Used to look at a history log of the actions performed on
a selected sample. Refer to View History of a Sample, page 5–43, for
additional information.

4–10 FP628 System Setup

Configuration Menu

Calibration—Matches the response of the instrument to known

calibration samples. Refer to Calibration, page 5–32, for additional
From the Calibration fly-out menu the operator can select New
Standard Calibration, page 5–34, Add Standards, page 5–35, View
Calibration, page 5–35, and Edit or Manual Calibration.
Blank—Determines the amount of blank and adjusts the calibration
(area) accordingly. Refer to Blank Calibration, page 5–33, for
additional information.
Drift—Adjusts the original calibration response to match the current
instrument response. Refer to Drift Correction, page 5–36, for
additional information.
From the Drift fly-out menu the operator can select Drift Correction,
page 5–36, View History, page 5–38, and Replace Drift Standard, page
Standards—Used to enter standards into the calibration standards list.
Refer to Login using Calibration Reference, page 4–50, for additional
Methods—Used to create a method for analysis. Refer to Method
Configuration, page 4–36, for additional information.

System Setup FP628 4–11

Counters—Automatically determines when periodic maintenance is
necessary. Maintenance data that was entered into login periodic
maintenance is used by the counters to determine when maintenance
is necessary. Refer to Configure Maintenance Counters, page 6–57, for
additional information.
User Defined Fields—Permits the operator to add a unique field to the
spreadsheet and sample login screen. The field can include a formula
for calculation or contain only test. Refer to User Defined Fields, page
4–54, for additional information.
Sample Templates—A quick way for the operator to login a sample and
enter a method, comment, and description. Create a sample template
is used to develop a specific sample template. After a sample template
is developed, use sample template to login a sample with
predetermined sample analysis data. Refer to Sample Templates, page
4–50, for additional information.
System—Configure system sets the overall instrument operating
settings to configure the instrument for a specific application or set of
applications. Refer to System Configuration, page 4–31, for additional
Users—Determines which operators can use the instrument and what
functions they can use. Refer to Users, page 4–16, for additional
Transmission Formats—Before data can be transmitted to a host
computer, the transmitted data format must be configured to match
the host requirements. Use transmission formats to configure data
transmission. Refer to Data Transmit Format Configuration, page
5–61, for additional information.
Select Language—Permits the user to Select Language, page 4–15, of
the software. A list of available languages will be displayed.
Auto Widths—Automatically adjusts the width of each cell to fit the
text. For instructions, see Auto Widths, page 4–30, for additional
Display—Sets the desktop characteristics, as viewed on the computer
monitor. Refer to Sample Display Configuration, page 4–20, for
additional information.
Sample Filters—Sample Filters is used to display sample data based on
a predefined requirement. Refer to Sample Filters, page 4–54, for
more information.

4–12 FP628 System Setup

Diagnostics Menu

Ambient Chart—Select Ambient Chart to monitor the System Operating

Parameters and display the Ambient Monitor as a Chart and Graph. All
parameters can be displayed. Refer to Ambient Monitor on page 8–3.
Solenoids—Select Solenoids to toggle the Solenoid Valves to verify
proper operation, diagnose instrument problems and perform periodic
maintenance. Refer to Solenoids and Switches on page 8–28.
Leak Check—Select Leak Check to determine if the instrument has a
carrier gas leak. Refer to Leak Check on page 8–15.
System Check—System check permits the operator to automatically
check Network Communications, Solenoid Operation, Pneumatic
Pressure, System Pressure, Temperature, Gas Flow and IR and TC
Cells. Refer to System Check on page 8–19.
Furnace—Select Furnace to test and monitor the Furnace for proper
operation. Refer to Furnace Diagnostics on page 8–13.
Calibration—Select Calibration to set the barometric pressure, calibrate
the combustion flow, adjust the TC cell and perform a backup
calibration. Refer to Calibrations on page 8–7.
Network—Select Network to test the Electronic Assemblies and
upgrade Firmware. Refer to Network Diagnostics on page 8–11.

Maintenance Menu

Log-In—Used to login periodic maintenance after it was performed.

Refer to Login Periodic Maintenance, page 6–55, for additional
View Log File—The system will automatically keep a record of various
procedures that were performed. The record can be viewed using view
log file. Refer to View Log File, page 6–56, for additional information.
Instrument Shutdown—Used to shutdown the instrument.

System Setup FP628 4–13

Apply Power

1. The Power Switch on the right side of the instrument should be in

the off position.
2. Connect the Instrument to the proper electrical power source if it
wasn’t done during installation. Refer to Instrument Installation,
page 2–3, for addition information.
3. Turn the Gas Supplies ON with the regulators at the gas tanks.
The oxygen and TC carrier gas should be set to 35 psi
(2.41 bars). The pneumatic should be set to 40 psi (2.76 bars).
4. Turn on AC power to the instrument and computer. Permit the
computer to boot-up and run the application program.
5. Allow the temperature to stabilize for one hour before performing
a system check or sample analysis.
6. Access the Ambient Monitor. Refer to Ambient Chart on page 8–3.
7. Verify that there are no alarms indicated by an exclamation
marker in a yellow box to the left of the parameter. All alarms
must be cleared before performing a sample analysis. To clear an
alarm it may be necessary to perform hardware calibration,
system maintenance or wait an appropriate amount of time for
the instrument to warm-up. Refer to the Diagnostics and Service
Section of this manual for more information.


The furnace temperature must reach the set temperature
and stabilize before performing a leak check. Unstable
furnace temperature may cause erroneous leak check
8. Perform a System Check to determine if the instrument is
operating properly. Refer to System Check on page 8–19.
9. Perform a Whole Oxygen Leak Check and a Whole TC Carrier Gas
Leak Check. Refer to Leak Check on page 8–15.

4–14 FP628 System Setup

Select Language

Select Language permits the operator to select the software language.

The available choices appear on the screen.
Although the language of the software will change, the on-board
manual will remain in English.
The languages displayed on the following screen are used as an
example and may vary from the actual ones displayed on your
computer monitor.

1. From the Configuration menu, click Select Language. The Select

Language dialog box will appear.

2. Select the language desired.

3. Click OK. Software will convert to language chosen.

System Setup FP628 4–15

Determining User Permissions

Users on the Configuration menu helps prevent unauthorized operation

by permitting the system administrator to assign permission for users
to perform selected functions in the instrument software. The following
section explains how to add users to the Windows OS (Operating
System) on the local pc and how to add users to the instrument
through a network/domain login.

Adding User in Windows OS

To add a user, refer to the Windows OS help system as follows:
1. From the desktop, click Start and then click on Help. Help may be
referred to as Help and Support depending on the Windows OS
that is used.
2. In the search box, type Users and Passwords.
3. Make a selection from the Users and Passwords options list, click
Display and follow the instructions provided.

Adding Users to Instrument Software

The following section explains how to add users to the instrument
software. This procedure applies when a user is not assigned in the
Windows OS on the local pc but will be logging onto the instrument
through a network/domain login.
1. On the Configuration menu, click Users. The Users dialog box will
2. On the Users dialog box, click Add. The word “User” will appear
under Name.
3. Click on User and type in the network/domain login for the user.
If the user identification entered here does not match the
required network/domain login for the user to log on to the pc
from a network, the user will not have the permissions designated
in the software.
4. Refer to Adding or Changing User Permission, page 4–18, for
Instrument for instructions to assign permissions to individual

Changing Users in Windows OS

The following section explains how to change users. This procedure
applies both to users assigned in Windows and to users added to the
instrument on a network/domain login.
1. Close the software.
2. On the desktop, click Start and then click Log Off. This step will
vary depending on the Windows OS that is used.
3. Enter the username and password to log on the new user. This
step will vary depending on the Windows OS that is used.
4. Log in to the instrument.

4–16 FP628 System Setup

Deleting Users in the Instrument Software
Only users added to the instrument on a network/domain login can be
deleted. Users assigned in the Windows OS cannot be deleted from the
Users dialog box.
1. Click Configuration and select Users. The Users screen will

2. Click on the name to be deleted and then click Delete. A message

dialog box will appear.

3. Click Yes to delete the username; click No to keep the username.

System Setup FP628 4–17

Adding or Changing User Permission for Instrument
Users’ names will appear in the Name column of the Users dialog box.
The current user logged into the Windows system will display in blue.
1. Click Configuration and select Users. The Users screen will
A. To disable all user permissions for a specific user, place a X
in the Guest column. When the user logs on to the system
they will be considered a Guest and will have READ-ONLY
access to the software. For Guest users, the check boxes
listed on the User Properties dialog will be cleared as they
cannot perform any of the tasks listed.
B. Select the Enable User Permissions check box and user
permissions will be checked during the operation of the
instrument. When the Enable User Permissions checkbox is
cleared, user permissions are not checked and all users can
perform any function on the instrument.
2. To assign user permissions, click on the name of a user.

3. If one user requires the exact same permissions as a user that

already has permissions assigned, the Same As column can be
used to save time.
A. Select the name of the user to add or change permission by
clicking in the Row column for that user.
B. Single-click in the Same As column.
C. From the list, select the name of the user that already has
the same permissions assigned.
4. Click Properties. The User Properties dialog box will appear.

4–18 FP628 System Setup

5. Select the desired check boxes to assign or remove user
permission for the functions listed in the edit box. When an X
displays, the user has permission to perform that function.
6. Click OK when finished assigning permissions.

System Setup FP628 4–19

Display Configuration

Main Screen Overview

The main screen appears when the determinator and computer are
powered-up. A screen example of the default configuration is shown
below. Like many Windows based programs, the screen can be
configured by the operator as desired. Screen layouts or configurations
can be saved and recalled.

4–20 FP628 System Setup

Configure Fields

1. From the Configuration menu, click Display. The Sample Display

screen will appear.

2. Click Fields to display or hide a field.

3. To show an invisible field, select the field to display and click
4. To hide a visible field, select the field to hide and click Hide.
5. To change the order of fields shown on the spreadsheet, in the
Fields List box select the field to move and click either Promote or
6. Click Default to list the default fields as Visible Fields.
7. Click in the Locked Columns box and enter the number of
columns to lock in place. The columns are numbered from top to
bottom under visible fields. When a column is locked it won’t
move position in the spreadsheet.

System Setup FP628 4–21

Configure Font

1. Click Font to change the font name, style, size, and color. The
Font configuration screen will appear.

2. From the Font configuration screen select the Font Name, Style
and Size. A sample of the selected Font will appear in the Sample
Text preview box.

4–22 FP628 System Setup

Create a Dashboard Panel
The Dashboard Panel can display an element plot or element values.
Refer to Single Sample Selected on page 4–24.
The dashboard display will automatically change depending on the
number of samples selected. Refer to Multiple Samples Selected on
page 4–26.

System Setup FP628 4–23

Single Sample Selected

Show an Element Plot in the Dashboard

1. From the View menu, click New Dashboard Panel. A new
dashboard will be created and the dashboard configuration dialog
box will appear.

2. Click Show Plot on the left side of the screen.

3. Click Add in the Plot Options dialog box. A list of elements will
appear. Select the element to plot and click OK. A new plot will
4. Click the drop down arrow and select the Reporting Units for the
element to plot.
5. Click the drop down arrow and select the Plot Pattern.
6. Click Plot Color and select the plot color.
7. Click Y-Axis to select the Y-Axis to display. Selections: None, Left
or Both.
8. Click OK to save the dashboard configuration.

4–24 FP628 System Setup

Show element Values in the Dashboard
1. From the View menu, click New Dashboard Panel. A new
dashboard will be created and the dashboard configuration dialog
box will appear.

2. Click Show Values on the left side of the screen.

3. Click OK to save the dashboard configuration.

Dashboard Tab Label

Click inside the Tab Label edit box and enter a name that will appear in
the tab for the created dashboard.

System Setup FP628 4–25

Multiple Samples Selected
1. From the View menu, click New Dashboard Panel. A new
dashboard will be created and the dashboard configuration dialog
box will appear.

2. Use the dialog box on the right to select the information shown in
the dashboard. Selections are:
Control Chart with Statistics—A chart with plotted sample
values in addition to the average value, standard deviation,
relative standard deviation and the number of samples
Control Chart—A chart with plotted sample values.
Statistics—The average value, standard deviation, relative
standard deviation and the number of samples selected.
3. Overlaid Plots—Plots of each selected sample in the same
4. Click the drop down arrow in the Stats to Display selection box
and select the desired statistics shown in the dashboard.
5. Click the Label Stats Points check box to label the sample points
on the chart. The numbers that appear with the point are the
sample numbers selected.
6. Click inside the Significant Digits selection box to select the
statistics number format.

4–26 FP628 System Setup

Configure the Dashboard
To configure the dashboard, right click on the dashboard to display the
configuration menu.

Zoom—Position the mouse cursor over the area of a plot to zoom in.
Hold the left mouse button in and draw a box. The area inside the box
will be magnified. Draw another box to zoom in farther. Click Zoom
Out One Level to reduce the magnification by one level. Click Zoom
Out to zoom out all levels and return to the original plot.
Label Points—Label points will place the sample number near the point
on a control chart. Select multiple samples. Right click the desired
dashboard and select Label Points.
Statistics—Statistics will display a control chart or multiple plots.
Select multiple samples. Select statistics to display a control chart.
Deselect statistics to display multiple plots.
Auto Independent Scale—When multiple selected plots are scaled
differently, Auto Independent Scale rescales the plots so they can be
compared together. Select Auto Independent Scale to rescale plots.
Properties—Displays the Dashboard Properties dialog box for advanced
configuration or creation of a new dashboard. Refer to Create a
Dashboard on page 4–23.

Position a Dashboard
Move the mouse pointer over the dashboard tab and hold the left
mouse button down. Move the mouse to position the dashboard on the
main screen.
To size the dashboard, move the mouse over the splitter bars and hold
the left mouse button down. Move the mouse to move the splitter
Refer to Main Screen Overview on page 4–20.

System Setup FP628 4–27

Screen Layouts
After the Sample Grid and Dashboard are configured they can be
saved as a layout. By saving the layout you’re always assured you can
restore the configuration if it’s lost.

1. Configure the main screen as desired. Refer to Display

Configuration on page 4–20.
2. Click the View menu and select Screen Layouts. The Screen
Layouts Screen will appear.

3. Click Save and enter a unique name for the current screen layout.
4. Click Close to exit and save the screen layout.

Move—Select a screen layout and click Move Up or Move Down to

move a selected screen layout up or down the list.
Delete—Select a screen layout and click Delete to remove a screen
layout from the list. After a screen layout has been removed it cannot
be restored.
Select—Permits the operator to select a new screen layout. Highlight
the desired screen layout and click Select. Click Close to exit.
Close—Click Close to exit screen layouts.
Default—Click Default to return to the factory default screen. Click
Close to exit.

4–28 FP628 System Setup

Hide/Show the Toolbar
If desired, the toolbar can be turned off or turned back on. The
toolbar, located at the top of the screen, is a quick way to perform
menu functions without accessing the menus.

From the View menu, click Toolbar. A check indicates the toolbar
will be displayed.

Hide/Show the Status Bar

If desired, the status bar can be turned off or turned back on. The
status bar, located at the bottom of the screen, will show operational
functions of the instrument as they are currently in progress.

From the View menu, click Status Bar. A check indicates the
status bar will be displayed.

Log Bar
The log bar, located at the bottom of the screen, displays information
saved in the log file. It only appears when it displays information. This
information may be communication failures, severe errors or
operational procedures.
If Log Bar is not checked it will only display communications failures
and severe errors.
If Log Bar is checked it will display any information saved in the log
file. This includes communications failures, severe errors and
operational procedures.
Examples of operational procedures are sample data changes,
calibration changes, change to the sample mass and more.

System Setup FP628 4–29

Shortcuts to Move Between Samples

Go to First Row in the Spreadsheet

The first row in the spreadsheet can be quickly selected.
1. From the View menu, click First Row.
2. The cursor will automatically jump to the first row.

Go to Last Row in the Spreadsheet

The last row in the spreadsheet can be quickly selected.
1. From the View menu, click Last Row.
2. The cursor will automatically jump to the last row.

Go to Analyze Row in the Spreadsheet

The analyze row is the row in the spreadsheet that contains the next
sample to be analyzed. This row can be quickly selected.
1. From the View menu, click Analyze Row.
2. The cursor will automatically jump to the analyze row.

Auto Widths
1. Select the Configuration menu
2. Click Auto Widths to adjust the size of each cell in the sample
display to fit the text inside the cell.

4–30 FP628 System Setup

System Configuration

System configuration permits the operator to set the overall

instrument operating settings and parameter values for a desired
1. From the Configuration menu, click System. The System
Configuration dialog box will appear.

2. Set the system parameters using the default values as a general

guideline. Special settings for certain applications may be entered
at this point.
3. After entering all information, click OK.

System Setup FP628 4–31

System Configuration Definitions

Gas Conservation Timeout—The time in minutes, after analysis, when

the instrument automatically switches to the gas conservation mode.
Range: 1 to 600, Default: 15 minutes.
Auto Increment Sample Name—When enabled, if the file name ends
with a number, it will incremented every time a new sample is logged
Nominal Mass—The mass value that will automatically appear during
login. Typically, the blank mass value is 1.0 gram.
Sample Loading—Permit the operator to select how samples are
loaded into the determinator. The following selections are available:
• Manual—Manual should be selected if samples are going to be
manually dropped into the loading head. When manual is
selected the autoloader (carousel) or liquid injector is not used.
• Carousels—Carousels should be selected if the autoloader
(carousel) is used. Select the number of carousels in use.
Selections: 1 through 4.
The Liquid Autosampler Kit selections will only appear if the liquid
autosampler was purchased and installed.
• Liquid Autosampler—Liquid Autosampler should be selected if
the Liquid Autosampler is used. The liquid loading head should
be installed on the determinator.
Liquid Autosampler Port—Selects the communications port that the
liquid autosampler is connected to. It is not necessary to configure this
port. The software automatically configures it when the port is
When selecting a communications port for the liquid autosampler, do
not select a same port that was selected for the balance and transmit
Furnace Standby Temperature—Selects the combustion furnace
temperature during gas conservation. Range 650 to 950 C. Reducing
the furnace temperature during standby will increase the life of the
combustion furnace and associated components.

4–32 FP628 System Setup

Balance Configuration
Balance Configuration permits the operator to select the desired
balance parameter values to properly accept the balance's data.
The instrument will only support Sartorious® four or five place
analytical balances. Other balances may be used; however, LECO is
not responsible for installation or proper operation.
For more information on Balance Configuration Definitions, see the
Glossary, page 12–1.

1. Set the instrument power switch to the On position.

2. Turn the power On to the balance by pushing the power on
button, Figure 3-1, page 3–4.
3. From the Configuration menu, click System. The System
Configuration window will appear.
4. Click the Balance tab.

System Setup FP628 4–33

5. Enter the following parameter values. Refer to the Glossary,
page 12–1 for balance configuration definitions.
Port COM1 (serial)
Baud Rate 1200
Data Bits 7
Parity Odd
Stop Bits 1
Readability 4
Balance Mode Normal
Send Command <ESC>P<CR><LF>
Tare Command <ESC> T
6. When finished, click OK.

Test Commands
Send—Used to test the balance interface. Click Send to send a weight
from the balance to the system and display the weight in the
Tare—Used to test the balance interface. Click Tare to set the weight
displayed on the balance to zero.

4–34 FP628 System Setup

Barometric Calibration

Barometric Calibration sets the instrument's barometer to the current

barometric pressure. An accurate, local, barometric pressure value
must be available to perform this procedure. Refer to Barometric
Pressure page 7–9, for additional information.
Changes in barometric pressure will affect gas volume. For this reason,
the correct barometric pressure must be manually entered to obtain
the most accurate results.
1. From the Diagnostic menu, click Calibration. The Hardware
Calibration dialog box will appear.

2. Click inside the barometric Pressure value box, located to the left
of the Set Pressure button, and enter the current barometric
Use values in mm Hg for barometric pressure.

3. Click the Set Pressure button to enter the current barometric

4. Close the Hardware Calibration dialog box.

System Setup FP628 4–35

Method Configuration

A method is a set of analytical parameters used to control the

instrument during analysis and calculation of the final result. Before
analysis, a method must be created or the default method used.

Create a Method
1. From the Configuration menu, click Method. The Method dialog
box will appear.

2. Click Add to create a method. A row will be added to the bottom

of the spreadsheet. You can also click an empty row and enter a
method name.

4–36 FP628 System Setup

3. Click Properties. The Analysis Parameters dialog box will appear.

A. Enter the desired analysis property values.

B. Click OK when finished.

Although most official methods state 850oC as the acceptable

temperature for combustion in the primary furnace, LECO
recommends 950oC to achieve the highest level of sample oxidation.

System Setup FP628 4–37

C. Click the Element Parameters tab to display the element
properties dialog box.

D. Enter the desired element property values.

E. Click OK when finished.

4–38 FP628 System Setup

F. Click the Burn Profile tab to display the burn profiles
properties dialog box.

The purpose of the burn profile is to achieve complete combustion,

before filling the ballast volume, in the least amount of time with the
most efficient use of oxygen. Rapidly combustible materials, such as
sucrose, grains, and oils require a high initial flow to prevent
incomplete combustion. Materials that burn slower require a medium
initial flow until reaching combustion temperature.
To avoid incomplete combustion of the sample, it is recommended to
start with a high flow, then decrease to medium flow. Low or erratic
answers, or, in extreme cases, the presence of soot in the lance or
filter tube may indicate incomplete combustion. The burning sample
may be observed through the sample drop block during combustion.
The tin capsule generally burns intensely after the sample is gone.
To select the flow rate and time period for each flow, refer to Create a
Method, page 4–36.
Figure 4-2 shows a typical burn profile. Flow 1 is set at high for 30
seconds. Flow 2 is set at low for 30 seconds. Flow 3 is set at high until
end of analysis.
For Burn Profile definitions, refer to the Glossary, page 12–1.
G. Click OK when finished.

System Setup FP628 4–39


LOW = 0.3 LPM


Figure 4-2
Burn Profile
H. Click the Macro Ballast tab to display the micro ballast
properties dialog box. For Macro Ballast definitions, refer to
the Glossary, page 12–1.

I. For Equilibrate Time, enter the time period for gases in the
ballast to mix after it is filled.
J. Enter the desired Macro Ballast property values.

4–40 FP628 System Setup

K. Click OK when finished.
Liquid Autosampler must be installed on unit for the liquid
autosampler tab to appear.
L. Click the Liquid Autosampler tab to display the liquid
autosampler properties dialog box.

M. Check the Enable checkbox to enable the liquid sampler.

N. Enter the desired Liquid Autosampler property values.
O. Click OK when finished.
For Analysis and Element Parameter definitions, refer to the Glossary,
page 12–1.

System Setup FP628 4–41

Liquid Autosampler
Syringe—A drop down menu displays the available syringes; select the
desired syringe. A blank cell means the auto sampler is not on or is
not connected.
Solvent A Pre-Wash—Enter the number of times solvent A is drawn
into the syringe and expelled into the assigned waste bottle.
Solvent B Pre-Wash—Enter the number of times solvent B is drawn
into the syringe and expelled into the assigned waste bottle.
Sample Pre-Wash—Enter the number of times a sample solution is
drawn into the syringe and expelled into the assigned waste bottle.
Solvent A Post-Wash—Enter the number of times to rinse the syringe
after sample injection. (Minimizes cross contamination with the next
Solvent B Post-Wash—Enter the number of times to rinse the sample
out of the syringe. (Minimizes cross contamination with the next
Sample Volume (ml)—Enter the sample volume amount in microliters
Viscosity Delay (sec)—Specify the length of pause allowing viscous
samples to be drawn into the syringe.
Fill Volume (ml)—Controls the filling of the syringe. Air bubbles can
remain below the plunger after the first pull up. If the plunger is
moved up and down several times, the air bubbles are worked out;
therefore, the syringe can be completely filled even when using very
small sample volumes.
Fill Speed (ml)—Specify the speed of plunger movement (used in all
syringe filling operations).
Fill Strokes—All fill strokes, except the last one, use the selected fill
volume. If the selected sample volume is higher than the fill volume,
the sample volume is used for all fill strokes. If 0 is selected the
plunger is pulled up only once using the sample volume value.
Injection Rate (ml/sec)—Enter the speed the sample is expelled into
the injector.

4–42 FP628 System Setup

Edit a Method

Using this procedure you can also edit the method list.
1. From the Configuration menu, click Method. The Method screen
will appear.
2. Select the Method to be edited.

3. Click Properties to change the method properties. Refer to Create

a Method page 4–36.
4. To move a selected method up towards the top of the list select it
and click Promote.
5. To move the selected method down towards the bottom of the list
select it and click Demote.
6. Select Ascending to list the method in ascending alphabetical
7. Select Descending to list the method in descending alphabetical
8. Click OK to save any changes and exit.

System Setup FP628 4–43

Clone a Method

After a method is cloned the name and desired parameters can be

changed to create another method.
1. From the Configuration menu, click Method. The Method screen
will appear.

2. Select a method to clone by clicking on the method row.

3. Click Clone to add another method to the method list with the
same method parameters as the selected method.
4. Click the cloned method name and change it to make it different
from the selected method.
5. Click OK to exit and save the cloned method.

4–44 FP628 System Setup

Export a Method
Export a Method permits the operator or manager to copy a method to
a file. The method can be saved on the systems hard drive or
transferred to another media for safe storage. If necessary, the
method can be imported to the same instrument or transferred to
another FP628 instrument. Refer to Import a Method on page 4–46.
1. Click the Configuration menu and select Method. The Method
screen will appear.

2. Select the method to export by clicking on it. An asterisk will

appear next to the selected method.
3. Click Export. The export method selection screen will appear.

System Setup FP628 4–45

4. Select the folder to store the method in. The method name will
appear as the file name. Do not enter an extension. The software
will automatically add the proper file extension.

5. Click Save to copy the method to the selected file.

Import a Method
Import a Method transfers an exported method to an instrument and
adds it to the method list. A method can be imported that was
developed on the present instrument or anotherFP628 instrument.

1. Click the Configuration menu and select Method. The Method

screen will appear.

4–46 FP628 System Setup

2. Click Import to import a saved method. The import method file
selection screen will appear.

3. Select the Method File to import.

4. Click Open. The method will be added to the analysis method list.

System Setup FP628 4–47

Delete a Method

If a method is deleted using this procedure, all samples and

calibrations associated with the method are also deleted.

Once a method is deleted it cannot be restored.

1. From the Configuration menu, click Method. The Method screen

will appear.

2. Select a method to delete by clicking on the method row.

3. Click Delete to delete the selected method from the method list. A
confirmation dialog box will appear.

4. Click Yes to delete the selected method.

4–48 FP628 System Setup

Define Calibration Standards

Define Calibration Standards creates a list of calibration standards and

their values for use during calibration and drift correction.
LECO recommends that certified reference materials be used for
calibration development on the FP628.
1. From the Configuration menu, click Standards. The Standards
dialog box will appear.

2. Click Fields to edit the displayed fields or columns on the

Standards screen.
3. Click Add to list a standard. A row will be added to the bottom of
the spreadsheet.
4. Click the row and enter a standard name, value, lower control
limit (LCL) and upper control limit (UCL).
The lower control limit, or LCL, is the minimum standard result
value that will allow analysis to continue. If the standard result is
below the lower control limit, a notice will appear and analysis
will stop, permitting the operator to make corrections and then
restart the analysis.
The upper control limit, or UCL, is the maximum standard result
value that will allow analysis to continue. If the standard result is
above the upper control limit, a notice will appear and analysis
will stop, permitting the operator to make corrections and then
restart analysis.
If an LCL or UCL value is not entered analysis will continue
regardless of the result data.
5. To move a selected standard up towards the top of the list select
it and click Promote.
6. To move the selected standard down towards the bottom of the
list select it and click Demote.
7. Select Ascending to list the standard in ascending alphabetical

System Setup FP628 4–49

8. Select Descending to list the standard in descending alphabetical
9. Click OK to save any changes and exit.

Login using Calibration Reference Material

Before a sample can be analyzed as a standard it must be added to
the Standards List. Refer to the Glossary, page 12–1,for calibration
standards definitions.
1. From the Samples menu, click Login. The Sample Login dialog
box will appear.

2. Click the drop down arrow, in the sample name selection box, and
select a defined Standard from the list.
3. Enter the information required in the Login Screen.
4. Click OK to login the standard.

Sample Templates
Sample Templates is a quick way for the operator to login a sample
and enter a method, comment, and description.

4–50 FP628 System Setup

Create a Sample Template

1. An analysis method should be developed before a sample is

logged in. Refer to Create a Method on page 4–36.
2. From the Configuration menu, click Sample Templates. The
Sample Templates screen will be displayed.

3. Click Add to create a method. A row will be added at the bottom

of the list. Enter a method name.
4. To change the name, select the default name by clicking the
name and entering a new name.
5. Click the method cell and enter a method.
6. Click the comments cell and enter any comments.
7. Click the description cell and enter a description.
8. Click OK to save any changes and exit.

System Setup FP628 4–51

Delete a Sample Template
1. From the Configuration menu, click Sample Templates. The
Sample Templates screen will appear.
2. Select the Sample Template to delete.

3. Click Delete. The Sample Template Delete screen will appear.

4. Click Yes to delete the sample template or No to exit without

deleting the sample template.

Edit the Sample Template List

1. Select a Sample Template and click Promote to move a selected
method up towards the top of the list.
2. Select a Sample Template and click Demote to move the selected
method down towards the bottom of the list
3. Select Ascending to list the transmission formats in ascending
alphabetical order.
4. Select Descending to list the transmission formats in descending
alphabetical order.
5. Select a Sample Template and click Delete to remove it from the
sample template list.

4–52 FP628 System Setup

Login using a Sample Template

1. From the Samples menu, click Login. The Sample Login dialog
box will appear.

2. Click the drop down arrow to the right of sample name and enter
the desired sample name from the drop down list. The sample
name, method comments, and description will automatically be
entered into the spreadsheet.
3. Continue with sample login and enter the other necessary
Refer to Sample Login for additional information.

System Setup FP628 4–53

Sample Filters

Sample filters permits the operator to sort and display sample data
based on a predefined requirement. Fields can be selected to display a
certain name or value. Fields can also be mathematically compared
and displayed according to a requirement.
There are three predefined fields:

• All Samples—displays all the sample data in the database.

• Today’s Samples—displays all samples run today.
• Method samples—displays all the samples run using Method-1.

Apply a Filter and Sort Sample Data

1. From the Configuration menu, click Sample Filters. The Sample
Filters dialog box will appear.
The filters All Samples and Today’s Samples will always appear. In
addition, a filter will appear for each defined method.

2. Select a sample filter and click OK. The dialog box will disappear
and the sample grid will reappear with the filter applied.
3. Click Cancel to exit without applying the filter.

4–54 FP628 System Setup

Define a Filter to Apply
1. From the Configuration menu, click Sample Filters. The Sample
Filters Selection dialog box will appear.

2. Click Add to define and add a sample filter to the list. A new filter
with the filter name New Filter will be added to the list.
3. To define the new filter select New Filter and click Properties. The
Properties Dialog Box will appear.

4. From the Properties Dialog Box you can define the filter.
5. Click the Filter Name to enter and change the filter name. This is
the name that will appear in the Sample Filter Selection dialog

System Setup FP628 4–55

6. Click the cell under Field and enter a sample field to sort. As
examples, you can sort on s sample name or method. A drop
down arrow will appear. Select the desired field from the list.
7. Click the cell under With to sort the field name with. As an
example, the field name can be sorted with a specific sample
name. Equal will automatically appear in the Compare field.
8. If you enter a numeric value in the With field click the compare
cell and enter the desired operator. Operators are; equal, greater
than, greater than or equal, less than, or less than equal. The
filed name will be sorted with the value using the compare
9. Select a filter and click Fields to select the fields to display when
the filter is used.
10. Select a filter and click Delete to delete the filter.

Automatically Reapply the Sample Filter

Automatically Reapply Sample Filter is used to reapply a defined
sample filter at a predetermined time and frequency.
For example, If you create a filter that displays samples from the
previous 30 days, it will show samples from the last 30 days when it’s
first applied. If it’s not reapplied, samples that originally matched the
filter plus all the new samples will be added to the spreadsheet. To
prevent this from happening, automatically reapply the filter every
day, preferably at a time when the instrument isn’t being used.

1. From the Configuration menu, click Sample Filters. The Sample

Filters dialog box will appear.
2. Select the filter to automatically apply and click Properties. The
Properties Dialog Box will appear.
3. Check Automatically Reapply Sample Filters.
4. Enter the time, date and update frequency.
5. From the Configuration menu, click Sample Filters. The Sample
Filters dialog box will appear.

4–56 FP628 System Setup

6. From the Configuration menu, click Sample Filters. The Sample
Filters Selection dialog box will appear.

7. Select the filter to automatically apply and click Properties. The

Properties Dialog Box will appear.
8. Check Automatically Reapply Sample Filters.
9. Enter the time, date and update frequency.

System Setup FP628 4–57

User Defined Fields

The User Defined Fields allows customized fields to be added to the

spreadsheet. User defined fields can display results from functions or
they can display customized text such as notes or comments.

1. From the Configuration menu, click User Defined Fields.

2. Create or modify a user field as follows:

To create a user field, click Add. A new row will be inserted into
the table.
To modify a user field, select the desired user field in the table.
To delete a user field from the table, select the row of the desired
user field and click delete.
3. Complete the table for the new or revised user field as follows:
Select the Read Only check box to prevent the user field from
being edited in the spreadsheet.
Select the Numeric check box to restrict text and only display
numeric values.
For Format, enter a format to determine how the result of the
user defined field displays in the spreadsheet. Refer to Number
Formatting, page 4–59.
For Formula, enter a formula to use if the field will be used for a
calculation. Refer to Formulas, page 4–60.
Select the Login check box and the field will appear in the Login
Sample dialog box. Refer to Sample Login, page 5–18.
Select the Stats check box and statistics will be available in the
Dashboard Properties dialog box as a value you can add when
you select Show Value and then Add. Once selected as a Show
Value, it is displayed on the dashboard. Refer to Configure
Dashboard, page 4–27. When selected, both Read Only and
Numeric are automatically selected.

4–58 FP628 System Setup

Select the Standard check box and the user defined field can be
used as a standard, which means the standard can define its
value and range, and can be calibrated.

Number Formatting
Use the Format column in the User Defined Field dialog box to enter a
number format. This format determines how the result of the user
defined field appears in the spreadsheet. The following section
provides examples of formats and how the result will display
depending on which format is utilized.

Format Examples
*Format Type Number Format for Result Result
A 4.50360 A 4.50360000
0.123456 F4.5 0.1235
0.000789 F3.5 0.00079
0.000789 F3.2 0.00
321.8765 F3.5 322
0.123456 S4.5 1.235E-1
0.000789 S3.5 7.9E-4
0.000789 S3.2 0.0E-1
321.8765 S3.5 3.22E+2
0.123456 E4.5 123.5E-3
0.000789 E3.5 790E-6
0.000789 E3.2 000E-3
321.8765 E3.5 322E+0
In 321.8765 I2 322

* A = Default format
n = Total number of significant digits to be represented
m = Maximum number of digits after the decimal to define readability
I = Integer
S = Scientific notation: An exponential format (y.yyy x 10e) in which any number
is expressed as a number between 1 and 10 multiplied by a power of 10 that
indicates the correct position of the decimal in the original number.
E = Engineering format: An exponential format that displays the exponent in
multiples of 3.
F = Fixed point format: A format in which the decimal point is located at a single
unchanging position in a predetermined number of digits.

System Setup FP628 4–59

Formulas can be entered into the Formula column of the User Fields
dialog box and are used to calculate the result. The following section
provides some example formulas and the result based on their

Formula Examples
* Function Type Example Function Result
[Column Heading of Analyte concentration
[Carbon %]
Desired Analyte Value] value
@ABS(exp) @ABS([Carbon %]-[Carbon Blank]) Absolute value
@Log10(exp) @Log10([Carbon ppm]) Log base 10
@Ln(exp) @Ln([Carbon %]) Natural log
@SQRT(exp) @SQRT([Carbon %]) Square root
@Maximum([Carbon %],[Carbon
@Maximum(exp1,exp2) Finds Maximum
@Minimum([Carbon %],[Carbon
@Minimum(exp1,exp2) Finds Minimum
If the Carbon ppm value
is > 5, the Carbon ppm
@IF(cond, true, false) @IF([Carbon ppm]>5,[Carbon ppm],0)
value will display,
otherwise 0 will display
If both Carbon and
@IF(@And([Carbon %]>0.01,[Nitrogen Nitrogen % are > 0.01,
@AND(cond1, cond2)
%]>0.01), 1, 0) 1 will display, otherwise
0 will display
If either Carbon or
@IF(@Or([Carbon %]>0.01,[Nitrogen Nitrogen % are > 0.01,
@OR(cond1, cond2)
%]>0.01), 1, 0) 1 will display, otherwise
0 will display
If JUST Carbon % or
JUST Nitrogen % is >
@IF(@XOr([Carbon %]>0.01,[Nitrogen
@XOR(cond1, cond2) 0.01 (not both), 1 will
%]>0.01), 1, 0)
display, otherwise 0 will

* exp = expression. Used to specify a field value or perform a calculation on field

values. May be a single number or a function that returns a number.
cond = condition. Used for comparisons based on a single condition or multiple

4–60 FP628 System Setup

Remote Communication

Remote communication includes the remote sample login option, the

remote control option, and data transmit. These can be used to control
the instrument from a remote location via a RS232 or Network
interface and/or to receive data from the instrument.
Remote sample login allows a remote computer to log in unanalyzed
samples while the local computer retains control. Remote control
allows a remote computer to control the instrument by taking over the
local computer so that only commands from the remote computer are
sent to the instrument. Data transmit allows sample data to be
transmitted to a remote computer. For further information and
instructions, refer to Remote Sample Login, below, Remote Control,
page 4–62, and Data Transmit, page 4–62.
Data transmit needs at least uni-directional communication from the
local computer to the remote computer.
Remote sample login and remote control communicate with the local
computer via a bi-directional communication protocol using XML
commands. The remote computer sends commands to the local
computer and the local computer acknowledges the commands or
returns the requested data. Return data will be in XML format;
however, sample results are returned in the format specified by the
current data transmit format on the local computer. If no data
transmit format is defined on the local computer, the software will
return the sample information in XML format for the data fields
currently specified in the sample grid. For a list of commands that can
be sent to the local computer and what will be returned to the remote
computer, refer to XML Command Table, page 4–64.
Remote control and remote sample login are primarily used with
automation systems, which load and analyze samples without operator

Remote Sample Login

Remote Sample Login Mode allows a remote user on a remote
computer to log in samples to be analyzed and to check the overall
status of the instrument. The local user running the instrument retains
control of the instrument and can add the remote login samples for
analysis when convenient.
With remote sample login, the local computer will store sample data in
temporary memory as the sample data arrives from the remote
computer until the F3 button on the Toolbar is selected. After selecting
F3, the sample data will be entered into the spreadsheet.
To enable the remote sample login mode from the Remote
Communication tab on the System Configuration menu, refer to step
8, page 4–63.

System Setup FP628 4–61

Remote Control
The remote control mode allows a remote user on a remote computer
to log in samples to be analyzed, to check the overall status of the
instrument, to start an analysis, and to control the instrument. In
remote control mode, the local user must relinquish control of the
instrument. The remote control mode is active only when the remote
control monitor is displayed.
To enable the remote control mode, select Start Remote on the
Configuration menu or once the system has been configured for
remote communication, select the Enable Remote Control on Startup
check box from the Remote Communication tab on the System
Configuration menu. Refer to step 8, page 4–63.

Data Transmit
Data transmit allows sample data to be sent to a remote computer. To
enable data transmit, create a transmission format and if available,
select to place a √ in the Enable Remote Communication check box. If
remote communication or remote sample login options have been
registered, this check box is available. Refer to steps 8-9, page 4–63.
When this check box is available, the Use Remote Communications
Port check box on the Transmission Formats dialog box will be
available. Refer to Communication Settings Tab, page

Configure System for Remote Communication

1. Select Configuration on the Menu bar and then select System.
2. On the System dialog box, select the Remote Communication tab.

3. Select the Encoding Format. The format selected must match the
format transmitted and received from the remote computer.
4. Select the Device. This can be the instrument computer’s Serial
Port or Network Port.
5. Select Configuration and configure the port selected.
6. If the Serial Port was selected, select the proper communications
Port of the local computer. Then set the Baud Rate, Data Bits,

4–62 FP628 System Setup

Parity, Stop Bits, and Flow Control to match the remote
computer. The serial port parameter definitions are explained on
page 5–66.
7. If the Network Port was selected, enter the port number to
communicate with the remote computer. If you don’t know the
network port number ask your local network administrator.
8. Once the system is configured and operating properly, select the
remote communication mode.
Select Enable Remote Communications to enable the remote
sample login mode.
Select Remote Control on Startup to enable remote control mode
to start automatically when the software is started.
9. Configure the transmission format. Refer to Transmit Format
Configuration, page 5–61.
A. On the Automation tab, select in the Automatically Transmit
Each New Analysis check box if the sample results are to be
automatically transmitted in this format after each sample is
run. Multiple transmission formats can be created. Formats
with this check box checked will be automatically
transmitted. If no formats have this check box checked,
automatic transmit will not occur unless a remote control or
remote sample login command specifies sending the results.
B. On the Communications Settings tab, select in the Use
Remote Communications Port check box.

System Setup FP628 4–63

XML Command Table
The following table is a list of XML Commands that the local computer
can recognize and use. Only these commands should be sent from the
remote computer.
Command Options Description

Abort (Remote
N/A OK Abort the current analysis.
Control only)

Method Adds a new unanalyzed sample to
AddSample OK
Comments the sample list.

OK Start an analysis. An unanalyzed

Analyze (Remote
N/A sample must be entered before this
Control only) or Error command will execute.

Returns each of the counters
Counters N/A
Name maintenance values.

DeleteResults Deletes results older than and

(Remote Control Days OK including the number of Days
only) entered.

Disconnects from the remote

Disconnect N/A OK computer and waits for a new

Display a text message on the

remote control status display.

Success. Status is optional, and if

OK available gives additional information
DisplayMessage Text about the success of the operation.
or Error

Failure. Error message will describe

in more detail why the operation
failed, or if there was a problem with
the command.

Resets the hardware. The system

must not be analyzing when this
HardwareReset N/A OK
command is executed. OK will be
returned when the hardware is reset.

command Allows the operator to query the list
Help N/A
s of supported XML commands.

Login OK Logs in a new user.

Logoff N/A OK Logs off the current user.

4–64 FP628 System Setup

Command Options Description

Modifies fields of a sample.

EntryID is required, and uniquely

identifies the sample to modify. The
most common way to determine the
EntryID of a sample is to examine
the output of a sample transmission
that outputs the sample’s EntryID
Field-0 All the Field-i parameters are
ModifySample Field-1 optional. The names of the Field-i
or Error elements are the names of the
sample fields to change. The
Field-n contents of the Field-i elements are
the text to set in the sample’s fields.


Failure. Error Message will describe

in more detail why the operation
failed, or if there was a problem with
the command.

sample Returns the results of the most

Results N/A
results recently analyzed sample.

Sets up a sample transmission


All parameters except for Name are

optional and default as:
Fields {Empty}
Name XMLFormat True
Fields Encoding ASCII
XMLFormat OK
SetTransmitFormat ort True
Encoding or Error
UseRemoteCommunicatio Success. Status is optional, and if
nPort available gives additional information
about the success of the operation.

Failure. Error Message will describe

in more detail why the operation
failed, or if there was a problem with
the command.

System Setup FP628 4–65

Command Options Description

Sets up a user defined field.

All parameters except for Name are

optional and default as:
ReadOnly False
Numeric False
ReadOnly Format {Blank}
Numeric Formula {Blank}
OK Login False
SetUserDefinedField Format
or Error Stats False
Login Success. Status is optional, and if
Stats available gives additional information
about the success of the operation.

Failure. Error Message will describe

in more detail why the operation
failed, or if there was a problem with
the command.
Returns the status of the instrument,
including the current user name,
hardware status, the currently
Status N/A analyzing sample (if there is one),
the last analyzed sample, number of
samples remaining to be analyzed,
and the last method to be calibrated.

4–66 FP628 System Setup

Command Options Description

Transmit sample results.

All parameters except Format are

optional and default as:

EntryIDs <LastSample/>
StartTime 1900-01-01
EndTime 9999-12-31

The contents of EntryIDs control

which samples match the query as

Format EntryID – Only the sample(s)

matching the specified EntryID(s)
EntryIDs (and matching time limits) will be
EntryID transmitted.
TransmitSamples LastSample Note: a sample will be returned for
or Error each EntryID element, if the
corresponding sample exists in the
StartTime database.
LastSample – Only the most recently
added sample will be selected. This
parameter can be combined with

AllSamples – All samples will be

transmitted as long as they are
within the time limits.

Success. Status is optional, and if

available gives additional information
about the success of the operation.

Failure. Error Message will describe

in more detail why the operation
failed, or if there was a problem with
the command.

Sends the XML parser version and

Version N/A Command the software version.

System Setup FP628 4–67

Remote Control
Return Message

Instrument Error

Instrument had an error and is passing on the details to the listener.

Sent when a system has a way to detect the arrival of a sample and one has arrived.

4–68 FP628 System Setup

Command Examples

Add an unanalyzed sample

All options are not mandatory. Any missing options will be the
previously entered value>

Create a Data Transmit Format

<Name>New Format</Name>
<Field>Analysis Date</Field>
<Field>Carbon %</Field>

Create a User Defined Field


<Name>Mass in cg</Name>
<Formula>[Mass] * 100</Formula>

System Setup FP628 4–69

Delete results 100 days old or older

A password is only necessary if the user name requires a password.


Modify the contents of sample field

<Notes>I modified this field</Notes>

Request data transmit of a specified format for the specified

<Format>New Format</Format>

Retrieve the analysis results


Start an analysis

4–70 FP628 System Setup

Managing Databases

Over time the instrument database can accumulate a great deal of

information. It is good practice to establish a regular database backup
procedure. Refer to Creating and Retrieving Database Backups, page
LECO software applications use a database to store and maintain all
the information necessary to run the instrument, including methods,
standards, system parameters, and sample results. A file system
database is created automatically the first time the software is started.
In addition, a database connection that contains the name and location
of the database is created. The database connection is used to specify
which database to open.
LECO software provides the means to create and maintain the
instrument database and database connections. A database
management wizard allows you to add database connections, to select
a database connection for use, and to delete database connections.
When you add a connection, it can be to a new database or to an
existing database. The new connection name is added to the list of
available database connections.
For 21 CFR Part 11 compliance, logging can be enabled when a
database connection is created. When logging is enabled, Presentation
Time, View History, and Archive Log appear on the Database menu in
the instrument software.
This section explains the following topics:
Using the Start Dialog Box, page 4–72
Creating and Retrieving Database Backups, page 4–73
Selecting a Database Connection, page 4–74
Adding a Database Connection, page 4–75
Deleting a Database Connection, page 4–78
Validating a Database, page 4–78
Compacting/Repairing a Legacy Database, page 4–81
Managing Databases for 21 CFR Part 11 Compliance, page 4–81
Enabling Logging for an Existing Database, page 4–81
Enabling Logging for a New Database, page 4–83
Presentation Time, page 4–85
View History, page 4–86
Archive Log, page 4–87
Adding a Connection to an Archive Log Database, page 4–88
Removing Results from Database, page 4–88
Disabling Logging on an Existing Database, page 4–89

System Setup FP628 4–71

Using the Start Dialog Box
The following section explains how to use the Start dialog box in order
to add a new database connection, select and, optionally, validate an
existing connection, or delete a database connection. A compact/repair
selection is available for legacy databases.
1. Exit the instrument software.
2. Click Start on the Windows desktop, select Programs, select
LECO, select the instrument, and then click Database
Management. The Start dialog box will appear.

When database connections are created, they will appear under

Connections. The file path for the selected database connection
appears at the bottom of the Start dialog box. Database connections
that are no longer valid appear with dimmed text in the Connections
list. When the user selects a dimmed connection, the software allows
the user to delete the database connection or to reconnect to the
Click Add to add a database connection. Refer to Adding a Database
Connection, page 4–75.
Click on an existing database connection and then make one of the
following selections:
• Click Select to connect to a database that already exists. Refer to
Selecting a Database Connection, page 4–74.
• Click Validate to validate the database with which the connection
corresponds; however, Select must also be selected to perform
validation. Refer to Validating a Database, page 4–78.

4–72 FP628 System Setup

• Click Delete to remove a database connection. Refer to Deleting a
Database Connection, page 4–78.
• Compact/Repair is not necessary for file system databases (and
does not appear on the Start dialog box); however, it is available
for Legacy Databases. Click Compact/Repair to compact an existing
Legacy Database to conserve disk space and to repair a possibly
corrupted Legacy Database. Refer to Compacting/Repairing Legacy
Database, page 4–81.

Creating and Retrieving Database Backups

It is good practice to routinely back up data to prevent data loss in the
event something such as a hard drive failure should occur. The
following procedure explains how to backup a database and should be
performed on a regular basis. This procedure applies for all databases
whether or not logging is enabled.

Create Backup
1. In the Start dialog box, highlight the database connection of the
database to back up. The file location of the corresponding
database will appear as shown below.

2. Close the instrument software.

3. To locate the files for the database connection, right-click on Start
on the desktop and use the Windows Start Menu to navigate to
the folder location.
4. Select the folder and click Copy.
5. Paste the files to the desired storage media (e.g., CD, USB
external drive, etc.) or network drive location.

System Setup FP628 4–73

Retrieve Backup
Data can be retrieved using either method described below. The
instrument software must be closed to perform either procedure.
If there is a problem with the original database and the backup is to
replace it, copy the backup database folder from where it was stored
and use Windows Explorer to paste the folder into the original folder
location for the database. Be aware that data generated in the original
database between the time the back up was made and the time the
backed up data is restored will be lost.
To access the backup as a separate database, copy the backup
database to the desired location. If prompted, do not overwrite an
existing database in this case. Use the Database Management wizard
to add a database connection to this database. Refer to Adding a
Connection to an Existing Database, page 4–75.
If restoring from read-only media, after copying the database to its
new location, use Windows Explorer to change the attributes for all
folders and files so that they are not read only. To do this, right-click
on the folder name, select Properties, and then clear the Read Only
check box.

Selecting a Database Connection

1. Exit the instrument software.
2. Click Start on the Windows desktop, select Programs, select
LECO, select the instrument, and then click Database
Management. The Start dialog box will appear.

3. Under Connections, click on the desired database connection.

4. Click Select.
5. Click Finish to open the selected database.

4–74 FP628 System Setup

Adding a Database Connection
The following section explains how to connect to an existing database
or a new database.
Refer to Adding a Connection to an Existing Database, page 4–75.
Refer to Adding a Connection to a New Database, page 4–76.

Adding a Connection to an Existing Database

Connecting to an existing database allows you to use an existing file
system database, which could be very important in a situation that
required a software reinstall such as a system crash. This type of
connection provides the means to reconnect to an existing database.
1. Exit the instrument software.
2. Click Start on the Windows desktop, select Programs, select
LECO, select the instrument, and then click Database
3. In the Start Dialog Box,
A. Select Add.
B. Click Next.
C. Select File System Database - Use Existing.
D. Click Next.
4. When the Connect File System Database dialog box appears,
enter the information for the desired database as follows:

A. For Connection Name, enter a name for database connection

that will also appear in the Start dialog box in the
Connections list.
B. For Directory Name,
1) Select Browse.
2) Navigate to the folder for the database and click on it as
shown in the following screen shot. Do not click on the
Data folder itself. The names assigned to the databases
in the directory on your system may not match the
folder names in the screen shot.
3) Click OK.

System Setup FP628 4–75

5. If desired, select the Read Only check box. When selected, the
database information can be viewed but not changed. When the
check box is cleared, the database can be modified.
6. Clear the Log Activity check box.
7. Click Next.
8. Click Finish.

Adding a Connection to a New Database

New databases will be file system databases. This database type uses
files and folders as its storage media. The size of the database is only
limited to the free space on the hard drive.
To prevent the database from running slow, it is recommended that
virus checking of the database directory be disabled. It is also
recommended to use NTFS as the hard drive file format.
1. Exit the instrument software.
2. Click Start on the Windows desktop, select Programs, select
LECO, select the instrument, and then click Database
3. In the Start Dialog Box,
A. Select Add.
B. Click Next.
C. Select File System Database - Create New.
D. Click Next.

4–76 FP628 System Setup

4. Complete the Create File System Database dialog box as follows:

A. For Connection Name, enter a name for database connection

that will also appear in the Start dialog box in the
Connections list.
B. To use the default location and name for the database
folder, proceed to step C. To use another location,
1) Create a folder in the desired location using Windows
2) Select the Advanced check box, and the Directory Name
selection box will appear.
3) For Directory Name, click Browse.
4) Navigate to the folder for the database and click on it as
shown in the following screen shot. There will not be a
data folder since it is a new database. The names
assigned to the databases in the directory on your
system may not match the folder names in the screen
5) Click OK.

C. Clear the Log Activity check box.

5. Click Next and the Start dialog box will appear.

System Setup FP628 4–77

6. The Select check box is automatically selected. Click Finish to
access the newly created database.

Deleting a Database Connection

Delete does not remove physical files from the hard drive. Use
Windows Explorer to remove the physical files.
1. Exit the instrument software.
2. Click Start on the Windows desktop, select Programs, select
LECO, select the instrument, and then click Database
3. Under Connections, click on database connection to remove.
4. Click Delete.
5. Click Next. The Delete dialog box will appear.

6. Click Next to remove the database.

Validating a Database
During database validation, the database files will be reviewed for
corruption. If orphan objects are found, refer to Reviewing Orphan
Objects, page 4–80.
To validate a database,
1. Exit the instrument software.
2. Click Start on the Windows desktop, select Programs, select
LECO, select the instrument, and then click Database
Management. The Start dialog box will appear.

4–78 FP628 System Setup

3. Under Connections, click on a database to validate, click Select,
and then click the Validate check box.
4. Click Finish. The Database Validation dialog box will display the
status of the database validation.

System Setup FP628 4–79

Reviewing Orphan Objects
When orphaned objects or corrupt database objects are discovered, a
dialog box such as the one shown below will display. It is
recommended to select No and review orphaned objects (such as
samples, methods, and standards) as they display in the Orphaned
Database Object dialog box to ensure they are valid.
If the database is being validated because database objects are
missing, for example samples have disappeared from the spreadsheet,
then recover the orphans by selecting No or No All. Select No to be
prompted for each orphan or select No All to recover all orphans
without being prompted for each one.
If all samples are displayed in the spreadsheet and there are no
apparent problems with the database, then the orphans are likely
objects that weren't completely removed from the database when they
were deleted and these orphans can be deleted. Select Yes to be
prompted before deleting each orphan or select Yes All to delete all
orphans without being prompted for each one.

4–80 FP628 System Setup

Compacting/Repairing a Legacy Database
Compact/Repair is available on databases that are not file system
databases. For file system databases, the compact/repair selection
will not appear on the Start dialog box.
1. Exit the instrument software.
2. Click Start on the Windows desktop, select Programs, select
LECO, select the instrument, and then click Database
3. Under Connections, click on the database to compact/repair.
4. Click Compact/Repair.
5. Click Next and the following message will display.

6. Click Next to compact/repair the database.

Managing Databases for 21 CFR Part 11 Compliance

The following section provides further information about how to create

and view log archive databases for 21 CFR Part 11 compliance. For
general database topics such as Using the Start Dialog Box or Deleting
a Database Connection, refer to Managing Databases, page 4–61.

In the software, logging can be enabled to keep a record of all changes

as they are made to the database. Logging provides a history of the
changes made as well as the current database values.
By default, logging is not enabled. Logging can be enabled or disabled
when a database connection is added. Refer to Enabling Logging for an
Existing Database Connection, and Enabling Logging for a New
Database, page 4–83.

Enabling Logging for an Existing Database

Connecting to an existing database allows you to use an existing file
system database, which could be very important in a situation that
required a software reinstall such as a system crash. This type of
connection provides the means to reconnect to an existing database.
1. Exit the instrument software.
2. Click Start on the Windows desktop, select Programs, select
LECO, select the instrument, and then click Database

System Setup FP628 4–81

3. In the Start Dialog Box,
A. Select Add.
B. Click Next.
C. Select File System Database - Use Existing.
D. Click Next.
4. When the Connect File System Database dialog box appears,
enter the information for the desired database as follows:

A. For Connection Name, enter a name for database connection

that will also appear in the Start dialog box in the
Connections list.
B. For Directory Name,
1) Select Browse.
2) Navigate to the folder for the database and click on it as
shown in the following screen shot. Do not click on the
Data folder itself. The names assigned to the databases
in the directory on your system may not match the
folder names in the screen shot.
3) Click OK.

4–82 FP628 System Setup

5. If desired, select the Read Only check box. When selected, the
database information can be viewed but not changed. When the
check box is cleared, the database can be modified.
6. Select the Log Activity check box to turn on logging for any future
changes made to the database through the instrument software.
7. Click Next.
8. Click Finish.

Enabling Logging for a New Database

New databases will be file system databases. This database type uses
files and folders as its storage media. The size of the database is only
limited to the free space on the hard drive.
To prevent the database from running slow, it is recommended that
virus checking of the database directory be disabled. It is also
recommended to use NTFS as the hard drive file format.
1. Exit the instrument software.
2. Click Start on the Windows desktop, select Programs, select
LECO, select the instrument, and then click Database
3. In the Start Dialog Box,
A. Select Add.
B. Click Next.
C. Select File System Database - Create New.
D. Click Next.
4. Complete the Create File System Database dialog box as follows:

A. For Connection Name, enter a name for database connection

that will also appear in the Start dialog box in the
Connections list.
B. To use the default location and name for the database
folder, proceed to step C. To use another location,
1) Create a folder in the desired location using Windows
2) Select the Advanced check box, and the Directory Name
selection box will appear.
3) For Directory Name, click Browse.

System Setup FP628 4–83

4) Navigate to the folder for the database and click on it as
shown in the following screen shot. There will not be a
data folder since it is a new database. The names
assigned to the databases in the directory on your
system may not match the folder names in the screen
5) Click OK.

C. Select the Log Activity check box to turn on logging for

changes made to the database through the instrument
5. Click Next and the Start dialog box will appear.
6. The Select check box is automatically selected. Click Finish to
access the newly created database.

Database Menu
Items on the Database menu in the instrument software will only
appear if logging was enabled when the database connection was
created. Refer to Enabling Logging for an Existing Database,
page 4–81.

4–84 FP628 System Setup

Presentation Time
When logging is enabled for a database connection, the presentation
time can used to view the database as it existed at some previous
point in time. For example, it could be used to view results before a
change in calibration was performed. While a presentation time is set,
and the Live check box is not selected, changes are not allowed to the
database. For example, samples cannot be added and changes cannot
be made to methods.
1. Click the Database menu in the instrument software and select
Presentation Time. The Presentation Time dialog box will appear.

2. Select the time and date for the presentation time as follows:
Select the Live check box to view current information or clear the
Live checkbox in order to select a different date and time.

When the Live check box is cleared, Date and Time are active.

System Setup FP628 4–85

A. For Date, click the arrow to display a calendar.
B. From the calendar, select a date. If desired, select the time
and then select either Local or UT (Universal Time). Local
displays the local time zone. UT displays the universal time
that corresponds with the UTC (Universal Coordinated Time)
as defined by the National Bureau of Standards.
C. Click OK. The results as they were at the selected date and
time will appear in the spreadsheet.

View History
When logging is enabled for a database connection, View History
displays a log of database changes that could be used to identify the
time/date when some particular change took place. It can only be used
to identify who made a change because there is no description of what
each change represents.
1. Click the Database menu in the instrument software and select
View History. The View Log dialog box will appear.
2. The log items that appear in the View Log dialog box are
explained below.
Date/Time displays the date and time that the database change
Entry ID displays a unique identifying number for the database
object that was changed. For example, each sample would have a
unique number.
Action displays Created, Modified or Deleted to indicate the type
of action that occurred.
User displays the username of the person who performed the
3. Select the time zone to use for displaying Date/Time. Local
displays the local time zone. UT displays the universal time that
corresponds with the UTC (Universal Coordinated Time) as
defined by the National Bureau of Standards.

4–86 FP628 System Setup

Archive Log
When logging is enabled for a database connection, an Archive Log
database can be created to copy log entries to another file and
possibly reduce the amount of data stored in the database.
1. From the Database Menu in the instrument software, select
Archive Log. The Archive File dialog box will appear.

2. In the Archive File dialog box,

A. Select the Delete Entries upon Completion check box to
delete entries from the database after they are copied to the
output file. Clear the check box and entries will not be
deleted from the database. Selecting this check box reduces
the amount of data stored in database files. The file size may
not change as a result of this, but space will be made
available inside the file for more data to be stored. As a
precaution, LECO recommends performing a regular
database backup right before using Delete Entries upon
Completion. Refer to Creating and Retrieving Database
Backups, page 4–73.
B. For the Stop Date, click the arrow and select a date. Any log
entries generated on or before this date will be placed into
the output file.
C. Enter a filename for the log archive database.
D. Select the location for the log archive database.
E. Click Save.
3. After a log archive database is created, you can create a database
connection to the archive log file and view the information in a
read-only fashion, which means you can view the log archive
database but cannot operate the instrument or analyze samples.
Refer to Adding a Connection to a Log Archive Database.

System Setup FP628 4–87

Adding a Connection to a Log Archive Database
1. Exit the instrument software.
2. Click Start on the Windows desktop, select Programs, select
LECO, select the instrument, and then click Database
Management. The Start dialog box will appear.
3. In the Start Dialog Box,
A. Select Add.
B. Click Next.
C. Select Database Log Archive.
D. Click Next.
4. Complete the Connect Log Archive dialog box as follows:
A. For Connection Name, enter a name for database log archive
connection that will also appear in the Start dialog box in the
Connections list.
B. For File Name, Click Browse and navigate to the log archive
file. The log archive file should have a .GLA file extension.
5. Click Next. The Start dialog box will appear.
6. Click Select and then click Finish.

Removing Results from a Database

When logging is enabled for a database connection, the amount of
data stored in the database can become significantly large, and it may
become necessary to remove results from the database. Deleting
results in the instrument software will only increase the size of the
database because the database keeps track of all changes when
logging is enabled. The following procedure explains how to remove
results from the database for file system databases or for other
For File System Databases
To remove results from a file system database, it is only necessary to
create an archive log as explained below.
1. Create an archive log by following the steps in Archive Log, page
2. Exit the instrument software.
For Legacy Databases
For databases that are not file system databases, use the following
steps to compact/repair the database and recover the freed up space.
1. Create an archive log that has the Delete Entries Upon
Completion check box selected by following the steps in Archive
Log, page 4–87.
2. Exit the instrument software.
3. Click Start on the Windows desktop, select Programs, select
LECO, select the instrument, and then click Database
Management. The Start dialog box will appear.

4–88 FP628 System Setup

4. Select the database connection for the database, not the archive
log, click Compact/Repair, and then click Next. The following
message will display.

5. Click Next to compact/repair the database.

Disabling Logging on an Existing Database

Use the following instructions to disable logging on a database in which
logging is enabled.
1. Exit the instrument software.
2. Click Start on the Windows desktop, select Programs, select
LECO, select the instrument, and then click Database
3. In the Database Start dialog box, select the existing database
connection in which you prefer to disable logging. Remember the
name of the database and the base file location because you will
need this information in order to reconnect to the database in
step 8.A, page 4–89.
4. Select Delete, and follow the instructions provided by the
software. Refer to Deleting a Database Connection, page 4–78,
for further information. The Delete operation will not delete the
actual database; it will only remove the database connection
name from the list.
5. Return to the Database Start dialog box.
6. In the Start dialog box, select Add, and then select Next.
7. Under Database Types, highlight File System Database-Use
Existing, and click Next.
8. Complete the Connect Database dialog box as follows:
A. For the Connection Name, enter the same name as the
database that was just deleted.
B. Enter the Path to the database files.
9. Verify that the checkbox next to Log Activity is blank and click
10. Click Next and the Start dialog box will appear.
11. The Select check box is automatically selected.
12. Click Finish.

System Setup FP628 4–89

Deleting Analyzed Samples

The size of the database can be reduced by deleting analyzed samples.

This procedure permits the operator to delete analyzed samples by
prior date. Analyzed samples can be exported and then deleted by
checking a check box.
1. Click Database and select Delete by Date.

2. Click the drop-down arrow and enter the prior sample deletion
3. If the prior samples to be deleted should be exported and saved
before they’re deleted, check the Transfer Export Samples to be
deleted check box.
4. Click Delete to delete the prior analyzed samples or Cancel to
cancel deletion.

4–90 FP628 System Setup

5 Operation
The Operation chapter explains how to prepare the sample for an
analysis once the instrument is setup. First Time Analysis contains
step-by-step procedures that explain how to create a method, login
samples, and perform an analysis.

Illustrations .................................................................................. 5–4

First Time Analysis ........................................................................ 5–5
Shutdown Procedure .................................................................... 5–12
Sample Preparation ..................................................................... 5–13
Gel Capsule Method ................................................................ 5–13
Tin Foil Method ...................................................................... 5–14
Using the Quick Sampler .................................................... 5–14
Manual Preparation............................................................ 5–15
Using the Foiler ................................................................. 5–16
Login ......................................................................................... 5–17
Blank Login ........................................................................... 5–17
Sample Login ......................................................................... 5–18
Sample Login Definitions .................................................... 5–19
Correct for Moisture ..................................................................... 5–20
Correct for Atmospheric Blank ...................................................... 5–21
Enter a Mass from the Balance ...................................................... 5–22
From the Sample Login Screen ................................................ 5–22
Directly into the Spreadsheet ................................................... 5–22
Analyze a Sample ........................................................................ 5–23
Analyze a Blank ..................................................................... 5–23
Analyze a Standard ................................................................ 5–23
Analyze a Sample ................................................................... 5–24
Abort an Analysis .............................................................. 5–24
Analyze Multiple Samples ................................................... 5–24
Delay Analysis .................................................................. 5–27
Pause Analysis .................................................................. 5–27
Cancel Pause .................................................................... 5–28
Liquid Sample Analysis ...................................................... 5–29
Liquid Sample Login Definitions...................................... 5–31
Calibration ................................................................................. 5–32
Blank Calibration ............................................................... 5–32

Operation FP628 5–1

Standard Calibration .......................................................... 5–32
Standard Samples ............................................................. 5–32
Drift Correction ................................................................. 5–32
Replace Drift Standard ....................................................... 5–32
Blank Calibration .................................................................... 5–33
Standard Calibration ............................................................... 5–34
New Standard Calibration ................................................... 5–34
Add Standards .................................................................. 5–35
View Calibration ................................................................ 5–35
Edit Calibration ................................................................. 5–35
Standard Calibration Definitions ..................................... 5–36
Drift Correction ...................................................................... 5–36
View History ..................................................................... 5–38
Replace Drift Standard ....................................................... 5–38
Samples ..................................................................................... 5–40
Sample Editing Functions ........................................................ 5–40
Insert a Sample ................................................................ 5–40
Fill Cells with the Same ...................................................... 5–40
Delete a Sample..................................................................... 5–41
Recalculate Results................................................................. 5–41
Display Protein Results ........................................................... 5–42
Typical Protein Factors ....................................................... 5–43
View History .......................................................................... 5–43
View History Definitions ..................................................... 5–44
Sample Signature ................................................................... 5–44
View Signatures ................................................................ 5–45
Printing Reports .......................................................................... 5–46
Configuring Report before Printing ............................................ 5–46
Printing from the Software ...................................................... 5–48
Text Export Data ......................................................................... 5–50
Export Configuration ............................................................... 5–50
Filename .......................................................................... 5–50
Export Definitions ......................................................... 5–51
Fields............................................................................... 5–52
Delimiters ........................................................................ 5–53
Automation ...................................................................... 5–54
Advanced ......................................................................... 5–55
Preview ............................................................................ 5–56
Export Text Data .................................................................... 5–57
Export Text Buffers ................................................................ 5–59
Text Import Data ........................................................................ 5–60
Transmit Data ............................................................................. 5–61

5–2 FP628 Operation

Transmit Format Configuration................................................. 5–61
Fields............................................................................... 5–62
Delimiters ........................................................................ 5–63
Automation ...................................................................... 5–64
Communication Settings .................................................... 5–65
Serial Port Definitions ................................................... 5–66
Advanced ......................................................................... 5–67
Preview ............................................................................ 5–68
Transmit Selected Samples .......................................................... 5–69
Data Backup ............................................................................... 5–70
Transfer Export ...................................................................... 5–70
Transfer Import .......................................................................... 5–72
Error Messages ........................................................................... 5–73
Error Message Definitions ........................................................ 5–73

Operation FP628 5–3


Figure 5-1 Sample Preparation—Gel Capsule Method ..........................5–13

Figure 5-2 Sample Preparation—Quick Sampler Method ......................5–14
Figure 5-3 Sample Preparation—Manual Method .................................5–15
Figure 5-4 Sample Preparation—Foiler Method ...................................5–16
Figure 5-5 Autosampler Tray ...........................................................5–31

5–4 FP628 Operation

First Time Analysis

The first time the instrument is operated, and any time the software
is updated, these steps must be performed in the order in which they
1. Perform a System check before operation to determine if the
instrument is operating properly.
A. Let the instrument warm up and stabilize.
B. From the Diagnostics menu, click System Check.

C. Check the results of all systems. The circle in front of the

system name should be filled in green and in the results
column all systems should indicate “Passed”.
2. Perform a Leak Check, page 8–15, on both the oxygen and TC
carrier gas systems.

Operation FP628 5–5

3. Create a method. Refer to Method Configuration, page 4–36, for
additional information.
A. From the Configuration menu, click Method. The Method
dialog box will appear.

B. Click Properties. The Method Properties dialog box will

Unless otherwise directed by the LECO Application lab, verify the
method parameters have been set to their default values for the first
time analysis.
C. Click OK to close the Method Properties dialog box.

5–6 FP628 Operation

4. Login a blank. Refer to Blank Login, page 5–17, for additional
A. From the Samples menu, click Login. The Sample Login
dialog box will appear.

B. Enter the information required in the dialog box. Refer to

Blank Login, page 5–17.
Enter Blank for sample name, 1.000 for sample mass.
Analyze blanks until a plateau is reached (typically ±
0.001%). Analyze three to five additional blanks and set
blank area using these values.
C. Click OK to login the blank.
D. Enter a number one (1) in the Location column on the main
spreadsheet. If the Location column is not visible, refer to
Sample Display Configuration on page 4–20.

Operation FP628 5–7

5. Analyze a blank. Refer to Analyze a Blank, page 5–23, for
additional information.
6. The blank results will probably start higher, drop slowly, and then
stabilize. Highlight the last few blanks analyzed to check the
precision. Highlight the entire row for samples selected and view
statistics. Statistics should appear in the lower right corner of the
screen. The SD of the blank should be 0.0010% at 1.0 g. If the
SD precision is acceptable, keep the same blanks highlighted and
proceed to the next step.
7. Perform blank calibration. Refer to Blank Calibration, page 5–33,
for additional information.
A. In the spreadsheet, select the analyzed blanks to set the
initial blank calibration value area. These should be the same
blanks used in the previous step.
B. From the Configuration menu, click Blank. The Blank dialog
box will appear with a new blank calibration value. Blank is
the raw area of analyze that is subtracted from the raw area
every analysis.
C. Click OK to enter the new blank calibration value.

5–8 FP628 Operation

8. Login a standard. Refer to Sample Login, page 5–18, for
additional information.
A. From the Samples menu, click Login. The Sample Login
dialog box will appear.

B. Enter the information required in the dialog box. Refer to

Sample Login Definitions, page 5–19, for additional
1) Enter the sample name of the standard.
2) Enter the protein factor when answers are desired as
protein (% protein format).

When entering additional standards, it is only necessary to enter the

mass. All other analysis parameter values will be automatically
entered from the first sample.

C. Click OK to login the standard.

9. Analyze a standard. Refer to Analyze a Standard, page 5–23, for
additional information.

Operation FP628 5–9

10. The answers may not appear accurate although they should be
precise. Once standards have been run, select them and view the
statistics. For multiple standards of the same weight (i.e. 0.20xx,
0.20xx, 0.20xx, etc), the RSD should be <0.35% RSD or within
the certified tolerance of the reference material (whichever is
Accuracy—The amount of measurement deviation from a
known accurate comparable source such as a standard
calibration sample.
If repeated measurements are accurate, the instrument is
precise. If repeated measurements are precise, the instrument
is not necessarily accurate; calibration makes the instrument
Precision—The amount of measurement deviation from one
measurement to another without regard to the accuracy or
specific value of the measurement. It is the degree of
refinement with which an operation is performed or a
measurement stated.
11. Although the standards may not be correct, as long as they are
close in numbers, the instrument has the precision it needs to
continue. Once the instrument is calibrated, it should be both
precise and accurate.

5–10 FP628 Operation

12. Perform Calibration. Refer to Calibration, page 5–32, for
additional information.
A. In the spreadsheet, select the Analyzed Standard Samples
for Calibration.
These should be the same standard samples used in the
previous steps. If using single standard for calibration,
weigh, login, and run Standards of the following weights: (3)
500 mg Standards, (3) 250 mg Standards, (3) 200 mg
Standards, (3) 150 mg Standards, (3) 100 mg Standards,
(4) 75 mg Standards, (4) 35 mg Standards. Once they have
been run, highlight as in the previous steps and look at the
statistics. For standards of varying weights (0.30xx, 0.25xx,
0.10xx, 0.00xx) RSD should be <0.50% RSD or within the
certified tolerance of the reference material (whichever is
greater). You can omit 1 or 2 answers that are not a good fit
with the others in their respective weight groups.
For calibrations that cover wide dynamic ranges, consult the
LECO Applications Laboratory for support.
B. From the Configuration menu, click Calibrations. The
Calibrations dialog box will appear.
For a calibration at one weight, the curve type selected must
be Single Standard Calibration.
For a calibration at multiple weights with the same standard,
use Linear, Quadratic or Cubic.
Refer to step 6 (Perform blank calibration) for additional
C. View the calibration curve. Make sure the calibration curve
goes through, or comes close to every calibration point. If
not, click the Curve drop down box and select another curve
type. Refer to Standard Calibration, page 5–34, for
additional information.
D. Click OK to set the new calibration. The Save Calibration
dialog box will appear.
E. Click OK to enter the new calibration. The new calibration
equation and the previous calibration equation will be
F. Click Close.
13. Calibration is complete. Analyze varying weights of the calibration
sample to check the calibration.

Operation FP628 5–11

Shutdown Procedure

Use this procedure to safely power down and turn off the instrument.
If Cancel is clicked during this procedure shutdown will be aborted and
the furnace temperatures restored to their original settings.
During shutdown the gas is turned off.

Failure to cool the furnaces prior to turning the power
switch OFF will result in overheating of the loading head
assembly and possible damage to the furnace.
1. Click Maintenance and select Instrument Shutdown. The
Instrument Shutdown screen will appear.

2. Wait until the combustion temperature and afterburner

temperature drop below 600oC and the red indicators turn green.

3. Click Close FP628 Software to exit the instrument application

4. Turn the AC power switch OFF.

5–12 FP628 Operation

Sample Preparation

Each sample holder type will require its own blank value and should be
used in the main calibration.
Samples should be homogenized prior to encapsulation.
Sample presses may be used to maximize sample size.

Gel Capsule Method

Gel Capsules should only be used for nitrogen only analysis. Sample
size is dependent upon the sample type, desired precision and
optimum performance. Contact the LECO applications laboratory for
further information.
1. Place the Sample Cup Holder on the balance.
2. Place the Gel Cap (small or medium) into the sample cup holder
and tare the balance.
3. Remove the Capsule from the sample cup holder and add sample
to capsule.
4. Place Capsule in the sample cup holder and weigh.
5. Record the mass in the spreadsheet or automatically through
print function on the balance.

502-338 Small Capsule/400 p/pk

502-382 Medium Capsule/400 p/pk

604-373 Small Sample Cup Holder

604-398 Medium Sample Cup Holder

Figure 5-1
Sample Preparation—Gel Capsule Method

For analysis of multiple samples, install and use the 619-180 Carousel
Assembly then load the samples in the proper order for analysis.

Operation FP628 5–13

Tin Foil Method

Using the Quick Sampler

1. Place the small or large foil on the balance and tare.
2. Place the Foil Holder on a work surface and center the small or
large foil on the holder.
3. Pull the Quick Sampler Plunger up by the handle end to make
room for the sample in the bottom of the tube and press the tube
into sample material. Make sure the sample is firmly packed.
4. Place the end of the tube in the center of the foil and work the
tube into the foil by pushing gently and rocking the tube back and
5. Firmly holding the tube in place, push the plunger down. When
the sample is in the foil, remove the sampler.
6. Crimp the foil closed with tweezers.
7. Holding the sample in place with the tweezers, lift the sample up
off the holder.
8. Enter the mass in the spreadsheet or automatically by pressing
print on the balance.



Figure 5-2
Sample Preparation—Quick Sampler Method

5–14 FP628 Operation

Manual Preparation
1. Place the Sample Cup Holder on the balance.
2. Place foil into the Sample Cup Holder and tare the balance.
3. Remove the foil and the sample cup holder from balance and add
sample to foil.
4. Place the sample cup holder and foil on balance and weigh.
5. Remove the foil from the sample cup holder and twist to seal.
6. Enter the mass in the spreadsheet or automatically by pressing
print on the balance.
Sample size is dependent upon sample type, desired precision and
optimal performance.

Small Tin Foil Cup

Medium Tin Foil Cup
Sample Cup Holder

Figure 5-3
Sample Preparation—Manual Method

Operation FP628 5–15

Using the Foiler
Use only small tin foil cups with the foiler.

1. Place the Foil Capsule on the balance and tare the balance.
2. Place the Small Tin Foil Capsule in the foil holder.
3. Place the Funnel on the foil holder.
4. Add Sample.
5. Insert and press down the plunger to pack the sample.
6. Holding the plunger in place, lift the funnel up against the
plunger, and then remove both pieces.
7. Crimp the Foil closed with tweezers.
8. Remove and weigh the sample.







Figure 5-4
Sample Preparation—Foiler Method

5–16 FP628 Operation


Blank Login
Before a blank is analyzed, a sample named Blank must be entered
into the spreadsheet. This procedure is called Blank Login.
An analysis method should be developed before a sample is logged in.
Refer to Method Configuration on page 4–36.

1. Click Samples and select Login. The Sample Login dialog box will

2. Click the drop down arrow, in the sample name selection box, and
select Blank from the list.
3. Type the number of blanks repetitions you require.
4. Enter the information required in the Login Screen. Refer to the
Glossary, page 12–1, for Blank Login definitions.
5. Click OK to login the blank.

Operation FP628 5–17

Sample Login
Before a sample is analyzed it must be entered into the spreadsheet.
This procedure is called Sample Login. A sample that has been logged
in may be named in various alphanumeric notations.
An analysis method should be developed before a sample is logged in.
Refer to Method Configuration page 4–36.
Prepare the sample for analysis. Refer to Sample Preparation,
page 5–13, for additional information.

1. From the Samples menu, click Login. The Sample Login dialog
box will appear.

2. Enter the Sample Name in the sample name selection box.

3. Enter the information required in the Login Screen. Refer to
Sample Login Definitions, page 5–19, for additional information.
4. Click OK to login the sample.

5–18 FP628 Operation

Sample Login Definitions
Sample Name—The name or type of sample.
Mass—The mass of the sample. Click Balance to enter a mass from an
external balance.
Location—The position in the autoloader where the sample is located.
Method—The method used for analysis. Click the down arrow to select
from the list of methods.
Comments—A statement used to explain an operation or procedure.
This is an optional entry.
Description—A statement used to explain or identify a sample. This is
an optional entry.
Operator—The name of the operator. This is an optional entry.
Moisture Basis—The amount of moisture in the final product. A
percentage should be entered. This is an optional entry.
Sample Moisture—The amount of moisture in the sample used to
compensate the final result. A percentage should be entered. This is an
optional entry.
Atmospheric Blank—Atmospheric Blank compensates the calculation of
the final result for the nitrogen content that may be trapped within the
sample. A percentage should be entered. This is an optional entry.
Protein Factor—The value used to calculate a protein result based on a
nitrogen analysis. This is an optional entry.
Add to End of List—Check to enter the logged in sample in the last row
of the spreadsheet.
Add as Next Sample to Run—Click to enter the logged in sample after
the last sample that was analyzed.
Keep Logging Samples until Cancel is Pressed—Check this box to log
consecutive sample. The dialog box will reappear after OK is clicked.
This is an optional entry.

Operation FP628 5–19

Correct for Moisture

Moisture basis and sample moisture compensates the calculation of the

final result for moisture content. They should be entered during
sample login.
Moisture Basis—Analysis assumes the sample is analyzed on a dry
basis. Moisture basis adds a moisture value during calculation of the
final result. When the sample is analyzed, its result is determined with
a specific amount of moisture that is not in the sample (on a moisture
Sample Moisture—Sample moisture is the amount of moisture
contained in a sample before analysis. The moisture value is
subtracted during calculation of the final result. The sample is analyzed
"on a dry basis".
1. From the Samples menu, click Login. The Sample dialog box will

2. Click the Sample Moisture edit box and enter a value.

3. Click the Moisture Basis edit box and enter a value.
4. Click OK.

5–20 FP628 Operation

Correct for Atmospheric Blank

Analysis of powdered samples on the instrument may require sealing

the tin foil sample cup before introducing the sample into the
instrument. Powdered samples trap atmosphere, which includes
nitrogen within the sample. When the tin foil sample cup is sealed
atmospheric gas is trapped within the sample. Typically, for a sample
mass of 0.25g, approximately 0.04% nitrogen is trapped within the
sample. Utilization of the Atmospheric Blank compensates the
calculation of the final result for this nitrogen content. The amount of
Atmospheric blank should be entered during sample login.

1. From the Samples menu, click Login. The Sample Login Dialog
box will appear.

2. Click the Atmospheric Blank edit box and enter a value.

3. Click OK.
If the atmospheric blank was not entered in login, it can still be
corrected by entering the value in the spreadsheet during or after
analysis and pressing the enter key.

Operation FP628 5–21

Enter a Mass from the Balance

An external balance must be interfaced with the instrument to enter a

mass automatically.
The application must be controlling the balance before a mass can be
automatically entered. Refer to Balance Installation on page 3–3 for
more information.

From the Sample Login Screen

Click Balance to enter a weight from an external balance.

Directly into the Spreadsheet

A sample will be added to the first row of the spreadsheet without a
value entered for the mass.

1. Place the crucible on the balance.

2. Press Tare.
3. Place the sample in the crucible.
4. Press Print on the balance or click the Samples menu and select
Balance. The sample mass will be entered into the first row of the
spreadsheet without a mass entry.

5–22 FP628 Operation

Analyze a Sample

A blank is an analysis that is run without either sample or standard

material being burned. Nothing can be in the furnace, capsule or tin
sample cup. Anything that would be used with the sample, except the
sample, can be dropped into the furnace during blank analysis. The
area of the blank is subtracted from the sample or standard analysis.

Analyze a Blank
Analyze a Blank permits the operator to run an analysis without
burning a sample. This is done in order to obtain data to set the blank
area. Refer to Blank Calibration, page 5–33, for additional information.
Before proceeding, Blank Login, page 5–17, must be completed.

1. Click Analyze (F5) analysis will automatically start with the first
2. Blank results will be shown in the spreadsheet and plot window.
3. Accept a blank value for all elements in the calibration.

Analyze a Standard
Analyze a Standard is used to analyze standard samples for
Before proceeding, Define a Calibration Standard, page 4–49, and
Login using a Calibration Standard, page 4–50, must be completed.
For some applications it may be necessary to use a standard with the
same density and/or concentration of sulfur. Consult the LECO
Applications Laboratory for further assistance.
LECO recommends using certified reference materials for all

1. From the Samples menu, click Analyze, press F5 or click the F5

analyze button. The next unanalyzed sample will start.
2. After analysis, the sample plot will appear in the window below
the spreadsheet. The standard analysis result will appear in the
spreadsheet under the element name.

Operation FP628 5–23

Analyze a Sample
Sample analysis determines the element concentration in a sample.
Before proceeding, Blank Calibration, page 5–33, Standard
Calibration, page 5–34, and Sample Login, page 5–18, must be
1. From the Samples menu, click Analyze, press F5 or click the F5
analyze button. The next unanalyzed sample will start.
2. After analysis, the sample plot will appear in the window below
the spreadsheet. The analysis result will appear in the
spreadsheet under the element name.

Abort an Analysis
An analysis in progress can be aborted. If the analysis is aborted,
"Abort" will appear under analysis date.
Before proceeding, Analyze a Sample, page 5–23, must be
From the Samples menu, click Abort. The analysis in progress will be

Analyze Multiple Samples

This procedure programs the instrument to analyze a group of samples
without the aid of an operator during analysis.
Before proceeding, Method Configuration, page 4–36, Blank
Calibration, page 5–33, and Standard Calibration, page 5–34, must
be completed.
Prepare the samples for analysis. Refer to Sample Preparation, page
5–13, for additional information.
FP628—Install and use the 619-180 Carousel Assembly then load the
samples in the proper order for analysis.

5–24 FP628 Operation

1. From the Configuration menu, click System. The System
Configuration dialog box will appear.

2. Click Auto Increment Sample Name to advance the sample name

by 1. The last character in the sample names must be a number.
3. Click the Carousels drop down box and select the number of
Carousels used for multiple sample analysis. The maximum
number that can be selected is 4.
4. Click OK to close the System Configuration dialog box.

Operation FP628 5–25

5. From the Samples menu, click Login. The Sample dialog box will

6. Login a sample to analyze.

7. Click the check box at the bottom of the window to keep logging
in samples.
8. Repeat step 6 until all samples are logged in.
9. Click Cancel to close the Sample Login dialog box.
10. View the location number of the first sample in the spreadsheet
and compare it to the location of the first sample in the carousel.
If the location numbers are not the same, click the Location Box
of the first sample and enter the carousel location number of the
first sample to analyze. The location numbers in the spreadsheet,
following the first sample, will change consecutively.
11. From the Samples menu, click Analyze to start the analysis.

5–26 FP628 Operation

Delay Analysis
Delayed Analysis permits the operator to start an analysis at a later
date and time.
An analysis method should be developed before a sample is logged in.
Refer to Method Configuration on page 4–36.

1. Determine where in the sample list to pause or delay analysis and

select the sample. The sample must be an analyzed sample.
2. From the Samples menu click Pause or press F7. The Pause/Delay
Start dialog box will appear.

3. In the highlighted field, enter the date and time to start the
delayed analysis. The date and time that appears may be edited.
The format for entering the date and time is [05/01/2000
4:30:00 PM]. A space should be inserted after the date and time
or select Manually if pausing for operator intervention.
4. Click OK to start the delayed analysis. A clock symbol will appear
in the spreadsheet next to the sample that will be analyzed at the
programmed delayed start time or if Manually was selected a red
octagon will appear in the spreadsheet. The analysis will begin
only when the operator clicks analyze.

Pause Analysis
Pause Analysis permits the operator to pause analysis at a selected
sample and then resume at a programmed date and time. When the
programmed time is reached, analysis will continue.
Before proceeding, Analyze Multiple Samples, page 5–24, must be
1. Determine where in the sample list to pause or delay analysis and
select the sample. The sample must be an analyzed sample.
2. From the Samples menu, click Pause. The Pause/Delay Start
dialog box will appear.

Operation FP628 5–27

3. In the highlighted field, enter the date and time to restart
analysis. The date and time that appears may be edited. The
format for entering the date and time is [06/01/2000 4:30:00
PM]. A space should be inserted after the date and time.
4. Click OK to program the pause. A clock symbol will appear in the
spreadsheet next to the sample that will be analyzed after the

Cancel Pause
Cancel Pause permits the operator to remove a programmed delay
analysis, pause analysis, or hold analysis from the spreadsheet.
Before proceeding, Analyze Multiple Samples, page 5–24, must be
1. Click and select the row where the delay analysis, pause analysis,
or hold analysis is programmed.
2. From the Samples menu, click Pause. The Pause/Delay Start
dialog box will appear.

3. Click Clear. The programmed type, delay or pause will be


5–28 FP628 Operation

Liquid Sample Analysis
In order to perform a liquid analysis the liquid loading head and the
liquid autosampler must be installed. Refer to Liquid Autosampler on
page 3–6.
Analysis of liquid samples is very similar to solid samples with the
exception of how they are loaded into the determinator. Use the
following procedure to perform analysis of liquid samples.
1. From the Configuration menu select system. The system
configuration screen will appear.
2. Click the drop down arrow in the sample Loading selection box
and select Liquid Autosampler. Refer to System Configuration, on
page 4–31.

Operation FP628 5–29

3. Click the drop down arrow in the Liquid Autosampler Port selecton
box and select the proper Autosampler Port. This is the computer
serial port that the autosampler is connected to. It is not
necessary to configure this port. The software automatically
configures itself when the autosampler is selected.
4. From the Configuration menu select Method. Select or create the
proper Analysis Method. Refer to Method Configuration, Liquid
Autosampler on page 4–36.
5. Fill the Wash Vials with the proper wash solution.
6. Empty the Waste Vial if necessary.
7. Prepare the Sample Vials and insert the tray in the tray holder.
8. Click the Samples menu and select Login. Login the desired
samples. The location, volume and density must be entered. After
volume and density are entered the software will calculate the

9. Click the Samples menu and select Analysis or press F5 to start

analysis. Refer to Analyze a Sample, on page 5–23, for more

5–30 FP628 Operation

Liquid Sample Login Definitions
In addition to the definitions listed below refer to the definitions on
page 5–19.
Location—The sample location number. Refer to Figure 5-5.
Autosampler Tray—Click the drop down arrow and select the
autosampler tray. If only one tray is used select Tray1.
Volume (ml)—The volume of sample drawn into the syringe.
Density (g/ml)—The sample density (grams per ml).

Figure 5-5
Autosampler Tray

Operation FP628 5–31


Calibration is the process that adjusts the instrument to produce the

correct result when a calibration standard is analyzed. A calibration
standard has a known or certified value.. First a Blank Calibration is
performed, then Standard Calibration and then as daily maintenance
both a Blank Calibration and Drift Correction.

Blank Calibration
Blank Calibration is used to calculate the blank or baseline. Sometimes
this is called the blank area. Blank calibration calculates the
instrument blank and adjusts the area of the analysis accordingly. The
system blank should be determined every day by performing a blank
calibration before analysis. A blank should be analyzed and the blank
calibration set prior to standard calibration or drift correction. Refer to
Blank Calibration on page 5–33.

Standard Calibration
Standard Calibration is used to calibrate the instrument with known
calibration standards. A single point calibration can be performed using
the curve type (single standard sample) (at a single mass) however;
LECO recommends multipoint calibrations that employ 1/certified
weighting. Additionally a blank calibration should be completed prior to
performing any calibration. Since Standard Calibration is saved with
each method, each method must be calibrated after it is created.

Standard Samples
During the calibration process only dried standards should be
employed. The analytical accuracy depends on the accuracy of the
standards. Drying the standards optimizes the accuracy. Standards
should be dried according to label instructions. Refer to Calibration on
page 5–34.

Drift Correction
Drift Correction is used to adjust the original calibration response to
match the current instrument response. Drift calibration should be
performed at the start of every day or when check standards fail to
return the proper values. This insures accurate calibration and analysis
results. Refer to Drift Correction on page 5–36. LECO recommends
that all check standards be independent of the drift standards. After
performing a drift correction, the result for the drift standard will be
the same result that the drift standard returned during the original
calibration (not the certified value).

Replace Drift Standard

Replace drift is used when a drift standard lot is changed. Replace drift
compensates for differences in the drift standard lot and produces a
more accurate drift calibration point. Refer to Replace Drift Standard
on page 5–38.

5–32 FP628 Operation

Blank Calibration
Blank calibration calculates the instrument blank area and adjusts the
analysis area accordingly.

1. Login and analyze 3 to 5 blank conditioning samples before

setting the blank area.`
2. Analyze 3 to 5 blank samples to set the blank area.
3. Perform at least three blank analyses.
4. Select the results of the blank analyses from the spreadsheet.
5. Click Configuration and select Blank. The Element Selection
screen will appear.
In the following screen shot, the software displays the data in
blue to alert the operator that the data has changed.

6. Include or exclude an element by clicking a row to select the

element and clicking Include/Exclude. The action box will indicate
if the element is included or excluded. If the element is included a
blank calculation will be calculated for that element.
7. Click OK to calculate the system blank based on the analysis
results obtained in step one.

Operation FP628 5–33

Standard Calibration
Standard Calibration is a process that adjusts the response of the
instrument to that of known standards. The application software
permits two different types of calibration: Single Standard or
multipoint calibration. Since calibration is saved with each method,
each method must be calibrated after it is created.
Refer to Standard Calibration Definitions on page 5–36 when
performing this procedure.
The instrument Blank should be calibrated before performing standard
calibration. Refer to Blank Calibration on page 5–33.
LECO recommends multipoint calibrations that employs 1/certified
weighting be used for standard calibration.
Moisture is an optional entry for hydrogen and oxygen analysis.
Moisture must be determined before analysis and logged in as Sample
Moisture. Calibration will be compensated for moisture content. Refer
to Sample Login on page 5–18.

New Standard Calibration

1. Login and perform at least three standard analyses.
2. Select the results of the standard analyses from the spreadsheet.
3. Click Configuration and select Calibrations.
4. From the fly-out menu click New. The Calibration screen will

5. Click the arrow in the drop down box and Select a Cell (detector)
to calculate a calibration for. A separate calibration can be
calculated for each cell.

5–34 FP628 Operation

6. Click the arrow in the drop down box and Select a Curve Type.
LECO recommends multipoint linear or higher order curves.
7. View the curve displayed on the graph. It should intersect the
black squares which represents the standards. The curve fit can
also be evaluated by selecting a Relative Error plot on the
residual error plot.
8. Click the arrow in the drop down box and Select the desired
Weighting. LECO recommends 1/certified weighting be used for a
standard calibration.
9. Click OK to select the cell to calibrate. One or more cells can be
10. Click Print to print a copy of the calculated calibration on the
system printer.
11. Click OK to exit the calibration procedure and save the calibration
12. In the next dialog box highlight the cells that you wish to save
the calibration for and click OK. The calibration is saved and
associated with the method used to analyze the standards.

Add Standards
Add standards permits the operator to add analyzed standards to the
list of standards used for calibration.
1. Select analyzed standard samples from the spreadsheet to be
added to the list of standards used for calibration.
2. Click Configuration and select Calibrations.
3. From the fly-out menu click Add Standards.
4. The highlighted Analyzed Standards will be added to the list of
samples used for calibration. To view the list of standard samples
click new from the calibrations fly-out menu.

View Calibration
Permits the operator to view the current calibration. The calibration
cannot be changed from this screen.
1. Click Configuration and select Calibrations.
2. From the fly-out menu click View Calibration.
3. The Calibration screen will appear. The screen will be the same as
new calibration except most of the selections will not be available.

Edit Calibration
Permits the operator to view and edit the current calibration.

Operation FP628 5–35

Standard Calibration Definitions
Cell Type—Selects the measurement cell that will be associated with
the calibration curve. In this case only sulfur can be selected.
Curve Type—Selects the type of calibration curve. Select a curve that
intersects each calibration result.
Weighting—Determines which calibration results, on the calibration
curve, get priority.
• Normal—Each point gets equal priority.
• Manual—A manual weighting can be entered.
• 1/Certified—A weighting factor that can be applied to the
calibration data points. This will counteract a bias for higher
concentrations that develops naturally from the curve fitting
Show—Click Show to show the last calibration. The last calibration will
appear on the graph in blue.
Manual—Click Manual to enter a new calibration equation. This can be
done if a calibration was lost and a previous calibration recorded.
RMS Error (Root Mean Square)—A method of quantifying the
dispersion or spread of data. It is used in the PC software to determine
which calibration curve is a better fit. The lower the RMS error the
better the fit.
Zoom In—Draw a box around a calibration point to zoom in.
Zoom Out—Click on a calibration point with the right mouse button. A
Zoom Out button will appear. Click the Zoom Out button to zoom out.

Drift Correction
Drift Correction is used to adjust the original calibration response to
match the current instrument response. Drift calibration should be
performed at the start of every day or when the check standard
doesn’t return the correct result. This insures accurate calibration and
analysis results.
After calibration, a Standard in the center of the calibration range will
be automatically selected (with a tolerance of ±12.5%) to be the drift
A different Drift Standard can be manually selected from the standard
calibration screen. Refer to Standard Calibration on page 5–34 for
more information.
A Blank Calibration should be performed before every Drift Correction.
Refer to Blank Calibration on page 5–33 for more information.
The Drift Standard should be homogenous and return precise results.
Check Standards should be independent of the drift standard.
The Drift Standard and the Samples to be analyzed should be in the
center of the calibration curve.

5–36 FP628 Operation

1. Click Samples and select Login Drift Sample.
2. Click Drift Standards and select the Drift Standard to log in. The
drift standard must be within the specified mass range.
3. Perform a Standard analysis.
4. Select the result of the standard analysis from the spreadsheet.
5. Click Configuration and select Drift. The fly out menu will appear.
6. From the fly-out menu click Drift. The Calibration screen will
In the following screen shot, the software displays the data in
blue to alert the operator that the data has changed.

7. Include or exclude an element by clicking a row to select the

element and clicking Include/Exclude. The action box will indicate
if the element is included or excluded. If the element is included a
drift calculation will be calculated for that element.
8. Click OK to calculate the drift based on the analysis result
obtained in step one.
If more than one drift standard is selected the drift factor will be
the average of the selected standards.
After a drift correction the drift standard results will match the
result from the drift standard used in the original calibration
curve not the certified value.

Operation FP628 5–37

View History
View History plots past drift corrections on a graph. The operator or
lab manager can use this information to determine instrument
stability. After a pattern is determined the operator can watch for this.
If a sudden change in this pattern occurs it might indicate a potential
problem with the instrument.

1. Click Configuration and select Drift. The fly out menu will appear.
2. From the fly-out menu click View History. The View History screen
will appear.

3. Click the Method drop-down arrow to select the method. Drift

calibration history for each method can be viewed.
4. Click the Element drop-down arrow to select the detector. Drift
calibration history for each detector can be viewed.
5. Click Details to view the last drift calibration values.
6. Click OK to exit the screen.

Replace Drift Standard

Replace Drift Standard is used when the operator switched to a new
standard calibration sample lot. Since there are differences in a
standard sample from one lot to another replace drift correction should
be used to compensate for these differences and produce a more
accurate calibration.
1. Define a new standard for the new lot. Refer to Add Standards on
page 5–35.
2. Perform an analysis with the new standard defined in step 1.
3. Select the standard sample analysis result from step 2.
4. Click Configuration and select Drift.
5. Click Replace Drift from the fly-out menu.

5–38 FP628 Operation

6. A dialog box will appear. Select the Drift standard to replace.

7. Select the drift standard to replace then click OK. The new drift
Standard is selected as the drift standard
8. Select the new drift standard just analyzed from the spreadsheet.
9. Click Configuration from the configuration menu and select Drift.
10. Click drift from the fly-out menu. The drift calibrations screen will

11. Include or exclude an element by clicking a row to select the

element and clicking Include/Exclude. The action box will indicate
if the element is included or excluded. If the element is included a
drift calculation will be calculated for that element.
12. Click OK to calculate the drift based on the analysis result
obtained in step 2.

Operation FP628 5–39


Sample Editing Functions

Insert a Sample
If a sample is going to be added to the last row of the spreadsheet,
sample login should be used. If a sample should be inserted out of
sequence, between unanalyzed samples, Insert a Sample should be
An analysis method should be developed before a sample is logged
in. Refer to Method Configuration on page 4–36.
1. Click and select a row in the spreadsheet after the last analyzed
sample. Insert will insert a row before the selected row.
2. From the Edit menu, click Insert. A row will be inserted into the
spreadsheet before the selected row.

Fill Cells with the Same

A group of cells in the spreadsheet can be quickly filled with the same
data. As an example, the method could be changed in a group of
logged in unanalyzed samples.

1. Click and drag the mouse pointer to select the cells to fill with the
same data.
In the following example the mouse pointer was dragged over
the Operator cells to be filled with the same operator’s name.

2. From the Edit menu, click Fill. The Fill screen will appear.

3. Enter the data to fill into each selected cell.

4. Click OK.

5–40 FP628 Operation

Delete a Sample
Use Delete a Sample to remove a sample row from the spreadsheet.

1. Select a row in the spreadsheet to delete. If more than one row

should be deleted, click and drag the mouse pointer down the
desired number of rows to delete. More than one row will be
2. From the Samples menu, click Delete.
3. Click Yes to delete the row or rows of sample information. The
selected sample information will be deleted from the spreadsheet.
It is not possible to restore this data once it’s deleted.
If a database is created with log activity enabled, a deleted sample
can be viewed by setting the Presentation Time to a time prior to the

Recalculate Results
1. Select the samples in the spreadsheet to recalculate.
2. From the Samples menu, click Recalculate. The selected samples
will be recalculated using the new calibration.
Results are automatically recalculated when a field in the spreadsheet
is edited (ex. name, mass, method, analysis date, etc.).
If the calibration is changed, it can be reapplied by following the
procedure above.

Operation FP628 5–41

Display Protein Results
The nitrogen analysis results can be displayed as percent protein.
A protein factor may be defined during login. Make sure a factor has
been defined. Refer to Typical Protein Factors.
A protein factor may be entered in the spreadsheet if the field is

1. From the Configuration menu, click Display. The Sample Display

dialog box will appear.

2. Select Protein % from the Invisible Fields edit box.

3. Click Show to move protein % from the Invisible Fields to the
Visible Fields edit box.
4. Click OK to display protein % and protein factor in the

5–42 FP628 Operation

Typical Protein Factors

Product Protein Factors

Wheat Products 5.70
Almonds 5.18
Peanuts 5.46
Tree Nuts 5.30
Coconuts 5.30
Dairy Products 6.38
Other Products 6.25

View History
View History permits the operator or laboratory manager to look at a
history log of the actions performed on a selected sample.

1. Select a sample in the spreadsheet to View History of.

2. Click the Samples menu and select View History. The View History
screen will appear. Refer to View History Definitions.

3. Click the Local Time button, in the Time screen, to display the
time in local 12-hour time.
4. Click the UTC button, in the Time screen, to display the time in
Universal Coordinated Time.
5. Click OK to exit view history.

Operation FP628 5–43

View History Definitions
Date and Time—The date and time the action took place.
Action—The type of action performed on the sample. Examples are:
Created the sample, modified the sample, and recalculated the
User—The Operator that performed the action.

Sample Signature
A signature confirms that a user has accepted the sample information
displayed in the spreadsheet. Any change to the sample information
after it is signed will clear the signature. The signature can be used to
ensure that the validity of the sample information has remained the
same since it was signed.
To view a sample signature, after it has been signed, refer to View
Signature on page 5–45.

1. Click on a row, in the spreadsheet, to select a sample to sign.

2. Click the Samples menu and select Sign. The Sign screen will

A. A name will appear in the Name Entry box. It will be the

name of the logged-on Windows® user. If desired the name
can be changed. It’s suggested that the current operators
name be used.
B. If desired, a description can be entered in the Description
Entry box. This can be additional information about the
sample or an event that took place. Any text can be entered.

5–44 FP628 Operation

C. To display the time in local 12-hour time, click the Local
button. To display the time in Universal Coordinated Time,
click the UT button.
D. Click OK to enter the signature.
The system name, user name, date, and time are obtained from the
Windows® operating system. They cannot be changed from this

View Signatures
View Signatures permits the operator or laboratory manager to view a
sample signature and determine if it is valid. A sample must be signed
before the signature can be viewed. Refer to Sample Signature on
page 5–44.
If information associated with the sample was changed after it was
signed, the signature will be cleared and the view signatures screen
will not appear in step 2.
1. Click on a row to select a sample from the spreadsheet to view.

2. Click the Samples menu and select View Signatures. The View
Signatures screen will appear.

3. Click OK when finished viewing the signature information.

Operation FP628 5–45

Printing Reports

Configuring Report before Printing

A report of analysis results can be generated and printed on the
system printer. The following section explains how to use the Report
Settings dialog box to determine the format of the report.
1. In the spreadsheet, select the samples as follows:
A. Place cursor in the column under row until a black arrow
B. Hold down right mouse key and drag the mouse over the
desired samples.
C. Unclick the mouse. Selected samples appear highlighted in
2. Click Samples and select Print Preview. Click Print Preview to
access the Report Settings dialog box in order to preview how
selected samples will print on the system printer. The Report
Settings Screen will appear.
3. Configure the report by clicking the Report tab, Field tab, Font
Tab, and Element tab and entering the desired settings as
explained in the following steps. The Fields tab will only appear
when Define Report Fields is checked on the Report tab.

4. On the Report Tab,

A. Click the arrow next to Report Format to determine the
format of the report.
• Click Report with Plots to display a report with data
• Click Tabular Report to display data in a table.
• Click Simple Print to display a report based on the
columns that appear in the spreadsheet. This report can
then be printed.

5–46 FP628 Operation

• Click Group Report to display the average, the standard
deviation, and the relative standard deviation when
multiple samples are selected.
• Click Ambients to display ambients.
• Click Hardware Calibration to display the hardware
B. Click the arrow next to Statistics to select how statistics will
• Select None, and statistics will not display.
• Select Report with Plot, and statistics will display as a
line plot.
• Select Tabular Report, and statistics will display in a
C. For Heading Text, enter a title for the report, if desired.
D. Select the Define Report Fields check box and the Fields tab
will display. Use the Fields tab to select the columns from
the spreadsheet that will display in the report.
E. For Line Printing, select the Automatically Print after Each
Analysis check box. Enable line printing when printing with a
dot matrix printer.
F. When Line Printing is enabled, the Automatically Print After
Each Analysis checkbox is enabled. When selected, a report
will automatically print after each analysis.
5. Complete the Fields tab as follows to determine the fields that
display in the report. The Fields tab will only display when Define
Report Fields is checked on the Report tab. Fields that appear
vary, depending on the instrument.

Operation FP628 5–47

• To display a Field that does not appear in the report, select
the field from Invisible Fields, and then click Show. The
Field will automatically move to the Visible Fields column.
• To remove a Field so that it does not display in the report,
select the field from Visible Fields and then click Hide. The
Field will automatically move to the Invisible Fields column.
• To display the default fields, click Default.
• To move a field so that it displays earlier in the report,
select the Field from the Visible Fields column and click
Promote until the field displays in the desired position.
• To move a field so that it displays later in the report, select
the Field from the Visible Fields column and click Demote
until the field appears in the desired position.
6. Use the Font tab to configure the text in the report to improve the
readability of the report. Refer to Configure Font, page 4–22.
7. Use the Elements tab to determine the elements that display in
the report. Refer to Display Configuration, page 4–20.

Printing from the Software

1. From the spreadsheet, select the desired samples that have been
analyzed to print. When several samples are selected, the
software will group the samples by sample name.
2. Click Samples and click Print. Clicking Print or Print Preview will
open the Report Settings dialog box.

3. Refer to Configuring Report before Printing, page 5–46, to format

the report as desired.
4. From the Samples menu, click Print Setup. The Page Setup dialog
box will display.

5–48 FP628 Operation

5. Use the Page Setup dialog box to change the size, orientation,
and margins of the paper before printing.

When multiple columns are selected to appear in the report, the font
and page orientation can be adjusted to improve the readability of
the report. The font size can be changed using the font tab as
described in Configuring Report before Printing, page 5–46.
6. Click OK. The Print dialog box will appear.
7. Click OK to print.

Operation FP628 5–49

Text Export Data

Before sample data can be exported an export format must be

Multiple export formats can be configured.

Export Configuration

1. Select the Configuration menu and click Text Export Formats. The
Export Format Screen will appear.

2. To move a selected method up towards the top of the list select it

and click Promote.
3. To move the selected method down towards the bottom of the list
select it and click Demote.
4. Select Ascending to list the method in ascending alphabetical
5. Select Descending to list the method in descending alphabetical

5–50 FP628 Operation

6. Click Properties to configure the text export format. The Filename
screen will appear.

7. Enter a filename for the exported file or click browse and search
for a file name.
8. Click Append to File, Automatically increment Filename or Prompt
for Filename as desired. Refer to Export Configuration Definitions
on page 5–51.
9. Click OK to save the changes and exit.
10. Click Cancel to exit this procedure without making changes.

Export Definitions
Append to File—When selected, the highlighted sample analysis data
will be attached to the previously saved file.
Automatically Increment Filename—If the filename contains numbers,
they will automatically be incremented by one when the file is saved.
Prompt for Filename—When selected, the export filename screen will
appear when exporting a file, prompting the operator to enter a

Operation FP628 5–51

1. Click the Fields tab. The Fields Format Screen will appear. Select
the desired fields to export in the file.

2. To Add an invisible field select the field and click Add.

3. To Remove a visible field select the field and click Remove.
4. To move a selected field up towards the top of the list, click
5. To move the selected field down towards the bottom of the list,
click Demote.
6. Click OK to save the changes and exit.
7. Click Cancel to exit this procedure without making changes.

5–52 FP628 Operation

1. Click the Delimiters tab. The Delimiters Format Screen will
appear. Select the desired delimiters to export in the file.

2. Click XML to export the text data in XML format. If XML is

selected no other parameters in the screen can be configured.
3. Click Column Header to transmit the column header.
4. Select or enter the Field, Start of Transmission, and End of Line
5. Click OK to save the changes and exit.
6. Click Cancel to exit this procedure without making changes.

Operation FP628 5–53

1. Click the Automation tab. The Automation Format Screen will

2. Select Automatically export each new analysis to automatically

export the analysis data after every analysis.
3. Click OK to save the changes and exit.
4. Click Cancel to exit this procedure without making changes.

5–54 FP628 Operation

1. Click the Advanced tab. The Advanced Format Screen will appear.

2. Position the cursor in the Export Format and click the mouse to
place the cursor at the point in the format to edit a field.
3. Select a Field from the Fields box and click Add Field to Export
Format to add a field.
4. Highlight a Field in the Export Format and then press Delete on
the keyboard to delete it.
5. Click OK to save the changes and exit.
6. Click Cancel to exit this procedure without making changes.

Operation FP628 5–55

1. Click the Preview tab. The Preview Export Format Screen will

This is a status screen to view the export data format. The export
format cannot be changed from this screen.

2. Click OK or Cancel to exit.

5–56 FP628 Operation

Export Text Data

Text Export Data permits the operator to select sample data and
export that data to a file. Sample data can be inserted into an Excel®
spreadsheet from the exported file.

1. Click and drag the mouse pointer to select the rows with sample
data to export to a file.

If no sample is selected only the last sample in the spreadsheet will

be exported and saved.

2. Click the Sample menu and select Text Export Data. The Export
Format selection screen will appear.

The format selection screen will not appear unless there is more than
one format selected.

Operation FP628 5–57

3. Select the Export Format and click OK. The Export Filename
selection screen will appear.

4. Enter a Filename and File Type.

5. Click Save to export and save the file.

5–58 FP628 Operation

Export Text Buffers

Text Export Buffers permits the operator to select sample plot data
and export that data to a file. Sample plot data can be inserted into an
Excel® spreadsheet from the exported file.

1. Click and drag the mouse pointer to select the rows with sample
data to export to a file.

If no sample is selected only the last sample in the spreadsheet will

be exported and saved.

2. Click the Sample menu and select Text Export Buffers. The Export
Buffers Filename selection screen will appear.

File extensions of (.txt) or (.csv) are good choices to insert the saved
files into an Excel® spreadsheet.
3. Enter a filename and extension. Click Save to export and save the

Operation FP628 5–59

Text Import Data

Text Import Data permits the operator to import sample data from
another application such as an Excel® spreadsheet.

1. Click the Sample menu and select Text Import Data. The Import
File selection screen will appear.

2. Select the file to import.

3. Click Open to import the file.

5–60 FP628 Operation

Transmit Data

Before sample data can be transmitted to a peripheral devise an

transmit format must be configured.
Multiple transmit formats can be configured.

Transmit Format Configuration

1. Click the Configuration menu and select Transmission Formats.

The Transmission Formats screen will appear.

2. To add a new transmission format to the list, click Add and enter a
transmission format name in the row that appears at the bottom of
the list.
3. To move a selected transmission format up towards the top of the
list select it and click Promote.
4. To move the selected transmission format down towards the
bottom of the list select it and click Demote.
5. Select Ascending to list the transmission formats in ascending
alphabetical order.
6. Select Descending to list the transmission formats in descending
alphabetical order.
7. To delete a transmission format, select it and click Delete.
8. Click OK to save any changes and exit.

Operation FP628 5–61

1. Select the transmission format from the transmission format
screen and click Properties. The Transmission Format Properties
screen will appear with the Fields tab selected.

2. To add a transmit field select the field and click Add.

3. To remove a transmit field select the field and click Remove.
4. To move a selected field up towards the top of the list, click
5. To move the selected field down towards the bottom of the list,
click Demote.
6. Click OK to save the changes and exit.
7. Click Cancel to exit this procedure without making changes.

5–62 FP628 Operation

1. Click the Delimiters tab. The Delimiters Format Screen will
appear. Select the desired delimiters to export in the file.

2. Click XML to export the text data in XML format. If XML is selected
no other parameters in the screen can be configured.
3. Click Column Header to transmit the column header.
4. Select or enter the Field, Start of Transmission, and End of Line
5. Click OK to save the changes and exit.
6. Click Cancel to exit this procedure without making changes.

Operation FP628 5–63

1. Click the Automation tab. The Automation Format Screen will

2. Select automatically export each new analysis to automatically

export the analysis data after every analysis.
3. Click OK to save the changes and exit.
4. Click Cancel to exit this procedure without making changes.

5–64 FP628 Operation

Communication Settings
1. Click the Communications Settings tab. The Communications
Settings Configuration screen will appear.

2. Click the radio button and select either Unicode or ASCII

3. Click the radio button and select Serial Port or Network.

Operation FP628 5–65

4. Click Configure to configure serial or network communications.
5. If serial port was selected the Serial Port Configuration screen will
appear. Select the Port, Baud Rate, Data Bits, Parity, Stop Bits
and Flow Control.

6. If network port was selected the Network Port Configuration screen

will appear. Contact your network administrator to configure the
network port.

7. Click OK to save the changes and exit.

8. Click Cancel to exit this procedure without making changes.

Serial Port Definitions

Baud Rate—Sets the data transmission speed in bits per second.
Selections: 1200, 2400, 4800, or 9600 bps. Default: 1200 bps
Data Bits—Used to select the number of bits per byte for data that will
be transmitted. Selections: 5 to 8. Default: 7
Parity—Sets the method of error checking used. Selections: Even,
Odd, or None. Default: Even
Stop Bits—Used to select the number of bits that are used to signal the
end of a transmitted data byte. Selections: 1 or 2. Default: 1
Flow Control—Selects the type of data flow control. Selections:
Software (xon/xoff), Hardware or None.

5–66 FP628 Operation

1. Click the Advanced tab. The Advanced Transmission Format
screen will appear.

2. Position the cursor in the Export Format and click the mouse to
place the cursor at the point in the format to edit a field.
3. Select a Field from the Fields box and click Add Field to Export
Format to add a field.
4. Highlight a Field in the Export Format and then press Delete on
the keyboard to delete it.
5. Click OK to save the changes and exit.
6. Click Cancel to exit this procedure without making changes.

Operation FP628 5–67

1. Click the Preview tab. The Preview Transmission Format Screen
will appear.

This is a status screen to view the transmit data format. The

transmission format cannot be changed from this screen.

2. Click OK or Cancel to exit.

5–68 FP628 Operation

Transmit Selected Samples

Transmit Data permits the operator to select sample data and transmit
the data to a peripheral device. Sample data can be transmitted from
a serial port or over a network.

Before data is transmitted a transmission data format must be

defined. Refer to Transmit Data Format Configuration on page 5–61.
1. Click and drag the mouse pointer to select the rows with sample
data to transmit.

If no sample is selected only the last sample in the spreadsheet will

be transmitted.

2. Click the Sample menu and select Transmit. The Transmission

Format selection screen will appear.

The transmission format selection screen will not appear unless there
is more than one format selected.

3. Select the Transmission Format and click OK to transmit the

selected sample data. Click Cancel to exit without transmitting any

Operation FP628 5–69

Data Backup

Data Backup permits the operator or manager to export sample data

to a file. The file can be saved on the systems hard drive or
transferred to another media for safe storage. If necessary, the file
can be imported and the sample data restored. Refer to Transfer
Import on page 5–72.

Transfer Export

1. Click and drag the mouse pointer to select the rows with sample
data to export to a file.

2. Click the Sample menu and select Transfer Export. The export file
selection screen will appear.

5–70 FP628 Operation

3. Select the folder to store the sample data and enter a unique file
name without an extension. The software will automatically add the
proper file extension.

4. Click Save to export and save the sample data to a file.

Operation FP628 5–71

Transfer Import

Transfer Import restores sample data that was saved as a file by

Transfer Export. Refer to Transfer Export on page 5–70.

1. Click the Sample menu and select Transfer Import. The Import
File selection screen will appear.

2. Select the File to import by clicking on the file name.

3. Click Open. The sample data stored in the file will be restored as
the last samples in the spreadsheet.

5–72 FP628 Operation

Error Messages
Error messages that appear on the screen warn the operator of a
condition that could yield an incorrect result or notify the operator of a
component failure. Operator problems are most likely to occur after a
manual procedure or a change in the setup, method, or system control
parameters. When an error message occurs, refer to Error Message
Definitions on page 5–73 for corrective action.

Please report any errors that are not defined on page 5–73 to the
LECO Service Department.

Error Message Definitions

Analysis Errors
Message Cause Actions
A mass must be entered No mass for sample Enter a mass for the
to analyze a sample. sample to be analyzed
A method must be defined No method defined for Select a method for the
to analyze a sample. sample sample to be analyzed
Not Ready - <reason> Hardware not ready to Fix or wait for indicated
analyze sample reason

Message Cause Actions
The date entered is not a Invalid data for Pause Enter a valid date for the
valid date pause
First select an unanalyzed Tried to Pause an analyzed Only use Pause on
sample before selecting sample unanalyzed samples
this command.

Analysis Warnings
Message Cause Actions
The <element name> Element’s results are Check the analysis for
answer is outside the\n outside the specified anomalies, possibly need
standard’s defined control control limits for the to drift the instrument.
limits.\n defined standard

Operation FP628 5–73

Leak Check
Message Cause Actions
Failed to pressurize Could not pressurize the Trouble shoot leak check
system for leak check. system to check for leaks for pressurization leak
Failed Stabilization Pressure did not stabilize Trouble shoot leak check
after pressurizing for Leak for pressurization leak
Leak Check early Big leak Trouble shoot leak check
termination on step <step for pressurization leak
Leak ( <step number> ) Leak in the indicated step Trouble shoot leak check
for pressurization leak
Overpressure ( <step Overpressured in indicated Trouble shoot leak check
number> ) step at indicated step

Carousel Interaction
Message Cause Actions
To use Location, go to Number of carousels is set Enter the number of
system configuration and to 0 carousels to be used, or
select the number of do not try to enter a
carousels being used. location value
Current location range is Entered invalid location Enter a location value in
<minimum value> - value the proscribed range
<maximum value>

Application Software
Message Cause Actions
The application is already Trying to open another Only run one instance of
running. instance of FP628 while the application at a time
the application is running
You must first exit the Session did not end, Shut down the application
application before shutting because you must shut and then try to end the
down. down the application first session
The selected language Language module missing Reinstall the software and
module could not be retry
Missing IR Cell Missing linearization file Reinstall the software and
Linearization <file name> retry

5–74 FP628 Operation

Software Registration
Message Cause Actions
The registration Unable to save the Log on as Administrator
information could not be registration number for and try entering the
saved. FP628, most likely to registration number again
Permission restrictions on
the user
Invalid software Incorrect software Verify that the instrument
registration. registration number for is powered, the
the instrument and the information in the
entered configuration registration box is correct.
Contact LECO for a correct
registration number
Equipment number does Improper register code Contact LECO
not match. has been entered

Blank Calibration
Message Cause Actions
First select the blanks to No samples selected Select the samples to be
use for setting the new used
method blank area before
selecting this command.
The selected blanks must No method in one or more Select a method for each
all have a method before of the selected samples sample to be used
setting the new method
blank area.
The selected blanks must One or more of the Analyze all of the samples
all have been analyzed selected samples have not to be used
before setting the new been analyzed
method blank area.
The selected samples must Selection include some Select only blanks and try
all be blanks before sample other than blanks again
setting the new method
blank area.
The selected blanks must Selected samples refer to Select only samples with
all refer to the same multiple methods the same method
method before setting the
new method blank area.

Operation FP628 5–75

Standard Calibration
Message Cause Actions
WARNING: The sample Not all calibration samples Decide whether to
blank on one or more are using the same blank continue with calibration
samples does not match with using different or the
the current method same blank value
blank.\n Do you wish to
recalculate the selected
results for the current
method blank?
Warning: This action will Select an element to use Decide whether to select
change all cells to use Single Standard Single Standard
single standard calibration. Calibration Calibration for all elements
Do you still want to make
the change?
Warning: This action will Selected an element to Decide whether to stay in
change all other cells from switch from Single Single Standard
single standard calibration Standard Calibration to a Calibration for all elements
to linear calibration. Do regular curve order or switch out of that mode
you still want to make the
The selected standards No mass for one or more Enter a mass for all
must all have a mass selected samples samples
before creating a
The selected standards No method in one or more Select a method for each
must all have a method of the selected samples sample to be used
before creating a
The selected standards One or more of the Analyze all of the samples
must all have been selected samples have not to be used
analyzed before creating a been analyzed
The selected standards Selected samples refer to Select only samples with
must all refer to the same multiple methods the same method
method before creating a
First select the standards No samples selected Select the samples to be
to use for calibration used
before selecting this
The selected samples must Samples selected are not Select only standards
all be standards before standards
creating a calibration.
Drift Failed Error in UI grid creation or Exit, restart and retry
database access

5–76 FP628 Operation

Message Cause Actions
No drifts to show. No drift history Action only accessible
when there is a drift
There are no drift No drift standards defined Pick drift standards for the
standards defined. for the method method from the
calibration window
Warning: This sample is Changing a sample used Decide whether to accept
used in calibration. This for calibrating a method the sample change and its
change will invalidate the effect on calibration
current calibration and/or
drift. Do you still want to
make the change?

Maintenance Counters
Message Cause Actions
This counter is required Tried to delete a required Do not try to delete
and cannot be deleted. counter required counters
A counter with name Trying to create a new Use a different name
<name> already exists counter

Message Cause Actions
The balance is sending Multiple mass entries from Check balance
more frequently than the balance in rapid communication setting at
allowed.\5–77either the succession the balance and the PC
balance is configured
incorrectly,\nor the print
key on the balance was
pressed twice.

Operation FP628 5–77

Message Cause Actions
You do not have User is restricted from the Change user permission or
permission to\n<name of action sign on as a user with the
action trying to be proper permission
Access is Read Only User is restricted from the Change user permission or
action sign on as a user with the
proper permission
Failed to get the user Operating system did not Restart system and retry,
name from operating report a user name contact LECO
system.\n Starting
application in guest mode.
User <user name> does User name does not exist Have the user added to
not exist in the the system or sign on with
application.\n Contact a valid user
administrator to add the
user.\n Starting
application in guest mode.
You cannot remove the Tried to remove the rights Alter the permissions from
rights to "<user name>" for the currently logged on the administrator user
for the currently logged on user

Message Cause Actions
You cannot name a Tried to name a standard Do not name standards
standard “blank” ‘Blank’ ‘Blank’. It is reserved for
application use
You cannot delete Tried to delete a standard Delete all references to
standard “<standard still in use the standard before
name>”.\nIt is referenced deleting the standard
by a sample.
A standard with name Trying to create a new Use a different name
<name> already exists standard

5–78 FP628 Operation

Message Cause Actions
You cannot delete sample Tried to delete a sample Remove sample from
"<sample name>".\n It is used by calibration calibration if it needs to be
referenced by a deleted
First select the samples to No samples selected Select the samples to be
recalculate before used
selecting this command.
One or More Cell(s) are Entering data into field Do not enter data into
Not Editable that is not editable uneditable fields
There are no samples to No sample in the sample
delete. log
The sample that is Cannot delete a sample Either stop the analysis
currently being analyzed while it is being analyzed and then delete the
was not deleted. sample or wait for the
analysis to complete
First select the samples to No samples selected Select the samples to be
delete before selecting this used

Sample Template
Message Cause Actions
A sample template with Trying to create a new Use a different name
name <name> already sample template

Operation FP628 5–79

Message Cause Actions
Methods have been lost Method missing Software created default
for the following sample method, samples and
rows:\n<row numbers>\n method must be reviewed
The method <method for integrity.
name> with default
settings has been
created\n and inserted
into each of the above
sample rows.
You will need to Calibrations were missing Calibrate each of the
recalibrate from the names methods methods
You cannot delete method Trying to delete a method Delete all samples and
“<method name>”.\n It is which is still in use other information
referenced by a sample. referenced by the method
before deleting the
The method <method Tried to enter the name of Select and existing
name> does not exist. a non-existent method method or create a
method with that name
A method with name Trying to create a new Use a different name
<name> already exists method

5–80 FP628 Operation

Message Cause Actions
Could not open the This error can occur when Verify that the file was not
file\n<file name> for trying to export a file deleted or moved.; Verify
exporting.\n that the file is not a read
only file or it is currently
open.; Retry exporting
with a different name; If
error persists, contact
First select the samples to No samples selected Select the samples to be
be exported before used
selecting this command.
An error occurred Database or file error Retry with different export
exporting the method(s). target
An error occurred Database or file error Retry with different import
importing the method(s). target
An error occurred Database or file error Retry with different export
exporting the sample(s). target
An error occurred Database or file error Retry with different import
importing the sample(s). target

Quality Control
Message Cause Actions
Checks failed and no drift Check standard failed and Drift the instrument
is scheduled. no drift action
Checks failed beyond the Checks have failed too Examine check standards
retry count. many times

Operation FP628 5–81

Drift Calibration
Message Cause Actions
Drift Mass Range Error : Entered a mass value Only enter mass ranges
Nominal Mass (<nominal outside the acceptable appropriate to the drift
mass>); Range range for the drift standard
(<acceptable mass standard
range>); Value Entered
(<entered mass value>)

Message Cause Actions
There are no samples to No sample in the sample
transmit. log
First select the samples to No samples selected Select the samples to be
transmit before selecting used
this command.
A transmission format A data transmit format has Create a data transmit
must be defined to not been set up for this format for the method.
transmit a sample. method See setup transmission
A communications error AN undefined error Verify the port exists, is
occurred while occurred during data active, and not is use by
transmitting. transmit other applications; If error
persists contact LECO

External Sulfur Application Start

Message Cause
The FP628 External Sulfur option is not Contact LECO for registration with Sulfur
registered. The software is closing.
Sulfur was not listed as a registered

5–82 FP628 Operation

6 Maintenance
The Maintenance chapter includes procedures that should be
performed on a regular basis to improve the instrument's performance
and life span.

Illustrations .................................................................................. 6–3

Periodic Maintenance Schedule ....................................................... 6–4
Air Filter Cleaning.......................................................................... 6–6
Aliquot Dosing Valve Cleaning ......................................................... 6–7
Ballast Tank Cleaning .................................................................... 6–9
Ballast Assembly Removal ......................................................... 6–9
Ballast Cleaning ..................................................................... 6–10
Ballast Tubing ........................................................................ 6–10
Pinch Valve Tubing Replacement ................................................... 6–17
Carousel Cleaning ....................................................................... 6–19
Reduction Heater Tube Packing ..................................................... 6–21
Combustion Tube Removal and Replacement .................................. 6–25
Combustion Tube Packing ............................................................ 6–31
Crucible Replacement .................................................................. 6–34
Loading Head Cleaning................................................................. 6–36
Disassembly .......................................................................... 6–36
Reassembly ........................................................................... 6–40
O-rings ...................................................................................... 6–41
Reagent Tube Packing.................................................................. 6–42
Removal+ ............................................................................. 6–42
Packing ................................................................................. 6–42
Install ................................................................................... 6–42
Primary Furnace Filters Cleaning ................................................... 6–44
Removal ............................................................................... 6–44
Cleaning ............................................................................... 6–44
Install ................................................................................... 6–44
Balston Filter Replacement ...................................................... 6–44
Thermoelectric Cooler .................................................................. 6–46
Login Periodic Maintenance ........................................................... 6–55
View Log File .............................................................................. 6–56
Configure Maintenance Counters ................................................... 6–57
Maintenance Counter Definitions .............................................. 6–58

Maintenance FP628 6–1

Reset Maintenance Counters ......................................................... 6–59
Duckbill Replacement .................................................................. 6–60

6–2 FP628 Maintenance


Figure 6-1 Aliquot Dosing Valve .......................................................6–8

Figure 6-2 Ballast Top Assembly ......................................................6–11
Figure 6-3 Ballast Connections .........................................................6–12
Figure 6-4 C-Flex Tubing Connection ................................................6–13
Figure 6-5 Stainless Line from Ballast to Doser Disconnected ...............6–14
Figure 6-6 Ballast Disassembly ........................................................6–15
Figure 6-7 Ballast and Pinch Valve Assembly .....................................6–17
Figure 6-8 Pinch Valve Tubing ..........................................................6–18
Figure 6-9 Carousel Bottom View .....................................................6–19
Figure 6-10 Carousel Bearings .........................................................6–20
Figure 6-11 Reduction Heater ..........................................................6–23
Figure 6-12 Packing the Reduction Heater Tube .................................6–24
Figure 6-13 Furnace Interface Blocks ................................................6–27
Figure 6-14 Afterburner Interface Block ............................................6–28
Figure 6-15 Furnace Latch Pin..........................................................6–28
Figure 6-16 Combustion Furnace Assembly .......................................6–29
Figure 6-17 Secondary Wire Screen Filter ..........................................6–30
Figure 6-18 Lance Assembly ............................................................6–32
Figure 6-19 Combustion Tube Packing ..............................................6–33
Figure 6-20 Loading Head Removal Screws .......................................6–35
Figure 6-21 Lance Removal .............................................................6–35
Figure 6-22 Slide Block Removal ......................................................6–37
Figure 6-23 Slide Block (Bottom View) ..............................................6–38
Figure 6-24 Lance Shield and Lance Tool ...........................................6–39
Figure 6-25 Female Jaw and Loading Pin ...........................................6–39
Figure 6-26 Reagent Tube Packing ...................................................6–43
Figure 6-27 Filter Locations .............................................................6–45
Figure 6-28 Thermoelectric Cooler ....................................................6–48
Figure 6-29 Thermoelectric Cooler Chamber ......................................6–49
Figure 6-30 Thermoelectric Chamber Cover .......................................6–50
Figure 6-31 Thermoelectric Cooler Chamber Plate ..............................6–51
Figure 6-32 Thermoelectric Cooler Chamber ......................................6–52
Figure 6-33 Precooler Assembly .......................................................6–53
Figure 6-34 Precooler Disassembly ...................................................6–54

Maintenance FP628 6–3

Periodic Maintenance Schedule

The following schedule is a list of maintenance procedures that

should be performed on a regular basis. For more information
concerning periodic maintenance and periodic maintenance
procedures, refer to the individual topics.

In order to obtain the best possible analysis results periodic

maintenance must be performed at the intervals listed

Maintenance Item Location of Inspection,

Maintenance Item Cleaning, and
Air Filter Cleaning On the top of the Vacuum daily and
instrument cabinet. wash monthly to
prevent clogging.
Refer to page 6–6.
Aliquot Dosing Valve In ballast oven inside Clean monthly to
left hand side panel. prevent leak check
failure. Refer to page
Ballast Tank In ballast oven inside Clean monthly or if
left hand side panel. the ballast leak check
fails or soot or ash is
visible. Refer to
Carousel Cleaning On top of the loading The carousel should
head assembly. be cleaned weekly.
Refer to page 6–17.
Reduction Heater Inside catalyst heater Replace about every
Tube Packing assembly. WARNING: 750 analysis. Refer to
Disconnect facility page 6–21.
power and let catalyst
heater cool before
removing reduction
heater tube.
Combustion Tube Inside furnace Replace if cracked,
Packing assembly. WARNING: plugged or about
Disconnect facility every 1500 analysis.
power and let furnace Refer to page 6–31
cool before removing
combustion tube.

6–4 FP628 Maintenance

Heated Quartz Inside Afterburner Replace when
Particulate Filter Interface Block. packing the
combustion tube.
Refer to page 6–31.
Crucible Inside combustion Refer to page 6–34.
Replacement tube. Remove loading
head and use tongs to
remove crucible.
WARNING: Furnace
may be hot.
Loading Head On top of the furnace Inspect every day
Cleaning shelf above the furnace and clean ashes and
assembly. soot if necessary.
Refer to page 6–36.
Incoming TC Carrier Behind the access door Replace every 90
Gas Scrubber, on the front panel of days or when
Repacking the instrument. anhydrone cakes or
Reagent Tube lecosorb changes
colors. Refer to page
Aliquot Dose, Behind the access door Replace at counter
Repacking the on the front panel of limit (approximately
Reagent Tube instrument. 750). Refer to page
O-rings Located in various Replace when
assemblies, reagent repacking or
tubes, and loading replacing the reagent
head. tubes, cleaning an
assembly, or when
damaged. Refer to
page 6–41.
Primary furnace filter Inside front door. As necessary when
cleaning visibly dirty.
Balston filter Inside front door. As necessary when
visibly dirty.

Maintenance FP628 6–5

Air Filter Cleaning

The air filter should be vacuumed daily and washed monthly to

prevent clogging.
1. Locate the air filter inside the left side of the instrument.
2. Remove the air filter by removing the plastic housing.
3. Inspect the air filter for damage. If it is damaged replace it.
4. Wash the air filter with a mild solution of detergent and water. Let
it air dry.

To prevent damage to the instrument, verify the air filter is

completely dry before reinstalling it on the instrument.
5. Lightly spray the air filter with air filter coating.
6. Install the air filter back into the instrument.

6–6 FP628 Maintenance

Aliquot Dosing Valve Cleaning

The aliquot dosing valve should be cleaned monthly to remove dirt

and other contaminants that may cause the valve to leak.
1. Permit the furnaces to cool and shut down the instrument. Refer
to the Shutdown Procedure on page 5–12.
2. Disconnect the instrument from the facility AC power source.


This equipment operates from a 230V~ source. Contact with
this voltage can be fatal. Disconnect the instrument from
the facility AC power source before continuing with this
3. Remove the Left Side Panel and locate the Aliquot Dosing Valve.
4. Remove dead-stop.
5. Press in on the retaining clip and remove the valve stem by
grasping the knurled knob and pull it to the left, Figure 6-1, page
6. Use a cotton swab or pipe cleaner to clean the valve block.
7. Inspect o-rings for damage and replace if necessary.
8. Wipe the valve stem and apply a thin coat of vacuum grease to
the 10 o-rings.
9. Press in on the retaining clip and reinsert the valve stem into the
top of the aliquot dosing valve, until valve stem locks into place.
10. Reinstall dead-stop.
11. Reinstall the left side panel.
12. Connect the instrument to the facility AC power source.
13. Turn the power switch on.

Maintenance FP628 6–7

Figure 6-1
Aliquot Dosing Valve

6–8 FP628 Maintenance

Ballast Tank Cleaning

If the ballast portion of the oxygen leak check fails repeatedly and no
leaks are found in other areas, a dirty ballast tank could be the cause.


This equipment operates from a 230V~ source. Contact with
this voltage can be fatal. Disconnect the instrument from
the facility AC power source before continuing with this

Ballast Assembly Removal

1. Click Diagnostics and toggle the Piston Return Solenoid SV12. The
box should NOT be checked.
2. Disconnect the pneumatic tubing quick connect, Figure 6-3, page
3. Disconnect the electrical cannon plug, Figure 6-3, page 6–12.
4. Loosen the ballast manifold thumbscrew and separate connection
manifold , Figure 6-3, page 6–12.
5. Remove the stainless line from the flex tubing connection by
pulling the stainless line up and out of the flex tubing connection,
Figure 6-4, page 6–13.
6. Loosen nut at the end of the stainless line, do not completely
remove, Figure 6-4, page 6–13.
7. Rotate stainless line down so it is out of the way, Figure 6-5,
page 6–14.
8. Remove the thumbscrew securing the top of the ballast assembly
to the rear of the instrument, Figure 6-2, page 6–11.
9. Disconnect the pneumatic tubing connection at the top of the
ballast assembly, Figure 6-2, page 6–11
10. Lift the ballast and pinch valve assembly up and slide it out of the
11. Mark, identify, and disconnect the tubing and pinch valve
electrical connections to the ballast assembly.
A. Remove the thumbscrew securing the pinch valve assembly to
the ballast.
B. Disconnect the tubing and electrical connections at the base of
the ballast assembly.
C. Remove the pinch valve assembly from the ballast.

Maintenance FP628 6–9

Ballast Cleaning
1. Remove the four nuts and four rods. Refer to Figure 6-6 on
page 6–15.
2. Remove, clean and inspect the o-ring and replace the neoprene
gaskets. Replace o-ring if there is any evidence of wear.
3. Remove the ballast top and ballast base and push the piston out
of the ballast tank.
4. Wash the piston, ballast top, ballast tank and ballast bottom with
soapy water, rinse, and let dry.
5. Lightly grease the inside of the ballast tank. The piston should
slide easily from end to end. Make sure the magnet in the piston
is positioned towards the top of the ballast assembly.
6. Reinstall the ballast top and ballast base.
7. Inspect all the tubing connection to the ballast assembly. Replace
any tubing that is cracked.
8. Reinstall the ballast assembly into the instrument. Reverse and
use the Ballast Assembly Removal procedure on page 6–9.
9. Reconnect the instrument to the facility AC power source.
10. Turn the AC power switch to the on.
11. Allow the instrument to warm up for one hour then perform the
Leak Check procedure on page 8–15.

Ballast Tubing
Gas connections on the ballast and pinch valve assemblies are made
with flexible tubing. This tubing is pushed onto barb fitting and metal
tubing to form a gas tight seal. Refer to the figures on pages 6–11,
6–12, and 6–15.
In order to prevent leaks after maintenance, LECO recommends that
the flexible tubing be replaced when the ballast is cleaned or when the
tubing is removed from any fitting.
The flexible tubing is LECO part number 601-691-018 and is provided
in the component pack. Refer to page 1–30.

6–10 FP628 Maintenance

Number Description
1 Thumbscrew
2 Pneumatic Tubing

Figure 6-2
Ballast Top Assembly

Maintenance FP628 6–11

Number Description
1 Pneumatic Tubing Quick Connect
2 Electrical Cannon Plug
3 Ballast Manifold Thumbscrew

Figure 6-3
Ballast Connections

6–12 FP628 Maintenance

Number Description
1 C-Flex Tubing to Doser
2 Stainless Line from Ballast to Doser

Figure 6-4
C-Flex Tubing Connection

Maintenance FP628 6–13

Figure 6-5
Stainless Line from Ballast to Doser Disconnected

6–14 FP628 Maintenance

Figure 6-6
Ballast Disassembly

Maintenance FP628 6–15

This page intentionally left blank.

6–16 FP628 Maintenance

Pinch Valve Tubing Replacement

The pinch valve tubing should be replaced every four months or

sooner depending on use and application.
Do not turn the AC power off to replace the tubing. If the AC power
remains on, the instrument will take less time to stabilize after tubing
1. Turn off the oxygen and pneumatic gas supplies.
2. Refer to Ballast Assembly Removal and remove the Ballast
Assembly, page 6–9.
3. Position the ballast assembly so that the pinch valves are

Figure 6-7
Ballast and Pinch Valve Assembly
4. Replace the white flexible tubing with the 625-602-470
Replacement Tubing Assembly by removing the old tubing and
installing the new tubing. Position the tubing as shown in
Figure 6-7. Make sure the white flexible tubing is pushed
completely into the connection points on the pinch valves.
For proper operation, the white flex tubing running through the pinch
valves must be routed straight as it enters and exits each pinch
valve. Minor trimming of the length of some tubing may be required.

Maintenance FP628 6–17

5. Reinstall the ballast assembly.
6. Turn the gas supplies on.

Figure 6-8
Pinch Valve Tubing

6–18 FP628 Theory of Operation

Carousel Cleaning

The carousel should be cleaned weekly to remove dirt and permit it to

turn freely.
1. Remove the carousel from the instrument by pulling it up and off
the loading head, Figure 4-1, page 4–5.
2. Remove the four screws securing the bottom plate to the carousel
3. Wipe the carousel and bottom plate with a damp cloth.
4. Apply a thin coat of grease to the carousel bearings, Figure 6-10,
page 6–20.
5. Reinstall the metal plate.

Figure 6-9
Carousel Bottom View

Maintenance FP628 6–19

Figure 6-10
Carousel Bearings

6–20 FP628 Theory of Operation

Reduction Heater Tube Packing

The reduction reagent materials should be replaced about every 750

analysis if pure TC carrier gas (99.99% or better) is used. If the TC
carrier gas is contaminated with oxygen, the copper turnings will
deplete in a shorter period of time.
1. Set the gas flow to standby.
2. Remove the aliquot dose reagent tube and replace it with the
purge tube. Position the purge tube with the purge hole towards
the top.
3. Click Diagnostics and select Furnace. The Furnace Diagnostics
page will appear.
4. In the Reduction Heater Control Temperature dialog box click
Stop to set the catalyst heater temperature to 20oC.
5. Wait 30 minutes for the reduction heater to cool.


The catalyst heater tube is extremely hot. Wait for the
catalyst heater tube to cool before removing it.
6. Loosen the Thumbscrew and tilt the reduction Heater Assembly
forward, Figure 6-11, page 6–23.
7. Lift the reduction heater tube and remove it from the reduction
heater assembly.


Set the catalyst heater tube aside on a cooling tray and
allow the catalyst heater tube to cool to room temperature
before proceeding.
8. Turn the reduction heater tube upside down and place a paper
towel on the counter.
9. Tap the tube gently on the counter. The contents of the tube will
slowly slide out.
10. Rinse or soak the reduction heater tube for two minutes with cold
water. Tap the reduction heater tube on a waste container until
the copper falls out.

Maintenance FP628 6–21

11. Repack the clean or new reduction heater tube, Figure 6-12 on
page 6–24.
A. Pack 1 inch of copper turnings into the bottom of the
reduction heater tube.
B. Pack 13/4-inches of N-catalyst on top of the copper turnings.
It is only necessary to replace the N-catalyst every second
C. Pour 1/4-inch of copper turnings onto the N-catalyst.

To prevent channeling and increase the number of analyses between

reagent replacements, tap the reduction heater tube on the counter
as you fill it. This will help insure even depletion of the copper sticks.
D. Fill the reduction heater tube with copper sticks.
12. Reinstall the repacked reduction heater tube into the reduction
heater assembly. Make sure the bottom end of the reduction
heater tube is positioned and sealed over the o-ring.
13. Tilt the reduction heater assembly forward and tighten the
knurled screw.
14. In the Reduction Heater Control Temperature dialog box click
Restart to set the reduction heater temperature.
15. Allow the catalyst heater tube to reach operating temperature.
This should take 10 to 15 minutes.
16. Set the gas flow to Analyze and wait 30 seconds for the gas to
escape out the purge tube hole.
17. Remove the purge tube and engage the top of the reagent tube.
Allow three seconds to elapse to the engage the bottom end of
the reduction heater tube.
18. Reset the Reduction Maintenance Counter under Reset
Maintenance Counters on page 6–59.
19. Run several Blanks Analyses before beginning sample analysis.

6–22 FP628 Theory of Operation

Figure 6-11
Reduction Heater

Maintenance FP628 6–23

Figure 6-12
Packing the Reduction Heater Tube

6–24 FP628 Theory of Operation

Combustion Tube Removal and Replacement

1. Refer to the Shutdown Procedure on page 5–12 and turn the

instrument OFF.


The combustion furnace is extremely hot. Wait for the
combustion tube to cool before removing it.
2. Disconnect the instrument from facility AC power.


This equipment operates from a 230V~ source. Contact with
this voltage can be fatal. Disconnect the instrument from
the facility AC power source before continuing with this
3. Refer to the Crucible Replacement procedure on page 6–34 and
remove the loading head.
4. Remove the furnace top shelf.
5. Refer to the Crucible Replacement procedure on page 6–34 and
remove the lance assembly.
6. Grab the top left corner of the furnace door and pull it open.
7. Remove the four screws in the loading head interface block and
remove the block, Figure 6-13, page 6–27.
8. Remove the afterburner cap, Figure 6-13, page 6–27.
9. Remove the four screws in the afterburner interface block and
remove the block, Figure 6-14, page 6–28.
10. Pull the furnace latch pin out and tilt the bottom of the furnace
towards the front of the instrument. Release the latch pin, lift the
furnace up and pull the furnace toward you. When the furnace is
pulled out as far as it will go (about 2 inches) tilt the bottom of
the furnace up until the latch pin snaps and locks the furnace into
place. Refer to Figure 6-15, page 6–28.

Maintenance FP628 6–25

11. Remove the two screws securing the furnace bottom assembly
and remove the bottom assembly, Figure 6-16, page 6–29. Set it
on the inner shelf of the furnace door. There will be an electrical
connection attached to the furnace fan.
12. Wearing gloves, pull the combustion tube out through the bottom
of the furnace.
13. Refer to the Combustion Tube Packing procedure on page 6–31
and repack the combustion tube.


Do not touch the lower portion of the combustion tube
without gloves. Body oil can promote devitrification that
may cause the combustion tube to crack.

14. Insert the combustion tube into the furnace. The short end of the
tube should be inserted into the afterburner side of the furnace.
15. If the height of the combustion tube needs to be raised perform
the following steps. If the furnace has been heated, the
combustion tube o-rings may be deformed and should be


Only perform the next steps to adjust the height of the
combustion tube. If the combustion tube height is correct
skip to step 16.

16. Loosen the combustion tube stop on the bottom of the furnace
assembly, Figure 6-16, page 6–29.
17. Install the furnace bottom assembly.

Make sure Tabs on bottom of furnace are overlapped as shown in

Figure 6-16 on page 6–29.
A. Raise the combustion tube stop until resistance is met.
B. Tighten the combustion tube stop screw.
C. Reinstall the afterburner interface block using the four
screws that were removed from the block, Figure 6-14, page
D. Clean the Secondary Wire Screen Filter in the afterburner
interface cap with a brush. Refer to Figure 6-17.
18. Reinstall the afterburner cap, Figure 6-13, page 6–27.
19. Reinstall combustion block, crucible and lance.
20. Reinstall the combustion tube furnace.
21. Replace loading head.

6–26 FP628 Theory of Operation

Use a small amount of 773-942 Anti-seize Compound on each of the
four loading head interface block screws.

Figure 6-13
Furnace Interface Blocks

Maintenance FP628 6–27

Use a small amount of 773-942 Anti-seize Compound on each of the
four afterburner interface block screws when reinstalling the loading
head block.
Figure 6-14
Afterburner Interface Block

Figure 6-15
Furnace Latch Pin

6–28 FP628 Theory of Operation

When reassembling furnace, verify tabs overlap as shown.

Figure 6-16
Combustion Furnace Assembly

Maintenance FP628 6–29

Figure 6-17
Secondary Wire Screen Filter

6–30 FP628 Theory of Operation

Combustion Tube Packing

Replace the combustion tube if it becomes cracked, plugged or about

every 1500 analysis. The combustion tube can be reused even if it
looks cloudy.
The furnace reagents should be dried at 105oC for two hours before
packing the combustion tube.


Do not touch the lower portion of the combustion tube
without gloves. Body oil can promote devitrification that
may cause the combustion tube to crack.

1. Remove 1 quartz wool strip from the package. Separate it

lengthwise into 2 sections being careful to match the outside
diameter of the roll to the inside diameter of the combustion
tube. Each section is 3/4-inch wide.
2. Using the quartz wool extractor, push three rolled quartz wool
strips into the longer end of the combustion tube until the rolls
are properly positioned in the combustion tube, Figure 6-19, page
3. Using the quartz wool extractor, push three quartz wool rolls into
the shorter end of the combustion tube until the rolls are properly
positioned in the combustion tube.
4. Pour 50 cc of furnace reagent 501-609-HAZ into the shorter end
of the combustion tube on top of the quartz wool.
5. Add three quartz wool strips into the shorter end. Be careful to
match the outside diameter of the roll to the inside diameter of
the combustion tube. Each section is 3/4-inch wide.
6. Insert a honeycomb ceramic plug into the short end of the
combustion tube until it rests on the quartz wool.
7. Insert the combustion tube into the furnace using the two high-
temperature orange o-rings.
8. In the longer end of the combustion tube, insert the crucible until
it rests on the quartz wool.

Maintenance FP628 6–31

9. Using the crucible extraction tool. Measure the distance between
the top of the crucible and the top of the lance, as it would be
10. Add or remove a small amount of quartz under the crucible to
insure that the bottom of the lance will rest 1/4 inch inside the top
of the crucible.
11. Insert the Lance Assembly into the longer section of the
combustion tube.

190-423 601-442
(4 REQ'D)

(2 REQ'D)



Figure 6-18
Lance Assembly

6–32 FP628 Theory of Operation

Figure 6-19
Combustion Tube Packing

Maintenance FP628 6–33

Crucible Replacement


The crucible and furnace may be hot. To avoid burns, allow
the instrument to cool to room temperature before replacing
the crucible.

1. Remove the three screws securing the loading head to the

furnace, Figure 6-21, page 6–35.

After the loading head is removed be careful not to damage

the electrical connector on the bottom.

2. Lift the loading head and set it aside. It is not necessary to

disconnect the gas lines.
3. Screw the lance extractor tool into the small hole on the lance
head and remove the lance, Figure 6-22, page 6–35.
4. Place the lance and extractor tool inside the front door.
5. Using the crucible extractor tool, reach into the combustion tube
and grasp the crucible. Lift the crucible out and discard when
6. Using the crucible extractor tool, place a new crucible in the
combustion tube and replace the lance and loading head.

To prevent damage to the loading head properly align the

electrical connectors before pushing the loading head onto
the instrument.

7. Allow the crucible to reach operating temperature.

8. Reset the crucible counter by accessing Reset Maintenance
Counters, page 6–59.
9. Run two blank analyses to purge air and moisture from the

6–34 FP628 Theory of Operation

Figure 6-20
Loading Head Removal Screws

Figure 6-21
Lance Removal

Maintenance FP628 6–35

Loading Head Cleaning

1. Remove the three screws securing the loading head to the
furnace, Figure 6-20, page 6–35.

After the loading head is removed be careful not to damage

the electrical connector on the bottom.

2. Lift the loading head and set it aside. It is not necessary to

disconnect the gas lines.
3. Release the quick disconnect block and remove the slide block by
pulling it away from the loading head Figure 6-22, page 6–37.
4. Clean the inner surface of the slide block and piston, Figure 6-23,
page 6–38.
5. Clean and inspect the o-ring on the coupling block, Figure 6-22,
page 6–37.
6. Turn the loading head over so the bottom is facing up.
7. Locate the lance shield, Figure 6-24, page 6–39.
8. Screw the lance extractor tool into one of the threaded holes and
remove the shield.
9. Clean the lance shield.
10. Remove the female jaw, Figure 6-25, page 6–39. Clean the jaw
and the inside of loading head.

6–36 FP628 Theory of Operation

Figure 6-22
Slide Block Removal

Maintenance FP628 6–37

Figure 6-23
Slide Block (Bottom View)

6–38 FP628 Theory of Operation

Figure 6-24
Lance Shield and Lance Tool

Figure 6-25
Female Jaw and Loading Pin

Maintenance FP628 6–39

1. Insert the female jaw into the male jaw, Figure 6-25, page 6–39.
2. Line the pin inside the loading head with the largest hole in the
lance shield.
3. Apply a very light coat of vacuum grease to the o-ring on the
lance shield
4. Press the lance shield into the loading head.
5. Turn the loading head over.
6. Push the slide block onto the loading head.
7. Line up the cylinder and slide block.
8. Latch the quick disconnect block to secure the cylinder to the
slide block.
9. Reinstall the loading head onto the instrument. Be careful not to
bend the electrical connector on the bottom of the loading head.

6–40 FP628 Theory of Operation


When repacking the reagent tubes, catalyst heater tube or cleaning an

assembly, lubricate each o-ring with vacuum grease. O-rings should be
replaced when cracked, dry, burnt, or torn. DO NOT over-lubricate the
o-rings; only apply a light coating of grease.

1. Gently remove o-ring.

2. Lightly grease each o-ring making sure the grease is applied
evenly without excess build-up.
3. Reinstall o-ring.

Maintenance FP628 6–41

Reagent Tube Packing

Replace reagents when the counter reaches its limit

(approximately 800).
The reagent tube is also referred to as the measure flow scrubber and
the TC carrier gas scrubber.

Anhydrone is a strong dehydrating agent and potentially

strong oxidant (over 150oC). Do not heat with organic
matter, flammables or combustibles. Avoid contact with
strong acids. Refer to material safety data sheet for safe
handling and storage procedures.

1. Turn the Gas OFF.
2. Remove retaining clip above the aliquot dose tube.
3. Slide reagent tube upward until the bottom end can swing free.
4. Tilt out the free reagent tube end.
5. Pull the reagent tube downward off the top port.

1. Before repacking the reagent tube, remove all material from the
inside of the reagent tube, rinse the reagent tube with water, and
let it dry.
2. Insert a screen filter into the bottom of the reagent tube. Position
the o-ring towards the bottom and push the screen filter up into
the reagent tube 1/4-inch, Figure 6-26 on page 6–43.
3. Pack 3/4-inch of glass wool into the bottom of the reagent tube.
4. Fill the bottom 1/3 of the reagent tube with Anhydrone.
5. Fill the top 2/3 of the reagent tube with Lecosorb.
6. Firmly pack 1/2-inch to 2/3-inch of glass wool into the top of the
reagent tube.
7. Reinstall the reagent tube.
8. Reset the Reagent Tube Counter under Reset Maintenance
Counters, page 6–59.
9. Clean excessive regent from work area.

1. Push the top end of the reagent tube over the top port.
2. Tilt the reagent tube inward and pull it down, pushing it over the
bottom port.
3. Turn the gas on.

6–42 FP628 Theory of Operation

Figure 6-26
Reagent Tube Packing

Maintenance FP628 6–43

Primary Furnace Filters Cleaning

1. Turn the gas OFF.
2. Remove screw and open the door. Refer to Figure 6-27,
page 6–45.
3. Remove retaining clip above the glass tube on the right.
4. Slide the furnace filter tube upward until the bottom end can
swing free.
5. Tilt out the free furnace filter tube end.
6. Pull the furnace filter tube downward off the top port.

1. Remove the glass tube on right side, Figure 6-27,
page 6–45.
2. Clean and regrease o-rings.
3. Replace steel wool and glass wool.
4. Reinsert glass tube.
5. Reinstall retaining clip removed is Step 3 above.

1. Push the top end of the furnace filter tube over the top port.
2. Tilt the furnace filter tube inward and pull it down, pushing it over
the bottom port.
3. Turn the gas on.

Balston Filter Replacement

The Balston Filter is a disposable particle filter and should be checked
each day before analysis as dirt particles can cause poor results.
Replace the Balston Filter when filter is visibly dirty.
1. Turn the gas OFF.
2. Remove screw and open the door. Refer to Figure 6-27,
page 6–45.
3. Slide the Balston Filter upward until the bottom end can swing
4. Tilt out the free Balston Filter tube end.
5. Pull the Balston Filter tube downward off the top port.
6. Replace with new Balston Filter.
7. Push the top end of the Balston Filter tube over the top port.
8. Tilt the Balston Filter tube inward and pull it down, pushing it
over the bottom port.
9. Turn the gas on.

6–44 FP628 Theory of Operation

Figure 6-27
Filter Locations

Maintenance FP628 6–45

Thermoelectric Cooler

1. Refer to the Shutdown Procedure on page 5–12 and turn the

instrument off.
2. Disconnect the instrument from facility AC power.


This equipment operates from a 230V~ source. Contact with
this voltage can be fatal. Disconnect the instrument from
the facility AC power source before continuing with this
3. Remove the right side panel from the instrument and locate the
Thermoelectric Cooler Assembly, Figure 6-26, page 6–48.
4. Disconnect the input and output gas connections from the
Thermoelectric Cooler Assembly.
5. Disconnect the electrical connections to the Thermoelectric Cooler
Control Card.
6. Disconnect the exhaust tubing from the Thermoelectric Cooler
Assembly to the flask on the rear of the instrument. The tubing
should be disconnected at the flask.
7. Loosen the mounting screw and push the Thermoelectric Cooler
Assembly towards the inside of the instrument until the slot clears
the screw.
8. Tilt the Thermoelectric Cooler Assembly up and pull it out of the
9. Remove the mounting screws in the top of the Thermoelectric
Cooler Assembly.
10. Pull the cooling chamber out of the assembly, Figure 6-27, page
11. Remove the 4 cooling chamber cover screws and remove the
cover, Figure 6-27, page 6–50.

6–46 FP628 Theory of Operation

12. Remove the 4 cooling chamber plate mounting screws and
remove the cooling chamber plate, Figure 6-29, page 6–51.
13. Clean the cooling chamber with water and a nylon scratch pad.
Remove all dirt and corrosion, Figure 6-30, page 6–52.
14. Reassembly the Thermoelectric Cooler.
15. Disconnect the tubing from the bottom fitting on the precooler
assembly, Figure 6-31, page 6–53.
16. Loosen the 2 knurled thumbscrews and remove the precooler
17. Remove the 4 top plate mounting screws and remove the plate,
Figure 6-32, page 6–54.
18. Clean out the precooler with water and a nylon scratch pad.
Remove all dirt and corrosion.
19. Reinstall the precooler into the thermoelectric cooler assembly.
20. Reinstall the thermoelectric cooler assembly into the instrument.
21. Connect the instrument to facility AC power and turn the
instrument on.

Maintenance FP628 6–47

Figure 6-28
Thermoelectric Cooler

6–48 FP628 Theory of Operation

Figure 6-29
Thermoelectric Cooler Chamber

Maintenance FP628 6–49

Figure 6-30
Thermoelectric Chamber Cover

6–50 FP628 Theory of Operation

Figure 6-31
Thermoelectric Cooler Chamber Plate

Maintenance FP628 6–51

Figure 6-32
Thermoelectric Cooler Chamber

6–52 FP628 Theory of Operation

Figure 6-33
Precooler Assembly

Maintenance FP628 6–53

Figure 6-34
Precooler Disassembly

6–54 FP628 Theory of Operation

Login Periodic Maintenance

After periodic maintenance has been performed, it should be logged in.

This creates a periodic maintenance history file, sets the analysis
counter back to zero, increments the reset counter, enters the reset
date, and enters any comments.

1. From the Maintenance menu, click Login. The Maintenance dialog

box will appear.

2. Click the check box before the item that periodic maintenance
was performed on.
3. Click on the Comments box and enter any maintenance
4. Click OK.

Maintenance FP628 6–55

View Log File

The log file is a history of past events. Every time one of the following
procedures is performed, it will be recorded in the log file.
• Change of Mass by Operator
• Data Out of Range (Ambient Monitor parameter values)
• Date of last calibration, drift or blank
• Date scheduled maintenance is performed
• Network Errors
• Network Sign-on Errors
• Sample Aborted
• Sample Deleted
• Standard check out-of-range

1. From the Maintenance menu, click View Log Files. The Log File
window will appear.

2. Click Print to receive a printout of the log file on the system

3. Click OK when finished.

6–56 FP628 Theory of Operation

Configure Maintenance Counters

Maintenance Counters is a list of components and assemblies, within

the instrument, that have been determined to require periodic
maintenance. An analysis counter will determine when periodic
maintenance is needed and alert the operator. After maintenance, a
history log of maintenance performed is automatically generated. For
information concerning periodic maintenance and procedures, refer to
the Periodic Maintenance Schedule, page 6–4. The counters should not
be reset from this procedure. To reset the counters, refer to Reset
Maintenance Counters, page 6–59.

1. From the Configuration menu, click Counters. The Counters dialog

box will appear.

2. Click Add to define a maintenance counter.

3. Enter the information required in the dialog box. Refer to
Maintenance Counter Definitions, page 6–58, for additional
4. To remove a counter select it and click Delete. Only counters
added by the operator can be removed.
5. To arrange the counter in ascending alphabetical order click
6. To arrange the counter in descending alphabetical order click
7. To move a counter up towards the top of the screen select the
counter and click Promote.
8. To move a counter down towards the bottom of the screen select
the counter and click Demote.
9. Click OK.

Maintenance FP628 6–57

Maintenance Counter Definitions
Name—A name or description of the component or assembly that
requires periodic maintenance.
Count Blanks—If Yes is entered and a blank is analyzed, the analyses
counter will increment. If No is entered and a blank is analyzed, the
analyses counter will remain at the same value.
Stop—The determined number of analyses that the analyses counter
can reach before the instrument will automatically stop and prevent
continued analysis. To turn this function off, enter 0.
Warning—The determined number of analyses that the analyses
counter can reach before a warning message is displayed alerting the
operator that periodic maintenance is necessary. Analysis will not stop
when this counter limit is reached. To turn this function off, enter 0.
Analyses—The total number of samples analyzed.
Resets—The number of times that the maintenance item was serviced.
The resets counter is incremented every time a maintenance item is
checked in the Maintenance dialog box.
Reset—Displays the date and time the maintenance counter was reset.
Comments—A place for the operator to add notes or comments
concerning maintenance.

6–58 FP628 Theory of Operation

Reset Maintenance Counters

Reset Maintenance Counters is used to reset the counters back to

zero. After maintenance, a history log of maintenance performed is
automatically generated. This information is used create that history
log file.

1. From the Maintenance menu, click Login. The Maintenance dialog

box will appear.

2. Select the item(s) that maintenance has been performed on.

3. Click OK.
4. A Confirmation dialog box associated with every counter will
A. Click Yes if maintenance was performed.
B. Click No if maintenance was not performed.
C. Click Cancel to exit procedure.
5. The Confirm dialog box for the second maintenance item will
A. Click Yes if maintenance was performed.
B. Click No if maintenance was not performed.
C. Click Cancel to exit procedure.
6. Continue until all maintenance items were displayed in the
Confirm dialog boxes and answer Yes, No or Cancel to the

Maintenance FP628 6–59

Duckbill Replacement

The Loading Head Check Valve should be periodically replaced to

prevent a combustion gas leak. The life of the check valve will depend
on the type of samples being run but in most cases it should be
replaced daily. When the check valve leaks, a hissing noise may be
heard indicating gas escaping from the loading head.

When replacing the check valve the loading head will be

hot. Use caution to prevent burns. Use insulated gloves if

For an exploded view of the Liquid Loading Head refer to

Figure 10-79.

1. Using a 3/32 hex wrench, loosen the two screws in the top of the
loading head and swing the Cap assembly to the right.
2. Remove the O-ring using the long end of the hex wrench.
3. Remove the Check Valve using the long end of the hex wrench.
4. Insert a new Check Valve into the loading head.
5. Insert the O-ring into the groove above the check valve.
6. Swing the Cap assembly back into place being careful not to
move the o-ring.
7. Tighten the two screws holding the cap in place.
8. Verify the syringe is properly aligned with the grooves in the cap

6–60 FP628 Theory of Operation

7 Theory of Operation
The Theory of Operation chapter provides an overview of how the
instrument operates and the stages of operation that generate reliable

Illustrations .................................................................................. 7–2

Theory of Operation FP628 ............................................................. 7–3
Method of Standard Additions ......................................................... 7–6
Calculations .................................................................................. 7–8
Barometric Pressure ...................................................................... 7–9
Example .................................................................................. 7–9
Thermal Conductivity Cell ............................................................. 7–10
Infrared Radiation Cell ................................................................. 7–12
Theory of Calibration ................................................................... 7–13
Calibration Definitions ............................................................. 7–15
Blank Analysis ....................................................................... 7–17
Standard Analysis .................................................................. 7–17
Drift Factor ............................................................................ 7–19
Comparator Level ........................................................................ 7–20

Theory of Operation FP628 7–1


Figure 7-1 FP628 Measurement Flow Diagram ...................................7–4

Figure 7-2 Pneumatic Flow Diagram .................................................7–5
Figure 7-3 Thermal Conductivity of Gases .........................................7–11

7–2 FP628 Theory of Operation

Theory of Operation FP628

As you read this section refer to the Measurement Flow Diagram on

page 7–4.
The CHN628 Series Elemental Determinator is used to determine
nitrogen, carbon/nitrogen, and carbon/hydrogen/nitrogen in organic
matrices. The instrument utilizes a combustion technique and provides
a result within 4.5 minutes for all the elements being determined. The
instrument features custom Windows -based software operated
through an external PC to control the system operation and data
A pre-weighed and encapsulated sample is placed in the instrument's
loader where the sample will be transferred to the instrument's purge
chamber directly above the furnace, eliminating the atmospheric gases
from the transfer process. The sample is then introduced to the
primary furnace containing only pure oxygen, resulting in a rapid and
complete combustion (oxidation) of the sample. Carbon, hydrogen,
and nitrogen present in the sample are oxidized to carbon dioxide
(CO2), water (H20), and NOx respectively, and are swept by the
oxygen carrier through a secondary furnace for further oxidation and
particulate removal. In the FP and CN628 models, the combustion
gases pass through a pre-cooler and thermoelectric cooler to remove
the water vapor. The combination gases are then collected in a vessel
known as a ballast for equilibration. The homogenized gases from the
ballast are swept through a 10 cc aliquot loop and then passed into a
TC carrier gas. Separate optimized non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) cells
are utilized for the detection of H2O and CO2 ensuring the rapid
analysis time of the system. The NOx gases are passed through a
reduction tube filled with copper to reduce the gases to N and remove
any excess oxygen present from the combustion process. The aliquot
gas then passes through Lecosorb and Anhydrone to remove CO2 and
the water generated during the CO2 trapping process and onto a
thermal conductivity cell (TC) utilized to detect the N2 .
The final results are typically displayed in weight percent or parts-per-
million but can be displayed in other custom units or conversions such
as percent total protein, moisture corrected, and others.

Theory of Operation FP628 7–3

Figure 7-1
FP628 Measurement Flow Diagram

7–4 FP628 Theory of Operation

Figure 7-2
Pneumatic Flow Diagram

Theory of Operation FP628 7–5

Method of Standard Additions

The method of standard additions is a common method for

determining analyte concentrations in complex matrices such as soils,
biological fluids, etc. Matrix interferences and background for many
such samples may result in interferences with analyte signal that
cause inaccurate determination of analyte concentration. The
background may be determined by adding analyte to the sample and
measuring the instrumental response. The difference between sample
and spiked sample is assumed to be due only to change in analyte
A simple procure is generally used in which the sample is spiked at
several increasing concentrations of analyte. The samples are
analyzed and the response plotted with the standard added plotted on
the x-axis and instrumental response on the y-axis. The slope (a) and
y-intercept (b) are determined through linear regression analysis of
the calibration curve.

S = aMs + b (1)

where: S = instrumental response (signal)

Ms = volume of standard

7–6 FP628 Theory of Operation

The mass of standard Ms(0) from that point to the first solution on the
curve (x = 0) contains the same amount of analyte as the sample. So,

Mxcx = [Ms(0)]cS (2)

where: Mx = mass of the sample aliquot

cx = concentration of the sample
cs = concentration of the sample

Combing equations 1 and 2 and solving for cx:

cx = (bcs/aMx)

The analyte concentration can then be calculated from the slope and
intercept of the standard addition calibration curve.
As an example, this technique can be used to determine the unknown
concentration of the nitrogen content in aqueous standards.
In the following calibration screen example, linear was selected and
the standard additions offset appears on the calibration screen at the

Theory of Operation FP628 7–7


The following is a list of calculations used by the software to determine

the final analysis result.
Adjusted Mass—Mass * ( 1 - Sample Moisture / 100 ) * ( 1 / ( 1 -
Moisture Basis / 100 ) )
Adjusted Area—((area * (Correction Factor) - blank) * drift *
Sensitivity Factor.
Nitrogen mg—Adjusted area passed through the calibration curve.
Nitrogen ppm—Nitrogen % * 10,000.
Nitrogen %—Nitrogen mg / adjusted mass.
Drift Factor—Calculates a factor that returns the drift standard to the
same calculated value that was determined during the calibration

7–8 FP628 Theory of Operation

Barometric Pressure

Barometric pressure, which directly affects gas volume, is sensed by a

pressure transducer. The barometric pressure transducer constantly
monitors the pressure and feeds this information to the software. The
software uses this information to compensate analysis results. During
initial setup, the barometric pressure transducer is calibrated by
entering the current actual barometric pressure.
Pressure is often reported in inches of mercury (Hg) which must be
converted to millimeters (mm) of mercury. To convert from inches of
Hg to mm of Hg, multiply the barometric pressure by 25.4.
Pressure varies inversely with altitude and, if pressure readings are
measured and reported from an altitude other than operation,
adjustments should be made accordingly. The following table
illustrates that as altitude increases, pressure decreases.
Altitude Pressure (mmHg)
0 760
250 753
500 746
750 740
1,000 733
2,000 707
3,000 681
4,000 656
5,000 632
6,000 609
7,000 586
8,000 564
9,000 543
10,000 523

Barometric pressure is reported at 750 mmHg at sea level (0 feet) but
operation altitude is 1000 feet. Adjust the reported sea level pressure
to operation level pressure by using the formula:
733 mmHg X 750 mmHg = 723 mmHg
760 mmHg
In this example, the barometric pressure to be entered into the
instrument is 723 mmHg.

Theory of Operation FP628 7–9

Thermal Conductivity Cell

The thermal conductivity cell has the ability to detect differences in the
thermal conductivity of gases (see below). This TC cell is operated in a
nitrogen optimized mode. The cell consists of two pair of matched
filaments used in four legs of a Wheatstone bridge. The "reference"
filaments are maintained in a constant gas and gas flow environment
while the "measure" filaments are maintained in a constant gas flow
environment, but the gas composition is allowed to vary. All filaments
are mounted in an insulated metal block. A Filament Current Factor is
calculated by the software to compensate for changes in the filament
current due to TC cell temperature changes.
The Wheatstone Bridge is balanced with a specified bridge current
while both filaments are essentially in identical environments.
The bridge current causes self-heating of the filaments. The
temperature of the filaments is always much higher than the oven
temperature in which the cell is located.
As long as both filaments remain in the same environment under
which the bridge was balanced, the bridge output will remain at
approximately 0.3 volts. Any disturbance of this environment will
result in a change in bridge output. The bridge output is AC coupled to
amplifiers that have an output offset.
Once the bridge is balanced and stabilized under proper conditions, the
only variations in bridge output are due to variations in the type and
quantity of gas present at the "measure" filaments. The bridge is
balanced with TC carrier gas flowing in the measure chamber and
reference chamber. The introduction of nitrogen causes the
temperature of the measure filaments to increase since nitrogen has a
lower thermal conductivity than TC carrier gas. In this instance, the
bridge becomes unbalanced and an output becomes available to the
preamp, resulting in a positive reading. The amount of nitrogen
determines the magnitude of the readings. The sensitivity of the
system is governed by bridge current and the difference in thermal
conductivity between the analyze gas, nitrogen, and the carrier gas.

7–10 FP628 Theory of Operation

Gas Symbol MolecularWeight ThermalConductivity
Hydrogen H2 2 39
Helium He 4 33
Neon Ne 20 10.4
Oxygen O2 32 5.7
Nitrogen N2 28 5.6
Air (dry) Air 29 5.4
Carbon Monoxide CO 28 5.4
Water Vapor H2O 18 4.0
Argon Ar 40 3.8
Carbon Dioxide CO2 44 3.3
Sulfur Dioxide SO2 64 1.6

Figure 7-3
Thermal Conductivity of Gases

Theory of Operation FP628 7–11

Infrared Radiation Cell

The descriptions that follow refer to CO2 optimized detector. The

analysis of hydrogen is identical with only the necessary change to
accommodate a different gas (H2O).
The infrared source (IR) consists of nichrome wire, which is resistance-
heated to 850oC. The IR source radiates visible energy as well as all
wavelengths in the infrared spectrum.
Carbon dioxide absorbs IR energy at a precise wavelength within the
IR spectrum. Energy from the IR source is absorbed as the gas passes
through the cell, preventing it from reaching the IR detector. All other
IR energy is prevented from reaching the IR detector by a narrow
band-pass filter. Because of the wavelength filter, the absorption of IR
energy can be attributed only to carbon dioxide (CO2). The
concentration of CO2 is detected as a level of energy at the detector.
One IR Cell is used as both a reference and for measurement. The
total carbon, as carbon dioxide, is detected on a continuous and
simultaneous basis. The cell consists of an IR source, a narrow band-
pass filter, a condensing cone, an IR energy detector, and the cell
body. Radiated energy enters the cell body through a window, travels
through the cell body, then exits through a second window and a
precise wavelength filter. The selective filter passes only the CO2
absorption wavelength into a condensing cone that concentrates the
energy at the detector. The solid state detector is AC coupled to a
preamplifier. As the gas concentration increases, the voltage to the
preamp decreases.
The starting reference level, or “baseline”, for the detector is
established by running 100% oxygen through the cell. The pure
oxygen environment permits the maximum amount of energy to reach
the detector. This maximum energy level is AC coupled to the preamp
where it is amplified, rectified and filtered. It is then sent to an analog-
to-digital (A/D) converter where it is converted to a digital signal.
As analysis begins, the cell output decreases with the amount of
carbon (as CO2) present in the cell. The computer reads the cell output
and produces data points that are stored in memory. The computer
then processes the curve, or graph, formed by these data points and
after calibration forms a linear curve. The calibration curve is then
used by the computer to accurately calculate the sample result.

7–12 FP628 Theory of Operation

Theory of Calibration

Calibration compensates for differences between the total element

measured and the actual element concentration. A programmed
equation will correlate the response between the observed and
theoretical measurement of analyte, permitting accurate
measurements to be made.
The Windows® software provides several types of calibration curves.
The calibration curves include single standard calibration, linear,
quadratic, and cubic. First perform a blank calibration, then once a
standard calibration has been defined re-calibration is not necessary
unless a cell or flow has been changed. The daily routine will consist of
determining the blank and performing a drift correction.
The first step to be performed is the determination of a method
specific blank.
Several blanks should be analyzed. The linearization table is applied to
the peak during the analysis. The area under the peak is calculated
and stored as a raw area (Ar).

4 4 4 4
3 3 3 3
2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0
1 9 17 25 33 1 10 19 28 37 1 10 19 28 37 1 10 19 28 37
Time Time Time Time
Raw Are a = 19 Raw Are a = 18 Raw Are a = 19 Raw Are a = 18

If the four blanks displayed above were selected in the software to

calculate a blank, the result would be that the average of the four
would be stored as the blank area (Ab).
Ab = 19+18+19+18 - 18.5
The blank area, Ab will be subtracted from every sample analyzed
after it is set.

Theory of Operation FP628 7–13

After the blank is defined, a calibration curve needs to be defined.
Several standards need to be selected that will cover the operating
range of analyte concentration for the samples of unknown analyte
concentration. At least three replicates of each standard should be
analyzed. Care must be taken to accurately compensate for trapped
atmosphere, atmospheric blank, with each analyzed standard. If the
calibration curve is constructed using more than one sample type, the
atmospheric blank must be determined for each standard. This can be
accomplished by analyzing the same sample mass encapsulated and in
an open container, dissolving in water, or palletizing the sample. The
difference in the results is the atmospheric blank.

120 120 120

60 60 60
0 0 0
1 11 21 31 41 51 1 11 21 31 41 51 1 11 21 31 41 51

Time Time Time

The area under the peak is calculated and stored as a raw area, Ar.
The current blank area, Ab, is subtracted from the raw area, Ar, of the
standard to yield the Area, A.
A = Ar - Ab
The area A, is adjusted for instrument drift by multiplying by the drift
factor. Each time a calibration is performed the drift factor is reset to
1.0. The units of the area, A, are then adjusted to reflect absolute
amount of analyte by multiplying by the sensitivity factor.
Aadj = A * Sensitivity Factor * Drift Factor
The resultant adjusted area, Aadj, of the standards are plotted against
the known grams Analyte * 100 of the analyzed standards. The best-
fit line, linear, quadratic, or cubic, is determined and taken as the
calibration curve for the method. The default calibration curve has a
slope of 1.0 and travels through the origin.

Linear Linear fixed-at-origin

(example) (example)
250 250
grams Analyte * 100

grams Analyte * 100

200 200

150 150

100 100

50 y = 0.9838x + 1.3582 50 y = 0.9926x

0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 0 50 100 150 200 250

Adjuste d Are a Adjuste d Are a

7–14 FP628 Theory of Operation

In general, the line that is to be selected is the line that yields the
lowest RMS error. However, if none of the calibration standards are
very low in analyte concentration, then linear fixed-at-origin should be
selected. This should only be done if the samples of unknown analyte
concentration do not fall in the range of very low analyte
If, however, the samples of unknown concentration mostly fall into the
very low analyte concentration range, the 1/certified weighting should
be selected. This type of weighting helps off set a natural bias to
higher concentration standards during the least squares fitting
Aadj is now taken through the calibration curve to yield grams analyte
* 100.
grams Analyte * 100 = Adjusted Area * Slope + Intercept
This is then generally converted to a percentage to be reported. The
calculation is performed by dividing the grams analyte * 100 by the
mass of the sample in grams.
% Analyte = grams Analyte * 100 — Atmospheric Blank
Sample Mass
The instrument is now ready to give accurate results over the
calibrated range for each calibrated cell.
There is a bit of daily maintenance that must be performed to ensure
instrument accuracy. At least once per day, preferably at least once
every four hours, or in the event of a method change, the blank must
be verified. If it is different than the pre-defined blank, it must be

Calibration Definitions
1/Certified Weighting—A weighting that can be applied to the
calibration data points that will counteract a bias for higher
concentrations that comes naturally out of the curve fitting routines.
Adjusted Area (Aadj)—Adjusted Area = Area (A) times Correction
Factor times Sensitivity Factor times Drift Factor. Area (A) equals Raw
Area (Ar) minus Blank Area (Ab).
Analyte—The substance whose physical or chemical properties are
measured and correlated, directly or indirectly, to the desired
Atmospheric Blank—In every encapsulated sample there are both
sample material and air (atmosphere). The amount of air trapped with
the sample, atmospheric blank, is dependent upon the volume of
sample (sample mass) and the physical state of the sample (pellet,
liquid, powder, crystal, grain, etc.). After the combustion of the sample
the nitrogen from sample and atmosphere are presented to the
detector and mass.
Blank—The signal obtained during an analysis that cannot be
attributed to the sample. The blank is due primarily to Argon
impurities in the oxygen. The blank should be determined before
calibration or drift correction.

Theory of Operation FP628 7–15

Blank Area (Ab)—The area under the peak obtained when analyzing
blank analyses. Each method shall require a defined blank or it will be
defaulted to zero.
Blank—The signal obtained during an analysis that cannot be
attributed to the sample. The blank is due primarily to Argon
impurities in the oxygen. The blank should be determined before
calibration or drift correction.
Calibration Curve—A series of standard samples containing known
concentrations of the analyte are analyzed. These standards should
cover the range of interest and have a matrix composition as similar to
the samples as possible. A blank sample must be analyzed and
subtracted from each of the standard samples. The Adjusted Area Aadj
is plotted along the X-axis versus the known concentration along the
Y-axis for each of the analyzed standard samples. The curve that best
fits the plotted points is the calibration curve.
Calibration Factor—The slope of the obtained calibration curve.
Drift Correction—The process of determining the drift factor.
RMS Error—(Root Mean Square Error) A method of quantifying
dispersion or spread of data. It is used in the Windows® software to
determine which calibration curve is better. The lower the RMS error
the better.
Drift Factor—A factor that is applied to the signal of an analyzed
defined standard to adjust it to the expected signal; based on
information extrapolated from the calibration curve. It is then used to
adjust analyte signals to correct for instrument drift.
Linearization Table—A table containing peak heights and slopes. The
purpose is to make minor adjustments to the signal to compensate for
minor non-linearities in the IR cells.
Origin—The intersection of the X and Y axes. On the calibration curve
this is zero concentration and zero signal.
Mass—The quantity of matter in an object. In the Windows® software
mass is the equivalent of weight in the keypad software. Default Unit:
Peak—When the analyte passes through the TC cell there is a change
in the voltage of the detector that is proportional to the amount of
analyte in the cell. After the analyte is passed the IR cell detector
voltage returns to normal. The region of this voltage change is the

0 50 100

RMS Error—(Root Mean Square Error) A method of quantifying

dispersion or spread of data. It is used in the Windows® software to
determine which calibration curve is better. The lower the RMS error
the better.
Sample—A determined mass of a substance of unknown analyte
concentration. The analyte concentration will be determined by
performing the analysis.

7–16 FP628 Theory of Operation

Sensitivity Factor—A multiplicative factor applied to the adjusted area
(Aadj) for the purpose of adjusting the units and to give a calibration
factor near 1.0.
Standard—A sample whose analyte concentration is accurately known.

Blank Analysis
Several blanks should be analyzed. The linearization table is applied to
the peak during the analysis. The area under the peak is calculated
and stored as a raw area (Ar).

4 4 4 4
3 3 3 3
2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0
1 9 17 25 33 1 10 19 28 37 1 10 19 28 37 1 10 19 28 37
Time Time Time Time
Raw Are a = 19 Raw Are a = 18 Raw Are a = 19 Raw Are a = 18

If the four blanks displayed above were selected in the software to

calculate a blank, the result would be that the average of the four
would be stored as the blank area (Ab).
Ab = 19+18+19+18 - 18.5
The results for analyzed blanks will be calculated in the same manner
as all other analyses. The result is displayed in percent. The blank is
stored as an area. However, to avoid confusion, the blank that is listed
on the print out and on the display is in percent. The concentration
displayed is based on a 1 gram samples mass and the current
calibration factor.
The blank area, Ab will be subtracted from every sample analyzed
after it is set.

Standard Analysis
After the blank is defined, a calibration needs to be performed. At least
three replicates of the same standard need to be analyzed in the same
fashion as the blanks. The standard needs to be selected such that the
analyte concentration is in the middle of the operating range. The
linearization table is applied to the peak during the analysis.

120 120 120

60 60 60
0 0 0
1 11 21 31 41 51 1 11 21 31 41 51 1 11 21 31 41 51

Time Time Time

Theory of Operation FP628 7–17

The area under the peak is calculated and stored as a raw area, Ar.
The current blank area, Ab, is subtracted from the raw area, Ar, of the
standard to yield the Area, A.
A = Ar - Ab
The units of the area, A, are then adjusted to reflect absolute amount
of analyte by multiplying by the sensitivity factor (different for each IR
cell) and the calibration factor (1.0 is the default value).
grams Analyte * 100 = A * Sensitivity Factor * Calibration Factor
The result is displayed generally as a percentage. This is calculated by
dividing the absolute amount of analyte, A2, by the mass of the
sample in grams and subtracting the atmospheric blank.
% Analyte = grams Analyte * 100 — Atmospheric Blank
Sample Mass
The calibration factor is determined by comparing the % Analyte
obtained by the analysis and the known % Analyte of the standard. A
standard should be selected that has a known analyte concentration in
the middle of the operating analyte concentration range. A ratio is
taken of the known and observed analyte concentration. The resultant
ratio is taken as the calibration factor. The calibration is then a line
drawn from the origin having a slope equal to calibration factor.
Calibration Factor = known % Analyte in Standard
Average % Analyte in Standard obtained
by Analysis


grams Analyte * 100

0 2 4 6 8 10
Are a * Se nsitivity Factor
Slope = 1

Now, samples of unknown analyte concentration may be analyzed. The

process and order of events are the same as described before.

7–18 FP628 Theory of Operation

The calibration should be adjusted when there is a substantial change
in operating analyte concentration or if a standard fails to yield the
known analyte concentration. Also, the blank must be performed
before calibration and needs to be redefined anytime there is a
change in method of analysis. Calibration and blank must be defined
for each element analyzed or each cell used in the analysis.

Drift Factor
The drift factor is determined by comparing the calculated
concentration from the original calibration curve to the calculated
concentration from the drift point. The resultant ratio is called the Drift
Drift Factor = Calculated Concentration from Calibration Curve ÷
Calculated Concentration from Drift Point

The drift factor uses the calculated concentration from the calibration
curve and not the certified value.

The drift factor is then multiplied with the measured concentration to

make minor corrections to the accuracy of results. The resulting value
is the drift-corrected concentration. This method compensates for
changes that cannot be attributed to blank or method changes.

Theory of Operation FP628 7–19

Comparator Level

An analysis that lasts excessively long causes an unnecessary delay

while an analysis that isn't long enough can cause loss of significant
data collection. Since not all samples melt in the same way, analyses
should not be performed based on time alone.
The length of each analysis is determined on an individual basis by the
time-out and comparator level. An analysis ends when the time limit is
reached and the A/D output of the detector, after passing its peak, is
equal to the comparator level. This comparator level is a constant of
five plus a percent of the peak:
Method Comparator Level = 5 + (X)(P).
Where P = detector A/D output peak and X = selected comparator
level percentage.
During an analysis, the output of the detector, in the form of digital
data, is collected and summed to arrive at the analysis result. If this
data were plotted, it would reflect the "curve" of the detector output.
Shown below are two examples of the same detector output "curve"
(buffer plot). The first example shows the amount of detector output
collected during an analysis with a comparator level setting at 25%
while the second example illustrates this at 6%.

End of Analysis where "X" equals 25.0%



End of Analysis where "X" equals 6%



7–20 FP628 Theory of Operation

The following conclusions can be drawn from the examples:
• A high comparator level shortens analysis time.
• A low comparator level includes more sample gas, and
therefore, more analyte, into answer calculations.
• A comparator level that is too low, however, results in the
inclusion of very low concentrations, which don't significantly
affect the result (noise), but lengthen the analysis.
A comparator level of one percent usually provides optimum
performance by allowing the collection of all significant output within a
reasonable time.
Extremely low output peaks may need a larger comparator level to
exclude insignificant output levels produced toward the end of analysis
and to cut down on drift. The minimum time should be extended to
match what would be considered a reasonable time length for the
analysis of such samples. The combination of a high comparator level
setting and an extended minimum analysis time insures that all
significant output is collected and analysis time lengths are consistent
without being extensive.
Whenever the comparator level changes check the system calibration
since interaction can occur.






Theory of Operation FP628 7–21

This page intentionally left blank.

7–22 FP628 Theory of Operation

8 Diagnostics
Illustrations .................................................................................. 8–2
Ambient Monitor ........................................................................... 8–3
Ambient Chart ......................................................................... 8–3
Ambient Monitor Definitions .................................................. 8–4
Ambient Monitor Ranges ...................................................... 8–6
Calibrations .................................................................................. 8–7
Set (Barometric) Pressure ......................................................... 8–7
Ballast Target Pressure ............................................................. 8–8
Set Bridge ............................................................................... 8–8
Backup (Hardware) Calibration .................................................. 8–8
Backup Calibration Values ......................................................... 8–9
Restore Calibration Values ....................................................... 8–10
Network Diagnostics .................................................................... 8–11
Poll Devices ........................................................................... 8–12
Reset Network ....................................................................... 8–12
Upgrade a Device ................................................................... 8–12
Network Definitions ........................................................... 8–12
Furnace Diagnostics..................................................................... 8–13
Furnace Temperature Control .................................................. 8–14
Combustion Furnace and Afterburner Temperature Control ..... 8–14
Reduction Tube Temperature Control ................................... 8–14
Ballast Oven Temperature Control ....................................... 8–14
Furnace Diagnostics Definitions ........................................... 8–14
Leak Check ................................................................................. 8–15
How to Perform a Leak Check .................................................. 8–15
Leak Check Definitions ....................................................... 8–17
Leak Check Legend Symbols ............................................... 8–18
Leak Check Flow Diagrams ...................................................... 8–19
System Check ............................................................................. 8–26
System Check Definitions ........................................................ 8–27
Solenoids and Switches ................................................................ 8–28

Diagnostics FP628 8–1


Figure 8-1 Oxygen Leak Check Flow Diagram ....................................8–19

Figure 8-2 Whole Carrier Gas Leak Check Flow Diagram ......................8–20
Figure 8-3 Oxygen Furnace Leak Check Diagram ................................8–21
Figure 8-4 Ballast Leak Check Diagram .............................................8–22
Figure 8-5 Aliqout Doser Leak Check Diagram ....................................8–23
Figure 8-6 TC Carrier Gas Aliquot Doser Leak Check Diagram ..............8–24
Figure 8-7 TC Carrier Gas Aliquot Bypass Doser Leak Check Diagram ...8–25

8–2 FP628 Diagnostics

Ambient Monitor

The Ambient Monitor permits the service technician or operator to

monitor instrument parameters and determine their status. Ambient
Chart provides system parameters on a chart and graph. The selected
parameters are not selectable by the operator; they were selected by
LECO as being the most critical to monitor.
Refer to Ambient Monitor Definitions, page 8–4, for information
concerning the parameters and values displayed on the Ambient Chart
If the instrument has just been turned on, it will take a period of time
for the system to stabilize.

Ambient Chart
1. Click Diagnostics and select Chart to display the Ambient Monitor
Chart screen.
2. Check that all system parameter values fall within the Ambient
Monitor Ranges shown on page 8–6. If any values are out of
range, refer to the corresponding topic for additional information.

Diagnostics FP628 8–3

3. Click the Check Box, to the left of the desired parameter, to
display the parameter value in the graph above the chart. More
than one parameter can be displayed by holding down the Control
Key and clicking the Parameter Check Box. A yellow circle with an
exclamation mark inside, to the left of the check box, indicates
the parameter value is outside the desired range.
4. Click the right mouse button, with the mouse pointer inside the
graph, to reset, restore, zoom in, zoom out, and set the graph
range. The parameter value is displayed on the vertical axis and
the time is displayed on the horizontal axis. The box in the lower
left corner of the graph displays the hours since the instrument
was turned on or the graph reset. The hours reset to 0 after 24.
5. Click Reset Chart to reset the parameter values and time on the
chart and graph.
6. Click Print to print the parameter values on the system printer.

Ambient Monitor Definitions

CO2 Cell—The IR Cell output voltage in volts. A properly operating cell
should have an output greater than 1.5 volts. There is no mechanical
adjustment for output voltage. The output voltage is set by software.
H20 Cell—The IR Cell output voltage in volts. A properly operating cell
should have an output greater than 1.5 volts. There is no mechanical
adjustment for output voltage. The output voltage is set by software.
Nitrogen Cell—The TC Cell output voltage in volts. A properly operating
cell should have an output greater than 0.0 volts. There is no
mechanical adjustment for output voltage. The output voltage is set by
Bridge Volts—The output voltage of the TC cell bridge in volts. The
bridge is a measurement device in the TC cell that develops an output
signal based on the analyte concentration.
TC Block Temperature—The temperature of the heated TC cell.
Helium Pressure—The pressure of helium on the reference flow.
Ballast Pressure—The temperature of the ballast oven compartment.
This temperature should be at 50oC.
Piston Return Pressure—The pressure of pneumatic gas at the top of
the ballast.
Pneumatic Incoming Pressure—Depending on the valve state, the
pressure of the incoming pneumatic gas, the regulated pneumatic
pressure and the ballast piston backpressure are measured by this
parameter. The pneumatic incoming pressure should measure
approximately 40 psi. The regulated pneumatic pressure should
measure 0 to 40 psi depending when the measurement is taken. The
ballast piston backpressure should measure 12 psi.
Combustion Pressure—The pressure of the combustion gas as it enters
the furnace. The values measured by pressure transducers P2.

8–4 FP628 Diagnostics

Combustion Furnace Temperature—The temperature of the
combustion furnace. Range: Ambient to 1100oC. This temperature is
measured by a thermocouple in the furnace.
Afterburner Temperature—The temperature of the afterburner or
secondary side of the combustion furnace. Nominally this temperature
should be set to 850oC. Range: Ambient to 1050oC. This temperature
is measured by a thermocouple in the afterburner or secondary
Cabinet Temperature—The ambient temperature inside the instrument
as measured by a temperature transducer. This value is in degrees
centigrade. Before analysis the ambient temperature should be
approximately 25oC or the ambient room temperature.
TE Cooler Temperature—The internal temperature of the
Thermoelectric Cooler. Nominal Temperature: 5oC.
Oven Temperature—The temperature of the IR and TC cell oven
compartment. This temperature should be at 47oC.
Ballast Temperature—Temperature of the Ballast Tube. This
temperature should be at 50oC.
Reduction (Catalyst) Tube Temperature—The temperature of the
Catalyst Heater. This temperature is measured by a thermocouple in
the catalyst heater and not adjustable by the operator. The
temperature of the catalyst heater is 700oC
Ballast Oven Temperature—The temperature of the ballast oven
compartment. This temperature should be at 50oC.

Diagnostics FP628 8–5

Ambient Monitor Ranges
This symbol will appear next to the parameter name, on the ambient
monitor screen, if the parameter value is out of minimum or maximum

The instrument must be on for a least 2 hours and the oxygen flow
set to low before checking the following parameter values.

Parameter Minimum Maximum

CO2 Cell 1.5 volts 4.8 volts
H2O Cell 1.5 volts 4.8 volts
Nitrogen 0.0 volts 1.5 volts
Bridge Volts 5.0 volts 11 volts
Ballast Pressure 720 mmHg 1300 mmHg
Combustion Flow 0 lpm 6 lpm
Pneumatic Incoming Pressure 0 psi 42 psi
Combustion Pressure 0 psi 20 psi
Combustion Furnace 900oC 1050oC
Afterburner Temperature Ambient 1050oC
Cabinet Temperature Ambient 50oC
TE Cooler Temperature 2oC 10oC
Oven Temperature 45oC 55oC
Ballast Temperature 45oC 55oC
Reduction Tube Temperature 690oC 710oC
Ballast Oven Temperature 45oC 55oC
Helium Pressure 11.8 psi 13 psi
TC Cell Temperature 57.1°C 57.5°C

8–6 FP628 Diagnostics


Calibrations permit the service technician or operator to set the

barometric pressure, combustion flow calibration, select the ballast
size and perform a backup calibration using the calibration disk
supplied with the instrument.

Set (Barometric) Pressure

Set Pressure permits the service technician or operator to calibrate the
barometric transducer located in the instrument.
Calibration is necessary for proper analysis results and varies with the
location of the instrument. This procedure must be done when the
instrument is installed at location. For more information about
barometric pressure refer to the Barometric Pressure on page 7–9.

1. Determine the current barometric pressure at the location of the

instrument. This can be done with an external barometer or via
the Internet.
2. Click Diagnostics and select Calibration. The Hardware Calibration
screen will appear.

3. Enter the Barometric Pressure from the external barometer in the

edit box to the left of Set Pressure in the TC Cell Box.
4. Click Set Pressure to set the pressure entered in the edit box.

Diagnostics FP628 8–7

5. Click Close to exit this procedure and save the setting.

Ballast Target Pressure

This procedure ensures proper ballast pressure based on the altitude

of the instrument. This procedure should be performed during
1. Enter the altitude of the instruments location. The altitude can be
entered in meters or feet.
2. Click Set Target to automatically calculate the Target Pressure
(mmHg) for the ballast.

Set Bridge
Set Bridge sets the gain of the TC Cell.

The TC Cell gain has been set during the manufacturing process. It is
not necessary to reset the gain unless it has been serviced or
1. Click Auto Set Bridge to automatically set the gain of the TC Cell.
The gain factor will appear in the edit box to the left of the set
bridge button.
2. To manually set the gain, enter the gain factor in the edit box and
click Set Bridge. The gain factor must be between 0 and 255. This
can be used for troubleshooting or servicing the instrument.

Backup (Hardware) Calibration

Backup Calibration permits the operator to save hardware calibration
parameter values in a designated file on the system hard drive. This
file can be accessed at a later time to restore hardware calibration
values that may have been lost or changed. It is not necessary to
backup the calibration values to save them; the instrument will
automatically save them in a system file. It is necessary to save them
in a backup file if you think you'll ever need to restore them to earlier
defined hardware calibration values.
Backup Calibration saves the following parameter values:
• Barometric Pressure Calibration
• Combustion Flow Calibration
• TC Bridge Value
• Furnace Calibrations
• IR Cell Reference and Saturation Values
Perform this procedure if you feel it will be necessary to restore
calibration values that were lost.
It is not necessary to perform this procedure to save the calibration
values. The instrument automatically does this in a system file.

8–8 FP628 Diagnostics

Backup Calibration Values
1. Click Diagnostics and select Calibration. The Hardware Calibration
screen will appear.

2. Click Backup to create a backup file of the hardware calibration

parameter values. The file save as dialog box will appear.

3. Enter the file name and folder location in the dialog box.
4. Click Save to save the backup file.

Diagnostics FP628 8–9

Restore Calibration Values
1. Click Diagnostics and select Calibration. The Hardware Calibration
screen will appear.

2. Click Restore to load the hardware calibration values that have

been saved in a backup file. The file open dialog box will appear.

3. Select the folder and backup file from the dialog box.
4. Click Open to load the calibration values from the selected backup

8–10 FP628 Diagnostics

Network Diagnostics

The electronic design of the instrument is modular. It consists of a

main controller, similar to a host computer, and peripheral electronic
assemblies, which are controlled from the main controller. During
operation all peripheral assemblies communicate with the main
controller over a common electronic bus. Because of this arrangement
information can be displayed and assemblies controlled from the
network screen.
From the Network screen the type of hardware installed can be
identified, the version of firmware identified, the operational status of
the peripheral devices can be determined, the network can be reset, a
network device can be reset and the firmware can be upgraded.
The spreadsheet in the upper right area of the screen lists the device,
identification, classification, instance used, serial number, version
number of the application software, checksum of the applications
software and the version of the network software. Refer to Network
Definitions on page 8–12.

1. Click on the Diagnostics tab.

2. Select Network.
3. The Network screen will appear.

Diagnostics FP628 8–11

Poll Devices
Click Poll Devices to send a signal over the network to determine what
is connected to the network. Network hardware should appear under
devices indicating they are functioning and signing on to the network.

Reset Network
Click Reset Network to restart the network software. If something or
some operation causes an error this may correct it.

Upgrade a Device
1. To upgrade a device with a new version of application firmware,
click the Device to upgrade. Then click Download to download the
new firmware.
2. Click Reset Board to restart firmware application program on the
circuit board.

Network Definitions
Device—The name of the electronic assembly connected to the
network. Example: TC Cell.
MAC-id—The network ID number assigned to the electronic assembly
connected to the network. This number is assigned at power up and
can vary.
Class—The type number of the electronic assembly signed on to the
network. Example: 21 is the class number assigned to the TC Cell.
Instance—A unique number assigned to an electronic assembly. If two
or more of the same type electronic assemblies are installed in the
instrument this number will be different for each assembly and is used
by the controller to differentiate one from the other.
Serial—The hardware ID number assigned to the electronic assembly.
This number is assigned during manufacturing and is unique to each
electronic assembly. The serial number is stored on the circuit board in
Version—The version number of the application software located on
the electronic assembly. This software can be upgraded from the
network procedure.
Checksum—A number unique to the application software to verify if
the software was properly installed. The will be a checksum number
supplied with any software upgrades. Make sure that the number
appearing in the checksum cell is the same as the number supplied
with the software upgrade.
NI Version—The version number of the network control software
installed in the electronic assembly. This software is located in a PROM
and cannot be upgraded from the network procedure.
Hardware ID—Additional circuit board hardware identification.
FPGA Version—The version of the FPGA (Field Programmable Gate
Array) software.

8–12 FP628 Diagnostics

Furnace Diagnostics

The Furnace diagnostics screen is used to test the furnace and verify
proper operation. The meters on the right side of the screen can be
used to monitor Furnace Temperature.
When testing the furnace, set the temperature and observe the target
value. The furnace should ramp to the set value and remain there.
Refer to Furnace Diagnostics Definitions on page 8–14.
Click Diagnostics and select Furnace. The Furnace diagnostics
screen will appear.

Diagnostics FP628 8–13

Furnace Temperature Control
The Combustion Temperature and Afterburner Temperature dialog
boxes permit the operator to set the furnace temperatures for service
and Maintenance.

After exiting diagnostics any temperatures that were

changed will revert back to their previous settings.

Combustion Furnace and Afterburner Temperature Control

1. Click the temperature edit box, or move the slider, and enter the
desired furnace temperature.
2. Click Set New Targets to set the furnace temperature. The
furnace will increase or decrease in temperature to the set
3. Click Stop to disable control of the furnace temperature. The
temperature will decrease to ambient.

Reduction Tube Temperature Control

The reduction tube temperature control dialog box is used to turn the
reduction heater off or on. When control is turned on the reduction
tube temperature is automatically set to 700oC.
The reduction tube heater is also referred to as the catalyst heater.
1. Click Stop to turn temperature control of the reduction tube
heater off.
2. Click Restart to turn temperature control of the reduction tube
heater on.

Ballast Oven Temperature Control

The ballast oven temperature control dialog box is used to turn the
ballast oven heater off or on. When control is turned on the ballast
oven temperature is automatically set to 45oC.
1. Click Stop to turn temperature control of the ballast oven heater
2. Click Restart to turn temperature control of the ballast oven
heater on.

Furnace Diagnostics Definitions

Target Value—The temperature that the furnace will ramp to. This can
be higher or lower than the current temperature. This value is set by
the slider and appears in the window below target value.
Ramp Target—The current temperature of the furnace. The ramp
target temperature will change at the furnace temperature increases
or decreases.

8–14 FP628 Diagnostics

Leak Check

DO NOT perform a leak check until the furnace temperature has

This procedure automatically checks the combustion (oxygen) and
measurement (TC carrier gas) system of the instrument for a gas leak.
The entire system or a segment of the system can be checked.
Performing both tests can isolate a leak. If the system leak check fails,
perform a segmented test to determine which section of the system is
During a leak check the system is pressured above current system
furnace pressure and sealed. It’s then permitted to equilibrate. For the
next 60 seconds the system pressure is measured. If the pressure
doesn’t fall below 5 mm Hg of the pressurized value or rise above 2.5
mmHg of the pressurized value the leak check will pass. If the
pressure changes more the leak check fails.
If pressure has increased a solenoid valve is not operating properly or
the catalyst heater temperature has not stabilized. If pressure has
decreased gas could be leaking out of the system.
If the system leaks “Leak Check Failed” appears in the leak check
status bar. If the system doesn’t leak “Leak Check Passed” appears
in the status bar.
Let the instrument warm up for at least for 30 minutes before
performing a leak check. A whole oxygen and a whole TC carrier gas
leak check should be performed at the start of each day.

How to Perform a Leak Check

There are two leak checks, a whole system leak check and a
segmented system leak check. Like its name implies, the segmented
leak check isolates small sections of the system and tests them
individually. When performing a leak check, first perform a whole
system check and determine if the systems passes. If it does, STOP
there, it’s not necessary to continue with the segmented test. If the
whole system leak check doesn’t pass, then perform a segmented test.
By isolating sections of the system you can determine which section is
leaking and concentrate your service efforts in that area.
It’s possible for the whole system leak check to pass, and a segmented
leak check to fail. The whole system has a greater volume than the
isolated systems. Because of this, a small leak to the whole system
leak check looks like a large leak to an isolated segment leak check. As
long as the whole system leak check passes the instrument is
operating properly and is capable of producing excellent results.

Diagnostics FP628 8–15

Refer to Leak Check Screen Definitions and Leak Check Legend
Symbols on page 8–17 for additional information.
1. Click Diagnostics and select Leak Check. The Leak Check screen
will appear.

2. Click a button in the upper left of the screen to select the leak
check procedure to perform. Only one procedure can be selected
at a time.
3. Click Start to perform a leak check. System pressure is monitored
in the chart at the middle of the screen.
4. Click Stop to abort a leak check in progress.
5. Click Print to print the results of a completed leak check on the
system printer.

8–16 FP628 Diagnostics

Leak Check Definitions

Refer to the Leak Check Diagrams on page 8–19 to determine where

each system, listed below, is located in the instrument.
Whole Oxygen—Click this button to pressurize and leak check the
entire combustion system.
Whole Helium—Click this button to pressurize and leak check the
entire measurement system.

The Segmented Oxygen consists of t different sections, Combustion,

Ballast and IR Cells.
Segmented Oxygen—Click this button to pressurize and leak check the
combustion system. The combustion system will be leak checked in
three steps.
He Aliquot Loop—Click this button to pressurize and leak check the
measurement system. The measurement system will be leak checked
in two steps.
Initial Pressure (graph)—The system pressure before the leak check is
started. The system is pressurized to this value.
Overpressure (graph)—Overpressure is approximately 2.5 mmHg
above initial pressure. If the pressure rises above this value the leak
check will fail.
Leak (graph)—Leak pressure is approximately 5 mmHg below initial
pressure. If the pressure falls below this value the leak check will fail.

Diagnostics FP628 8–17

Leak Check Legend Symbols
Under Legend on the leak check screen are two columns of symbols.
The first column represents the measurement transducer. After the
test is complete, the color of the symbol represents test results.
The second column represents test progress. Before the test starts the
box is empty, no color. As soon as the test starts the box is filled with
a color. After the test is complete a check mark appears in the box.

Combustion Pressure Transducer symbol. After the leak check is

finished the color indicates the test result.
Green—The leak check passed.
Red—The leak check failed. Decrease in system pressure. An X
will appear over the symbol.
Yellow—The leak check failed. Increase in system pressure.
Ballast Pressure Transducer symbol. After the leak check is
finished the color indicates the test result.
Green—The leak check passed.
Red—The leak check failed. Decrease in system pressure. An X
will appear over the symbol.
Yellow—The leak check failed. Increase in system pressure.

This symbol indicates leak check progress. No color indicates leak

check is not started.
This symbol indicates leak check progress. Color indicates leak
check has started.
This symbol indicates leak check progress. A check mark indicates
leak check has finished.

8–18 FP628 Diagnostics

Leak Check Flow Diagrams

Figure 8-1
Oxygen Leak Check Flow Diagram

Diagnostics FP628 8–19

Figure 8-2
Whole Carrier Gas Leak Check Flow Diagram

8–20 FP628 Diagnostics

Figure 8-3
Oxygen Furnace Leak Check Diagram

Diagnostics FP628 8–21

Figure 8-4
Ballast Leak Check Diagram

8–22 FP628 Diagnostics

Figure 8-5
Aliqout Doser Leak Check Diagram

Diagnostics FP628 8–23

Figure 8-6
TC Carrier Gas Aliquot Doser Leak Check Diagram

8–24 FP628 Diagnostics

Figure 8-7
TC Carrier Gas Aliquot Bypass Doser Leak Check Diagram

Diagnostics FP628 8–25

System Check

System check is a quick way to determine if major systems in the

instrument are operating properly. All systems should have a green
indicator beside them before the instrument is used for analysis.
The results of system check will be listed in the results column to the
right of the item checked. If any of the system checks fail, the reason
will be listed in the results column.
If a system fails system check, it will be necessary to correct the
failure before analysis. Refer to System Check Definitions on
page 8–27.
1. Click Diagnostics and select System Check. The System Check
screen will appear.

2. Click Start to system check and test the systems listed on the
3. The results of system check will be displayed to the right of the
system being checked under the results column. An X inside the
circle to the left of the system also indicates the system checked
4. Click Print to print the results of the system check on the system

8–26 FP628 Diagnostics

System Check Definitions
Network Communications—Communications between all electronic
assemblies are checked and monitored. If any device on the network
fails to communicate this system check will fail. Refer to Network
Diagnostics on page 8–11 for more information.
Solenoid Active—During this check each solenoid valve is activated and
monitored. If any solenoid valve fails to activate system check will fail.
Refer to Solenoids and Switches on page 8–28 to check each solenoid
valve individually.
Solenoids Off—During this check each solenoid valve is deactivated
and monitored. If any solenoid valve fails to deactivate system check
will fail. Refer to Solenoids and Switches on page 8–28 to check each
solenoid valves individually.
Pneumatic and Helium Pressure—Checks the incoming pneumatic and
helium pressures to determine if they have been turned on and set to
the proper value. If this check fails check the pneumatic and helium
gas tanks to determine if the gas has been turned on and the regulator
properly set. If any pressure falls outside the range listed below the
test will fail.
• Pneumatic Pressure Range—38 to 42 psi.
• Helium Pressure Range—10 to 13.1 psi.
Pressure—Checks the combustion, incoming oxygen and TC ballast
pressures for their proper values. If any pressure falls outside the
range listed below the test will fail.
• Combustion Pressure Range—0 to 2 psi.
• TC Ballast Pressure Range—700 to 780 mmHg.
Temperature—Checks the temperature of all heaters to determine if
they’re properly set and operating. If any temperature falls outside the
range listed below the test will fail.
• TE Cooler Temperature Range—2oC to 10oC.
• Oven Heater Temperature Range—5oC to 55oC.
• Combustion Furnace, Afterburner Furnace, Reduction Heater
Temperature Range— ± 10% of set point.
• Oven Temperature Range—set point to + 50oC.
• High Flow Range—3.99 to 5.01 lpm.
IR and TC Cell Values—Checks the IR and TC cell output voltages to
determine if they are in the proper range. Refer to Ambient Monitor
Definitions on page 8–4 for more information. If any voltage falls
outside the range listed below the test will fail.
• IR Cell Output Voltage Range—1.0 to 4.8 volts
• TC Cell Output Voltage Range—0.1 to 1.5 volts

Diagnostics FP628 8–27

Solenoids and Switches

Solenoids and Switches permit the service technician or operator to

individually activate and deactivate each of the solenoid valves. This is
a diagnostic test to determine the condition of the valve and its
operational result. As an example, the slide block can be moved to
determine its condition by toggling the Slide Block solenoid valve. To
determine what each valve may affect refer to the Measurement Flow
Diagram, on page 7–4.

1. Click Diagnostics and select Solenoids and Switches. The

Solenoids and Switches screen will appear.

2. Click the Check Box next to the desired solenoid valve or switch
to activate or deactivate it. A check mark in the box indicates it’s
3. Check Solenoids to highlight and locate the solenoid valves on the
flow diagram.
4. Check Gauges to locate the system pressure gauges and display
their current pressure reading on the flow diagram.
5. Check Cells to locate the IR and TC cells and display their current
cell voltage on the flow diagram.

8–28 FP628 Diagnostics

9 Service
This section contains common service procedures that may correct
operational problems with the instrument. If you still experience
difficulties after referencing this information, please contact the LECO
Service Department at 269-982-5497 for assistance.

No table of contents entries found.Illustrations ................................. 9–3

Installing LECO Software ................................................................ 9–4
Required Settings for LECO Software .......................................... 9–4
Operating System (OS) Requirements ................................... 9–4
OS User Permission Requirements ......................................... 9–4
Data File Permissions ........................................................... 9–5
Antivirus Software ............................................................... 9–5
Control Panel Settings ......................................................... 9–6
Software Installation Procedure ................................................. 9–6
Configuring the Ethernet Adapter .................................................. 9–13
Windows 7 ............................................................................ 9–13
Configuring Firewall Settings ........................................................ 9–18
Configuring DHCPLite ................................................................... 9–19
Connecting Instrument to a Network That Uses 10.10.10.x
Addresses ........................................................................ 9–19
Changing the IP Address for LECO Instruments in Windows .... 9–21
Registering Software ................................................................... 9–23
Troubleshooting Software Registration ...................................... 9–25
Submitting Registration Information to LECO ............................. 9–25
Adding an Option or Changing Customer Name .......................... 9–27
Troubleshooting Copy Protection Key ............................................. 9–29
Copy Protection Key Error Messages ......................................... 9–29
Connecting Instrument to a Network That Uses 10.10.10.x
Addresses ........................................................................ 9–29
Changing the IP Address for LECO Instruments in Windows .... 9–31
Loading Head Alignment and Adjustment ....................................... 9–34
Initial Alignment .................................................................... 9–34
Initial Adjustment .................................................................. 9–38
Loading Head Interface Block Cleaning .......................................... 9–39
Disassembly .......................................................................... 9–39
Assembly .............................................................................. 9–40
Carousel Alignment ..................................................................... 9–41

Service FP628 9–1

TC Cell Removal and Service ........................................................ 9–43
Removal ............................................................................... 9–43
Service ................................................................................. 9–43
IR Cell Removal and Service ......................................................... 9–44
Removal ............................................................................... 9–44
Service ................................................................................. 9–45
Cleaning ............................................................................... 9–45
Troubleshooting .......................................................................... 9–46
Troubleshooting Table............................................................. 9–46

9–2 FP628 Service


Figure 9-1 Male Mounting Block Top Screws ......................................9–35

Figure 9-2 Male Mounting Block Screws ............................................9–36
Figure 9-3 Loading Heading Alignment—Interface Block ......................9–37
Figure 9-4 Slide Block Speed Adjustments .........................................9–38
Figure 9-5 Carousel Actuator Arm Alignmnet .....................................9–42
Figure 9-6 Carousel Alignment .........................................................9–42

Service FP628 9–3

Installing LECO Software

The following section explains the required settings, below, and the
installation procedure, page 9–6, for LECO software. Additional
information can be found in Configuring the Ethernet Adaptor, page 9–
13, Configuring Firewall Settings, page 9–18, Configuring DHCPLite,
page 9–19, and Registering the Software, page 9–19.

Required Settings for LECO Software

Operating System (OS) Requirements

The following table explains the minimum settings required for LECO
software. LECO recommends that the system always be updated to
correspond with the latest service packs available at

Windows OS Minimum Requirements

7 (64-bit) None
*SP=Service Pack; **URP=Update Rollup; ***IE=Internet Explorer

OS User Permission Requirements

The following table shows the minimum permissions that a user must
have in the Microsoft Windows OS in order to perform certain tasks in
the software. Refer to Users Permissions.

Task Minimum Permission

Using Software Standard User
Installing Software Administrator
Upgrading Software Administrator
Setting up Users Administrator
LECO Service Administrator

9–4 FP628 Service

Data File Permissions
To use LECO software, read-write access is required for all the data
files. The proper permissions are automatically set up during the
software installation; however, if these permissions are ever changed,
file access errors can occur. The following table shows the data folders
that require read-write permissions.

Data Folder (including all

subfolders/files) (Use the appropriate
drive letter, typically C.)
7 (64-bit) ProgramData\LECO (hidden OS folder)

Antivirus Software
LECO recommends that antivirus checking be turned off
for the files listed below to avoid interference with data
collection or storage.

Data Folder (including all

Windows subfolders/files) (Use the
OS appropriate drive letter, typically
7 (64-bit) ProgramData\LECO (hidden OS folder)

Service FP628 9–5

Control Panel Settings

Control Panel Item Required Setting

Power Power Schemes Always On

Options Turn off Hard Disks Never
If Fast User Switching is
active (off by default on PCs
from LECO), close the LECO
Use Fast User Switching software in one account
before switching to a
different account and trying
to run it there.

Software Installation Procedure

The Software must be started at least once on the administrative

level since the software must be able to access and modify the

Do not install the Copy Protection Key until after the software has
been installed.

1. Verify the instrument is turned off.

2. Turn on the computer tower.
3. Install the communications cable (typically Ethernet or USB) as
appropriate for the instrument.
4. For an Ethernet connection, configure the Ethernet adapter. Refer
to Configuring Ethernet Adapter, page 9–13.
5. Log in to the operating system as administrator.
6. Insert the software installation CD-ROM into the CD-ROM disk
drive (typically D).
7. Install the LECO DHCPLite software by clicking OK when the
following message appears. (If the LECO DHCPLite software is
already installed or not applicable, this message will not appear.)

8. If a version of Adobe Reader is already installed, refer to step 14.

If Adobe Reader is not installed, the following dialog box will

9–6 FP628 Service

9. Select Yes. The following message box will appear to indicate
Adobe Reader is preparing for installation.

10. Determine the folder location for Adobe Reader. Select Next for
the default location, or select Browse, select a different location,
and then select Next.

Service FP628 9–7

11. When the "Ready to Install Program" dialog box appears, click

12. When the "Setup Completed" dialog box appears, click Finish.

9–8 FP628 Service

13. If the instrument software Welcome dialog box does not appear
A. Select the Start button in the lower left-hand corner.
B. Select Run. The Run dialog box is displayed.
C. Enter D:\Setup.exe and then select OK. (The letter D
indicates the location of the CD Rom drive. Typically this
drive is D, but the letter that is entered should correspond
with the CD-ROM drive on the computer's hard drive.)
14. At the instrument software Welcome dialog box, click Next.

Service FP628 9–9

15. Determine the folder location for the software. Select Next for the
default location, or select Browse, select a different location, and
then select Next.

16. Select Next to install the software.

9–10 FP628 Service

17. Once the software has installed successfully, select Finish. The
icon for the instrument software will appear on the desktop.

18. After installing the software, it may be necessary to restart the

system. If the following dialog box displays, select Yes to
immediately restart the system.

Service FP628 9–11

19. Turn on the instrument.
20. Turn on the gas supplies.
21. Double-click the desktop icon for the instrument software to start
the software.
22. If the Edit Registration dialog box appears, refer to Registering
the Software, page 9–19.

9–12 FP628 Service

Configuring the Ethernet Adapter

The following procedure is necessary for the proper operation of the

software with a Copy Protection Key and applies for computer systems
that are not supplied by LECO. For computers supplied by LECO, this
configuration has already been completed.

It is required that PCs used for running LECO applications be

configured with a separate Ethernet adapter dedicated for
communications with LECO instrumentation. (Connection to a
network would require a second Ethernet port.)

Windows 7

The following steps apply when using the Windows 7 operating


1. Click on the Windows desktop and then click Control Panel.

2. Click Network and Sharing.

Service FP628 9–13

3. Click Change Adapter Settings.

4. Right-click on the name of the connection for the instrument and

rename it to LECO Hardware.

5. Right-click and select Properties.

9–14 FP628 Service

6. Clear all of the check boxes except Internet Protocol Version 4

Service FP628 9–15

7. Highlight Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) by clicking on it
and then select Properties.

9–16 FP628 Service

8. For IP address, enter 10 10 10 2, and for Subnet mask, enter 255
255 255 0. The remaining fields should be empty as shown

9. Click OK.

Service FP628 9–17

Configuring Firewall Settings

When the LECO software is installed, it automatically configures the

Microsoft Windows firewall settings for the instrument software. (If the
Microsoft Windows firewall settings are ever changed, the easiest fix is
to reinstall the LECO software.)

The following steps apply only when a firewall program other than
Microsoft Windows is used.

1. If another firewall program is installed, search all folders and

subfolders in C:\Program Files (x86)\LECO.
These are the default locations; however, the default location may
vary if it was changed during the software installation.
2. Follow the instructions for the firewall program to grant these
.exe files permission in order to run the LECO software.

9–18 FP628 Service

Configuring DHCPLite

The following section explains the process for connecting an instrument

controlling PC to a corporate network.
When operating instrument with user permissions enabled and using
domain names for logging in instead of local PC accounts, you must
manually add each of the domain users to the list and assign them
the appropriate permissions.

Connecting Instrument to a Network That Uses 10.10.10.x Addresses

The PC that controls the LECO instrument(s) has a network board dedicated
to communicating with the LECO instrument(s). A unique IP address is
assigned to that board. Unique IP addresses are also assigned to each LECO
instrument connected to the PC. (One IP for the PC board and a different IP
for each of the LECO instruments the PC controls.) This is in addition to any
network connection to the corporate network which will have its own unique
IP address.
• Make sure any non-LECO network traffic does NOT hinder data
collection from the LECO instrument.
• If the corporate network uses 10.10.10.x values there could be a
conflict with the PC and/or LECO instrument(s) IP addresses.
To prevent conflict:
1. Close the LECO instrument software.

2. Click on the Windows desktop and then click Control Panel.

3. Click on Administrative Tools.
4. Open the Services status window.
5. Stop the “DHCPLite” Service.
6. Delete any existing .dhcpx files in C:\ProgramData\LECO\DHCPLite folder
(or equivalent on older operating systems).

7. Open the C:\ProgramData\LECO\DHCPLite\Config.xml file (or equivalent

on older operating systems).

Service FP628 9–19

ProgramData is a hidden folder.

8. The ServerAddress is the IP address that will be used for the network
card in the LECO instrument PC that is used for communicating with the
LECO instrument(s).
Change the ServerAddress to an IP value that doesn’t conflict with
anything on the corporate network. The default value is
The value is reserved.
• The IP of the board in the PC that connects to the LECO
instrument(s) must also be changed in Windows to match. Refer
to Changing the IP Address for LECO Instruments in Windows,
page 9–21.
• The customer is responsible for ensuring that the IP addresses
used for the LECO instrument(s) and PC are never assigned to
anything else.
9. The AddressMin and AddressMax are the ending numbers for the IP
address that will be generated for the LECO instrument itself. One unique
IP will be created for each instrument, from within the #.#.#.min through
#.#.#.max range, where #.#.# is from the first three sections of the
Change the AddressMin and AddressMax values so that none of the
values from #.#.#.min to #.#.#.max conflict with any existing
#.#.#.x values being used on the corporate network. The default
value is 3 for min and 254 for max. Make sure the range is large
enough to ensure that every LECO instrument connected to the PC will
have its own unique address.
The customer is responsible for ensuring that the IP addresses used
for the LECO instrument(s) and PC are never assigned to anything
In the following, the PC that controls the LECO instrument(s) uses a
network card for instrument communication that has an IP address of and the IP address that will be generated for the LECO
instrument(s) will be any address from through In this case, all addresses from through should NOT be used by the corporate network because
they are reserved for communication with the LECO instrument(s).
<add key="AddressMin" value="3"/>
<add key="AddressMax" value="254"/>
<add key="ServerAddress" value=""/>
<add key="SubnetMask" value=""/>
10. Save changes made to config.xml.

11. Click on the Windows desktop and then click Control Panel.
12. Click on Administrative Tools.
13. Open the Services status window.

9–20 FP628 Service

14. Restart the “DHCPLite” Service.
15. Start the LECO instrument software.

Changing the IP Address for LECO Instruments in Windows

1. Click on the Windows desktop and then click Control Panel.

2. Click on Network and Sharing Center.
3. Click on the LECO Hardware connection to open it.
Make sure any virus scanning and security measures are
turned off for the LECO Hardware network connection.
4. A status window will come up. Click on the Properties button.
5. In the Properties window, highlight the Internet Protocol Version 4
(TCP/IPv4) line and click on Properties button.

Service FP628 9–21

6. Change the IP address to match the ServerAddress setting in config.xml.

9–22 FP628 Service

Registering Software

To register software for a new instrument and PC from LECO, insert

the copy protection key into a USB port. Refer to Troubleshooting Copy
Protection Key, page 9–29, for further information.
The following procedure applies when the license is being upgraded
due to the addition of new hardware or a new software version. The
software must be registered before it can be used. If a PC is not
purchased from LECO, refer to Submitting Registration Information to
LECO, page 9–25, and contact LECO Service for further information
about registering the instrument.

Do not insert the copy protection key into the USB port until
the LECO software is installed and the PC has been

1. Install Copy Protection Key into a USB port on the computer.

2. Double-click the software's desktop icon.
3. In the software main window, click Help and then click About. The
following dialog box appears:

Service FP628 9–23

4. Click Change. The Edit License dialog box will appear.

5. Registration information can be entered in two ways as explained

below. It is preferable to copy and paste the information to help
avoid errors.
• Type in the registration information exactly as it appears.
• If the upgrade information is received in an email from LECO,
copy and paste the registration information as explained in
the following steps.
A. In the email, highlight the information beginning with
<base64> ........ </base64> as shown below.

B. Copy the information by pressing at the same time Ctrl and

C on the keyboard.
C. On the Edit License dialog box, click Paste. (Do not press
CTRL and V on the keyboard.)
D. Click Save.
E. Click OK when the following dialog box appears:

9–24 FP628 Service

Troubleshooting Software Registration

Error Message Checks and Solutions

Verify all entries in the Edit License

dialog box exactly match the registration
Check capitalization.
Invalid Registration Error Message
Check that the product version is correct.
For example, the Product Version in the
Edit License dialog box will appear as 400
(no period) but on the Help/About dialog
box, the product version will appear as
4.00 (with a period).
Check that the registration number is
Check that the spacing between words is

Submitting Registration Information to LECO

If the PC is not purchased from LECO, it may be necessary to submit
the registration information to LECO Service. Contact LECO Service to
assist you in the registration process. LECO Service will require your
company name, serial number, model number, and any options
purchased. The following section explains this procedure.
1. In the software, click Help and then select About.
2. On the About dialog box, click Change.

Service FP628 9–25

3. The Edit License dialog box will appear. Enter your Customer
(company), Instrument Serial Number, and Options.

4. Click Copy.
5. Open a blank email message and press Ctrl and V on the
keyboard to paste the license information into the email message.
6. Send the email or just the Key number to the LECO designee.

9–26 FP628 Service

Adding an Option or Changing Customer Name
1. Request/purchase option from LECO. LECO will provide a new key
number and registration information.
2. In the software, click Help on the Menu bar and then select
3. On the About dialog box, click Change.

4. The Edit License dialog box will appear.

Service FP628 9–27

5. Registration information can be entered in two ways as explained
below. It is preferable to copy and paste the information to help
avoid errors.
• Type in the registration information exactly as it appears.
• If the upgrade information is received in an email from LECO,
paste the registration information as explained in the
following steps.
A. Select all of the text in the email from LECO.
B. On the Edit License dialog box, click Paste. The information
from the email, including customer name and any options
will appear in the Edit License dialog box.
C. Click Save.

9–28 FP628 Service

Troubleshooting Copy Protection Key

• A Copy Protection Key is required to use the software.

• Do not insert the copy protection key into the USB port until the
LECO software is installed and the PC has been rebooted.
• The Copy Protection Key should remain installed in one of the
USB ports while using the software.

Copy Protection Key Error Messages

The Copy Protection Key Not Found or License Not Valid dialog box
may appear if the copy protection key is not installed, the software is
not registered, or the software is already running. Follow the steps
• Verify the copy protection key is installed. If not,
1. Click OK, and then insert the copy protection key.
2. On the Licenses dialog box, click Close. The software login will
• If the copy protection key is installed, the software may not be
1. Click OK.
2. Insert the copy protection key. The Licenses dialog box will

3. Click on the old version and then click Change. Follow the
instructions in Configuring DHCPLite
The following section explains the process for connecting an instrument
controlling PC to a corporate network.
When operating instrument with user permissions enabled and using
domain names for logging in instead of local PC accounts, you must
manually add each of the domain users to the list and assign them
the appropriate permissions.

Connecting Instrument to a Network That Uses 10.10.10.x Addresses

Service FP628 9–29

The PC that controls the LECO instrument(s) has a network board dedicated
to communicating with the LECO instrument(s). A unique IP address is
assigned to that board. Unique IP addresses are also assigned to each LECO
instrument connected to the PC. (One IP for the PC board and a different IP
for each of the LECO instruments the PC controls.) This is in addition to any
network connection to the corporate network which will have its own unique
IP address.
• Make sure any non-LECO network traffic does NOT hinder data
collection from the LECO instrument.
• If the corporate network uses 10.10.10.x values there could be a
conflict with the PC and/or LECO instrument(s) IP addresses.
To prevent conflict:
16. Close the LECO instrument software.

17. Click on the Windows desktop and then click Control Panel.

18. Click on Administrative Tools.

19. Open the Services status window.

20. Stop the “DHCPLite” Service.

21. Delete any existing .dhcpx files in C:\ProgramData\LECO\DHCPLite folder

(or equivalent on older operating systems).

22. Open the C:\ProgramData\LECO\DHCPLite\Config.xml file (or equivalent

on older operating systems).

ProgramData is a hidden folder.

The ServerAddress is the IP address that will be used for the network
card in the LECO instrument PC that is used for communicating with the
LECO instrument(s).
23. Change the ServerAddress to an IP value that doesn’t conflict with
anything on the corporate network. The default value is The
value is reserved.

9–30 FP628 Service

The IP of the board in the PC that connects to the LECO instrument(s)
must also be changed in Windows to match. Refer to Changing the IP
Address for LECO Instruments in Windows, page 9–22.
• The customer is responsible for ensuring that the IP addresses
used for the LECO instrument(s) and PC are never assigned to
anything else.
The AddressMin and AddressMax are the ending numbers for the IP
address that will be generated for the LECO instrument itself. One unique
IP will be created for each instrument, from within the #.#.#.min through
#.#.#.max range, where #.#.# is from the first three sections of the
24. Change the AddressMin and AddressMax values so that none of the values
from #.#.#.min to #.#.#.max conflict with any existing #.#.#.x values
being used on the corporate network. The default value is 3 for min and
254 for max. Make sure the range is large enough to ensure that every
LECO instrument connected to the PC will have its own unique address.

The customer is responsible for ensuring that the IP addresses used

for the LECO instrument(s) and PC are never assigned to anything
25. In the following, the PC that controls the LECO instrument(s) uses a
network card for instrument communication that has an IP address of and the IP address that will be generated for the LECO
instrument(s) will be any address from through
In this case, all addresses from through should
NOT be used by the corporate network because they are reserved for
communication with the LECO instrument(s).

<add key="AddressMin" value="3"/>
<add key="AddressMax" value="254"/>
<add key="ServerAddress" value=""/>
<add key="SubnetMask" value=""/>
26. Save changes made to config.xml.

27. Click on the Windows desktop and then click Control Panel.
28. Click on Administrative Tools.
29. Open the Services status window.
30. Restart the “DHCPLite” Service.
31. Start the LECO instrument software.

Changing the IP Address for LECO Instruments in Windows

7. Click on the Windows desktop and then click Control Panel.

Service FP628 9–31

8. Click on Network and Sharing Center.
9. Click on the LECO Hardware connection to open it.
• Make sure any virus scanning and security measures are turned
off for the LECO Hardware network connection.
32. A status window will come up. Click on the Properties button.

33. In the Properties window, highlight the Internet Protocol Version 4

(TCP/IPv4) line and click on Properties button.



9–32 FP628 Service

36. Change the IP address to match the ServerAddress setting in config.xml.



4. Registering Software, beginning with step 5.

• If the copy protection key is installed, the software may already be

running on the computer. Click Close.

Service FP628 9–33

Loading Head Alignment and Adjustment

Initial Alignment
Before the load head assembly is ever placed onto the load head
interface block, the following procedure must be followed to insure
easy removal/installation of the load head assembly.
1. Loosen the following screws to allow alignment the loading head
assembly, to the load head interface block on the dual furnace
assembly. Refer to Figure 10-28 for screw part numbers.
A. Loosen (2) screws which secure the male mounting block to
the loading head assembly. Refer to Figure 9-1.
B. Loosen the screw which secures the connector assembly to
the male mounting block.
C. Loosen the (2) setscrews in the male mounting block. Refer
to Figure 9-2.
D. Loosen the (2) screws that secures the female mounting
block to load head interface block on the furnace assembly.
Refer to Figure 9-3.
E. Loosen the screw which secures the connector assembly to
the female mounting block.
F. Back off the setscrew in the female mounting block.
2. With everything above loosened, carefully align loading head
assembly and the load head interface block on the furnace
3. Grab the loading head at each side, carefully line-up the male
electrical connector on the loading head and the female connector
on the loading head interface block. At the same time, verify the
three nipples from the loading head are lined up with the bores
on the load head interface block. Once aligned, push down. You
may hear a hissing sound.
4. Tighten the captive screws in the loading head to secure it to the
loading head interface block. Any hissing sound should disappear.
If a hissing sound continues, remove load head and refer to the
loading head interface block maintenance on page 9–39.

9–34 FP628 Service

5. After the loading head is secured to the load head interface block.
A. Tighten the screw which secures the connector assembly to
the female mounting block.
B. Tighten the setscrew in the female mounting block until it
hits the base loading head.
C. Tighten the (2) screws which secure the female mounting
block to the base loading head.
D. Tighten the screw which secures the connector assembly to
the male mounting block.
E. Tighten the (2) setscrews, in the male mounting block until
it hits the loading head top.
F. Tighten the (2) screws, 190-867, which secure the male
mounting block to the load head assembly.
6. To check alignment, remove and install the FP628 loading head
7. If load head is easily removed and installed then you have
successfully aligned the FP628 load head assembly.
8. If the loading head is NOT easily removed and installed, then
repeat steps 1 thru 4.

Figure 9-1
Male Mounting Block Top Screws

Service FP628 9–35

Number Description
1 Setscrews
2 Screws
Figure 9-2
Male Mounting Block Screws

9–36 FP628 Service

Number Description
1 Setscrew
2 Female Mounting Block
3 Screws
4 Setscrew

Figure 9-3
Loading Heading Alignment—Interface Block

Service FP628 9–37

Initial Adjustment
1. Adjust slide block speed by:
A. Click Diagnostics and select Solenoids and Switches.
B. Uncheck the Slide Block Seal, SV18, to turn it off.
C. From the Diagnostics screen, toggle the slide block, SV13
and SV14, open and closed. Adjust the speed control screws
on SV13 and SV14 to slow the movement if necessary.
Solenoid valves SV13 and SV14 are the only valves on the
pneumatics manifold that have speed adjustments.
2. Adjust the carousel indexer. Refer to the Carousel Alignment
Procedure on page 9–41.

Figure 9-4
Slide Block Speed Adjustments

9–38 FP628 Service

Loading Head Interface Block Cleaning

This procedure should be used to clean and service the Loading Head
Interface Block.
Perform the Instrument Shutdown procedure before removing the
Loading Head. Refer to Instrument Shutdown on page 5–12.

1. Turn off the pneumatic gas supply.
2. Remove the loading head. Refer to the load head removal
procedure on page 9–34.
3. Remove top furnace plate.
4. Remove lance assembly. Refer to the lance assembly removal
5. Remove and inspect the loading head block interface seal o-ring,
601-504. Lightly apply a thin coating of vacuum grease to the
6. From Diagnostics access the Solenoids and Switches screen.
A. Toggle the Set Slide Block Seal (SV18) solenoid to relieve
pressure in lines.
B. Toggle Slide Block Open and Close (SV13/SV14) solenoid to
relieve pressure in lines.
7. Remove the (2) 8-32 socket head screws, 190-867, which secure
the valve cap.
8. Carefully remove the valve cap. Make sure the three o-rings
underneath the valve cap remain on the interface block.
9. Inspect and clean valve cap.
10. Inspect and clean three o-rings. Lightly apply a thin coating of
vacuum grease to the o-rings.
11. Remove (2) balls, 805-079, and (2) springs, 617-212, from two
outside bores.
12. Inspect and clean the balls, springs, and holes.

Service FP628 9–39

1. Insert (2) springs, 617-212, into two outside holes in load head
interface block. Springs cannot be inserted into middle hole.
2. Place (2) balls, 805-079 into two outside holes in load head
interface block.
3. Lightly coat the o-rings with vacuum grease and place the three
o-rings into the three holes on the load head interface block.
4. Place the clean valve cap onto load head interface block. Line-up
the corresponding holes on the valve cap to the mating holes on
the load head interface block. Tighten the screws to secure valve
5. Install the loading head to interface block seal o-ring.
6. Apply a light coating of vacuum grease to the or-ing on top of the
lance assembly and install the lance assembly into the loading
7. Turn on the pneumatic gas supply.

9–40 FP628 Service

Carousel Alignment

Alignment must be after once the loading head is adjusted. Refer to

Loading Head Adjustment on page 9–4.
When the carousel is properly adjusted it will not make a ringing noise
when actuated.

Keep your hands away from the carousel and loading head
during operation.

1. Click Diagnostics and select Solenoids and Switches.

2. Uncheck the Slide Block Seal (SV18) solenoid to open it.
3. Click the Slide Block solenoid (SV13/SV14) and move the slide
block to the closed position.
4. Loosen the carousel actuator arm mounting screws. Refer to
Figure 9-5.
5. Position the hole in the center of the arm over the hole in the
slide block.
6. Be sure that the edges of the two pieces are parallel.
7. Tighten the carousel actuator mounting screws just enough that
the arm can be moved along the slot.
8. Place the carousel on the loading head.
9. The lever on the arm should line up with the tooth on the
carousel. If it doesn’t move the actuator arm until it does. Refer
to Figure 9-6.
10. Once it is aligned, take the carousel off and tighten the two
11. Place the carousel back on the loading head and cycle the Slide
Block solenoid several times to insure that it is indexing the
carousel one position at a time.
12. If the carousel is moving too fast or to slow in either direction,
adjust the speed controls on solenoid valves SV13 and SV14.
Refer to Figure 9-4.

Service FP628 9–41

Figure 9-5
Carousel Actuator Arm Alignmnet

Figure 9-6
Carousel Alignment

9–42 FP628 Service

TC Cell Removal and Service

This procedure should be used to clean and service the TC Cell.

Perform the Instrument Shutdown procedure before removing the TC
cell. Refer to Instrument Shutdown on page 5–12.

Turn the AC power OFF and disconnect the instrument from
the facility electrical power source.

1. Remove the right side panel from the instrument.
2. Remove the plastic cover from the oven assembly.
3. Loosen the TC cell Thumbscrew.
4. Remove the TC cell cover.
5. Disconnect the network electrical connection to the TC cell.
6. Loosen the Captive Screw.
7. Pull the TC cell away and out of the oven.

1. Check the condition of the o-rings. If they are cracked or worn
replace them.
2. If you having a problem with the TC Cell, ambient values, a gas
leak, or measurement results, contact the LECO service
department for further information.

Service FP628 9–43

IR Cell Removal and Service

This procedure should be used to clean and service the IR Cell.

When performing maintenance on Genesis IR cells, use care

not to touch optical surfaces and to prevent contamination
of windows and filters by airborne dust or fibers. Prior to
reassembly, inspect all optical surfaces for contaminations.
Blow/clean dust or fibers with dry air. Clean fingerprints
with isopropyl alcohol and 100% cotton swab. Optical
surfaces included emitter and detector housings, short cell
bodies, emitters, detectors and gold tubes.

Turn the AC power OFF and disconnect the instrument from
the facility electrical power source.

The emitter is a static sensitive device. Standard

precautionary measures should be taken when handling to
avoid damaging the device through ESD.

Perform the Instrument Shutdown procedure before removing the IR

cell. Refer to Instrument Shutdown on page 5–12.

1. Remove the right side panel from the instrument.
2. Remove the plastic cover from the oven assembly.
3. Remove the foam insulation covering the IR cells.
4. Remove the two IR cell mounting screws.
5. Pull the IR cell away and out of the oven.

9–44 FP628 Service

1. Check the condition of the o-rings. If they are cracked or worn
replace them.
2. If you having a problem with the IR Cell, IR Cell ambient values,
a gas leak, or measurement results, contact the LECO service
department for further information.

1. Only if necessary, remove the detector assembly to clean the
tube with isopropyl alcohol and a 100% cotton swab. Dry tube
2. Prior to reassembly, inspect all optical surfaces for contamination.
Blow/clean dust or fibers with dry air. Clean fingerprints with
isopropyl alcohol and 100% cotton swab.

Service FP628 9–45


Use the troubleshooting table to locate and correct problems that may
develop with the instrument.

Troubleshooting Table

Observed Problem Possible Cause Recommended Solution

Power to instrument Check that the power cord
maybe be off. is plugged in.
The power supply (PS1) Check that the LED’s on
may have failed. the cards are lit. Check
that 24 VDC is present on
J512AL and J512AK on the
All parameters in the distribution card 666-512.
software Ambient Chart Communications to the Try to reset the network in
are flat-lining. instrument may be lost. the software diagnostics
page. If this doesn't work,
exit software, cycle power
to the instrument and
restart the software. If
this doesn't work, check
the Ethernet connection
between PC and
There is a problem with Check electrical
the sensor that is flat- connections to sensors.
lining. If the flat-line is at Check that valves are
the limit of the range of working properly.
that sensor, the sensor
Some parameters in the may be disconnected.
software Ambient Chart A circuit card might not be Using the cabinet
are flat-lining. working properly. schematic, check if all flat-
lining parameters in the
ambient chart are from the
same circuit card. If so,
check that the LED's on
the card are lit. Check
electrical connections to
the card. Also check the
log file.
Readings and valve states Check the log file for Check for electrical shorts
are wrong. errors. on circuit cards.

9–46 FP628 Service

Observed Problem Possible Cause Recommended Solution
The diode (CR1) on the This will appear in the
mechanical relay (K2) error log as an error with
might have been installed the FPGA on the furnace
backwards. card. The band on the
diode (CR1) should be on
position 0 of the
mechanical relay (K2).
The connector J394H This will appear in the
might not be connected error log as an error with
correction or a thermostat the FPGA on the furnace
The furnace will not heat. may have tripped, opening card. Check the
the interlock. connections on the 666-
602X170 furnace card

A thermocouple might With the furnace off, check

have failed or became the resistance of the
disconnected. furnace thermocouple
(MT08) which should be
about 1Ω.
A furnace heating element With the furnace off,
may have failed. measure the resistance of
the heating elements in
series which should be
about 20Ω at room
The cell oven fan may Check the cell oven fan
have failed. (FAN3) is working
The detector oven will not properly.
heat. One of the oven heaters Check the resistance of the
may have failed or become oven heaters (HTR1 &
disconnected. HTR2) in parallel should be
about 290Ω.

Service FP628 9–47

Observed Problem Possible Cause Recommended Solution
A temperature sensor may Check the resistance of the
be malfunctioning or temperature sensors:
became disconnected. reduction tube
thermocouple (MT05)
should be between 1 and
5Ω. The ballast (MT03)
thermistor should be about
5000Ω at room
temperature and decrease
with increasing
The reduction tube IR line temperature.
heater (CHN628 only) One of the two fans in the Check the ballast oven
and/or ballast oven will ballast oven may have blower (FAN1), ballast fan
not heat. failed. (FAN2) and ballast fan-
back side (FAN4) are
working properly.
A heater may have failed Check the resistance of the
or became disconnected. heaters: the reduction
tube heater (HTR7) should
be about 175Ω. The ballast
heaters (HTR3 and HTR4)
should be about 260Ω.
Note that the ballast will
not heat if the side panel is
open: check that SW15 is
working properly.
The reduction tube Check the location and
thermocouple (MT05) may resistance of the reduction
be malfunctioning or tube thermocouple
The reduction tube is too became disconnected. (MT05); it should be
hot. between 1 and 5Ω.
The triac on the 666- Check that the 666-
514X140 dual heater card 514X140 dual heater card
(A7) may have failed (A7) is working properly.
A temperature sensor may Check the location and
be malfunctioning or resistance of the ballast
became disconnected. (MT03) thermistor; it
should be about 5000Ω at
room temperature and
decrease with increasing
The ballast oven is too The ambient room Check that the room
hot. temperature may be too temperature is 35°C
high. (95°F) or less. Check that
there is sufficient air flow
around the instrument.
The triac on the 666- Check that the 666-
514X140 dual heater card 514X140 dual heater card
(A7) may have failed (A7) is working properly.

9–48 FP628 Service

Observed Problem Possible Cause Recommended Solution
The Peltier Cooler (HP1) Check the resistance of the
might have failed or Peltier Cooler (HP1) it
become disconnected. should be about 10Ω at
room temperature.
The thermal electric cooler The TEC Thermistor might Check the resistance of the
temperature is not holding have failed or become TEC Thermistor (MT9); it
at 5°C (CN628 and FP628 disconnected. should be 12,700Ω at 5°C
only). and 5,000Ω at 25°C.
The TEC Exhaust fan may Check that the TEC
have failed or become Exhaust Fan (FAN2) is
disconnected. spinning.
Samples wrapped with too Wrap samples so that they
large of a diameter. fit smoothly into carousel.
Carousel not properly Refer to Loading Head
aligned. Alignment and
Adjustment, page 9–4.
Sample drop jaw may be Refer to Loading Head
stuck to due dirt. Cleaning, page 6–36.
Electrical connection on Verify the condition of the
bottom right side of 2-prong electrical
Samples do not drop out loading head may be connector on the loading
of carousel into loading damaged or not lined up. head. Verify that the
head. connector is properly
aligned to the matching
connector on the interface
block. Refer to Loading
Head Alignment and
Adjustment, page 9–4.
Solenoid plunger or Check the 619-976
compression spring may plunger and the 617-221
be damaged or corroded. spring for wear and
replace if necessary. Refer
to Figure 10-30.
The TC cell heater leads Strip the leads of the
may have broken away heater (HTR6) and re-
from the terminal blocks connect them to TB2 &
on the 666-721X120 card TB3 of the 666-721X130
(A10). card (A10).
The TC Cell temperature There may be no power to Check that the power from
is not 57.3+/- 0.5°C. the 666-721X120 TC cell the 666-721X130 TC cell
block heater card (A10). card (A10) is connected
from J291F to J634.
There may be no signal Check that the signal to
from the 666-721X120 TC the 666-721X130 TC cell
cell block heater card card (A10) is connected
(A10). from J634A to J291H.

Service FP628 9–49

Observed Problem Possible Cause Recommended Solution
A fan in the detector oven Check that all fans are
or ballast could have failed working properly.
or become disconnected.
One of the back or side Check that the side and
The results are panels might not be in back panels are in place so
consistently noisy. place. that ambient air cannot
enter the ballast oven.
The TC cell might not be Check that the cover of the
properly insulated. TC cell is properly in place.
Check for potential air
leaks into the TC cell.
Cell may be dirty. Remove cell for cleaning.
Low IR cell voltage Refer to IR Cell Removal
reading in Ambient Chart and Service, page 9–44.
(less than 1.5 volts). IR emitter may be failing. Emitter replacement kit
may be required.
Cell may be dirty. Remove cell for cleaning.
Persistent noise spikes on Refer to TC Cell Removal
TC Cell reading. and Service, page 9–43.
O-rings at IR Cell Check o-rings at IR Cell
connection may be dry. connections.
Atmosphere may be Check system for leaks.
leaking into system. Refer to Leak Check, page
High Blanks Reduction catalyst may be Repack reduction heater
spent. tube. Refer to Reduction
Heater Tube Packing,
page 6–21.

9–50 FP628 Service

Observed Problem Possible Cause Recommended Solution
Pneumatic gas is not being Verify that pneumatic
supplied to the pinch pressure is present in the
valve. flexible line connected to
the pinch valve.
Electrical signal is not Verify that the electrical
being applied to the pinch connector is connected to
A pinch valve is not valve solenoid. the pinch valve and is
toggling. providing 24VDC when the
pinch valve is toggled.
O-rings in the pinch valve Disassemble and inspect
body are stuck or leaking. pinch valve body and o-
rings. Clean, grease or
replace o-rings if
Pinch valve solenoid has Replace solenoid if
failed. necessary.
Ballast is filling too slowly Check system for leaks.
because of a leak in the Refer to Leak Check, page
Ballast fill timeout system. 8–15.
Ballast fill timeout is not Verify method parameters
set properly for methods
with slow burns.
Ballast piston is not able to Check that C-Flex tubing
return to home position running from PV3 to back
because ballast exhaust of unit is not crimped or
Ballast piston to home line is restricted. restricted. Check that PV3
timeout is opening properly.
Ballast piston home sensor Check that piston home
is not reading correctly. switch (SW13) is
connected and is
functioning properly.

Service FP628 9–51

This page intentionally left blank.

9–52 FP628 Service

10 Illustrations
The Illustration chapter can be used to locate parts within the
instrument and part numbers.

Figure 10-1 Reference Card .............................................................10–4

Figure 10-2 Pneumatic Manifold Assembly .........................................10–5
Figure 10-3 TC Cell Assembly Connector ...........................................10–6
Figure 10-4 TC Cell Manifold Assembly ..............................................10–7
Figure 10-5 TC Cell Assembly Card ...................................................10–9
Figure 10-6 TC Cell Leads................................................................10–10
Figure 10-7 TC Cell Assembly ..........................................................10–11
Figure 10-8 Oven Blower Assembly ..................................................10–12
Figure 10-9 Heater Plates Assembly .................................................10–13
Figure 10-10 Attaching Heater Plate Assembly ...................................10–14
Figure 10-11 Doser Block Assembly ..................................................10–15
Figure 10-12 Secondary Oven Upper Wall Panel Assembly ...................10–16
Figure 10-13 Secondary Oven Upper Wall Assembly ...........................10–17
Figure 10-14 Catalyst Heater Lower Block Assembly ...........................10–18
Figure 10-15 Catalyst Heater Back Panel Assembly ............................10–19
Figure 10-16 Catalyst Heater Front Panel Assembly ............................10–20
Figure 10-17 Pinch Valve Plate Assembly ..........................................10–21
Figure 10-18 Pinch Valve Electrical Assembly .....................................10–22
Figure 10-19 Top Panel Assembly .....................................................10–23
Figure 10-20 Power Distribution Panel Assembly ................................10–24
Figure 10-21 Power Distribution Panel Card Assembly .........................10–25
Figure 10-22 Power Distribution Panel Wiring Harness Assembly ..........10–27
Figure 10-23 Left Side Panel Assembly..............................................10–29
Figure 10-24 Dual Furnace Cap Assembly ..........................................10–30
Figure 10-25 Dosing Valve Pneumatic Cylinder Assembly ....................10–31
Figure 10-26 Dosing Valve 8-Port Valve Block Assembly .....................10–32
Figure 10-27 Dosing Valve Spring Clamp Assembly ............................10–33
Figure 10-28 Micron Filter Assembly .................................................10–34
Figure 10-29 Loading Head Sliding Block Assembly ............................10–35
Figure 10-30 Loading Head Top Block Assembly .................................10–37
Figure 10-31 Loading Head Solenoid Assembly ..................................10–39
Figure 10-32 Loading Head Air Cylinder Assembly ..............................10–40
Figure 10-33 Loading Head Cylinder Cover Assembly ..........................10–41

Illustrations FP628 10–1

Figure 10-34 Oven Door Assembly ...................................................10–42
Figure 10-35 Oven Heater Shelf Assembly .........................................10–43
Figure 10-36 Ballast Plate Assembly .................................................10–44
Figure 10-37 Ballast Top Bracket Assembly .......................................10–45
Figure 10-38 Ballast Interface Manifold Block Assembly ......................10–46
Figure 10-39 Connect Interface Manifold Block To Ballast ....................10–47
Figure 10-40 IR Cell Mounting Base Assembly....................................10–48
Figure 10-41 TC Cell Interface Manifold Assembly ..............................10–49
Figure 10-42 Oven Fan Bracket Assembly .........................................10–50
Figure 10-43 Oven Enclosure Assembly .............................................10–51
Figure 10-44 TC Cell Assembly.........................................................10–52
Figure 10-45 Oven Mounting Plate Assembly .....................................10–53
Figure 10-46 Pneumatic and Furnace Flow Manifold Assembly ..............10–54
Figure 10-47 Fan Assembly .............................................................10–55
Figure 10-48 IR Cell Bypass Assembly ..............................................10–56
Figure 10-49 Upper Fan Assembly ....................................................10–57
Figure 10-50 Thermoelectric Cooler Fan Assembly ..............................10–57
Figure 10-51 Thermoelectric Cooler Furnace Insulation Assembly .........10–58
Figure 10-52 Thermoelectric Cooler Assembly ....................................10–59
Figure 10-53 Thermoelectric Cooler Card Assembly ............................10–60
Figure 10-54 Thermoelectric Cooler Wiring Assembly ..........................10–61
Figure 10-55 Filter Door Assembly....................................................10–62
Figure 10-56 Furnace Reduction Heater Assembly ..............................10–63
Figure 10-57 Catalyst Heater Assembly .............................................10–64
Figure 10-58 Bracket and Fan Assembly............................................10–65
Figure 10-59 Particle Filter and Upper Block Assembly ........................10–66
Figure 10-60 Particle Filter and Lower Block Assembly ........................10–67
Figure 10-61 Particle Filter Front Door Assembly ................................10–68
Figure 10-62 Pneumatic Manifold Assembly Part 1 ..............................10–69
Figure 10-63 Pneumatic Manifold Assembly Part 2 ..............................10–70
Figure 10-64 Pneumatic Manifold Assembly Part 3 ..............................10–71
Figure 10-65 Upper Filter Manifold Assembly 1 of 3 ............................10–72
Figure 10-66 Upper Filter Manifold Assembly 2 of 3 ............................10–73
Figure 10-67 Upper Filter Manifold Assembly 3 of 3 ............................10–74
Figure 10-68 CHN Series D-26 Component Pack Assembly ..................10–75
Figure 10-69 Secondary Oven Upper Wall Assembly 1 of 2 ..................10–76
Figure 10-70 Secondary Oven Upper Wall Assembly 2 of 2 ..................10–77
Figure 10-71 Ballast Doser HE Block Assembly ...................................10–78
Figure 10-72 Furnace Flow Manifold Assembly 1 of 3 ..........................10–79
Figure 10-73 Furnace Flow Manifold Assembly 2 of 3 ..........................10–80
Figure 10-74 Furnace Flow Manifold Assembly 3 of 3 ..........................10–81
Figure 10-75 Upper Oven Wall Assembly 1 of 2 ..................................10–82

10–2 FP628 Illustrations

Figure 10-76 Upper Oven Wall Assembly 2 of 2 ..................................10–83
Figure 10-77 Liquid Loading Head Platform Assembly .........................10–84
Figure 10-78 Liquid Autosampler Assembly .......................................10–85
Figure 10-79 Liquid Loading Head Assemby .......................................10–87
Figure 10-80 Unique Sub FP628 Assembly .........................................10–88
Figure 10-81 FP628 Component Pack Assembly .................................10–89
Figure 10-82 CHN/CN/FP628 Common Sub Assembly 1 of 4 ................10–90
Figure 10-83 CHN/CN/FP628 Common Sub Assembly 2 of 4 ................10–91
Figure 10-84 CHN/CN/FP628 Common Sub Assembly 3 of 4 ................10–92
Figure 10-85 CHN/CN/FP628 Common Sub Assembly 4 of 4 ................10–93
Figure 10-86 FP628 Component Pack Assembly .................................10–94
Figure 10-87 FP628 W/Sulfur Unique Sub Assembly ...........................10–95
Figure 10-88 Door Assembly............................................................10–96
Figure 10-89 Top Furnace Plate Assembly .........................................10–97
Figure 10-90 Primary and Secondary Electric Furnace Assembly...........10–98
Figure 10-91 Primary and Secondary Electric Furnace
Bottom Plate Assembly ...................................................................10–99

Illustrations FP628 10–3


CHN628 Series
Delivering the Right Results
Consumables & Spare Parts Reference Card
Note: Part numbers and standards’ values may change. Consult LECO for the latest information.

(2 REQ’D) 193-008 (2 REQ’D)
772-174 WASHER
VALVE 625-602-096
LOCK 502-825
617-548 (4 REQ’D) 194-123 VALVE STEM
REAGENT 193-056
TUBE 772-520 765-976 763-265
1/2 INCH 782-244 625-602-297
763-265 GLASS FRONT (6 REQ’D)
1/2 INCH 625-510-247 WOOL (10 REQ’D)
502-174-HAZ 782-242
(2 REQ’D)
619-637 773-941
772-520 773-940 TUBE
501-171-HAZ 501-171-HAZ (2 REQ’D) SMALL 502-186-200
625-601-675 773-939
763-265 (4 REQ’D)
1/2 INCH
1/2 INCH
775-306 SMALL 502-338
(2 REQ’D)

616-145 O-RING
BLOCK 772-520 (4 REQ’D)
604-377 O-RING 765-976
THUMB 776-017 O-RING
(2 REQ’D)
SCREW O-RING 625-510-247
BALSTON 763-265
778-116 SCREW
772-520 (2 REQ’D)
601-442 768-980 502-310
(4 REQ’D) 622-001-026 619-316
622-001-257 TUBE FILTER
502-304 FOR CHN


190-282 617-434
1.75” 502-049 (4 REQ’D) O-RING ASSY.
502-295 773-913 PLUNGER
TURNINGS 612-340 617-136
611-351-156 778-321
601-442 619-192
190-423 O-RING O-RING
(4 REQ’D)
LANCE 619-162
780-899 (2 REQ’D) O-RING
(2 REQ’D)
783-275 HONEYCOMB (2 REQ’D)
LANCE 763-379
616-147 CERAMIC 619-396
190-865 O-RING
617-441 (4 REQ’D)
ASSEMBLY 608-379 190-925
(4 REQ’D)
.25” SCREW
(4 REQ’D)
30cc FURNACE 702-557
614-961-110 O-RING
616-147 3 QUARTZ
LANCE TUBE 616-138 614-961-110 SCREW
ASSEMBLY 619-065
608-379 FOR SOLIDS

See reverse side for contact information

Form No. 203-104-057 Rev. 2 LECO is a registered trademark of LECO Corporation 7/26/12
Figure 10-2
Pneumatic Manifold Assembly

Illustrations FP628 10–5

Figure 10-3
TC Cell Assembly Connector

10–6 FP628 Illustrations

Figure 10-4
TC Cell Manifold Assembly

Illustrations FP628 10–7

This page intentionally left blank.

10–8 FP628 Illustrations

Figure 10-5
TC Cell Assembly Card

Illustrations FP628 10–9

Figure 10-6
TC Cell Leads

10–10 FP628 Illustrations

Figure 10-7
TC Cell Assembly

Illustrations FP628 10–11

Figure 10-8
Oven Blower Assembly

10–12 FP628 Illustrations

Figure 10-9
Heater Plates Assembly

Illustrations FP628 10–13

Figure 10-10
Attaching Heater Plate Assembly

10–14 FP628 Illustrations

Figure 10-11
Doser Block Assembly

Illustrations FP628 10–15

Figure 10-12
Secondary Oven Upper Wall Panel Assembly

10–16 FP628 Illustrations

Figure 10-13
Secondary Oven Upper Wall Assembly

Illustrations FP628 10–17

Figure 10-14
Catalyst Heater Lower Block Assembly

10–18 FP628 Illustrations

Figure 10-15
Catalyst Heater Back Panel Assembly

Illustrations FP628 10–19

Figure 10-16
Catalyst Heater Front Panel Assembly

10–20 FP628 Illustrations

Figure 10-17
Pinch Valve Plate Assembly

Illustrations FP628 10–21

Figure 10-18
Pinch Valve Electrical Assembly

10–22 FP628 Illustrations

Figure 10-19
Top Panel Assembly

Illustrations FP628 10–23

Figure 10-20
Power Distribution Panel Assembly

10–24 FP628 Illustrations

Figure 10-21
Power Distribution Panel Card Assembly

Illustrations FP628 10–25

This page intentionally left blank.

10–26 FP628 Illustrations

Figure 10-22
Power Distribution Panel Wiring Harness Assembly

Illustrations FP628 10–27

This page intentionally left blank.

10–28 FP628 Illustrations

Figure 10-23
Left Side Panel Assembly

Illustrations FP628 10–29

Figure 10-24
Dual Furnace Cap Assembly

10–30 FP628 Illustrations

Figure 10-25
Dosing Valve Pneumatic Cylinder Assembly

Illustrations FP628 10–31

Figure 10-26
Dosing Valve 8-Port Valve Block Assembly

10–32 FP628 Illustrations

Figure 10-27
Dosing Valve Spring Clamp Assembly

Illustrations FP628 10–33

Figure 10-28
Micron Filter Assembly

10–34 FP628 Illustrations

Figure 10-29
Loading Head Sliding Block Assembly

Illustrations FP628 10–35

This page intentionally left blank.

10–36 FP628 Illustrations

Figure 10-30
Loading Head Top Block Assembly

Illustrations FP628 10–37

This page intentionally left blank.

10–38 FP628 Illustrations

Figure 10-31
Loading Head Solenoid Assembly

Illustrations FP628 10–39

Figure 10-32
Loading Head Air Cylinder Assembly

10–40 FP628 Illustrations

Figure 10-33
Loading Head Cylinder Cover Assembly

Illustrations FP628 10–41

Figure 10-34
Oven Door Assembly

10–42 FP628 Illustrations

Figure 10-35
Oven Heater Shelf Assembly

Illustrations FP628 10–43

Figure 10-36
Ballast Plate Assembly

10–44 FP628 Illustrations

Figure 10-37
Ballast Top Bracket Assembly

Illustrations FP628 10–45

Figure 10-38
Ballast Interface Manifold Block Assembly

10–46 FP628 Illustrations

Figure 10-39
Connect Interface Manifold Block To Ballast

Illustrations FP628 10–47

Figure 10-40
IR Cell Mounting Base Assembly

10–48 FP628 Illustrations

Figure 10-41
TC Cell Interface Manifold Assembly

Illustrations FP628 10–49

Figure 10-42
Oven Fan Bracket Assembly

10–50 FP628 Illustrations

Figure 10-43
Oven Enclosure Assembly

Illustrations FP628 10–51

Figure 10-44
TC Cell Assembly

10–52 FP628 Illustrations

Figure 10-45
Oven Mounting Plate Assembly

Illustrations FP628 10–53

Figure 10-46
Pneumatic and Furnace Flow Manifold Assembly

10–54 FP628 Illustrations

Figure 10-47
Fan Assembly

Illustrations FP628 10–55

Figure 10-48
IR Cell Bypass Assembly

10–56 FP628 Illustrations

Figure 10-49
Upper Fan Assembly
Figure 10-50
Thermoelectric Cooler Fan Assembly

Illustrations FP628 10–57

Figure 10-51
Thermoelectric Cooler Furnace Insulation Assembly

10–58 FP628 Illustrations

Figure 10-52
Thermoelectric Cooler Assembly

Illustrations FP628 10–59

Figure 10-53
Thermoelectric Cooler Card Assembly

10–60 FP628 Illustrations

Figure 10-54
Thermoelectric Cooler Wiring Assembly

Illustrations FP628 10–61

Figure 10-55
Filter Door Assembly

10–62 FP628 Illustrations

Figure 10-56
Furnace Reduction Heater Assembly

Illustrations FP628 10–63

Figure 10-57
Catalyst Heater Assembly

10–64 FP628 Illustrations

Figure 10-58
Bracket and Fan Assembly

Illustrations FP628 10–65

Figure 10-59
Particle Filter and Upper Block Assembly

10–66 FP628 Illustrations

Figure 10-60
Particle Filter and Lower Block Assembly

Illustrations FP628 10–67

Figure 10-61
Particle Filter Front Door Assembly

10–68 FP628 Illustrations

Figure 10-62
Pneumatic Manifold Assembly Part 1

Illustrations FP628 10–69

Figure 10-63
Pneumatic Manifold Assembly Part 2

10–70 FP628 Illustrations

Figure 10-64
Pneumatic Manifold Assembly Part 3

Illustrations FP628 10–71

Figure 10-65
Upper Filter Manifold Assembly 1 of 3

10–72 FP628 Illustrations

Figure 10-66
Upper Filter Manifold Assembly 2 of 3

Illustrations FP628 10–73

Figure 10-67
Upper Filter Manifold Assembly 3 of 3

10–74 FP628 Illustrations

Figure 10-68
CHN Series D-26 Component Pack Assembly

Illustrations FP628 10–75

Figure 10-69
Secondary Oven Upper Wall Assembly 1 of 2

10–76 FP628 Illustrations

Figure 10-70
Secondary Oven Upper Wall Assembly 2 of 2

Illustrations FP628 10–77

Figure 10-71
Ballast Doser HE Block Assembly

10–78 FP628 Illustrations

Figure 10-72
Furnace Flow Manifold Assembly 1 of 3

Illustrations FP628 10–79

Figure 10-73
Furnace Flow Manifold Assembly 2 of 3

10–80 FP628 Illustrations

Figure 10-74
Furnace Flow Manifold Assembly 3 of 3

Illustrations FP628 10–81

Figure 10-75
Upper Oven Wall Assembly 1 of 2

10–82 FP628 Illustrations

Figure 10-76
Upper Oven Wall Assembly 2 of 2

Illustrations FP628 10–83

Figure 10-77
Liquid Loading Head Platform Assembly

10–84 FP628 Illustrations

Figure 10-78
Liquid Autosampler Assembly

Illustrations FP628 10–85

This page intentionally left blank.

10–86 FP628 Illustrations

Figure 10-79
Liquid Loading Head Assemby

Illustrations FP628 10–87

Figure 10-80
Unique Sub FP628 Assembly

10–88 FP628 Illustrations

Figure 10-81
FP628 Component Pack Assembly

Illustrations FP628 10–89

Figure 10-82
CHN/CN/FP628 Common Sub Assembly 1 of 4

10–90 FP628 Illustrations

Figure 10-83
CHN/CN/FP628 Common Sub Assembly 2 of 4

Illustrations FP628 10–91

Figure 10-84
CHN/CN/FP628 Common Sub Assembly 3 of 4

10–92 FP628 Illustrations

Figure 10-85
CHN/CN/FP628 Common Sub Assembly 4 of 4

Illustrations FP628 10–93

Figure 10-86
FP628 Component Pack Assembly

10–94 FP628 Illustrations

Figure 10-87
FP628 W/Sulfur Unique Sub Assembly

Illustrations FP628 10–95

Figure 10-88
Door Assembly

10–96 FP628 Illustrations

Figure 10-89
Top Furnace Plate Assembly

Illustrations FP628 10–97

Figure 10-90
Primary and Secondary Electric Furnace Assembly

10–98 FP628 Illustrations

Figure 10-91
Primary and Secondary Electric Furnace Bottom Plate Assembly

Illustrations FP628 10–99

11 Schematics
The Schematics chapter provides electronic information for service
of the instrument. For part numbers of circuit boards, assemblies
and components refer to the schematic diagrams.
Figure 11-1 Distribution and Power Entry ..........................................11–3
Figure 11-2 Pneumatic Flow Card .....................................................11–4
Figure 11-3 Heater Control ..............................................................11–5

Schematics FP628 11–1

This page intentionally left blank.

11-2 FP628 Schematics

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Name: 151035

DISTRIBUTION & POWER ENTRY Location: TOP-TopTop Module Sheet 2 4



TO PC 666-573X
A40 J573B
A1 666-512X

619-318 619-782 622-001-605 619-231

J512AP J512C
J512D 4-D1
A2A J512AQ J512E


H5 H6 H7 H8 666-310X210

J512J F2

622-001-307 622-001-308 625-601-621 622-001-261 J573A
+ J512AL

H9 H10 H11 H12 - J512AK

J512R A87


J512A J512A
ECLIPSE RJ45-DSUB 625-099 A88
+24VDC 1 1 JF6
C +24VDC 2 2
1 +
RED 615-784
622-001-347 622-001-368 619-110 619-230 H6
J512AJ 24GND 3 3 2 - FAN6
H2 1 +24VDC 24GND 4 4
2 24GND
V+ 3
J512F J512F
V- 4
J512AC +24VDC 1 1 JF7 RED
H6 616-140
H13 H14 H15 H16 619-288
V- 5
H2 1 +24VDC_IN +24VDC 2 2
V- 6
2 NC 24GND 3 3 2 - BL FAN7
3 +24VDC_RET 24GND 4 4
G 7
J512AF J512G J512G
N 8 1 +24VDC_IN +24VDC 1 1 JF8 RED
H6 616-140
622-001-369 622-001-375 622-001-388 622-001-018 24V L 9
2 NC +24VDC 2 2


3 +24VDC_RET 24GND 3 3 2 - BL FAN8
GND 24GND 4 4

D J512AN J512M D
1 RSENSE+ +24VDC 1
2 NC +24VDC 2
24GND 4

J512N J512N
+24VDC 1 1 3-G1
+24VDC 2 2 3-G1
J512L J512L 24GND 3 3 3-G1
H1 H6 TEC-24GND2
1 1 AC_HI_A 24GND 4 4 3-G1
2 2 GND

3 3 AC_LO_A
JF4 RED 614-724
J512T +24VDC 2 2
MOV1 1 1 AC_HI_A 24GND 3 3 2 - BL FAN4
E J313D J313D JF3 RED 622-001-166
619-001 2 2 GND 24GND 4 4 E
A3A FAN_1+ 1 1 1 + CELL_OVEN_FAN
FAN_1- 2 2 2 - BL FAN3 J512W J512W
J512U J512U +24VDC 1 1 JF5 RED
A7 H5 H6 614-724
666-310X120 J313F
4-C7 1 1 AC_HI_A +24VDC 2 2
2 2 GND 24GND 3 3 2 - BL FAN5
FAN_2- 2 -
BL FAN10 4-C7 3 3 AC_LO_A 24GND 4 4

J313B J313B J512X J512X J512Y

ACIN_HI 1 1 1 1 AC_HI_A +24VDC 1
J534 GND 2 2 2 2 GND +24VDC 2
ACIN_LO 3 3 3 3 AC_LO_A 24GND 3

A3 J313 J512Z J512Z

24GND 4

J313C HEATER1- 1 1 HTR1 4-C1

A8 H5
1 1 AC_HI_A J512AA J512AA
B11 ECLIPSE HEATER1+ 2 2 OVEN_HEATER_1 2 2 GND +24VDC 1 1 3-G1
F J313A
4-C1 3 3 AC_LO_A +24VDC
HEATER2- 1 1 HTR2 J512AD J512AD 24GND 4 4
2 2 GND J512AB
3 3 AC_LO_A +24VDC 1
+24VDC 2
J512AG 24GND 3
1 AC_HI_B 24GND 4 R

CB1 15A


St. Joseph,
Michigan USA


FL1 H1 H1
3 AC_LO_B Schematic
G LC1 230V


H1 H1




CHN628 G
2 GND 24GND 3 Part Number Rev
H1 622-001-433 3 AC_LO_B
24GND 4
151-035 D
Date: 04-09-2012_14:25 Type M

GND GND GND GND GND Schematic Sheet 2 OF 4

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Rev G
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Name: 151035
Location: TOP-TopTop Module Sheet 3 4


1 + 618-119
J516G J516G
SOL11 1 1 JSV5
A GND 2 2 1 + 618-119
SOL12 3 3
GND 4 4
SOL13 5 5
1 + 618-119

GND 8 8 JSV7
SOL15 9 9 1 + 618-119

A4A GND 10 10
SOL16 11 11
GND 12 12
1 + 618-119
666-310X120 SOL17 13 13 H3


GND 16 16 1 + 618-119

SOL19 17 17
B 2 2 AIN_1- H3 B
3 3 AIN_1+ J516
SOL20 19 19
1 +
622-001-596 BRWN PS+
4 4 +24V_OUT
SOL21 21 21
J93 J93 JSW13 616-583
GND 22 22 SW13_C H7
J516W J516W D4 1 1 1 SW13
MT01-SPLY H3 N/C 23 23 SW13_E H7
C8 1 1 +5V_ANA D4 2 2 2 SWITCH
MT01-OUT H3 KEYED 24 24 H3 H7
C8 2 2 AIN_2+ 3 3 PISTON_HOME
H3 H7 JPV3
3 3 AIN_2- J516H J516H 4 4 621-557-101
MT01-GND H3 H3 H7 1 +
D8 4 4 GND SOL22
H7 2 - PV3 VALVE
H3 H7
J516V SOL23 3 3 7 7 JPV4
H3 H7 621-557-101
1 GND GND 4 4 8 8 1 +
2 AIN_3- SOL24 5 5
9 9
3 AIN_3+ GND 6 6 10 10
4 +24V_OUT N/C 7 7 11 11
H7 1 +
12 12

C 4 1 1 J516X J516X SOL25 9 9 C4 13 13 JF4 BALLAST_OUTPUT C

619-043 H3 MT01-OUT H7
3 2 2 1 1 +5V_ANA GND 10 10 C4 14 14 JPV6
2 2 AIN_4+ A4 SOL26 11 11 C4
15 15
1 +
1 4 4
3 3 AIN_4- 666-742X GND 12 12 16 16 2 - PV6 VALVE
4 4 GND VALVE1+ 13 13
BROWN 625-601-790
SW1 +24V
OUT- H3 1 + 621-557-101
J514Y J516Y
C8 1 1 +24V_LIM1 J516J J516J H3 H12 H4
1 1 + + 1 + 617-434

SW13_E H3
2 2
- -

D J516Z C C 619-590-509 D
1 +24V_LIM2
2 622-001-597
3 OPTO_SW2 J516L J516L JSV19 B B
SOL3 1 1 C C 619-590-509
J516M J516M
SOL4 1 1
C C 619-590-509
GND 2 2
J516N J516N
SOL5 1 1 JSV14 B B
GND 2 2 C C 619-590-509




(FP & CN ONLY) GND 2 2

619-590-509 E

A5 666-386X SOL7 1 1 622-001-598

GND 2 2 JSV16 B B
C C 619-590-509
GND 2 2
A5A J516S C C 619-590-509
GND 2 622-001-601
SOL10 1

J386 +
J386E J386E
POWER_OUT1+ 1 1 1 1 619-225 TEC
THERMISTOR1+ 4 4 1 1
H11 619-708
THERMISTOR1- 5 5 2 2
VALVE+ 6 6 R

JPV2 JPV2A JPV2 St. Joseph,
J386B J386B POWER_OUT2+ 8 8 H15 621-557-101
TEC-24PWR1 1 1 1 +
1 1 AUX_+24VDC
2 2
2 - PV2 VALVE Michigan USA
TEC-24GND1 H11
2-E10 3 3 GND FAN+ 1 1
TEC-24GND2 H11 Description
2-E10 4 4 GND FAN- 2 2 CABINET
G 2-F10
1 AUX_+24VDC
2 AUX_+24VDC
1 +
2 -
BL FAN2 Part Number Rev
151-035 D
Date: 04-09-2012_14:25 Type M

Schematic Sheet 3 OF 4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Rev G
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Name: 151035


Location: TOP-TopTop Module Sheet 4 4


+5VANA 1 1
30psi A7 666-514X170
A 666-382X140 GND 3 3 625-601-833
SENSE+ 1 1 3 3 TEMP
SENSE- 2 2 2 2 N/C 625-510-182

A6A VSUPPLY 3 3 1 1 GND + TB2

GND 4 4 J634A - TB3
J291 J634 666-721X120
SOL1+ 1 + 616-567-106 4 4 GND 10K T ECLIPSE_DAUGHTER
+ 1
NC 625-505-187
2 2 +24V
- 2
SOL2+ 8 + 616-567-106
1 +24V
SOL3+ 15 J514
1 1 HTR3
J382E SOL3- 18 619-085
619-083 + 1 HEATER_0_HI 1 1 3 3
J514E H5 HTR4 B
- 2
HEATER_0_LO 2 2 4 4
TC MEASURE- TB2 619-945 JF9 2 2 COIL_0- TB1B
J291F J291F
- 1
3 3 GND
+ 1
10K T MT13
1 1 SOL4+ 609-398 + 2 4 4 SOLENOID_0 625-602-480
2 2 SOL4-
+ 1
H16 619-301
J514F J514F
- 2
2-E7 1 1 AC_HI
2 2 CH_GND J514B J514B JHTR7 HTR7
2-E7 3 3 AC_LO HEATER_1_HI 1 1 1 1
IR_LINE_HEATER H5 622-001-152
2 2 HEATER_1_LO 2 2 2 2
1 1 4 4 J514D J514D
2 2 2 2 2 2 COIL_1- K_TC_1+ 1 + 772-735
622-001-363 H13 H14 H10
(CN & CNS ONLY) HTR8 1 1
1 4
K_TC_1- 2


2 2 4 4
J284A 622-001-363 H13 H14 1 1
A9A HTR8 1 1
2 H14
2 2 1 1
1 1 JHT8 JHT8C

J284B J241B J241A J260B J260 J240 J240A

A21 666-554X
666-260X A23
D 2-B11
J284C J241B J241A J259B J259 J240 J240A
1 SOL0+
A25 666-554X
A27 666-240X (CN & CHN ONLY)
2 SOL0-
4 SOL1-
A9 J284D J241B J241A J260B J260 J240 J240A
A? 666-554X A? 666-260X A? 666-553X

A8 666-514X180



CHN CN FP CHN-S CN-S FP-S 666-310X120
TERMINAL_BLOCK 622-001-001
1 1














J514C J514C




2 COIL_0- TB1A
3 GND K_TC_0+ 1 + 660-010-130

LECO St. Joseph,


2-A11 ECLIPSE Michigan USA
J514F J514F
2-F7 1 1 AC_HI J514B J514B
2 2 CH_GND HEATER_1_HI 1 1
G 2-F7 3 3 AC_LO

CHN628 G
1 EXT_RELAY1 TB3A Part Number Rev
2 COIL_1-
K_TC_1+ 1
K_TC_1- 2
- MT12 660-010-130
151-035 D
Date: 04-09-2012_14:25 Type M

Schematic Sheet 4 OF 4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Rev G
This page intentionally left blank.

11–6 FP628 Schematics

12 Glossary
The following section provides definitions of terms used in several
instruments. To maintain consistency, the definitions of these terms
should appear in the manuals as follows:

Add as Next Sample to Run: Click to enter the logged in standard
after the last sample that was analyzed.

Add to End of List: Check to enter the logged in standard in the last
row of the spreadsheet.

Afterburner Temperature: Sets the operating temperature of the

Afterburner (secondary furnace) as defined in the method. Typically
the afterburner is set at 850oC.

Ambient Temperature: The ambient temperature inside the

instrument as measured by a temperature transducer. This value is in
degrees centigrade.

Analysis Date: The date and time the analysis was completed.

Analysis Time: The length of the analysis in seconds.

Analyte: The specific component measured in a chemical analysis.

Balance Mode: If a balance is connected to the system set this
parameter to Normal. If there isn’t a balance connected to the system
set this parameter to Disabled.

Baseline: Electronic line determined as the zero or reference line that

is used to differentiate the actual analyte concentration.

Baseline Delay Time: The amount of delay time prior to collecting

baseline data after the Analysis Stabilize Comparator is finished.

Baseline Delay Time for Nitrogen: Determines the time period to

wait before baseline data after sample gas is dumped into the
measurement system from the aliquot loop.

Glossary FP628 12–1

Baud Rate: Sets the data transmission speed in bits per second.
Selections: 1200, 2400, 4800, or 9600 bps. Default: 1200 bps

Burn Steps: Selects the number of combustion steps for analysis.

One to five steps may be added. Click Add to add steps. Click Delete to
remove steps.

Calibration: A comparison of a measurement standard or instrument

with another standard or instrument to report or eliminate, by
adjustment, any variation or deviation in the accuracy of the item
being compared. (Taylor, John K. "Standard Reference Materials
Handbook for SRM Users." NIST Special Publication, 260-100, 1993.)

Checksum: A four digit number unique to the application software

and used to verify proper installation. This number will vary between
electronic assemblies but is constant between instruments for a given
electronic assembly. This number changes with each software update.

Class: A two digit listing of all different groups of circuit boards that
are signed on to the network. Each group will have a distinct class

Comments: A statement used to explain an operation or procedure.

This is an optional entry.

Comparator Level: The minimum concentration percentage,

expressed as a percentage of peak height and offset, which will stop
analysis. Analysis will stop when the detection system output is below
a significant concentration level. The comparator level is effective only
after the minimum analysis time is met. Default: Nitrogen – 100%.

Conversion Factor: The factor used to convert Percent to User

Defined. Percent multiplied by the Conversion Factor equals User
Defined. Conversion Factor is only used when Percent is selected under
Reporting Units.

Data Bits: Used to select the number of bits per byte for data that
will be transmitted. Selections: 5 to 8. Default: 7

Description: A statement used to explain or identify a sample. This is

an optional entry.

Device: A list of the various electronic assemblies in the instrument

that are connected to the network and monitored by the program.

Dosing: Injecting known volumes of gas into an instrument.

12–2 FP628 Glossary

Endline Time: The amount of time used to collect baseline value
after the peak. Collection begins after the comparator level has been
reached. Endline Time is used in conjunction with the baseline taken
before the peak. Default: Nitrogen – 2 seconds.

Equilibrate Time: The time period for gases in the ballast to mix
after it is filled.

Equilibrate Pressure Time: The time period to wait once the aliquot
loop is filled and isolated to let pressure in the aliquot loop to stabilize.

Fill Pressure Drop: Difference in pressure of the full ballast to a

chosen pressure for analysis.

Flux: A material that renders refractory impurities more easily fusible

and also preferentially combines with such impurities.

Furnace Flow: The furnace gas flow rate. Selections are None, Low,
Medium, High and Maximum. Click to enter the desired flow rate.

Furnace Temperature: Sets the operating temperature of the

furnace (primary furnace) as defined in the method. Typically the
combustion furnace is set at 950°C.

Instance: A unique number assigned to an electronic assembly that

shows how many variations of each electronic assembly are present in
the instrument.

IR Baseline Time: The selected amount of time to collect baseline


Keep Login Samples until Cancel is Pressed: Check this box to log
consecutive standards. The dialog box will reappear after OK is clicked.
This is an optional entry.

Glossary FP628 12–3

Mass: The mass of the standard. Click Balance to enter a mass from
an external balance.

MAC- ID: The network ID number assigned to the electronic

assembly connected to the network. This number is assigned at power
up and can vary.

Method: The method used for analysis. Click the Down Arrow to
select from the list of methods.

Minimum Analysis Time: The minimum amount of time allotted for

analysis. This is also called integration time. During this time the cell
output is being integrated to determine the result.

Moisture Basis: No entry should be made for standard login.

NI Version: The version number of the software currently being

used. This number may vary between circuit boards, but is constant
between instruments for a given circuit board.

No Sample Drop Detection: Determines if a sample has dropped

into the furnace by comparing the nitrogen area of a blank analysis
against the nitrogen area of the current analysis multiplied by a
constant. The default constant value is 3. If the result area is less than
the blank area multiplied by the constant value, analysis will stop and
an error message will be logged.

Not Filled Time Out: If the ballast is not filled by the entered time
period, analysis will abort. This could be caused by a leak in the
system. This time period should be longer than the combined time of
the burn steps.

Operator: The name of the operator. This is an optional entry.

Parity: Sets the method of error checking used. Selections: Even,
Odd, or None. Default: Even

Poll Devices: Determines which electronic assemblies are signed on

to the network.

Port: Areas on the exterior of the pc tower to which peripheral

devices such as a printer or a mouse can be plugged.

12–4 FP628 Glossary

Print: Click Print to receive a printout of the system configuration
settings from the system printer. These may be saved for future

Protein Factor: The value used to calculate a protein result based on

a nitrogen analysis. This is an optional entry.

Readability: The smallest increment of weight displayed. Determines

the number of digits that will display from the balance results.

Recalculated Date: The date when an analysis is recalculated. Until

an analysis is recalculated, this column will display the same data as
the Analysis Date column.

Sample Moisture: No entry should be made for standard login.

Sample Name: The name or type of sample. A standard should be

entered for the sample name. Click down arrow to select from the list
of standards.

Sample Size: Selects the mode of operation, macro-analysis or

microanalysis. The macro-analysis range is 50 mgs to 1.0 gram and
the microanalysis range is up to 50 mgs. Select the range that
corresponds to the expected sample analysis result.

Send Command: The command sent from the instrument that the
balance reads to send and enter the weight in the spreadsheet. Default

Serial Number: The hardware ID number assigned to the electronic

assembly. This number is assigned during manufacturing and is unique
to each electronic assembly. The serial number is stored on the circuit
board in a PROM.

Significant Digits: The digits required to represent the accuracy of

an approximate number beginning with the leftmost non zero digit and
ending with the rightmost non zero digit (or a zero considered to be
the exact value). For example 0.132 has three significant digits and
3.142 has four significant digits.

Standard: Determination of analyte concentration by several

laboratories utilizing more than one technique when applicable.

Standard Deviation: A measure of how precise the average is - how

well the values agree.

Glossary FP628 12–5

Stop Bits: Used to select the number of bits that are used to signal
the end of a transmitted data byte. Selections: 1 or 2. Default: 1

Tare Command: The command sent from the instrument that the
balance reads to set the weight displayed on the balance to zero.
Default: <ESC> T

TC Baseline Time: Determines the amount of time to collect baseline

data for the TC cell.

Time: The amount of time in seconds that the step will burn before
the instrument switches to the next step. Click to enter the desired

Uncertainty: The range of values within which the true value is

estimated to be. It is the best estimate of the possible inaccuracy due
to both random and systematic error. (Taylor, John Keenan. Statistical
Techniques for Data Analysis. Lewis Publishers, Inc.: Chelsea,
Michigan. 1990)

Version: The number of the application firmware located on the

electronic assembly. This number can vary between electronic
assemblies but is constant between instruments for a given electronic

Volatize: Change from solid or liquid to gas at relatively low

temperatures and pressures.

Weighting: Displays a factor manually entered by the user to weight

a particular calibration point. When one calibration point is assigned a
higher value than other calibration points, that point is considered
more important and is therefore favored by the calibration curve.

12–6 FP628 Glossary

13 Index
Accessory Pack ..............................................................................................1–30
Add Standards for Calibration ..........................................................................5–35
Air Filter Cleaning...........................................................................................6–6
Aliquot Dosing Valve Cleaning ..........................................................................6–7
Ambient Chart ...............................................................................................8–3
Ambient Monitor ............................................................................................8–3
Ranges ...................................................................................................8–6
Abort an Analysis .....................................................................................5–24
Cancel Pause ...........................................................................................5–28
Delay ......................................................................................................5–27
First Time ................................................................................................5–5
Pause .....................................................................................................5–27
Multiple Samples ......................................................................................5–24
Standard .................................................................................................5–23
Auto Widths...................................................................................................4–30

Backup (Hardware) Calibration ........................................................................8–8
Balance Configuration .....................................................................................4–33
Balance Installation ........................................................................................3–3
Reset ......................................................................................................3–4
Setup .....................................................................................................3–3
Test Procedure .........................................................................................3–4
Ballast Oven Temperature Control ....................................................................8–14
Ballast Tank Cleaning .....................................................................................6–9
Barometric Calibration ....................................................................................4–35
Barometric Pressure .......................................................................................7–9
Blank Analysis ...............................................................................................5–23
Blank Analysis, Theory ....................................................................................7–17
Blank Calibration ............................................................................................5–33
Blank Login ...................................................................................................5–17
Burn Profile ...................................................................................................4–36

Index FP628 13–1

Calculations ...................................................................................................7–8
Calibration ....................................................................................................5–32
Calibration, Theory .........................................................................................7–13
Alignment ...............................................................................................9–41
Cleaning .................................................................................................6–17
Stackable ................................................................................................3–7
Combustion Tube ...........................................................................................2–6
Packing ...................................................................................................6–31
Removal .................................................................................................6–25
Comparator Level, Theory ...............................................................................7–19
Component Pack ............................................................................................1–30
Computer Installation .....................................................................................2–14
Controls and Functions....................................................................................4–5
Correct for Atmospheric Blank .........................................................................5–21
Correct for Moisture ........................................................................................5–20
Create a Dashboard Panel ...............................................................................4–23
Crucible Installation ........................................................................................2–7
Crucible Replacement .....................................................................................6–34
Combustion Tube Packing ...............................................................................6–31

Backup ...................................................................................................5–70
Fill Cells with same ...................................................................................5–40
Transmit Installation.................................................................................2–14
Declaration of Conformity ................................................................................1–21
Define Calibration Standards ...........................................................................4–49
Deleting Analyzed Samples..............................................................................4–90
Display Configuration ......................................................................................4–20
Drift Correction ..............................................................................................5–36
Drift Factor, Theory ........................................................................................7–19
Duckbill Replacement .....................................................................................6–60

13–2 FP628 Index

Equipment Packages .......................................................................................1–26
Error Messages ..............................................................................................5–73
Exhaust Flask Installation ................................................................................2–10
Export Configuration .......................................................................................5–50
Export Text Buffers ........................................................................................5–59
Export Text Data ............................................................................................5–57

Temperature Adjustment ..........................................................................8–14
Temperature Control ................................................................................8–14

Gel Capsule ...................................................................................................5–13

Hardware Calibrations .....................................................................................8–10
Heating Element Installation ............................................................................2–3
How to Perform a Leak Check ..........................................................................8–15

Illustrations List .............................................................................................1–7
Import Text Data ...........................................................................................5–60
Infrared Radiation Cell, Theory ........................................................................7–12
Insert a Sample .............................................................................................5–40
Installation ....................................................................................................2–3
Installing LECO Software .................................................................................9–4
Interference to Other Devices ..........................................................................1–20
International Installation .................................................................................2–6
IR Cell Removal and Service ............................................................................9–44

Language ......................................................................................................4–15
Leak Check ....................................................................................................8–15
Flow Diagrams .........................................................................................8–19
Legend Symbols .......................................................................................8–18
Liquid Autosampler .........................................................................................3–6
Liquid Sample Login Definitions ........................................................................5–31
Loading Head

Index FP628 13–3

Alignment and Adjustment ........................................................................9–4
Cleaning .................................................................................................6–36
Interface Block Cleaning ...........................................................................9–39
Interface Block Service .............................................................................9–39
Log Bar .........................................................................................................4–29
Login Periodic Maintenance ..............................................................................6–55
Login using Calibration Reference Material .........................................................4–50

Main Screen Overview ....................................................................................4–20
Maintenance Counters
Configure ................................................................................................6–57
Reset ......................................................................................................6–59
Maintenance Menu .........................................................................................4–13
Managing Databases .......................................................................................4–61
Configuration ...........................................................................................4–11
Database ................................................................................................4–7
Edit ........................................................................................................4–7
Maintenance ............................................................................................4–13
View .......................................................................................................4–8
Clone ......................................................................................................4–44
Configuration ...........................................................................................4–36
Edit ........................................................................................................4–43
Export ....................................................................................................4–45
Import ....................................................................................................4–46
Standard Additions ...................................................................................7–6

Network Diagnostics .......................................................................................8–11

13–4 FP628 Index

Operation ......................................................................................................5–1
Options .........................................................................................................1–27
O-rings .........................................................................................................6–41

PC Tower Assembly ........................................................................................1–31
Periodic Maintenance Schedule ........................................................................6–4
Poll Devices ...................................................................................................8–12
Power ...........................................................................................................2–16
Primary Dust Filters Cleaning ...........................................................................6–44
Printer Installation..........................................................................................3–5
Printing Reports .............................................................................................5–46
Protein Results Display ...................................................................................5–42

Reagent Tube Packing.....................................................................................2–11
Reagent Tube Repacking .................................................................................6–42
Recalculate Results.........................................................................................5–41
Reduction Heater Tube Packing ........................................................................6–18
Reduction Tube Temperature Control ................................................................8–14
Remote Communication ..................................................................................4–61
Replace Drift Standard ....................................................................................5–38
Reset Network ...............................................................................................8–12

Analysis ..................................................................................................5–24
Filters .....................................................................................................4–54
History ....................................................................................................5–43
Login ......................................................................................................5–18
Sample Preparation ..................................................................................5–13
Sample Signature .....................................................................................5–44
Sample Template ...........................................................................................4–50
Delete a Sample Template.........................................................................4–52
Login ......................................................................................................4–53
Samples ........................................................................................................5–40
Menu ......................................................................................................4–9
Set Barometric Pressure ..................................................................................8–7
Shortcuts ......................................................................................................4–30

Index FP628 13–5

Solenoids and Switches ...................................................................................8–28
Specifications ................................................................................................1–32
Standard Calibration .......................................................................................5–34
Status Bar .....................................................................................................4–29
System Check ................................................................................................8–19
System Configuration .....................................................................................4–32

TC Cell Removal and Service ...........................................................................9–33
Theory of Operation........................................................................................7–1
Thermoelectric Cooler .....................................................................................6–46
Tin Foil..........................................................................................................5–14
Toolbar .........................................................................................................4–29
Transfer Export ..............................................................................................5–70
Transfer Import .............................................................................................5–72
Transmit Data ................................................................................................5–61
Transmit Format Configuration.........................................................................5–61
Transmit Selected Samples .............................................................................5–69

Upgrade a Device ...........................................................................................8–12
User Defined Fields.........................................................................................4–58
User Permissions ............................................................................................4–16

View Calibration .............................................................................................5–35
View History ..................................................................................................5–38
View Log File .................................................................................................6–56
View Signatures .............................................................................................5–45


13–6 FP628 Index

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