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Patient’s Name: Age: Hospital No.: Room No.:

Impression/Diagnosis: Attending Physician:
Allergy to:
Generic &
Dose, Strength Indication/Mechanisms of Drug Adverse/Side Effects Nursing Client
Brand Name, Rationale
& Formulation Action Drug Interaction Responsibilities Teaching

Generic: Ordered: Indications: Adverse effects: Assessment: >Take drug 1 hr

Captopril give 50 mg 1tab Treatment of hypertension alone or CV: Tac hycardia , angina BEFORE: before or 2 hr after
every 8 hours via in combination with thiazide-type pectoris, MI, Raynaud's • Assess patient *To know if the meals; do not take
NGT diuretics . syndrome, CHF, history patient can have this with food. Do not
Brand: Treatment of CHF in patients hypotension in regarding drug. stop without
Capoten Timing: unresponsive to conventional salt- or volume-depleted allergy to consulting your
8 am, 4 pm, 12 mn therapy; used with patients captopril *To obtain health care
diuretics and digitalis Dermatologic: Rash, • Assess patient’s precautionary provider.
Classification: Duration: Treatment of diabetic nephropathy pruritus, pemphigoid-like renal function. measures. >Be careful of drop
Antihypertensive 6-12 hours Treatment of left ventricular reaction, scalded mouth • Assess vital *To obtain baseline in blood pressure
dysfunction after MI sensation, exfoliative signs. data. (occurs most often
Other forms: dermatitis, DURING: with diarrhea,
Tablets: 12.5 mg, Mechanism of Action: photosensitivity, alopecia • Monitor *To determine sweating, vomiting,
50 mg, 100 mg Blocks ACE from converting GI: Gastric irritation, patient’s health effectiveness of the dehydration); if
angiotensin I to angiotensin II, a aphthous ulcers, peptic status. drug. light-headedness or
powerful vasoconstrictor, leading to ulcers, dysgeusia,cholesta • Monitor *To assess for dizziness occurs,
decreased blood pressure, decreased tic jaundice, hepatocellular patient’s further renal consult your
aldosterone secretion, a small injury, anorexia, output. impairment. health care
increase in serum potassium levels, constipation AFTER: provider.
and sodium and fluid loss; GU:Proteinuria, renal *To ensure patient’s >Avoid over-the-
• Monitor vital
increased prostaglandin synthesis insufficiency, renal failure, health condition. counter
also may be involved in the polyuria, oliguria, urinary *to establish medications,
antihypertensive action. frequency • Be alert for precautionary especially cough,
Hematologic: adverse measures and cold, allergy
Neutropenia, reaction. management. medications that
agranulocytosis, may contain
thrombocytopenia, Nursing Diagnosis: ingredients that will
hemolytic >Risk for injury related interact with ACE
anemia,pancytopenia to underlying inhibitors.
Other:Cough, malaise, condition. >These side effects
dry mouth, >Ineffective protection may occur: GI
lymphadenopathy related to drug induced upset, loss of
blood disorder. appetite, change in
Interactions >deficient knowledge taste perception,
Drug-drug related to drug therapy mouth sores ,rash;
Increased risk of fast heart rate;
hypersensitivity reactions dizziness, light-
with allopurinol headedness.
Decreased >Report mouth
antihypertensive effects sores; sore throat,
with indomethacin fever, chills;
Increased captopril effects swelling of the
with probenecid hands, feet;
Drug-food irregular heartbeat,
Decreased absorption of chest pains;
captopril with food swelling of the
Drug-lab test face, eyes, lips,
False-positive test for tongue, difficulty
urine acetone. breathing.

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