INFO2180 - Lab 3 (20 Marks) : Tic-Tac-Toe

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INFO2180 - Lab 3 (20 marks)

Due Date: October 11, 2020


Tic-tac-toe is typically a paper-and-pencil game for two players, X and O, who take
turns marking the spaces in a 3×3 grid. The player who succeeds in placing three of
their marks in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row wins the game.

In this lab we’ll be using HTML, CSS and JavaScript to setup and play a simple game of
Tic-Tac-Toe in a web browser.

You're given files index.html and tic-tac-toe.css. You should get the starter
code by downloading the files from the following link:
It contains a HTML and CSS file, but these should NOT be modified. You should only
write a script file tic-tac-toe.js in the same directory as these files that provides
all the event handling and behavior to make the Tic Tac Toe game work as specified

Note: That the Inspector, Console and Debugger in the Developer Tools in your Web
Browser can be very useful in helping you to debug your code in this Lab.

Create your Repository and Ensure you are using

Github Pages to host you game
You are also required to create a Git repository on Github called info2180-lab3 and
after each exercise commit your code and push to Github. So let us start by creating
that repository.

1. You can create a new Github repository by going to or by

clicking the "+" icon in the top right once you are logged into the website and select
"New Repository".
2. For this lab, use the repository name as info2180-lab3.
3. Ensure that your repository is Public and that you select the option to initialize the
project with a README file.
4. The remaining options can be left at their defaults. Then click on Create
5. On your newly created repository, click on the "Code" button and copy the URL in
the box that appears.
6. Open your command prompt, navigate to the folder (e.g. using the cd command)
where you would like to clone your repository and using the URL you copied in step
5, type the following:

$ git clone<your-username>/info2180-


NOTE: Ensure you change the URL and use the one that you copied in Step 5 with
your username.

7. Then navigate to your newly cloned repository by typing:

$ cd info2180-lab3

8. You can then type the command ls and you should see a file.
9. In the file add:

# INFO2180 Lab 3

This is Lab 3 for <Your Name>

Of course, change <Your Name> to your actual name.

10.Save the file and then at the command line (or Windows Powershell), type:

$ git add

$ git status

You should then see that the file has been staged.

11.Commit these changes to your local Git repository:

$ git commit -m "Edited"

12.Check the status of your Git repository:

$ git status

It should now mention that there is nothing new to commit and that the working
tree is clean.

13.Great! Now we should push this information to GitHub.

$ git push

It may ask you to enter your Github username and password. Enter it and then
press enter. If all goes well you can then view your Github repository on the Github
website and you should see that the file exists on Github with the changes you
made to the file.

14.To see the history of the commits you can run the following command:

$ git log

15. Next, Create a new branch called game-implementation.

$ git checkout -b game-implementation

16.Now download the starter files (if you have not already done so) for the lab at the
following URL:

17.Unzip and copy the starter files (index.html, tic-tac-toe-bg.png and tic-
tac-toe.css) from the link above into your info2180-lab3 folder that you
cloned in Step 6 and do an initial commit.

$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Added initial starter files"

18.Now begin the next set of exercises.

Exercise 1 - Layout the board
The first task is to create a new JavaScript file called tic-tac-toe.js (the <script>
tag to reference this file is already included in the index.html file from your starter
code) and in that file write the necessary JavaScript event-handling code so that when
the page loads, each square in the 3x3 grid game board is styled appropriately by
adding the right class. Write your JavaScript code unobtrusively, without modifying
either the index.html or tic-tac-toe.css files.

Hint: It might be helpful to set each div inside the game board to have the provided
CSS class square, using the JavaScript classList property or setAttribute()
method or className property that you learnt in your lecture.

Hint 2: You may also want to ensure you use the onload or DOMContentLoaded

Once you have completed this exercise, take the opportunity to commit and
push your code to Github.

Exercise 2 - Add an X or O to a square when clicked

For your next task, when a user clicks on a square in the grid it should alternate putting
an X or an O onto the square that was clicked. Also ensure you add the class "X" or
"O" to the square so that it is styled with the appropriate colour from the stylesheet.

Hint: You may want to initialize an empty array to keep track of the state of the game
after each square is clicked so that you can use it later to check which user has won.
You can also use the JavaScript innerHTML or textContent property to make the
appropriate X or O show up in the appropriate div.

Once you have completed this exercise, take the opportunity to commit and
push your code to Github.
Exercise 3 - Change the style when you move your
mouse over a square
Now let us see if we can make it a little more interactive by changing the look of the
square whenever a user moves their mouse over a square and then return it to the
original style when the user's mouse leaves the square. You may notice in your tic-
tac-toe.css file that there is a class called hover, which may be helpful.

Once you have completed this exercise, take the opportunity to commit and push your
code to Github.

Exercise 4 - Check for the winner and update the

When the user gets three X's or O's in a row they are declared the winner. Your next
task is to check when either X or O has won and update the message on the page to say
"Congratulations! X is the Winner!" or "Congratulations! O is the Winner!" depending
on who wins. There is a div with an id of status, that this message should be placed
in. You should also ensure that the class you-won is added to the status div as well.

Hint: You can use the JavaScript innerHTML or textContent property to help you to
place the message in the status div.

Once you have completed this exercise, take the opportunity to commit and push your
code to Github.

Exercise 5 - Restart the game

One annoying thing you may be noticing as you test the game so far is that it can't
easily be reset to try again. So our next task will be to make it so that when the user
clicks the New Game button, the game state will reset. That is, if the game squares
have an X or an O then those are to be removed and the status message returns to the
original message so that the user can try to play the game again.
Hint: You should use the click event.

Once you have completed this exercise, take the opportunity to commit and push your
code to Github.

Exercise 6 - Disallow Cheating

Depending on how you coded the previous exercises, you may have a case where if a
user clicks on a square that already has a value then they are able to change what was
there before. Fix this by making it so that a user is not able to change the value of a
square that already has an X or an O.

Once you have completed this exercise, take the opportunity to commit and push your
code to Github.

When you are done and are sure everything is working, switch back to your master
(or main) branch and then merge the changes you made in your "game-
implementation" branch back into your master (or main) branch. Then ensure you
push those changes back to your Github repository.

Submit this lab via OurVLE using the “Lab 3 Submission" link. The following information
must be submitted:

1. Locate your Github repository URL and Copy the URL. It should be in the format For example, if your
username is johndoe, then the URL you will need to submit is https://

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