Advanced Transmission Line Protection System: Conference Paper
Advanced Transmission Line Protection System: Conference Paper
Advanced Transmission Line Protection System: Conference Paper
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This paper describes an advanced protective relay Reduction in relay operating times is one trend in
system for high-speed transmission line protection. In recently developed digital transmission line relays. A
the paper, we present the high-speed distance element number of new techniques allow for secure subcycle
performance, an algorithm that prevents Zone 1 element tripping. Reference (1) introduced the concept of
overreach in series-compensated transmission lines, and multiple data-window filters with corresponding fixed
a reliable frequency estimation algorithm for proper reach. Based on the principle of multiple data-window
frequency tracking during pole-open conditions to filters, we developed the concept of the dual-filter
prevent relay misoperations. Finally, we present logic scheme. This scheme combines voltage and current data
that prevents distance element polarization corruption from half-cycle and one-cycle data windows to obtain
during any pole-open condition in single-phase tripping Zone 1 distance element detection and achieve fast
and reclosing applications. tripping times.
Keywords: Line Protection, Distance Relay, High-
Speed Protection
Right-of-way restrictions on building new transmission FIGURE 1 - Zone 1 Distance Element Using a Dual-Filter
lines increases existing transmission line loading, Scheme
reduces stability margins, and imposes challenges on The mho distance element calculations in FIGURE 1
distance relays for faster tripping times and more secure use techniques presented in (2). Two sets of filtering
relay performance. Combining elements that respond to systems compute the line voltage and current phasors to
only transient conditions with elements that respond to achieve speed in fault detection: one fast using one half-
transient and steady-state conditions results in cycle data window, and one conventional using a one-
dependable, high-speed protection. To achieve security cycle data window. We apply this principle for Zone I
in high-speed tripping, we supplement the fast mho-type fault detection and for Zones 2 and 3 used in
fault detectors with a High-speed Directional and Fault communications-assisted schemes. In the case of
Type Selection (HSD-FTS) algorithm. Zone I , the half-cycle detector has a reach less than the
The application of series capacitors in transmission lines one-cycle detector reach. For Zones 2 and 3 , the reach
imposes challenging problems for distance-type remains the same.
protection systems. Subharmonic transients that occur Mho-type detectors are inherently directional but are not
during faults in series-compensated systems can cause useful for fault type selection because multiple elements
Zone 1 direct tripping distance elements to overreach pick up for single-phase-to-ground faults. Furthermore,
for external faults and jeopardize system security. It is, phasors derived from the half-cycle data window are
therefore, necessary to include series-compensated line less stable than the ones derived from the one-cycle data
logic in distance-based relays to prevent misoperations window. Therefore, in order to achieve security for
for external faults. high-speed tripping, we supplement the fast mho-type
Distance elements need a reliable frequency estimation fault detectors with the HSD-FTS algorithm ( 3 ) . The
algorithm for proper frequency tracking during pole- algorithm uses the sign of the torques in Equation 1 to
open conditions to prevent relay misoperations. Line establish direction and their relative values to select the
shunt reactors interact with line capacitance and fault type. The high-speed directional element provides
maintain oscillatory line voltages for a number of cycles a combined directional and fault type selection signal
at a frequency lower than the power system frequency, for a total of seven outputs in each direction. FIGURE 2
when the breakers are open at both ends of the line. shows the A-phase-to-ground impedance loop, where
These voltages corrupt the distance protection we simply “ O R signals from the one-cycle and half-
polarization and frequency estimation. The distance cycle data-window fault detectors to get the final loop
relay must detect these oscillatory voltage conditions logic signal.
and eliminate the corrupted voltage from the memory
filter input.
0 2004 Schweitzer Engineering Labs, INC, USA. Reproduced with kind permission
FaYlt Seledan
OneCycle Mho Element
High-speed Dlrenlonal
HslICycle Mho Element
FIGURE 2 - A-Phase Impedance Loop Half- and One-Cycle
Combination Logic
Note that we also supplement the conventional one-
cycle mho element with a directional element (4)
Fault Defeclar-MAG
_I_ n,
FREQUENCY ESTIMATION DURING POLE- FIGURE 9a shows the A-phase voltage of a line, with a
OPEN CONDITIONS shunt reactor located on the line side of the circuit
breaker after line de-energization.
Distance elements can misoperate during frequency t k . . h ...., ............. .......... ' ............. ...........
~~~~~~~~~: :..A
excursions and single-pole open conditions if they do
not track the system frequency correctly (1).
Traditionally, relays that calculate frequency have
circuitry or logic that detects zero-crossings of a single-
phase voltage signal to determine the signal period.
These relays calculate frequency reliably as long as the
voltages are present and healthy. This section describes
logic to correctly estimate the system frequency during
pole-open conditions and unhealthy voltage conditions.
During pole-open conditions, the power system is prone
to instability. The power frequency changes when one
phase is open, due to sudden increase in the impedance
between the two line terminals, particularly in weak
source systzms. The distance relay needs to track this FIGURE 9 - A-Phase Voltage Afler Line De-energization and
Its Frequency Estimation
frequency to minimize distance element overreach.
FIGURE 7 shows a 600 MVA generator connected to a FIGURE9b shows the frequency estimation for the
275 kV network through two transmission lines. A-phase line voltage. The frequency of the voltage
signal oscillates between 44.6and 54.4 Hz after line de-
energization. These corrupted voltages must be removed
from the frequency estimation logic to prevent
estimation erron.
FIGURE I O shows the frequency estimation logic that
increases distance element reliability. The relay uses
FIGURE 7 - 275 kV Network With 600 MVA Genemtor voltages VA, V,, and V, to calculate the frequency,
FIGURE Sa illustrates the frequency change when FREQ, obtain the relay tracking frequency, and adapt
Line 2 opens A-phase to clear an A-phase-to-ground the line protection to power system changes.
fault located 50 km from Station S while Line 1 is open.
The frequency varies from 60.2 to 59.8 Hz durlng the
pole-open condition. If the relay in FlGURE 7 does not
track the system frequency appropriately, the apparent
impedance begins to appear as a fault condition, as
shown in FIGURESb. The relay must use voltage "cL
;-m+J-/ Componl."oll.Q. Calculsl,on i
information from the unfaulted phases to track the
FIGURE 10 -Frequency Estimation Logic for Transmission
system frequency and minimize dktance element Line Protection Applications
Depending on breaker pole status and voltage source
health switches SWI, SW2, and SW3 select voltages
V,, V,, and Vc, respectively, or zero. The switches are
in Position 2 if their corresponding pole is closed. The
relay selects Position 1 during a pole-open condition on
a phase-by-phase basis, a three-pole open condition, and
during a loss-of-potential condition.
VI, V2, and V3 are the voltages after SW1, SW2, and
SW3 switch selection. The relay uses these voltages to
calculate the composite signal, Va. Equation 3 shows
the Va calculation.
v, v2 v 3
L l
FIGURE 8 - Frequency Close to the Generator Bus and The frequency estimation algorithm uses the zero-
Distance Element Apparent Impedance During crossing detection method. To prevent erroneous
Pole-Open Conditions frequency estimation during power system faults, the
relay freezes the output of the frequency estimator if the
relay detects a transient or a tripping condition The
output of the logic is the power system frequency, compared to conventional one-cycle only filtering
FREQ. The frequency estimation logic removes the schemes.
voltage signal from the open phase to avoid the use of
The ratio of the measured voltage, VUEASI to the
corrupted signals during pole-open conditions or loss-
calculated voltage, VcnL,in series compensation
of-potential conditions. The relay uses the composite
applications provides information to block Zone 1
signal, V,, to track the system frequency during pole-
distance elements and prevent distance element
open conditions. The constant K modifies the gain of
the composite signal V,, to provide constant signal
amplitude to the frequency estimator for different line Using the composite signal, V,, allows relays to
operating conditions. track system frequency during pole-open conditions.
The composite signal combines information from
DISTANCE ELEMENT POLARIZATION the three phases without additional signal
DURING POLE-OPEN CONDITIONS manipulation, as in the case of positive-sequence
The most popular polarizing quantity for distance The ability to remove the open phase voltage
protection is positive-sequence voltage with memory prevents using corrupted signals for distance
(2). During pole-open conditions in applications with element polarization and frequency tracking during
line-side potentials, eventual comption of the pole-open conditions or loss-of-potential conditions.
polarizing quantity can occur if the input voltage to the
memory circuit is corrupted. Invalid memory
polarization may cause distance element misoperation.
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ringing line voltages for several cycles that have
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Relay Element Design,” Proceedings o f the 19th
These ringing voltages corrupt the distance protection
Annual Western Protective Relay Conference,
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The relay detects the ringing condition and eliminates
3. Benmouyal, G. and Roberts, .I. “Superimposed
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Quantities: Their True Nature and Their
phase-by-phase basis, the relay inputs zeros to the
Application in Relays,” Proceedings of the 26th
memory filter during pole-open conditions to prevent
Annual Western Protective Relay Conference,
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Spokane, Washington, October 26-28, 1999.
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FIGURE I 1 -The Relay inputs Zeros to the Memory Filter Relay Conference, Spokane, Washington, October
When input Voltages Are Corrupted 22-24,2002.