Power Engineering Society
Power Engineering Society
Power Engineering Society
i~~~ -
Leif Eriksson, Murari Mohan Saha, Member, IEEE G. D. Rockefeller, Fellow, IEEE
ASEA AB, Vasteras, Sweden ASEA AB, Vasteras, Sweden Rockefeller Associates, Inc.
Morris Plains, New Jersey
This novel approach is accomplished by using a complete
network model, where the infeed from the network beyond
the remote end point is rigorously taken into consideration.
Abstract - A microprocessor based fault locator is
described, which uses novel compensation techniques to Pre-fault load-current samples are stored and used for
improve accuracy. It displays the distance to the fault in compensation to eliminate a substantial effect on accuracy.
percent of transmission line length, for facilitating repair Also, representative values for the source impedances are
and restoration following a permanent fault. Also, it stored to compensate for variations in impedance angles.
pinpoints weak spots following transient faults. This novel approach is described as well as the system
design and performance.
This new method for fault location on electric power
transmission lines uses recorded phase currents and voltages PURPOSE FOR FAULT LOCATORS
at the near end. The main feature of the method is that it
considers the influence of the remote-end infeed of the Even where helicopters are immediately available for
transmission line by using a complete network model. patrol following unsuccessful reclosing, fault locators
perform a valuable service. Trouble cannot always be found
with a routine patrol with no indication of where the fault
A microprocessor filters the ac currents and voltages occurred. For example, tree growth could reduce
from the protective relaying instrument transformers to clearances, resulting in a flashover during severe conductor
extract the fundamental components of the signals. It then sagging. By the time the patrol arrives, the conductors have
computes the distance to the fault point, compensating for cooled, increasing the clearance to the tree. The weak spot
the apparent reactance in the fault resistance resulting is not obvious.
from load current and the variations in impedance angles in
the power-system network. The importance of fault locators is more obvious
where foot patrols are relied upon, particularly on long
The design has undergone field tests and evaluation. lines, in rough terrain. Also, locators can help where
The outcome of the field tests is presented and has maintenance jurisdiction is divided between different
confirmed the validity of the concept of the fault locator, companies or divisions within a company.
showing an accurate display of the distance to fault.
Fault locators are valuable even where the line has
INTRODUCTION been restored either automatically or non-automatically. In
this category are faults caused by cranes swinging into the
Distance relays for transmission-line protection line, brushfires, damaged insulators and vandalism. The
provide some indication of the general area where a fault locator allows rapid arrival at the site before the evidence
occurred, but they are not designed to pinpoint the location. is removed or the "trail becomes cold"?. Also, the knowledge
Since pRower circuit breakers are only installed at the that repeat faults are occurring in the same area can be
terminals, it is immaterial where the line faulted for valuable in detecting the cause. Weak spots that are not
isolating the flashover. However, with immediate obvious may be found because a more thorough inspection
knowledge of the location, the nature (type and measuring can be focussed in the limited area defined by the fault
data) of the fault can be determined quickly, facilitating locator.
repair and restoration. A locator is also useful for transient
faults, pointing to a weak spot that is threatening further FAULT LOCATION FUNDAMENTALS
The fault location computations determine the
Various methods were developed during the recent apparent fault impedance with novel compensation for the
years to detect the location of fault on a transmission line. fault resistance drop, eliminating the errors inherent in
They are mostly based on analog techniquest 2]. Some fault conventional reactance-type measurements. For a fault-
locator designs are in service which are reliable in detecting protection relay these errors are tolerable because a safety
permanent faults. New methods and systems of fault margin is inserted in its setting. However, for the fault
location based on both analog and digital techniques seem to locator a more precise measurement is quite desirable. The
offer good prospects to obtain a precise location of Appendix derives the equation for the apparent impedance
transient faults also. The method reported in [ii is an seen by a reactance-type measurement. Figs. Al and A2
approximate method. The method of fault location illustrate the apparent reactance effect in the fault-
technique described here seems more advantageous, since it resistance term.
takes into consideration the effects of both ends of the line.
Fig. 1 shows the connection of the fault locator at
84 SM 624-3 A paper recomnended and approved station A. Using the ac quantities available at station A, it
by the IEEE Power System Relaying Committee of the is not possible to determine the total fault current IF unless
IEEE Pow'er Engineering Society for presentation at p and ZSB are known; conventional devices tolerate the
the IEEE/PES 1984 Summer Meeting, Seattle, errors resulting from the infeed current IB flowing through
Washington, July 15 - 20, 1984. Manuscript sub- the fault resistance RF, out of phase with respect to IA.
mitted August 30, 1984; made available for print-
ing May 4, 1984. In the method reported in Reference 1, the current
distribution factors for the parts of the network, located on
either side of the fault point, are assumed to have the same
arguments, or else it is assumed that the difference between
the arguments is known and constant along the line segment
0018-9510/85/0002-0424$01.00(1985 IEEE
L- ( bIL UFE
77+7 (UlA), UF
Fig. 1 Power system one-line diagram with fault.
UA = IA P ZL + IFRF (2)
To consider load current effects, the actual voltages
and currents can be considered to be composed of the
prefault values plus the changes caused by the fault. The
appendix discusses this concept. The load currents are
generated in Fig. 2 by the angular difference between the
source voltages. Voltage UF exists at the fault point prior to
the fault and is the driving voltage in Fig. 3 producing the
changes caused by the fault.
From Fig. 3, the change in positive-sequence current
in the line at A, AI1A, is related to the total positive-
sequence current by the current distribution factor DiA:
Fig. 3 Faulted network (Thevenin equivalent).
AI1A = DlA IlF (3)
Writing a similar, but general expression: processing of the zero-sequence components to obtain rF.
Fig. 4 shows the current relations in the fault for an SLG
IFA = DAIF (4) fault:
F = I2F = IOF
where IFA is the current change produced by the fault, 3
equal to the actual fault current less the prefault current.
The expression for IFA varies with the fault type; Table I
defines these. Changes in phase currents are used except Eliminating the zero-sequence current IOF
for single-line-ground faults. The latter use the change in
faulted phase current less the zero sequence current IOA. IF = 3/2 ( IlF + 12F)
The zero-sequence current is extracted because the zero- AI'A + AI2A
sequence distribution factor DOA is not known as reliably DiA (6)
as the positive-sequence factor DiA. The 3/2 factor in
Table I provides heavier weighting to compensate for the
I-amoval of the zero-sequence current.
The distribution factors for the positive- and negative-
The IFA expression for single-line-ground (SLG) fault
a sequence currents may be assumed, with great accuracy, to
will now be derived with the objective of eliminating the be equal (i.e., DIA = D2A).
Intersection computed
Fig. 4 Current relations for a single-line-to-ground fault.
F IA (10)
Parallel Line Cases
Let IFA =3/2 (A4lA -IOA)
(11) The locator can be finished with a modified algotithm
for a parallel-line application. The positive-sequence
The general expression of Eq. (2) can be rewritten as: network is completely described by re-defining equation 13
I as:
(12) DA (1-P) (ZSA + ZSB + ZL) + ZSB (13A)
2 ZSA + 2 ZSB + ZL
From Fig. 1:
Eq. (13A) assumes an identical parallel line. Use of
DA- (1-P)ZL+ZS the equation will improve accuracy with the parallel line in
(13) service.
Zero-sequence mutual coupling can be compensated
Substituting Eq. (13) in (12) and rearranging, yields: for by interconnecting two fault locators . With a fault
locator on the parallel line its residual current reading can
p- p K1 + K2 K3 RF = 0 be input to its companion locator via the local printer loop
(14) circuit; the mutual resistance and reactance are input as
additional setting parameters.
KI _ UA +1+ ZSB (15) The fault location algorithm uses the pre-fault and
K2 IAZL ZL fault currents and voltages at thei near end of the
transmission line to determine the distance to fault.
(16) Current and voltage samples are continuously measured.
Following a signal from the line protection at the instant it
initiates breaker tripping, current and voltage' samples for
IFA ZSA + ZSB (17) six cycles are frozen until the completion of the distance-
to-fault computation.
The program then determines the loop of analog data The program selects 24 samples from the two periods
(currents and voltages) on which to base the computation. spanned by SL1 to SF1 in Fig. 6, where SFI is the third
For example, the RS loop is selected if the R and S phase sample following the fault point. For the fault data, 24
selectors operate. Table I shows the normal loop selection. samples immediately following SF1 in Fig. 6 are selected.
For double-line-ground faults only, a phase-to-ground loop
may be selected instead of the normal phase-phase loop, if The pre-fault and fault currents and voltages on all
desired. Table II shows the loop options. The program next phases are filtered by Fourier analysis to yield the
determines the fault inception point within the 6 cycle data, fundamental component. The selected loop quantities are
looking at the selected loop aC quantities, choosing the then processed for the distance-to-fault determination,
current(s) first. If necessary, the voltage(s) is also while the complete set is available for printing for user
processed to find the fault inception point. analysis.
Reading 24 samples apart are compared for a The fundamental components are determined by
significant change, starting with oldest samples. The multiplying each sample by the appropriate instantaneous.
required threshold for the current change is adaptive, sine value and integrating over a full period, then repeating
depending on the prefault current level. The voltage the process by multiplying by cosine values. The result
threshold is fixed. If no change is found, a one sample provides the scalar value and argument for each ac quantity.
advance occurs and the procedure is repeated. The Fourier filtering effectively attenuates the dc offset
component and power system harmonics plus CCVT
transients and CT saturation distortion.
The program uses the peak and angle outputs from the
LINE-TO-GROUND FAULTS filtering routine to compute the distance to the fault.
1. RlL 7. RlSB
2. X1L 8. XlSB
3. ROL 9. - Type of phase selection
(Normal, cyclic, acyclic)
4. XOL - CT polarity
- Printout (A,B,C)
5. RlSA - Line number
6. XlSA
Fig. 8 shows the fault locator assembly with phase
selector and printer, which is suitable for 19" rack
mounting. The assembly consists of test unit, power supply
Fig. 7 Hardware configuration. unit, transformer unit and measuring shunt unit, which are
directly mounted to and held together by two apparatus
bars. The remaining plug-in units are connected to a
mother-board, fed from the shunt unit. The bottom half of
The 3-phase currents and voltages enter through input the assembly consists of the fault-type selection
transformers which provide galvanic isolation from the underimpedance and ground overcurrent units and the
instrument transformers, as well as transforming the signals printer.
to a level suitable to the electronics. A screen between the
windings minimizes common-mode surge coupling. The The result of the distance-to-fault calculation is
analog signals feed through low-pass filter for signal shown on the LED indicator. Fig. 9 shows an example of
conditioning, using a 500 Hz cut-off frequency. The filter output results from the printer. The relative distance to
outputs are switched in sequence by the multiplexer and fed fault is expressed in percentage of the line length. "Phase =
into the hold circuit in preparation for conversion to a RN" indicates A and ground inputs from the phase selectors
digital value proportional to the instantaneous value of the (i.e., a phase R to N fault). "LOOP = RN" indicates that the
ac wave. Both the digitized signals and the relay input computer processed phase A to ground voltage and phase A
status are stored in a 6-cycle circular file in the memory and residual currents to determine the fault location. The
with the aid of the microprocessor (MC 6803 computed r.m.s. values of the fundamental component of ac
microprocessor, 8 bit, 814 ns memory cycle). signals in polar form prior to and during the fault are also
shown in Fig. 9.
The microprocessor processes the measuring values
according to the fault location algorithm and presents the DESIGN TESTS
distance to fault in percentage of the line length on the LED
indicator or remote connected equipment (printer, Model-line tests were performed on six fault locator
telemeter, etc.). The microprocessor continuously executes units at the factory under dynamic conditions. A 100 km,
a monitoring routine. If the computer fails to periodically 170 kV line was modelled using CT's and PT's or a CCVT
output an "'all's well" signal, a peripheral circuit operates an modeL The line impedances referred to 380' V were: ZJL =
alarm relay. During normal service, a pushbutton is used for 2.2 + j 17.0 and ZOL = 16.4 + j 68.0 ohms. The ohmic values
Line number 1
Relative distance to
fault p = 75%
Phase = RN, Loop = RN
IR AMPL. = 002,213 A
ARG. = 028,4 DEG.
IS = AMPL. = 000,292 A
ARG. = 308,7 DEG
IT = AMPL. = 000,831 A
ARG. = 212,0 DEG
IRS = AMPL. = 000,519 A
ARG. = 103,1 DEG
IS0 = AMPL. = 000,514 A > Pre-fault
ARG. = 343,3
ITO = AMPL. = 000,524DEG.
ARG. = 223,1 DEG.
Fig. 8 Fault locator assembly with IN = AMPL. = 001,475 A
phase selector and printer. ARG. = 015,1 DEG.
UR = AMPL. = 052,157 V
ARG. = 093,0 DEG.
stated below are also referred to 380 V, the primary of the US = AMPL. = 062,611 V
ARG. = 332,9
UT = AMPL. = 063,192DEG.
system simulator. Faults were applied with varying
incidence angles. Three series of tests were conducted. V
ARG. = 210,5 DEG.
Series No. 1 tests were run with zero fault resistance URO= AMPL. = 063,510 V
ARG. = 092,0
USO = AMPL. = 063,672DEG.
and rated load current, exported power from station A; the
errors were less than 2 % of the line setting. Series No. 2 V Pre-fault
were run with 50 % load, with fault resistance variations ARG. = 331,7 DEG.
from 5 to 40 ohms; the errors were less than 4 % of the line UTO = AMPL. = 063,774 V
setting. Series No. 3 tests checked for errors resulting from ARG. = 211,9 DEG.
variations in source impedance from set values; errors were
less than 2 % of the line setting. Source A was varied from
2 to 32 ohms, B from 6 to 23 ohms. All ohmic values are on
a 1 A rated base. Fig. 9 Printer output
The locator was also run through the normal test
series applied to protective relays, including disturbance 2) A staged fault test was conducted jointly by
(surge) tests: a 4-8 kV fast transient test per SEN361503 (a Texas Power & Light Co. and Texas -New
fast rise test simulating inductive interruptions in the Mexico
control circuits) and the IEC 255-4 1 MHz, 2.5 kV test. Power Co. on the described fault locator. A fault
locator was installed at Northwest Carrollton sub as
FIELD RESULTS shown in Fig. 10.
- I oo,)
'.rror IF RF
U i
The next series of illustrations shows qualitatively the resistance. The total phase current at A is developed in Fig.
fault-resistance infeed effects on two alternative methods 12(b) and is the sum of the currents resulting from the fault
of determining fault location: the reactance and the zero- and driven by UF, and the pre-fault current ILD. Fig. 12(c)
sequence current-reference techniques. Two examples are extracts from Figs. 12(a) and (b) the essentials for
shown: one for load export; the second, import. developing the error diagrams of Figs. 13 and 14.
Fig. 12(a) shows the station A line currents out of The reactance type of Fig. 13 uses the same basis of
phase with the total fault current IF. Stating it another way, measurement as does the conventional reactance relay. The
source B produces out-of-phase infeeds in the fault angular shift of IFRF produces an error which can become
IFRF- - 1 _ Error
-T (a) UF
.? V.5
;<Iq J,A
Fig. 13: Reactance-type error resulting from conditions in
Fig. 12.
Fig. 14 Zero-sequence-current-reference-type
error resulting from conditions in Fig. 12.
In Fig. 15(a), power is being imported to Station A so Fig. 15: System quantities for a single-phase-ground fault
ILD is about 1800 from its position in Fig. 12. The fault with load import into station A.
currents here are identical to those of Fig. 12; however, the
superposition of load current results in a different
magnitude and angle for IA. Compare 16 and 17: the latter then faulted as specified in rable IV. Method 1 has zero
now has a larger error because its reference current, error because the source impedance values were input,
3IOFDOA, leads the IA position. describing the complete system. Method 4 shows substantial
errors, although smaller than both methods 2 and 3.
The load compensation method [1) will experience
errors generally less than those shown in Figs. 14 and 17, Case 3 in Table IV yields greater errors than cases 1
depending upon the amount of out-of-phase infeed into the and 2 because the zero-sequence line impedance argument
fault from the far end. This can be seen in the following of 76.7 degrees is lower with respect to the zero-sequence
numerical examples. source impedance argument. The corresponding angle for
cases 1 and 2 is 81.7 degrees. Thus, the zero-sequence out-
Single-Line Examples of-phase infeed is much greater in case 3, causing greater
errors for methods 2, 3 and 4.
Table IV shows the location errors for three cases,
comparing four computational methods, using an off-line With smaller fault resistances the errors in Table IV
computer simulatation. Table V defines the power system will be correspondingly smaller. On the other hand, lower
conditions for two different transmission lines. These were voltage lines with lower arguments will produce larger
- - - Eror
UA -..;0Fig. 16
Fig. 16: Reactance-type error resulting from conditiorns in F iY. 1.7 Zero-sequence-current-reference-type
Fig. 15. error resulting from conditions in Fig. 15.
Power Fault Fault RF Method 1 Method 2 Method 3 Method 4
Case System Locator Point Ohms p Error p Error p Error p Error
1 Ashe-Marion Ashe 0.9 50 0.9 0 0.87 -3.1 0.62 -28.4 0.88 -1.9
2 Ashe-Marion Ashe 0.9 100 0.9 0 0.86 -4.5 0.54 -36.7 0.87 -2.7
3 Stenkullen- Sten- 0.8 125 0.8 0 0.72 -7.9 0.39 -41.0 0.76 -4.2
Borgvik kullen
errors where the remote source argument is higher, such as 0.1-20 times rated; voltage, 0.01-1.5 rated. It is available
would be the case near a generating station. with 1, 2 and 5 A ratings, withstanding 3 times rated current
Parallel-Line Examples
It is designed for use with the relaying instrument
Table VI shows computer-simulation results for two transformers and introduces a burden of 1 VA per phase at
parallel-line cases. In both instances the parallel line is rated voltage or current.
identical to its companion listed in Table V. The errors in
Table VI for method 1 would occur if parallel-line The unit is designed and tested just as if it were a
compensation were not included. With both the positive - protective relay.
and zero-sequence effects included in the- algorithms, the
computed errors were zero. The uncompensated errors for Operating temperature range is 0 to 550 C.
the Lieto-Forsa application are greater because of the lower
line arguments compared to the Ashe-Marion lines. The It requires 1.5 cycles of fault dturation for an accurate
parallel-line effect uipon accuracy will be the greatest for measurement.
far-end faults, because these produce . the maximum
parallel-line current. It is not necessary to apply one locator at each line
terminal. Four units can share one optional printer.
APPLICATION CONSIDERATIONS The distance to the fault can be remotely logged using
the built-in telemetering outputs from the locator.
The unit is suitable for use with lines or sources with
secondary impedances in the range of 0-1000 ohms based on
a A CT (0-200 ohms for 5 A CT's). Signal current range is
DlA + ~fl
(A5) _%.. Increasing RF
(1 P) ZlL + ZlSB RA
ZlSA + ZlL + ZlSB
(A?) A
(A8) ,pparent
Eq. (A8) is a quadratic in p, the unknown fault rop
location. RF is also unknown. N
Discussion A computer simulation on a 400 kV, 150 km line with a shunt load
J. M. Crockett (Westinghouse Canada Inc., Hamilton, Ontario, Canada): applied at Station A of the proportions stated by Mr. Crockett produc-
The authors have outlined an interesting concept in fault locator design ed these results:
but some additional information would be useful. Source
The derivation of the equivalent source impedances Z1SA and Z1SN
could be described in greater detail. It would appear that they are not Fault Rf Impedange Error
actual source impedances but based on a system reduction to a two line Case Point Ohms Scalar Angle wo
1 0.5 20 23 90 1-
machine equivalent and then the delta star conversion of the equivalent 2 0.5 20 22.9 85.2 0
parallel line and source impedances. If the resulting mutual branch is 3 0.5 100 23 90 3
eliminated, positive sequence source impedances result which yield cor- 4 0.5 100 22.9 85.2 0
rect distribution factors for all fault locations. Is this the approach used? 5 0.8 100 23 90 4
It is not exact in the zero sequence network if mutual coupling is involved. 6 0.8 100 22.9 85.2 0
The positive sequence equivalent is not precisely rigorous if shunt loads
at the line terminals are ignored or variable, and the degree of precision All six faults were phase to ground. Cases 2, 4 and 6 have zero error,
as regards fault locator accuracy may be very important even though because the load impedance has been rigorously accommodated. Cases
the resulting source impedance argument variation is less than 3 degrees. 3 and 5 represent extreme conditions, with 100 ohms of fault resistance,
As an example of errors, consider source to line impedance ratio in particularly case 5 where the fault is near the far end. By choosing a
the order of 0.5, shunt loads in the order of 12 or more times the source representative value for the load impedances variations in this value will
impedance, a substantial phase shift between sources, a high resistance have a limited error effect.
fault to ground such as a tree, and a fault locator at the power receiving The parameters for this example are:
line terminal. I believe substantial changes in measured fault location magnitude angle-deg.
would be observed as the shunt load, fault location, and fault impedance
vary. Would the authors agree? ZISA 23 90
The ability to locate a high impedance fault to foliage would indeed ZOSA 23 90
be useful but has this capability been demonstated? Slow relaying would ZSH 276 0
be expected for such a fault and hence apparent current and voltage devia- ZISB 20 90
tions could be zero when the line was tripped. ZOSB 40 90
Finally, I believe that the power-sending terminal is the preferred fault ZIL 46.5 84.4
locator position. Would the authors agree? ZOL 156.7 77.5
UAE 230.9 0
Manuscript received August 2, 1984. ZBE 230.9 -38.5
ILD 2312 -14.3
ZSp 22.9 85.2
L. Eriksson, M. M. Saha, and G. D. Rockefeller: The authors thank Impedances are in ohms, voltages in kV, currents in amperes and angles
Mr. Crockett for his interest in this paper and for his relevant comments in degrees. ZSF is the positive-sequence equivalent of the paralleled source
and questions. His discussion can be segregated into four areas: ZSA and load impedance ZSH. Note that the effect of the load impedance
1. derivation of the current distribution factor for the parallel line case at Station A is to shift the actual source angle from 90 deg. to 85.2 deg.
2. effect of shunt loads for the paralleled equivalent of the source and load impedances. The
3. availability of prefault current information for a high-impedance load has a negligible effect on the magnitude of this equivalent.
fault 3. If the normal high-speed proteciton fails to detect a high-resistance
4. preferred spot for the locator. fault, such as a mid-span flashover to foliage, two possibilities exist for
These item numbers will be used below. the locator:
1. The current distribution factor as stated in Eq. 13A is rigorous a) The fault-locator terminal opens following the remote terminal.
assuming an identical parallel line. It is independent of any zero-sequence In this case, there is no load current flow during the fault period used
effect, including mutual impedance, because only the positive-sequence by the locator to compute. Thus, no error occurs because of load current.
factor is needed to derive the total fault current If. b) The fault-locator terminal opens first. The prefault data are not
Measured voltage will contain any mutual induction from a parallel available in memory if the line protection trip is delayed. This
line-this can be compensated for by inputting the zero-sequence mutual situation will be recognized by the program and an alternative
impedance to the locator and providing the program with the measured "slow trip" routine is processed. Errors will occur because of
parallel-line zero-sequence current via the printer loop, from the com- the load current component.
panion locator. 4. The direction of power flow is not of concern to the fault locator,
The Eq. 13A expression is derived using a delta-star conversion, where since its algorithm eliminates load flow effects. That is, there is no bias
the source impedances are merged into the equivalent impedances. towards installing the locator at the "power sending terminal" unless
However, the actual source impedances are input just as for the single this describes the stronger source of fault current. The stronger source
line algorithm which uses Eq. 13 for the distribution factor. installation reduces errors because the weaker end produces less of an
2. Shunt impedance effects at the two ends of the line can be rigously infeed effect.
canceled by including these impedances in the source impedances. This 5. The following additional field results are noteworthy. Six phase-
is the case for either the single line or the parallel line algorithm. The ground faults occurred during very high winds on a 400 kV, 135 km line.
load and source impedances are merely paralleled. Mr. Crockett is cor- The precise location of these temporary faults is not known. The locator
rect that changes in these, coupled with fault resistance, will introduce operated in each case, indicating in the range of 93 to 990/.
errors. The magnitude of the load impedance will have little effect, but
its angular difference compared to the other impedances will have an Manuscript received September 4, 1984.
effect as the impedance varies from the nominal value used to determine
the source impedance input. The following example illustrates this effect.