Unless Otherwise Indicated, For Every Kind of Regional Protection Available
Unless Otherwise Indicated, For Every Kind of Regional Protection Available
Unless Otherwise Indicated, For Every Kind of Regional Protection Available
(51) International Patent Classification: DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, HN,
B01D 61/02 (2006.01) 11) 61/58 (2006.01) HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IR, IS, JO, JP, KE, KG, KH, KN, KP,
B 11) 61/04 (2006.01) KR, KW, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME,
(21) International Application Number:
(22) International Filing Date: TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, WS, ZA, ZM, ZW.
06 March 2020 (06.03.2020)
(84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
(25) Filing Language: English kind of regional protection available) . ARIPO (BW, GH,
(26) Publication Language: English
UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU, TJ,
(30) Priority Data: TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK,
62/814,596 06 March 2019 (06.03.2019) US EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV,
62/880,397 30 July 2019 (30.07.2019) US MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK, SM,
TR), OAPI (BF, BJ, CF, CG, Cl, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW,
UNIVERSITY [US/US]; c/o Bev Hartline VC Research,
1300 W . Park, Butte, Montana 59701 (US). UNIVERSI¬
TY OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST [US/US]; 240 — with international search report (Art. 21(3))
Thatcher Rd., Amherst, Massachusetts 01003-9364 (US).
ment of Environment, Land and Infrastructure Engineering,
Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Torino (IT).
(72) Inventors; and
(71) Applicants: ZODROW, Katherine R. [US/US]; c/o Mon¬
tana Technological University, 1300 W . Park, Butte,
Montana 59701 (US). EGGENSPERGER, Christina G.
[US/US]; c/o Montana Technological University, 1300 W .
Park, Butte, Montana 59701 (US). GIAGNORIO, Mat-
tia [IT/IT]; c/o Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli
Abruzzi 24, 10129 Torino (IT). HOLLAND, Marcus C.
[US/US]; c/o Montana Technological University, 1300 W .
Park, Butte, Montana 59701 (US). DOBOSZ, Kerianne
M. [US/US]; c/o University of Massachusetts Amherst,
240 Thatcher Rd., Amherst, Massachusetts 01003-9364
(US). SCHIFFMAN, Jessica D. [US/US]; c/o Universi¬
ty of Massachusetts Amherst, 240 Thatcher Rd., Amherst,
Massachusetts 01003-9364 (US). TIRAFERRI, Alberto
[IT/IT] ; c/o Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi
24, 10129 Torino (IT). BECHTEL, Carson [US/US]; c/o
Montana Technological University, 1300 W . Park, Butte,
Montana 59701 (US). JIANG, Daqian [CN/US]; c/o Mon¬
tana Technological University, 1300 W . Park, Butte, Mon¬
tana 59701 (US).
(74) Agent: MUELLER, Lisa V.; Casimir Jones, S.C., 2275
Deming Way, Suite #3 10, Middleton, Wisconsin 53562
(81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
kind of national protection available) : AE, AG, AL, AM,
AO, AT, AU, AZ , BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BY, BZ,
10 ] This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 62/8 14,596,
filed March 6, 2019 and U.S. Provisional Application No. 62/880,397, filed July 30, 2019,
the contents of each of which are incorporated herein by reference.
[0002] This invention was made with government support under Grant No. 828523
awarded by the National Science Foundation and Cooperative Agreement Number W91 1NF-
15-2-0020 awarded by the Army Research Laboratory. The government has certain rights in
the invention.
[0003] The present disclosure provides methods and systems to treat water with a living,
self-healing cellulose membrane.
[0004 Access to sufficient amounts of clean water is a persistent global problem. In 2015,
the United Nations identified as a Sustainable Development Goal providing access to clean
a er for all by the year 2030, as two thirds of the world’s population (about 3.6 billion
people) experience water scarcity for at least one month of the year. This number could
increase to 4 .8-5. 7 billion by 2050. Current w¾ter use coupled with global population
increases, makes the development of easy to use, chemicaliy-bemgn, and inexpensive water
treatment technologies a challenge.
[0005 j To combat water scarcity and degrading water quality', many are turning to
advanced engineering solutions for water treatment. Micro- and ultra- filtration membranes
can be used in water treatment to remove pathogens, for example, protozoa like Giardia and
Cryptosporidium , bacteria like E . coii, and viruses, without reiving on complex water
chemistry. Membranes also have a lower footprint, making them more desirable in urban and
decentralized locations. In industry, micro- and ultra- filtration membranes are used to filter
and/or concentrate milk, fruit juice, and beer, and they are also used in biomedical equipment.
Currently, most membrane installations are in the micro- and ultra- filtration range, and most
of those installations are used by industry , with the membrane market valuation expected to
reach $ 1.95 billion by 202 1.
[0006] Disclosed herein are methods of treating water, tire method comprising the steps of:
passing water through a living, self-healing cellulose membrane; and obtaining treated water,
wherein the membrane rejects at least about 80% of particles having a size of at least about
30 nm.
100 7 Also disclosed herein is a system for treating water comprising: a water input line
for receiving non-treated water and at least one living, self-healing cellulose membrane
which is used to convert the non-treated water into treated water, wherein the membrane
rejects at least about 8 % of particles having a size of at least about 30 nm.
[0008] Other aspects and embodiments of the disclosure will be apparent in light of the
following detailed description and accompanying figures.
000 ] The patent or application file contains at least one drawing executed in color.
Copies of this patent or patent application publication with color drawings will be provided
by the Office upon request and payment of the necessary fee.
[00 ] FIGS. . - F show the characteristics of a living filtration membrane (LFM). FIG.
A is a digital photo of an LFM on a gloved hand. FIG. IB and FIG. 1C are scanning electron
micrograph (SEM) images of an LFM showing coated cellulose fibers (LFM prepared with
lyophilization and gold coating, FIG. IB) and bacteria embedded in fibers (bleached LFM
prepared with post-critical point drying and gold coating, FIG. C) . FIG. ID is Fourier
Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectra for LFM and a cellulose nanofiber membrane. FIG. IE is
a graph of pure water flux as a function of transmembrane pressure for a pristine LFM. FIG.
IF s LFM selectivity measured with gold and polypropylene nanoparticles. Prior to
permeability and selectivity measurements, membranes were compacted at 3.1 bar for h in a
dead-end filtration cell. Membrane thickness was 1.3 ± .2 mm, and each coupon had a
diameter of 25 mm. Where applicable, data is presented as the average with the error bars
denoting the standard deviation.
|60ll] FIGS. 2A-2F show that the microorganisms within LFMs impart a self-healing
property. FIGS. 2A-2C show normalized self-healing permeability for 4 mm long surface
incision slit (FIG. 2A), for three 450 m diameter holes (FIG. 2B) and for one 2 m hole
(FIG. 2C). For each test, permeability was measured before and immediately after damage.
Membranes were placed in a growth solution to heal for a period of 1- 7 days. Ail graphs are
normalized to pristine membrane intrinsic permeability. FIG. 2D and FIG. 2E are confocal
images of LFM damaged using a 450 pm tapered needle immediately following damage
(FIG. 2D) or after 14 days of healing (FIG. 2E): side views of LFM are shown the bottom
portion of image. FIG. 2F is an image of a damaged LFM with 2 m hole secured in the 0
mL dead-end filtration cell.
[ 0 2 FIGS. 3A-3D show the effect of LFM permeability (FIG. 3A and FIG. 3B) and
LFM selectively (FIG. 3C and FIG. 3D) as a function of storage environment: acidic media
without a carbon source (FIG. 3A and FIG. 3C) or deionized water (FIG. 3B and FIG. 3D).
[0 3] FIGS. 4A-4C show a point of use application. FIG. 4A and 4B are images of one
possible operational setup for gravity LFM filtration. FIG. 3C shows the production rate for
gravity LFM filtration setups.
[00 4] FIGS. 4A-4C show a point of use application FIG 4A and 4B are images of one
possible operational setup for gravity LFM filtration. FIG. 3C shows the production rate for
gravity LFM filtration setups.
[ 5] FIG. 5 is a graph of normalized flux for living fi ltration membranes (LFM 1 and
LFM 2) and mixed cellulose ester membranes (MCE and MCE 2) when processing
drinking water pre-treated with coagulation and flocculation.
[0 6 The present disclosure provides methods of treating water, the methods comprise
passing water through a living, self-healing cellulose membrane to obtain treated water. I
some aspects, the water is wastewater.
[0 ] Living filtration membranes (LFMs) were fabricated on lab-scale from a mixture of
deionized water, black tea, sucrose, acetic acid (5%), and a starter culture of bacteria and
yeast (SCOBY) and characterized for water filtration, structural, and self-healing properties.
Pristine LFM permeability and size cutoff was about 135 L ' ar and about 30 mn,
respectively. However, the LFMs disclosed herein experienced no change to intrinsic
permeability and selectivity when stored outside of synthetic growth conditions for about 10
days. Self-healing tests resulted in return to 175-180% of the original flux in a period of
about 4 to about 17 days, based on the type of applied damage, following incubation of LFMs
in a growth solution at about 25 °C Successful lab-scale gravity filtration with the LFMs
demonstrated ease of use and world-wide accessibility, especially in places lacking reliable
drinking water.
[0018] Section headings as used this section and the entire disclosure herein are merely
for organizational purposes and are not intended to be limiting.
1. Definitions
[0019 The terms “comprise(s),” “include(s),” “having,” “has,” “can,” “contain(s),” and
variants thereof, as used herein, are intended to be open-ended transitional phrases, terms, or
words that do not preclude the possibility of additional acts or structures. The singular forms
“a,” “and” and “the” include plural references unless the context clearly dictates otherwise.
The present disclosure also contemplates other embodiments “comprising,” “consisting of’
and “consisting essentially of,” the embodiments or elements presented herein, whether
explicitly set forth or not.
[0 2 j For the recitation of numeric ranges herein, each intervening number there between
with the same degree of precision is explicitly contemplated. For example, for the range of 6-
9, the numbers 7 and 8 are contemplated in addition to 6 and 9, and for the range 6 .0-7.0, the
number 6.0, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6, 6.7, 6.8, 6.9, and 7.0 are explicitly contemplated.
[0 21] Unless otherwise defined herein, scientific and technical temis used in connection
with the present disclosure shall have the meanings that are commonly understood by those
of ordinary skill in the art. For example, any nomenclatures used in connection with,
and techniques of, cell and tissue culture, molecular biology, immunology, microbiology,
environmental and chemical engineering, genetics and protein and nucleic acid chemistry and
hybridization described herein are those that are well known and commonly used in the art.
The meaning and scope of the terms should be clear; in the event, however of any latent
ambiguity, definitions provided herein take precedent over any dictionary or extrinsic
definition. Further, unless otherwise required by context, singular terms shall include
pluralities and plural terms shall include the singular
[0022 j “Living, self-healing cellulose membrane,” “living filtration membrane,” and
“LFM” are used interchangeably herein to refer to membranes comprising a microbial
cellulose matrix with an associated or intertwined microbial community. The microbial
community is living and responsible for regeneration of the cellulose matrix which allows the
membrane to self-heal following damage or rupture.
[002 “Flat sheet,” as used herein refers to flat membrane structures having a separating
layer present at the surface.
[0024] ‘Wastewater,” as used herein, refers to any used water from any combination of
domestic, industrial, commercial or agricultural activities, surface runoff or stonnwater, and
any sewer inflow or sewer infiltration. In some embodiments, the wastewater is domestic or
municipal sewage or blackwater, winch is contaminated with fecal matter, or greywater,
which is wastewater without fecal contamination.
[0025] Preferred methods and materials are described below , although methods and
materials similar or equivalent to those described herein can be used in practice or testing of
the present disclosure. All publications, patent applications, patents and other references
mentioned herein are incorporated by reference in their entirety. The materials, methods, and
examples disclosed herein are illustrative only and not intended to be limiting.
[0026] ie present disclosure provides methods for treating water. The methods comprise
passing water through a living, self-healing cellulose membrane and obtaining treated water.
[0027] The methods may be applied to any source of water that needs purification or
treatment for removal of contaminants. In some embodiments, the water is wastewater
a) Membrane properties
[0 2 ] A membrane is essentially a semi-permeable barrier that allows some components
of a solution to pass through while rejecting others. One basis for rejection of a component by
a membrane is due to size. Particles too large to pass through the pores created by the matrix
of the membrane will be rejected.
[002 ] The living, self-healing cellulose membrane may reject at least 80% of particles
having a size of at least about 30 lira In some embodiments, the membrane may reject at
least 80% of particles having a size of at least about 30 nm, at least about 3 1 nm. at least
about 32 nm, at least about 33 nm, at least about 34 nm, at least about 35 nm, at least about
36 nm, at least about 37 nm, at east about 38 n , at least about 39 nm, at least about 40 nm,
at least about 4 1 nm, at least about 42 nm, at least about 43 nm, at least about 44 nm, at least
about 45 nm, at least about 46 nm, at least about 47 nm, at least about 48 nm, at least about
49 nm, at least about 50 nm, at least about 52 nm, at least about 55 nm, at least about 58 nm,
at least about 60 nm, at least about 65 nm, at least about 70 n , at least about 75 n , at least
about 80 nm, at least about 85 nm, at least about 90 nm, at least about 95 . or at least about
100 nm.
|00301 some embodiments, the membrane may reject at least 85% of particles having a
size of at least about 30 nm, at least about 3 1 nm, at least about 32 nm, at least about 33 nm,
at least about 34 nm, at least about 35 nm, at least about 36 nm, at least about 37 nm, at least
about 3 nm, at least about 39 nm, at least about 40 nm, at least about 4 1 nm, at least about
42 nm, at least about 43 nm, at least about 44 nm, at least about 45 nm, at least about 46 nm,
at least about 47 nm, at least about 48 nm, at least about 49 nm, at least about 50 nm, at least
about 52 nm, at least about 55 nm, at least about 58 nm, at least about 60 nm, at least about
6 5 nm, at least about 70 nm, at least about 75 nm, at least about 80 nm, at least about 85 nm,
at least about 90 nm, at least about 95 nm, or at least about 100 nm.
10 In some embodiments, the membrane may reject at least 90% of particles having a
size of at least about 30 nm, at least about 3 nm, at least about 32 nm, at least about 33 mn,
a least about 34 nm, at least about 35 nm, at least about 36 nm, at least about 37 nm, at least
about 38 nm, at least about 39 nm, at least about 40 nm, at least about 4 1 n , at least about
42 nm, at least about 43 nm, at least about 44 nm, at least about 45 nm, at least about 46 nm,
at least about 47 nm, at least about 48 nm, at least about 49 nm, at least about 50 nm, at least
about 52 nm, at least about 55 nm, at least about 58 nm, at least about 60 nm, at least about
65 nm, at least about 70 nm, at least about 75 nm, at least about 80 nm, at least about 85 mn,
at least about 90 nm, at least about 9 5 nm, or at least about 100 nm.
032 In some embodiments, the membrane may reject at least 95% of particles having a
size of at least about 30 nm, at least about 3 nm, at least about 32 nm, at least about 33 nm,
at least about 34 nm, at least about 35 nm, at least about 36 nm, at least about 37 nm, at least
about 3 nm, at least about 39 nm, at least about 40 n, at least about 4 1 mn, at least about
42 nm, at least about 43 nm, at least about 44 nm, at least about 45 nm, at least about 46 nm,
at least about 47 nm, at least about 48 mn, at least about 49 nm, at least about 50 n , at least
about 52 nm, at least about 55 nm, at least about 58 nm, at least about 60 nm, at least about
65 nm, at least about 70 nm, at least about 75 nm, at least about 80 mn, a least about 85 nm,
at least about 90 nm, at least about 95 nm, or at least about 1 0 nm.
[0033] Flux is the flow of a solution through a filter. The ability to maintain a reasonably
high flux is essential in tire membrane separation/filtration process. Low flux can result in
long filtration times or require large filter assemblies, resulting in increased cost and large
hold-up volumes retained in the modules and associated filter system equipment. The living,
self-healing cellulose membrane may have a flux of at least about 100 L/m 2/hr (LMH) at 2
[ 034 In some embodiments, the flux s at least about 125 L/m /hr (LMH), at least about
150 L/m /hr (LMH), at least about 175 L/m /hr (LMH), at least about 200 L/m 2/hr (LMH), at
least about 225 L/m /far (LMH), at least about 250 L/nr/hr (LMH), at least about 300 L/m r
(LMH), at least about 350 L/nr/hr (LMH), 400 at least about L/m /hr (LMH), at least about
450 L/nr/hr (LMH), or at least about 500 L/m /hr (LMH) at 2 bar. In some embodiments, the
flux is between about 100 L/m /hr (LMH) and about 500 L/m /hr(LMH) at 1-3 bar. In certain
embodiments, the flux is between about 100 L/m /hr(LMH) and about 300 L/m 2/hr(LMH) at
1-3 bar.
125 Lm^h^bar 1, less than about 120 Lm fiv'bar 1 , less than about 1 5 L flr'bar 1
, less than
about 110 Lm ba , less than about 105 Lm h _ bar less than about 1 0 Lm fii^bar 1, less
than about 95 Lm^h^bar 1
, ess than about 90 Lm^h^bar 1
, ess than about 85 Lm^h^bar 1
less than about 80 Lm h ba less than about 75 Lm h ba less than about 70 Lm h bar
less than about 65 Lm fir'bar 1
, or less than about 60 Lm h bar
[ 38 | The membrane may take on a variety of configurations, shapes, and sizes based on
the end-use application. In some embodiments the membrane is a flat sheet.
|00391 The thickness of the membrane may be varied by known methods to achieve the
desired permeability and flux for the anticipated application. T re membrane may have a
thickness of at least about 0.1 mm. In some embodiments, the thickness is at least about 0.2
mm, at least about 0.3 mm, at least about 0.4 mm, at least about 0.5mm, at least about 0.6
mm, at least about 0.7 mm, at least about 0.8 mm, at least about 0.9 mm, at least about 1.0
mm, at least about 1.25 mm, at least about 1.5 mm, at least about 1.75mm, at least about 2.0
mm, at least about 2.5 mm, at least about 3.0 mm, at least about 3.5 mm, at least about 3.75
mm, at least about 4.0 mm, at least about 4.5 mm, at least about 4.75 mm, or at least about 5
[0 40] In some embodiment, the thickness of the membrane is less than about 10 mm, less
than about 7.5 mm, less than about 5 mm, less than about 4.5 mm, less than about 4.0 mm,
less than about 3.5 mm, less than about 3.0, less than about 2.5 mm, less than about 2.0 mm,
less than about 1 5mm , less than about .0 mm, or less than about 0.5 mm
[0041 j The shape and size of the membrane will be chosen based on the end use
application. Common filter shapes include, but are not limited to, a circle, an o val, a square,
and a rectangle. The membrane may be a circle and have a diameter at least about 0.50 cm. n
some embodiments, the diameter is at least about 0.75 cm, at least about 1.0 cm, at least
about 1.5 cm, at least about 2 cm, at least about 2.5 cm, at least about 3.0 cm, at least about
3.5 cm, at least about 4.0 cm, at least about 4.5 cm, at least about 5.0 cm, at least about 7.5
cm, at least about 10 cm, at least about meter, at least about 5 meters, or at least about 0
meters. In some embodiments, the diameter may be up to about 0 meters. The membrane
may be a square or rectangle and have s de length up to about 0 meters.
b) Living, Self-Healing Cellulose Membrane
0042] The living, self-healing cellulose membranes, or living filtration membranes
(LFMs) described herein comprise microbial cellulose and an associated microbial
community. The membranes have innate antifouling and self-healing properties. Antifouling
is due to the high surface hydrophi!icity of the cellulose and the presence of microorganisms
on the membrane, which may repel other microorganisms. The living microorganisms are
also responsible for self-healing due to microbial generation of cellulose after damage.
[0043 The living, self-healing cellulose membrane may be derived from one or more
cellulose producing microorganisms. Any microorganism capable of producing cellulose may
be suitable for the methods disclosed herein. For example, bacteria from the genera
Aerobacter, Acetobacler , Achromobacter, Agrobacterium, Alacaligenes, Azotobaster,
Pseudomonas, Rhizobium, and Sarcina are all capable synthesizing cellulose. In some
embodiments, the microorganisms comprise a symbiotic cul ture of bacteria and yeast
(SCOBY) from kombucha tea. The species comprising a SCO BY generally
include Acetobacler bacterial species, as well as various Saccharomyces species or other
yeasts. In some embodiments, the microorganisms comprise Acetobacler, Rhizobium,
Agrobacterium, Aerobacter, Salmonella, Escherichia, Zygosaccharomyces rouxii, Candida
sp., or combinations thereof.
4 } Living, self-healing cellulose membranes may be fabricated using water, organics,
nutrients, sucrose or other carbon source, acetic acid, and a microbial culture. The membrane
may be fabricated using water streams which are high in organics and nutrients, including, for
example, municipal wastewater, environmental waste streams or waste streams from the food
industry. In one embodiment, the living, self-healing cellulose membrane is made by a
method comprising combining boiling water, tea and a carbon source to form a tea mixture;
steeping the tea mixture; adding acetic acid and the one or more cellulose producing
microorganisms and yeast to form a culture; and incubating the culture.
[ 0045} The carbon source may he any source of carbon amenable to uptake and
breakdown by the microbial organisms comprising the membrane. In some embodiments, the
carbon source comprises sucrose, fructose, glucose, maltose, or a combination thereof. he
carbon source may be a natural product, for example, honey or agave nectar, or purified, such
as pure sucrose or glucose. The carbon source may be provided in any form including, but not
limited to, powders, granules, syrups or solution.
[0046} The tea may include green tea, white tea, black tea or a combination thereof. In
some embodiments, the tea is black tea, including, but not limited to, Oolong, Pekoe, Ceylon,
Assam and Darjeeling. In certain embodiments, the black tea is a combination of Pekoe and
10047} The tea mixture may be steeped for varying amounts of time depending on the
scale of the process. In general, the tea mixture needs to cool to between about to about 30
°C (e.g. about 25 °C) before proceeding to the next step.
[004 Acetic acid is added to adjust the pH to less than 5 and the one or more cellulose
producing microorganisms are added to form the culture. In some embodiments, the acetic
acid s added to a pH of between 3.5 and 5, or between 3 5 and 4 .
[0 49 The final culture may he incubated as long as necessary until a uniform membrane
of desired thickness and diameter is obtained. In general, the incubation is carried out at
temperatures which promote growth and cellulose production of the microorganisms. In some
embodiments the culture is incubated at about 25°C. A constant incubation temperature
results in consistent and uniform membrane characteristics. In some embodiments, the
incubation lasts about 7 to about 10 days.
[ 5 ] The method may further comprise treating the membranes with a treatment
solution, including, but not limited to, sodium hydroxide, hydrogen peroxide, and sodium
hypochlorite, that remove microorganisms and excess organic matter. With low
concentrations of treatment solutions, inert cellulose membranes w th similar permeability
and selectivity characteristics can be fabricated and used like conventional polymeric
membrane. These membranes may be useful for specific applications, including filtration in
medical devices, in which the presence of microorganisms should be avoided. Higher
concentration of the treatment solutions can change the porous structure of the membrane,
such that the treatment results in a new inert cellulose membrane with higher penneability
and lower selectivity or, upon fusing of fibers, lower permeability and higher selectivity.
Treated membranes may be restored by reintroducing microorganisms and giving them a
food source to create LFMs with different filtration properties.
[ 05 The present disclosure provides systems for treating water. The systems for
treating water comprise a water input line for receiving non-treated water and at least one
living, self-healing cellulose membrane which is used to convert the non-treated water into
treated water, wherein the membrane rejects at least 8 % of particles having a size of at least
3 nm.
1 05 J The system may be applied to any source of water that needs purification or
treatment for removal of contaminants. In some embodiments, the water is wastewater. In
some embodiments, the water is potable wa ter
a) Membrane properties
53 j The living, self-healing cellulose membrane may reject at least 80% of particles
having a size of at least about 30 nm In some embodiments, the membrane may reject at least
80% of particles having a size of at least about 30 nm, at least about 3 1 nm, at least about 32
nm, at least about 33 nm, at least about 34 n , at least about 35 nm, at least about 36 nm, at
least about 37 nm, at least about 38 nm, at least about 39 . at least about 40 nm, at least
about 4 1 nm, at least about 42 nm, at least about 43 nm, at least about 44 nm, at least about
4 5 nm, at least about 46 ran, at least about 47 nm, at least about 48 nm, at least about 49 nm,
at least about 50 nm, at least about 52 nm, at least about 55 nm, at least about 58 n , at least
about 60 nm, at least about 65 nm, at least about 70 nm, at least about 75 nm, at least about
80 nm, at least about 85 nm, at least about 90 nm, at least about 95 nm, or at least about 0
[0054] In some embodiments, the membrane may reject at least 85% of particles having a
size of at least about 30 nm, at least about 3 1 nm, at least about 32 nm, at least about 33 nm,
at least about 34 nm, at least about 35 nm, at least about 36 nm, at least about 37 mn, at least
about 38 mn, at least about 39 nm, at least about 40 nm, at least about 4 1 nm, at least about
42 nm, at least about 43 nm, at least about 44 nm, at least about 45 nm, at least about 46 nm,
at least about 47 nm, at least about 48 nm, at least about 49 mn, at least about 50 mn, at least
about 52 nm, at least about 55 nm, at least about 58 nm, at least about 60 nm, at least about
65 nm, at least about 70 n , at least about 75 mn, at least about 80 nm, at least about 85 nm,
at least about 90 nm, at least about 95 nm, or at least about 100 nm.
[0055] In some embodiments, the membrane may reject at least 90% of particles having a
size of at least about 30 mn, at least about 3 1 nm, at least about 32 nm, at least about 33 n ,
at least about 34 nm, at least about 35 nm, at least about 36 n , at least about 37 mn, at least
about 38 nm, at least about 39 nm, at least about 40 nm, at least about 4 1 nm, at least about
42 nm, at least about 43 nm, at least about 44 nm, at least about 45 mn, a least about 46 nm,
at least about 47 nm, at least about 48 nm, at least about 49 nm, at least about 50 nm, at least
about 52 nm, at least about 55 nm, at least about 58 urn, at least about 60 nm, at least about
6 5 nm, at least about 70 nm, at least about 75 nm, at least about 80 nm, at least about 85 nm,
at least about 90 nm, at least about 95 nm, or at least about 100 nm.
0 56] In some embodiments, the membrane may reject at least 95% of particles having a
size of at least about 30 nm, at least about 31 nm, at least about 32 nm, at least about 33 mn,
a least about 34 mn, a least about 35 nm, at least about 36 nm, at least about 37 nm, at least
about 38 nm, at least about 39 nm, at least about 40 n , at least about 4 1 n , at least about
42 m, at least about 43 urn, at least about 44 nm, at least about 45 nm, at least about 46 nm,
at least about 47 nm, at least about 48 nm, at least about 49 nm, at least about 50 nm, at least
about 52 mn, at least about 55 nm, at least about 58 nm, at least about 60 nm, at least about
65 nm, at least about 70 nm, at least about 75 nm, at least about 80 nm, at least about 85 mu,
at least about 90 nm, at least about 95 nm, or at least about 100 nm.
|00571 The living, self-healing cellulose membrane may have a flux of at least about 1 0
L/m /hr (LMH) at 2 bar. In some embodiments, the flux is at least about 2 5 L/m /hr (LMH),
at least about 150 L/m 2/hr (LMH), at least about 175 L/m 2/hr (LMH), at least about 200
/n hr (LMH), at least about 225 L/m /hr(LMH), at least about 250 L/m 2 hr (LMH), at least
about 300 L/m /hr (LMH), at least about 350 L/m /hr (LMH), at least about 400 L/m 27hr
(LMH), at least about 450 L/m 2 hr (LMH), or at least about 500 L/m 2/hr (LMH) at 2 bar. In
some embodiments, the flux is between about 100 L/rrb/hr (LMH) and about 500 L/nr/hr
(LMH) at 1-3 bar. In certain embodiments, the flux is between about 100 L/nr/hr (LMH) and
about 300 L/m 2/hr(LMH) at 1-3 bar.
1 58 The living, self-healing cellulose membrane may have a permeability of at least
about 50 Lm h bar 1 . In some embodiments, the permeability is at least about 55 Lm h 'bar
' , at least about 60 Lnrlr'bar 1
, at least about 65 Lm^h^bar 1 , at least about 70 Lm^h^bar ' ,
at least about 75 Lm r bar 1 , at least about 80 Lm flv'bar 1, at least about 85 Lm^h^bar , at
least about 90 Lm 2h bar at least about 95 L bar 1, at least about 100 Ln bar 1, at
least about 105 Lm flr'bar 1, at least about 110 L r r 'bar 1, at least about 115 Lm 2h lbar , at
least about 120 L r l 'bar 1 , at least about 25 Lnr 'ba 1 , at least about 0 Ln rar ' , at
least about 35 m h ba ' , at least about 40 Lmr h ba , at least about 4 5 Lmrh^bar ,
or at least about 150 Lm h 'ba ' .
059 In some embodiments, the permeability is less than about 300 L r r 'bar 1, less
than about 250 Lm 'bar 1, less than about 200 Lm 'bar 1, less than about 175 Lm 2h bar
' , less than about 150 Lm 2h bar less than about 145 Lm flr'bar 1 , less than about 140 Lm
flf'bar 1, less than about 135 Lm h bar 1, less than about 130 Lm^h^bar , less than 125
about Lm^h^bar 1 , less than about 120 L r l 'bar 1 , less than about 115 L r 'bar 1, less
than about 1 Lnfiflr^bar 1 , less than about 5 Lm^h^bar 1
, less than about 00 Lmrh^bar
' , less than about 95 Lnrh^bar 1
, less than about 90 Lnrlr'bar 1
, less than about 85 Lm h
'bar ' , less than about 80 Lm h l bar ' , less than about 75 Lm h l bar ' , less than about 70 Lm
h 'bar ' , less than about 65 Lm h 'bar ' , or less than about 60 Lm h bar 1.
10 6 H e membrane may take on a variety of configurations, shapes, and sizes based on
the end-use application. In some embodiments the membrane is a flat sheet.
[0 61 ) The thickness of the membrane may be varied by known methods to achi eve the
desired permeability and flux for the anticipated application. Tire membrane may have a
thickness of at least about 0 . mm. In some embodiments, the thickness is at least about 0.2
mm, at least about 0.3 mm, at least about 0.4 mm, at least about 0.5mm, at least about 0.6
mm, at least about 0.7 mm, at least about 0.8 mm, at least about 0.9 mm, at least about 1.0
m , at least about .25 mm, at least about 1.5 mm, at least about 75mm, at least about 2.0
mm, at least about 2.5 mm, at least about 3.0 mm, at least about 3.5 mm, at least about 3.75
mm, at least about 4.0 mm, at least about 4.5 mm, at least about 4.75 mm, or at least about 5
[0062] In some embodiments, the thickness of the membrane is less than about mm,
less than about 7.5 mm, less than about 5 mm, less than about 4.5 mm, less than about 4.0
mm, less than about 3.5 mm, ess than about 3.0, less than about 2.5 mm, ess than about 2.0
mm, less than about .5 mm, ess than about 1.0 mm, or ess than about 0.5 mm.
0 63 The shape and size of the membrane will be chosen based on the end use
application. Common filter shapes include, but are not limited to, a circle, an oval, a square,
and a rectangle. The membrane may be a circle and have a diameter at least about 0.50 cm. In
some embodiments, the diameter is at least about 0.75 cm, at least about .0 cm, at least
about 1.5 cm, at least about 2 cm, at least about 2.5 cm, at least about 3.0 cm, at least about
3.5 cm, at least about 4.0 cm, at least about 4.5 cm, at least about 5.0 cm, at least about 7.5
cm, at least about 10 cm, at least about meter, at least about 5 meters, or at least about 0
meters. In some embodiments, the diameter may be up to about 0 meters. e membrane
may be a square or rectangle and have side length up to about 10 meters
b) Living, Self-Healing Cellulose Membrane
[0064] The living, self-healing cellulose membranes comprise microbial cellulose and an
associated microbial community.
[0065] The living, self-healing cellulose membrane may be derived from one or more
cellulose producing microorganisms. Any microorganism capable of producing cellulose may
be suitable for the methods disclosed herein. For example, bacteria from the genera
Aerobacter, Acetobacter, Achromobacter, Agrobacterium, Alacaligenes, Azotobaster,
Pseudomonas, Rhizobium, and Sarcina are all capable synthesizing cellulose. In some
embodiments, the microorganisms comprise a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast
(SCOBY) from kombucha tea. The species comprising a SCOBY generally
include Acetobacter bacterial species, as well as various Saccharomyces species or other
yeasts. In some embodiments, the microorganisms comprise Acetobacter, Rhizobium,
Agrobacterium, Aerobacter, Salmonella, Escherichia Zygosaccharomyces rouxii, Candida
sp., or combinations thereof.
| 61 Living, self-healing cellulose membranes may be fabricated using water, organics,
nutrients, sucrose or other carbon source, acetic acid, and a microbial culture. The membrane
may be fabricated using water streams which are high in organics and nutrients, including, for
example, municipal wastewater, environmental waste streams or waste streams from the food
industry. In one embodiment, the living, self-healing cellulose membrane is made by a
method comprising combining boiling water, tea and a carbon source to form a tea mixture;
steeping the tea mixture; adding acetic acid and the one or more cellulose producing
microorganisms and yeast to form a culture; and incubating the culture
06 The carbon source may be any source of carbon amenable to uptake and
breakdown by the microbial organisms comprising the membrane. In some embodiments, the
carbon source comprises sucrose, fructose, glucose, maltose, or a combination thereof. The
carbon source may be a natural product, for example, honey or agave nectar, or purified, such
as pure sucrose or glucose. The carbon source may be provided in any form including, but not
limited to, powders, granules, syrups or solution.
1 6 The tea may include green tea, white tea, black tea or a combination thereof. In
some embodiments, the tea is black tea, including, but not limited to, Oolong, Pekoe, Ceylon,
Assam and Darjeeling. In certain embodiments, the black tea is a combination of Pekoe and
The tea mixture may be steeped for varying amounts of time depending on the
scale of the process. In general, the tea mixture needs to cool to between about to about 30
°C (e.g., about 2 °C) before proceeding to the next step.
007 Acetic acid is added to adjust the pH to less than 5 . and the one or more cellulose
producing microorganisms are added to form the culture. In some embodiments, the acetic
acid s added to a pH of between 3.5 and 5, or between 3 5 and 4 .
067 ] The final culture may be incubated as long as necessary until a uniform membrane
of desired thickness and diameter is obtained. In general, the incubation is carried out at
temperatures which promote growth and cellulose production of the microorganisms. In some
embodiments the culture is incubated at about 25°C. A constant incubation temperature
results in consistent and uniform membrane characteristics. In some embodiments, the
incubation lasts about 7 to about 10 days.
[0072 The method may further comprise treating the membranes with a treatment
solution, including, but not limited to, sodium hydroxide, hydrogen peroxide, and sodium
hypochlorite, that remove microorganisms and excess organic matter. With low
concentrations of treatment solutions, inert cellulose membranes with similar permeability
and selectivity characteristics can be fabricated and used like conventional polymeric
membrane. These membranes may be useful for specific applications, including filtration in
medical devices, in which the presence of microorganism s should be avoided. Higher
concentration of the treatment solutions can change the porous structure of the membrane,
such that the treatment results in a new' inert cellulose membrane with higher permeability
and lower selectivity or, upon fusing of fibers, lower permeability and higher selectivity.
Treated membranes may be restored by reintroducing microorganisms and giving them a
food source to create LFMs with different filtration properties.
4, Examples
Materials and Methods
[ 73] Membrane growth a d LFM thickness. A culture of symbiotic bacteria and yeast
(Kombucha, 20 g, Cultures for Health) w¾s added to sterile black tea made by boiling 700
mL deionized water (DI) and steeping 4.6 g generic mix of pekoe black teas for 1 hour. This
culture was supplemented with sucrose (85 g, generic, granulated) and distilled white vinegar
(200 mL, 5% acetic acid, generic). Mixtures were covered with paper towels, secured with
rubber bands, and placed in an incubator at 25 °C for 10 days. After a 10-day growth period,
the membranes were used within 2 days.
[0074] Prior to any experiments, LFM thicknesses were quantified by placing a portion of
each membrane sample on a clean microscope slide and measuring the thickness using
calipers (United States Plastic Corp, Stainless Steel Caliper) in three different sample regions
to obtain an average thickness. Duong the course of experimentation, three different media
were used: a growth media w th the same composition listed above to fabricate an LFM, an
acidic media without a carbon source (growth media minus sucrose), and DI.
[ 07 ] Permeability and selectivity. Permeability and selectivity tests were performed in a
dead-end stirred cell with a 24.5 m sample diameter (Amicon 8101, Millipore co.). The cell
was pressurized using a compressed air tank while flux was determined by monitoring the
change of permeate mass with time with a balance connected to a computer. Prior to any flux
or selectivity measurements, membrane samples were compacted for hour at 3.1 bar using
deionized (DI) water as the feed solution and increasing the pressure slowly by 5 bar per
minute. Each feed solution was filtered through separate membrane samples. Permeability
was measured for 20 min at 4 different applied pressures (0.7, 1.4, 2.1, and 3.1 bar).
Selectivity tests were carried out at 1.4 bar using polymer microspheres solutions (3, 0 2, and
0.1 pm; Polyscience, Inc.) or gold nanopartide solutions (5, 10, and 20 nm; NN-Labs).
Confirmation of particle diameters for PolySciences Poly Beads used in selectivity testing
were run on a Malvern Zetasizer.
0076] Electrospinning of Cellulose Nanofibers. Cellulose acetate nanofiber mats were
electrospun using a modification of a previous method ( K . A . Rieger et al., RSC Adv. 6,
24438-24445 (2016)), and regenerated into pure cellulose nanofiber mats. Briefly, solutions
consisting of 15 wt% cellulose acetate in acetone were mixed for 24 hours at 20 rpm using an
Arma-Rotator A-l apparatus (Elmeco Engineering, Rockville, MD). A cellulose acetate
solution was loaded into a 5 mL Luer-Lock tip syringe capped with a Precision Glide -
gauge needle (Becton, Dickinson & Company, Franklin Lakes, NJ) after which the syringe
was secured to an infusion syringe pump (Cole Parmer, Vernon Hills, IL) Alligator clips
were used to connect the electrode of a high-voltage supply (Gamma High Voltage Research,
Ormond Beach, FL) to the needle and the electrode of a copper plate (152.4 mm χ 152.4 mm
x 3.2 mm, McMaster-Carr, Robbinsville, NJ). The copperplate was wrapped in aluminum
foil and held at a fixed separation distance of 10 cm. A constant feed rate of 3 mL and an
applied voltage of 25 kV were used to electrospin the cellulose acetate solutions. The
assembled electrospinning apparatus was housed in a custom-built environmental chamber
equipped w th a desiccant unit (Drierite, Xenia, OH) that maintained the temperature at 22 ±
°C and the relative humidity at 55%. To generate nanofiber layers with a consistent bulk
thickness, cellulose acetate was electrospun for hour. After being peeled off the collector
plate, the cellulose acetate nanofiber layer was sandwiched between Teflon sheets (3.2 mm χ
[0 Various changes and modifications to the disclosed embodiments will be apparent
to those skilled in the art. Such changes and modifications, including without limitation those
relating to the chemical structures, substituents, derivatives, intermediates, syntheses,
compositions, formulations, or methods of use of the disclosure, may be made without
departing from the spirit and scope thereof.
3 . The method of claims or 2, wherein the membrane rejects at least about 80% of particles
having a s ze of at least about 48 nm.
4 . The method of claims 1-3, wherein the membrane rejects at least about 85% of particles
having a size of at least about 3 nm.
5 . The method of claims 1-4, wherein the membrane rejects at least about 90% of particles
6 . The method of any one of claims 1-5, wherein the membrane has a flux of at least about
00 L/nr/hr (LMH) at 2 bar.
7 . The method of any one of claims 1-6, wherein the membrane has a permeability of at least
about 5 Lm h ar 1.
8 . The method of any one of claims 1-7, wherein the membrane has a permeability of at least
about 35 Lrr ar
9 . The method of any one of claims 1-8, wherein the membrane is a flat sheet.
0 . The method of claim 9, wherein the membrane has a thickness of at least about 0 . 1mm.
1. The method of any one of claims 1-10, wherein the membrane has a diameter of at least
about 0.50 cm.
12. The method of any one of claims 1-1 , wherein the membrane is derived from one or
13. The method of claim 12, wherein the cellulose producing microorganisms comprise a
14. The method of claim 13, wherein the cellulose producing microorganisms comprise
15. The method of any of claims 1-14, wherein the living, self-healing cellulose membrane is
16. The method of claim 15, wherein the carbon source comprises sucrose, fructose, glucose,
17. A system for treating water comprising: a water input line for receiving non-treated
water and at least one living, self-healing cellulose membrane which is used to convert the
non-treated water into treated water, wherein the membrane rejects at least about 80% of
particles having a size of at least about 30 m .
18. The system of claim 17, wherein the water is wastewater or potable water.
19. The system of claims 7 or 8, wherein the membrane rejects at least about 80% of
particles having a size of at least about 48 nm.
20. The system of any one of claims 7-19, wherein the membrane rejects at least about 85%
of particles having a size of at least about 30 nm.
21. The system of any one of claims 17-20, wherein the membrane rejects at least about 90%
of particles having a size of at least about 30 nm.
22. The system of any one of claims 7-21, wherein the membrane has a flux of at least
about 100 L/m /hr(LMH) at 2 bar.
23. The system of any one of claims 17-22, wherein the membrane has a permeability of at
least about 50 Lm^h^bar 1
24. The system of any one of claims 17-23, wherein the membrane has a permeability of at
least about 135 Lm^h^bar 1
25. The system of any one of claims 17-24, wherein the membrane is a flat sheet
26. The system of claim 25, wherein e membrane has a thickness of at least about 0.1mm.
27. The system of any one of claims 17-26, wherein the membrane has a diameter of at least
about 0.50 cm.
28. The system of any one of claims 17-27, wherein the water is wastewater or potable
29. The system of any one of claims 17-28, wherein the membrane is derived from one or
more cellulose producing microorganisms.
30. The system of claim 29, wherein the cellulose producing microorganisms comprise a
symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast from kombucha tea
3 . The system of claim 29, wherein the cellulose producing microorganisms comprise
Acetobacter, Rhizobium, Agrobacterium. Aerobacter, Salmonella, Escherichia,
Zygosaccharomyces rouxii. Candida sp. , or combinations thereof.
32. The system of any of claims 17-3 1, wherein the living, self-healing cellulose membrane
is made by a method comprising:
combining boiling water, tea, and a carbon source to form a tea mixture;
steeping the tea mixture;
adding acetic acid and the one or more cellulose producing microorganisms to form a
culture; and
incubating the culture.
33. The system of claim 32, wherein the carbon source comprises sucrose, fructose, glucose,
maltose, or a combination thereof.
Form PCT/ISA/210 (continuation of first sheet (2)) (July 2019)
Form PCT/ISA/2 10 (second sheet) (July 20 19)