Cleaner: (12) (19) Standard Patent Australian Patent Office

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(12) STANDARD PATENT (11) Application No.

AU 2014294934 B2

(54) Title
Interdental cleaner

(51) International Patent Classification(s)

A61C 15/02 (2006.01)

(21) Application No: 2014294934 (22) Date of Filing: 2014.12.17

(87) WIPO No: WO15/011299

(30) Priority Data

(31) Number (32) Date (33) Country

14158195.9 2014.03.06 EP

(43) Publication Date: 2015.01.29

(44) Accepted Journal Date: 2019.09.12

(71) Applicant(s)
TePe Munhygienprodukter AB

(72) Inventor(s)
Wallstrom, Paul;Larsson, Jan-lnge;Dingizian, Alexander

(74) Agent / Attorney

FPA Patent Attorneys Pty Ltd, Level 43 101 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC, 3000, AU

(56) Related Art

JP 2013192866 A
CN 201790907 U
WO 2009150964 A1
(19) World Intellectual Property
International Bureau
(10) International Publication Number
(43) International Publication Date WO 2015/011299 A3
29 January 2015 (29.01.2015) WIPO I PCT

(51) International Patent Classification: HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IR, IS, JP, KE, KG, KN, KP, KR,
A61C15/02 (2006.01) KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME, MG,
(21) International Application Number: PA, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, QA, RO, RS, RU, RW, SA, SC,
PCT/EP2014/078338 SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN,
(22) International Filing Date: TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW.
17 December 2014 (17.12.2014) (84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
(25) Filing Language: English kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
(26) Publication Language: English TZ, UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU,
(30) Priority Data: TJ, TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE,
14158195.9 6 March 2014 (06.03.2014) EP DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU,
[SE/SE]; Bronsaldersgatan 5, S-213 76 Malmo (SE). GW, KM, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
(72) Inventors: WALLSTROM, Paul; Simmaregatan 11, S- Published:
216 11 Limhamn (SE). LARSSON, Jan-Inge; Ympnings-
— with international search report (Art. 21(3))
vagen 2, S-240 14 Veberod (SE). DINGIZIAN, Alexan­
der; Bullerbygatan 61, S-212 45 Malmo (SE). — before the expiration of the time limit for amending the
claims and to be republished in the event of receipt of
(74) Agent: STROM & GULLIKSSON AB; P.O. Box 4188, amendments (Rule 48.2(h))
S-203 13 Malmo (SE).
— upon request of the applicant, before the expiration of the
(81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every time limit referred to in Article 21(2)(a)
kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BY, (88) Date of publication of the international search report:
BZ, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, 30 April 2015


WO 2015/011299 A3

(57) Abstract: An interdental cleaner has a gripping portion (3) and a cleaning portion (4) formed by an elongate body made from a
thermoplastic material. The cleaning portion (4) has a coating made of a self-adhesive, heat-vulcanized rubber material forming peri -
pheral, flexible brush members (6).
WO 2015/011299 1 PCT/EP2014/078338


The present invention relates to interdental cleaning devices and in particular to an
5 interdental cleaner having a toothpick design with a brush portion.

Various types of interdental cleaners or toothpicks have been used since long ago.
Toothpicks of plastic materials are widely used nowadays, and an early example of an
10 interdental toothpick is disclosed in JP-1979-170098U. In one embodiment described
therein, the toothpick has a stick-like body of hard synthetic resin which is partially
coated by a soft synthetic resin. The soft material portion of the toothpick serves to
remove dental plaque and the like from the teeth.

15 Another example of the same basic structure is shown in US-A-6,158,444

(corresponding to WO 98/16169), where a rod-like carrier made of hard plastics is
partially coated by a soft thermoplastic elastomer (TPE).

Further interdental cleaners of similar type are disclosed in EP-A-153,011 and US-A-
20 3,775,848 and some recent designs are shown in WO-A-2009/150964, WO-A-
2012/156025, WO-A-2013/176297, WO-A-2014/005659, WO-A-2014/023395, WO-A-
2014/023424, CN-U-201790907, JP-A-2013188299, JP-A-2013192866 andUS-A-

25 Certain of the interdental cleaners or toothpicks described in these publications are

available on the market, and many of them suffer from different drawbacks which users
have experienced. Some toothpicks are of too weak structure which means that they
break in use. Other interdental cleaners have inefficient brush portions leading to
incomplete cleaning of the teeth. Furthermore, certain toothpicks are uncomfortable to
30 grip and may slip. In summary, many prior-art interdental cleaners are hard to handle
by users.

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From the above it is understood that there is room for improvements.

Reference to any prior art in the specification is not an acknowledgment or suggestion

that this prior art forms part of the common general knowledge in any jurisdiction or
that this prior art could reasonably be expected to be combined with other pieces of
5 prior art by a skilled person in the art.


One or more embodiments of the present invention provide a new type of interdental
cleaner which may improve over the prior art and may eliminate or at least mitigate one
or more of the drawbacks discussed above.

IO In a first aspect, there is provided an interdental cleaner which comprises a gripping

portion and a cleaning portion. The interdental cleaner is formed by an elongate body
made from a thermoplastic material. The cleaning portion has a coating which
comprises a heat-vulcanized rubber material and which forms peripheral, flexible brush
members. The elongate body includes a cleaning portion body, which when coated,
15 forms the cleaning portion. The cleaning portion body has a distal end portion and a
proximal end portion that is proximal said gripping portion; wherein said cleaning
portion body is tapering towards the distal end portion of said cleaning portion body;
wherein the brush members include longitudinally spaced apart pairs of brush flanges
disposed at longitudinal positions along the elongate body, with each pair of brush
20 flanges including a first brush flange and a second brush flange that is longitudinally
aligned with the first brush flange and that is disposed opposite said elongate body from
the first brush flange; and wherein only two brush flanges are disposed at each of the
longitudinal positions along said elongate body.

An interdental cleaner of this kind is advantageous since the combination of materials

25 and the heat-vulcanization provides a favourable balance between stiffness and
flexibility. The active part of the cleaner contributes to an efficient cleaning process.

In one embodiment, the rubber material comprises a thermoset rubber, preferably a

silicone based rubber which has specific favourable properties. The heat vulcanization
creates chemical crosslinks in the thermoset rubber which enhances the structure of the
30 interdental cleaner.

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Preferably the rubber material has a Shore hardness in the range of 10-60 Shore A,
preferably 15-30 Shore A. The thermoplastic material forming the body may be a
polyamide or polyester which absorbs humidity from the oral cavity which makes the
interdental cleaner more ductile and thereby less vulnerable to break. Preferably, the
5 body is reinforced by glass fiber in a proportion of 5-30% by weight, preferably 10-20%
by weight, of the thermoplastic material.

The rubber coating can also be applied at least partially to the gripping portion in order
to form a preferred relief structure on the same. This design enhances the gripping
comfort and reduces slip. It also opens for promotional use of the interdental cleaner.

10 The brush flanges can improve the brushing at the teeth surfaces, in particular compared
to many prior-art cleaners with thin, radial, pin-like brush members which have only a
slight contact with the teeth. Preferably, the outer dimension of the brush flanges is
gradually decreasing towards the distal end of the cleaning portion, and the outer
periphery of the brush flanges preferably forms a substantially circular shape. Hereby an
15 efficient cleaning is achieved since the contact with the teeth is enhanced.

In an embodiment, the brush flanges are spaced substantially equidistant along the
cleaning portion and preferably arranged in alternate pairs along the cleaning portion.
The first pairs have two brush flanges extending radially from the axis of the cleaning
portion in a first opposite direction whereas adjacent second pairs have two brush
’0 flanges extending radially from said axis in a second opposite direction. The angle
between these directions is about 90°. This design of the active part of the interdental
cleaner is beneficial to the cleaning contact with the teeth.

The tapering of the cleaning portion body towards the distal end of the body improves
the brushing against the teeth surfaces.

25 In an embodiment, the cleaning portion body comprises axial grooves and ridges that
form a kind of spline. This design improves the adherence of the coating, and it
provides a brush flange arrangement with favorable bending properties balanced with
appropriate stiffness.

A cleaning portion of this kind has a very slender design which enhances the user's
30 opportunity to efficiently clean the spaces between all teeth in the oral cavity. If the
ridges of the cleaning portion body protrude in radial directions, which coincide with

19 Aug 2019

the first and second directions of the spaced brush flanges, the advantages are even
more manifested.

The gripping portion may have a substantially rectangular cross section defining two
opposite, substantially flat gripping surfaces and an outer rim extending along the outer
5 periphery of the gripping portion. Hereby a comfortable gripping is achieved.

Furthermore, the gripping portion may include a transition section which is tapered
towards the cleaning portion and which further enhances the gripping.

Preferably, the axial length of the cleaning portion is in the range of 35-55% of the
overall axial length of the interdental cleaner, and it is also preferred that the axial
10 length of the gripping portion - including the tapered transition section - is in the range
of 45-65% of the overall axial length of the interdental cleaner. By these proportions, an
efficient and comfortable teeth cleaning process can be achieved.

In an embodiment, the cross dimension of the cleaning portion at the free end of the
interdental cleaner constitutes about 40-50% of the cross dimension of the cleaning
15 portion adjacent to the transition section. This design provides for a slender active part
of the interdental cleaner which enhances the user's opportunities to clean all kinds of
interdental spaces in the oral cavity.

Also disclosed is, an interdental cleaner which comprises a gripping portion and a
cleaning portion. The interdental cleaner may be formed by an elongate body made
20 from a thermoplastic material. The cleaning portion may be provided with a coating
with a heat-vulcanized rubber material forming peripheral, flexible brush members. The
heat-vulcanized rubber material may comprise a thermoset silicone based rubber. This
design is favourable, since the durability of the silicone rubber enhances the use of the
interdental cleaner.

25 In a second aspect, the present invention provides an interdental cleaner comprising a

gripping portion and a cleaning portion, said interdental cleaner being formed by an
elongate body, said cleaning portion being coated by a coating that is softer than the
elongate body, said coating forming flexible brush flanges protruding from said coated
cleaning portion; wherein said elongate body comprises a cleaning portion body which,
30 when coated, forms said cleaning portion; wherein the brush flanges include
longitudinally spaced apart pairs of brush flanges disposed at longitudinal positions

19 Aug 2019

along said elongate body, with each pair of brush flanges including a first brush flange
and a second brush flange that is longitudinally aligned with the first brush flange and
that is disposed opposite said first brush flange; and wherein only two brush flanges are
disposed at each of the longitudinal positions along said elongate body.

5 In a third aspect, the present invention provides an interdental cleaner comprising a

gripping portion and a cleaning portion having a longitudinal axis, said interdental

cleaner being formed by an elongate body, said elongate body being made from a
thermoplastic material and said cleaning portion having a coating which comprises a
heat-vulcanized rubber material and which forms peripheral, flexible brush members;
10 wherein the brush members are formed as peripheral brush flanges arranged in pairs
along said cleaning portion and disposed at longitudinal positions along said elongate
body, said pairs alternating with first pairs having two brush flanges extending radially
from said longitudinal axis of said cleaning portion in a first opposite direction and
adjacent second pairs having two brush flanges extending radially from said
15 longitudinal axis of said cleaning portion in a second opposite direction; and wherein
only two brush flanges are disposed at each of the longitudinal positions along said
elongate body.

In a fourth aspect, the present invention provides an interdental cleaner comprising a

gripping portion and a cleaning portion, said interdental cleaner being formed by an
’0 elongate body, said elongate body being made from a thermoplastic material and said
cleaning portion having a coating which comprises a heat-vulcanized thermoset silicone
rubber material and which forms peripheral, flexible brush members; wherein said
thermoplastic material forming said elongate body is reinforced by fiber material or
minerals; wherein the brush members include longitudinally spaced apart pairs of brush
25 flanges disposed at longitudinal positions along said elongate body, with each pair of
brush flanges including a first brush flange and a second brush flange that is

19 Aug 2019

longitudinally aligned with the first brush flange and that is disposed opposite said first
brush flange; and wherein only two brush flanges are disposed at each of the
longitudinal positions along said elongate body.

In a fifth aspect, the present invention provides an interdental cleaner comprising a

5 gripping portion and a cleaning portion, said interdental cleaner being formed by an
elongate body, said elongate body being made from a thermoplastic material and said

cleaning portion having a coating which comprises a heat-vulcanized rubber material

and which forms peripheral, flexible brush members; wherein said brush members are
formed as peripheral brush flanges, wherein the brush flanges include longitudinally
10 spaced apart pairs of brush flanges disposed at longitudinal positions along said
elongate body, with each pair of brush flanges including a first brush flange and a
second brush flange that is longitudinally aligned with the first brush flange and that is
disposed opposite the first brush flange, wherein only two brush flanges are disposed at
each of the longitudinal positions along said elongate body.

15 In a sixth aspect, the present invention provides an interdental cleaner comprising a

gripping portion and cleaning portion having a distal end portion and a proximal end
portion that is proximal said gripping portion, said interdental cleaner being formed by
an elongate body, said elongate body being made from a thermoplastic material and said
cleaning portion having a coating which comprises a heat-vulcanized rubber material
’0 and which forms peripheral, flexible brush members; wherein the cleaning portion body
is tapering towards the distal end portion of the cleaning portion and comprises axial
ridges and grooves; wherein said brush members are formed as peripheral brush flanges;
wherein the brush flanges are disposed at longitudinal positions along said elongate
body, are spaced substantially equidistant along the cleaning portion and are arranged in
25 pairs along the same, and alternating first pairs having two brush flanges extending
radially from the axis of the cleaning portion in a first opposite direction and adjacent
second pairs having two brush flanges extending radially from said axis in a second
opposite direction that is offset from the first direction by a non-zero angle; wherein
only two brush flanges are disposed at each of the longitudinal positions along said
30 elongate body.

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Also disclosed is an interdental cleaner with a gripping portion and a cleaning portion.
The interdental cleaner may be formed by an elongate body made from a thermoplastic
material. The cleaning portion may have a coating comprising a heat-vulcanized
thermoset silicone rubber material and forming peripheral, flexible brush members. The
5 thermoplastic material forming the elongate body may be reinforced by fiber material or
minerals. By this design, the interdental cleaner is given a favorable balance between
stiffness and flexibility which facilitates the cleaning process.

Also disclosed is, an interdental cleaner which comprises a gripping portion and a
cleaning portion. The interdental cleaner may be formed by an elongate body made
10 from a thermoplastic material. The cleaning portion may have a coating which
comprises a heat-vulcanized rubber material and which forms peripheral, flexible brush
members in the shape of peripheral brush flanges. The outer dimension of the brush
flanges may be gradually decreasing towards the free end of the cleaning portion, and
the outer periphery of the brush flanges forms a substantially circular shape. Advantages
15 are obtained by this design in that the brushing contact with the teeth is improved.

Also disclosed is an interdental cleaner with a gripping portion and a cleaning portion.
The interdental cleaner may be formed by an elongate body made from a thermoplastic
material. The cleaning portion may be provided with a coating which comprises a heat-
vulcanized rubber material and which forms peripheral, flexible brush members.
!0 Furthermore, the cleaning portion body may taper towards the free end of the same and
it is provided with axial ridges and grooves. The brush members may be formed as
peripheral brush flanges, the outer dimension of which is gradually decreasing towards
the free end of the cleaning portion and also forming a substantially circular shape. In
this embodiment, the brush flanges are spaced substantially equidistant along the
25 cleaning portion and are arranged in alternate pairs along the same. The first pairs may
have two brush flanges extending radially from the axis of the cleaning portion in a first
opposite direction and adjacent second pairs have two brush flanges extending radially
from the axis in a second opposite direction. The angle between these directions may be
about 90°, and the ridges of the cleaning portion body protrude in radial directions
30 which coincide with the first and second directions of the
WO 2015/011299 6 PCT/EP2014/078338

brush flanges. This design is advantageous since the arrangement of the brush flanges
results in efficient brushing. In particular, the cleaning portion can flex in certain


Embodiments of the invention will be described in the following; references being made
to the appended diagrammic drawings which illustrate non-limiting examples of how
the inventive concept can be reduced into practice.

10 Fig. 1 is a perspective view of an interdental cleaner of an embodiment of the invention.

Fig. 2 is a front view of the interdental cleaner.

Fig. 3 is a side view of the interdental cleaner.

Fig. 4 is a cross section on a larger scale along the line IV-IV in Fig. 2.

Fig. 5 is an axial, sectional perspective view of the interdental cleaner of Figs 1-4.

20 Fig. 6 is a sectional side view of the interdental cleaner of Fig. 5.

Fig. 7 shows the detail of Fig. 6 on a larger scale.

Fig. 8 is a plan view of an interdental cleaner of a basic size.

Figs 9-11 show sections along the lines IX-IX, X-X and XI-XI in Fig. 8.

Fig. 12 is an end view XII-XII of the interdental cleaner of Fig. 8.

30 Fig. 13 shows the detail of Fig. 12 on a larger scale.

WO 2015/011299 7 PCT/EP2014/078338

Fig. 14 is a plan view of an interdental cleaner of a slightly larger size than in Fig. 8.

Figs 15-17 show sections along the lines XV-XV, XVI-XVI and XVII-XVII in Fig. 14.

5 Fig. 18 is an end view XVIII-XVIII of the interdental cleaner of Fig. 14.

Fig. 19 shows the detail of Fig. 18 on a larger scale.

Fig. 20 is a sectional side view of the interdental cleaner of Fig. 8.

Fig. 21 is a section along line XXI-XXI of Fig. 20.

Fig. 22 is a corresponding section of the interdental cleaner of Fig. 14.

15 Fig. 23 is a perspective view of a substrate cleaning portion of the interdental cleaner.

Fig. 24 is a corresponding perspective view of the complete cleaning portion.

Fig. 25 is an end view of the interdental cleaner with a tip cut away for illustration.
Fig. 26 shows a cross section of a prior-art interdental cleaner for comparison.

Fig. 27 is a perspective view of a set of substrates for production of interdental cleaners.

25 Fig. 28 is a plan view of the set shown in Fig. 27.

Fig. 29 is a perspective view of a set of complete interdental cleaners.

Fig. 30 is a plan view of the set shown in Fig. 29.

WO 2015/011299 8 PCT/EP2014/078338

Fig. 31 illustrates how the cleaning portion of an interdental cleaner of Fig. 8 is cleaning
a gap between two front teeth.

Fig. 32 illustrates how the cleaning portion of an interdental cleaner of Fig. 14 is bent
5 for cleaning a gap between two back teeth.

Fig. 33 shows the tip of the cleaning portion of the interdental cleaner of Fig. 32.

Fig. 34 further illustrates the cleaning action of the interdental cleaner of Figs 32-33.
Fig. 35 is a cross section which shows how the cleaning portion of the interdental
cleaner of Figs 32-34 is inserted in the gap between two back teeth.


15 An interdental cleaner or toothpick 1 according to an embodiment of the invention is
shown in Figs 1-6, and it is formed by an elongate substrate or body 2 also referred to as
carrier in the following. A set of bodies 2 for forming the toothpicks 1 is shown in Figs
27-28. The bodies 2 are made of a thermoplastic material, for instance amide plastics,
preferably polyamide “6” or alternatively polyester, providing a favorable stiffness for
20 the interdental cleaner 1. Preferably, the pick body 2 is reinforced by glass fiber.

The toothpick 1 has a handle or gripping portion 3, a cleaning portion 4 and an

intermediate transition section 5 tapering towards the cleaning portion 4. The cleaning
portion 4 is provided with a coating C consisting of a self-adhesive, heat-vulcanized
25 rubber material, preferably a thermoset rubber, such as a liquid, self-adhesive silicone
rubber. The coating C forms peripheral, flexible brush members in the shape of brush
flanges 6, the outer dimension or radial extension of which is gradually decreasing
towards the free end or tip 7 of the cleaning portion 4. The cleaning brush flanges 6 are
spaced at the same distance from each other (equidistant) along the cleaning portion 4.
WO 2015/011299 9 PCT/EP2014/078338

The transition section 5 enhances the user’s gripping of the toothpick 1 since he/she can
put his/her fingers on this section 5 when performing the reciprocal cleaning movement.
Furthermore, the transition section 5 improves the stiffness and thereby the strength of
the toothpick 1. The transition between the handle/grip and the elongate brush portion is
5 oftentimes a weak point of prior-art interdental cleaners.

The radial extension of the brush flanges 6 is best shown in the sections in Figs 20-21,
where the flange 6a closest to the gripping portion 3 has the largest radial projection
whereas the flange 6b closest to the tip 7 of the cleaning portion 4 has the smallest
10 radial projection.

As is best shown in Fig. 24, the equidistant brush flanges 6 are arranged in alternate
pairs along the cleaning portion 4. The first pairs have two opposite flanges 6F
extending radially from the center axis CA of the cleaning portion 4 in a first opposite
15 direction FOD and the second pairs have two opposite flanges 6S extending radially
from the center axis CA in a second opposite direction SOD.

Preferably, the angle between these two directions FOD and SOD is about 90° forming
a four-wing design of the cleaning portion 4; see Figs 13 and 19. The four-wing design
20 can also be described as a four-leaf clover shape seen from the tip 7 of the toothpick 1.
The cross-like arrangement of the equidistantly spaced brush flanges 6 provides for a
very efficient cleaning of the space between two teeth, that is when the active cleaning
part 4 of the toothpick 1 is pushed in a reciprocal movement in this space.

25 The coating material C is applied also to the gripping portion 3, as can be seen in Fig. 4.
The flexible, silicone based material C forms a relief structure on two opposite,
substantially flat gripping surfaces 3 a and 3b of the gripping portion 3. The relief
structure is of so called negative type, which means that coating material C is left out in
certain areas so that the surface of the underlying substrate 2 is exposed. Thereby,
30 grooves 8-13 are formed in the coating material C on the gripping portion 3, which form
the relief structure.
WO 2015/011299 10 PCT/EP2014/078338

Since the substrate 2 preferably is of light colour, for instance white, and the coating
material C preferably is of a dark colour (cf. Figs 8 and 14), the relief structure has a
very clear appearance which is favorable for promotional purposes, like exposing
5 trademarks, logotypes, etc (like TePe®).

Furthermore, the relief structure is advantageous in that it provides for a secure gripping
of the toothpick 1 at the gripping portion 3. As shown in Fig. 4, the gripping portion 4
has a substantially rectangular cross section forming the two opposite gripping surfaces
10 3a, 3b provided with the relief structure. Preferably, these two surfaces 3a, 3b are
somewhat curved inwards towards the axis of the toothpick 1 so that two opposite
concave areas are formed. This concave design, which appears like an oval shape in Fig.
2, further enhances the user’s gripping of the toothpick 1.

15 Figs 8-13 and Figs 14-19, respectively, show two slightly different sizes of the
interdental cleaner 1,1’ according to the general design described above. The cleaning
portion 4 of the toothpick 1 of Fig. 8 has a slightly smaller diameter or cross section
than the cleaning portion 4’ of the toothpick 1’ of Fig. 14. Toothpicks 1 can be
delivered in various sizes and colours depending on the requirements of the users.
In addition to the relief structure of the gripping portion 3,3’ the toothpicks 1 of Fig. 8
and Fig. 14 are provided with additional relief areas 14, 14’ on opposite sides of the
transition sections 5,5’. These relief areas 14, 14’ further promote a comfortable
gripping of the toothpicks 1,1’ since the user can put his/her finger tip in the small
25 recess formed by the relief area 14, 14’. As described above, the relief area 14, 14’ is
formed by exclusion of the coating material C so that the surface of the underlying
carrier or substrate 2 is exposed.

In Fig. 23 the part 2a of the elongate body 2 which will form the cleaning portion 4 is
30 shown before coating. This cleaning portion body 2a is tapering towards the tip 7 and it
has axial ridges 15 and grooves 16 forming splines. These axial splines 15, 16 form a
WO 2015/011299 11 PCT/EP2014/078338

cross-like, four-wing or four-clover cross section which - after coating - matches the
four-wing design of the brush flanges 6, as is shown in Fig. 25 where the coated tip is
cut away for illustration purposes. The splines design 15,16 enhances the adherence of
the coating material C on the cleaning body part 2a and it matches the brush flange
5 arrangement so that favorable bending properties balanced with appropriate stiffness are

The axial planes containing the opposite directions FOD and SOD shown in Fig. 24
coincide with the radially projecting ridges 15 of the cleaning body 2a, whereas the
10 radial grooves 16 coincide with sloping recesses 17 formed by the brush flanges 6. This
cross-like design of the cleaning portion 4 is favourable since it enhances bending of the
active brush part of the toothpick 1 in the directions of the longitudinal recesses 17
along the cleaning portion 4. It is preferred that the cleaning portion 4 can be bent up to
180° with respect to the gripping portion 3.
As is clear from Fig. 25, the angle between two crossing planes including the FOD and
SOD forms 90°, whereas the recesses 17 are inbetween (45°) between these planes. The
cross-like design is further illustrated in Figs 12-13 and 18-19, respectively.

20 A cross section of a prior-type of interdental cleaner IC is shown in Fig. 26 for

comparison with the cross-like design shown in Fig. 25. The known cleaner IC has only
a few thin projecting brush members BM with large spaces inbetween. This means that
only the tips of the brush members BM take active part in the cleaning process.
Contrary to this existing technique, the brush flanges 6 of the interdental cleaner 1
25 shown in Fig. 25 define an outer periphery which forms a substantially circular shape.
This means that the contact surface between the outer edges of the brush flanges 6 is
much larger for the toothpicks 1,1’ described herein. Therefore, the cleaning process
performed by these toothpicks 1, 1’ is improved over prior art.

30 Certain proportions of the interdental cleaner 1 have been found favourable. In Fig. 3
the axial lengths of the cleaning portion 4 and the gripping portion 3 (including the
WO 2015/011299 12 PCT/EP2014/078338

transition section 5) are shown as LI and L2. In order to have an efficient active part,
that is the cleaning portion 4, the axial length LI thereof should be in the range 35 -
55% of the overall length L1+L2 of the toothpick 1. Preferably, this proportion is in the
range of 40-50% and most preferred about 45%. Toothpicks 1 produced with these
5 proportions, make it possible for the user to perform an extended reciprocal cleaning
movement; thereby taking full advantage of the improved cleaning portion 4.

Furthermore, comfortable gripping of the toothpick 1 is achieved if the axial length (L2)
of the gripping portion 4 - including the axial length L3 of the transition section 5- is in
10 the range 45-65% of the overall axial length of the toothpick 1. Preferably, this
proportion is in the range of 50-60%, and most preferred about 55%.

The design of the active part of the interdental cleaner 1, Γ is slender, as can be seen in
Figs 21-22. The cross dimension or diameter D2, D2’ of the cleaning portion 4 at the tip
15 7, 7’ constitutes about 45% of the cross dimension or diameter DI, DI’ of the cleaning
portion 4 adjacent to the transition section 5,5’. The smooth tapering of the body
portion 2a makes it possible for the user to reach behind teeth and to push the toothpick
1,1’ into all interdental spaces when cleaning the teeth. The slenderness can of course
vary to some extent, and the proportion between the diameters mentioned above can be
20 within the range 40-50% with very efficient result.

Returning now to the materials used, the toothpick body 2 is made from a thermoplastic
material, preferably a polyamide, for instance of the type polyamide “6”, or PBT
(polybutylene terephtalate). In preferred embodiments, the body 2 is reinforced by a
25 reinforcement material. When glass fiber reinforcement is used, favourable properties -
such as suitable stiffness - have been achieved if the glass fiber proportion of the
toothpick body 2 is within the range 5-30% by weight, preferably 10-20% by weight
and most preferred 15% by weight of the thermoplastic material. Certain designs of the
interdental cleaner 1 with a glass fiber proportion of less than 12% by weight, in
30 particular 5-10% by weight, have been tested in practice with favorable results.
WO 2015/011299 13 PCT/EP2014/078338

Other types of reinforcements like carbon and aramide fibers or minerals are feasible, as
well as mixtures thereof.

The preferred coating material C for the active part - that is the cleaning portion 4 - is a
5 self-adhesive, liquid, heat-vulcanized silicone rubber which has proven good results in
practical tests. This thermoset silicone based rubber material has favourable chemical
properties. In the heat vulcanization process, chemical crosslinks are created as covalent
bonds which cannot be broken by thermodynamic means. Preferably, the heat
vulcanization is performed at a temperature of about 120-200°C.
Contrary to the rubber material described above, most prior-art interdental cleaners have
an active part or coating consisting of a thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) with physical
crosslinks which form weak bonds. When the thermoplastic elastomer is heated, the
bonds are broken which means that the polymer chains can move so that the material
15 can be processed again. When cooling the thermoplastic elastomer, the physical
crosslinks are formed again.

The chemical crosslinking of the silicone material used in the embodiments described
herein gives the active part of the interdental cleaner 1,1’- that is the coating of
20 silicone rubber - an improved tear strength compared to prior-art cleaners.

In order to obtain favorable flexibility of the interdental cleaner 1,1’ and a comfortable
cleaning process using the same, various hardness properties have been tested. The
thermoset silicone based rubber material has proven most favorable properties if the
25 Shore hardness is in the range of 10-60 Shore A, preferably 15-30 Shore A and most
preferred about 20 Shore A. Practical tests with this silicone rubber material also
showed favourable tear-off properties.

Briefly, the process of manufacturing an interdental cleaner of the type described above
30 can be performed as follows. Thermoplastic granules are fed into and melted in a heated
injection unit. The melt is then injected into the cold mold, in which it hardens and is
WO 2015/011299 14 PCT/EP2014/078338

shaped in accordance with the cavities of the molding tool. The liquid silicone rubber
(LSR) is delivered as two components: a first component A and a second component B.
One of the components contains a catalyst whereas the other component contains a
crosslinker. The silicone is not created until the two components are mixed. In room
5 temperature, it takes weeks until the silicone is created whereas at higher temperatures
the silicone is created in a few seconds (depending on the thickness of the article).

The proportion of the components A and B is 1:1 and they are mixed and injected into a
heated molding tool. In the heated tool, a chemical reaction is initiated which is called
10 heat vulcanization - during which the self-adhesive silicone rubber is created.

Thus, the plastic bodies or carriers are injection molded in the cold part of the tool.
Thereafter, the bodies/carriers are moved to the heated cavities in which they are
overmolded with the silicone rubber material forming the aimed-at coating of the
15 complete toothpicks.

The silicone material is a thermoset rubber which has proven to be very useful for this
kind of manufacturing process and which has the aimed-at properties of the interdental
cleaner, in terms of adhesion to the substrate of the toothpick, efficient cleaning,
20 suitable flexibility and comfortable gripping and use. Preferable materials for the
substrate to which the coating is applied are polyamides, in particular polyamide type
“6”. As mentioned above, other substrate materials are feasible, for instance PBT.

Before the coating C is applied, a number of bodies 2 are arranged in sets, as is

25 illustrated in Figs 27-28. From these figures, it can be seen that the gripping portion has
an outer rim 18 which extends along the periphery of the same. This rim 18 defines a
kind of recess 19 where the coating C is to be applied in the manufacturing process. The
rim 19 contributes to a comfortable gripping of the complete coated toothpick 1. The
substrates 2 are connected to each other by thin tear-off bridges or links 20 consisting of
30 the body material.
WO 2015/011299 15 PCT/EP2014/078338

The links 20 are maintained in the manufacturing process and keep together the finished
toothpicks 1 in sets of the type illustrated in Figs 29-30. When a toothpick 1 is to be
used, the user simply breaks the link 20 between two adjacent toothpicks 1 and
separates the toothpick 1 to be used.
With reference to Fig. 31, an interdental cleaner 1 of the type shown in Fig 8 is
illustrated in an initial cleaning position. Thanks to the design of the tapering cleaning
portion 4 and a well-balanced reinforcement of the same, a suitable stiffness is achieved
which facilitates the axially reciprocating cleaning movement in the gap between two
10 front teeth 30, 31. The splines 15, 16 shown in Fig. 23 also contribute to the suitable
stiffness. The flat rectangular gripping portion 3 provides for a secure grip by the
fingers of the user so that he/she can perform an efficient cleaning. The ingenious
arrangement of the alternating brush flanges 6 of the cleaning portion 4 further enhances
the cleaning. The brush flanges 6 are in tight contact with the teeth surface throughout
15 the cleaning process.

In Fig. 32 an interdental cleaner 1 ’ of the type shown in 14 is illustrated in a cleaning

position where it is bent and partially inserted between two back teeth 40, 41. The
balance between stiffness and flexibility of the tapering cleaning portion 4’, which can
20 be bent, makes it possible to reach and conveniently clean at locations at the back of the
oral cavity. Also in this bent position, the brush flanges 6’are in tight contact with the
teeth surfaces so that efficient cleaning is achieved.

The four-wing brush flange arrangement of the interdental cleaner 1 ’ is further

25 illustrated in Figs 33, whereas in Fig, 34 the interdental cleaner 1 ’ is shown in the
perspective. In this position, the flat gripping portion 3’ is rotated about 90° compared
to the position in Fig. 32. The cleaning process can preferably involve both an axially
reciprocating movement and a rotation about the axis of the interdental cleaner 1 ’.
Finally it should be mentioned that this inventive concept by no means is limited to the
30 embodiments and examples described above, and many modifications are feasible
within the spirit and scope of the invention as defined in the appended claims. For
WO 2015/011299 16 PCT/EP2014/078338

instance, specific versions of materials can be used, and the specific design of the
toothpicks can vary. Furthermore, the cross-sectional shape of the flanged cleaning
portion may be varied depending on specific requirements. In addition to the cross-like
design, various star-like designs with several projecting sets of brush flanges can be
5 used. An alternative design is a three-flange design which also provides favourable
cleaning contact with the teeth.

19 Aug 2019


1. An interdental cleaner comprising a gripping portion and a cleaning portion,

said interdental cleaner being formed by an elongate body, said elongate body being
5 made from a thermoplastic material and said cleaning portion having a coating which
comprises a heat-vulcanized rubber material and which forms peripheral, flexible brush

members; wherein the elongate body includes a cleaning portion body which, when
coated, forms said cleaning portion; wherein said cleaning portion body has a distal end
portion and a proximal end portion that is proximal said gripping portion; wherein said
10 cleaning portion body is tapering towards the distal end portion of said cleaning portion
body; wherein the brush members include longitudinally spaced apart pairs of brush
flanges disposed at longitudinal positions along the elongate body, with each pair of
brush flanges including a first brush flange and a second brush flange that is
longitudinally aligned with the first brush flange and that is disposed opposite said
15 elongate body from the first brush flange; and wherein only two brush flanges are
disposed at each of the longitudinal positions along said elongate body.

2. The interdental cleaner as claimed in claim 1, wherein said rubber material

comprises thermoset rubber.
3. The interdental cleaner as claimed in claims 1 or 2, wherein said rubber
material has a Shore hardness in a range of 10-60 Shore A.

4. The interdental cleaner as claimed in any one of the preceding claims,

25 wherein said thermoplastic material forming the elongate body is reinforced by glass
fiber, carbon fiber, aramide fiber or minerals.

5. The interdental cleaner as claimed in claim 4, wherein the fiber

reinforcement comprises glass fiber in a proportion of 5-30% by weight.
6. The interdental cleaner as claimed in any one of the preceding claims,
wherein said thermoplastic material comprises amide plastics or polyester.

19 Aug 2019

7. The interdental cleaner as claimed in any one of the preceding claims,

wherein said coating is also applied at least partially to said gripping portion.

8. The interdental cleaner as claimed in claim 7, wherein the coating applied to

5 the gripping portion forms a relief structure on the same.

9. The interdental cleaner as claimed in any one of the preceding claims,

wherein the brush flanges have an outer dimension, and the outer dimension of the
brush flanges is gradually decreasing towards the distal end portion of the cleaning
10 portion.

10. The interdental cleaner as claimed in any one of the preceding claims,
wherein the brush flanges have an outer periphery, and the outer periphery of the brush
flanges forms a substantially circular shape.
11. The interdental cleaner as claimed in any one of the preceding claims,
wherein the brush flanges are spaced substantially equidistant along the cleaning

20 12. The interdental cleaner as claimed in any one of the preceding claims,
wherein the brush flanges are arranged in alternate pairs along the cleaning portion, first
pairs having two brush flanges extending radially from an axis of the cleaning portion in
a first opposite direction and adjacent second pairs having two brush flanges extending
radially from said axis in a second opposite direction that is offset from the first
25 direction by a non-zero angle between said first and second directions.

13. The interdental cleaner as claimed in claim 12, wherein said cleaning
portion body comprises axial ridges and grooves, and said ridges of the cleaning portion
body protrude in radial directions which coincide with said first and second directions
30 of the brush flanges.

14. The interdental cleaner as claimed in any one of the preceding claims,
wherein the gripping portion has an outer periphery, a substantially rectangular cross

19 Aug 2019

section defining two opposite, substantially flat gripping surfaces and an outer rim
extending along the outer periphery of the gripping portion.

15. The interdental cleaner as claimed in any one of the preceding claims,
5 wherein the gripping portion comprises a transition section which is tapered towards the
cleaning portion.

16. The interdental cleaner as claimed in claim 15, wherein an axial length of
the gripping portion including the tapered transition section is in a range of 45-65% of
10 the overall axial length of the interdental cleaner.

17. The interdental cleaner as claimed in claim 15 or 16, wherein a cross

dimension of the cleaning portion at the distal end portion of said cleaning portion body
constitutes about 40-50% of the cross dimension of the cleaning portion adjacent to the
15 transition section.

18. The interdental cleaner as claimed in any one of the preceding claims,
wherein an axial length of the cleaning portion is in a range of 35-55% of the overall
axial length of the interdental cleaner.
19. An interdental cleaner comprising a gripping portion and a cleaning
portion, said interdental cleaner being formed by an elongate body, said cleaning
portion being coated by a coating that is softer than the elongate body, said coating
forming flexible brush flanges protruding from said coated cleaning portion; wherein
25 said elongate body comprises a cleaning portion body which, when coated, forms said
cleaning portion; wherein the brush flanges include longitudinally spaced apart pairs of
brush flanges disposed at longitudinal positions along said elongate body, with each pair
of brush flanges including a first brush flange and a second brush flange that is
longitudinally aligned with the first brush flange and that is disposed opposite said first
30 brush flange; and wherein only two brush flanges are disposed at each of the
longitudinal positions along said elongate body.

19 Aug 2019

20. The interdental cleaner as claimed in claim 19, wherein the elongate
body is formed of a first material, wherein the first material is a plastic material.

21. The interdental cleaner as claimed in claim 19, wherein the elongate
5 body is formed of a first material, wherein the first material is a thermoplastic material.

22. The interdental cleaner as claimed in any one of claims 19 to 21, wherein
the coating is a second material, wherein the second material is an elastic material.

10 23. The interdental cleaner as claimed in any one of claims 19 to 21 wherein

the coating is a second material, wherein the second material is a rubber material.

24. An interdental cleaner comprising a gripping portion and a cleaning

portion having a longitudinal axis, said interdental cleaner being formed by an elongate
15 body, said elongate body being made from a thermoplastic material and said cleaning
portion having a coating which comprises a heat-vulcanized rubber material and which
forms peripheral, flexible brush members; wherein the brush members are formed as
peripheral brush flanges arranged in pairs along said cleaning portion and disposed at
longitudinal positions along said elongate body, said pairs alternating with first pairs
20 having two brush flanges extending radially from said longitudinal axis of said cleaning
portion in a first opposite direction and adjacent second pairs having two brush flanges
extending radially from said longitudinal axis of said cleaning portion in a second
opposite direction; and wherein only two brush flanges are disposed at each of the
longitudinal positions along said elongate body.
25. An interdental cleaner comprising a gripping portion and a cleaning
portion, said interdental cleaner being formed by an elongate body, said elongate body
being made from a thermoplastic material and said cleaning portion having a coating
which comprises a heat-vulcanized thermoset silicone rubber material and which forms
30 peripheral, flexible brush members; wherein said thermoplastic material forming said
elongate body is reinforced by fiber material or minerals; wherein the brush members
include longitudinally spaced apart pairs of brush flanges disposed at longitudinal
positions along said elongate body, with each pair of brush flanges including a first

19 Aug 2019

brush flange and a second brush flange that is longitudinally aligned with the first brush
flange and that is disposed opposite said first brush flange; and wherein only two brush
flanges are disposed at each of the longitudinal positions along said elongate body.

5 26. An interdental cleaner comprising a gripping portion and a cleaning

portion, said interdental cleaner being formed by an elongate body, said elongate body

being made from a thermoplastic material and said cleaning portion having a coating
which comprises a heat-vulcanized rubber material and which forms peripheral, flexible
brush members; wherein said brush members are formed as peripheral brush flanges,
10 wherein the brush flanges include longitudinally spaced apart pairs of brush flanges
disposed at longitudinal positions along said elongate body, with each pair of brush
flanges including a first brush flange and a second brush flange that is longitudinally
aligned with the first brush flange and that is disposed opposite the first brush flange,
wherein only two brush flanges are disposed at each of the longitudinal positions along
15 said elongate body.

27. An interdental cleaner comprising a gripping portion and cleaning

portion having a distal end portion and a proximal end portion that is proximal said
gripping portion, said interdental cleaner being formed by an elongate body, said
20 elongate body being made from a thermoplastic material and said cleaning portion
having a coating which comprises a heat-vulcanized rubber material and which forms
peripheral, flexible brush members; wherein the cleaning portion body is tapering
towards the distal end portion of the cleaning portion and comprises axial ridges and
grooves; wherein said brush members are formed as peripheral brush flanges; wherein
25 the brush flanges are disposed at longitudinal positions along said elongate body, are
spaced substantially equidistant along the cleaning portion and are arranged in pairs
along the same, and alternating with first pairs having two brush flanges extending
radially from the axis of the cleaning portion in a first opposite direction and adjacent
second pairs having two brush flanges extending radially from said axis in a second
30 opposite direction that is offset from the first direction by a non-zero angle; wherein
only two brush flanges are disposed at each of the longitudinal positions along said
elongate body.
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Fig. 4
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Fig. 6
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Fi9· 14 Fig. 18
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Fig. 32
Fig. 31
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Fig. 34
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Fig. 35

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