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Manufacturing of Composites

Prof. J. Ramkumar
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur

Lecture - 05
Composites Testing

Well friends, let us move to lecture 5. Lecture 5 is on composites testing. So, a composite
testing is very important and it is also very different. So, by this time you should be able to
appreciate that the composite does not fail like a homogeneous material. For example; it does
not fail like aluminum failure, aluminum alloy failure.

Generally, when I say homogeneous metal, now, no pure metal has engineering applications;
it always means that there is an alloy. I told you the difference between alloy and the
composite, now in composite you have a matrix which is soft, reinforcement which is tough,
which has very high strength and the interface between these two plays a very important role.
Now, you have three parts playing a role for complete material. Composite testing is very

And in composites I stress here, that there is nothing called as a full failure of a composite.
The polymer fails, the reinforcement takes over, the reinforcing keeps continuing for some
more time and it goes on like that. The elongation keeps continuing, so, it is not a proper

(Refer Slide Time: 01:40)

So, here we would like to, content of the slide we would like to see; need for testing, what are
the different major types of testing, we cannot cover all the testing, I have just picked major.
In this major you have classifications like physical testing, mechanical testing, chemical
testing, thermal testing and rheological testing.

So, the rheological testing is more focused towards the polymer. How does it gel when does it
gel what is the time and during the gellation time, how should I understand, what should I do,
all these things are more discussed about rheology and why rheology, polymer is a visco
elastic material. So, the property changes with respect to time and temperature that is what is
rheology. And nondestructive testing, we are not covering right now. Towards the end of the
course we will have, repair and non-destructive testing, there we will talk about non-
destructive testing in length.

(Refer Slide Time: 02:40)

Need for testing: the composite materials are dependent upon chemical reaction, why
because; the polymer is used as a matrix. This matrix, when you add hardener and other
ingredients, it tries to set. Suppose, if the matrix is not set properly because of improper
additives which you add and if it also has a poor interface, then you might see outside, the
composite might look proper; that means, to say it will be something like a core and shell. So,
core is the reinforcement and this is the inter phase and this is the matrix. If the interface is
not properly formed, though the composite might look good, but it will underperform when it
is put in real time use.
There is always a careful testing required and it is not easy like metals. Here, you are
supposed to properly grip and then conduct your evaluation properly. And I advice that,
whenever you want to do testing, please do minimum of 5 to 7 samples to really understand
the phenomenon, because matrix failure there will be a jump. Whatever is drawn
schematically, we say that this is the fiber response, this is the matrix response, and this is the
composite response we say, but, here it is all, this is stress versus strain. This is what, it is a
theoretical one. In reality, you will have lot of kink in your structures and you can also have a
premature failure. It is always advisable to minimum do 5 to 7 test of whatever sample testing
you do as for as composite is concerned. Then what happens, you can try to have a mean and
error for every point whatever it is.

Careful testing, evaluation and this is very important because this leads to control
manufacturing characteristics are necessary to ensure that final part structural performance is
obtained. There are basically 3 types of testing; one is called as mechanical testing, the other
one is called as chemical testing, the third one is called as polymer testing. Why polymer,
why thermal testing, because polymer tries to degrade, degradation.

(Refer Slide Time: 05:21)

So, we are supposed to find out, what should be the service condition we are trying to use the
product. Service condition means temperature and humidity as far as polymer composite is
concerned. Chemical testing, because it should not etch the matrix. Moment it starts to etch
the matrix, reinforcing cannot do anything. The testing can be divided into mechanical
testing, chemical testing and thermal testing.

There are several stages at which the testing is done. It will be done, first test will be done by
the suppliers, because he gives you a sheet, catalog sheet wherein which, he tries to say that,
this is what is the property my sample will produce or this is what is the performance this will
produce. So, they have supplier data will be there. He runs a battery of physical, chemical,
mechanical testing and then he gives you a catalog or he gives you a pamphlet or a sheet,
information sheet he gives wherein which, he tries to put all the data where his sample will
work safe. And today, the suppliers have become more careful, because they would like to
give only realistic data. They do not over claim, because if a composite fails, with these
suppliers can be questioned.

After the suppliers gives, the suppliers gives only raw material, the fabricator tries to add
ingredients and tries to produce. Then the fabricator also runs the similar test after fabricating
a component. He tries to makes sure; when it is given to the customer it is working to its
satisfaction. After the part is fabricated, the part is normally subject to nondestructive testing

Why because, destructive testing can be done for a test coupon, destructive test with the live
product is a costly episode, because it in a live product the simulating condition it is very
difficult to do and once you simulate with multiple loads acting on a product, kept on top of
you are developed products, so, simultaneously running the simulation, recording the data is a
challenge. That is why we always go for non destructive testing, if you take automobile
engineering; in automobile engineering they do a crash test. The crash test is done only at the
design stage, recording all the crash test data is a big challenge. So, in automobiles
composites are exhaustively used.
(Refer Slide Time: 08:19)

So, as far as physical testing is concerned, there is compression mold, molding is done. Then
we try to do the fiber volume fraction, you remember, we talked about Vf , it is in turn
linked with Wf , this in turn is linked with the density of the composite. Determination of
the fiber volume content and here all our testing is more focused towards only polymer; then
determination of gelling time for a thermosetting resin, determination of viscosity for a
thermosetting resin.

The gelling time, what is gelling time. Gelling time means a liquid is getting converted is
slowly moving to a solid. It is getting into a term, in between the term called as gelling. So,
what happens, the viscosity changes, from liquid low viscous it goes to high viscous. It is
good to know, what time the gellation starts and once it starts forming, how does the viscosity
change such that, I can use the same polymer to make a sound product with reinforcement.
(Refer Slide Time: 09:35)

Mechanical testing: the most common and exhaustively used testing is, tensile testing. Other
tests are generally avoided for a homogeneous material, because, there is a direct link
between the tensile and compression, or a period of time; there are data base, data books
which tell that there is a ratio available.

But as far as composite is concerned, we have fibers, we have inter phase and we have
orientation all this and then these are in laminae are there. These are the variations which
bring in; so that, in a composite, we are supposed to do almost all these test to talk about the
aim product. Tensile is most commonly used, we will also use. In homogeneous metal, there
is a relationship between tensile compressions, tensile flexural, tensile torsion is also possible
and tensile shear is also possible. But here, in composites every test is conducted to get a
sound product.

So, all the forces types are important to determine the behavior of the composite in various
circumstances. As I said, there is no single load loading happens, when a product is put in
good use. When a product is put in usage there is no single load there will always be multiple
loads, the weight age of each loads also changes. So, this is why it is important to do all the
(Refer Slide Time: 11:15)

So, this is tensile, basically you try to hold the sample and there are several ASTM standards,
which are to be followed, to find out what is the width and what should be the length and
what should be the thickness. All these things are to be found out. So, there are some ASTM
standards, depending upon the requirements, you can keep changing the ratio of L versus W
versus T and then we start doing the test. Same way you can also do compression.
Compression is generally, it is a schematic diagram; the sample size will be less.

Again here, there is a ratio of W, L and T. We generally try to avoid compression; we do a

flexural test which is called as a three-point bend test, flexural or a three-point bend test. So,
in a three-point bend test, what we do is, we try to distribute the load between the two- points
and then we apply a load. We can also use three-point bend test. Today, there is also called as
four-point bend test, because in ceramics what happens if you apply load on one centre and if
at all there is a crack, the crack propagates very fast and it shatters.

So, now people have said that it is advisable to use four- point bend test, as far as ceramic
matrix composites. Polymer matrix composite we can always go for a three-point bend test.
This is a torsion test is also used. Torsion is done for a tube; torsion is done for such
components. We also do a shear test; shear test or a pill test is carried out, so that, we try to
understand what is the inter-laminar shear strength between the 2 laminae. This all the threes
are there, generally there will be different combinations of these loads getting acted. It is
important to understand everything and then do. How do we make sure our product has
different conditions or our products load we do not know, how do you make sure in the
design stage that we assume certain specification and start doing.

So, generally what we do is, we have a term called as factor of safety. We add a factor of
safety 2 times, 4 times or 1.5 times, we try to make sure the loads cannot be more than this
and according to the higher load we start manufacturing the component. Factor of safety is
very important. Can I be very liberal giving factor of safety? If you be very liberal and giving
factor of safety basically what are you trying to do you are trying to tweak your design for a
higher factor of safety, you will basically add more weight to the end product. So, it is better
to have a proper choice of factor of safety.

(Refer Slide Time: 14:09)

Let us get into tensile test. The tensile test, what we do is, we try to make something like a
dog bone sample or what we do is we even make flat samples depending upon the ASTM
standards given.

We try to take these 2 and generally what happens, when the ends of the composite are
directly held between grips, there is a possibility that if you use a thermoset polymer and your
gripping is very tight, the crushing of ends starts very fast and if you do not grip properly, you
can see a failure happening here, a failure happening here or a failure happening in this
points. Generally, the failure has to happen very close to the centre. So, for this to avoid what
we do is, we always put something called as tabs. These tabs are made out of metals, tabbed
sample. So, these are made out of metal; these metals tabs are stuck by using very strong
adhesive and then we try to clamp it between grippers. Before even tabbing it, people try to
do a small grooving, trying to introduce some friction on top of the composite, so that, the
metals can get adhere to it very good. So, this is done and then this is held between grips and
then we try to operate it at a one strain rate as per the ASTM standard and then slowly start
doing it.

Today, there are lot of modules which have been which are getting added to this testing
facility. So, they have something like a chamber which is attached which tries to bring in
hygroscopicity in the sample or they also put a closed chamber and try to introduce
temperature there. At varying temperature what is the response or at varying water content,
what is the response, people start doing it.

One way of doing it is, you take the sample, put it inside an atmosphere, maintain at a
humidity 60 percent, 70 percent, 80 percent and then come here do an ASTM standard the
tensile testing. The other way round is, you start using simultaneously and then see also and
also they try to do the testing of it. So, here this strain rates are important. Strain rates, if you
choose a improper strain rate, then you will have strain hardening happening very fast. This
strain hardening will lead to early failure, so a proper choice of strain harden straining rate;
that means to say pulling rate, strain rate is very important.

(Refer Slide Time: 16:56)

The force divided by the area that is nothing, but stress equal to force by area. So, basically
what comes out of this is, you get something called as a force versus displacement curves,
you get a force versus displacement curve. So, this curve, generally machine gives this and
today software technologies have come, wherein which it converts this into stress and strain
and then it gives you the data straight. The force divided by area is nothing, but the stress. For
a material of different size, can be directly compared by the force is usually divided by the
area of the sample yielding units per pound or whatever. So, we always what is a unit of is
Newton per millimeter square or something. That is the stress.

Elongation is strain; strain is a unit less quantity. It is percentage of elongation, we generally

talk about, it tries to talk about what is the displacement you get for this. Elongation is
expressed in terms of percentage you get the output. Today, what has happened till now? We
have been happily using only uniaxial tensile testing. So that means, to say a sample at one
direction you try to do.

Today, there is a concept called as biaxial testing. So, biaxial testing is nothing, is you try to
take like this. Biaxial testing is new phenomenon, wherein which, the loads are applied in one
direction as well as in the 90 degrees in the other direction. New machines are getting
developed; this is a concept which people are talking, because people realize that biaxial
testing results are more reliable than the tensile testing.

(Refer Slide Time: 18:40)

Next tensile testing we give it in this thing. So, what we do is we try to get is nothing
but, stress; that is nothing, but E. E is the Young’s modulus or modulus of elasticity and this is
the strain. Generally, this modulus is done in the elastic region. We try to get the value of E
and then this is predominantly used for strength calculation or this is used as a major factor.

(Refer Slide Time: 19:15)

Next is compressive test. Generally, we try to avoid doing compressive test for composites,
but there are requirements. So, where we try to do for compressive forces yield information
about the strength and the stiffness of the column shaped support on the sides to prevent
buckling when it is pressed on both sides.

We always try to take disc like components and if there is a necessity we also take a long
aspect ratio component. There are several methods for supporting this compressive test
specimen and this gives rise to various other tests. So, procedurally consists of a metal plate
between the tabbed sample is placed and then in this case the tab extends along both
directions of the sample except for a small range of this in the middle portion. I said tabbing
is important for tensile, compressive also we do stopping and then support fixture prevents
the sample from buckling, but it does not prevent from non tabbing regions, but also not
prevents the non-tabbed region from failing; that means to say, you have a compressive, then
you have a sleeve which is coming in and this is what we say it runs long. The pressure is
applied on both sides and then we do a compressive test. Doing a compressive test very
critically is very important. And if you do not do the proper procedure, then you might not get
the required output; the output will be misleading.
(Refer Slide Time: 20:44)

Compressive properties can be quite different from that of the tensile properties because of
the difference in the ability of the composite to support a columnar load versus a pulling load.
So, please understand, there is a big difference, this point is very important. In generally,
what happens is, composites are very good for tensile load, for compressive load, the
reinforcement do not take that major load.

The fibers, in particular, have a tendency to buckle, because you keep pressing. Matrix shears
within the composite, especially, when voids are present and this greatly diminishes the
compressive property and one important thing you should all remember is, a sound product
only should be used for testing. Suppose if there are voids, holes because of the processing
difficulty, then they will try to yield very fast.
(Refer Slide Time: 21:57)

Diametrically, if you want to do compressive test, this is what it is we follow. So, here is R
which is given and these are the relationship. R is a resistance, L is the load, D is the
diameter, h is the height.

(Refer Slide Time: 22:11)

So, when I talk about the next thing is, flexural testing. Flexural testing is, I cannot make very
long samples, because my product are very small. Generally, in thermoplastics what we do is,
we try to do a flexural testing. Flexural testing or a bending force test, are determined by
placing a rectangle sample. Basically, what we do is, we place a sample, we keep 2 supports
here and we apply a load here; 2 supports and then plus a load. The most commonly used is
single point, that is three-point bend; I also said it can be used for four-point bend also.

(Refer Slide Time: 22:46)

So, this is what it is. We use support and here you should be careful for a thermoplastic
sample you have lot of ductility. Three-point bend test when you use, you have to be little
careful with the data. For a thermoset it is ok. You can use this data and you can get the
required output.

(Refer Slide Time: 23:10)

The next one is called as the peel, is the shear test. Shear test what we do is, we try to take 2
laminates and then we try to see what is the adhesion strength between these 2. So, here what
we do is, this testing setup is difficult, second things is the data which comes out of it has to
be very minutely monitored. Preparing a test sample is also a very challenging job and this
cannot be done after a full product is made; I peel it and then do it. This peeling has to be
taken care right in the beginning itself, while you fabricate a component make sure that you
are fabricating it only for this shear test.

Shear test is an important sample bonding by wherein which we study by adhesion. They
would be sandwich panels of certain joints; for example, metal versus polymer CFRP, GFRP,
polymer with a honeycomb structure. So, all these things there will be a core difference. In
honeycomb structure or in sandwich structures, we have a top skin, bottom skin, this will be
core. So, if you want to find out what is adhesion strength then we do this. The most
important of the test of these materials view shear as the peel phenomenon. So, the shearing
along the adhesion plane will be taken care.

(Refer Slide Time: 24:45)

So, this can be done for a plane and this is another test which is called as peel testing and here
we tried to use a drum. You see a mountain fixture; there we see a sandwich panel which is
kept here, a drum in the process of lifting the face of the sandwich panel. It will be something
like a sticking and then peeling it off and when it peels off, the drum rolls all along. So, the
drum rolls all along and here the top skin is peeled. A climb testing is also used, here it tries
the sensing interface is very difficult.

(Refer Slide Time: 25:34)

The impact and the toughness which is very important; impact is to find out what is a amount
of energy which is absorbed. So, I wanted to mention today, the latest developments.

Today, people have started mixing thermoplastic and thermoset in the matrix. So, they are
trying to take a blend of this 2, a hybrid matrix is formed, so that, it tries to take the
toughness, ductility and they are trying to make shrinkage minimum and the starting
materials is liquid form. What is advantage; the viscosity is very low for a liquid. Today, what
is happened is, people have started doing, why because they want to enhance the toughness
and the ductility together. Toughness means the energy absorbed; for example, today there are
several composites which are made to take the impact load. Impact load is one common
phenomenon which is there, when you put it in service condition; so ability of the material to
absorb without rupturing or breaking.

Here, what do we do; we do even firing by a bullet, we use low strain rates, we use high
strain rates, something like a bullet getting fired. We can also do a drop tower test; drop tower
test: that means, to say you take to a very high altitude, drop from there or we can use a load
bounce test. This is an impactor, we have a load of a certain height, we just drop and then find
out what is the energy it can absorb. This can also be taken from a stress-strain curve, but
generally for composites we try to do this drop tower test or the re-bounce test or bullet firing
to find out what energy it can absorb. So, when you are trying to do sandwich structures the
energy absorption is very important. Develop when the tensile test is performed, because the
energy absorption is a summation of all the resistance within the system.

What they talk about is, suppose they have a curve coming like this, they say the area under
the curve gives you the toughness. But this is good for homogeneous, but for composites this
is not very much which is not very much reliable.

(Refer Slide Time: 28:25)

So, the toughness of a material is much more important when the forces are applied suddenly;
that means, to say impact load. I said in a chair though people say compressive load is very
important, but many a times what happens, people sit with 30 kilos, 40 kilos, 50 kilos they
just sit with very high velocity. So, it is like more of impact rather than a compressive load.
Suddenly an impact rather than over a relative long period of time as it is done in the stress
strain curve. So, the property of impact toughness is or sometimes called as impact strength is
very important test to be carried out and with this we try to get this data.
(Refer Slide Time: 29:04)

It is generally done by two tests; one is called as Izod, the other one is called as Charpy. So,
this is Izod, where the composite is kept vertical. We make a notch; all this notch is only
initiating a crack, please do understand. Here, what we do is, in a composite if at all you
initiate a crack and these fibers are there, it is very easy to quickly grow the crack and then
get the data, but you have to the sample preparation has to be done with utmost care. This is
for a Charpy test and this is for Izod test. The notch is made, the orientation is different and
the load we release a load and then see what is amount of toughness it can take, but more than
this people start using the rebound test affect.

(Refer Slide Time: 29:45)

The next one is creep test, since it has a polymer. So, we always go for a creep test if you
have metals also people insist to use a creep test. Polymer matrix composite is often deform
over time under a continuous applied load. For example; many a times we have in our garden,
which is called we try to develop hanging garden. A pot will be attached with a thread and
that will be attached to a hook or all of a sudden, the pot fails down and get shattered, it is
why because, the polymer undergoes expansion.

So, this property is very important when you try to hang a load for a longer period of time,
this test will try to reveal the value, such that, which can be used for applications. You see
here, this polymer is a viscoelastic. Viscoelastic being original position, position after a
period of time when the weight is applied you see it starts sagging down.

So, in the same way, polymer chairs also, over a period of time with the exposure to service
conditions, the legs of a polymer chair yields and it is very dangerous, if a heavy load sits on
it and if the chair is kept in open atmosphere for a longer period of time it can yield and the
person might fall down. So, this property, if you want to have a proper understanding we do
something called as a creep test.

(Refer Slide Time: 31:12)

So, the creep test is a load is applied over a period of time, causing the material deform.
When the load is removed, a small amount of deformation will be immediately recovered
because it is a viscoelastic nature; the elastic or a short-range portion of the deformation.
Some of the deformations are not recoverable so, it gets into inelastic region. The
deformation for a permanent set is called this; this is the applied stress, E is the creep
modulus, which is a function of t and T; time and temperature and this is the amount of strain
it undergoes this time and temperature.

If the material is loaded for a longer period of time at high temperatures; for example: I
expose a polymer at 30 degrees. I expose a polymer at 60 degrees, same way I expose at 75
degrees; this time and temperature is a very important parameter to dictate the polymer
behavior. So, this will substantial load with a substantial load the sample will eventually
break and this is called as a creep rupture. So, creep strength depends on time, temperature.

(Refer Slide Time: 32:23)

So, next one is fatigue. Till now whatever we saw was static loading, now we will get into
dynamic loading; fatigue. It can be compressive load, it can be tensile load, it can be a
combination of this and when you do a combination it can change with respect to time and
magnitude. You can try to do several variations of this and then try to understand how is your
material responding. So, what are you doing, you are trying to do a dynamic study and then
trying to understand how is your behavior of your composite.

The composite and almost all the materials have negatively affected by intermediate load
applied for a longer period of time. This is called as a fatigue or it is otherwise a cyclic
loading. The fatigue test is performed by measuring a critical property in the composite, such
as, tensile strength and then subjected to the sample with an intermediate load over long
period of time. That critical property is re-measured after a set number of cycles.
(Refer Slide Time: 33:30)

If you look at the graph, you can see here, this is for aluminum, you can see this is for carbon
composite. So, carbon epoxy composite; you can see for Kevlar, it is also stationery for a
long time. Look at steel, if you want to replace steel with Kevlar or with carbon it is good.
Why, it has a strength to weight, stiffness to weight. So, it is lighter weight components.
Lighter weight components are products can be manufactured by using carbon or Kevlar.

If you see that, if there is a gradual decrease in their expansion like for example; ultimate
tensile strength retention, percentage if you see from here it is somewhere around about 78 it
goes around to 75 percentage, when the number of cycles are gone up to 10 to the power 7.
10 to the power 7 cycles you have done and you see the decline in the tensile strength. This is
the tensile strength or people call it as residual tensile strength you can see Kevlar; Kevlar
also follows the same after 10 to the power 6 there is deterioration.

But, whereas you take aluminum, even 10 to the power 4 cycles there is a declination of this,
but however in the start it gives a better performance, but when it is put for a longer use this
is a usage time. We see composites outperforming the homogeneous material. Steel you also
has a strong declination and think of steel density, aluminum density and these densities.
(Refer Slide Time: 35:23)

The other one is a chemical test. Chemical test is the chromatographic method can be used to
ensure the correct ingredients are present in the resin as per the ratio. What are the
ingredients; maybe you will add some hardener, you will add an infrared absorbing or
infrared protection things and you might add some water or there might be presence of water.
So, you would like to know from the chromatographic methods, what is the composition of it.
For example; if you take metals you can do XRD, for this we try to do a compositional and
then we also see what are the functional groups, how are they responding, what is that and
other things.

Separation of resin by interaction of soluble resin components with a flowing liquid or a

mobile phase of a solid stationary we can do. They are used in conjunction with
spectrographic methods to identify and quantify the specific components in resin.
(Refer Slide Time: 36:15)

The next important thing is thermal cycle. So, we try to do, today we have several static
devices as well as dynamic devices, to measure the thermal properties. Basically, the
coefficient of thermal expansion properties we are trying to measure through this thermal test.
The ceramics and metals have a good response, but polymer based on the choice of the
polymer with respect to temperature, it declines. The coefficient of thermal expansion is
independent of location within metals and ceramics.

The coefficient of thermal expansion is usually constant over the entire range for a solid, but
whereas, when you take for a polymer, you can see there is thermal expansion happening and
then you will have a two slope curve and when these two slope curve intersects it is called as
glass transition temperature. This glass transition temperature will try to make a solid into a
liquid or a liquid into a gel and it will try to tell me at this point you do the process or this is a
point after which there is a decline in the or enhancement in the thermal expansion.

For composites, CTE is different below and above the T g. Tg is a very important point. Tg is
otherwise called as glass transition temperature glass. So, this point is very important we have
to find out for all polymer material. The rubbery state of T g expands between two to four
times, more than the glassy state below and Tg you see. If your service condition goes higher
than this you are going to see a failure.

So, what happens when this thermal expansion more; when the temperature goes high, the
tensile strength goes low. So, this is a very disastrous thing.
(Refer Slide Time: 38:16)

If you see the thermal testing, you can see for titanium, you can see for aluminum with
respect to temperature you can see for inconel, it is all like it can go up to 1000 degrees, but
whereas, when you take a polyimide-carbon fiber, you can see, and then for a carbon- carbon
fiber you can see, how is the response. So, carbon-carbon has a steady response that is why it
is used in reusable space shuttles, because of it is thermal testing thermal because of is CTE
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion. The specific strength does not decline from minus to plus.
So, this is why we more talk about C-C composites today.

So, C is the carbon fiber C is the matrix. We take a polymer, we graphitize it and make it into
carbon and that is how we make. All the reusable space shuttles which goes from minus to
plus when it reenters huge friction, these are the materials used. We can see for iron what
happens, you can see for polyimide what happens, this is predominantly because of the
matrix polymer.
(Refer Slide Time: 39:43)

Next and the last is the rheology; why rheology, because the polymer is a visco elastic
material, so that means to say, the behavior changes with respect to time, temperature.
Rheology study; rheology is the study of deformation and flow; deformation means shear
deformation and flow. It is frequently used for determining the flow, viscous change in the
uncured resin. There is an uncured and there is a cured resin, when the uncured resin is used,
we try to find out the visco elastic behavior and then start adding ingredients to get it.

Viscosity of a uncured resin is determined is determined by; so what we do is, we try to take
two parallel plates and then try to put a droplet of or whatever is the this thing. So, this is a
plate, these two are parallel plates and then we put liquid here and then what we do is we try
to swing the plates and then try to see, what is the resistance it generates and how is it doing
with respect to time and temperature. So, this is what is called as a parallel plate rheometer.

Two competing forces are; as the temperature increases, the mobility of the molecule
increases, viscosity falls down. As the temperature increases the molecules starts to react and
grow in size, leading to an increase in viscosity. So, there has to be a tradeoff between these
two. For this, we always try to do a rheology parameter. Rheology can be done static, it can
be done dynamic. Static what we do is, it does not give a proper response, we always use a
dynamic rheology testing device to measure the mobility of the chain. The mobility of the
chain cannot be measured, the viscosity can be measured.
So, with this I come to an end of lecture 5 and here I wanted to put an assignment, but I
thought in this to do any testing or to have any understanding. We need to have an instrument,
if anybody has an access to an instrument. Please, try to test any one composite product or a
part which is available with you and see the response.

Thank you very much.

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