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BS Information Technology
Main Campus, Sub Campuses,
Affiliated Colleges

Department of Computer Science & Information Technology

University of Sargodha

(Applicable from Fall 2019)

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Table of Contents
Guidelines for Affiliated Colleges ........................................................................................... 4
The Discipline of Information Technology................................................................................ 5
Vision of Information Technology Education........................................................................ 6
Information Technology Programs’ Rationale ...................................................................... 7
Underlying Principles of Information Technology Programs .............................................. 7
Details of BS Information Technology....................................................................................... 9
Program’s Aims & Objectives ................................................................................................ 9
Program’s Outcome ................................................................................................................. 9
Program’s Structure .............................................................................................................. 10
Specialization Tracks ................................................................................................................ 10
Degree Requirement ............................................................................................................ 10
Duration ............................................................................................................................... 10
Eligibility Criteria ................................................................................................................ 10
Assessment& Evaluation ..................................................................................................... 10
Distribution of Courses ........................................................................................................ 11
Course Coding Scheme .......................................................................................................... 12
Scheme of Study for BS (Information Technology) ............................................................... 13
Contents of Computing Core Courses ................................................................................. 20
CMPC-101 Programming Fundamentals ............................................................................. 20
CMPC-102 Object Oriented Programming ......................................................................... 21
CMPC-205 Discrete Structures............................................................................................ 22
CMPC-203 Data Structure and Algorithms ......................................................................... 24
CMPC-204 Operating Systems ............................................................................................ 25
CMPC-206 Software Engineering ....................................................................................... 26
CMPC-208 Computer Networks.......................................................................................... 28
CMPC-301 Database Systems ............................................................................................. 29
CMPC-303 Information Security......................................................................................... 29
CMPC-401 Capstone Project ............................................................................................... 31
Contents of Mathematics and Science Foundation Courses .............................................. 31
MATH-101 Calculus and Analytical Geometry .................................................................. 33
MATH-203 Linear Algebra ................................................................................................. 33
PHYS-101 Applied Physics ................................................................................................. 36
Contents of General Education Courses .............................................................................. 37
ENGL-101 English Composition and Comprehension (English I) ..................................... 37
ENGL-102 Communication and Presentation Skills (English II) ....................................... 39
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ENGL-302 Technical and Business Writing (English III) ................................................... 41

ISLS-402 Islamic Studies .................................................................................................... 42
PKST-401 Pakistan Studies ................................................................................................. 43
ICTC-101 Introduction to Information & Communication Technologies ........................... 43
ITSCC-201 Professional Practices....................................................................................... 45
Contents of University Elective Courses .............................................................................. 46
BUSB-102 Business Economics .......................................................................................... 46
BUSB-302 Human Resources Management ........................................................................ 47
BUSB-202 Principles of Management ................................................................................ 48
BUSB-204 Entrepreneurship ............................................................................................... 49
SS-304 Foreign/regional Language (French/ German/ Chinese/ Arabic etc.) ..................... 50
Contents of Information Technology Core Courses............................................................ 51
ITCC-202 Information Technology Project Management ................................................... 51
ITCC-301 System and Network Administration.................................................................. 53
ITCC-302 Web Technologies............................................................................................... 54
ITCC-403 Virtual Systems and Services.............................................................................. 55
ITCC-407 Information Technology Infrastructure .............................................................. 56
ITCC-402 Cyber Security .................................................................................................... 57
ITCC-406 Database Administration and Management ........................................................ 58
Contents of Information Technology Supporting Courses ................................................. 60
ITSC-201 Enterprise Systems .............................................................................................. 60
ITSC-301 Operations Research ........................................................................................... 61
ITSC-302 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design ................................................................. 62
ITSC-303 Optimization Techniques .................................................................................... 63
ITSC-102 Digital Logic Design ........................................................................................... 64
ITSC-305 Design and Analysis of Algorithms .................................................................... 66
Contents of Information Technology Elective Courses ...................................................... 67
ITEC-303 Mobile Application Development....................................................................... 67
ITEC-401 E-Commerce Application Development ............................................................. 68
ITEC-405 Mobile and Wireless Networks........................................................................... 70
ITEC-302 Cloud computing ................................................................................................ 71
ITEC-404 Internet of Everything ......................................................................................... 73
ITEC-420 Data Warehousing............................................................................................... 74
ITEC-406 Semantic Web ................................................................................................................... 75
ITEC-407 Knowledge Management .................................................................................... 76
ITEC-304 Network Design and Management ..................................................................... 78
ITEC-409 Business Intelligence and Analytics ................................................................... 80
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ITEC-410 Data Mining ........................................................................................................ 81

ITEC-411 Enterprise Resource Planning ............................................................................. 83
ITEC-412 Network Programming ....................................................................................... 84
ITEC-413 Information Systems and Audit .......................................................................... 85
ITEC-414 Routing And Switching....................................................................................... 87
ITEC-415 Business Process Management ........................................................................... 88
ITEC-416 Artificial Intelligence .......................................................................................... 90
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Guidelines for Affiliated Colleges

• BSIT program shall be offered under Term System observing University of Sargo-
dha‘s Affiliation Rules & Regulation.
• There shall be two terms in a calendar academic year.
• The affiliated college(s)/institutions shall follow the prescribed curriculum and
course matrix. Necessary modification/changes shall be communicated to the af-
filiated Colleges/Institutions, if any.
• For domain elective courses, the affiliated institution(s)/college(s) shall follow
―Regular Track‖. However, the administration of any affiliated institution must get
prior permission from the competent authority to offer any specialization
tracks/courses approved by the BOS. For this purpose, the institution‘s administra-
tion needs to show/demonstrate the availability of appropriate human resource
along with necessary educational provisions before the start of the term in which
specialization track/course shall be offered. The recommendations of the Conven-
er BOS shall be solicited to allow the Institution to offer the requested specializa-
tion track/course already approved by the BOS.
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The Discipline of Information Technology

In early days, ‗Computer Science‘ was used as a common term for computing. With the
passage of time, the nature of basic principles, methods, techniques and concepts evolved.
Even some new concepts refuted the old ones. Before 1990s, computing was limited to three
disciplines – Computer Science (CS), Computer Engineering (CE), and Information Systems
(ISs). By 1990s, the global community realized that the field of computing had grown in
many dimensions. Different academic institutions started offering different degre
degree programs
in Software Engineering (SE).

The inventions of personal computers revolutionized the conventional concepts of calculation

and changed the way data was stored, retrieved and controlled. Computers became essential
tools at every level and networ
ked computer systems became the information backbone of
organizations (Kotkin, 2000). It also expedited the pace of inventions (Thomson, 2007)
resulting many innovations in communication and computation technologies which brought a
paradigm shift in the business
siness world - from data processing to information processing;
converting industrial society into an information society (Cohen, 2009). While this paradigm
shift improved productivity, it also brought new challenges regarding the development,
operation, maintenance,
intenance, and up up-gradation
gradation of organizational information management
infrastructure (Samuelson, 1995).

By the end of 1990s, the academia realized that the existing computing degree programs were
not producing graduates who had the right mix of knowledge and skills to meet
organizational challenges (Lunt, et. al., 2005). Consequently, universities developed new
degree programs in Information Technology (IT) to fill this crucial void (Denning, 2001);
Hence IT was introduced as a new family member of computing disciplines (Lunt, et. al.,

According to Curricula 2005: The Overview Report: ―Information technolo ology is a label that
has two meanings. In the broadest sense, the term information technology is often used to
refer to all of computing. In academia, it
refers to undergraduate degree programs
that prepare students to meet the
computer technology needs of business,
government, healthcare, schools, and
other kinds of organizations‖.
organizations Curriculum
Guidelines for
raduate Degree Programs in
Information Technology (2008) explains
that ―Information Tecchnology (IT) in its
broadest sense encompasses all aspects
of computing technology. IT, as an
academic discipline, is concerned with
issues related to advocating for usersuse
and meeting their needs within an
organizational and societal context through the selection, creation, application, integration
and administration of computing technologies.‖ Figure 11, depicts the key pillars of academic
discipline of Information Technology

Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Degree Programs in Information Technology (2008)

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Information Technology as an academic discipline, as defined by The Information

Technology Association of America (ITAA), is ―the study, design, development, application,
implementation, support or management of computer-based information systems, particularly
software applications and computer hardware‖. It deals with the use of electronic computers
and computer software to securely convert, store, protect, process, transmit, input, output, and
retrieve information. [Wikipedia]

Vision of Information Technology Education

As defined in cc2008 ―Information Technology is very much an integrative discipline; it pulls
together the IT pillars of databases, human-computer interaction, networking, programming,
and web systems and uses a solid background in each of them to enable graduates to solve all
types of computing and informational problems, regardless of their origin. As a discipline, IT
emphasizes the pervasive themes of user centeredness and advocacy, information assurance
and security, and the management of complexity through abstraction and modeling, best
practices, patterns, standards, and the use of appropriate tools.‖ In the light of this explanation,
the curriculum committee formalized the Vision Statement for IT education in Pakistan as

The IT education in Pakistan will focus on imparting the knowledge and training which
enable students
 to understand and contribute to the scientific, mathematical and theoretical
foundations on which information technologies are built;
 to use and apply current technical concepts, techniques, skills, tools and practices to
analyze the local and global impact of IT on individuals, organizations, and society
and to identify their computing needs, and select, design, create, implement,
administer and evaluate a computer-based system, process, component, or program to
meet the desired needs and integrate them into the user environment;
 to develop students‘ interpersonal and organizational skills to communicate
effectively with a range of audience, create operative project plans and work in a
collaborative environment;
 to strengthen students‘ understanding of professional, ethical, legal and social issues
and responsibilities;
 to develop students‘ capacity for innovation and passion for lifelong learning.
IT curriculum thus aims to achieve the targets set in the vision statement. It should strive to
meet the professional demands of the industry and academia both in terms of immediate
needs and the capacity for longer term development to avail the opportunities and face the
challenges of the modern world. The committee is of the view that the curriculum must focus
on building a solid foundation in the early stages of learning. Thus, Information Technology
concepts should be taken up as early as the start of 1st year. These should gradually be
strengthened through developing the core competencies and desired skill-sets during the
second, third and fourth years. The students must also be provided opportunities to bring
together the knowledge gained in a wide variety of courses to solve realistic problems in a
team-based environment through lab sessions, practical assignments, course projects and a
capstone design project.
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Information Technology Programs’ Rational

The digital revolution not only reshaped the way scientists conduct their research but
also expedite the pace of inventions. Consequently, the latest advancements in technologies
for communication, computation, and delivery of information brought a paradigm shift in the
business world - from data processing to information processing - converting computer
technology into information technology (IT) and industrial society into an ―information
society‖. While this paradigm shift improves productivity, it also created new work place
challenges regarding the development, operation, maintenance, and up-gradation of
organizational IT infrastructure. Inventions like the Internet, the World Wide Web, email,
bulletin board systems, virtual communities, E-business and other online technologies forced
organizations to find IT based solutions to all kinds of business challenges. For this,
organizations need appropriate systems that work properly and professionals who make these
systems secured, upgraded, and maintained. In parallel, employees require support from these
professionals to make technology effective for enhancing organizational productivity. This
has created a huge demand of IT professionals both locally and globally. Meeting this
demand is the key rationale behind the IT programs. In this regard, the IT programs offer a
curriculum structure that can produce graduates who can meet above discussed challenges of
the 21st century‘s knowledge driven complex work places. The curriculum structure will
create, expand, disseminate and teach the information technology body of knowledge through
academics, applications and research which positively impact society (locally, nationally, and
internationally). It will also provide an integration of all components that allow accessing all
of the new knowledge and technologies for meeting the above discussed challenges.

Underlying Principles of Information Technology Programs

Curriculum plays an important role within education as it outlines the planned and
structured learning experiences that an academic program
provides. For an effective academic program the curriculum
must meet the needs of the stakeholders and face the
emerging challenges. The Department of CS & IT (UOS)
realizes the rapidly changing needs of today‘s knowledge
intensive technology driven complex work places and the
changing patterns of 21st century universities‘ education
which have removed the identity of place, the identity of
time, the identity of the scholarly community, and the
identity of the student community. To meet these challenges,
the Department has revised the existing curriculum. The
revised curriculum is based on following underlying

i. The curriculum should be a broad based and provides students with the flexibility to
work across many disciplines & professions.
ii. The curriculum should prepare graduates to succeed in a rapidly changing field.
iii. The curriculum should provide guidance for the expected level of mastery of topics
by graduates.
iv. Should provide realistic, adoptable recommendations that provide guidance and flexi-
bility, allowing curricular designs that are innovative and track recent developments in
the field.
v. The curriculum contents should be relevant and compatible with a variety of institu-
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vi. The size of the essential knowledge must be managed.
vii. The curriculum should identify the fundamental skills and knowledge that all gradu-
ates should possess.
viii. The curriculum should provide the greatest flexibility in organizing topics into
courses and curricula.

In the light of these principles, the curriculum of the program has adopted a balanced
and multidisciplinary approach and presents a blend of study areas which spread across the
boundaries of fundamental knowledge of traditional disciplines to advanced knowledge of the
emerging disciplines. Body of knowledge (BOK) of the program covers knowledge areas
which are required for the program‘s accreditation from the Accreditation Council and
knowledge area which are required for professional certification and professional

It is universally accepted that each profession needs both a specific skill set and an
appropriate mindset. Developing an appropriate mindset of the prospective computing
graduates requires a body of knowledge which enriches students‘ experiences, thoughts,
beliefs, assumptions, and attitudes about the special characteristics of that specific domain.
Therefore, the course contents and related practical experiences are designed to meet the
professional requirements of the respective domain. To achieve the curricula have focused on
following six (6) key areas:
i. Knowledge: Theoretical learning of concepts and principles regarding a particular
ii. Skills: Capability of using learnt knowledge and applying it according to the context
iii. Competencies: The ability to do things satisfactory- not necessarily outstandingly or
even well, but rather to a minimum level of acceptable performance.
iv. Expertise: Level of proficiency and innovative ways of applying learnt knowledge.
(Competitive edge)
v. Dispositions: Habits of mind or tendencies to respond to certain situations in certain
ways. The role of dispositions in computing education is very important. For example,
having the disposition to be a programmer is much better that just having program-
ming skills.
vi. Values: Moral, ethical and professional practices.

To strengthen the curriculum further, specialization tracks/courses have also been

integrated within the curriculum‘s BOK. These specialization tracks/courses are designed
according to what the industry is looking for in an employee and the learning interests of
students. Furthermore, life skills including desired dispositions, soft skills, public speaking,
critical thinking & reasoning, 21st Century literacies, personal attributes, entrepreneurship,
attitude towards lifelong learning, professional practices and other social skills have not
considered discrete items, rather threaded into the entire fabric of the curriculum.
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BS Information Technology Program

Details of BS Information Technology

Program’s Aims & Objectives

The aim of the BS (IT) program is to produce entrepreneurs of great character,
competence, vision and drive equip with up-to-date knowledge, marketable skills, valuable
competencies, unique expertise, globally compatible dispositions and culturally and
professionally acceptable values to take on appropriate professional roles in information
technology domain or proceed to further or higher education or training. One of the key
objectives of the program is to equip students with skills and knowledge that enable them to
take on appropriate professional positions in IT and grow into leading roles. The goals of the
program are to produce, in coordination with organizational management, IT graduates who
have ability to:
 Apply knowledge of computing and mathematics appropriate to the discipline.
 Analyze a problem, and identify and define the computing requirements
appropriate to its solution.
 Design, implement, and evaluate a computer-based system, process, component,
or program to meet desired needs.
 Function effectively on teams to accomplish a common goal.
 Understand the professional, ethical, legal, security and social issues and
 Communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
 Analyze the local and global impact of computing on individuals, organizations,
and society.
 Recognize the need for and an ability to engage in continuing professional
 Use the current techniques, skills, and tools necessary for computing practice.
 Use and apply the latest technical concepts and practices in the core information
 Identify and analyze user needs and take them into account in the selection,
creation, evaluation and administration of computer-based systems.
 Integrate IT-based solutions into the user environment.
 Understand the best practices and standards and their application.
 Assist in the creation of an effective project plan.

Program’s Outcome
BSIT program will produce entrepreneurs of great character, competence, vision and
drive equip with up-to-date knowledge, marketable skills, valuable competencies, unique
expertise, globally compatible dispositions and culturally and professionally acceptable
values to take on appropriate professional roles in information technology domain or proceed
to further or higher education or training.
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Program’s Structure
The structure of BSIT program is very dynamic and provides basis for various options
including Breadth-Based, Depth-Based, and Integrated Breadth & Depth-Based
specializations. Student may choose a particular option, which is the most appropriate to their
planned future career. Followings are the program‘s details:

Specialization Tracks
Following specialization tracks are being offered:
1. Regular Track [ Public-Private campuses and affiliated colleges will follow
2. General Track [Main and public sub campuses]

Degree Requirement
To become eligible for award of BS degree, a student must satisfy the following requirements:
a) Must have studied and passed the prescribed courses, totaling at least 130 credit hours.
b) Must have earned CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) of at least 2.0 on a scale
of 4.0.
The minimum duration for completion of BS degree is four years. According to HEC
maximum period of seven years is to complete BS degree requirements.
Eligibility Criteria
The minimum requirements for admission in a Bachelor degree program in
Information Technology, is at least 50% marks in Intermediate (HSSC) examination with
Mathematics or equivalent qualification with Mathematics certified by IBCC.

Assessment& Evaluation
University‘s semester and examination rules & regulations shall be followed for
assessment & evaluation.
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Distribution of Courses
Followings are the distribution of total credit hours:

Distribution of Courses
Major Areas %
Computing Foundation Core Courses 39 30%
Mathematics & Science Foundation 12 9%
General Education Courses 19 15%
IT – Core Courses 24 18%
IT – Elective Course 15 12%
IT – Supporting Courses 09 7%
University Elective Courses 12 9%
Total 130 100%

University Distribution of Courses

9% Computing-
IT – Supporting Core Courses
Courses 30%
IT – Elective
12% Mathematics &
General Foundation
IT – Core Education 9%
Courses Courses
18% 15%
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Course Coding Scheme

Discipline Course
Code Level Course Number
4 Letters 1 Digit 2 Digits
XXXX 0-9 00-99

Discipline Code
CMPC Computing Core Foundation
ITCC Information Technology Core
ITSCC Information Technology Supporting
ITEC Information Technology Elective
PKST Social Studies
MATH Mathematics
ENGL English
MNG Management
Information & Communication
PHYS Physics

Course Level
Level Course Type
1 Foundation, Core Level 1 Courses
2 Foundation, Core Level 1 Courses
3 Core Level 2 + Specialization Level 1
4 Specialization Level 2
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Scheme of Study for BS (Information Technology)

For Public-Private Sub Campuses and Affiliated Collages
4-Year Program (8 Regular Semesters)

Semester - I
Code Course Title Credit Pre-requisite
ICTC-101 Introduction to ICT 2-1
CMPC-101 Programming Fundamentals 3-1
ENGL-101 English Composition & 3-0
MATH-101 Calculus & Analytical Geometry 3-0
PHYS-101 Applied Physics/Quantum Computing 3-0
Total 14-2

Semester - II
Code Course Title Credit Hours Pre-requisite
CMPC-102 Object Oriented Programming 3-1 Programming Fundamentals
ENGL-102 Communication & Presentation Skills 3-0
ITSC-102 Digital Logic Design 3-0
MATH-102 Probability & Statistics 3-0
BUSB-102 Business Economics 3-0
BUSB-202 Principles of Management 3-0
Total 18-1

Semester - III
Code Course Title Credit Pre-requisite
CMPC-203 Data Structures & Algorithms 3-1 Object-Oriented Programming
CMPC-205 Discrete Structures 3-0
ITSCC-201 Professional Practices 3-0
ITSC-201 Enterprise Systems 3-0
MATH-203 Linear Algebra 3-0
Total 15-1

Semester - IV
Code Course Title Credit Pre-requisite
CMPC-204 Operating Systems 3-1 Data Structures & Algorithms
CMPC-206 Software Engineering 3-0
CMPC-208 Computer Networks 3-1
ITCC-202 IT Project Management 3-0
BUSB-202 Entrepreneurship 3-0
Total 15-2
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Semester - V
Code Course Title Credit Pre-requisite
CMPC-301 Database Systems 3-1 Data Structures & Algorithms
CMPC-303 Information Security 3-0
ITSC-305 Design and Analysis of Algorithms 3-0
ITCC-301 System and Network Administration 3-1 Operating Systems
ITEC-303 Mobile Application Development 3-0
Total 15-2

Semester - VI
Code Course Title Credit Pre-requisite
ITCC-302 Web Technologies 3-0
BUSB-302 Human Resources Management 3-0
ITEC-302 Cloud computing 3-0
ITEC-304 Network Design and Management 3-0
ENGL-302 Technical & Business Writing 3-0
Total 15-0

Semester - VII
Code Course Title Credit Pre-requisite
ITCC-403 Virtual Systems and Services 3-1
CMPC-401 Final Year Project – I 0-3
ITCC-407 IT Infrastructure 3-0
ITEC-405 Mobile and Wireless Networks 3-0
PKST-401 Pakistan Studies 2-0
Total 11-4

Semester - VIII
Code Course Title Credit Pre-requisite
CMPC-402 Final Year Project – II 0-3
ITCC-402 Cyber Security 3-0
ITEC-420 Data Warehousing 3-0
ITCC-406 Database Administration and 3-1
ISLS-402 Islamic Studies/ Ethics 2-0
Total 11-4

Computing Core Courses – 39 Credit Hours

# Code Pre-Req Course Title Cr. Hrs.
1 CMPC-101 - Programming Fundamentals 4 (3+1)
2 CMPC-102 CMPC-101 Object Oriented Programming 4 (3+1)
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3 CMPC-205 - Discrete Structures 3 (3+0)

4 CMPC-203 CMPC-102 Data Structure and Algorithms 3 (3+1)
5 CMPC-204 - Operating Systems 4 (3+1)
6 CMPC-206 - Software Engineering 3 (3+0)
7 CMPC-208 - Computer Networks 3 (3+1)
8 CMPC-301 - Database Systems 4 (3+1)
9 CMPC-303 - Information Security 3 (3+0)
10 CMPC-401 - Capstone Project 6 (0+6)

Mathematics and Science Foundation Courses - 12 Credit Hours

# Code Pre-Req Course Title Cr. Hrs.
11 MATH-101 - Calculus and Analytical Geometry 3 (3+0)
12 MATH-102 - Probability and Statistics 3 (3+0)
13 MATH-203 - Linear Algebra 3 (3+0)
14 PHYS-101 - Applied Physics 3 (3+0)

General Education Courses – 19 Credit Hours

# Code Pre-Req Course Title Cr. Hrs.
English Composition & Compre-
15 ENGL-101 - 3 (3+0)
hension (English-I)
Communication and Presentation
16 ENGL-102 ENGL-101 3 (3+0)
Skills (English-II)
Technical and Business Writing
17 ENGL-302 ENGL-102 3 (3+0)
18 PKST-401 - Islamic Studies 2 (2+0)
19 ISLS-402 - Pakistan Studies 2 (2+0)
Introduction to Information &
20 ICTC-101 - 3 (2+1)
Communication Technologies
21 ITSCC-201 - Professional Practices 3 (3+0)

IT — Core Courses (24 Credits Hours)

# Code Pre-req Course Name Cr. Hrs.
22 ITCC-402 Cyber Security 3 (3+0)
Database Administration &
23 ITCC-406
Management 4 (3+1)
24 ITCC-202 IT Project Management 3 (3+0)
Information Technology Infrastruc-
25 ITCC-407 3(3+0)
Systems and Network
26 ITCC-301
Administration 4 (3+1)
27 ITCC-403 Virtual Systems and Services 4 (3+1)
28 ITCC-302 Web Systems and Technologies 3 (3+0)
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IT — Supporting Courses (09 Credits Hours - Any 3 Courses)

# Code Pre-req Course Name Credit hours
29 ITSC-201 - Enterprise Systems 3 (3+0)
30 ITSC-301 Operation Research 3 (3+0)
31 ITSC-302 - Object Oriented Analysis & Design 3 (3+0)
32 ITSC-303 - Optimization Techniques 3 (3+0)
33 ITSC-102 - Digital Logic Design 3 (3+ 0)
34 ITSC-305 - Design and Analysis of Algorithm 3 (3+ 0)

University Electives Courses (12 Credits Hours)

# Code Pre-req Course Name Cr. Hrs.
35 BUSB-102 - Business Economics 3 (3+0)
36 BUSB-302 - Human Resource Management 3 (3+0)
37 BUSB-202 - Principles of Management 3 (3+0)
38 BUSB-204 - Entrepreneurship 3 (3+0)

Information Technology Elective Courses

Regular Track IT Elective Courses (15 Credit Hours - Any 5 Courses)

39 ITEC-303 - Mobile Application Development 3(3+0)
40 ITEC-405 - Mobile and Wireless Networks 3(3+0)

41 ITEC-302 - Cloud Computing 3(3+0)

42 ITEC-404 - Internet of EveryThing 3(3+0)

43 ITEC-420 - Data Warehousing 3(3+0)
44 ITEC-407 - Knowledge Management 3(3+0)
Network Design and Management
45 ITEC-304 - 3 (3+0)

46 ITEC-409 - Business Intelligence and Analytics 3(3+0)

General Track IT Elective Courses (15 Credit Hours - Any 5 Courses)

47 ITEC-303 - Mobile Application Development 3(3+0)
E-Commerce Applications Develop-
48 ITEC-401 - 3(3+0)
49 ITEC-405 - Mobile and Wireless Networks 3(3+0)
50 ITEC-302 - Cloud Computing 3(3+0)

51 ITEC-404 - Internet of EveryThing 3(3+0)

52 ITEC-420 - Data Warehousing 3(3+0)

53 ITEC-406 - Semantic Web 3(3+0)

54 ITEC-407 - Knowledge Management 3(3+0)

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55 ITEC-304 -
Network Design and Management 3(3+0)

56 ITEC-409 -
Business Intelligence and Analytics 3(3+0)

57 ITEC-410 - Data Mining 3(3+0)

58 ITEC-411 -
Enterprise Resource Planning 3(3+0)

Network Programming
59 ITEC-412 - 3(3+0)

60 ITEC-413 -
Information Systems and Audit 3(3+0)

Routing and Switching

61 ITEC-414 - 3(3+0)

Business Process Management

62 ITEC-415 - 3(3+0)

63 ITEC-416 -
Artificial Intelligence 3(3+0)
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Course Contents for BS Information Technology

Contents of Computing Core Courses
CMPC-101 Programming Fundamentals
Credit Hours: 4(3,1) Prerequisites:

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain
1. Problem solving skills C 1
2. Coding skills C 2
* BT= Bloom‘s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

Course Content:
1. Introduction, Introduction to Computer Programming: Machine Languages, Assembly
Languages and High-Level Languages. History of C, C Standard Library, Typical C Pro-
gram Development Environment, Memory Concepts, white spaces, comments. [Ch. 1]
2. Principles of Structured and Modular Programming: Algorithms, Pseudo code, flowchart
representation. Basic Data Types (variables, constants). [Ch. 2]
3. Unary (increment/decrement) and Binary (arithmetic, relational, arithmetic assignment)
operators. Arithmetic (Expression) in C. C Programming Basics: Programming Practices,
Summary. [Ch. 1, 2, 3]
4. Decision Statements: if statement, if-else statement, Multi if-else-if statement. Decision
Statements: Nested if-else statements, Switch Statement. [Ch. 3]
5. Decision Statements: Conditional operator, Logical Operators, Programming Practices,
and Summary. Program Control: Repetition Essentials, Counter-Controlled Repetition. for
loop. [Ch. 3]
6. Loops: while loop, do while loop [Ch. 4]
7. Nested loop structures. Other Control Statements, break and continue Statements, Logical
Operators, Confusing Equality (==) and Assignment (=) Operators. Programming Practic-
es, Summary. [Ch. 4]
8. Arrays: Defining Arrays, Array Examples (finding max, min value from the array).
Searching techniques (linear search, Binary search). Sorting Arrays: selection sort, bubble
sort. Case Study: Computing Mean, Median and Mode Using Arrays. [Ch. 6]
9. Strings: String Library Functions Characters and Strings: Fundamentals of Strings and
Characters. Strings: Character-Handling Library, Programming Practices, Summary. [Ch.
10. Functions: Function declaration, definition, Passing Arguments to functions, Returning
values from functions. Functions: Arguments pass by reference and pass by copy. [Ch. 8]
11. Functions: Passing arrays and strings to functions. Functions: Inline functions, Default ar-
guments, Local and global variables, Summary. [Ch. 8]
12. Pointers: Pointers and their purpose. Pointer expressions. Pointers: Pointers and arrays,
Pointers in functions. [Ch. 8]
Page 21 of 92

13. Pointers: Static and dynamic memory allocation, Memory Management using Pointers.
Problems with pointers, program practice, Summary.[Ch. 8]
14. Structures: Purpose, Defining structures, Initializing Structures, Accessing Structure
Members. Example (complex number or Time). Structures: Passing Structures to func-
tions, Structures using pointers. [Ch.10]
15. File Processing: Data Hierarchy, Files and Streams, Creating a Sequential-Access File,
Reading Data from a Sequential-Access File. File Processing: Random-Access Files, Cre-
ating a Random-Access File, Writing Data Randomly to a Random-Access File, Reading
Data from a Random-Access File. [Ch.10]
Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Semester Project, Lab Assignments, Presentations
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Reference Materials:

1. C How to Program by Paul Deitel and Harvey Deitel, Prentice Hall; 7th Edition (March
4, 2012)
2. Programming in C by Stephen G. Kochan, Addison-Wesley Professional; 4 edition (Sep-
tember 25, 2013). ISBN-10: 0321776410

CMPC-102 Object Oriented Programming

Credit Hours: 4(3,1) Prerequisites: Programming Fundamentals

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain
1. Describe the key terminologies of object oriented programming C 2
2. Explain the Classes and objects paradigm C 3
3. Identify various programming techniques in object oriented. C 3
* BT= Bloom‘s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

Course Content:
1- Objects and Classes, Abstraction, Encapsulation [TB1: Ch9-11]
2- Final Classes, Nested and Inner Classes. [TB2: Ch. 5]
3- Inheritance, Abstract Classes, Concrete Classes, Inheritance and Encapsulation.[TB1:Ch12]
4- The is-a Relationship, Inheritance via Abstract Classes, Extending the Hierarchy, Up casting
and Down casting, Interfaces.[TB1: Ch12]
5- Composition, the has-a Relationship.[TB1: Ch12]
6- Polymorphism.[TB1:Ch 13]
7- Polymorphism, Dynamic (or Late) Binding. [TB1:Ch 13]
8- Interfaces and Polymorphism.[TB1: Ch13]
9- The Wrapper Classes, Boxing and Un-Boxing, Packages.[TB1: Ch14, Ch9.4]
10- Exceptions and Exception Handling.[TB2:Ch 7]
11- File Systems and Paths, File and Directory Handling and Manipulation, Input/output
Streams, Reading Binary Data, Writing binary Data, Writing Text(Characters), Reading
Page 22 of 92

Text (Characters), Logging with Print Stream, Random Access Files, Object Serialization.
[TB1: Ch. 15]
12- Collections, for-each Loop.[TB1: Ch16, 17]
13- GUI Concepts, Components and Containers, Abstract Windows Toolkit and Swing, Win-
dows and Frames, Layout Managers, Panels.[TB1: Ch. 18]
14- Event-Driven Programming, The delegation Event Model.[TB1:Ch 19]
15- Event Classes, Mouse Events, Keyboard Events, Using Actions.[TB1: Ch19]
16- Component and J Component, Buttons, Labels, Text Fields, Text Areas, Dialog Boxes,
Checkboxes and Radio Buttons, Menus, J-Slider, J-Tabbed Pane.[TB1: Ch. 19]

Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Practical labs, Semester Project, Presentations
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Reference Materials:
1- Java Programming: From the Ground Up by Ralph Bravaco and Shai Simonson, McGraw-
Hill Higher Education New York, 2010, ISBN 978–0–07–352335–4
2- Ivor Horton's Beginning Java by Ivor Horton, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 7th Edition,
2011, ISBN: 978-0-470-40414-0

CMPC-205 Discrete Structures

Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites: None

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT
1- The course provides a solid theoretical foundation of discrete C 2
structures as they apply to computer science problems and struc-
2- The students will learn how to use mathematical notation and C 3
solve problems using mathematical tools.
* BT= Bloom‘s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

Course Content:
1. Logic: Propositional Equivalences, Predicates and Quantifiers, Nested Quantifiers, Meth-
ods of Proof. [TB: Ch. 1]
2. Sets & Functions, Sequences and Summations. [TB: Ch. 2]
3. Algorithms: the Growth of Functions, Complexity of Algorithms, the Integers and Divi-
sion, Matrices. [TB: Ch. 3]
4. Number Theory and Cryptography. [TB: Ch. 4]
5. Advanced Counting Techniques: Recurrence Relations, Solving Recurrence Relations,
Divide-and-Conquer Algorithms and Recurrence Relations, Generating Functions, Inclu-
sion-Exclusion & its Application. [TB: Ch. 8]
6. Relations and Their Properties, n-ary Relations and Their Applications, Representing Re-
Page 23 of 92

lations, Closures of Relations, Equivalence Relations, Partial Orderings. [TB: Ch. 9]

7. Graph: Representing Graphs and Graph Isomorphism, Connectivity, Euler and Hamilton
Paths, Shortest-Path Problems, Planar Graphs, Graph Coloring. [TB: Ch. 10]
8. Trees: Applications of Trees, Tree Traversal, Spanning Trees, Minimum Spanning Trees.
[TB: Ch. 11]
Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Class Exercises
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Final Exam
Reference Materials:
1. K. H. Rosen, Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, McGraw-Hill Sci-
ence/Engineering/Math, 7th Ed. 2011. ISBN-10: 0073383090[TB]
2. R. Johnsonbaugh, Discrete Mathematics, Pearson; 7th Ed., 2008. ISBN-10: 0131593188
3. S. B. Maurer and A. Ralston, Discrete Algorithmic Mathematics, A K Peters/CRC
Press; 3rd Ed., 2004. ISBN-10: 1568811667
4. B. Kolman, R. Busby and S. C. Ross, Discrete Mathematical Structures, Pearson, 6th
Ed. 2008. ISBN-10: 0132297515

CMPC-203 Data Structure and Algorithms

Credit Hours: 4(3,1) Prerequisites: Object Oriented Programming

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Learn the theory, practice and methods of data structures and C 2
algorithm design.
2. Learn and practice elementary data structures such as stacks, C 3
queues, linked lists, sequences, trees and graphs and the algo-
rithms designed for manipulating these data structures.
* BT= Bloom‘s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

Course Content:

1. Introduction to Data Structure, primitive java, Reference Types, Algorithm Analysis.[

TB1:Ch1, 2, 5]
2. Java collections API (The Java Collections Framework). [TB1:Ch 6]
3. Recursion, Sorting Algorithms (Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Shell
Sort).[TB1: Ch 6, 7]
4. Sorting Algorithms (Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Heap Sort, Speed Limit for comparison Sorts,
Radix Sort, Bucket Sort), Randomization. [TB1: Ch 7, 8]
5. Stack and Queue. [TB1:Ch 16, TB2:Ch 6, 7]
6. Linked Lists. [TB1:Ch 16]
7. Linked Lists. [TB1:Ch 16, TB2:Ch8]
8. Hash Table. [TB1: Ch 20]
9. Trees. [TB1:Ch18]
10. Binary Search Trees, Priority Queue: the Binary Heap. [TB1: Ch 19, Ch 21]
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11. Splay Trees, Merging Priority Queues. [TB1:Ch22, Ch23]

12. Graphs (Simple Graphs, Graph Terminology, Paths and Cycles, Isomorphic Graphs, the
Adjacency Matrix for a Graph, the Incidence Matrix for a Graph, the Adjacency List for a
Graph, Digraphs). [TB1:Ch14, TB2:16]
13. Graphs(Paths in a Digraph, Weighted Digraphs and Graphs, Euler Paths and Hamilto-nian
Cycles, Dijkstra's Algorithm, Graph Traversal Algorithms) [TB1:Ch14, TB2:16]
14. Data Structure Applications (Balanced-Symbol Checker, A Simple Calculator, File Com-
pression, A Cross-reference Generator, The Josephus problem, Event-Driven Simulation)
[TB: Ch 11, 12, 13]

Teaching Methodology:
Lecturing, Written Assignments, Project, Report Writing
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Reference Materials:
1. Data Structures & Problem Solving Using Java by Mark Allen Weiss,Addison-Wesley,
4thEdition (October 7, 2009). ISBN-10: 0321541405
2. Schaum's Outline of Data Structures with Java by John Hubbard, McGraw-Hill;
2ndEdition (May 26, 2009). ASIN: B0035X1BQ6
3. Data Structures: Abstraction and Design Using Java by Koffman and Wolfgang, Wiley;
2nd Edition (January 26, 2010). ISBN-10: 0470128704
4. Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java by Mark Allen Weiss, Prentice Hall;
3rdEdition (November 28, 2011). ISBN-10: 0132576279

CMPC-204 Operating Systems

Credit Hours: 4(3,1) Prerequisites: None

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT
1- Describe the general understanding of the principles and concepts
C 3
governing the functions of operating systems
2- Explain the layered approach that makes design, implementation
C 3
and operation.
3- Identify aspect of complex operating system C 3
* BT= Bloom‘s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

Course Content:
Page 25 of 92

1- Introduction: Over view of: Operating Systems, Operating-System Structure, Operating-

System Operations, Process management, Memory Management, Storage Management,
Protection and Security, Protection and Security, Distributed Systems, Special-Purpose
Systems, Computing Environments. [TB: Ch1]
2- Operating-System Structures: Operating-System Services, Operating-System Structure,
User Operating-System Interface, Virtual Machines, System Calls, Operating System
Generation, Types of System Calls, System Boot, System Programs.[TB: Ch2]
3- Processes: Process Concept, Process Scheduling, Operations on Processes, Inter process
Communication, Communication in Client- Server Systems. Threads: Multithreading
Models, Thread Libraries, Threading Issues. [TB: Ch. 3, 4]
4- CPU Scheduling: Basic Concepts, Scheduling Criteria, Scheduling Algorithms, Multi-
ple-Processor Scheduling, Thread Scheduling, Algorithm Evaluation. [TB: Ch. 5]
5- Process Synchronization: Background, Monitors, The Critical-Section Problem, Peter-
son's Solution, Synchronization Hardware, Semaphores, Classic Problems of Synchroni-
zation. [TB: Ch. 6]
6- Deadlocks: System Model, Deadlock Characterization, Methods for Handling Dead-
locks, Deadlock Prevention, Deadlock Avoidance, Deadlock Detection, Recovery from
Deadlock. [TB: Ch. 7]
7- Main Memory: Swapping, Contiguous Memory Allocation, Paging, and Structure of the
Page Table, Segmentation, and Example: The Intel Pentium. [TB: Ch.8]
8- Virtual Memory: Allocating Kernel Memory, Demand Paging, Copy-on-Write, Page
Replacement, Allocation of Frames, Thrashing. [TB: Ch. 9]
9- File-System Implementation: File-System Structure, Log-Structured File Systems, File-
System Implementation, Directory Implementation, Allocation Methods, Free Space
Management, Efficiency and Performance, Recovery. [TB: Ch. 11]
10- I/O Systems: STREAMS, Hardware, Performance, Application I/O Interface, Kernel
I/O Subsystem, Transforming I/O Requests to Bibliographical Notes, Hardware Opera-
tions. [TB: Ch. 13]
11- Security: The Security Problem, Computer-Security, Program Threats, Classifications,
System and Network Threats, Cryptography as a Security Tool, User Authentication,
Implementing Security Defenses, Firewalling to Protect Systems and Networks.
12- Case studies: Linux, Windows Operating Systems.

Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Practical labs, Semester Project, Presentations
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Reference Materials:
1- Operating System Concepts Essentials by Abraham Silberschatz, Peter B. Galvin and
Greg Agne, Wiley; 8th Edition (July 5, 2008). ISBN-10:0470128720
2- Applied Operating Systems Concepts by Silberschatz A., Peterson, J.L., & Galvin
P.C.Wiley; 8th Edition (2011). ISBN-10: 1118112733
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CMPC-206 Software Engineering

Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites: None

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1: Explains how various software development models and software C 4
development life cycles are applied.
2: Presents the fundamentals concepts of project management. C 3
3: Important Requirements modeling, fact-finding techniques
4: Have knowledge of software configuration management. C 3

* BT= Bloom‘s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective


Course Content:
1. The Nature of Software, Unique Nature of WebApps, Software Engineering, The Soft-
ware Process, Software Engineering Practice, Software Myths. [TB1: Ch. 1]
2. Generic Process Models: Framework Activity, Task Set, Process Patterns, Process Im-
provement, CMM, Prescriptive Process Models: Waterfall Model, Incremental Process
Model, Evolutionary Process Model. [TB1: Ch. 2]
3. Specialized Process Models: Component Based Development, The Formal Methods
Models, Agile Development. [TB1: Ch. 2-3]
4. Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design, Business Information Systems, Infor-
mation System Components, Types of Information Systems, Evaluating Software, Make
or Buy Decision. [TB1: Ch. 1]
5. Introduction to SDLC, SDLC Phases, System Planning, Preliminary Investigation,
SWOT Analysis. [TB1: Ch. 2]
6. The Importance of Strategic Planning, Information Systems Projects, Evaluation of Sys-
tems Requests, Preliminary Investigation, Systems Analysis, Requirements Modeling,
Fact-Finding Techniques. [TB1: Ch. 2-3]
7. Requirements Engineering, Establishing the Groundwork, Eliciting Requirements, De-
veloping Use Cases, Building the Requirements Model. [TB1: Ch. 5]
8. Requirements Modelling Strategies, Difference between Structured Analysis and Object
Oriented Analysis; Difference between FDD Diagrams & UML Diagrams. [TB2:Ch. 3]
9. Data & Process Modelling, Diagrams: Data Flow, Context, Conventions, Detailed Level
DFD‗s Diagram 0, Levelling, Balancing, Logical Versus Physical Models. [TB2: Ch. 4]
10. Design Within the Context of Software Engineering, The Design Process, Design Con-
cepts, Design Models: Data Design Elements. [TB1: Ch. 8]
11. Architecture Design Elements, Interface Design Elements, Component-Level Design El-
ements, Deployments Design Elements. [TB: Ch. 8]
12. System Architecture, Architectural Styles, User Interface Design: The Golden Rules, Us-
er Interface Analysis and Design, WebApps Interface Design. [ TB1: Ch. 9-11]
13. Software Quality Assurance: Background Issues, Elements of Software Quality Assur-
ance, Software Testing Strategies, Strategic Issues, Test Strategies for Conventional
Software. [TB1: Ch.16-17]
14. Validation Testing, System Testing, Internal and External View of Testing: White Box
Testing and Black Box Testing Techniques. [TB1: Ch. 17-18)]
15. Introduction to Project Management, Project Scheduling: Gantt Chart, Risk Manage-
ment: Proactive versus Reactive Risk Strategies, Software Risks, Maintenance and
Page 27 of 92

Reengineering: Software Maintenance, Software Reengineering. [TB1: Ch. 28-29]

Teaching Methodology:
Lecturing, Written Assignments, Report Writing
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Presentations, Final Exam
Reference Materials:
1. Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach by Roger S. Pressman, McGraw-Hill
Science/Engineering/Math; 7th Edition (2009). ISBN-10: 0073375977
2. Software Engineering 8E by Ian Sommerville, Addison Wesley; 8th Edition (2006). ISBN-
10: 0321313798
3. Systems Analysis and Design by Gary B. Shelly, Thomas J. Cashman and Harry J. Rosen-
blatt, Course Technology; 7th Edition (2007). ISBN-10: 1423912225
4. Systems Analysis and Design by Gary B. Shelly, Thomas J. Cashman and Harry J. Rosen-
blatt, Course Technology; 7th Edition (2007). ISBN-10: 1423912225

CMPC-208 Computer Networks

Credit Hours: 4(3,1) Prerequisites: None

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT
1- Describe the key terminologies and technologies of computer net-
C 2
2- Explain the services and functions provided by each layer in the
C 2
Internet protocol stack.
3- Identify various internetworking devices and protocols, and their
C 4
functions in a network.
4- Analyze working and performance of key technologies, algorithms
C 4
and protocols.
5- Build Computer Network on various Topologies P 3
* BT= Bloom‘s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

Course Content:
1. Introduction to networks and protocols architecture [TB1: Ch. 1].
2. Basic concepts of networking, network topologies and the Internet [TB1: Ch. 1].
3. Layered architecture and the OSI model [TB1: Ch. 2].
4. Physical layer functionality, data link layer functionality and the TCP/IP protocol architec-
ture [TB1: Ch. 2].
5. Multiple access techniques, WAN Technologies and protocols , circuit switching and packet
switching.[TB1: Ch. 9]
6. Wireless networks, Cellular Network Generations and LTE-Advanced [TB1: Ch. 10]
7. LAN technologies, LAN protocol architecture and virtual LANs [TB1: Ch. 11]
8. MAC addressing. [TB1: Ch. 11]
9. Networking devices , bridges, hubs and switches [TB1: Ch. 11]
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10. Network layer protocols, Principles of Internetworking, IPv4 and IPv6. [TB1: Ch. 14]
11. IP addressing, Internet Protocol Operation, virtual private networks and IP Security and
Subnetting, CIDR. [TB1: Ch. 14].
12. Transport layer protocols, ports and sockets and connection-oriented transport protocol
mechanisms [TB1: Ch. 15]
13. Routing protocols OSPF ,EIGRP,RIP and routing in packet-switching networks [TB1: Ch.
14. Connection establishment, flow and congestion control, effects of congestion, TCP conges-
tion control and datagram congestion control protocol [TB1: Ch. 20]
15. Application layer protocols, electronic mail (SMTP and MIME), Web Access: HTTP and
DNS [TB1: Ch. 24]
16. Latest trends in computer networks , real-time traffic and voice over IP [TB1: Ch. 25]
1- Introduction to Networking equipment.
2- Networking Basics commands.
3- TCP/IP Networks configuration.
4- Cabling Construction.
5- Building Peer-to-Peer Network.
6- Tools: Packet tracer, Wireshark.

Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Practical labs, Semester Project, Presentations
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Reference Materials:
1. Data and Computer Communications, 10th Edition by William Stallings
2. Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet, 6th edition by James
F. Kurose and Keith W. Ross
3. Computer Networks, 5th Edition by Andrew S. Tanenbaum
4. Data Communication and Computer Networks, 5th Edition by Behrouz A. Forouzan

CMPC-301 Database Systems

Credit Hours: 4(3,1) Prerequisites: None

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT
1. Explain fundamental database concepts. C 2
2. Design conceptual, logical and physical database schemas using dif-
C 3
ferent data models.
3. Identify functional dependencies and resolve database anomalies by
C 3
normalizing database tables.
4. Use Structured Query Language (SQL) for database definition and
C 3
manipulation in any DBMS
* BT= Bloom‘s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective
Page 29 of 92

Course Content:
1. Databases Overview: Basic Concepts and Definitions, Traditional File Processing & Data-
base Approach [TB1: Ch 1]
2. Data Models, Advantages of Database Approach, Costs and Risks of Database Approach,
Components of the Database Environment, The Database Development Process [TB1: Ch
3. E-R Model, Modelling Rules of the Organisation, Modelling Entities and Attributes, Mod-
elling Relationships [TB1: Ch 2]
4. Enhanced E-R Model, Representing Supertypes and Subtypes, Specifying Constraints in
Supertype/Subtype Relationships [TB1: Ch 3]
5. Relational Data Model, Integrity Constraints, Transforming EER Diagrams into Relations
[TB1: Ch 4]
6. Introduction to Normalization, First Normal Form, Second Normal Form, Third Normal
Form, Functional Dependencies and Keys [TB1: Ch 4]
7. The Physical Database Design Process, Designing Fields: Choosing Data Types, Coding
Techniques, Handling Missing Data [TB1: Ch 5]
8. Denormalizing and Partitioning Data, File Organizations (Heap, Sequential, Indexed,
Hashed), Creating a Unique/Nonunique Key Index, When to Use Indexes [TB1: Ch 5]
9. Introduction to SQL, The SQL Environment, Defining a Database in SQL [TB1: Ch 6]
10. Basic SQL Commands for Processing Single Tables [TB1: Ch 6]
11. SQL Commands for Processing Multiple Tables using Joins and Subqueries [TB1: Ch 7]
12. Client/Server Architectures, Databases in a Two-Tier Architecture, Three-Tier Architec-
tures [TB1: Ch 8]
13. Web Application Components, Databases in Three-Tier Applications [TB1: Ch 8]
14. The Roles of Data and Database Administrators, Database Backup and Recovery, Types of
Database Failure, Disaster Recovery [TB1: Ch 12]
15. Controlling Concurrent Access, Serializability, Locking Mechanisms, Data Dictionaries
and Repositories [TB1: Ch 12]
Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Practical labs, Semester Project, Presentations
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Reference Materials:
1. Modern Database Management by Jeffrey A. Hoffer, V. Ramesh, and Heikki Topi. Pear-
son; 12th Edition (2015). ISBN-10: 1292101857
2. Fundamentals of Database Systems by R. Elmasri and S. Navathe. Pearson; 7th Edition (2015).
ISBN-10: 0133970779
3. Database System Concepts by Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth and S. Sudarshan.
McGraw-Hill Education; 6th Edition (2010). ISBN-10: 0073523321
4. Oracle 12c: SQL by Joan E. Casteel. Cengage Learning; 3rd Edition (2015). ISBN-10:

CMPC-303 Information Security

Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites: Computer Networks

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

Page 30 of 92

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT
1. Explain key concepts of information security such as design princi-
C 2
ples, cryptography, risk management, and ethics
2. Discuss legal, ethical, and professional issues in information securi-
A 2
3. Apply various security and risk management tools for achieving in-
C 3
formation security and privacy.
4. Identify appropriate techniques to tackle and solve problems in the C 4
discipline of information security.
* BT= Bloom‘s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

Course Content:
1. Information security foundations, security design principles; security mechanisms
2. Vulnerabilities and protections: Malwares [TB:Ch6]
3. Hash functions [TB:Ch2, 21]
4. Digital signatures [TB:Ch2]
5. Key management [TB:Ch2,20]
6. Authentication: Access control [TB:Ch3,4]
7. Symmetric cryptography: Symmetric Encryption Principles, Data Encryption Standard,
8. Advanced Encryption Standard, Cipher Block Modes of Operation [TB:Ch20]
9. Asymmetric cryptography: HMAC, The RSA Public-Key Encryption Algorithm, Diffie-
Hellman and Other Asymmetric Algorithms [TB:Ch21]
10. Software security [TB:Ch11]
11. Database security: The Need for Database Security, Database Management Systems
1. Relational Databases, SQL Injection Attacks, Database Access Control, Inference, Data-
base Encryption [TB:Ch5]
12. Network security: Secure E-Mail and S/MIME, DomainKeys Identified Mail, Secure
Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS), HTTPS, IPv4 and IPv6 Securi-
ty, Wireless Security, Mobile Device Security [TB:Ch22, 24]
13. Firewalls: The Need for Firewalls, Firewall Characteristics and Access Policy, Types of
Firewalls, Firewall Basing [TB:Ch9]
14. Intrusion detection: Intruders, Intrusion Detection, Analysis Approaches, Types of IDS
15. Security policies, policy formation and enforcement, risk assessment [TB:Ch14,15]
16. Cybercrime, law and ethics in information security, privacy and anonymity of data

Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Semester Project, Presentations
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Reference Materials:
1. Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 3rd edition by William Stallings[ TB1]
2. Principles of Information Security, 6th edition by M. Whitman and H. Mattord
3. Computer Security, 3rd edition by Dieter Gollmann
Page 31 of 92

4. Computer Security Fundamentals, 3rd edition by William Easttom

Official (ISC)2 Guide to the CISSP CBK, 3rd edition

CMPC-401 Capstone Project

Credit Hours: 6(0,6) Prerequisites: None

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Gives an opportunity for participants to put their leadership com- C 2
petencies into practice.
2. Allows the student to identify and develop a project that puts into A 3
practice the leadership skills and competencies learned during the
courses of study.

* BT= Bloom‘s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective


Course Content:
1. Project Proposal
2. Introduction
3. Software Requirements Specification
4. Software Function Specification

Detailed guideline and documentation temples are available with the Department.

Teaching Methodology:
Lecturing, Written Assignments, Report Writing
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Presentations, Final Exam
Reference Materials:

Contents of Mathematics and Science Foundation Courses

MATH-101 Calculus and Analytical Geometry

Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites: None

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
Understand the foundation and basic ground for calculus and ana- C 2
lytical geometry background.
Page 32 of 92

* BT= Bloom‘s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective


Course Content:
1. Real Numbers and the Real Line, Coordinates, Lines, and Increments, Functions, Shifting
Graphs, Trigonometric Functions. [TB: Preliminaries]
2. Limits and Continuity: Rates of Change and Limits, Rules for Finding Limits, Target Val-
ues and Formal Definitions of Limits, Extensions of the Limit Concept, Continuity, Tan-
gent Lines. [TB: Ch. 1]
3. Derivatives: The Derivative of a Function, Differentiation Rules, Rates of Change, Deriva-
tives of Trigonometric Functions, The Chain Rule, Implicit Differentiation and Rational
Exponents. [TB: Ch. 2]
4. Applications of Derivatives: Extreme Values of Functions, The Mean Value Theorem, The
First Derivative Test for Local Extreme Values, Graphing with y‗ and y‗‗. [TB: Ch. 3]
5. Integration: Indefinite Integrals, Integration by Substitution—Running the Chain Rule
Backward, Estimating with Finite Sums, Riemann Sums and Definite Integrals, Prop-
erties, Area, and the Mean Value Theorem. Substitution in Definite Integrals. Numerical
Integration. [TB: Ch. 4]
6. Applications of Integrals: Areas between Curves, Finding Volumes by Slicing, Volumes of
Solids of Revolution—Disks and Washers. Cylindrical Shells. Lengths of Plan Curves, Ar-
eas of Surfaces of Revolution, Moments and Centers of Mass. [TB: Ch. 5]
7. Transcendental Functions: Inverse Functions and Their Derivatives, Natural Logarithms,
The Exponential Function, ax and logax, Growth and Decay, L'Hôpital's Rule, Relative
Rates of Growth, Inverse Trigonometric Functions, Derivatives of Inverse Trigonometric
Functions; Integrals. Hyperbolic Functions. [TB: Ch. 6]
8. Conic Sections, Parameterized Curves, and Polar Coordinates: Conic Sections and Quad-
ratic Equations. Classifying Conic Sections by Eccentricity. Quadratic Equations and Rota-
tions. Parameterizations of Plan Curves. Calculus with Parameterized Curves. Polar Coor-
dinates. Graphing in Polar Coordinates. Polar Equations for Conic Sections. Integration in
Polar Coordinates. [TB: Ch. 7, 9]
9. Vectors and Analytic Geometry in Space, Vectors in the Plane Dot Products, Vector-
Valued Function Cartesian (Rectangular) Coordinates and Vectors in Space. Dot Products.
Cross Products. Lines and Planes in Space. Cylinders and Quadric Surfaces. Cylindrical
and Spherical Coordinates. [TB: Ch. 9, 10]

Teaching Methodology:
Lecturing, Written Assignments
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Final Exam
Reference Materials:

1. Calculus and Analytic Geometry by George B. Thomas and Ross L. Finney, Addison Wes-
ley; 10th Edition (1995) ISBN-10: 0201531747
2. Calculus and Analytical Geometry by Swokowski, Olinick and Pence, 6th Edition, (1994),
Brooks/Cole Publishers.
3. Calculus by Howard Anton, Irl C. Bivens, Stephen Davis, Wiley; 10th Edition (2012),
ISBN-10: 0470647728
Page 33 of 92

4. Calculus with Analytic Geometry: Student Solution Manual by Howard Anton, Wiley; 5th
Edition (1995). ISBN-10: 0471105899

MATH-102 Probability and Statistics

Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites: None

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
Understand the concepts of data analysis, presentation, counting C 2
techniques, probability and decision making.

* BT= Bloom‘s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective


Course Content:

1. Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis: Statistical Inference, Samples, Popula-tions,

and the Role of Probability, Sampling Procedures; Collection of Data, Measures of Loca-
tion: The Sample Mean and Median, Measures of Variability, Discrete and Continuous Da-
ta, Statistical Modeling, Scientific Inspection, and Graphical, General Types of Statistical
Studies: Designed Experiment, Observational Study, and Retrospective Study. [TB: Ch. 1]
2. Probability: Sample Space, Events, Counting Sample Points, Probability of an Event, Ad-
ditive Rules, Conditional Probability, Independence, and the Product Rule, Bayes‗ Rule.
[TB: Ch. 2]
3. Random Variables and Probability Distributions: Concept of a Random Variable, Discrete
Probability Distributions, Continuous Probability Distributions, Joint Probability Distribu-
tions. [TB: Ch. 3]
4. Mathematical Expectation: Mean of a Random Variable, Variance and Covariance of Ran-
dom Variables, Means and Variances of Linear Combinations of Random Variables, Che-
byshev‗s Theorem. [TB: Ch. 4]
5. Discrete Probability Distributions: Binomial and Multinomial Distributions, Hyper-
geometric Distribution, Negative Binomial and Geometric Distributions, Poisson Distribu-
tion and the Poisson Process. [TB: Ch. 5]
6. Continuous Probability Distributions: Continuous Uniform Distribution, Normal Distribu-
tion, Areas under the Normal Curve, Applications of the Normal Distribution, Normal Ap-
proximation to the Binomial, Gamma and Exponential Distributions, Chi-Squared Distri-
bution, Beta Distribution. [TB: Ch. 6]
7. Fundamental Sampling Distributions and Data Descriptions: Random Sampling, Sampling
Distributions, Sampling Distribution of Means and the Central Limit Theorem. Sampling
Distribution of S2, t-Distribution, F-Quantile and Probability Plots. [TB: Ch. 8]
8. One- and Two-Sample Estimation Problems: Introduction, Statistical Inference, Classical
Methods of Single Sample: Estimating the Mean, Standard Error of a Point, Pre-diction In-
Page 34 of 92

tervals, Tolerance Limits, Estimating the Difference between Two Means. [TB: Ch. 9]
9. Single Sample: Estimating a Proportion, Estimating the Difference between Two Pro-
portions, Single Sample: Estimating the Variance, Estimating the Ratio of Two Variances.
[TB: Ch. 9]
10. One- and Two-Sample Tests of Hypotheses: Statistical Hypotheses: General Concepts,
Testing a Statistical Hypothesis, The Use of P-Values for Decision Making in Testing Hy-
potheses. [TB: Ch. 10]
11. Single Sample: Tests Concerning a Single Mean, Two Samples: Tests on Two Means,
Choice of Sample Size for Testing Means, Graphical Methods for Comparing Means, One
Sample: Test on a Single Proportion, Two Samples: Tests on Two Proportions. [TB: Ch.
12. One- and Two-Sample Tests Concerning Variances, Goodness-of-Fit Test, Test for Inde-
pendence (Categorical Data), Test for Homogeneity [TB: Ch. 10]
13. Simple Linear Regression and Correlation: Introduction to Linear Regression, The Simple
Linear Regression Model, Least Squares and the Fitted Model, Properties of the Least
Squares Estimators. [TB: Ch. 11]
14. 14. Multiple Linear Regression and Certain: Nonlinear Regression Models, Introduction,
Estimating the Coefficients, Linear Regression Model Using Matrices, Properties of the
Least Squares Estimators. [TB: Ch. 12]
Teaching Methodology:
Lecturing, Written Assignments
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Final Exam
Reference Materials:

1. Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists by Ronald E. Walpole, Raymond H.
Myers, Sharon L. Myers and Keying E. Ye, Pearson; 9th Edition (January 6, 2011). ISBN-
10: 0321629116
2. Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists by Anthony J. Hayter, Duxbury Press;
3rd Edition (February 3, 2006), ISBN-10: 0495107573
3. Schaum's Outline of Probability and Statistics, by John Schiller, R. AluSrinivasan and Mur-
ray Spiegel, McGraw-Hill; 3rd Edition (2008). ISBN-10: 0071544259
4. Probability: A Very Short Introduction by John Haigh, Oxford University Press (2012).
ISBN-10: 0199588481

MATH-203 Linear Algebra

Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites: None

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
Understand the fundamentals of solution for system of linear C 2
equations, operations on system of equations, matrix properties,
solutions and study of their properties.

* BT= Bloom‘s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

Page 35 of 92

Course Content:

1. Introduction to Vectors: Vectors and Linear Combinations, Lengths and Dot Products, Ma-
trices. [TB1: Ch. 1]
2. Solving Linear Equations: Vectors and Linear Equations, the Idea of Elimination, Elimina-
tion Using Matrices, Rules for Matrix Operations, Inverse Matrices. [TB1: Ch. 2]
3. Elimination = Factorization; A = LU, Transposes and Permutations
4. Vector Spaces and Subspaces: Spaces of Vectors, The Null space of A: Solving Ax = 0,
The Rank and the Row Reduced Form, the Complete Solution to Ax = B, Independence,
Basis and Dimension, Dimensions of the Four Subspaces. [TB1: Ch. 3]
5. Orthogonally: Orthogonally of the Four Subspaces, Projections, Least Squares Approxima-
tions, Orthogonal Bases and Gram-Schmidt. [TB1: Ch. 4]
6. Determinants: The Properties of Determinants, Permutations and Cofactors, Cramer's Rule,
Inverses, and Volumes. [TB1: Ch. 5]
7. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors: Introduction to Eigenvalues, Diagonalizing a Matrix, Ap-
plications to Differential Equations, Symmetric Matrices, Positive Definite Matrices, Simi-
lar Matrices, Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). [TB1: Ch. 6]
8. Applications: Matrices in Engineering, Graphs and Networks, Markov Matrices, Popula-
tion, and Economics; Linear Programming, Fourier series: Linear Algebra for Functions,
Linear Algebra for Statistics and Probability, Computer Graphics.
9. Numerical Linear Algebra: Gaussian Elimination in Practice, Norms and Condition Num-
bers, Iterative Methods for Linear Algebra. [TB1: Ch. 9]
10. 10. Complex Vectors and Matrices: Complex Numbers, Hermitian and Unitary Matrices,
Matrix Factorizations. [TB1: Ch. 10]
Teaching Methodology:
Lecturing, Written Assignments
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Final Exam
Reference Materials:
1. Introduction to Linear Algebra by Gilbert Strang, Wellesley Cambridge Press; 4th Edition
(February 10, 2009). ISBN-10: 0980232716
2. Elementary Linear Algebra with Applications by Bernard Kolman, David Hill, 9th Edition,
Prentice Hall PTR, 2007. ISBN-10: 0132296543
3. Strang's Linear Algebra And Its Applications by Gilbert Strang, Strang, Brett Coonley,
Andy Bulman-Fleming, Andrew Bulman-Fleming, 4th Edition, Brooks/Cole, 2005
4. Elementary Linear Algebra: Applications Version by Howard Anton, Chris Rorres, 9th Edi-
tion, Wiley, 2005.
5. Linear Algebra and Its Applications by David C. Lay, 2nd Edition, Addison-Wesley, 2000.
6. Linear Algebra by Harold M. Edwards, Birkhäuser; 1st Edition (2004). ISBN-10:
7. Linear Algebra: A Modern Introduction by David Poole by Brooks Cole; 3rd Edition (May
25, 2010).ISBN-10: 0538735457

PHYS-101 Applied Physics

Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites: None
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Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
Understand the basic laws of physics, circuiting and basics of C 2

* BT= Bloom‘s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective


Course Content:

1. Zero Reference Level, Chassis Ground, Ohm‗s Law, Formula Variations of Ohm‗s Law,
Graphical Representation of Ohm‗s Law, Linear Resistor, Non Linear Resistor, Cells in Se-
ries and Parallel.[Ch 1]
2. Resistive Circuits. [Ch 2]
3. Resistors(5.1-15), Inductors(5.19-21) Capacitors(5.35-48) .[Ch 5]
4. Energy Sources. [Ch 6]
5. Magnetism and electromagnetism [Ch 7].
6. Solid State. Atomic structure, Electron distribution of different atoms, Energy bands in sol-
ids, Bonds in solids, Conduction in solids, Conductors, Semiconductors and types of semi-
conductors, Insulators, Majority and Minority charge carriers, Mobile charge carriers and
immobile ions, Drift current in good conductors.[Ch 12]
7. P-N Junction. Formation of depletion layer, Junction or barrier voltage, Forward biased P-N
Junction, Forward V/I Characteristics, Reverse biased P-N Junction, Re-verse Saturation
Current, Reverse V/I Characteristics, Junction breakdown, Junction Capacitance. [Ch 13]
8. Optoelectronics Devices. Spectral response of human eye, Light Emitting Diode (LED),
Photoemissive Devices, Photomultiplier Tube, Photovoltaic Devices, Bulk type Photocon-
ductive cells, Photodiodes, P-N junction Photodiode, PIN Photodiode, and Avalanche Pho-
todiode. [Ch 16]
9. DC Power Supplies. Unregulated and Regulated Power Supply, Steady and Pulsating DC
Voltages, Rectifiers (17.5-17.8), Filters (17.9-17.2), Voltage Multipliers (17.24-17.30), Sili-
con Controlled Rectifier SCR(17.33-17.37)[Ch 17]
10. The Basic Transistor. Transistor Biasing, Transistor Circuit Configuration. [Ch 18]
11. Modulation and Demodulation. Carrier Waves, Modulation, Demodulation or Detection,
Comparison between Amplitude Modulation (AM) and Frequency Modulation (FM). [Ch
12. Integrated Circuits. Advantages of ICs and Drawbacks of ICs, Scale of Integration, Classifi-
cation of ICs by function, Linear and Digital Integrated Circuits, IC Terminology, Fabrica-
tion of IC Components, Popular Application of ICs, Operational Amplifier. [Ch 31]
13. Fibre Optics. Structure of Optical Fibres, Classification of Optical Fibres, Fibre Characteris-
tics, Choice of Wavelength, Optical Fibre cable, Application of Fibre Optic Communica-
tion. [Ch 38]

Teaching Methodology:
Lecturing, Written Assignments, Presentations
Course Assessment:
Page 37 of 92

Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Presentations, Final Exam

Reference Materials:
1. A Practical English Grammar by A. J. Thomson and A. V. Martinet,4th Edition Oxford
University Press (1986).
2. Basic English Usage by Michael Swan, Oxford UnivPr (Sd) (January 1986). ISBN-10:
3. Functional English In Aglobal Society: Vocabulary Building and Communicative Grammar
by Nicanor L. Guintomary Ann R. Sibal Brian D. Villaverde Dept. of Lan-guages, Litera-
ture and Humanities College of Arts and Sciences Southern Luzon State University (2012).
4. AQA Functional English Student Book: Pass Level 2 by Mr David Stone, Heinemann; 1st
Edition (28 Jun 2010). ISBN-10: 0435151401
5. English Composition and Grammar: Complete Course by John E. Warriner, Harcourt Brace
Jovanovich; Complete Course Benchmark Edition (January 1988). ISBN-10: 0153117362
6. Companion to English: Vocabulary (Learners Companion) by George Davidson, Prim-Ed
Publishing (March 1, 2003). ISBN-10: 9814070904
7. Word Power Made Easy by Norman and Lewis, Goyal Publishers (September 1, 2009).
ISBN-10: 8183071007
8. 1000 Most Important Words by Norman W. Schur, Ballantine Books (July 12, 1982).
ISBN-10: 0345298632
9. High School English Grammar and Composition by P.C Wren, Chand & Co (July 13,
2008). ISBN-10: 812192197X

Contents of General Education Courses

ENGL-101 English Composition and Comprehension

Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites: None

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. can articulate clearly, take and pass on messages, deal with C 2
customers effectively, read, understand and follow a wide
range of documents and write fluently and accurately, using
accepted business conventions of format, spelling, grammar
and punctuation.
2. This course is developed to strengthen students these skills
which enable them to deal with the practical problems and C 2
challenges of life – at home, in education and at work.
* BT= Bloom‘s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

Course Content:

1. Punctuation: Periods, Question Marks, Exclamation Marks, Semicolons, Colons, Com-

mas, Apostrophes, Quotation Marks.
2. Writing Mechanics: Capitals, Abbreviations; Vocabulary: Frequently Confused Words,
Frequently Misused Words,
3. Vocabulary: Phrases, Synonyms, Antonyms, Idioms, General Vocabulary
Page 38 of 92

4. Use Of Articles And One, A Little/ A Few, This, That, Care, Like, Love, Hate, Prefer,
Wish, All, Each, Every, Both, Neither, Either, Some, Any, No, None; Interrogatives: Wh-
? Words And How?
5. Kinds of Nouns; Kinds of Adjectives; Adverbs: Kinds, Form, Position and Use
6. Prepositions; Possessive, Personal and Reflexive Pronouns; Relative Pronouns and Claus-
7. Classes of Verbs: Ordinary Verbs, Auxiliary Verbs (Be, Have, Do); May and Can for
Permission and Possibility; Can and Be Able for Ability; Ought, Should, Must, Have To,
Need for Obligation; Must, Have, Will and Should for Deduction and Assumption; The
Auxiliaries Dare and Used
8. The Present Tenses
9. The Past and Perfect Tenses
10. The Future; The Infinitive
11. The Gerund & The Participles; Commands, Requests, Invitations, Advice, Suggestions;
The Subjunctive
12. The Passive Voice; Indirect Speech
13. Conjunctions, Purpose
14. Clauses: Noun Clauses; Clauses of Reason, Result, Concession, Comparison, Time
Numerals, Dates, and Weights And Measures; Spelling Rules;
Phrasal Verbs; List Of Irregular Verbs
Teaching Methodology:
Lecturing, Written Assignments, Presentations
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Presentations, Final Exam
Reference Materials:
1. A Practical English Grammar by A. J. Thomson and A. V. Martinet,4th Edition Oxford
University Press (1986).
2. Basic English Usage by Michael Swan, Oxford UnivPr (Sd) (January 1986). ISBN-10:
3. Functional English In Aglobal Society: Vocabulary Building and Communicative Grammar
by Nicanor L. Guintomary Ann R. Sibal Brian D. Villaverde Dept. of Lan-guages, Litera-
ture and Humanities College of Arts and Sciences Southern Luzon State University (2012).
4. AQA Functional English Student Book: Pass Level 2 by Mr David Stone, Heinemann; 1st
Edition (28 Jun 2010). ISBN-10: 0435151401
5. English Composition and Grammar: Complete Course by John E. Warriner, Harcourt Brace
Jovanovich; Complete Course Benchmark Edition (January 1988). ISBN-10: 0153117362
6. Companion to English: Vocabulary (Learners Companion) by George Davidson, Prim-Ed
Publishing (March 1, 2003). ISBN-10: 9814070904
7. Word Power Made Easy by Norman and Lewis, Goyal Publishers (September 1, 2009).
ISBN-10: 8183071007
8. 1000 Most Important Words by Norman W. Schur, Ballantine Books (July 12, 1982).
ISBN-10: 0345298632
9. High School English Grammar and Composition by P.C Wren, Chand & Co (July 13,
2008). ISBN-10: 812192197X
Page 39 of 92

ENGL-102 Communication and Presentation Skills

Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites: None

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. To sensitize students to their communicative behavior C 2
2. To enable them to reflect and improve on their communicative
3. To build capacities for self-criticism and facilitate growth
4. To lead students to effective performances in communication

* BT= Bloom‘s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective


Course Content:

1. Communication Skills: What Is Communication, The Importance of Communication,

What Are Communication Skills? The Communication Process : Source, Message, Encod-
ing, Channel , Decoding , Receiver, Feedback, Context . Perspectives in Communication:
Introduction, Visual Perception, Language, Other Factors Affecting Communication Per-
spective, Past Experiences, Prejudices, Feelings, Mood, Relationship, Environment.
2. Internal Representation: Introduction, Internal Representation of Our World, Language as a
Representational System, Verbal Clues, Visual Representation System, Auditory Repre-
sentational System, Kinaesthetic Representational System, Auditory Digital Re-
presentational System, Eye Movements as an Indication, Visual Recall, Visual Con-struct,
Auditory Recall, Auditory Construct, Kinaesthetic, Internal Auditory, Phrases for Use in
Response to Each Representational System.
3. Elements of Communication: Introduction, Face to Face Communication, Tone of Voice,
Body Language, Verbal Communication, Physical Communication. Communication
Styles: Introduction, The Communication Styles Matrix, Direct Communication Style,
Spirited Communication Style, Systematic Communication Style, Considerate Communi-
cation Style, Examples of Communication for Each Style, Direct Style, Spirited Style, Sys-
tematic Style Considerate Style.
4. Listening: Real Vs. Introduction, Self-Awareness, Pseudo Listening, Active Listening,
Blocks to Listening, Assessing Your Listening, Four Steps to Effective Listening, Total
Listing, Becoming an Active Listener.
5. Expressing: The Four Kinds of Expression, Whole Message, Contaminated Messages, Pre-
paring Your Message, Practicing Whole Message, Rules of Effective Expression. Body
Language: Body Movement, Spatial Relationships. Paralanguage and Meta-messages: The
Element of Paralanguage, Changing Your Paralanguage, Meta-message, Coping with Me-
ta-message. Hidden Agendas: The Eight Agendas, Purpose of the Agenda.
6. Clarifying Language: Understanding a Model, Challenging the Limits of a Model, Chal-
lenging Distortion in a Model. Assertiveness: Your Legitimate Right, Three Communica-
tion Styles, Identifying Communication Style, Your Assertive Goals, Assertive Expression
and Listening, Combining Assertive Expression and Listening, Responding to Criticism,
Special Assertive Strategies.
7. Making Contact: Fear of Stranger, Guidelines for Making Contact, The Art of Conversa-
Page 40 of 92

tion, Putting It All Together. Negotiations: Four Stages of Negotiation, Dealing with Con-
flicts, Rules of Principles Negotiation, When The Going Get Tough.
8. Prejudgment: Prejudgment Traps, Stereotypes, Approval and Disapproval in Prejudgment,
Parataxic Distortion, Perpetuating Illusion, Clarifying First Impression. Validation Strate-
gies: What is validation, Why Does Validation Work? What Validation Is Not? Compo-
nents of Validation, Successful Validation Strategies, The Power of Validation.
9. Influencing Others: What is Persuasion? Persuading Audience, Ineffective Strategies for
Influencing Change, Effective Strategies, for Influencing Others, Your Plan for Influencing
Change, Lisa‗s Plan for Influencing Change Art of Persuasion.
10. Public Speaking: Defining Your Purpose, Outlining The Subject, Presentation, Organiza-
tion, Audience Analysis, Style, Supporting Materials, The Outline, Delivery, Deal-ing with
Stage Fright.
11. Preparing A Formal Oral Presentation: Presentation Design: Introduction, Consistency,
Aspects of Consistency Language, Color, Fonts, Images, Contrast, Alignment, Simplicity,
White Spaces, Charts, Graphics & Tables, How to Choose Which Type of Graph to Use?
Graph Types, Multimedia Presentations, Adding Quotations.
12. Delivering Presentation: Introduction, Delivery, Managing Voice, Passion, Language,
Movement, Facial Expressions, Body Language, Some Useful Tips: Active Listening, In-
venting Stories, Feedback, Preliminary Preparations Proximity, Tension & Nerves, Ques-
tions, Tips to Handle Questions, Habits, Handling Tough Situations, Common Mistakes &
Their Remedies, Dealing with Unexpected Disasters, Presentation for International Audi-
ence, Dealing People with Disabilities, Things to Remembers, Last Minute Tips.
13. Interviewing: Clarifying What You Want, If You are the Interviewer, If You Are the Inter-
14. Effective Written Communication: Introduction, When and When Not to Use Written
Communication, Complexity of the Topic, Amount of ‗Discussion‗ Required, Shades of
Meaning Formal Communication, Writing Effectively, Subject Lines, Put the Main Point
First, Know Your Audience, Organization of the Message.
15. Building Rapport: Introduction, Six Steps to Building Rapport, Match the Person‗s Senso-
ry Modality, Mirror the Person‗s Physiology, Match the Person‗s Voice, Match the Per-
son‗s Breathing, Match the Way the Person Deals with Information, Match Common Ex-
periences, Calibration, Perceptual Positions.

Teaching Methodology:
Lecturing, Written Assignments, Report Writing, Presentations
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Presentations, Final Exam
Reference Materials:
1. Effective Communication Skills, MTD Training &Ventus Publishing ApS.( 2010) ISBN
978-87-7681-598-1 (TB1)
2. Messages: The Communication Skills Book by Matthew McKay PhD , Martha Davis PhD,
and Patrick Fanning, New Harbinger Publications; Third Edition (March 3, 2009). ISBN-10:
3. Secrets of Successful Presenters: A Guide for Successful Presenters by Dr. M. A. Pa-sha
&Dr. S. Pasha, Lambert Academic Publishing (2012). ISBN-10:3659217557
4. Communication Skills in English by Prof P N Kharu, Dr.Varinder Gandhi Publisher: Laxmi.
EAN: 9788131806920
Page 41 of 92

5. Essential Communication Skills: Teacher Edition with Talking Points by Patty Ann, Patty
Ann; 1st Edition (July 5, 2012). ASIN: B008HYUDWQ
6. Communication Skills Magic: Improve Your Relationships & Productivity through Better
Understanding Your Personality Style and the Personality Styles of Those Around You by
E.G. Sebastian, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (Janu-ary 5, 2010). ISBN-10:
7. People Skills: How to Assert Yourself, Listen to Others, and Resolve Conflicts by Robert
Bolton,Touchstone (June 6, 1986). ISBN-10: 067162248X
8. The Handbook of Communication Skills by Owen Hargie, Routledge; 4th Edition, Taylor &
Francis, (12-Oct-2012).

ENGL-302 Technical and Business Writing

Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites: None

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
Effectively plan and structure technical reports and to recognize C 2
the various stages in writing a technical report.
* BT= Bloom‘s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

Course Content:

1. Writing for Readers: Academic, Public, and Work Communities; Analyzing Electron-ic
Communities; c. Myths and Realities about Writing.
2. Discovering and Planning: Discovering Topics; Generating Ideas; Organizing Infor-
mation; Planning in Digital Environments.
3. Purpose, Thesis, and Audience: Identifying Your Focus and Purpose; Creating a The-
sis; Understanding Your Readers.
4. Drafting: Moving from Planning to Drafting, Drafting Collaboratively, Drafting in Digi-
tal Environments.
5. Revising, Editing, and Proofreading: Making Major Revisions; Making Minor Revi-
sions; Revising Collaboratively; Revising in Digital Environments; Editing; Editing
Collaboratively; Proofreading.
6. Paragraphs: Unfocused Paragraphs; Revising for Focus; Incoherent Paragraphs; Re-
vising for Coherence; Poorly Developed Paragraphs; Revising for Development; Us-ing
Special-Purpose Paragraphs.
7. Clear and Emphatic Sentences: Unclear Sentences; Revising for Clear Sentences; Re-
vising for Variety and Emphasis.
8. Reasoning Critically: Recognizing Critical Reasoning, Building a Chain of Reasoning,
Representing Your Reasoning.
9. Reading Critically: Reading to Understand; Reading to Respond and Evaluate; Using
Journals to Turn Reading into Writing.
10. Arguing Persuasively: Recognizing an Issue, Developing Your Stance, Creating an Ar-
gumentative Thesis, Developing Reasons and Evidence, Acknowledging Other Perspec-
Page 42 of 92

tives, Arguing Logically, Writing a Position Paper.

11. Designing Documents: Goals of Document Design, Format Choice, Layout, Type
Choice, Visuals, Sample Documents. Creating a Visual Argument: Presenting an Is-sue,
Providing Evidence.
12. Writing in Online Communities: Online Expectations, E-mail Conventions, Online
Communities, Web Pages, Avoiding Plagiarism and Behaving Ethically Online.
13. Speaking Effectively: Oral Presentations, Preparing an Oral Presentation, Managing
Speech Anxiety, Fielding Questions.
14. Academic Writing: Social and Natural Sciences: Goals of Writing in the Social and
Natural Sciences, Audiences in the Social and Natural Sciences, Writing Tasks in the
Social and Natural Sciences, Types of Writing in the Social and Natural Sciences,
15. Abstract, Informative Report, Lab Report, Research Report,
16. Public Writing: Goals of Public Writing, Public Audiences, Public Writing Tasks, Types
of Public Writing, Public Flyer, Letter to the Editor, Oral Presentation.
17. Researching and Writing: Beginning Your Research, Types of Research Writing, De-
veloping a Research Question, Developing a Preliminary Thesis, Creating a Re-search
File and a Timeline, Reading and Notetaking, Summarizing, Paraphrasing, and Synthe-
Teaching Methodology:
Lecturing, Written Assignments, Report Writing, Presentations
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Presentations, Final Exam
Reference Materials:
1. Writer's Companion – The Longman by Chris M. Anson, Robert A. Schwegler and Marcia
F. Muth, Pearson Longman, 4th Edition (2007) . ISBN10: 0-20556-252-3
2. Technical English: Writing, Reading, and Speaking by Pickett and Laster. 8th Edition.
3. The Technical Writer‗s Companion byAlred, Gerald, Charles T. Brusaw and Walter E. Oliu,
3rd Edition. ISBN 0-312-25978-6.

PKST-401 Islamic Studies

Credit Hours: 2(2,0) Prerequisites: None

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1- Enhance understanding of the students regarding Islamic Civiliza- C 2
2- Improve Students skill to perform prayers and other worships C 2
3- Enhance the skill of the students for understanding of issues related
to faith and religious life. C 2

* BT= Bloom‘s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective


Course Content:
Page 43 of 92

The approved Syllabus of respective department of UOS will be followed

Teaching Methodology:
Lecturing, Written Assignments, Class Discussion
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Presentations, Final Exam
Reference Materials:

ISLS-402 Pakistan Studies

Credit Hours: 2(2,0) Prerequisites: None

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1: Develop vision of historical perspective, government, politics, con- C 2
temporary Pakistan, ideological background of Pakistan.
2: Study the process of governance, national development, issues arising C 2
in the modern age and posing challenges to Pakistan.

* BT= Bloom‘s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective


Course Content:
The approved Syllabus of respective department of UOS will be followed

Teaching Methodology:
Lecturing, Written Assignments, Class Discussion
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Presentations, Final Exam
Reference Materials:

ICTC-101 Introduction to Information and Communication Technology

Credit Hours: 3(2,1) Prerequisites: None

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Get basic understanding of computer software, hardware, and C 2
associated technologies.
2. Learn how computers are used in the workplace, how commu- C 2
Page 44 of 92

nications systems can help boost productivity, and how the In-
ternet technologies can influence the workplace.
* BT= Bloom‘s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

Course Content:

1. Introduction to Computers: Data and Information, Information Processing Cycle, the

Components of a Computer, Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Computers. Net-
works and the Internet. Computer Software, Categories of Computers, Elements of an In-
formation System, Examples of Computer Usage, Computer Applications in Society [Ch.
2. The Internet and World Wide Web: Key Concepts of the Internet, Evolution of the Inter-
net, The World Wide Web, E-Commerce, Other Internet Services, Netiquette [Ch. 2].
3. Application Software: Business Software, Graphics and Multimedia Software, Soft-ware
for Home, Personal, and Educational Use, Web Applications, Application Soft-ware for
Communications. [Ch. 3]
4. The System Unit: Processor, Data Representation, Memory, Expansion Slots and Adapter
Cards, Ports and Connectors, Buses, Bays, Power Supply. [Ch. 4]
5. Input Devices: What Is Input? What Are Input Devices? The Keyboard, Pointing De-
vices, Mouse, Other Pointing Devices, Touch Screens And Touch-Sensitive Pads, Pen In-
put, Other Input For Smart Phones, Game Controllers, Digital Cameras, Voice In-put,
Video Input, Scanners And Reading Devices, Biometric Input, Terminals, Putting It All
Together, Input Devices For Physically Challenged Users. [Ch. 5]
6. Output Devices: What is Output? Display Devices, Printers, Speakers, Headphones, and
Ear buds, Other Output Devices. [Ch. 6]
7. Storage: Hard Disks, Flash Memory Storage, Cloud Storage, Optical Discs, Other Types
of Storage. [Ch. 7]
8. System Software: Operating Systems, Operating System Functions, Types Of Operating
Systems, Stand-Alone Operating Systems, Server Operating Systems, Embedded Operat-
ing Systems, Utility Programs [Ch. 8]
9. Communications: Uses of Computer Communications, Networks, Network Communica-
tions Standards, Communications Software, Communications over the Telephone Net-
work, Communications Devices, Home Networks, Communications Channel, Physical
Transmission Media, Wireless Transmission Media. [Ch. 9]
10. Databases: Data, and Information, The Hierarchy of Data, Maintaining Data, File Pro-
cessing Versus Databases, Database Management Systems, Relational, Object-Oriented,
and Multidimensional Databases, Web Databases, Database Administration
11. Computer Security and Safety, Ethics, and Privacy: Computer Security Risks, Internet
And Network Attacks, Unauthorized Access And Use, Hardware Theft And Vandal-ism,
Software Theft, Information Theft, System Failure, Backing Up, Wireless Security,
Health Concerns Of Computer Use, Ethics And Society

Teaching Methodology:
Lecturing, Written Assignments, Class Discussion
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Presentations, Final Exam
Page 45 of 92

Reference Materials:
1. Discovering Computers by Gary B. Shelly & Misty E. Vermaat, Course Technology; 1st
Edition (January 25, 2011).
2. Computing Essentials 2012 by Timothy J. O'Leary and Linda I. O'Leary, McGraw Hill
Higher Education; 22nd Revised Edition (February 1, 2011).
3. Computers: Understanding Technology by Fuller, Floyd; Larson, Brian, Fourth Edi-tion,
ISBN: 978-0-76383-927-7 (OR Latest Edition.)
4. The Concepts of Information Technology by Imran Saeed, AfsanRaza, Tariq Mah-mood and
ZafarHussain, 6th Edition, IT Series Publications.
5. The Essential Guide to Computing: The Story of Information Technology by by E Garrison
Walters, Prentice Hall PTR (August 11, 2000). ISBN-10: 0130194697
6. Computer Applications by Tasleem Mustafa, Tariq Mahmood, Imran Saeed and Za-
hidJaved, IT Publication Series

ITSCC-201 Professional Practice

Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites: None

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Understand responsibilities with respect to the society C 2
2. Understand historical, social, economic, ethical, and professional
issues related to the discipline of Computing C 2
3. It identifies key sources for information and opinion about pro-
fessionalism and ethics. C 2
4. Analyze, evaluate, and assess ethical and professional computing
case studies. C 2

* BT= Bloom‘s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective


Course Content:
1. The Engineering Profession [TB: Ch. 1]
2. The Structure of Organizations [TB: Ch. 2]
3. Finance and Accounting [TB: Ch. 3]
4. Anatomy of a Software House [TB: Ch. 4]
5. Computer Contracts [TB: Ch. 5]
6. Intellectual Property Rights [TB: Ch. 6]
7. The Framework of Employee Relations Law and Changing Management Practices [TB: Ch.
8. Human Resource Management and Software Engineering [TB: Ch. 8]
9. Health and Safety at Work [TB: Ch. 9]
10. Software Liability: Liability and Practice [TB: Ch. 10]
11. Computer Misuse and the Criminal Law [TB: Ch. 11]
12. Regulation and Control of Personal Information: Data Protection, Defamation and Related
Page 46 of 92

[TB: Ch. 12]

13. The British Computer Society Code of Conduct [Online]
14. IEEE Code of Ethics [Online]
15. ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct [Online]
16. ACM/IEEE Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practice [Online]
Teaching Methodology:
Lecturing, Written Assignments, Class Discussion
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Presentations, Final Exam
Reference Materials:
1. Professional Issues in Software Engineering by Frank Bott, Allison Coleman, Jack Eaton
and Diane Rowland, CRC Press; 3rd Edition (2000). ISBN-10: 0748409513
2. Online Resources
3. A Gift of Fire: Social, Legal, and Ethical Issues for Computing and the Internet (3rd Edition)
by Sara Baase, Prentice Hall; 3rd Edition (2008). ISBN-10: 0136008488
4. Applied Professional Ethics by Gregory R. Beabout, University Press Of America (1993).
ISBN-10: 0819193747.
5. The Dark Side of Software Engineering: Evil on Computing Projects by Johann Rost and
Robert L. Glass, Wiley-IEEE Computer Society Pr; 1st Edition (2011). ISBN-10:
6. Software Engineering Best Practices: Lessons from Successful Projects in the Top Compa-
nies by Capers Jones, McGraw-Hill Osborne Media; 1st Edition (2009). ISBN-10:

Contents of University Elective Courses

BUSB-102 Business Economics
Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites: None

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT
This course is mean for understanding core matters of economics so C 3
that student shall be able to understand what is going on globally.
This course, along with Entrepreneurship course, shall help students
to establish their own business.
* BT= Bloom‘s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

Course Content:
1. Introduction to Business and the economic environment [TB: Ch. 1]
2. The working of competitive markets [TB: Ch. 2]
3. Demand and the consumer [TB: Ch. 3]
4. Supply decisions in a perfectly competitive market [TB: Ch. 4]
5. Pricing and output decisions in imperfectly competitive markets [TB: Ch. 5]
Page 47 of 92

6. Business growth and strategy [TB: Ch. 6]

7. Multinational corporations and business strategy in a global economy [TB: Ch. 7]
8. Government, the firm and the market [TB: Ch. 9]
9. The economy and business activity [TB: Ch. 10]
10. National macroeconomic policy [TB: Ch. 11]
11. The global trading environment [TB: Ch. 12]
Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Class Discussions
Course Assessment:
Midterm Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Final Exam
Reference Materials:

1. John Sloman and Elizabeth Jones, Essentials Economics for Business, 5th Ed., Pearson,
2. Alan Griffiths and Stuart Wall, Economics for Business & Management: A Student Text,
Prentice Hall, 2005
3. Dermot McAleese, Economics for Business: Competition, Macro-stability and Globalisation,
3rd Ed., Prentice Hall, 2009.

BUSB-302 Human Resources Management

Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites: None

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able : Domain BT Level*
1- Core aspects of Human Resource Management required in C 3
21st Century organizations

* BT= Bloom‘s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective


Course Content:
1- Managing Human Resources. [TB: Ch. 1]
2- Understanding the External and Organizational Environments. [TB: Ch. 2]
3- Ensuring Fair Treatment and Legal Compliance. [TB: Ch. 3]
4- HR Planning for Alignment and Change. [TB: Ch. 4]
5- Using Job Analysis and Competency Modeling. [TB: Ch. 5]
6- Recruiting and Retaining Qualified Employees. [TB: Ch. 6]
7- Selecting Employees to Fit the Job and the Organization. [TB: Ch. 7]
8- Training and Developing a Competitive Workforce. [TB: Ch. 8]
9- Conducting Performance Management. [TB: Ch. 9]
10- Developing an Approach to Total Compensation. [TB: Ch. 10]
11- Using Performance-Based Pay to Achieve Strategic Objectives. [TB: Ch. 11]
12- Providing Benefits and Services for Employees' Well-Being. [TB: Ch. 12]
13- Risk Management, Employee Relations, and Risk Management, Health, Safety, and Em-
ployee Well-Being. [TB: Ch. 13]
Page 48 of 92

14- Understanding Unionization and Collective Bargaining. [TB: Ch. 14]

Teaching Methodology:
Lecturing, Written Assignments, Problem Solving
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Presentations, Final Exam
Reference Materials:
1- Managing Human Resources by Susan E. Jackson, Randall S. Schuler and Steve
Werner, South-Western College Pub; 11th Edition (June 16, 2011).ISBN-10:1111580227[TB]
2- Management of Human Resources by Gary Dessler, CarolinRekar Munro and Nina D.
Cole, Pearson Education Canada; 3rd Edition (February 28, 2010). ISBN-10:

BUSB-202 Principles of Management

Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites: None

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to : Domain BT Level*
1. Cover topics fundamentals and principles of management, adminis- C 2
trative police, objectives, and procedures and problems of organiza-
tional control and leadership.

* BT= Bloom‘s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective


Course Content:

1. Introduction to Managers and Management: What as Management and What Do Managers

Do? Defining Management, Management Functions, Management Roles, Management
Skills, History of Management.[TB2: Ch. 1]
2. Organizational Culture and Environment: The Manager: Omnipotent or Symbolic? The
Organization‗s Culture, The Environment - Defining Environment, The Specific Environ-
ment, The General Environment, Influence on Management Practice. [TB1: Ch. 3]
3. Decision Making The Essence of Manager‗s Job: The Decision Making Process, The Ra-
tional Decision Maker, Decision Making Styles, Analyzing Decision Alternatives – Cer-
tainty, Risk, Uncertainty. [TB1: Ch. 6]
4. Planning: The Foundations of Planning, The Definition of Planning, Purposes of Planning,
Types of Plans, Contingency Factors on Planning, Objectives: The Foundation for Plan-
ning, Multiplicity of Objectives, Real Versus Stated Objectives, Traditional Objective Set-
ting, Management by Objectives. [TB2: Ch. 3]
5. Organization Structure and Design: Defining Organization Structure and Design, Building,
The Vertical Dimension of Organizations, Building the Horizontal Dimension of Organiza-
tions, The Contingency Approach to Organization Design, Application of Organization
Page 49 of 92

6. Motivation: Motivating Employees, What is Motivation? Contemporary Approaches to
Motivation, Contemporary Issues in Motivation, From Theory to Practice: Suggestions for
Motivating Employees. [TB2: Ch. 10]
7. Leadership: Managers Verses Leaders, Trait Theories, Behavioral Theories, Contingency
Theories, Emerging Approaches to Leadership, Contemporary Issues in Leadership. [TB2:
Ch. 11]
8. Communication: Communication and Interpersonal Skills, Understanding Communication,
Communication Styles of Men And Women, Feedback Skills, Delegation Skills‗, Conflict
Management Skills, Negotiation Skills [TB2: Ch. 12]
Teaching Methodology:
Lecturing, Written Assignments, Class Discussion
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Presentations, Final Exam
Reference Materials:
1. Management by Robbins, S.P. & Coulter, Mary, Prentice Hall; 10th Edition (Novem-ber 3,
2008). ISBN-10: 0132090716
2. Fundamentals of Management by Robbins, S.P. &DeCenzo, David A, Prentice Hall; 7th
Edition (January 13, 2010). ISBN-13: 978-0132090711
3. Human Resource Management by David A. DeCenzo and Stephen P. Robbins. Wiley; 7th
Edition (October 10, 2001). ISBN-10: 0471397857
4. Principles of Management by Charles W. L. Hill and Steven McShane, McGraw-Hill/Irwin;
1st Edition (2006). ISBN-10: 0073530123
5. Principles of Management by Mason Carpenter, Flat World Knowledge, Inc. (2009). ISBN-
10: 0982043074
6. Management by Richard L. Daft, South-Western College Pub; 10th Edition (January 27,
2011). ISBN-10: 0538479531
7. Fundamentals of Management by Stephen P. Robbins, David A. DeCenzo and Mary Coul-
ter, Prentice Hall; 7th Edition (January 13, 2010). ISBN-10: 0136109829

BUSB-204 Entrepreneurship
Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites: None

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to : Domain BT Level*
1. Understand the entrepreneurship process. This course exposes C 2
them to the concepts, practices and tools of the entrepreneurial
world. This will be accomplished through a combination of
readings, cases studies and projects designed to convey the
unique environment of the entrepreneurs and new ventures.
2. The course gives students the tools necessary to think creative-
ly, to plan out whether their idea is marketable to investors,
guide them through the launch their own business, or to sup-
port an employer in launching and growing an entrepreneurial
* BT= Bloom‘s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective
Page 50 of 92


Course Content:

1. Entrepreneurship and the Entrepreneurial Mind-Set. [TB: Ch. 1]

2. Entrepreneurial Intentions and Corporate Entrepreneurship. [TB: Ch. 2]
3. Entrepreneurial Strategy: Generating and Exploiting New Entries. [TB: Ch. 3]
4. Creativity and the Business Idea. [TB: Ch. 4]
5. Identifying and Analyzing Domestic and International Opportunities. [TB: Ch. 5]
6. Intellectual Property and Other Legal Issues for the Entrepreneur. [TB: Ch. 6]
7. The Business Plan: Creating and Starting the Venture. [TB: Ch. 7]
8. The Marketing Plan. [TB: Ch. 8]
9. The Organizational Plan. [TB: Ch. 9]
10. The Financial Plan. [TB: Ch. 10]
11. Sources of Capital. [TB: Ch. 11]
12. Informal Risk Capital, Venture Capital, and Going Public. [TB: Ch. 12]
13. Strategies for Growth and Managing the Implication of Growth. [TB: Ch. 13]
14. Succession Planning and Strategies for Harvesting and Ending the Venture. [TB: Ch. 15]
Teaching Methodology:
Lecturing, Written Assignments, Case Studies
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Presentations, Final Exam
Reference Materials:
1. Entrepreneurship by Robert Hisrich, Michael Peters and Dean Shepherd, McGraw-
Hill/Irwin; 9th Edition (September 27, 2012). ISBN-10: 0078029198
2. Entrepreneurship: Ideas in Action by Cynthia L. Greene, South-Western Educational Pub;
5th Edition (January 6, 2011). ISBN-10: 0538496894
3. Entrepreneurship by William D. Bygrave and Andrew Zacharakis, Wiley; 2nd Edition (Oc-
tober 12, 2010). ISBN-10: 0470450371
4. Entrepreneurship: Theory, Process, and Practice by Donald F. Kuratko, South-Western Col-
lege Pub; 8th Edition (November 14, 2008). ISBN-10: 0324590911
5. Entrepreneurship: Successfully Launching New Ventures by Bruce R. Barringer and Duane
Ireland, Prentice Hall; 4th Edition (October 27, 2011)

SS-304 Foreign Language (French, German, Arabic, Chinese etc.)

Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites: None

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to : Domain BT Level*
1- The course will develop students‗ functional skills of the of- C 2
fered language

* BT= Bloom‘s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

Page 51 of 92

Course Content:
1- Follow UOS‗s Relevant Department‗s Syllabus
Teaching Methodology:
Lecturing, Written Assignments, Class Discussion
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Presentations, Final Exam
Reference Materials:

Contents of Information Technology Core Courses

ITCC-202 Information Technology Project Management

Credit Hours: 3 (3,0) Prerequisites: Software Engineering

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT
1. Plan and manage software development projects successfully C 2

2. Maximizing the return from each stage of the software devel- C 2

opment life cycle.
3. Basic project management tools and their usage during SDLC C 4
* BT= Bloom‘s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

Course Outline
1. Introduction: Software Project Versus Other Type of Projects Dimensions of a Software
Project, Activities in SPM, Setting Goals & Objectives, Business Case, Signifi-cance of
Processes, Project Vs. Program Management, [TB1: Ch. 1, Handouts]
2. Introduction of PM Tools, PMI‗s Knowledge Areas, Technical Fundamentals in SPM,
Lifecycle Relationships, Classic Mistakes Product-Process-Peoples-Technology Mis-takes
[TB2, Handouts]
3. PMI Framework, PMI Process Groups: Process Initiating Process Group, Planning Process
Process Group, Executing Process, Process Monitoring and controlling, Clos-ing Process
Group, Project Charter, Statement of Work.[ TB2, Handouts]
4. Understanding Organizations, Organizational Structures, Functional -Project –Matrix, Or-
ganizational Impact on Projects, Identifying stakeholders: Define Responsibilities, Author-
ity Relationships, Position Qualifications [TB2, Handouts]
5. Project Planning: Project Selection, Project Scope, Project Infrastructure, Analyze Project
Characteristics, Identify Project & Product Activities, Work Break Down Structure [TB1:
Page 52 of 92

Ch. 3]
6. Project Evaluation: Strategic Assessment, Technical Assessment, Economic Assess-ment,
Project Portfolio Management, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Cash Flow Forecasting, Cost-
Benefit Evaluation Techniques, Procurement Management, Procurement Tools
&Techniques, Types of Contracts [TB1: Ch. 2]
7. Selection of an Appropriate Approach in Project: Choosing Technologies, Technical Plan,
Waterfall Model, V-Model, Spiral Model, Software Prototyping, Incremental Delivery,
Agile Process Model: Dynamic Systems Development Method, Extreme Programming,
Selection of Most Appropriate Process Model [TB1: Ch. 4 ]
8. Software Effort Estimation: Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and Its Types, Estima-tion
Problems, Software Estimation Techniques: Expert Judgment, Estimating By Analogy,
LOC, Function Point Estimation, and COCOMO [TB1: Ch. 5]
9. Activity Planning: Project and Activities, Sequencings and Scheduling Activities, Net-
work Planning Models, Formulation of Network Model, Adding the Time Dimen-sions,
The Forward Pass, The Backward Pass[TB1:Ch.6]
10. Identifying the Critical Path, Identify-ing the Critical Activities Project, AOA, GanttChart,
(Installation & Configuration of Software Tools like MS-Project).[ TB1: Ch. 6 ]
11. Risk Management: Categories of Risks, A Framework for Dealing with Risks, Evalu-
ating the Risks to the Schedule: PERT, Importance of Risk, Types Of Risk, Risk Iden-
tification Techniques, Project Risk and Change Management [TB1: Ch. 7]
12. Risk Control, RMMM, Configuration Management & Maintenance, Environment for
Configuration Control, Configuration Control vs. Version Control [TB1: Ch. 7, OLM]
13. Resource Allocation: Nature of Resources, Identifying Resource Requirements, Schedul-
ing Resources, Resource Scheduling Techniques[TB1: Ch. 8]
14. Monitoring & Control: Creating Framework, Collecting Data, Visualizing Progress, Cost
Monitoring, Earned Value, Change Control [TB1: Ch. 9]
15. Review and Evaluation: DeTermining Satisfaction of Requirements, Reviewing And
Evaluating Performance, Project Closure: Project Documentation, Cutover/Migration,
Quality Standards, Project Closing. [TB2]
16. Challenges of Outsourcing in Project Management, Presentations

Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Semester Project.
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Final Exam
Reference Materials:
1. Software Project Management by Bob Hughes and Mike Cotterell, McGraw-Hill Educa-
tion; 5th Edition (2009). ISBN-10: 0077122798
2. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, 3rd Edition (PMBOK Guides),
ISBN-13: 978-1930699458
3. Applied Software Project Management by Andrew Stellman and Jennifer Greene,
O'Reilly Media; 1st Edition (2005). ISBN-10: 0596009488
4. Software Project Survival Guide (Pro -- Best Practices) by Steve McConnell, Micro-soft
Press; 1stEdition (1997), ISBN-10: 1572316217
5. Mastering Software Project Management: Best Practices, Tools and Techniques by Murali
K. Chemuturi and Thomas M. Cagley Jr., J. Ross Publishing (2010). ISBN-10:
6. Effective Project Management: Traditional, Agile, Extreme by Robert K. Wysocki, Wiley;
6th Edition (2011). ISBN-10: 111801619X
7. The Software Project Manager's Handbook - Principles that work at work by Dwayne Phil-
Page 53 of 92

lips, 2nd Edition, IEEE Computer Society Press and Wiley Inter-science, 2004. ISBN 0-

ITCC-301 System and Network Administration

Credit Hours: 4(3,1) Prerequisites: Operating Systems

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT
1. Describe the key terminologies and technologies of System and
C 2
network administration.
2. Explain the services and functions provided by different data cen-
C 2
3. Identify various OS used to handle system and network administra-
C 3
tion routines.
4. Analyze the different services of Linux and windows. C 3
* BT= Bloom‘s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

Course Content:
1. Introduction to System Administration, Systems, SA Components, Building a Site
from Scratch, Growing a Small Site, Going Global, Replacing Services, Moving a Data
Center, Handling a High Rate of Office Moves, Assessing a Site .[TB1:Ch. 1]
2. Server Environment (Microsoft and Linux): Known for Reliable Products, Understand
the Cost of Server Hardware, Consider Maintenance Contracts and Spare Parts, maintaining
Data Integrity, Put Servers in the Data Center, Client Server OS Configuration, and Provide
Remote Console Access. ). [TB1:Ch. 4]
3. Services and Comparative Analysis of most demanded OS: Important Attributes, Key Fea-
tures, pros and Cons. [TB1:Ch. 5]
4. Linux Installation and verification. [TB2:Ch 1]
5. Configuring Local services and managing basic system issues. [TB2:Ch 8]
6. Administer users and groups. [TB2:Ch 5]
7. Software Management. [TB2:Ch 4]
8. Managing Network Services and Network monitoring tools. [TB2:Ch 11,12]
9. Boot Management and Process Management. [TB2:Ch 6]
10. IP Tables and filtering. [TB2:Ch 13]
11. Securing network traffic. [TB2:Ch 14,Ch 15]
12. Advance File systems and logs. [TB2:Ch 7]
13. Bash Shell Scripting and Command line. [TB2:Ch 3]
14. Configuring Servers (FTP, DNS, Apache) LAB. [TB2:Ch 16,17,18]
15. Configuring Servers Cont. (DHCP, Samba, NFS) LAB. [TB2:Ch 23,24]
16. Configuring Active Directory on Windows Server 2012 LAB [TB3:Ch 7]

Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Practical labs, Semester Project, Presentations
Course Assessment:
Page 54 of 92

Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam

Reference Materials:
1- Study guide for Practice of System and Network Administration by Thomas A. Limoncelli,
Cram101; 2nd Edition (2011). ISBN-10: 1428851755.
2- Linux Administration: A Beginner‘s Guide, Seventh Edition 7th Edition by Wale Soyinka
3- Active Directory: Designing, Deploying, and Running Active Directory Fifth Edition by
Barian Desmond

ITCC-302 Web Technologies

Credit Hours: 3 (3,0) Prerequisites: Programming Fundamentals

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Learn basic WWW, its structure and working. C 1
2. Describe the constraints that the web puts on developers. C 2
3. Implement basic client side and server side languages. C 4
4. Design and Implement a simple web application. C 4
5. Review an existing web application against a current web C 4
* BT= Bloom‘s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

Course Content:
1. Overview of WWW, Web Pages, Web Sites, Web Applications, TCP/IP, TCP/IP
2. Services, Web Servers, WAMP, LAMP,WAMP Configuration.
3. Introduction to HTTP, HTML & HTML5 Tags, and Dynamic Web Content.[Ch. 1]
4. CSS and CSS3 [Ch. 18,19]
5. Client Side Programming: Programing in JavaScript: Basics, Expressions and Control
Flow[Ch. 13, 14, 15, 20]
6. Javascript Functions, Objects, and Arrays, Accessing CSS from JavaScript [Ch. 13, 14, 15,
7. Form Handling [Ch. 11]
8. Server Side Programing: Programing in PHP, [Ch. 3, 4]
9. PHP functions and objects, PHP arrays [Ch. 5,6]
10. Introduction MySQL, MySQL Functions, Normalization, Relationships [Ch.9]
11. Accessing MySQL via PHP [Ch. 10]
12. Cookies, Sessions, and Authentication [Ch. 12]
13. Introduction to Ajax [Ch. 17]
14. Introduction to JQuery
15. Browsers and the DOM [W3 Schools Tutorial]
16. Designing a Social Networking Site [Ch. 21]
Teaching Methodology:
Lecturing, Written Assignments, Project, Report Writing
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Page 55 of 92

Reference Materials:
1. Learning PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, and CSS, A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Dy-namic
Websites By Robin Nixon, O'Reilly Media; Second Edition edition (September 3, 2012).
ISBN-10: 1449319262
2. Web Technologies: A Computer Science Perspective by Jeffrey C. Jackson, Prentice Hall;
1st Edition (August 27, 2006). ISBN-10: 0131856030
3. Web Technologies by Uttam Kumar Roy, Oxford University Press, USA (June 13, 2011).
ISBN-10: 0198066228
4. Web Application Architecture: Principles, protocols and practices by Leon Shklar and Rich-
ard Rosen, Wiley; 2nd Edition (May 5, 2009). ISBN-10: 047051860X

ITCC-403 Virtual Systems and Services

Credit Hours: 4(3,1) Prerequisites: Programming Fundamentals, Com-
puter Networks*

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1: How virtualization is changing today‘s IT consumption trends. C 4
2: Implementation, Management and control of different Virtual C 5
3: Windows and Linux based systems administration* C 4
* BT= Bloom‘s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

Course Content:
1. Overview of virtualization technology and its application, Comparison of traditional and
virtual systems
2. Overview of Intel x86 platform
3. Parallel and distributed systems
4. Types of virtualization, Virtualization at Software and Hardware level
5. Virtual Machines and configuration of VMs: Managing CPU, storage, networking etc for
6. Key features of VMs, Hypervisors and Configuration of Vmware
7. Hyper-V and Xen hypervisors
8. Types of hypervisors: Type-1 and Type-2 hypervisor
9. Features and limitations of hypervisors
10. Para-virtualization and Para-virtualized software components
11. Vmware ESXi, Xen and Microsoft virtualization implementation in the context of
datacenters (lab sessions)
12. Virtualization in Cloud Computing
13. Virtualization in IoT
14. Virtualization security: security at hypervisor level, VM security
15. Future of Virtualization
16. Semester project
Page 56 of 92

Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Labs, Labs Assignments, Semester Project, Presentations,
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Reference Materials:
1. Virtualization from Desktop to the Enterprise, Chris Wolf and Erick M. Halter, Latest
2. The Definitive Guide to the Xen Hypervisor, David Chisnall, Latest Edition
3. Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V Installation and Configuration Guide, Aidan Finn, Michel
Luescher, Patrick Lownds, 2013
4. Xen Hypervisor Case Study - Designing Embedded Virtualized Intel® Architecture
5. Handbook of Virtual Environments: Design, Implementation, and Applications (Human
Factors and Ergonomics), Edited by Kay M Stanney, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Virtual
Reality Technology by GRIGORE

ITCC-407 Information Technology Infrastructure

Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites:

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT
1. Information technology architectures including software systems,
hardware, operating systems, databases, component technologies, net- C 2
working, and architecture patterns.
2. IT Infrastructure Management. C 3
* BT= Bloom‘s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

Course Outline:
1. Introduction and Definition of IT Infrastructure, IT building block, process building
blocks, Application building block, Application Platform building block, Infrastructure
building block [TB1: Ch.1,2]
2. Non-functional Attributes; introduction, non-functional requirements, Availability Con-
cepts, Calculating availability, Sources of Unavailability, Availability Patterns.
3. Performance concepts: introduction, Perceived performance, Performance during Infra-
structure Design, Performance of a running system, performance pattern, Sources of Per-
formance Metrics, Performance Pattern. [TB1: Ch.5]
4. Security Concepts: Risk Management, Cryptography, Computer Crime, Security Patterns.
[TB1: Ch.6]
5. Datacentres: Introduction & History, Building Blocks, Datacentre Availability, Datacentre
Security. [TB1: Ch.7]
6. Networking: Building Blocks, Network virtualization [TB1: Ch.8]
7. Network Availability, Network Performance, Network Security [TB1: Ch.8]
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8. Storage: Introduction and History, Building blocks, Availability, Performance, Security.

[TB1: Ch.9]
9. Compute: Introduction, Building Blocks, Availability, Performance, Security [TB1: Ch.10]
10. Operating Systems: Introduction, Building Blocks, Implementing Various OSs, OS availa-
bility, OS Performance, OS Security. [TB1: Ch.11]
11. End User Devises: Introduction & History, Building Blocks, Desktop virtualization, De-
vice Availability, Performance, Security [TB1: Ch.12]
12. Infrastructure life cycle [TB1:13]
13. Infrastructure deployment options: Introduction, Hosting options, Enterprise infrastructure
deployment, Software defined data-centre, (Hyper) Converged Infrastructure, Cloud com-
puting, infrastructure as a code [TB1:14]
14. Purchasing Infrastructure And Services [TB:15]
15. Deploying The Infrastructure [TB:16]
16. Maintaining The Infrastructure, Deploying applications, [TB:17,18]
Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Semester Project, Presentations
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Reference Materials:
1. IT Infrastructure Architecture: Infrastructure building blocks and concepts by Sjaak-Laan,; 3rd edition (2017). ISBN-978-1-326-92569-7
2. IT Infrastructure and its Management by Prof Phalguni Gupta, Tata McGraw Hill Educa-
tion Private Limited (October 6, 2009). ISBN-10: 0070699798
3. IT Architecture For Dummies byKalani Kirk Hausman and Susan Cook, For Dum-mies;
1st Edition (November 9, 2010). ISBN-10: 0470554231
4. Standards Policy for Information Infrastructure by Brian Kahin and, Janet Abbate, The
MIT Press (August 14, 1995). ISBN-10: 026211206X
5. IT Architectures and Middleware: Strategies for Building Large, Integrated Systems by
Chris Britton and Peter Bye, Addison-Wesley Professional; 2nd Edition (June 3, 2004).
ISBN-10: 0321246942

ITCC-402 Cyber Security

Credit Hours: 3 (3,0) Prerequisites:

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*

1. Describe the core information assurance (IA) principles. C 3

2. Identify the key components of cyber security architecture. C 3
3. Distinguish system and application security threats and vul- C 3
nerabilities. 3
4. Define types of incidents including categories, responses and C 3
timelines for response

* BT= Bloom‘s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

Page 58 of 92

Course Content:
1- Vulnerabilities in information system, measuring vulnerabilities. [TB1:Ch1]
2- Threat classification, cyber security starts at home and international awareness.[TB1:Ch1]
3- Vulnerabilities in the organization, access authorization and authentication, security services
in wireless networks and cloud security.[TB1:Ch2]
4- Risk in information system infrastructure, hardware, software, and cyberspace. [TB1:Ch3].
5- Assets identification, resource access control and securing the assets communication.
6- Secure information system, information security management. .[TB1:Ch4]
7- Cyber security and the CIO, data backup and archiving , cyber trainings and cyber
8- Building a secure organization, system access control and computer network management
9- Personal, physical and environmental security and business continuity planning. [TB1:Ch6]
10- Cyberspace Intrusions, ID/PS configuration, ID/PS management and ID/PS classification.
11- ID/PS implementation and operation in organization. [TB1:Ch7]
12- Cyberspace defense, file protection application, PC performance applications. [TB1:Ch8]
13- Protection tools, security analyzer, password analyzer, firewalls and email protection.
14- Cyberspace and law, international law and cyber related laws. [TB1:Ch9]
15- Cybercrime, trends in cyber abuse, combating cybercrime. [TB1:Ch9]
16- Cyber warfare and homeland security and distributed defense. [TB1:Ch10]
Teaching Methodology:
Lecturing, Written Assignments, Project, Report Writing
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Reference Materials:
1. Cyberspace and Cyber security 1st Edition by George Kostopoulos
2. Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, Fifth Edition Mark Ciampa
3. Essential Cyber Security Handbook Kindle Edition by Nam Nguyen

ITCC-406 Database Administration and Management

Credit Hours: 3(3,1) Prerequisites: Database Systems

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT
1. Fully understand the concepts and technical issues of Database Ad-
C 2
2. Have good understanding of internal functionality of Database Man-
C 2
agement System.
3. Administrator Huge Database implemented in a DBMS. C 4
Page 59 of 92

4. Database Administration tasks i.e. Backup and Recovery and Perfor-

mance Tuning of Databases. C 4

* BT= Bloom‘s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective


Course outline:
1. Installation; SQL* Plus; Oracle Enterprise Manager; DBA Tools. Oracle Architectural
Components: Oracle Server; Oracle Instance.
2. Physical Structure; SGA; Shared Pool; Library Cache; Data Dictionary Cache; Large Pool;
User Process; Server Process; Background Processes.
3. Managing an Oracle Instance: Parameter File; Creating SPFILE; Oracle Managed Files;
Startup and Shutdown Database; Alert Log File; Background Trace File; User Trace File.
4. Creating Database and Data dictionary.
5. Managing Control Files and Redo Log Files.
6. Managing Tablespaces, Operations with Tablespaces.
7. Data File Management, Segments, Block.
8. Managing Undo Data, Undo Data Statistics: Managing Tables and Users:
9. Indexes Management, Maintaining Data Integrity, Constraints. Managing Privileges.
10. Basic Oracle Net Architecture: Types of Networks, Oracle Net Services, Oracle Shared
Server, Connection Manager, Oracle Net Connections.
11. Server Side Configuration: The Listener Process; Configuring Listener, Sessions, Creating
and Managing Listener.
12. Client Side Configuration: Host Naming Method, Local Naming Method, Net Assis-tant,
Configurations. Usage and Configuration of Oracle Shared Server.
13. Backup and Recovery, Instance and Media Recovery, Configuration of Archive log mode,
User Managed Complete Recovery
14. Loading Data into Database, Tuning Tools, Sizing Shared Pool, Sizing Buffer Cache, I/O
15. Tuning Rollback Segments, Latches, Rollback Segment Tuning Shared Servers, Types of
Locks, Block Efficiency, Storage hierarchy
16. Avoiding Dynamic allocation, Statistics, PCTFREE and PCTUSED, Monitoring Index Us-
Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Practical labs, Semester Project, Presentations
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Reference Materials:
1. Oracle Database 11g DBA Handbook by Bob Bryla and Kevin Loney, McGraw-Hill Os-
borne Media; 1st Edition (December 6, 2007). ISBN-10: 0071496637
2. Oracle Database 12c DBA Handbook by Bob Bryla, McGraw-Hill; (2015),ISBN-978-0-
3. Database Administration: The Complete Guide to DBA Practices and Procedures by Craig
S. Mullins, Addison-Wesley Professional; 2nd Edition (October 21, 2012).
ISBN-10: 0321822943
4. Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation and Management by
Thomas M. Connolly and Carolyn E. Begg, Addison-Wesley; 5th Edition (2009). ISBN-
10: 0321523067
5. Oracle Database 11g The Complete Reference by Kevin Loney, McGraw-Hill Os-borne
Page 60 of 92

Media; 1st Edition (2008). ISBN-10: 0071598758

6. Oracle Database 11g Release 2 Performance Tuning Tips & Techniques (Oracle Press) by
Rich Niemiec, McGraw-Hill Osborne Media; 1st Edition (2012). ISBN-10: 0071780262
7. Online Material URL

Contents of Information Technology Supporting Courses

ITSC-201 Enterprise Systems

Credit Hours: 3 (3,0) Prerequisites:

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT
1. Discover Demonstrate an understanding of the issues in systems use of C 2
an Enterprise Systems package (e.g. ERP) to support business opera-
tions and decision.
2. Understand the scope of common Enterprise Systems modules (e.g., C 3
MM, SCM, CRM, HRM, procurement).
3. Discuss the challenges associated with implementing enterprise systems C 3
and their impacts on organizations.
4. Develop models for selected business process in enterprise systems. C 3

* BT= Bloom‘s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective


Course Content:
1- Introduction to Enterprise system management.[TB: 1 Ch:1]
2- Business Process Management and system integration. [TB: 1 Ch: 2].
3- Architecture and Platform of Enterprise systems.[TB: 1 Ch:3]
4- Enterprise Systems and development lifecycle technology. [TB: 1 Ch:4]
5- Enterprise Systems and Business Process Reengineering, implementation and strategies.
[TB: 1 Ch:5]
6- Software and vendor selection [TB: 1 Ch:6]
7- Operation and post-implementation. [TB: 1 Ch:7]
8- Program and project management. [TB: 1 Ch:8]
9- Global, Ethics and security management. [TB: 1 Ch:9]
10- Supply chain management. [TB: 1 Ch:10]
11- Customer Relationship management and its factor. [TB: 1 Ch:11]
Teaching Methodology:
Lecturing, Written Assignments, Project, Report Writing
Page 61 of 92

Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Reference Materials:
1. Enterprise Systems for Management 2nd edition, Published by PEARSON: ISBN-13: 978-
0-13-214576-3 Luvai F. Motiwalla and Jeff Thompson (2011).[TB]
2. Modern ERP: Select, Implement & Use Today's Advanced Business Systems by Marianne
Bradford, (October 19, 2009). ISBN-10: 0557012910.
3. Business Process Management: Concepts, Languages, Architectures by Mathias Weske,
Springer; 2nd Ed. 2012
4. Business Process Management Common Body Of Knowledge by Yvonne
LedererAntonucci, et. al., CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2009

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

ITSC-301 Operations Research

Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites: None
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT
1- Use quantities methods and techniques for effective deci- 1
2- Model formulation and applications that are used in solving 3
business decision problems.

* BT= Bloom‘s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective


Course Content:
1. Introduction to Model Building: An Introduction to Modeling. The Seven-Step Model-
Building Process. Over view of Matrices and Vectors. Matrices and Systems of Linear
Equations. The Gauss-Jordan Method for Solving Systems of Linear Equations. Linear In-
dependence and Linear Dependence. The Inverse of a Matrix. Determinants. [TB1: Ch.1, 2]
2. Introduction to Linear Programming: The Graphical Solution of Two-Variable Linear Pro-
gramming Problems. A Work-Scheduling Problem. A Capital Budgeting Problem. [TB1:
3. The Simplex Algorithm and Goal Programming: How to Convert an LP to Standard Form.
The Simplex Algorithm. Using the Simplex Algorithm to Solve Minimization Problems.
Solving LPs with Spreadsheets. [TB1: Ch.4]
4. Sensitivity Analysis: An Applied Approach: A Graphical Introduction to Sensitivity Analy-
sis. The Computer and Sensitivity Analysis. Managerial Use of Shadow Prices. [TB1:
5. Sensitivity Analysis and Duality: A Graphical Introduction to Sensitivity Analysis. Some
Page 62 of 92

Important Formulas. Sensitivity Analysis. Sensitivity Analysis When More Than One Pa-
rameter is Changed. Duality and Sensitivity Analysis. [TB1: Ch.6]
6. Transportation and Transshipment Problems: Formulating Transportation Problems. Find-
ing Basic Feasible Solutions for Transportation Problems. The Transportation Simplex
Method. Sensitivity Analysis for Transportation Problems. [TB1: Ch.7]
7. Network Models: Basic Definitions. Shortest Path Problems. Maximum Flow Problems.
CPM and PERT. Minimum Cost Network Flow Problems. Minimum Spanning Tree Prob-
lems. The Network Simplex Method. [TB1: Ch.8]
Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Quizzes
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Final Exam
Reference Materials:
1- Operations Research: Applications and Algorithms by Wayne L. Winston. 4th Edition

ITSC-302 Object Oriented Analysis and Design

Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites: None

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT
1. Describe how to produce detailed object models and designs from
C 2
system requirements.
2. Use the modeling concepts provided by UML C 2
3. Analyze identify use cases and expand into full behavioral designs. C 4
* BT= Bloom‘s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

Course Content:
1- Principles of Object Technology: Introduction to Object Technology, Principles of
Modeling, and Principles of Object Orientation [TB: Ch. 1.1-5]
2- Introduction to UML, Unification, UML Diagrams, Unified Process & Rational Unified
Process, RUP Disciplines, Case Study Analysis and Basics, Case Study, About
Inception, Feasibility and Risk Analysis [TB: Ch. 1.6, 2.1-6, 3.1-2,4.1-3]
3- Understanding Requirements, Requirements Types, Use Case Modeling: Use Case Writing
Styles, EBP Guidelines [TB: Ch. 5.1, 6.1-8]
4- System Use Case Diagram, Use Case Table, Activity Diagram, Supplementary Specifica-
tions, Vision Document, Glossary, Rational Rose Overview, Use Case & Activity
Diagram Modeling in Rational Rose [TB: Ch. 6.9, 6.12-17, 7.2-4 & 7]
5- Elaboration Phase of RUP; Configuration Management; System Sequence Diagram,
Domain Model : Identifying Business Classes, Associations, Attributes [TB: Ch.8.2-
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6- Implementation of System Sequence & Domain Model: Use Case Operational Contracts,
Business Sequence, Analysis Sequence & Collaboration Diagrams [TB: Ch.
11.10, 12.9, 13.1-2, 13.9, 15.1-7]
7- Use Case Dependencies. Analysis Use Case Diagram, Implementation of Sequence,
Collaboration, Analysis Use Case Diagram [TB: Ch. 25.1-5, 15.6-7]
8- State Chart Diagrams and Implementation [TB: Ch. 29.1-5, 29.8, Ch. 1-13, 25, 29]
9- Design Patterns: GRASP: Information Expert, Creator, Cohesion & Coupling, Controller
[Ch. 16.1-10]
10- Use Case Realization Using GRASP Patterns, Design Model: DeTermining Visibility
[TB: Ch. 17.1-9, 18.1-3]
11- Modeling Generalization, Creating Design Class Diagram, Mapping Data Model to Domain
Model [TB: Ch. 26.1-7, 27.1-10, 19.1-6, 34.5-9]
12- Implementation of Design Class Diagram, Coding patterns, Mapping Design to Code
[TB: Ch. 19.6, 20.1-11]
13- More Patterns for Assigning Responsibilities, Polymorphism, Pure Fabrication, Indirection,
Protected Variation. GoF Design Patterns: Adapter, Factory [TB: Ch. 22.1-4, 23.1-
14- Gof: Singleton, Strategy, Composition, Façade and Discuss Remaining Patterns [TB: Ch.

Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Semester Project, Presentations
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Reference Materials:
1- Applying UML and patterns: An introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and
Iterative Development by Craig Larman, Prentice Hall; 3rd Edition (October 30,2004).
ISBN-10: 0131489062
2- Fundamental of Object-Oriented Design in UML by Meiler Page-Jones, Addison
Wesley, 2000. ISBN: 020169946X.
3- The Unified Modeling Language User Guide by G. Booch, J. Rambaugh and I. Jakob
son, Addison-Wesley Professional; 2nd Edition (2005). ISBN-10: 0321267974

ITSC-303 Optimization Techniques

Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites:

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT
1- The course provides students an exposure to solving non-linear optimi- C 1
zation problems by various techniques, with due emphasis on their
mathematical rigor in terms of their derivation / justification.
* BT= Bloom‘s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

Course Content:
Page 64 of 92

1- Preliminaries: Review of the theory of maxima, minima (two variables); positive definite
matrices, convexity of regions and functions; quadratic function and Hessian matrix;
uniqueness of minimum. [TB2: Chapt. 9, Chapt. 11 : Sec.11.1 – 11.5]
2- Classical methods for functions of one variable and n variables, Newton‘s method [TB1:
Chap. 1].
Unconstrained Optimization:
3- Search methods for functions of one variable: Single search techniques: Bracketing meth-
od; Quadratic and cubic interpolation; Fibonacci search; Golden-section. [TB1: Chap. 2]
4- Search methods for functions of n variables: method of Hooke and Jeeves, Nelder and
Mead‘s Method. [TB1: Chap. 3]
5- Gradient methods: Davidon-Fletcher-Powell ( DFP ); Fletcher- Reeves, conjugate- gradi-
ent and direct- search methods, Newton‘s method, method of Steepest descent [TB1:
Chap. 4].
Constrained Optimization:
6- Review of Lagrange multipliers technique with equality constraints; inequality constraints
and slack variables; Kuhn-Tucker conditions [TB1: Chap. 5]
7- Search methods: modified Hooke and Jeeves, the Complex method [TB1: Chap. 6].
8- Penalty-function approach to constrained optimization; equality and inequality constraints,
SUMT method of Fiacccco and McCormick. [TB1: Chap. 7]
Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Class Exercises
Course Assessment:
Midterm Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Final Exam
Reference Materials:
1- Bunday, B. D., Basic Optimization Methods, Edward Arnold Ltd., 1984.
2- Chiang,Alpha.C., Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics, McGraw-Hill Edu-
cation; 4th ed., 2004.

ITSC-102 Digital Logic Design

Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites: None

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT
1- Describe the key terminologies of digital circuit of large complexi-
C 2
2- Explain how such circuits could be built in a methodological way C 2
3- Analyze from starting from Boolean logic and applying a set of
C 4
rigorous techniques.
* BT= Bloom‘s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

Course Content:
Page 65 of 92

1- Number Systems, Operations, and Codes: Decimal Numbers, Binary Numbers, Decimal-to-
Binary Conversion, Binary Arithmetic, I's and 2's Complements of Binary,
Numbers, Signed Numbers, Arithmetic Operations with Signed Numbers, Hexadecimal
Numbers, Octal Numbers, Binary Coded Decimal (BCD), Digital Codes, Error
Detection and Correction Codes. [Ch. 2]
2- Logic Gates: The Inverter, The AND Gate, The OR Gate, The NAND Gate, The
NOR Gate, The Exclusive-OR and Exclusive-NOR Gates. [Ch. 3]
3- Boolean Algebra and logic Simplification: Boolean Operations and Expressions,
Laws and Rules of Boolean Algebra, DeMorgan's Theorem, Boolean Analysis of
Logic Circuits, Simplification Using Boolean Algebra, Standard Forms of Boolean
Expressions, Boolean Expressions and Truth Tables, The Kamaugh Map, Karnaugh
Map SOP Minimization, Karnaugh Map POS Minimization, Five-Variable Karnaugh
Maps. [Ch. 4]
4- Combinational logic Analysis: Basic Combinational Logic Circuits, Implementing
Combinational Logic, The Universal Property of NAND and NOR Gates, Combinational
Logic Using NAND and NOR Gates. [Ch. 5]
5- Functions of Combinational logic: Basic Adders, Parallel Binary Adders, Ripple
Carry versus Look-Ahead Carry Adders, Comparators, Decoders, Encoders. Code
Conveners: Multiplexers (Data Selectors), Demultiplexers, Parity Generators/Checkers.[Ch.
6- latches, Flip-Flops, and Timers: Latches, Edge-Triggered Flip-Flops, Flip-Flop Operating
Characteristics, Flip-Flop Applications. [Ch. 7]
7- Counters: Asynchronous Counter Operation, Synchronous Counter Operation, Up/Down
Synchronous Counters, Design of Synchronous Counters. [Ch. 8]
8- Shift Registers: Basic Shift Register Functions, Serial In/Serial Out Shift Registers,
Serial In/Parallel Out Shift Registers, Parallel In/Serial Out Shift Registers, Parallel
In/Parallel Out Shift Registers, Bidirectional Shift Registers, Shift Register Counters.
[Ch. 9]
9- Memory and Storage: Basics of Semiconductor Memory, Random-Access Memories
(RAMs), Read-Only Memories (ROMs), Programmable ROMs (PROMs and
EPROMs), Flash Memories. [Ch. 10]
10- Programmable Logic: FPGA [Ch. 11]

Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Semester Project, Presentations
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Reference Materials:
1- Digital Fundamentals by Thomas L. Floyd, Prentice Hall; 9th edition (2007)
2- Digital Fundamentals: A Systems Approach by Thomas L. Floyd, Prentice Hall; 1 edition
(July 13, 2012)

ITSC-305 Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites: Discrete Structure

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

Page 66 of 92

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain
1. Student will be enable to design algorithms for problems C 1
2. Understanding the core logic of problem solving C 2
3. Time and Space Complexity of Algorithm C 2
* BT= Bloom‘s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

Course Content:
1. Role of Algorithms in Computing, Analysing Algorithms, Designing Algorithms,
Growth of Functions, Asymptotic Notation, Standard Notations and Common Func-
tions. [TB: Ch1,2,3]
2. Divide-and-Conquer, Strassen‘s Algorithm for Matrix Multiplication, Recursion. [TB:
Ch. 4]
3. Recurrences: Substitution Method for Solving Recurrences, Recursion-Tree Method for
Solving Recurrences, Master Method for Solving Recurrences. [TB: Ch. 4]
4. Sorting and Order Statistics: Heapsort Algorithm, Priority Ques, Quicksort Algorithm,
Analysis of Quicksort. [TB: Ch. 6, 7]
5. Sorting in Linear Time: Lower Bounds for Sorting, Counting Sort, Radix Sort, Bucket
Sort. [TB: Ch. 8]
6. Medians and Order Statistics, Binary Search Trees, Querying a Binary Search Tree, In-
sertion and Deletion. [TB: Ch. 9, 12]
7. Red-Black Trees: Properties of Red-Black Trees, Rotations, Insertion, Deletion; Mini-
mum Spanning Trees: Introduction, Growing a Minimum Spanning Tree. [TB: Ch. 12]
8. Dynamic Programming: Elements of Dynamic Programming, Longest Common Sub-
sequence, Optimal Binary Search Trees [TB: Ch. 15]
9. Greedy Algorithms: Elements of The Greedy Strategy, Huffman Codes, Matroids and
Greedy Methods, Task-Scheduling Problem. [TB: Ch. 16]
10. Elementary Graph Algorithms, Representations of Graphs, Breadth-First Search,
Depth-First Search, Topological Sort. [TB: Ch. 22]
11. Single-Source Shortest Paths: The Bellman-Ford Algorithm, Single-Source Shortest
Paths in Directed Acyclic Graphs, Dijkstra‘s Algorithm. [TB: Ch. 24]
12. All-Pairs Shortest Paths: Floyd-Warshall Algorithm, Johnson‘s Algorithm for Sparse
Graphs. [TB: Ch. 25]
13. Maximum Flow: Flow Networks, Ford-Fulkerson Method, Push-Relabel Algorithms,
Relabel-to-Front Algorithm. [TB: Ch. 26]
14. String Matching: Naive String-Matching Algorithm, Rabin-Karp Algorithm, String
Matching with Finite Automata, Knuth-Morris-Pratt Algorithm. [TB: Ch. 32]
Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Semester Project, Lab Assignments, Presentations
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Reference Materials:
Page 67 of 92

1- Introduction to Algorithms by Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest

and Clifford Stein, The MIT Press; 3rdEdition (2009). ISBN-10: 0262033844
2- Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms by Anany Levitin, Addison Wesley;
2ndEdition (2006). ISBN-10: 0321358287
3- Algorithms in C++ by Robert Sedgewick (1999). ASIN: B006UR4BJS
4- Algorithms in Java by Robert Sedgewick, Addison-Wesley Professional; 3rdEdition(2002).
ISBN-10: 0201361205

Contents of Information Technology Elective Courses

ITEC-303 Mobile Application Development

Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites:

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT
1. Discuss different architectures & framework for Mobile Applica- C 1
tion development.
2. Develop mobile applications using current software development C 3
3. Compare the different performance tradeoffs in mobile application C 3
* BT= Bloom‘s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

Course Content:
1. A Little Background. What It Isn‘t. An Open Platform for Mobile Development. Native
Android Applications. Android SDK Features. Introducing the Open Handset Alliance.
What Does Android Run On? Why Develop for Android? Introducing the Develop-
ment Framework. What Comes in the Box? [TB1: Ch 1 TB2: Ch 1].
2. Developing for Android. Developing for Mobile Devices. To-Do List Example. An-
droid Development Tools. [TB1: Ch 2]
3. What Makes an Android Application? Introducing the Application Manifest. Using the
Manifest Editor. The Android Application Life Cycle. Understanding Application Pri-
ority and Process States. Externalizing Resources. A Closer Look at Android Activities.
[ TB1: Ch 3]
4. Fundamental Android UI Design. Introducing Views. introducing Layouts. Creating
New Views. Creating and Using Menus. [ TB1: Ch 4].
5. Introducing Intents. Introducing Adapters. Using Internet Resources. Introducing Dia-
logs. Creating an Earthquake Viewer. [ TB1: Ch 5].
6. Android Techniques for Saving Data. Saving Simple Application Data. Saving and
Loading Files. Databases in Android. Introducing Content Providers. [ TB1: Ch 6]
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7. Saving and Loading User Preferences, Persisting Data to Files, Creating and Using Da-
tabases. [ TB1: Ch 6].
8. Using Location-Based Services. Setting up the Emulator with Test Providers. Select-
ing a Location Provider. Finding Your Location. Using Proximity Alerts. Using the
Geocoder. Creating Map-Based Activities. Mapping Earthquakes Example. [ TB1: Ch
9. Introducing Services. Using Background Worker Threads. Let‘s Make a Toast. Intro-
ducing Notifications. Using Alarms. Using Alarms to Update Earthquakes. [TB1:Ch 8]
10. Peer-to-Peer Communication. Introducing Android Instant Messaging. Introducing
SMS. [ TB1:Ch 9 TB4:Ch 8].
11. Accessing Android Hardware. Using the Media APIs. Using the Camera. Introducing
the Sensor Manager. Using the Accelerometer and Compass. [TB1:Ch 10].
12. Android Telephony. Using Bluetooth. Managing Network and Wi-Fi Connections.
Controlling Device Vibration. [TB1:Ch 10].
13. Creating Your Own Services, Establishing Communication between a Service and an
Activity, Binding Activities to Services, Understanding Threading. [TB1: Ch 11].
14. Consuming Web Services Using HTTP, Accessing Web Services Using the Get Meth-
od, Consuming JSON Services, Sockets Programming. [Tb4: Ch 10].
15. Creating Your Own Services, Establishing Communication between a Service and an
Activity, Binding Activities to Services, Understanding Threading. [Tb4: Ch 11] .
16. Publishing Android Applications, App store [TB4: Ch12].
Teaching Methodology:
Lecturing, Written Assignments, Project, Report Writing
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Reference Materials:
1. Professional Android application development, Reto Meier, Wrox Programmer to Programmer,
2. iOS Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide, Conway, J., Hillegass, A., & Keur, C., 5th Edition,
3. Android Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guides, Phillips, B. & Hardy, B., 2nd Edition, 2014
4. Beginning Android 4 Application Development by Wei-Menge Lee, John Wiley & Sons, 2012

ITEC-401 E-Commerce Application Development

Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites:

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1: Understand the concepts and standards related to the discipline C 2
of E-Commerce.
2: Analyze complex real world problems found in E- C 3

* BT= Bloom‘s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

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Course Content:
1. E-Commerce: An overview of e-Commerce, Brick 'N Mortar stores vs Service-based
companies, e-Commerce Models, e-Commerce popular sites: iStockphoto, WooThemes,
eBay, Amazon, [TB: Ch.1]
2. Planning an e-Commerce Framework: Designing a framework, Patterns, ModelView-
Controller, Registry, Singleton, Structure, Building a framework, Routing requests. [TB:
3. Products and Categories: Product information, Category information, Structuring Content,
Versioning, Building products, categories, and content functionality, Routing products and
categories. [TB: Ch.3]
4. Product Variations and User Uploads: Giving users choice, Giving users control, Shopping.
[TB: Ch.4]
5. 5. Enhancing the User Experience: The importance of user experience, Search, Providing
wish lists, Making Recommendations, Stock Checking, Customer‗s Feed Back, Processing
reviews/comments. [TB: Ch.5]
6. 6. The Shopping Basket: Creating A Basket, Basket Contents, Managing the Basket,
Cleaning the Basket. [TB: Ch.6]
7. The Checkout and Order Process: The Process, Authentication, Payment Method, Order
Processed. [TB: Ch.7]
8. Shipping and Tax: Shipping Methods, Shipping Costs, Shipping Rules, Tracking, Tax
Calculation. [TB: Ch.8]
9. Discounts, Vouchers, and Referrals: Discount codes, Purchasable Voucher Codes, Referrals.
[TB: Ch.9]
10. Checkout: Checkout process consideration, Order process review, Authentication &
Confirmation. [TB: Ch.10]
11. Taking Payment for Orders: Taking payment, Payment System, Payment gateway, Taking
Payment Online, Taking payment offline. [TB: Ch.11]
12. User Account Features: User Account Area, Changing Details, Viewing & Managing
Orders. [TB: Ch.12]
13. Administration: Dashboard, Managing Products and Categories, Managing Orders,
Customers, Refunds, Voucher Codes, Shipping, etc. [TB: Ch.3]
14. Deploying, Security, and Maintenance, SEO. [TB: Ch.14, 15]
Teaching Methodology:
Lecturing, Written Assignments, Project, Report Writing
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Reference Materials:
1. PHP 5 E-commerce Development by Michael Peacock, Packt Publishing (January 20,
2010). ISBN-10: 184719964X[TB]
2. E-Commerce, Kenneth Laudon and Carol Guercio Traver, 13th Edition, Pearson, 2017.
3. PHP 5 E-commerce Development, Michael Peacock, Packt Publishing, 2010.
4. Introduction to E-Commerce, Jeffrey F. Rayport, McGraw-Hill, 2nd Edition, 2007.
5. Electronic Commerce, Gary Schneider, Course Technology; 12th Edition 2016
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ITEC-405 Mobile and Wireless Networks

Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites: Computer Networks

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT
1. Introduction to mobile networking, with an emphasis on the C 1
mechanisms, protocols and standards
2. Understanding of the architecture and operating principles of C 2
mobile and wireless networks
3. Operations of wireless LANs, WANs and PANs C 2
4. Solutions and effectiveness of routing schemes for mobile hosts C 3
and application-level features
* BT= Bloom‘s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

Course Content:
1. Basics of Wireless Local Area Networks: Networks Large and Small, WLANs from LANs,
802.11 WLANs, HiperLAN and HiperLAN 2, From LANs to PANs. [TB1: Ch2]
2. Radio Transmitters and Receivers, Multiple Access Methods: Overview of Radios, Radio
Components, FDMA, TDMA, CDMA, Random Access, ALOHA, Slotted ALOHA, Res-
ervation-based ALOHA. [TB1: Ch3]
3. Radio Propagation: Radio Propagation, Mechanisms of Radio Wave Propagation, Diffrac-
tion, Scattering, Path Loss, Multipath Phenomena. [TB1: Ch4]
4. Antennas and Transmission Lines: Introduction and Antenna Characteristics, Types of An-
tenna. [TB1: Ch5]
5. Communication Protocols and Modulation: Baseband Data Format and Protocol, Baseband
Coding, RF Frequency and Bandwidth, Modulation, RFID. [TB1: Ch6]
6. High-Speed Wireless Data: System Types, Standards-Based and Proprietary Solutions:
Fixed Networks, Nomadic Networks, Mobile Networks, Standards-Based Solutions and
Proprietary Solutions, Overview of the IEEE 802.11 Standard, Overview of the IEEE
802.16 Standard, 10–66 GHz Technical Standards, 2–11 GHz Standards, Overview of the
IEEE 802.20 Standard. [TB1: Ch7]
7. GSM/Cellular Networks: First-Generation Analog, Second-Generation TDMA, Second-
Generation CDMA, Third-Generation Systems, 4G and Beyond, LTE. [TB2: Ch10] ( Wil-
liam Stallings Ch. 5 and from GSM to LTE book)
8. Security in Wireless Local Area Networks: Introduction Key Establishment in 802.11, An-
onymity in 802.11, Authentication in 802.11, Confidentiality in 802.11, Data Integrity in
802.11, Loopholes in 802.11 Security, WPA, WPA2 (802.11i). [TB1: Ch10]
9. Voice Over Wi-Fi and Other Wireless Technologies: Introduction and Ongoing 802.11
Standard Work, Wi-Fi and Cellular Networks, WiMax, VoWi-Fi and Bluetooth, VoWi-Fi
Page 71 of 92

and DECT, VoWi-Fi and Other Ongoing 802.x Wireless Project. [TB1: Ch11]
10. Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Physical Layer and MAC, Routing
in Ad Hoc Networks. [TB1: Ch12]
11. Wireless Sensor Networks: Application, Plant Network Layouts, Plant Network Architec-
ture, Sensor Subnet Selection, Functional Requirements. [TB1: Ch13]
12. Reliable Wireless Networks for Industrial Applications: Benefits of Using Wireless, Issues
in Deploying Wireless Systems, Wireless Formats, Wireless Mesh Networks,
13. Industrial Applications of Wireless Mesh Networks [TB1: Ch14]
14. Applications and Technologies: Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN) and PAN: Blue-
tooth, Zigbee, Conflict and Compatibility, Ultra-wideband Technology. [TB1: Ch15]
Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Semester Project.
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Final Exam
Reference Materials:
1. Wireless Networking: Know It All By Praphul Chandra, Daniel M. Dobkin, Dan Bensky,
Ron Olexa, David Lide, Farid Dowla: Publisher: Newnes [TB]
2. Wireless Communications & Networks (2nd Edition) by William Stallings.
ISBN: 0131918354. Revised in 2009.
3. Wireless Networks: Design and Integration for LTE, EVDO, HSPA and Wimax by Clint
Smith 3rd edition ( 2014). ISBN-10: 0071819835

ITEC-302 Cloud Computing

Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites:

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT
1. Understand about fundamental concepts of distributed computing, C 1
how these techniques work inside today‘s most widely-used cloud
computing systems
2. Understanding the basic principles of cloud deployment and C 2
Service models
3. Deployment of service models of Cloud through C 2
simulator/Vmware/Openstack etc.
* BT= Bloom‘s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

Course Content:
Page 72 of 92

1. Distributed systems, Characteristics, Design goals, Types of distributed systems [TB2:1]

2. What is Cloud Computing ? Different perspectives, Properties and characteristics, Benefits
[TB1: Preface]
3. Service and deployment models of Cloud computing, Service models: IaaS, PaaS,
4. From IaaS to PaaS, PaaS and SaaS properties, Issues, characteristics and Implementa-
5. Modern On-Demand Computing, Amazon‘s Elastic Cloud, Amazon EC2 Service,
Characteristics, Amazon SimpleDB, Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS), Am-
azon CloudFront, Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) [TB1: 2]
6. Virtualization, From emulation to virtualization, Goals of virtualization, Types of Virtual-
ization Hosted and Hypervisor, Server Virtualization, CPU Virtualization [TB1:4, 5]
7. Memory Virtualization: Background, Virtualization Techniques: Emulated TLB, Shadow
Page Tables, Hardware supported Memory Virtualization, Nested Page Tables [6]
8. Virtualization Practicum. [TB:Appendix A]
9. Cloud Federation: Characterization and Conceptual Model, Voluntary or independent mod-
el, Horizontal, Vertical, Hybrid model, Architectural models for cloud federation: Seman-
tics based, Market-oriented, Reservoir, Market-oriented, Reservoir, Service oriented ar-
chitecture, Conceptual Model, Segments in a Federation [TB1: 5, 7]
10. Presence in the Cloud, Presence Protocols, Leveraging Presence, Presence Enabled, The
Future of Presence, The Interrelation of Identity, Presence, and Location in the Cloud,
Federated Identity Management, Cloud and SaaS Identity Management, Federating Identi-
ty, Identity-as-a-Service (IaaS), Compliance-as-a-Service (CaaS), The Future of Identity in
the Cloud [TB1: 5]
11. Presence Protocols: XMPP, SIMPLE, SIP [8]
12. Privacy and Its Relation to Cloud-Based Information Systems, Privacy Risks and the
Cloud, Cloud Security Challenges, Software-as-a-Service Security, Security Management
(People), Security Governance, Risk Management, Risk Assessment, Security Portfolio
Management, Security Awareness.[TB1:6]
13. End-User Access to Cloud Computing, YouTube, YouTube API Overview, Widgets,
YouTube Player APIs, The YouTube Custom Player, YouTube Data API, Zimbra, Zimbra
Collaboration Suite (ZCS), Facebook, Facebook Development, Zoho, Zoho CloudSQL,
DimDim Collaborations[TB1:8]
14. Mobile Internet Device and the Cloud, [TB1: 9]
15. Cloud, IOT and Fog Computing [3,4]
Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Semester Project, Lab Assignments, Presentations
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Reference Materials:

1. Cloud Computing Implementation, Management, and Security by John W. Rittinghouse

and James F. Ransome, Taylor and Francis Group, LLC (2010). ISBN 978-1-4398-0680-
2. Distributed Computing: Principles and Applications Book by Mei-Ling L. Liu. ISBN-13:
3. Internet of Things: Principles and Paradigms,book by rajkumar buyya and Amir vahid
Page 73 of 92

DastjerDi(Eds.), publisher: Morgan kaufmann, ISBN: 978-0-12-805395-9

9. Architecting the Cloud: Design Decision for Cloud Computing Service Models (SAAS,
PAAS and IAAS) Publisher: Wiley India Private Limited; 2014 edition, ISBN-10:

ITEC-404 Internet of Everything

Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites: CS-3134

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT
1. Understanding the structure of Internet of Things C 1
2. Understand the basic principles of implementing IoT with Fog and C 2
3. Familiarity with Programming frameworks and Big Data analytics C 2
in real IoT Applications
* BT= Bloom‘s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

Course Content:
1. Internet of Things: An Overview, IoT emergence, Internet of EveryThing. [TB1:Ch 1, 3]
2. IoT infrastructures: Open Source Semantic web architecture for managing IoT resources
in Cloud. [TB1:Ch 2]
3. Device/Cloud Collaboration Framework for Intelligence Applications IoT. [TB1: Ch,3]
4. Communication Protocols for IoT, Network Layers, Transport and Application layer
[TB1: Ch 1, 13]
5. Fog Computing: Principles, Architectures, and Applications.[TB1: Ch 4]
6. Programming Frameworks for Internet of Things, Embedded device Programming lan-
guages, IoT programming languages [TB1: Ch 5]
7. Virtualization on Embedded Boards as Enabling Technology for the Cloud of
Things[TB1: Ch 6]
8. Micro Virtual Machines (MicroVMs) for Cloud-Assisted Cyber-Physical Systems [TB1:
Ch 7]
9. Design and Implement Scalable, Flexible, and open IoT solutions using Web technologies
[TB4: Ch 1]
10. IoT data management and Analytics: IoT and Cloud, Real time Analytics in IoT and Fog
Computing, [TB1: Ch 8, TB2 : Ch 1]
Page 74 of 92

11. A Framework for Distributed Data Analysis for IoT [TB1:Ch 9]

12. Security and Privacy in the Internet of Things, TinyTO: Two-Way Authentication for
Devices in the Internet of Things [TB2 : Ch 12]
13. Internet of Things Applications, Monitoring and Actuating, Internet of Vehicles and Ap-
plications[Tb1 : Ch 15, 16]
14. Cloud-Based Smart-Facilities Management, IoT Services Life Cycle, Scheduling and Re-
source Management, Validating Applications and use cases [TB1:Ch 17]

Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Semester Project, Lab Assignments, Presentations
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Reference Materials:

2. Internet of Things: Principles and Paradigms 1st Edition, ISBN-10: 012805395X [TB]
3. Big Data Analytics: Tools and Technology for Effective Planning, Published October 26,
2017, ISBN 9781138032392
5. Building the Web of Things, ISBN-10:9781617292682

ITEC-420 Data Warehousing

Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites: Database Systems

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain
1. Understanding the structure of modern data warehouse models C 1
2. Understand the basic principles of designing the Data ware house C 2
3. Familiarity with key algorithms for efficiency and efficacy C 2
* BT= Bloom‘s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

Course Content:

1. Introduction to Data Warehousing: Brief History, Characteristics, Architecture, Data Stag-

ing and ETL, Multidimensional Model, Meta-data, Accessing Data Warehouse, ROLAP,
MOLAP, and HOLAP. [TB1: Ch. 1]
2. Data Warehouse System Lifecycle: Risk Factors, Top-Down vs Bottom-Up, Data Mart
Design Phases, Methodological Framework – Data-Driven, Requirement-Driven; Testing
Data Marts. [TB1: Ch. 2]
3. Analysis and Reconciliation of Data Sources: Inspecting and Normalization Schemata, In-
tegration Problems, Integration Phases, Defining Mapping. [TB: Ch. 3]
Page 75 of 92

4. User Requirement Analysis: Interviews, Glossary-based Requirement Analysis,

5. Additional Requirements. [TB: Ch. 4]
6. Conceptual Modeling: Dimensional Fact Model, Events and Aggregation, Temporal As-
pects, Overlapping Fact Shcemata, Formalizing the Dimensional Fact Model. [TB: Ch. 6]
7. Conceptual Design: ER Schema-based Design, Relational Schema-based Design, XML
Schema-based Design, Mixed-approach Design. Requirement-driven Approach Design.
[TB: Ch. 6]
8. Workload and Data Volume [TB1: Ch. 7]
9. Logical Modeling: MOLAP and HOLAP Systems, ROLAP Systems, Views, Temporal
Scenarios. [TB1: Ch. 8]
10. Logical Design: From Fact Schemata to Start Schemata, View Materialization, View
Fragmentation. [TB1: Ch. 9]
11. Data-staging Design: Population Reconciled Databases, Cleansing Data, Populating Di-
mensional Tables, Populating Fact Tables, Populating Materialized View
Indexes for the Data Warehouse: B*-Tree Indexes, Bitmap Indexes, Projection Index-es,
Join & Star Indexes, Spatial Indexes, Join-Algorithm. [TB1: Ch. 11]
12. Physical Design: Optimizers, Index Selection, Splitting a Database into Tablespaces, Al-
locating Data Files, Disk Block Size. [TB1: Ch. 12]
13. Data Warehouse Project Documentation: Data Warehouse Levels, Data Mart Level, Fact
14. Case Studies, Tools for Data Warehousing: MS SQL and Teradata

Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Semester Project, Assignments, Presentations
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Reference Materials:

1. Data Warehouse Design: Modern Principles and Methodologies by Matteo Golfarelli and
Stefano Rizzi, McGraw-Hill Osborne Media; 1st Edition (2009). ISBN-10: 0071610391
2. Building the Data Warehouse by William H. Inmon, Wiley; 4th Edition (2005). ISBN-10:
3. The Data Warehouse Lifecycle Toolkit : Expert Methods for Designing, Developing, and
Deploying Data Warehouses by Ralph Kimball, Laura Reeves, Margy Ross and Warren
Thornthwaite, Wiley (August 13, 1998). ISBN-10: 0471255475
4. Data Warehousing Fundamentals for IT Professionals by Paulraj Ponniah, Wiley; 2nd Edi-
tion (2010). ISBN-10: 0470462078
5. • Data Mining and Data Warehousing: Practical Machine Learning Tools Techniques by
Ram Kumar Singh and Amit Asthana, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2012).
ISBN-10: 3659118419

ITEC-406 Semantic Web

Credit Hours: 3 (3,0) Prerequisites:

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

Having successfully completed this course, the student will be able to: Do- BT Level*
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1- Understand the concept structure of the Semantic Web technology
and how this technology revolutionizes the World Wide Web and its
2- Understand the concepts of metadata, semantics of knowledge and 3
resource, ontology, and their descriptions in XML-based syntax and
web ontology language (OWL).
3- Describe logic semantics and inference with OWL. 3
4- Understand Semantic Web query languages (SPARQL). 2
5- Use ontology engineering approaches in semantic applications. 3
6- Program semantic applications with Java and Jena API. 3

Course Content:
1- Semantic Web – Introduction and Vision , Structured Web Documents
2- XML, RDF, RDF-S, Web Ontology Language
3- WL, Ontology Engineering (Protégé) ,Discovering Information
4- Querying (SPARQL) Semantic Web Applications (E-learning, Web services)
5- Description Logic Reasoning (Fact++); Rules (SWRL) Building Semantic Web Applica-
tions (Apache Jena Framework)
6- Building Semantic Web Applications
7- State-of-the-art in Semantic Web community (Linked data and applications)

Teaching Methodology:
Lecturing, Written Assignments, Project,
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Reference Materials:
1.A Semantic Web Primer third edition Grigoris Antoniou, Paul Groth, Frank van Harmelen,
Rinke Hoekstra[TB] ISBN:0262018284 9780262018289
2. The Semantic Web: A Guide to the Future of XML, Web Services, and Knowledge Manage-
ment by Michael C. Daconta Leo J. Obrst and Kevin T. Smith
3. Explorer‘s Guide to the Semantic Web by Thomas B. Passin

ITEC-407 Knowledge Management

Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites: None

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT
1. Appraise current thought on knowledge management in the light of C 2
Page 77 of 92

contemporary debates on knowledge productivity, strategic capabil-

ity and organizational learning.
2. Apply theories of knowledge management relevant to current work- C 3
place practice.
3. Apply the tools and techniques of knowledge management. C 3
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective domain

Course Content:
1- History and paradigms of knowledge management; Types of knowledge: Explicit
Knowledge, Tacit Knowledge, Embedded Knowledge, Embroiled knowledge, Embod-
ied knowledge, Encoded knowledge, Encultured knowledge; Organizational Internal &
External Knowledge; Managers' Knowledge; Personal knowledge. Knowledge Economy:
Knowledge Revolution, Globalization, Knowledge Economy, Knowledge Workers,
Knowledge Artifacts, Knowledge Agents; Knowledge Management: Definitions,
Knowledge management Cycles, Benefits of KM, Implications for KM, KM Core
Competencies. [TB1: Ch. 1, 2, 4]
2- KM Processes: Knowledge Discovery/ Detection, Knowledge Capture and Codification,
Knowledge Organization, Knowledge Sharing, Explicit Knowledge Sharing,
Knowledge transfer, Knowledge Acquisition, Knowledge Verification, Knowledge Uti-
lization, Knowledge Creation, Knowledge Reuse; [TB1: Ch. 3]
3- KM Frameworks and Models: The SECI Model, Alen Frost's Model, Boisot's KM Mod-
el, Hedlund's KM Model, Earl's KM Model, Carayannis's KM Model, Wiig's KM Mod-
el, Edvinsson's Model of Intellectual Capital, Snowden's KM Model, Inkpen&Dinur's
KM Model. [TB1: Ch. 4]
4- KM Frameworks and Models: Van Buren's Model of IC Management, Bukowitz& Wil-
liams's KM Model, Gamble & Blackwell's KM Model, Demerest's KM Model, Frid's
KM Model, Stankosky&Baldanza's KM Framework, Kogut& Zander's KM Model, Bo-
tha et. al. KM Model, Integrated Knowledge Management Model. [TB1: Ch. 4]
5- Knowledge Capture and Codification: Tacit Knowledge Capture at the Individual, Group,
and Organizational Levels, xplicit Knowledge Codification, Cognitive Maps, De- cision
Trees, Knowledge Taxonomies, The Relationships among Knowledge Manage- ment,
Competitive Intelligence, Business Intelligence, and Strategic Intelligence; Strate- gic
and Practical Implications of Knowledge Capture and Codification [TB2: Ch. 4]
6- Knowledge Sharing and Communities of Practice: Sociograms and Social Network
Analysis, Knowledge-Sharing Communities, Types of Communities, Roles and Respon-
sibilities in CoPs, Knowledge Sharing in Virtual CoPs, Obstacles to Knowledge Sharing,
Strategic and Practical Implications of Knowledge Sharing. [TB2: Ch. 5]
7- Knowledge Application: Knowledge Application at the Individual Level, Characteristics
of Individual Knowledge Workers, Bloom ‘ s Taxonomy of Learning Objectives, Task
Analysis and Modeling, Knowledge Application at the Group and Organizational Levels,
Knowledge Reuse, Knowledge Repositories, E-Learning and Knowledge Management
Application, Strategic & Practical Implications of Knowledge Application. [TB3: Ch.6]
8- The Role of Organizational Culture: Different Types of Cultures, Organizational Culture
Analysis, The Effects of Culture on Individuals, Organizational Maturity Models, KM
Maturity Models, CoP Maturity Models, Transformation to a Knowledge-Sharing Cul-
ture, Impact of a Merger on Culture, Impact of Virtualization on Culture, Strategic and
Practical Implications of Organizational Culture. [TB2: Ch.7]
9- Knowledge Management Tools: Knowledge Capture and Creation Tools, Content Crea-
tion Tools, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Blogs, Mashups, Content Manage-
Page 78 of 92

ment Tools, Folksonomies and Social Tagging/Bookmarking, Personal Knowledge Man-

agement (PKM), Knowledge Sharing and Dissemination Tools, Groupware and Collabo-
ration Tools, Wikis, Social Networking, Web 2.0, and KM 2.0, Knowledge Acquisition
and Application Tools, Intelligent Filtering Tools, Adaptive Technologies, Strategic and
Practical Implications of KM Tools and Techniques. [TB2: Ch. 8]
10- Knowledge Management Strategy: Developing a Knowledge Management Strategy,
Knowledge Audit, Gap Analysis, The KM Strategy Road Map, Balancing Innovation and
Organizational Structure, Types of Knowledge Assets Produced. [TB2: Ch. 9]
11- The Value of Knowledge Management: KM Return on Investment (ROI) and Metrics,
The Benchmarking Method, The Balanced Scorecard Method, The House of Quality
Method, The Results-Based Assessment Framework, Measuring the Success of Commu-
nities of Practice. [TB2: Ch. 10]
12- Organizational Learning and Organizational Memory: How Do Organizations Learn and
Remember? Frameworks to Assess Organizational Learning and Organizational
Memory, The Management of Organizational Memory, Organizational Learning, The
Lessons Learned Process, Organizational Learning and Organizational Memory Models,
A Three-Tiered Approach to Knowledge Continuity. [TB2: Ch. 11]
13- The KM Team: Major Categories of KM Roles, Senior Management Roles, KM Roles
and Responsibilities within Organizations, The KM Profession, The Ethics of KM. [TB2:
Ch. 12]
Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Presentations
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Presentations, Final Exam
Reference Materials:
1. Essentials of Knowledge Management: Concepts, Theories and Practices by M. A. Pasha
& S. Pasha, Innovators Knowledge Services (2012). ISBN:978-969-9791-04-8
2. Knowledge Management In Theory And Practice by KimizDalkir, The MIT Press; 3nd
Edition (March 4, 2011). ISBN-10: 0262015080
3. The Knowledge Management Toolkit: Orchestrating IT, Strategy, and Knowledge Plat-
forms by AmritTiwana, Prentice Hall; 2nd Edition (August 29, 2002). ISBN-10:
4. Principles of Knowledge Management: Theory, Practice and Cases by ElieGeisler and
NilminiWickramasinghe, M.E.Sharpe (January 15, 2009). ISBN-10: 0765613220
5. Knowledge Management: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications (6-volume
set) by Murray E. Jennex, IGI Global; Reprint Edition (August 10, 2007). ISBN-10:

ITEC-304 Network Design and Management

Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites: None

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT
4. Describe the importance of network design top down approach. C 2
5. Explain the matrices necessary to accomplish best network design. C 2
Page 79 of 92

6. Identify various internetworking devices and protocols, and their

C 3
functions in a network.
7. Analyze working and performance of key technologies in network
C 3
8. Build Computer Network on the base of network design best prac-
P 3
* BT= Bloom‘s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

Course Content:
1. Analyzing Business Goals and Constraints: Using a Top-Down Network Design Methodolo-
gy, Analyzing Business Goals, Analyzing Business Constraints. Analyzing
Technical Goals and Tradeoffs: Scalability, Availability, Network Performance, Security,
Manageability, Usability, Adaptability, Affordability, Making Network Design Tradeoffs.
[TB1: Ch. 1, 2]
2. Characterizing the Existing Internetwork: Characterizing the Network Infrastructure,
Checking the Health of the Existing Internetwork. Characterizing Network Traffic:
Characterizing Traffic Flow, Characterizing Traffic Load, Characterizing Traffic Behavior,
Characterizing Quality of Service Requirements. [TB1: Ch. 3, 4]
3. Designing a Network Topology: Hierarchical Network Design, Redundant Network
Design Topologies, Modular Network Design, Designing a Campus Network Design
Topology, Virtual LANs, Wireless LANs, Redundancy and Load Sharing in Wired
LANs, Server Redundancy, Workstation-to-Router Redundancy, Designing the Enterprise
Edge Topology, Secure Network Design Topologies. [TB1: Ch. 5]
4. Designing Models for Addressing and Numbering: Guidelines for Assigning Network
Layer Addresses, Designing a Model for Naming. [TB1: Ch. 6]
5. Selecting Switching and Routing Protocols: Making Decisions as Part of the Top Down Net-
work Design Process, Selecting Switching Protocols, Selecting Routing
Protocols, IP Routing. [TB1: Ch. 7]
6. Developing Network Security Strategies: Network Security Design, Security Mechanisms,
Modularizing Security Design, [TB1: Ch. 8]
7. Developing Network Management Strategies: Network Management Design, Network Man-
agement Architectures, Selecting Network Management Tools and Protocols. [TB1: Ch. 9]
8. Physical Network Design: Selecting Technologies and Devices for Campus Networks:
LAN Cabling Plant Design, LAN Technologies, Selecting Internetworking Devices
for a Campus Network Design, Example of a Campus Network Design. [TB1: Ch. 10]
9. Selecting Technologies and Devices for Enterprise Networks: Remote-Access Technologies,
Selecting Remote-Access Devices for an Enterprise, WAN Technologies,
Example of a WAN Design. [TB1: Ch. 11]
10.Testing Network Design: Using Industry Tests, Building and Testing a Prototype Network
System, Writing and Implementing a Test Plan for Network Design, Tools for Testing
a Network Design. [TB1: Ch. 12]
11.Optimizing Network Design: Optimizing Bandwidth Usage with IP Multicast Technologies,
Reducing Serialization Delay, Optimizing Network Performance to Meet
Quality of Service Requirements, Cisco IOS Features for Optimizing Network Performance.
Documenting Network Design: Responding to a Customer‗s Request for
Proposal, Contents of a Network Design Document [TB1: Ch. 13, 14].

Teaching Methodology:
Page 80 of 92

Lectures, Written Assignments, Semester Project, Presentations

Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Reference Materials:
1. Top-Down Network Design by Priscilla Oppenheimer, Cisco Press; 3rd Edition (September
3, 2010). ISBN-10: 1587202832 (TB1)
2. Networking Systems Design and Development by Lee Chao, CRC Press; 1st Edition
(December 21, 2009). ISBN-10: 142009159X (TB2)
3. Networks: Design and Management by Steven Karris, Orchard Publications (August 2002).
ISBN-10: 0970951140
4. Network Design: Management and Technical Perspectives by Teresa C. Piliourasand
KornelTerplan, CRC Press (August 19, 1998). ISBN-10: 0849334047

ITEC-409 Business Intelligence and Analytics

Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites: None

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT
1. Enhance students‘ understanding regarding the evolution, need C 2
and benefits of business intelligence.
2. Students will also learn about various technical aspects of BI and C 2
understand the processes involving in planning, designing, building
and maintaining BI environment.
* BT= Bloom‘s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

Course Content:
1. Business Intelligence - An Introduction, Value Drivers, Performance Metrics and Key
Performance Indicators, Use Cases for BI. [TB: Ch. 1, 2]
2. BI Success Factors. Strategic Versus Tactical Planning, BI Strategy and Plan. [TB: Ch.
3. BI Environment, BI and Analytics Platform and Strategy, Organizational BI Frame-
work, Services & Systems Evaluation. [TB: Ch. 5]
4. Business Process and Information Flow: Information Need & Flow, Information Pro-
cessing & Information Flow, Information Flow Model, Modeling Frameworks. [TB:
Ch. 6]
5. Data Requirements Analysis: Business Uses of Information, Metrics: Facts, Qualifiers,
and Models, Defining Business Rules, Data Requirement Analysis, Assessing Suit-
ability. [TB: Ch. 7]
6. Data Warehouses and the Technical BI Architecture: Data Modeling and Analytics,
Analytical Platforms, Operational Data Stores. Business Metadata: What is Metadata?
Types of Metadata, Semantics Metadata Processes for Business Analytics. [TB: Ch. 8,
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7. Data Profiling: Data Sources, Data Profiling Activities, Data Model Inference, At-
tribute Analysis, Relationship Analysis, Management Issues. [TB: Ch. 10]
8. Business Rules: The Value of Proposition of Business Rules, The Business Rules Ap-
proach, Defining Business Rules, Business Rule Systems, Sources of Business Rules,
Management Issues. [TB: Ch. 11]
9. Data Quality: Virtuous Cycle of Data Quality, Types of Data Flow, Business Impacts
of Data Flow, Dimensions of Data Quality, Data Quality Assessment, Data Quality
Rules, Data Quality Monitoring and Improvement, Data Quality for Business Analyt-
ics, Data Cleansing. [TB: Ch. 13]
10. Data Integration: Improving Data Accessibility, Extracting/ Transformation/Loading,
Data Latency and Data Synchrony, Data Replication and Change Data Capture, Data
Integration and Cloud Computing, Information protection, Merge/Purge and Record
Consolidation. [TB: Ch. 13]
11. Deriving Insight from Data: Customer Profiles, Behavior, and Lifetime Value; Demo-
graphics, Psychographics, Geographic; Geographic Data, Behavior Analysis. [TB: Ch.
15, 16]
12. Knowledge Discovery & Delivery: Business Drivers, KD Virtuous Cycle, Direct Ver-
sus Unidirectional Knowledge Discovery, Data Mining Activities, Data Mining Tech-
niques. [TB: Ch. 17]
13. BI User Types, Standards Reports, Interactive Analysis and Ad Hoc Querying, Pa-
rameterized Reports and Self-Service Reporting, Dimensional Analysis, Alerts/ Noti-
fications, Visualizations, Scorecards and Dashboards, Geographical Visualizations, In-
tegrated Analysis. [TB: Ch. 18]
14. Installations, Configuring and Maintaining the BI Server, Creating Repositories from
Relational Sources, Creating Repositories from OLAP Data Sources, Creating Reports
Using Answers and Dashboards.

Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Semester Project, Lab Assignments, Presentations
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Reference Materials:
1. Business Intelligence by David Loshi, Morgan Kaufmann; 2nd Edition (October 31,
2012). ISBN-10: 0123858895 [TB]
2. Oracle Business Intelligence 11g Developers Guide by Mark Rittman, McGraw-Hill Os-
borne Media; 1st Edition (September 18, 2012). ISBN-10: 0071798749
3. Delivering Business Intelligence with Microsoft SQL Server 2012 3/E by Brian Larson,
McGraw-Hill Osborne Media; 3rd Edition (March 16, 2012). ISBN-10: 0071759387
4. Business Intelligence by Elizabeth Vitt, Michael Luckevich, and StaciaMisner, Micro-
soft Press (December 22, 2008). ISBN-10: 073562660X

ITEC-410 Data Mining

Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites:
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Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT
1. Understanding the structure of modern data mining models C 1
2. Understand the basic principles of implementing data mining C 2
3. Familiarity with key algorithms for efficiency and efficacy C 2
* BT= Bloom‘s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

Course Content:
1- Data-Mining Concepts: Introduction, Data-Mining Process, Large Data Sets, Data Ware-
houses for Data Mining, Business Aspects Data Mining. [TB1: Ch. 1]
2- Preparing the Data: Raw Data- Representation, Characteristics, Transformation; Missing
Data, Time-Dependent Data, Outlier Analysis. [TB1: Ch. 2]
3- Data Reduction: Dimensions of Large Data Sets, Feature Reduction, Relief Algorithm, En-
tropy Measure for Ranking Features, PCA, Value Reduction, Feature Discretization: Chi
Merge Technique, Case Reduction. [TB1: Ch. 3]
4- Learning From Data: Learning Machine, SLT, Types of Learning Methods, Common
Learning Tasks, SVMs, kNN: Nearest Neighbor Classifier, Model Selection versus Gener-
alization, Model Estimation. [TB1: Ch. 4]
5- Statistical Methods: Statistical Inference, Assessing Differences in Data Sets, Bayesian In-
ference, Predictive Regression, ANOVA, Logistic Regression, Log-Linear Models, LDA.
[TB1: Ch. 5]
6- Decision Trees and Decision Rules: Decision Trees, Generating & Pruning Decision Tree,
CART Algorithm & Gini Index, Limitations of Decision Trees and Decision Rules. TB1:
Ch. 6]
7- Artificial Neural Networks: Model of an Artificial Neuron, Architectures of ANNs, Learn-
ing Process, Learning Tasks Using ANNs, Multilayer Perceptron‘s, Competitive Networks
and Competitive Learning, SOMs. [TB1: Ch.7]
8- Ensemble Learning: Ensemble-Learning Methodologies, Combination Schemes for Multi-
ple Learners, Bagging and Boosting, Ada Boost. [TB: Ch. 8]
9- Cluster Analysis: Clustering, Similarity Measures, Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering,
Partitional Clustering, Incremental Clustering, DBSCAN Algorithm. BIRCH Algorithm,
Agglomerative Hierarchal and Partition Clustering Algorithms, Clustering Validation. [TB:
Ch. 9]
10- Association Rules: Market-Basket Analysis, Algorithm Apriori, From Frequent Item-sets
to Association Rules, Improving the Efficiency of the Apriori Algorithm, FP Growth
Method, Associative-Classification Method, Multidimensional Association–Rules Mining.
[TB: Ch. 10]
11- Web Mining and Text Mining: Web Mining, Web Content, Structure, and Usage Mining,
HITSC and LOGSOM Algorithms, Mining Path–Traversal Patterns, PageRank Algorithm,
Text Mining, Latent Semantic Analysis. [TB: Ch. 11]
12- Genetic Algorithms: Fundamentals of GAs, Optimization Using GAs, Schemata, TSP, Ma-
chine Learning Using GAs, GAs for Clustering. [TB: Ch. 13]
13- Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic: Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzy-Set Operations, Extension Principle and
Fuzzy Relations, Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy Inference Systems, Multifactorial Evaluation, Ex-
tracting Fuzzy Models from Data, Data Mining and Fuzzy Sets
14- Visualization Methods: Perception and Visualization, Scientific Visualization and In-
Page 83 of 92

formation Visualization, Parallel Coordinates, Radial Visualization, Visualization Using

Self-Organizing Maps, Visualization Systems for Data Mining
15- Data Mining Tools: Weka, CBA and Yale, etc.

Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Semester Project, Assignments, Presentations, Interactive sessions
Course Assessment:
Sessional Marks(Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations), Mid Exam, Final Exam
Reference Materials:

1. Data Mining: Concepts, Models, Methods, and Algorithms by Mehmed Kantardzic,

Wiley-IEEE Press; 2nd Edition (August 16, 2011). ISBN-10: 0470890452
Reference Material:
2. Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques, Third Edition (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in
Data Management Systems) by Jiawei Han, Micheline Kamber and Jian Pei, Morgan
Kaufmann; 3rd Edition (2011). ISBN-10: 0123814790
3. Principles of Data Mining (Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning) by David J.
Hand, Heikki Mannila and Padhraic Smyth, A Bradford Book (August 1, 2001). ISBN-
10: 026208290X
4. Data Mining and Data Warehousing: Practical Machine Learning Tools Techniques by
Ram Kumar Singh and Amit Asthana, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2012).
ISBN-10: 3659118419
5. Information-Statistical Data Mining: Warehouse Integration with Examples of Oracle
Basics (The Springer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science) by Bon
K. Sy and Arjun K., Springer; 1st Edition (2003). ISBN-10: 1402076509
6. Building the Data Warehouse by William H. Inmon, Wiley; 4th Edition (2005). ISBN-
10: 0764599445C

ITEC-411 Enterprise Resource Planning

Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites: None

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Learn ERP technologies C 2
2. How to implement ERP processes to business C 2
3. Auditing ERP C 2

* BT= Bloom‘s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective


Course Content:
1. Introduction to Enterprise Resource Planning Systems. [TB. Ch. 1]
2. ERP Technology. [TB. Ch. 2]
3. ERP and Business Process Reengineering. [TB. Ch. 3]
Page 84 of 92

4. Systems Diagramming and the Process Map. [TB. Ch. 41]

5. ERP Life Cycle: Planning and Package Selection. [TB. Ch. 5]
6. ERP Life Cycle: Implementation and Operation and Maintenance. [TB. Ch. 6]
7. ERP Sales, CRM and Knowledge Management. [TB. Ch. 7]
8. ERP Financials. [TB. Ch. 8]
9. Human Capital Management, Self-Service and Outsourcing. [TB. Ch. 9]
10. Case studies

Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Labs, Labs Assignments, Semester Project, Presentations,
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Reference Materials:
1. Modern ERP: Select, Implement & Use Today's Advanced Business Systems by Marianne
Bradford, (October 19, 2009). ISBN-10: 0557012910.
2. Managerial Issues of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems by David Olson, McGraw-
Hill/Irwin; 1st Edition (September 10, 2003). ISBN-10: 0072861126
3. Enterprise Resource Planning by Bret Wagner by Ellen Monk, Course Technology; 3rd
Edition (February 4, 2008). ISBN-10: 1423901797
4. ERP Systems by AartiBatra, I K International Publishing House (February 15, 2010). ISBN-
10: 9380578148

ITEC-412 Network Programming

Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites: Programming Fundamentals

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1: Identify and describe the purpose of each component C 4
of the TCP/IP protocol suite
2: Learn to develop large and complex client-server applications C 5
using TCP/IP
3: Learn socket programming in Linux and Windows C 4
environment developing client/server applications using C
* BT= Bloom‘s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

Course Content:
1. Introduction and TCP/IP: A Simple Daytime Client, Protocol Independence, Roadmap to
Client/Server [CH.1]
2. BSD Networking, Unix standard, 64-bit Architectures. [Ch. 1]
3. Transport Layer details: UDP, TCP, SCTP, connections, port numbers, buffers etc [Ch. 2]
4. Sockets Introduction and Elementary TCP Sockets : Socket Address Structure, Argu-ments
and Functions [Ch.3]
Page 85 of 92

5. TCP/IP client server Application [Ch. 3]

6. I/O Multiplexing: The SELECT and POLL function with all aspects. [Ch. 6]
7. Socket Options: getsockopt and setsockopt functions, default [Ch. 7]
8. Socket states, generic, IPv4, IPv6, ICMPv6 socket options etc. [Ch. 7]
9. Elementary UDP Sockets: sendto and recvfrom functions, UDP echo server and client,
summary of UDP. [Ch. 8]
10. Elementary Name and Address Conversions. [Ch. 9]
11. IPv4 and IPv6 Interoperability. [Ch. 10]
12. Daemon Processes and advanced I/O functions. [Ch. 12, 13]
13. Non-blocking I/O and ioctl operations. [Ch. 15,16]
14. Routing Sockets, Broadcasting, Multicasting. [Ch. 17,18, 19
15. Threads and Raw Sockets [Ch. 23, 25]
16. Data link Access & Streams [Ch. 26, 33]
Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Labs, Labs Assignments, Semester Project, Presentations,
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Reference Materials:
1- UNIX Network Programming Volume I by Richard Steven, Prentice Hall; 2nd Edition (Sep-
tember 4, 1998).ISBN-10: 0130810819
2- Windows System Programming by Johnson M. Hart, Addison-Wesley Professional; 4th
Edition (February 26, 2010). ISBN-10: 0321657748
3- The Linux Programming Interface: A Linux and UNIX System Programming Hand-book by
Michael Kerrisk, No Starch Press; 1st Edition (October 28, 2010). ISBN-10: 1593272200
4- Linux Kernel Development by Robert Love, Addison-Wesley Professional; 3rd Edition (Ju-
ly 2, 2010). ISBN-10: 0672329468
5- System Software: An Introduction to Systems Programming by Leland L. Beck, Addison Wes-
ley, (3rd Edition) (1996). ASIN: B0084YEEWO

ITEC-413 Information Systems and Audit

Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites: CMP-3450 (Database Systems)

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
CLO-1: Understand the concepts and standards related to the dis- C 1
cipline of Information System Audit.
CLO-2: Analyze and Audit Information Systems C 4
* BT= Bloom‘s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

Course Content:
1. Introduction to Auditing, Assurance and Internal Control: Different Types of Audit, Audit
Risks, IT Audit, Role of Audit Committee, Internal Audit Control. [TB1:1]
2. IT Governance and Management: IT Governance Practices for Executives and Boards of
Directors, IT Strategic Planning, Policies, Processes, Procedures, and Standards, Risk Man-
Page 86 of 92

agement. IT Management Practices. [TB2: Ch. 2]

3. Organization Structure and Responsibilities, Business Continuity Planning, Auditing IT
Governance. [TB2: Ch. 2]
4. The Audit Process: Audit Management, ISACA Auditing Standards, Risk Analysis, [TB2:
Ch. 3]
5. Internal Controls, Performing an Audit, Control Self-Assessment, Implementation of Audit
Recommendations [TB2: Ch. 3]
6. IT Life Cycle Management: Business Realization, Project Management, The Software De-
velopment Life Cycle (SDLC). [TB2: Ch. 4]
7. Infrastructure Development and Implementation, Maintaining Information Systems, Busi-
ness Processes, Application Controls. [TB2: Ch. 4]
8. Auditing the Software Development Life Cycle, Auditing Business Controls, Auditing Ap-
plication Controls. [TB2: Ch. 4]
9. IT Service Delivery and Infrastructure, Information Systems Operations, Information Sys-
tems Hardware, Information Systems Architecture and Software. [TB2: Ch. 5]
10. Disaster Recovery Planning, Auditing IS Infrastructure and Operations. [TB2: Ch. 5]
11. Information Asset Protection: Information Security Management, Logical Access Controls.
[TB2: Ch. 6]
12. Network Security Controls, Environmental Controls, Physical Security Controls, Auditing
Asset Protection [TB2: Ch. 6]
13. Over view of Popular Methodologies, Framework and Guidelines [TB2: Appendix B]
14. Overview of Computer-Assisted Audit Tools and Techniques: Application Controls, Test-
ing Computer Application Controls, Computer- Aided Audit Tools and Techniques for
Testing Controls. [TB1: Ch. 7]

Teaching Methodology:
Lecturing, Written Assignments, Project, Report Writing
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Reference Materials:
1. Auditing Information Systems: Enhancing Performance of the Enterprise, Abraham
Nyirongo, Trafford, 2015.
2. Information Systems Control and Audit, Ron Weber, Dorling Kindesley Pearson Education,
3. CISA® Certified Information Systems Auditor All-in-One Exam Guide, Peter Gregory, 3rd
Edition, McGraw-Hill Education, 2016
4. . Information Systems Auditing and Assurance by James A. Hall and Tommie Singleton,
South-Western College Pub; 2nd Edition (July 27, 2004). ISBN-10: 0324191995
5. CISA® Certified Information Systems Auditor All-in-One Exam Guide By: Peter Gregory,
McGraw-Hill Osborne Media; 2nd Edition (August 9, 2011). ISBN-10: 0071769102
6. Information Technology Control and Audit, Third Edition by Sandra Senft and Fre-derick
Gallegos, Auerbach Publications; 3rd Edition (2008). ISBN-10: 1420065505
7. Managing the Audit Function: A Corporate Audit Department Procedures Guide by Michael
P. Cangemi and Tommie W. Singleton, Wiley; 3rd Edition (2003). ISBN-10: 0471281190
8. COBIT 4.1 by IT Governance Institute, ISACA (2007). ISBN-10: 1933284722
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ITEC-414 Routing And Switching

Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites: Computer Network

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT
1. Understand the switching details and mechanism C 1
2. Understanding of the architecture and operating principle of C 2
3. Operations of wireless LANs, WANs C 2
4. Solutions and effectiveness of routing protocols and configura- A 3
* BT= Bloom‘s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

Course Content:

1. Ethernet Basic: Ethernet Layer 1, Ethernet Layer 2, Switching and Bridging Logic, SPAN
and RSPAN. [TB: Ch. 1]
2. Virtual LANs and VLAN Trunking: VLANs, VLAN Trunking Protocols, VLAN Trunk-
ing: ISL and 802.1Q, Configuring PPPoE. [TB: Ch. 2]
3. Spanning Tree Protocol: 802.1d Spanning Tree Protocol, Optimizing Spanning Tree, Pro-
tecting STP, Troubleshooting Complex Layer 2 Issues. [TB: Ch. 3]
4. IP Addressing: IP Addressing &Subnetting, CIDR, Private Addressing, and NAT. [TB: Ch.
5. IP Services: ARP, Proxy ARP, Reverse ARP, BOOTP, and DGCP; HSRP, VRRP,and
GLBP; Syslog, Web Cache Communication Protocol, Implementing and Using: IP-SLA,
NetFlow, Router IP Traffic Export, FTP, Embedded Event Manager, Remote Monitoring,
TFTP Server, Secure Copy Protocol, HTTP and HTTPs Access, Telnet Access, SSH Ac-
cess. [TB: Ch. 5]
6. IP Forwarding (Routing): IP Forwarding, Muti-layer Switching, Policy Routing, Opti-
mized Edge Routing and Performance Routing. [TB: Ch. 6]
7. EIGRP: Basic States, EIGRP Convergence, EIGRP Configuration, [TB: Ch. 7]
8. OSPF: OSPF Database Exchange, OSPF Design and LSAs, OSPF Configurations, Virtual
Link Configuration, Configuring OSPF Authentication, OSPF Stub Router Configuration.
[TB: Ch. 8]
9. IGP Routing: Routing Map, Prefix Lists, and Administrative Distance; Router Redistribu-
tion, Router Summarization, Default Routes, Troubleshooting Complex Layer 3 Is-sues.
[TB: Ch. 9]
10. Fundamentals of BGP Operations: Building BGP Neighbor Relationships, Building the
BGP Table, Building the IP Routing Table. [TB: Ch. 10]
11. BGP Routing Policies: Routing Filtering and Routers Summarization, BGP Path Attributes
and the BGP Decision Processes, Configuring BGP Policies. [TB: Ch. 11]
12. Wide Area Network: Point-to-Point Protocol, Frame Relay Concepts, Frame Relay Con-
figuration. [TB: Ch. 15]
Page 88 of 92

13. IP Multicasting: Need of Multicasting, Multicasting IP Addresses, Managing Distribution

of Multicast Traffic with IGMP, LAN Multicast Optimizations. [TB: Ch. 16]
14. IP Multicast Routing: Basic, Dense-Mode Routing Protocols, LAN- Specific Issues with
PIM-DM and PIM-SM, Sparse-Mode Routing Protocols. [TB: Ch. 17]

Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Semester Project.
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Final Exam
Reference Materials:
1. CCIE Routing and Switching Certification Guide (4th Edition) by Wendell Odom, Rus
Healy and Denise Donohue, Cisco Press; 4th Edition
2. Packet Guide to Routing and Switching by Bruce Hartpence, O'Reilly Media (Sep-tember
3, 2011). ISBN-10: 1449306551
3. CCIE Routing and Switching v4.0 Quick Reference by Brad Ellis, Jacob Uecker and Ste-
ven Means, Cisco Press (October 4, 2010). ASIN: B00452V45O

ITEC-415 Business Process Management

Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites: None

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT
4. Understand the key Terms and concepts in Business Process Man- C 2
5. Learn about the major methodologies and techniques for implement- C 2
ing BPM.
6. Learn what a BPM management and process-centric organization is C 2
and how it works.
7. Understand the metrics and measurements critical to managing pro- C 3
8. Learn how to identify critical processes. C 3
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective domain

Course Content:
1. Introduction: Motivation and Definitions, Business Process Lifecycle, Classification of
Business Processes, Goals, Structure, and Organization. [TB: Ch. 1]
2. Evolution of Enterprise Systems Architectures: Traditional Application Development,
Enterprise Applications and their Integration, Enterprise Modeling and Process Orienta-
tion, Workflow Management, Enterprise Services Computing. [TB: Ch. 2]
3. Business Process Modeling: Foundation, Conceptual Model and Terminology, Abstrac-
tion Concepts, From Business Functions to Business Processes, Activity Models and Ac-
tivity Instances, Process Models and Process Instances, Process Interactions, Modeling
Page 89 of 92

Process Data, Modeling Organization, Modeling Operation, Business Process Flexibility,

Architecture of Process Execution Environments. [TB: Ch. 3]
4. Process Orchestrations: Control Flow Patterns, Petri Nets, Event-driven Process Chains,
Workflow Nets, Graph-Based Workflow Language, Business Process Model and Nota-
tion. [TB: Ch. 4]
5. Process Choreographies: Motivation and Terminology, Development Phases, Process
Choreography Design, Process Choreography Implementation, Service Interaction Pat-
terns, Choreography Modeling in BPMN. [TB: Ch. 5]
6. Properties of Business Processes: Data Dependencies, Object Lifecycle Conformance,
Structural Soundness, Soundness, Relaxed Soundness, Weak Soundness, Lazy Sound-
ness, Soundness Criteria Overview. [TB: Ch. 6]
7. Business Process Management Architectures: Workflow Management Architectures,
Flexible Workflow Management, Web Services and their Composition, Advanced Ser-
vice Composition, Data-Driven Processes: Case Handling. [TB: Ch. 7]
8. Business Process Management Methodology: Dependencies between Processes, Meth-
odology Overview, Phases in Detail. [TB: Ch. 7]
Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Presentations
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Presentations, Final Exam
Reference Materials:
1. Business Process Management: Concepts, Languages, Architectures by Mathias Weske,
Springer; 2nd Edition (May 3, 2012). ISBN-10: 3642286151.[TB]
2. Business Process Management Common Body Of Knowledge by Yvonne LedererAnto-
nucci, et. al., CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (March 8, 2009). ISBN-10:
3. Process Management: A Guide for the Design of Business Processes by Jörg Becker,
Martin Kugeler and Michael Rosemann, Springer; 2nd Edition (January 21, 2011). ISBN-
10: 3642151892
4. Business Process Management, Second Edition: Practical Guidelines to Successful Im-
plementations by John Jeston and Johan Nelis, Butterworth-Heinemann; 2nd Edition
(March 24, 2008). ISBN-10: 0750686561
5. Process Management: Practical Guidelines to Successful Implementation by T.S. Malik,
Global India Publications Pvt Ltd; 1st Edition (December 31, 2009). ISBN-10:
6. Business Process Management: Practical Guidelines to Successful Implementations by
John Jeston& Johan Nelis, Butterworth-Heinemann; 2nd Edition (March 24, 2008).
ISBN-10: 0750686561
7. BPMN Method and Style with BPMN Implementer's Guide: A structured approach for
business process modeling and implementation using BPMN 2.0 by Bruce Silver, Cody-
Cassidy Press (October 17, 2011). ISBN-10: 0982368119
8. Workflow Modeling: Tools for Process Improvement and Application Development by
Alec Sharp and Patrick McDermott, Artech House; 2nd Edition (October 31, 2008).
ISBN-10: 1596931922
9. Process Analysis and Improvement: Tools and Techniques by Seppanen, Marvic S.,
Kumar, Sameer & Chandra, Charu (2005). McGraw-Hill
10. Business Process Change: A Guide for Business Managers and BPM and Six Sigma Pro-
fessionals (The MK/OMG Press) by Paul Harmon and Business Process Trends, Morgan
Kaufmann; 2nd Edition (July 27, 2007). ISBN-10: 0123741521
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ITEC-416 Artificial Intelligence

Credit Hours: 3(3,0) Prerequisites:

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT
1. Knowledge of current progresses related to AI C 1
2. Introduction of many advances subjects taught at MS and PhD C 2
3. Introduction of game theory C 2
* BT= Bloom‘s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

Course Content:
1. Introduction: What is AI, Foundations of AI, History of AI. Intelligent Agents: Agents
and Environments, The Nature of Environments, The Structure of Agents [TB: Ch. 1, 2]
2. Problem Solving by Searching: Problem Solving Agents, Searching for Solutions,
Uninformed Search Strategies.
3. Breadth-First Search, Depth-First Search, Depth-limited Search, Iterative Deepening,
Depth-first Search, Comparison of Uninformed Search Strategies. [TB: Ch. 3]
4. Informed Search and Exploration: Informed (Heuristic) Search Strategies: Greedy Best-
first Search, A* Search, Heuristic Functions, Local Search Algorithms and Optimization
Problems. [TB: Ch. 4]
5. Constraint Satisfaction Problems: Backtracking Search for CSPs, Local Search for CSPs.
Adversarial Search: Games, Minimax Algorithm, Alpha-Beta Pruning. [TB: Ch. 5, 6]
6. Reasoning and Knowledge Representation: Introductions to Reasoning and Knowledge
Representation, Propositional Logic, First Order Logic: Syntax and Semantics of First-
Order Logic, Knowledge Engineering in First-Order Logic, [TB: Ch. 7, 8]
7. Inference in First-Order Logic: Inference rules for quantifiers, A first-order inference
rule, Unification, Forward Chaining, Backward Chaining, A backward chaining
algorithm, Logic programming, The resolution inference rule [TB: Ch. 9]
8. Introduction to Prolog Programming
9. Reasoning Systems for Categories, Semantic Nets and Description logics, reasoning with
Default Information: Open and closed worlds, Negation as failure and stable model
semantic. Truth Maintenance Systems [TB: Ch. 10]
10. Reasoning with Uncertainty & Probabilistic Reasoning : Acting Under Uncertainty,
Bayes' Rule and Its Use, [TB: Ch 13]
11. Representing Knowledge in an Uncertain Domain, The Semantics of Bayesian Networks.
[TB: Ch. 14]
12. Learning from Observations: Forms of Learning , Inductive Learning,, Learning Decision
Trees [TB: Ch. 18]
13. Knowledge in Learning, Explanation-Based Learning, Inductive Logic Programming.
[TB: 19]
14. Statistical Learning, Neural Networks [TB: Ch. 20]
Page 91 of 92

Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Semester Project, Lab Assignments, Presentations
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Reference Materials:

1. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, by Russell and Norvig, Prentice Hall.

2ndEdition. ISBN-10: 0137903952[TB]
2. Artificial Intelligence: A Systems Approach by M. Tim Jones, Jones and Bartlett Pub-
lishers, Inc; 1stEdition (December 26, 2008). ISBN-10: 0763773379
3. Artificial Intelligence in the 21st Century by Stephen Lucci , Danny Kopec, Mercury
Learning and Information (May 18, 2012). ISBN-10: 1936420236

CMPC-402 Capstone II
Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisites: None

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: DomainBT Lev-
C 1
* BT= Bloom‘s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective domain

Course Content:
1. Database Design
2. Interface Design
3. Initial Prototype
4. Implementation
5. Testing

Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Semester Project, Assignments, Presentations, Interactive sessions
Course Assessment:
Sessional Marks(Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations), Mid Exam, Final Exam
Reference Materials:

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