GED102 Week 10 WGN - JINGONA
GED102 Week 10 WGN - JINGONA
GED102 Week 10 WGN - JINGONA
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Task List
T h e g o a l o f t h i
Theory. The discussions will center on the
FIRST QUARTER, SY2020-2021 GED 102 WEEK 10
2. Degree of a vertex
FIRST QUARTER, SY2020-2021 GED 102 WEEK 10
In graph theory, the degree (or valency) of a vertex of a graph is the number
of edges that are incident to the vertex, and in a multigraph, loops are
counted twice.
3. Isomorphic graphs
Two graphs which contain the same number of graph vertices connected in
the same way are said to be isomorphic.
B. Give 4 types of graphs and give a brief description (you may describe in
words or just draw a sample graph).
Null Graph - A null graph is a graph in which there are no edges between
its vertices. A null graph is also called empty graph.
Directed Graph - A directed graph is a graph in which the edges are
directed by arrows. Directed graph is also known as digraphs.
Complete Graph - A graph in which every pair of vertices is joined by
exactly one edge is called complete graph. It contains all possible edges.
Connected Graph - A connected graph is a graph in which we can visit
from any one vertex to any other vertex. In a connected graph, at least
one edge or path exists between every pair of vertices.
1. Path, Trail
A path is a trail in which all vertices (and therefore also all edges) are
2. Cycle, Circuit
In graph theory, an Eulerian trail is a trail in a finite graph that visits every edge
exactly once. Similarly, an Eulerian circuit or Eulerian cycle is an Eulerian trail
that starts and ends on the same vertex.
A Hamiltonian graph may be defined as- If there exists a closed walk in the
connected graph that visits every vertex of the graph exactly once. (except
starting vertex) without repeating the edges, then such a graph is called as a
Hamiltonian graph.
Consider each blob of land. Each bridge is connected to two blobs of land (that’s
how bridges work). Each blob of land happens to have an odd number of bridges
As you go on your walk, you record in a notepad each time you are in a certain
blob of land. For instance, if you start in the most southern end of the city, you
make a note of that (take a photo, buy a souvenir…) and if you find yourself
there again, you increase the tally for the southern sector to two.
(1) this is a section of the city we neither start our walk in, nor do we finish
our walk there
(2) this is a section of the city either start our walk in, or we finish our walk
in, or both.
Clearly, there are at most 2 sections of the city of the second type. We cannot
start in two places at once, nor can we finish in two places at once.
As there are four sections of the city, that means that there are at least two
sections of the city, in our walk, which we neither end nor start in. Let’s pick one
of them.
Whenever we go into that sector, we use up one bridge, and whenever we leave
it we use another. But, each sector has an odd number of bridges attached to it!
That’s a contradiction. To see why, recall that each sector has either 3 bridges,
or it has 5 bridges attached.
FIRST QUARTER, SY2020-2021 GED 102 WEEK 10
If we are in the sector once, we can only use up two of its bridges. If we are in it
twice, we would use up four of its bridges (or run out of bridges, if it only had
three bridges). If we are in it three times, we would require 6 bridges, which we
cannot have. So the requirement that we both enter and leave a sector of the
city which is not our start or our end point contradicts the fact that the number
of connecting bridges is odd for every sector.