APA Style - 6 Edition: What Is Referencing?
APA Style - 6 Edition: What Is Referencing?
APA Style - 6 Edition: What Is Referencing?
What is referencing?
You are referencing every time you credit the sources you used in your paper. Referencing is
a requirement in academic writing and you will be asked to present a list of all the works and
authors cited in your paper.
Please note that using people’s ideas in any academic work without crediting is considered a
form of academic dishonesty (plagiarism) and treated as fraud, whether intentional or
unintentional. When it comes to citing your sources, being clear and consistent will help you
to avoid plagiarism.
● By comparing and contrasting ideas, you can build and support your argument;
● Crediting sources helps to avoid plagiarism;
● Applying international standards will facilitate the dissemination of your essay;
● Referencing helps locate the source of your information for researchers.
As a DCU student, you have multiple resources you can use to find, store, manage and
present your references. First of all, lecturers of your department and library staff are willing
to help you. Additionally, you can contact the Information Service with any question you
might have. You can contact us at 01-884 2180 / info.library@dcu.ie (St Patrick’s Campus),
or at 01-700 5418 / library@dcu.ie (Glasnevin Campus). You can also get in touch via
Facebook or Twitter, or drop-in anytime during library opening hours.
There are many reference management software tools available to organise your references.
DCU offers students and staff free access to Refworks, which can be used to import APA
style references to generate reference lists. Refworks seminars are held regularly in the
library - enquire at the Information Service for more information.
The APA Website has a comprehensive blog (http://blog.apastyle.org/) full of case by case
examples and you can also look up the APA manual. We currently hold six copies of the
latest edition (6th) available in the Library shelf.
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DCU Library APA Referencing Style Guide
The basics
Which words should be italicised?
Which words should be capitalised?
Official publication
Government agency and organisation publication
Parliamentary and legal material
EU publication (Legislation, policy, directives,
regulation) Reports and press releases
Audiovisual media
Radio or television programme
Single episode from a television, radio or internet
series Music recording
Online video
Performance / Play / Drama
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Direct quotation always requires the following information: author, year and page number (or
paragraph number) in parenthesis (brackets).
When the short quotation is at the end of a sentence, use the following format:
reaction. The children diagnosed with autism between two and five years
old were compared with non-autistic children of the same age. In view of
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Quoting poems
For short quotes, where no more than three lines are quoted, do not indent but leave the
quotation in the body of the text. Line breaks are marked with a slash (/).
The author uses powerful images in the opening lines: “Turning and turning in
the widening gyre / the falcon cannot hear the falconer; / things fall apart;”
(Yeats, 1920).
If you decide to introduce a long quote (more than three lines), indent maintaining the
original punctuation. No quotation marks are required.
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Quoting plays
For short quotes, apply the same rule as the general direct quote: incorporate the quote in the
text and use double quotation marks. Always conclude the quote with the author’s name, year
and act, scene and line numbers.
For longer quotes, or dialogues, indent the quotation and provide both characters’ names
followed by a full stop and conclude with author’s name, year and act, scene and line
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You can decide to summarise a specific section/idea of a previous study. In this case, when
you credit the original author, you only have to include the author’s surname and the year in
parenthesis (author, year). You don’t have to include the exact page number as you re-wrote
the section with your own words.
When the name of the author is used as part of your narrative just add the year after the
surname in parenthesis:
When a work is referred to in the body of the paper, include the author’s surname and year in
For two or more sources in the same statement, use semi-colons to divide works:
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If a corporate author is cited multiple times in the body of the text, APA style suggests
abbreviating to facilitate the reading. The first use in the text should introduce the corporate
author: write out the name (British Broadcasting Corporation) followed by the acronym
(BBC) that will be used in any subsequent citations. Note that if the corporate author is
abbreviated the first time, for consistency it should be abbreviated throughout the paper.
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Data available from the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI, 2009)
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when notions of risk have become central to child protection practice (Smith,
2003, cited in Carey & Doyle, 2006).
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The second part of the APA referencing style requires that you keep track of the full
bibliographic details of the works you cite in your assignment. All sources should be listed in
alphabetical order at the end of the essay in a section called References.
Please note that a reference list differs from a bibliography. A bibliography includes sources
not cited in the paper, but acknowledged by the author as influential in the study. A clear and
consistent reference list will be sufficient for most of your assignments, but you do need to
double-check with your lecturer.
The most common formatting style for a reference list requires double-spacing with hanging
indents for the second and subsequent lines of each source.
Lopresti, D., & Nagy, B. (1999). A Tabular Survey of Automated Table Processing.
Walker, J. (2006). Fitness and the urban walker. London: Blandford. Wooldridge, A.
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The basics
1. The reference list should be on a new page from the assignment
2. Name the list References at the centre of the page (not in bold, underlined, or use quotation
4. All lines following the first line of each reference should be indented 0.5 inch from the left
hand side of the page
5. APA guidelines recommends using 12pt, Times New Roman font throughout the whole
assignment, though double-check with your lecturer
Harsh, C., & Martin, G. (2013). Comparing holistic and analytic scoring methods:
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11(2), 144-155.
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The following are the most common kind of references, grouped by types:
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Bryan, C., & Clegg, K. (2006). Innovative assessment in higher education. London:
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Brown, G., Bull, J., & Pendlebury, M. (1997). Assessing student learning in higher
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References. Give the first 7 authors in the order of appearance. When 8 authors or more,
include the first 6 names, insert three ellipsis points, and add the last name.
Stein, G., Gilbert, D., Plath, R., Schneider, W., Cox, B. Y., Elliott, P., …Hogg,
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In-text citation. Capitalise all major words. Italicise the title of books, periodicals, brochures
and reports. Use double quotation marks for title of articles, chapters and web pages.
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For an eBook available on database, add the URL, or when available, the digital object
identifier (DOI) at the end of the reference.
In-text citation. Refer to the in-text citation for single, two, five or more than five authors.
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Author, Initial(s)., & Author, Initial(s). (Eds.). (Year). Title of Book. L
Money, J., & Schiffman, G., (Eds.). (1966). The disabled reader: Education of the
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References. Note that chapter titles are not italicised, but book titles are. Introduce editor(s)
with “In” and followed by Editor’s Initials and Editor’s surname.
Author, Initial(s). (Year). Title of the book chapter. In Initial(s). Editor’s surname
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Author, Initial(s). (Year). Introduction/Preface/Foreword. In Initial(s). Editor’s
University Press.
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ive the first seven authors in the order of appearance. If there are eight authors
References. G
or more, include the first six names, insert three ellipsis points and add the last name.
Author#1, Initial(s)., & Author#2, Initial(s). (Year). Title of article. Title of Journal,
Murphy, A., & Shuttleworth, I. (1997). Education, Religion and the “First
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E-journal article
In-text citation.
Based on previous findings (Dahl-Michelsen & Solbraekke, 2014)…
Dahl-Michelsen and Solbraekke (2014) argue that…
References. W hen available, always include digital object identifier (DOI). If the article is
freely available, include the full URL. If the journal is only available via database, give the
URL homepage of the database.
How to find a DOI? The DOI is typically located on the first page of the electronic journal
article or it can be found on the database landing page for the article. It is a unique
alphanumeric string assigned by a registration agency to identify content and provide a
persistent link to the resource.
Author#1, Initial(s)., & Author#2, Initial(s). (Year). Title of article. Title of Journal,
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Author#1, Initial(s)., & Author#2, Initial(s). (Year). Title of article. Title of Journal,
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Author, Initial(s). (Year, Month Day). Article title. Newspaper title. p. xxx. Author,
Initial(s). (Year, Month Day). Article title. Newspaper title. Volume and/or Issue
Finley, R. (2014, March 29). Prospects still slim for major pick-up of global
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Finley, R. (2014, March 30). Prospects still slim for major pick-up of global
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For a thesis found on a database / institutional repository (i.e. Doras, DCU Online Research
Access Services).
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References. I n dealing with proceedings, the general distinction is whether the outcome is
formally published or not. Sometimes the outcome of a conference can be published as a
standalone book. In this case the reference format will be the book or chapter of a book.
Noak, M. (2009). State policy support for school health education. Mathematical
Proceedings of the 53rd annual meetings of the Royal Irish Academy ( pp.69-
If the proceedings are published periodically, use the journal article referencing format.
Lloyd, P. M., & Shay, K. (1999). Integrating geriatric dentistry into general
Science, 4, 202-256.
Author, Initial(s). (Year, Month Day). Title of the contribution. Paper presented at
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In-text citation.
The DCU Library website has information about its research and information
services (http://www4.dcu.ie/library/index.shtml)
If you mention a specific document/page of the website (authored or not), you need to include
the source in the reference list.
In-text citation.
City. References.
Author, Initial(s). (Date of publication when available; n.d. if not available). Title
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Sometimes it can be difficult to identify the person responsible for the authorship of an entry.
If no information is provided, just use the title of the website as corporate author.
In-text citation.
Hardness in the migrant camp near Calais is described in detail by the BBC
A news report (BBC, 2016) addresses the crisis of Syrian refugees camping in
Title of Website. (Date of publication when available; n.d. if not available). Title of
BBC News. (2016, January 22). Syrian refugees from Calais arrive in UK after legal
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In-text citation.
Author, Initial(s). (Year, Month Day). Title of the entry. Title of the website/blog.
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Facebook / Twitter
Include the author’s name as presented in the account and the full length tweet. Abbreviate
the Facebook post if too long. Include [Twitter post] or [Facebook update] after the title.
In-text citation.
The Irish Food Board (2016) announced the production of extended market
Extended market reports were recently announced (Irish Food Board,
2016). References.
Author Screen Name. (Year, Month Day). Full post or truncated version if too
Irish Food Board. (2016, January 16). In 2016 we will produce sector and market
reports for Chilled, Frozen, Value Added Meals & Gluten Free Bakery
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DCU Library APA Referencing Style Guide
The APA referencing style guide advises to label the images as numbered figures (i.e. Figure
1, Figure 2 etc.) and add a caption with title, copyright statement and a escription of the
In-text citation. For images republished online, add both original date and date of online
publication. If neither is available add “n.d.”
In the image presented (Glucksman Library, 1986/2010) it is
depicted… Caption.
Figure 1. Unidentified pianist and clarinettist (Glucksman Library,
Author, Initial(s). (Year). Title of the image [image] (Year, Month Day). Retrieved
u m-72157634603228191/
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DCU Library APA Referencing Style Guide
Note: If author is not available, move the title to the author position, followed by date of
publication or n.d. if date unknown or not available.
Title of the image [image] (Year, Month Day). Retrieved Month Day, Year, from
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In-text citation.
that… References.
Name of the person interviewed, initials. (Year, Month, Day). Personal interview.
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Official publication
When you use any official document published by Government, a government department,
national or international organisation, and no specific author is mentioned, the organisation
should be given as corporate author.
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References. I f the material is available in print, add Place of publication and Publisher.
Department of Education and Skills. (2015). Guidelines for the publication of school
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In-text citation.
A transnational partnership regulated the issue with the Union programme for
education, training, youth and sport (2013).
European Union, Directorate General for Education and Culture. (2013). Union
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References. I f the material is available in print, add Place of Publication and Publisher.
Author, Initial(s). (Year). Title of report (Report No. xxx). Place of Publication:
Byrne, T., Nixon, E., Mayock, P. & Whyte, J. (2006). The free time and leisure needs
When the organisation is the corporate author, use the following template for a print report:
Corporate author. (Year). Title of report ( Report No. xxx). Location: Publisher
Children’s Research Centre. (2006). Not just homelessness: A study of out of home
young people in Cork City. (Research briefing issue 4). Dublin: Trinity
College Dublin.
Author, Initial(s). (Year). Title of report ( Report No. xxx). Retrieved from Agency
Byrne, T., Nixon, E., Mayock, P. & Whyte J. (2006). The free time and leisure needs
n gs/ResearchBriefingIssue1PDF292kB.pdf
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Corporate author. (Year). Title of report ( Report No. xxx). Retrieved from
Children’s Research Centre. (2006). Not just homelessness: A study of out of home
young people in Cork City. (Research briefing issue 4). Retrieved from
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The Higher Education Authority (2006) provides the number of the full-time
student population by gender and age.
Corporate author (or author(s) of the report in the format Author, Initial(s). if
available) URL
n ded.xls
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website: http://xxx.xxxx
d ucation/2011/educationalattainment2011.pdf
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Audiovisual media
This category includes films, radio or television programmes and music recordings.
Information needed for the citation can be found in the opening and closing credits of the film
or programme. For additional information, the APA blog recommends to use the IMBD
website (www.imbd.com).
Note that primary contributors such as producer and director are listed in the author’s position
and followed by their role in parenthesis (Producer) and (Director). For films, director is
given as in-text citation but in references first author will be the producer.
In-text citation. Use the director’s surname and year when you cite a film in the body of your
text, but use the producer’s surname as main author in the references.
Warner Bros.
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In-text citation.
The author’s life is the subject of a television series episode (Yentob,
2008)… References.
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Writer, Initial(s). (Writer) & Director, Initial(s). (Director). (Year). Title of the
Yentob, A. (Writer) & Parsons, R. (2008). A wild sheep chase: In search of Haruki
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Music recording
In-text citation.
2003)… References.
writer]. On Title of album [ CD, record, cassette, MP3, etc.] Location: Label.
Kidjo, A. (2003). The sun shines in the Benin. On African playground [ CD]. New
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Online video
When available, include title and URL in references. If the author’s name is not available,
provide the screen name.
In-text citation.
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Author, Initial(s). [or Screen name] (Year, Month Day of publication). Title of
Sekine K. (2015, April 15). Young Juvenile Youth [ Video file]. Retrieved from
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In-text citation.
2014)… References.
Author, Initial(s). (Year, Month Day of recording). Title of the contribution [Audio
Lennon, C. (2014, April 1). Historical and antiquarian perspective on the Battle of
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The performance (Comyn, 2015) celebrates the 25th anniversary of the play.
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