This document contains solutions to challenges on the Hackerrank platform. It includes 15 answers demonstrating various Bash scripting concepts like conditionals, loops, reading input, arithmetic operations, string manipulation, sorting/filtering arrays, and using commands like head, tail, tr, sort, uniq, grep, sed, paste. The challenges cover topics like looping, comparing numbers, conditionals, sorting arrays, slicing/filtering arrays, concatenating arrays, and counting array elements.
This document contains solutions to challenges on the Hackerrank platform. It includes 15 answers demonstrating various Bash scripting concepts like conditionals, loops, reading input, arithmetic operations, string manipulation, sorting/filtering arrays, and using commands like head, tail, tr, sort, uniq, grep, sed, paste. The challenges cover topics like looping, comparing numbers, conditionals, sorting arrays, slicing/filtering arrays, concatenating arrays, and counting array elements.
This document contains solutions to challenges on the Hackerrank platform. It includes 15 answers demonstrating various Bash scripting concepts like conditionals, loops, reading input, arithmetic operations, string manipulation, sorting/filtering arrays, and using commands like head, tail, tr, sort, uniq, grep, sed, paste. The challenges cover topics like looping, comparing numbers, conditionals, sorting arrays, slicing/filtering arrays, concatenating arrays, and counting array elements.
This document contains solutions to challenges on the Hackerrank platform. It includes 15 answers demonstrating various Bash scripting concepts like conditionals, loops, reading input, arithmetic operations, string manipulation, sorting/filtering arrays, and using commands like head, tail, tr, sort, uniq, grep, sed, paste. The challenges cover topics like looping, comparing numbers, conditionals, sorting arrays, slicing/filtering arrays, concatenating arrays, and counting array elements.
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Hackerrank Challenge 1
Ans 1: Let's Echo
echo "HELLO"
Ans 2: Looping and Skipping
read c if [[($c == 'y') || ($c == 'Y')]] then echo "YES" else echo "NO" fi
Ans 3: A Personalized Echo
read name echo "Welcome $name"
Ans 4: Looping with Numbers
for i in {1..50} do echo $i done
Ans 5: The World of Numbers
read X read Y echo $((X+Y)) echo $((X-Y)) echo $((X*Y)) echo $((X/Y))
Ans 6: Comparing Numbers
read X read Y if (( $X > $Y )) then echo "X is greater than Y" fi if (( $X == $Y)) then echo "X is equal to Y" fi if(( $X < $Y)) then echo "X is less than Y" fi
Ans 7: Getting started with conditionals
read word if [[($word == 'y') || ($word == 'Y')]] then echo "YES" elif [[($word == 'n') || ($word == 'N')]] then echo "NO" fi
Ans 8: More on Conditionals
read x read y read z if ((($x == $y) && ($y == $z))) then echo "EQUILATERAL" elif ((($x == $y) || ($x == $z) || ($y == $z))) then echo "ISOSCELES" else echo "SCALENE" fi
Ans 9: Arithmetic Operations
read x printf "%.3f\n" `echo "$x" | bc -l`
Ans 10: Compute the Average
read num ctr=$num sum=0 while [ $ctr -gt 0 ] do read x sum=$((sum + x)) ctr=$((ctr - 1)) done printf "%.3f\n" `echo "$sum/$num" | bc -l`
Hackerrank Challenge 2
Ans 1: Head of a Text File #1
head -c 20 Ans 2: Middle of a Text File head -22 | tail -11 Ans 3: Tail of a Text File #2 tail -c 20 Ans 4: 'Tr' Command #3 tr -s ' ' Ans 5: Sort Command #4 sort -n -r Ans 6: Sort Command #5 sort -k2 -n -r -t$'\t' Ans 7:'Uniq' command #4 uniq -u Ans 8: Read in an Array while read line do arr=(${arr[@]} $line) done echo ${arr[@]}
Ans 9: Slice an Array
arr=($(cat)) echo ${arr[@]:3:5}
Ans 10: Filter an Array with Patterns
arr=($(cat)) echo ${arr[@]/*[aA]*/} Ans 11: Concatenate an array with itself arr=($(cat)) arr=("${arr[@]}" "${arr[@]}" "${arr[@]}") echo ${arr[@]}
Ans 12: Count the number of elements in an Array
arr=($(cat)) echo ${#arr[@]}
Ans 13: Remove the First Capital Letter from Each Element
arr=($(cat)) echo ${arr[@]/[A-Z]/.}
Ans 14: 'Grep' - A grep -iwe "the\|that\|then\|those"
Ans 15: 'Sed' command #5
sed -E 's/([0-9]{4}) ([0-9]{4}) ([0-9]{4}) ([0-9]{4})/\4 \3 \2 \1 /g'