Experiment No-05: Name of The Experiment: Determination of Calorific Value of Fuel. Calorific Value
Experiment No-05: Name of The Experiment: Determination of Calorific Value of Fuel. Calorific Value
Experiment No-05: Name of The Experiment: Determination of Calorific Value of Fuel. Calorific Value
1. Introduction:
Calorific Value: The value or heat value of a solid or liquid fuel may be defined as the amount of
heat given out by the complete combustion of one Kg of fuel. It is expressed in terms of KJ/kg of
fuel. The calorific value of gaseous fuel is however expressed in terms of KJ/m3 at a specified
temperature and pressure.
Gross or higher calorific value: The amount of heat obtained by the complete combustion of
one kg of a fuel. When the products of its combustion are cooled down to the temperature of
supplied air is called the gross or higher calorific value of fuel.
Net or lower calorific value: When the heat absorbed or carried away by the products of
combustion is not recovered and the steam formed during combustion. Then the amount of heat
obtained per Kg of the fuel is known as net or lower calorific value.
By custom the basic calorific value for solid and liquid fuels is the gross calorific value at constant
volume and for gaseous fuels it is the gross calorific value at constant pressure. The word ‘gross’
here signifies that the water formed and liberated during combustion is in the liquid phase. The
values given are approximate because many of the substances listed are not well defined.
Peat (20% water) 16
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Petroleum and petroleum products
Diesel fuel 46
Gas oil 46
Heavy fuel oil 43
Kerosine 47
Light distillate 48
Light fuel oil 44
Medium fuel oil 43
Petrol 44.8–46.9
Wood (15% water) 16
3. Apparatus:
i) Bomb Calorimeter.
ii) Sample Fuel
iii) Water
iv) Distilled water
vi) Measuring scale
vii) Stop watch.
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4. Experimental Setup:
5. Procedure:
i) Open the bombe and take weight of crucible.
ii) Pour sample fuel in the crucible and again take weight. Then weight of fuel will be found
(take about 0.6 to 0.9 gm).
iii) Carefully put the crucible with fuel in the stand of bomb.
iv) Make a half-loop by the fuse wire and attach this wire with the crucible stand so that half
loop will only touch the fuel.
v) Close the bomb carefully with hand so that no fuel will spill the crucible.
vi) Connect the inlet valve of the bomb with oxygen cylinder and fill the bomb with oxygen up
to 450 Ib/inch2.
ix) Put the bomb into the calorimeter carefully so that the bomb should be vertical and it should
be placed in correct position into calorimeter.
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x) Put the green plug into the socket.
xi) Close the calorimeter with its cover and attach the stirrer drive with cover.
xii) Turn on the stirrer motor and submerge the Beckman thermometer depth of 7 inch’s from the
top surface.
xiii) Look the Beckman thermometer reading and the should be between 0ºC to 1ºC other wise
using hot and cold water, make it in correct scale.
xiv) Start stop watch and take thermometer reading in one minute internal.
xv) When the time is 4 minute, press the ignition button for about 4 second.
xvi) If the sample fuel is ignited, there will be rise in temperature of calorimeter water and take
temperature reading in each minute.
xvii) Note down the maximum temperature and take more 5-6 readings.
6. Data:
Fuel Tested
Weight of crucible and fuel sample, W1 =....... gm
Weight of crucible, W2 = ....... gm
Weight of fuel oil, Wf = (W1-W2) gm
Weight of water in calorimeter Ww = ....... gm
Water value of apparatus W=412 gm
Total equivalent weight of water, W = (Ww+412) gm
7. Table:
Time(Minute) Thermometer Reading (0C)
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8. Calculation:
V´= rate of temperature fall in degrees per minute at the end of the test.
V = rate of temperature rise in degrees per minute at the beginning of the test
About .9 gm of naphthalene is weight out in a crucible after being briquette and rapidly transferred to
the bomb to prevent any loss of sublimation. A test is carried out in the usual way and the corrected
temperature rise obtained. Then if
In the same procedure calculate the corrected temperature rise (T´) to find out the water value of
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1. Objectives:
TO find out the calorific value of natural gas using gas calorimeter.
Gas calorimeter, wet-gas meter, Gas controller, Gas burner, Thermometers, water container, lighter
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i) Connect a tube from the cooling water source to the inlet to calorimeter; the inlet is the
connection at the perimeter of the top plate of the unit.
Connect a tube from the Calorimeter water outlet (at center of the top plate) to the drain
ii) Connect a tube from the gas supply to the wet test meter (Hyde meter) gas supply inlet
located at top of near side.
Connect a tube from Hyde meter outlet of the gas control value inlet. Connect a gas control
value outlet with the burner inlet located at the bottom plate of Calorimeter.
iii) Set the water flow rate: 1500-200 ml/min
iv) Check the water level at the definite level in the sight box of Hyde meter.
v) Pull out the inner casing first and then outer casing from the calorimeter main body. Set the
gas flow rate 1.5-2.5 liter/min by regulating the quadrant valve and ignite flame by gas
vi) After ignition check all gas connecting points by soap-bubble to ensure to zero leakage.
vii) Put the outer casing on the calorimeter base plate and then place the inner casing around the
flame very very slowly.
viii) Observe the water outlet temperature .outlet temperature. Outlet temperature must rise up If
not, flame may be extinguished and need to ignite again.
ix) After ignition the flame set the minimum required position in quadrant valve.
x) Allow the gas to burn and the water to flow through the calorimeter for a least 30 mines. To
allow the operating condition in steady state.
xi) During experiment observe gas flow and cooling water flow to ensure the flow is perfectly
xii) After stabilization, take your required (i.e. Inlet gas flow temp., inlet water temp., outlet
water temp., volume of collected water, volume of collected condensate, volume of gas and
time ) for calculation.
xiii) For2nd and 3rd observation gas flow should be increased.
xiv) After completion the analysis, stop the gas flow first by the main gas flow valve and then
after 10-12 minutes. Stop the cooling water flow.
xv) After 20-25 no. of analysis or when calorimeter will be idle position for long time,
Calorimeter inner casing and outer casing should be cleaned with the Alkali (soda) solution
then with fresh water and dried with Tissue paper.
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i) Never stop cooling water flow while fuel gas is burning.
ii) When gas flow or cooling water flow discontinue in any time on analysis condition, stop the
gas flow main valve.
iii) When water outlet temperature goes down it mean flame is out. Try again to ignite the flame
as early possible.
iv) When water outlet temperature is abnormally high (above 60ºC), stop the gas flow main
valve. Other wise calorimeter will be seriously damaged.
v) Never connect Hyde meter with supply gas pressure above 48mbr (20ins of water).
Q gross tCw GVf
Qgross=Gross calorific value, KJ/m3
Ms=Quantity of water in Kg
VG= Gas volume in m3
t =Temperature difference in o C
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Table: observed data for determining calorific value.
Obs Gas Inlet Water water condensate Gas Barometric Corresponding Time
No Temp(ºC) collected collected flow pressure GVf sec
Inlet Outlet Kg Kg (1 rev) mmHg
Q gross tCw GVf
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Net (Lower) heating value(LHV):
Qnet = Qgross - QHE
QHE = r × cw
Qnet = Net (Lower) heating value
QHE = Heat of Evaporation
r = Heat of condensation of water
= 2.454 KJ/gm at 20ºC
Cw = condensate in kg/m3
During ……….sec gas volume =2.36×10-3 m3
And during …….. Sec condensate = …….gm = …..Kg
cw = (condensate kg)/(2.36×10-3)= ………kg/ m3
QHE = r × cw
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