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College of Business and Accountancy

Hospitality and Tourism Management Department
Subject: Introduction to MICE
Instructor: Mr. Red Santos MA-HRD
Email address:

ACTIVITY 005: identifying Possible Risk in Events Due date: October 5, 2020

Name: Princes C. Tulop

Course and Year: BSHM-3

Instruction: Make your event by supplying the needed information’s below.

Name of the Event; fundraising charity “color fun run”

Date and Time: December 1-2 2020 and 5-5; 30 am
No. of Guest: 500

What is the purpose of the Event?

To raise awareness for a specific cause and raise money, is not just means by raising money but
also a way to promote the message and goals of a charity, given the time enough time and fund,
fundraising charity has the potential to go global. It ensure that charity is continue funding and
helping it cause to the world.
Describe the Event:
This event is promoting awareness and community engagement, we select color fun run so for
gaining fund for charity and sponsored, our option is cross country running, with participants
taking part for their own enjoyment rather than competition so we create this event supporting to
the charity for the kids, so planning for 3k, 5k, 10k, more races and more participants mean more
fund are raised,

Describe the venue of the event:

In local event fun run we select the venue spot in Rodelsa circle round to liceo main campus we
have to put in our venue like volunteers water/aid station for extra boost for the runner, Marshalls
for guidance and security, others like runners get lost, sometimes the car crashes we had to
Ensure safety at all times medic standby and then cleanliness before and after the event and
before to start the event we have a pre active before the race warm up exercise and post active
like Zumba or stretching. And inviting celebrities who run to endorse my color fun run. Inviting
seasoned runners or the general public who are willing to volunteer for free as Marshalls or
handling water / banana / energy drinks along the route. The seasoned runners know how to
take care of / cheer for runners.

Describe the food selection of the event:

Water for the runners and after the fun run event we will pre pare the food that can be
healthy for them. The salmon fish yes this cheap but it contain high quality protein and healthy
fat sources and when it comes to protein yogurt for drinks blend with fruits for refreshing
nutrients dense.

Identify the possible risk of the event;

It can cause a traffic.

Vehicles / Traffic- so we recommend that participants wear bright / reflective clothing and
that if forced to run on the road, stay to the right (facing traffic) and the police will be
informed that the event is taking place, Advice will be sought from the police of any

The number of participants if either good or bad number of participant and sponsoring
the event and volunteerism of the people.

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