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01.ABET Syllabus ME 720 Renewable Energy Systems

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ME 720 Renewable Energy Systems

First Semester, 2020

Catalog Data- 2013 : 3 Credit hours (3 h lectures).

Scientific and technological fundamentals of
renewable energy sources: passive and active solar systems (high,
medium and low temperature thermal solar collectors; photovoltaic
systems); wind energy; biomass and bio-energy; waste management;
hydrogen production, hydroelectric power; geothermal. Practical aspects
of renewable energy systems; design development, exploitation and
monitoring. Introduction to social, legal and market challenges of RE
systems. Prospective of RE technologies, factors affecting the
deployment of RE systems.

Text Book(s): Schaeffer, John. 2007. Real Goods Solar Living Sourcebook: The Complete Guide to
Renewable Energy Technologies and Sustainable Living (30th anniversary edition).

References: Boyle, Godfrey. 2004. Renewable Energy (2nd edition). Oxford University Press, 450
pages (ISBN: 0-19- 926178-4). 

Boyle, Godfrey, Bob Everett, and Janet Ramage (eds.) 2004. Energy Systems and
Sustainability: Power for a Sustainable Future. Oxford University Press, 619 pages
(ISBN: 0-19-926179-2) 

Instructor: Professor Ghassan M. Tashtoush

Office: College of Engineering building M5 L2
Email: gtash@just.edu.jo
Tel. 7201000 ext. 22527

Class Schedule: Lecture Time: Wednesday 11:30 am - 2:30 pm

Room: TBD

Office Hours: TBA later

Pre/Co-Requisites: 1-Fluid Mechanics

2-Electric machine
3-Energy Conversion

Learning Outcomes: Student Learning Outcomes

This course will undertake to introduce basic aspects of
renewable energy supply presenting fundamental
characteristics of the resource base (solar radiation, wind
energy, geothermal, etc.) and principles of related
technical systems (photovoltaic, wind, hydroelectric power
generation, etc.). In a further step an economic and
environmental analysis of supply technologies will be
undertaken. Students will learn to acquire a basic understanding of
issues related to renewable energy supply systems.

Topics Covered: About the Course

The main types of renewable energy and the concept of distributed power generation
will be illustrated in this course. In particular, the usefulness of various types of
energy systems as they relate to the future of this planet will be demonstrated.
Topics will include: passive and active solar systems (high, medium and low
temperature thermal solar collectors; photovoltaic systems of the first, second and
third generations); wind energy and integration of wind and solar power systems into
the electricity grid; biomass and bio-energy; waste management; hydrogen (fuel cells
and other uses); hydroelectric power; geothermal heat transfer. Students will be
introduced to the practical aspects of renewable energy systems design development,
exploitation and monitoring.
Information on each technology will be presented using the same training approach:
general presentation; main characteristics, operational principles, application,
technical aspects of installation and maintenance; basic introduction to the relevant
market and financial management, policies, regulations and incentives; dissemination
of both positive and negative national and international practice and experience.
In conclusion, there will be an introduction to social, legal and market challenges to
assist students to identify prospective of RE technologies at early stages and a range
of factors affecting the deployment of RE systems.


Title of lessons Short Description

1 - Course introduction
Introduction and
25th of - Introduction to Renewable Energy
Sept. Overview Technology

- An overview of the different

Renewable Energy Technologies

Current world - Description of the renewable source,

1 current status, importance, potential
25 of
status of renewable and future trends
energy - Social, legal and market challenges of
RE system
- Promoting renewable systems

- The rooftop solar water heater

- The nature and availability of solar
- Green house (magic of glass)
- Low-temperature solar energy
2 applications
Solar Thermal
2nd of - Active solar heating
Oct Energy - Passive solar heating
- Daylighting
- Medium and high temperature solar
energy applications
- Economics, potential and
environmental impact

- PV in silicon: basic principles

- Crystalline PY: cost vs efficiency
- Thin film PV
3&4 - Other innovative PV technology
9th - Electrical characteristics of PV cells
&16th Photovoltaics and modules
of Oct - PY systems for remote power
- Grid-connected PY systems
- Costs of energy from PV
- Environmental impact and safety
- Energy and power in the wind
- Wind turbines
5&6 - Aerodynamics of wind energy
23rd - Power and energy from wind energy
&30th Wind Energy
- Environmental impact and economics
of Oct
- Commercial development and wind
energy potential in Jordan
- Offshore wind energy

- Bioenergy past and present

- Biomass as a fuel
- Bioenergy from crops
- Bioenergy from waste
- Combustion of solid biomass
&13th Biomass - Production of gaseous fuels from
of Nov Biomass
- Production of liquid fuels from
- Environmental benefits and impacts
- Economics of biomass

- Hydro: The resource

- Stored energy and available power
- Types of hydroelectric plant
- Turbine types: Francis, Propellers,
9 impulsive
20 of
Nov - Small-scale hydroelectricity
- Environmental considerations
- Integration of Hydro power to other
power stations
- Economics of Hydropower stations

- Physical principles of wave energy

10 - Wave energy resources
27th of Wave Energy
Nov - Wave energy technology
- Integration

Ocean Thermal
10 -
Energy Conversion
- Nature of the tidal energy
- Technical factors
10 Tidal Energy - Tidal energy potential
- Tidal current turbines

- Geothermal energy overview

- The physics of geothermal resources
4 of
th - Technologies for geothermal resources
Geothermal Energy exploitation
- Economics and world potential
includes Jordan

- Introduction of Hydrogen as Energy

- Hydrogen production:
12 thermochemical, electrochemical and
11th Renewable biochemical
&18th - Hydrogen storage: gaseous, liquid,
of Dec hydrides and nanostructure
- Hydrogen use: combustion and
- Fuel cells: PAFC, PMFC, MCFC and
- Stationary market: UPS, micro stand
alone, power plants and grid storage
- Mobility market: busses and cars

*The topics and corresponding schedule listed in the table above are tentative and may
be subject to change during the semester.

Computer Usage: Search Engines (Internet).

Design None
Activities/Project(s): To be provided later

Lab. Experiment(s): None

Scientific Visit(s): Local Renewable Energy systems

Evaluation: Homework and Attendance 0%

Experiment 0%
MT Exam /Projects 50%

Final Exam 50%

Relationship of the Course to ME Outcomes:

√ Mechanical eng. Program Outcomes
a √ a. Apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering in practice.
b b. Design and conduct experiments as well as analyze and interpret data.
c √ c. c. Design a system, components, or process to meet desired needs.
d √ d. Function on multidisciplinary teams.
e √ e. Identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems.
f √ f. Understanding of professional and ethical responsibility of an engineer.
g g. Communicate effectively.
h √ h. Broad education to understand the impact of engineering solutions in global and societal
i i. Recognition of the need for, and possess the ability to engage in, lifelong learning.
j √ j. Possess knowledge of contemporary issues.
k √ k. Use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tolls necessary for engineering practice.
l. Adhere to safety rules and regulations.

ABET Category:
Engineering Science 3 Credits
Engineering Design 0 Credits

Prepared By: Professor Ghassan Tashtoush Date: Sept. 27, 2020.

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