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FAQ E-Learning and Pre-Examination Test

Q1 . How to Access Elearning Modules

Ans. Elearning Services of Institute can be accessed through Institute website.

Direct link for same is https://www.icsi.edu/student/e-learning-portal/

Q2. Do we have e-books and audio books also?

Ans. The Institute has e-books, videos and audio books.

Q3. The contents do not play/Stream smoothly.

Ans. There are few technical parameters which must be complied. It includes

a. Good Speed internet connection (4MB/s)

b. Updated version of Google Chrome/Mozilla Firefox browsers. We do

not recommend Internet Explorer.

c. Preferred Screen resolution - 1366 x 768 / 1280 x 720.

d. Regular cleaning of browser cache memory

Q4. Is there any certificate for completing Pre-Examination test?

Yes a certificate of completion is available under completed courses section.

Q5. How can I get help if I am not able to login?

Please post a complaint/query on smash.icsi.in. Once you receive an email or SMS

confirming your query has been closed. Please login to smash.icsi.in again and
check the solution provided. If the query still remain unsolved call ICSI helpdesk
at 01204522000.
Q.6 What are the steps for accessing eLearning content?

Login to Elearning
a. Website https://www.icsi.edu/student/e-learning-portal/
b. Login id is registration without slash ‘@icsi.edu’ e.g 1400000072018@icsi.edu
c. Default Password will be shared over email as per ICSI records

d. Go to My communties and select the Community for Foundation,Executive of

Professional Program.Select the subject and and image depircted to access e-
book, Video and Audio respectively.
Q.7 What are the features of Ebook,Audio books and Videos
Q8. What are the steps to Take Pre Examination Test

Steps for PRE-EXAMINATION TEST & Claiming Exemptions

# Step for Taking the Pre-Examination Test

A. Login E-learning Portal (https://elearning.icsi.in) using your credentials
B.Click on My Course
C. Pre Examination Guidelines page will open
D. Click on Assessment Tab given just below paper name
E. Tick the checkbox displaying (I have read and understood the instructions
and agree to adhere to them)
F. Click on “I am ready to begin” to go to assessment screen

Pictorial guidance of each step provided below

1. Website https://elearning.icsi.in or https://www.tcsion.com/LX/login#lx
2. Login id your registration without slash ‘@icsi.edu’ e.g 1400000072018@icsi.edu
3. Default Password will be shared over email as per ICSI records

B. Click on My Course
After Clicking on My Courses, all the courses in which you are enrolled will
appear on the

Now this screen will appear


Click on Online Pre Examination test Module – 1

Click on Launch Button in Green Color.

D. Pre Examination Guidelines page will open

Please read the instructions very carefully and then only go to the next step
E. Click on Assessment Tab given just below paper name

On this page click ‘Launch Assessment’ highlighted in Green.

F. Read the Instructions carefully.
After reading the instruction,
 Tick the checkbox displaying (I have read and understood the instructions
and agree to adhere to them).
Click on “I am ready to begin”
G. Assessment will start just after you click on this button. Given below is
assessment screen:

Once the Test is completed use the SAVE and Next option and submit the test.
Note: In case you are not able to login or take pre Examination test then, Please
post a complaint/query on smash.icsi.in. Once you receive an email or SMS
confirming your query has been closed. Please login to smash.icsi.in again and
check the solution provided. If the query still remain unsolved call ICSI helpdesk
at 01204522000.

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