E Learning - Pre Exam PDF
E Learning - Pre Exam PDF
E Learning - Pre Exam PDF
Ans. There are few technical parameters which must be complied. It includes
Login to Elearning
a. Website https://www.icsi.edu/student/e-learning-portal/
b. Login id is registration without slash ‘@icsi.edu’ e.g 1400000072018@icsi.edu
c. Default Password will be shared over email as per ICSI records
B. Click on My Course
After Clicking on My Courses, all the courses in which you are enrolled will
appear on the
Please read the instructions very carefully and then only go to the next step
E. Click on Assessment Tab given just below paper name
Once the Test is completed use the SAVE and Next option and submit the test.
Note: In case you are not able to login or take pre Examination test then, Please
post a complaint/query on smash.icsi.in. Once you receive an email or SMS
confirming your query has been closed. Please login to smash.icsi.in again and
check the solution provided. If the query still remain unsolved call ICSI helpdesk
at 01204522000.