Classroom Management Plan

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Yaneli Zamora
Table of Contents

Philosophical statement..............................................................................................................................4
First Days.....................................................................................................................................................5
Artifact 1- lab safety contract..................................................................................................................6
Artifact 2 – clock partners........................................................................................................................7
Artifact 3- dear me/ time capsule............................................................................................................8
Artifact 4- all about me............................................................................................................................9
Classroom Environment / Class Safety......................................................................................................10
Artifact 1- classroom blueprint..............................................................................................................11
Artifact 2 – safety guidelines.................................................................................................................12
Classroom policies/ classroom procedures...............................................................................................13
Artifact 1 – Science classroom rules......................................................................................................14
Artifact 2- classroom bins......................................................................................................................15
Artifact3- outline for notes....................................................................................................................16
Artifact 4- class leaders..........................................................................................................................17
Steps to address misbehavior/discipline system.......................................................................................18
Artifact 1 – rewards and consequences chart........................................................................................19
Artifact 2- attention signal.....................................................................................................................20
Artifact 3- office hours...........................................................................................................................21
Student motivation....................................................................................................................................22
Artifact 1- punch cards..........................................................................................................................23
Artifact 2 – candy...................................................................................................................................24
Classroom Engagement.............................................................................................................................25
Artifact 1 – breaks.................................................................................................................................26
Artifact 2 – YouTube..............................................................................................................................26
My name is yaneli Zamora. Welcome to my Classroom Management plan. I

hope to teach science from 4th – 8th grade, favorably 8th grade. I have created this

classroom management plan to convey both my beliefs on education as well as

how I plan to have a safe and productive classroom. In order to do so I have given

information about myself, my current teaching philosophy, and artifacts designed

to help me define my management style and techniques that I plan to use in my

classroom. In the future I plan to use this portfolio as a reference and as a way to

document my progress as an educator and to ensure I am doing the best of my

abilities to meet my students needs.

Philosophical statement
I believe that classroom management and respect are an essential component to

having a productive classroom. To be an effective teacher, students should be able

to learn and express themselves. I will also be a positive role model always

encouraging my students to do their best to help them achieve their goals and

beyond that. My classroom will embody a community filled with kindness and

respect. I plan on creating this classroom environment by using strategies and

methods that support this. I support open mindedness in my classroom as long as

everyone is respectful, I believe that relationships with the students is the most

important thing to have an effective classroom.

First Days
First days are always nerve wrecking. This is the time to really set down the

expectations of the classroom, when everyone’s trying to get a feel for it. this is a

day for first impressions, a day for students to get to know the teacher that way

they can make some connections with me for themselves. I would like to discuss

what an ideal teacher is, and what an ideal student is to set these expectations. in

our first week I want to do for the most part 3 activities. The lab safety contract,

which is not optional, a sheet where students choose their partners, and a time

capsule letter, and an all about chart.

Artifact 1- lab safety contract
Every student must turn this in in order to be able to do experiments in my
classroom. It will give the students a sense of accountability since they agreed to
listen to instructions prior to doing the experiment.
Artifact 2 – clock partners
Students will take 15 mins to walk around and get other students names making sure they
write their name on the their students’ paper. This way when I say okay work with partner
3pm then those students will know who to go work with. This way students have someone
new to work with.
Artifact 3- dear me/ time capsule
Students will write a letter to their future self about what they expect this year to be most
about, and the goals they hope to accomplish. At the end of the year I will give the letters
back to the students as a memoir of the beginning of the year.
Artifact 4- all about me
I will have the student fill this out and turn it in to me, after sharing with the class this way I
can get to know the students
Classroom Environment / Class Safety
My classroom is for science, so safety is extremely important especially

when dealing with experiments. Before any experiment, I will always go over

safety equipment and how to carefully use their instruments. Not only is safety

imperative in my classroom but the environment is too. As set by my first days I

will have expectations and consequences as to how students should always respect

each other and what will happen if they don’t. The activities I have included in

this section are a classroom blueprint, and a copy of the safety guidelines.
Artifact 1- classroom blueprint
A blueprint is great for planning seating charts. It also lets the students know the
layout of the classroom and where everything is located in case of an emergency.
Especially beneficial for substitutes.

Artifact 2 – safety guidelines

Safety guidelines should always be posted so students know what to do. If they
didn’t hear it from me they can read off of the poster.
Classroom policies/ classroom procedures
As a middle school teacher, since I will be following the 5 E’s lesson planning, I
will need to get started right away. Luckily this is routine for the students and
because it is science, they will have freedom to explore and speak freely. When
beginning an experiment, I will remind them of how to use their equipment unless
they have used it many times before. I will be walking around always to ensure the
safety of my students as well as making sure they are respecting each other. If a
student were to miss class there will be bins in the front where they can find the
past work or turn in their work. We will also have class leaders, and I will have an
outline of there notes on the board. If we are not doing an experiment then the
procedures will go as follows, Warm up, sit in their desk and wait for further

Artifact 1 – Science classroom rules
I will have these rules posted to remind students how they should be in class.
Artifact 2- classroom bins.
I will have this at the front of the class where students can turn in their work and catch
up on work which they might have missed. As well as have extra assignments to help
with students who have a hard time understanding a topic.
Artifact3- outline for notes
This way students will know what notes to have on there notebook. Even if its science vocab
words should be there, nature of science as well.
Artifact 4- class leaders
Class leaders will be picked every 6 weeks according to report cards as well as classmate
Steps to address misbehavior/discipline system

Students misbehave. However, I plan on giving my students the utmost respect.

With the first days I will make it clear that if they don’t feel well to talk to me at
the beginning of the class. If their head hurts, or their stomach is bugging them, the
students will tell me at the beginning of class, and I will allow them to put their
head down and rest. If students are deliberately disrespecting other students, I will
pull them out of class talk to them in the hallway and if I cannot come to an
agreement I will simply send them to the principal’s office. I will have the
consequences posted on the wall for the disruptions in class, like talking when they
are not allowed or throwing things. In my classroom my student’s safety is my top
priority. I understand that sometimes student have behavioral issues, or they might
just have a bad day which is why the first 2 times will be excused with an apology
this will not only show the student that it is okay to admit when they are wrong but
also allow them to build a community.
Artifact 1 – rewards and consequences chart
The rewards and consequences chart will encourage students to follow rules because they have
a goal to work towards.
Teacher: yoouuuu-whoooo
Student: big summer blow-

Teacher: 1…2…3
Student: all eyes on me

Artifact 2- attention signal

I will have my frozen attention grabber and my 1,2,3 all eyes on me attention grabber for
the students.
Artifact 3- office hours
I will send emails every 6th Monday morning to the students parents letting them know
when I am available.
Student motivation
I am most excited for student motivation rewards. An effective teacher knows how
to motivate there students not only for completing academic work but for also
being a model student and making good options. Regardless if I am teaching
personalized learning or a traditional classroom, I will have rewards. Whether it be
little pieces of candy, or little prizes, for every time they finish an exam and pass.
Anytime they are a class role model they will receive a verbal reward. I will allow
them to sit wherever they want as long as they are being responsible for their work.
Artifact 1- punch cards
Every 6 weeks students will be able to use. I will be keeping record of all the students
behavior and on 6th week I will give them a free day on Friday where they can cash in their
Artifact 2 – candy
Students will be given a piece of candy every time they pass an exam or a treat that is allowed
by the camus.
Classroom Engagement
Classroom engagement is the best way to keep kids behaved. When a student
attention is captivated the pay attention with minimal disruption then I will feel
like a successful teacher. I will also be giving my students breaks in between to let
them relax, considering they are children and they are probably tired of sitting
down. I will also do my best to keep my students laughing and incorporate
technology and videos whenever I can.
Artifact 1 – breaks
Brain breaks are important for the students to be engaged. For instance, you can tell
the students that if they work hard for 15 minutes that for 5 minutes they will be
rewarded with one of these brain breaks.
Artifact 2 – YouTube
Technology can be a teacher’s best friend if they know how to use it properly. Not only can
this get the students attention but also expand on topics that are better explained with
The end

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