Political Ideologies: Politicians and Even Ordinary Citizens Like Us Usually Have A

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Lesson 4: Political Ideologies

Politicians and even ordinary citizens like us usually have a political ideology. It refers to a certain set of ethical ideals, principles, doctrines, myths or symbols of a social
movement, institution, class or large group that explains how society should work and offers some political and cultural blueprint for a certain social order. In short, it is a mindset
or views about how a society should work and what particular political framework should be applied. There are many political ideologies or theories that available for us to use as
a reference in analyzing a political situation or even imposing our own political agenda. Some of the most popular ones would be discussed in this lesson no.4.

These theories and Political Scientists have revolutionized politics in their own respective generations. Their theories have been criticized as well as followed by many
countries because of their deep insights. Their theories have become the basis of any political system in terms of degree of freedom enjoyed by the citizens and the authority
or power exercised by the State. Their theories are considered basic in studying political science.

Niccolo Machiavelli ADAM SMITH Benito Mussolini of Italy KARL MARX Mikhail Alexandrovich Bakunin
Machiavellinism Economics, Political Science, Adolf Hitler of Germany COMMUNISM)
Sociology, Philosophy , Business FASCISM AND NAZISM Economics, Political
Science, Sociology,
 In a corrupt  Man is naturally rational, free and  Fascists believe that  Man is a material  Anarchism is a political theory that is
world, a strong or self-interested. nations and/or races are being. founded on the grave importance of
a dictatorial  It is moral for a man to be greedy. always in conflict and only  Our consciousness is individual liberty. This is the anti-
government is  The ideal society is the Capitalist the strong can survive by influenced by our thesis of fascism since it promotes
necessary. Society where self-interest (the being healthy, vital, and by material condition. absolute freedom and the removal of
 A perfectly good invisible hand) regulates all asserting themselves in  The state must force the government or state.
person would not human activities. conflict against the weak. the people to share  For the anarchists, an ideal society is
last long in any  Self interest is the foundation of all  Totalitarian form of their wealth the one where all people are left
high office social interaction. government should be according to their alone to decide for themselves and
because that implemented (no freedom own needs and no government should exist to
person would  “Christians are not good only state control by the abilities.” interfere with their freedom.
have to compete capitalists.” fascist leader).  The history of society  Majority rules.
with the mass of  Individual freedom should be  Extreme Nationalism and is a struggle between  Everyone for himself/herself.
people who are favored than State control. Racism the exploiters and the
basically bad.  Fascism is a broader term exploited.
 The end justifies than Nazism. Nazism is  Ruling class versus
the means. the German version of the oppressed
 Be generous to Fascism.  Communism is a
your subjects as  HItler’s Nazism was anti classless society
long as the money Jews. which is the ideal
came from other  Anti freedom and Anti society.
people. religion  The state should limit
 A prince must  Japan had many Fascist the freedom enjoyed
make himself leaders in the past that by the citizens in
feared and at the contributed to their rapid order to have a
same time not to economic development. classless society.
be hated.
 Keeping promises
is necessary if
that would be
beneficial to you
as a ruler.
 A prince must
know how to use
the natures of the
beasts and man:
 Lion – courage
and strength
 Fox – to
recognize the
traps of enemies.
 Man – the
goodness in him
in times of peace.

In politics:
 Keep your friends
close, keep your
enemies closer.
 Our friends can
be our worst
 Friends are
potential enemies.
 Be more careful
of your friends
than your

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