Terminal Automation Solutions: Entis Pro Inventory Systems
Terminal Automation Solutions: Entis Pro Inventory Systems
Terminal Automation Solutions: Entis Pro Inventory Systems
petrochemical storage and loading facilities, and marine, rail and truck
upgrading an existing one, Honeywell Enraf can help reduce overall project
Roof Monitoring
Distributed Control
(Experion PKS a.o.) Supervisory
Modbus Modbus
Control And Data
(Experion HS a.o.)
CIU Plus
CIU Prime
Logic Controller
(HC900 a.o.)
Hybrid Hydrostatic
H04 SmartRadar
Tank Gauging
Entis Pro
CIU Plus
CIU Prime
With over 2,000 installations Part of a flexible, layered system Entis Pro helps improve tank park
worldwide and 50 years of tank architecture, Entis Pro offers a wide safety with a reliable alarm system,
gauging and inventory management range of tasks and modules, as well leak detection mode and other
experience, Honeywell Enraf offers as an intuitive interface and displays features that protect people, assets
unmatched industry expertise and that can be customised to fit the and the environment. Other benefits
support. As part of Honeywell Enraf’s user’s needs. Entis Pro can easily of the modular Entis Pro system
inventory monitoring solutions, Entis integrate into a plant network and include reduced installation and
Pro can radically improve tank communicate with other systems. maintenance costs, higher accuracy
inventory management. Redundancy support can protect reducing inventory uncertainties, and
data in the event of a network failure. simple and reliable integration with
other applications.
An easy, safe and flexible system
Open Architecture Numerical & Graphical Displays Intuitive Operation
Entis Pro is a unique tank inventory Both numerical and graphical With Entis Pro there is no need to
management system originally displays are available. All the data take time-consuming courses or to
developed for Windows and is shown in the numerical displays is read through piles of manuals. Entis
available for Windows 7. of high resolution and accuracy. Pro has a logical, self-explanatory
The numerical displays can be user interface. A change of color in
Entis Pro is the top level of our three- customised to suit your particular the tank display immediately informs
layer (CIU Prime, CIU Plus and Entis needs. These displays can be either the operator whether the tank is
Pro) flexible system architecture. tank or group related. The graphical being filled or emptied. Whether you
Every level covers specific tasks such displays provide a quick overview of are a novice or an experienced user,
as scanning, calculations and tank status. Several graphical the system is highly user-friendly and
monitoring, and provides an open interfaces are also available, and the simple to operate. The newest version
interface to communicate with other tank images can be customised per of Entis Pro based on Windows 7 has
systems. Entis Pro itself provides tank, if required. the same look and feel supporting
connectivity via open database operators efficiency.
connectivity and object
linking and embedding to
third-party software.
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