Certi Ed Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS)

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Anti-Money Laundering
Specialist (CAMS)
Overview Target Audience
In 2001, ACAMS set out with the Anti-Money Laundering Ofcers,
mission to establish an international Compliance Ofcers, Government
standard for testing the knowledge Regulators, Enforcement/Intelligence
of those entrusted with the detection Agents, Internal & External Auditors,
and prevention of money laundering. Intelligence Ofcers, Risk
Certied Since its inception, CAMS has
become the gold standard in AML
Management Specialists, Attorneys
and Certied Public Accountants,
certications and the preparation Investment Advisors, Real Estate
Anti-Money process strengthens core capacity Compliance Specialists and
to combat nancial crime and Consultants
Laundering protect the institutions from AML.
Specialist CAMS Exam Contents
I. Risks and Methods of Money
Candidates wishing to sit for the
CAMS Examination must:
Laundering and Terrorism Ÿ Document a minimum of 40
(CAMS) Financing
A. Money Laundering and Terrorism
qualifying credits based on
education, other professional
In collaboration with Financing Methods certication and professional
B. Recognition of Risks experience in the eld.
Ÿ Submit supporting documents.
II. Compliance Standards for Ÿ Provide three professional
Anti-Money Laundering (AML) references.
and Combating the Financing of
Terrorism (CFT) Candidates who pass the CAMS
A. International Examination and wish to use and
B. Regional display the CAMS credential must
also be active members of ACAMS.
III. AML Compliance Program
A. AML / CFT Compliance Program Duration
Design in Different Industry Settings 12 Hrs Training + One-day Online
B. Maintenance of an Effective AML / Seminar with CAMS
CFT Compliance Program
IV. Conducting or Supporting the AED 7000
Investigation Process
A. SAR and STR Filing For registration and details
B. Assistance of Institutional Ÿ Register through the EIBFS
Investigations Training mobile app for Android
C. Assistance of Legal and and iOS
Government Inquiries Domestically Ÿ T: +971 6 5987103
and Internationally Within Parameters Ÿ E: training@eibfs.com
of the Law

Benets of CAMS with EIBFS

Ÿ Certicate of completion for the
CMAS preparation Seminar
Ÿ One year professional
membership with ACAMS
Ÿ Online preparation seminar from
Ÿ Electronic edition of CAMS
examination study guide and
Ÿ Four training sessions from

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