Ged 9 Module 2 Lesson 3-4 Answer
Ged 9 Module 2 Lesson 3-4 Answer
Ged 9 Module 2 Lesson 3-4 Answer
My Photos
Instructions: Choose your three favorite pictures and explain how you
took them and why they are effective.
It is essential in the way that it preserve the momentum of that specific time and brings us the
nostalgic feelings when we look at it after many months, year or even a decade.
The main important in having a good photography, we should first know its purpose why we do
such and it should capture the emotions and its beauty.
I. Search and provide at least two sample of images for each types of
photography,includingthenameofthephotographerandtheyearitwas taken.
Take note:On the nude photography kindly get samples only with an infant or baby images
Aerial Photography
Flights, 2020
Skeye Photo, 2020
Serano, 2020
Bengston, 2020
Commercial Photography
Natsioulis, 2020
Forensic Photography
Dana, 2020
David Kugelmas,
Loda, 2020
Travel Photography
Model Photography
Instruction:Find a career you are interested in, and a role model you can profile. Take pictures of
them at work, and create a visual display illustrating what their work is like.
My Career
My role model
Answer the following questions
The best important in taking photograph is the angle and the subject.
The position must be in balance and not in awkward position in order to produce a best photo and the
lightning must be in the right position and area and it should not be too much and not too low.
Metamorphosis: How do things change over time? How quickly do
they change?