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Hilda Cahyani
Bambang Y. Cahyono
The teaching of a language, like the teaching of many other fields of study,
deals with two major aspects: what to teach (content) and how to teach (tech-
niques). The types of content (materials) for language teaching are determined
by factors such as the purpose of the language program and the need of the lan-
guage learners (Dubin & Olshtain, 1986). The techniques of teaching English
Cahyani & Cahyono, Teachers’ Attitudes and Technology Use 131
with it and the cultural conditions which surround them. However, the study al-
so found that there was a mismatch between ICT, existing curricula and the
class-time frame. The study recommended that placing the ICT tools such as
computers in schools is not enough for improving education; therefore the poli-
cy makers and teachers should hand-in-hand share their responsibilities. The
policy makers should provide additional planning time for teachers to experi-
ment with ICT-based approaches.
It has been described above that a number of studies have been done to
prove the effectiveness of ICT in educational settings. This study is done to di-
rect our attention to the shift of EFL teaching through technology and reveal
the teachers’ attitudes toward the use of ICT which also becomes the fashiona-
ble topic in the last decade (Albirini, 2006; Hismonaglu, 2012). For this pur-
pose, the research questions are put forward as follows:
• What types of technology are used by the language teachers in their
• How are the various types of technology used?
• Why do the language teachers use the types of technology?
• What are the language teachers’ attitudes towards technology?
• How do language teachers see the benefits of technology?
This study employed a descriptive quantitative design. It involved 37
teachers teaching English as a foreign language in different levels of Education
based in Malang, a city in East Java Province of Indonesia. The respondents of
the study were 23 junior high school teachers, 3 senior high school teachers
and 11 university lecturers. The more complete data of the teachers are shown
in Table 1.
Table continued
2 Senior High 1 - 2 - - -
School teach-
3 University lec- 4 2 3 - - 2
Types of Technology
Non Web-based f Web-based f
1 Tape recorder 11 Email 4
2 Compact Disk 2 Websites 10
3 Video/Television 5 Weblog 1
4 Notebook/Computer 14 Virtual forum 1
5 Radio 1
6 MP3 1
7 Digital camera 1
8 Multimedia 11
The results of the study show that many teachers have used technology.
Thus, the application of computer software and the use of laptops for power-
point presentation are no longer special as teachers use them for daily teaching
and learning activities. In line with the study conducted by Li and Walsh
(2010), teachers need to be provided with more useful application of
technology. For example, in using power-point presentation, they should be
trained in using various fatures such as images, sounds, and movies so that
their power-point presentation will not be similar to whiteboard presentation
(i.e., using black marks on white-board), Additionally, a number of web-based
136 TEFLIN Journal, Volume 23, Number 2, July 2012
types of technology (e.g., websites and email) have been used to enrich stu-
dents with various sources of information as extra classroom activities. This is
an antithesis of what happened over a decade ago. As Kern and Warschauer
(2000) stated, many teachers remain skeptical of the technology value (e.g.,
computer use in general). The result of a survey they had reviewed showed that
59% of foreign language programs and 65% of English as a Second Language
(ESL) programs used no form of computer technology in their courses, placing
language teaching at the bottom of the list of academic areas surveyed.
ing easier and more successfully managed. This is evident in one of the teach-
ers’ responses which states, “By using technology, language learning will be
more practical, efficient, and effective …” (Respondent 12).
The teachers think that technology can provide the students with models
of authentic target language. This is because some types of technology, such as
audio/video-tapes or compact disks, can record voices of native speakers. The
Internet also provides access to authentic materials varying from expressions
used in computer-mediated communication such as email and virtual forums to
recorded or live events. One of the teachers stated that technology enables the
students to “get real and authentic examples of the language expressions” (Re-
spondent 1).
Some respondents confessed that with the use of technology students be-
came more enthusiastic to give more attention in learning. They also think that
learning in the language classroom becomes more enjoyable. Accordingly, it
can promote students’ interest and motivation particularly in learning foreign
language. One of the teachers said, “the students are happier with the assign-
ment as they are more confident with their ability in English” (Respondent 4).
Another teacher added that using technology “can make teaching and learning
process more interesting and the students will have more attention to the sub-
ject that I teach” (Respondent 16).
Some respondents believe that the application of technology is needed
for preparing the students to face the challenge of their future. Thus, besides
teaching the language, teachers also give opportunities for the students to get
familiar with technology. One of the teachers stated the use of technology
“makes them familiar for technology (sic)” (Respondent 17). Another teacher
claimed that “the applications of technology are needed to face the future de-
mand” (Respondent 3). In some ways, the teachers also consider that the use of
technology is practical and easy, but the development beyond the classroom
settings depends on each individual’s efforts. This is evident in one of the
teachers’ statement, saying that further development outside the class, “is up to
/ depends on each student’s self-endeavor” (Respondent 8).
Most of the teachers use technology for practical teaching purposes and
to make their instruction more successful. In addition, technology is an im-
portant tool to present models of expressions and interactions which are com-
monly performed by native speakers of the target language being learned.
Thus, technology provides important cultural information that cannot be gained
from the instruction by the classroom teacher alone. However, we need to be
Cahyani & Cahyono, Teachers’ Attitudes and Technology Use 139
informed that, as Chun and Plass (2000: 165) remarked, the increasing use of
web-based technology should be made relevant to principles of second lan-
guage (L2) acquisition.
Accordingly, before using advanced technology, teachers need to know
the characteristics of their students and their learning styles. According to Chun
and Plass (2000: 167), “we need to understand some basic principles of how
individual learners process and retain information in different modes and how
they integrate this information into the different aspects of their L2 compe-
tence.” Some students might prefer to study in face-to-face fashion than
through the online use of the Internet materials. Thus, for this type of students
we need to prepare them first in the classroom by giving them some
preliminary activities before the students are asked to use the ICT. For
example, in Cahyani’s (2011) research, she assigned her students to write a
company profile. She prepared the students to have a series of activities before
the students submitted the result of final project in Facebook, one of the
Internet features which is popular nowadays. The activities included spe-
cifying the company details, planning the structure or organization, writing the
company brochure, writing the product and service, and writing company
business strategies. After the students finished preparing these writing
products, they were allowed to upload the company profile with all the pictures
and the writing in the captions.
Thus, technology has been used by teachers because of its practicality,
convenience, and potential to create an interesting teaching and learning pro-
cess. Interestingly, technology is also believed as an important tool to prepare
students to face future challenges when they have finished their education.
settings. Teaching language using technology poses many challenges. For in-
stance, it is not that simple to teach listening and speaking online since teach-
ing both skills asks for stable and excellent quality for clear voice and video
image during the interaction between the teacher and the learners.
Moreover, teachers must be able to solve some technical problems in the
classroom, as in the reality of some schools do not have a ready technician to
help in case of connection breakdown or system problems. Generally speaking,
teachers should be as skilled as his/her students so that the students do not de-
stroy the lesson or embarrass the teacher. It is expected that this can give in-
sights to second language teachers regarding the use of technology for lan-
guage learning practices and their effects on language learning achievement. In
relation to the finding of research conducted by Hismanoglu (2012), it is also
suggested that prospective teachers should be equipped with practical
knowledge in using advanced ICT to ensure that they will be able to teach
using ICT in the future.
Albirini, A. 2006. Teachers’ Attitudes toward Information and Communication
Technologies: the Case of Syrian EFL Teachers. Computers & Educa-
tion, 47(4): 373-398.
Dubin, F., & Olshtain, E. 1986. Course Design: Developing Programs and Ma-
terials for Language Learning. Cambridge: Cambridge University
144 TEFLIN Journal, Volume 23, Number 2, July 2012
Respondent Details:
_____ E-mail
_____ Website
_____ Webquest
_____ Webblog
_____ Webchat
Cahyani & Cahyono, Teachers’ Attitudes and Technology Use 147
What is your opinion about the following statements? Please give your re-
sponse by giving a tick to the options which suit your opinion.