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An Undergraduate Research

Presented to the Humanities and Social Sciences

(HUMSS) Strand

Corcuera National High School – Senior High School

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Applied Track Subject

Inquiries, Investigations, and Immersion


Facalarin, Charles Wayne F.

Falsado, Thomas Edrian F.

Fruelda, Patriotico F. Jr.

Maderazo, Sophia Marie M.


The Problem and Its Background


Technology-based learning comprises learning via electronic

technology, including the Internet, intranets, satellites broadcasts, audio

and video conferencing bulletin board, chat rooms, webcasts, and CD-

ROM. TBL also encompasses related terms, such as online learning and

web-based learning that only include learning that occurs via internet, and

computer-based learning that is restricted through the use of computers

(Koller et al.,2005).

While the increasing number of new tools and technology may seem

overwhelming at first, educators understand the advantages of instruction

led by this new technology. Older teaching traditions are being left behind

or supplemented with new teaching practices, allowing students and

teachers to become better equipped and advanced for the emerging,

interconnected, technologically influenced world around us (Kruse, 2011).

When comparing learning an identical course in a traditional

framework to a computer mediated learning framework, students have

expressed higher satisfaction from the computer-mediated learning, and

rated the learning as more effective than the traditional framework. In

other studies, too, it was argued that computer mediated, or online

learning is more effective and interactive (Rashty, 2000).

The use of technology in learning includes many components that

are familiar from traditional learning, such as: presentation of ideas of the

students, group discussions, arguments and many other forms of

conveying information and accumulating knowledge. The contents of the

course’s curriculum might be organized and according to subjects and in

a serial manner (Rashty, 2000).

Technology-based also includes advantages which are not found in

traditional learning, such as: time for digesting the information and

responding, enhanced communication among the learners, both as

regards quality and as regards urgency, knowledge being acquired and

transferred among the learners themselves, the ability to conduct an open

discussion, where each learner gets more of an equal standing than in a

face-to-face discussion, access to information and to discussion ability,

response may be made around the clock with no restrictions, a higher

motivation and involvement in the process on the part of the learners

(Rashty, 2000).

Background of the Study

Education is one of the main foundations for economic progress

and improvement of human welfare. As global economic competition

continues to grow, education becomes an important advantage as it is

linked to economic development and ways for countries to have more

investments and jobs (Srivatsava, 2002). Education then appears to be one

of the major causes of sustainable life-long earnings. Countries, therefore,

raise educational attainment as a way of depriving poverty (UNESCO,

2005). This realization leads the reforms in education and development to

maintain a central pre-occupation for many countries and international


In every country regardless of economic situation, there is a great

demand for education reform in order to face the prevailing political, social,

and cultural changes as well as scientific and technological changes

(UNESCO Educational Policy and Reforms 2008).

Theoretical Framework

This research will use the Technological Pedagogical Content

Knowledge (TPACK) framework.

Technology has become an increasingly important part of students’

lives beyond school, and even within the classroom it can also help

increase their understanding of complex concepts or encourage

collaboration among peers. Because of this benefits, current educational

practice suggests that teachers implement some form of technology in

their classrooms but many teachers face difficulties in doing so. Cost,

access, and time often form considerable barriers to classroom

implementation, but another obstacle is a lack of knowledge regarding

how technology can best be used to benefit students across diverse

subject matter (Kurt, 2018).

TPACK framework focuses on technological knowledge,

pedagogical knowledge, offers a productive approach to many of the

dilemmas that teachers face in implementing educational technology in

their classrooms. By differentiating among these three types of

knowledge, the TPACK framework outlines how content and pedagogy

must form the foundation for any effective educational technology

integration. This order is important because the technology being

implemented must communicate the content and support the pedagogy

in order to enhance students’ learning experience (Koeler and Mishra,


According to TPACK framework, specific technological tools

(hardware, software, applications, associated information literacy

practices, etc.) are best used to instruct and guide students toward a

better, more robust understanding of the subject matter. The three types

of knowledge –TK, PK, and CK- are thus combined and recombined in

various ways within the TPACK framework. Technological pedagogical

knowledge describes relationships and interactions between technological

tools and specific pedagogical practices, while pedagogical content

knowledge describes the same between pedagogical practices and specific

learning objectives; finally, technological content knowledge describes

relationships and intersections among technologies and learning

objectives. These triangulated areas then constitute TPACK, which

considers the relationship among all three areas and acknowledgment that

educators are acting within this complex space (Koeler and Mishra, 2006).
Conceptual Framework

This research will use the Technological Pedagogical Content

Knowledge (TPACK) Framework in which it explains the relationships of

technological tools, specific pedagogical practices and learning objectives.

In this framework, the researchers identified the preference of teachers in

teaching, learning objectives, and if they are using technological tools in

teaching. In short, the TPACK framework emphasizes that the

technological implementation must deliver the content and it will support

the pedagogical practices thus building a good foundation in student’s

learning experience.

Statement of the Problem

This study attempts to evaluate the status and extent of

implementation of technology-based learning in Corcuera National High

School SY 2019-2020 as perceived by teacher and student respondents.

Specially, this sought answers to the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents?

1.1 Teachers Profile

1.1.1 Age

1.1.2 Sex;
1.1.3 Field of specialization;

1.1.4 Educational attainment;

1.1.5 Length of service

1.2 Students profile

1.1.5 Age

1.1.6 Sex

1.1.7 Grade level

1.1.8 Strand

2. What is the preference of the respondents in teaching/learning?

2.1 Traditional

2.1.1 Teachers

2.1.2 Students

2.2 Technology-Based

2.2.1 Teachers

2.2.2 Students

3. What are the barriers that hinders the full implementation of

technology-based learning in Corcuera National High School?

Assumptions of the Study

1. The researchers assumed that the people involved in the

implementation of Technology-based learning will benefit them.

2. The researchers assumed that it’ll be difficult to them to have an

interview with the students and teachers of Corcuera National High

School because they were busy.

3. The researchers assumed that the result of this research will be

implemented in our school.

The researchers assumed that every tourism infrastructure will

exchange more benefits than costs.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

This research will be conducted from June to October 2019 at

Corcuera National High School and the respondents of this study are the

student and teachers of JHS-SHS Department.

This research discussed the perceptions of the students and

teachers of Corcuera National High School about their preference in

teaching and learning strategy with the given choice; traditional or


This research paper tried to assess the implications of the

perceptions about the use of technology-based learning. Also, the barriers

that hinders to full implementation of the technology-based learning. In

this paper, the researchers strictly focus on Corcuera National High

School, Junior High School teaching staff and Senior High School


The researchers analyzed the perception of the respondents towards

the use of technology-based in terms of educational purposes.

The study was only limited to selected Senior High School teachers

and to specialized and applied subjects. With the issue of the limited time

given to the researchers, the survey population can no longer be adjusted

to more respondents because of the issue of proximity. The satisfaction

level of the respondents is the focus of this study.

Since the researchers are Senior High School students, it’ll be

difficult for them to find time to have an interview to their respective

respondents due to the location and the time also of the respondents.

Significance of the Study

This research will be a great help to the following people involved in

the study:

Students: This research will help them to be of good use of

technology, will improve their computer literacy, excels in academic

performances and prepare their selves in college.

Teachers: This research will help them to be literate in using

technology and improve their teaching strategy for the benefits of the both


Parents: This research will help them to have an idea how their

child taught in school, train their capabilities of doing technology related

projects, and also how the teacher enhances their skills especially in

computer literacy.

Researchers: This research will help them to encourage students

and teachers to use technology for educational purposes.

Definition of Terms

Barriers. Hindrances that prevents the full implementation of technology-

based learning.

Implementation. The process of putting technology-based learning into

teaching and learning.

Specialized. The specific subjects in Senior High School.


Kurt, S.2018. “Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge

(TPACK) Framework,” in Educational Technology
Retrieved from:

Koller et al.,2006. “Technology-Based Learning Strategies”


Rashty, D.2000. “Traditional Learning vs. eLearning


Baer, W.2006. “Using Technology to Enhance Student

Learning: Uses, Impact and Next Wave
Retrieved from:

Oliva, P., Gordon, W.2013. “Traditional vs. 21st Century

Classroom Retrieved

Kruse, F.2011 “8 Ways to Embrace Technology-Based

Learning Approaches” Retrieved from:

Shafi, M.2000. “E-Learning vs. Traditional Classroom

Training” Retrieved from:

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