MFT - Unit - I - 40 Ans
MFT - Unit - I - 40 Ans
MFT - Unit - I - 40 Ans
Pattern Making
1. Which of the following statement is true?
a) Casting is the replica of the object to be cast
b) Pattern is the replica of the casting object
c) Casting and the pattern are same things
d) Molten material is casted into the casting cavity
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Answer: b
Explanation: Pattern is the replica of the object. Except for the core prints and
allowances, the pattern exactly resembles the casting.
2. Which of the following carries the mould cavity where the metal is to be
a) Casting
b) Pattern
c) Sand
d) Core
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Answer: b
Explanation: For casting to be made, the pattern is filled with the molten
material and then it is allowed to be solidified, using proper cooling rates before
it is extracted out.
3. Which of the following is ‘not’ an allowance given to the pattern for casting?
a) Shrinkage
b) Draft
c) Hole
d) Machining
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Answer: c
Explanation: A hole is made during the machining or finishing of the casting
and is not a type of allowance given to the pattern.
a) Shrinkage allowance
b) Draft allowance
c) Shake allowance
d) Distortion allowance
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Answer: b
Explanation: Draft allowance is given so as to ease the removal of casting from
the pattern without damaging the pattern. Hence, tapering the vertical faces with
some draft allowance is provided which is machined later.
5. What will be the machining allowance for a bore of a 405mm cast iron object
to be casted?
a) 1.0mm
b) 2.0mm
c) 3.0mm
d) 5.0mm
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Answer: d
Explanation: The machining allowance for cast iron of various dimensions is
shown in the table below.
Functions of Patterns
2. Which of the following does not serve the purpose of using patterns in sand
a) Contain core prints if the casting requires a core and need to be made hollow
b) To give the exact shape and size (in addition to the allowances) to the casting
as that of the final object
c) Reduces the cost of production while used in mass production
d) Sometimes used to carry the mechanism to melt the metal/material which is
to be poured into the cavity
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Answer: d
Explanation: The pattern never carries or includes the mechanism to melt the
metal, which needs to be poured into the cavity. This job needs to be done
3. Name the missing part of the pattern in the diagram labelled as (?)?
a) Core
b) Riser
c) Sprue
d) Mould cavity
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Answer: a
Explanation: The illustrated part in the diagram is core. The core in a pattern is
used to create holes or hollow cavities.
4. The function of a gated pattern is ___________
a) To produce small castings in mass production
b) To create castings of a very heavy mass
c) To create castings containing complex design
d) To create symmetrical castings
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Answer: a
Explanation: Gated pattern manufactures huge no. of products using single time
casting using a common gating inlet system. Hence, the casting needs to be
small and simple and is only justified for mass production, as the pattern is used
for 1-2 times only.
5. Which of the following factors affect the choice of a pattern at most times?
a) Size and complexity of the casting
b) Characteristics of castings
c) Type of molding and castings method to be used
d) Type of cooling rates to be provided
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Answer: d
Explanation: The type of cooling rates depends upon the required strength in the
casting, which cannot be controlled by the type of any pattern. Proper chills are
to be used for that purpose.
Pattern Materials
3. Which among the following wood is most widely used for making patterns?
a) White Pine
b) Mahogany
c) Teak
d) Maple
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Answer: a
Explanation: White Pine is used most widely for making patterns because, white
pine wood is soft and it is also observed that, it is comparatively easy to work
on this wood. Also, this wood is comparatively cheap.
4. Which of the following is considered to be light wood?
a) Mahogany
b) Maple
c) Birch
d) White Pine
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Answer: d
Explanation: Among these four woods, White Pine is considered to be the
lightest wood. White Pine is used most widely for making patterns because,
white pine wood is soft and it is also observed that, it is comparatively easy to
work on this wood.
Pattern Types
2. Which type of pattern should be used for making stuffing box of the steam
a) One piece pattern
b) Split Pattern
c) Sweep pattern
d) Gated pattern
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Answer: a
Explanation: One piece pattern operations for moulding are used for
manufacturing a small number of casting only. Hence, a stuffing box can be
casted with this type of pattern.
Pattern Design
1. The designing of a pattern does not include which of the following feature?
a) To locate the direction of the parting line and adjust the component
b) To determine regions and measurement of draft angles and radii of the sharp
edges where allowances are to be given
c) To recognize and abolish the region of or where the defects could take place
during casting
d) To 3D print the design for making the pattern
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Answer: d
Explanation: The printing of a design is executional operation of that casting
design. The design is meant for study the casting structure and modify it
accordingly if needed.
2. Calculate the size of cylindrical riser (height and dia equal) to feed a steel
slab casting 25x25x5 cm.
a) 10cm
b) 12.5cm
c) 14cm
d) Data insufficient
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Answer: b
Explanation: a = 25cm b = 5cm c = 25cm
Modulus Mc = (a×b)/2(a+b) = Mc = (25×5)/2(25+5) = 125/60 = 2.0833cm
The riser diameter D = 6 x Mc = 6×2.0833 = 12.5cm.
Pattern Making
Pattern Colours
4. Which colour is given to the cast surfaces which are to be left not-machined?
a) Red
b) Blue
c) Black
d) Yellow
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Answer: c
Explanation: Provision of colour scheme makes it easy for one to detect the part
and the operation to be performed on it. According to the American pattern
colour scheme, black colour is to be given for cast surface left to be not-
Moulding Sand
2. What does a mould having adequate green strength, does not have?
a) Ability to retain its shape
b) Ability not to get distorted
c) Ability not to collapse
d) Ability to retain hardness
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Answer: d
Explanation: For a mould to be having an adequate amount of green strength, it
must have retaining ability or the ability to get distorted or to collapse. A mould
having adequate green strength does not have the ability to retain hardness.
3. Dry sand does not have the strength for what functions?
a) To withstand corrosion forces
b) To withstand pressure of molten metal
c) To be able to retain its shape
d) To be able to retain the hardenability
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Answer: d
Explanation: Dry sand has its strength for various purposes like, to withstand a
pressure of molten metal, to withstand corrosion forces and to be able to retain
its shape. But it does not have it for being able to retain the hardenability.
5. Which of the following would not happen if hot strength is not enough?
a) The mould may get hardened
b) The mould may get enlarged
c) The mould may get eroded
d) The mould may crack
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Answer: a
Explanation: If there is not an adequate amount of hot strength provided, then
the mould may get enlarged, the mould may get eroded and the mould may
crack, but the mould will not get hardened.
Testing of Moulding Sands
2. The pressure of which gas gives the reading of water content on the pressure
a) Methane
b) Acetone
c) Acetylene
d) Carbon dioxide
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Answer: c
Explanation: Methane, carbon dioxide and acetone are not very useful when it
comes to take readings on the pressure gauge. Acetylene gas helps in getting a
direct reading on the pressure gauge of the water content.
Core Making
1. Which of the labeled part of the following diagram is a core?
a) a
b) b
c) c
d) d
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Answer: c
Explanation: A core is that element which is used in moulding processes to
make hollow cavities or holes or to give special contours on the casting which
are difficult or expensive to be machined.
Solidification of Castings
3. A large shape of a riser is mainly used for the casting of grey cast iron.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Grey cast iron is an interesting exception where solidification
occurs in two stages. The shrinkage associated with the first stage can be
compensated by the expansion of the casting due to the presence of graphite
flakes in the material. Due to this, there is no use of riser in the casting system.
Moulding Machines