Socio-Demographic Determinants For Entrepreneurial Intention of University Students: The Case of University of Gondar Graduating Students

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Socio-Demographic Determinants for Entrepreneurial

Intention of University Students: The Case of University of

Gondar Graduating Students

Siraw Megibaru*


Entrepreneurship is one of the best economic development strategies being a

source of job opportunity, promoting balanced regional development,
improving the living standard of the common people, ensuring self-reliance
and balancing import–export transaction of a given country. Cognizant of these
facts, this research examined the entrepreneurial intention of 2011/2012
graduating students of University of Gondar, Ethiopia. Cross-sectional study
was conducted through mixed research method with sequential explanatory
strategy. The findings of this study were based on information drawn from 310
sample respondents, two discussion sessions with 6 individuals and 10 key
informants. Binary logistic regression, Chi-square test, percentage and bar
graph have been used. About 56% of graduating students were not
entrepreneurially intended. Taking entrepreneurship course, role model
occupation, using of learning by doing approach, gender and family work
expectation were significant predictors of entrepreneurial intention with Exp
(B) of 5.821, 4.167, 2.94, 2.93 and 0.048 respectively. The study recommends
that entrepreneurial orientation of the content and methods of teaching, the
awareness level of role model and the surrounding community to the nature
and role of entrepreneurship should be enhanced.

Keywords: entrepreneurial intention, socio-demographic variable and

university graduating students
*Siraw Megibaru, Lecturer, University of Gondar, Department of Social
Anthropology, Email:
Entrepreneurial Intention of University Students
1. Background and Problem Statement
Entrepreneurship is defined as a knowledge-based and innovative adaptive
strategy. It is manifested with a dynamic process of proposing and
implementing innovative thinking; creating something new and drive a
successful economy containing highly competitive and innovative businesses.
Individuals’ running this innovative knowledge-based business are active,
flexible and adaptive to the ever going changing environment, and view
environmental change as an opportunity for better performance (Akmaliah,
Bagheri and Pihie, 2011).

Nowadays, entrepreneurship is regarded as one of the best economic

development strategies to develop a country’s economic growth in terms of job
creation, firm survival and technological change and sustain the country’s
competitiveness in a challenging globalized world (Iyer and Schoar, 2008, pp.
206). It has a paramount significance in reducing regional disparities. It helps
to improve the standard of life of the common people by offering goods and
services at lower costs and increasing variety in consumption (Samli, 2009).

Based on his empirical evidence, Maphosa (1998, p.173) concluded that social
factors have an encouraging or impeding effect on the intention of individuals
for entrepreneurial career. Family background, education, previous work
experience, risk attitude, over‐optimism, preference for independence and the
norms and values of a society influence the choice of individual’s life careers,
i.e. entrepreneurship or salaried employment (Sanditov and Verspagen, 2011).
The educational system has a capacity to generate and disseminate knowledge
and transform to practices; sources of alternative career choices and broadens
the horizon of individuals in fulfilling economic and social needs.

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In Africa, for educated people, entrepreneurship is a necessity rather than an

opportunity. They established their own business while finding wage
employment is highly competitive and full of corruption (Schaumburg-Mülle et
al., 2010).

At 20 percent, unemployment is the most persistent and urgent development

challenge for African countries (Economic Commission for Africa, 2009,
p.17). In Ethiopia, 50 percent of the population in the age group between 15
and 30 years is unemployed (Eshetu and Mammo, 2009, .2), and this figure is
among the highest unemployment rates worldwide. It is concentrated among
relatively well-educated first time job seekers who come from the middle
classes (Serneels, 2004, p.4). Simultaneously, the size of the labor force
continues to grow more rapidly than the ability of the economy to offer new
employment opportunities (FDRE, 2002, Gebrehiwot, 1997, cited in Serneels,

In response to this problem, the Government of Ethiopia has taken a number of

specific policy measures aimed at the creation of enabling environment for the
revival and expansion of the private sector (Serneels, 2004). This emphasis is
given for its role of job creation (Solomon, 2004). However, as the findings of
Abebe, (2011, p.2) indicates more than 50 percent of youth in Ethiopia are
unemployed and the problem still persists in the country. According to Abebe
(2011), self-employment is less among the young educated members of the
society. Thus, the involvement of young university graduates in
entrepreneurship tradition is very little. Entrepreneurship has been associated
with small business enterprise and viewed as a less attractive career option for

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university graduates (European Commission, 2008). Still, the researcher could
not find any detailed research conducted on issues related to “why university
graduates in Ethiopia are inclined to white collar jobs than entrepreneurship”
Therefore, the main intent of this study was to examine the socio-demographic
determinant factors for entrepreneurial intention of University of Gondar
Graduating Students.

2. Literature Review

2.1The Concepts of Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurship can be viewed as a creative and innovative response to the
environment. Entrepreneurship is described as the function of handling
economic activity, taking risk, creating something new, and organizing and
coordinating resources for innovating new ideas, products and services (Gupta
and Srinivasan, 1999). European Commission (2008, p.18) defined
entrepreneurship as an individual’s ability to transform ideas into practice.

Entrepreneurs are characterized with the ability of recognizing, initiating and

exploiting an opportunity (Samli, 2009 and Gupta and Srinivasan, 1999).
Developing a business plan is also another quality of an entrepreneur by which
the entrepreneurs will make profit by creating value for its customers,
shareholders, partners, and other connected entities. European Commission
(2008, p.26) also lists out qualities of an entrepreneur as more creative and
innovative, highly motivated, self-aware; self-confident, willing to challenge,
better communicator, decision-maker, leader, negotiator, networker, problem
solver, team player, systematic thinker, less dependent, less risk averse, able to
live with uncertainty, and capable of recognizing opportunities.

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2.2 Socio-cultural Determinants of Entrepreneurial Qualities
Based on his empirical evidence, Maphosa (1998, p.173) concluded that social
factors have an encouraging or impeding effect on the development of
entrepreneurship. Hoyos-Ruperto (2009) contended that the probability of
being self-employed affected with cultural backgrounds that shape the attitudes
toward risk, which, in turn, influence the choice to become an entrepreneur.

Most often children are affected with the work choice of their own parents
(Watson, 2008). The influence of the family in the development of an
entrepreneurial personality is stronger where there is a family tradition of
business. A business family, particularly the father and mother, encourage
behaviors associated with entrepreneurship.

As Kuip, Verheul and Zoetermeer, (2003, p.9), the educational system creates
awareness of alternative career choices and broadens the horizon of individuals
enabling them to perceive and develop entrepreneurial opportunities. Education
and research institutions, as producers, repositories and diffusers of knowledge
and technology, play a central role in entrepreneurial development (United
Nations, 2010). Entrepreneurship education can help to promote an
entrepreneurial and innovative culture by changing mindsets and providing the
necessary skills (World Economic Forum, 2009, p.15). Educational institutions
with autonomy supportive environments have a good chance of getting
students internalize positive entrepreneurial values (Ibid).

In their definition of culture, Gorodnichenko and Roland (2011, p.1) argued

that culture affects social norms as well as the economic behaviors such as the
propensity to save, to innovate, and many other economic decisions. Culture

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enables to suggest or judge which kinds of work are appropriate and
inappropriate for different groups.

The probability of being self-employed affected with cultural backgrounds that

shape the attitudes toward risk, which in turn influence the choice of becoming
an entrepreneur (Hoyos-Ruperto (2009).

2.3 Theories of Entrepreneurial Quality Development

According to AcsAudretsch, Braunerhjelm & Carlsson (2005), spillover theory
of entrepreneurship explains the role of education and research institutions as
sources of new knowledge and opportunities. New ideas from potential
knowledge spillovers continually generate entrepreneurial opportunities.
Institutional theory of entrepreneurship explains the development of
entrepreneurial qualities in a social-cultural, economic and political context
that might influence cognition and decision-making mechanisms and,
consequently, the level of entrepreneurial activity (Hoyos-Ruperto, 2009).
Symbolic Interactionists argued that the attitudes, perceptions, beliefs and
behaviors of individuals highly depend on their daily interaction and practices
(Cragun, 2006).

Operational Definition of Terms

 Entrepreneurial supportive environment denotes environmental

conditions which are favorable for the flourishing of entrepreneurial
culture and entrepreneurship tradition.
 White collar jobs are employment opportunities in governmental and
non-governmental organizations.
 Entrepreneurship is a career option in which individuals transfer their
own ideas into practice, introduce new goods and services, or

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methods of production and commercializing to create job
opportunities for themselves and others too.

2.4 Objectives of the Study

2.4.1 General objective

The general objective of this study is to examine the socio-demographic
determinant of entrepreneurial intention among 2011/2012 graduating students
at University of Gondar.

2.4.2 Specific Objectives

 To identify future work career choices of graduating students at
University of Gondar
 To examine the influence of socio-demographic variables on
entrepreneurial intentions of graduating students
Null Hypotheses
HO1: Majority of University of Gondar graduating students are
entrepreneurially intended.
HO2: There is no statistically significant association between the levels of
freedom in expressing one’s own feeling and decision to be an
HO3: There is no statistically significant association between entrepreneurial
intention and levels of practical exposure to the real working
HO4: The occupation of students’ role model is a significant predictor of
entrepreneurial intention.
HO5: Family work expectation is a significant predictor of entrepreneurial

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HO6: Gender is a significant predictor of entrepreneurial intention.
HO7: Learning by doing approach is a significant predictor of entrepreneurial
HO8: Taking entrepreneurship course is a significant predictor of
entrepreneurial intention.

3. Methodology of the Study

This cross-sectional study was conducted through mixed research approach.

Sequential explanatory strategy was used in the collection and analysis of
quantitative data followed by the collection and analysis of qualitative data
(Creswell, 2007). Quantitative method was employed to identify the future
work career choice of students of different socio-cultural exposure. Qualitative
research method was used to provide detailed descriptions of the social settings
in which graduating students spent their life time including their exposure in
University of Gondar. Of the total 2583 regular 2011/2012 first degree
graduating students, the finding has been drawn from 310 samples selected
with stratified sampling procedures. The response rate was 92.3% (310 out of
336) total samples. For interview, 10 purposely selected responsible
individuals in promoting and providing entrepreneurial supportive environment
were used. It was employed to understand how entrepreneurship is perceived
by those people who might directly or indirectly affect the entrepreneurial
intentions of students. Two discussion sessions were held to have rich and
synthesized information about why and how entrepreneurial intention has
developed in some groups of students and why not in others.

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To examine the hypothesized propositions, binary logistic regression, chi
square test, percentage, and bar graph were used. SPSS version 16.0 has been
used to analyze the data.

Binary logistic regression analysis was performed on 11 categorical

independent variables that affect the future work career intentions of university
graduating students at the University of Gondar. As indicated in Collinearity
statistics, the tolerance values of all predicator variables was >0.55 which is
greater than the acceptable standard 0.01 (Nicola and Richarde, 2009). So, the
relationship between predictor variables was very little. For regression analysis
only 303 (excluding 7 outliers) cases were used, in reducing the effects of
extreme values. The full model significantly predicted entrepreneurial intended
students (Omnibus Chi-squared= 171.281, df =20, p<0.0005) see in (Table

Similarly, Hosmer and Lemeshow test =14.620, df = 8, p=0.06, see in (Table

1.2a), in which p value is greater than 0.05 (Nicola and Richarde, 2009), and
the null hypothesis that states “the model is good” was not rejected. Thus, the
model adequately fit with the data. Overall, the model correctly predicts the
outcome with 82.5 percent.

In Chi-squared test, Pearson Chi-Squared test has been employed. The p-value
for all tests of significance was < 0.05.

The process of analyzing qualitative data would be accomplished through

reading the transcripts repeatedly in an attempt to develop tentative ideas about

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categories and relationships. The coding process would be conducted by
identifying relevant concepts, patterns, or themes.

4. Analysis and Discussion

4.1 Socio-demographic Characteristics of Respondents

Out of the total 310 respondents, 211(68.1%) were male and 99 (31.1%) were
female (see in Table 1.3a). Regarding the residential area of respondents, as
shown in Table 1.4a, 156 (50.3%) were rural and the remaining 154 (49.7)
were urban residents. As shown in Table 1.5a, religiously, majority of the
respondents 246 (79.4%) were Orthodox Christian, 31(10%), were Muslim, 26
(8.4%) were Protestant and the remaining 7(2.3%) were other religious
followers. Of all the respondents, 96 (31.0%) were students of Natural and
Computational Sciences, 70 (22.6%) were from Medicine and Health Sciences,
60(19.4%) were from Social Sciences and the Humanities, 59 (19.0%) were
students of Business and Economics, 15 (4.8%) were from Law, and 10 (3.2%)
were students of Veterinary Medicine (see in Table 1.6a).

4.2 Work Career Choices of University Students

As shown in Table 1.7a, the majority of respondents, 55.8% were not

entrepreneurially intended. The remaining 44.2% of respondents prefer to start
their own knowledgebased business. As indicated in this table, out of the total
respondents 26.7% from School of Law, 36.7% from Social Sciences and
Humanities fields, 42.9% from Medicine and Health Sciences, 45.8% from
Natural and Computational Sciences, 49.2% from Business and Economics,
and 80.0% of the respondents from Veterinary Medicine were intended to start
and run one’s own knowledge based business. Relatively, entrepreneurship is

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the least desirable work career among those students in the Faculty of Social
Sciences and the Humanities and School of Law.

According to majority of the discussants, the less entrepreneurial intention of

students especially in the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Humanities and
School of Law is mainly due to lack of competence for transforming theories
into practice and commercialization of knowledge in the world of market. The
families of majority of graduating students desired to see their children as
employees in large non-governmental or governmental organizations. This is
also another reason that forces students to prefer employment in large
organizations than plan to be entrepreneurs. As some discussants stated, the
community especially in rural areas, has perceived students as failed in the
academic world if they prefer to be entrepreneurs soon after graduation.
Discussants pointed out the expected poor psycho-social and economic support
of the family for entrepreneurship was another constraining factor that enforces
them to prefer employment in large organizations as their future work career.
Since majority of university students desired to be independent soon after
graduation, they would not need to choose a challenging and opportunistic
work career like entrepreneurship. The expected poor economic support of the
government was also mentioned as a factor that enforces students to search for
mechanisms for enrolling in large organizations than entrepreneurship.

4.3 Determinants of Entrepreneurial Intention

4.3.1 Occupation and Work Expectation of Students’ Role Model

According to Cragun (2006), symbolic interactionists, argued that daily

interactions of an individual determine his/her attitudes, feelings, roles and

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work career choices. Parents encourage or discourage children’s work career
choice both through their material and psycho-social support (Watson, 2008).
As Maphosa (1998) notes, the influence of the family in the development of
entrepreneurial intention is stronger where there is a family tradition of
business. In consistent with previous studies, the output of binary logistic
regression in Table 1.1b below shows that students whose role model’s
occupation is self employment in business sectors was 4.167 times more likely
intended to be an entrepreneur than those students whose role model
occupation is other than self-employment in business sectors (95% CI 1.957
and 8.876) having allowed other variables in the model. This finding is
consistent with Keat, et al., (2011) who stated that students with self-employed
parents have higher inclination towards entrepreneurship. The result of Keat,
et al., (2011) indicated the positive significant effects of mother’s occupation
on entrepreneurial intention with a factor of (B=.152, t=3.320, p<0.01). The
multiple regression analysis results of Gurbuz and Aykol (2009) also pointed
out that having an entrepreneurial parent had significant and positive
contributions to entrepreneurial intention, B=0.170, R =0.150 F=19.650,
p=0.000. The result of Gurbuz and Aykol (2009) was consistent with the
finding of Moi (2011), shown family role model is a significant predictor of the
entrepreneurial intention (t = 5.437, p = 0.000) and predicted 3.6% of the
variance of entrepreneurial intention.

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Table 1.1b. Binary Logistic Regression Result for the Effects of Socio-demographic Variables on the work career
choice of students (entrepreneurship or employment in organizations)

B S.E. Wald Df Sig. Exp(B) 95.0% C.I. for EXP(B)

Lower Upper
Step Gender(1) 1.074 .440 5.955 1 .015 2.928 1.236 6.940
1 Residential area(1) .255 .387 .436 1 .509 1.291 .605 2.757
Role model’s occupation(1) 1.427 .386 13.690 1 .000 4.167 1.957 8.876
Role model’s educational level 2.666 4 .615
Role model’s educational level(1) .239 .594 .162 1 .688 1.270 .396 4.066
Role model’s educational level(2) 1.112 .859 1.675 1 .196 3.039 .565 16.360
Role model’s educational level(3) -.273 .539 .256 1 .613 .761 .265 2.189
Role model’s educational level(4) -1.441 2.124 .460 1 .497 .237 .004 15.218
Family work expectation(1) -3.027 .503 36.258 1 .000 .048 .018 .130
Prestigious work career(1) -.857 .455 3.542 1 .060 .424 .174 1.036
Taking entrepreneurship course(1) 1.761 .501 12.382 1 .000 5.821 2.182 15.526
The attitudes of the local .040 .426 .009 1 .925 1.041 .452 2.397
community towards
entrepreneurship (from students
perspective (1)
Experience to “learning by doing 1.077 .391 7.577 1 .006 2.936 1.364 6.320

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approach” (1)
The Levels that a Family group 3.685 4 .450
consider individual feeling
The Levels that a Family group -.937 .900 1.084 1 .298 .392 .067 2.287
consider individual feeling(1)
The Levels that a Family group .881 .740 1.418 1 .234 2.413 .566 10.287
consider individual feeling (2)
The Levels that a Family group .391 .496 .622 1 .430 1.479 .559 3.910
consider individual feeling(3)
The Levels that a Family group .376 .470 .640 1 .424 1.457 .580 3.662
consider individual feeling(4)
The Levels of Practicing theoretical 9.393 4 .052
knowledge in the real working
The Levels of Practicing theoretical -1.594 .873 3.332 1 .068 .203 .037 1.125
knowledge in the real working
environment (1)
The Levels of Practicing theoretical .624 .703 .789 1 .374 1.866 .471 7.397
knowledge in the real working
environment (2)
The Levels of Practicing theoretical .479 .620 .597 1 .440 1.614 .479 5.439
knowledge in the real working

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environment (3)
The Levels of Practicing theoretical .719 .626 1.321 1 .250 2.053 .602 7.000
knowledge in the real working
environment (4)
Constant -.637 .902 .499 1 .480 .529
a. Variable(s) entered on step 1: Gender, Residential area, Role model occupation,
Source, (Survey, 2012)

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As shown in the result of binary logistic regression, Table 1.1b, students whose
family’s work expectation employment in white collar job were 0.048 times
less likely intended to be an entrepreneur than those whose family prefers self
employment as a future work career of their children (95% CI 0.018 and
0.130). However, as indicated in Table 1.8a, the family of 210 (67.7%)
respondents desired to see their children as employees in large governmental
and nongovernmental organizations soon after graduation. The remaining 100
(32.3%) respondents’ families expected to start their own knowledge based
business immediately after graduation.

4.1.1 The Effects of Family Environment on Entrepreneurial Intention

As shown in Table 1.2b, the association between the levels of freedom in
expressing one’s own feeling and decision in a family and decision to be an
entrepreneur was significant: X2(4, N=310) =11.8, p<0.05. There is a
relationship with Phi = 0.195 and the levels of freedom in one’s own family
account 0.038 (3.8%) of the variance in the decision of students to be
entrepreneurs. Therefore, the null hypothesis that states “there is no association
between the levels of freedom in a family and decision to be an entrepreneur”
is not accepted.

Table 1.2b. The Output Of Chi-Square Tests: The Association Between

Entrepreneurial Intention And The Levels That Respondents’ Family Consider
Their Feelings And Perspectives
Value Df Asymp. Sig. (2-
Pearson Chi-Square 11.841a 4 .019
N of Valid Cases 310
a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count
is 7.07.
Source, (Survey, 2012)
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4.3.3 The Status of Entrepreneurship in the Community (from the
Perspectives of Graduating Students)
The norms and values of a society serve as a standard to judge pattern of
behavior as ‘desirable’ or ‘undesirable’, ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ (Nawaz, 2009). In
its evaluating role, culture enables to judge which kinds of work is either
appropriate or inappropriate for different groups (Watson, 2008). According to
Sanditov and Verspagen, (2011) it influences the choice of individuals life
careers, i.e. entrepreneurship or salaried employment.

As depicted in Table 1.3b, the association between status of entrepreneurship

with intention of graduating students for this career was highly significant:
X2(16, N=310) =61.180, p = 0.000. Thus, the null hypothesis that states “there
is no significant association between entrepreneurship status and
entrepreneurial intention” was not accepted.

Table 1.3b. Chi-Square Test on the Association between Entrepreneurial

Intention and status of entrepreneurship
Value Df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 61.180a 16 .000

N of Valid Cases 310
Source, (Survey, 2012)

Majority of respondents’ community ascribed highly ranked social status to

those peoples who are enrolled in large organizations. People assign higher
rank for white collar job simply by rehearsing the values and benefits of the
work career in the past. They are not updating themselves regarding the current
values and benefits of entrepreneurship in competing in the world market.

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4.3.4 Entrepreneurial Intention of Male and Female Students

Out of the total of 99 females, only 30.3% intended to be entrepreneurs. In

contrast, a little over half of male students (50.71%) intended to start and run
their own knowledge based business. The remaining 69.7% female and 49.3%
male students prefer to search and enroll in white collar jobs. As shown in
binary logistic regression Table 1.1b, males were 2.93 times more likely
intended to be entrepreneurs than females (95% CI 1.236 and 6.940) having
allowed other variables in the model. As per this result, it could be concluded
that females are less entrepreneurially intended than males. This empirical
study is consistent with the findings of (Keat et. al., 2011, Gurbuz, 2009), that
reported that male students are more highly inclined towards entrepreneurship
compared to female students.
4.3.5 The Effects of Learning by Doing Approach on Entrepreneurial

As indicated in the outcome of binary logistic regression in Table 1.1b, the

status of applying learning by doing approach in the teaching- learning process
predicts the entrepreneurial intention of students with a factor of 2.94. Students
who have better experience for learning by doing approach were 2.936 times
more likely planned to be entrepreneurs than those who experienced less for
such teaching approach. However, such entrepreneurial supportive teaching
methodology is frequently used only in some fields of study at the University
of Gondar. As revealed in the bar graph below, all respondents from Veterinary
Medicine agreed with better experience to learning by doing approach, 81.4%
of Medicine and Health Science field respondents agreed with high experience
for learning by doing approach, 53.3 % of School of Law and 53.1% Natural
and Computational Science respondents also had better exposure for learning
by doing approach. Oppositely, more than half (52.5%) of the respondents of

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Faculty of Business and Economics and 60% of respondents from Faculty of
Social Sciences and the Humanities agreed with less exposure for experiential
learning approach.

Figure 1.1. Experience for “Learning by Doing Approach” across Faculties

As one instructor at the University of Gondar stated, in addition to resource

shortage, which is mentioned as a major constraint, the habit of instructors for
traditional lecture is another challenge for not applying learning by doing
approach. As he stated, “I am simply employing traditional lecture
methodology, what I have been trained and reproduce the already existing
phenomena that is answering the questions of what, where and when and,
unable to show how and why something has happened”. As interviewees
revealed, instructors are challenged with adopting theories to the existing real

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4.3.6 The Effects of Taking Entrepreneurship Course on the
Entrepreneurial Intention of Students

As shown in the output of binary logistic regression in Table 1.1a, students

who have taken entrepreneurship course(s) are 5.821 times more likely
intended to be entrepreneurs compared to those who did not take
entrepreneurship course, allowing other variables in the model. This finding
was consistent with Keat, et al., (2011) study who stated that students who
have had prior exposure to entrepreneurship education would have more
positive attitudes towards entrepreneurship.

However, as demonstrated below in the bar chart, entrepreneurship course was

offered in some Departments of the Faculty of Business and Economics and a
few in Natural and Computational Science fields. Out of the total of 310
respondents, only 73 (23.5%) have taken an entrepreneurial course in their
educational career and half of them were from Business and Economics

Figure 1.2. The Status of Taking Entrepreneurship Courses across Different


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4.4 Summary
Entrepreneurship is one of the best economic development strategies in job
creation, technological change and in promoting balanced regional
development and in improving the living standard of the common people by
providing goods and services at a lower cost. It is also the best adaptive
mechanism for developing countries in ensuring self-reliance and in balancing
import–export transaction.

In Ethiopia Entrepreneurship as an adaptive mechanism, is less common and

limited to some portions of the society. In connection with this, currently
unemployment is the most persistent and urgent development challenge of the
country. Surprisingly, in the country, better educated people experience higher
unemployment rate.

Young university graduating students are less likely to prefer to be

entrepreneurs. Of the total 310 respondents, majority of them (55.8%) did not
plan to start their own knowledge based business. Relatively, students from
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities and School of Law were less likely
intended to start and run their own knowledge based business than those
students from School of Veterinary Medicine and Faculty of Business and
Economics. This was mainly due to lack of competence in transforming ideas
(theories) into practice and commercializing it to create their own business.
Entrepreneurship is considered as a second work career choice while university
graduates are unable to enroll in large organizations. It is also considered as a
career of those who are unable to succeed in the academic world.

As shown in Table 1.7a, gender, role model occupation, family work

expectation, taking entrepreneurship course, using learning by doing approach

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had a significant effect on entrepreneurial intention of graduating students.
Even if all variables that have been computed in binary logistic regression had
a significant association with entrepreneurial intention, residential area, role
model’s educational level, status of work in one’s own community, the
attitudes of the community towards entrepreneurship, freedom of expression in
one’s own family and practicing theoretical knowledge in the real working
environment were not significant predictors at p values of 0.05.

The expected poor psycho-social and economic support for entrepreneurship

from the family, the surrounding community and from the side of the
government especially the credit policy were other constraining factors that
enforce university graduating students to prefer employment in large
organizations than starting and running their own knowledge based business.

Training families and caregivers with entrepreneurial qualities would have a

trickledown effect on the newly born children. Students who plan to be
entrepreneurs were those who had been expected and encouraged by their
parents to be self-reliant and independent.

The levels of freedom given for entertaining individual feeling and

perspectives had a significant and positive relationship with entrepreneurial
intention of students. The relative rank of entrepreneurship had a significant
positive association with entrepreneurial intention. The association between the
attitudes of the community for entrepreneurship being a work career of
university graduates and decision to be entrepreneurs on the part of graduates
were also highly significant.

EJBE Vol. 4 No. 1/2014 Page 71

Entrepreneurial Intention of University Students
4.5 Recommendations

Since research is one of the major empowering mechanisms of this sector,

based on the findings of this empirical study, the researcher forwarded the
following recommendations for each concerned bodies, institutions, individuals
and for the society at large:
As a major constraining factor, policy makers at all stages of the society should
design entrepreneurial supportive policies, strategies and allocate appropriate
resources for the sector.
Since entrepreneurship is blurred, poorly understood by the society including
students and instructors, research, in-service training, workshops on the area of
entrepreneurship should be conducted to make people aware about the nature
and roles of entrepreneurship.
Since decision on life careers of individuals are highly affected with the
perception of the family and the society at large, awareness creation programs
should not be limited to those people who are desired to be entrepreneurs. It
should be extended to all levels of the society to enhance and update the
natures and roles of entrepreneurship in order to change the attitudes of the
In order to enhance the entrepreneurial intention of university graduating
students especially in non-business fields, University of Gondar should
incorporate entrepreneurship courses as common courses. Learning by doing
approach being one entrepreneurial supportive environment should be adapted
in other fields of studies from those model Faculties.
The accessibility of entrepreneurial supportive environment, starting from their
early age, for females should be examined.

EJBE Vol. 4 No. 1/2014 Page 72

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EJBE Vol. 4 No. 1/2014 Page 76

Entrepreneurial Intention of University Students

Table 1.1a. Omnibus Tests of Model Coefficients for Binary Logistic Regression Analysis

Chi-square Df Sig.
Step Step 202.252 20 .000
1 Blo 202.252 20 .000
Mo 202.252 20 .000
Source, (Survey, 2012)
Table 1.2a. Hosmer and LemeshowTest for Binary Logistic Regression Analysis

Step Chi-square Df Sig.

1 14.620 8 .067
Source, (Survey, 2012)

Table 1.3a. Sex of Respondents

Male 68.1
Female 31.9
Total 100.0
Source, (Survey, 2012)
Table 1.4a. Residential Area of Respondents

EJBE Vol. 4 No. 1/2014 Page 77

Entrepreneurial Intention of University Students
Frequency Percent
Urban 154 49.7
Rural 156 50.3
Total 310 100.0
Source, (Survey, 2012)
Table 1.5a. Religious Affiliation Respondents

Religion of respondents
Frequen Percen Valid Cumulativ
cy t Percent e Percent
Vali Orthodox 246 79.4 79.4 79.4
d Christian
Muslim 26 8.4 8.4 87.7
Protestant 31 10.0 10.0 97.7
Others 7 2.3 2.3 100.0
Total 310 100.0 100.0
Source, (Survey, 2012)
Table 1.6a. Field of Study of Respondents

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Valid Social Sciences 60 19.4 19.4 19.4

Law 15 4.8 4.8 24.2

Business and Economics 59 19.0 19.0 43.2
Natural and Computational 96 31.0 31.0 74.2
Medicine and Health Science 70 22.6 22.6 96.8
Veterinary Medicine 10 3.2 3.2 100.0
Total 310 100.0 100.0

Source, (Survey, 2012)

EJBE Vol. 4 No. 1/2014 Page 78

Entrepreneurial Intention of University Students
Table 1.7a. Entrepreneurial Intention Across Different Fields of Study

Field of study of respondents Total

Social Law Business Natural Medicine and Veterinary
Sciences and and Health Science Medicine
Economics Computa
Plan to form Yes % within Plan to 16.1% 2.9% 21.2% 32.1% 21.9% 5.8% 100.0%
once own form once own
knowledge knowledge based
based business
business % within Field of 36.7% 26.7% 49.2% 45.8% 42.9% 80.0% 44.2%
study of
% of Total 7.1% 1.3% 9.4% 14.2% 9.7% 2.6% 44.2%
No % within Plan to 22.0% 6.4% 17.3% 30.1% 23.1% 1.2% 100.0%
form once own
knowledge based
% within Field of 63.3% 73.3% 50.8% 54.2% 57.1% 20.0% 55.8%
study of
% of Total 12.3% 3.5% 9.7% 16.8% 12.9% .6% 55.8%

EJBE Vol. 4 No. 1/2014 Page 79

Entrepreneurial Intention of University Students
Total % within Plan to form once own 19.4% 4.8% 19.0% 31.0% 22.6% 3.2% 100.0%
knowledge based business
% within Field of study of 100.0% 100.0 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
respondents %
% of Total 19.4% 4.8% 19.0% 31.0% 22.6% 3.2% 100.0%
Source, (Survey, 201

EJBE Vol. 4 No. 1/2014 Page 80

Entrepreneurial Intention of University Students

Ser. No Variable Answer type Type of

1. Gender 1. Male Nominal
2. Female
3. Religious affiliation 1. Orthodox Christian Nominal

2. Muslim

3. Protestant
4. Others
4. Residential area 1. Urban Nominal
2. Rural
5. Fields of study 1. Social Sciences and Nominal
2. Law
3. Business and Economics
4. Natural and Computational
5. Medicine and Health
6. Veterinary Medicine

6. Role models’ Occupation 1. Self employment in Nominal

business sector
2. Others

7. Family’s’ Work career 1. Employment in big Nominal

expectations to their organization
respective members 2. Self employment in once
own knowledge based
8. Role models’ educational 1. Illiterate Ordinal
background 2. Elementary completed
3. Secondary school
4. Certificate
5. Diploma and above

EJBE Vol. 4 No. 1/2014 Page 81

Entrepreneurial Intention of University Students
9. Prestigious work career 1. Employment in big Nominal
option among respondents’ organization
locality 2. Entrepreneurship (Self
employment in once own
knowledge based business)

10. The status of taking 1. Yes Nominal

entrepreneurship courses 2. No

11. Community’s attitude 1. Positive Nominal

towards entrepreneurship 2. Negative

12. Experience to “learning by 1. High Ordinal

doing” approach” 2. Less

13. Entrepreneurial intention 1. Intended Nominal

2. Not intended

14. Level of freedom in once 1. Very less Ordinal

own Family 2. Less
3. Medium
4. High
5. Very high

15. Levels of Practicing 1. Very less Ordinal

theoretical knowledge in the 2. Less
real working environment 3. Medium
4. High
5. Very high

EJBE Vol. 4 No. 1/2014 Page 82

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