T I M E S: Follow-Up Buying Support Needed at Higher Levels
T I M E S: Follow-Up Buying Support Needed at Higher Levels
T I M E S: Follow-Up Buying Support Needed at Higher Levels
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VOL XXVII No.32 Monday, 11 - 17 June 2018 Pgs.19 Rs.20
Weekly Up
Scrip Last Relative
S1 S2 - R1- R2- Reversal Trend
Close Strength
Value Date
Demand Demand
Weak below Supply point Supply point
point point
HINDUSTAN UNILEVER 1595 1547 1559.3 1582.7 1618.3 1677.3 73.6 1591.3 28-03-18
BRITANNIA INDUSTRIES 5918 5719 5758 5879 6039 6320 73.1 5781.8 28-03-18
SOLUTIONS 79.10 71.3 73.7 76.7 82.2 90.7 69.5 74.2 28-03-18
MINDTREE 1027.95 967.6 984.7 1010.8 1054.1 1123.6 67.7 1016.3 08-06-18
INFOSYS 1260 1213 1228 1245 1277 1326 67.3 1223.3 18-05-18
*Note: Up and Down Trend are based of set of moving averages as reference point to define a trend. Close below
averages is defined as down trend. Close above averages is defined as up trend. Volatility (Up/Down) within Down
Trend can happen/ Volatility (Up/Down) within Up Trend can happen. Relative Strength (RS) is statistical
indicator. Weekly Reversal is the value of the average.
Let the price move above Center Point or Level 3 and when it move back below Center Point or Level 3 then sell with whatever high registered
above Center Point or Level 3 as the stop loss. After selling if the prices moves to Level 2 or below then look to cover shor t positions as the
opportunity arises. If the close is above Weekly Reversal Value then the trend will change from Down Trend to Up Trend. Check on Friday after
3.pm to confirm weekly reversal of the Down Trend.
Note: R1-(Resistance), R2- (Resistance), R3- Resistance, S1- Support & S2- Support
Weekly Dow n
Scrip Last Relativ e
S1 S2 - R1- R2- Rev ersal Trend
Close Strength
Value Date
Demand Demand Supply Supply Strong
point point point point above
AND RETAIL 139.45 123.6 134.4 140.2 145.3 146 36.52 143.41 18-05-18
J.K. LAKSHMI CEMENT 332.05 289 319.4 337.2 349.9 355 27.17 360.09 13-04-18
JET AIRWAYS (INDIA) 399.90 359 387.7 404.2 416.4 420.7 28.68 405.26 04-05-18
REDINGTON (INDIA) 117.60 106.5 113.9 117.7 121.4 121.5 30.35 121.96 20-04-18
IGARSHI MOTRS INDIA 725 615 694 742 773 790 30.74 771 18-05-18
*Note: Up and Down Trend are based of set of moving averages as reference point to define a trend. Close below
averages is defined as down trend. Close above averages is defined as up trend. Volatility (Up/Down) within Down
Trend can happen/ Volatility (Up/Down) within Up Trend can happen.
Note: R1- (Resistance), R2- (Resistance), R3- Resistance, S1- Support & SA- Strong Abov e
Scrip Last Close R1 R2 R3 SA S1 Monthly RS
THE PHOENIX MILLS 640 658.14 669 679.86 715 566.1 49.50
CITY UNION BANK 186.95 191.53 193.70 195.87 202.90 173.1 47.24
BIOCON 608.60 621.46 635.50 649.54 695 502.5 45.70
JMC PROJECTS (INDIA) 584 600.35 612.50 624.65 664 497.4 45.29
Royal Enfield plans to launch an electric version of its motorcycle. A positive for Eicher Motors.
After the acquisition of Italy's Aferpi and the winning bid for Monnet Ispat in the domestic market, JSW Steel looks
for more stressed assets to meet its 50 MTPA target. A good long-term buy.
By Amit Kumar Gupta
By Subramanian Mahadevan
By Vihari
By Nayan Patel
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