BRICS Worker Rights

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1. BRAZIL The Brazilian constitution Among other things, it
prohibits work of people legalizes unions, collective
under 16 years old, except as bargaining, and the right to
apprentice from the age of strike in both the public and
14. Apprentice work must not private sectors. The
include night shifts nor be constitution also sets
dangerous or harmful to overtime rates, provides for a
health, including for those monthly minimum wage, and
over 16 but younger than 18 regulates working hours.
years old. On the other hand, dismissal
is usually a straightforward
matter which can be made at
the company’s discretion.
2. RUSSIA The law that prohibits the While trade union rights are
employment of children under legally protected, they are
the age of 16 remained in limited in practice.Russian
effect, despite Russia’s unions have trouble engaging
changes. Russia permitted in collective bargaining
the employment of children because their structure often
ages 14 and 15 only if they does not include the primary
completed their basic union at the enterprise level
education or obtained as envisioned by Russian
parental consent. law.
Russia's Labor Code further
provides that overtime work
cannot exceed four hours in
two days and 120 hours
3. INDIA In accordance with the “No employee is supposed to
Constitution of India, no child work for more than 48 hours
below the age of fourteen in a week and 9 hours in a
years shall be employed to day. Any employee who
work in any factory or mine or works for more than this
engaged in any other period is eligible for overtime
hazardous employment. The remuneration prescribed as
minimum age twice the amount of ordinary
for employment is 14 wages.”
years. Employment of child
under 14 years of age is
strictly prohibited in any
4. CHINA It is illegal to hire workers The typical workday should
younger than 16. Teenagers last up to eight hours. Any
younger than that routinely work that is performed after
borrow someone else identity this time limit must be paid at
card and lie about their age. 1.5 times
It is a common practice and a the employee's normal
neither potential employers or working wage. 3 hours
potential employees seems of overtime – The law also
to qualms about it. requires that
any overtime on a given day
be limited to 3 hours.

As a manager of International Business, I will utilize this information by connecting

workers’ rights to human rights. Connecting workers’ rights to human rights shows that workers’
rights are vital, and must not be traded off casually. They should, in most cases, trump
arguments of profit and efficiency. Human rights are valuable for workers. They give workers a
voice and offer political and moral space for the most vulnerable of groups, such as the
unorganized, under-skilled, and undocumented. They demand that the law protect workers, and
that no one can easily do away with them. Finally, with human rights to back them, workers are
able to refuse exploitation done in the name of efficiency.

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