Pocket Guide - Soft Starter PDF
Pocket Guide - Soft Starter PDF
Pocket Guide - Soft Starter PDF
Pocket Guide
VLT® Soft Starter
– the single speed drive
Adaptive Acceleration Control ......................................................................................... 14
AC53 Utilisation Codes ...................................................................................................... 15
Auto-Transformer Starters ............................................................................................... 16
Braking ....................................................................................................................................... 17
Bypass Contactor ................................................................................................................. 18
Cabling ..................................................................................................................................... 19
Extreme Conditions ............................................................................................................ 21
Fault finding............................................................................................................................. 21
Flying Loads ........................................................................................................................... 22
Harmonics .............................................................................................................................. 22
IP Ratings ................................................................................................................................ 23
NEMA Ratings ........................................................................................................................ 24
Inside delta Connection ..................................................................................................... 25
Key Benefits ........................................................................................................................... 26
Line Contactor ...................................................................................................................... 27
Minimum Start Current ..................................................................................................... 28
Multiple Motors .................................................................................................................... 29
Power factor correction .................................................................................................... 30
Motor Thermal Capacity ................................................................................................... 30
Jog ............................................................................................................................................... 31
Reversing ................................................................................................................................ 31
Sealed Enclosures ................................................................................................................ 32
Primary Resistance Starters ............................................................................................. 32
Short Circuit Protection, Type 1 ...................................................................................... 33
Short Circuit Protection, Type 2 .......................................................................................34
Semiconductor Fuse Selection, Type 2 ........................................................................ 35
Slip-Ring Motors .................................................................................................................. 37
Soft Braking ........................................................................................................................... 38
Glossary .................................................................................................................................... 56
Abbreviations ......................................................................................................................... 61
4 VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide 5
Common Applications
This table lists common applications for soft starters and it’s
nominal duty ratings.
Application Normal Heavy Severe Application Normal Heavy Severe
Agitator • Mixer (low viscosity) •
Auger • Mixer (high viscosity) •
Blower (axial fan) • Pelletiser •
Bottle Washer • Planer •
Centrifuge • Press •
Chipper • Pump, bore •
Compressor, centrifugal (rotary) • Pump, centrifugal •
Compressor (reciprocating, unloaded) • Pump, positive displacement •
Compressor (screw, unloaded) • Pump, slurry •
Conveyor (loaded) • Pump, submersible •
Conveyor (unloaded) • Pump, vacuum •
Crusher, cone • Re-pulper •
Crusher, jaw • Rotary table •
Crusher, rotary (unloaded) • Sander •
Debarker • Saw, band •
Drilling machine • Saw, circular •
Dust Collector • Shredder •
Edger • Separator, liquids •
Escalator • Separator, solids •
Fan, centrifugal (damped) • Slabber •
Fan, centrifugal (undamped) • Slicer •
Grinder • Travelator •
Hydraulic power pack • Tumbler/Dryer •
Mill, ball • Vibrating screen •
Mill, hammer • Winch •
Mill, roller • Wire Draw machine (hydraulic) •
Milliscreen •
6 VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide 7
MCD Soft Starter Features and Specifications
8 VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide 9
Current Ratings
MCD 100 These duty ratings define the load requirements, not
• Micro Soft Start Controller for the starter capabilities. Starter capability is specified
motors up to 11 kW separately in User Manuals, Product Guides and
• Extremely robust SCR design with
heavy ratings as standard WinStart. Use these charts to select a soft starter for a
• Unlimited number of starts per hour particular application.
• Contactor style design for easy
selection, installation and commis-
sioning Normal Heavy Severe
MCD5-0021 21 (32) 17 (26) 15 (22)
MCD 100
• Current: 1.5 kW ~ 11 kW @400 V MCD5-0037 37 (56) 31 (47) 26 (39)
• Mains voltage: 208 ~ 600 VAC MCD5-0043 43 (65) 37 (56) 30 (45)
• Control voltage: 24 – 480 VAC/VDC MCD5-0053 53 (80) 46 (69) 37 (55)
• Enclosure: 1.5 ~ 11 kW IP 20 MCD5-0068 68 (102) 55 (83) 47 (71)
MCD5-0084 84 (126) 69 (104) 58 (87)
MCD5-0089 89 (134) 74 (112) 61 (92)
MCD5-0105 105 (158) 95 (143) 78(117)
MCD5-0131 131 (197) 106 (159) 90(136)
MCD5-0141 141 (212) 121 (181) 97 (146)
MCD5-0195 195 (293) 160 (241) 134 (201)
MCD5-0215 215 (323) 178 (268) 149 (223)
MCD5-0245 255 (383) 201 (302) 176 (264)
MCD5-0360 360 (540) 310 (465) 263 (395)
MCD5-0380 380 (570) 359 (539) 299 (449)
MCD5-0428 430 (645) 368 (552) 309 (463)
MCD5-0595 620 (930) 540 (810) 434 (651)
MCD5-0619 650 (975) 561 (842) 455 (683)
MCD5-0790 790 (1185) 714 (1072) 579 (869)
MCD5-0927 930 (1395) 829 (1244) 661 (992)
MCD5-1200 1200 (1800) 1200 (1800) 1071 (1607)
MCD5-1410 1410 (2115) 1319 (1979) 1114 (1671)
MCD5-1600 1600 (2400) 1600 (2400) 1353 (2030)
10 VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide 11
Soft Starter Sizing
• The soft starter’s current rating at the required start duty must be at least equal to the
Normal Heavy Severe motor’s nameplate rating. If the motor’s nameplate rating is not available, approximate
MCD 201-007 18 17 information is available from the following table.
Motor Power Current rating at different voltages
MCD 201-015 34 30
kW HP 220-230 V 380-400 V 440 V 500 V 660-690 V
MCD 201-018 42 36 7.5 10 27 15.5 13.7 12 8.9
MCD 201-022 48 40 11 15 39 22 20.1 18.4 14
15 20 52 30 26.5 23 17.3
MCD 201-030 60 49 18.5 25 64 37 32.8 28.5 21.3
Consult Danfoss
MCD 201-037 74 65 22 30 75 44 39 33 25.4
for suitability 25 35 85 52 45.3 39.4 30.3
MCD 201-045 85 73 30 40 103 60 51.5 45 34.6
MCD 201-055 100 96 37 50 126 72 64 55 42
45 60 150 85 76 65 49
MCD 201-075 140 120 55 75 182 105 90 80 61
MCD 201-090 170 142 75 100 240 138 125 105 82
90 125 295 170 146 129 98
MCD 201-110 200 165
110 150 356 205 178 156 118
132 180 425 245 215 187 140
MCD 202-007 18 17 140 190 450 260 227 200 145
147 200 472 273 236 207 152
MCD 202-015 34 30 150 205 483 280 246 210 159
MCD 202-018 42 36 160 220 520 300 256 220 170
185 250 595 342 295 263 200
MCD 202-022 48 40 200 270 626 370 321 281 215
MCD 202-030 60 49 220 300 700 408 353 310 235
Consult Danfoss 250 340 800 460 401 360 274
MCD 202-037 74 65
for suitability 257 350 826 475 412 365 280
MCD 202-045 85 73 280 380 900 510 450 400 305
295 400 948 546 473 416 320
MCD 202-055 100 96
300 410 980 565 481 420 325
MCD 202-075 140 120 315 430 990 584 505 445 337
MCD 202-090 170 142 335 450 1100 620 518 472 355
355 480 1150 636 549 500 370
MCD 202-110 200 165 375 500 1180 670 575 527 395
400 545 1250 710 611 540 410
425 580 1330 760 650 574 445
445 600 1400 790 680 595 455
450 610 1410 800 690 608 460
475 645 1490 850 730 645 485
500 680 1570 900 780 680 515
560 760 1750 1000 860 760 570
600 800 1875 1085 937 825 625
650 870 2031 1176 1015 894 677
700 940 2187 1266 1093 962 729
750 1000 2343 1357 1172 1031 781
800 1070 2499 1447 1250 1100 833
850 1140 2656 1537 1328 1168 885
900 1250 2812 1628 1406 1237 937
950 1275 2968 1718 1484 1306 989
1000 1340 3124 1809 1562 1375 1041
Note: Information is based on a 4-pole motor
12 VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide 13
AAC: What is Adaptive Acceleration Control? AC53 Utilisation Codes: What are AC53 Utilisation Codes?
AAC is the next evolution in soft starter technology. AC53 utilisation codes describe the current rating for soft starters
under specified operating conditions.
Using AAC, the soft starter learns your motor’s performance during
start and stop, then adjusts control to optimize performance. The utilisation code determines the maximum motor size the
soft starter can be used with, under the specified conditions. The
The soft starter estimates the motor’s speed throughout each current rating may change under different operating conditions.
AAC start and stop, and adjusts power to the motor to provide the
AC53a: Non-bypassed soft starters
selected acceleration or deceleration profile.
The rating depends on the number of starts per hour, the length
and current level of the start, and the percentage of the operating
AAC is largely unaffected by changes in load, and is particularly cycle that the soft starter will be running (passing current).
suitable for pumping situations.
AAC offers three starting and stopping profiles: early, constant and
late acceleration/deceleration.
and current level of the start, and the amount of time the soft
starter will be off (not passing current) between starts.
14 VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide 15
Auto-Transformer Starters: How does soft start Braking:
compare to auto-transformer starting? What are DC braking and soft braking?
Soft starters are much more flexible than auto-transformer starters DC braking and soft braking both reduce motor stopping time,
and provide a much smoother start, generally at a lower cost. unlike soft stopping which increases the stop time on frictional
Auto-transformer starters cannot accommodate varying load
conditions (e.g. loaded or unloaded starts) and the start torque DC braking uses DC injection to reduce the motor’s stopping time.
cannot be freely adjusted to match motor and load characteristics. The soft starter slows the motor to approximately 70% of its full
Damaging torque and current transients still occur at the steps running speed, then applies brake torque to stop the motor in the
between voltages, and auto-transformer starters are not capable selected braking time.
of providing soft stop. Auto-transformer starters are large and
expensive, especially if high start frequency is required. DC braking support is built into MCD 500 soft starters, and no
additional equipment is required. MCD 500 DC braking controls all
three phases, which reduces stress on the motor compared with
two phase braking solutions.
16 VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide 17
Bypass Contactors: Cabling: How is cable selected for
When should a bypass contactor be used? a soft starter installation?
Bypass contactors bridge out the SCRs when the motor is running Cable selection criteria depends on the circuit and the location of
at full speed, eliminating heat dissipation during run. This allows the soft starter within the circuit.
the soft starter to be installed in enclosures without the need for
forced-air cabinet ventilation.
If a soft starter is installed in a totally sealed enclosure (>IP 54) it
must be bypassed.
Bypass contactors should be AC1 rated for the motor FLC (the
bypass contactor does not carry start current).
Soft starters may be internally or externally bypassed:
1. Supply cable rating > nominal fuse/MCCB rating > motor FLC x 1.2
2. Inside delta motor circuit cable rating > motor FLC x 0.7
18 VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide 19
Cabling: What is the maximum allowable cable, Extreme Conditions: How can soft starters be selected
distance between a soft starter and the motor? for extreme conditions?
The maximum distance between the soft starter and motor Soft starter ratings are based on specific operating conditions.
depends on the voltage drop and the cable capacitance. These generally specify start time, start current, starts per
hour, duty cycle and environmental factors such as ambient
Cable must be selected so that when the motor is running fully temperature and altitude. If the soft starter will be used outside
loaded, the voltage drop at the motor terminals does not exceed these conditions, the rating must be revised according to the
the limit specified in local electrical regulations. manufacturer’s instructions.
For distances greater than 500 metres, cable capacitance may be a Ratings for Danfoss soft starters are published in the
factor. Contact Danfoss with details of the soft starter model, mains soft starter’s Operating Instructions. Alternatively,
voltage and frequency. WinStart can be used to model requirements outside the
published ratings.
20 VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide 21
Flying Loads: Are soft starters suitable for use IP ratings
with a flying load?
Soft starters can be used with flying loads (motors that are already IEC 60529 specifies protection ratings for enclosures.
rotating), without any special wiring or configuration. The first number describes the protection against solid objects, the
second number describes the level of protection against entry of
As a general rule, the faster the motor is rotating in the forward liquids. Example IP 20 is highlighted below.
direction, the shorter the start time will be.
IP Solids Liquids
If the motor is rotating in the reverse direction, it will be slowed to
0 No protection No protection.
a standstill before accelerating in the forward direction. In this case
allow for the extended start time when rating the soft starter. Protected against solid objects
Protected against vertically falling
1 greater than 50 mm (e.g.
drops of water (e.g. condensation).
accidental touching by hand).
Protected against solid objects Protected against direct sprays of
greater than 12 mm (e.g. fingers). water up to 15° from vertical.
Protected against solid objects
Protected against sprays of water
3 greater than 2.5 mm
up to 60° from vertical.
(e.g. tools or wires)
Protected against solid objects Limited protection against water
Harmonics: Are harmonics an issue for 4 greater than 1 mm sprayed from all directions (limited
soft starter applications? (e.g. tools and small wires). ingress permitted).
Limited protection against dust Limited protection against low
5 (some ingress but no harmful pressure jets of water from all direc-
deposit). tions (limited ingress permitted).
Harmonics are voltages and currents that create unwanted heating Protected against strong jets of
in motors, cables and other equipment. Harmonics may also 6 Complete protection against dust.
water (limited ingress permitted).
disrupt operation of other electrical and electronic equipment. Protected against the effects of
7 immersion in water between 15 cm
Soft starters generate very low levels of harmonics, only during and 100 cm.
starting or soft stopping. According to IEC 60947-4-2 (, 8
Protected against extended
“harmonic emissions are of short duration during starting, and immersion in water under pressure.
there are no significant emissions in the FULL-ON state”. No special
considerations or filtering are required for soft start applications. Examples Order codes for finger guard kits are:
• MCD200-007 ~ MCD200-055 is IP 20 MCD5-0131~0215: 175G5662
• MCD200-075 ~ MCD200-110 is IP 00 MCD5-0245: 175G5663
IP 20 with optional finger guard kit, MCD5-0360~0927: 175G5664
All MCD soft starters comply with the EMC directive on Order code 175G9007 MCD5-1200~1600: 175G5665
radiofrequency emissions and immunity. • MCD5-0021 ~ MCD5-0105 is IP 20
• MCD5-0131 ~ MCD5-1600 is IP 00
22 VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide 23
Inside delta Connection:
NEMA ratings What is “inside delta” connection?
NEMA 250 is a product standard for enclosure design and With inside delta (six wire connection), the soft starter SCRs are in
performance. series with each motor winding so that the soft starter carries only
phase current, not line current. The soft starter can thus control a
NEMA Protection against solid objects Approx. IP equivalent motor with greater full load current than normal.
1 Indoor, protection from contact. IP 23
Indoor, limited protection from
2 IP 30
dirt and water.
Outdoor, some protection from rain,
3 IP 64
sleet, windblown dust and ice.
Outdoor, some protection from rain,
3R IP 32
sleet and ice.
Indoor or outdoor, some protection from
4 windblown dust, rain, splashing water, IP 66
hose-directed water and ice.
Indoor or outdoor, some protection
from corrosion, windblown dust, rain,
IP 66
Inside delta connection is only possible with motors that allow
splashing water, hose-directed water each end of all three motor windings to be connected separately,
and ice.
and not all soft starters can be connected using inside delta. A line
Indoor or outdoor, some protection from contactor or shunt trip MCCB must always be used to disconnect
6 ice, hose-directed water, entry of water IP 67
when submerged at limited depth. the motor and soft starter from the supply in the event of a trip.
Indoor, protection from dust, falling dirt
12 IP 55 Inside delta connection simplifies replacement of star/delta starters
and dripping non-corrosive liquids.
Indoor, protection from dust, spraying
because the existing wiring can be used. In new installations,
13 IP 65 inside delta connection may reduce the size and cost of the soft
water, oil and non-corrosive liquids.
starter, but there are additional costs for the line contactor/shunt
Warning: trip MCCB and extra cabling.
Conversion from NEMA to IEC (IP) degrees of enclosure not to be
used for converting from IEC to NEMA.
Please refer to NEMA publication 250, 2003. MCD 200 soft starters cannot be installed using
inside delta connection.
MCD 500 soft starters have built-in support for
inside delta connection.
24 VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide 25
Key Benefits: What are the key benefits of soft start? Line Contactors: When should a line contactor be used?
Soft start enhances motor start performance in many ways. Soft starters can be installed with or without a line contactor.
• The gradual application of voltage or current avoids the voltage
and current transients associated with electro-mechanical A line contactor disconnects the SCRs from the supply when the
reduced voltage starters. motor is not in use. This isolates the soft starter, and protects the
• Acceleration is also smoother, as soft start avoids the torque SCRs from damage due to severe overvoltage (e.g. lightning strikes)
transients associated with electro-mechanical reduced voltage – SCRs are most susceptible to overvoltage damage when in the off
starters. state. The soft starter is also isolated from the supply in the event
• Constant current control gives higher torque as motor speed of a trip.
increases, resulting in lower start currents and/or shorter start
times A line contactor may be required by local electrical regulations and
• Start performance can be adjusted to suit the motor and load, should be AC3 rated for the motor FLC.
including exact control over the current limit.
• Soft starting provides reliable performance even with frequent The line contactor can be controlled via the soft starter’s
starts, or if load characteristics vary between starts (e.g. loaded relay output. The inrush VA rating of the contactor coil
or unloaded). must not exceed the rating of the soft starter’s relay
Soft starters also provide a range of features not available from
other reduced voltage starters. This includes soft stop, which helps
eliminate water hammer and DC braking.
26 VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide 27
Minimum Start Current: What is the minimum start Multiple motors: Can one soft starter be used
current required by a soft starter? to control multiple motors?
Soft starters can limit start current to any specified level, but the A single soft starter can be used to control multiple motors, either
practical minimum depends on the motor and load. Reducing in sequence or in parallel, provided the soft starter is correctly
the start current reduces the torque produced by the motor, so selected for the application.
the load will stall if the start current is too low. In order to start
successfully, the motor must produce more acceleration torque Motors in sequence
than the load requires throughout the start. For two or more motors in sequence, the soft starter must be
capable of bearing the total start duty.
Successful start:
Installation requires additional wiring, plus separate overload
protection and line and bypass contactors for each motor. The ad-
ditional installation costs may be greater than the cost of individual
soft starters.
Unsuccessful start:
28 VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide 29
Power factor correction: Can power factor correction Jog: What is the jog function?
be used with soft starters?
Power factor correction (PFC) capacitors can be used with soft Jog runs the motor at reduced speed, to allow alignment of the
starters, provided they are switched in using a dedicated contactor load or to assist servicing. The motor can be jogged in either
when the motor is running at full speed. PFC must always be forward or reverse direction. The maximum available torque
installed on the input side of the soft starter; connecting PFC for jog is approximately 50% - 75% of motor full load torque
capacitors to the output of a soft starter causes resonance between (FLT) depending on the motor. Available jog torque in reverse is
the inductance of the motor and the power factor capacitance, approximately 50% - 75% of the jog torque in forward direction.
resulting in severe overvoltage and equipment failure. This is ideal for positioning of loads such as mixers or hopper bins
ready for unloading.
MCD 500 soft starters offer a part speed function that runs the
Thermal capacity, also called “maximum locked rotor time” or motor at slow speed in either forward or reverse direction, without
“maximum DOL start time”, describes the maximum time a motor a reversing contactor. Reverse operation is limited to short periods
can run at locked rotor current from cold. This information is at a fixed slow speed.
usually available from the motor datasheet.
The MCD 202 overload protection can be set to match the motors
thermal capability using the motors locked rotor time (cold).
30 VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide 31
Sealed enclosures: Can soft starters be installed Short Circuit Protection: What is required for Type 1 short
in sealed enclosures? circuit protection of a soft starter?
Soft starters can be installed in sealed enclosures, provided the Type 1 protection requires that in the event of a short circuit on the
ambient temperature within the enclosure will not exceed the soft output of a soft starter the fault must be cleared without risk of injury to
starter’s rated temperature. personnel. The soft starter may or may not be operational after the fault.
All heat generated within the enclosure must be dissipated, either by Type 1 protection is provided by HRC fuses or a MCCB within the motor
ventilation or through the enclosure’s walls. This includes heat not branch circuit, which must be able to bear the required motor start current.
only from the soft starter but also from other components such as
fuses, cabling and switchgear. Heating from the soft starter can be
minimised by installing the starter in a bypassed configuration. To
minimise external heating, protect the enclosure from direct sunlight.
32 VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide 33
Short Circuit Protection: What is required for Type 2 Semiconductor Fuse Selection: Type 2
short circuit protection of a soft starter?
Type 2 protection requires that in the event of a short circuit on • Semiconductor fuses may be used with MCD soft starters. Use
the output of a soft starter the fault must be cleared without risk of of semiconductor fuses will provide Type 2 coordination and
injury to personnel or damage to the soft starter. reduce the potential of SCR damage due to transient overload
currents and short circuits. MCD soft starters have been tested
Type 2 protection is provided by semiconductor fuses, which must to achieve Type 2 coordination with semiconductor fuses. The
be able to carry motor start current and have a total clearing I2t following table provides a list of suitable Bussman fuses. If
less than the I2t of the soft starter SCRs. selecting alternate brands ensure the selected fuse has a lower
total clearing I2t rating than the SCR, and can carry start current
Semiconductor fuses for Type 2 circuit protection are additional for the full start duration.
to HRC fuses or MCCBs that form part of the motor branch circuit
protection. 200~575 V
MCD 200 Bussmann Fuse Bussmann Fuse (A2s)
Square Body (170M) British Style (BS88)
MCD200-007 170M-1314 63 FE 1150
MCD200-015 170M-1317 160 FEE 8000
MCD200-018 170M-1318 160 FEE 10500
MCD200-022 170M-1318 180 FM 15000
MCD200-030 170M-1319 180 FM 18000
MCD200-037 170M-1321 250 FM 51200
Refer to the soft starter’s Design Guide for semiconductor fuse MCD200-045 170M-1321 250 FM 80000
recommendations. MCD200-055 170M-1321 250 FM 97000
MCD200-075 170M-1322 500 FMM 168000
MCD200-090 170M-3022 500 FMM 245000
MCD200-110 170M-3022 500 FMM 320000
34 VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide 35
1.1.2. Bussman Fuses – British Style (BS88)
• Semiconductor fuses listed below are manufactured by Bussman
and should be ordered directly from Bussman or their local MCD 500 SCR I2t (A2s)
Supply Voltage Supply Voltage Supply Voltage
supplier. Instruction for selection for alternative semi-conductor ≤ 440 VAC ≤ 575 VAC ≤ 690 VAC
MCD5 0021B 1150 63FE 63FE 63FE
fuses is available from Danfoss. MCD5 0037B 8000 120FEE 120FEE 120FEE
MCD5 0043B 10500 120FEE 120FEE 120FEE
MCD5 0053B 15000 200FEE 200FEE 200FEE
MCD5 0068B 15000 200FEE 200FEE 200FEE
1.1.1. Bussman Fuses – Square Body (170M) MCD5 0084B 51200 200FEE 200FEE 200FEE
MCD5 0089B 80000 280FM 280FM 280FM
Supply Voltage Supply Voltage Supply Voltage MCD5 0105B 125000 280FM 280FM 280FM
MCD 500 SCR I2t (A2s)
≤ 440 VAC ≤ 575 VAC ≤ 690 VAC MCD5 0131B 125000 280FM 280FM 280FM
MCD5 0021B 1150 170M1314 170M1314 170M1314 MCD5 0141B 320000 450FMM 450FMM 450FMM
MCD5 0037B 8000 170M1316 170M1316 170M1316 MCD5 0195B 320000 450FMM 450FMM 450FMM
MCD5 0043B 10500 170M1318 170M1318 170M1318 MCD5 0215B 320000 450FMM 450FMM 450FMM
MCD5 0053B 15000 170M1318 170M1318 170M1318 MCD5 0245C 320000 450FMM 450FMM 450FMM
MCD5 0068B 15000 170M1319 170M1319 170M1318 MCD5 0360C 320000 –– –– ––
MCD5 0084B 51200 170M1321 170M1321 170M1319 MCD5 0380C 320000 400FMM* 400FMM* 400FMM*
MCD5 0089B 80000 170M1321 170M1321 170M1321 MCD5 0428C 320000 –– –– ––
MCD5 0105B 125000 170M1321 170M1321 170M1321 MCD5 0595C 1200000 630FMM* 630FMM* ––
MCD5 0131B 125000 170M1321 170M1321 170M1321 MCD5 0619C 1200000 630FMM* 630FMM* ––
MCD5 0141B 320000 170M2621 170M2621 170M2621 MCD5 0790C 2530000 –– –– ––
MCD5 0195B 320000 170M2621 170M2621 170M2621 MCD5 0927C 4500000 –– –– ––
MCD5 0215B 320000 170M2621 170M2621 170M2621 MCD5 1200C 4500000 –– –– ––
MCD5 0245C 320000 170M2621 170M2621 170M2621 MCD5 1410C 6480000 –– –– ––
MCD5 0360C 320000 170M6010 170M6010 170M6010 MCD5 1600C 12500000 –– –– ––
MCD5 0380C 320000 170M6011 170M6011 ––
MCD5 0428C 320000 170M6011 170M6011 ––
MCD5 0595C 1200000 170M6015 170M6015 170M6014
* Two parallel connected fuses required per phase.
MCD5 0619C 1200000 170M6015 170M6015 170M6014
MCD5 0790C 2530000 170M6017 170M6017 170M6016
MCD5 0927C 4500000 170M6019 170M6019 170M6019
MCD5 1200C 4500000 170M6021 –– ––
MCD5 1410C 6480000 –– –– ––
MCD5 1600C 12500000 170M6019* –– ––
36 VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide 37
Slip-Ring Motors: Are soft starters suitable for use Soft Braking: What is soft braking?
with slip-ring motors?
Soft starters are suitable for use with slip-ring motors provided that Soft braking is a technique used by the soft starter to reduce
the motor can still deliver the torque required to accelerate the motor stopping time, unlike soft stopping which increases the stop
load. Soft starters are not suitable if the load requires extremely time on frictional loads. Soft braking requires the use of reversing
high start torque, or if the slip-ring motor is intended to provide contactors.
speed control. When considering a soft starter for slip-ring
applications, a trial should be conducted to verify the performance. When the soft starter receives a stop command, it operates the
reversing contactor connected on its input side to soft start the motor
in the reverse direction. This applies braking torque to the load.
To develop starting torque, some resistance must remain in the
rotor circuit during motor starting. This resistance must be bridged
Motor speed detection is required to shut down the braking at
out using a contactor (AC2 rated for rotor current) once the motor motor standstill.
is running close to full speed.
38 VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide 39
Star/Delta Starters: How does soft start compare Star/Delta Starters: Can soft starters be used
with star/delta starting? to replace star/delta starters?
Soft starters are much more flexible than star/delta starters and If the soft starter supports inside delta connection, simply connect
provide a smooth start with no risk of transients. it in place of the star/delta starter.
40 VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide 41
Thermal Model Protection: How is a motor thermal model Two-Speed Motors: Are soft starters suitable for use
different from other forms of overload protection? with two-speed motors?
The motor thermal model used in MCD soft starters offers precise Soft starters are suitable for use with Dahlander and dual winding
motor protection normally only available from high-end motor motors, provided that separate motor protection is used for both
protection relays. The thermal model constantly models motor low and high speed operation.
temperature, based on information on the motor’s design
characteristics and actual operation. The thermal model accounts Dual-winding motors have one shaft with two separate pole
for different heating and cooling rates when the motor is starting, configurations (e.g. 4 pole and 8 pole), providing two different
running or stopped. Accurate modelling allows the motor to be speeds. The speed is selected using external contactors (AC3
used to its maximum potential without nuisance tripping. rated).
Compared with a motor thermal model, thermal overload relays Dahlander motors are often used for two-speed compressor or
are less precise. fan applications. The motor windings are externally configured
using contactors for high speed (dual star) and low speed (delta)
They do not account for iron loss or for different cooling rates at operation.
different stages of motor operation, and cannot be adjusted to
match the characteristics of the individual motor because the mass
of the bimetal strips is fixed. The bimetal strips are also affected by
their own ambient temperature, which may be different from the
motor’s ambient temperature.
42 VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide 43
Types of Soft Starter: What are the different types MCD Bus Options – General Notes
of soft starters?
There are three different types of soft starter which offer different All bus options have the ability to:
features and control the motor in different ways. • Control the soft starter
• Monitor the soft starter status
1. Torque controllers control only one phase during start. This • Monitor the soft starter trip state
reduces the torque shock at start but does not reduce start • Monitor the soft starter current (not available on MCD 201)
current. Torque controllers must be used in conjunction with a • Monitor the soft starter thermal model overload temperature
direct on-line starter. (not available on MCD 201)
In order for the MCD 500 to accept commands from the serial
network, the soft starter must be in Auto On mode and links must
2. Soft starters which control two phases can reduce start current be fitted to terminals 17 and 25 to 18. In Hand On mode, the starter
as well as eliminating torque transients, and are suitable for will not accept commands from the serial network but the starter’s
normal and heavy duty loads, but not severe loads. The start status can still be monitored.
current on the uncontrolled phase is slightly higher than the two
controlled phases. The following information is a general guide to MCD 500 and MCD
200 bus options. Refer to the relevant installation instructions and
users manual for more detail.
44 VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide 45
MCD 500 with MCD Remote Operator Option MCD 500 Modbus Option
This requires a MCD Modbus Module which clips onto the side This requires an MCD Modbus Module which clips onto the side of
of the MCD 500. The MCD Modbus Module is ordered using Cat. the MCD 500 (Cat. No: 175G9000).
No: 175G9000 and the Remote Operator is ordered using Cat. No:
MCD500 Module
MCD MCD Remote Operator
Modbus -
RS485 RS485 B6
MCD500 Module RS485
Starter Network
GND connection
- - onto a
B1 B6
GND GND GND + network
B7 B2 B7 B8
(Auto On mode)
+ + +
B8 B3 B8
(Auto On mode)
Cat. No: 175G9000
46 VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide 47
MCD 500 DeviceNet Option MCD 500 Profibus Option
This requires an MCD DeviceNet Module which clips onto the side This requires an MCD Profibus Module which clips onto the side of
of the MCD 500 (Cat. No: 175G9002). the MCD 500 (Cat. No: 175G9001).
DeviceNet Profibus
MCD500 Module MCD500 Module
Standard 5-wire
WH connection onto a
(SHIELD) DeviceNet network.
Standard Profibus DP
120 termination
(CAN-L) resistors are required network cable
BU connection
at end of each end
(V-) of the network cable.
(Auto On mode)
Notes Notes:
• A single DeviceNet Module is required for each MCD 500. • A single Profibus Module is required for each MCD 500.
• DeviceNet node address (MAC ID) and data rate are selected • Profibus node address is selected using two rotary switches. Data
using three rotary switches on the DeviceNet Module. rate is automatically detected.
• Up to 63 DeviceNet Modules can be used as DeviceNet slaves on • Up to 31 Profibus Modules can be used as Profibus slaves on a
a single DeviceNet network. single Profibus DP network.
• The DeviceNet Module is powered via the network cable. • The Profibus Module requires an external 24 VDC auxiliary supply.
• The MCD DeviceNet Module is ODVA tested and certified. • The MCD Profibus Module is Profibus tested and certified.
• For more information on the MCD DeviceNet Module, refer to the • For more information on the MCD Profibus Module, refer to the
Installation Instructions (MG.17.Hx.02), located at Installation Instructions (MG.17.Gx.02) at www.danfoss.com/
www.danfoss.com/drives. drives
48 VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide 49
MCD 500 USB Option MCD 200 with MCD Remote Operator Option
This is achieved using the MCD USB Module This requires an MCD Serial Interface Module which clips onto the
(Cat. No: 175G9009). side of the MCD 200. It is supplied with the MCD Remote Operator
when ordering Cat. No: 175G9004.
+ + +
68 B3 B8
Cat. No: 175G9009
50 VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide 51
MCD 200 Modbus Option MCD 200 Modbus Option
There are two options to connect an MCD 200 to a Modbus network. Option 2: Using the MCD Remote Operator as a Modbus RTU
Gateway device (Cat. No: 175G9004)
Option 1: Using an MCD Modbus Module (Cat. No: 175G9000)
GND connection
onto a
B7 Cat. No: 175G9004
+ network
• A single Remote operator and Serial Interface Module
Cat. No: 175G9000 is required for each MCD 200.
• Parameters 1 to 5 of the Remote Operator are used to set it up
Notes as a Modbus slave device.
• A single Modbus Module is required for each MCD 200. • Up to 31 Remote Operators can be used as Modbus slave devices
• Modbus Module settings are provided using two 8-way on a single Modbus network.
DIP switches on the module. • The Serial Interface Module is powered via the MCD200. The
• Up to 31 Modbus Modules can be used as Modbus slave devices Remote Operator requires an external 18-30 VAC/DC auxiliary
on a single Modbus RTU network. supply.
• The Modbus Module is powered-up by the MCD 200. • For more information about operating the MCD Remote Operator
• For more information about operating the MCD Modbus Module, as a Modbus RTU gateway, refer to the Installation Instructions
refer to the Installation Instructions (MG.17.Fx.02), located at (MG.17.Fx.02), Appendix A, located at www.danfoss.com/drives.
52 VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide 53
MCD 200 DeviceNet Option MCD 200 Profibus Option
This requires an MCD DeviceNet Module which clips onto the side This requires an MCD Profibus Module which clips onto the side of
of the MCD 200 (Cat. No: 175G9002). the MCD 200 (Cat. No: 175G9001).
MCD Profibus
DeviceNet MCD200 Module
MCD200 Module
RD Standard
Standard 5-wire Profibus DP
WH connection onto a connection network cable
(SHIELD) DeviceNet network.
120 termination
(CAN-L) resistors are required
BU at end of each end
(V-) of the network cable. Cat. No: 175G9001
• A single Profibus Module is required for each MCD 200.
Cat. No: 175G9002 • Profibus node address is selected using two rotary switches.
Data rate is automatically detected.
• Up to 31 Profibus Modules can be used as Profibus slaves
Notes on a single Profibus DP network.
• A single DeviceNet Module is required for each MCD 200. • The Profibus Module requires and external 24 VDC auxiliary supply.
• DeviceNet node address (MAC ID) and data rate are selected • The MCD Profibus Module is Profibus tested and certified.
using three rotary switches on the DeviceNet Module. • For more information on the MCD Profibus Module, refer to the
• Up to 63 DeviceNet Modules can be used as DeviceNet slaves Installation Instructions (MG.17.Gx.02) at www.danfoss.com/drives.
on a single DeviceNet network.
• The DeviceNet Module is powered via the network cable.
• The MCD DeviceNet Module is ODVA tested and certified.
• For more information on the MCD DeviceNet Module, refer to the
Installation Instructions (MG.17.Hx.02), located at
54 VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide 55
MCD 200 USB Option Glossary
This is achieved using the MCD USB Module AAC – Adaptive Acceleration Control. A new soft start control
(Cat. No: 175G9009). technique that allows the soft starter to estimate the motor’s speed
and control it to match a selected acceleration or deceleration profile.
AC53 Utilisation Code – The specification of a soft starter’s
current rating and intended operating conditions.
MCD200 Auger – a device which uses a screw-like mechanism to move
MCD material or liquid, similar to the process that drives shavings up a
USB PC drill bit and out of a hole during drilling.
Blower – see Fan.
Bow thruster – a steering mechanism in large ships which uses
USB cable
an impeller to force water through a tunnel in the bow below the
waterline, causing the ship to turn.
Cat. No: 175G9009
Centrifuge – a machine which separates materials of different
densities (e.g. solids from liquids or liquids from liquid mixtures).
Chipper – a machine which cuts large pieces of wood into chips.
Notes Compressor, centrifugal – a machine which accelerates gas
• A single USB Module is required for each MCD 200 through a housing then converts the velocity energy to pressure
• The USB Module acts as a physical interface energy. Normally used in heavy industrial applications.
when using PC based Master software such as
WinMaster V4.x or MCT10 Compressor, positive displacement – see Compressor, reciprocating.
• Driver software must be installed before the USB Compressor, piston – see Compressor, reciprocating.
Module can be used (supplied with the module
on CD-ROM). Compressor, reciprocating – a machine which compresses gas using
• For more information on the MCD USB Module, pistons driven by a crankshaft. Small reciprocating compressors (up
refer to the Installation Instructions (MI.17.Cx.02) to 30 HP) are suitable for intermittent use and are commonly found in
located at www.danfoss.com/drives automotive applications. Larger units (up to 1000 HP) may be used for
large industrial applications.
Compressor, screw – a machine which forces gas into a smaller
space, using two meshed rotating positive-displacement screws.
Crusher – a machine which crushes material into smaller pieces.
Crusher, cone – a crusher consisting of two cones inside each other.
Material is fed into the top of the large, outer cone and is broken into
progressively smaller pieces by the rotation of the inverted inner cone.
56 VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide 57
Glossary Glossary
Crusher, jaw – a crusher with one fixed side and one moving “jaw”. The Gyratory crusher – see Crusher, cone.
crusher is wider at the top than the bottom, and material is fed in at the
Hydraulic power pack – A hydraulic pump which is used to supply
top and moves down as it is broken into progressively smaller pieces.
pressurised hydraulic fluid.
Crusher, roller – a crusher with two horizontal rollers which rotate
IP rating – a description of the soft starter’s level of physical
in opposite directions, crushing the material into smaller pieces.
protection, according to IEC 60529.
Current limit – (1) a method of soft starting a motor by limiting the
Kickstart – a method of soft starting a motor which uses a high
maximum amount of current the motor can draw during the start.
level of current for a short period at the beginning of a current limit
(2) The maximum amount of current the soft starter will allow a
or current ramp start.
motor to draw during a current limit start.
Locked rotor current – the amount of current a motor will draw in
Current ramp – a method of soft starting a motor by gradually
locked rotor situations, including full voltage starts. Locked rotor
increasing the amount of current from a specified point to the
current is described as a percentage of full load current.
current limit.
Locked rotor time – the maximum amount of time a motor can
Debarker – a machine that strips bark from logs.
safely run at locked rotor current.
Decanter – a type of centrifuge.
Locked rotor torque – the amount of torque a motor will produce
Edger – a machine that cuts large pieces of timber into usable sizes. at locked rotor current (such as a full voltage start). Locked rotor
torque is described as a percentage of full load torque.
Escalator – a type of conveyor which is used to move people up or
down, much like a moving staircase. Mill, ball – a machine which grinds or mixes materials such as
ores, chemicals, ceramics and paints. The machine consists of a
Fan, axial – a fan with blades that turn around a shaft, forcing air
horizontal cylinder which is rotated, causing the grinding medium,
along the shaft and across the axis of the fan.
commonly stainless steel balls, to repeatedly crush the material
Fan, centrifugal – a fan which pulls air in near the shaft and forces inside into a powder.
it out through an opening in the outer edge of the fan casing. A
Mill, hammer – a machine which crushes material into smaller
centrifugal fan produces more pressure for a given air volume than
pieces. Hammers attached to rotating disks repeatedly strike the
an axial fan.
material until it is small enough to fall through openings at the
Fan, radial – see Fan, centrifugal. bottom of the mill.
Full load current – the amount of current a motor will draw when Mill, roller – a machine which crushes material into smaller pieces.
operating fully loaded and at full speed. Material is passed between two horizontal rollers which rotate in
Full load torque – the amount of torque a motor will produce opposite directions, crushing the material into smaller pieces.
when operating fully loaded and at full speed. Milliscreen – a machine which separates solids from slurry, using
Grinder – a machine which reduces the size of small particles an inclined rotating drum with perforated sides.
through compression and attrition. For machines operating on Mixer – a machine which combines ingredients.
larger items, see Crusher.
58 VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide 59
Glossary Glossary
Nameplate rating – See Full load current. Sander – a machine which smooths raw material by abrading the
NEMA – a description of the soft starter’s physical format, accord-
ing to the National Electrical Manufacturers’ Association standard. Saw – a machine which uses a serrated edge to cut materials.
Pelletiser – a machine which turns powders into pellets. Saw, band – a saw where the cutting edge is a long, thin strip of
metal with teeth on one side, commonly used for ripping lumber.
Planer – a machine which draws boards over a cutting head to
reduce them to a specified thickness. Saw, circular – a saw where the cutting edge is a large rotating
disk with teeth on the outer edge.
Press – a machine which changes the shape and internal structure
of metals (usually steel). Screw feed – see Auger.
Pump – a machine which moves fluids. Separator – a type of centrifuge.
Pump, bore – a submersible pump with a small diameter, suitable Shredder – a machine that tears objects such as paper, plastic or
for operation down bores. wood into smaller pieces.
Pump, centrifugal – a pump with an impeller which causes fluid Slabber – a machine consisting of several saws, which cuts edged
to rotate and move from the inlet to the outlet under its own logs into smaller pieces before further processing.
momentum. The fluid’s velocity increases as it progresses through
Slicer – a machine that slices materials, normally using more than
the impeller passage. Diffuser, ring or volute cavities reduce the
one blade.
velocity of the fluid and convert the energy into pressure energy.
Travelator – a type of conveyor which is used to move people
Pump, positive displacement – a pump which reduces the
along a flat or inclined surface.
volume of the pump chamber to cause the fluid to move. Positive
displacement pumps may be used for viscous fluids, and include Tumbler – a machine which rotates to turn material over during
rotary (lobe, screw or gear pump) and reciprocating (piston or drying or other processes.
diaphragm pump) types. Vibrating screen – a machine which separates particles of differ-
Pump, slurry – a centrifugal pump for pumping slurry. ent sizes by vibrating horizontally. Smaller particles fall through
gaps in the plane.
Pump, submersible – a pump which is submerged in the fluid to
be pumped. The sealed motor is close-coupled to the pump body. Winch – a machine which winds ropes or cables.
Pump, vacuum – a pump which removes gas from a sealed Wire draw machine – a machine which draws metal wire through
chamber in order to create a partial vacuum. Multiple vacuum progressively narrower dies to create finer wire.
pumps may be used together for a single application.
Re-pulper – a machine which re-pulps raw product for further
Rotary table – a large rotating table which is used to sort or move
60 VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide 61
AC – Alternating Current
DC – Direct Current
DOL – Direct On Line
FLC – Full Load Current
FLT – Full Load Torque
HRC – High Rupturing Capacity
IP – Ingress Protection
kW – Kilowatt
LRC – Locked Rotor Current
MCCB – Moulded Case Circuit Breaker
PFC – Power Factor Correction
SCR – Silicon Controlled Rectifier
TVR – Time Voltage Ramp
62 VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide VLT® Soft Starter Pocket Guide 63
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